Lv u " ' " . 'il THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY DECEMIJEU , 1001. V The Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any similar article in the world. It makes more, better and more healthful food. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR CLIFF WORKS IS A VERY BUSY PLACE JUST NOW. Number of Engines Ale Being Con structed Now and Others Aie , 'Ready for Shipment New Lacka wanna Round House Is Partially Under Roof and Will Soon Be Ready for Engines Another Laige Older for Cars Has Been Placed by the Lackawanna. 'J'llf Cliff WOlks Of till' Allli'lii'llll l.ll- omotive cniiiininv in Ihis ity iw nl pio&onL chock full of work, unil Uumo is beliiK turned out every clay loonmo ilves for all parts of the world. Al Uio present time thorp Is icady fot slilp iiicnt ten loconiollvf'.i of various &V.W and design? Some of these mc tin- Hinull "um Irarlor's niif-liies-." used in vonsii action work, others uro tho switching 111 tlncs similar to those in use on tlie Lackawanna railroad, and othcts aie freight and passi-nger locomotives for the Delaware and Hudson Uailro.ul and the Cleveland cylinder types for lire Intercolonial Kailroad of Canada. Of the order for twenty plated with Hie company by the Lackawanna I'all load, live yet leinain to bo shipped from the shops. Seven have already been built for the Uelawate and Hud son company and there aie ten more to be tinlshed. Five of the locomotives built for the Intercolonial road have been shipped, and there yet remains six of the order to be completed. Of those ready for vhipment this week, two pro to Spain .la New York. They wei" ordered ihrouKb Foreign Agent Aithur Koft'el. of New York. These locomotives are for the llllbas -.inlander company of Spain, iiid are now being packed for ship ment. They are of the ten wheel va i icty, with side tank engine, one meter gage and built tor burning bituminous The cylinder.! aie lt-.'u, diiving wheels IIS Inches in dhunelei, and the truck v, heels are 1'ii lui lies in diametei. The driving wheel base is ! font S lu etics, and the total wheel base is IS feel Id's inches. Tile steam pros-aiie cm these locunio lives Is 190 pounds, and the capacity of the water tanks N 7.V) imperial gal lons. The coal capacity Is ::..'00 pound". The total weight of e.ieh engine Is M), nOO pounds In full tunning order. Building- New Round House. The twenty-one n- engine stalls which are being built at the Su anion round bouse of the haeknwanna Hall road will be completed by the tlrsl of the coming year, and twelve of them arc already under cover, and as soon as the tracks aie laid leading fiom the turn table, engines can be housed Therein. These stalls are onsldeiably longer and wider than the old ones and will permit of the "hog" type ol engines be ing run In conveniently. The bulk of lire work now under wa, I being done on the south side of the where it is shut off fiom view b (he old lound house. A new steel water tank Is alo being erected near the round house, which will he ready for use when the new round bouse is completed. A portion of the old round hoiie will lem.iln In lact dining tlie winter, and will In -ebullt ne:.t year. , Recognition of Met it. Unities Klsele, who bus been foie of the boiler shop of the Olekstm woiks, operated by the American l.o. comotivc company, has been appointed loreinau of the boiler shop al the Scheneetady works of the sanm com pany, and will assume the duties of Ids new position on Uec. HI. .Mr, liisole In a young man, -!' ye.tis of age, and is a brother of ex-i'ity Controller lieorgc J.'lsele. Ills piotuo tlon Is a deserved recogniiiun of mer it, and the shop lo which he goes is lhe largest operated by the American l.o. tomoilw company. This Is another evidence that capable men am always in demand, and while Supi-rlntPiulonl Delauey Is averse to parting with him, he recognizes the fact that ster.iiitnu talent Is in demand and Is bound to forgo to the from. Mr, Ulselo will be sin eiled b . Walters, at present assistant t'nioimiii of Urn riehenectady Duller works, Mote Cms Ordcied. Tlio Ufclawme, Uaekawauiia and Western company have placed another large order lor additional cars, which are to be delivered by the (list of next April. The order is for two thousand cars, I.Ouo of which will be for rarr.lug freight, and 1,000 of the .twlu-hoppur kind for carrying coal, Th- cimipciny Is receiving dalb add!, tlonal cars from the American Car and Foundry company, of fin order of eleven hundred, which wus placed with the Tlcrwlek and Krio shops some time ago These curs uro being put Ju service a.-, tar as they are tetetved, Bar bets' Union Reorganized. Hugh l-Yu.. m . local organiser of the Ceutial Labor union, convened tlio Journeymen ii.trbrs in Hulbutfs hall, U'M night, and lugaiiized thenr into a union, iiiule- the old charter of the ASViibl si I'.inioit .lourneymeu Barbers! union, . tfwemy new inembors wero added to the toll. Another meeting will be held nt the same place next Moiulav nlghi, when nominations vlll be innde. V., geneial sect clary of the Inleriuitiontil I'niou of .Inurneymen liarbers, will be present al lhe nicnl Ing. All journeymen h.iibeis ate In vlted to attend. D., L. & W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-ui) of the P., I, and V. boiii-d for today: moviivv, iiiTi:ii!i;it s Willi CaN, 1 it S 1 1. ill.. (1. W. I; 10 p. in , ll. W. Lallan: 11 i in. I' I -inon-. n i:iv. iii.rr,iui:it ,; Wii.i i .,i-. i:wi--i.':n .i. in., vi. .1 lii'iiiiiuiii: 4 ii. in., II. Wull.icf; ,"0 ,n. Ml.. O. fiunir.i : i' i. in. I.. P. r.illliiior, .. II. It'ivc" Hove; II j. in.. II. BMiii gj i i. in., .1. W. Deiiiie; ji. 1.1., II. (iilliein; (I p. tit.. 'I'. Mi ('..itliv. Summit'', lite-ll .i, ii., ci.l, .1. Hi mil'.' in, I. III., WC-I IJ. l'lCIHlti'l!.! 1 '. ! II. 111., Kl'-t, r Me.MIWei i U n. in.. W. H. Viiluil-, iSlnlnyV iiivv; 2 p. in., wv-t. Tin nip-dii; i) p. hi., o I -1 , .1. ( J 1 1 fat;, S p. 1".. vi-t. M. CiiiM.'li. I'iHiii' a n. in.. Wniiiii: 7 j. in., s. I'ltiiiciiv, s ,i. in, II.imci; tl.t'i .i, in., Vlurjn; ii p. i.i., W'illijni llnu: V.. ( p. in., Miuplij; 'i p. in.. . II. llutli"lclii"v,'; 10 p in., 1 . . i T . l J i i 1 1 ;- lull r r.nt;itic 7 .i. In., (.iftuoc ; 7 .i in., Mnui'i; Ji) a. in., Xininan: 10 ,i, in., O VIIMc i t.l" p. in., MJntun: "..'.0 p. in., MrCovi'iii. WiM OK WiM .' a. in . It. ( jJtiin; h i, m., I). ll.iffRcrty: S .i. in.. '. KIiimcc ; lit n. m., p. icigli. II .1. in. William Knlij ; 1 p. in.. V, W.ill; 2 (i. in.. A. II. Ketchnin: .1 p. m.. 1'. Wninici; ( p. in.. l. (linliy. M. t jtniiiih' now; ii p. in.. 0. lUiidolpli; II p ui 1 Melt .tin ll, Ifilm O'lli.ip-nnN cic. no in i:. I.jiujii cicn cm'11 t.ikc llidi inn on .No. .il, Dor. .1. . t,'. Il.iuiMitl .mil new will rim ii ,i. in. uilil c il. Tiiosiljc, J)ee. .". i it ci I, . s1M1,, ami ck c. P. (iillis.iii nil!' lii- i mi. I. ,i. in . !(, . II. fa-lir will urn T lioiulic in'- nou, II p. in . Dm . 2. W. It. Nieliula will tun I IVnicliciif- co-vv. 11 p. in., Dei '. lli.iki'in.111 .l.uni'S hutiai will so rut. Willi VM1 lulu Kill,;. j. it icinjii until iiitlitt nnitu. OPINION IN FILER CASE. Hiuded Down Yesterday by Judge A. A. Vosburg- Mattel s Thnt Ave Decided. Illdgi A. A. Vosblirg ve.sti'id.iy liauded down an opinion In the matter of the estate or Georije Filer, de i .ifed. It follow: The testator, Geoigo r-iler, left a legacy to n.iisy C'hiinibers and her :. 'tcr 1211a, his grand-chlldieii. both miners "nd named bis son. c'ieorce Filer, and bis son-in-law. William I. Alci'orrnleU. guardians of these niliiors, with authority. In the language of the will, "to manage their estates until they airive at age." The testator also authorized these guardians lo use the income of the wards' eslnte. mnl Hie principal, if necessary, "to comfortab ly support them, and give them a proper and sullkienl education." It Is conceded that the testator, under the law, had no authoiliy to appoint testa mentary guardians for these Illinois; but II has been held (but in such case the so-called guardians are reallv trus tees .'inel thai thc will be so regarded by the eouits. Colehower's 2sl.. .", N. C. !!(.!. They now aiiply to this court for leave to .select guardians, both being over the age of fourteen veais. It is undoubtedly true that they have no absolute right of choice' of gti.udians. alter arriving at the ago of lOuileen years, the arnuoval of sucb an appli cation resting In the discretion of the court. IWeCunn's A p. 19. I'd,, ::oi, In thf case nl bar. 1 do not ilnd Unit theie has been any misconduct upon the p.ivt ol Mr. Tiler or Mr. Mefor tnlc Is. the leslainentary trustees. In tact they seem to be caring for the eslate with ability and fidelity, ft plainly appears, however, from the evt dence, nun they do not legard them selves us having any authority over the persons of the wards, and Hint they have acted itcconllnglv, it Is also shown that Daisy Chambers Is a wilful child, and that she Is not able to live happily In her father's home, owing to the unpleasant relations existing be tween herself and her step-mother. It Is munlfen that, under these con ditions, Daisy I'hambeis must be placed In the cure and under the em it ol of some one where she will be re. strained, educated, and lilted for wom anhood, itoth she and her falher unite In asking thnt Ueorge i Taylor bo up. imlnlwi her guardian, and it is pin. posed that he take her Into his own family and assume both p.neiiial and guuidluuhlp relations over j.., ' . 1 aecoidliiRly appiove Hi" choice of lieorge I'', Tayloi, sis gtiardliin of her person and eslate, upon his furnishing security lor the fulfillment of this tiust lo be nppioved by the court. In the sum of twii thousand clollnis. ir he deslies an allowance for the sup port and education of his ward, he cm apply foi tlio same in lhe regular wav. In the caso under consideration, it Is teatitled to, and not contradicted by nil' . Idullee, Una (lie father's mean's ate luadeipiate for the suppuit mid edtnatlon of Dalsj and the other inein. Iitfi-H of the family: mid the unfiultin ale ilonic-stli conditions existing there cctiuot be overlooked, Ho far as i;ila C'lmiubeih is ton. cuined, she s now nineteen years or age. and Is about to be mauled. She Is living nl present with her father, and apparently has no need of n guar Han, except for the impose of hoi-ur lug an .tlluwance lo meet the needs consequent upon her man Inge. Al Uio heating, counsel for Uin pell tlouer asked for lhe inodllleution of thu player of the petition. io as to Include ii request for an allowaiii e. In their answer to the petition, the trustee e. Pi esses u willingness lo mako air til lowance, and their counsel stated thai they were ready to pay direct to i;ila Chamber's, whatever siiin the com l should allow, without the appointment of a guardian. Under the clicitmstance I feel war ranted In allowing for (he "support and maintenance'' of Ulla chambers, a. sum sutllelent to meet her present ne cessities; and I therefore allow the sum of three hundred dollars lor that purpose. Her annllcatlon for ilm ,- trolntmcnl of a guardian cannot b j grnnlcd, for the reasons above set fotth. lly order of lhe coutl, A A, Vosbui'g, P. J. FOR THE RESCUE MISSION. An Appeal for That Institution Is Issued, The following appeal lo the friends of the ltesetie Mission has been Issued! totln?r Jrur'ic vvmk In lrlvluir to lu-Ip Ilm iiu foitiiintf ut 111 I'tJiiklln itvpiiiir l lie ir lt iln-o. .M.tny Imvc .iltdiiltil the !M incctltiK- liclil, .mJ rvt.v writ: home luvi iccpplcil llin Mvlcitir r llmlr irnl'l" lii'ii .nnl tliolr ihiillnn Iumoji'Ici. W'i, .i illtcctrjH tit (lie wnil. fni ,vnu, t-tuint Iiipjmiii" tl.c t'ooil Ins Imiii ilunc li.v tin hilnUm' iipllllliiR' Inrtitcti'p. t'lin .com; f M' i- illipclonc tut , liec.iiif II M not our linll Vlilll.ll inlcvloii, lull It lu'loliif." tn .von. till- pllllli''. If It liclnli(! lo Jolt, liow llllir-ll .lie J oil Intel' rcliil in II Imtiii IjIIv f A-i li.llnp nn'ii we Wiint to clo-e tlio jiir wltli i out i'id .il.iilo' pilil, lui! we c 'imot ilo tlili ultliuiiL jrlir aoiioi' mn .i'..t i tn p. V fou vilin k.ivi' Riven tn tll ilfllilc W'ulk ill Otlid' JP.IIK ll.lVc not .H Jii il'cbt' i'iI till' jmi: i llicnfi'tp eel. nil who .up in''.' pteil In tin1 iilniVP well. In eiiiitilliuli triwnfil tlip M.2i wlili Ii Hip lici'iucr icpuiU n lienlptl !) Jin. I, l!OJ II I i.l tii.l ".i" pi I mi, hill In mi m! .iio 'ln Itil-li)li. If enli' oiip ImiI In'ili tonl, ife.1 .Mill wpek, el lour vuiil. ti'i liilincil ipi innnlli. wiilrti I- nrii n 1'1'IOW till' MM Ml,,'. lflp it lint ,'lt.pP.ll to J'ltl M lonely In .I.-.M in i ii.lIIi Hip cb lit now I hie upon jntir inl-'lnn tV.iitilliulkni op iJi-iiililloie in.iy tip iiuIIpJ HI' IlltiilPil In I ll.llll" II, ( li.llnlli'l', IIC.HUIH m' tl)p liiNdnii, at I'mipIT-, intidi' simp, m li ,mv if tin follnvvliitr iiitniil Rent term n. v.tiu, villi Hip tii'iMiirr. niiiiitl-.c Hie miscloii li.'.iiil. li'.ep lil it. In1, ii fimii jmi puiiii)it',i. .1. I.ii.'ipi'ii' sidli, :,iV, Mill' liiiiMni'ii I.. I. MjIIi-. "j 11" t'liln v iv line; ('. It, .l.iM. I n'l i II Imllilitis: l. 1'. 1. iitati, .'JI 11,1111' j iivptni"; llmli-i I', lln-. 1 ; t ii - l)ppo-ll .nut lii-ionnl liitik: . I, llti'iloii. I'jiifl.' Miiiiu. Iiimimii' ' (niiip.inj, ( ..nni'll iinililiii'r; W. I', llukilt. 'I 'iml in Iti il ll-tuli- lAfhin- l.aiMiis; I, M. Ilfillell. (ill! JlnlltoP iWl.tlP. ESTIMATES CONSIDERED. Special Meeting- of Recoidei's Cab inet Held on Saturday Esti mates to Be Made. The estimates of lhe gentiiil heads of departments fur the coming fiscal year wete considered at m special meet ing of llecorder Council's cabinet held Hatui'duy afternonn. The several heads ol" departments present spent nearly three boms in go ing over the estimates, chopping clown and culling otil items right and left to In lug the total llgures down as nearly as possible to what they were this pieseul year, namely, $lil,00n. No information would be given out regard I uk the amounts asked for by the department chiefs except that they were considerably In excer. in the majority of instances, of this year's appropriation. The cabinet was only about half through with its work at j o'clock when an adjournment was taken. At the ne.t meeting to bo held the latter end of this week, the assessors will present an estimate of the total as sessment, for the c oniing year In order the amount which can be raised by the levy of a tux cciuiil lo this year's can be ascertained with tolerable ac curacy. Ptesldenl Itlnsliuid said on Saturday 1 hat th" assessment would probably be about ?6,.,,00O,O0O, but in ai riving at this tiguie. the totals for four w.iicls were estimated. As on- of these, the i'ighth is the most im portant in the city as far as the value of property is concerned. It was decid ed lo let the assessors finish this ward befoie making their estimate. One thing was made evident at Hat urdny's meeting and that Is the fact that ptnrtlcally no provision for any Improvements of a permanent nature can bo made In the appropriation or- BKjTrVO, iti'i'oitT or iiii: luMunov or tin: Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co,, . snjut.-iu. Nil. iUl I U'kin.llllll I'llllli', of I icLnvcimu (nu'.it.v, I'cim-.' Iv.a,l.i, .it the' i lo.cj ol biiMiio-. Nov. .'.'., lull: Itr.sOlKt l Cl.ll nil ll.llhl ? M.l.M ' r'u.K- .iml olliir i -Ii items -' ."I Pne tioiff ImiI. iml liinl.iK Ill, "ill s' ('"inini'iiial eiiil utliei pipei .mini.. I'.ll.i'll I'l c .ill 1m in- iipnii Tt.'iJillO Thiip leiti'' npnii 2Jl.s71 .s l.".iti tip in IwinI. .iml ninilg.iKe' .. . !'.'i-," lJ IlllP-lllle'llt Mcl!IIIK- eiwrcil, M. : stud:-. Iimiil-. etc Ve.T.sii'i "! .MnltKJt.P'. i 'MU'i l'i iiiir.711 r 7,'i') IW si o ::.:,I7 1.: 1,'cjI p-i ill liivnliilU Ml.'1'll.iin'.iin .) -set -. l, 510,11.; ii" i.i.mui'ii:s. .ipn i". -I.i. k piiil III i'lii.tnh) 0) sinplu. until I'Al.iinll W I liiltvtil(i) pii'tilp, li.i i Npfii-p-l tiiul I.IM-. piiil .'.7,i.'i7 si) H'PunIIi -nliii'ii In i liil.,.s'lu,'iri i.r P'lio-lt-. cpuljl no 1, 31 1 (17 I,0:...,4.' f.l Pip In ll.i' i ullilnoiiWi'iitli ,'i,lll)lil I in.' in lull!,.- .nnl hinl.oi- 1. ir. 41 li'.tliliinl' imti.ilil Vuiii' I oiniiniilil nnl din i mi.'i ui -i"iul tits pli'il'tnl N.-,i;p llilU pii.ilile ,o;i.' Ml-i i-ll iih (,n- luliilil'i N'niii' S,".a.,i- s-, Vliii.lilil el lui. I ItiinU iioi'-lpil ,. ,-t 7'.'4,7r(' Ul Xinontii nl tinl fnml. i.uiiiM-.tiil .. ll,:!7ii sl.itp nf l'i rm-.ih ii.l.i. ciinnt.vof I,irl,.iujmu. ,.: I, .1011 S W. I' ilcpiiii-lilriil uf tin' ilmii' i .iii.fil loinpinv, .1. . KOlemitlj -Hut thil I llO IllllllP t.ltlllr'll I, HUP til till' lt 111 HIV 1,11,111 K'lUe .lllil h.'lii I, (Siu'lli'il) .11 II IN W. IDWl.llli. 'icp.'i,',i,l,iii. Mlli-lllll((l ll'J .Wl.HI III In 10U HIP lilt-, Mei'tlll iljj cif lipciinlii i. ImiI. (mkiipiI) JMI tl.MIIISI.H VM),(sO. .Volar;' I'uUli . I HUM I -Alll'.t,'.tli'ilj lil'ORfili .Nili:Hscl, c 0ill! s( lllltlKlll.i:, i . w i.siu.v, llitoc tins i:i I'liitr or 'i in: i omihio.n or 1111" county savings BatiK Dim u co. ot s(jt,tnn, Nu. .".ml Spt to -Ucil, nt ,.n 'n,it, in in imnil.v, IVim-yh.iiil 1, .it I lie eh.M en l.n-iin'j., N-.v. '.". P')l: Itl.-Ul III I's Lit mi luinl "'i.t.-.t .' I lic.l.. -ilil titliu 1 1.I1 itmi' M.t-'i IT 1 1 1 1 nniu I1.111I,. ur il I. ine r t!)7, .'. I'l i.n.111. .nil iiiumi'iN !i;ii,-!ji 117 In. 1 t nu it Kimltli". nwiiij, u . "IiiiU Iminl., el in UnllU.i'lPs 111).')!!. -, u.i.n'il II1.1! P't.iii', Ininlliiip iii,iu. OUliIl.ill .l.'.-jll 111 0. 1,i'.',i,') i; f-tjl i.iaiiii.i in:s l.ipilil ,1111k 1 '.1 i'l iii - pm.diiin Mll'lllll lllll'l 110,11. 01 I'lHlniikil piefit, liM ii. ii-i.. mi, I jc I'jltl , Ki'iil j,- III i.IU Mihjii t u iliuK.n ui.V'M I.. Ppii'.-lt., fpi'llll I.'il l.--'J li V line 1 11IIII1 ,nu nf ilr ililuilii J.'V. , .V, 1 uiliiul cieiKi ::,n :,, "- 5l,uil,iii i.i Ij.lmrs ilu'd,. oiil-ijt.ilii'r ri 10 llcili'inl imi'ilil ., no T.ul 'I.'..!,'.'! 1 37 tjip of IVini.i'lijiili, t oiinly i,( )..iel. irt.111111, c.i I, . II. l'lllll-l V. U-I1U1 nf lie jlutp iiiuii'il inliilallj, il -..iji'iiiiil,' .,i-j tint ,d ,il;ovp .l.iic mini i lui' in tlic lu'tt cf uiv kiinnlcclKC jn he. 111. IMuhPlll . II. 1 IlltlslV. Ui'iIii s up., ui,, a .iml v ,11 11 l'i licioie me Mil-, tcniilj' nl Vc.lnlul, I'll. tvisrii'h 1 i:w 11. cms rut. .'ejtjiy I'm id CM) i i'ii, i' 11 I'lp'n, I'd'. '.17, Ilm,, Corrfit-Mli.f (tl.tMli .MCljl" 11(1111 M-O.N, I'tnil'.l'l' U'AHHIIN', V. I'. IIU.I.M'KVU. Iilriibr. dlnntice If lhe total iitnounl Is tu be kept down to the amount appropriat ed for the present ypnr. tl would seem Hint If nny InrptoxemeiitH tile lo be made. iDlrcetor lloche's suggestion of 11 bond Issue will have lo be cut tied out, Tourist Cars on Nickel Ptntc Bond. Setnl-weehly transcontinental lout 1st oars between the Atlantic, and the Pa elite coasts ate operated by the Nickel Plate mid Its connections, Tourist cars referred lo afford the same sleeping ar. commodatlons, with sunte class f innllress and other bed clothing thai uio muvltled In the legular Pullman sleeping car service. These tout 1st cars leave Hoston Mondays and Wed nesdays, ami leave San l''riituisco Tues days and Fridays. IJetlhs In these totuifll ears are sold at greatly reduced rates. Conveniences 1110 offered witlmiii extra cost, for healing food or prepar ing tea or toffee, affording every faclt. lly for' comfort on a long journey, es pecially for families traveling with children. Lowest rales may lie obtained always via lire Nickel Plate road for all points In the west. I'lir special In. formation tegardlng nil trains on the N'lekel Plate road, Including these tour ist cars, consult your nearest ticket agent, or wtlte I', ,1. Moore, general agent. ;il Main streel. Hurt'iilo. X. V. " BfiJIJKtNO. iiiipoitr or Tiir cYiiiiiiii ,11 'iiii: Merchants and Mechanics Bank nf Sii-jntnu. I'Pnifjb-jiii', .il tin' i l"i of 'i'i.ii inn Nert. 2 1. null: HrSO'Min.s jiii ijii ii.nni T'l.tJi, r, ( In'lks .mil MliPi .h (iii4 . . 7. Mi' .1 tlup flfun tiiiil.1 .nnl lillikuc II'. .121 "I I.i'ilH ami ili.ioniit' l,J'Ui..,f, !'. Inxc-liintil -tiuniticA nwrn'il if. .spik, bomb, ite "iM,IM II JlnttSURl". .'!.:.7I s - .-I..Vi. 'il IIpjI p.-tttp, iinnllnip iinl tlMiiii'... 7.t'-'n 71 OiiMilufl MM Mlee'ljni'"ii' j"PH 7.i7.'i 1 1 -.I.-Jll.l. '. 1.1 Mill J lll'.s. i iuil, pjiiMii 'J'n.inj) f"l S'llplll- limj , Jnil.i'U) IM t'liilhtitpit piotlis. Ji's. i pi tii" .mil IjSl'S i i.i 'nl M. l,-'l II llfpo-lta, Clll'illl la i I.i ;,.'i,l.'."Ji Hi Il0iol(-, pi'tl,il !i.'il..!ij M Pi'llUII'l t.Cltltl(.ltPS ef li,. llnhiN .'iM;'!!. ( iitiliL'il clnek"'i no 1, ii Vi 7-i I rfCllle'l'i 'liptl.5 nllt-l.lllilill'.' . .. ;s.2i' 17 llnp In Kinki .mil littikPt. Il.tni ,",7 IllVlllt'llll tlllpdill L'I KI i.ill.lM "1 SIjIp e'f IV', li'inile nt ..ik.iw.nnu, ,-.: r, rmm.Ks w. rNsn'.ii. ..,-iiipt ..t ii,p .ilnHp'iidtnpil tctnpany. .to -oli'tniilj iiipjr dm Hip jIioip st.itcnipnt is tine lo the lip.t ui inj knoie IpiIip anil belirr. (Si5ni'dl t II Mil. I. s w (;t ClsllliT. Snlixribnl unci -.wprn tu In furp lnp lliN, !irr. ttplh diic of Notrnibci', 1"nl. (signed) i:oi!i:ttr .i, xiruit v. Vot.ii I'nlili (My iomriii.--iin pmiiics .il the nnl nf Ibe npl P--iutl Of tl.C ttjtc bPILlfl. t'orrpil- Utcst. (slpncil) .U.MI .1. Ml.l.lM, . .1. I' J110.MAS l .lOM.s. llIPCtll1 nci'ouror run lomutiov or iiii: SCRANTON SAVINGS BANK of Sunntori, Vn. J.'J Wyoinint aiptuip. l.iekj w.iini ciimilr. l'.i., .it Hip (lu'P of lui-inc-, o rrulicr 25, 1W1: I!i:s'(U It( i:s. Cnli on I.iinl f . :,4 .i 07 ( Jiuki anil ot lit i e.ish iti'in. M.lltl-I line from U.itiks .mil 111 nil ii 17".s2 !"i r.0.1111 .mil iIIm'oiui 1,1 !j,u:; :j Imi-tmcnt Miiiiillccmn"il. ma: Sicilies, llO'llb, (t( ?l'),7l'S I .Moitgagrs I.1."IIW ItpJl e.t.ilp, mtiiiiiiic ami fixtur?-... o'iiuX) il) OiprilrilN Ill (IS Ml-crlUiiroii- j-els ii.ni7:n lol'il V.ll7,ni'.i oi t.iAiiii.ini.s. f' slm I. p.nM In 8 Ifm.OilO Ki sinplu; innd I'ndnidPil rnofit--. K-3 pxprn-i". .iih tii.te. paid Pcpo-iK tnblpi'l ii ebpik s 'i, HIT ml Prpo-it" -pdlal l,Mo.2W .It PrmJiul iprlilicato. of ilp. Iio-IN r,.,!'l 11,1 rcitifii'il il.ocke 4. is"! 25 '.W.IltJO 0) i.i:,i)ir) 20 .'.ij'n.i C'-Iinr'- eliick- ."12 1.7 .s.MI7.nui ii'l St.iii' m t'liitL-ilunli, i.iiitnv nf .,ukj. wanni. s.: I, II. ('. SlutPr, la-lnei of the ali.i-n..inpil cninpativ, do noleiinil wpar the alioep -,ip. input is ttue to the be .t of niv kiiopd"p ,'nd l.plief. I (Muncib II. P. sn.n:t,', ( ,,. V, Snlvinlicd and sv.oin to I.efoii' hip IhK .7(1, lll of XoVUIllltl, Il'lll, lIRII.'el) CiUOltdi; M. OKI.l.l.. No l.i i j i'nblli. CotlP'l -.MlP.t. si:nli J..Mi;s Mtfllll.M.l). I I,. I'l.C K, . ii. iii..u:. Pili'elur-. uci'oitr ur 'till. oNDinov or 'ini: PEOPLES BANK of l-ci.iriton. Xo, 1 15 l.i,liitiql(.n atprun, I.nkj HJinii imiiii. l'oims.liariia, al tin iln-c ol lw,. iip-s Nnc. 2., pieil: Itl'sOl n( l ( ill nil lialid I2,,'I I'll ( bocks .nut oilii i i ilcni ''.''Il td llnp iiiim 1,'atik-, and Hniki'is 17,017 no I. ".in- iiii.l lii.-ioiitil" 2!i,',l, 2n IiiM'ttniflil MitiiitiPs iiui.t'il. ci.: Me.iL-, ISptid-, Pti s7;, i)im - - I7.:,...ii mi Ileal IM lie, I iiinllnip .nnl I'lNlnu.... ',1,2'cl,,: "viuli.itt - ,1J iPl-. iciennc -tJinp-.. . i n 7n s'il.s-.j nt I.IAIltl.l lll.s I'.ipil.l -l.. paid In i-1,ik1o ll mii pin- t urn I ::,,iiimii l'liilhnlid piolilr, lcs iipii.-is and l.ece. paid I,n'i 27 l),'10.-it-, Hlblut In llilik'...' .."i,."i'i ,S llejicilf. i-peilal I2l,iii ,Vt t dtllli'd ihceU in.; no j(-,.-,; .'7 I j.lliel'-. 111 r Us iilll.t.itldlli; MJil In) Ini- lo Hank- iind lliukiih bl! ..7 -ll.eV! HI Male of 1'tini'ijt mil. inintit ui I'-inaiina, ,..: I, III.NItV M. VI, l.l.lllel ol dip abntp ti.iintd i fillip. uiv, do .-(ili'innli -wi-.ii Ilm atmiii llli- nicnl t till" I ft tlio tie-t ot my HiiiiMciUp and In lb f. iSlismili IIK.MiV M IVI. la.loei'. Mil'.iiiliril and iiMim to lii-iuii" hip till., iw. in, nlidli dai of Vmeinl.ii, ln. fistgllPlI) W. M. I IKU'l. Volar. I'llllli.'. I My iiiiinnl'.luii eNpltc,, .Ian. Ill, pun i f oiri'il MIp.I : (syiipili IIIOM V-J si'iai.i i;. if. .1, llliM.I'.V. c s Miioi.uiiinn, lliieilo .-. inii'oiir of 'i m: ro.vpiiioN ur tiii. Title Guaranty and Trust Co, of, 'ii n-jlvanla, No. I.l.c U,;li,n aceiiiie llilii,'ii Jl v iii.lllcri, ol J. h It.iMaiina i nun ij, 1'inn.j'haiiij, ut Hie rlcMt of ln,iu -.-, 'mi, Si, IWI. Ill Mil lil l I I'll on laid :V7.1 l Hue t lelil lunk. nnl li.'iil.i'l. Iii!,-tl ; I'oininei'. ill and ol lie i pupil nnii-d. ., ."1..V1S .Vi I all loaliK upon i'.viilln 'IIiiip Inain npuii culUleial 27,n'l 27 IliM'.tliKlit H'dilltli'-. imiidl, i I Mod,., howl-, pi- t;n2,02il nl Multltanos lc,tl'J -V) -- SMI.5H l.i c-.talp. bniiinre and lniu.i" ,'i,..7 1 ;i H.'i,i7i hi IJ.MIII.ITII -. I JlUl nl.ilk pj tl ").'ir,ni), Ol Vnclliidi"! I'tn'tio, let ipuin- .nnl taNca pi'.d v',.i ) it Pipoill,, ."alijiet in il.eik Il"i. H'i.V." ?l!.',t.7 ('-. Slap' (.1 I'.'llii.Uliiilj. ( li.lllt' o.' l.o Uiujl.lii, ,,-; I, I'. I. I'llll.l.ll'.s, liejvimi of the jb-jic-lull nl i - mii. in. do Milrinnl.v oen lmt ilm jli'rii' i-i-ilinii'iit t lain to tb" I e, I of pi kiui-l cd.'i" ami belief. c-isii'-iii r. i.. riiu.i.ii's, hcMniiirr. s!,l,-i iil.ul and t.n M to Icf.iK me tl.U tlilitleth ill cf VoiHilbel, ll'H. llii..-il fiCOlllii: I'. MH I'M. VotJiy I'nliti--, Ol' cviuii!-.loii plie .fan, V. llcn.r i' tlliot: fs'igii.-d) r. r. n.t.i:n. 1H0MS II. JOM .. i,. wnti:s. piic-iiou. Waldron's Big Horse Sale AT CUSICK'S OLD STABLES, Thursday, Peoomber 5th. . 0aK There will be two cirlotids, consisting of Roadcrs, Couchers, Pacers and 1 totters, Big Single Uiaiightcrs, l.xpress and General Pur pose 1 lorscs. Anyone in want of I lorses should not miss this Big Sale. Sale Commences at i O'clock P. Tl., Rnin or Shine, Thursday, December 5th. m'y -9BnaE3ISV'.fM7W jSTc -ISi Winter time was Pie time .mxB38r TloiiU'-inude tniiiccnient will not "keep'' in SiimmiM'. "Xonu .-'t ni'' Mirn.0 Meat is a year 'round delicacy as rood in Summer as in Winter, becautc it is packed to keep" and docs not spoil. Hy using the delicious NiWNE SlIOI MlNCEMlSAT ml p ie Time is ALL the Time. You make the cvust we will I liil it perfectly. Ten cents a I or sale bv every Rood grocer, roc. a package. Recipes on trcry paclc e. Valuable prcmiitti list of " 1847 RotjersBro...'" tilvcnvarc enclosed. MERRELL-SOULE CO., Syracuse, N. Y. U PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAJ Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. ni., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Bavre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stopi; at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg nnd the West. 9.38 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, JPlinaaelplitn, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg I and the West. ' 2.18 p. 111., week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. in.;), for Sunbury, Har risburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule trnin fiom Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsville. Stops at principal in termediate stations. 4,27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1. B. lll'irillNsOV. f.'iii Mttr. .1. II. WOOD. Oen l'J--. Ast. Lehigh Valley Railroad. in i:ncu .iuni -', Tin. 'njin li'.iii' scullion j I'm' I'liilailililil.i mnl i.v Will. 1 1.1 l , II I!. 1!., .it u.t.'i .mil t',.N .1. 111.. it?. '.Mr tnuci. iiutiMiiii i;iit.--i, .iml 11. :,n 11 111. sin . 1 cla.n, 11. Ic II. It I!., 1..1 .MT 1 1. 111 l'o. 'Whili" Hutu, llJlcti 11 .11,1! iuiiiclnl liiiltiti In tin" mil lei-lull-, ill II. ' II It. I! , ' 11,1,1, '.Ml .Hill I -'- " I" I'll I'i'llMllli-, il. f, .1 m.. '.Ms p. 111. I'm lli'llili'lu'iii. i:.i-.tnii. lii'iilmj, ll.iultli'iu'. ami ptnuii'il inlitiiiiill.iii' i.itii,ii-, ii, II. ,v . ' It. It.. 11.M. '.'.iis .1. in.: '-'.I. I'.', (lil.ul, DIj nifiliil i:xUi"s-l. Il-'i i 111. -uniUe... 1 1, ,1; II It. It., !'...i J. hi.' I.. -" P. Hi. ; I'm K, I'uM.ihili, llliuli.i, 1 1 1) 1 l 1 ttaii'V' -iml 11 Ini it.i 1 mii 11111 ell.iti" --t 11 ions. ,i IL. I,. .V U. It, II.. Kin. 1. iii. mnl .'Mi 1 1. tn. I'm Ifuii'c.i, l!wlii"-l."l, II11II.1I1., Mu.11.1 fall',1 Cllil.lltU .111.I .ill nuliil- ii.-l, li.i I). , II. li. 1:. 1 .MS, II..11 .1. 111. I.-', l-'-l lUinciiil l ili'.-.-J, 10. II. II..IH p. III. MiiiiIj,.., i. A ''Vui'ilMiillm' .i.',il";i,'.m'. ...' I. "I,l",!, Villi,- I'jiKi- c-iii. "ii .ill ti.iin l'i iml IVIlLoi-lliin." ami NVi Vml.. I'lilluili'liilila, II illaln .in. I sii, ncii-loii 111 lilac. 1IOI.I.IN II WIMII It, di'ii. -iiil , ''i IVnIiii.l Mll'il, Ni'lV "I oik. ciimii.i:- -. i.n:. !"' t'-- i' -' Cmi'iMi hlircl, i' vil. A. W. MINKMM lllll, Ua. l'i. A.I . S-ui.tu III Ill-Ill. I '.I. Till' til I.I tl. .Hill I'llllllllII li'- I.HImIH Jl'Jil' li ai'l I.IKkjH.IMIIl .lllillli', I .it. Inn, I '.I. Delaware and Hudson, In llllci I -Voillnliii 1.1, I'ihI 't'laill 'HI I .lllinll'l ill' ll'.ii' .N llitllill ..I b.''n, S.iiO, f..'.S. lull ii. 111. I 13.'"'. I. '!''. '-'.'il, .l..'ii, .iJ'l. I'.-'i. T.'i", !' l'i. II. "il IL Hi. I l'il .1, in, I'm lliiiiiilili'. i'.-". lii.ll .. in.; '.'..,1 anil ,i.i!i in. I'm Wllki'-ll'iiii ii.!' .1. in . I.!'., I.I-'. -' I '.II, t'.i-, In II I '-'7, n. I", 7, tu II, It!''' I Vi I., V, II. II. 1'iiiht. u.-i', .;;. i. in,; .1, l.-j; J ml 1 1 "'' li. in I'm I'ci.n.ili.uil.i II. It, l',.iiii.-ii.;:. t.:; .1 in.; 1,12. :IS .""I I."-'" I' m. I'ui Mimic .iml .ill "liii inn Hi ii.-Jii i, in Jill .! ."li ). III. -I'SUW Til MS- foi I ill.nliil.lli' '.VI, 11,11 ,. in,; 'J, ,1 .,. ,1..iJ .mil I0.W L III. I'nr Wllk'vll'iH t- j in ; tia;, ,, ,i ... ll.:.J Jll'l .-, I J II III. I'm' MImiic .ii'il i'ilnl Iiuii.i- ,i,.'ij i m. Ul' llullt'dilll - K.'U .1 IM. .lllll .'i.'li II. Ill W. I.. I'llKHt. II. I' Miihli.ii.l'i New Yovlt, Ontario nuil Western. In i.fttit 'i mvil'ic , i it ir, i-mii suit ni mil sn l.l'IVl! I.l'.lll' Vllllf -.Ullloll. I'llliullilli. I j'10,1.1, Id .Ml j. ii). U. In. i. "i. 1 mi p, m . H.lli. Ill l. t'.llllilnlll,' 0 l II. ,. Mil III lllil St. I cue- An' t I Ul'llj. 1 JlllUllll.lll . -lljl,. r.mi i. iii T Hi,, in, , '.'.l'i n. in. I. nu ii. in. I in i. n, 'luiii. Xu. I Su. ; TuNu.. So. ii . So. i ii, i, 'inutl liill Ml, I .vim l.''' ino Irjin-. s uiitjii. I .iil.,iinlil.' S'o. li j.i.iij. ir. '(.in inn. tu ij in. SO, J .UIl. Ill l. I Jllllllllljll' ; 1 1 , I,,. -Ol "III Ilill'Sll. 1.1 HU l.i'.ll.i 1 1 1 f liJin-. la'l' I jllniii.lal,'. -luiiinii .So. i Mm j. in. : III.. ,i, .So. l'i . . . I.MI l. Ill l,,0il ,,. .r, , ,. i li.ilii So... I in s.ick iljj. .iii.l u mi i-LniUi i, I liul-c in Jin JIiu' loniii'illum for S'nv Iml, ,ii,. j -ihruioioMii, Hiiilcn, SonviUi. Oiniitj, o,ip',, ami all imttiti ui. I'm' liinhci iiiloinuiiuii, tmi, till rlikfi juiiu., .1. 1'. Mr It-OS', li. I'. s,. ,,ik J I.. Wlll.sll, I. f A , M union, IM """. ''e -'. package makes two large pics. Good Furniture Grod Furniture is the only kind yoir can nf foid to buy. It is al ways the cheapest in the end. This big store of ours is full of GOOD FUR NITURE at prices, which, considering qual ity of stock, .-re as low as consistent. Odd Pieces We have an unusual ly large line of odd pieces of unique and lrandsomedesign. Many of these odd pieces are exclusive with this es tablishment. Hill & council 121 N. Washington Ave. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. J GNMO ATLANTIS HOTEL f NO ANNEX. ' Virginia AM" anil Bcaili, Atlantic City, V .!. , bixlli "cat; ilJU l-tautifut looms i-titiiUe, af nif 1 1 mnl null latli; hot Jinl coM fett'WJItT batln in hold ami mmi'i. Location aclecl ami remul, uithln tew aul ( Iho Mti'l J'icr Oriln!tia Otlim i-pccial hinlns utes, $1J to ilj y week, '.'.W up U) ibj f-iict ial l.itos In r.ililllli' Coadin meet ill train.". Wrltv tor tionklet cuARM's i:. con:. ' RAJLROAD TIME TABLES Delawtne, Lackawanna and WcHtern. I III I llnl Si.i ', I'lnl. . 'Ii.iin li.ivi' -. i.inii.ti tut i . Soil. Vi . tn. 'i.i,'., ii.U"i. 7. Jl anil 0" a. in., I'.'.l.'i, .. in. . , I ! I mi' Si'M Vnik ami 'lill.n,'lilil,i- r .in, I, ,i. in., .mi) '2 l'i ami .:....! p. m, i ',i, li.iiin.i Al ii. in. I'm lliillalu I IV ij. ,iml K.ini a, in.; l.'i'i, n.'iU ami ll..!"i p. m, I'm Ilm. Iianuuii ami i stanmiN H'.-'o a. in, .1 ml I 10 i, in, I'm n.Aiiiii, !-i. it-i- 11.1t I in. 1 i.i", ,. 1 ii.!i a. in.; l..ii i. 111. 111111:11, -11,1, i.,.. tn I II.. l til, n al U.'JJ a, 11. il.iili, LMipi -un.i.'i I'm Miiiiliiw -li.O'J 1 in.. I n ami il.'o i in Slillolrnl lilllilliiilllliill I. HI ami ll I", i. 11 llli'i''.' lihUioii I'm Suiiliiini'iiiliml ,. I'.,. 11 ami lu.n'i 1. in.: l.-.'i ami n In p, m ., ll,,iiliuill.l. al .! J- In.; .1.10 iml ll.lm , n, .-illuljr li.uiif-l ni Sen' Soil,, I in, ,: 1, an I, a. 111.: IMII. ; i in. I ..1 linilal,, 1 1,1 am! ii.'.'.' a 111.; I, .i'i, ii..n ami ll.,"-i 11 in 1 ,r llin .'ii inn. a, , nnl ca.i iatimiv lu.'jil .1. m. Ill, 10m. liin.: lilv. -Inn- .i' mi 1 11. inn. inn, a 111, uml i.ii I'. 111 New Jersey Centiai. In Kiln 1 Sm ir, I, i. -Ullotl, III .Si'll llk, I'l'll 01 l.lll'lll .l,-' .iml .-mini I'cn.i. S. It 'llahi. I1.1i" -LI.111I011 ni St- V... I' . I'lili, l.i. Inn, Hi llili'li. 111, Mliiiluiui, Mini', I I nil' , U lilli' llaii'ii, lili-i M ilU lliur i 7,.'.i' 1. in., I i 111. anil I p in. -iimlay, .' In i m (lie j'in liaifi -iialilmi 1. r 'D 1, in., tlnmiuli llil w-t Hml" niln ulili I'nllnuri llntti'i I'.nloi 1 .11., ini 1'lnl.itli li'ln 1 I'm' ui.i, I'lll'tmi . mil l llki Itun , I . in iinl I 1 1. m. -uml 1,1. 1. l'i I' in. I'll l.nnj: 111. Huh. 11 ran limn . "ii . 7 ..11 ., 111 ami 1 I', m. I'm IIimiIiiii;, lil'aii'iii ami Ilirii.Un;, 11., lento . ut 7i 1. in aii'l 1 i in -uml 1,1, '.Mil p. in, I'm I'uli'iilli 11 . .11 a in ami I p in I'm 1 iii .nnl lie 1.1 H ai'iil.i in .11 nl ,11 .i.m.ji. C M HI III', I..I1 l'i,. vi V. IV. WI.SIZ. lii'li. Suj.i Erie Kaiiioail, Wyoming Division. 1 1 1' lot Sni. Vol I. .mil iiiii'imrilialc pmnU Icaic MHiiil"ii a. Iulln.i: 7'.'iij. in.; !.', ,,. , AilliaN 10 "'1 a. in. fluln II.jiii mIj!.-. Il.iul.v ami inU'iiiii'iliai noliii.; ".So p in t,,m , loll, uml iiilc-lini'ilialc i'imn .So siniili.) luiiu. ..J FINLEY'S II HIS VELVETEENS VEIVEI COBB "The Horse Show," fashion' greal event, was society's grand op portunity for display of style. Never was there a more extensive exhibit of rich and elegant Costumes. In this grand array of fashion the most prominent materials seen, were Velvets and Corduroys, entire costumes of velvet wraps made from plain and fancy velvets walking costumes of Corduroy and velveteen sonic plain, some ela borately timmed. We are ptepaied to meet the de mand for these rich fabrics with an unequalled assortment of fancy and plain velvets and Corduroys, Light medium and dark shades of Silk Uelvets, U?Iuefet?D5, Uelvef-Cords, Cordliroys in all styles and qualities from 50c per yard and upward Silks, Persians, Stripes, etc. In SiDgle Waist Cuts Over one thousand yards at reduced prices. $1.00 Waists, Silk lor 00c $l-5 Striped Silks for 05c $1.50 Persian bilks, $1.35 510-512 Lackawanna Ave EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of the legisla ture, free tuition is now siantcd at lhe Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. lo all lliose preparing to teach. This .-.elrool maintains courses of htuily for touchers, for those jnoiai'liiK foi coIIcec, anil for tlru.e fatiuljins music. It will piy to cirlto tor partlcnUr'. Ho otlitr school ofltis Midi superior vd vanKuca nt. outh low ralej. AJJiesi J. P. Welsh, A.H., Fu.Di.Prin. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, I SCRANTON, lA. T .7. IWer, I'lcwilent. I'linrr II. Lintll, 1. It, J. I'oster, Manlcy l Allen, Vice Preildont. Sicrttiry. NEW YORK HOTELS. VS."i. "V W 'X' fc " "SN 'vyx--' WESTMINSTER HOTEL lor bi-iti'inlh .St ami living I'l'ic, NEW YORK. Aimiuaii Plan, W.M Tcr Pay ami L'pwardi. i:uio, ri.111, -j-1 KJ I'.r Day ami Upvwrcli. tH'cial IIjU to r.inillU'. T. THOMPSON, Prop. --"''- tor Business Men In the hturl ot lbs wholeaalt district. For SliopiiLM'S 11 minute?" walk to Wannmakari; 5 niluutca to Sieijel Uoopol's B! Btore. IZany of aciccus to the i;ret Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block fiom B'way Car, gl tin enoy traiispoi'tatlou to all points of Intercut. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. 1 ror. Jitir 6T, & u.viVRusrrr rr Only orro HI00U from Broudivny Rnnm? SI lln kkstauram- 1001I1) VI U(). prces lUasj.mbl: Every Woman i..m.i . ....4 .kiiuldl iintv ik ml i.r. m. .1 j tut khnutrt Lnntr .':t uhoLittteuonflifiil MARVfL Whirling Spray ll,'HflT WflMllH. fHJli V..S55 S'- H mm iiirtuHi imi -i icjii 1 omfri'rni llauiiicii.J Ilr9k ItUiou; irhaiinuUiiii)l Hi .11 tltVI.'f .. noi tl I,.. uthi 1. hi 1 L kit nl ht imtk litr il tuiialft 1'iVflc -'rJ It k'le '1.11 ItUlltl lllllk 111 t 1I1IU1 III it ill III Prof.Q.F.THEEL,S27sli'.?Hr! --a A- - -- -- . a. - - -- itvirlra. IjuaranUri Im tutr lo Uj mH Prltttf t niv-l tonow I'kbiiiiy. n- kava,' kllrorrlv-l Mrl'turn (itf rullUrU tnlilua.. . :ivvl.,ikruiikrnUrTKn.i.narvrNNvr (rtlwonll4 Koti - Ii-ipwlur r; ait-Ulrj) u4 rlrtlilfilfc.). UnIUi vfr. I im "k ti t. ML - ' v y u f w m "-- . s itm tfV. F-J . "1 f . ry