The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    t- 'mtithkM1
. Jfif .
wi fc fl
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' Mil
' 5
Stiiklng Eilo Boiler Shop Men Ho
turn In Woik An Expensive Lux
uryA Glnurc at "Lo" of Todny.
News Hcaul on the Sheet.
spci'lul I" Hi' Sum! n frllim r
Ktiqiiili.innii, Die. R. 'I'hi'i o (if' I wo
IUpitllllcilll I'llllllllllltlS for 101IPSP1ltll-
the nt HuiilHlmttfi In nni ward In
Siistintpluiiinu, mid Uicii ii u tlit ec
WlllllM still Id III' licuid rnnn It Is in
iitoted tlnil In .t) hi I lose, i'Voiv llpptib-
111' III lit lUMV lll'IIIDPIIIt, with "IH"
csc'litiiip is seeking either n t utility
or ii Mute nlllii'. Tlii' pei plliin Is pre-
IMlllIK III U'llllIlP mil of till' HllltC.
TIlO lllllltlllllf (lUPIIt IllllllllllS ol the
t utility iipsi,ipis nliPinly ((intiiln
the ii i mi m ni ii hi ill ii lit m Tin imlllluil In
var, (line nnoii a titnn n mini who
cntilil sit down mitl iill for Hip oIIUp
tn llntl hlni Up Iiiik Hull l Ivllofje vet,
lint the mn ii sitting lni' iiIIIpp tuns ii
kitiiIi r 1 M "I' IjpIiir ni upon tlmii
of kiiIiiImu Hip in le.
Ill this tlnv "slipiilliittsness" s the
i(ilit. It" ii in ill uiitlls iitivllillli; lie
must fnittiw Ith no Kiilli nnil do wlini
ho i mi In pel II TIipip inlKlit 1iiip
beta it tlnip win n n mini i ciiild sit In
a lotiiri nnil .in otllep would cnnii' mid
lie-tlr In lili I, ip In-stall iiiitnmtlr
i',im"i Hip mini wlm illil Hip slttlin;
piol'iililv hntl thi' HtlllliTH of Hip r.ini
p.ilfjr In liln tln;;pis .mil vim winkluit
tin in. Auvhoiv. no in. in ciin lump to
KPt mi olll( c li dltlltiK down mid w.ilt
Ini; lor it to i mile si i cm ml "Up who
dues Hot lilnw Ills own hoi II, Hie s.inte
shall mil he blow n until him." The
inodest .mil Hie slotliful incii net no poi.siuinuins. Selnli!,
riiri;ri.v otiiiiiiwisi: ,
'1 lie women win) ( onipl.ilii buh
I'lnis .no Hip WiiisL Piicinips oC ni.iti
kiml 1 ti.i ill t.i ill a dlKt'Illi d s( ni e win II
the 1. 1. in with two wins omits .diint,"
I.ovc and liiusli u Im k-
Uoll t 'on n mu lellow til, Utile.
Tilt I ( is some epitk of Rood vet ldl
in pin j tn. i ii er: I hough lie lip IiIiik
in the vet lest mil p.
You in. iv push i in. in ili pp uiiilci the
iiituUy w.itos ni .i In unit . Imt lip sine
ol' this: the dipper lie silll.s lienp.illi
Uniir fppl Hip IliRliei lie will lise when
joil i teii oil 1 mm him
A Imiii'sI ( Ml editor Wlltes' 'I
stalled tn w.ilk on Stlliil.iv night when
a Vanillins IiIkIiw.iviii in utonpeil me
nud dein nidi d .i ( cut." inline how
Hip in. hi Knew he .m editor '
Tin- lnsli mints, slmulil not lie dls
'iilll.iMil M.itlleil null ll.ivp stiim-
Nli d loi home I itle lor twenty (entiiiips
an! h.ue mil et siKooleil in getting
n i:vs r. i :.( ; i :. im 1 1 :tti :s.
Tin Icn nioiilhs' loi ,il 1 iliin ((inten
tion is .it ,ni end, .mil tile Milking I II i'
belli r shiip einplow . .mil tlieii hilpeis
littlllieil lo v in K (in .Vliitnl.u . bulh
t i If.. In Hi n I elil li HI in. 1 1 hip 1 1 mi es-
sUins T'ii mi 11 irliiinol (n umli .is
iinlhidu.iN. Ii i. to he Impol Sus
iin li.inn i Ims son its list stiiKe
Tlli'l .IK i Mif n l i ill Mil ies
Hon W. Miiiiilinil, ot Sl.iuuo.i, oiinnii no il piooLiliiiK' in li.inK
1 iiilt.
Tin tiist n! ' miks ol si r.iinieis'
iiutitiltps In lie In Kl in Hiisuiieliiinn l
oitllll tills ni'intli In Id .11 I'hl
loiil on Moiid.i.i nnil will .ittiiidol
K(. . I lines l,i Isltin.ili. "I s., .inloii,
h s npi ni i ",i ;n-t 1 iiitssiiin in the
III null liliii I.
ijiiih ,i 1 ii t,e iiiiinliei iiinnUi. nils .in
1 rsni: iim'i tin Hi e
Ml-. II I' IviiiiImII or tills lll.Kc IS
m ' inu.-l ill .ii l . 1 1 1 l: 1 ' iintiiii
Mill. I i.i s ,i moil in pine oii"
fo n i th el .i i ( lit .i i in ii I ,ii lh" sum 1 1 H -h
l liliii hi iirui, .in.) ,i IiiiHki ,n.
im i ! i poll (I In tin tutiiic.
.ii st i'.i. i w i;i:. rs
Ii ii lii.iUeuii n stiiUe they in mil
In il.i ,iu tiling
Wimi.iu is mil ,i ' In.-e nlisi i el le
di.iiKs a Hi i inlnii dniiie tint slii is
pi ni i In ill i i lollies (di-t'l i 1
A ''llsi'iii li.inn i ' in, in," while (l!.il
uliiip, with Ins ulh, Inn led .1 I, imp ,11
ll'-l ptlhlps Willi thi intent lull ni'
llllouill .1 little li4ht 1111 tile dl-( 11s
sion When .1 111. 111 ioiisii(ih il.i i 1 1 v, liinu
i!ioy .111 .inutsemcnt, lie would 0111
hlilf 1 lakiiiK Ills iiiutlici -lu-l.iw to a
Kund.iv . liool pii uie an i'liil,ii,iiiim-dl-sjpnlion
'l'e llllli K.lsnll ID ilishllllM in the
,elillilieuis.s ot I In- sin seiiient Is Hint
In is iilwnjs Men on I lie nhuie ol n
I'lohihitluu nt. iti, whi'io lliimn is
I tli nly.
The (love is s ih u be li llliopi in d
lluwi'l' ol tin' muiu'ii liee II Iiiih
hi'i'll seliei.illj supposol to H till' 1111
Ki'ouild limn ol pileliuliil llopsslU be
tween 111 Is in i'.ii liiiiiii.ile npi'i.i houses.
All hut MiiMiueh innn oitiutv tlieip
is aliend.N a lion id din uiiidi' by Hie iif
llo Ht'i'KlUK im 11.
l.i Till: TOOK i.N'DIAN
Tile llidilll .It one linid lo.iineil
thlolMh tills I'petloii mid the Htllji of
laud In tu (en I n.idlllu .mil AVaidly
was Huh laioiitn linuiphiK Kioiitid
311s (MilnilH lu'ieabouts lian In en
iluonlelol in sonwr and Mm. v.
The Indian nl tuiluv It; a oniniou
pl.uc iioatuiP fill. In own, lleu-blitPii
Hie ei opposite nl Hie ppleildld
(Klitiue Hint w.ih lil.s I'liin beer Mmk-lu-ltail.'
I ni Hie wilitr or Kiiniinie and
tho luilnti 1 ni la 111I0'. Tlio oui-iliuo
Mlloious waiiloi and lie inKit hllll
tor, who woiiiliud iinliinilt led opr Hip
lllllltlPhb ulliliiheis ot Hie tM. now
Hfllnts Inn 1 in 111 within the iiiiunw
houndH ol a 1. si nation, ilothed hi Hip
BiotewHi'H in inlstlt liand-ine.ilowii
Baiimniln siippllol by tho IipiiIkii Oi
partincilt of the llllelini di.iwhiK hully
tlirougll tin- weai.v Intel vain ol ko .
I'l'lUlloiit hi'i'f In-iii s
Tilt) HWt'Pt lia;i.ilio ol Hie pipe of
piMif lint kUl 11 iiliu. to the iiaiity
btelli'll lit the liK'Hi'lt' The ikry
Hpcedi that ll.iiued linin tin par,ei- t
I'Vnnliuniu Cimijh'i is in .ml no
inoip, mo win 11 iiikI.i ihi mi.
You Could Look
jntotlicfuturcanii s;e tliccomlHIou
lo sour coiii-li. if ntirlccttil.
will brhiK ou, you would bee), relief lit
once ami tliat naturally would he through
w wv Ouarauteeil to cure Con.
I .1 1 Dtr1 Miuipllou, IlroBchltiii,
VWft Aatlimn, aul all I.ung
Trouble. Cure Coughs and Colils In a day.
sa cents. Write to S. C. WLLts & Co ,
J,e Koy, N. Y., foi f tee trhl bottle.
ifiii.invprvnnT 1 niiniirs me niiiiiu
liersilllnni stlinultii-nf Plorv wtlleis,
Mr. Indian tuiiin himself looto nnil pto
I'Ctdh In "wltoon 'em tip" In the veiy
liik-st Aiislo-Hnxoti fitnhlnit. All the
iili'UircPtiuc Roldi-n bIoi'.v nf old tlaya
him faded niilto nw.iy
At Hip HumciuoIiiiiiiiii 111IIU station,
milk Iiiih iitlwitired oiie-I'iitu tit of a unit
pel' utiiit t. The tulip Is now ahottt atj
The ritni'tiil of rmiupr Sinn In' Wind
Deuel look pimp nl l.ltllp MpiiiIowh nil
Kt Iday.
All.s, Ada M. Itiiles, foi'inpl. uf Siih
iliiphannii. him lioi'it Htnntnil 11 divorce
I nun lii'f hllHhand, Cliitpnip A. Milton.
Wlfp-heatPift mo 1111111011)111 In wicked
Monti osp, and Hip Deinocrat piIph mil
for Hip Inntltlltloli of thu whipping
Two SiiiiU'liiinmi patties of doer
luintPlH liue letili ncil 1 1 mil the humped
and huddling hlll.s of Plku county.
They puetircd 11101 0 escrclsp than rn.
The leiualns of the Into Mm. IIpIpii
Plekpihif,', of ItnlnlnlilKP, won Intoned
at South (lll)son on Sittiiidnv.
Things mpiii to hp going up In I'liliui
diilo, hut we itm't niitlco out just what
they ax .
The fllttllp ol I'optlllctu Is eiilontiy
It seems Hint tlicie will iipm'1 he
Pliotlgh ollhis to go mound
Lucky Is the mm till who hasn't time
to do wtmig.
To Hie man who l choik lull of ma
lm la. all Is vanity.
Most influences niav lie e.islh set.
tlol with the insli,
As sninc so It, 11 tillsl Is a loinhllia
1 lull wltlioui un nl their iilathes and
H lend" In It
"I lie away to Hip woods and Ileitis
and piiIov n.ituie's nnsiuies In many
hades mid uilois," Aflei tending the
last p.iiagtapli, cut fioin u Texas news,
p.ippiol Inst wool:, go to oin man
and mdei 11 lew inoic tons
An tn tit i- has been issued hv
I Ml pi tin nl I'uhlli Snlely P. Ij. Woitu--11,
tohulng Captaiu iNine Tne. of
IhigiiK oinii,'ii No. 4, anil piouiothig
1'iiipr ('. I' Tiopp to he uiptiiln. Cap
lain The's leductlon Is not intended
to he in .ui wnj a 11 licit mu on Ills
looid in the III e dep.u tnieiit. Ho I1.1
long been leiomiied us one of the hist
llipnieii in the ( ity. bul one 01 the ilu
ties which lie has been iciPiitly call' d
10 pel loi in Is the lepalr of the h
di. nits, lor he is an expel t ineihmiic.
Tills dtitv udls him .iw.iv linin tin
engine house ,1 gieat deal and foi tills
leii-nii. ami none olhi r. no 01 ding lo
Dhi'ittn Wniiusii, Uilipi Tiopp has
been inoiuntid to Ills plaic. Tho pio
niotioii goes into cllut on Hot. 1.
0 n It
(ieoige t 'diuiois, who has hi"ii Im a
nunibei nl ji.ii' the engineer ol the
No 1 01 old I'lj.slal steamel, holds
that position no lnngii. lie as 1
pl.iiid l.isl wo'k by I'ei nianent Man
Heiii-, Keiii'.. No (h.uge ol melll
1 leni hif In en pipfeiied against
Ciigihei 1 1 'oiinors. Hie ruisoii lor Ins
leliloial, as glpii bv lliieiter Wni III
sei, being the fact that he Is pin
plmed dm mi- Hie d i.v Ihni and Is
pi. 10.I in a posiihiii wlicie lie i annul
K.idil lispinid in alainih ot tin.
I li i(Kii Woiinsir Is guiiif- 10 ask
1 1111111 lis to pioilde lo no ii-u thin
" nnil 1 1 .-,. ol new hose, a l.ugr iiian
llt. than his lieiu asked foi In ininy
(.lis. e is lb-nous Unit 1 111 hose,
11 puiiliasol, 1 1 1 1 1 he ol lii t-1 1 lass
111.1 Ii t v and lei .inked foi a scfiu It 111
.minimi to p,' loi good inbbir ho-e.
"Tile bod pat i in the mil." said In lo
a Tiibiire in, mi. "It v e pui ho-o
while I .haige ot tins nepiii
an ut, I want it In be ot the el y heM
iU.illt. bo.nis 1 believe III inly that
1 help lio-e does not pa."
A iiiiim nielli Is on fiiol to t'an-lei
the l.' )oinpn liom Its piis
1 nl loi .1 lion, mi ( ink Mil i I 111,11 Wn.iuc
.ueuiii, o a point in Hit uoitheih
I .11 1 of the I'iist waul. It ban long
liftn oinlendol In who haie
httiiliol the dlsliibiitioii of Ihe Hip
oiiiip.inii's ol this (Ity. Hint almost
til' entile l'hs wind. pupi Hip
I'liiitheih pan, is piactltallv unpio-
tei ted. I.sie( Isilh Is this tine of that
patt of the wind lying east of Ninth
Main aetiiip, neai the old lulling
pui;, ami abine it. It would take
lioutl ten minutes, n Is said, lor (he
I,lbeita lo li'.iih o'ttain pails ot Hie
l' waul 1 a longer limp lor
either Hip Km el iIiiim, I'unihoi land.s or
Niagai.ih. Diiutor Wonnur hi .11 III;
l.noi.s a hango of loiatlou and he
lieie.s that the i:trlhloi.s should he
moled out 011 Ninth Main avenue,
neat I'aiket htieet. Il nuiy Dot be
long hetoic he do ides to make mu li a
(liaiigp. .Sunie ot the Ninth Siiantmi
louiicllmeti .lie oppo-pd to the plan,
hut undo' new oiiulitlons they 1 annul
pieu'iit the change.
Dhoiloi WoiuihPr litis leu'hed an
iitllclnl uotlllcaliou finin the Suantou
Htm mid Watef tonipany of the inMal
lallon of the twelve new huge sle Ihe
liMliiinls leiently juiic linked. A i opy
of tills will lip cent to Itle piesldetlt of
Hip ho.ud of uudei wrltcis for the mid
dle dis-tilit. .mil niter that II will lie
hut 11 matter of days, It Is thought,
beloif Hie Hie hlsiuiino' rales me n-
The iniinelhllPli limn the Twenty
(lint wind ,111 again liwlng to get 11
I einiaiii at mail appolnleii im- u,o
Keyst r Vnli 1 Hose i oinpauy, I ut t the
111c ntiPthif, vth ah-oltitely no puioitf.
agpiuptit 1 1 mu Dhectoi Wortnw.r, who
I I (iprioted to the Idea, hpiain-e ol tho
Im k nl wuler piohsiue In the nclgh
hoihootl. Tout 1st Cms on Nickel Plato Itond.
Hi'llil. weekly tliinsioutlilPiitnl tniifit
e.iis hetween I Im Atlatitlc and the Pa
Ullc (oiisis lilt' njiciiiteO hj tho Nickel
I'liito nnd Its 1 otutet lions Tutu 1st tais
lefelied In nli'oid tho hiiiuo .slcepuB n,.'.
lomuindatlons, with hiiiio ilah.s of
natliess and othet bed ilothlnj; that
aio ptovldctl In the leutilai I'ullnian
hkiphiij cat sot vice. TIichi lout 1st
cms lease lloslou MoiiiI.ijh and Weil.
IR'felns and leave .Sun PiiuicImo Tties
ditvs and TilikOf. Ileillu In these
loiuiKi nits 1110 Mihl ut Klcntly icilueeO
1.1 lex roilvenleitiiH 1110 olfmeil without
eMi.i uini, tor healing mini m pieiiar.
Ing ten or uiitVe, nlfotdiug everj faell
ll tor unntoit 1111 a long; Jtiiuney, es
pec hilly lor families IuuhIIub with
chlldt en Lowest nitcs may ho obtained
iilwiiys via the Nlikel Plato toad for
till polniH In iho west. For wpeclnl In.
fouiiatlnii icgai dine nil ttulus on tho
Nickel l'hite toad, liieliulhig these tour.
1st Lius. lonstilt onr ueau'bt ticket
ngent, or wilto l' .1. Moote, fienetnl
tib'ent, 21 Muln Blieet, Uuffulo, N. V.
SJmiiwk m D m m UPrMr 'ZZZ H
I " j4$!$3tmSft 1 ra 19 SamSsKjW ' I
K feTe hereby Guarantee Cubanola B . i 1
Wk W HfflSr Cigars o be all Filler. I 1
iTTTTT'fTi'TyffTTTrTT'lVt'n'i'tYYTyV'i'i'y'rfl'iT''tTi'y I IT I II 1 1 1'l I TTTTITTTTT " I
iwJiiJLuiiiiiiiJ ?i iLUiU iuavi iU! 1 1 m m 1 1 n ' i a y I ii iiif 1 1 1 1 n ' n f ' H ' n i ijiin
Imperial Cigar Company, 109 Franklin Ave.
Distributors of
Reduced Rutcs via the Pennsylvania
Inning tlie i ontiniinnie ol the Smitli
I'.liolhia Inn l-!t. ili and (s( hull in
Imposition. Iii be held at ( Mini li slon, S
I', tiolll )eicuil)il I to .lime I Ihe
I'eiiusv Ivaiiia Kalhotd tiiinpinv will
(11 ((Usoll litkels to t'll.ll lestiill
and i ft u i li limn all points on its line
at ir dm pi! i.i I ps. TIipm IhKi'ls will
lip sold ilallv r i Nov. .n In .Ma.v II.
and will be of two (li s( i mtloir- Sea
son Hi keis, luaiiiu a limit of
.llllle !!, IJinj, and t'eVPIl 0.1 thkils,
'A I lo It til I II Wllllill eleven davs. lli-
i InOillK dale ol sab lull not kooO.iIIii
.lime ." Iliii.' Tin so liikels will not
lie kooiI to slop oil en ionic. I'"ni
talis and luithei paitiilllais appl.v In
Tn ket AbpiUs.
Rcsnniiitioii of Sunset Limited Set
vico Between Now Yoik, rinla
delphia and Snn rianeisco, Sen
son 1301-1002.
CiiuiiueuciiiK Novembei 110 and e.n li
Tiiesdii. TluiisO.i anil Hatindav
theieallc" the Washington nnil Soutli
we.slun Limited, np.'iated ilail be
tween New Yolk, l'liiliulf Iplila and
Now Oilcans via Hip Pennsylvania
It.iilioad and Southern It.illwtiy. It liv
ing I'lllkidi'lphia, I'aoatl sticct station
at is tin p. ni,, ( ompost il of dining, i'ull
nian tliawiiiK-iooui, sleeping, observa
tion and llhi.ny nm, in addition
will i in ry u s-iietial Sunset Limited An
nex I' drawitiK-iooin lompart
uient sleepliifT uir to tnuneit wltli the
Sunset Untiled opeiated lielwei'ii New
(li leans and San Kiiiiulsen,
Tlie celelnalcd tiaus-iontliipnlal ser
vile offered by theso hiMiilnus ti .litis
niiikes u ti Ip to Hip I'utllle toast not
only vpiy quick, hut most delightful.
Chin Ion it. Hopkins. Olstilcl passen
ger agent, Southern Hallway, it.'S
Chestnut stieet. Philadelphia, will bo
pleased to furnish nil Information.
Addltiottnl Passenger Train Setvice
vin Sottthoin Railway.
Ihlet'tivo Nov. -I, the Southern Kail
vvav will mieiat" thiutigh ti.iln sotvlto
fnnn WuslihiRlou via Itlehinolid, Yit.,
to nmlda and points south.
The new 1 1 ii III will he known im No
:!') nud will leave WaHhlngtnii at tu,.'0
a. m. over the Wnshlinilon Soulheni
llallwtiy nnd in live Jncksoiivllle, Kl.i.,
ut it 15 a m, This tialn tallies Hist
i lass eiiac'lies and l'ttlhimu ihawliig.
mom sleeper hetween Washington and
.laekHouvllle. also has dining mr set
vlce. The nhnvo tialn Is in uildltloii
to the lull lompleiiiPiit of ti .i in hei.
vlcn ot Sitiithctii Uulhv.t via l.ymli
litug and ll.tuvllle.
C'luiH. I.. Hopkins, HlHtilct Passenger
Agent, Soutlitiin ltallwav, S.'S f'hesiunt
St, Phlladeililti, will ttuiiMi all hi.
New Tiains on Now Jeisey Contirtl.
Quaker City Hxpiess leaven ritiaiuon
7.3i ii ni.; anlves Philadelphia l.'ui
noon, llleclilc City IlxpicfU leans
I'hlladi Iphiu il p in: at lives suantou
ID '10 p. m. Tin oiigh tiiilu tolld vcstl.
billed toadies and pat lot iai.-
C M, llltlt, (Jen, Push, Am
W. C Hope, Asis't (lull I'ans Agt.
Canon of Westminster Abbey.
Il.t f.viliuhn Win finm lli Vt-ciiiicl l'ie-.
Iimkli, Pit 3 lii Mo.l Met .Inn a I iln.inl
Mlllduii, liUltop of Oltiilll, In J bun jjiiti(
unci) ol rjliiiliitn alibi' , lo' lilitt upon
lilt ifjli'iutlon fioin tlie He vl CjIuiUj.
A man of dis- T.
tinguished appear- g
ance probably nev- -cr
knows how i
much of his ele-
gance is due to his 5!
clothes. A vinan f!
of this type most g
usually dresses i
well all the time, g
Jr. -
;men of this type
i jr rnnriniinllv lpninrY !
continually leaving s
our doors.
OUR li
Chesterfield Overcoats 1
Completes any man's dress.
Come in and get one be
fore the Holidays.
H. Gnmn !
318 Lackawanna Ave.
$3?rLooU for Star, s
?MIaMimlMlllMlMlMtfnMMkfitMlMIMIIMMkMllikMllltMti. i
" T tTt T " " Tf T T iTi VtT " " T tT " " iT I fciWP
Snlc No. I
Begins Promptlj at
i O'clock.
Sale in Basement Most
liottM'k'uqKT in Scrantoii knows tin's
Ha.scmcnt Stoic of ottr. 'I'inic and
time ajain thev liavc hci'ii here to jjet
ood bargains in good pood1., and liave
iu'vlt been (Iis'i))ointud. Tliis is the
cliaracleristif of tlio Hip Stoic. Mcr
cliandisc offered here is always of tlie
bet, and the leal economy we offer on
1'iidavs appeal' to eveiy money saving
housekeeper. Merc is the list of offer
ing for this week:
Thin Klou'li Shell Tumblers,
woith le. each; -ale price....
Ileavv Tin liaiti-. teynlarly worth 10c: 1'ii-
da for OC
!;ie and Si- Ouait Ui-k Kettles, for this hour onlv,
each 7. .'. 7C
Kitchen Knives and Folks, good tpialitv : pi ice, a
pair C
l''ine I'a-trv Moauls. legnlaily sold for J!)c; l'riday,
(.ialvanied Water Uttckets, S and 10 quail ie;
pi ice
Kctinned Dish Pans, i 4-titarL sie, worth I'.llc. each;
l-'riday for
Pillow Sham Iloldcts. usually sold for ISc: l'ii-
da for
Fancv Decotated (.'tispidors, icgiilar lo-cent kind,
for ' ;
Silver Plated Tea Spoons, woith "ic. a set; Friday
a set of 0 for
5llp lf Drhllc sJld St. Xtck has been making things
ciic li Luiia nK,n.v (Iovvn Toy8lllli t,j wwl.t Htil-
dien looking at this and that and especially the pretty Dolls. One
particular lot that has atti acted attention goes on sale Ft iday.
They are a choice lot' of Dtessed Dolls, good si7c: the bodies aio
kid and jointed: any other time the price would be .!lc:
but for jnsi one hour they go on sale Friday for. each. . . oMC
Sale No. 2
Begins Promptlj at
3 O'clock.
Sale of Dress Goods Xo woman who
values moiiev should need tuging to at
tend this Ftidav Sale of Dress (ioods;
the ipialiu, the Mvle and exceptional low
pi ice .should be an incentive to bling
hundieds of women hcie. The olfeiing
is a special lot of plain and sniped
tweeds suitable for skills and an offering
of 40 inch wide Stoitu Scige in all the
wanted shades; for just sitv minutes
the aie offeied at oue-thiid
less than woith juice, a vaid.. ZdC
linoil I'uili' 1I1.1I
TIipii' .ni' sMiltts anil
tniiinii's Iniv It
1 tn- Inn
toiliiy. Dnn't
Sale Xo. :i
Sale of I Sates Seeisticker.s The name
Hates on Seerstickeis stands for qualitv
and jieifcction of color; thev are jirefci-
able over all other makes of wash fabtics. ,uul main people iiisisi
tijiou having them, but the juice is always l:Mc. a aid. bill not
tonionow : a loi lunate jitu chase of mote than L',000 vanK in all
the new stnjics, jilauN and checks aie olieied at this hour
for, a v ard
Hin k Tnufl.. Tills is n Ri.inil Tnwi'l Imts.iin, ilnn't miss it 'I'Iip
Tinvolh .up siP Hi l)V "t ini'lii'S, liave (iilnuil IhihIpi. IipidiiipiI I'liiW .nn
.Uf soil lllilsli, li'iulv lor linini'iltiiti' lisp. l't 11 c en n illil inn tins
Hiivs L'niU'i WPiu This ill f.iniv illiliiii IIpi'i p
ilsti.illy sills in pm'i: .stnip 101 -Tip. ii unimenl,
it.iwt'i.s, nil slos, in Hip odcting. I'm- just '.;tv
tin 11 Kaiini'iit
S.iIp ot Uo.Vh' Hnits on Sim nml Flnin TliluU '
lip lipi'il .1 lif'iv suit. MuvliC thcoP vvotilil lo loi 11 1 'In Kilt, Tlipy
hip ilouhli'-bio.i.stf'il stvlp. iilnili 1 nliiis nnd ne.U li.itti'i ns Aip well tui-
inri'il lliioimrliotit, .mil Pfillic silt's lot boys 8 to 15 .vi'.u1 nf iikp.
At tills limir liny tlicni lor n suit
Uo.v.s' Kiipp Pa nl. All wool I'lotli, plain liluo nnil liiown; Jmvp
rooiI vinHt lMiulfi, tapi'ii spitnts .mil cut full. Sizes 3 to 14 q
ItoKUliif woith :'."i'. n imit: toiluy tor yc
ciiilili oil's cingliiiiu Apions If you liavf a clillil KnltiR to .spliool this
lMiernln IU Ititptpst you, TIip uiirons offeioil are of ijpst Htiiutiiinl siiiK-
luiius, with l.u'f iiIkIiik' tiiounil col Mi' iitia runs, uu Hdics oil scc
oiul lloor lor cuiii
Snlo nl' IMi tttti'.s Clioosu liom an oxci'Mpul nssoftnient of lOloiPr!
liliotos toclaj tor hull' vvoitli piito. Thov tin iniuiiited on lieavy
lio.u ti, liiivo i omul anil squiiio tianii), ulass tiniit nnil c.isel b.icU, o
Flvu subjpi'ts, pvi'iy one ot thorn. Salo on tlittU Hoot. Piico each c
Sale of Percales and Fine Dress Ging
hams You will like, these e.cellent
wash fabrics, for they conic in excellent
jiattettis and beautiful color combina
tions; the Percales arc '.'2 inches wide;
10c a vard would be a fair jirice for
them, but to make a gteal stir in this
aisle we offer the entire lot for 3
just one hour for, a yard ' 5-iC
Sale of l!os' and dirK' Shoes Tf
vottr children need shoes be sure and
take advantage of this sale Fridav ; o
shoes offeied aie suitable for going tn
school or for dress weat : they come in
sires ii) to :.' ; most Moies ask $l..i for
the same kind; we sell them rt
this hour for, a pair OOC
Sale ot UhIIck' Waists on Sim nnil I'limc TIipsc an- tlu niv st.vlc
FliiiuiclPili' Waists with bishop sli-mes ami laui'v tumt tiliiinioil wlili
gilt buttons Tito p.itii'ins aio stilip.s ami polkailois In dioiio va
llcly ol' lOloihiBS. All sIoh hip In tho niK'ilnir lot- thin in,
bout only. piUo
Sale ol' I.iui'S Tliotn Is a nevol i piihIiis nam tor linen- Inn .von
I'llll't ah.i bll.v Kooil Iiuph so i'Iiimp as vou nut Iipiii toilav Thnsp or
loieil tiu 1'olut iln I'.hIh ami V.ilciu Ipiiiips, ,i to u liii'lics wlilo. a
Ht'Hiiliir l'-'1.' '""' l'.''. I'1"' '''"' ill's hiiui only pilii-a in I . . . . OC
Mcn'.4 NuiiumI AVool I'mlPrw cat --This Is a li.uiiiu that nllots .von
lluo iiudt'l vm'.ii fof about tin' lab p usually iihUimI loi uuiliiiii ItlinlH-thn
slilils mo lull sl!ii with lliilshpii iipikiiml liiint TIip ili.iwpis liiivo Kits'
tiL't, tnppil seaiiis anil iliawiT suppotts Woulil Iip pmoIIciiI .c.,
value Ha !)i u tjaiUK'Ht. Toilay buv ilii-ni . n a.ittiipiii. .... "-'-
l..ulli's' T'ouiIhI lliitt W'o olfi'f toilav Hip IipsI iial baitJ.iltl uv or
I.iiovm) ill Si'iaiitiin ThiliK ot bu.v hnj thiol ami M "0 huts foi K'ss than
half it In. That's what .vou ran ilo What iiioip iuhmI Iip salil icoit to
It'll oil llli'.v aio inn iip anil wan it'll minis, intii k nun un nn JOr
.I'H. i. ii II l.lllll'l in ()r
Ucgins Promptly at
i o'clock.
sain on Stioml I'Iiidi, loi L'.u h
CuiiUH l'Vathiis with White Outs -Snlil in
Hip season. To'lu.v Im.v them loi
Jonas Long's Soqs
AUverlisors ol Tnots Only
vvwivyvys vA wwx iwwy