The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    SSt. T .,5
V i W V JlflTSlrifW'it- ' i'"'"
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I"-)?! xyv S
6e -Scnnfon ri8tme
t'utilMitil Dully, tfopl Fitmljy. by Tlir Tilh
ttie I'utjlIfhliiR Company, at I'llly Cent a Manlli.
I.IVV P. llirilAltl), tMltof.
O. V. li'i MUX, HiI'Iiim Miuur-.
Sole Agonl tor forclcti AilvcrlUinn.
tattled it the Posloillcc (it Sir.itilon, l'a.,
Sctond Cl.its Mull Mittei.
WVn fpicp will penult, 'llio Tribune I nhvjj,
nld (o print chort Irtti-H floin It) Ir'i'mM bev
riRr on uiruiil topic', but lt ml In thai llii' i oIkikiI. Ioi imWkatton. !) tlio I Iter I
leil tuinci find tlio lotiilllloti piwi-ilflil In i .ifl
rptome li tint nil cotiltlbiitlutis fclull bo eubject
t illtnrlil reil'lon.
tub n,.r iiate ioit Ai)vi:irrisiNO.
Tlm following laMo etimvs the tulip per bith
mtli fns-llun, ipaco tu In. mcil Mlllilti unc yi'Si:
Hun of
Willliu nil
men, 1 1
lr.s"thJTr6fl0 indies
'" mine....
UW " ,,.,
.'OW " ....
I or rnnlf of Hunk, resolution! of condolon
tul ' toiitrlbutlon tn tlm inline of ad
'irtlsliis llic Trlliuiio moltcs u dulse ut 5 rents
IIMci for ClJtsllieil Adiertlilnj furnished on
SHUNTON, Dl'i'K.MHKli .'., llilU.
In thi' cji' iii' the law every man hi
Innocent until in mud guilty. This wlec
niuxiiii clotliL's llmry Hut tun in tho
iMiioply ut lrtU' iiotwltliwtaiiillnii that
his aeiiiilttal In UiiuubIi a Uuhtilcitllty
Hruim bol'otv a .sliuwiliR ol ideiir-c.
It is now In tui ! Ioi exiiliiuutluim to
!i.. (MiH'H'il liv tlunv vWw hud elmi'iir- of
ill" iitunvnlldi
A Plea for Peace.
ti thunjic. OIJ vuiuli'
t tons mi- tUMiiitf l new
(.'it tin- ni'e hand .ipilxl
niiil uitctpris-e aie onibiiilii for on
iimy anil llelP'r aciiloVeliH'n1 . on ilii'
other hiiml. labor Is fi'dcrat'nn for .-'ii'-proltetloii
and advanfenient. I'.'Hh
Miiw ti'lide'leii'S arc lo'tkal, nucei-Mir.v
.ml !idvanta;;eon-. Ivteh i an aid in
tciiil of a hindrance to ilic other. An-ti(;i.Mi!.-;ni
Ijoimi'imi Iheiu Is tintnrtun.ilc
lor ho'.h and In the' ruliw ve lie
lluv" It vvH1 lie less oiiimon llian .il
"c nuiep almiii
li'imtf. 'J'nisln -ii eoinliinatioii.-. of
Mpltiil i;i I'liierinis" and to llvi; ami
i'"o:.ppr lhe initsl li.ivi ollle'ellt labor
norhiiiK witlioiil nioii; than ordinal.
Interruption When a Iniht wlnil-1 down
ilB mlll and shop i iloub not htoi is
IK'.il ehurui'i-. Tliet" i. on 'Co unit
iliflii it liC'ds-. the piollis of ''unlltilloiir
."liviiy -iml now that the Ihhl -f in
thu evoliuioii ut ureal iliiillsliial 1 0111
l'inalions li.ih been l.iki n bv the Milv
I i i ja of the inobleirih ' oi niiizalion and
fi'iliiMtioii. llio next s-tep lonieall. lor
ihe liiuii.iKomoiil to i oin-ider U- llow
bent to liiiriiioniK" and adjiis-l the u
lations ut with labor, This , ill
omo under the proinpllntr of sell-in-eiest.
II will inaK" the trilhth neee.s
'Jilily allies ol well eonilialert label or
aniiz.itions beeaii'-e the truu prosper
ity ol tlie one i in fjreat ineasuie de
neiidfiil upon the pro-perity of the
That --lerlinii friend ol the
imi.-i-ullior, I're.'-ideltl Uoicevelt. has
hist fold in his mot-Mine, to eoiiKress
ulial is neee;-ar.v to pioteet the people
ironi aljuse.s ut power by the liusts. It
i- eiiially desirable and neetssury that
ihe men who lead the hosls ot orgun
l.ed labur i-lioilld ui.-ely Ihe power
tliey possess end be In ill bv their ooil
siitueius and publit opinion to a liinh
slandaid of lidellu unci s.m'aelly Tlic
lilior lltiion has eome lo Slav. Dili llki
ihe eapital union, oiheiuise known us
the i oriioraiiou. it must louioim to iln
i omnion sense and eiiiity of Ihe Ameri
i an people: inu-l mine for tlie aeeoni.
plishnieiit ol .lust purposes ill ways to
lommand tile sympatliy of tin- judk!
oiiri; a ml must hold steadily in view as
us highest ideal an attitude ot honesty
and now I taitll whleh will iuvlti eoil
ioii and li.i-iten puyress.
Hi this i oiiuiiiiiiii . just now honored
by Ihe pte.-elue of the delt'K.Ues lepie.
"iitlm, the .ni"iiean I'Vderntloii of
l.ubor, e hae been having a sfi If"
of MilKi'H and Mttliis. We u'Kiet and
iupluiv iheui. They liae illuslrated
how labor iiuions and eapital unions
should not net alonj.. The taull is not
'li either side wholl. blame atluehes.
lo both. lint we are smv we speal; the
ish oi "very line lrieiul ot labor m
hoiiiiu,' thill for labor's side the leud
' is of labor now precem unioni, us will
woik in iimiIiI win. to ill.-eoiir.iKi.'
s'riU";.. tu pill down the agencies of
lisevird and trouble, and to exult what
m of kooiI "epute. TIiuh may their
Ml to ri' ranton be not only made
b.-nelieiul to Ihelilsohes lint aWo nielli
rtiljlt! in loeal annals as inurklita' tlie
iiirnius of a Iii iKliU-r uitd belter pane
a the. tlidllsltlal lelatlonh ol'olir peoph.
Why eoiirts uud i oiu I methods home
'liiU'h tall Into populiir dlsretipeet Ih
'llom leadllj eoniproheilhible after
tudy of thu Hairy llattou IUimo.
Secretary Gage's Repurt.
7ft.' I J MOItK llltii the Plesenl
hieietuiy ot tlm liviisury Jus
tilled lilb lepututlon us a eop.
htrtletlve flniilieler. IllH ruin-
J Tor bank imnlLh Is leasilil", avail
illt. Jitllil elfeetlve. It ls a natural ile
ii'lofipmnt of the eleailuu" house Idea,
V Ceck'luUou of ItalikB tor purposes of
a otovtlou, with pouer to muss ietorf.s
lleru llio paille pressure is Ble.lteht,
Aoultl bo liUoly lo eoiutier ii Ight. w hleli
s tlio serious. taeor in the piobleui,
md jt ih not app.uuia thai it would hi
Uteiickd liy au ilibadvuiitages, To
ilillh' about Mleli a ledeialloil llllle
lelidelll of oll; ellai tllli'llt
oull iiiliat illltc t lurue luulertulfiim',
nit tiu ilrltl is in that dlieetloii and,
iuu"ivrr, this Is n tlinu of Iitku tiiider
aklngs and larKe iiceninplisiiuieuis.
i:multy to tlio polul is his p!,ni to
muvani' bank ptftu elreulntloii by iu.
IIP H6li Of the liouded .scciult eiUiied
u littluiiosltuil, iidillnif to il u IVutuie
iaU'iiliitml piML'tlcnlly io liitlro the
;iee.V)KU':s, or, what aluoiiuui to the
lama tiling, lo (onveit them Into Mold
Jtrlllleates. Meio stieh letliemeni to
K: ylfot'led without u eollipuilSUtlllB t'S
niihloii of bouui ollmr form of enrreney
liiTiil.'ilioii, the leaull wotilil p'rbbalily
ic cliMiblioiitf. This plan would aeUuilly
nciuisu thu ui't clixulutloii.
The olijt'tiluns nuist lively in be
flVred io litis pioposlilon are that II
m Tk
dotri not PITef MllllL-lrlil Hcetlilty lo
iMiii'-liotilcrs' that Hit' pioposod uuttr
alllce mild inuttc mi of syohrltlo.y mid
einieliey i'illiil lo WJ K'il eeiit. oT ell ell
lutloii, plus an annua! tux of one
t'lillltli of one per vent, ot elientittloli
would he liiinleiiiiuio; tluU bank full
il i oh would nuiltlply. proiet'lloii dlKip
pear ttnd bahk-iiote holdeis ituffer
liritvy lossef, Thuyo objections' dlpup
pear In the IIrIiI of experieinc.
,M the illrcdlon of Seerelurj iln;e u
cm oral uuiiIvhIs of the hlslorj ol' mt
tloital bunks for thu Intl ;!'i eais was
reeeiitly made. A llMiotltetli'ill lax of
one-elulltll oi' I per tent, was elmrf.",d
uKiilnst all Ih" national banlts fioni
their ori;tinl.iitloii to dale, uud Ihe
ainoillit so ueeitilliB wus pussed lo Hi"
uedll of tlie liuuglui'il Ktmi'iint.v tnml.
As Indlvlduul bunks fioni tiiue lo time
liiiM.- uetiiully fulled, il wus assumed
that hud these banks enjoyed thu priv
ileges above proposed llley would at
the time of their lalllllo have Uud out
standliii; the full amount or notes al
lowed. The Kuurant fund was thou
cliuiijud with the difference between
thu value of the scout Itlen held by the
Ireastiter of the Cnlted sjtutes In trust
uud the face amount ol their outstand
ing; notes. Afterwards the guuianiy
ruiiil was nedlted with the amount
which would have been realized by the
ti ensure!' had he icceived the same per
contUb'u In dividends upon his claim for
the Huaianty linid us the tinul liquida
tion of the banks showed was paid lo
depositors. The result ol this s.hows
that all note holders would li'iu- real
ized Hi- face value of sail) notes with
out any delay; thai the futur.inty fund
Instead of helim exhausted, wotilil Iium'
steadily mown, anil thai on the Isl
of .lunuaiy of the piesenl year Ihei"
mild hue" bi."n an unused surplus to
'li" eieillt ot ill,- Hitiiiaiity fund of
j'rejlkllce buscil oil isnoiaiue lias
Ioijr limupeied baiiklim operation. In
tills count! y, io the public's incuiive
nlenee and lo.s. Seeietury Lluse is one
of tin; foremost faetois iii f.ii'lns tills
prejudice, shov Imv wlierein it Is wtons
and leadintr pitblh opinion to better
levels of judsineiit.
li would be d.nm"lous lor an iiollll ctook to attempl moiikev shines
Willi a man so well Imbedded in Ihe
oolllidenee ut" ihe plain people as is
Tllcoiltlle U'oii-evelt.
A Wonderful Showing
I I"! ,11 .H'.! ''!. ' .'Ol' l(,Ili.l! '
OX AlUMl. 1 !'-!i the Inteic-st-bi-ilius
d-l't ol lite t'lliled
St Hi h W'l.-- ,ssi7.:;ct;,'ia. Ill'l
.li'litai Mi '.lie war witli Sp.'in
tile ilelil was ilU-ie.ised so that on Xo
veiubei 1. 1Vj;i, its highest point, the.
amount stood at ,l,iii;,iM!),a-U. Two
yeai.s later, or on XoVeliibcr I.", Jiml, the
debt -.tood at !CI,UJ7,i'5l'. show ill'.; a re
dlletion oi .J!PJ,UJl,.S7u
This statement i overs onl the l.n c
amount of the debt is a- much
a part ol a debt as is Ihe principal, and
ibis feature of the debt has been antici
pated and paid to all ainouul nearly as
Hivat n lia been the reduction of the
principal. I!) ill" application of 'l,!.
.ViU.UtJt ot Ihe public moneys, Intel esl to
the amount of $3l,."ilS,41,'l, which w.ould
otherwise have been u charge UKiiinst
thu tieasuiy during, the next seven
years, has been paid, so that, btoudly
speaking, the pulillc debt within two
yeais has been loduied by the sum of
It is to In- noted, aKo. the cash
llinii iu the tieasury has risen liom
'Jii,it;t;,tii4 on April i. lyjs, to .mju'.',,"i1I,-78-
ut clii'-e ol business on Xoveiuber
IT,, Uiul. an incieaso ot $Pt;.;:i7, The
etfeetive lediiellon ot llio ilelil and in
creased cash on hand exceed iu their
tola! the Spanish war bond.! sold,
amounting lo a littli li ss tlian v'i".
IMjil.CW. As a .oaSfisUelice of tlie opcinlions
lesulilns: in this very tsail-diietory con
dition oi thhiiih, tin. uunua'i inteiest
liaise on account of the public debl
lias been reduced trotll SUl,ol7,sM, Wheli
It stood November 1, iy.i:i. to SiSi.l7l.-2S
oil Novellibel 13. 1W1
till April 1, 1IIS, Ihe amiilul llllelest
churye wus ,s;;i,;!b7,:i77. Tliere is theie
foie shown an annual icdiietion in in
teiest, ia lint; fioni tlie presi'tit time, of
.V,!il(i,l'.), as eouip.iied with a period
Jusl antedallim' the Spanish war. These
fin Is indicate a condition ui mipai -
illeled stiennlli iu tile tieastli'y, and ki
lar to explain Hie stipeiior chilli ut lite
I'uited Slates as lucasiiied and illus
l ruled by pi lie quotations iu ihe
w hi Id's iln. itu ial mat kel--.
IrriK.'ilton was nlieud.v populal ut
Wasliiiialon on a small scale.
A Heans to an End.
THH TOXNAtJK of our iner-
hiilil murine last ear iu
fiVaSed ," pel n lit, 1'ntoi
tuimtely this k-iIu was ul
niiiiit wholly limited to lake and loust
wise trulllc uu tlio IiIkIi seas our iner
iliunt lias Is still a iailt. A', the i oiu-mii-sloner
of uuviutioii points out iu
Ills tveelil rcpoil, we liuvo only one linn
of tour Steamers eiosnlim the Vtltllltip
IO Kuiopo: two lines of seven slouillcrs
Cl'o-Viim Ihe I'lielde to Asia, and one
Illle of Ihl'ee StCIUIlels to AUntlull.'l.
Soulh of iho t'aiibbeau .-e.i and the
isthmus there Is no teyular eoimnuul
intloii by wVnieriean hteaiuers with
either coast ol' Huulli Anvrleu.
s Seei'Otury ISnue Holes, lireiit 111 II-
uiii ami France for many yeuis, and
(Jerinany, Italy, Jup.iu. and olhur na
lioiirf tor oiiie tMi'ii, luive hud lliii-s
of lalKe, lust .'ite.iiucrs U'ljlllaily oill
IH't'llur. Hit'll potts with .Vnith and
South Anieika. Asia, Airica. Austinlia,
and Kin ope, rcspiclivc. j.'ur iln; na
llolial serviceh ol such lines these lol'
i'Ikh liovernnieuts noweoutiihtito about
$2(i,i)0ii,uun anuuully. I'sually the cou
iribiillons take niiim form ol payment
for carrying Uie ocean mails, These
tiieiuiiuivi and their cri'Ws are pan of
ihe sthenio of defense of ouch nation.
They bear a relutlon lo lis nnv le-simiblhu-
i hi I'elulleii of thu slate mil
Ilia to tiiti uriny of thu I'nlted States.
Hxpcndltui'is niii so iidjusted by caili
nation as to wuiiv a complete and iui
piovllt's mall i.el vice under thi'
national Han. Tim.', for Its Hues to
Ablti, Australia and Atiicu, wheiu ir.ulo
Is slowly built up, the I' Kuwrn
tuciil giants a rubsldy eiiulvaleui at
times to over au per cent, of tied pis
fioni frilshis und fares, while Its pay-
nieiiiM uie small to Its lines lo Xuw
Vni U. which have long been the trans
Ulunlle toll lirttUii' for litintlredH of
thousauds ol luuoiei.t citmliiK irom
IJtuope into tti" I ullud SlulPH und lot
hundreds or ihousinnls or tons of ntor
l"itn I'anii prodint'' exptnted lo I'tiropi?.
These oeecli tit.ilt ( olttraclH iHlnitllrtto
Mhlphuildintr ot Hie Iil'tliur types and
lietp i .i tut ii In ii most. Imiiortiint
i ointueii'lal IiiMli'iliui'iitullly - reKilhti'
and fusl eotiiuitinleiiilou by sea.
Ill l.N'.iJ (iiiif-'ii'Fi passed tin net !U'J
vldliiB lor ocean mull subsidies, but il
wits not well drawn niiil heeds revision
ninl ainpllllcullon. V"t ritHl occult mull
Hues form only nic pat I of n inetchiiut
iiiarliie. Slow fielnhters aie what wo
llecd IIIOSI The experience of other
eouiilrles has show li that it system of
subsidies Is 111" stliesl m lo eull tlleso
ini'icliailt lilies Into ixlstellei. ('jllotlUK
ntralli fioni Secretary ibtfte: "Wt; build
lew "hips for loiolmi iratle; II Is de
sirable thai we should build many. Wo
have very tew shlprt under the lilt"; In
loielttu trade: it Is desirable thai we
should hue iiiiiii.v. Tlie obstacles are
the relative cost of bulldliiK ships here
and In Creal IJtitalii, which In time will
be overcome, and the relative pay of
clews on Aincrk'iin and on foreign
ships. .VavlKiitloii boutilles in the
I'lilled States tire Justlllnblu only by
present conditions, by the certainty that
they will not Iuiik: he leqiilted by the.
tact that they need not In any your
exceed the total i osl ol u couple of
I ial tic ships, und by the Inct, conceded
by our m.nltinv. ilvals. that they will
produce the results We desire. In lt'K
ii-1'itiou upon the subject H is recom
mended ihtit congress' shall keep In
view the fuel that the expedient is
leinpoiiii'.v. and that prompt results 'are
Those who object lo s-hip subsidies
treely concede the need of oVvelopInt
our iiieiehuul marine lutt ball: til tlie
'lietliod. Why not jlvu it a IrisilV At
most it would not cost u ipiarter apiece
a j ear for each Inhabitant. If it did
l lie business expected, It would Soon
saw SI lo .:, a year II It didn't, thu
luw could be tepealcd.
II com.' i ens shall vote moliej eliounh
to make It possible for the lonstriletlon
ol Uie XlcaraKUJ canal to be beKlltl
with all the men and machinery (hat
can be used to mlvnnl.igf at one tune,
the canal i omnu'ssio.i (stiiuule:t thai,
witli uood luck, elslil yea is may be
sullicieiit to complete the eniei prise
and open il to the wot Id's commerce.
It thcii'loie N essential that the hurin
llinii shall not be .lelayed.
It is peuiivcd by all now that the
m optic of political dominion iu Xew
York stale polities has passed peace
fully Mom I'latt to Udell. And Udell Is
trusted where Plait wus distrusted.
Tin- luslou ticket most mentioned l'oi
next cur's litjht is I'.ittison and Corny.
ISuth uie excellent personallv, but
politically antique and hopeless
'file ease of the re liun
nclls pi oves that R is dangerous tor
even .'in attorney to take chances on
llic law.
It is pleusiiiK to note thai the l-aij,'-HMi
press no longer lcjiiuds President
Uoosevell us a boy.
The presidenl'.s iiicssukc beais le
te.idiiiH. which Is u sine sl'n that it Is
al)oe Ihe iiM'luure.
Xow lei some let tile mind explain
how and how much publicity of trusts
is to be eiilorccd.
And it is intimated tin" the recent
lillsti'.anl alio tioze tile loiihC'lellce of
the cabman.
Most Notable in Years.
I OH I III" 1'llil.l'klpllll I'R--.
I'lolllllll ltlilIMilt ll.1o ll Ill-IHll It il le l.lll.'.e-n
tin- iiih-i iml iltle im-ffic in tinm tii-. Miu,
huli-iuiii'ltt,, ili'cp inimipliil. Hi,. iiMin
tr.i iill itet.inlh ipuinl in tlin iK"iuii-, mi
iiiiiiHeiMi-iiiu. iln, I iln I ii.ilH'ii 'jt li.ill'ilial
dull .ni'l puliln pul.i.i. Mm mo .i.'iir or ilii
.IVIll. Illlt .ill lilluw III. I III! I 111' ut tllC-l' l.-ILo
1 liti ii-, it .i- In mi' I'll -i, k :il lEoo-i'vit
KiKl III' ll- peillllll till- M.iy til tilt.' Millllilll
et .1 Kll.U -"'Up "I i-lli i llililll .III' llOMttlllr:
eii tin' .-.i.iitt' .mil uliiili Hiliiiii.iii hoi'
ti'.nnl t" u-i U-- 1 1 mil;, i imlMly .ilnl witli .in
i'ji' -inu'li t" tin1 pnMii uimil, .iii.I -mli .in ,cii.
nnle i-. in iln iiiuli""! -iii-i in tin wntil inn:
Aim in. uii-ip.
Peifeet in Composition.
s.-ll.lljl (,l'lll.
llic ,Hiiilriu'. iui t ikts tt' ii nine
iliH'lr,' I In sir. 1 1 .l.ili' i,ipu.s It lath-, the i mi-
-lll.ltlslll ill llillll U-U,lll.' lellllli in mkIi il It ii-
unlit-, lull in h ni-liiiii,-v- il mu iilii-tqi.-,
tin lielllnl', ut li.llll lullllll ill -UI.-1. It ii pel II l t
ill lulllpieltlull. Hun 111- II' Hiithi el uiipiy
ihit'il.e el UilllV .llln llttlirv illi'il, i I
luiibt ii a iiiiihl In- liinuniiil iiwiii ,i liiiruy Il is the M'lil, ef J mIiuI.uIi i-Luit.
mill, wIhim' iiiiinl u.i-i lli-plinl by p.itiioii-iii
.ui'l iilnwi tiiuiiaii!-. were .ill it ilut.i.
Intel estiii",' and Compiohensive.
l'ull4UV;l HI I llillll.
It is inn .it tlie U-vt iin.ft.jgii I h.iii 'in
lie ml. Il mil be .i Itilli' en;, but it ii iutu-i-iiii;;
.mil luiiipii'hcii-iit thioii;lioiil. In
hn tm it ttniiM In- in ili'i'ilu- ui ot the knnub
ullic i turn pu ,i In nil it llio picil-
llllll'n ll'tt .111 Ull lU'l.l ."lll'illt ot pii-.lllli'
Ui,jt i ,ii,
Deals with Live. Questions.
i oiiKii.-.-in in Maotli, et Mi.-jLliik-nt3.
Wlnl I u'u.uiii'il iniik'iil uly Is t lie impel unit
it HI .lu-li.--. In mji.IjI topic-,, liitliirla 'll-li.uilnl
l) pii'lilnti -topics wlni'li, in iny op ut .uc
ijiiliuul In be Iln lite 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -. ut li.r iinnii),
High nml Henltliiul Sentiment.
I Kill the I'illljilflplli I I'ill'.o
Il l. leit iltn ii.i iii K'l "ill: lliili in J II u
his. liihi'in .a .i.pil.uluii-, tu lcrivnii- tin' liif;'i
Jill lii'.illliHil --i nllllU'le I'lll.l'l-.ii thi-, tin-ll-llll
uu .ivl Jlnl litlliia Hi tllulin coin li lull
fill-l. 'Hull ,IH ll.i;i. Hill llu0l.e ill"
Mill, lull Alllllil III. el ill pillll'-. 111,1 III ,i
.i 1 1 lull-, I .III Inullllb ..ill, .1111' tlie lilul.1,
tlm m.illl.i iiiiiij;i'. uie naoeuiiu' el litlin
hip iml et llillll iiiii.i hilt liiuli l.lliu' to
tllU lli.l ililluuiul' et llir luliiui-d if
Aim ru Hi piril'l' III.-.
E(unl to the Best,
Item uu- ll.iiiittniiu' in,
Iu lil-i Hut nu,i'.'i' io i oimu.-s I'lii.iliitt
le.-l'll ll'll'll. .1 .-pll'llllhl IllUllllllIll (i)llip.
iiiiiil .iii.I a fine l ti.ilnlii,', Wh.i'1,1 Hull l " I'llli'i' ill J HI. 1U- .HlillK
el yi.Hi liieluiiil, i' Wniihl line Pun luijun Iu
tliiiuiiil el liini a i i,i i i '.In li'.'.i'i.-t tti.mi.iul
I'.l.lljll.iinl P,l Miliiu i' i i.i.- IIUi'illulii pirik r
rDi, i I'm it lc ImiI iiiliu In I1. 1'llk.i in t!.i'
u.Jil n.iy .ml linl I'liji.itil pa i liiluuui.i uppei.
Illllillil '. Ji' pIlpJiili'.- ,t, !loo..J';V. lijt "rtllmil
I lie -ii.iiliu et ,i lutiuul i.ibiiiiii'," It's! i lur:
thill Ii'elilllS .illil l.v ll.'ll Pi'.fll silll'll'.OIKil l, Uk'
vthio Ibriiiejii . i (until;, lie In? ml
IllilU'll J lil'lllllll III llilllll III Inill' .iml liuiiu'i I
,i liiiiial'tc ni'l in liiujii- fiiit-ti npiil le the
Oiir Banking Lau)
Needs Amendment
lim.i '"ur uu t.(,i'j Anniit'l Ihpnil.
ADMIIIMIM' in tn.inj tivpi.t.. npitl 'i-
v'iim ,r," uu,- banMns inlctn l li'il.ul
'( lilr t'inllicr, hot rot Mourn, fi'i hull' loiit, tintiil ImiIiIhI .ui'l .ipiuli "H
nrabil fniH, unit t.o tic ol tinilti.ilily brhia'ti
iliiiu. Tlinu M to (,l,,;al,iti ol duly li-oin tlie
Itfiiu tiJ Uie w.ik or i.m)uinI, nor niiy metliil
I IvjI ui'ei litluii fot i-ofiiuoti piutpitlrn or
ihfoi.'o In iiciiniN t,t nthi'i'lly nml iltptuiii'ti,
I lie r.'Viliiri nnil rilliL' r.l ,i liurV l. to :lro
Hi nmiipi iilillu niotis In I'xclinnar for tin' tnoiiy
'ili(.itloii ef it- nntntnii nml ik-alir. Ihi
It Uu Iwriiii . the li.uil, ililitl iniiM'tutr, If
It ii'ii ..i Piu (iro'iibc li ply of a bunoii'i',
the iilillvnlluii ht tlip l.itiU It pilenicil ny .ill
i pen ncillt In Iho limrcttri upon l( liiok. et It
liu lir hi ImiiIii:! Id hint (1 cnllipotnlliu urn
In ilt t ikdI il fnt, ileitis hi rutin c.i" the
li iti.iillnii l tin. unto--ftrliiitiup by llio Intili ill
He iiIiIIitjIIuii lo puj uKiilnst (lie bnirimi'i' hl.
tr.illiin tu p.o. 1 Ills l ut nlo plilii In' i filiuii!
at Hip icpurM finnUliul bv (ho ImnKi lo tlio ut"
tlio ef (lie ii.niplioll'f ut til" ititntii.i. At tho
pciieil ol I hilr I.i. t lrpntl, the n III. Hill lllllK
in .1 whole licht olillu.illoiK iiB.-illit the pnlillo
til Jll illlllHlllf III OIICM Of I,I)IW".XI IMO, IVllilfl
llio piiljllc mjo.icil n nl ucdlli upon Ihe
booln ol the buik lo .in amount ai c.icom of
W,ll,tKH),i)iio. lM.i( unlit, on ihe IhiiIi'iI
book" me cnlltit "ilipollii." It li J inimiil'iil
liiimr, but It l ,i iiiImioiiki il by it- mo It It
Intcmlcil tu rrpuptit lepnulfo ol .ic In il monoy.
'Ihe tiutli It, that altlioiuli money loimi an Ic
inrnt In the ihlly ilcpodls of the lul'l., In the
il.dly nii'toitr ucplpts nn ,i wlielo uol oui 10
pi i c r lit. i tu uli. the ciihi'i HI piTttlit. oon
ll of clinks in', to fpi'.iV. ii'Oio (Imply, niiltH
fur tlie limi-ru of o.liiliip lutiU rrrillln liom om
pitioti tu iiiiolliri-. It li then- ordiin loi (I.i!
lrunt.ti'1 ot lutik iinllti tlie 1.111
mi" it tlie oiiiitri, nnil, out ol .ill eomp.ttlkin
Willi mil) or piper money a to oxltnl nnJ vol.
unit, tin -oiistltulc the "cturrtny" of whlrfi
tuilo ninl coiiiiiiciri' In .ill latpo olbilrs inilic inc.
It I-. Inipuil.ail t li il Ilii bo lo.iipriliinclcil.
nnle-, "!iiuiili,uk," nolil .mil licr culn, pir
lonn In tin- (idil ol ciuulitioii ,i M'ry Impar
taut pal, but tlulr u-e In (u'o-it intljllv llraltrrl
to itlnll tLimnilioiV) the p,i) incut of mmk'M,
anil tho Hii.ilkr ltt.iii-i of tilo. fur .ill haze
niatli'i-, buik i hod,, ot unlit liunofei. aro the
rtrreliie iiihimk.v. the real mulliiiii of cmIi.i:ijc
end iiii.un of p.i,iinent.
Neii, 1 .in ot oieilit l.v tin ii.inl. i- ivieiill.illy
.i lure or Mention of llio imilliim oin
f ii 111140. llink-i itu -ioi pilri.ii My leml tiiuiii.. ;
tl'iv siio eiulit. CrcJIl io tln-ii inly in.l.'ul
lie .unilcil of by the bcnomr to mi'ie motit),
either in t lie form of coin 01 bank notes lint In
iniiili the haccr iIilmic tin- unlit, obtained is
mull tlio Milijul of luni-ti'i licin boici lo ii.'ll'
ii'. 10 be 11 li.iii-li'ii.,1 nuilti anil .11r.un In Ihe
iiiin-e ui ti.idi. u ..-i h.n 1 ilic-e plicnuniini.
In tiie iin lallons ot Ci.ulc tin' iluli'i iltvlici a
Inuir If ,i ti iiipii.ii 1 1 poiici to (bt. tin oo'is
cr (eiiiiiioillti.'S buik ni'ilit 'ilvdi Pe ill
fr.lll-.ff 1- lo .lllethil ill ill.llMIKl 111- ihilk i- 1
(lliiliii a-- iiioiny iii I i-i le tioii'ili.-.-oinc.
lie iKpiltite hi!, iioti.4 Willi his liin.ii'
.iml ulit 1 ln the iliui'il unlit, which, ,11 b"uie
ib -1 liluil, lirioiuii llio Mititil el mitltipllul
tiiin-lris In 1I110 itiiu-f of time lit- ili-io-" o!
Iln pmil- 01 cunnii nhtii(. In bail pii'dii-cl .mil
uitli tin .H. ill- he t.ik'-i up hi- into .it the b.iu't.
'Ihe .-.bunion i- 1I11-, ii-toiiil lo It- fonnei tti-
tll-. 'lilt' (ll di' ehtlllUll "ui till ll.lllt r It '.ui'
cileil. 'I In MiluniL' ut bail. Ltrillts iisbliot
P. tiiiii-ln 111 tlie .11 mil 4 111 trail, h.11 I"1".!
umli.ii nil it, Hit iiiieimi iuioliul in tlio u iiiv
11 1 inn ili-iil,ii. II it no t-lr.tiii 01, lili-UU.',
mi' "lets il do anv Melcme li tiutli, to mi
tliimuli the lnuiinv opn.ilion ef llio banks I lie
i;i"iliiini 01 ei li.mue it rvpiinlul by inlllloiii
mi.v ill, anil i .ml 1 .11 1 1 1 by inillioii-, it ly
ill, the .iei.u.f in inillt liinitiori-i "lem
about (011-t.inl aboiil lot.'t.inl, lni.m-u Pit buy-uk,-
.mil the idliii; m lie- loiiiiiiunity must le
fub-t.inti.dly i'iinl.
'Ihtie iui', Iomimi. .it lea-l I In re ciiin.- v lii'Ii
I'pllJlL' tO llllll'JS- till cl'llllllll lipell luiil.-i 1(1'
tlii-i unlit taUHtics nml thu- In nnjniint tlio
I11l.1l ol loans or bank unlit-, there nuej
iii.i be tli'H eniiii ji.ttdl: u-e 111 piiios of
luiiiuioilitiis ami .-1 1 untie-; .111 inni.iti iu the
loliune ol ilu-i thiii!;-; an enliiKeil nctiniy in
the. -ilc .imf! of i.uil- mil tinnitie-. on
tin othti ImihI, ihcie it .111 iii'lueiKO wliiiti Mm
it- 1I10 nliillly or Ihe bmkt lo tontinue iml-ul-nllcly
cpiiision hi Uieii loans Tint iiillupifo U
llio dtp leteiut Ik M 01 tuiiliullnl by lin'in.
A ie-iu.iitiblo duty a-umeil bv the banker i. to
be" .it all time- to inltrni In ciili all
mliIII line tlinu him lo tlie j.ublii. I'ailiii'o to
ile tint mini- ni-oliii.i. llmio lii.t ca-b il--uinitt
mii-t Peal ,1 iiipei li'litlon tn hit b.i-bllltli-i
iu till li eir.1, and the nalioinl luukliij
nl lii't uiiuiiiiuiii iKicintasi-. wli'uh ll h Pie
hank'-, h'il duty to maintain.
Now, il i-i .111 eli-en.ilili' flit, f,iicn luni-m-s
aniilti and .1 pio-pium- eeiii-c to mdiis
ti.i, lime koi ii pui pa--" .1 tti.uly ep.iiitlou
In Hit 1111 .nit et I'Mliiiur luiiiitlittl by 'i.iiiis
nedits Dank In nit .111 iniii.i-nl. ami Hie io
inlled "ilipiwilf, ' wlilili air uedll- .it l.iomiu
t ir.i utt, j..i Iji iiei total-. l l.i .t the i.b
1 1 1 1 1 1 i -1 1 1 r. u latin ot ca-Ii lutiiit iuts ,1 .ttiain on
ihe iM'iuiluiir inoieimnt iml impnlet iiiitliei
iliMltipiiii'tit iu lint ilireitt'eii. Win 11 tin- -It'll-thin
I- u.'iliid, ml li.ui' the ijuiilin tiuiptii'iis
et pie-puili. '1 1. nlo i- .utile, tun 1J
but, and l.ilmr will implo.ud. Uithin the tlm
itt et the kci.ujI niiililiiiuiii -o u-itlitil, there
ouiiht to In. indtlliiitf iiiitiuii.iiiu- iu the Inpiy
u.niliii'-iii--. Itul it it a lannliir tut iu the.
p.i-l, and it will b- 1 lei-iuiiiii tail In tit ill
tine, 1I1.1I nn-tilliiii; inlliieiiii- 01110 in it un '-
pttinl lulled- tn ili-tiuli linaiai.t .md uiatto,
,11(1111 ( Itois: s.j'ne lime l'iuaiin.1 In-tlt'i-tluU
bit Iui 11 iiiinuid Willi ueklet- diMfiJid
In u- tioj-t intiii-t.; J I uae 101111ne10i.1l liuine
Imo'iiit iii-uliinl, .1 p.ilitleil pari o-peu-u
detlilne Illinium- tu public and piiiali unlit;
war it tiiti itii'id, 'i.iin-tt tail, 1 Jiiiih rune
1.. .., , .. ., t .1 1 .. t...,,. I !.,
el pntlt -emit pillll leyei'l ei et'tit-i engine,
t.llllf eliu Ol' lllult it till si' I llllt.- OlCllllili; III
-uen inn, or po-sililv optiatihs tojutlur, 'ill'
nulls Lohlid, nie in 'lie tiluitieii. (.iidtt lo-m
in some dinar it- foinui poiui; n-li betouut
irlituili 1 lir nun' iu1111.ul. ml; tlie mnueMil il--tint
ot die bankt It ml dmtiiii.ud; iinnii.iiiui
and liar .'Uptisido luiinei louudtiiii' niui.ue,
Tin i ill eiitiiiiis(anit.s aie tint neniliir to
my one inumi.i; llicv air lumnieu In all mini.
lii,. 'Ihe Mrlkliii.- iiiiiti 1st l in be iiuiiil in
tlie w.i In uliiili tiny .no met and nuuoine,
and the loiiipul-uii ft wliull.i imt.ut'iablo to in,
Kpl.iiiatinii it tu In luiinil In oui ililiclltc
lunkiui; (.i.tiin. Xo mioiui- do the yiiiptii'in of
liu, un ill aiid liii-ini't., tiuulili' .ipi'i'il, than ll.s
lunl., iilidir tin inline piiiKiplv ot rvlt-pioti'i.
Nation, (,'i-pitid to itu: linlitut limit po-tihle
tilth opci.ittoii, of 1'Miiin, and ilUcoiuiiliu.
I li, ti.oe lo sin 11 'ill! up ill HrClr liuul," iu e,
ihaiiKi' tel dt In olill.'alioiit fii'iii II ui de.ilii.
Hit. 1I.1IH ti.'ilion. 01 die nnosiiy iiii'illiini ol
eMltanui', bank iredils trite, or bno'iie tip
null iii.nli-iiiilc to 1 (iliiiu rilal I'eiiulunn.liU.
'llio dilll liipililalloii of itL.Jit. ion.
limit"), rcaiiltiti); in Lontiacilon, uiulne-t 111:11,
cuijin? sood-i .md M-Ulllliet b tlie aid ol
bank unlit, lie obliged In ill Willi Ulllu l'e
lmiiI to Lutt, ('unUmplui il Miiuti-is in
abaiiiloned; uiil'.i.- foi lutui ilillu-i'' 01 (:oi.U
aie ii-ilii'liil, the.-e tain-sui .itit 111 11K
the il'jttnuaid inuMinctit, thu bankn b,conii.t llic
iiielo tu perfoim hit impuitan' tini.
:i(ii et loiitlnj lib fled It for (ciiiiikh i..l and in
iiiisttiil ihts
Wv tines ptrciiii' tin buiiui, Diipp ,t
wliieli luil proiiiotnl .md tiht.iliiiil"ni
iu(ru wllliuiit which, iiicifnl, nutli pn'stoti
Moiiltl line Lull ii'U'0,llil Is MitlidiitMi .it
1I1 j ci liuiiiiiit when oiippott i the inot
nniful. What should be, rmlii .utli (In tun
Maims an Liileil.i. iiuifiii.itbo luouiiuht tu
more senile roinltti ,111 hiLoiur a iliunhil,v lli;ht,
ai iiuie iMiiiiu.) li.uil' , in uliiili at last tlii. in
.in I'li.-iitn. piililiu i. ' liuuluil. 'Ac
hiiu not 1..1 1'- look In Of tli".. lull
'llio .o-i'allid pauli nl P'll l 1 milked iN.mpl ,
U'lthlu .1 piiluii of k.i llian luilw 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ban),
nitlil. (di' w.-ro 1 "llll.ll in. in 1 Intil of
Uieii- ill III foul hliliillid lllilllei., while the .11
lull 1 .oil liolOllu. 01 I he liiui.i) no ' .'il
by 1 11 a 1 I.i tilt) iiiillei.tjrdtil it In 1 11, 1 i"iin n
ii buik unlit. Ik' 10 mlt ,n 1 1 .n.i.-i in
tin uliiili. nv tliiiuitli ui ttadi v 9 .uil'kidy ii
Hilnl tu the. pajnii'it .,1 ir--.'Xl.iiU In.,. lit. il
nes Ikiii lite put, lie tj the b.'iit.v, 'I'd.- I iiwiii
by the Hit 1I1 is "loam i ml ilt.iuunu" wio re
iliiu'd iluilu,' tl.e pin, d . ,111 iinoiiul nil'.itJii
llillv I'Jlli-pi'li'lil't to liu fall fu dqw.its -o.'Ul
of tin- liipiiiutiou v.h no .Inula I'lUu.uiy 0.1
die 11.11 1 et I'lul. dilitoi., I.'it miuli the !ji.;tr
p.ul v a. u..ii'nl. to 1 ioj ills. nil. nit.iue ot tie
buik. a. lull a. then dibioii. M.iuv bank (.nl
iiu.t i.L,"iiii'l ami butiuLM binkropti Ut- noli
i.uuieieii; tin lurli'ii .uul 11 oil: .liopi) win 1 Iuk'iI,
and umniplii.iiil liliel' .-lllli red thu pallii 11
nml. N.ii iiuld Ih.v.' iil iuticiUi' 1111'Kr
lliti limit itl'.'lll of -111 li.uikll Dctiut, li,i.'C
lu'i'ii u-.oilled. l'il,ts. iiit.illPi.itlo:i lie I'll'tt
Miieitliy tin liiu;tit ol uksudalleii uu b-' m
n 'il. .id Iln tiiiuhi. po. ! .he rale mil
Christmas Gifts for the Children
.t Vfci M
sv4. il
. BTttLP' -- jjs j ww,mM.mK-ii ssrM . "m. . if. .. . . -11 i-w- -ty-i u j
;s 4a&j&J& k
zr-tt9KT im?fr&m
Gold and Silver Watches,
Sleds, Skates, Games, Etc.
To be given to the Boys and Girls ot Northeastern Pennsylva
nia who succeed in making the largest number of words out of
the letters in
S-OR-A-N-T-0-N MM-IMJ-N-e.
Gold Watch.
Four Silver Watches.
Writing Desk.
Three Sleds.
Two Knives.
Combination Game Board.
Bagatelle Board.
Checker Board and Checkeis.
Hop Scotch.
l'liZL't. Mill lie given to the boy or sirl, under It) yeuis ot' iiro, luillii
ln?r tlio lurgusl number of words out of the letters contained In "Scran
ton Tribune."
Xo letters rniiht be used any iiion; limes than tht-y nnpenr In tlite
two words. Ah nn Instance, n word with more than ono "E" would
not be admitted, but a word might contain two "R's" or three "X's."
Plurals formed by adding "" or "es" not allowetl.
Only words found in the main portion of "Webster's
Dictionary" (edition of 1S9S) will be allowed. Any Dictionary can bo
used, but in judging the content The Tribune will debar all words not
found in Webster's.
Proper names, or any other words appealing In the "Appendix"
will not be allowed. This applies only to proper nouns or names in
tho Appendix those denned in tho main portion of tho book will bo
Obsolete words are admitted if they arc defined In the dictionary.
Write on one side of the paper only.
Wiitu very plainly; If possible, use a. typewriter.
Place tlie words in alphabetical order, numbered in totation.
Write your name and address, ago and total mber of iiords at
the lop of your list.
Fold the list do not roll.
Content closes Saturday, December -!1. tit I) p. 111.
All letteis of inuulry for additional Information will bo promptly
answered. Address your list of word1, or any iiuesllon you vls-h
answered, to
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Fa,
Employes of The Tribune
ooooooooooooooooo OCXJ 00000000000000
Organized 1872.
Depositary of the United States.
Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000
'I lie illsjciunt inte to depositor Is o per cent, pel minimi.
i-ipodal attention given to nil accounts licthrr liiiEf or smith
' tiru i-iiturilay evenings S to t) Vvluo 5,
Three per eont, interest paid on i-nvlugs deposit".
Interest compaiuiled -Inniiaiy 1st oritl July JM,
HENEY BELIN, JR., Vice President.
William Connell, James Archbald.
Henry Belin, Jr., Luther Keller,
Oeo. H, Cfttlin, J. Benj. Dimmick,
Thomas H, Watkins, James L Connell.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo '
MruriK cftemkd tu 'onlidcmr tu llic nu'ipatt. m
the veil; nnl i-i0s'il, .1 upctltloii ut tlm ilU
iMimi. iicii(jiiiuu ot Is'.G ii.-ills utily tin- lr:;.
I.ts i linn.
NlBllllll'IH In been .'i.t fwuiil fer .1 .Valclll
mIiIi-Ii f-ontrmpl.Ui- a Mrso central bank itli
ni'iliiilli1 hum-lie-.. Tint rjrtun da, lndl,
tillonl tho cliinrnti wlilcli iimild file ths .il0M
c.t ol inotcetltu Jctliiat tli? I'lOsfiit
nil ot bitiKs, i-.icli .in li.ilcimi'l'iu
milt, m. ft li ti" bond ii (ulifilen, ii.i poiur ot i0'
I'lHr.lllli' .ilIIiip, li'i uliiili- in i-.-iinlltllli: li'i
iti' Ruiiil i'i let miu o il i1ci'.i'. tli.t
in n(iivlit'iii lei- l.iisr liaitti", u'
I nuil .en u. l lor llio iai,.blli ins el br-uu V .,
i-.IU'l.ils tin- l Olllllir.rj Ill.-llllltS 1,1 em lll-epli', 1II1
U..I.I lullil Iii1 1'iel.l'll Upon Ji Ilt pliscnt llllllur
..ible i'i U ilU. li .1,. I in lliit tin' lull Jill mil i'i
.111 'l .1 -11 1 IU 111' llillll III .11 llillll 1 1 lliltlKil.
fillll.' il Jllsll.' be I.t Ot line (lOlllkll ..l.ti'lll,
"lilili kill-. Illi'il und bub prndi mi- i.i Uu
tui. ii'lilli .uul .i liinitt'il iui-iiol;nty in lln ill iu,
llillll' it UllllCr UMIII tllO I'lliUl K11I1...-I
iui!!i' polul. iui ,i tiiiiiuioii pretii tlm .uul ihe
1 iuli.Ui'. l,m not Iln iiltuiili'. m l.'l
tr.itluii bo apiillnl, liiuli r ulibli tin' Innks i.s
!llillllllu.,l tllliU, pil'ii'ivlllt; tiliil lllili'in IiiUii g
nl allien in lou.l iiliiitn.ililp, uny .ut In uiili-
il In 4 su-Jl itiutiil Iristltiitkiif I'enn.'il by
ruim- iiit.iin pi-tttiitii el t iplul iimtiibiitnl
by (he lunU tluii'lu, i, id IU iuin.1. o.-iiini
lll'ltld llllell.ll till' .llllr.KC 1( .ill. il ilullltl up
ri.'iit tlii' inlt'icvU ot lliv uliuU' leiintij. Willi
limltiil puiuri ( lO'ibul en i' iti. urn iUi kilii
in ilii inlt-ic.t v! i oiunii'ii v.fili, lourliiril in It)
ik'Jlinirii to tlii' bin'-; j tim) to llio Kouri'iiiui!, it
tuiill btionii' llic iieiiliy nbliit el i (vf, i-i
p'lblli teiilMi mi'.
Jyijwi . sjcz oolszl . axs xN-Tvjr-vuyz
Ji 2kK?. yr VSS BIS4. .AT tVS IS lR'-4'-"
f.nrtwi.M .. '&Mf. j"fc.,i 1 ' Yvr.' sK t iimxwr HP-
r ' iB4VBrf' Wr
Set of Boxing Gloves.
Rug-by Foot-Ball.
Brush and Comb Set.
Bagatelle Board.
Magic Lantern.
iDominoes (with double
Progressive Words.
Pillow Dex.
Are Debarred from Entering- These
AIAays Busy.
tsltott. t'ot uk Lieut l.i vi Iu One und
thu Di'itr l.ttilu linn's iili'iiil.-i; thu u.wj,
warm Itlmls fur llio liousu or .itieot;
for wot It or tduy, Nothing Jiiot tr.
i'.uotl us a holiday silt. ii bU,'Ci
tin slet' His well .is tif i L'LL'lwr. Out
nvli'vs on the bf3l l'OIiiiihui sent- Iti
:15 ceuth to S5.00.
Lewis 8c Reilly,
114 and 110 Wyoming avenue,
SrZf Fk
Estimate the
Number of Words
How many words do you think
there are in the letters in "Scranton
To put it another way, How many
words do you estimate the winner of
The Tribune's "Junior Educational
Contest" will haveP
This is just a little "Estimating
Contest" in connection with The Tri
bune's "Junior Educational Contest,"
in which every reader of The Tri
bune is invited to participate.
Ten Dollars
For the Best Estimates.
$5.00 will be given for the first cor
rect, or nearest correct, esti
mate. 2.00 for the next nearest.
1.00 for the next nearest.
50 cents each for the next two
25 cents each for the next four
Record your estimate on the blank
below and mail it to "Contest Editor,
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," or
the envelope may be handed in at
The Tribune office. You may send
in as many estimates as you have
irirr IIIImOIT.)
Contest Editor.
Scranton Tribune.
I estimate that tho winner of the
first prize in The Tribune's "Junior
Educational Contest" will have
. words.
Name .
o r
Gunsterfi Forsyth
oil I'l-nu Avenue.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock ol
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable tor
Wedding Gifts.
MercereaU 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue,
f V
j tti-sbi, " .