ft THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, lHOf, lYWjjfcfc fZFvSm An Excellent Coinbinaiion. The iiloasnnt, iiiutlmil unci benellclnl cltccts of the well linown remedy, Srnur of 1'iob, iniiuufautttruil by tho OALiroimi I'm Svnvi' Co., Illustrate thavnluoof ubtnluhi- the liquid luxa tivc principles of plants known to bo iiK'dlclntilly lnxutlvu mid presenting them In tho form most refreshing to tho tnsto und neo.cptublo to the system. It, is the one per feet btrengthenlng laxa tive, olotinsing tlio Mystem etTeutunlly, dispelling colds, heiulneltes iiml fuvors gently yet promptly nnd ennbling one to overcome habitual constlpntion per manently. Its perieet freedom from every olijcuttonnbla quality nnd s,ub htnn'cc) and its noting on the kidneys', liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing fig.- nre used, ns they are pleasant, to tin taste, but tho medicinal qualltiehof tho remedy are obtained from senna and other 'aromatic plants, by n method known to the California Fia Syrup Co. only. In orilor to get its beneficial effects und to avoid imitations, please rememberthe full nuinoof thoCompuny printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY, NEW YORK. N. Y. SVrsatotiy alt Druggists, 1'rlcuMj. perbottlo. 't, '- -;-" O - 'i: vsia&zzrM 'Jlio i. inning ol mo Winui So.i-dii liniiln ' uit i iiii-iiliiu.u litimi' tuiiiioi .mil mipiuvitii n'. Vothlii? .nliN nun' In i liu'iniliii-i .md ln'Ji'i. nl tin' Imiii- Hun ,iu .,ili-iii uli "I pii Min" HpjIIPptiltt'll tl.lllli'il .. We have the largest and finest "t line of Pictures and Finmes in the city. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Me will i. nl nnii' uiIn:r i.t r.ich 1 ul M-i'ui (In-, week, ali-nlntih nee .i luinNon.i' I'lillmrn llciiiodnction. " Gty Notes. J -I'll "I M. H.I"llM!.---pe. ul lieUim: if llii iiinKi'ti 1 1 iiii u it tee nt l.m.il l.ll of tin. Iluuii. iliu lutein it. ( n.il League uf .Imi'rii.i, will tal.c ilnc Mitiilav, Dei. S, al -..': p. in., ini'iidli id ly .III' I I02lll.li lllu'UIIL. II I... AMi M. I'ANs. l,e uupl'ivij- nl Ihe iiiiiiioinl mini.-. Ill miuii'I wa-lieij, loir ilialt. i ir lmp and tme. ileputim nt weie pahl ,M' iciljy. 'Ihe ciniilnve'. nt Hie iniUiim hop'i, iniiiid lif.iie, Arrhliihl, lli'llevne, Hi'lleine w i-h nv. llrMdn, ('a,ni;.i, I'nntiiK nl.il. Doil.'e II imp Inn, ll.miitnn wa-lniy, llnhlin, ll.Mle I'jtlc, 0 'mil I'.ine dn.m ami 'l.ijl ir cnllini,". will lie p.iiil ,i il.iy. TllliOttN I'liUM A l'l"ITi:it IViu li'llinl,', it l.'aitiihl .ivimie, w.k ilnowii tunn .i i na- i-tiuhy .n.d had hN Mi'iuldi r ili-lnolcd 'Ihe niter tolliih'd Willi l.niiel Hill (at .o. 1 Hi .u In- toinee in .Mnniiie aiem'f anil fine uci'i. li'lti'jle nlieinpteil In ciov, the stieit tar ti.n.1. and befni,. lie w.k i le.U' the car M.mi 1; Ihe culler and mocked it. 'I lie iiijimd nun ,n iini'i.'cil lo lilis home liy William Illume, lie l a ilelieiy ilcil; In tip i inpl'Vk nf Willi mi 'liolil, the ,h-iv. M II tii'rt hiitchoi. M'llOOT, llliUtll l'OMMII'IKI.. The lmiK!iii(. "iimu'.IU'e nl ihe boiul nl imiliiil mil li-l iduhl in ilio city lull, hut Hie mcliilii i.- utuvil In Men iminute as to wlnthi'i' lliev hid auiMd m a ilr. i.-imi leti.uiliiiK tl'c awaiilim; of a tunllait lot n. 1(1 'clinnl. A niietiii- nt the hluli and tuln iiiu inmuiittii' wa ll-o lu Id, Inn the only lnit-in-, ti.lii-uldl u.i, Ihe p.Kinj," of IdlU. A iu tiuir ol the special loiumitte npp.dntiil In imc.tljrale llio ipicillon in' a inanuil lialuins irnl will he helil Mime niiilit net wnk. VW WAS Wl.liV. Mm l)oiwheii.. .ia.'.l 40 Mai, lio was tniuiiily inipln.Mil ,i a ho'.-o-kcipercil IIOi WiImii aiiinie, hut wliu w.h dii- li need li'l' her illlp.iiiil lialulr, w.i a nioui'r in piillcc coml jisiriihy in.iiiilin, Mie lii'iane' iiiimy over Iur diKhaige, and inlei licconiiii!,' ik'iilily .muiy tlunm-li diink, ictliiiied lo Hie linine ot her Inimi'i- i iiiphi.tei' and lihd to win I; i he place, ihIiiiv .-tioin,' .iiljictlvvs lomilirr v.'it!i Iur li-l.-. I'.iliolmeu Cot 1 1117 and NcnU and S'i ticaiit lllelci winl up to the place mid ln.lihil I'd lu the pallid wagon, She was kImii the piivl lee nf either iijlinf .1 line or ilicinllni; thh'tj dais in Ihe louuty Jail. V filend i.ild liei till". Buy the Latest. llitvlllK Just rului'iicil frmii New Yoil; ith a Iiii'ko uMKortnieut of I.tiilles', AllMort iiml f lilldrou'H Joatn,I',ur JIuu'k, Si'iu'lV iiml .oi-lcii'ci'f!, wo olt'i'r tliem at hiici'ltil prices .Sutui'duy mid Jioti ilny. .MUAltS & IIAGE.V. f.-f-f4'4-f-f--H'4"H"f'f'f'f4-f-ff--t- i BOND OFFERINGS. Spvlng Biook Wftter,lst Mtg.5a Lacka. Valley Elec, Xight, 1st Mtfj, 5s. North Jersey and PoconoMoun tnin Ice Co,, 1st Mtg-, 5s, Stnmlmd Ons Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s. Lehighton Water Supply Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. Now Mexico Hallway and Coal Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s. Desctl;,,..,n and price on nppll. cation, -f -f -f -f f Cd Dioadnay, S. Y, Willkto-Uitie. CarboudJle. f 4-6-6 Coniiuonu tilth Bldg, Bcrantoo, r. -f t BUSY SESSION OP LABOR CONGRESS IC'oiiclnJcil from I'.im I, Mo!i w.n rniiilpred.it Yltmi.it '"it riphi'.iIiI' i.illv, iiiililirlnic the Kiowlnir Uilriil.il move moiit lit Clurrp, SjiI.i .mil .tmriili, llii' uMitir ul llil i Irtlc v,iiilil be Ini'.ilCil ut ('niuhmlliHiptc. llwli.if Id (ho iiijiiy t-luniti'i In li.mlot Itilloti f.ullllle-, Hip .11 np.itlionl m timl I1.ilk.in tnonii liilin nri noiiiii Id Hip minim; irli)in of t'niii ilViiiil.i Ind.iy Hun Motion wjH liny jaih iisiii. Ilittlimli.ir mi tin' KmI, u ic 4iii pmtiIIihIii" Uliini" iniinW fiom lii'liinl, I fn onli l nunlly 1 liili mimiI ;iil roiiilnsc iur iH'i i In iiln UiMr fainllloi. 'Hip mini linpnil.iiil oli mint In Hie itiiinlKi'Unti nf lh put (ow ,MMI li It.ll.l, (mill Willi li im ill I lie .iliuiil tnn-thliil of llio total lit iioiiilli!r .iliiuil'. Miipmi'IHIk nf .ill Hull mi i nun' limn i In' I'MriMin' lOiitlitm poillon "I llilj uii't He Miml ul 'Ml. MIC 1MAI I tt 1 II - I'lPIIII'lll III Mil' IIII1IIIBI I Hill j iimwmriil l nii i ' I liinu n . 1 t -i i t itm"in iiii HI . 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 . t i in limn llii' liuln.til.il iiuiilii on- ' i.i Imllilliiir B.iMiiiiiuiit r.illin.iil". to pmlili tin pli'.MiUIlt li'l I ho prnpli. llm ti.illlll.il uli I fiflii inn loinlllioii nf till" i.mnlti l smli ii ! illi r I'll lltlllllll tin lli' pIKM poplll.llll'11 I" IT' i n .11 Imllli' Internecine Conflicts. lie' iniilliits hduii'ii Ihe (Zulu ami In l,i In m. Hie ( ie.it and the Hum,' il I.iih, all . n II.. 1 1,1' piilitll'.ll and icnliollllc inllililliill- llli-lilili mil iniiiilKiatlnii uocc-iaiy In adilillnii. m In ih pi iideiit vtalM to the tenth aie tidiinr hh fiu of immliiattuii. nnd oui.i .leu inui ill aiei immhi'i I'Oiulm; fii III Ihe llalk.ili Im Nevt it impi-iil lie e i Itu.-ii.i. timu wlm it v,v an mainly pitliin; 1'olr and .leu-'. The foiiiui 'in ill iuh iniiuiiioii-i eh mi lit in Ihe uilniiii tile of mice l.imiiliim-', wlllinut pilltlc.il -i.m I in. and tlll telaliilng Hull' uitiiiiiil ,ipli.ilinu. I lu me nut w.iutnl and hale hem ihiicn mil, m.l hae nme in tin- louuti.i, when1 lh an in vi'inl in ennui' I. in, I- nf maniit.u tmilm:. I il Hie mine-, iini-tl.i. I. line lo li. p'ipiil.ilinii fmiii .Nnithiin u-ii i N fiimid in the .".line hind nf 1 1 eupitii.ti-t. Mil' Hie Ciu-adi's Ihe l.iincn ol I'lilaud ini cd Hie .lew-, who." heailquarti-i-. wire ahmit l'i ink fmt in (lei m my, to cntne intu Poland; .'Hid -line I'ul lime liny hue hicii.ied mull foui'liflln nf all Ihe Jews jic now in tli.it section c,r Hie world, wheie llicy have lueii -esiCBi'id hv the llil'iian uom imnciii. 'Hie (i i.iunies and pein.u Hoik I he hue iiuihiuuiu' aie in.illeii of mi Im es; and the hae niimall Inen tliacled I" nine to the I'liiled Male-, wheie tine miicu--tfati In I.uue iitle. 'Ilicv lu-l came In Kuvrlaiid iliiml tin c.u hefoie ouilinr In i tin- time "iiidilioiK weie ininileM tliire; Mi,lllli'4 evil, eU , lull tin' have theie, even mine il.iu .un. I'linitiii oiK.iiiiiiion, -ati-f.n (niily and pi.utnal li idled Hull ciini'iinh ipieitii'iii .un! M.itu- llieincle. Dm ii.u ihe time nf C.iilieilne, a laij-e nii'iilnr Of I Jet III III- weie iluhlreil In jio In Ittih, wllcli' II. ey hue le-idul cvie ime. 'I hey hale iieiir I'i'iome liu ianlwd to the idiuhle-t iKmie, and aie tu.li having l!ni.i .i ml comiti; In ihe I'liitnl (.iiih .md Knine; to the We-t. wl thry ale pupiil.nl known a Ihe "Mi luumiie-." anil m i 1 ml vwiiMiu: .unl unlii-iiioii, p .iple I'rnm Asia Minor. l'ii. in m.i Mini. i- ve .ue icwtiviiur vhiik and imin.aii-, win, in. nf a lower onlei f liiini.ui i.i, .mil lui'ii -I i!)!i' in even w.i.v. 'I'lte ple-lllt el.i nT ilomiul -It li M ! a liniMliiiiit ''f I I'h' anii.itnl Willi a lnw ileLui nt illll iailon, i..ii-iil In ,i ilinuiid lor luiuuil lilmi .unl inoiu.iSHl In cj., il iii-poit.itii.ii i.u-ilitii-. The 1...X iiiiiii nl nl llelmniv i, .m.iin-t il, pen nle hivui": tlieir nwn lenilcu, .md whin Inc.v I" l"ive, liny ciiileai.'i to iudiiie thi-ui to un to he 1.11111111 hiIouIik; 1i.i1 i- i moiiiaaiiiu' !! un niiK lahnr in (uihiiUp. and leuanK Kali in-, in 'In- I niliil v ins nud ..mill Aiiiuh.i .! Itill.ni icilnni-t., .-nhieit lo Hie aulhoilly of, and -minis of iiuoiue in, the li ili in iiiivi'iimu'iii. 'II pii.iiinn cu the 'liini'-i' i:chi-,iuii Ail. ihe net veai, lus liiumjlil the iiie-lion nf inn. l.uii.u fiom .lipui .umI Cliiiu vividh In fun- u-: '"ill laies .ue eiiiilly imih'su.ililn and lielmiu' m i lie -uine da. Ill iin-e cumtiie.' aie inllllniis if people e.iiiu- in ,oine to the l'nite.1 Staler, a liie peiiiulae in vvlmin aie not um ivilii ,1, a coii'uioiili iiippocil. 1'iotii Japan, lor in-taine, n the teintiuy .ihoiil Ihe II iv of 0,.ik i ami the jic.it iniiiiueiciil poil of Kohe, i- a popul itinn if ti,IHil,fl(HI ollN, which incliido- all Ihe l.iue Hies of ,1.1pm, iMipt YnKohoiiiii and TnLio. 'Un lvcl.me V.is;e4 111 this lillilnl, vvlnre moihlli iiiaihiuir is now woikliM -nle hi side Willi ihe aiithiuateil tiiciliuds f one thoii-ind eu- ao, is said lo lie, lor iiluli-. Iiii nuts a ili.v, .md lor elilldieii. one ceul a il.iv I'lil' I hill. I. in --h muliah the ( hii.uo nf ihe Oluiit -wheie modem in u lu'iiu v is In ncr n-ed in aliiin-t evnv iinlusii.i, the -hilled nnle unplovi cain fiom tin lo e'Klitein vents a div, and the wniiien fiom Hum lo ten ceiils a die, whlli un. klllid lahoi is s-K nuts j d.n The Excluded Classes. l'i ili-i-ianilinu' Hie chaiailer nf the in, uiuinz funis. H(. m.,( unisiihr Hie manner nl Hit in fun um nl nf Hie law. Hi" liiiihod ol .iilmiiiKleilii.' ilie luu.i.ul 1 ih, i law iiuulned, until Hie e.u two, n di-ilnii and ep.n.ite feature, wi.iinut im.v miienil cliuue. Ovii ojimi aliens have liecn leliuuul tu Duiupe i- coiiihiff in vloliliun of Hie alim neur.ii I lalnu law, I'p In ls'l.;, the-e dopinlalloiis who iuiii paialiicly lav, lull in the ji'Ji- himieili ilcdy fol. InwIiiK I hey mew to such an clint that lii one .vear almie alinu-1 1,'nH) wile letuiiicd, Kuonl Cilue of lids suon epic. ul in I'limpe, .md ill. . mill II a.s the evlileiiie upon whiih tu ha-e (lie ei lu-inii n aliens as vlolalnin nf the alim inuti.ul 1 d.or liw, w,i ilepeilihlit upon Ihe .illeiis' own eEth nioin, ,il tljt was nece-aiy for lilm lu do to evade ihe Juim'suut iiKpccdu, was in deny tint he was lomiiiu' tu ihe louutiv nudi i- i iiitiait, o that any pit-uii who was ilillheiati 1 i oniins in liulailmi oi this online t lahoi' law' w.u pn-led to deny that on ainval, and lOiisiiiueutly eitlli pieil iii-pn lion. A Imple il. niil nu the put of the alien, adhcied I.i, tiil-'f i.itt . any attempt to eh port the iniinliii.iiil vvho was couilni; in de llhei He Miil.itiuii u the law. Vlie IiiuociiiI alhns wliu weie not eomln? In violation nf the alien cuiitiaet 1 ihnr hvv, lint to Join their l.nnilii- ur lelaliles in tlu.,n 1'nltnl Mite-, and had iialiuallv hem niidint ennuu'h to make some iniiiliy as lo the stale of hu-ilue-pimi- lu tikinu' ilu-ir whole p.i-e.-,loi,s cm the chiiuo of ".eltlli',' wnik heie, were, howeier, Hi" Mllll'll'lr, Il Is al-o niul lien- Hut lhe-e al.in. whew innocence nf the Inv llm. hmiijlil ilni.i inln the cla.s of eve lulled pel mi, weie they wiy I". I nf ihe alien, applying tor a.hu..oii to ihe I'nllid talis Evasion of the lnw. I.nliij" huh lo ls'i.1, (list ,i., .inn as ine l'i hi.il Suiciuiiiiiit had uottiii liilm;, lu sham, and the laws vine hesliiniiii,' lo he slililly ieciiioil, lho- peuniis whuM' Inleie.l il was lo Inimt lu coiili.ut lahouif, liuiiiiilhilely lie.-Hlled ll.eniM.ive. lu Iiml a way to eiade Ihe Inv, Minis weie iii.linitoil to dun nii.ilii.- under eonliiit, and tho ie.il vlolalois of the hvv weie inihhd In u'.iln adiiii. loii, O.c chin illy, fctiiphllly on Ihe ,ait ot I lie aliens, iiiiipled wllh vli;il,iiue on the pall of the liiimlKiatloii nlllrci--, made enough c.i,cs in cm. vliuei the iitl'.irin lint t-.isteiiiallo atlempis weie bclnj nude In vlolale the law, nnd Hut wotl,. nun under tnuli.it t wile niciefull p..lnu' the wihuis pm i of inliy. Sliue IVH) Mill nullier iiii.i.jiiiik have licen adopted liy lhe.-e Jilior rnntiatloir, and a Hj.tiin hat heen put into opeialluii width ihfles tho ef. foiU of the Innuimaiil lupiilcis and practkiliy fccU the law nl definite. 'Ihe modus opei.indl It shuple lahor rolleclliis and iilutilhuHm,' amnelet lu the I'nilcd Stitu htve t.tahlished ftallcn. lu Kuiopi', toi Instance! In Viiotiij, Yleiuia, in Ciealla, m-nu, lie. Na tive population u'iMiii for pat.jue lo the I'liitnl Slaliv, on uppl.vlne; for their lliktl, ,no lidd that il will mt a tjlveu .immint, and l.nowjue fiom e.xpiilcnee that Ihelr ft lion -e ininli.v me n, who preeede'd them lo the fiilltd State, lino hetu wtily loc.ili'd in iiiiploineiil, Ihey al: m moie iiiutlonn, The asent rolllni llikit pavcn Hiciu on fium one iiumt to Ihe oilier, nnlll they re.uli the n-iMnl, cithci in 1,'uioa, llotti'idim, llmihiiiu' oi lliiiiit'ii, ami fiom Ihtiue to Hie fluted .Sule., wheie Huy lipoit In He lii,pee. Hon ollleer lint lliey tuo eolui; In New Ynik. In nii.vver to Ihe iiii'Hoii a to whcilur the au coiiiiin.' under (oiitratt, or if they hue woil;, they wl, "So," which U Hue, became Ihcy Uo not a. jet know where they are roIiiu'. 'lliey ore Uroiicr, without phIeal or tiiental blfinMi; all have nioiny, and aie especially iiwtrii.'led liy tho ajent to tay that the aio toinlnu' to New Yolk, lesjrilleai of their leal destination, vvhhli nnldci the lihor contrattoia to KCt additional pioflt by eoininuIoii.s on their tuu-poitatioii. ' ho cou tiaclor3 collect them Iori'IIict, lu loli of 100 nic more, und ihlp tlnui to certain point. We Know of ca-H'i of urltc4 (hat arilved in tlilcaw ul 10 o'clock In tlic liioililniTi ami I' t o'clock In tlir allrrnonii Here nt Moilc. All Unfnir Compotltion. 'I'lip fpltlt ot llm l.tv it lioliiK xlot.llnl liy tin? ttliolc.ilo, and llio ttorlimm nf llio United shin iilici tml tu an iinjml and uttcily imfilr eomp" til Ion. 'i'lio rotiip.ir.ilhcly l.trac imnilur nt ilipoi t.itluiH led oiB.itibt'il l.ilior In tillfM Hut J I InUlnH ttfo ptolicicd. when III fict liny cmmliL only tIion wlm Wore Innocent o! ili"!ii mid wlio-o cniuliitr oirered mi d-nurr to tlie Aincilcini vutimni. Cliingn Into bivn ni.iiti' In Hie liiillvr of 1n 'licrllon liy the toiiiniUdoiii'l nt the purl nf New Vml In." whlcli we iwiiine full iepiiinlliillly, wlili li In riiiilttd In tticjlH' illiiiiiilnlilnit the liuinlii'i of il.-'potlilliiiK Iur li)l.llliiii of Hie inn lr.nl liihur law. Till iiultrr w.M illenrd at Hif I.I-.I tomciitlon nf i lie Anieiluii IVdenitlnn of l.nlioi', mid pi iced In Hie li.indi of the ciunithe iMinirll for fin plication. 'Ihe nutler mh ip f mi I'd y .1 (i'inniltt"e n' the enniiill, who roll Mili'inl (In mil lir in WifhliiKloii, nn 1 nihil Ciniil!j. it Hie liiplrl nf Ihe conilillloiip of li'inilai.illnn ,it the pint ol New Vol I., thiee mem hi'M nl Hie i'M.1 utile inlllli'll, Pieildili (loiniicru, Vi'ietaii Mi.hIviii niid Mr OT mini I', i.nne In rill. Miitid, while ilie.l tinde I tlioio'iuh Invc'tl- IIII II Mill IIUIll.KI-s, llihuale of the ( , im.it Labor I mot. ol -ualnm lo Ihe lunventlon. UMlinii of th iiii'slioii at liie; and il may he vvl-e In le.'vo lo tin in wliethir, iii tin Ir opinion, l'e altlliide of Hie New Vol. olllee. In lil'idlnt lo -li. un ai a mi.il ami wallow- a e iin.-l. was en w is in r iu-llilid. lu all the lens tint ihe alien eon'i.il lalmi law hi' been in opt i.ition. it has him impossible for I lie ".oi.'iiinifnl to iibtaiu auv coiivii linns ii,,ain-! tin' emplo.veis who inipnit mnluct hhoi tu Ihe I'liiled -Lues. 'Ihe lulllls liave llliifouidi held III il the ulilv n i-i lis Hue the aet wa- inti nded lo in .'libit via ", neap lin-l.iih-it 1 ihoi." 'Ihe only piaetii'il eliane liiat U neet-- uv- in Hie Alii u Ciutinil l.aboi liw Is lo and to Ihe pn-em law bv iiiihln; 11 illecral to 'Mitiie" or "indiite" aliiii- to i nine hue tu pen', i in lahoi. and to ni.il.e 'iuh an uithuuenl and indm emiiil 1 nii-ih mraiiur. Paupeis and Alien Criminals. Miuie tliis 1 iw le'cils to be llnis .sticnulliiiiei'. aim i, lain. .1. I am Hi mil of Ihe opinion tint Hi. nal ilaimei- (u mo Amiihau worhiiiui doe- lint luine fmm I'n alii lis eoiiiuis under (onli.nl. but l.olll 111.' lias- -o Will ih-lliheil ill till pie-ill 'Ill's mill -i I in s.-ir.e I- "below a eeilaln -.1.1111111.1 nf eioiiouih liiin to c ut oi nui iiuhistii.il llehls as i niiipi'titnis Willi merti.in liboi." Die ih.uaciu ul inuniiiiatiiiii im- bei u uiuw- 'lli; lilv vvoi-e lol' i us, liol ulil laei.ill, Inn inilividuillv. 'In -i.v Hut Im m- a -lualVi nuiubri have hem eeliiilul limn fie i u's aniv il, rieiiis Hut Hie stiiidiiil is lai-iu.. i, piue-l iioii-en-e. '1 lie? m li"diii2 tiavil.i i- -ilio'ihil lo pars ev.iy iiies tmii luiu biloic ailuu, nud when a new sehruie lo evade the law is di-iuviiid and piovuln! a"iin-l, il mil tal.es about a mouth he I lie im iiimian! .um un; to Know all about ill" new leu'ii Iiliuii. I.vui llio-c thai .lie tt hided and ih pulled, hive found nu diihuillv- In xotthiu' in b.v Ihe I an itti.iu bail. door. -ome vt the companies roinpeliim lor llii- hii-iue-s luve liiveii a ii.tian iie i.i" adiiii-iiiii ur p.i-.iu'e iiiomy lel'iined. "Il'e IIII. Itliisl md eiliniuil aie Hot boa-lilll' nf Hull Itnild betoie iu-piltioil. while .In' plupol lion uf itumiu'i.mi'. wlm ai tiialh po i -- tiimiiul n.oids it heme cuiupiiativi ly .-mall. T'lu-e lli.il inve iiiiutual pioe livltii-s lutKittiite, of coiii-o. i larger pinpoiiiuii. Many of Hie toam' ill',, and most uf ihe lailer. will he able lo ev nle an foini uf in-peetion tliat we tniv be ible to ilevi-e. 'I'lieii llllili-ii il.ility i.iu uiih- be d moii-lt ited In 1 lit it" i.ineis attci' Iiudinv in Iiii- eoumtv. It i- p, ifeuiy piopei' to adopt any lui'jslllis lu pevenl the i nmili uf Ml, h pt'-pli bill hovvivii will such an in-peilinu -uvii be u'U'iiil'oil and totnliicied, il mil f . lo ,n eoiuiilish to -mi' extent. Hie de-iiid nhjui, lie -tipple, mi ut, il by mine inclusion uom apprelundiiic; and depon'iiu' llnv-e that will sain adml-sioii tu me enuilli.v. fiom lltl, of evuleiiie at the lime nf CMUiiuittuu tu how tint lb aie leu iniiihd tul md Proposed Changes in law. 'I lie ino-l popiilir ii lei maul chliiites in Hie itiiuiiu.innu law.- hivi bun t.uowii i- the ''tin, nl il- In-pcctlon Hill" and the "lte.nliiiK aul Wrlthis Illll." 'Ihe nitil'.ll ntliiei-, Vil-ul ill tin liw, hliinv lliil -iuh a pbu i. in nidi' piove nu amio.vaiie - tu liitiliiulte Haul, wllholl! ill po-.-lb!e beuetiiial 1 1 -nil-'. s lue meal,.- of pinteilloii aieaiu-t 'he eotiilm; ol iniiviils, liuitivi- fiom Ju-liie. oi even anil ii-t-, (lie pie-cme of mil' inpietuis abiuatl would be i Hlii i futile or imiH-iiis-aiy. 'Ihe -I'loiul iiiopi-ltiou is Ihe one tl.it compels fie aliens lo be able in lead and mile, wldil on, e pis-eil innsie-t and was vilned In the piesi. deiii. li the only point In h? achieved is lo i ut ilo'iii the mimhei' of im oluiu;.' ililliliv.uu-, tills 1 iw- will iiit.niil.v aiuiiipli'h this piupo-e. It will moie Hun cut in half ihe imiulc;i.illuu fiom Italy, liil-.i.i. Ail-Ilia and Asia Minor. 'Ihe i'.lc-lloii uf v, in tin r a luiu cm read m- vulte his no doub' Kimo hi-. II Ill's' en his slam.- of a pio-peilive'titl. S'eu, lull Hi" i'ialilli itloiis for intmallAitlnii and adinls'inii to Hie lulted Slate- aie entliilv- illlli'l em. piopuHtioiw. I'm- a labor oiiiaiilatlou lo c.i,v Hut .my man who, for reisons bevmid hit lullilul, piiVllt' of Idlltl ill" Opple.-.sln'l of ROV'ein- nu lit, has b. ui i iiiipelinl to leacli adult ape vvithoiil the iue-Hiiiiblo pliuli-K'.- of eduiatlou, .shall be ihpiiud f the lielit lo la tier hit louditii'ii, whiih liitht is olieied to Ids iiclu'libcn iiihei'iitly un bettet', st t m? lo In not in aeionl vvllli Hie plut uf li.nl, -tinloiii-ui, and as 'lull not Hoi I hi of the appioval of niiMul.'il l.il.oi. The iri'M'iit law is luted on piopei piluelples; It plirm the le.pou.lliillly ot biluulm uiide-lu able aliens wheie II In lniiu on the houlden nf the sleaiiKhlp tumpiii.v ; and, vvhlhi it is fiully nnd needs slun 'Ihuiluu" in almo,t even parllui lir, piomrits eau be inide moie rapidly by ad luinlsliallve thanu'cs In lliife iliiei linns which hive belli found iiih,'-.ii, thin by liiaueuratln:; in vv Ideas, Ihe ii-e fuluiKS u whiih will luve tn hi ih'iuuiMialoil. Two Ways of legislating. s a matter of fait, the prac Ileal jdudiii of iiiuiuiiialloii woiihl tj.v llilt theie aie two ills' tli'et iiit'lhotbi nf h'(;Ulitlii' on the 'ninilgiatiun subject; one plan Is lo pi-s n laiu'e iiiuihei' o! laws, ilill.mu- separately al eich i.ir'ifi,l,n- el.im of iiuili'vlieil lluinli, nils, while tlie ti'iolnl irn. tetlli lipnn the iei of lnllde'lslu' the nlii'i Hon able idieiis into one eh.uly defined ulilnti? of e. t'luded ilaise',le.ivlli; a vvl-e dim lelinil in the hinds of those who aio charged with the duty if I'lifmiliii; Ihe k.imo, 'Ihe Hi.-t plan Is open to the ohtecllon Hut loo much hu'i.-l.illon is otiin as fatal to Hie nlijeels fi.tiitht to be iibUiiitd n.s no leu'Ivlallou at .ill, for the lenii that they tend In confuse and often cutauu'lc and flip over thciuselves, where thry tlioiild he dear i,ud euiily eniiiilriicd. Tl io immiu'i.llioii l,uvs otulit tn Im nvL-ed an) U'tiiiisliiii ivil fiom the very liealiiiiliic by ep-il., b.l,ed upon llii rspcilinie ohlalnrd since they hive beui keilotisly put Into operation under JYd er.il coiuiol. I hue lead dome ol Ihe piopo-el liw.s Hut are helm? inesentcd to the pi i -cut lou-aicss, and, speahiii"; ueneially, tan u.-.-uie vou Hut If they aio I'liiclcd they will mal.e tlu tanu'le rf the piistnt liw "ceiifiulon woie eonfiied," They aie all, no doubt, ,'Ktiuli.l by kliiecie niotivei most nre iinpiaetlc.ihle; theie aie some which will only lend tu rilleve Ihe impettluu nlllicrj of ncirttjiy iliicipbiie, and In many w.ivs injiiriouj, ly airect the nuiie. If our people Is to coiilliiue to be icu'jrdod m Ihe aim, Kivcr and aliuuiieis of the wcrld, ami toiitinue en lhl policy alter full hnovv loil'o of the fans, it will Im most rIoiIous ami noble; but Its l Oft HUM he .'Clisldticd, and the detei inliuiimi biigni.i come onli aucr we itudiid Ihe You Are Invited To Join our CIRCLE OH I'ATRONS S. If. Twining; Optician, 131 PENN AVENUE. fiHuie. and act as the be-l inleresU uf the n.i. thin -lull appeal. 'limit! It a iiii'.iu lu nil Hiluitt, end ill .Hu limits on both tlde-i wheie ilitht doe? not .iipe,ir; iiinl f um Mile Hut this romentlon will lellect ci"dlt on itself l,y in action hi Hilt nio-l tin lioilant mutter, Japanese Aie Even Worse. In 1'c.tptmno tn (lUfHtlntiH by (Udt-KiUuH, .Mr. JU'SwiM'iii'.v kiiIiI tlutt the Jiiniiti ,.j,o wt'tf, to IiIh way ur thlnklii-r. iur iiioio unik-sl ruble tliati tho I'lilnuHt. t'oininlsHlon biisliie-iM int'ii In tho OH fill will iti'i-PDi Un. wiiril of u t'lilnese im-rrliitnt nt lt face value, but hmlsts on L'olliiterul I't'iun n Jnnuiuw. Juimn exc storert liiviirltiblj- huve ChlneHe fiiHlilerH. Tho Chinese tins tho mlBinte.i of tho world, iiml the- never change or iisslnillnto. The .lewn, dojipllo the per set'iitliiiiH unit opim-ssloiiH they huvo iiiiilei'Kiiiic, iii-e, under n ordlnnry olr t'liiii.ttiinci'M, the suime rnuliilly im thy wore 2,000 yeaiM iibo, yet whole enloiiles of .levv.t, Mho were Induced to nettle in I'liinii, were absorbed bv the Chinese. Xo ritee ever nfTeeled the Chinese b.v t'oiitiict. It has been the ruli-, without exception, Unit an alien In china be comes a Chlnanimi, The Japanese arc iii'iie subject to assimilation than tho Chinese, because nf the .lap's Imitative tupaclty. The thanks of the convention were tendered Mr. AloSvvoenoy and his atl dtesH otdereil spread upon the mlnuleji, by motion of Dele-Kale Hart. The afternoon session opened with the report of the committee on credential-!. The leporL or the committee on cre dentials promised lo develop into a lively debate, but the call lor the previ ous iiitestloti suddenly cut oil" further discussion. The objections entered was against that pait of the report which referied to tlie fit. Louis stationary ciiKlneers and brewery workmen's con troversy. The committee recommended thai Uelcj-ate "William M. Brandt, ot the Trades and Labor union, be seated, aitalnst the protest of the stationary onaineers. and that the Trades and I.aliiir union be instructed lo have tho brewery eiiKlneers Join the Interna tional Vnion of Steam KiiKlneers. Tho convention seated Iirnnill without a word, but the matter or Instructing- the labor union to take In the brewery en Hinceis caused an extended discussion. Jt w.is Ihially referied to the executive council lor disposition, and thus the Important iiuestion of trade autonomy was not settled, as was expected. Delegates Seated. The delegates lrom the Illinois Stale Federation of Labor, Federal Labor unions Nos. ,s.7."0, S,S4. x.o.'iS: New York Federation. Chicago Fedeiatton of Lahor, United Trades anil Labor eoun- II, of St rent or, III., and Mosaic and Kncaii.stlo Tile Layers' and Helpers' International union weie seated. Then c.itne tlie introduction of new resolutions. The big raft introduced at tlie nioiulns' session was aiiqmeiited by lli. makinit SS in all. Anions' the more imnoilant resolu tions Itiliodueed al the nricruonii ses sion weie iho followiiur: Di'iioiini inir W'u Tiiivt-Liiiii". tin ' liu.i-e minis ler, lor liivim; made an alleged i emails lint w licit 5K5KKIHK50K:MKUKKS D. Crane GLOAKS, SUITS, SKRTS WASTS. 0. 9 Q 5 In these lines we have the - JJ best that can be had for the S money from the popular priced W jj to the finest. The season for ? 0 coming wear is upon us. j OUR LINE CONSISTS OF Capes and Mantles From $25 to $75.... 0 You will pay 0 ment in New York than you will in ft our store. Some very exclusive ones at $35.00 and $37.50. d 324 Lackawanna Ave. afH. TAKE ELEVATOR. ta-r ft 0U MXMM m0M000.0100yk0m00i000m00.00 MM 000g00000yk090W00j0M00M0M tin) American people "aie b-ed they atel be yond nrgiimcnt, and rcaon due not appent to them." AnUiis wm Linen lo unite for Independent polll leal action In ii patty luvluj; for Its avowed oh Jei.t thn ovitthrow of the cupitill-llr nystcm of piodiictlou and ilttlrllmlton, nnd Hie! eitahtUhuieiit of Ihe lO'opcr.itlvo loiiiinonweiilth, .ldiij consres.' in amend the tle.ny net no . to culititt! Clilnue, ilapatit'te, Malays nut nil pecde of Ad-He rNtiiiitlmi, nnd to pievent Hii no of the Amerlian I'acluV Itlaiid potetlant n .1 bridge over which the excluded r.u-t-j" liny pKi lo tho United Rlute, Uciioiinclmr mitl-icalilii IcxM.illoli, bocm-i the tleltet luokciaxe IhhIiiim It Iculllniate, it enii' icnlcncc to the ptihlle and n incnw ol t'li-npen-Inct railway liavel. Ahl!iK coiiBir" for Ihe iIkIiI ot (iiIIukc for th cltl.ciH ot tho Dlslrict of Columbia. l'rntlilltif for Kciicr.il defente fund by levjlnp; a tas- of two rent prr month on evnv Man In the American Kcdeiatlon ol l.ihor. Aiiienillii? the alien contrail labor Inv su at to Inrltnie iiunlcl.ins. More Itcsolutlons, A linlcli of resolutions dentin-" with Undo Jurisdiction und trade autonomy were nlso Introduced. It is not unlike ly that a bitter contest will be wiiKed bv tho dolecates when the Jurisdiction and autonomy questions come beloro the convention. Chairman Qtilun. of the uudllluf conunlttee, reported that tho commit tee audited tho accounts of tho treas urer nnd secretary nud found them cor rect. Tho books, the committee said, were plain, leglhle und models of elllcl imey. UeleRiito ClelRle. of Dayton, O,, raised the (iiiestion as to whether a deleRiile bodies. Chairman Duncan ruled that one man could not hold more than one credential. It was announced by President (.Itun pers that tho fraternal delegates, Fran could hold lepresonlallou from two els Chandler and Hen Tlllett, of Hng land, and Patrick W. Draner, of Can ada, will make their addresses this afternoon, First Vice-President Duncan occupied the chair during most of yesterday's session, President Ootnners being en gaged In making up his committees. At fl.30 President Gonmers lesumed the chair and announced the commit tees. At 4 o'clock adjournment wan made to sive the committees oppor tunity lo organize. CONVENTION NOTES. Delegate I,. A. Tanepiaiy, who rep-.esenls He Ouler of ILillirjy 'J't-leui.iphcis, is n state oeiulor of Colorado. The protest na!nst the belling e.f lleleirale .1. 1'. Vvlieil, of Tieiilon, X. .1., repiesentilitr the biewei vvotLei", vva' t-teidiy witlnlravvn. .Na tional Oig-mici' T. II, I'lv nu, nf the American I'cdeiation of l.uboi, who cnteied Ihe iinlest, aeiecd to the -cillni; of ifr. Weifcrel on the'ioii dilluii lint Ihe lutloii.il ofilc.fr- of Ihe biev.eiv u ol I, i is at once luvestiK.ite ami act upon his ihaiae (till Mr. Wilice! in nol a union man. 'Ihe e ijr-uul.er- li-l ninhl entirlaincd Hie tK 1 OH.it is will, a bill at .Music hill, and the lohaieo worheis K-ive theiu an onteilainmcnt ami mjciiI at (.'.iiiH-nleiA' hall. The ili.-pute between ihe eaipeiiteis and wood woihcis over the one-Lion of jnri.-die Hull ovii vaiious ciaftmeii ociupied the attention of the executive council last niliil. Theie will be a. lu.i-s lueoliuu; in .Mti-in hall tonitrht, to ivhieh Hie general publli i- invited, .t. T. .leiikins, ot I'm Hand, flic, will lielivei Hie pi ilic.ip.il cddroi". His oiibjett will be "( liino-c Kxolu.-io!i." It is proposed to .submit to the meet. ilif,' a le-oltiliou iTilli.lj,' on cuiikii'ss lo amend tlie Chinese exclusion act by including all .Mongolians and repealinii tlie time limit of the act's opera tion. President liompers Ins been iuritcd lo pre .side at the mtotiiif- and, if pos-lble, will acevnr. All the pioininent labor Ie-adcis have- al-olieen lie tiled. Due of the led haul weaken of th tomriitlnn it PolCKute' rurii-milli, of Sail 1'iatni-co, lepie .seiitinjc Ihe s't'.inien's union, lie is cm -evei.tl of ihe iinisl important lomniitices .mil is- leg-ndeil by Ihe t-seetitive council as one of its ablest liciiluiaiiK Mi. ruiuMiiith is paitii-.ihul inter-e-ted in lcsolution. perlainiuK to f.e.iincu and is Hie filher of sevei.ll ol the ino-t iuipr.it ml ones intiodtit'Cil ,e-teulay, lie is jln oneigetically lihtliiff for .Moni-'ollati vmUimoii. PcIocmIc Kiisar IMianl, of the ali- boille blowci.s, is ma.vm of r.iiihmy. 111. 0 AND . $25 more per gar- IThe Wise People 3 Who have MANY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS to buy nre 3 2 ninltlnpf their puvolinscs NOW, n little early you snyP No, & S5 vou net tho BENEFIT OP IMPORT SAMPLES nnd the nick SF of a STOCK THAT HAS TAKEN US A VEAR TO ACCU- jZ MULATE. 5 You hnvp piohnbly wontlciert how Mia. So nntl So eots m? such PRETTY nnd ACCEPTABLE GIPTS nt bo LITTLE 3J COST. Como Into our store nny dny for the NEXT THREE 5" WEEKS nnd you will not wonder why. 5? CvaTVlaA ., i Geo. V. Millar & fymmmmmmmmAmmwmmMiF Our Business Is to Make Folks Comfortable You can't be comfortable without one ot our fine mattressei. That's COMPORT BY NIOHT. For Comfort by Day buy one of our beautiful SHIRT WAIST BOXES. For Comfort Day and Night this Couch Bed can't be approached, Scranton Bedding Go., F. A. KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Both 'Phones F. L. CRANE Established 1866. heal Skin Coats $150, $175, 1(200, $225, $250. Perslau Lamb Coats $70, $100. $'25, $150- Furs of All Kinds 1 111 j, icpaucu. -J ,- t 1 i.i tvaw iuis uougiu New BuilcHng, 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. IX BJkS J! 1 Shimamura & Co 107 Wyoming Avenue. AUCTION SALE OF JAPANESE ART GOODS We have moved our magnificent stock Japanese Art Cioolls lrom Atlantic City as Ihe building formeily occupied by us is being torn down to make 100m for a handsome new structure. Handsome Articles Will Be Given Away Every Day to Persons Holding; Lucky Numbers. Sales will begin at 10: ;o a. 111., 5:30 p. m. and S p. m. j. a .j. . .j. . . 4. . 4. 4 fi . . FOOTE & FULLER CO., "l- H' ,l, ,l"l,,K' fri'"H"S"f"lt"frl' M . DOLL B A B m)mmmm Mmm REUNION I Tho meinbets of every branch of the immense Doll Family are now holding forth in tlv's Big Store, much to the delight of the little foil;. Big Dolls, Little Dolls. Lean Dolls, Fat Dolls, Winking Dolls, Blinking Dolls, and in fact all kinds of Dolls can be seen here in greater variety than ever before. 3 - '00 u3 00 15 0 & . 00 - '101 Bring the children to eniov the'show and vou witn the wonderful array incut. J. D. Williams & Bro. 312-314 Lackawanna Ave, Co. A!S" iiis Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 486 to 455 N. Ninth Street, .PA Telephone Call. 2331). V ; Hammering: Down the Prices but I'l'OiiIiik ui) the iimliiy Is ulir Cdijritaiu inilt.ivnr. Quality ami low iirii.'es aro tlio rorner clonus on wlili'U our business 1ms ui'iiwit. Our "Tipo Uranil I'litlery," Kazors. I'oi-ket Knives ami Pelssons, will iniilsc ucceiit ablo Jlolliluy CilCts. Green Trading Stamps with Cosh Sales. MEARS DUILDINO n 00, TT. see them. They will surely 5 older DeoDle will be nleascd ? 00 ol beauty in our Doll Depart- & , A V