3 .! 'I III- ONLY SCR WIOX PAPI.R KI-.CKIV1X0 TI1K COMPLHTj" XEWS SI-WICK OK Till-; ASSOCIATED I'RI-SS. TItK liUICA'l J5SI1 XKWS ACKXCY l Till-. WORLD. SCKANTON, I'A., -MONDAY 3I()ININ(;, DECfc..MM.H 1 .15101. TWO CENTS. rwo CENTS. ... MEETING OF ski a The Senate a vene at Nc 5 House Will Con- shlngton at Todau. BUT LITTfBUSINESS WILL dc TRANSACTED The First Measuie of National In terest Which Will Be Introduced in the Senate Will Be n Resolution Looking to Public Action Concern ing' the Death of Ptcsident McKln ley The Fiist Message of Piesi dent Roosevelt Will Be Received on Tuesdny Henderson Will Be the Speaker of the House. B.l I. (lu tie Win hum Tin hi .1 I'iiv Washington. Off. I. One ci) ihf Hist measiims of national intci est liit-li will l)f intiodui-Pd In tin- senate Ml lit. session whk-h begins tnniotiow will lif a resolution looking to imlilif nclliui concerning the death ol" I'msldciit .Mi Klnley. Tills will lie pmsenloil on Tues day bv cither Senator I'oi-.tkoi nr Sen ator ll.iunii, piob.ibly Hie innm-i, Mini ii I tor lis liilioiliiflliin tlif senate will mlloiii-ii Inunediritelv its u m.nk nt m specl to tlii' inoinniy ol Ihf di .nl piesi ilent 'I'lic iinniial message ol' 1'iosidoiit Roosevelt IU not Im i etched limll 'rii('Mla, :iihI on Mils .uiniini the ses sion of Monday will In- cm eeillnglv btief, It Is not expected thai iinvtliing vlll bf done on thai dnv bevonil ihf .innotmcement of tlif death ol Scn.itoi lk follow line which tin' senate, in ft noi dance with custom, will adjourn lor tin' day. i"n Tuesd.iv tlif piosidoiu's message will be lead, and nttfi it-, lending tlif .'nnoiiuifiuful ol' tin- dfalh of 1'resi dent McKlnley -will lollow at onto, Mheioupoii, nuclei tlif iiu'ffdfiit estab lished when I'lesitlenls I.iiifoln ami Garfield died, it-solutions pioiidlng tor me appointment ot a committee to art villi n, sjmibu- c oiitinllloe of the boute- i'C vopn-sontallvos 10 tal;e appiopitate in lion lelathf to Un matter and then i.alliiiK for iuunedlnto adjournment lor ihf fl,i will bf adopted lleiftoloif committees, bavf ln'i'ii appointed to ,11 lungo the details ol inibllc evipises and it is nuclei stund that plan will I... ptlisuid in this Inst, iin f. and thai lain 111 the session sunn- iul)lif mall oT dl tinrllon will bf initil in lb , cr ,1 Pillowy in tlif fapliol Flood of New Bills. odnes-duj. and Thuisday will In di -loted to tin- iutrodiiftioii of w bills iind, as UMial. (lieu- will bp ir ilniiil of them. Among tin- ilr.-i bills- of impuil anec to In presented will bf tlif ship (ub-idy bill, which will In- intindiu il l ?eiiator l'rye, and tlif Nh.n.igii.i ran.il blli. wl.lih Scn.ttoi Moigun uill ptcs-ent. Senator l'i ye has not i-iuln ly ioni)ik'tpil his bill, but he slid today tli.il it would bi difififiil in iiian.v do tails uoni tin- old bill oi last session. 'I'll. it mi'.isiiif was I'laim-d bv totint-r Senator l.tliiiunds Senator Tijo him solf is ilit author of tin- now bill Sen ator Moikiiii'h i anal bill will lit- a dupll 01110 or Itc-piosentulive Hopbiu n's bill on the canal question. Oilier o,n bills of importance will bo urn- loohtn;- tu the I'oii.stiui-tlon of a Hiibinaiiiif i ublo from the wpMpiu hum hi Hawaii, ami anothfi inoxldiliK tin iho fstabllsh moat ol a now fVi.i'Ulif ieiai iniflit to bo known a, ih. ji-i.ru Uik lit o) i oin nificp. on Tliursday tlm suiaif will udjoillii until the lollnwiin; .Momla Thi; (tfiK'i.il oiiiiIou anions sfiialois J lliat M'ly little leal voiK will In done bctoii- Hi- f'lulstnias liolldajs Tlif Ilist Milijoct ilfui.imliiiK alteiill'ou is u'l'lprni liy. Vaiiiais lioaties ate now IK'iidins in the senalo looking to mui- llieriial aKioeiiieiits Ihhvopii Hie t "lit tftl States and ntlier inuiitiips, Hoim, tor .Mdiloh will kiipw Ids etfoii in luivo ilii'M.- tioallis uhuli alieady hin-f been lcimi teil 1 1 on i the roitiiuliloe m toioisn iflatioii, (oiiiinllti'd to tlm loiiiiiiittoe on tluanof on the mound that tlie.v deal with tniift iiie.ston, Tlif frii'.lld.s of Hie tioatles will ojiimim', this demand and tlm lui'llinlnary sl.it iliish I'xpeeted to olisiie piobabl will suo to develop some iutoiesUul; lea. lllli-s, The oaily ilu.v.s of Ihf si ssloa will hi in.ukfd li.v tlm ii(uuaui-.iittiiii ot Hie sfiiuito (oiniiiltlfes so far as ina. be noei'ssaiy and a i.iuous of the Ko luibllfan inoinliei.s will Im bold lonior tow lor the purpose of eoiisidi iIhk this o,upstlon ami appiilnilni; a i oniiiilltec to hiiKtiest names for the vat alleles. The uiosl luipoitalil plmo to be tilled Is that oi eh, tu mull ot the fommitioo on foielKU lelatlons l s seiieially toiiieded Hint .Senator I'ulloiu who Is the senior Itepubllean member oi that eomnilllee, mi, ,,.,., h, elmli in. mi-hlp. In the House. The piosiMiiniio lor the npnulii!,' da ill the Iioiiho lonioiiow, altlioimli l'i vlll follow i(sliy louilne precodPiils, will be Inlou'stiiiii and in u .ettalu e lout plot in f.-iiie. Adnilssloii to tile Kllllfllo.s Will be bj t .it it of whli II iwu liavu been s.sm., tu (tw nieiiilier iind tliey 1U) doubt will be crov.il.jd to tlluir Hill i.apiiolt Tlif desks of the popi. lur nioinbii.s will bo i.idiii with How. cifc. The kil. of the liouso will m tlif nionibeis to older nl ii.iimi ,ind ut ter jn'iiypr by I he iliiipl.ilu the inll will bo called by stntes. Tlio .sptukor will bo tuilimlly eleeted and osoortt'd to the i hair by a ioiii. niltteo. Cniiur.il llcndoi'sou, whoso to. i lection us speaker Is .lssuipd. will then address tlm liottso, nt'tor whlih Mr. Uiii(,-liiuii, of I'ennsylvaiiiit, "Un fnthei' of Ihu house," a titular honor bestowed upon the oldest llltuilbei' in point of continuous sorvtie, will ad-('ti-ixi' tlm oath to liliu, The x)eal;cr THE 57TH CONGRESS In linn will tidnilnlsler the oath to Hip menthol'-, eleft. Tlif old nllkcis of the llousp, vho Vfio rePhoeii by the !! publloaii nun us, then will bf ro-elpcled mid swoin In. rollowliiFv this, rosolu tlotis will be ailoptod to nppolut com milters to iiifoi in the president and senate that tile house has oIpoIi d Ci n ii.il Hoiiileison speaker and Mr. Mc Dowell, ilrrk. iy lOMilutlon. speaker llfiideisim tiion will iippolnl a lonnidt li t- of three to Join a similar lomiult loo J i out Hie somite to Inform thu ple-Jldotit thai a ipioruni of the two liousis has assembled and that i.m KIOSS Is lendy to leielve ,y ollltllUllt intloii lie 111.IJ, IllUf to lll.lkf. Itoso lutlons to adopt lempoiuilly ihf nil's of the lust house and to llv llie daily hour ol inoollnu; also will pieeede . hi event of the npcnliiK da.. the annual si at drawhiK. The pifddi'iu's mos siikc will be withheld until Tuesday. Oenoi.'il (liosvonor. of Ohio, ptobably will mailf llif sad niinouiifement to tlif hollse nl Ihf dentil of the Into I'lesldonl McKlnley and oCt'or th" reso lutloiis upon which tlif house vlll .u I, Oil Tlli'silnv. tlllil pnilioii of Ihf pre'l deilt's iik'ss.iki. tifeiiillK to (lie dofitll ol Ml. McKlnley piobably will ho re tell oil to a select loinmillee lo in -i.'iiiKe a pioKiaiuino of cuIokjcs. II is i.iihoi a iPiiiai'Unblo oltii Ideiue lh.it Mr. M Klnley was the ihalriuaii of lite coniiniltio whli b aii.nmed I lie pro Ki'.iiuuif vhfii I'lesldent (tnliild died, lilaine lii'onoum fd the etilnH: upon thai occasion. J'liliu I!. Va-lilnu lie was i hall man when I.IihoIii died and I'eoi'Ko HliiKiiill the liistoilan, was (he oratm. Al'tfi Tuesday, the house probabl.s will adjoin n throe days , a time until lougioss icicssps jnr Die lulsm,is linliilays. S)oaUir JlentUi son will mitipy this thin- prop.uins Ids (iimiuittof lits. whli li uill bo au ilolliiieil lis soon as tlif hniisi- cnmciKS aftt'r tile linliilav.'. I'laotiialh no business will li, tiaiis.ntod lii'foio the hollil.ijis MYSTERIOUS SHOOTING AT NORRISTOWN Leon Sisler to Kill Accused of Attempting Miss Hampton and Himself. it. I l.ebi W in li in 'iho .Vol I istowu. t'a , Dec. tioli ol Iho Mm onto Loon Slslel, who Wil (.'liaril.x hospital, t.sl" -Ol I It ll I'll's-. I. The ll.llill- llauiptoii and taken lo the idn, villi S"- ilniis bullet winiuds in their heads, ie inains ullii.it. The .Minns voiu.in is sluklim and H1.1.V mil live iiiuil morii iilK. Sisler shows some ililliloveinetlt, bill is mil id nut Ol ll.lllKOI. .Miss llaiiiptnii and Sls.. wile lox -ii Yestonl.i) Slslei in-t the iil and w.ilktd lioiiie with In i. lew mlii utes alter theii aiiial two plstui sliots weie lit :n il bv Mis., Hampton's parents, and the .miiiiik loiiple weif loiiml nut oust Inns In i ho liallwux K.ieli bail been Mint in ihf bead and ,i pistol was luuiiil at SIMuV side. When llie joiiiik mall lenalned t oils, iousness al llie lli.spilal, he denied ll.l ills done the slinoiiuK and hailed thai a ulna iiaim d .lames i:.uiis,.y imd loiumltttd the deid. Tlif latU'i Imd b-en naxliit' alii litioli to llif Klrl and Sisler is said tu have been etlcinely Je.lIulls of llllil Itainsey denied the (Ii.umc lie i;,ic a s.itlsim uny explanation to the pulli . and showid lo ihi-iu i.uher ileail. thai le was pot in Inwii when the dot d was loinnilltei.1. The patent.- i'.l .Mi-s llnniptun i . plf.ss III.- puslili uiunn thai Sisler .sltol t liclr d.iUKht.'l II Is .illesed that Sis(.f b, i, tliicaieiieil tu i iiinmit sui cide, and showed a pistol with which ho would makf citi.tv villi himself. Mis. Hampton s.i s SNiei ihie.itein il her dUUKllUl's life less llmll ,t W'ei'k mo, AGUINALDOISNOW UNDER SUSPICION It Is Stated That He Has Been De tected in Cariying on Treason able Caiicbpondeuie. In l. , l e iti Win in in ll u .-, i i.it. l'ii. l.e,lellWi.l'lll, Kail, I). '. 1. A letter ioi eh ed hole sa,s: "Hcllelill Clmllee lias lei olillllelltleil that -S(:nii;;ilin be IiioiikIiI to this iiiiiiltl'. It N staled that lie has been df'tci led In iMiiylutt on tie.i'-ouablf i o lospuntleili e and tt'NlllK lo fttil' Up sli Ife. Asiulniildo Is a i lose p.ipttn. but aihlies milled here sinio that (ieileiill Ck.ill'n belli i s llie load, r'-t plcSillie on the Island Is lespolislble Ioi tin instil youis' nl activity. NEGRO RUNS AMUCK. Fiie a Pistol Upon Sheets Causing All Pedestiltiiih to Flee, In t.s. lu-no Win tiiiti li Ati 1 1.. ii I'ii r. West i 'hotel, p.i. tin. l.-.bimes Williams, a in ism, i tin altint; tain of Din pilmipal sneets loday lhlnK a p),s. tol, iMUsint; all pedosiiluns in llee, I'llli't of I'ollcc .lolliles .itti'iiipifii to aiii'si liliu and iciolved a shot in Hn. shonldet, .Mud her ollli-rt named l!t. tin wan shot in 'the abdomen ami n mall ii.iiiicd .laiiltM Cobiiin. an oiilook ci, was .shot in the les Williams tsuiptd al the tlui" but was :Hiil)sefileUtl iitplilied anil loeked lip. .Nolle ol these shot hlisiiilueil so lions InjlilJ. Steamship Aiiivnls. H.i I i- limit- Win ti. in tin' .-ixulci I'nf. V i:iU. Ik. I Vniiiil. Si'.itif is ,e.j. eiflll', llllil. I'.ll-.l.li.l KulliTilalll Hint II011I114I11; I mini 1. I, oiiiuiiil imt 1iH'i'lnl mn l.iinl l'js-ci "tiiiiui -M.iiiliiurl, Aiiituii lur Vt v V01I.. uii, tiilnil! VuiIciIjihI, .Niu foil.. .1mih)u tnlu'ili Rtf4mr l'.trurl.i, .Sciv Vorl. l.i t;ii(i'ii.twin ijuvi'nttovm BalKil: Slftmcr lui.nU (ti urn l.lu'uiool), Nfir Voik. MUELLER ARRESTED. The Man Who Said That I'tesldent Should Be Shot Is Under Bail. Hi l.iilmlir Wire fioni'llir AnNOcJatfil Prfi rillludelplilii, Dpc, I. A. II. Mueller, the niiiii iirresttd Satitiday ovoiiIiik; at llroad and I'hoslnui strools, clmisotl with Inivlnjf dpekiiod that I'losldonl rtoosovelt slioiild bo spi'VoiI the same ns was McKlnley, was held In SmioIuII for com I today lor disturbing the pence. At the lieinliiK liofoie MaIs tl.'ite IxoiliorspeiKor lit the fits Mall Mueller had nothing lo snj, bejnnd de rl.triniT that lie was nut responsible on Saluiday lur iisIuh the winds Im puted to li 1 1 it. lie .stated that he htld bo.ildeil so -iMtil weeks at Xo. k'JO-; Vine street, nml had Diexlouslv boon n machinist in Wilmington. Del, Mueller v,in aiipsloil on complaint of !'. T. Tobill, win) claimed to h.ixo lieaid him it' i the tliteatfiiiiifr IniiKiiiiKe. Tobin said today that tlif loinaik was iniltle In the Hotel litnxelte at the time Hie pipsldelil was looklllK at tile font ball km me in West I'lilliidelphia. At Mueller's boardliiR plaic il was stated that he had always eoniliioted himself in a qiili'l and unlet ly manner. Ho is said lo have been mil of omploy jiioni for some lime. SOUTH CAROLINA EXPOSITION PRELUDE Impiessive Religious Exeieises at Chaileston Ceremonies of To- ('"y. Prominent Otatois. H.i l,i Iiimvo Mltr limn 'Ihi' X-soi.1 iti'il I'o w. f'liai lesion. P C , Dec. 1. Impii-ulve l elisions exeiclsrs, intended as a pie lildo to toiiiori ov's oppnlne of the South Carolina lnioisdiie and Wesl Indian exposition, veto held al llie e positlon irioiiinls this alleniouii. The ii'iiiiiiis of Dei ember 1 as the opelilntf day of the exposition was wilh oiil t ousultiiiK the i.ilenilar, ami the fact that OooembPr I was Sunday was discoceted only a shoi t time ai-o. II vas llieti dci idod that a pi oper way lo ftlllill th" ptomise iiiade in the lesolu tion as to the openlm; was lo hold ex en isos appiopiiato lo the da Klllson Cajieis, J'lplsi ojial bishop of South Carolina, made the limitation A dedication ode bv Ocoiko Heiluit Sass. of Chailpslon, and set In Hindi by Thoodote .Saul, was sun;? by a l.nye i hoi us, atoonuianied by iho Klisi .r lillerj baud Adilies-e.s woio in.iili lij seeial mil i isli'i.s. anil the benediclioii amis jn o- nouneotl by Manager IJuisIe.v. The exposition w 111 be foi niall open- d toitioriow attei noon. The icieiitnniiw tit the "Ixory City" will be pi oi died by a p.u. nit-, coiiinospcl of in, nine, naval io seie, aitels. si. lie volunteei s and . ti ions 1 1 vie soi leties', under the i oin iiiainl ol I.iouteiianl Colom-1 t'hailes Minis, fnltod States in my. The i Ity l's liaiiilsutni'lv tleiotaled. and tlieie woio mam at'iivaN ,u th.. hotels dur ing the i.i,. lion Ch.tinue.v M. Dip.'w I'niti'd Slates si'iialor iniiii X.'W Vol l, who Is lo delliei lite ilt ilie.tlluii oi .it ton. at ih.il in ciiai lesion ibis niiirnius ami is bi'lni; I'lit.'Uamid lonlcUit at Simimei il'" li. I'. W. W.ISl'ller plesidetll ,, the i:inisltIoii t oiup.itn tlinrinor M Sweeue and s,ii ar i licit toiili;Iii In p.n IU ipal" In toiiiur- low ,s i ei l-i s SWITCHMEN'S STRIKE. Raihoad Manageis Claim to Have the Situation Well in Hand at Pittsburg. I lit 1. 1' limn' w n, tin i hi .-,ii.i u l'i I I'lttsbliij,-, Die. l-ICcpoils ftuiii 1 the iii.iu.-iseis and opeiatoi.s of the dll' I Klelll ralhoatls itliei led by the swiuli , men's siiike iiss,.,t ti,i.s exuiliin that I they have the situation well In hand ,11111! that tln new iti'ii who lirtvc taken istilkeis pl.n es itie hum wni km;;' lo yood aih.iulaRo. Satunlaj lielns a 1 day when little now ii.-IkIiI Is teifiifd, ' considerable woik was ;u complislied 1 'in the way of iKmiIiik the jams ot 1 UnMr lOllHosted , npi'lltloii j I In siillo of the Kood 1 cpoitr. made h ; til l.illioatl ollidals. the stilkeis oh- liials aie I'htlmliit; doi'iilptl ,idautai;e j Kililteil loi.i. TlK'lr Sl.itemMll ts Hi. 11 I at miduiitlit last ulglil Hie two linn- I uiett men emplojeil by tin- .limes audi j I.auKhllti (.omicetliiK toad strtnk 011 , jOlilirs fiolll llie slllkf 1 oiiimlltee. The i i olllinitleeiueu tl.tltn that e.llly 111 iho j day Supeilnteudeiit MeCinif aKi'eed to I sIkii the sealo tor one ,ear, but when I i the time .11110 lor slnnhiK tlif pafieis In the I'M'iilutt Mr, .MiCuni. leinidlatcil Ids I'm met aKi'oeui.'iit ami had tin- loiiiiultleu esiorled Until the yanls by j polhclUOll. As .1 toilsoqueiice the men ' weie onleied out Tile .MtKeespoit lonneetliu loud! with the toriulnal of the .National Tube, toiupaiiy. einplnyhiK i'.! day and :o UlKllt itcWs Of tllioe moil Oficll, Is win It Iiik uuiler a piovislonul .so.ue lontln ftellt nil the slKlllllfr by other IOJIiIh The stilko toiiiiiilitee now demands that the stale, be sinned wllliniil n pioilso anil tin" loiupauy Is kIvou until toiuonow noon (n.iPicjit Tlie tonnult- liu 1 ..pints that lieaily all of the eiu- pliios of this io.nl me iiienibeis of tin union and will stilko. TO PURCHASE VALLEY FORGE. Senator Feiuose and Reniesentfttlvo Wanger Will Intioduce Bill, fti I vIiimm. tiu' Hum (lio iviuUil I'h-. WushliiKloii. IM I. Hat l.i In iho ounliiB veil; Hcitiator iVnioso and Hep. lofieutallve Wauiitir of Peuns Ivunla will Intiodiiii' bills for the itcfinlsltton of 'alli'.x I'ot'Kt' and its lneoiior,itliiii into a national p.uk- aw a uieiuuiial of one of the most historic jiiacos in ftov oliitlouary days'. Tho nieusiiies will bu piactk'ulty tho same as ihoso Intro dlltod in tho selinti ami hoiiso ieBpee licly hist je.ii and vlll ptotldo for an appi epilation of .'rtii,ut)ii for p.uk pur. poses, Tho piojoit has tho cauiest en dmvemonl of tvonty somui patiiotlc associations, IiiohidhiK both oinanl zatlons of the Sous .mil o.iuiilituii. of the nuvolutlon. Iho Colonial D.mies and the .Junior Order of American Mechanics. THE ARMY IS VICTORIOUS West Point Defeats fliiiinulLs Foot Ball bu a Score ol Eleven to Five. at PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AMONG SPECTATORS The Most Distinguished Assemblage That Ever Qotheiett at a Football Game on Ftanklin Field Daly's Fine Play the Feature Which De cided Where Lain els Should Reit. Ilj Dxi limit Vitc fium the suiuteJ I'ipm. Pliiladel)lil.i, Nov. :!fi. Hi the mes fiRf of the most illstiiiKUished nssein liliiKO thiit over Kittliered at. a football f-Mine, and Hint included Piosldent ftoosoielt, sevd.il iiiPrubeis of Hip cab inet, ami many of the highest ollleetv In the army and Iho iiuvi, the lootlt.ilt tfiini of tin- AVest Point cadets defeat ed their old ihals, the natal cadets, lifter a jtanu- that was founht with linlldoj; (en. 11 ltj fniin bciiJiiiiinji to end Th" Unit I soon- was 11 lo .'., and thai the at my was able to win by lids nat ion mm glu Mislead of by the much wider one that had bei 11 expected vas tine quite iis much In -ood 101 tunc as to superior lootball ability. It vas a 1 i-( ot 100 much Daly. The phenom enal q11.11 terb.u le made every solltaiy poinl scored by tho West Pointers, kit klitK a K-tiiil fiom the Held, iuiiMuk a 1 1111 lor inie bundled yanls aftoi (.itching a punt, and iiIiintitiK- the ball behind tlie .N'mj's ko.i1 posts. It. is si arcoly too mm h to say that without Daly West Point would have lost Hie Kiiriie. As il was, the play was in lite Aim.v's ten Itoiy the Kioater pail of llie time, ami dining most ol llie second half AVesl Point was plainly- 011 the del ensile and playlnR- aKiiitis tune. She had tlif lpnd, and her onlv objet t vas to maintain the ndvnnt.iKo she hail soi mod, 1 onleut not lo tiy lo Inoieaso it In consequence- ot this polity, Dal punted liequently. otten lesiiitliiK to this pi.ty on the (list down without Ii'.iIiih: 10 iiish the ball for v.nd. Then tin- Xay would bu 1: ihe leather .te.idlly and painfully up the Held auJiti. dlspl.tyitiK si power ami compactness (1 foi m.illon that had not been 1'X.pu.tcd by her fileiidllesl ultlcs. only to lose il nijain btfoie West Point's Kii.il m.is In ipal diing-er. West Point Play Was Clean. In mil one pai titular did the West Polnli ts leally outplay their tlv.tK ami thai was In the cleanness with wliuii thi.i handled the ball, tin no oitasiuii was .1 rumble mad. bv an ill my pl.ixor that ifsiilted dls.istioiiH lv lor his sldi, while several of the saiiots. notably l'i oyer mid MeXalr, wei'o KUihy ni funihics or muffed punts that losulteil in the loss of much pro doiis Ktouinl lot the naval n-pre.-eiitn- tlles. P01 all Hint i'M'i v mini 011 llif An napolis tc-.ini .11 quitted biin-elf Klml oilsly, ,ind their fi lends and lclluw c.idtls haie eiery ii-asou to he piond of tin-ill. Their splendid showing. 10111 Iniy as null un Inspliltig- suipiNe, won the admli.itlon ol fiery beholdei. Me Xalr 1, in i'.e dam with 1 oolui'ss .mil Kootl Jinlf.iiieiii, ami Captiiiu Xieliols, Land and l'i e pi p.n tkul.irl.v l'i ever iiiade K.tin alter train throiiKli the supposed! InipicitnahU- line of Hie sol illtis, while ttelknap .11 tunllv anoin plishod the I'-at of otitpiuilllii; O.ilv unlit In- was I'liited to leave the K.inn, win n bis loss was si verolv loll. Me Xalr made one limit '1 1111 alter mUlilng a piilll, that was as line a ihlnK ol its 1 land as Jt.is be, n s( eu oh a Kildliuu ' 1 Ills .io.tr. D.llv was, ,ts has been said, llie stir ol lite in my'S Ioi ffS. Xi l to hhll piob itblv P.tinker, the blfr tacltle, was I In most usc-uil man on the team. Ho not only opened up good holes whrn tailed 011 lo head Un- tackle back formation, but In was a hosl hi himself nl 1I0 leiisln pkLiliiK-. iii.iklnK many a slinip, haul tackle, ami alwa.is follow int; Iho I1.1II .Not until the end of the Kiiine ' weie lliein itnv ileltvs of 1 ons,.qiem o j lor Injuilfs, ami llien the salloi.s seemed I to stand tlie hat il knocks bettor than the snldleis. Onlv one of the Anuapo- ' lis t I'.l til had to le.tie the tj.llue, while 1 two West Pollll subsillllti-s hail lo be calk d upon. The hiKKi'M ilowd III. ll eler alli led 011 I'laulilill Hold, assembled u s. o Hit. 1 IiIk mutt li. When the kuhh- hoit.tti not .1 sIiikIp 'oat was i.icaiil, while oiHsldi' of tin. Kiotind suiKfd u IiIk- iluoii,'. "eeliliiif any possiblo wa. to Kaiu ad nilsslon. Kiei.i scat, and nil wmo ln iltatlous. vas illsiiosetl ol ilin.s In m. x.iiut. and only a low tound ihcu- .y illln Hie llilllds 01 spot ul Itois Thei'p, woio not many seats tor suu in Phlla dt'lphia vcslenlav, nml the jiossossois of those asked all tho waj imni M" 10 ii'.". e.u li Jul' them ami Kut it, too, Many ol these ll.nl 1 Illinois outside the Kiouuds who .tssiillttt the uowtl witli oll'crs 10 buv any tinuseil Hi kei Hit' iiiliilit hitppou lo have, but li is not if lOttlcd that nil such sales wolf iiuidP. Best Game iu Histoiy, "icstutla s ijiiiiio u.ts outt ol lip- b-st playotl ill III" history of West Point. Annapolis toot hall. .Mlluijiolis was so Keiiei.illy ie;:arilei as totedooiiu'd to tlcle.lt that odiks of .1 to 1 wel'O olluied 011 the Wesl I'olnteis. Uut, tui all that, tho sailors weie not by any iiuiiiia out. pl.iscd, imd onlj lor Daly they nilht jiuvi- won Tho ctnie was coiisntk'iious lor clean and plutky toot ball, ami ts. pecinlly for hard ami sunt t.ii'klliiu, Tho lino. up: W.s.i I'.unt. 1u111ui ,. rjiit.wi.illi Un mil Wliitlii ll'l It'lUlLIu HiMil Itlli-.i lilt Lii-ml Ijiium.i llinti unlit- 1 10 j l,uicsUl, t ti.Ii t iitiiiU IHIkniji lvliUli.uk) H1111U1 liju l.ukl ilnii Mt lelii He I klit mil soiilt' I'jlV iuiltili.ul. ,,, Mi. " lit I'j-ad , ,,.. leu lulttuik ,.,,., , , I'u-iot II.I.I..MI fXcllll, l'li)i) .. ililin Inltl.hk I .ni'l I.I no-, tiilllinl. MilmM Tom liiluwiu-Mt lioN, HjIj. l.wd Imm Ion le il.mii I) lb', (,'nd limit IMil-liib lldilio -I., N. Wtk'litliititoii, llin.itil. t ttiii. i:. Virti'i, It in juI Tiiiifl.ci'i'i r-Titr.t.Mi llirf. IViiiiil i.tiilj. '1'i'iiif of lultii ''lltlilj ItM' mlnuli's mrii. LEDGER COAL ARTICLE. Tinde Is Being- Pushed to the Ut most Output. llv J'ilmlif Htio from I lie .sfotl.ttpil I'irii Phlladflplila. Iieo. I.-The l.edtier In Its coal nitlcle tomorrow will say: "The iilithiaclto coal trade Is lielui; itthi-d to the utmost that the lestiiit ed ttiiusportittlou Inellllies will per mit. II Is tltoiiKht Hint the oaf'.s nut put to the end of November will tench t losoly lo rv,noo,(iOil tons. beltiK" uppios' liuately 10.uOH.UOH tons above the situio peiiod in JOGfl. The only c'utlalliupul (Oinos H 0111 the car shot time, and the mniltpL Mould take much nunc coal could It be moved fiom llif mines. The shipping jiulnts are Kouetally bine ol coal, and the r.tilioads are nvalllnv to Hie ulmosi nil of the tins I hey can set hold of. Lake navigation Is 1 lewd in the up per lakes and Is 11 Iho iipproiiohlnK a leiniinalion thioiiKli froozliiK: weather in the lower lakes. KrolKhls theie vere iiKtiin iitlvaneoil lint week. Tlie coastwise coal movement Is Kood and vessels hac been In demand, as the do.'tk-is nl the output Is ate all shon of tlie supplies they would like to li.ni. 'BULLER SUNDAY" A QUIET AFFAIR Mounted Police Stationed Along the Line of Painde Groaning- Heaid Neai War Office. Ill I. Mlll-llt' III' (llllil 'I lil' --uu.lt il I'i-n, Loudon, Doc. I. "Uuiler" Stiuthi ' pasesd without soi ions Incidents. L'lie Kovei nmeiil li.nl taken evoy piotan tion to prevent ilistutbaiti.es. 'j-hj.s ip. 1 hided the teadlnir. at llneo p.nades last week, of a special unlet' hi the military legislations! whidi forbids ottl cois or soldiers ft out "taking part In any inc tings, deiuousti-alion, or pin cession, for p.uty or political pm. J10S0S." A litifjc bod uf polkc many of whom ,ei e iiiuiiuted. weio slatioiud along lii.-in h olllce. The the lino ol the procession's nml notably in front of the .11 tiiitles' union 1 lid lioikuien'.s sopleties, villi bands mid banneis, a smbled nlons- the Piiib.inknit-nt this nfteinocm. Theie woe thousands of upoetutois. Oivhitf to the dlflieiiUy of mat shading- the huge bodies of men, the procession was late In stalling. It was headed ki a ltugo banner un which wits a 1101 li .lit of UeiiPinl Uui ler. The piotession tiaveisid Xoith umbPiland avenue, Pall-Mall. St. .lames snoot nml Pioi ittlilly lo Hide P.uk. The windows of club-laml, and e.-pei -lall of tho service 1 tubs, weie nun ti ed villi slghtseeis. Ai dialing doss, seiei.il iiiotiuinl polk-f 1 ode up lo tho head of the pm rrsMson and attcuipted to sele a p,is. tor bust of ricneial llullor. The men c.iii.iIuk tin- bust dashed It lo the ground. This Incident cau-ed much Indignation, but the leadens weie able to tilth iind lesli.'tln the piiiadris some or whom wished lo attack Hi" policemen. Opposite I he wai olhii- ihi-ic was considerable gunning ami nits ni "Shame-" fiom the men in Iho pro cession, but othemlsc the pioceedlugs veto vitlioitt Im idem When Hyde Park was leached it was almost dnih. Hen- sport lies lioin soi - 01, il platfoinis 1 epic-soul lug Hug In in I, Trelnnd, Stotl.nnl, Wales. Oevoiishiie ami the colonies woio niatlc. The 1 011 ftision was so great as to rendu- the wotds of the sponkois almo.st in.iu dlblf, but amid a ro-ir of choeis a 10s. oliillon of sympathy for Oeneral liull.'i was proposed unit adopttd with steal euthi!liism mid u wild waving of hand kerchiefs and hats. J'e.ituies of the demons! 1. tlinn weie llie passing of tiilloetion bnxo.i for ii win klligtnen's 111ei1101l.il 10 OeUclnl Hulk)- ami the l.ngo sale ot button hole pot li alt- unit favors of the ieiu-v.il. It Is estimated that nl least .".ti.Ooo peo ple weie ptescnt al the demons! ration lu 11 do Pink. 'I'lils makes li Iho big gosl thing of Us kind vhMi has ,,, . 1 111 red lur many yens KILLED BY A COMPANION. Tiagic Death of Finnic Hunt, at Montdale. While Hunting Gun Accidentally Dischaiged. I'nitik Hum a young iniiii 11' n-ais ol age, was an Idouinllv shot ,nid killed Saluiday, at llrowu Hollow, by t'nspei Wintei borgnr, ot Pi'licbntg, a 1 om Piidou, with whom ho was hunting Wlnteibeiger was visiting trionds at .Montdale, and S.itutdav he ami Hunt weal 0111 limiting1. When uoiir ciiapiiian lake, they to a low stone wall ami Hunt, aim being itliind of his t imiji.t nlt.n, Jumped upon tin- van mm stood on top of it. hieing Wlnioi lunger. As t li latter was in tho at t of getting unto the wall, the tllgci of ills gull lu some way was knocked agniiiht tho wall .iiil the mm mis (s. chat god, the Hhol striking Hum Just over the lieai 1 ami death icsiihiua al most iustauil WIlltetli'Tser was tjic.ul oienuliif by the an Idem it- in! mined some people Ihlug lu the iiiilghhoihooil, mid Coioiiff Itoboils was uotlileti tie mm,i ttn iuvestlgalloii esteid,ty Hum is sutvived li.v Ills patents, My. ami .Mis. John Albeit lltllll. of Moutdnl tuuoial will bo hold touionow. The Boocevelts in New Yoik, liy I v liifin- Win- hunt 'll.p At4.it Utcil l'u, 'liilnl-!liliU. Iki. I.-Mis liicri.loii- It.xHuli, liliu i.iiiii. Inn- inUnl.iy nidi (lie MiiliU-nl lu vtill(-l I lu .ulii.i I lijw IolIImP liuin-, I'll Into nl I i.'ilnl. twlai mot li 'iim.i n li ulliujil n.t Snv 1 'Ik. tin. I(ihw-Ii,' lili'If lt-ir, t i tin- snt'4 ot Mb- II. kit ll. 'liju, , I IHu SJ'tlKi) i-lHi't, .1 llllltu'. 'J Jits liitf- 11( limit-cult alitn-li'il iliiiiie Miiitt-. .il Huly li ii liy t'luli'-l.int t:ili)pj iliiiuli, Mnticii'iU ..lij U'iiluut stiiiK luilii4 tin' iU) tw lidict tin' lioliiv- ut Ml. .ninl Un, .1. W. Jlicck, lit; Sjumi-ttit-ct. niiiii- MHlal akii'K ijllnl noun ln'i. FAMILY OF FIVE BURNED TO DEATH RETURNED FROM PHILIPPINES. Offlceis. Soldiois nml Civilians Ar live on the Buford. D.i I. n lii-in' Wny iifitii I In ..( iji.il i'ii-... Xew Yolk, Hot I -Tlif lllit-ll Slates (r.iiispotl Mllfoid in lived today Ji'oiu .Mtiulln villi olglil itiiupaiilos of llie Tweiily-lhlid I'liitotl States Infan ll.v. Cotilpank'S A lo II, !H)t oidisteil men, non-ioiniiiis'iloiied staff ami band ntitl ;:7 oilki'M. under coinnuiiid ot Colonel .1. Milton Thompson. Time woio also If, dlsclinigod soldiots nml goioinnieiil employes on bouid. Tlie men ate a line, tol.ust i(), hi good spirits ami gl.nl lo get home. Among others oil board are: Cnlum I .1. M litem Tliompsuii, Maiors .lamps and Hodges, ami a numb-i- of civilians iind vii.-s and fiilnllli-s or i.nlnus ofli I ' 1 s. AN UNEVENTFUL SUNDAY AT COLON Both Liberals and Conseivatives Ate Gtntlually Resinning Their Cttstomaty Intercouise.' II) Klilittiit- Win. Jiuiii 'Un 1JW ml'il I'lr" Colon. Dee. L Yc-stenlay nml tod.i passed uneveulfully ai Colon imii Panama. Hot li Llbonils and Conserva tives an- gradually lostirtiing their eitstomaiy Inteicouiso ami fraterniz ing villi each otliei. Theie is un un due bu.isting on the pan of the 1 k -tots nor ill iniii-oaled hatred 011 the pail ol those who sympathise with the vanquished. Consequently then- have been 110 ilNnu bailees nor unseomlv be hiivior. lieeeiii events howoiet, an- the only matteis of 1 onieisallon. M.uiv Liberals allege thai all blame for the lln.'il tutu of eiotils is primal My due to P.elisaiio Pot 1 a, who is also said to be tespoiislble tor the blow sustained by the Libel. il cause last year. Port-as, it Is generally known, mused a split a few months ago In the Llbei.il I10.11I quailc'i's. at choi 1 era over a. question of pifoeilonee mid scnloiity of 1.111k between himself and C.eneral Domingo Din?;. P011 as lefused lo lecogliie Hie aulliotily of CiPtiei.tl Dl.i as civil and mllltnty thiol of the Lilieial niin. lie .stibspqiionil eflettul the witlt diiiw.tl of many 111111 vlth then arms to i ei lain mountain insinosscs in ,ui othii (liioition wbcie Iho an- still supposi i In be The luiuily of Chuiiet.i iwheie the Liberal li.'ul their ht-ndtpiai tots befoio tho attack 011 Coloin offeis many t.telli lles for insiiigeni 1 auip.ilgiis as initio iltlll nllli'l- loud leqtllsttes ,lle tlll'lf l.lentiiul. A tew dead bodies siill lemaiti along the i.illiiutd lino. Tin se bodies an- be ing bulled THE MACEDONIANS ARE INDIGNANT They Dislike to Be Act-used of Hav ing Kidnapped Miss Ellen Stone. IU I Mill- ll W III IK 111 III. 1 -mi, I ill. I l'i. - Solla, X01 1.--M. Mihialowsk, pies. Iilenl of the .Macedonian 1 umiiilttec. lo leull.i made a speecli.it V.1111.1. iu tiiil g. 11 l.i. in which he deiioiuitt.d .l. Saiuli' the 101 11101 pi 1. shl. ul uf lite lumilllllee ami the Macoiloiil.Tii.s its agltalois muitleieis and bl.ifkm.illPis Among oilier iilnius he 111 1 used them .it kid uappillg Miss J'Ulen, Al. Slniie the Alllelll.in Illis-Ioillll Tin- Macedoiiliins 01 Solla held luilig- nation meetings hem spfl'flio' VelP llllllle Mililalowsk.v mid M. tod.iy. Violent ilenuiiiii iny .I. S.nolf was en logi'otl as the heio ol Maopodlnn vouili Tills Im ItleriL is important as demon sirallng the stliis'in lu tlm M.iec-iloul.in 1 amp Itfifioi-ln leii-lveil lien- loday I'nnii liiil.IUiiii amioume im reateil llgilautp 011 Ihu pail uf iho iiullioii tles and the oolite ot thai plan- Ind gal Ian ulllcia) cln II. Ill ll illlptl SS, i llllle uf the I'lllloil ill the SloU" nllitli. 1 lor, that 1 hey ate tiling liion- lit the ban- don- alieady ies .11 11 eliiloiltll Iho menacing- alii Slates gov ei unit-lit- They dec late, how -nimble lo do alty lllallei Hi. ill thei FERRY BOAT COLLISION. Tlie Nuinbei of Lives Lost at San Ftanclsco Will Ptobably Never Be Known Many Injtned. in I i I San it llv llie It, Kill W III 'I' IU I I'l.lln isio I lit s lost lu last nl l- bellloeu the Ill I I'll H. I. TJie utiiubi-r Ill's collision on l'i 1 1 v.bu.UH Sail Miilnclo ami S.iiiIniIIio in siu , uiall.T ul i o)ii-i'tui'f ami ptoli.ihly will m voi le in ciiraliil ib in mined. Su mr as kiiuw-i, late lids iil'lei noon, only thioo iii.-oiis me n"tuail.v known to Ik- miss ing Th -,i are' W, 1 1, ci.imi.il. mi re ti.i.i ul S.iiup lieilnlug winks in this ci and a iisi,tni of Satil-,il(o: licolgc Tii.tdna.i. a waliif on the Sail Itutiielo. and the ti-yoai .oUl si,. ,,f .m(b, Wallei. id' l.'iii-s Vailej. The nllkcis of tlin sunken IttsSel Hlloligl lilillll. lulu thill ucat'1,1 all wen. saved. About twenty ptopk- wuv iujtiieil. 'I'll- oub bod) iiiov.-icd to bu is olio supposed to Ik- that of I'raiidiil. it ! wits washed ashe-m, Died in a Chinch, lb iv.iii.ii. Win ii om 'Hit- vw kii.il -ii-., I,iin.itii, I'a , llii I- Iiu., im ii.lns, iv nl; iIHIhIIii,', ttiiki. l'i ll..- lint tttllioilbt l.in uiil ilmiili. W .ill. 1. ILIilj, i t-l let ff die l.jti.j.li'i ( ii'ttit) Nliliiiil luiik. uiMnil Uuiiio ill Jinl illitl i ).' . iiiuiuii lilu lu iht n-.li.i' lut-iii, tu iiltU li ho bad I.l-Ul liJttll HliiuV.il p..itli n n ilti, tu iliuiiiijll-in ot tin- Iran, lit--ii-jmi i-js 'it ijii i.l.l jiii i, ,uiiii,,t ,j l ,i ulfi jiuI In- .liililini Mrs. Mara 0. Bnrk and Four Chil dren ol Gwln Station Are Creinated. THE HUSBAND ALONE ESCAPES It Is Supposed That an Ovei turned Lamp Was the Cause of the Con nttgialion That Aroused the Unfor tunate Family fiom Slumbei At tempts at Rescue Aie Fruitless, and the Bodies of the Victims Aie Burned to a Ciisp. ft)-1 ii ltti.it e Witt-from Jl i A-duCi.leil lVv. Alloonn. Deo. 3. Uetween 1 and ? o'clock this morning, live persons, a motliti- ami her four children, item burned to death nt c.wiu .stntloii, on the Wopsonoiiook nillroad, three miles' north of this oily. Tho husband es. i-apeil. The dead mo: .Mis Miuy f. rtuik, IJ yoiits old. Atlaiu (iiistn ve litiik. hi .veins old: M.nv I.'. P.tirk, II! yo.ns old: Joanna Murk, It onis old; Joseph Victor Murk, s yea is old. Call AV. liink. the husband, is binned about tin back, seiloiisly but not f.itall). The ooeuireiii'o is, in many respects, renini liable for hart owing details. .Mrs. Murk and the chlldieii, save Adam, relliod nt the usual hour last night. Mr. Millie, vho vas In Allooun. did mil gel lioiiie until late. The lump was limning in the kitchen Tor hint. Mel'oio lie vein upstairs lie tuned it low. A Imii h vas leH on the kitchen table lor Adam, who was n stage hand al the Altoona opei.i House. It is not known what time Adam turned in. About !.:: o'clock. .Mis. Mink was n wakened by a dense smoke In her loom. She awoke her husband. He dic-ssoil Imirictllv and hastened down stabs, opening the kitchen door, lie found that the loom was nblaxe. The draft caused by the open door ucceri-iii.ili-tl the llie and with a roar tlm Humes swept lliiough the house. Ilink'.s clothing wins ignited and nt sprang outside ami 1 oiled in the snow lo p-inguisli the tiny tongues of llie thai in ii moment veie licking pain fully at his Hob. lie then sunmioncil tin- assistant e of the iiplghbnis. JWis I'tshor, Tliompsoii and Calvoi l re sponding. Theie was no hope ol s.n Ing the house when the- in lived. To losiue tin- Inmates was impossible, fui clou lime the) tiled lo enter, the in tense heal dt ovc lliein back. Mink, in a mad fn-n.v, tried to ruMt tlliottgll the ll.nues, Im; was pievenied. It would have been sine dentil. .Meantime, tin- nsonkdug screams of the inmates cutilil be hoaid iibove 'by mar of the die ami the fiacklug of the burning Hiubeis. Heart-Rending Scenes. I'm one In ii-l second Mis. Mink ap pealed nt tut opstaiis window, lu lur in ins she i, it i led ii child. Thru the I! lines n rose .nouml In-r ami about bet and she sink b.itk ami was seen un mine. The ui-igllbois K'Hhc led outside woio lioirtllnl and nn nod avny. Mink was on n-ll'iilly si pi aivftv to tin- hospital about this lime, craznl with gilel. The llou.-e, whli h was a two-stoiv f i .i mt- stiiii-iuie, was soon coiisunii d, aad the .-.tan h oi tin- milts c omnn-ni ed. As tlieio was nulhlng loll but the loitn-. d.ition stones, the bodies, thitiied ami blai konoil. w etc- speedily locovoictl tint i oipse cuiild not b" distinguished liom tlie iilhei'. They weie bionght to a morgue in this ilti. Tin llie nibbed Mttlk ol Ids lanilly and all his pi-isonnl pioperl.i. He is left without a penny. lie I'stapeil si dtstllulo that his loved on-s inlily i lotltod. He is so iho funeral o.peiisos of will h.ii'f lo be homo liy Hie i illlllll Ciiioilel' .Mi Caitut- loday eiiipallllt-li d a Jill v lu Investigate Iho live deaths. Sumo testimony was taken, after which Iho Jury ailiuiiriiod until toiuoiiov-. The Jul' will endeavor tu nsteilalii Hit oiigln of lite hie. The kill lieu stove show.s evidences, ol a hot Iho, bill tlif gciifinl oplnioii st mils lo be that Adam lorgol to put mil the lamp when he io. tited iind lite lamll,v dog. lu st-an-li of something in appease its hunger, up.i t. Hie lamp. Tin- loss on the Iioiim Is sj.iu.ij, un In, sitiaili -. What tout. this of Hie i, null) will b lllli'l'leil lonioiiow DEATHS OF A DAY. 11 Villlilti Will' III III 'III- .bll.lll I'ltsl, Nni V ink, bu, I. liiliiu V s)h-i, iHisnl. nt nt till) I'illl-ilt I ulllllili; Kllll.ll, tint t.e M i .n In- il tut- , nil II.'IiIiii' i.)iiii,it), m,i ii m-i in till III ll',llli' 111 lll.lliy iulH)Utiel, llllil- .Uill ei i r niK.inl iti'iuv, illul .ul -i t iiimili.'.. illin',., .t In. li -i I ii i- in llilt i In, letlli. Pit Chun Deposed, Hi I ii ni.iw Win. in in 'lie .-oii.iiil I'ci's, sWiitt.ui. I). . I Pn III I' l'ltllt, I'll til It), Ins lu i ti ili-i -n, to imii.. n.il i IU i mt the :iu ii. Hut lil. nllii-i, I'lin- Ihjii iws tlis jullf). Un II v 1 I lltllf Floience Nightingale Well, lb I I lil. n-Wiif fumi Tlm Aiotuld Pie. l...i,iKui till sluo. il.'.llli i-.M-l I I liie itnon cabled lo llie Putt . J let. i t Mulilliigilo u-j in.r I'l. i lurrM o MrIiIIiirjIi' i HttttHtHt t-f. WEATHER FORECAST. X Wj-liayuii, llie. I. t'orccitt foi Moti .j jiiJ 'ltut.il.yt Intuit IVi.tniliani.t In. ic-a-lnir clou'llnin .M'unlii. pioliilib rliunn. 'I'tlf.ilai, filr ami nil.ln , f..., font Inn anli, blndlm; lu iirlliuti'rl- llllj4 t tttt IHHIU f ii H, ; - 1 iAx tf.l Wle, tHrv '-4 ' '-I .. ' -3 - . -. ts m