The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    7vt v - '""f?- H riVT V'' n -" itJ$ T 4' J1 iv's "1,!jy ?'' j v.-vJFrrfXx ''ifi ?T&
p7-i,! t" ;- --i.-. it "-'ns
TfU-'tV7 Wl? itft- 1 t-T VpUt.-! W Wf T J s v,4-ir t v
-' " -r i ' r "" --rti" t j
., . ' . '. - r t ..'
'I . ,'
j , s4 y , , t
iiie Moui'.ns itAnmvARK sron.
I. m .i Jli c.i j -! ""1'
JCiM'l tlllMlhil 'I" .I'" ' '" '" I'
i n It Imc iit'm". Ii i ' f' j
linn wr hi Hid itti -I i
Sew Gem Safety Razor
S-'oinUlillii. 'ii iimU linn ililtiK o' Hi
ulvti in i li ill in IW Uiiic J .-. M.
Tin' lulu' 1 "iik "''', ""' f "
i,4n tf r "i
Foote & Shear Co. X
JJ9N. Washtngton Ave Q
Not frlnuily .i ilci'.irtmcnt or side
Ihsuc lit a liiitfv more, but u a lore
with I'lrlliltcn's riothlnu s "
aim fiiul i-nil "Wc study their
riocd In detail iiml entry many
us-cl'til ami iui.'cI articles that arc
not hopt I'lseuliuri!.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco t.reet.
Office, Toilet
and Towel Supply
We lurni-h lU..N Tonfli WorMi. ith Innd
cme iitiirlutcl oil, rililiM, In m kit pl.itc lull
ror, tomb, Inli- lurli, IM kruoni, lmi" WuK
kite ci m-i-'t iioktli .mil tu"l tuikt Mip to,
(1 pet luoiilli
Wc in-uilic iiitHMi's mini on tomls .ni'l oa
milii villi.- ii u-ul.iil.i. Ml M
SOS-310 Penn avenue. A. B. Warman.
Ii -. Mjn i l'i i mil Mt-. .Mm. i I'm I, l
Nil-m, Hjjni' iuiiiitj .in. M-.thiK ul.itho in
tliU cit.
Mtoiuci ind -. J, .1. D'MillM lettiincc iiom
link uhKIiik Hip c-l(lili .nil uilt ic-hIi m
a dozenTesterday,
The Boys and Gills Aio Working
Hard .for the Christmas Gifts, in
the Educational Contest.
Tlio tallowing gliN .mil Imjs si-nt in
lista ye&twrtay in The 'I'llhuiifV Jtuilov Con lost.
Tranl. WuelKcr-, liiiimiorc.
II nn -plpli, lliinl -Hid. Iiiiniiui
II lion-. J.M I'lio-limt -tiifi.
J.llu- Kn i, lli'.iup-i'ii
l.nilk Will u, HI- l.knl.n -tun.
I.tln I lln ml, ,nn. in
Hon nil . (iniliiri, l'l" i ipii.-i Jniui
I I(.itii-i I.. Villi iiii", - Wti-hlii,?ti-i -t.i I,
( ,h1kiih1i1i
Ucrllu O'f.iniiill. ..I" 1 Iftliii .iMMiin
i itlu'riiir Mlui'l. I JO I'liinwlt -tint
Mupiiiilt -. irlio, ."07 I'H'idU muni.
Iliilitil -. JuI'L. J7 1'iiM.utl mini..
A lotti-r iih loiehi'd yi'htcnl.i tioni
a contestant with thi tollowlnR fiuci-
1. An- tin'' oid ?i-i.inton ami Til
hune putinlM-Hili1.' '-'. Do thi'y luunt
cull us a woulV ". An- uuur noun'',
such ah nanii'h of iilaius ami iiltfoiis
Iic-rinlsblblo.' I. in tin- gtioi-HlnK cuntewt
Is a )i-ihun intltkil to moie than one
ehtlir.ato as to nuinKr'.'
AiihWi'i' 1. "Sci.inton" would nut he
idnils-slhli.' lii'C.'iurc It it. not In the tUf
lonary, vhlli- 'TilliuiU'" is, IioIiik loniul
Ihoivlu. .'. Ti lluiiiu 'uunti us oiii
woul. .!. Not tuili" ihi'.v ai- round In
the flli'tiiiii.n v. siu h as tilt wind
r"it,.n . I. Vnll llluv .is!
cstliriiiti'i ,ih iii tho hlglii'.-ii niniiln i of
woiils aa you i .in m't louiions-.
N. V., O. & W. By. Xmns Excuision.
Wo aio Intuiiiii'd thai the Xin.i-) '.
oill'Mon of tin; Ni w Voi Is, Ontailo and
M'cstein Hallway to Now Vol K i tv
will lukf iil.iio on Fildny, Dcicmbi-i
;'0. TK'Kota Mill In- Mild at gieatly
ixdiKi'd ratori lot lln. Hiiind tilp, and
will bo good tor uiinii iianbiigi1 any
time mi to and Including Thurwluy,
noiuinbci' 20.
Tho Iniini'iiM stoic of our sn at uu't
ropolih will tltfti ho nullum with holi
day goods of ioi y ilL'.-otiptlou. At
the tlK'iitie tho best attiaolloiit, ol
the htago aio losctvi'd tot thH hollilay
st'iihon. At tho cluiri'lios iho Nmii'i
IiiiihIo is almost hoyuiid dctsci Iptlon, as
Iho mtislo of this s-oason Is uiualU'd at
no othui', with tho pioUubltt oMoptlon
of Kastov, IJttt taklim tin- attiactlou
Individually and eollectlvrly, this Is
most (urtaliily a bplcndld scion to
visit tho givatfst flty of our laud.
Futthcr lutoi m.itlou will t gladly
fttnilahod l) lh iii'.uest N, V,, O. &
W. tlckot jficiit, or addU'ss .1, C. Aniloi'
con, gi'iiurnl pasMimor agtiit. ,r. Him.
r.r btrfOt, New VoiU ct.
Tas-t tialiii-. lUMiiioiit, tiiuipniunt and
low rates. lUnifinbci iho dati', Do
.Rmbor Suth' '
Additional Passenger Tmin Service
via Southern Railway.
ICttsotlvo Nov, '.'I, thf Soutlu'in Ual.
way will opt'i-alo .iuougli tialu m-ivIio
from Wellington Ma Itlolimond. Vn
to Flotilla and points south.
The ik'W train will bo known as ,o.
lit) and Will Ion vo Washington i,t m.M
a. in. over tho Washington rioiithi'in
Jtallway and at iho .lnoki-imilllu, I'la.,
at 1M! a, in This (lain oaulcs ilirt
cluss fnaolii-tf ami 1'ullmait diawing.
loom Sileoper between Washington and
Jacksonville, also has dining tar m,
vlte. The uhuvL train Is in addltiun
to the full (.ompU'iiifiit of train or
vlee of Southern Uallway , l.yiifh.
huiff and Danville,
rhns. I.. Hopkins, Uisitlit i'aM:iger
Agunt. fciouthern Itallway, S.'S Uirt'itnut
St., rhlIadolihla. will tut'liish all In,
Dr. H. C. .Snyder, dentlbt. has iv
moved to JSJS Adams awniif,
They Wore Introduced ott Tuesday.
Another Hill Has for Its Object
the Punishing by Denth of Any
Person Who Attempts to Kill the
President or Other High Officers of
tho Country Fixing Terms of the
Circuit and District Courts.
A xpi'dul Washington dispatch In
yt'stui'duy'ir I'hlhdflplila Inquirer tells
of the new bills Introdtioed In congress
Tuesday, and among other things sajs;
rotrmoil In IniriiillJlicc wcic i jnln (I knit
tillN l$ ltipic.oiit.itbe onncll. m
l.aikiu uiiii, iloilltu "Itli Inmiiai.itloii .niut iiiui
chy. Ihcy iu tlir ni(t tompltti' iiii-imiu' wt
Miinri'lnl lor toniLllnn the .iIiiim'1 In tlic
gi.itlcn Iiwh uiul "timpliic out un ik.ii.
Tlic flril kill ) lli!ticil as ii .ultll'itp for tlia
proMiit Itnailii illun li". It Import ,i dut of
turn iloll.ini lor culi torclpticr tumieiit to ilil
iiiiintr.i, .mil ilclmi tr-rkilii ih!.i lioin till,
loiintn, Indiiillnp klloti, Iranc ffioni, tun
1m or illtuicil ptron, llicwe wlio Iuc tifcn
( male tul ol .i felony or other rihne or ntUli
iiicmoi' InvohliiK maul luipltuJc, pJjgaiiiUt,
.'.n.uclii'ls or piTfoiia nlm .nliK.itc tilt omi
tlitnw or .ill 5ffi(tnmi'iit rn ot .ill tonus if li,
or the .ib.iAliutlon of public olllfhl',
pouon .mil oonlr.irt Ulmi liiinilai.uil.
'flic Mil Mnipti tho who Uwe kcin aiillh
of polltkil nlm', inn fkilltil lilinrois wlicn
tint paitkuhr liboi cirinot b" tmiloji'il In tlili
coiintn (UlioM cxeinpteil .ire i ofeitou.! ji-toi-
uiul .ill n-oiii bclonsinj to tin' u'cokiiiiiI
knincil profcloni.
roiti:iG.s iiiu:it fi:on;crui.
Tiii -otoml bill i intltkil .ill .n t to piuiWi
diianlii, oil'., uiul piinlili" mnt any peiiiui wlio
(hill conplic or plot to kill m to .i-.mll Willi
intent lr Hli, or to itlinnl-,' tal.i' the lito vf
jiiV o trclan, or nti. pifMilent. nrrnor oi
rhl'f iiiIci of .iiiv tcirlun tl.iK or nation, ol
Ui) 'lull .ilil oi (nconiu'f nnv othn iKi-on to
iln or .iltnnpt lo ,lo fin. ti .lit. on tomitllon,
-lull bt -entfiuiil to piy .i flni" not rxcmlinv
-I.Oou tin I to i.nilnso liiipriorimnil ioi not v
tcorltiKr ten ji u..
Siition l imniile lint in i(ioti wIik null
puliHill ji1m-i' oi fl'linc.iti tbi' iiiiitliiuA by
luiti in IoIiiki' of .ill lin .iml soieiiiincni. or
tnc t-tililWinl inlir ol Mil icty, 01 lio .mil
wrlti, punt, -el up, publiMi or (irculjtc ,mv
ntnpiM, unip-.iini' or otlui Miittni ol pnnleil
iii'ttei .iili'klnir. aihoiMtftif; or infliicrr Inn tlic
i-iiiic, m Im mill tiiini oi lulp la loim .nn
oiini-)tion luln? tlic propicillin! ot inouiil.
(.illiin ol ,im -.nth lc, n pi art up-,
oi ln clnll Klonl .i mtdiiiir phrc for .ii.,'
null puipw,! font Ii tloii, .lull In' -entennil
to i'ii ,i line not p'.euilinR sMXl .mil to niuktpo
inipri'onnieiit. not iceahnc file c.n J.
Tlie tlnnl lull ihii. nt the pteienlioii of tic
n. ion of .iu,iiclii-li-, iiihiliMt?, or pi r'oiis
nt otbei kKe n'lv.-. It pio'iilcs lint no ili.'n
-lull bo ailmitlcil to buonic .1 rliien of Hit
fnltnl st.ites who i, .111 .miulntt or nlhllil r
wl.o piofpc 01 intirtainn cpinliii or iic
JKiinil flic lutlnititi of bu- ROieinnient 01
the elilili-l.cil inler of -wliti.
All .ilicn 11 ho -lull bo ailimltcil ii, bcioine a
(illrcn, .mil 'bill lliiiciltor bo loniul to be 01 to
li.iii- bnciiic .111 .iniclil-t pi mlilllil, lnli be
liable to bin. In- iiilm.tliMtion or iiliztn-hip
miiiilliil iirnl cjntclliil
ii:rn 'i in, i'i:vi.rv
'Hie toiirrh lull I- cntitlci .111 .it' lo puul-Ii
mill ilfilli the mil mini killincr 01 .it tempt 1.1 l.ill
Hip pn-iilint. the lici'-piolilmt, ,ind icitalii
Mhir ntltccm 01 the srenn il i,oiernmnil. It pio
iilci lint in pi won who shall uiltully anil
rniliiiou-ly kill, ir Mho .hnll iiiliiill .inn! null
iiouly 115-111R with attempt to hill (i.hcther tl.u
nine n Milts in ikalli 01 not) tl.r pie-idcnl, itt.
picsiibnt, -(crctir;- ft jtati, -ci'iitu of (lip
triiMity. t--f.rel.iry ol war, attorney grnpi il,
lislinatei Rnui.iI, ccrit)ry ot liip navi, t-ccr.'-taiy
ot the Interloi, pichlcnt pio tmi. of the
-fnilo. -pc.iKer 01 tho I1011-? oi lopic-enl.itne'..
thill ju-tkc r a -.-on ib.' u-lkc oi ibf Supreme
remit, or oitlin ot tlio einu. and ,mv pfMin
Mho Hull aid m ion-put lo do mic'i id, 'hall
In1 Riully it mi otlen-i' .iKaiu-l tin- peaio and
ilninin ot Ilia t'nilcd Mali-, mil up. 11 comic
ti"ii then of ilull Millei di Hli.
1 1 i- linder'tood that Ml. Council'.', foui bilU
Inn tin appunal ot the It. pub! i in le.nkr- of
the hou-e, and thai tliov will toim the ba-U
01 the leuMitlnii iiRiin-l iuik-tiiminitc munira
ton and anilihv at this .-e Ion.
S: Conned Introduced nrrothcr lull,
which fl.ves tbf tprm ot the Circuit
and Dlsti let 1 ourts of tho new iiddle
district of Pennsylvania, as follows:
"At the city ot Scranton In the county
of l.iu kawanna, on the tourth Monday
of Fobruiiry and the third Monday of
Oftoliei in ouch year; nt tin city of
Hnuisbuig in tho county of Dauphin,
on tho Hist Monday of May and the
Ihst Monday of Dtvombor In each year,
and at tin- oily of Wllllamsport, in the
c utility ot Lvcomiiifi, on the second
Monday ot .lanunty and thf socond
Monday ot June in each year. The ses
sions of the said omits shall continue
tor such time as the judges thereof
shall severally direct and determine:
and adjourned sittings and sessions
ntiiv be held troin time to time, in folding-
as the business nf tin said courts
shall, In the opinion of the same, ie
IJlllle it,"
Jt ulsu pioides toi tin- Keeping of
the records of tho couils at Heianton,
but allows provisional or temporary
records to be kept nt Haiilsburg and
Wllllam-poit. As to Juiois, tin bill
states: "The niunbir of tiaersc or
petit Juiois summoned to attend nt any
term ol the said couits shall not be
less than twenty-tout, nor more than
lorty-flght, us the said comts by their
oidei from time tu time shall direct."
Touiist Cats on Nickel Plate Road.
Semi-weekly liatisiontiiienlal tourist
cats between the Atlantic and the P..
eitlc coasts arc operated by the Nickel
Watt and Its connections, TouiIkI ears
1 cloned to affoid the same sleeping no.
comtnoilatlous, with same uhu of
matlitss and other bed clothing that
ate piovlded In tin? regular I'tillriiau
slt'tpltn car sen Inc. The.-.. touiJM
cars leave Hoston Mondays and Wed
nesdays, and leave .Sun Francisco Tiles
dah and Fridays, limbs in thesq
lour 1st fills ate sold at gieatly reduced
lutes Conveniences are oifered without
extra cost tor heating tood or ptepar
nig tea or lottce, .molding ovftry
Ity toi (omfoit on a long journey, es
peclally tor families (ravelins with
children. Lowest rates may be obtained
always ilu thu Nickel Plato road tor
all points In the west. For special In
for niatlon icgatding all trains on the
Nickel Plate load. Including these lour
1st mi, consult your nearest ticket
agent, or wtito F, J. Moon, general
agent, '.'til Main street, Huffalo, N, V J
Attractive Christmnu Sale,
Tin ladies ol tho Penn avenue U, p.
list 1 Inn eh ,ue to comlitei a Clinst
mas sain of aprons, fancy aitlelca and
licinie-tivule inndles In tho (liutLlr par
lors Thuisday alteinoou and erring,
Dee. 12. Pilces leasoliable, l.lglrl ie
rrcbhrnc-ttls will be served
A sale of fancy ami uavtul arllilcs
suitable tor Clulstmas presents, will
be held In F.lm Park reading room,
Thursday afternoon, evening and all
day Friday, December 1 and fl. Home
made candy and cake will alf-o In- for
Tire popular Punch clar Ii 3tlll thu
leader of ihe 10c clgri.
!( uiiclinlfil liotil I'Jse '1 i
at the Thorium ImarltiB mis Inetlml
nallng In lis I'lniriieti'i' iitul i mtld not
tlteiel'oie bo ti bail for .1 pioeclllloll
tor perjury,
In rliHwerltu: these objections, Alt'.
Tot toy, of counsel for the loiiguc.
argued thirl to take advantage of the
stntuti) of llinlliitlonH the defendant
trittdt have pleaded It at the beuilng
before the nlderinan, and that the same
rule applied to the other objection, and
that the defendant hnvlne; volunteered
his evidence then, could not now claim
that ho was niked its to mutter which
would Incilmlnale hint. Further, that
I huso picas weie personal, and llrnt us
to the pica of the statute. Thomas was
ihe real party entitled to tako advant
age of II and had he not done so, Hat
ton's evidence would have been inn
The objection to tire admission ot the
evidence was Htistalned, mainly on the
ground that It was ti year earlier than
the Indictment, whereupon the com
monwealth tested, and a verdict of not
guilty wns directed, the disposition of
costs being left to the Jury, which
plated them on the count;..
Strikers Were Willing to Submit
Gilcvnnces to Bonid of Arbitra
tion, but He Refused.
An attempt w.ik madu yesterda b
thf business men's sub-committee to
end thu street nil I way strike by en
deavoring to have both sides agioc to
arbitiation. The strikers agreed to the
proposition, but General Manager Sllli
inan did not, so that the committee's
charts again go for naught.
The sub-committee yesterday morn
ing submitted a communication to lte
r order AV. I-. Council, giving u synop
sis of the unsuccessful attempts made
to bring about a settlement between
both sides, and requesting him, in the
name of the citizens of the city, to call
upon the company rind strikers to sub
mit their dltfei ontos for the consider
ation of u board of arbltratois, to rnn
slst ot III. Hev. Hlshop M. J.,
Judge II. M. LAlwuids and A. W. Ditk-
The recorder compiled with the ro
iiuost and sent lettcis lo General Man
ager Silllm.tii and the slilkers' execu
tive committee, earnestly urging them
to agiee tu arbitration and to accept
the aibitratois suggested.
The replies of General Manager Silli
nian and the stiikets' eonnnitlce. ic
jeitlnn and accepting the proposition,
respectively, were received lasl night,
and lead as follows:
sfi.inton Ii.iiliuv toiupini c;,in-til Maiupei's
Di- I. IWI,
Hon . I.. Council, Tfccisitloi, fit Mali, Sian-
ton, Ti.:
Diar Sir:--I Ikr to acknowledge tic tci ?ipt
of loin lrttei ot the llh in1.. with n ropy nt
Hip tinilmc. of the -ub Poinm'tlip appointed bv
-onio incrclnnt-3. to biinu about an nnicablt -cl-llemcnt
ol tin- ibflcrcnce-" bitwicn tlui fmpmv
md ItH nnplnit-, witii thill ircoinniendition-.
In icily I bit; lo .iy tint thu compinr will not
Bfjroo to inbuilt any fliiTcicncci rutwccn t-ell
and It.- toiiiin emplo.iei lo any ubitratot, and
the iKition of the romp my i. tulh- ileflncd in
i lcltt'i lo the public publNluil in the -I'tjntun
Tiibiiuc an.l the Sn.-inton Itcpubllcan on mem
tier ."0th ei.i truly jmiii,
Tiank jr., frmeril niinis"i.
Pitldon o. Hi, A . S I!. II.
scianton, l'.i., I),i. I, uiul.
lion ii abb- Williim I Council, Iltcordei ol Ihe
Cilv ot '-Vranton:
Dear Sn: WheioK. tb" tiKmbei- of the
cr.inlon liiilwj s union ron-itln- tliou
pp-ltlon trnililc and enn t.uio .n ii-t and lion
orabb, and icfoKni'ini. thai the bu-ini'-.5 inteic-l
oi tlic i in- i- ot piianuiiiit iuipoitatiic and "hit
the produrinc rleinint oi oui rlt, i- ileioii-ly
iiiionuiiuntfd, .i- bclicic our wiCKc-tlon of ar
bitritloii tu be ot import tnce o the city
and ll Miiom intcic-t-, and .ippibf of join
rnm-t, and uqucrt in ininuillilc action. Wc
al-,n jctcpt thf- bond ot atlmratoi? that .mil
Imp niRRC-tod Vours trulv,
Kciiuiu Committee
r I. N!iei incident.
W.ildrcm has arrived lit 1 1- again with
r.O hoisi-s, consisting of several largo
draught teams, fine business pairs, and
general purpose horses, and one car
load of roadcis nnd p.rceis, niatched
and singles. Any one in need ol a
hoi pe of any ilcseiiptlon should attend
todaj's salo as rln-y are all sizes and
i olor to holeot trom, A number of
second hand city horses will also be
sold for want of use by their different
owner p. This will be n grand chance
to buy a good hoi so at your own pi Ice.
Tin sale begins piompt nt 1 p. in. at
Cuslck's stable this alternant!, "
He Will Speak in High School Audi
torium Tonight.
At the high school nuditoiluiu this
evening He v. D. J. Statfotd, D. D of
Washington, D. C, will deliver his lec
luie on "Dickens, Ills Power rind
Tho gitted speakei has been hero on
several occasions and the mere men
tion of his lectin i.' Is suftleleiit. to In
sine it ciowded hou,e,
A Christmas Suggestion for Mothers,
What would please papa nunc than
,r picture ot baby. Uring tho little one
to richt lever without delay unci you
may piesent him with ti peifect like
ness of the llttlo dear, as a surpilso,
on Chi If tiwiH morning.
Out Holland Brand Coftee
Is steilllzed in roasting. It Is a
strictly pute unadulterated colfec. Its
reputation tor purity, strength and
flavor will always be maintained, rio
cirri. -Tic lb.
Impel Inl Tea and Cogee Co,.
12.' Spruce Httet-t
Dr, N, V, Leet Has Removed
His nllices trom the First National
ridiil; building to loiwi V, tuning mv.
line) nnd Hpi nco street, ovei Diuu bunl;,
Kntraneo on riprtico stnet.
Smoke tho Pocono Cc, cigar.
An Acorn Becomes an Oak
In pi)iti c.oll. In
ilu ip to nt
i.i iiiod tt tin;
uiu tilent will
grow- upldlv nnd
oir initio 'n
pliio btmi It 2,
" tw iljuj.
In all yjrlt'i iD.v
4 tltiid IVu
LUr-itU. P l'f
Thteo Companies, Headed by Con
giGSsninn Connell and Allied with
the Big Lackawanna and Wyo
ming Valley Rapid Tumult Com
pany, Will Tonight Ask Councils
tor Franchises to Build and Oper
ate Fifty Miles of Street Railway
Ttacks Old Company's Franchises
Alleged to Be Defective.
uidlnniues granting tianthlses for
tlfty miles of Soi union's streets lo
three electric railway companies, of
which Congicssinan William Connell Is
the head, will be Introduced tonight In
common council. The Scranton Hall
way company operates llrlriy-slx miles
of toad within the ity.
The companies that will ask the tran
tlrlscs are the North End Street Hall
way company, which will serve the
central city, Piovldente, Green Hldgc,
Dunmoic! and Petersburg, with Its
trunk on Wyoming avenue; the West
Bird Street Hallway company, which
will servo the West Hide by way of the
Mulberry street bridge, and the South
Side Hallway company, which will use
the Linden stiect bridge nnd In a
measure supersede tho Connell Park
and Speedway company.
Tho Central Hapld Transit company,
promoted by the Messis. liiooks, Lewis
and others, will be nbsoibed by the
new companies.
The members nf these companies, be
sides Congressman Council, are Theo
dore V. Connell. Dr. A. J. Connell, Sen
ator Benjamin K. Fochl, ot Lewlsburg,
and George A. Lee, of Philadelphia.
Tho roads will bo operared in har
mony with the Lackawanna and W.o
mlng Valley Hapld Transit company,
the big trolley enterprise that Is to
build -'01 miles ol railway In Lacka
wanna and Liuerno countlezs.
Nominal Capitalization.
The nominal capitalization of the new
companies is SIOO.OOO. It will cost be
tween four and six million dollar h to
build the three loads.
These lomp.inles are chattered under
the provisions nf the Focht and ISmcry
bills-, passed at the close of the last
legislature, t'ndcr these laws a corn
pan can, with the t onsen t ot the
municipality, seize any street not oe
cuplfd by another eompanj. (n this
city, the old company has lianelnses
tor many streets on which it has never
built tracks within the prescribed two
cais. The new companies may enter
upon thct'C.
Hut the new companies will not stop
at taking unoccupied streets, It is be
lieved. A defect, so it is said, has been
discovered In the title of the old com
pany to nearly every street on which
It operates. This defect lesult? from
the merger which combined all the old
companies Into the Scranton Railway
company. Under the law a tompany
subjects itself to the revocation of its
grants it It violates the provisions of
Its charter. One ot the provisions of
every stiect railway charter is that It
shall build and operate a continuous
line. The Scranton Hallway company,
as in well known, operates a patch
work system. Tts nucleus is the Peo
ple's Street Hallway company. When
the merger came, some soen years
ago, It absorbed the Seranton Passen
ger Hallway company, the Nay Aug
frnsslown Hallway company mid the
Vnlley Passenger Hallway company.
Tho vailous lines were connected un
and its present system completed by
building a. piece of load here and an
other piece theie under the omnibus
tranchlse of the Valley Passenger tom
pany. Sought to Buy.
The piomotors of the new companies,
it is said, sought to buy out the Scran
ton Hallway company with a vluw ot
consigning It to a scrap heap and sup
planting It with u modern street rail
way system, but this was made im
possible by the Scranton Hallway com
pany. The new companies thereupon
decided to proceed with their enterprise
without regai d tor the old company.
Eventually, It can bo said with some
degree of cei taint, tho new allied
companies will entirely supplant the
Scianton Hallway company
The new companies -will oner no
bonus to the city other than the usual
grants of n tranchlse ordinance. The
live per cent, tax on the gross lecelpts,
it is felt, Is sufficient to pay lor thu
pilvilege of giving the e!t. a M.ihmiouO
street railway system.
Creditable Ferfoimairce at Music
Hall Last Evening.
"Dei1 Sehatzgraeber," a German opera
by Filtz Lorenz. was given a very
ei editable performance In Music hall
last evening by members ot the Scran-tc-n
Licdeikranz, before an audience
that taxed the capacity of the house.
The t.tory of the opera deals with a
burgomelster who had agieed with a
friend that their children should wed.
Dining the action of the pl.t v. the
scenes aio laid In tho buiuoiuelster's
house, which is rrsed as temporary
quaiteis for the town council while the
town hull Is being rebuilt.
The plot ailses from the tact that the
grandparents of "Partleuller Dlotchen"
had buried ticasuies beneath a tree,
ami he gets himself into all suits of
$1.19 per
Half Gallon
For finest Olive Oil. Special
on Olives, Cases, 35c per
quait bottle, auy quantity.
Imported (fresli today)
Garcia Conchas, $5.00 per
box. Veucedora Conchas,
!M75 l,er kx' finest Havana
Brevas, 10c, 2. 25 per buudle.
Porto K'co Erevan, $1.00 per
bundle (25)
E. Q. Coursen
trouble In unc-mililng thin hidden
Dr. Helm Jolt IJotg, tiro "bttumolslcr,"
I'oIIr lit lovo willi the htugonuislpr's
daughter, and her father In In love
With his housekeeper, and llmilly nil
ullds In happiness. The different chirr
ticleiM weie cicvetly portrayed by Fied.
Wi'lrms, VIctoilu Griiener, lhiimn Pnl
rnetlo, Fred. F.nulch, Wllhelm Hmrleh,
Phil. Mar (In. and Fred .1. Wldmnyef.
The iliol'iui wass made up of members
of the l.ledeiltraii-.
Th" losttunlng mnl stage settings
weie loiittircs of tlic moductlon, and
the music by linnet's neu. under the
tlliectlon of Prof. Thto. Hi'inbcrgoi',
lidded much to'tho olTeetlveiiesn of the
"Der Sch.itzgiaeber" Is n 10111I1
opei.t c f surpt It-lug met it, full of niciodv
rind put prising musical clfccts. ttrnl re
minds thf hearer of Gungle. Sunpe,
and others of the same school hi the
pleasing melodious solos, duets and
choruses. Thco, Hetnboiger deserves
great credit not onlv for the excellent
manner In which he has ttalned the:
amateur musical talent of Scranton,
but also for bringing to the uollto of
the musical public an opeiotta liereto
loro unknown.
Dancing was attcrwoitls enjoyed to
music by Bauer's orchestra. The com
mittee In charge of the production was
D. Petri Palniedo, stage manager:
Frank flecker, Jacob Fcrber, Joseph
Albreclrt, A'lclor Wenzel and Nathan
Consumets' Gas Company to Again
Seek a FranchiseWhat Their
Attorney Says.
The Consume! s' Gas coiupari, III
w hlch A. J. and P. J. Casey and Arthur
Long are Interested, and which made
an unsuccessful attempt early this year
to secure a franchise from councils, Is
if rr IS TO BF
Then Hand & Payne's
is the place, because you
will not only find the
newest and most taste
fully selected assortment,
but when it comes from
here you can depend
upon it being all right;
whether you buy Neck- 1
wear the 50c kind or the
hitjher class, $1.50 or
I -qui T'1rrfSuAf(E I
Enlarged. Remodeled. Improved.
We Invite Your Inspection
of Our Opening Display of
A complete, unique and most exclusive assoitment
of just such trifles as please the holiday shoppers. Much
of our stock is made especially to our order. You avoid
duplication. When It is gone it will be impossible to
replace it. Foreslghted people arc buyina now.
R. E. Prendergast
207 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa,
It is the Highest Decision
That a nice UflBREULA is the most desiiable Christmas Gilt,
and if you want to get one that will be aprecialcd and reason
able in pi ice, don't wait until the rush is on, but come to our
lactory, ielect your choice in maletial and handle, from our
enormous large line, which are all of the latest designs, and
superior in quality. Wc are making special inducements 'or
the holiday tiadc and we guarantee all our goods,
Oils, Paints
MaIon?y Oil 5 MarUifacUiring Company,
14I-14D Meridian Street.
going to make another try within n
few weeks.
Former Honalor M, F McDonald, who
Is the I'oiupany'K nUorney, Hindu this
iituiotiheotui'itl yestoidity tifteinoon to
n Tribune man,
"Just as soon as we can tet llilngt
111 shape," said he, "wu will lime lu
ll milked In counellH an ordinance al
most ihnlliir In the one Introduced
neatly a year ngu. We bail tlimighl to
have things 1 cady, so that iho meas
ure might be Introduced tomorrow
night, but wo find that It will be nee
cHuary to wall lor a week or two."
Mr. McDonald said that the pi Ice
which the company would ngieo to fur
nish gas at would be the same as bo
fore, that Is, no mon than ti dollar per
When the oidlnanee was liitiotlueetl
before, Select Couneilniaii Chittenden
suctceded In having an aniendineiil
adopted piovhllug lor n soventy-rhe
lent rate. When It was seen thai, other
lestiictlvo provisions wcic in be In
corpoiated Ihe ineasuie wa with
drawn High Guide Teas nnd Coffees.
All our goods ore bought direct iiom
the Importer. We tue giving vou the
best ittallty and pi Ices as our busi
ness Is devoid of prizes m schemes.
Impel Inl Tea and Colfec Co.,
iii Sptltce Sited,
Yulotlde Photographs.
Sit tor our holiday plenties tti oiue,
or vnln t egrets must take their place.
To facilitate your comtort and obvlntu
waiting at tho studio, Scbrlever bogs
to 3irggesl the advisability or making
an npponltmont rot- the posing
"1 LOf"
Save your money on elec
tric lighting.
Chas. B. Scott
1 19 Franklin Avenue.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, Htons, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and iainy
day Skirts. Our prices are reason
able. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion. Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
432 Spruce Street.
. -- . .
and Varnish
; ;4Mf
ii Just
For Leader
Wc have placed on
;)alc a large lot of
I Satin Covered
Pin Cushions i
at from 1 2c to 26c.
Cramer Wells Co., ::
i 130 Wyoming Ave. ;;
'Phone 3533.
Kabo Form
Reducing Corset
For Stout Ladies.
of bind
ing the
waist, it
the form
into per
fect lines,
to the ab
domen as well
as bust,
and a(-
ALT rff.K- -.. L-, I
-J . .T.T7. ..-.. I
T-liSi.- 'J
foids the
mJSTvrjB i
Our expert fitters will demon
strate the above f.K ts to you.
Price & Jenkins,
130 Wyoming Ave.
As to what will make
an acceptable Christ
mas gift for your gen
tleman friend? Then
go to .......
'A Gentlemen'1? Furnifehei"
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ti ailing htttinps with all purchases.
Emphatic Success, of tho g
Make Room
Neither snow nor other
pedestriau difficulties can
keep wise buyers from
this Cut Price Hauis
furuishiucr Carnival.
Christmas is near ac
hand, and one can almost
double tbi- purchasing
power of money among
the hundreds of useful
gifts displayed. Besides,
we store them free until
I HUH II l'l Mm1 I'UIM-' Ucmi .
Illllir,, nlll'il Hulk- il nt will: nlm
I l,l llllll- lillllW.. I till). Ml I ItM J
111, I l I II. ill ill. I '111 111.
l'l,..- tu ..nil . . ' 'C
( I'M'I It 1 Via I - i In i - -I ,. M a
It, .i I .ill i III Ml. I.I llljjl'l J ,li. 1
Inl. ! ,v i il lll'l il I ll"l III k
In , il 'I i t i iu. I. Mil X I At)
Ii I
V a v.
ill Hlr
'Jr7LS .v
a m rv we
lVrJ UJTm;
. '. Tf-'rz iV r-i Pi, .,..r
WM of dis-
l2iif--AV comfort.
'sxk? Vrfi