The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 09, 1901, Image 1

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    " mmmm mmmvm mmm u auuuu mi p umm i i . . ,mwmwwmmimmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmm
v - miKmmW' -:v (w& -, -v-:h fmHmMmmw ;v vriT vFMi'wvir7'
, ' ' ..-. .-..',-. - nSi,' 1 'ft" ' ,T' w . ? . " ff - - '-'-.- - (j
two cj?t;:vs.
. 'VV
Senate Is Expected to Approve
the Hau-Paiiiiceiote
No Senator. However, Has Shown
Disposition to Carry Objections to
n Point of Ultimate Effort to De
t'ent the Ratification of the Meas
ure Which Will Open the Way for
the Unobstructed Construction of
the Isthmian Canal The House
Will Probably Pass a Measure to
Meet the Philippine Situation,
Created by Recent Decision of the
Supreme Court.
(li Cm lutiii- Win- limn 'I In- Wot i.itu! I'm-,..
Washington, IVr. Tin' only meas
ure o Importance which (lie senate has
on its calendar for tin- piosenl week is
tin- new llny-Pauncofoto treaty, mak
ing pioiislon I'm' tin- abrogation of the
Clnjtoll-litllwer 1 1 wily mill opening the
wuj lor the unobstructed i oust! in lion
ol .in isthmian hy the railed
Slates. Acting for the committee on
foieign relations, Senator Lodge will
,1-k till' Sl'lUllo 111 go lllto executive SOS-
snili Inniniioiv lor Hie consideration of
tin- 1 1 fill i .mil i'iii'Ii day lltcic-iltr-t'
until tin- (onvontion is cliposccl ot.
It cim In- said at this tinu- the
piospeot is M'i'y stinng that the ttcaty
III In- ratilh'il. ami it now looks as if
this result would In- si'i'iiii'd alter com
paratively little delay. Tlieie will lie
some ilehale and soni" teatuies of the
dni'illiii'lil will he ei itioi;:ei as unilesir
nlile, hut theie is no probability nf cup-
Hotis opposition. The erltieisin will he
alone the linen indicated hy Sen. id, is
Money and liaeou in the committee on
foreign iclutions al its meeting on Fri
day last. No senator thus tar, how
ever, has shown a disposition to entry
his objections to a point nl ultimate
effort to defeat ratllleatlon. Tlie pri-i
ilpal autliors of the criticism of the
tiealy are southern sonatnis. who are
generally very anxious lor the con
struction of the canal. They tind that
all canal Icy
,'lslnliiiu will he tied up
until action can he
sccttied on the
iieaty and they 111 e,
on this aciount,
less liable than they would
in- 10 no niiyiiuiiK 10 ueiay action upon
the treaty itself. The most active
friends of the tieaty now claim thai
l.itillcation will he secured iluiiup; the
present week, and the opinion is viry
ki ni'iMl that riitincatlini will he ob
tained heroic the (.'hrlslnias holidays.
Ilcyond the consideration of tin
treaty erv 'little business, will be au
di 1 taken belore the holidays. It is now
Ri-ni'ially agreed that the iiuestlon of
iccpioelty will go oer until January,
probably without so much as belitK
nieiitioned, and it may be added that
from behiK for a time the subject most
likel to atlrael I'.uly attciilloii, It has
taken a position anioui; the matters
which will not be viKoiously tiru'ed.
When the reelpioelty treaties do come
up for consideration there will be per
sistent opposition to tin' iiKi'i'i'iiient
with Kraucc, and to that with Ureal
lliitaln covi'liiiK the West Indies. There
Ih not so much iVcIIub: oer tin con
ventions with the South American re
publics. The present outlook Is itKiilnsi
any Immediate action in the senate
looking to tarllf legislation for the
Philippines and theie are some Indica
tions that the senate will wall upon the
house of icpresentalives In this mat
ter. Probably the Chinese excliis'im act
will bo repotted I'limi (.ominltlce duiiiiK
the week,
Tim nomination of Attorney (
Knox will bo repoited at the llrst ex
ecutive session, but Immediate coitllr
niatlou jirubiilily will be iiutaoul.ei by
pome SL'imtors,
House Forecast,
The lioitbo this week probably will
pass a measure, to meot the sliuatloii
created by the I'hlllpplne decision of
the siiprenie court lasl .Monday. I'p ui
the present time, however, the Kopub
Ilcnn members of the ways and means
committee bavo not decided upon tint
character of the. measure which will
lio reported, a dlffeiuiuv of opliilun
cslstH as to whether there should bu 11
xeniporary enactiiieiit of the ninuiey
rates on Koods entering tliu Culled
Htntes from the I'hlllppliies or wbetber
a permanent sebniuo of tarllf h'Klsla
tlon for the Islands shoulil be lirepared.
It Is understood that Air, I'ayne, clmlr
liiau or tltu cnimiilttee, and' Mr. Ual
Kell, of I'ennsylvanla, faviir the latter
course, The Itepubllc.iu members of
the cotninllteu will meet again tomor
row. Of course, ir It Is decided to enact
n temporary measure the pioccduie
will be exceedlimiy simple and It prob.
ably can bo passed ill a day. If on the
other baud an uutli-e scheme of tarllf
legislation is to be enacted mine time
will be consumed both In the prepaia
tlon and passage of the incusiiie.
Clark ami Barnes CaptuieU.
Ilj i:cln-Ii' Wiie liniii Tin- W-oiijiiil I'll-..
l.tMUIMlltll, Ijii. IKi h. ( Ijik .111,1 limn-,
tun lit flu' Hllll ki lilllUll. Klllj -M'l,i, IILIII
the l-'erl I.i-.imiiiiiIIi fi'iliul pibnii Nii. 7, j.
rlli'il Jl tlu- iiiou liuljy Hum l-jMtwi, I, -'.,
In tin- uiTluily o(iIKnlj WjiiUii l.iiin,ii. fljilj
uj. mi- ot tin- iaiKr ut tin- luutinv jiiil 4 1,,.
uaiil uj. oilVii'il (ui liU uiit'jt. TliN utuie
lull-- Imt icmi toinlru tllll at laut1,
Engineer Llnck, of Burke Brothers,
Has a Nanow Escape,
iiv l:i iii-ttc win (kimriiii' A-'nct.iti i i'ii-
Wlllluinsport, l',i.. Dee. $, Charles, fiireiiian of the Sils(tlehaiilia
Unoiii company, at Linden, a village
.several nillcs up the ilver fioni this
city, while ii-turnlng to l.lndi'ii early
this evening across the ilver on the
Ice, was drowned, A companion, .Mr.
I. link, engineer of Burke in others, of
Scralitou. who ale doing the Idling III
on the new work of the Xevv York Cen
tral Itailroad at Linden, hud a 11:11 row
Until men unconsciously slopped Into
1111 air hole, hut .Seltzer's hrothcr and
others, who heard the calls for help,
only succeeded In losotilug I, luck. Fore
iiiiiii Seltzer being past aid. The
diowned man was forty years of ago
and leaves a wife and son,
The Exact Nature of the Crime or
Amount of Money Involved Is
Not Known.
R.i i:iinnc Wnr fiimi riiir .-. nir.l 'ic-fs
-Minneapolis, .Minn,, liei. S. -Acting-under
telegraphic iuslrucliotis sent
I mm Washington by Atloinev Ceneial
Knox. United States .Marshal Crlm
shaw .estenla. aliestcd fr.ineis S.
.Mayer, charged with having commuted
Torgfiy In Japan.
The am si was made on an owiland
tiain, and .Mnjer is now in jail at St.
.Major was aei ompaiiied by his wife,
a Japanese woman, his Iwo children
and a Japanese S"ranl. .Mover pro
lestcil against. In ing coiiliiictl in jail
om r Sunday. Inn inasmuch as the mar
shal was acting under msli actions
limn Washington, it was impossible to
,11 range lor bail. .Major -aid he had
l"' n in Hie newspaper hnslurss at
Vokoliaiini, wbeie In- had lived for a
nimibei of jeais.
The iliaige against him Is lliat ho
forged signatures on debentuie bonds,
but lie- t ualuie of the mine or
the amount ol money luvolvi d is not
known, lie ipiit Yokoliama November
I!', sailing for Seattle mi the Japanese
steamer Slieiuaiio-Mani. Kor since
then tin.- aiiihoiitles hac been on the
lookout for blm. In some maimer he
managed to elude the ollicers at Seattle
and expressed the greatest hhi prise at
the liititisiiiu of .Marshal Hi inishaw In
his piivate ciimp.ii tuu'iil of I lie sleeper.
.Mayer is about US years old and ol
Kugllsli descent, When ane-ted he was
on his waj to London. Alter healing I
the charge upon which he was to be
held, he icftised to make nnv state
ment. -Majer said he will light tin- proceed
A Measure Passed at Sydney, New
South Wales. Will Excite Inter
est Throughout the World.
lly i:ilti.iif Win- in, in i(. 1 !,.-,,
Sydiiej, N. S. W Dee, h. lly the
passage of the industrial aibltratlou
I.M I I ,. 1 . .... ,
1,10 iiuiiiiKii us imai stages, uie gov
miment has placid a law upon the
stalute hooks, ih,- working of which
will 1 xcite Intel cm Ihioughout the
whole world.
'This hill not only compels reference
of all ilisputis between employe! s and
cinplojcs to a competent comt, with
poicr to enloico Its orders and aw aid,
hut makes a slilke or a lockout, before
or pending such lelen-uce, u misde
meanor, punishable by a due or Im
prisonment. The com 1 which will upon these
disputes Is to he piesided over hy a
judge of the .supieiiie toiili, and will
have most extensive poweis, Ini hiding
lite powei to dei late a staudaid wage
and to direct thai, oilier things being
eiilial. an employer shall give prefu
ence lo unionist over non-unioulst
laborers. Tluu- Is 110 appeal I10111 the
decisions of this 1 out t.
Discussing Iuipiisoumont of Nether
lander at Ceylon,
ll.v i:dinhc Wire limn 'Hi,, .s.oel4tn ,w
The Hague, Dec. 7, Tile coullsc.itlou
of tliu Olllch I led lioss outllt olilslde
of I'l'etoila, and the liiiiuisoumeut of
the stuff 011 the Island of Ceylon, was
again the subject of ht.iled lomnient
III the chamber hem today, Up. mem.
hers denouncing Hie action of the Hilt-
Ish IIS being cnilli'.ii'y to the ricin.vM
vim ventliin.
The loielgn minister, ,Me .in Lyn
don, expliilned that the ijoueva con-
e11111111 was only applicable to nlt, ,.
bllhillces of belllgeieuts, but even their
staffs could be made pilsoueis If iln-y
violated neulrallly. The Kiiveininenl,
he added, had fieitueiiily demauiled
thai the .Xethei lauds- be released on
parole, but (ileal Ihltaili Is mil obliged
in release them until alter Hie close
of the war.
The Amsterdam Telegianf States
That the Ollicer lb Impioving,
Hj I.Mlu.iii' Wiu hum Tli" A.hiiIhiiI u',d,
lll-li', III, Pil. II ll I- llWa,il,. i, ii,j,
11 11I11111 nluii nl il' ii',oiltil 1I1.11I1 ut l dm ,ai
'll'lr. ulili' I, IJ1I1III iillli llllill.l, uli'i I, M ,,,
ll.'MI filllulll .nut lain uulllliltil III ,1 ii, u,,l,
I'ii'i' IIiiiij, ill" ,iu'i'ii' uii.iiri,
'I In- Viiiili-i'lii'i Ti'liu-il iijmiI uji,i jj,
'hi. i.ivil ,1 ijiui't ullii, l.i.i nluhi, Il1.11 I'tnr
.Njutii In. iittiiinu mi ijerut tcin iipiiii him ,au
i .ile!Uil uhli lii. lutlint's i-oiuljlllun i .c
ln.jilul in I in-tin, houivtr, uihI In utiilal dr
ill , lid intuiiiuiluii nn thli mitti-r it ublalMbU,
Dr. Loteve. of Pittsburg, Dlscoveis
a Successful Treatment.
Hi l.ulmiw Ulie fiom "I lir A",otliitul 1'
Pittsburg. Dee. S. i)r. A. l.eteve. of
tin- C. I.. Magee pathological dopart
nient of .Mercy hospital, has dlscoveied
what Iiiih every Indication of being a
successful seilliu tieatint-nt lor 101111111.
or lockjaw. Altera year of patient ex
pcilmoiitlng on lower animals, lite dno
lor. within the last three weeks, hud
the opportunity of testing his theoi
on human subjects, one a middle-aged
man, a mlddle.uged woman and a liny
10 years ol nge. Aeonidlng to the physi
cian's stiiteineut, when these patients
were llrst given the Injections or the
seilliu, they .wcie violent, being In
spasms and convulsions. The tiont
melil soon brought them arounil, ami
within live or slv days Ihey were re
stored to their former health.
Dr. I.i'teve does not claim that the
treatment will etui' every ease, hut be
lieves tlini the piohlem of treatliit,'
tetanus successfully has been Folved,
Report in Rome That He Will
Named to Succeed Martinelli.
iij i:i-iiiiiu- win- in in 'i in, v r,i I'M-,-.
Koine, Dec, S. The Journal de Uoina
publishes the announcement that M011
slgutir Scalahrlni, archbishop of I'la
cenzn. who recently relurned from a
visit to tile United States, will he ap
pointed apostolic delegate at Washing
ton. The K.inlulla says the pope will not
send a delegation to attend the coio
nation ceremonies of King Kdward VII,
as his holiness was not Informed of the
king's accession to the thione.
Chief of the Weather Bureau States
That a Substantial Improvement
Hns Been Made in the System.
llj IImIiimip III' flnlil 'llli' cr 1 ill it l'ic-s.
Washington, Dec, s.-The animal re
poil of 1'iof. Willis I,. Mooie, chief of
the United States Weather Hureau,
says that a substantial Impiovetuenl
has been made dining the past .war hi
Hie weather Inn call system of wireless
telegiaphj. Such progiess has been
made by the governmerii expel imeiiters
that, with no Inteiieri nee by private
sj .stems, stations can be successfully
operated oxer al least lf,n miles of coast
line and .u- now in operation along
the Virginia and Xoith Caiollna coasts
and soon will he instituted between the
Karallone islands ami the mainland and
Tatoosb island and the mainland on
the Pncllle const.
The Huts of work pursued In pic
vlous years by the climate and crop
service of the weather bureau were
ciiutliiurd and extensions and impiove
meiits made wherever tiossjhle. The
cotton legion servli e has been extend
ed Into Oklahiinia and the liul'an ter
ritory and arrangements have 1 .en
made for beginning a similar wnik In
California, lo he known as the fruit and
wheat service. I'rof. Jloore points with
pride to the complete system the
weather Inn can has tor the accurate
and complete collection ami dlsseni
iniillnn of ciop intormatlon, having a
large number of paid employes and
volunteer obseivers and 1 1, (Kin poisons
reporting weekly to central points on
the effect of weather 011 crops in their
lespeetiw localltli s.
The illstiihutlou of foi coasts hy rural
flee dell vei y bei nine decidedly pop
ular and tlieie are an aggiegate of
neatly lu'.non luiuilles in the farming
districts being supplied with the latest
weather predictions.
D. Shoots Rev. J, W.
llu Ill-be Ullt- f 1 'lln- . ni'l.ilul l' t .
Hrooksitle, Ala., Dee. S. ltev. -I. W.
Hiailfoid, Meihodlsl inlnlstor or lids
place, was sliot and killed tills even-I
lug by I!, D. CtiiTm.iu, Justii f tin.'1
peace. Coll'nmn was standing In llriul- I
, ford's doorway. It Is said, and llred two
J shots, both taking ellect In the head,
I There were no witnesses to the tragedy,
1 Coffman was once a member of Uev,
.Mr. Ilradfoid's church, but had icon 1
expelli d, il is said, ami for this rea
son llieie Is alleged to have been bitter
tooling. Coffman surrendered,
Borry Howard, of Boll County, a
Fugitive, Is Cnptuied.
llj up imiii 'll.i A-01 l.tiiil pie-...
ri.inkiori, Ki., lip.-, s. 'lii-ihi
II, -'I t imiii , .iii,iiinniii liy ilia.'
Ih- million,
J, 'iiiili-
1. it-.l imp it.'l.ij, luin,' In thai;,, lli-iii- llnu ml,
t.t 11,11 iiiiiiitj, who u-.ii- linliitiil 1.11 iuiii. In li-,
In Hip iiii'i.l.i nf Willi 1111 liot'htl, ail uhn lu'
1 p. 11 .1 lu'.-lllu- iiiiiip Hint ,1 ji.ii-, II in ml ptn
I1.1. hi- Inni unit' ,111, 1 ij , In. Im, urn' ,1 rttMitlv.
in Up iiiiiiihi.iIii .tillmi mill lie ilia nn,
u.ati In lit In ill ht'ip. He will .1.1, lor .111 in.-
illtlli.lll In'.llill.-, .llnl, . till- is thliipil, ).it ip
In. li'lills-il tin I... II. I.
Ih.u.inl lepii -. 11l.1l the ii.nntli'- nl IIJI, a-
l.lll.l, I'HIJ .111.1 l.l'.lll- III lilt' K.IK'I'll ,lllllllv In
VI' .llnl VI.I, ,. ,1 IK'lllcil.ll, Minn llii.lnl up.
Il.ililiil Kil'lnll . olllill.
Hoy Knocked Out,
lly Km Iii.iii' WIip tinin 'Hip A,-,.t l.iu.l 'i...
I'.iim.iillp, 11., Hit. n 'llu- lii-lii h. lui.i,
.lliinnj llnj .ai.l lit'-.iitp SI.M..11.., u,i. in
lull' likni plitp ,1 ut'i'l, ,i'4o, Inn u.i- pit ipiiiiil
h tin (.lift 111 nn'i, a. .in 1,'uu'iiii.i .S.i.h.
n,u Iinni,li nil i.nli llils iiihiiiIii- .a i Inn, n,.
llnj M.i- kiinktil mil in Hip iilnlli Mini. I. ,i
'ilii-ili Ii.ivp h, ill 1 1.. ,ai, it i- .-.ihl Ih, in u
1 1- 11. .1 1 .
Steamship Arrivals.
Ill Cm Iii.iip H up iii.iii 'Ih- A..1H.I4111I pu...
t nilv, I In-, s. uliui- ,',u't,
lam-. Unit. .s..iitli.inipti,ii niui: slum,
K.l'llll, .Nn- nlk Im I ti in. it (.ili.l pin
mil. b. Ijiiiiii.liiiMi Sj-; hiim-ir CI1111I.1,
lit III, .Nui ik (1I1I.IJ11I 1,J (.Ml,.).
"Liboity Association" Adjourned,
lJ Cm libit t-Win-(inni Hit-A-s.i Ijlnl Pit,-.
I ltti'l.iii.1. I)., Ih,-. d. 'Hip I IiU'Ijii.I pnllu- to
Jjy It fti-t-it it, nlhnv tin- l.llititj j.,oiijlnii,
uhiili Im hull'.. In Ih iiitiiihtiflilii a iiiimhu ut iho
dl'tlplf.- nt Ciiiiiu (ialtlnun in iu.hl ,1 iiii-t-t lnw In
bill enk'-iut.l Im tin' )uipo-i,
mm rescue
Gtiicnoo Gttlzens Meet and Talk
Over the Situation In,
South Africa.
He Believes That England Cannot
Raise Eunds to Carry on the War
Against the Boers Much Longer,
States) That Providence Has Made
It Possible for the President of
the United States to Step in and
Stop the War Letter From Carl
Ill i:eliniu' Win- fiom Tlic.-
Chicago, Dee. ,S. A
protest against liiitlsh
"llllltlil I'lO.-.
piogramine of
methods In the
houtli Alrlcan war was carried out he
roic an Immense audience In the Audi
torium thealie here tonight. Follow
ing an eloiiueiil addicss by V. Uourke
Cnckran, and earnest speeches by
others, resolutions tor the appointment
ol a ooinmllteo to hiing the sentiment!)
of the mooting belore the picsidenl
uoie adopted.
Although an ailmb'slon was clanged,
the Hinds being intended lo aid the
Hoeis and especially their women and
childii-ii, .standing loom was at a pie
nilum, ami many wcie unable to gain
The piiigrnnime opened Willi the song
"The True Heart," sung by nineteen
(fi'iiinii musical societies of Chicago.
Dr. Hiram W. Thomas, head of the
I'eople's church, lollowed with prajor.
Then followed short addi esses by Judge
Theoiliiielbenlano and Judge .Murray
K. Tulley. chaliman of the Chicago
blanch of tin- Ameilcin Transvaal
league, under Iheauspites ol which the
meeting was held.
Mr. Cookran, tin- oialor of the e fil
ing, was gieeled with a tumuli ol ap.
plause. lie said, in p-ui :
llmu-M'i 1111 11 mil ilihu .iliniil il. ini.isii.n i
llw sin iiicin i,,ul,h,i, j ,,,,,, 1 Hill
Hit- ic-tui iiiuii 'f pi-n 1 it in llii- Inflict ii-i;tii-
li'-ii.ihli-. 'Hun- .in- I .ut urn i-,in in uhiili Ih.
ua 1"' li'iiiilniliil-cltlui tin- 11,1-1,, mii-t
-irn-MliT, nr tin- I iuIi-Ii irnuiurni'iii inu-l .1I1111
ilmi (In- -iltciiii'l In -ii'iiIiiii tin ui. It 1- iiiit,
yii'u-illi .i-mniil llnl tin- ii-..,iiiu- ut tin-I'-mt-
1 numi In- Mti'ii' ful, mill, t iln- ,p pup,
tlii'.i u.nilil 11,11 In- jii-ilhiil in iiiiitinitiii.' .1 stinj;
uli' uhiili .inobcil fiiiiili-.-, I,,.- ,il nr,- ,m,
U l-li- lit imiptltj, I'M 11 tllilllKll tllP lil-.i-- lllllll till
I mi l!u, 1 .-in mi- ui-it- tt-ii-i,ili yu.iii'i ili.-in ulnt
llll-l -llllll-il llii-lil'.i-lt.-, I. -I liln.iiKlinl uhuli h
iw! I- .llw i,- llnl, ti n-lhii
I In- ll'-i-l llu i- nt III ' llni-l- I
llll nt I'lploll.l It iitl.lhili
, lint I
it luip H1.1i
liolllh' ' snu, t,(
Ills llnl I PI II flinl
h'-i. II hi- him Jll-lilnil hi
lllo-l lilt r. jl t llll IP
so!'-. I I MlMinn - no-ilioii tint nntlilii-r hnl
.ih-nhiti -iiirpiicln ttinilil In- iiiii-kIi-ipiI, h,i- In 1 11
,ili.iiiil"iii'tl, ,iiul tmlij llu- Itnixhi'i-t imilil -ptnip
iliiin-i .1111 tirin-, -hint nf t,,nii'itp .intl i-pliiii
.11 kiioiil, il'.-intiii nf tliptr liiilipiinli'iiip. . iln-ir
ic-i-t on e h.n not lipin lin.ih... ni-itlnr i- iln-ir
-Iihki'Ip fr unit pt-nili tin licipt-iis-, (In Hip coii
ii.ii.i. It llii'ii In- pii'hni'.-iil fin ,1 Irv.
iimiilli', tin- .ih.inilutniipiil of tin- otmwit In suh
1 Ini- Hll'ltl hi 1,'lplt Itlltlill I- nit t
Gieat Britain's Plight.
lln- -l.tli im nt 1- not lioi-il nn inj -f"ini.iiion
iniipi'inin.' lln- nn, lull mi
Ui thm llnl it v, ill hi- inipii-.-ih!p f,,r
iiiiiiiriit lo -iiiiii- the p.i'-iup nf 11..111J
ipini'l 11 iiiuii- lhtniii;h Hip hoii-t- nf
I lip ' 1-1 hit li:i't u,i- i, 1--1 tl unli nftpi
'ptiiil 111
llip t mi-Hi.-
1114)1 1' U. II
mini nan -. All m.iiiii.- nt ,i.iiiii.n hm- ,i.i(.
Ih.:llj Iipi 11 Nli 111-t t .1 1111, 1 lln- .ittpiiipi tn ptl, ,t
.iiiolh.i lare u.n hint uniilil uhiili in - n. li
f.ill in lln- pili" nf t'.iii-ol- ,14 uniilil si'ihm-'i
iii.pai.lp lliltl-li ni.ln-liii.-, li ilii-n, thp llot'r
fotii-t 1,111 ho'il Hi" ti. I.I .1 I, Hip lonuu, Hip .it
li'inpl tn MihJiii' tin- tipnhlh- mil. I lip .ih.iiiiloiin)
t.'t I nk of ti, pni-itt' it.
'lilt' 1 lllllll! nf till- llnl, li, lillllit.iili Hip
itni'.-i;h' I- pliinl hiionil .1 il mill hi tin. Im
Inliil if Hip iiii'Hiij.I- tn .-nhilnp Uioni.
flu' l.tih.h unii itiini nt p.ittiii.t until -iip...rtintr
thp unn-tii mnl iliihlitn 111 nl" honitli'.- In thp
1I1 -Inn-Hull ..I tin- ii-iih. Willi the -nppni if
hi- untmn .nnl thihlrtit linpo-.'il upon Ciulml,
w bill" hi.'N lull- hint in nl,' ilp-olitp .mil im
piuilin Hip, the lion- -nliliu I- ini' tu inniluiii, In
Hit IIp'iI .1- Inns .11 lit- t-iii -fillip li.t i.iptuip
.llllillllillllt i-ll.pllp. of fi.otl .111,1 ,11111- flillll III.' ton p.-. Ill- iipiit.ttli'ti im limn mlt .unl
lol.l UP llll' Cll'jli.ll ollpS pttfti .until
ih Hi,.,' in 1.11 iittr hi- hup,
Vill,ln' 1 .111 h. tlpiit'i ih.111 Hut the ii'-I-l
.11 ti- nt Hit lliu'hii- intiiiot l.p suppon-i'il .iinl,
lln 11 nit Hip nnlj p 1 llili' nit In pp.itp I. lln nf (hint lllit.tlu llnlii Ih.' .attliipt In
-nlijiu.iti' tlip M111II1 A fill1. 111 it pnl. II. ., Tin- Hill
.h tin. linn, nl 111 ly pitilnn ih,' u.n, ,in 1, in.
nut tli.tti'."- ll. .ml. 'imp. snh 1 iciitt Ih-Iiis i oh
"l-tilll Willi jll-litp. it I- III Hip llilt'ip.t nf mil.
mil' tn Imti'ii ft. TIip ip.iI fiitin.i- of CiikIiiiiI,
.1- lull ui. ut Hip tt'.t nl tin' iioiltl, Mill ho .n.
1.111111I hj jn.-lili't iliu ,t.
'Hip iipIiIIP Hip iI-Ii'iii nf tllt'-t' 1. 1, lllllll-
iiiilnutiitl .iitllioi'ltj- utpr llin 11,1
of ,-uiilli Atiti.i I. ituuoilhj ot nl lini. , 1 11. i,,, 1, 1.
linn It ippuhlht .nnl .iiuimilii .up
hi In, .tip lint Hull' mill' ptutliiilti lin.ihi'i nui.
Kill hi'lupiu IIipiii, Uli'i luiintrj- uniilil In- Jn,.
ill.ul In iiiuttliu -niuili .is 11 in 1 pv. 111 uit'ii. un
til .ri.ti'illi)ti ful it. nun -.inly.
Would Not
'llii. inn tlm; h.n
Provoke Bitterness.
ili.i...,ii In ptntuki' hil.
lillit in- In iiipii'i.p Hip top nt 1 t'-t nt i:i tit s
idii.itly tun I.iup iIiiiu'kIiiiiii Hip U111I1I. Mil ll
.1- tie in iu lit il-siti' lln' iiitnip.iralr.ii 01 l'i,uti
ill lltp Cnl. m, unit'.- It 1 inilil In-, in
Hip inusi.t ol tl.p .i.,lp i.ii lull, .hi,., 14 ti,,.
liulillil, up tin 11,11 ul-ll il, Im jl . i,,
in point mil Hut thin- M.n iiunli lo-, In.ilruli!,'
1.1,111111!.- lol Hip .i-.lllll llptni Hip Snulli tlllr.m
tlplllilh. In lilt.ll lllilllll Ih.111 llit-i,- u ml, I
ll.lll' hull lol llll- I, lllllll' lllinw illim ut 1 '.in 1. 1 1
Iij thill iiiiiutri.
'Hip Niiilli Mi I1.111 tur .11.1 imt iiii.p Imo. ,i,ij
,inli.,n fiiMiliu.K nl ill' 11. Intuitu lln- upi'i
II11 ,iiii Hip nlj. lining III It -.ti inh.iiip-, 'f In m
.ill ,illiupt I.J Mr, riniiihrihiln in IniKiu in
lll.lllils uliull.t .illi'i llin; Hip i,,iii,..( mlili. if
tl.p 'linii-l.iil, uhllp, -'il Hit mil., luinl, hi'Mppn
ihl. inuiilij .nnl l.uu'li iin .tluu, ,i lnipiiii.ini,'
lutp hun I'llnliuir xlini. Hip p.l.ihll-liiiirnl ,, uiir
iinlppt lull in.', lln 1 1' K'lihl It.iii. hun nn tlinu.
uinl linn-. I hi' jli.lilii.llinli Im nui ,iiu'illn; l n
.nil lu .itnhl flu iIp.iiiii Hun ui Ho ll-h. i
im nluii.' llnu 1. mill hi hu.'il nn mi mnual,iipil hi Mr. I li.t ml,, 1 1 1 i it im ilistuil,u; i.
Iiiliiailt ol tin souiii tan. ,n i, pi, I, in,,
'Hip ipjI luliii.l nl tin- rmdUh I'ttipli' i. In
t Milnlil L' Hip tinin llu i.f Cuiill-h lull, in, n,,, imt
in I'Muiilliu Hip iIuiiiiIii ui Hip Ciiu9 nuuii.
'Hip I'lo-Mh nl Cntill-h' l-ah i lit- n uy
.imp Hip t'-t.ihllrhiutiit nl nut iinlppiu,!, tup hit
lippii llin uii-.ili.-l 11 iiiiiiiit Id i'tpiii,in in lli.
uiilltl ti'llllll-l ,t liini'llKUl ll.lll 1,-hltli ,iu,
Itoun I10111 thai M'iil,it,.li ullh Hip li'.iill. .il
1. '.nl .1 ligiiu' hy tin- Hill nun in .mi.i'V i,n,'it,y
I he TiJiitVJ-d .mil llu- tllll !ii..tir r,uli, (on.--fluilnutil
hj It.
ll..ilpr to 1 tit- CiiidMi i'nili Iks lint III tlu
ili'fpit nf till. iiitiriilK', lull ill Iti ciiiii'. It
tlip Smitli Milcnii ii'iiiililln uup -iiliilui'tl mill
tin- lul Hoi-r iil.iriin'il, tin- liirti ,nnl umin-11
ttuiv nitiHiii'il In i,iitlill,i 11111 .1 In- ictmiicit l,i tl.p
"nil, Tn luiiliiliiln inttliniltj uiir tlio-i' is)ili',
ll'-l'llttlll, tll ItlMlol, lilt'll'loilll'll III IllMlilU
iritis, uimlil Kiitlip tin, iiiiiliitLiiinri' ol , Iiii'ip
.iini.v mill mli mi iiiuii 1 1111I1I imt In- 111 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ! 1 1 . 1
ulllioitl t'.t.ililbliliiir , n 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 .1 mliitity ni'iili'i
In ( llril.iln. 11 1. liilill-hlni 11! nf t-olu 1 ntl -sniv
- nil,' In I'iiuIiiiI uniilil In- tin- 1 til 11 "I Hi"
lllltl-li itin.lltiitliin, 'Hip iiitin- nf Kndilnl itiUhl
tl lllllll In lll-lilU'lli-ll ll pillltli'll (lie I'll f tli-
p.illliV Miifin, , Inn not in tli 1 1 tlie 11 iniinti, it liitiKiin.
'flip lllllilli'- nt Hip it 111-1,1 1 1, -Willi- II 111I4I11
In- tliniri mm In Hit- limulm. Mmilil In' 1 itnl
In lltinljllil. 'Hip iPiiIp Mini I- I In' ia,'ll".'
Inti-ri-'l nf nil In Hip iliipil uf tjiali-li .inns aii'
tin- pi-nilp nf Kinjl.aiil. 'Iltpi inn lip Mini 1'ini'i
till- pit II. Clilll.illnii tin lip ilplituiil limn
tliU 1 Inliil ulllill ililktnt It. Iinllnn, ll I'p
inirtltlico fit Hip CrulMi penple li.- juiiKi'iii-1. Tn
tin IliK tin' nin.t 1 In. live iitf.iii. I- In -ln.u
llnlii tint tin' iinili nl llil. ininilii tin iin'
Miiinllil7p tilth Hip i huni' nl iniiiii,. ttlil-'h
till" Ullgl l-ll U"M lllllli'l.l ll.l 1 lllllll'lt ll-PII.
The President Could Stop It.'
I'nitlthiiip In- -n niilpipil i-irnl, llnl lh-ptc-l-'riit
nl tin' Inltiil .st.itrs 1 nitniiiM- Ihi-i
liltti'i iiiirtp, II l .111 I'tlr.niilliiiij npiinitiiiiily
nlli'ii-il tn 1111 pvtr.iniillnaiy 111.111. II untihl nut
lip iipip:irj to iIijh 1 lit "Murtl, tn tn.iki- nnv
thrcil nl uimi"l Intprii'iitlmi 111 In,p mi tin
frlinill.i nttlluiU, Out' unitl spoken In Dip Kii'-ll-h
iitnli.i J1I01 nt In Hip I, put Ins nt llu' llii,
ll-li 11 illim, unnM tp-torp pi up,'ll-h Jti'tin,
-mile llhi'tty In thpip InirKlit-r-, pininiitc ctit.t
moiiilj tin- nn.i.lty it the hnin.111 tniu, .mil
In log iiinnp.Hiir.ilili- tjl ,i,t In tin' iin-ric.iii in
t lull. Will 1 11.1 1 until In- -jinki'it? Ni'iu in hit
tun h.up r-iit li iniiiiiiMitniis nsnlt. Initio mi tlip
lip- nf II lllllll. Ill li,-ilir. Will 'llipnilnip ltniivi"lt
iniprnvp I hi- iippoiltitilty f.n hiiu-i'll, hN con i
li.t, -mil I lip uholo i.iip.'"
A letter from Call Schurz was read
in which he said:
I .1111 cup nl llm-p ulm hp.nlili tpmi- .11 ih'
-tili-i li'iiu- In till- innntiy nf Iho nhl .mil tn.iii
nt li's tllin.i-oiilli; I'lt-Jnillii ii',-.ihi-l ljI..n,l.
I witRPi ultli -itupip -iti-fn linn tin- ili-.i,iic.ii.
HUP flntn our tii'illlit- nuturi- nf tin ilip.ip link
nf "ti-tiii,- tin- lliill'h linn'- lull" .mil I h.ill
xvith jnr tin mnutli nf .1 re il irii-inl-lnp IhImipii
Hip Imo ti.ttimi.. llnl Ciij-li-l.ini n ,-liinilil nn 01
iIiiIlp In .1111 1I1 Ill-nun .il'niit. tlii-. Imp hi tlu i 1
Itput" tltc irti'tl of 1 1 ..- Annrit.iu ppnpli
lllill-h .1 pintnltml njtnpil1i,l fpl the U(K-I.- ill
llii'ii -tinyylps .aid -nth 1 in:;-, IIipj in
ilptniittl uhi'ii tliiiii' hi tin Si,inih In Ciilu, tiny
1I0 nut nnprnip mIiiii ilom- In 1 In- llilti-h in
South fni.i. Anil if Ihri-p I, .inj-lhitij ,ipl in
li'iiu- tlip nhl nnti liillNIi fi'lliiK In till- ii-ptin.
ho. it i tin- tinllilp sppit-iilr pip.-illtlil by Hip
Dnpr uar.
Resolutions wen- adopted pledging
those present to use their utmost pow
eis lo Induce Hie United Stales gov
ernment to intoiieie in the purchase of
liiitlsh supplies hi Aiueilcun potts, and
(11 other ways hat rasa laigland in the
hour of tumble.
A speech by Hishop Spnuhliug. of
Peoria, roused lln audience lo u high
pitch of enthusiasm.
The meeting closed with a remark
able demonstration. Uollowlng the
speech making the great audience roar
ed Its approval of the Hoer cause, the
cheering b"e- Vl'tr continued and
then 1 imli li'irTrtins were .uiKoir for the
relief of the stricken women and chil
dren In the South African camps. The
first response was a ehr-olc for $,10(1, sent
up by a man who requested that his
name be withheld. Then followed
I checks for $100, the contributors of this
amount being nuineious. When smaller
sums wcie asked for money came frpe
ly tiotu all parts or the groat auditor
ium. .Mote than $."i,,)0u was raised.
Men Started by "Young Corbetf
in Presence of 8,000 People.
llj I'm In. in- Win- from Tin- Av.ot i.ilpil 1'n-.-,
Nt-iv in K. P.t. s. lln- .iitiniil inlpuiitiotiil
i-il.ij Inijilt- Ip.iiii run' h.-iti 111 tit,- M itll-uti
s, lii.iin g.utlt 11 ,tl ninliiulil (Suinhij ). Willi im
C. liiilhuill, ktiuuii in tin- nnili-tir uuihl ,.-1
'fining Coil.ill," sl.iitetl Hit 'unli. W lipti tin
ft.iilin' 'ln.t u.i- In id .1I1, nil s (Kin piutilp wpie
in tlu- g.inliii.
'I hf IP.IIII- tll.-ll Mill (Milt fill fllllP Jllil
pn.' iiiuini .inmii'l llu .-iiiipi'-Mup, il 11. ui, Im
thp in-M ,-i tl.ijs .111- ipiiipni,! ,,t t,p fullouiii-r
nun: (.uus-nll. .unl', I't.inip; H.ill nnl
Mi Cairn, I'.ngl unl; I'l-hi-t .nnl Chit illu, I'miu-i",
I.i iniiitii' , unl Mitll.r, I1.1I1 ; I'ipiIu , ss .nnl .l.i ik,; liniir .mil llpllnuk, llp,,-iuni; i; 1111
.lull .mil I'l.tttk-, (Ipiniini ; l,.iuin .nnl I11II11,,
sttiilui; II11II11 unl Mi CiMii, spoil it.tlj .Neu
Mil .unl Miitini, .SiiiiIiiiii; Mi C ullt in .ml u.
Ihoiit, I'.iii.Auuiii.iiij MiCirkunl jinl,
C.tlifoiiii.i;' King ,iii, siuui,..uti, I i.ih; Mjj,i
.unl Wll-nu, 1'iiin.jli.ini.i; IIiIhih k .unl Tuiiilip,
Miliiipolitin; iirinllp .mil .hints, llvtiljiitl.
'llu- pilp iiiniiij uill In- ilhlihil ,i-, fnlliiu-:
I'll. I, sl.'.nti; m-iiiiiiI, si.uni); Haul, -TV); fuiiilli,
is.V-0; llflh, s ,Vl; -ith, -J-,0. C.11I1 nun ui 1
it-1111 will li.lp lu'iltp houi- .1 1I11,
'Hie -Mil u-.i- iltl.ijul until ,ift, i- inliiu';lu
"bile ".liiiunj" Mitli.ipi unl,, ,iu 1 hilililini in, ,
In nn Im p.itp it) Al l.'.ll .1, in. tin- -ti.i-ili(;
i-hnl u.i. llli-l, ill, liuii.-ultz .mil -,.pii,,i,
llll .IUH- tilt, lip.- In , thill ,f .in ,,
.mil Hip tit -t I.e., In Hip i.iiui. tnilnr,
Al 1 ti'llntk till- It' nil, ttt-li' liill.lj- llu.,'11
hum lull ,i .ihuiit iij ml U -t.
Thirty-nine Prisoners Break Out of
Birmingham Prison.
I l.t Cm lu-lti Mho fii.iu 'lln- Win I.iiui 'ir,
llliiillniduin, Al.i., I),i. s -Tlilttj.iiliiP pil.n'i
PI, PtltllU ft'llll llll llll' lllilllll IlillllVl PS.p.
Hum Hip mhiIIi -Mp illy J.ill liclutpii ; .11. il 1
iiiMiitl: llll, iiiiiiniiig hj iliKglng llui.iiuli i tn.
I liill-lliill hiuk u.ill ulllt initial Knit 1 ,. ,n
luuilil, ut'ip in tin- pih-mi iiiuii m 1 ,,, 1,
-Kipi.ii ni ini- prt-uiiiii. u.-rn .-Ini kli.l hnl .it
ur rr.inliiU' iliiuuuli Hit- Iwli- Uipj upnl 1,1 ,1 luin ni'.iihp unl liiukp nil Hip linn li.ini',
Willi .III .lp lulinil llipip. Till' I'lltilt- Kilti- tun,,
-I llit' illy, -in.-i.lpil hj prl-oiiii-, .a..
-'JltliiliU lur Hip l..i.lppi uit'ii .unl lap ,,r il.illl
Ul'll- l-lpllltlll llll- lllll'II.IK.II
Will Celebrate Kossuth's Ai rival,
lly Cm Iii.iii! Win' Imiii Tli' w,iit. , IV-.,.
Su U'll., Dpi. S. - I'-Uifntlp fp,l.-pt In 1,
ni. mol.itp ll.l- litlii'lh .ilinhilf.'iiy in ih,. ,iui,i
nf Colli- Km. lllh In Vuii'i'ii.i mil' In'l'l luiiluln
hj I hf Il1111u11l.u1 toili'lliv. ci Nim' ml-. Hi,.
IMIll.p, illlll.lllll lllllslt', .ilfi,S .unl I Im ii
liilu." nl .1 Hip -ip pultl.lll i. ih,. II illicit
piltiut (h mill Ilmi. I C, -iikl.'., ulm I, imp
nf tlm fpii nun nun living Mini luul, p.n In i,v
Itiipiiuii kIu'H lioillli, i'J llip
Steel Plate Counterfeiting Case.
Hj CmIiuIip Win- fiom 'lln- A-m Ijto.l I'li'tJ.
II" 111., ll.l. S. 'Hit' hi illu; uf Hip I'liiii'iil'liu,
lilullul.l I.J Hip lllllll Stt'tl ll.tllpili.l llt.lllhl Hie
'1 1 mi Mul ii)iiii.iii.i liii tuiiiitiift llin- II 11 1 in
pi, tin h.H h.ill llSnl lul Hi P. ,".ll, hplulp 1 1',.
.Sih(o lllilllll ll.
Riots tit Lyonb.
llj Cm ln.ilp Win- licun 'lln Wni-jlt 1'iut.
Ijnu-, P.t. .- Ihtii' uerp llnl, hj ip mum
(iltjul lirri' i.'.l ij. b.'ii-r.d (iiiulji'mt uph- In.
Jui f. I. 'Up iiiuumiil pvllci' tltJit',1 tlu- ttut'U
llilily Jllil. iveie mult.
Opinion Still Prevails Thnt She Has
Been Abducted or Murdered.
lb" Ktilutltp Win- Iroin TIip Vnt tilted he-.-).
ICIIznheth City, N". C, Dec. N. The
opinion still prevails here that Nell
Crnpsny w-as either iibducied or mur
dered. The Pasquotank river was
dragged Unlay more systeiuatlciilly
Ihnn ever, but without securing-u trace
of the missing girl. The search for
.Miss Cropsey will continue without any
abatement of energy.
(.iilcf of Police Dawson relurned here
today from Norfolk, whither he went
lo Investigate a report that the girl
had been seen In Norfolk and had taken
a steamer there for Baltimore. He says
a young woman answering somewhat
the description of Miss Cropsey did
leave Norfolk for Baltimore, but In his
opinion she was not Nell Cropsey.
David Fagan, Formerly an Ameri
can Soldier, Is Decapitated by
Hj CmIh-Iip WIip limn Hit- .WoU.ili-il I'H'-t.
STiinllii. Doe. S. Native scouts from
Hetigahon. province of Neuva Kclja.
have killed the American negro David
m, 11 deserter from the lth (eol-
1) Inlantry who for more than two
i ,-n has been leading Filipinos against
the Ameilcan troops. The native scouts
decapitated their prisoner. The man's
head, however, was recognized as that
of Kagan's. They also secured his com
mission In the Insurgei't army.
Kit gun had on one or his lingers the
class ring of Nontenant Kri'derlck W.
Altntiiettcr, of the euglnoeis, who was
(upturn by Filipinos, supposedly un
til r the 1 omiuHUd ol Fagan himself,
Oe. o(j (tirin.
Kngln has been repot trd killed upon
several occasions. The aulhorlties .11 e
satisfied that lormer statements of his
death were erroneous and that he has
not been killed.
A military commission has .sentenced
the Filipino general, Isidore Zorres. to
bo hanged, after finding him guilty of
oulerlng the iiMHafslnatiim of Uoiporal
fe:.:.. -r iii i2ti 'ur., 1 at m, u ;,
province of rhilanonn, last October. 'rite
sentence of the commission has been
disapproved hy General Chaffee, who
liuds that the commission had reason
able' grounds to doubt whether (leneral
Torres personally ordered tlie assassin
ation of the American soldier. Gen
eral Chaffee thinks that the high rank
lvlil by Tories in the insurgent army
would have been suflieient to prevent
such uumilltary action on bis part.
Superintendent Atkinson, of the
Public Schools, Says Instruction
Has Been Given to Pupils.
Hj- CmIiuIip ire flntn 'I'Iip Attipi.itpil I'rt-.s,
Manila, Die, S. Superintendent
kliison. of the nubile schools of
archipelago, has written a letter
IVmIi-o l'aterno, the Filipino politician,
saying Instructions have been given to
every school throughout the islands to
celebrate annually the birthday of Jose
Itisal, the Filipino patriot, who was
executed by the Spaniards. The life
and history of Itlzal will he 1 ceiled In
the schools on this day.
l'aterno, lu a manifesto, has asked
fur contributions from the seholai.-.,
their parents and their teaeheis, lo he
devoted to constructing the proposed
monument to Ulnars memory. I'.itutno
concludes his manifesto saying: "If
Itlzal, the Filipino Washington, were
alive lie would help nil Filipino
dt en to gain an education."
Ily CmIiMip lip (mm 'Hie
liill.i'l'lpliii. P.p. -.-Tin'
Hil., lotiioiuuu will -ij:
li,ulp l In ulmnill!." in ti, I
A oil iiml Pre-.
CeL'.'i In IP (oal tr
"flip tp 1 ui
M'liutt.lj thp t Iiiuii oil
. iiitnlliiu nl, 11-iiilh t oiiitng upon nf
it I11I1 r. TIip'P 11 11 tuition I, put lit .illy rlu-itl,
llll. I 1. till. ml .111.1 tiling like Hip ItirilP lllilli'tlli'lir u(
ii,d In Hip upp.r I'lkf polls uhiili hilt' hun
ilt'.lliil. (.11 .-null 1,-n im, I .11,111 -tin 111. in Hip
liinuiil.lllH in Hip iimtliPili ili.ttlil, jn- gi.'.itlj-l.'-lllitlin;
H'p li-in-'piiit ill, m ut mil,' Title.
u.iti'i .lilpiiu nn Iiiip ln-i-ii 1 ni 1 11 1, hut tlm in.
mil -i-vi'ii' I'.ih-i uluiig llu- it.i-l Ini,. niiMlly
li-tilliltil uilli tt'oi'l linil.'liit 11W. Thin Hip
1 1 '.'ul- ut Dip m'.i.uii iii.ij IpiuI tn t t I it t Hit- Pe
iPiiilipi utilptil, ..llin null Hip i.imp.uilps 1011M
luiikii iiiiit'h iiiuii lo.d ui-it- il not mr lh,-,' nl.--1.
11 In... uhiili inlllll Hip ti.tii-puil iittual flnlu
Hip lllllll'..
Two Chambermaids Suffocated Sev
eral Fiiemeu Ave Injured.
lit Csdu.lii-Win' iioiii TIip A-i-oi iili-l I'im.
I....,iill, ll.'i, - Tin- Ijtlitli'ri Until, at Snlllll
s,.i, u.i. limn,.! ilmiti ihl. mi,riiln-. rnilj m it
Ul M- .'-llnll llulll Ihl- hllllllllin Hii'li nlclu
'Inn 1 IijiiiIk'I 111 il,l- iiiiploinl In nn liun-l mre
-11II1, 1 .lit il, nnl ll t tl u 111 in I iiiliu. unf
Otatoin to lio Prosecuted.
Ill Cm lu.iie Wilt' Iiiuii Tin- .-.,t i.u.,1 Pie-i.
Colltlull, Pit. 'Hip Knli'llillit'lil li.i, ilniul, i
In piii-ptuti' I 1,11 , 1 O'KpIIj, M. P., .unl , I1.1I1111111
01 Hip Mijii ioiiiiIj 1, iiiiii II, .unl .1111.1l I'
lit llu' CulllllJ M.ijn, lllnli I Hip 1 1 imo .1,1, In,
lluhliiu IUPllitl'4. .111.1 tl.'llli'litut ililllllliljllni;
.pt'llht'- III tlpflllitp nl Hip nlili'lJ nl U.i pllllt'
Skating Accident.
I'.. i:tlitoiit- Win- (nun 'I he At-oi-iiiul l'u- .
Wllll.llll-poll, Hit. .-. .lohll Ull.tin, ,ii;,., tl,
nl S'liilh Wlllimn.jiuil, uhli,- k.iling un the iinr
thU ntli'iiiniiii iiJi I iip l.liultli lliium, hiokp
il.imuli Hie In- .uu! iu iii-iipil with uitat di(.
Iltultj h,f liU ii!ii.,iiilim,
Federation ol Labor Unanimouslu
Resolves to Bank Up the
Local Strikers.
Mahoti and Mitchell to Act as a
Sub-Committee to Arrange, if
Possible, with General Manager
Silliman for an Amicable Adjust
ment Addresses by Fraternal
Delegates Many New Resolu
tions Introduced Metal Trades'
Federation Holds Another Ses
sion Conference Kegnrdiiig tha
Impending Philadelphia Strike.
Forecast of the Work of the Con
vention. .mir.s IIVOWCI.C.
'Iliil.l Ini I'lr-uluil of thp , .. ,,f ,. ,i,
.11.1 - i-1 IV11O, ' t t,L. Jj. hlm.t..
The Ameiioaii Federation or Labor
has-taken up the cause of Si raiitou'.s
striking street car nmn. At Saturday
afternoon's session of tlie convention, ii
resolution endorsing the strike mul dt
reeling the executive committee to ex
tend to the strikois all possible aid,
was introduced by President Malum
and unanimously and immediately
adopted. The resolution reads as fol
lows: Wlnre.-H, Vti. tl.s, AnuliMiiulftl Wei til inn i-r
Sired ll.illu.iy Cuipl' i .11 pip.i.iu . n ig-.I
in 1 slriiiigle .ig.tin-t llu- Sir.niliui Itillu.ij inni
p.itu for lln- pvi-lriiip tif the uniuii ,m, In n,.,-
lonilitions lor il- uii-mhri-,
Itp-nliitl, 'lint the .'inn mil 11,11 pinli,i-p -m
Sti.intnn thti-inn in it' In 111 linl.iin its
ulptitllj its .111 (,ic.iiii?i!ii)ii eilii-t Hit- ili.-ritnti v
oflorts nf thp Sirinl.i-i ll.iii',1.1; loinpuii, ,if,
in-liuil the ptpiitliii' 111111111I ut t (.- 111--t I, .1 11
rptlpi.ititin of I. ilmi- In rpiiih-r .ill pivuhlt- .i...r
.imp In hiiiii; iliu .-tiikn ol Piii-iuti II.S li, a
,ut tp ful I up.
This is the llrst time In the history
of the American Federation of Labor
that a resolution of tills kind has been
passed upon without llrst being re
ferred to the executive council. It was
generally understood hj- the delegates
that the resolution emanated fiom the
council, and the delegates having been
made familiar with the merits ot the
strike bv their contact with the strik
ers and Hie people, it was deemed un
necessary to have the resolution re
ferred. What It Means.
The adoption of tills resolution nie.inrt
that Scr.iutoii Is to become the battle
ground of 11 big struggle between the
corporations and the labor unions, ac
cording In the beliefs of President:
Malum, of the -stieot railway employes'
union. The cuiporatlons, so he Is in
formed, have taken up the light of tho
ruilwiiy company and stand ready to
make good the losses the company is
sustaining by loason of thu boycott .
The stieot railway union has now suc
ceeded In securing the hacking of llie.
Ainoiican Federation of Labor, and Mr,
.Million proposes to make the fullest
use of the vast power the Federation
.Mr. Malum yesioiday exhibited a
telegiam t rniii lluiler, Pa., annouiuing
that the moil had boon forced into a
strike by the discharge of their griev
ance committee. A few months ago,
the men on the llutler road were or
gani.ed, with the acquiescence of Hie
company's olllclals, F.vorythlnty was
moving along haiinnuioiisly until last
week, when iho company suddenly evi
denced opposition to the union, Satur
day, the grievance iiiniiiiltten waited
on the Mipciiiilciiiloui to have a con
ference, and Instead of n'cuting t, th
nieinhiis one and all received their ills,
charges, The union nl once wont Into
session and ileclaied a stilke.
Kt'ltne opening up active hostilities,
it Is pioposoil by the Federation to
make n strollK elfoit at conciliation
Willi llils end In view the executive
council josii-riliij appointed Piesldout
John .Mitchell, nf thu I'nlted Mine
WurKcis and second vice piesldent of
die Aineiicin I'Vderalloii of Labor, 10
mi vviih I'lcsldeiu .Million, of Hie streut
t unlmufil uu I'jp ::, J
t -fr"t"-f-f-f-H--f-f
W i.liiiiiit'in, Iht'. S.- I'tiii'i.iit .,r viol-
tl iy ami Tur.'l.ij : Ci-li'in I'niiuj Inula .
IUI11 ami ivjimcr Mmnln. Tti?Uj',
iluiliii;: (rivli t hrt.k .ouiherly uin.U, -.
l.lPOUlillS VUUl-llj. fi
fitttfft ttt tttii