; r'i ,ivi' .i' Htl fl'fr ?' 7 -'A f v -it j 6 rHE SOKAiNTON TRIBUNE-MOA'DAV. UJJCKMBWK U, HOOT. tTp rT! -- WEST SCRANTON CLASS OF 450 CONFIRMED AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH BV BISHOP HOBAN. Iinniesslve Spi vices in Connection with the Event Ycstcitlny Aftei noon Rev. J. B. WJidnn's Nine teenth Annlveisaiy News Among the Vitiious Other Olmiches Totn ponnco Allinnce Conceit This livening Now Siuulny School Olfi teis Elected News Notes. 'A clnuv of loin 1 tn m It oil mul lim i till ill en ami llftcm mlntlx ivin ( nullum il nl HI. Peter's I'llholli eliniih .vcUu tlny afternoon liv the 111 1!". Million tloh.in, of ihe Siinnton iIIih !. nnssi kI liv lb v. .1. .1. 4. ;i tf II M. hiillt i-llen of Hip (IIoli'xc: iti-v. .1. It Wlii'l in. uinr nl' tin- ulniMh; Ituv r 1'.. L.ivi'lt". .mil Lev. John Dunne. assistant imjIiiis .it tM. I'anli l.'s ( liinrh Murine (lit iidiniiiNli iiion "f III" -in-l.lllli'nt Hie lillii) oil ilnml tlie naliim .mil liniiuit.nii o ! iniilli inntliin, In simetluns wen' alien li tin iai"iili present to li.iin til it (lillill'ii limit; Hi" limpur lellnlniH lines, mill In IninyitiK them up to love mill n-sp'-it e,u li otliu In the. inoK i vv.iv Till! vltls WOll! l.ixlllll il-(ll In Kiiwns ol while, nil weatliit, .i ill mid wio.itti. Mini 111" linjf v.n all ne.itlv tltessril in nlill" uiiiMs and liliit K Knli UoiIkm keis-. Tin' huu h .nnll loilinn was tilled to (ivoiilovvin? bv the V unity and filenili ot tin iiiinniiiil i.ints, .ill ol whom in.inlfi sled Keen In tel est in tli" Nnvboi of tlic aft' i noon. This is tho scumd kui;ist i la-ii ever Kinliimtd at St. I'atiiik'.- i lun ill, tlin .mki'L belli;; .12 by the lut" Ill-hop O'll.irn, several eais a no Dining 15' v. Wiielnn's iMstm.ilo ol M. I'.ilili K"m ihttiili ..00u Uiihlien li,t bien nm II nil' d. The nineUenth annivt is.n y ol ft(. Vhi'lnn's pastoral" was. imniilcil out on Tlirinksglvins; tla.t. and ilniinjr llnl ilini' all vf the litilldliiHS iiontiut; mi .1 ioK-oii stii'i'l and tjutnnor .U"iiuc lmi bfou tii'itod and imiil for. with rlif I'secption ot n ni ill h.il inn- on t lie vusonane, whii.li Kathi'i- AVhelan " jiotts to huvo imld off liftoii' ii"t .prlnjj. Thi" loin lining iudoliti'iliii-s v ill li" pioi(i'd toi anioiiu 111" li)ini lieis of tin- pailsli. UmIusiM' of tin laud. 111" pinpi'll" altiation lor the oipluiiiiiK". iliinili, i,utonas", Sistiis lioni" and p.noclilil -Uiool is iim SSOOliiiO. this aiiiount IiMvinpr In on pud out iliitin tho pie"-- Dtifotir's French Tar Will iiifiinplly irlnio nul cp"cilili cmo (Miuli'-. tolils mil ill lun diulu' li kjIi In C. . .IL.NUIN-, 101 i?jimIl Miiii UHMUL fligh-CIass Hoiisekeeping Linens Siiifable lor Sensible Christmas Gifts Special Grand Display Opens on Ttiesday for the Balance of It is uo exaggeration to say that the best products of the world's most famous linen weaving centers have been gathered together in this special show, which is designed chiefly for those who appreciate fine quality and artistic merit combined. The goods shown arc our own importations, and as they arrived only last week, it is needless to add that they embody all that is new est and best in the Highest Class of Napery procura ble. The display will contain many a novelty not seen in this city before, and ladies who are fond of looking over exquisite housekeeping linens will be welcome vis itors even though they have no thought of buying. Linens for the Dining Room Include Superb Table Damasks with Napkins to match, Table Cloths from 2 to 3 yards long-, with Napkins to match, Doylies, Sideboard Scarfs, Ktc. The Table Linens are truly a revelation of beauty they are works of art and may well be studied from that standpoint. Plain and fancy centers, deep open work borders and classic desigus reproduced on the loom, give a limit at styles. Linens for the Bed Chamber Include charming Damasks of Scotch, Irish and Ger man manufacture, in Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillow Shams, Bureau and Stand Scarfs, Etc. Also Plain Linen Sheets and Pillow Case?, Pillow Cases and Shams with drawn work, open work, etc. The Sheets and Pillow Cases come in sets, and the Shams, Bureau and Stand Scarfs may also be had in sets if desired. Besides the haudsome Imported Linens there are many charming creations in Embroideries, Fancy Needlework, Etc,, iu various materials, made up in ( sets (Shams, Dresser and Stand) or they may be had separately, This display is well worth a visit, and as it is useless to attempt descriptions iu the limited space at our command, ail lookers will be welcome during the continuance of this display, which opens Tuesday. Globe Warehouse j.. ir .i.jh.v .TirtwK -) yt . t ml pastor's itilinlnlnti-nUnti. II Is rnllu-i' tVlii-liin's nnitilllou to lieu the i'lun'lt piopeitv ht'forc nnother Jtitf ihIIh tiround. Wlu-n tin? twentieth iiiinhet sury of his tmstoiule hIiiiII haw lien i"ilrlitntod it will ho mi ou'lil of mote th.in mtllnuty inlriest. The P. O. S. of A. Tali-. lite lanjeNl ciowd that lias vet nl Ion IimI tho I'.Uilotle Unlet Sons nf Alneile.i lull was Jiitnnn il Into WiirIi litRton hull Satin day ew-nltm, wIumi the l.MinpeiiiltKi I hand and "-"Vi'inl lsit lin? uitiips weii lit nlti'iiilaiu i'. The iniHl" luinixhctl hy this MHHieKnIInn WiHlld irttalnlv line III" lilllcs Tlime in. n niunher U" ili'tM i onifdliuis in tin hand. Voe.il mill lusli tuiii'Utiil M'l'illons weie i (ii)ttilmt"il liv .Ml-s .Mm. Dnh Tlioiiu s ICiiuo nuil I'inliiinlii l.lojd all ol whl i h wi i" "i v wi'll inftWMl, Tile Inoi jn'lre was a do.'Mi ol i-V In Icmm's pliotnri.iph- .MKs I'liua Salldi'i.s and n p'liiv of inlMd Miles win imnlli tin "iitei t.ilnincul this i'mmiIhi;. Io Bolhir with -olotsts. ,n'. 'l::anl unit Mi-. .Willi' Smith. Tin full will tcii 111111" iliiotitfhout tin- pit-eni wn'l iln-dtiy; nusl Satnida, "ciilim: Simpson Chmch Notes. Til" K", t; I? SlnK'T. assisialil pas toi nl nini I 'ail, (him It. oidipled 111" pulpit ii'sttidiiN nioiiilui; and ptcailnil an i'( ell" nt soman! TlK l!i'V II. l. Mt'Deiiuiitl pioaihid at .In iun yistudav. and ns.sti d l! Dt. SI. rull"!' In i.ti-lnu an old iliunli ili'hl IhintiKh was pi' (Up d dm -hi tli" day to wipi out all obligation" l!i-. Mi I)i iinott 2.ic a niiM'l tem pi rani" ai1ili"-s to tin .lunloi 1"hku" in the aid moon. II" du-w i ph luie on the lilai Ubo ml of tin1 I'lllv i.il Tlp ploi's lallronl wlil'b inns liom Loaf ei'stillo to tin- i i ti ot Doslttn lion II" ilesi ilbi'd the sPM'tfil stalions iloiij; Ih" mill" as lppu -"iillnj, the s"i'ial pli i-i s o liiliMiipei.ini i. The tiiKt'l otllct'- on this line an- saloons, ot whkh Sriaiiton luis inme tli m two huiidicil. All tiains m tli,, niiklc thin' l'i .ni-c Ihev tun on Ilic dov u ki id" Tli" load is doiiiH; n i iMilni? Iiiisimss and shows I.m:( i t"i"lpt tli in am i oiiioiatiou in the i omit it The bovs and fin N en miKli iiitcif sld. Th".v 'pt'ss(( ip ' lib d ilisarunohattoii ol the (ouipans's m inisinncnt and dotlaii'd that Ihev would llt'VtT i lilt1 Tli" t'MMiilTJi i ouKi"t,.itlfni was "ij l.ni'.and tln-pistot pu'.iohul a tinn, sUirniK seimoii on tli" t"l. ' Tin n l.m i lios., hnn all tlu plain of .Ionian, and pililn'd his tent tnwaid Sodiim Washbuin Stieet Chinch. t th" 'piatleilv lomnntnioii spi lie 'o.iinliiv moiiiiutr. M'lt'ii ppi-ons weie ieei'itil into lneinlxMship, r, on pltP li'ssion ot l.nth and tun bj litui. Tin io inlauts wtie baiitled. A lamo tiiiiKi'iTatloii wpip In atteuilaiu". It N ui niatil.iiiK to th" oltliiiN ot till.- (lllll ill to see the lutoi.'st IiimII t.il.i n in Hip talent tuml. About turn bundled liitolmu taK"n out thus tar. Villi this lnlp .nil tin pioinpt pu iiiont ot ppw u ntals iL Is "ppi tod tliat at Hi "lid ot this a i,m nn Indi'hti duos-, will k man.. and Will Continue the Week. -jitf , . v?. wsr& .p' it Ji J The following committee hns heen appointed to utinliKc for the I'hl'lct inns oxctelsoH In the lllhle pcliool: I. A. Ciiillendeii, (linte Vei'k. lJ. I'. Dai low, Clnia Sander and Ciitli"ilm Mm mil. NVvl Sublmlh menhir a special wi the piepiitcd hy liv Ptii'i1nmii boiiiil will l" ti"ed. Th" (laiiui Nil (mi I"l.t will niiel this nciililK at the usual time anil place, lint h nietnhei Is uigeil Io he pieent. Suntlny School Offlccis. Til" follow IIIK olllfPts wen.' I'leited yestcnbiv to (oiidui'l the nffnllM of the Simpson Methodist KpWiopnl Sunday nehool. Stipeilutendenl. (leoise 1.. Peih; IhM assistant, William II. IliiReu. second ii'ilutmil, Hmilrs U Lull, tliltd ar filsttinl, Walter Jone". si('ictni., l.otil.s II. Jones, It eiisiu pi, Jay Jteesej libra l tun. Many thmdolph; dioilstet, Llo.td Kiesj;e: pianist, titts.sle 1'tlty, assist ant,, llthrl IVane Wnltl Wait! Walt! Hi. West Sid- tin i ik will itMillmt" (iitlUHs bunks In ti ew wifl.s wlili li (an b" obtalin d bv ilciiilllng at Hi" bank. Among the Chinches. Ui'v. AVIIlllant Datls, p.istm ol the llclliuie Welsh "nl InKtio Slellnidist tliuiih. pieailnd an IhiKllsh i-ciinou .t'stetduj nioinblp; to the (Illlihell of bis (oiimeK.itlon, At the ft o i loi U .si i -i(i' th" dlsi'oitM" was in Welsh and both simvIiis wiip well allci'diil. I iff. II i . SltUeimnlt. . SI., pasior of tin' Simpson Methodist llpi.rop.il ( lull li. iKtilpiid ill" pulpll ol the ,li ! niMl SI' tliods i;)isiopal (llltli'l s l(id,i. inoinlnt' TIip sruiniuuuts ! biptism and Hie I.oid'.s Sllppei Wei" adlnlnlsti'ied nt tile minium; s(.n(. in theW'ashbuin Mt.et PlPsb.Mi ti.in thuiill isteidav Sc.olal Inlains nul .ulults wen aNo luptiyed. .iinl a iiunilii i m new ineiubiis weie lei It oil Into the ' bun li. 1!(. .billies IJeiuiliint l spoU" oi Tli" Oct 'I- Is Hi. ,i K",ii oi an linnniuiiv IMllrf." .li tli" lluuipton Shell Melho llisl I'plsiopill i llllllil lllSl l'MuhlQ. II' v. 11 I! "sinu'i'i- assist, nit p.istm oi the i:im I'.ulv Methodist Upl-topil t lllll l ll. liiiupitd the lllllpil ol til" Slinp'oti Metliodlst Cplsi op t ilutitll .vesldil iv iiioiuiuif I'i't I!. I. Ili'.ms. of Waslilmi n sinet, Pico lud ll both setvins m Hi., Oij. pliant CollBUHalloual ( htlti ll tistoiilnt. A1 the .Tlinloi npwoitb battle inn t Iiik in the Simpson Methodist i:psio pil liuiili .Msliiil.it atleinooii, the p.lsLoi delitiied a ttimi'.'i.iui c addiess (o the rlilldiPii II. Tlioinas .li, (iii), p , j, t) . o! I he JaiKson Stiil lliptlst (luiMli, told his i onieyation ytsteuiat liuniiin, aliout "Ililldlallifs to a Itetival" till! " ist tu the woild loda. In tin itcniiiK Ik to'otold the piosppits of ' Tile ("int lool. tin Tlieh ('huu b " Thf suianients of the I.oid's --uppei was obseitid at the (lose of the etcn liu, seitm iu the first ri)tis( (biinh 1 ist i tCllillR The usual sL.ii.s weie In id wsler d iv iiminlnK mil "vnins at the t-t Hat l.'s f.utlir tan t lunch, ul wIiIlIi I!cv A L ttaun r. I'll D . is tin pastm. Celpbiallons ol the Holt Jhiilinist weie In Id iu Si Uatld's Lplscopal ( lunch M'steidav nunnint, at 7 0 and men n'docN. I!t. i: .1. Mflleniv. tlip in to' bdnyr in (liaise, lltcnsotifj w is sild at 7 10 p in with sei niou b the 1 1( lor. It.v. Mi. Itinl.iii (oi mi il ot nim luust. iHiupliil Hie pulpit ol the Suin nei At. mi' Pi sbjteihui iliiuth at i! o ( lot lv last "i nilij. lilt. I) . llopl.ins, pastoi ol Hip Til si Welsh Hapli1-! dun ill. delitcicd an i:uiclisli st'inniii last itcnhiuon the sublet t ot 'H.'(llll(P" Ills coin luslous wiie ili.nlv dtiwn, and allenlh 'It iisttin d io lift. i:. A. Lot I. piblui ol tin Vl nioiith ('nuRiivatIoii.il thuidi. oicu pled the pulpit ot an Ohio dun ill Jts Uiilay. Hot-. May. foimnrly ot Con ntciii'iit. now- of tliis (liv tilled the pnlplt at both su itps Ttvcnty-fiist Waul T.txpayeis. Th" slate and (ouniv tav Joi Ifldl is now due and dioald be pild ,u out ' to l.ol LoiLtis. '.'S Ninth Iliomlev at emit'. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. (ioiiiri Joins, betii i Known a.s "Kellt" of Miuth Utile !J,nK atelllle. n brotliPi ol city Asse-soi i iwil.t ni Jones, who li.nl ids ankle piaintd leiiiuly Willie .11 WOlk lu 111" Ufoid, is ,l)p io be mound ajjiiin with Urn aid of u i all'. AiiaiiRPini nts hate Ihui 'oinplcttd toi the iipm inlounal daine of the Ihmlnie i lub, whidi will he liold in Meats' li.ill louioiiow "tenins, A belli III (olliiil will be belli iu til" Jiiilvson slieit liiptist i. hill ill Wtd ni'day iteniuf. In aid ul l)aId ,1 Hat is, who was blinded hhiii' llnio at,o while at woik iu the Diniioud niim , The bible i las, ot tin Hell, t lie Wel-li f M. i lunch will i iiinlui l an riHeitiiin iiu ul . mil .sodal iu t lie dun ih mi Wed in siiaj , tenitiK, The nd.il i uininitici' ol M l'aul'.s I'ioiuii cm ps met tesiiiiiay iitiinnoiiii and illsiiiss, i the uii.inKi'iui'iilr- fm lllell sin iM to be helil in the Kuinhts ol Columbus looms nn 'i ilnes-day i veiling. I in i uihi i II .1 ma s Coullii ot .'on!i rilnioii ntt lllle is iu ovi i in 1 1 oin the 111 i is of II sptallieil I oi il t (ill ll he lend till W lllln wmUiiiK iis an b lib inn, itinkiiu, a 1 1 1 1 s . 1 1 p on a laililiM. Tin Colonial dull ol WiisIiIuhIoii i.iiup. No. K, I', i). H ,,r A, held a llieetlllK 111 t lit It mums Ji'SloiiliiV n. n IX.i.ll to nilallKe 101 woik 111 inn- in tioll Willi tile fail dllllllR the i oin illK Mi eh, lliiMitii nlltii. Wist ualiloli ioi uiniolidenl nl tin- Times, will today itl-.sllliii' a iii.tllon iu tliu lillsllH'i-s otlli a oi tin paint, and will ) laiuicdtd bv UeoiKC Daniels, loiiuctly with 111" lb'. illhlli nil The l.utei has beip sui . lenlul b Wllllnm Williams, ot th" Ti nth Th" Hailioid Aiislllaiy of the Simp- iiOII Melllliillsl Hpifiop.ll i llllllil will hold tilth nest ineiitiUK at tin home of Mm. lltta IJattlioluini w. mi riauh Ihi avi line, llet TIllllHl.iy turning. lllll'lls Will be uliltnl till llle i OUlillg U-ai A Mill W ik I'lentl.t boill to Mi, and Mm. Ii.iuld .iink, m Ninth Llmulu UVellllf Libel liohilisoii, daiighti'l ot .Mr and .Mis. ti ) Itobliison, ot South Sunnier avenue h ttiiitnlug lioni a piolLui- nl illlUs The Sil.ililoii Hallway, i innpnn 'A ti.ul.s on Hie Waslilmi n Mud Hue hate hern doaiid to Ihe end nl Iho line mi Hi ant .niime and .Uu I.-miu mi i el and t.ii.i mo now In-hit. nut tluiiiiuh. A ihlldnh's cnti'tliilumeiit w.is lield nt tin. Saltation anny baiiacl;, on Satiudiiy i filing. Itifit'shnifiils wcte s-viud. A nunibci of new uutilm were swoin in at laft nlght'.s luetting of the min John ShlKklUc, ol CouiliKiiti I hill, hud (leorge .Slanlllmilskle aiienled he fote Aldeiman Motes teeeiitly on n dniige of nsHiittlt and buttery, the io unit of u dlsttii ham o at n PoIIhIi wed ding lu that nelKhhotliood, The casp wiiM pettlotl by tlio tlefendant pa.vlng the loslf., It. V, .louts of South Main ateiiiie, Is spending u row ilayn lu New Yoik. A hov named Milton Dnvls, iikciI U yeuis, le.sldliiR on llvuon strict fell while skating mi the Hilek ymd pond teeeiitly, mid stisliilned n fiacturt'd unklc, and a uuuih't of euls and hitilfes, John Tlioinnst, or Yoiihn.", and Tlioin as Thomas, of South Ihookl.th, lei I .u tenlav for their homes', after lsltlng lelatlteH on tills wide. Til" West Sdautoil Temptiallie Al linnce held il meeting In Moigalis' hull Sat nt day evening making final piep aiatlons Mr the loiiteit which will b" l"ld lu the I'lMiiotllh CoiiKiegallolial (Inn ch this evening. Tin piogiaiuine lolloWK' Piano fold, lieleded PlOless or Jones! solo. John T. Watklns, olo, Mis. H. IliuiKlagc; piKin. 'The Hi link aid's Wife" .Alius S.mili 13. Pike. II lllstiated bv .stcKoptkon- "olo. ' The Holy cil.t." Mis. h. in imdage, lllti sliated, nolo, PiofcsHoi J. 'I'. Watkiiis, ti IlipeirtlKe etititiulniui nt Tlioinas de Hntdiv. li. it.; I, The Itnplds; '.'. 'I lie Wile's Stoi.v: .!. Hi iinkflineis. I, Tlie lliunkald'M Slot v , ,,, tu HveuliiR: iu a Saloon: ll, Thou Alt the .Man' 7, f.otl.v s Mcssuri, Uiii iv Mllkr. of Wnshhiiin stint and Kobi'it Petlli, of Ninth It.lxua avnillie. s)enl .usteiiln.v with lilinds III PittKtoll. Will P.. Lewis o IJtnoll stud, the 1iuptil.il i lolhlng salesman with S.ini l"i llios, s in New Vol k on buslmss. Ml and Mis I'ellel, ol P.odiestii. N. V an guests oi .Mi. a ml Mc- Jin oh Plelliii, of .'If Chestnut stint. 'I'll- Ostonl (ilee .siuletv held a meet ing yesleiilat and dedihd Io go Io the Allentow u elsleddtod. on Mnidi 17 in vt. and paitidpate in the i mupi ti tloll on the seleclioii Tilgilms." toi in lie pat lies. oi itliiiii a ule ol ) ii ofteied. The leadt l ol tile sodelj n Uat Id Stephens. Till eWst Siil,, Choi al mk Ii It ill ui""l Wi dm sdav evening in ilu old Independent dirndl, mi Mitilh Main av i mi", lor leheai sal NORTH SCRANTON. I'llilav evening. Dec. i.. the Itaiihoe club, an oigaul'allou niimbii Ing aiiiong lis nn-mbeis miiiic ol the liest-knnvxii ntiug men ol this put ol the nit, will glte a dame in the Aiulitoiitiiu. 'I'be nimniillc" iu diaige ol lb" dann is liolieil I'isli. Lister Mu'diih, Till Ilevnolds and William Matthews. This I'tenlng Ihe High Winks In dians and Ih" Kali kcihiiiki'is t.ill lompete iu a (..line of bask, t bill al ihe Auditoiiurr. Tonioitow i telling the Noith Pud Slats will have Hie Nantiuiki team, "-( hanipions ot the state, as tlieli op piinents iu a ,?aiup of ha -Ic"l ball al the V nd i toi ium. An aiaiiu of lb" was soumbd Hum Pox "!, at Not lb Main atinii" .Mid Pi nt idem i load, Satmdaf uioiiiliu ait in r o'i loi k and was due io a siigip bl.ic In a house in the leni ot liilii Thompson stieel, owned bv Mis. aVn n If C. lllaekledge and on upied lit a Polish fainilt. Tlie lit o was i.mscd bj a dclettlve llii", llu daniagt done was slight. The liliuial o' til" laic Mis. Annie P. Wahl, of Maitlne atenue, who dinl riidav evening, will be held Ibis nun n lug 1 1 oin Hie l.iiuilv i ps.titf.jii . Inn i -mint will be made in I'aetoi.v t ilic. Thine vtas (iilti a liil ol cm iteiueut on Hie Siuaie toslculay nuiinlnj, nlmm 10 o'dotlc. r .insert by a hotsi' belonging Io John ucaiy tailing (in ihe pavement and being unable to lisp, owing to llir .sllppei t i ondltion of the pate. ALtir iwi'iitv minutes' liai d woik, the ovtnei. with til" assistant e of foui otlici men, suneeded in geotlng the hoisc on lus legs The filliPial of Hip late Mis. .lame M(AIlistti, of Cusltk atPiiue. w ho died Piiday. alter a short llltipss ot pneu monia, took plaiP jes.teid.iv atteinoou at '2 o'dofU Horn the Holy lios.nj diutdi. Inlcinien' was mad" in tlio Calliedtal KUieti 1 J" Mist- Hello Mullej is t Isjiing n killves al Yonkeis. x. Y. Miss Hopkins, ol Poi t Jfivis, is vis iting fi lends lit i e. Miss Llllllil .MonK of hwai tlunoii (ollege. who has Iiopii speiuliiig 'I hanUsgit ing with hci patents. Mt and Mis- Monls V. Mollis, ol William Mi cot, lea1 is this morning to lestmip lu 1 studies OBITUARY. .miss iiniTii i.opih: SIMPmiN died Saluiday al the lionir ol lit i inotliei, .Mi.s. . II. lluble .:J7 Adam.-, avenue altoi a long illness She i' sui v it ed bj' hor inolhor and two sis It is, Nellie and ItobPi la. and was the nlei. ol tin following. Waiden W T Slniisoii and Mi,s P. P. ll-dv ellei, and Mm. , iJaveupoi t, ot this dit. Ilui iv Siiupsoti. of i'otlcv illi , Mis Jamb Hohiits, of Wllkt s-Itnric .Mi Willaid (lood. of Wilkes. Hai l e. ami i!ootu tiud John Simpson, ol Nunti nike, a fid was a giandiialitrlilcr of Captain Simpson of tin lati"r plioe. Kiiuciul S"ivbes will be In id at Iho li sldi in o al ,s,..'i o'dodv Moudaj unit u lug. lub inn ul will be nnide In tin Xlllltli oki' i cliieteiy. John c.iwlt), oi ls',: Yatd llcl (th d H.i t iu tin j . The iltmiscil wis ,"(i jiais of ago and Is mil vivid by a wile ami glow n up liimllj The tuileial will take pliuo Tuesday moiliini, al !' a. in A solemn high mass oi miulcm will b" n lobintnl nl ll"h Hohiii.v (limdi lab i mi ut in tin calu dial l I IU"I"I v MPS. MUY A CKAWI'iiUD, v Ho ul I, 11. fiawlKld, loi'iut'll.v uiallagil o Tli" oe Wallim, Pllila.U'lpllin. dinl on Thill. silu.t. Nov .". pull, at iho home ol Inn uioiliet, III Sllolldsbtu. Ponasiii vv.iu lorninly Ml-s Wnnli blllli, of thin (it. Tin rumial mm- l ( s who lOlliltK'tcd .Vi.stelilav alli'l liooil .11 a (iModv lit lit t iiiolhtlV ie,-,i-deiin) lu Slioiiili-liuih. The it-mains will unhe In this , ,a in. P. h'i lm I, this itioiulns. and luii-i incut will in madt In Iho Koicii Kill ieui"tn. II. v. John P Mutliil, P. D. paMol will hav. c lull go oi tlio s-tivhop ul th" uiav pp.ian.iucK ui:i;sL', a i.i.uiipi of tin. Into Mm William PiUe, and s. M. Ku'H, ol Noith lljdi Paik nvoiuio, died lu Heading jeMeidaj Dne.isnl wan i jtaM of age, and Mil Hell known in this dl, The luiitial will take plun ut Si Chili TliUMdiij nili'i- 11(1011 A GREAT SURPRISE In a .lot. nn JI ,iiu u-,1' Itiiiin. It ' in i i ' i Jlltl.it lllll I Uhrft. til Hill IMIUIl'l-l'l oin ill Wi.iiM iu Irli.v. i bat H i .il,l i u a. in' iIji1 .mt- ilniftl-i li ait'uiliul bj tin' pni'iitui i tli M. lllll lllll llllHl ll 'll J ll ll li!'ll' l"tll- flit- It mill uili i mi- nib' fn ilio'iik e si.li Ml iiiu;,ll ill It nii lliiiin I'l i "i Jii'l k. SOUTH SCRANTON EDWARD ACKEU TATALLY HU11T IN YARD. Waa Cllmbtnij Onto n Box Car When He Veil and Received Injuilcs ftnm Which Ho Died onicetn for Knights of St. Gcotgo Elcctetl nt n Meeting Held Ycsteulny After noon runetnl of the Lnto Mis. Mniy Neuhnttfl Mr. ami Mis. Ed waul Clans Entcitalii3, The fiincinl ol Kdwiiid Aek t, who met with a fatal incident abolll mill night on Piiday, will take plai o lotuoi iow llloinooti al '-' o'diii k riiun lllf IliitMi . lis icft b stieet It apptais thai the dncasid who was .inplo.V'd as a liiiikeuinu on Ihe Ddawiie Lin kiivvnnuii and Westcin i ilini. nl, wii.s engagid lu making up a Lain iu the vald win li tin ai i Ideiil iii-illlled. Hi liiiI -I, llnl lo (Hull) on a bo i ni nuil in liilng lo lake hold of the lop i. ill sllppnl on th in uictal ami fell lo tlie giouiut and 111 lulling stunk on his head iiud r limit ilois At lln smie lime tlio mot lilt mis passi i otei his bit liitiul and il miiHl sovdcd two llugei- Tin. noise in ulo Icy 1 1 ashing glans when his lamp tell nttiaitcd lb" all.ntion ol his lel low liaiimun and they nt otuo went to his aid but not bcloie he li.nl In en diaggi d sonic distant ,. When plikcd up Ai ki i w as i oii-i iolis mid i cm, liked thai he would b" all light hi a Kit datu. it uiuhlllullic Mas Miit toi ami iho indued man u nioted to Iho Moses Tat lor hospital. liv oi v know u lcuiitlv was ttstd to piiilong Ilic Inn the (lin.isdi passid avv.n at ." o'cloi k Saiuiiliiv mill ning. An alilopsv was made lalii' bt Coi -olid Holidts wlio lotiinl d(.itll bid In en lausid lit a i upturn nl otu of the nitidis leading liom tin In ut Theie v as also an Indiiv lo 111" spine tliat might liiive ivitituallt pioved lalal The dnrasiii was a spb ndid sKd lin ll ol pdjslr.il manhood 'lid stooil otei s rut higli. lie was built in puipoi Hon ,i in I weiglinl ovii Urn o lnmdicd pounds P.e-idi s his wile, a inolli' i and nine luotlnis ami sldds suit ite as pillows .toll ti David Si mon. Louis, (binge, and lliniv Mis sii.ih i.d. .Mm Maig.ucl Wells mil Alls Aildl" staples of ilvst, r Hit, L I Tin iln cis, il hail he liveil would hit" In on .IJ viais ol ig" .testitdiv, ami he vtotild aNo liatc In u uiailo i nn nib' i ol tin- Swili Imii n's union. Society Elects Ofliceis. A viit laigdj atiouili d linmllilt s, . sum of In audi No I".. Knights of -t (boi go. was bt Id III M. M.uv's hall, leal ol Itlvii stHit. tt-sleiiinv all'l nooii when ollb ois foi th i usulug tiim wno nonnii'itrd and i In led. The le stilt ol the olidion was as lollovvs: Sphitu il advisi i Lev Peti i Clnist; dim mi, August I. isdi'id. piisnlent, (1 oigc .1 Vlillii. vl(C-piosdoiil, Wil liam J laiissoli; set iel ut .mil mas ill nt . lain, lid ( '. Kloss, seigt aul-.il-ai ins. los, pit i'istiipi niidkal lilvlsti, John T Mdliatli Modi business or liiuioilaiin w.o tians.utnl and the anpld atlons oi ten new meinbets wtie icieiveil and .iilnl llllllil 'Ihe soi lott il 111 the lirtll Mil of i'Istoinp and h is a inembeisliip of 1 .J in good standing lududlng some ol the most iiitliioiiti.il dtl.dis iu this ( ouiinuniiv. That tlu.ioiigh liitinonv is niaintalnnl in th" soddv Is sliown lit tho rail that M'Vit.il ol lb" ollliels liavo be. n ii-deil"d otciv tiat --llii o its oigani niou. lll.iboi no auaiigi tin ills aie being P'llcdtd bv the (Oinilllltie ill dl.llge oi tlio .iiimi il bimuni which lakes pines on Xevv Yi.ii s night iu Si. .M.uj's hall II will be one ot the social ivdils ol the season. A bill will lol lovv the bimtiut. 'I'll" roinmlltee iu dia i go or di tails is as rollovvs u gust .1 Hchui r. Cli.ulis llien Mat thl is Tliess ,K scnkii. Midi. id Wetn t John Moian, and Adam linrldupi. Laid et Rest. 'llu n ll .nils ol the I ilo Mi - Mai t Nililiiuis won- ictcKlilIt laid al i c -I Satin d ij' mm ning lioni ill" t.millj I es Idillic. 7!-' ISitdi stieel -whole lliaiiv liiitids and iielgbbois tlewnl lln b a tmos loi Iho last time. Al '1 h'i lm k seniles luie hold at M. Malt's r lun r ti on HIM l stn.it, and a high miss or miulcm was i clelnalcil bt thi'HiV Hen 1 Chi 1st Tlie leni llns wi" aiteiwaiils iutoiml lu lln liit maii ('illiolli irmdfivat No " '111" pill-b(.ilds W"io I glial . Illiddopt Matlliins Aids. Piauk W. Isi and Jis( ph .si liuolih I Caul of Thanks. lln thanks ot tlio l, unlit aie In u bj t iid i.d to id' niiglibois uinl uii nils wlio ' kilnllt alli'ililnl ami In'lpi d to make i isv the last moun'iitM ol out belotnl llliilllil Sign, d .i.-("ll N'-il-hatis, ji . mi tin lamll.v. ' NUES Or NEWS. 'I In .liaigi I .M n lim idiot In Id tin li wii'klt ni" tin and .singing pi.uth' In SdilnilUI s hall tistenlav. 'llu leg ul.ii iiionihlv liii-Jui'cs nu cling ol iln i-oditv s nillnl loi uct Pildiiv night ami all nn ml" m iiic iunl to uteinl .IH tlll'il Is llllllil llllpOl lalll llllhllliss to tialis.u t WunhiUi.'tiiu i .nui No. I''", Patiioili t l lit 1 SollH ol Nlllellnl, Will ill' I lu l.glllal Mssiou at ll.uliuali'rt hall lids ivinllig The nun tal o' Hi" lat Mm. Heap will lake plan' lllln lliol'llillg nl H i.'i lot k lioni III' l.llllil) ll'Hlllt'lUO on ;li b ll I I'lish ll-ll. otbis nul i lams nl Siliula.v'.s mai kt I .V.li'.ilai iveliue 'lllo lellialllH ot tlie hit" .MM, Ui'lllll i lihi i g will be lillillid tl)l alt.llioon al J o'i 'hi l .Mi and li,- lahv.ud 'l iu. of l! Willow sum vm-i" nmiilid Un joins ago luM Siiiuiday ami iu lionor or the I'Vi'llt luviinl a uuiubur ol llii mis Mo llu ll Imiilo lo oi h'htuto Iho in i a doll Hctii'siiuidiii- iii iiliuiulaiit i had I " n piovldnl and -i iiieirj hodul 1 1 filing was itijojcd. .Mid Mlppi'i li.ul licmi dl-posiil ol. Id" ImM and liosto.SK vvilo pit.stulid iviilt a nuinbur nl nllcU.s apiiiplillto I', a tin weddiug uuul VoMalJ' and altoiwiinl' Iho gu(i oi -jojed li.iin lm, mil vaiioas g lines until liililuighl, GREEN mUCIi. 'I'll, i ii will In a pin lot salt ot m ml and lain.i altldtn suitable lot Cliiisl. IllUrt glllt1. illkt-s, nind.v, lliiwoM. eli al tin UHidiiiio nl Tiumim ml Poou. 'I'lieMlij altoi iiiioii and iivoulln, Di i .! opining at '! ii'doik 'I'llln i-alo Is lor tho beiinllt nt ih" ( in on litilgii II biitij, and a nudlal luvllallou Is c tendnl lu all illlcliMt'd In this good Willi;. liiv J M llowoll. ol limn libUo i-llecl, has in on t ill til) 1 1 1 in Ills Iiiiino a . Jonas Long's Sods Two Departments That will offer interesting items, in their respective lines For Today's Business Coat Department Font c.vtraoi ditut y b.n gains from the Suit Dcp.it tinunt and Hist the season tor them. Bargain No. I Is a.f2-lnch OttoCo.it, Oxford Mellon, single and double breasted, piped with elvct. storm and velvet collat. best of merceiied linings, 42 inches long. hice lor ,s Monday only pO.OU Bargain No. 2 so-inch Astiakluit and Mlush ('apes, lined and interlined, a comfortable and dm able gat ment, edged with Thibet and bfar fui. Buy it . c Monday toi 44.VO Bargain No. 3 22-inch Ladies' Ketsey Jack ets, blue and black, best mer cerized lining, sttap seams and Velvet collar, large pearl but tons, a line garment ixr. foi 45.UU Bargain No. 4 Fifteen Ladies' Suits, come in Covert, Homespun and Scotch Tweeds, odds and enc; of suits that sold lor S?io to $15 a gar ment that will give you many day of service and at a pi ice astonishingly t, -. r.r low $5.00 Jonas Loos's 5or?s PROPBR PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Qmmt Barftos Umsds 1 li nl null. .... .. ., ,,, M vl IIIWniMl- V-, 111 IDtllis VMI VU VI!, VMI.b fit' 1.1 V-S VM) MS. VII III llsUll Mil. MIM. ..IMS 10" V H " "I" M U8.M1 . UNMIIM.. "ll"- V'V- i.VIM.IM.s. tie. M llll MVUVIIl.lslAlOU-l'llIlkor ONE DOL-L-AR EACH. Ocnt email'- Hlbv v flat Iklcher Ulngs Vi III l li ln-l I ni'i ' I ' ' , I t.n a I'll lltli i i 4& (PS) 2n fl& llin. 'idil.'ii'ii iln i In ( ---... ... ..t..i . ..i i r 1,1 I 11 111 Hit Mil Hi l " ' . il, I Willi .1 I" in Mini I .i ill nil llnm- Hi' ni. ml i III I ' in nl' 'I io an i lilu ii' 'I" ""'"l "I' " i ,i ml i I nn . "! nil llu iiiij In- Hi. i i ii ni" '1'" 0s,lr-" "'""(" oClR GUARANTEE i I M IM I.MIWIiis 111 VMUMIs ni iiiiuil(il I i ni nn ilin lnlliHKi (oirior. 'lln in, inili -n. linm iill.il lilni ml '" "'"' 1 1 on i. iillini ni-. lm. i lln il iln H llili kflullcil. i. a will l i.i ton mil- IHi-f im-'i-i" i iniilli I ml ( t unl-li Ilic llii-'. r. nmi ,iic u illy .o, ",. ":...!.. 1. 'l-.. nl ).. " ' Minis ml I'm. mil nil, IMui,,. Ml-"- .I'll I"-, "--p. I I1111 . . MAIL ORDERS ,1 , ,.,-,,,. in,' iMl- Minn -mill in ilin ii I l.i-i -lime Is .k licl. I , ' , i-.l.T.M .1 m.-- m.i I. ..i n ins i Pi"" '''" "I'1',1 '' t""C ""' "" W !l, I lu.itni. i i-li li - '"I '" "u S "1 " l,lMl "' "" "'" '"" l,t"'"1"1' t.'.liL- ill i " .l nub i il BARRIOS DIANOND CO., 11.39 Broadway, New York AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Tlusic M 1II.IS. lufee V J Dilfl). Miiuso-. Illlll I Mi III-- i . n u tiNl I" -' I I i I i ii "SIDE-TRACKED." Mini . . I i ,1 I V. In . ii I'l. . l! I . il t l i - VI nil I i i I i l ' Hilll I Ml III- '. i.' i.i- M'l l.sllVV, bl( III, stini in lim VI. s-m iii li III i ii in "THE GAME KEErnR" I . I I UII1 -llll I 1 iM VI ll lll. ill 1 s, i I lllll I I I ii i 1 1. Mini i I ii I ' ' '' till- lllll lil"l Ul i. IH .III .Illlll k I'l ibi'tliniili-iii. Th" .lh- lntis.lli I'liilllp- uinl I" 'Illlb' l!ll, llii v i li'llllltnl fliUll Hi Il llll. tbi'ir 'riinnknlvln vji'iiilmi viiili lib mis In I'itiHii.n .MisM i; i ti mil .in iln b 'mil i mini il in .i mint ilnllulnijil niiinni'i ,i l vv l in UliMlllK, lit ll.'l lllllll.' Ull .Mllllll-llll UVi l, in-, I'l'lilu.v i-v.iiliiK, in li'iinn ii b Itii.'stb, ,Mi. Hiiitln'1 nl Ni w Vnik. .nul .Mr, Mii'llntuik .'I .l.inial. .1. 'II' Klli.stn vi.'ii. ,Mi'. .iml .Ml- W f Hu.vil. h.. .Ml uinl Mis v'li.i . Kbinlii, Ali-i'.s .iitin Kiuii'ii .M.nli" l!iib.v, .Mnnii' I'li.nU'suiu ib 1I1.1. IVik. .iml UiirH. Ilnis-iiii I s v.i -l.i-iiiiiul Kn,iii, L.ivin-iin' Kiivv li-nii I'uiil I'tiiit, .11111I1I Xuiilli'b .tml n ilnii run- Tin mu 1 nun nt ul ill'' l.'il'l x Mil'lw 1 vnib 1 1'lobt, il'.il ni Un nmi nliiB hi, Vll.' nl llii' lil.'.'ll liidM' l'li'll I'M inn vliiinll M.'suuliiv. 'I'lii' Hi-H'i Its- v . 1 ,1 Lnnnriife. 11IIU liiu 11 Thin in" inunhns mil tniiv i lm. ilio 1 IiiihIi. Tin 10 will l 11 lim Uni, nl tin Uliifi !).iii!iiil''o .it ili' liiiu' nl Mi" Al I. L'iijh ililn i'V iiiiliij.', Ui iinniln't I in Kil in lie iii'H'li Alio Al. Al. llnlbnk l Al.iunii I'.i . ts u MfM lit till' lllltllf nt AHOI II' V l t. iiiiiIi nlf. Lli' wi .ivmitii' Tin' linn ill ilini Insi ul' lim s,.!!,!, I,. In mi en anil I'liliilaliinniiiri 111 Hi 1 llllul nt tin Uli'i'll itl'lgi' I'U'i.iJ li'iinn 1 Inn ill villi lie Kivi'ii Tjuiisdnj (Vl'llltlK DI tills Ml'l'k l).v lti. I. -I L.tnMiiH cntitloil. "An Lvi'iiliiK Willi WliUUei. ' AiliiiiM-lon, ") iintH. . ,. itl Vrf. Dress Goods Department -15 inch all-wool two-toned Whipcords, Poplins and Vene tians; these goods were Import ed to sell for $1.25 and $i.,o. Can't lind better fabrics for tail or made suits or traveling cos tumes than this class of goods. To move this lot quick we offer them at, per -. !yaid OyC Black Dress Goods Some rematkablc bargains. Our line of Black Utess Goods contains all the popular weaves of this season. We mention to day a few special prices: Our 7ic .)5-in. Black All-wool Annul e at .. . Our 75c .15-in. Black All-wool Figured Ai mure at Our 7sc Black All wool Storm Serge at. .. Our 7:5c .js-in. Black All-wool Henrietta at.. Our 1 .15-in Black Satin Soliel at Our $1 4iS-in. Black Whipcord at Oui Si 50-in. Black Storm Serge at 69c 69c 69c 69c 89c 89c 89c Best French and German im ported Black Broadcloths, 50 inches wide, at a range of prices liom ?i.oo, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $1.00 a yatd. Some up-to-date values. l.aJIci' Cluster Kings. 'vvtiJVr ' I11 "' lat liiioiuliti im ,"''.. lm lulu--, it (In pip.rnt -iSSoV I iniw i-tin i lii-tci Miduirt Xl n I'l tins, lin-s liilitofnii I at VI PJi ll III- th dr 1,111,, lit ntti 1,1.1.., i im it. fiulili il ni ll rni-li t tir j, iin.-s wiUi I mi iilil. Until, ipil or I miU'i-i- mill's ,u vi nn r vi II. nilim .i.l. -ii in I -i, I u llir-i- mi'-, luki it clue. fluOiU i in iliuil Lyceum Theatre M HI s r.core ainl VI iiih.ii A J DL'I I'V, Uiii. Manager. II I iv Ml 111 III f ' I 1 in 1 1 V ( 11 V VI 1 'i ii-iiiiin-.I lln JI 11 I u 1 Hi VI r 1 IiurI- ' THE "NEW" TELEPHONE HULLO PRISON VKS. PHAT'SI'M I'flYOUR r,p. YI;S1 ui'" ji 1 1 1 vt 1 11 . 11 in 1 N iv Vi r 1 1 I 1 . s"" -.1 - I s ilii I III Wednesday, December 4, Brockway Course s . The Fadettes Orchestra of Boston in i , i - .. .1 . . ..I, iji-ri. - , . ii STAR THEATRE tl I I, III ltl.IM.KS Miniii' MUMHV II I ilV s.i ni -nvv, V i li I N l 'XWANB. ATI. ANTIC BURLESQUEUS i ilin siu al I, i niiuii , mil iiilnli,; tin- iitnii ltnif, Wlt.i Inn ii villi inn-, .tint it tab in tin ii ilnb liuiisi un WMiinliij, av. inn. at iiblili a ninnniT nl i. ilu ilili ai lb lix will bt oili ml tu llii-imblii . Tin i. will .iImi bt a Miiil.v nl lioini.-ni.nli ininl lam.v ivmk, di, Until ntuiiiii.in nmi I'vt'iilni; of Wnl-iu-silii.v an iiiu ii'-llnf; piotjiaiiiiinj will In icinliii'l rsi miisw ixum. .m (tfW ip iiiiidJ' ' f