The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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His Sermon Wits nt the Eve'iliif.
ScjvIcl Rev. W. J. Fortl Spoke in
the Morning- Miss Owennle Da
vis, of Bellevue, nnil Harry Ben
nett, ot' South Mnin Avenue. Mnr
rictl by Rev. William Davis.
What Is Going' on in the Churches.
Notes nnd Personals.
A I I In' niiiinliiK service nr ilir .lai-K-foii
Street l!a)itlHl church. th Kcv. W.
,T. Kurd, I'll. !.. pastor )!' Hi"' tiri't'li
Rhine ISiiptlst church, (lollvcietl n most
Impressive anil tlioiiuliirnl sermon l a
law I'otiKii'Kalliin.
In tin.' eveiilii. I'"y. William I 'avis,
pastor of the Hulk-vile Welsh Culvltils
tlc .Methodist church, laid olmrRi nf tin
service and preached an Inspiring; ser
nion to a lame and Interested I'nnyre
Siitloii. from tin- text fouml in the
sospcl of St. .Matthew xi: I1!. "I'min tin
day nf John llu Huptlst till now the
kingdom ol heaven has suffered vio
lence, I lie violence liikelh it l I'orci-.--I'cv.
Davis Is it t'ry Uncut speaker,
and eoniplctely wmi his coii'-i-c'-'iillnii
before lie had Mulshed tin- Introductory
pari ol his sermon.
First Baptist Church.
l;olh eoiiKreKatlons at the First Hap
tlsl ehureh were exceedingly well at
tended yesterday. In the nuiriiliiK, the
pastor. Rev. S. F. .Mathews, preached
from tiie text, "For He laliseth the
ram to fall mi the just and tin. unjust
alike." In the eveniim he delivered a
most interest In,- senium from the sub
ject. "The Ituptist l)oetrlne Concerti
ItiK J loll. ' Alter the L'VouillR service,
tiie Isold's supper mis coinnii'inoraled.
The l-adies' Aid society has trans
rnnued the assembly room of the
eliuieh into a beautiful fairyland.,
where all that is dainty meets the
eye. Their fair and sale opens touit-bt
.iiid Irom ."i.ort lo 7 o'eloel; tin- follow -iiiK
menu will bo seined: Coast pork,
reamed potatoes. eubbaRo salad, cinii
berr.y sauee. hot biscuit, eake. cotfee
and celery.
Tiie followitiR ladies will act as a re
ception committee and make sine thai
all patrons receive a cordial welcome
and enjo themselves. .Mrs. .. F.
Mathews, Mrs. 11. l Jiott and .Mrs. W.
.1. Davis. The booths will be In chars.
of tne following:
Dtilotir's French Tar
Will pimiiplly iclini' .lint jpmlil vine
ioiikIin cold- and .ill limit trouble, for
Mir l.y (i, . .II.XKIN'!-, 101 Soulli M.iiu
Seasonable News
What is popularly termed the Christmab Holiday Trade, is, a short,
busy season with us. We cannot nfford the time or space to make
it a long, drawn out feature in our business, nnd so prefer to
corine it to something- like two weeks, or under, when the in
ducements offered to our pations are usually sufficient to make
helling' brisk from the hour of formal opening', till the closing
hour on Christmas eve. Hitherto we have found this plan to
work well and considering the extreme merit of this season's of
ferings we have no reason whatever to doubt that the result
will be different this year.
The Holiday Show and
Annual Display Christmas Gift Wares
Opens on Wednesday,
And includes the usual assoitmont of Toyb and dolls, an endless
assortment of Bric-a-Brnc, Fancy Clocks, Watches, dcwclery, of
all kinds, Art Needle work. Cushions, Head Bests, Bedroom,
Bureau and Stand Sets, Fine Draperies, and Curtains, Fictmes
and other art productions, Knit Goods, Gloves, Neckwear of
every kind for both sexes and all ages and occasions, Handker
chiefs from lc to S10.00, boxed or otherwise, Men's Furnishings
especially gotten up for the holiday trade, Fancy Hoisery, Combs
and Brush Sets in Ebony with Silver mountings, Celluloid, Ivory
and other fancy ntyles, Manicure Sots, Boxes in every iniaguia
alile way for every Imaginable purpose and at prices that will
tickle the most stylish imagination. Leather Goods in Pocket
Books, Purses Chatellniue Bags, Belts, Boxes, Cases, etc., in all
the popular sorts, and the new fad, Burnt Leather over which
tiie fashionables are going hull' crp.zy, Perfumery, Toilet requis
ites of every known good make, put up in attractive ways for
gifts,. Shell and other Combs and hundreds of other fancy and
useful articles too malicious to mention.
But Your Mind May Run
On Common Sense Gifts
that are a direct benefit to the meinour, All right. How does a
beautiful Umbrella at moderate cost titrike youP Fashlonablo
Silk Hue Waists, or the Silk Waist itself ready to wearP Or a
hmart new stylish Coat in Fur or any of the popular weaves?
Two sets for Scarfs. Muffs, Collerettes, etc. A new silk or fine
Stuff Dress, Table Linen, Blankets or a Quilt. Laces
JUbbons, or last but by no means lenst a Set of Standard Books
, for half what they are actually worth. Space forbids further
details now, but enough has been said here to prove that we're
prepared to meet your holiday wants what ever they may be.
Globe Warehouse
('and'" llooth.-.Mrs, O. Williams,
.Misses Alice Williams-; tiel'trudo Mtir
mm. Klsle lined and .M-u-lliu .Moore.
Fancy Month. Mesduttios Marsh,
ileitis, Aslii'ltuun, Misses Aluml I'nton,
Kdlth Williams, lillllan .Moore.
Pillow tlooth. Mrs. Fowler. Helen
Fowler, Sidle Htlsh and Mrs. Kdwurd
Apron Jloolh Mrs. Mueliouulil, I'larn
Held. Ksther Da Vies.
Doll llootlt. Airs. It. Jones, Misses
Until tleddoe. Sarah I'hllllps and Ada
Robbed Little Gill.
Friday afternoon a man held up ant1
robbed Elizabeth Slinnnerlilll. iiRed
yenrs, In I'rosHen court. The little girl
was eoinltif,' liomu from a culleetllijT
trip nnd carried fit! cents in her coat
pocket. Wlien In the court a man.
wearitiK a cont with brass buttons,
stopped her and look her intltens off
and then went tlirotiRli each pocket of
her jacket I 111 lie found the money.
(llvlni; her mittens back, he hade her
begone. Arter watching her for some
distance, he started In the other direc
tion. The little girl was unable to give
a clear description of the man.
Bert Willinms Hurt.
Hert Williams, of Washburn si reel,
was the victim of an accident Satur
day, while at work in the Hrlggs mine.
Having finished his day's work, he
started for the barn, riding a mule,
when his lamp went out leaving him
In darkness, tie rode on, however, but
on reaching a low roof wtts knocked
from the mule and rendered uncon
scious. Fellow workmen later found him and
look him to bis home In ibe mine am
bulance, where later Dr. W J. Wil
liams cared for him.
V. M. W. of A. Reception.
Tins evening, in St. David's hull, a
reception will be held for I lie delegates
attending the American Federation of
Jahor convention. The affair will be
in charge of Locals 127S. fi:i7. 107L'. ir.iW.
llS and 1K17. United Mine Workers of
It Is expected that many prominent
labor speakers will lie present, union?
whom will be President John Mitchell.
Election of Officers.
On Friday evening, in their legular
meeting hall. Moses Taylor Sister
lodge. Nil. 121. met and elected the fol
lowing olllcers for the coming year:
Mistress. Mrs. Alary Lasher: past
mistress, Maine Jiaxter; secretary. Ar
tie Barbon: treasurer. Miss Margaret
Nolan: vice mistress. Mr. Logan: war
den, Mrs. Musselnian: conductress.
Mrs. Strtink. inner guard. Mrs. Mcl'al
vin: outer guard. Mrs. O'.Malley: dele
gate. Margaret Nolan: alternate, ICIlen
Quietly Wedded.
The nuiiierouf. friends of Miss (iwen
nie Davis, ol liellevue, and Harry Ben
nett, of South Main avenue, will he
surprised and pleased to learn of their
marriage by Cev. William Davis, pas-
lor of I hr- Itellcvut' Welsh (!alvlnlslle
Melliodlsl Kplsropilt church, nt his
home on Wednesday evening.
'I'lte tnurrlitge has been kept seciet
the Initnodlate telatlves only behitv
MWine ol the happy event. The couple
have the host wishes of it host of
friends for future success and huiipl
Among the Churches.
.Simpson .Melliodlsl Kplscopal church
was crowded at both services yester
day. The pnslor. Uev. 11. C. MoDer
inutl. preached two very line sermons
from the texts, "A i.'urc for Many Ills,"
ntld "The Kalth of the Onlllry." re
spcctlvely. Cev. McDerinott Is an ex
ceedingly popular preacher and the
sermons he delivers from Hunday to
Sunday are most fully appreciated,
The Woman's Homo Missionary so
ciety will moot In the church parlors
this evening at 8 o'clock.
UeV. John V. Moffat. 1). D. occupied
the pulpit of the Washburn sjtrcol
Presbyterian church as usual yester
day. In the evening, he conducted a
special service for the FYeedmen's
board, the collect Ion going to further
the work of that society. The board
of trustees will hold an Important
meeting nt usual time and place.
Wednesday evening, the Mertha. La
Monte Missionary society will have
charge of the prayer meeting services.
At the conclusion, I hoy will hold a
business session. Next Thursday
evening the Lln-eoii-nu club, twelve
young ladles from the Bible school, will
conduct a candy sale for the benellt of
the talent fund. Thursday evening,
Dec. "(!. the Christmas exercises of the
rtlblo school will occur. A delightful
programme Is being arranged. Kvery
member and friend of the school will
be cordially Invited and entertained.
Proceeds from the talents distributed
several weeks ago, may be returned to
the church treasurer, Mr. t'ruttcwlcii,
or the pastor. (Mil Ppsllon fraternity
nieel. this evening In their room at S
o'clock sharp.
One or Hie most successful events
which the music loving public look for
ward to Is the annual musical and III
erary recital, which will he given under
the direction of the Plymouth church
choir on New Year's exenlng. The pro
gramme which has been prepared Is one
they feel assured will interest and en
tertain all.
Six Funerals.
Saturday morning at '.! o'clock, In
Holy Cross church, was held the fu
neral of the late Miss B. Iloban, who
died oil Thursday, after a brief illness.
A solemn high mass of requiem was
sung. The casket was banked high
witli many beautiful lloral tributes. In
terment was made in the Cathedral
On Saturday atternooii al :!."! o'clock
look place the funeral of the late Mrs.
Martha Pembridge. of -131 North Main
avenue. Cev. K. ,T. tioyl, pastor of
the Plymouth Congregational church,
otllciated and delivered a most eloquent
eulogy on the past life of the deceased
referring to her noble life and Christian
character. Several selections were
beautifully sung by a quartette from
the above church. Interment was
made in the Washburn street ceme
tery. Saturday atternooii at " o'clock ser
vices were held over the remains of
Hie late .Mrs. Ann Ceese. wife of Co
mer Ceese. of Luzerne street. Uev. S.
F. Mathews, pastor of the First' Bap
tist church, had charge of the services
and delivered a most touching eulogy
nn tile past useful life of the deceased.
Interment was made In the Washburn
street cemetery.
Saturday morning the remains of the
lute Mrs. Ann McSueeney, who died
on Thursday at Hie home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. .Mary Sullivan, of liO.I North
Simmer avenue, were taken lo (iwego,
N. Y where luienncnt was made in
the family plot,
Tlii remains of Joseph, 1-year-old .son
ot Mrs. Jane Scott, of .'07 Hampton
street were taken on Saturday morn
ing to 1'eokville. where services and
interment were ninde.
Vcsterday afternoon, at L'.:;a o'clock,
were held the services over the late
Thomas Major, of Follows street. Kev.
Walker, of Archbald. preached a most
touching sermon, referring to the use
fill life which had passed away. Klnw
ms were in profusion, being banked
about Hie casket. Interment was made
in Hie Cambria cemetery.
H. C. Morgan and Hon. John T. Fel
lows have been Initiated into the An
cient Order of Foresters.
The 'Womau's Home Missionary o
cletj of the Simpson Methodist Kpls
copal ehureh will meet In the church
parlors this evening at ".lift.
The Ladies Choral society, under the
illlclenl leadership of Mrs. D. B. Thom
as, are practicing the piece, "Sold it i'
i 'lioriis,"whlch they will sing at the
"Kaidia Koinos," held at the Lyceum,
Dec. 1' and Hi.
The Iroquois Dancing class will hold
a dance In Washington hull, Tuesday
Op Wednesday evening an entertain
ment and social will be held ill Hie
Tabernacle church, on South Hyde
Park avenue,
lailerprlse lodge, No, 'Jl. I.o.uil
Knights of America, will hold n smoker
and social tonight.
Saturday al'tei noon, Cov. Houghton,
of Puiunoi'i!; Cev, Bateman, of Given
Cldge, and Cev, Cogers Israel, deliv
ered short addresses at the young peo
ple's meeting, held lu SI. David's
I Th' school hoard held ,i regular
monthly meeting Sniurduy iiiglil with
Messrs, Jlaggerty, Irvlu, Gibbous and
Fliiliuelly present. The salary of Prof.
Costcllo was fixed at $S5 per mouth,
the same as was paid Prof, Nletueyer,
The secretary and president were in
structed to purchase a filing case, It
was decided to close I ho school on De
cember ui for the holiday vacation and
reopen on January l The resignation
of Mis. Margery Sweet, who has been
leaching lu No. ' room al No. I build
ing wits received and accepted. Tho
report of .Superintendent Huvard
showed a total enrollment of -It" with
an average attendance of '.'-'1,', malting
a poi contngo of no. Ho reported making
iri visits and fiR scholars lardy. Mis
cell. menus bills to the. amount of
$3,721.71 weie ordered paid. Pay roll
for teachers and janitors amounting to
l',757,'J1 was approved. There were
A lull Ji llic IhiiuUuiiicsl, -i ml vtliois jic Inwiol
lo oil eu any iImijikM .iii'l L-i'l lire a bill buttle
of Krinp' lUlsain tor Hie 'Uncut and l.un,-, a
ri'iiii'dy Hut l gujuutml to tuic jihI iclicve all
Chronic and Acute Coughs, Astlunj, Dioiulilti
awl CoaiuninUoo, Ptki' 'jjc. unit oOv.
three applicants lor the position niade
vacant by Iho resignation of Mrs, Chits,
Hweet, Allsses Alary llurrlty, KUn Mur
ray nnd Murl S. AltotnoHO, The board
look three ballots nnd were tillable lo
agree upon a choice, Messrs, llaggcrty
and Irwin ravorlng Miss Herri I y and
AH'shis. ttlbbons and l'Munnrlly, Miss
A connminleatloii was received from
Miss Lauretta Snyder requesting thai
she he promoted to the room formerly
occupied by Mrs. Sweet and one from
Miss Laura O'lloro, asking that she he
allowed to remain In her own room.
The announcement of .Saturday of the
marriage or Miss Margery Kdcn and
Charles Sweet, which occurred on No
vunibor It) at Oneoniii. came as a sur
prise to their many friends here. They
attended the Swet-Ludwlg wedding on
November a and on the following morn
ing were married by the groom's father,
Cev, J, li. Sweet. Miss Kdcn Is one of
the town's best known young ladles
and has been very popular In the sev
eral circles In which she moves. She
has been for several years a teacher
In the borough schools. Mr. Sweet Is
a valued employe In the accountant's
olllce or the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Callrond.
Letters remaining unclaimed during
the period ending December 7, l'.ifll.
Persons calling for these letters please
say "advertised."
John Buchanan, letter, package mer
chandise, ti'.'il Harrison avenue: John
Corey, James Castle, Ward street: Pet
er Cornish, Adams avenue nnd Larch
street; Albert. Carter, Mrs. Patrick
Crane. William street: James Dobson,
drove street: W. H. Hull, Thomas lie
Andrew. .Martha Maddox. D. W. Oak
ley, Arthur Seeley, J. B. Slckler, J.
Stevens, OJtiru Marleo (F), Antonio dl
Nordo (F.), Antonio Kallarico (K.), Vln
ceuzo Pace di Donato.
On Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs. W. D. Decker on Cherry street, ii
sock social will be hem under the aus
pices of the Ladies' Aid society of the
Presbyterian church.
The Women's Missionary society of
the Presbyterian church will meet at
Hie homo of .Mrs. M. W. Chetnberlln
on Thursday afternoon at l!."0 o'clock.
Air. and .Mrs. Joseph Solllday have re
turned to their home in Hawley after a
visit with friends In town.
Funeral of Mrs. Mary B. Moyer
from Her Late Home on East
Market Street.
The funeral of Mrs, Alary B. Moyer,
wife of Stephen .Moyer, took place from
her late home on ICast .Market street
Saturday afternoon. Cov. Oeorge Cure,
pastor of the Providence .Methodist
Kplscopal church, officiated and a
quartette from that church rendered
several musical selections. The pall
bearers were: Oeorge Teary, Anthony
Long, John Wldenor, Charles Graham,
lid win J. Pearce and William Hal
stead. , Interment was made at Forest
Hill ceiiVotery. During the course of his
remarks at the funeral services Uev.
Mr. Cure said:
"Airs. .Mary P.. Moyer, whose death
has brought sorrow to this circle of
mourning; friends, was born in Kellers
ville, Alonroe county, this state, til
years ago the L'Oth or last March. Her
parents were Simon and ISllzabeth Ny
han, one of the old families o! that
placvc. Mr. Aloyer and she were mar
lied about It years ago. They were Just
starting nicely In life when the war
for the t'niiiii broke out, and cal.ed so
many patriotic young men to the front.
Air. Aloyer, then young and vigorous,
was among those who offered them
selves, rjreat as was the sacrifice on
his part, it was no greater than that
of his young wife, who, with two chil
dren, must care for her little ones
alone, and share with him through lov
ing symiiat.iy in the hardships of the
camp and the dangers of the Held.
Providentially Ills life was spared lo re
turn, and the soul that had offered so
many prayers for his safety, thanked
Cod with gratitude when they could
again dwell together at home.
"For the last six years or more, Airs.
Aloyer had been In feeble and declining
health; and this sad ondLug was not
unexpected, though at the close the
dark messenger came suddenly. But,
thank Hod, he found her ready. For
many years Mrs. Moyer has been a
member of the Ceformed Lutheran
church, and has shown a consistent and
loving Christian spirit. She was not a
member of the Providence Methodist
Kplscopal church, and yet she always
worshipped Ood with our people, when
able to attend services, and was a lib
eral supporter of all the church's work.
Her position toward the church is seen
in the general Impression . that she
was a member, and In the loving fel
lowship In which she was held. 1 only
voice the farewell of Hie church in say
ing they mourn hoi as a beloved sis
ter. i- childhood homo is now represent
ed by only three of thoso who, a gen
ma Hon ago, made a happy family cir
cle: Brother ,l, T. Nyhart of this place.
Airs. Samuel Hunshiie of Northamp
ton county, and Airs. John Clchards
of Taylor. Her own Immediate home,
sitting near her In body, and nearer
still ill tender love, is composed of hus
band and seven children, all residing
In Scranton.
The children will cherish her memory
as a wise, a resourceful, an Indulgent
mother Mr. Aloyer will mourn her
as the companion of his early trials,
a brave helper In nil his hard problems
and heavy labors, a wise counsellor,
and the truest and best earthly friend
he bus ever known. And now, may the
Hod who comforts like a mother, like
this mother did to the extent of her
ability, comfort all of you who mourn;
making yon reconciled to all His will
and ways, and llually reunite you all
in heaven."
Short Paragraphs.
Aliss Klin Coney, of .Mousey avenue,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends at Factoryvllle,
The scholars of grammar department
No. -7 school, accompanied by their
teacher, Prof. James H. Hawker, en
Joyed a sleigh ride to Clark's (ireen
and return Friday afternoon.
Little Unhurt, son of Mr, and Mrs, A,
fi. Thoniason, who has been very ill,
is recovering.
An important regular meeting of the
lireeu Chlge wheelmen will bo held
Tuesday evening, December 10, at tho
club house, 1015 Wyoming avenue.
W, F, Osenbach entertained his Suit
day school class Friday evening at his
home, 1402 Capouso avenue. Games,
liiusle by Prof. Fenstormueher uud Miss
Orace and Bessie Stnekliouse. Ceclta
tlon by Lida Osenbach. Hefreshtuents
were served. The following attended;
Nellie Brundnge, Nellie Davis, Nellie
Bell. Blanch Conger, Ilrusille Phillips,
draco Stnekliouse, Bessie Stackhouse,
Kstolla Alvord, Lizzie Brink, Cose
Buckingham, Janet (itirdner, Oracu
Osenbach, Pearl Osenbach, Lida Osen
bach; Mr. mul Mrs. W. F, Osenbach.
:-niM jjl,u- i w ..... -.,-3iV ' - i - .'. -
Present Edifice Was Thrown Open
Fourteen Years Ago Appropriate
Sermon Delivered by the Rev. W.
A. Nordt Various Churches Are
Making- Their Preparations for
Christmas Street Car and a Horse
Caino Together Two Young Men
Injured by Overturning ot a
Special services were held at the
Hickory street Ucnnnn Presbyterian
ehureh yesterday morning to murk the
fourteenth annlversarv of tiie com
pletion ot the present edifice which
was formally opened on December i,
1SSS. Tiie pastor, Uev. William A.
Nordt, delivered an appropriate sermon,
his text being taken from tho 26th
Psalm and Sth verse: "Lord, 1 have
loved the' habitation of thy house and
the place whole thine honor dwelled."
The attendance was very large nnd a
special collection was taken up al the
close of the services.
The congregation is one of the larg
est in the city and only a few months
ago the ehureh was cleared of debt.
Tho work on the new parish house has
been somewhat retarded, owing to the
recent had weather, and It Is hardly
likely It will be completed before the
end of January.
Preparing for Christmas.
The various churches and several so
cieties have already begun preparations
for the holiday festivities and Christ
mas tree parties which usually mark
the closing of the old year. At the
German Presbyterian church on Hick
ory street, committees have been ap
pointed to secure the goods that go
to make a successful social event, and
the tree a thing of beauty and delight
to the little ones. The Herman Sunday
school children will be entertained on
Christinas day. the junior classes In
the afternoon and the older children at
night. The Kngllsh classes will come
together to partake of old Santa Clans'
hospitality on Thursday evening, De
cember 26.
The Sunday school teachers al the
Church of Peace on Prospect avenue
will supervise the musical festival and
Christmas tree exercises to lie given
for the benefit of the Sunday school
classes at that church, and they are
preparing a. pleasant surprise for the
little ones. Appropriate programmes
are also being arranged at the Christ
Lutheran church, the Cedar avenue
Methodist Kplscopal church, St. Paul's
Lutheran and the Herman .Methodist
Kplscopal churches on Prospect ave
nue. In addition the children of St.
Mary's and St. John's churches will be
Invited to partake of Santa Chilis' gen
erosity and his bag promises to he well
filled with good tilings this year.
Street Car and Horse Colide.
A somewhat unusual accident oc
curred about 3.30 p. m. Saturday on
Pittston avenue, between Genet and
Pear streets, which came near having
serious consequences. The driver of a
wagon owned by Matthews and son,
who had his vision somewhat obscured
by a laundry wagon, turned Into the
tracks just as a car came along. The
result was a collision and the horse got
the worst of 11. He was knocked down
and tralllc was blocked for some time.
An examination revealed the fact thai
the animal was not badly hurt and
sometime later he was led home.
Joseph Slocuin, of this side, has re
lumed home after being gone a month
on a hunting trip in Pike and Wayne
counties. Air. Slocum is a well known
citizen and a Hrst class shot. He kept
up the reputation of his family as a
hunter and shipped home three tine
deer besides pheasants, quail, part
ridges and rabbits. His spoils repre
sented the largest hag of the season in
this vicinity.
Joseph Slocum and Charles Dippro
were out yesterday enjoying a sleigh
ride when the pleasure drive was
brought to an abrupt end. While driv
ing along Lackawanna avenue near
Seventh street, the runner of the
sleighs caught In the street car track
and the sleigh overturned. The young
men were thrown heavily but fortu
nately escaped serious injury. Tho
horse also was unhurt but the cutter
was less fortunate and will he laid up
some lime in the wheelwrights' hos
pital, William Nordt, Jr., who had a narrow
escape from death several weeks ago.
Is now convalescent and leaves todav
for his place of business in Newark, N.
The Young People's society of the
Church of Peace, will meet In reuular
session tomorrow night, The elders of
the church will hold a regular meeting
on Wednesday evening,
The Presbyterian church Choral
Union moots for practice tills evening.
A touchers' meeting will be held
Wednesday evening at the Hickory
street Presbyterian church after tho
midweek services.
The Christmas tree festival to be hold
by the .lunger Alaennerchor will take
place on Monday night, December :!0,
ul Schlmpff's hall on Oodur avenue.
Tho 1'uuoral of do late James Orr
will take place this morning from the
family residence, Beech street and
Prospect avenue. Services will be held
lu St. Peter's cathedral.
Thursday evening last the Young
People's society of the Hickory street
Preshytoiltiu church hold a very im
portant meeting. After the meeting an
excellent progrnniino was rendered, A
sofa pillow presented by .Miss .Minnie
B, Wclsser, was won by Aliss Cecelia
Schlatter nnd also u fancy spread pre
sented by Aliss Lottie C, Halm yvas
won by Airs, Winkler, Cefreshnionts
weie served and a pleasant social time
S. J. SIIACPS, aged Jl years, died al
11. 2U o'clock last night al his home, Ml
iuliiv avenue, from the clfects of a
paralytic stroke sustained over two
weeks ago. Deceased was horn lu West
Pittston on April 2a, JS27, whom lie re
sided and eiigaged in business up to
twelve years ago, when lie retired and
moved to Scranton, having since re.
sided here. He was a descendant of
Colonel John Jenkins, of the 'evolu
tionary war, and Is survived by his
wife, ono son and ono daughter, Oeorge
O. Sharps, or this city, and Airs. A. W.
Jackson, of Wllkes-Btirre, The funeral
announcement wilt hu made later.
sr.reet,i died Saturday morning at 8
iit' - Va'H
Enameline 1
sam e BrHManuaeaivEasilyApplicdLAbsoluictyOddrlessv nn
o'clock. Airs. Kdwurds had been in ill
health for sonic time past, but her con
dition ivas not considered serious. Sat
urday morning her husband left for
work as usual, and one hour later Mrs.
Kdwards had n stroke of paralysis,
rrom which she died In u few minutes.
She Is survived by her husband: a
daughter, Jennie, and two sons, Harry
and Edward. Tin- funeral service will
be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the
late home. Cev. do Oruchy and Kev.
Bennlnger will officiate. Interment In
Washburn street cemetery.
PHILIP LANOAN. 52 years of age,
died at the Moses Taylor hospital at 12
o'clock Saturday night. The remains
wore taken to the home of his brother,
James Luugtin, 11.10 Hock street.
Funeral notice later.
JOHN K. WILLIAAlS, aged fit) years,
a well-known resident of Bellevue, died
at Ills home Friday morning nt 4
o'clock. Air. Williams was a man with
a noble character and will be mourned
by all who knew him. The deceased Is
survived by his wife and four daugh
ters, Berthu, Krretta, May and Oothen.
Tho funeral will be held today from Ihr
late home, and will be in charge of tho
.Masons. Interment In the Washburn
street cemetery.
AICS. BHIDGKT I'AltDV died yester
day at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Patrick Klanaghau. of Theodore street.
She Is survived by lour sisters, Mrs.
Patrick Flanaghan, Airs. Kate O'Neill,
Airs. .Michael Oiiboy, Mrs. John C.ilboy,
and one brother. John Foy. The funeral
will take place tomorrow morning at 0
o'i lock from Hol.y Cosary church,
Funerals. -The
funeral or the late .Martin Alc
(itiire, who died suddenly Friday even
ing, at his homo on Keyset avenue,
after a short Illness or pneumonia, will
be held tomorrow afternoon at It o'clock
rroin Holy Itosnry church. Interment
will be made in the Hyde Park Catho
lic cemetery.
Meeting- of the Men's Society To
night Mrs. Michael Flannigan
Seriously Injured.
The Scranton .Men's society, which
nieels this evening in the Providence
Presbyterian social rooms, is to bo a
pleasant Innovation, and instead of an
address on some practical theme of
church, city or state, as heretofore, it
will be "ladies' night." with a lighter
cast of programme. Mr. and Airs. Henry
13. Dixie, Air. Stsson and Aliss Wallace,
their friends, will be the guests of the
occasion and will entertain for an hour
or so with their Inimitable parlor
scenes of monologue, dialogue and
songs. Tho programme will be as fol
lows: All. and Airs. Dixie in an original
musical comedy. "My Sweetheart:"
Oscar P. Sisson and Ksther Wallace in
an idyllic picture. "Love Will Find the
AVay: Alls. Dixie will present a mono
logue, entitled "Alone With a Burg
lar," and will conclude with the very
amusing character sketch of country
life by Air. Sisson and Ailss Wallace,
".My Cousin Kllu's Visit."
Tho literary and philanthropic com
mittee consists of Ur. Peek, chairman;
10. S. Jackson. F. K. Tracy, esq., T. S.
.Morgan and Clarence Steel. Walken
shaw's orchestra of twenty-live pieces
will also provide music, unci light re
freshments will he served.
Miss Griffin Will Appear.
The entertainment lo be given next
Tuesday evening at the .Methodist Kpls
copal church promises to be a great
success. Miss Cora Morris Grillin, one
or our own girls, of whom we have
every leasou to feel so proud, will
render a choice literary programme,
She has appeared before Immense
audiences In this and other states, also
in Canadu, and lias received the recog
nition of some of the most prominent
public people, among others Carter, the
Canadian lecturer, and Victor Herbert.
Aliss I'rlfUii has read In all the Car
negie halls throughout Western Penn
sylvania. Her Leg- Cut Off.
Mr. .Michael Flannigan. of Theodore
street, met with a serious accident Sat
urday atternooii, about 1 o'clock, wiiich
cost her the Io-s of one of her legs, She
was on her way up Theodore street,
and when the Lackawanna railroad
was reached she looked In both direc
tions, but could not see or hear an ap
proaching train, so she started to cross
the tracks
She is well along 111 years, and her
movements were su slow that before
she had crossed she yvas run down by
the south-hound milk train and had her
right leg sovered a little below Hip
knee. She was removed to her home,
and Dr. Stanton summoned, who, after
dressing Ibe injured menihcr. had hor
removed to the Lackawanna hospital,
where she Is now resting comfortably.
The North lOud Stars will have the
crack Alpha basket ball team, of Phila
delphia, as their opponents In a game
of busker ball at tho Auditorium to
morrow evening.
Daniel Coynnlds and Aliss Margaret
Ceynolds, of Taylor, called on relatives
hi this part of tho city yesterday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Knight, of
Summit avenue, are rejoicing over tho
arrival of a lialiy hoy al t licit' home,
Airs, Al. Al. Collins Is seriously III
with bronchitis, at her homo on North
Alain iiventie.
.Mrs, William Jenkins, of Chicago, Is
visit lug at iho home of iter slstci, Airs.
W. .1. Lewis, of Kdtui .ivenue.
Brooks Tratiger, of Cohort avenue,
returned Saturday night from a sue
ivbsful hunting trip to .Mill City and
vicinity. Ho secured eighteen pheas
ants, four quail and nine rabbits.
Fred fichliug and Thomas Dunn, two
local sportsmen, leave this morning on
a two days' hunting trip to Thompson,
Wnynu county, and vicinity,
A large display curd Is shown in the
window of Davis' tjrug store, wiiich
calls attention to the fact that tickets
for "Kurdlii Koinos," at the Lyceum
on December 13 and H, are there for
Lyceum Theatre
M. IlEIS, Lessee mil MiniRtr.
A. J. DUft-Y, Bui. Mini!.
The P.vcnl nf the Scwm.
Monday, December 9th.
Mmc. Emma Nevada
Ami Iter Company of AmIiIIiis 1' Artiste,
I'Ant.0 CASALS. VlnllnccllUt; III'ATIIE finKf.
OflV, n.issni MAQl'AHUl. flutist, anil
MORI' MI. Pianist.
hi a Suprrli Mtilral I'inmaiiinic.
I'rkwi-lfl'.lit', fl.'A I.O0 and 60 ccnt.
HcjtR nn Sale 1' ot 0 a. m.
Wednesday Matinse and Night
HKNIIY (lltlXNWAIJ, f-i-Mcnls "A Novelty to
Laughter." '
Gay Mr. Goldstein
Tlioina .1. KcokIi, Mary llamptun, (Irorgc ('.
notiif.iir, Ji-.
WIMctl li a Company of Aitlit.
I'lllli'S KymiiiR: 2'x-.. SOc., 75c. and I.(W.
Matinee, 'Mi', and i(V. Children to any pari ol
the hoii.i", IS ient. Seats on sale Monday,
l.ndi'i- the .indices ot the -.panisl' War Volciuu.
The Ki.'.lli'-I oi rut of the .iimioii, lomblniiia
Ki.irc, Ih'.iuIa. latent .mil patriotism. Splendid
ttenli- nnd elertihul etlects.
tni PKoi'i.i: in nn; cast nn
All icMderit,-, of Scranton ami members of IP
tnol piomiiienf '.unities t'ulroiiircd hy (In
union IjIioi leadcis nnd niiloised hy leading riti
7.en.i of the city and rnunly. The hos til blijf
who wilimteerod in U'.'S deceive the support o'
eiery patriotic citizen.
AT Till tACKCM. DKC. 1:1 AND 11.
Ticket", now on sale, .'iOl. T.'c. and $1. .Mitir.ef,
2S anil 50 cent.
Academy of flusic
M. UKIS, Lessee.
A. J. Duffy, Mantgc;.
Three Dais, lleginnlng -Monday, Dec. 9.
W. t:. SAXKKVILI.E'S Splendid Production of
Matinees Tue.-day and W'edneMlay.
Pi .( Night, ljr., 25c, :ioc. and SOi.
I'n'u-s Matinee, 15c. and 25c,
Thieo Nlishta, beginning Thursday. Dec. 12.
Ten Mel,'ocin Mill appear at eei pei-fornunoe.
Matinee Friday and Saluiday.
I'riii'i Xlitht, 15c, 25c, 33c. and 50c.
I'riies Matinee. t5c. and ';.
ALF. a. HERRINGTO-, Mtaiger.
mXTMBRR 0. 10, 11.
The Brigadiers."
Daily Matinee.
New Telephone
'I he Conservatory Course
Ol Aitl-I Itciitals Will Open On
Wednesday Evening, December II
Al M. Luke's I'.ui.-li llou-e Auditorium,
a I S O'clock.
PRICKS. '-.CO fin- Ilie couifp (of loui ion.
mis), including a ic-ciu-d seal to each.
Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex
Virginia Aye. and Beach, Atlantic City, N. J,
Eixtb year; 350 beautiful looms ensuite, alngU
and with hath; hoi and cold cea-nrater baths
In hotel and annex. Location select and central,
within few yards of the Steel Pier. Orchestra.
Offers special f print; rates, $12 to $15 by week;
$2,50 up by day. Special rates to families. Coaches
meet til trains. Write for booklet.
Huckster Dies ' from Apparent
Opium Poisoning1 but No One
Saw Him Take the Drug.
Walter Xink, a huckster residing- at
403 Sixth street, died early Saturday
niiiriiiUK nt his homo after liavilt'r been
brought home in ;t cab unconscious bv
two unkiiuirn inen. Dr. D. A. Capivell,
who was called to attend him, saya
his death yvas eiuisPd by opium polson
ini; and Coroner Ttoberts concurs in this
opinion. Just hoiv he ctrwp to take
tho Urns' Is unknown.
lie left Ills liomo at S o'clock on Fri
day morning for work and it is known '
Unit he did work for a time. He war
seen ill several saloons In the central
part of the city durlns the afternoon
and accordlus to a story told by ChaF.
Zeldler, part proprietor of the Jackson
house on l-'ratiklln avenue, ho yvas
found bv tho hitter on Saturday night
In Centre street lu an Intoxicated state
and apparently suiferliif' from the cold.
Huidler took .Ink Into the hotel
where he savs he soon revived. An
other huekstet named James Seed
'unio Into the place shortly nftervmrds
and displayed a box of partly smoked
iipiuiu, uccordliiK to Zeldler, which he.
placed mi a table In the, hack room,
Zlnk wtis seated in the room at the
time and ivlien next noticed yas un
conscious. A cab yvas summoned and
hu was taken to his home, where he
died about I o'clock on Saturday morn.
Coroner Iioberts and Or, Capwell per
formed an autopsy on Saturday after
noon and removed the stomach, which
has been placed In the hands of n com
petent chemist, yvlth Instructions to an
alyze the content-- for tho purpose of
illscoverlnf,' posltlicly if It yvas' pplum
pulsonlim that the dead man died from
An liuiuest will be held as soon as till
analysis Is roniploted.
Mrs. .Ink, his wldm, staled last
nlBltt that her husband had ncvoj
lietui known to take opium lu any
form. She cannot understand how he
came to die from the ilniR1 but Is not
inclined to hollt'vo that it was admin
istered to him by anyone, She says
that Seeds was at her house on Sat
urday and denied bavins had any
opium In the Jackson house, He ad
mitted havlm,' been lu the hotel with
Xlnk for a time but saya he wna not
there yvhen he became unconscious.
The most rcasouahlu theory as to the
caiise of link's death which bus so far
been advanced is that be took uome ot
the opium while his brain yvas befud
dled from drink. He is survived by a
yvfe and three sons.