? i'tiMPf" n rilk$y ' l . - , . " - fv;: Vile c STtS-i V! m ' ., im "W. mj. Ml ' 1' , "& ' J$l THE ON'LY SCRAKTON PAPER RECEIVING TJJE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SGKANTtXN, PA.. SA'JLTUDAY MORNLVU, DECEMBER 7, 1901. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. t&XXQllilve . i BUSY SESSION OF LABOR CONGRESS One Hundred and Seven Resolu tions Are Introduced bu the Delegates. ABLE ADDRESS BY E. F. M'SWEENEY Assistant Commissioner of Immigra tion at the Port of New York Makes Some Interesting' Declara tions Regarding the Subject of Immigration Alien Contract Iuv Is Violated by the Wholesale. Japanese More Undesirnble Than the Chinese Piesident Gompers Names the Convention Committees nnd They Enter Upon Their Sev eral Tasks Convention Notes nnd Pr rsonals. ecoml day's session of ilie itten- autuiiil convention ' of the Federation of Labor hub de- ly sensational developments. re ol the ihi was a re- j'esting add less on "I in ward V. Aleritveeney, hsloner of linmlgrn- Vw York. Klghty- li , some ot them itloiiH for nmeiullim the federation constitution were itii'-o-dtteed and referted to tin- nnnronrlate committee. They dealt with vnrious of the subjects .most generally dis cussed In the labor world, but the ma jority referred particularly to matters pertaining particularly to the oiganiaa tion lt.self. The different committees Men; an nounced at. the afternoon session and an early adjournment was had to rel ink of the committeemen oignniijliig for their several tusks. President fiotupets called tlii- con vention to order lit !U3 o't to ! The tnnju Ity of de. "j.ttes weie on .ul, dg.1" ll,r flft f - H . I- ,-, 5 not propititous toe;irly rising. The Jirst business of the session was the presentation of resolutions. The nineteen measures contained in the programme and already printed in The Tribune, were presented by their le spctive fatheis and retorted to their appropriate committees. Resolutions Offeted. Anions the new lesolutions offered wete the following: rroiiilhisr for (he oisaniitioti nt ur woi'mi-. ('milling l"i tin' .ii'iiiiiiiiit'iit n .i lotnuutt-o o( hie to droit .1 intinoii.il to i nuclei-- pioti -tin.? ajwiint tlie "iiijiini Hon oil." C'otiiniiiiditi;: I'u-nli'iit lloo-eteh's po-inu. cii the l hlru.-o eulu.iti. Kudoi-lug the trade ri-jik of tlic lnltnialinn.il .loiiiiio.iuiiti llo-ve shorn.. I'lidor-ln,; Hie ic-.dutinns of Iho I hlne-o eulu. Sioll lollllllllDII hclil III S.ltl I'l.llif I'roMiling that mi charter -lull In' i-stiod to nriv union imlil tli- nnpliiint 1'iiiiini'r.iii-. the hrnieliri. of it. uie otn which it il.iini- mii-di.'-tioii. and tint mi union shall In- niit (ul In on. ircl.-. jni t-dut Inn ntu nut biaiuh nt it- 1 1 itl oilier linn ilin-i' inuiiiii.ili-il in iho i turner .ipiili. i n Inn. I'rmMiiiR tint the Aniri trait IVilrutliui f be bor frhill renew it.. iiFoits to uiic a pirdn-i fur U. W. (.'Inl.i', of Thom.i-liiwii, Mi-., win. ins brut in piiviii lor the p.i-i tweiitt tin teitn tor mutiny nn tin- hlj-h ..e.i-. 1'ioliililtlncr thn tnnliu; of luge r.ifK .it tri, l!inKlin tin' inti'rii.iunnil tii-ity il.ium k, r. til prrillil nf .1 H'lllllll ipllllilU .lllj inilill.llll r.-d on wlnrh kciiIio to liliu lu lii-tnniL nh. noxious. Appimine Iho uninxi rr-nniliiiriu ul Iho f limrM' oM luion lnv, llrm.iiiiluis: .111 nfililil inliM prct .it l.u of 1 r I i . m 2 fcition 2, of Iho AinuiiMii IV1I01 1li1.11 nf l.j:inr rntlliitloii, irf.'.iiilin? .iiilnnmur, as lo whclliT mi nrlnlo linnlil lip tiiiilriMoml iii it pi 1111 l. Clll HII ul' III IllO IlllllltllllllllltCll HI' Ml-, lll-ll luuiid K'ti.-i" cnhcu'il 11 em Iho ropint nf 1 lie srioViiiuo ooinnilllio 11 llio UmKiillo 00111 011I inn. Di'iioiimini,' Mili-lil) Ici;MjIioii Iii ooihiim or any other ln.'i."l.uiio lioil.i, l'to itlintr f.r Iho tuhiiitUiliic 01' pt'itoti mulor rizlilrtii ,rai- of .ifc In l.ilmi uiiloii.'. .it .1 iiilmoil 1'ir r.inila I IN. I'm .1 iiiiImimI iiiilini I ihrl. I in (no )'.ipor iiiul pulp bum Cii.nl 1. ppri'p)iitlii -j,fHii In iihl tin Miikini; nvril I'lilL-luri .11 Plitnll, ohln. ppl1111111r nf piopoMil iiiIk.iiIoii nf w ito l.in .iii'l riiiniiilni tli.it noliliiioil litnl ti ill h' n. rruil fin J1I111I M'lllriA .mil iinl ilii.io.iil of to pn iilitnri- 01 iorp"rutiiiti. McSwoeuey's Addiers. The leal urn of the morniiiKY. session was an address by I'M ward K. Jlc Sweeney, deiiuty commissioner nt the port of Now Voik. Sir, AleSweeuey witti before tin- executive roimell .some time au'o, by Invitation, lo advise It ri'Knrd Iiik immlRrnlion. Ko luterestiuif wiih his iiilk thin the council Invited lilm to come before Urn Sernulon (Oliven ilnn and deliver an address mi Immi gration. Air Ale.Sweeney was iutioiluced by the llrsi vce-incHlileni In very enm Plimentaiy terms, referring to him, aniaiiK other tlihiKS, as one of the old time union men. He was for years a delegate to the federation convention: from the boot and shoo w 01 iters' union. Air, AlcSweeney nam u mibstutieo: H hen we innlilir Iho ik.h- ,ippii,,t, t the f hinibo I'Mliiifuii law, .iti.l the ilutio In ilmii. Itr of the Inv oioliiii 1.111 ftoiu Ciirope .mil ,i, the ipicitlon o( liiiiiilitutiuii lioooine, inn ,f t,i imvt iiiinirjiit Ivfoiii Iho pioplo, un,i ttl, urlli.v vf the pionilnuuo kIvhi It Pueiileut Una-CM'll'ii llltiviJUM In lillUll. Nn nulille niiietiuii 14 iiuirii illin,ul ,m, W) lilllo inuliisloo.l. ('omlitfiiiii u( tmljy (.iiiimt lie comji.il oil wltb tlie of mn twmtv j,.jr a'n, uml not at .ill Willi tho.-.' of ,e tlir. - iimin tn Auifrli't lluli, iikviiI tiMiu I'lie'n life in han. I j tiaieporlulbii ih.irrs hio u.i iiokIi .t.-i tho Ininiluunt eniilil cjrii In a ycir or nmio, Xn tin ipio.-tlon U inly .i flinplo ferry prupci fit lull. Imohiii'.' the fxpcndiluiu ol a tf imii. p.imlluly mull jinouiit. Ill the nullir of iinioineiit the lunnU'unt of toiljy llmU .1 fit 11 it ion loaillly, 1'intii Itl.'i to IfJI (11 imnilfrjiit Ijn.liiij,- In Svw York foittul l ! t f -ocult to Miuie film 1 mjiluj incut Jt 1 .1 ihy ultbout' buaid, and from .flu a month jnd i.p- Tl llflf ; AmcK l "llll mm ''lie ipjpjbnt markL rsisBV tlon :lK eigiu rental nli WTT, - v.nrd? nml Imtnl. Today .111 Italian Motlimni will not consider leis than t,IX tu $1,0(1 n illy. The iitiiuli;r.iiit'ri ilolhir wilt buy (k) per rent, more than it until. in ls;n, while in the 1 line Mini of omipitloti l.e reielui from .,11 to I'm pir lint, more, lie iloiu not lute to coinlj.it, iiiiIimi in iwlitnl int.iiiii", liny linn .Honing, Uiinniii pieJinJki, lie lliuls v.crl; e;olci ; In U he't.r ooooros--oo I. I U.JJ.I, Til'lh iie-l'li-iilint of tin iiiiih.iii l'nl"i.i A tloll ol l.'ll'Ol .1I1.I (.'11ul.ll Slilltll ol tot. 0 0 o,.d AllllTIi o.'kt It lilll.lllotul I hi" oooooooo 000000000C paid, ami i'ity dollar In it he e.uti$ will tiny mole. Habits Have Changed. 'I hole ii not t.i 1 I'ule, howevti. f..L.il iluiii:? haie t nine mrr Hit h.iliitb and Uini uler of the AtiieiL.iu people. Tlie foimiT fq'iiillry etiiu; liolween Him and man, anil In ttucn 1 mpbver md nnphncd N no lotmei obifited. 'I here arc lit more "liHlp"; we hue ".rfif.iiN." The piid: in :11.1mm! h! io whn.li j the iliitiUKiii.-.iYni-r 1I111.11 1( 1 i.-.!K of 11, e Aineinaii f.innei. h f i-l lo..it'.tt ijiouiul, e.Mipt in the lllort 1111.1l 1 utu-inu'iitie-, Tl"' fnii'litn liniii Ins Mipplintcil (he iitite-hoiu 111 nrtoriiM and in paldie works and ini ial iletriadalku hii loliowod the thnue. It is not line tinl oe nitlee of four and live dic.idts .to Mippr.l Iroin one omipation to Tln: oth'T. The ipwuiil iiiotemeiit wa-, i.iiliial. and the piotiiotioii v.ii la'her that or t'l'ticitith is than inilhidiiib. Ilowtter woiihy the foriia'i lihoiei miy l, vtmethlmr il Ills foiimr ".fee of .titiiiiile t'llnit-. tu hlin .md liiiimli.iu--. I.lui 1 :to 1 ! 'Wei. 1.11 linn Iho nallte workmen, t 1 r.-. 111 i iiiiumitlis .110 letri.rdLit not .1'' in. ..ii.ll ' m" """ 1 ' ill-', tthiili t enlirtly tuiiiril, eteu though it socm titol and uujuet. Conillliotis 01 iwiuty to llfiy .tiar ato, lute uUo 1 h meed uuatlv-. tUihanual inwition. ate str.ulili Mviepinit avav all ilie huni'.ie-t ill.-..', nt employment, 'ill' lml(iiiler doe-, cot toil up the liiWir rut 1 .ut; I fU a mpe ami the lnkk- me u.i-pil l.t an iletalor run In a doukit-tmtliie. 'Ihe fannei'- hnnl nun tnow-i and leap by tuai.hliieii. (he iliiriua or io us is now il'.ue hv ihe It.iin-hoti 1. lntea of allutin him utititoi'.itil.i , tin-. hit aiilni the mi miitrat.l. With nniuotid m.vhiuei.t He old ap piiiitiie'.hip at 1 ti.iiie i-. no loiiRei neees.. nt . V wot I.'-, traininc o'i 1 blmr .-..mint inai'lmo' inakiN Ihe nlun a lotmidiMo aui xeuenillv mio lo nil competitor ill liiniv trade-, Ihnt fm uieily ieiiiireil (kilhil lihog-, wlikli with lit" piivitit teuditie.t tow.itdc toneenti itton in all fieliK of iiidti-tii.il ttuhaior, may he utili.-'cil In (onueilioii Willi ihe intioiluction of ta-t lic.ir.ls of illitei.ile ami -enii-i it ill'c.l alii-u. lo ln.nl; down e!linit 1 ilmr lotidttious and t.aee Mand .nil-. Si If ih'fiii-e i thn flrt let- of ratttre. ami mat he iipplinl lo nation- as well as inditiiln iK; ami nitionil Im-pil 1II11 tiny he laiued lo lh extent that it liny Income a 111llon.il 01 line. Tide of Immigration. Miout IttPiily tnlllion miiiU lute eotne to I'lilli'il Stites I10111 Ktuiipe. whiili, iliinii',' the lenliui, li.i- Iwen drill oil of .ilmiil thirty mil lion, ol p'ople M-ekinit In belter tlndr folium'- in nlhn land- Net.-i heh le his Hi" woild -ten am thhu like 1I1. lieinen.loii- inllii jI pi op'e in ho flinrl .1 p.n e of 1 11110. 'Ihe pop.il.itton th.it Knrnpe hi- In-t m 1 (iin ilied jiui is km Her I'nii the lnl il iiunili"!' if 11111 11111.1111.. ot i.u.i! niii.iui ami nei.imt 111 i-on, ,,. ..,. .,,.,. ........ 1 .Hid oily .1 lltti" I's 111.111 ilie iiiiiniii r in 1110 1 niliil St itr- 111 the ".line tear. It repie-enl-lliiilt-'llnrr tr eetit. mn'o people t li ill (heat lltlt.illi ami liel.no! imiuiiI 111 populitinn 111 tin' I lh-i nitiely ten- nt Ihe lenliir.t; 11 I- npul to thioetiftht nf Iho total population of llurope in the time of Julius I'.ie.Mit. Il Ihe ships 011 whtilt tl.o-e Iiiiniisi.ini- cm bilked rniieil .Wn pi ernteis, iy ilimt.iml I lip- hate hiiti made in foil.tln tlii'in In the I iiile I .t.ite-. In spile of ihi'i tieiui'iiiloii', in this, ttltkli fl tin' pie-ent fl-ial ten will ifp. ieLiit the 111t111.il ltnrt'iv of ! populition of forty millions nf people. Ihe l.i-t tttn len-u-et hue iliottti 1 in.ilkiil and piorieite ilnline itl the nmp.iratho hltlli-i.ili. luiiiiik'i.itioii plus the liirllts of Ilie n nite'luiin hate not ii'iieinl the populition eoinpiKilltil." lis l.it a- Hi" birth- of the uitiie poptilltlon h nl lutri.i-ed it iliirim; Ho' In-' Htrtilt ti.n- nf tin- leutnrj, whuli uniirtil niiii.ise, miliil lined, ttioihl nun hown, with. nit Iho inlroduoiou of me Iniiiib Krauts, .1 pepnlitioii of otir one hiuidieil 1111III1M1 d-r Ihe I nlliil 'lileit in It"". The iiupnil.inic of tho Inrili t mollis in Hii-leiiutitloli I'liuiol ho otei'i'-liin 1I11I. It ite ate In londdir it- ellei t on the I nilnl Slates, With one and ouoliilf p.r nut, pi 1' annum uiuri-i', tthuh i- Iho nniiilnil lite fm n rntilill) lll.il.-t" LltmllW lllllelill ' on-ililiou-, Iho population of the lulled stiles should .ippinMlinli' Ittii hi.tulieil millk'iis in the jell' jnu'l, Whin one eonidiM the fnl, tthidi 1 lute te. leutlt- Min Haled, .mil he! let e In be Into, Hut in one ot the teiiiinent hoti-i , in Ike iiuinlitvant ipnrier of 1 1.1 illt nt V'.t nk, nine are il) tite thildiiii iniilii' ten .tins of .11:1. .md that In llto bloil.- nn I'lfih atrinte Hit 10 ttite only found Ittelte iiil("u under ten veal- of at.", II ioi not lake linn 1. iuiasiiiilioti In pillule lint Ihe pn'u'lil lulhis nf a'len- troui lluiopi and .V'li, i' lontiniKil, .Hid their lAliaiudlinty ue-iloiiiliii-iiii' In Iho Willi Matt-tu--, as intiipiii'il In Iho nalite boiu, will plan tile politjial iml tiiinomle totniol nt Ihe 1'nllel sialic In t lit (r li.lln s wllhill ttt'n tet'Oritloni.. Change in Character of Races. 'Hie inure iuliietttiiK iiilnllliuii, lintiiter, I. Ihe Ii1.11l.ul ihanu'i' ill Iho tharatlei- of Ihe iiitolulin; l.uei. (jtiiu.ui, lrih rml soaiulliiiilaii euil Itlalll., liplli.elilllU Hie bulk nf ilumlkl Itloll flom ',VI tu 'mi, ttue pi.11 Htally ili.iciikiit if. Hut t'oloitlal idea in iinmluiatioii. They omne hue In fttnllle. tn .-. tlh' ilottu. atnl, If lniu.-jl.. In tike up their hollies in Ihe Itililetnir. ami lib. din Ho loin- of inline. Ik'Simmi;' with '., leittrttr, Ilie liiu.udtr ol the iiiiiiinliisr 1. net hi'ln Id ih.ilutc. lit hload of the hardy, reiki.- nml .iitiltiiltui il S'liilhiin lanv.p an, tho iti.no Southern .iml p-tiui iaie of lairope ln'a an lo lip ill 01 Idem e. Ill 'eU, Ihe it'iiitr ot iiuuu'iatiuii wis in Pari-. A utile ill nvn, ttilh Ilie iintir at I'arl.-. touililm; Ihe wet en.1-1 of Inland, ttoithl liielude all the te. rlloiy (mm tvliiili Ihe l.'niloil Statin was lect'lt in- Imnil.'r.inu. Todaj, Iho relitii' 01 ui !i .1 tin lo would be l.uand- if Hie bulk ol ftiiuifura- tC'uiilliiUtd en t'.tfi II, J Mnj,, ....c" ,'-',, mmk ) j 1 1 1 1 CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES. Speaker Henderson Announces His Selection for Present Session. By Kiclwihe Wire from 'Ilia Aooolalul I'roM, WtiHhlnKton, Dec. C There wns a lat'Ke attendance on the Hour when the house met today, but there were only a few spectators In the galleries. After the rending and approval of the Jour nal Air. Gulnes (Tcnn.) who has Just returned fiom the Philippines, appealed ul the bar where the oath of pfllco was administered to him. Speaker Henderson then annoiiiieed the apiiolntment'of the followliiK com mittees.' Mvi llinlin, Mioouii, nml T.i,lor, Al.ihnni. lleimii'r.iK Kiinilk'il Hills Warlil.r. M.irjlm.1; II ill. li-l..- ij'i an'l Miatu- I'.i.uie, New orK; lil?oll. I'tlin-lhatil.i; llopklui, llliliol.; (lionMtior, Ohio; HiHi"ll, IViiincitliut; stele. Iinli.iini Tniii). Mlnueoula; Mitall, Mivathu-ittH; Limit, lv.ili-.iii ll.ll I.-, WlMoif-in; .Mi'lc.ilfo, f .1IU011.I.1. Ilrpnh- Iiijii". ItldiaiiUm, Timu'iM'e: ItolietlMin, I.iiui. una. .SiV.iiioti. iiiii!a; MclUll.ui, Ni'i.' oik; .lui(K .Vo.uIa; CiOnr, 'IV..is. lkiiuiri.it, Appiuiirtttioiit Ciiiiioii, Ullnolv, liiiiKlmin, IViinlaiili; llenieiiwav, Imllini; ll.trne.i, Wif lonsln; Moody, .la-..n 1 njctU; .111 Voorhl, Ohio; Mil'leary, Minnunla; I.ltliiuer. New Y01I:; fSai'! in r Mlihlitiii; llrounluiv, 'renneoi'; Ilrtikctt, Nehiaikn. ItepuhllcaiH. Lblnit-li 11, Croiitl.i; Mcllae, Ail.uii-ui; Utll Colorado; I'ii'iie, 'fciiim- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .1 li .T lie .l ' I'll-t -tt -I'll -till l.l , HOilU.t, ti.,-... I the Auietiiati l'lileri. Hon at LjIioi. Who Ye.'.eidJ. I'residul lot a lime VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOV1 ttjie; llmke. I'enn-.tltutiin; fnici, New Ihinp-.-Iiite. Itipiibliean.-. J.lotil, alk-01111, ami M-ward.--. Montana. Uimou.it-. Then at IL'.Ofi p. in. the house ad journed until Tuesday. In each of the committee announced today the majority representation was increased one and the minority repre sentation 1 educed to that extent. Thin policy is to be followed in the appoint ment of the other tonunlttees. DAYS DOINGS IN CONGRESS Resolution Looking chase of Danish Indies. to Pur West Ity i:sikiiite W'ne from Tlie .Woolalrsl l'ics. WasliiiiKton, Pee. C. l!epresentallve Hepburn of Iowa today introduced his isthmian canal bill which by reason of his beliiR- tlie author of the bill, passed last year and Ill's probable con tinuance at the head of the house coiu meice committee is reminded as the measure which will tn'rse as a basis for action by. Hie liousi. It dilfeis trout the Hepburn bill passed last year in making the total appropriation $10, uurt.OOi) instead of $H0.00n,O0u. Of Ihe total amount, $10,000,000 is made Im mediately available to bejtln wotk. In other respects tlie bill follows that nr af yeitr, iiutliorizIriK the president lo acquire a ilttlil of way from I'osta Hlc.i and N'loaratiftua and (hen to di rect the --eiTetaiy of war to bettln tlie ('(instruction fiom Oreytown 011 tlie Caribbean sea to Urito on the Paeiliu ocean, with suitable defences, etc. The proposition of Air. Moody of Alassacliiisetts for a congressional In vestigation of the rigid of Louisiana members of congress to hold their seats, today drew ;i lejoinder from ltepresentatlve Kleinlng of tieorgla, who presented a tesolution for the in vestigation of the right of the Massa chusetts members of congress lo hold their seats. Air. Aloody's resolution as sorted that a certain class of voters weie disfranchised In Louisiana thus invalidating the election of Louisiana lepresentatlves. Air. I'Meniing'd reso lution in part recites: Brakeman Polls from Trniri. lit V. lusite Who boiu Tlie A- nrlttril I'n.-. I,im.istet, 'i , llti, tl, - usuiil 1 JI'vil, of fn. hnnhii .1 In tki in in on Ihe Columbia ami I'ott ll.po.-it. ralbtat till from his Haiti . t 11 tines station thl- iiioinlnit'. I'lie wheils pivnl 01. r hi.- kits ami cut both oil. Ho was tikitt In I'cliiuih'i. but ilied hoitlt .1 f 1 1 1 anitiiit Hun He wa- ikt ti.11. ohl and leates a tulj anil .,l. clilldiiu. Cold Snap at Lock Haven, ll,t i:ilit-ite Win. Iioiu 'Ihe A-soelittil I'lei-s. lank ll.ilin, I'a.. Ike. tl. Ktliviiele mhl wealhif lor mi eaily in ihe winter njoii tt 1, rU'lli in oil 111 I lit-, ifllnloii) (oinitt- Ut iilitln. The ineiiiiiy uugcil fiom on 1,1 ,,ur b. h tt 111 Ihe flt.t. At oilier point- in the (mint, il 1 in.'iil Iroin I u ti In low and at U'ltantoii u' wa in below. Miller Is Discharged, ll.t bldtiabe Win- fiom 'Hit' Awilalnl 'ie-.s, I'liilok'lliliii, pec. il II. Mullei-, wlm wa ain.ieil 1111 i.'al saiuiilay lor llttuliul' 11 rutiiik In lite clli'il Hul 1'ieildeiit ItiKi-eteiii thuiild 1 e hliot. was iili'a.nl I10111 in-ilml.t na.t. In ihf. 1 lurch Mnlkr. .IiiIko MhiIh mi h,u hhuiI, wis .1 fooluh olio, leil waa not ie.iw.iilly a Queen's Protector Dead. Ily llxiludi'i Hire fioinTho Aniiited I'ic. Ininl.111, llti-, (l. -A illspilili In the IVnliJl Nett fiom Aiiiliid.iui .i)i, Major aii Tel, fiij. ilt-eauip to (Jium Ullhtltnlna, is ilead fioiu In jiirlri. alk'Kul tu hate hem letelteil in a ilitel ttitli I'lluee lltnr.t, hu.hind ot tho iiieiii. 'Ilie ilitel Is will tu lute hint htoutiht ubont b Mjor Vin 'lit ri'iiioaihlii,- the primg for ill tieatmuit ct tlie tiuctn. I 0 GEN. CHAFFEE MAKES REPORT Situation in the Philinninc Islands from the Militant Point ot View. THE AREA DISTURBED BY INSURGENTS Continued Warfare Duo to the Hu manity of the Troops Which Is Taken Advantage of by the Eob els Troops Mtt3t Remain on the Island for Some Time Yet. n.f i:-tluiitc Wire (i.ini Tin AiO( inted l're-t. Washington, Dec. a. The war de partment today made public the (list annual tepoii of Major ("ieneral Adna Jt. Chaffee, military goternor of the I'hllipplne Islands. lieucr.it Chaffee sums til) the situation in the Philip pines fiom a military point of view, st.uiun that the piovItiv.es or Batan gas and Laguna, in Luzon, and the Isl ands of si.untir, Alindoro, (.'elm nnd Ilohol cnmitilute the area now dis turbed bi an embodied force of insur gents. J le says that to the physical character of the country, to the nattite of the win line of the icbels, who are .iinigo and toe in the sell-saine hour, to the humanity or the troops, which Is taken advantage of lit- the lebels and the Inhabitants, who sympathize with them, and to the tear of a.-sasslnatlon on the part of the friendly disposed, if they givo information to tlie American forces, is due the prolongation of the gueillla vaif.tre. Troops Must Remain. Commenting upon the plan of gradu ally replacing military with civil ad ministration. General Chaffee savs: "The withdrawal of Interference with civil atfalrs docs not contemplate with drawal of tlie troops from their sta tions to uiiv considerable extent: on the eontiary, this should not be done hastily, am1 wlcn undertaken should be gradual and more In the untitle- ot concentration than reduction of force or abandonnionl of any considerable aiea of territorj." lie there''ore leeonimends that there be no, further vuicitil reduction of troops before January. 1001!. The civil governments which aie being organized provincial and municipal -fJenernl Chaffee s-ays aie both new and untried, and there Is but one ceitaiu and re liable method of ascertaining the pro gress oC the Filipinos in self-govein-inpnt, namely, observation by the army. On the subject of the military govern -men I of the city of Alimllii, ("ieneral Chaffee says: "In the troceinmeiit or Manila for three years, If the military have done nothing more, it is ecervw hole appar ent that an excellent foundation litis been laid and a turbulent and hostile community brought to observe the laws nnd, individually, be orderly. Tills litis been done without undue harshness or severity of treatment of the inhabit ants." Alanila, Ilec. tl. The linpoil mer chants here are preparing 11 petition, which will be sent to congress, asking that Manila be made an American port, Tree of duty. .Major Vel.tsi o, tin insurgent outlaw, who tried lo murder a Filipino Judge, lias been sentenced to be gnrroted. GENERAL KNOX CONFIRMED. Opposition to Appointment in the Senate Is Overcome. Ill- i:telii-ne W'ne from 'Ihe l milled 'ie, W.i-hini'toii, Dee, il.-'I ho .-iiuie loiuinlllee on judiiiiit l"ilt.t iiitlioiiril a laioi.ilih- lepotl up on the lioinlnitiuii ot lion. 1'. ( , Knot 10 he a. loiin-.t- Kfiet.il. Oppn itlmi lo lonhiniiiion . is mule lij tin Anti-Tin;! Ii.ikh.., ttltkli ha- tlleil a pioti-t villi ihe omiuiilee In tthleh e.pu ial toinpliiiil n iiimle t h it Mr. Itno f.illtil In luini; iciliilii '.nn- n(.iiiit teil.iin ig.Uii.ilU'n, bitd lo be ttit-ts tthiih he ttat iiiitnl by the lemiio tu in Mitilto. I li" tonimllle- 1n11.uk red tin.- Uuciinicnt at .-nine lem,-th, bill 1 .1111 bided Hul Ihe pic-hlont ehoiilil be iillotud tn rlioi-i his own .nItt-oi.s, he belni,- repoii-il.e for lltiui. Hie tote lor a latin, iihle lepott tta iiiiinliiiuii-. AN ALLEGED POOL ROOM. Tho Southern Telegraph Money Or der Conipony Is Raided. IP' Cu'Iii-Im Wlie front 'Ihe oehted i'ns.-, -l bom-, Mi... l, r n. lie southern Tekurap't aid Mouei (Inlet- 1 nmp my wa., i.iiiltil till- ulKr liooti b u fapuil ol ib ti elites ami collie. ' he Mollis of Hie u'lnpiny tteio nmtikil wnn Hie Mpiad appi nui, and etety uu-upint of tho pliee wan liken, lit all. right wagon load, ot nin, wile t.il.t 11 In the four 'toiirlx. Iho laid was nuila umkr ilm unhr nf Ihe p.'diio boanl, iho ilk'ioii hclnt; Iiiul I hi pi ico in 1 pool rniin. I'lii-eeutioii will (i.llntr umkr "Ihe lomnioii inil.-inee" hiw-, Iho ii-unt pto-eutli in under tin) Ml-Muirl bwuk'r-' llti liatlte,' iiuteii .1 lallnrc In the loint, BIG PRICE FOR GALLOWAYS. Thirty-three Cattle Sold nt Live Stock Exposition. lit Kulutltr Wire I10111 'llm Aociatcil PreM, I'liiciu-o, Dei.. Ik-l the bitiinatloiul l.lto klml. imposition toiliy thlil.i'lhrio (idloway eat. Ilo Milt! "t an jiei.1,1! of -1. The lop ptito was --V"1, paid fm 1 bull ihlhlted liy N. p, I IjiI.i, of Si. ( hind, Mli'im.oi.1. 'J ills , ,.,, tu he the Jih;liet prit-t-' I'tcr uli for 11 ll.1llnw.1y in Anuiki. Anot lur Mdalile sale of Ihe 'ill' wa nude in Iho twine Uiparimtiil. white P. I. I'htl ,V Sn-tj, of Mill limn, Out., .old lour head of VorUhlio.i lor fl.fi.MK Dittt loar euhl for fTO). Steamship AnivaJs. U.v Ijxclutltu Mill- from 'Hi.' As.oelalcd I'irsj, Vtn Voik, pic. U. -An it fi: Steaimr I'uiii. Mlianl.i, Ihniljui, Houh'xiiv and I'l.tiuntitli. Clened: Sit'.iiuils I litlnU, l.tttipool; I'utvl nil, lloiitrilam tli II iiil'i.'ne. (.iiiiiiistown Airl'.id; sicatmr Caiiipauta, Nitv Voik for l.ltirpool. Ilitie - Anhid: steinui la I lumpafiie, .S'etv oik. I.lnipool Atiiit'd: Sleaiuu liuniinilc, Aetv V01I:. JlaiiibuiK- -Aliltcl: Steamer I'Jttkii, .New Voik. llcnoa Alllud: 1'utlkt llUliutik, ,N.'W lulk. EXPERT TESTIMONY IN BONINE CASE Dr. W. P. Carr Gives Testimony Re garding Distances Between the Pistol and Ayres Body. Ily K.'.cliulto Wltc from The Associated I'toy. WashlnBton, Dee. C Durlnir the ex amination ot Dr. V, 1'. Carr, who wns colled as un expert by the defense to day, In the case of Mrs. Lola Ida Hotl ine, on trial for the murder of James Seymour Ayres, Jr., counsel asked him to give an opinion as to the relative positions of Airs. Honlne and Ayres when the shots were llred. District At torney Gould claimed that the only person able to give such Information was Mrs. Honlne herself. Counsel for the defense answered that the detec tives and the district attorney and his assistant, with their skill and experi ence, had elicited from the defendant at police headquarters a detailed state ment of every fact and circumstance, and that placing her on tho stand would adduce nothing new. Upon this statement, he said, counsel based their defense. Tin; court held (hat the utlestlon could be asked as to the etfect of tir ing produced by a pistol at a certain distance from the object, and also with in what distance the person using the weapon might have stood In order to liiillcl wounds such as were louiid upon A vies' bodv. The witness answered that from the nittute of the wounds on Ayres' bodv the pistol could not have been held at a distance greater than L'4 to IS Indies from the body. TROTTING ASSOCIATION COMPLETES BUSINESS Twelve or More Suspensions for Non-Payment of Entrance Fees Are Ordered. 11 Km lusite Wire fiom Hie As-ociatcil I'less. New York, Dec. C The board of review of the National Trotting asso ciation finished its meeting at the AIurrayHUl hotel tonight -and adjourned until next Alay. The docket which at the beginning of the meeting consisted of about one hundred and sixty eases was very nearly finished. Tlie ease which excited tlie most general out side Interest was. however, continued. This was the ease as to whether the pacing mare Onouda Maid, that got a mark of J.13M at Syracuse last sum mer Is or is not the well..knowri ClioraU I'.ui;'". A score of atlldavlts tending to ptove that she was not, were intro duced at Wednesday's session, against a nearly equal number to the effect Unit she was, which were already In tlie hti mis of the board. One more af fidavit was received by the board to day stating that Choral is now In the stables of William Duke, in England, but the bntiid Is not yet satisfied as to tlie real merits of the case and has continued it. Among the decisions reached today wns a denial of the application of A. It. Uehart, Heading, !i for relief from suspension. Judges decisions were sustained In five eases and reversed to the follow ing two: In the 2.17 pace of August 30. 1901, at Ciouverneur, X. Y the decision by which Celia was distanced in the sec ond heat, after she had been pulled up, because one of the tires of the sulky was thrown, the board held that a horse's gear was a part of her driver's responsibililj. In the case ot tlie "placing" of Harry I'., In the fourth heat of the 2.30 class at Ultie Hill, Maine, September !!". 1901. after he had put his foot through tlie wheel of tt sulky, which was drawn up Just In front of him, by which he took second money In the race, having won the first heat, the board held that, not having stalled in the fourth beat, he was not entitled to the money. W. II. Lockwood, Newark, X. V., was lined Sot) for driving while under sus pension for non-payment of entrance I'ees. Twelve or more suspensions for non payment of entrance fees wero ordered. MORE ELOQUENCE IN THE REICHSTAG History of German Differences with the United States, Said to Be a Chain of Humiliation. By Kxrlmitr- Wire from The Altai Uied Press. llcillu, Ui'i. ik-Tlie l'nilcd Males tias ajaln trunii'iitly ri'firrod tu ihninu' Hie lartlT debate In Hie iihh-ta;; tod it, llur Spuk, C'nitrUt, tiid: "We ate ailed whit (hall lii'itnili.v 1I0 mili um Anuili.i'l Hilton. I ask, ttlial will tho t'liltetl Slate. ila ttitli its cotton; Without an Aiiit'rlc.111 ittaikil, wo hate no more intiit'st in Aiuerltan lllind-hip than Ameilea has in ours, I .1111 fur itni'it cl fiom desiring a tarift tear ttitli Hip I nilid "-utts, bill we uiii.t pie-one our ci'lf 1 11 pert. We do not nivil fouimi toitiilr'n. Who tdiall iMlid Hie dliuises if no eommeri Ial treat in. nn- made with Iho I nittil siatih? I'leail.t, the I lined State..." Ile.i!.u lliirmhtim, Nation il Liberal, nlv il. tuieil 'i piratti ijilt In Iho I'nili'd state lie i-ald; "I'he h'stoi.t ul nui- ililfetetues ttitli Hie I'nliul stiles I- nut' chain of liuinlll iliuu." Jane Toppan Indicted. Ml i:cliMio W'ite (it.iii 'Hie A-aoclaliil 1'ics. Ilain-tahle, M.i.-.. I,e. (i.-SII-s ,l,ino Toppm I1.11 been InilliU'd li the jpalid jur.i (1 r the ill-li-md niunUr oi Mm. May I). (ilbbs, Ahhn P. P.itls ami alto, lieiutieto A, (i.udoii, at lata net, Mm., in .lull and Auntui this yiat. 'Iheie ii' lour I'oimiii 11 1.11I1 liiilktmenl, 'lite indkl nitiit ihnis the ii.e of moiphlne, ai'ophlue and a poUoll Ulikllultll tn he jiliol-. McCormick Knocked Out. Ily bjcluthe Wire from Tho Awielatnl I'rtii Mliiiloun, I'a, Pee. II. .lad; MiOmnhh, of I'hllailelphli, ttas knotkul out IoiiIbo. hy .l.tnie Jeftorda, ol ( allloin.a, in Ihe foiiilini'.li round i whit ttai 1 1) lute Urn a llfletu- loutnl lixht at llm lutotoiio Athltili tliili. Twenty Hound Draw, lit i:ilusite W Ire fiom Tlie ,.vcjril I'le.,. Ilaltlnioic, M', J)oi. i. Hairy l.ri?, of Haiti, more, and IMdle l.t mo, of 1'lal ulolphlj, (juhl a twenty touiul draw hue tonight. CUBA WILL MISS CROPSEY ALIVE. Washington Post Special Norfolk Locates the Girl. from Ily Kulmhe Wltc truln The A.oelateil I'tess, W'ti-liliiKlon, Dee. il. I'o-t ipetlal trout Not. I.l. V Illott'-t tlllif of l'olte Velllni. of tint eltv, .is kajltis: that lie knows Mlsa .Vellle flop tc tu be nllte alul well, but that In tint- nf tlie liiiporlnncs' of the eae In) c.iniiot i!li hue jne liifionullon leir.ii.llnit her ttheiealmuts at tins liine. The lnissiinr. itltl, the ihltf sits, (nine tu Nuitiilk, 1'rlilay nioinlm, Nov. 2. an. I .nteiw.inls went beyond .Vufoll When -he lind'il in o. lolk. ' ie tt-.n litot((i.mp,iuleil by antoti". Ml" ('li)pst.t'- ilsaipi'.naine fiom In r hi uie ill i:iiraljih, N. (.' , has led to cutjiMrrililc extitt niotil in that loeallty. the neneral belief pretatb li.K tliere Hut -he has been killed or alitliulril. MOBS ACTIVE IN ALABAMA Governor Sends Troops to Aid Sheriff of Covington Three Negroes Killed. By llxi hi. ite ire bom The Audi la ted Pre. Alontsomery, Ala., Dee. 0. SherllT Ih-adHlutw, of Covlnston county, this afternoon wired Oovetnor .lelks that he had positive Information that a mob from Opp would attack the jail at An dalusia tonight, to lynch the twenty five negroes implicated In the killing of the town maishal and a merchant at Opp on Wednesday. The sheriff asked thai soldieis be sent to Andalusia without delay. The governor immediately ordered the mili tary company at Greenville to proceed at once to Andalusia, and arranged with the railroad companj, for a special train. Captain Uamble. of the (ireenville company, left with his company for Andalusia early this evening. Tlie dis tance fiom Greenville to Andalusia is about sixty miles. Should the mob reach Andalusia before the arrival of the troops, a wholesale lynching muy he the result. Andalusia. Dec B. The governor sent troops tonight to aid Sheriff Uradshaw In protecting tlie negro rioters in Jnil her.14 tine1, th,tiwi. I-. M-ii" .na.'Mtil law. The shei-liv is rearin.rr an attack at any moment by a mob from Opp, and is prepared to protect his pilsoneis at all hazards. Three negroes, names imknoun. weie caught and killed by a posse of citizens near Opp, today, for alleged Implication in the tlot, and the whole country is in arms against the negroes. Mimes, 'the inn-tititlicn 01 the -la.e of Ma-si-thu-ett-', in ionlr.it cut ion 01 the pio.t-ion of tho fnlei.il (oii-lltutlnu, cpie--e. spei i ipiilitlei I inns for -ullraiie In- .lei.lirliu that no pei.-on -hall hate the licht to tot" t.ho hall not he aide to lent the lonMi'.utloit in tin. KnglHi 1 in KU.iije ami write Itii iiime. Ite-nlted, 'Hint ttlun the satu -eleit lommlll'L' sli ill ho appointed It shall lie ihaiireij with tie.' furthir duty of Inquiring .iml leporlin? hy hill or otheiwi-j whetlter the tepiesi'iitiitites iroin tie n.ile of M.H'adiu-itti aie iniitbd to membership III this lioii-e. and whether the immbii of repie-tentatlte- from soil slate liouM not ho mhienl. Hepresentative Gardner, of New Jer sey, has Introduced a joint resolution, authorizing tlie state department to purchase the Danish West Indies and appropriating not exceeding J-I.OOO.OCO for Unit pui pose. The resolution refers lo the desirability of American owner ship of these islands under the .Monroe doctrine. Several anti-trust measures ttere presented to tlie house today. One of them, by Atr. Ball, 01 Texas, proposes the appointment of a special commit tee of nine representatives to report an anti-trust bill. Hepresentative 'ruiupnckei. of Indi ana, introduced a bill in the house to day providing for an amendment tn the constitution permitting congress to lax the capital stock and earnings of lor poratlons, m Disbarred Lawyer Reinstated. By Eclusite Wile from The Associated t'res. Trenton, N, J,, Pee, iV-'flu: Supremo tout I till, iiftiiiioon iciiittattd Flank .MePennll, tho Newark littjii' who it,! disbarred about a ,ieiv :iri. Mi lb nnit'n offline was b.irgiiiur .1 tlleitt -oou tot ettke, Tlili Ihe court hold to he iMoitlmi, under the tli(iiiiistaine. Mipi'rmit's applii i tlin tor r'lti-titemenl was elqiied hi m.ini Ind linr .Nettnik lautii.-. He Inn. depo-lted ,'iil tu piy Ilie utit'iltirseil i litnl. Miss Stone Alive and Well. Ilj bvdinite W lie front Tin' tantijici I'res'. Washimiton, lie,, 1;. '-iiicl.iiy Hi, tetettcd .1 1 able message lo.liy iroin Mi. s. A. rib. Hie ilinw d'aflaireii nl I'oii.l.ititiiiople, ilited IVia. mar l oiistautlnople, Pei. .'1, n.ilos' I11.1l he has us! le.iiutd troui xtloulea Hut the u;i'iit witiiii he hul spot out Ins letuinotl ami ifiit.- hmli ll-s stone mil Midaine 'I'slll.a allte and well. Entertained by tho President. lit Uula-ite Wile fiuni'lliv A-sotlated I'icv, Wdsiiiiisloii, Pu. I), 'llm follmiintf tiuine.l per-ton- wi-iu rntirlalncil by Hie pie-lili.it at ilium r th'.s ittiilnir: .viritau lAiutr, K'lutoia IVilu., ll.'lliiiccr, .Ncbnn, lli'llitir, MilViua.-, ITaik 01 W.toinii'ir, .Mallurj, Pii.tit of Irfml-ljita, t.'aj, lliril, llurlott, Pllllnham and II11111I11111 and .Mr. I ' mt Morion. 'Bill to Pension Mis. MoKinley, Ily l.'olrlti Win- fiom Iho Awotialoil Pro-.-. Wu'iliiipcu, Pee. 0. Ibpie.eiitailte 'Ja.tlor, id Ohio, today iutioduti'il 1 hill lo put-Ion .Mi v. Mt Kltiley at Ihe i.ile 01 fi.uilil a ear, lit'siniilnir Sipl. II, 1WI, tho date ol the deilli jf the lam pro-idt nt. No Trial for Mollneux, Ily i:tl;.slti' W'ne from The Associated l'ri, N'etf oik. II'T. h. Jiidje VewlniMtr ileilnl today the nmtioii to di.uil-s tlie iiulktmuii airaln-l llolainl II. .Miillinm. for Iho iiiunlei vt .t. Kitherine td.ill t-. Lenf Plant Burned. Il.t t:jliiihe W'ite imm The A-ooiiitid I'recj, Pamillf. I'a., Pic. (.. 1'iie todaj totally ilc jttotcd Ihe leaf plant of John II. Hushed & Com pany ami Ittowii's floraii? tvaivhouv, with ion tint., both tteio tilled t.ltli leal tubaieu in lioyi hud and luotv. Total lo-ss about $nO,03G. HAVE 10 WAIT AWHILE It Will Be Impossible for Congress to Negotiate with the Military, Rulers THE COMMISSIONERS ENCOURAGED TO HOPE Stable Government Must Be Estab lished in the Island Before Recip rocity Treaties Can Be Negotiated. Western Senators Advise Natives to Ask for Annexation as Shortest Way Out of Trouble. tit lltilu-iie Wire (10111 I1i5 A-.ni lat 'd 1'ieti. Washington. Dec. i. The Cuban cnintnisslonets who have been in Wash liwtnn for a week are encouraged to , hope that some action will he taken ! by congress for the relief of their lsl- and. They realize that they ennnot ex ! peel executive Intel feience. The piesldenl told them that they must go lo congress, as Unit body alone had the power to grant tariff concessions, lie has made a strong recommendation for Cupan reciprocity hi his message, and he can do no more. They (submit ted their case to . Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, and lie advised them to put their proposition In writing, which waf done. Their petition and the bill they proposed have been published. General Wood has made earnest an peals to senators and representatives to grant some tariff concessions to save Cuba from bankruptcy and demoral isation. He believes that something must be done speedily to give Cuba prosperity and continued peace. Tlie senators who have been consult ed express themselves willing to help Cuba in every way possible, but they do not believe that congress will grant free trade to Cuban sugar and tobacco, nor do they ste how there can he any legislation by congress until a Cuban government has been organized and is icady to negotiate a teclproclty treaty. They do not see how the Cubans can be committed to a treaty, by th mili tary government tlieie -which is uuder the contiol of the president of the Uni ted States. The Cuban Question. While the Cubans have bronsht tlpi iiicstion to congress In a direct way. they have pot succeeded In convincing the leaders of congress that their plan Is either nceeptable or practicable. The Cuban question it ill remain a trou blesome one, with no probability of any legislation until a Cuban govern ment has been organized. In the meantime there are a good many western Republicans, among them Chairman Cannon of the appro priations committee, who are saying that Culm will only be able to obtain what is necessary to her prosperity by following the example of Hawaii and Porto Rico and requesting it lo become an American territory under the full control of the I'nlted States. Home uestern renatois who believe that Is the inevitable destiny nf C11I1.1, think that the Cuban question ought to be settled nutt fur all time. 'l'he ttnulil not forcibly annex Cuba, but lei her trv independence. If thai is her tlrshe. but If she wants to share in the markets and prosperity of the Culled States lot her accept the time-honored way and ask for annexation. It Is needless to say that this pro gramme dues not tippeal to i'onsert-,i-tle leaders like iMmt nf Connecticut. Aldricli. Lodge, anil. In fact, most nf the most prominent eastern iV'publl c.ins. They favor reciprocity as the surest way to postpone annexation. Without leclproeity they look for such industii.il depression In Cuba as will in a short time lesult In political de moralization, compelling tlie I'nlted .Slates to resume control of tlie island as a lueasuie nf self-prntei'liou, Billiard Tournament, lit Kvliultc W'ite from Tin' A niiatcil Press. ett- Yolk, P.'i. 11. Nun" mmrs hue tintt ben pliyrd in Hie intimation il hllliinl I'himpioiHliiri intiKst and m tat 11 looks a if s-'ne'ri aui Miuoaii v ill be in at Ihe Imlsli. TVidii i,f, Karnes win' phi''d. Hit nr-t hetwern llirutel, I In I'll 111 Inn 111, and llntti-mi, the Inn. oil in. llaruM ttlni.lm; i.iil .ifli'i ten -hut pin bt .1 Mstre "f IU0 In Wl, Inniidit Sih.irfir Ihe CliliaBu ' iw aid," dife.iti'd Sutton, lniilv man. inn to , lit m an iiitcrrjliiu- jritue. Ilittitcl -lllith tun..: :. -'?, 22; aurtKC, I il ni. Ilnwl.oii-'llluli iiitif, 31. .1', .l.'i atrnw, . H'1 . "i. Silnebi llmli rims: t'S Itl, ifi, moraBe, 11, l-.'il. sintoii- llisli tuns: At, l.l, 2n; atil.iKO, 0, .17 ol. Kingston Is Cold. n.f Kxi lui-ltr Wite iroin 1 lie -.oi'l.ilr'l 1 res.-. Miijtktim, V. ., Ike. fi. Setrre 1 old pret.illi Ihroushoiit Hi' . 11 1 Ii i- C.it-klll iiiminl tins. Hut Moulin-' Hie Ihtiini iiiili'i. ri2i-.lci.il PI below 7HU .11 limn, ila; Is below at IMvniport f. ntri; 22 lielutt at samloid; 21 bilutt it lllooin-tilli, nil f.t In'low til llolian. Pensions Granted, 11 Ci luslte Wire limn The Atsoclaled I'lf-.-. Wa.lilii'.'tou, Pu. ti.- l'.iilon Kraiitrd; (.iltut lliiriinf, of Wlll.illaiif, rS; . S111IH1, of W'e.t S'auiltoke, i .IjitU Majiunl, of si.ijii ton, s. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. .iul illt J for pfi. U 1Mb llitthtst ttiiiperaliite ...,,..,,.,,,,,,,, SI deiiiirf laitti'.t timpi'ritlirt' ,,.., i......... i dei;rei Uelatltf humidity: S .1. in ri per 'cm, s p. 111 ,, , S3 per rent. J'rciipititloti, 21 liouis ended S p. nt., none. -f-ff-f-f-f-f-f-f-fif-f-f-ff-f-fsH f - . WEATHER .FORECAST, -f s- Washington, Dec. 0. I'ort'tii.t for E.ul s -f em I'nin.tltJnla; I'ulr Saturdiy and Sail- -- s)- day; lluht to fresh northeasterly windj. -. tt-T-ttttttt ttttt-fttl t&$l&$ 'h'SMkmf -mvhitfih. "K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers