ISP1-" I st?"r,fi' r,Wi5WTrp fiT ' fi'-fimmfm'mcA FHSTT? '.' , yi ' -.' . 'nV ' n THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY, DECEMBEK Ji, lUOX. iv I l ' . ... , ' kV p. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA J MONTROSE. i Vpeclal to the ("cranlon Tribune. .Monti osi nee, 2. Ucnrjjp U. Smith mill wife, of tJfriiot wltrct, ims vIhIUiik Mielr koiis, O, V, it ml Perry tfiiiltlt, nl Owc-bo. N. V. Air. nml AIih. A. lllntlf, or I'lOHpi'd street, tire ri'JoU'liifj over llio iitlveiit ir ft Utile diiuulitur. who nunc to tholt home on Hiiliiriliiy, Novt'inliPi' im, lioinor, llio lllllo Hon of Mr. inul Mi.. kl. II. l-'l'ltzlt'r, WllO llllH IlL'l'll HPilnitnly III, la now on tho voml to conuilftn to rovcry. rrotiwjnf .Si'liciick. ii viell-Uiiuvvii rttmr'liiK niiivtiT of MliiBliuititoii. In or punlJiii? ii i-lnca In this pliue A Iiiikp nunibcr of one young peewit1 hnvi: ul loutly Joined the Hues, nnd ll inutilities lo he ii Ktifcu'sfttl MMttttii1, iilthoiiHh the inillnecM of l.'iil iIiIh winter (com meiieliiK I'Vbntiir.v J"J will iim'wiully hl.ike the il.inelm? mmmp n nhori one Ncvvh ifiiehed here on Kililny of the ttcatli of Ii. I!. Aimlin, only "tin of Dunn V. AtiBtln. or thlM nlnco, the suil evnnl Imvlnjr tiilten plm-t1 III Mexico, where Mr. Austin Inul held ii position lor hc yenry. Ho t'orinerly held n podtlon with tho LehlKh Valley Itullroiid i.oni Vany tit Alutteli ('hunk. He Is survived iy ii widow, several children, Ills used Inther Mini ihrei siHters, .Mrs. c. At. I'rnndall, of Wuverly, N. V.: Mrs. Coi liella JKutmit and Airs. O. H. Watioiis. of JIuiiUom1. Heart dllllclilty was the cause of Air. Austin's dentil, the pnr tlculurs of which have not yet been re ceived. Air. Austin silent his early youth and manhood In this borough, mid is leiueiiihered ns a blight and very likeable yotitip man. Alsiny old lime frieiuls deeply regret his iinlluielv death, which to them Is a peisontil t-oi-ruiv Misses lJy.zle, Nellie anil -uule Altir ,hy, who have been Kiiests of Miss Teresa Kelly, hao reltirnccl to their liouie in llhiRhainton. Tlioliias Kiliow, of (ileal lii'ntl, Is in town today. AV V. Itipka, mail a' nt on tho MoiitriiM- Inam-li of the Keliigli Vullcy tullioad. has rellniiuislied his position to accept a moie lucrat!e one at Hal limorc. Aid. His sucee.syor as mall jiKi'iit l a Air. Kraut, 1 1 oil) Uerks toiiiitj. Air. lilpka was exeeedlnuly well liked here, and his depaituie Is Mnceiely reretted by our people. uioii lliosi- from Alonlroe who si l tended tin- iuneral of the kite e.x-Slierllf "VVuril Oeuel at little Meailows, on Vv d,i. wen-. Slieiiff W. J. Alaxey, Chief "Deputy V. i,. l.eonaul, Deputy II. S. Conklln, Piotlionotiny II. J- Alanzer, ox-Protlionotary .1. It.iUer. KeRistor mid Iteeoider I'.. H. ituffiiui and son Willie, Dlhlrlet Attorney llalph It. kittle. J lev. K. K. Thomas, Jliss Annie IJrewster, p. Ituins Dennis and liiiKi-ue Tow er. lieeent inei eases of pensions secured through Hie aKency of M. II. Van Scoteu are ,im tollows: VV. II. rilark, Urldcewater. is to XI:.': William W. Hardy, I'ileuwood. $21 to $.'!0; James K. Ciulis. Noilli Jackson. $10 to $11; Henry c. Spaffonl, Ulitliardville, Vii., SI'.' to $11. .Miss TJi-iiliih Alenill. of Scranton, is visltltiK rel.iliveh in this pkiee. Percy Turrell, of HiiiKhamton. Is the Kuest of friends In this place and vli-ln-ity. Hobert C.tiev, of Auburn, is the new jiorter at the Tarbell liouse. Holy communioii was administered at St. Paul's lipiseopal church yesterday. The handsome new earpei for the Methodist lipiseopal church has arrived and is beliiK made by V. II. "Dennis & Hon. The new bowled lloor in the eliurcli is heme laid, under the super vision of P. J. l.adeker. Largely attended union services were lield at the Haptist elitneh last eveninfr. A powi-rtul temperance sermon was preached by Ue. Ii. K. Thomas. HONESDALE. Ppccial to the Pcranton Tnbun. Iloncbdale, Dee. L'. Aliss ICatlialeen Hand, of AVIIkes-Uaiie. is the Buest of Jlonesdale fi lends. The Alert Hook and Ladder i-oni-Tanyi will hold a lair in their hall on December :: and 1. Itcfreshnients will bo served al;o. Utval football or baseball tenuis can kTcate u more Intensely bitter feelhiK 'letwcen neiKliboriiiR villages or cities than a political campaign. The machinery and vefuse glass of the old abandoned glass factory at 'J'racyville, has been purchased and taken away by a junk dealer. All ef forts dm Ini,' the past few years lo put this once prosperous plant in opera tion again have failed. Air. Irwin J. Cowics and Alis .Maine ( -: ON FIRE. An e.vplodiiiR lamp: the clothing- In n lilne ; a paragraph in the paper tell JUH of horrible suffeiinjj fioin but in, Triigedy in this fottn moves a niau to tears. Jlttt lor iNOiueu who are iluily beiii,' con sumed by the f.uotiUlL-riug fire of disease there is little sympathy, lulhinfuution, with its tierce InirniiiK; ulcera tion, ealim,' into the tissue-i ; the nerous sy-tem al most shattered by sufferiiig, these are only part of the daily agonies borne by many a woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription puts nut the fire of inflammation, heals ulceration, and cures female weakness. It trail- quilizcs the nerves, restores the appetite, and gives refreshing sleep, "I-avorite Prescription" is the most teliable put-up medicine offered as a cure for diseases peculiar to women, always help, ( almost always aim, "When I lirt coimncnrml iiiii l)r l'iercr' medicines," write.-, Mr litorue A suuiik of Canieioorl, Suutos-i Co. N. V , "I ivj nnr ins: front teinnle cakiies,u ili-auiccitilt-drain beurlng-duwii paliK. weak inul died leeliiigall the time, 1 drags"! nro'iud in Him way lor iu vents, nml I beau lakltiK juur medicine. Alter takluK first Imltlc I Ipcgau lu Icel better. I took (our bottle ot I)i Pierce's l'unnle I'reicrip tiou, tu of 'Oolden .Mciliral Uikcovery,' unc vial of the '1'IeaMiit 1'elletn.' alo used oue bottle of Dr. bage' Catarrh Keinedy, Now 1 feel like n new ieroii. I can't tliatik. oi cnoiigH fur our kind adicc and the eool your uiedicine lis done uie." Dr. Pierce's Common Senso Aledtcal Adviser, paper bound, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Ur. R. V, fierce, Uuffalo, N. V, SI M. I'Veley, both of llonesilale, were mm tied nl the Picubyleilnn miinse by l!ev. Wllllntn II. Swlfl Wednesday evening-. Alts. .lohn llrown Is crlllcnlly ill at her homo on Park street. Air. Wiiller A. Wood, or New York eliy, npent Sunday hero with his rn lu ll v. A iiolsj eiowd of young people, skill -Intr nil day on .Sunday on Park lithe, Is not In keeping- with the good name of our innpla city. Alls. Jennie Kdgott, of Thltd street, Is entertaining- n cousin, Airs. Docker, of Kingston, N. V. .Manager Silver-Atom is to lie compli mented for the up lo dnle high class plays his opera house has furnished tints far this play season, On Thurs- PROVERB f f - . i- i. . -""""'- .j "S-Z Can you read day evening. Dec. .'., A. Q. Scaminon's liiUKlinble play, ".Side Tracked" will be presented. A comedy full of fun that pleases everyone. Air. John Clark, who for a number of years has been local supci-liil!.iideiU of the Aletropolltan Insurni--, com pany, lias been transferred to riilln delplii.i He loft for the latter place today. IP- is succeeded in llonesdnlc by Air. Xayloi ot C.u-bondale. Walter Whitney, of the Thompson Shoe company, whose head (liiarteis ate at Kltnlra, X. Y., is spending a few days at his home here. .Iuds:i! Purdy I holding Wayne county court this week. FOREST CITY. Speeial lo tho Siranlou Tribune. Forest City, Dee. 2. Lovelt's Hoston Stai s entertained a fair-sized audience at the onern. house Friday night. Their eoiicerl was of a blah order of excel lence, and If it is a criterion of the en tire couise the series will bo greatly enjoyed by our people. Aliss Mallyn, the soprano soloist, has n voice of great range and much sweetness. Her work charmed the audience. Miss Denham is an accomplished violinist, and Aliss llnney, the reciter, and Frank Rey nolds, humorist, were both fully up to the average. Aliss Alartha Uriflltlis, of New Jlil foid, spent Thanksgiving and the lat ter part of last week with her parents here. Itt-v. A. P. Chatfee, of C'arbondale, preached a very eloquent sermon in the Aletliodisl church Sunday morning. In the evening- J lev. Air. Todd conduct ed tin- services. ficorge II. Dunn, of .lermyn, was a caller in lown today. Air. Dunn Is one of the prime movers in the fotniation of a National bank at .Terniyn, and he thinks the indications are very encour aging. Tlie woods aie full of hunters these days, and game Is said to be plentitul. Cecil C. Alanzer Is n district oigan Ister for the W. O, , and has organ ized lodges nt llihson and Jackson. Forest Clt., although the largest town in the count.x, seems to have no aspirants for county olllie. In tin- gen eral rush, however, we will not he inlsM-d. Aliss Hctiha, daughter of .Mr .Mis. Newell Dow, Is sulferlng dlphlhcila Air. and Alls. William Taylor . and with have several ehlldii u -very ill, .Mis.-, Alary AleCnbe, one of our corps of teachers, spent the latter local ' pait of the week with her patents at Win- Wood. Ali-s Kllzabelh U.iv is anil Aliss Alln ule Klley. tciichers lu our pulilio school peiit tin- Thanksgiving- season nt their homos i j Theatrical, v TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. lAf'i.l M,- "Im- I'elei-iioue liiu," "iU .l Villon ---!(!.! ' Aiinnoon an.) inulii sltlt.- Trail. Viuinh- liiuli ami 111B.I1I ipn-i i tfieuii.un "Side-Tracked." An i-u(itiuh.illy ili-vei oi n i.i 1 1 onm, wui will ijonlitlOM In- a iiiihl u?celiil eiiKupcni. nt ,il I lie- i.iihniy uf Mu,U Ut nlclil. 'I lie pliy U a laio loimdy imIIkI "Sldg-TiaiLed." Then- Ii Utile oi im plot, but lots of lonuilv, snuln, dam in;; and t-iii.vlliln cl-i- that t'H'-t lo iiiil.o i.p an ni-lod.ili- inii-ih.d iuelai.i;e, Willie )niil.ii n I ha le Moiur. al.ji Iiviijk llnoili, in ui) 9iii-uv.--ful hi hut u i.. im .inn nt -lii- 1 1. 1 mi', and MjI Silnolu a i'ti ,- (Ull'.loll, .1 Ml llOII b-l'ln '"'. -l-nllll- til lilf fl'll- iiuhini; In ln fliilalu'd ili.iuiU'i noil KiUU-il.iiii-.i-n, a laplivalfni; llitla nJiilar. U-, ,i,uui., im- ioU- ui lliwdt- Itijiiuhi--, .mil inliiiilii, ct .1 iinnilii i oi . Uu, lie -.nuts and diiKu, CkII ,d. i.ilnc ui ihmiu l.iltleiichl 1-ioU pivtly i-j ip penx t .iib.ini.ii:i II. ('. l..von iuiI.vs vu is-n-lluil lii'u 1'iikiiiii), uhllu otliij-.i in Hit, inni pcii'iit ( il mo ltotjoii Stone, .Iplm lluil.u-, I'jui luiley, (ieouje iiutl, lluhcit Uslle, Ji-y,lc Pliiif. ir and Mjrie lllnur. iljtluce twliy jml lunivi low "Trnns-Atlnntio Buvlesquer&." ine iiJin-aoia i inn eMiueia veie ie,-ii.n.i "ilil paiKetl liouyei rt(iuaJai(tern)oii Jiid tivii-l I115 upon lh;ir leluui envt-meiit at the Mir lliMtfr. Tills icninAuy li iiiiJoiiMmII.v tlic mist popular ot ny tlmt hn sHtA frmilou during tlift tcsitim ilnd niiilcl till the lioiiso on mmiy IC turn ilatrf. Wlillp tlii- TranvAttantlii arp aiipci lor In icitiiid In tirlllliinl totiiinliiK nml cmcI lent Iniislcal t.ilcnl in llidi- ilioiu, (lie icninnj niiiLilm pfiljlty mill! i if iiiimiuI iiii-ill, 1'ioiic Imtil .imoiii! tin- rla? ot Hi,' olio uic llio llirci- Dunbar Mlei, tang blid nml lUncer, wlioso nil it qnlle orldlinl and Whrne occnlt Is "dselil etlty i:np;llli, jon !,non"t tln llaUdn sliten, lnifm inul iIiiicth; (lie Riral IliiiKliini, xenlrlli), nnl'tt IHikel nml W.iltoii, ttpimnn (Mih-iIUik; niul Kitty llliif.luiii, roiiioillcniic, who ningi loon nonid In n f-ljlc of lin- nun, The ilodnif lmrlcniie, "On lln n-cnii," U one n( I lie fuiiti!et. at uell llie inn'l ironc-iiM I'MT tlfll Oil the StJl- sICKC III tllll MlwM .ll-.lil- ndlo l.i Hiaii and Kilty uliiuliniii U.ul In the xornl lilillllicK. ,imt tlic qiiaitetlc of i ninrcllniH, I'd. Wtnllie, I'l.ilil.- WIIILinifon, Ihiirj Wutnoii niid (enrRC ItlcKcl, keep llin mirttowe In lonlliiiinus l.iiiKlitn- wlirti on th tinge. (iiitijt lo the brief ii'Ritii-iuoiil nml In oimYi to kIm- all an oppnr Innlty lo m'o llin Tiaiis-Atl.tntln jii clu nuil lirc will he Klw-n tlil atltrnnon In addition to tho iimi.iI if ifot tn.iiK Iniitplil am, loinon-uw aflcrnoon i,iid eifiiliir "The Telephone Girl," "Hi- 'IVIi phone (ilil," ( nnilion-i ioni,l,v fioni the New oik OitilM), lia iiurlo nut -W,-W) for t tic- lucky iwi-ih nml i-i fllll inluliiu; nionrj. 'I hrre me mjiish in "I In- Telephone (111 I" Ilil t-cjon wlilih Hill he nliltlcd uml hunimeil PUZZLE. tills proverb? .ill over town after th" plj.i i inouucoil Ine. I.'vei.v individual frininini lumily in "The Tele plimio fJlrl" t lii-4 ee.ion h net .done a i.iiishttig. ly comely iiuideii. but l a Indued otalint ., dl. Ue.jut.v :ind laknt ko loci-llirr .mionj mcmbeifi of "'Jim l'elephon," wlihli v ill be .11 Ihc I.31 emit toiiiidit. The Fndettes, "Weduestlay. II 1 lie iiutlii--, o( Ihe i'.idcttc tlnl the pie-f in cvciy pl.11 e tint they have appeme-'. U not mnt liiinwlv oieidiavMi, iliidi is r.ot nt ill piol.illi llio-e of our imi-di loveis .1111 (tut inuluiles ml of our rillzeiL-', who do not attend the coiKeit ot the I'.iiklti' ouli--,ti.i .it die l.ieemn nrt Weil-ne-ihy evening; will mi-- one ot Ihe llnel UojN eiei- enjojed in (lie. iilv. 'Ihe conceit vv,is yie.ilt.v enjoved by .) luue .indieine .mil wn.s piononnied tin- be.! enteit.iin ineut of the -ej;.oii in a 1m1-ie.1l line. SeiN aie. now 011 s.ile. "The Game-Keeper." At t lie Academy ot Jlmle 'Ihmsihv. 1'iiil.iy and Kitnrday 01 this week Con. T. Mnrplij's lutii-l f.iieces "'the G.vme-Keepei," will he pie.-entecl. Jlesfis. Itowland and Cliflord, piopiieti.i-, of tins jtluclioii, me featinim; smilh O'lliieii. :i V(iy (lever fingine anil dincini; (nniedian, who .vill be 1 erne inhered aa (b.i star of "'the by Leaf" and "The 1'aii its' Well." "Jhe (,'nnie.Kcepei dillei.i (on.-ideiabl.v hum anj tiling in this line that lu eu-i hem piodmc.l by this author. While it ahonndj with pjlhnrf, ll poi.efwe a vein oi comedy never altimptcd in .111 roniedy (llama, thereby iiiinl.liinR .-in.ple oppoiltinily and mope Im- .Mi. O'lbien to lntio dine Ids origin ll ni;, (hat he Ii o tnmoin for. Ilesidei, the stur, -Mei-. lion land and Clllfoel have (jivin the pla " mo-t loinpelent t.nt. in evciy n-sperl, Willi a ninif tupeiloi lo any lii-h .omeil.v (llama that li.n b(xn piodiuid in jeiii. Sttcied Concert. Ihe sided luiiceil w.iiih will be Tkl.cls lui- iin b. die (.Villi d Labor union net iiinljy lilslit .,1 I lie L.M.emii tlieatei lor ihc ilcl, .iiei alti-ndlliLV Ihe natiiuidl uonvention In this 1 ay ni.i.v be iuiikiI .a llu ho ullV.e. ', :!"i ami ,VJ 01 III- STAGE NOTES. " I'lic Villaife Po-tniditei," one uf (he ntuil Miuevfiil New Kngl.111,1 plaji evel piudiuui, will be the .itluctlnii .it 1 lie L.ici-11111 (heater ihnlnj; the holnlaji. The 01 pioduction, complete 111 I'vviy det ui, in. done -.'27 nights in New Yorl, mid li'i niclit- in Chh.i!.i, will be i-eeii ln-i,-. Two i.nkuiU of a-i) m-iiei.v ami pinpeltics me (allied by the (onip.111,1, Mine. Uuinii Xevinli was oiue tailed by Am Inniie 'ilionin "the only Alii,iiiii," "When N'e vada clle," lie Hid, "Migiiciii will die." This tail will niol lil.ely be li-alUed, nnh" mule jmini; ulnaei ai-is to lahe In r plate, roe -,1k- is the last of llio hum I m'ioo! lo which tho opei.n ot ', Itelllni, Delitis Me el bee-.- and lion liUelli Ik Ions. It i. of tliii ilv lo ot woil. U11, .New Vmk 'liiliiiiu- li'fctieu vvlien it fald, in a u-. view of liei lit appiMiaiii-e In New Vmk, "sii'li Wink I1J1 lii'Vrl' beiii hi-aril heie tci jc.iii put as Xiv.nli nave in on Sunday night, aid by mini nine we 11,0.111 the louudinu oil mid Iml-liiui; and luloilii" 01 tuiiu in its htie-l mid II jl cli-llcale point-. Mnlaiiio Nevada n iMilitl'd, fiini lli dm. liter of hr-i- woik, to In- d .oiiniirf Ihe bcji ot lliini; lnjien." s,,. n ,t. In. ad ,11 tlie Ljieiuu ..hoitly (I..11I11 Diltor. will be noen ai I ouiil laienue tie li r In "I'lm Ileliiiil of Xivane" at (lie til tenon iliealer, .New- Vm!,, timlslit. MUiousli in llio laat four tea-oni Ml. Vulton Iiih btea touiiuvr tlie ruiiiitiv nndei tin- illietliou of Mi, Willi mi (,'iiet is Muui supeibiu in "the sirh of the IIU-," lui h uluioil .1 .itiaugei- o Uioidvv'J). 'Inll.i-d In dial iijoioui siliool of iiiej(liiiii.i, lie llini.i l.mic llieatii; die Miicei-oi- of (lie hie William 'Itiiiu at (lie Adelphl, the leiilln; null for Jlln Olii.i 'ellieisi)le uml Mii, I'atikk (.'amphell, .V, P.iltcu is surely ipialilied to alilne III lieroic iule. I0d-alii8 a lint, iiiauly uppear a me, ii. iv not Miipiisii.j; that ho was .1 decided (ivmite In London, 'the Riral populaiity 1,1 vti Iti'illia ItunUle'. book, "fiie Helmet of a. uiie," Kinhied it Inevitable lliic It nhoiiid bo draiiiatized, 'I In- pupular inlcrcit taken in Hie l.eiolc .iilveuiuio of the VUicimo de Mir lias natiiially (iratid a i-liong de.lie In eo tho jliillnH' tmy inti-ipittdl upon tlr.i .taae. 'Hi. ilrainutiatluu bin bicu clone In )li llunkh 'JinI Lawuine Maliton, and ttutul widi .1 la.nli lund Mi llio 'Hid whue llio piiulmiiun las lueii vain both the pla.v mid tho into.' have he. 11 hlijlil) putted 'I lieie j tmiy ,.Klil peal.!i,i; paila in I In- pla.v, llio (al liuludlii Mi- Uoy K.vllnt,rt. Mim (itiice Llluton, MKs Kh-anoi llm.v, Villi Lleauoin llinwiilii and sheihlau llloik. Iieoisjii We -el., Itovdui l.ll.niiK, Moi.111 IIiuaii in;; ( 0111.111 and llohiil U 1', mil. mi A Triji to California or rioiitla. Those eonteniplallnu such u trip need but to call on tho local ticket agent of the l.aiUavvanna railroad and ho will arrange every detail, Including tiaus pmlatlon, berths, reservations tind checking of huggugc through to desti nation; also will turnlsh rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other in formation debited on the subject, Through Fleepeiri and day coaches lo Chlin jo. Only one chanije of mm to California. " I THE MARKETS. WaII 8trt Review. New Voik, l)(c. S.Uci.lcll weaklier (level oped in Ihe tlotk tniiket today otlerotire i-arlv exhibition of idicmth nml the ll prttei fivr he dny show cotinlilwilile net lo.iei nnd .ill of the earlier miltu wiped mil, The p'liielpil lartot in tho (arty nrcnulh wis Ihe ifnivrry In Annlfii liialed Coppei und the ilechled Khoiiml In the lulm oi tmriniijinr In Londoii, The tr-.i(tlnu vva IhciI on the Kold (Xpmt and appielieiwlotn that tin' preslileiit'n iiicsige to be cnl to lonsto-s tomoiiow would take -,1mm; ttromali ,itralnt merit toinlilnatlons ot nnporttlonii Willi linlavoy nhle elTett rpon Hi" niaikel values of their sliiiie. I'tnfewioiml Imr operatorn wne iiillvc In the ilrrllne and followed vlaniuns .innlpulallvc laitlef, but they met with illtle imIjUiko to their etlotti In the v.-iiy ot ftiiipoilltiB iinlci', unci the inirket Vias nppnuntly lclt unpioleeted, The lesiillnnt lint-oveilnir of the ton loi ordeM dlslodited nonie latite an niml ol stock, epeel li ly nuiouc the Imlustiials, tlie Iraii'-tonllnentid tnllroadi uml the Vmutf ililltf, vvlildi have been lifted 011 pfulMen! lepottn of dcils and nieirtow. The lecoveiy In AuillRiinnled Coppt ie-iiited In T(l). hut the stock slinnpeil (0 ;ii, hclplnu In upet (he market. Louisville uml .N'alivllle, soullierii Itiillwa.v piefened. Southern t'aclfle mid siiuat- were pronilnenl fraluie" of Hie upvvaid movement und lamj Island beeiitue all our mid iiollve at an mlvnme ot 44. 'Ihe ntiiiftuneeinent of Bold evporU to the Jinnon! ot SJ.UOO.ISH) ua.s the tin nine,- point of the market, alllioutfh rnn Milemhle rcwltmi(e vas olTeied to the dctllue uttri the announcement was made. Total flics today, MO.TOO dhate- The bond market was it'fldcMtelv aillve and tiKRiilur. Total Mies pir value. W.ilil.iWii. fulled suites iftuiidlnj twos advanced '(, pet icnt. on Hie list call. The tollowlnff quotations Trllvit.e by M. A .Ionian ti Html building, Scranton. r. Open- Inc. are furnished Thi Co.. rooms T05-TO6 icjcpuone, uiAioi High- Low Clos est, est. inc. tMH l'J.1i 123'i SOU 7i rsti smj, 7M 7i ;n 11 7.U4 1:0 -Ju1 l!8i mi; WU !! UtH4 iws imi V) t'J 4S Sut-ar .I.'ldi .. 7' .. 7lli .. 7U .. V) . fttli Alilil-uli .Vtelilsou, I'l Amal. lV)pper Ainer. Car 1'oiincliy llrook. friction .... Hall, k (lido (lies. & (Ihlo Chic, i- Ot. W'e-1. .. .. ..linn 4- '-M-H IM t(6'i 4.Pi 7S!7fc lOli'i 13tMi 11.0 ini; 0H :ni .. ..t7ir-4 natt .. .. .'if), . . . .so, ... .14', . llHi . (,0 . . (it's eti Jb-'a 'J(.' t. Paul Itotk Lvland .... Lrle U. II Lrle 11. I! I'r. l.ouli. k Na-li. Man. Uevaled . Met. Traction .. Mhvio. Pacific- .. Norfolk V Wot. Onl. k. VVrhleitt N. V. Cditrl .. Pinna. 11. It. .. ir.i) ihii 11.0 niii-4 Hn't 14'i 4J'a 4li 7.1 7-iU lion IM'A tira-. 1WI5i It It -Hi K'e'A Ifii, 10J!& 60T 3.V)ii 170), V0 ,".n'i Rn'A .1114 Wt nt i,-. t.-.Vj An !)4 IIINi lO'-i 1(14'i 1(I4', lllPi 103, ,V)- flo-li .1(. :iin 11)7 ir.7--! Ui'i 141 lidding 1I.V, Ke.nliliR II). 'ojlhern Itj ,'! 1',s 'Pi. i't. 70'4 am njifc 'i5a (Hi 4H' J pi 7'U SSTi 02'!. am cm 401,4 VI ".; i-m cm St?i "oiillicin uy., iiiith. I'aeifle renn. oat (' 'I'evai Pat Ilk P. S. Leallici t'. i. Lnilhei, I. S. Ittlbtiet lion 4(Pi !- I' s-ii l.-.U ll'i fi.l", m--A tor. 1-i'i 42 Pi1''. IIIH 39'i I'. . Steel to. .. I'. S. Steel ( 0., Pi Western I'nlon .., Pi. .. . Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Laikawanna Daily Co., Pr. Count v Savini;s Bink A Trus' Co.. First National Bank (C'arbondale) .. Standard Ilrllllni; Co Third National Bank Dime Deposit ond Dleeounr Hank.. Lconomy LiRht. II. k P. Co l'irst National Dank Laeka. T1n.1t Safe Deposit Co Clark .t Snovcr Co., Ti Bid. Askcc CO S60 sv 30 4R0 273 40 120(1 ISO 123 10O 95 4(M 173 MM 135 Pcranton lion Fentc k Mf(r. Co. scranton Atie vvoius Scranton SuviiiR- llai k Tiadcrs" Nationa! Ilatik Scranton Bolt k Nut Co. .. People's Bank Nivv Hello It.i. k C. Co. . BON Pi Scranton Passenger lUilvvay firit Mortcage. due W10 People'a Sticel Itailway, flist rnort- gage, due 101S People'. Stied Railway, General niorltrano, due 11J1 Dicktor. JlannfictiirliiK Co Lacka. Township Silioul . per lent. City of Scranton St. Imp. B per cent Scranton Traction 0 per tent 113 100 1U2 102 Scranton "Wholesale Market. (Conected by If. fl. Dili-. 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Bean- 1'ei bu-liel. choice mil low, $2.30a'2.Mi, Buttei 1'icsli cieameiy, -Jl!lai!,c.; daiiv, ttesb. 2.le. L'heeje l'11'l (team, KHialli-. KlfKi Niaiby state. 19a'2He. Medinni BeansPer lmliel, i!2..'ii. (iieen I'easI'er bushel, l.(i)al.4j. Flour Beit patent, per banel, if4.4.. Beans Per hiinhel, rhoke mairow, :i ID. Potatoes 1'ei- busliel. SL.Vi. Onions Pei biialicl, -fl.ijal.P). Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia. Dee. i. Wheat-Finn. 'je. liisli-ci-; (ontracl Rtade, December, 7?a7s,.ic. Corn guilt, but rlcaclv ; No. 2 lilived Deipiubei, C'J'.ia 7(le, Oat-. Finn: No. -2 white dipped, ."i2c. Flmn I'iiin, but quilt. Battel I'mii: fancy weslein iieameij, 2i,i-.; do. neatby prints 2!'c, Kftfe'i riiinj fidli neaib.i, SUo. ; do. western. Cue.; do. Kouthw-e-lcru. 2'li., do. sjn'l.eni, 251. Cheese Firmer; New- Voik lull iieanis fancy ..mill, lOialle. ; do. -lo. do. Mir lo ilwice, Ua lll'jc. Itetlned suijais I'iicIi.iiikcsI. ( ollcui Sleaili. Tiillow -I'iiin, but epiiel; illy pilule ill tieite.1, ii-Jii.; touuliv do. do, bids., n.ili'.V-. ; dark. oUaJV-.: cuke., (i'ii-, Live Poultry Stt-.idy , f.iii ilennnd; tonls, ia9i.; old iocsKis, (mlli.ii-. ; thitkeu, Ratle. ; durks. Dap),-. ; Ki-i-e, !)a lui-.; lurkein, OalOe. Die.ied Poultiy -Quiet, t,ut slendv; fowls, ilmlte, iii-. ; do. lair to t?ootl, riVSupV.; old leoilt-i-, 71. thicl.c-ns, neaiby, llapii-. ; wc-tiin do., nil 2c. ; inikev, tamy neai b.v, lie-.: wc.-triu do., lb-.; choice iln Ji),.; i,i nil lo t;ood, Uali'ie.; oidluai.v do, 7im.; iluc'i-, Knij'u.. as 10 (iialllv lleieipl- I'loiu, 4,0iV) banel. ami 4,031,01)1) pounds In mcI,.; vvlicil, .Vi.liuo hu.liel.; 10111, S.IW) bmhel.; oat-.. m,& binhel. --'liipuKiits Wheat. -22,001) bushels; nun, '2.l,nucl binlirl,; cjils, 17,iss) bu-liel. New York Grain and Produce Market Niw Voik, Pec. 2. I'loiu Vloie jttlve and lliliii'i- in lone. -Spot fiiiiiei: Vo. .; ted, &,ii. f. o. b, afliial; No, 2 led. S.n. ehvitoi; ,No. -' lid, cv2'c. clevatoi; Xo. 1 Noitln-iu Dulutli, ftrjsi. I. o. b. Opiioim linn and arliv-e nil day c-Mipt r,ir ,1 In in mid di) n-.uitiou. I lo-cd KtnuiK at l'iil-V. lift iidvance. M111I1 tlnsed sl'4i'.: Ma), bl5Sii ; lUteinhei, 2e, ( urn -'p.u (Ii in: No. 2, d'l'.ii. elcvaloi and "lOic I. o. b alliul. Optien 111,11 ket was liuit Willi wheat, but li.d Utile .iiipiioii nt hem up uml mled dull all iljy ami i-bind linn .11 Ha-'ii. net IiIkIki. .Mav ilostd 11.: Deu'liihei, iWtlv. data spot tlOll(;; No. 2, 45i No .!, In-,; .No. 2 while, 32i,: .No. y vvluli, .111,1.; nail; niKetl we.lfiii, i-mI'iI.-c; tlilk vvliilc, ,'ina'3i. Options cpilet hut liniwr 011 Ihe ulieiigtli ill wheat, llutlei i'iiin; treaiiiciy. n.i23''i ; fiulmy, 12' ; .lime iir.uiierv-, lia 22,.; imitation iieaimiv, llaisii,; l.di-'clihv, l"ia2.i'.. 1, ( taesr-MiNidy: f.n.iy, lane Scpleiu-bei-. pi,.- limy, Miiull Sepiemlii-i, p)"ie.; iito nude In si I.circ, D'if, : late made liet small, lua Hi-. I!in Ka..v; laie and I'eiiu-.vlvatiia, 2na27o,i wirteiu at maik, 2m'. ; aonllitui at mail;, -20a2'C, Chicago Grain and Produce Mnvket. (.liiuiiO, Dei 2. Heavy hu.vlnif oidoits fioin the eoimiiv ilinik llin wheat nil today all 1111 picpaifj toi a hull uiovi-iiiiiit ailir Sjtmdaj wcaknejs, and lu tlie vvlilil of finiiilatlon jeiil wheat piin.s ilimbiiij,-. Deceiuhei wheat clWd 10. up. ami .'lay wueai, '.4U-;il. auvanceil, Hotl Di-ieiiibe.- uml Jlay mill lli IiIbIu-i, and Miy oats u sha In hlnlior. Piovlsinps ilued until uued to t''5e. up. Ihe lejtnns luturm uiicd fol lows.; linear- ,no, i iieteuinu, r.u.n.; vijj, 7o7sl 78'iv, Coin-No. 2. Puiiulipi, Ii2jir2!ii'. ; Ma,-, lll'JalitTjc; .lui, llt'iJdlV, Dais-No. 2, l)'u' Wheat- ,o. i Peteiiilni, "Ai'n.; )Iav teinliei, I2alj',c -aia-i.; .uay, siaiavji.: .in v. asiia.u. Jies. pan, lo.(J. Lai I .lanun.v, 5.IU.IO.1IO.2.1; JIjv-, -Ho.tSi iil-l)eimbM, v..-i.1Vi..i7ti.; .lamiaiv, 53; Jlay, r-,'daft.(i2'j .liorl ilbj, VJ,UU.y aiy, lW.117'-!; Miy, -).)Ja8..V,"j. lali ipioljlio.ii wi-in Ji iulnw, I'loiu --leadi ; .No, ,1 piln0' wheal, 7aTsTi,t No. t! lid, tin'ni.t oil., .la4a"il'ii'.i No. -2 whltr, IMaJlu'li.-,: So. '! "iiile, 4al7i.: No. -2 lie. (,1.1 olVl'. ; tail' In ilioKc- liiallln.- Iiile, .Vi.nii.; No, l flas etd, f,M; No. 1 Noilme,tfrn, ijL.'IOj piinie ilmolhv sic-d, w'.IO: mos pml,, fn.tuali; laid, 'i..ViaW..'i7ij; jluut libs, -.S.2.1.1S, III; ih ,- ,it, ed Imulili 1, 7 ' i .1 1 . 1.; ilimt tlili-i, 'Ss 7Ui SNI; M. ClticRKO Live Stock Maiket, (lih ago. Hii-. 2. ( atlU-ltivt-ipu-, JI.Uv, :) IVmiiv-. faio vi'Ciltux; sieail.. Ii. .ii.iiit': tin,, cattle. KT.JOj'l; iiuoi' ,u inediuiii. .;.ui.iVisi- liiikiis und (eedcir, 2.i4.23; tu,v, l,-23a.i; liell er, ir.'a"i..'a): i.iiiiii'i, .i,.V)a2..'s): bull, 2al.l0; lulvtn, V2.i0ai; vv-crti-iui, V-'idai. IIok-Hi-nfpts totliv, i.o,0(); ((iitiouovv, l),hi.i oii out, o,oiai; 111 111 11 huh 1111-1-11 iinrii Jim ninth cia, M.iiaid.lV, itood lu tliohe heavy, .i.Ou.iU.13; rnuitli heavy. 3.0.i.1.7i; lluht. Wj).0."i: bull, of falea. ).jnaj.l). Sliccp-lteti-lpt, J,(mi); uteady Id lu lenn luMiii miiii'i. wivim-i, 1 loneu miijiig; good to (holie wrtheii, t.SOJl.i); fin to iholic iniei, i2.7.i.i'i.SO; vvetein shtep, -Mil; native Iambi, .'.7'uV, wesldii Umb.-, is.ia.-23, East Llbeity Market. La.t Liberia, I'a , Pti. 2 Caiile-u-vlj , THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Unes 10 Cents Alnte Thn Four Unci, 3 Cenl for Etch Bslra Line. For Bent. v -wv -w s s t ssv -w J'Olt HUNT 12.00, neveii-iooni loiiw, vvllli billi, litiiKe, double heater, i to. r.iilrance from Main avenue, liicpilie 4.11 South Main nveniie, or .V, T, lleler, 102 Smith Main uvetiuc. l"(llt IIKNT l, otie-lnilf of tlfluhlc licvtue, In upper (lieiti lllclije: lurin- .'aril, bilh, liol uml cold wuli-1, Umie, eb-dttc. IIrIiIs. It. P Hamilton, I'.iull hulldliiir, '-piute iilieel, I'Olt lll'.XT Seven-loom double liovse on llet'v ulieel, Hot und told vvulei, ballni, vvalnr ilosel, slnlloimtv tanse, new-ly papcied. Ten dolliin per inonlli. C. I). C'ooptr, TOI r,ml Mir kel slieel, Siiatilon. i'OII nil.VT Itoom Millahle for ciiipenlei- tn' khep, icsi 410 Madl'on nvcirie. Tindcis' Iteil Kslate rninruiij. For Sale. .w1iyv..i. l'0ll SALK One IIrIiI vvehtlit. tvvo-'eated Kldtirh with tolie! one (iitler with iiole and slnl's; two tlrlnRs bell". Clus, D. Sendd'on, 1KB W.vo mini; avenue. PUn.NirOltH roil" S.Li:-llaiitalu.s at l.c onomlial I'limllurr stote: lied loom siiIIf, white and colclen oak dressers, sideboards, ostemdou table, Iron beds, mattresses, springs and everj'HiltiK In line of furniture lor house-keeplnB. If von ionic once, .von tome again. (OM Pcmi avenu'. POIt SALL Our culiie -toek of hemlock at $t..'0 per base. In future we will handle hemlock In tar lots only, lelalllinr nl wholesale price). AIo one heavy horse und lumber vvagvn and one borse and sprint wagon, suitable for moci't-. (Ircen Rldire Lumber company. l"0H SALL CHEAP Firewood, uon rooHnB, tini bein, boards, ecantlins;, etc., (loin old ears; suitable for all purposes, .tenuities, Central Mines avrltrli, foot ot lla-nplon street, on South Main avenue. I'OII SAI.K Two light aptlng w-igoni and vunc liamitu, cheap. Kvans, tear 1t"-2 I.u?nne k I reel. I'Olt SALK Cheap; borse. uprinif wagon and h.miev, .it Xo. 1S2G Cedar avenue. Wanted To Rent. I.AItC.K STOKIMIOOM WASTKD lVom Jan. lit., betwein Vine and Lackawanna, 1'ranklln and Adims uvenues, for conduellng u general stoic liiL.imw. Must have a lear entrance and a cellar. Apply to Tlo SKi. VVAN'TIID lanuaiy 1, tluee or four room--, for light housekeeping-, 01 filial! ftirnishecl home. .1. ('., Tribune olfico. Heal Estate. FOIt SALK One acre of laud, itnptoved Willi nine-room house; plenty and variety of fruit; (rood lotution in village ot Flcetrilte. Mi. Olive Fish, ricctvilie, Pa. Money to Xoan. sj,WO,l)fiO '10 LOAN" Lowent iate.s; stiuiffht oi monthly pajmenls. Stark k Co., Tradcrs'bidp. ANV AMOUNT 01' MONKV TO LOAN-uick. ..traighl loan, oi Uullcllnpr and Ixian. At from 4 to (I pel cent. Call on N. V. Waikci, SI 1-313 Conncll building. Furnished Booms. iritXI.-HKr) On I'S'I-'IMIXIMIKD rooms to lent, with or without board, at 4.18 (Jnimy avenue. roil ltLNT VNiinljlie' tionl loom, with heal, bath arid pis; near court liouae, gentleman picfcrrcd. .Vddreis Itoom. Hot sat. I'OII ItLN" I' Furnished loom; 62fl Linden ptircl. heat and bath. FUnXISHKD HOOMS FOIt RCXT. Willi heat, pas and bath, gentlemen prcfened, at aid Adams avenue. Booms and Board. , A I'KW MOHB nOOMS have latelv been added to the N.ish Hotel. Will lie able to aicntumo date a few- moie guests. So. 410 Adams avenue. S. M., I'ropiielor. l'Ol'lt YOUXO gentlcinen or ladies can teenre good board and loom at C27 Adams avenue J also one fiont loom likely furni-hed for lent. A LAltOE FRONT ROOM, with boaid. at 521 Adams avenue. Suitable for two voung men. ROOMS TO RUNT, with board, street. t09 Mulberry Boarders Wanted. 1'HIV.Vn: FAMILY wMics to have two nlco men to lioaid. fliimin or Unslih. Call any tiini afler Tnuratlay. All lonvenicnics., h07 Hairi.ou avenue. Found. I'Ol'ND V. .vounir setter. Inqniie 4Jd VV"oininp; avenue. choice, Sl.T'iaO; jn line. Vi.Xal.'Q; good, Sj.ljt S.l'i. Ilogi. Aitivu; piinie l,eavie, ; lie.ivy iiifdiutn-, u,iu.0i: lluht do., ',-u.V,W; heavy joikei., -..T.'i.i'i.sO; lighl do., ii JOa.VflO: pigs, $j.-2"ia:..:ii: lounhs, $,.ioa,-,,ti), ,si,ren Dull on common grade.: bet welliem, M.iiilao.ri'i; culls and totuiiioii, fljj; .veatlings, 'j-'.jn.i.'i.T.i; u-il ralve., tu.iT. Buffalo Live Stock Htrket. i:.n.l nun.ilo, Dec. 2.-Cattle Active; 10 alV. tilgber fur good to Uiohe grade.-: ilioice tu piinie sleeis, Vi.ouail. 10; Riwd spilng, 1.4dLi1.TS; lair to good liimly biilcheii-, f...W.iV2"i; lu-ileisi, V -jJ .".-.".: iuvv, fl.."iOi4,iii taniien, ami toinnion, -l.7."i a2.I.V; fniliis. romuion to cholfe, Kl,-2."ial,-2Ji Moikers, it2.."Oat.."illj veals, fLMj" 21. Ilos Steady tor good gradrs; jilgs. .-,.;i".a ',.10; inied pldic-la, fi.liOu,; hcavv, -Ii.IOjO.i:,; iMugln, --ii 5.10; i-lag-, Yt.T.laL.M). .Micc-p and Linilui Minus lor lambs; topi, fi.lO.ri.l.i; culls to 'ood, S'l.;;, ai; buik, giiod, V.ti.iil; ulicip, Hun, lop uiiv.-d, -sl.ilila'l.tV); ini-Atly wotliet-. M.i.u; iiill lo good, lj-L."oa.l.-2.'i; .millings, ?.I..Wal, Oil Mnrket. Oil Cilj, I'a, Dee. t', Cieuii 1u1jii.,s. 1 ;uj ceilirliiiti's, no bid, .-hipinenls, Xov. .a), bVi'ilii; rhlpineiits, Dec. I. 70,210. Itun, Nov. OT, 127, usl: aveiasse, 7'J,:t.)l; Dec. I, n,B.ll,. H0PB0TT0H. pet(j to the vianlon Tilhune llupbottoin, Dec. L'. .Mr. und Mis. Ii. (', yeomuns linvo been speuUInK a fuvv ility.s with their dmiKliU'r, at Bins liainian. .Mr. uml Mih. H. Kelluni lotniiu-il Sutnrtl.iy bvenlnir tiom a visit at .Scrimton. Mr. und Mrs, ciitirk's Miller Milted tlielr dtuiBhter, Mis. Ij. V. Uell, at; tei'blilrc last vveeli. Mr. Holonion Bell, who lus been 111 for noine months, is fulling-. Tils son, Frank Hell, and his wife, of ScyaiUon, huvo been spendltiB several dny.s heie, Iilttlu A tt JtobhiHon, sun of Mr. und Ali-b. A. Hobliifon, In yetlouHly 111, be. IliK ulllli'li-d with u dlsi'iiue of tho liver, which physsK-lans consider inviniible. Y, ii. Drawn hnn t-old his fiuin to Kngenn Uovvnny. Thu fnrinors' i-reuincrj bus btispfiul-i-d iipcnitloim fiu" tho pivM'iit, iiispoH Iiih' of llii'lf milk 11L tho Itnllan Cheerio fiu-lory. Jiuiii's Merrill linn Bi'citlly hnin-nvcil the apppuniiirn uf his rosldenco by 11 new coal of paint, .Mr, .luniiiinhel;. of cima oko, x, v. In vlKitliifv hln win, Mr. l-'runk Jantinsliek-, und liutiiihtcr, Mrs, Hoarrtsley, Ml-, nnd .MiH. W. I Uterliiij; and (liiiightor, l.eluli, of llrooklyn, spt-ut Sunday at tho home of .Mrs. Alini.i Drown. Miss Marlon Titus Is bpenillnu llio week with her sister, Mis. Prank Den j.imln, of Nicholson. Ucv. Pkkey, of Clbson, will occupy tlm Unlvemallst pulpit Sunday inoiu Iiib net, lu e.cluinfie with the pubtor, Mr, Lewis. SITUATIONS WANTED PREE. niUNOH WANT OFFIOKS. Want Advertisements Will Bo Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Storeu Until 10 P. M. Central City AI.DLItT SCItn.'IZ. 1 01 tier Mulhsrrj' street and HVInlee .ivcni.e, fIL'Sl'AV PIC'IILL, r,;o Adams avenue. West Side tll.'OItOi: W, .ll'.NKINi-', lol Miulli Main avenue. South Scranton l'HKU L. TKIII'l'i:, "i' Cedar avenue. Notth Scranton (li:0. VV. DAViy, iraw Noilli Msin venue and Maiket eliccl. Greon Rldgc ciiAniiUs p., io.v.' niikson avenue. V. ,1. .1011NP, 020 Oicin llldue street. C. LOHUNZ, loincr Wasliitietun ave nue, and Marion sticel. Petembuig IV. H. RNCPl'Uti, 1017 Irving' avenue Dunmore J. 0. no.NE & so.v. Help Wanted Male. rs. yor.VO JfKN" Iiain tapid lettciinK for bii(ns, ciiiovv taid, tickets, etc Home .study; booklei free. W. A. Thompson, Pontine, Slli'i. WANTIID A ouiib man of irood funily ind -r n tleinanly bearing;, a well as of Rood educa tion, ai private sriretary nnd amanuensis, fur (wo or three- hoins lute in I he afternoon, (iriiuin born or descent preferred. Kno.vlcclRe ot an Biiaites, besides good Lniflish. stttioRMpliy nnd l.vpcvvritliia; an dvant.n;i-, but not iieic'siiv. Mental discipline inillspeuslbli'. Ileference- 11 (eptable, but not iieuesaatv. State qmllflratlo:!, written m pent 11, Uml ir.pv, ,-ititl bind to (. S., Tribune Oldie. WANTr.D-Iiy lejilliia; Philadelphia houi.-. liisl, ilass salesman, lo sell guncm! line ot papei to the lelall liade, onu who has an acquaintance prefeired: imikt have licit refetente and be aids to furnish bond. Addiess P. O. Dot '20S, Phila delphia. Help Wanted Female. VV.WIHl Kspeiienced 'I'libuiie llludeiv. bindeiy vjirl at "'hi J011 flint. VVAXTLI) for Kei.cial liou-e-v.-oik. Apply at 21!) Ash -tied. OCXO VVOML.V WAX rut) by Jacob Mlllei, Sons k Company at tlie Laple slilit failoiy, located at Bordentovvn, N. .1.. on the easl bank oi the Helavvaie livci, in siuht of Tienton, and ope hour's iiile from Philadelphia IIiom- hivini: some epeiience 1.11 povvti niiciilnes piefciico, bin other acceptable cirls will bo i.ikni. All old und new li.lmls aie paid Ihe ciiiu- lirire bj piei c work, but if new- hands thouM tail at dial to earn their boaicl we make that up lo (hem, -0 they! nut Ki I into debt while lainlnir. 'tills trade is better than hou.i-woik, dies-n'.ikius 01 v 1 Cut this out and keep it for jour futine use, and when you write to us say von i.ivv add Xo. -2.1. I'm fiu the r piilltulus addreis, Samuel It. Masee, lloitlentnvvi,, X. .1. WANTCn-fiiil for Penn avenue. c.eneiat hfnisev.'urh. IMj VVAXTLD OiiN for hotel wink, wailie-tc-. ook, limine trirls iiiiim-i and laumht'ses. I..M-l,a-wanna Ajrcnry, 21.1 Jle.ns Imilditii. WAXTLIJ A trill H or 13 vean old who wi.ub! like .1 ifood petm.cneii home where sh-: w-iiuld be treated as one ot the fandlv. Wiile or upply to Mrs. Il.v ion nucMnshair. Llniliui-t. I'a. rirrv opnnATons waxi i: -te.idy w-oiw euarantted. W. K. Ueck k Sou, :.3'l Adams avenue. WANTED Citl for ncneial boiuevvork at Dalton. Addresa II, T., care Tiibune. Help Wanted Male and Female. CAXVASM1IIS VVAXTKn-Cood pioposition; sli my or i-ominis-ion; tn ivoik in city . Address llov. 1, Tiibune, Seuiiton. Wanted. WAMLP livery family to bnv tan o' our ltu.u-h. Vermin and Moth Powdcis. So veimiii 11.11 live where it is n-ed. I'm ilc at all Mmcs Two little bears on eaih ran, 2.1 rents. Ilc.11.-. Pow der tciupany. VV A.NTIID Pilvale lev.uiw ill (liahain'-. rhoiihiud. One 01 two .iitciuooi.s i-.nh week Addi-i.-, (irahaui. Tiiluiiu- llllln-. WAXT1ID riiruMiecl loom, centially loiated, model n and in piivutu family. K, liiliiiiu Oldie, cily. WAX"! I-IU fjuod .-eiond-liand fuiuii'e, will piy tah. Addiess Lock Ho l.lfl, Su 111I011, Pi Boaid Wanted. WAXTI'.II-II00111 ,-iud buaul in ,uivii' (ainily for tluee ladle-; nil lo ovii-d ,2 pn vverk. One located within five iiilnule' walk Hum city lull picfilicd. Addle--, Iv II, Tiibune (If-tin-. Business Opportunity, IXVLVIIIHS sWIMl-- t.,111 t .ti 11 1 minimum of 12 per ien(, pel iinuiim, pjv.ible iii.iueilv . Kuarautt-rd fnuu lus--, p.irlluil.11- 011 appli, iiimi Adilu-s. IXVhsTVHISf l)IPll1Mi:T, lal P.11.1.I a.v, Xcw- Voik. ftlO( Iv AXH VVII1IAT lltMIIIIts vvillMiiit iiela,v. Willi1 lol nui npi-ilnl maiket letli-i- I'll 11 appliiallon s. v, Hibbaid , ii nnmbiis N. V. Ccnsoliilaled and -loili Miliant,'!1, II and lu Dioadivav, ivv- Vmk. II-lublUlKd ' -it. !.-11, Pi-lante' Pliciie 21-S Strayed or Stolen. MIIAYUD OH ft10l.hX-L.iimi livee ami vilnle lluclhll utter. Llhcial lewaid f- r 11l1u1111a.ini or ii-tuiii to !-ilinvcr t' Ihiimii, ,W vhIUou avi-mie, Poor Taxes. l'OHIl I'AXL.s-'llin l()l poiii ue ate p.ii din1 p.i them lu-foie co.t tue added 0 1 rl - wpli ill tiMsiiii-r, I.'. M, Vetliuv, Colli-, lor. Miscellaneous, 'llUi I.ULItAltV llll.Lh'l' will Im -im lo Jiiv addle in Sirautoii tor leu mils pn wt-ei, r-emi len .enls foi tv.-n vueks tnal. -impli- iopv lin-. L. Ilriwn, 120 Madlion aveiuii-, ill LEGAL ( I.IIIIK'S Xtirilll IX IIANlvHu'll V. I-i 111 lli, Ilia 1 0111 1 of tin- I'nlleil ,-tatu-, 111 Hi, Jliditli1 lliitilit of I', nrir.v 1-uiiiti. Abialuui -. c littler, of isci iiitn'i, Litkav.auua loimi, P.1.11 olvanla, a. biml.iiipl mnler Ihe Ait of I'oujic.s ol July 1, lt''s, Imlns iipiilb-d fur a lull ills. rliaigi- fioni all clebti. provable- ,iiiliit Ids c-st.lh-inider said at', n-iilco Is ln'i.liv i-iirii r .ill ki.own Ui'ditiiis aid oliu-r peraiii. in inlnu-t. to apinar befote Ihe Mid loml ui r rauinii. m (lid lli-lltil, oil Ihe loullel'lilh ill lit lleiillllli-r, I IU1, .11 11 lAloil, in Im' lOuuno.i, lu !iiiv cause. 'I auv tlu-.v have, vvli, tho pia.ver of tin .Slid ixljllorii-i' ..liiiiihl ml be ui'iuled. III!" Villi It W. MIMtl.r, I lui, IHIItllllV (.IM.X Hut an appli a lion vill In made tn tho I unit uf I mum n I'K-as of Lail.ivi-auua ..nuuiv 11,11 the Dili iby 1,1 jlettmbtl'. l's)l, at II o'lloik a, 111., imdc-i' all in.l piuvlclliii,' tor Hie Iruupwatlon and nnul.i t ion of it-italii loipurationi. .ippioved VpiH 20, 1MI, uud its uppltiiiiiiti-, by Moillmer It. I'ul In, lanits lllair. Ji'., Albeit C. Iluiil, Paul II. I. Helm and -. Ilrlnkeihofl 'Ihortie, fci Ihe 'hat ter of an intended tuipoiatiuii lu bo tailed ''lin1 tlaihelei.." the chaiaitet' vml objeil of vviihli is to maintain ilub lor (.vital rnjojmeiit. and torthi nu;po-e to luve, io-j.,f ami eujc.v i He llchlj, briiiRti Jiid piivilcsiK onieiifd by Hie ti id Act and iU upph-iiieutf. "VV. J, lultllUV. Mlliiior. , ' DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents MoctThan Four Lines. 6 Cents lor llach Butra tine. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. iiiiwaiii) i. Hi" Ti.iiiNtiT"ar THmiTits"!! n"k Jhillillng, iml si. Paul lltilldliiu-, Neve ork. Architects. l:,nV,vv!in " ,m'ly- AMCIIITIICT, CONNEIiti ilulldlup;. I'lllIIIIIItICK L. IttlOVVV. AIM II. H.'llllAti .- -ilc 1-'"lll"1', "Idlt.. 1J0 VVftshlnglon ve. Civil and Mining Engineers. It. I.. HAIIDINO, t COXXIILL HUILIUXH. Dentists, 1)11. C. II. lIlLIIXIIIIItdlllt, PAIJI.I lllJH.lii.VL ptticc1 uticet, Scranton. Dlh C. L LAUIIACIIrv7T(TvHMiVTOijB! Lawyers. FIIAXK II. HOVLi:. vriOltXLV-AI-LA'vV. ltooms 12, u, m and 11 llurr Hulldlnit. f. k. iiiacv. ai I'v. coMMoxvviiALrti' ni.ini, II. 11. ltKI'LOIJI.i:, ATIOHMIV LOANS "XLCII dated on rent citale t,ecurlt. Mean llulldlnn, comer Wiishliifrtoii avenue mid Spun" sticel VVILLAltll, VVAItTtiIx KNAPI"7"a1TOUs'kv5 and coim-ellors at-lavv. Republican Itullcling. Wa.hlriglon avenue. JLlS;p ft .1;.IJ ATIOIINIIVS AND LOIIN-f0llcii..0t-l.ivi. Cominonvveallb Uulldlng, Ituomi 10. 20 nnd -21. LDVVAItll VV. 1IIAVIIII. VITdllXIIV. !KU-tHJI, Oth flooi, .Vlnars buildiiiK. 1I00.VH L. A. VV'ATIHIS ATIOII.MIY-AI'I.WV, nOAIII) of liade lluildinc;. Sciantoli, I'a. PATTIIIP50X k WILCOX, '1 IIAIIKII's' XATIOXAIi Hank llulldliip; C COM IIP fa. n.1.1 III PI.'IILICAX ItUILHIXH. A. VV. IIHRTHOLI', OITICfl M0V1II) TO NO. 211 vvjoinliiir uvenue. Physicians nnd Surgeons. di:. w. r:. ALi.iix, 51:1 WAbiiixuiox ui:. s. vv. t.vvioin.u , oiTiri: an wash- Inatoii avenue. Itt-idtnei-. .'!18 Mulbeiiy. oi-ea-i, Iiiiirs, heait, 'niclties and Benito minny oigaiii a i-pcclall. Hums, 1 to 4 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. Tin: ki.k ci-i:, 121 axd 127 i'iiaxklis ave- u.c. Hates icasonahlc. I. XIKai.r.R. Proptietor. fcCltANTOX HOUfc-i:, m:ar p., l. m VV. pas- Feucrer deput. Conducted on Hie Kinope.iii plan. VICTOR KOCH, Propilelor. Scavenger. a. n. niiion-. ci.haxs Pitiw vi;i,ts ami cc pools; tin ailoi; only inipiovcd pumps used. A. U. lliigs, prupriitoi. Leave oiders 1100 Noilli Main avenue, or lliikc's diner sloie, ior nor Allan's and Mullieiry. Both telephones. Seeds, G I!. CLAIIKi: CO. SKI'.DSVIKX AXH XURS ei.vnieii, stole -21)1 VV,n.hlut;tuu avenue; liiei-i I1011.-C.S, 1!U0 Xoilh Miln avenue; slorc tele1 phono, 7e2. Wire Screens. JOM'.Pli KflVITHI. IILAII 511 I, VCKA. AVE., !-.. i jiiton. Pa., manufactuii-r of Win- Siieom jMiscellaneous. j)in-MAKisa ran ciiii.diu:x to orupii, also ladies vvaMo Lcnil-e ihocmakcr, 212 Adams avenue 2vii:AU(ii:i: nr,o., p;tixi'i:i:v L"Pi'i.ii. r.x velopes, paper bags twine. Waiciioti-c, IJC VVa-hinnton avenue. Siiauton, I'a. Tin: vvii.Kiinitvinti: ih:iord cax ih: ur in Seunlun at1 tin- news stand-, of Re'muan llnw.. (Oil Spiuci- uml WJ Linden; M. Xoiton. ::-22 Lai kawanna avmue; i. S. Sihulzei, 211 .Spniie stieet. Situations Wanted. Mil VT10X VV'VX'ir.H V ileik in an ofllie or Mole; cm -peak llin-e laiuriUKi-, l.iiili-l. I,li-,li and I iiliu.inl.iii Addle- It. P., lilbmi olllie. IKIOIv-lvLI-I'LII vv.iuld like pi-itlou; leliaM-; nliui I Iniui- and email nniilv piclui d. "lliTiik-kiipii," ."ils d im- H.tiiu-. cily. VVAN'TI'H -Pii-llioii in tiiu-eiv toie, onler ib-ik u-fen-liii-. AdiliC-. Ileik, 721 Delavv.H.i .-lui I, ut. Si I'l VI ION VV.NIi:i)- 11 a ii-llneil .voims lid al oltki- vvoilv in -li'ikliii:; has bad ipeii inn. Addll-i-, L. (I., Itnieiil Hellvci.v. ll,v. A 1'lllsT lll.M 1 1 MAN dr-llis a i.ltuailti Mill piivue (iinily: -'ibn- uud n-lialde am' i i .in lui diivt-i; uiidii-li niN m-mral v,oi. iiniitid piiviii1 plan-. VI peioiial lefiiemur. Adclicv. ( U.11I1111.111, 'liib'.iii,- ulilit. VV V.N'IHH -l'ni Ja- i-hliiL- and ni.iiii.-. h In- cjllcd fiu ,ii d delfvned. Ml -.. Jii.i-pl Wallu, ii-ai .'iin lli.iubi.i sl'fl A'llON' VVANIHH To it" "UI b.v Ihe day wa-hlii); in' iioiiinii, ii .111 kind ol wmk, Mis. I , III, ILillxliad mill I SI'II'MIDN' VVVNH'.H-IH a .iiu.iii; nun, In, ill. c .1 iiiciii vv'uiiiit, ,u lo lake caie of l-ot-e-; one 'I. il has i-pi ih Vildic-, ;J I. Im sln-'-i. lll VI ION VV VNH',1) -1 Mini oiiiik linn vvl-lic. IRsillmi; , pc lie lite ,i luiiievtuik, vvailiiiK oil table, in lakiiiK i. lie of Iuiim1-. .V'ldle-s Miiuie b iby, did I in ui, I'a, nlll VI ION UVVILIi ll viiiiii; lnl,v as dlnim ll... Ill -aill H MSiilnl till. Vdille... l s, j .Nn'tli viain uvrt -Ill' VTIUN VVVNII'.H Ih'li.ibl,1 nun. luoi.lidai1 of rn.ii litnt iv ii, d i'll id all kind-, of i-ulliiii .ul'l outr.iilo'..' kiipplies, dishes pii-ltiuii u .rat-in ci nib -man. l!o lit. iMiiiiniii1, Pi. SIIT'VI'ION W VNTI'.H-ll.v a nun ( famil as jllifnii, iai iil.ii oi i.i.ulihu.1. Ua lud in, 'in lluil lvviul .veaii,' t.i.piili'iiu' In-lhe liaiui lni ol inul., i- hand1 aioiiud iiuiluuei to i i .in ejlt.-fv it- I i cliiiai ti and -loadiui'M. . Vliht lliini; ii lo .i'l u lau- i hatiie Aildn... VVhei-ler, Tllbum Oiluc FINANCIAL. ,. . y -V V - . VV,VWVVVWAAi VNSV VVJ . F, MEOARGEL A CO, STOCKS. BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING. I MetiJijel, Ituy ( hcati'i McUi !. Spencer Trask & Co,v BAiNKERS 27 & 29 Pine St New York WE MAIL UPON BEQUEST CAREFULIiY PREPARED I DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF Investment Securities Hciiiuu- New Vi'il .stoik L.Mlunje. Branch Office 0? State .St. Albany I lt" v bs". K, '