The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 04, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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An Excellent Pioginmmp WnB Ren
tlcicd in Splendid Mnnner Mich
ael Costello Seiiottsly Injmed in
the Bilge's Mine Last Night nt
the. T. O. S. of A. Fair Wnlter J.
Bennett, of Wilkes-Banc, nnd Miss
Anna E. Edwauls, of Kingston,
Mauled Other Notes.
t.usl eu'iilncr, uotltliliiiiilliiK tin
Inclement weather, tin- Flist Hapllst
c Inn I'll Mas pat'lced lo the doois bv
those who di-shed Id heir the muni
01 gun at list, I'nif. Wllllnni I! Ahmiill,
nf Alllllglon, X. .1. Tin- oveiiliiK's ell
lovment opened hy mi organ m1o,
"Kehlller .Miiieh," by I'rof. AV H. Aj.Ii
iikiII. Uoloro hull tluoiiKh wllli the
solo, Un piofessor luul completely won
Ills .'itiilloiito, and each mot
thereafter was sieeted with innnil
after ion ml of applause.
I'hlllp II. Win run, the solo
Ki, lendeied In Ills usual line volte a
vocal solo, "How Lone? Wilt Thou Kor
net 3Ir. O l,oiilV" wlilrh was followed
1n- mi oifjnn solo, nntttlcd Clrand niTei
toi v In fi, hv 1'iof. AshmaH.
.Miss Health c M011K. n in iter oC
fin? ability, wlio has cli-Hnlited law
atidknces tlnoiiqliont the llv. times
without iiumbci, londeictl with usual
Si'.ico "f!ilBKhhV Station" and "The
I'sual Way." This followed In mi solo by 1'idi. Aihm.ill, which
pom-hided p.n t 111 st.
fait second opened with an oik, in
'olo bv !iol. Ashinall, lolloupd bv n
vocal solo, pk'aslnlv lendeied by T
II. Hiaekelf. 1'iof. Ashin.ill again de
lighted his iiitpipslt'd listeneis with mi
oiBiin solo, followed by a bpuiitiful duet
bv Jls Thomas and Philip Wan en.
UNs Jlonis then i celled "Ilngei," by
ioitie.l, wlihil was followed by an or
,in 'olo and opituiP bv IMoi. Ash
ni.ill, this iniit'ludhig Hie'
of the p piling;.
The eutei t.iiiiineiil thimiglimit nf
tonled he gloatcst pleasillo, .111(1 it Is
hoped in tlie ne.if mime ii may
be i elicited.
A Popular Man.
Time pob.iblv uevei luis bun inn
will tlieie MKelv be for some time to
i nine, mii h .1 big WeHiiiian visit us a.,
is ".Million' the inineis' piehldent .ind
iiii-iiibi r of puli.niH nt, wlio on S.itm-
Diifocip's French Tar
Mill puniit1 nlim in! 1rcl1l oil i
rrtit,ns, col K and ill limp IrnnhU. I r,r
nil 1 (.. W .II.MU.N-, 101 s0Ul, -Iini
Our Great
Marvelous Book Selling
Because of Marvelous Values
That's the whole story quickly told. All book sales
have been eclipsed by these great offerings. We've
told you why and how. It's a PUBLISHER'S SALE,
hence the prices.
5 New Novels of the
In Uniform Binding.
Special List of Popular
Handsomely bound in cloth, each
vvith a distinctive and nttiactive
cover design. Regular Publisher's
piice, $1.25; oui- sale pilce, 48c,
Theie is no line of boohs published
which piesents so mnny nttiactive
features to the book lover ns these
popular cloth-bound Copyright Mov
els. Each book has been proven n
success. Heie ni'e a. few of the titles:
Tho Celebiity, Winston Chuichlll.
The Sonows of Satnn, Marie Co
lellt. The Piisone.r of Zentln, Anthony
A Lndy ot Quality, Fiances Hodg
bon Burnett.
In Connection with the DeWil
loughby Claim. Frances Hodgson
The Jessamy Biide, F, Fmnkfort
The Little Minister, J, M. Banie.
FJooks for Children
llenty's Books, that are f.imous the woiki over, Per
volume , ,
Oilier Books for Boys ami Giils r,n endless choice of
Jitles, froni 34c to
T iStfuldnrd Works of Fiction.Tiavel, History, Biogiaphy,
elt , .t, per volume , , uc, 13c aiul
Globe Warehouse
dav.wltli Ills sou b.iite faiewell to
litilne IMwaiils and hlltidieds of oilier
fl lends he niaile dllllntr Ills liilef visit
III tifl'illltnil,
The Hon. William Alnahanis, as he
Is known III public llle, Is not What Is
eoinmonly i ailed u "meal" man, hill he
Is a Kood inan, pousesseil of extiaor
itlniuy veiMiitlllly, keen Intellect, and
ulioe all he is a man of lionot, In
whom llioiiKiihdH of people lnte the.
Utmost Minlldeliee. Ills lnlt to the
1'liltid States has been one of much
plcastiie and piollt to him, mid when
he letiuns to the hniie of eonmioiiH.
thele Is Utile doubt bill thill lie will
induiiMir to Ineiileate Into the minds
of some oi I ho inenibera the nete"slly
for looklm; Amei leanwntil to obtain
Iesons iiIoiik eeitnln lines.
Dill llitf Ills stiO 111 Ser.illton he de
llveied a leeluie, spoke lit i-eviial pub
lic and pihate leippllons, nddicsxed
the inlne woikeis, londueled an eis
teddfod, punched iwo senium, and In
addlllon to all thai visited the pilu
elp.ll polllls of Inteipsl in the ellj nnd
eolint. All this was in i iiinplliihed In
seven dns in ttittl time, lie also spoUe
In Wllkes-llalie tliue times mid
in Cm boiidalc oni e Mindav lie
pio.u lied ill Xew Vol K, and dlillliK llle
pi i. sent week he will lslt in the New
liml.iml Slate, Mollis as rnr us Ver
mont mid f'npe Hieton, and Inlir in
I'tle.i, .V. Y.. and Moiittenl. Can.. Iioin
Willi h point he will s.ill rm homo about
Uei ember JO
Injuiieu Pioved ratal.
While emploved as a inliiei hi the
noilBe mine. William Kellv, .iged HO
e.iis. ol lilt! N'illth st I eel, was the le-
tlin of n spilous ueldelit, whlih le
sulled in his death .it 1 o'clock ;ieser
dny nioi uliiij ill the .Moses T.i.loi Iris-,
Mr. Kelly, with the aid nt his laboier,
had piep.ned a blast, mid .iltei llulit
ini; the luse thex letlled to ,i place of
s.ilety. Tlio blast, howexer, did not so
ofi, as thov expected, and leluiiuiiK to
the chamber thev stalled to itnesti-
firate, and when within a lew leet of
the blast it went oil, with the n-siilt
that bolh men weie blown seseial leet
and tallied beneath ihf i"k and (oil.
Tlicii piles soon InotiHht aid. mid I lie
imfoi lunate men weie uiicoM'ied and
lemoird to the sulfate, wheie Kellv
was loiinil to be the most seilously in
111 i tl.
lie 1 1 lUUVt il Id the lit)' pil.ll.
wheie, although in a eiitieal i ondition,
Ii was at Hist thought lit' would le
covci. Kelt's Inluiles i oiisNtetl o a Inc
lined left and tin to InoKeii ilb, the
heait bclilft- also afiet'ted. lie is sur
ied bv his wile mid tluee d.uiKlitfi,
Mr.-, .lolm t. Jlis. John llciint
K.m and Jlis. Clinics -Mu.ske.v.
The will be held on Thms
dav nioinliur at t o'eloi k in SI. I'at
iitk's t Inn ill, intcimeiit In the Cathe
tlral i tmetei'.v.
P. 0. S. of A. F.ih.
Last exenliiK the laifte and t oinieo
illous hall ot C.imp ITS, Patiiotle Ol
der Sons ot Anieiiia, was laed to lis
lullest inpaelty to at conioil.ile tin
clowd that clijoed the llospliulUj oL
the "bos."
The membei.s of St. lliendtn's loun-
Book Sale.
at 18c.
. . ,
18c Each
Popular Sets-
Among' them nie Coopei's Leather
Stocking Tales, 5 volumes.
Mnccauley's England, 5 vols.
Cooper's Sea Tales, 5 vols.
Majle Cotelli, 5 vols.
lUulyaul Kipling, 0 vols.
Hnwthoine, 5 vols.
Standard Sets.
Chniles DIcken's Complete Woiks,
15 volumes, handsome binding, sale
pi ice, a set, $3.70.
Scott (Waveily) Complete Woiks,
very handsome our sale pilce, the
set, $2,47.
George Elliot's Complete Woiks, G
vols,, our sale piice, a set, S1.40,
All other gieat authors woiks in
sets at equally good pilces,
t II. Yoinnr .Men's Inslllltle, nllendcd
In a body nnd with the able assist
ant c of .Miss N'llilhdt of lliecn HIiIkc.
soloist! Thomas Kane, violinist, and
Henjmnln Mo.wl, pianist, rendered the
cU'IiIiir's piommunie, which was on
Joyed to the lullust exlenl.
This eVelllllK the ploRi'nillllie will 111
etude .Miss .Maigaiet flllibolis, SIIs
.Mm tint Cuius anil Joseph Phillips, .so
loists; Miss llossle Shut will leclto.
mid .Miss Cm mill Kuhy will nIuk Jnlm
Linens', and Kicil Xeinnls hai n',o
toiiseiiled in ciitel In lit with thu hnr
moulca, Theie 'will be seveial oilier
tilltaetlons. width will iiialte a pin
Kininine of note.
Sciiotisly Injiticd.
.Michael Costello iificd 1 ems, of
JlJit N'oith llebeeen incline, was unite
badly In luted at Hi Ikks' mine ippoutly.
While piimsIiik a loaded ear, u piece of, welnhlni? some fiOO pounds, be
eilllle loose netl mid fell Upon hllll
He was thrown to the noiiiul with
much foue and Hi" toal held him In
sntli a untune!' that he was unable to
U'lease himself.
Some ol the Illinois, litailllK Ills inlln
for licln, l mi to his assistance mid io
niovpil him to the sin race, whole I Jr.
Iiii'iiiian, wlm had been called, found
him to he sufl'eihiB Iioin a fiactuied
low mill uuuieious cuts and bruises. Ho
was leinined lo his borne, wheie he Is
now lesllntr itulte pomfoilabl.v
Quiet Wedding.
Al the paisoluiKc ot the Simpson
Methodist Hplscopal thuieh. Wnlter J.
Helmut t, of Wllkes-Iiune. mid Miss
Anna II. IMwmds, of KliiRstou. weie
united in manliiBe by the pastor, Hev.
II. C. MelJeimntt.
The biiile Is u niece of e.-Poslmastcr
Itach, of Kingston, and Is one ol tho
iuosl pnpulnr and chaimiiiw youns
women of that place The piiiini Is a
IiiIkIu and eiieuelk' business man, the
southern leiireselitative ol the Plilla
delphla Has Trust, Hoth have the best
wishes of a host of li lends, mid after
a slum lilp to Washington they will
it'sliU al Chin lnltes llle, North Cmo
llu.i Erminie Club Dance.
In .Meais" hall Hie Hrmlnle club, toin
ptHcd of the most popular society peo
ple in Sd.inlon, held one of the most
(liloynble sdpI.i! events of the season
l.isi nifdit.
The hall wa tastily decoiattd with
tut lloweis and palms, nnd piespntod
a most be.iutllul appellant o when
lilled with the dauicis. At a lato hour
a tlainlv upist was seived, afterwlik'h
the dilute was concluded.
Liked the Coffee.
Last evening one of Ilie slifel cai"
while ipassinur Ilie lunch waijou on
Noith .Main avonue, sniellcd the tlelli -ions
odor ol liesh toffee. Willi the le
sult that it let t the track mid suited
for the wamm. A telephone pole
stepped in tho way, liowevci, and
bioiiKlil the tar Id a stop. It lequuert
sevua! horns ot haul woik on the
pa it ol the wipok nuw lo pusuado
the to lot even Hi" t offee and le
an u to the tinck.
Twenty-fli st Wind Tnxpayeis.
The state and rnunt ta for 1P01 is
now due and should be paid al onto to
Lot Lodwl;r. hJS Xoi th Hiomley avenue
Tlio sunlit on Sunilay moi nins .ind
pveninur vvei iinii'iii.illy VM'II atlt ntltt1.
It K veiv Kiutll.viiiR- to mi- so many
Mi.iliBt'is In attomiaiHi". At tlio ruily
it It biation an liit.inl .1- baptizod. ami
altti tlio Sunday iliool service an
atllilt vviis haptbitl
Theio will I10 110 .Pivkt' on WotlniK
tluy ovt'iiinpr, but 11 thill 01 thi' nicnibt'if,
ot Hi. Allies' tliaplor will be held in
pteatl. A iC'lebratitin ol Hie Jloly Kuih.ulst
will t.iKf nlaci.' on Tbutsilny 11101 nln?
at 7 Hi. The licv. UauKhlon will make
a slioit atltlie.-s. On rihliiy evening
theie vsill be 11 Mieiial seiviee at T..10.
The Jtev. Di. Isi.iel will uial.e the :itl-
Un riiiUuhi. nt .! 4"i p 111., :i spotinl
fhilclien's suinIlo will be hold in the
t'luueh ti.ii lots. Klunt ntltli esses by
well-known t'lei'K.v ineii will be onjovvtl.
The leKiilar cliolr iclieaisal will be held
in the Suntlaj school on Fiiilay even
iiiB. On Jltnitlay evening St .,nes" tliup
t'T will kIiu ,n entiitaiiiinent 11ml hold
11 sale 111' ianiv ankles lor t'luistin.i".
The vcstiy held lts"i monthly
meetlufT on Monday night. Kepoi ts
weie lio.ii il i 1 tun tlio sunivr 1 oiumit
iee. who leallctl a veiy cnmtoi table
Filltliei' pupiu.itlous aie belnn in.liln
fin the Hinnii.iKe sale to be lit. Id on
Dcionibii is-::.;. All p. 11 lies having ur
lltlts loi llle sale nil' iiMUestetl to send
them In tile lei ten y an soon ns poslblp.
Mr IMUe ban tilieied 11 ti.ittlel, w lilcli
will he put up for itintest, open tu any
11111111111' ol SI. David's piulnli. The
l'l.une .ind siniilni' iiliottiRiaphs will be
on eshlliitltin in the Huiiduy st I100I
lotnii 'i'lie pei. 1011 winning the plituie
will have the t holce of 11 pictuie of
any member ol 1I10 family. A si mini
pil.ii' will t,n in the .setontl winner.
Cloaks and Hulls almost given away
at IboM IicI'h, Hie Kuiilii lit AVyuin-lug-
Hit- I.tillo.' l.l f(iltl ol Din IjImiiii.I. I on
n'il!ui,il ilmiili, hii HmU l'nl, miiu., will
luil. I 1 ,sci id on II. c. II, liiil. nlin, liiil.-, 11 1,
ItlflU ". 1 1 I lllll lullllllj l.ll.O III lie MlVnl tl,i
plil lllsllllj l hi (illl, I. 1 MlllU.ll 111 .1 i,H(
1 tint in- liiHuinllul 119 11. tul ilmi. "i i'o
iiiii mii-. tin' licit
'llioiiuk 11 llminii, m til Souli Huh. I'u',
IMIIUC, llllltlll MliulU jlljlllIlS III hllk Mllllf
nt -rK In tin' II.IUmu iniiii, 1 itiuotiU
lu lih lioim. .1 :i 1 Hi. liimui IIimioIiN w it ull,i
'lln liiilnl'il-. oT th, I 1 Hi--,' t I1111.1t .,11. Irh .11 c
it mu 1-tc.1l In 1111 CL IIiiiimIh cmiiIii,- .it Ihr I'ly.
Illulllll llllltlll, .Il 'l ll'lloik, Hi I'U-llll'-- uf 11 11.I1
liiiput IJIll I' Mill lc 1 1 111-11 1 1 1 1
'I lie Wllli.nn 1 onnill (ilu 1I11I1 inr 1 1,1 111. lit
in hinili- lull .mil I10I1I t In 1 1 iirst uIii-iihiI upon
Ilie loiiipilltiii mIicIIoii v. I1I1I1 Mill ,o niiis Jl
.Mkniuwn, tut Mmh 1;. It w u ikcitlc.l in ui
hum 1 lio 1111 inliutlilp nun iinv iunn' i 1 1-
Hill, .1 til till lllll Mill lllll,' H Im IkII
siiinljy jliiiiii.Dii .11 1 i.'ilul,, it ulili Ii tiiiii nil
lihiiilitrs ale inin'.lul in In pic-nit,
I In Miniiil .iniii' il (unlit ut llu iliuii n(
l'luuotltli i oujus-itli'liil (I11111I1 Mill Ik l lil un
m (.ii'i nU'lil. I ho Willi 1111 (1. mu II i,c )
dull Mill 1 1 1,1' HJIt,
Hit llnljtil Mini I 1I.1 Mill unci U1I1 I'vuilm,
ill Ituilio lull.
il Slili' i.iiuliu', Ni. lit I, ImpiriMil Onlisi
ol IN pi 111 phi-. Mill ulilii a. Unit liiilli mult )
mii 'llim.ilit ni.lii, pi l.'. .it Mills' lull llio
l'l llnl Mill In Ollll llll.lll. 01 lllllillul, mmjI
lilllll-ll lul Un . Iili'l. , I 1 M.lUl 0 1 luliuiul
'lliiii will In in tn ut llu 1 ilium tu-
" aIheut surprise
Iii 111 iine mi all mIio 11-1 Komps lliljiu ;i iln
fliioit nut I uii', tin tar-it uiuuntiiil 11 'ii 1I.1
UouM Iflluo Hut p KniKI un l linilta uul
Jiiv driU'Kli-l i iiitluiiail liy (lie pmpi il.. il
Hils um 1 mil u 1111 iU to ;ln ,mhi j tmiiplt' Imtili
I C? Il IK Ml IllU til llll! 1 llltl Ol I lit Oil t.
eotuli Ml iini',-i.i., ,dl h.uip', lliitjin. I'rlii,
lio. trnl (M.
Must Come Down.
NiitliliiR 1h mole eerlnln thnli that
the ttso of ho utllod lunles, ttthniilnnln
and inptllclnes, which depend upon nl
eohol for tlieir clTcel, Ih Injut tout to
health In the Ioiik run,
What room up must conic down nnd
the elevation of spirits, the luinporary
evhllnriitlon iciultlim from 11 doo of
nietllelne etinliilnlinr nlcuhcil, will cer
tainly he followed In n few bouts by
a ooiieHpondlnR tlcpioBdon to icllcvc
which iiniithi'f dose unint be taken.
In oilier wouIh, mnny lltiuld patent
inetlli'lnes tlorlvu llielt efreel entltelj'
from the aliohol they eonlaln.
Altohol, and inedlelnei cnntnlnlnR II,
me tempoiary stliniilituts and not In
any sense u Hue tonlo. In fuel, It is
iloubtrul ir any medicine or diuw Is a
leal tonic.
A tine tonic Is something- which will
lenew. leplcnlsh, I111II1I up tlio elinust
etl nei'Miut system unit wanted tissue",
or the body, smnethliiK Unit wilt on
ileh the blood and endow It with tho
pioper pioporilons of led nnd while
torpiisc'les, which pi event or desttoy
disease genus. Tills Is what a leal
tonic should tin and no diuu or alco
holic stimulant Wlbb do It.
The only tt no tonic In natuie Is
vvliolesome food, tlioiotighly tllg-estetl.
Uvery particle of nuivous energr,
every nilnuio nnisele, ilbro and tit op of
blood Is cteatod dally fiont the food
we digest.
Thu mere eating of food 1ms little to
do with tho it pal r of waste tissue but
the pel leet digestion of the footl eaten
has KVimVTIIIMO to do with II.
The lenson so few people have per
fect digestion Is because ft 0111 wrong
habits ot living the stomach litis grad
ually lost llm power to sectete the fas
ti ic. juice, peptones nnd acids in sufll
tlenl fiunntlty.
To cure intllgestloa and stomach
tioublcs It Is necessary to take after
meals some bnimlesa piepaiution
which will supply the natural peptone
ami diastase which eveiy weak stom
ach lacks, and probably tho best pre
painllon or this character is Stuait's
Dyspepsia Tablets, which may bo
found in oveiy drug- stole and which
contnin In pleasant palatable lonn the
wholesome peptone and diastase which
nature lequhes for piompt dlg-estlon.
One or two of these excellent tablets
taken alter meals will prevent som-iug-.
let mentation nnd acidity and in
siue tomplete digestion and assimila
tion. Stuaifs Dyspepsia Tablets .11 e equal
ly valuable lor little thildien as lor
adults, as they eonlaln nothing- hai in
fill or stimulating- but nnlv the natuiul
One ol Stuail's Dyspepsia Tablets
will digest l.Miu R-iains of meat, eg-gs
01, other wholesome food, and they aie
in eveiy sense ,i genuine tonic beeau-o
they bilng about In the only uatuial
wav a lestoratlvo of neive power, a
building- up of lost tissue and appetite,
in the onlv wav it can be done flY
Tin: i)h;i:stiox axd ah.sijiila-
infill ,11
u'clmlv 111 Hie Welsh l unyiiq itiuiiil
I In- Mi nip 1 tilir of 1 lio nililo ili- teulit li
Ite Willinii ('. Dele, (it tin HoIIimji Wil-i
t ilvnu-ln. Mcllwdiit ihuicli. Mill lioln .in uilc.
lilniiitnt tonight.
Tin- Lulus' Mil mm I Ii of Hi U,iil,Iiiitn Mtcit
Pit-lnttrlin tliuuli Mill Ii 1I1I om ni tlicii popultr
Iiiik In - iioin J i I .,u 1111 Wi-iJium1i. An im
port ml niictlii; n ll.i oliiiur, .mil tiMilici-, v ill
lie Ii lil al tlm pr.m 1 i-onuo iitni-i!. otouiiis
lolm Mor.ii, 111 l.tionii' -troct, fill iloun 'till-,
inuitlt iimt "-n-t iineil i iIkIiki1ii1iihI.Ii. iloi
tin M.1-, r tllii! .uul in idf tlio injiiitil iiionibri .!
1 1- a- p-ihli'
'tlio (Ju in in Hut f,nl mend nut m Uunki.'!
lull ami iliclnl tlio tollmvinir mlnoi-,:
thuf, tiiil W.iKtnoi'.Irr, iimlor ilmi, .Inlui cUin;
-oiutaiv, fol.ti Willielm. ticeiiur, I)iIU Mur-i,
tiistio, ( Inrln Uininiii l.
llio lul, Nm id 1I11I1 Mil! nioci tiiii(.hl in
llioill III im' lull, llll .ljrk.Mll fctlttt.
A Ingf niuiiliti ci lot Snln Mill ittnnl llio
funoi il of tin luc Iioiloiltl. Itio-o, huh Mill In
In lil .it sf ( lil, oil 'llllllniliv 11I01110011.
'llio iiiiiiiuit, silt ol llu- I'hiiiiuili ilmiili,
wlikli i- luliv lull it .".JO spntce ittnl. Mill ilo'o
I lltllplf"!' I01U0, No Jl. Io.d Klllallls of
-Viniili 1, Mill hold 1 liiblnc-s meeting ,nnl svulu
iii'vl Vloniln ivtiinu.
the HiM si,. (hold .-uiitt, Mhiili Mull llio
pi ie .it tho Noilli M1I11 Ave mu IliplM ilimth
iisiiiMfml, Mill Hint loi nlioirsd toiiiClit 11 tlio
W1M1 f on,'it?itioiid tlnutli, tn s,,m viiin ue
11110. Un. 11 T I'liilllp-, llu vinriliiti 1 .in-ill to
( nillll W1I1-, pii.n hai 1 -um ti in tin l'li-t
Wil-li llipli t ilmiili Iiinh Hilling tn .1 I a go
'llio .lu k-ni Stiirl lljpit snnln -fliool olut
nl llio following nfiiiiH in sinuliv, Siipirliiliiul
(lit, Jollll 1.1 llll, 1-1,1 II, t -UpOIIIIIllnlillt, Allittl
Hi v in; iitoitlinir -iciiluv, V,, II. i.IIiIh; (mm
ild Will 1 Inlliiieii; iiii-iiui, 11, H,
Willinii-, thoil-ki, . I. Dni-,! orKinlst,
llm Kliiu ; iinlliiii. tnminillii, Attinl llc 111,
Noiiiu Mi hull-; -iipiiiiiiiiiiUnt of I'll nil ilipnl., Miiul Itoliiil-; ,i--lktuit, Mm II, II.111I-.
$ii", nfil Seal .Illinois fur ?,',", at
HiesehcPs, the riuiiei, I.' I W.vuinlim
Miv. Maul 1,' Sipjilini.,
1:111 -.1 01 'Ii, ami Jlis, 1),
nt 1 .iiIimi.IjIi .
, MIlliiKo,
1. llio
if 7-'l
Un mii v .itiinir-.
Mrs. Dni, in ,7)1 Vnli I iIiiimi- .itonuc, N-jicnl.
III.' ,1 ll llu-, 111 I illmnilili-
Mill t 111I11 I) Mine 111, uf liml, tin in, i,
lu milium In 111 11 -iiic llli i'-..
II nlil Willi 1111-, ni llll lul.vm kIucI, U liwi.i'.
limii NiiliiiNmi, win u. In- ,i, l,un lnmi In,
IK 111 j llu hi, nf Niiiili Lincoln .ituiu, U 11111I0
MI- Vilulli Mj.i. incnllv uiliit linul ,1 mi ii
Iii 1 nl llt'l llli'liil-, 1 liiii-t i'iij iialili- Him' Ik Iiil
I..11I ( Il II II a It, l.l,u, if I'.lilWMl IHIIIIt, llH li'
tiniiiil I101110 iiuiii j it.. iK,iiiit .it Miij.
vi Nn'li, n( rtiliui iti'iiuo, In- iti-i u m
uul IK1111 ,111 1II111-..
Heal Seal .inckptf, rcRiil.11 m lie $."0,
now selihiH at SJS.ft', at Iltcnthel'st, tlie
Fuiil'T, ui AVonilne: avenue.
l'l of lliuniley Smith, uf Ke.v.ilune
luuileiny, lll deliver 11 leUiire In Hie
Uttell Itltlfio Unptlht Lllltltll. Tllesthiy
ovenlmr, Dpi ember 12
The tiieen Ultlutt Wheelmen vill mn
iluct n wile of fniuy ui-fleles, hoine
iii.ult) t'uutly ami llouerh in the nut lot h
of llio 1 luh hoiibo this t'venlmj. Colieo
ami take vl he M-iveil
$"." teal Seal .IiuIuhn vilih lollm.s
anil ems nf henvei, I'iji' $"19, ut Hu'heli
el'h, the Km tier, 12! Wyoming nve,
WVhley Kiesse, ol tho I'ovntcllo ho
toiiiimny, linn letiunetl tioni n hiiiiliiib"
o.peilitltiii in Wyomliiff louiity. uilh a
nlto hat, ol tmine. 'I'he ln.ii' sioi.v Ih a
Thu liietm Ulilye Wouku'o I'liilKlian
IVmpeiance uiiluii will meet thin alter
noon ut 2.110 o'clock, ut .Mis. Alieo Uui
vey'p, li...1 Penn avenue, (Subject,
"MolliflH' WmK." The ineulIiiK ill lio
in ihaiKe of Mih lluivey.
rtepaliiiiK mu, lemoilellui; oil nil
lilmlh of tins at half price, at llies-eh-ul',
the Km 1 let', 121 Wyoming ave. "
Has Hnd Wlllio Kcllnr nnd Hennnn
Batimgnrtncf Attested Again.
Giand Jtuy Ignored tho Bill in
tho Former Cttso Funeral of Ed
wmd Acker, Who Wns Fatally
Injurod in the D., L. & W. Ynid
Fridny Night Stoim Piovonted
Election of Offlccis.
A inc hiulng; several pcoiilliir i'ta
tuies tlevelopetl on thin side cstertlay
nnd It Is possible that extensive litiga
tion will ensue as a lestilt. It tippcats
that some time ago .latob I'hllllps, of
Cedar n venue, clnlmnd that he hail
been shot In the leg by Iwo bovs who
weie hunt In? In the woods. The fuels,
he alleged, as to having- been shot by
llio young- liuiileis. whose names uie
Willie Kellar and Henntin UauniBiiit
ner, were staled to the bovs' narcnls
anil an ngi cement wns 111 rived at
whneby the paienls agreetl to pay the
doctor's bill and eMienscs.
Komo time afteiwiluls the boys' par
ents it'cclved sepaiate h'tteis from
Phillips, who demttiitletl Horn each ,!0.
The mother of tho IJnuniEiutner boy
proceeded to Dr. Ounster with the In
tention of paying halt thu costs, when
she wns infoimeti that no bill had been
londeied lo T'hllllps and that the
chuige for medical attoiidame was only
$10. The patents theietipon lelusoil to
satisfy Phillips' demand and be had
tho boys ai rested. Alderman Stoir,
who tried the case, held the bovs for
touit and the last giand jury Ignoicd
thu bill. Ytsleulay Phillips again
lodged information against the boys 011
the same eltaigo Define Alderman
Jtutltly and last evening the parents
appeared belore Alderman I.entes and
waived a healing, after which they
furnished ball In the sum ot $;00 for
their appeaiance at cnuit.
Funeinl of Edward Ackei.
The funeinl of ndwaut Acker, vho
died of fatal Injuiies sustained In the
Drla win e, I.ackaw .innii and Western
l.iilioad yards last Fildny night took
place esteiday afternoon at 'i o'clock
ami was attended bv a larg-e concourse
of friends. Sui vices were heltl at the
house, 118 Heerli stiect, by Itev. O. h
Altlilch, pastor of the Grace Itefoimed
thuicii, who spoke eloquently on the
unceitainty of lite as Illustrated in tase
ot the dead man who was In the pi line
of llle wlu 11 death called li'm.
The nall-beaieis weie chosen 1 10111
among the l.iilioad ftiends of the de
ceased bialtemau. who weie mosent in
larg-e numbeis notwithstanding- the in
clement weither. Interment was after
waid made In the Forest Mil temeteiy.
Storm Prevents Election.
KIcctilc CHv council, No. I'll, of the
r.oyal Aicaniun. who met in monthly
session last evening for the put pose
of t lee ling- nillteis for the ensuing
teim, weie compelled to foicgo that
i in 1 10; t duty owing- to the small at
tendant e. Theie was fully 1 loot ot
snow at S o'clock: last evening: on this
side, and this, no doubt, intetefeicd
with tlit attendant e of membeis.
Theie was only n lew nioie than the
necessaiy quorum piesent, and after
disposing of tlie necessary business, it
was decided lo adjourn until the (list
Wednesday in the new year. Klectiic
City count il has beeen in existence
over eight years and has seventy-seven
members on the toll. It Is composed
mainly of well-known businos men
and is in 11 healthy condition tlnnn
citally. The arclion, or piesident. at
present is ltecoider ol Deeds Mail
lion 11.
Tlie i- ) ear-old yhl of VitiX Bovei,
captain of TJnglne company N'o. 2, has
lieen hcriouhly ill vv ith luflaminatiou of
the lungs. For over .1 week, the lit
tle sufferer wiib deal', dumb and blind,
but was leported as fcomevhat im
pioved last evenlnfi.
An inteiefetinfi B.11111) of basket hall
will be played lu St. John's hall tonioi
iow eveniiiK.
Pel Man lined Jackets, $"0: lesular
MOO coats, at Iireschers-, the Fiuiirr,
124 M'.vomim,- avenue. "
The heavy tail ol snow iateieteied
v llli busineh.s anaiiRements anil the
htieot e.u.s 011 this Mile yeMeiday. H
also pioved ton much J or the men
employed on the .seuei.s, ami they were
compelled lo quit at 111)011.
The regular monthly uicpllux of the
Sci.intnn Saenscuuude was iield in
Athletic hall lam evening. Theie wan
a K'ood attendant e and smut linpoi taut
business- was tian.s u'letl.
f'.nnp No. IT", T'atllotle O11U 1 Sons
01' Anieiiia, will hold an imoilnul
s-OH'-lon this evening, when eveiy in?iu
liei' Is limed to be pies-ent. Theie aie
i-oine linporlatil ninttis to bo discussed
and several new nienibeis will present
lliemselveH lor Initiation.
1 tollable Fuifl at one-half in lee, at
DieHflier.s-, the I'm 1 lor. 121 Wj timing
Thu sicianton MenV sotlei.v'n IJetem
boi as-.soniblv on .Monday evciilin,' next
will bo "ladles' nlKlil." .Mi. and Mrs.
Dixie, will Im the eiiteitiilneis. Pi of.
WiillU'jiHhuw'H oiehestia ot iweiily-ouo will luiniMi inuMe. A tlalnly
luneht'oti will also be bervetl.
Claiento Moiss and Leluli ilos
hiivo letuiuctl to I.ehlcli uuiveiblty.
William Heynohl.s has ateeptcd a
poiiltlou as salesman lu Saudeis' to
b.ieto stole, on Piovltleuce htiuate.
Mr and 3liH, (icoifin A. DUkets-on
aie vIsIIIhk tlletlds III New Juisey.
The em bins o the pave 011 KaM
Miilket stleet Is now about icimplotetl.
The pave wot I; lii-oli' will be beuun lu
a few days.
Till key suppci.s leu t'l emu pal loi,
booths of npioiiK, plain nteille wink,
hoiue-mado eaudv aiul a llsh pond tor
tho Utile ones aie kiiiw of the pleas
ant icatiues of lomoriow eveulnir In
VrU7 IT A ITH will l.e a.
fclroug as
ours if joa try
"" 4 w 4-x ami ours U io strong we
1 y C Binraiiteeaciircort.fuiiit
money, and we stud jou
free triul bottle If jon write for it.
bllU.OU'ci costs .Iccntanuil will cure Con
humptlon, l'ucuiuonla, lirouclillis and all
Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough ur cold
In 11 day, and thus prevent Mrlous results.
It lias lieeu douiK tlieae thluRS for 50 1 eats.
b. C. ffuu S. Co , I.c Koy. K. Y.
Karl's Clover KooTtea corrects ibe Stotnacli
Jonas Long's Sods I
Only a Few Weeks
Away from Christmas
Are you as far ahead with your gifts
as you were this time last year?
Art Goods Department"
Today we received tlie nicest line of Cushion Covers. They
S!"tS. d?!i?n!!! 25c up to T5c each
wnatn pretty gift would one of these Pillow lops, worked
and corded just in your own elegant manner be (or a gift.
Stamped Linens
Numerous lloral designs on
all Linen, Stand Covers, Doy
lies, and other useful and needed
29c Up
Our Book Catalogue is ready. Our Fall and Winter
General Store News Catalogue is ready.
Toyland in Basement is an attraction for the lit
tle ones.
50 Kngraved Visiting
Cards, including plate.. v5C
A very acceptable present.
100 Kngraved Visiting Cards,
choice of style en- Qt .-.
graving $ 1 .40
50 Kngraved Visiting Cards,
Roman and name
plate $1.50
Paul E. Wirt Fountain Pen
A useful gift that will last a lifetime and be a constant re
minder of (he giver. A variety of styles some pearl
handles,some gold mounted with bands and the plain -.-.
kind, at !j)Z.U0
Our Leather Goods Department contains the
greatest assortment of useful goods ever seen in this city. Dis
played on Main Floor.
Jonas Lods's Sons
4 4"
tlio l'l ovldent e Putbytciian
t-oeial looms'. '
The luneia! of the late ,lnhu L'awlev
vas held Horn his home, ISM aul
fttieel, yosleiday nioiiiiiiK. A high
nias.s of icfiuiein wan telebiated at the
Holy Uo-ary dumb by the Itev. Kath-
ei- .1. X. Alovlaii. Intel ir.ent was mailo
In the Hvtle C'ailiedial ceinetu'v.
Tlie Woman' ChilHtlan 'I'einpeianci'
I'ulon will meet loiiionow' .'iiliuoou nl
P. o'eloi k al the home of Jiiv. Hollo
Von Ktnich, I'd" llavl .M.uKet slued,
l.ehlei' .Mciedltii was in Wlllses.
flane jObteiday.
lMt evenl.iK iiboul S Hit
sand tar lu eh.ujjn ol Ciiuiluetoi Sn -tltr
1 tin into the sn.eepcr on Xoith
Main avenue, below Spilm; Mi eel, and
had the limit plati'oini Mim-died. Con
iluetor Hnyihr had a mi wow twain'
from liihlaul th. nil a.s be wart on tin
pitiful in that was mnashed. UN leR
vmis liaiMy Inuli-ed.
The Noilh 1-ntl .Suns i-a-lly ditiealid
the Nantlcolie learn In the aiiditoilum
last nlKht by a ccoie of tin lo 0. The
baskets weie (hi own l .Mi i'IihKov
C. IJavis I. Tlmie :i and HMil :!. Tin
llneuii follows
SI.IM Villi iui'.i'.
f-l.ill lulii IijIw.iiu . . I.miU
.MiUu-l.iv .. . . I111 linitJiil ). ilidv
Tltiiti' until iit'irU'
.l.iiit s lU'lit iiiiaid lii'lli
Dni Irlt .mini liluiiit
'-iili.llllilc'i, Miltlirui. .iii'l l.otclici, tiiiiiiln,
liallcii; irluir, iil.ill
.nt Tuesilny evenllif, the Still s will
pla.v tlie Alphas ( 1 um Philadelphia.
UAVll) .M'DDN.N'KI.I. died at his
home, 011 Oak stuel, Uuniuoie, estti
day moi iiIiik, alter a tow days' illness.
Ho luul been a lesltleiit ot the hoitnu.h
tot' many mvs, when' h mis highly
icspn ted. Ho Is Hut'vlved by tlueo thil
dien, n.ivlil, a student at Jelloison
."Meilkal tollepe, Mislei .Maci'aiiiiiK anil
JOHN II liltAHV. one of Diiniuou'.s
oldest 1 oslilt nts, tiled vtsttnlay 1110111.
uiz ut U10 homo of lil.-i son, on Wtst
DilnKei' stieel, at tho adv'auttd ace of
Tii yeats. Ho in stlirvlveil bv two boiim,
Jesse and liuslavus. Tlio luiieiul vl
occui today at ",;'0 1 1 0111 his lato resi
dence, aiul inttimeiit will be made in
Dllinnoie ceiuetel.v 1
Vetoiilta, the Ihiee-moiulis.olil child
of .Mi. and .Mm. duties lleeUeit. 01
31 1 liioatlwa.v, died vc.MC.nlay. The
luni'l i will be annouiited la(er.
Stamped Linen Picture Frames,
Whisk Broom and Comb
and Brush Holders. 0
Each 10c and 1 oC
Made Laundry Bags, large
and small sizes. From
29 cents to OyC
100 Cards,
man style....
strict attention
paid to de-
The very best woikmanship.
A piesent within the reach of
If you value your money's
purchasing power, for we
can give you an exception
al inducement in our Sleds
and Skates. Don't let de
Jay rob vou of your share
of this flood of bargains.
Green Trading Stamps
with Cash Sales.
Footc & Fuller Co.,
At cars Building.
'I' ,J"i"H,
Lyceum Theatre
M. I'blS Lc sp: anti Manjsci.
A. .1. IJLri'y. Bu. Manajer.
Wednesday, December 4.
Brockway Course
' Int in ui i Hiiiv-l .1 ui uillu if " X, Y.
The Fadettes
Orchestra of Boston
Vliuii i'-i in itiii nrR.iiilitiui 01 VMUiiai iJliu.
-ili il i in ii i mi
Academy of flusic
M. liKIS, I esaqe, A J Duffy, Mamgor.
Illltl'l. Ml.llls, I (,iiiii!ii- MO.NU.W, 111.0 .'.
'tin' l'.irvu l oni, tl.t,
Mdiiiu.Pi liiisil.i.v mill M film mIij
1'lltiN Mulit, n, -', . .ul .'Hi ccnu.
Vainfi', 15 nml -i cont
I llltl. i: .Ml.lllS licuiiii'Iiiic'llll IIM1W UK' 5.
llm -Inking ( oihuIIjii, Ii mllli O'llrlru, in
,V Iriiitllul tni of tin- I iiKiaM UK JUiIikm.
III. In uul ,-JlunUv, 1'iltrv Mirlit 15, j, Si
uul M, JtlliCi.f, lj uiul .', ,, nt.
ALt". 0 IIKniUMSTOX, iljrjgcr
510Ml, lll.spw Mi r;ilM,siv
Vilctiit'otu dint Mi,ln
He Will Speak in High School Audi
toiiuin Thmstlny Night.
At the IiIrIi school autlitoilum lo
mouow C'veniiiB, lltv, li, .1. Siaffoul,
P. U. ot Washlnston. II O , will de
liver his lee I mo on "Dh Ken., His
1'ower and I'athos '
This fitted tipeaKer has In en lieto on
sevLial occasions ami the meie men
tion ot his let Hue is sulliticnl to Itiauie
a mow ded house.
Ileal Heal J.uKctt, lesular pi lee
now selling al $.'.'.!, at lltesihel'ti,
1'iiiilt'i, IL'I 'omlng meniie,