'flR . - vuAA .- i UiVaaa,- .)- .jsih iA-' . 'v,wMn w iBfrw ,...11W.V"-1" ' ''' w TTTTC flORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, WOT. J IWopff bv "JfiA An Excellent Combination, 'I'lio pleasant method timl bencllcinl effects iif tlio well known remedy, Mvui'i' op Viob, mtiuufuutured bv tl'io Cvuroitin.'. Km Sviitn' Co.. Illustrate Hiovnluoot obtiiiniiiK' the l!iitd luxa tlvn principles of plants known to bo lneTlle.iniilly ltixtitivu mill presontinf t hum in tlm form most ri'f rosliltiR- to tins tits,to a till acceptable to tlio system, It 1st lie om; perfect strcnfrtlioniti'r tnxn tlvo, I'leansliiLr tlio .system effectually, dispelling colds, ltoadnchos niul fovurn gently .vol promptly nml iMmbliiiffom; to overcome habitual constipation per iniuii'iitly. Its perfect freedom from every ohjccMoiuthln quality nml stib hlitncc, nml its acting on tlm kidneys, Jivcr iind bowels, without iveiikoiiiiif!" or irritat iiifj thuin, make It the ideal laxative. In the procPi.K of manufacturing- fip nru used, ns they nro plens-nnt. to this j taste, but the medicinal qualities of tlm remedy aro obtained from senna nml I other aromatic plants, by :i method known to the Camfohnia Via isvnui Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial t'tTcctsand to avoid imitations, please remember the full linmcof theCompany printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY, HEW TOnK. N. V. PorsaloliyoUDrucRists. 1'riccriOc.porbottlo. Free Platinum Pictures 'I o every lady visiting our store this week we will give ab solutely free a handsome Plat Inum Reproduction of a World's Famous Hcture. Better come early while the assortment is large. Dout forget this is the best place to buy Pictures, Frames, etc for the holi day!?. Jacobs & FasoSd, 200 WASHINGTON AVENUE. " City Notes. J 11 KIM.M 1 I M .Mm lulliciii .mil 1'. ill I nlliirin i n li tnutrili'iti'tl -1 ic-u'ilii in tie Milnnlri inuMnil.il liuiil. ( IIIIMMV- r- M.i:. llio l.iihc i.f tin- I', mi Vii'iiin S.iptUt iluinli .in1 it Hilling to lu.li .i liu-linis i ili of I hum utlili-, lln -emii'l ved, in bucinliei. W.Vs n I.I.V l!Mi:i). All lluli.ni n.is .ini-U.l Lot nii;lit mi L ui. iii.iiui i (iiuim l"i biini, iliuiij, iiul (li-mili ll, -ill' iwmi l.ikii. In llir i-t.ilii.ii liou-o il u.i-, timiiul Hi it lp l'.i.l I Inn' In ul il 1 oll Is I'll 111.- pU-,011. on. sTMioiii) 'in i.rcit in:. iii i). .i. s.inmil, nl W .i-IiidrCoii. 11. I', will liiiui(. m tic Mluli c)iiiI .niiliioiliiiti 'liiii,-iliv nislil. im IHiKni-, Ills I'oncr niul I'ltlm-." It will bi tni' tliml iiiiinliii of I lie HIsli -t ui..l ii.ni-r. I11IA1;i:M N IMI M:H-.i..iii Mi link, ill '-null, Ni.intuii, implu.wi .i-. ,i In. iKi unit mi cue it lie l.u l.jii.iiiiu lion .lhil Suil (oiuiiiuv'- nimbi's, xi.i-, lur-Iutl .il Hn Jlo i. 'I.ii liv Iin-plt-il n-iii- 'III, Slllllllllir illllll .1 I'llllllM'ii l.r.lll Mill j-1! lillvil 1 HClv. Ilu' Ilsl'lt fll .1 nil. I'.V I All II VM.M.nil. Uliili' Hii IMiw.ui' .m.i llml-ou ii, i .a ii Inluvr i.vlli lii-il .iliniit In tin ''il.lllti'll l.llit ililill( .iftdlioiili, l.ulll l)(llil(. I iiM.hK, i . olliil. I willi ,i -ulicL tiiKiiii' .m.i hip il.ir.irn nl l hi1 (.ii h.i iliiuiv,'til In iiiui I'xttiit. ruiuiniii'lv, hoik ui tiic lulninrii win IlllllU'll. TESTIMONIAL CONCERT. Will Be Given Dec. 12 for Chniles H. Doei'snm. The many irienils of f'haili-s . Dof'i.siiin an' iinaiiKliiK' u testluionhil I'iMK'i'i i to he Biioii mi Ui'c. ., in St, Luke's IMiisli lions .Mr. Iiouismn leaves the llrst of ihi- year for Ninv York. M-hei'i' Im will I'onllnue his siuilies, ami ns a mark of respect ami ihe hlnh ehteeni in which he Is hold by I'voiyone who knows lilni a pio Ki'uuime of unusual nieiit will be Khoii ill the colici'l'l. .Madaiui) TliiiUeiinau-Jtauilolpli ami lr. ,1, .M, f.'haiifi' have charge of the PhOKMinine,, Wlllejt will bo aniliillllceil early 'next week. Tlekels havn been lil.ieerj -In the hands of n numher or friends, anil It is expected that a !ai,' .sale v. Ill be untile, 4'f'f-f-f'f'f'f-f"f ft4"f4.t4- t ni,n nCCnD,urP t uunu ui i uumaj. Spring Brook Wntor,lst Mtg.fia Lackn. Valley Eke. Light, l3t Mtg. 5s. North Jcisey and Pocono Moun tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, Stamlatd Gas Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, Lcighton Water Supply Co., hst'Mtg. 5s. New Mexico Railway nml Coal Co., ls. Mtg. 5s. DesciJ, vii and price on nppll. cation. 08 Uriuilgji, X. Y. -f f nilkf'lliiic. 'jV. fjitgiiJjlc. -f f tifl ttlllllloulC.llttl,tlld,', SlUlltutl, l'i. -f X AGAINST THE CHINESE. Mine Workots Wnnt Exclusive Law Ro-enncteil. At n ineetlliK of t.ncal fnloii No Kill, t'nlU'il Aline Woikets or Anier lea, held In their bull at Luzerne sliecl and tttillioad avenue, Moudiiy nlftlil. I'irsltlent I'. .1. Mtilliini'V niipolnteil the rollowlUK eniumlltee to draw up ironltltlnus wllh fi fori'tiei' to a rniitln initloii or Ihe H'Hlrlellon of I'hlnesc citilRititlon. flimlcs Watklus. .lacob .Ioiich, .loliit !'. CoiiiiorH, Itobeil lono van and Henry 11. Schni'ssleii. The following: ti'sohilloiiH were reported Hid adopted; llf II iifulwil, lh.il t ii'iiiil mil nra8ii IIS til. Hull. Mllll.llll ( -iillll' II 111 Mliltllt .m.i ''ill tthlill in 1 1 lie InliDiliiittl ill Mm ni'Xt fit-Inn t ii'iicii' tin' llir n iiiiillnir i. ilu' l liliii-e r,. In lrn 'ih, wlilili i'illi hj llmll.tllim MiJ ', I'm llil'f l I, IM'II III licllltl' tllll tll' UK ill i in. i Itiir loipuiilli ih inn pii'p.irlliif In I mil Hi Aincil i in 'nil, mi. I illMillmti' Ihr.Mieli I lit- I iiilul sl.ilix. Ilinii' i in ti nf iinilli, wliu. liv iphm'Ii of llll'li VlllllialU" m wnil, Inf llltllil'l IlillilllU wntilil he ,i 1 1 'trill, nt In it mini' woil.it". Mi' II fit' I In" lli'nlmil. Pnl i i ip if llm- irwiliilli'iH tie nil tn inn (.'iiixi''"lil in. llir linn. Wllil.iin fun ii-Il . nl-.i In llm in. inl li II fin I m r III -.'1m 'I, Mill .1 I ipl l'i pill nil III!' lllill"lM III I ilM l'K it buildTngfermits. Those Tnken Out During the Month of November Aggregate Cost Is S80.521. I rmlv-ihu building penults fur luilld-um- to cost $S0,M1, hac been taken om (mm the oilko of JlulldliiK Inspce lor llrown iIiii'Iiik the month of Xoveni ber. endlitfj today. 'J'he most Import ant ol Ih" proposed IuiIIiIIiiks is one ' tn lin .il. u. 1 ii.l .in 1 it.'l.'n , i nmi nl'ii.ttii by M. Xordin, (he book-inau, whose bulldlnt; was totally destroyed by the destructive (Ire last February. The new hiiildliiK will he erected mi the site of the old structure and will be ""iKlflij feet in size and four stoi les hllTh. It will cost about ?t I, "Jin. The full list of penults is given below: mi. ml' n lliiMIni: iiiiitp.iny, fniii Minir.-, I'J ln ill.. I, lunl., "Iiiraco, sen nli mill w.inl, T. II. Htillli', one t(ii., . !. wmxl, milk I, l'mirtn'iitli w.inl. I'ltilile V. sli-ili, wiii.il, poitli, Soicnliciidi w.inl. tllvCVll ,t I'lMl.p.lll.l, Ivn r(illi(4, l.7l. WOll, niii.-li.ili' of (IitiMi' liniiM. IViiitit'ititli w.inl. IMll Mil l.ullir, Hill , lllll', li'J'', XMii.ll, MIUli' ll'.MllillL', I'll-t W.llll. J.iinn Xi.in, tun sli'iii", JIKJ-, wuciil, fin ! iluilltli.', I'ii-t w ml, .1 Hill's MlM.llllllU, Iwu liill(-, J2L', Wnill, liuli. ilnilliti', 'llilul w.inl. I'liil Mintntuli, Inn -im li -, In. in, wniil. -nulc Indlfiiir, S.t,, I,. I v ml .hiulj llcwltili, Iwn -unit'-, 2IU, Mnul, -tnie .mil ilwi'llinir. I'it-I w.inl. .I.Kull IliWlllll, nil,' .lllil cni'-Illlf 'liilh, Hi.', worn I. Ii.nit, I'ii-t v .ml. 111-. . . AXUV, hill slnllc, UK',:. WiKul, stin;li tlwillinu, t'i ttluiilli wml .1. I!. WIImiii, Iwn tiiiii -, Ills", wouil, -iirli; llWl'lllll',', 'I t'tll. -lli-t wml, .1. ij."lill .tin! M. Millii.li,. twn Molie-, :.J .',, wnoil. ilmililc ilv.i llin.', riiiuiitli w.inl. .1. .1. IluitlK-, mi' (fii, l"iJi, woi.il, .iilililmii, I'll --t w ml. Amlii'iii ll.ilmu. Iw.i -tntk'-. J-.Njjf wo.ttl, -invrlr- ilncll'ii.', Iwriilirlli wml. 1. .1. Niowiltii, tun .-I i. lie,, Isx'Ji,, wihmI. -insli' ilw "llini;, i" niiil w.inl, I'MIlk llilli.l, Iwn rlillii'-, l'Jll, Wiinil, .liliHtlnll, Twuilli Hi i ml. luliu licin, Wllllll, tlm itlOlls ,tinl iipiu-, lllil Id iilli w.inl. I. 1.. lil.MKiliN, tun lnlii', lJi,, wnoil, i-i'ii,lc iluilltnir. 'imtli u.ml. Sii.iiitnn U'tni Cunip iutnfi.1111, one slm.i, lhJ(J, cm-ill.' Iiuii c, 'iliiitri'ittlt w.inl. Sii.iiilnn li.mi Piiinii ronipini, niio 'I01.V, ;n..:il, (uniiiliv. 'Ililiui mil w.inl. Milium Kuril, Iwn Mollis y)., wond, iiiikIo ilwi'llin.'. 'li 111I1 w ml, I'.Iin ri.niniit 111, ln 'iiuii's, :: 10. woo.l, 1I1 Hllili ilwilliiiu, I'mli i. .nil Mt. M. D.iimluili, twn (.Inn-, ;jsji!, wn,.il, I'milili' liwillin. Twi iit.ii-( w.inl. I. Al-wintli, H.n -li'iii'-. Jiv.'il. wiinil, -nult ilwi limit, 'I wuili I11-I w.inl. 'niniii.i-, II, W itl.in-, mil. ai.it i.iii'-iiilt vj,,i;ts, llxlii, wiinil, -mull' iIhiIIiiu, 'lliinl I'.tnl. I'. . lii11, tun fctot 1'-, -li-, wiio'l, -iti-le ilurlltiV, l'11-i wml. T. 1. Wlit'dn, i.ne -liny, CMn, wnrxl, nililiiion, I n-t wan!. Mi-. M. Millii', mil -lull, IJ1J, wnoil, flou', 'lliiitu mil w ml. Alliul (nh in, Inn -lmii- l'i. in, wii.nl, -inlo ilui'lliiU, 1'iiM w.inl. .Inlill l,ir.niliil-i, ho'l-c l.il-nl .mil iici (din w.ill-, Miii'lrtiilli w ml. M. Xniti.ii, fniii' .-lulu-, 21hil, In iil -1,11 ., I.mlilli w.inl. "llldlil lllnlilii-. tin 1 1' 'fiJlli-, l"s'i, lllllli, Inki'i.i, 'Iwuilli Hi w ml .luliu I'. KkIii', on,' 1.(1,1,1, lin, lunl,, .nliiitnin, Kklilh w.inl. .lulin llnli', 1, in .ii, llJ,', wouil, I'lilur .li ii, .-Mil '.. ml. Mn. Iluijiinlii 'liuK, Inn -tuiii-, ll'.U'i, wniil, -IliL'lr ilu 1 11 lim .iililiiiim, -Kill w.inl, .1 line-. C.iliuv, nni' Imj, UxIJi, wnml, 10.1l li.ii l,i 1- anil nliln', .-lli'. mil wml, 1 "1 111 It Miniif.icinilni. uiinpiin, niv -liuj, ."l 117, woi.il, t mulii, l".:ilt c nlli w.inl, ilviiii llnlnn-, duo -nil, U'.lii, wofiil. .lilillli.in, .-11 nml w.ml. Illllll 1 I. l. IW 1 -Hill.-, i-xll, W11O1I, -ill- .li il"illni'!, I lint i' ml. Iliiltin Mii!, tun Hilli'i o-jx'll. I11M,, f lu ll 11. v, Tumliilli w.inl. Ml.-. .1, W'.im ,1-1 1, mil -il.'i.i , Uxl 1, liiiil,, .nlli tioii, Mxlceiiili w.inl, (iiui-lii irLili', iin. itoi.i "-v. Ii. wiinil, nl In t Ion, sisim-uiii W.111I. ) l V, Ainiiiu-, urn' r-tin , ..ik1.11, wiinil, in lirm-i', 'lui'iili liit w.inl. (il'dlKi' llll.llll, Iwn j-l.i, SIX'J, wniil, ?liljli' iluillliiif, 1'iixt w ml, FIRST REAL SNOW FALL. Vcsteiday Witnessed n Fall of Two Inches of the Beautiful. Despite the fuel Hint x hell il Mas all ocr Weatheiniun (Mai lie's iucisuiIuk tape showed them was only a liltln more Hum the II 11 h of ui) Inch piecipi latlon, the snow- (all ot yesterday B'tvn fair promise, while II was 011, thai them would be "li'lKlilug of a eiy to- spectiible cliaiactet today, The tiigldity of TlmuUsKhliiB 1m moderated iliirinir the ulKlit, but ees leriluy opened up cold, and at 7 a. in., Ihe sporadic llturles ol llm preceding twenty-tour hoars khv wav to a steady, heay fall of die hiiiulltul, and by uoiiii time tlm earlh and all e-piHcd thluiss then on weie mvered over. Flur ries, howvicr, again set In and heiom the night had well liefitiii (ho snowing ecasoil, Tlm 1 old niiKleinled as (he day giew, and In the ul'lei noon the teuinr atuie was up 10 HO degrees, the highest It has been since last Muudax. The lowest tciupcraluro m'iis IS decree.-. The predictions for today bespeak no mom snow. line sleigh was out last night. )r, 0, H. lllil. with his llycr, "Joe," and n Unlit (.utter, drovo about (ho pued streols tor a couple ot hours, enjoying, as Is his wont, the distinction of having tlio llrst t-lelgh rldo. of the winter. Th popular Punch cigar la still ths leader of tlio lOo cigars. MARRIED. IIAIIIII- lli.l Mill -,i( tlm )M!-...ii.,-i t Mr I'llili Airimo lljptbl iliindi, oil I'lliU) in inn,;, Nouniliir M'.nli. IMI, ih. ili'itor II. Il.mii u,u unltol in 111.11 iljiro In MUt .i'U DuIht, Imi'i i( I.UlllMlIll, l'.i., Hoi, lluliut V. 1, I'lino, 1). p., llm 1'islw', cllitldtini;, -VY.Ut'.WYlL'.tMt 1 1: At tin' rml'li'iue ..J Al. foul J uttli', !ii Muriui trt-i't, Nov. '.'7, 10. bj Itoi. .1. l. I. nun. (leorgc -Uyir, ol Cjiliumllr, .nni Miss lilt UliitcnnuU, (I Bcruitou, (wnisifb of 'riiiiLlijim.ii '. THIRTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES IN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Sermon Was Pleached Last Night by .Aiclideacon Coxc, Rov. Dr. Rogers Isiacl and Rev. Dr. II. L. Jones Rt. Rev. Bishop L. Cole man Will Preach nt the Service Tomonow Moinlng Reception to Be Held Tonight The Beginnings of the Church. The coli'biiitlnii of tlio tlili'ty-thlrd a universal y of the orgunltsailon of the Church of tlio (lood Shepherd in tiieen lildge was begun last nhtlit with a special service and will be continued today and tomorrow, on which latter occasion a senium will he preached by Jtt. llov lilshop L. Coleman, of Dela ware, one ot (he most distinguished Upiseopallnn churchmen In the coun try. The sermon at last night's service was ilellveied by Archdeacon Coxe, of Alden. while brief inldi esses weie made by J lev. Or. lingers Israel, lector of SI. t.uke'M church, and lte. II. 1.. . limes, S. T. 1)., lector of St. Steph en's church, Wllkes-llaiie. Ilex. Francis It. Jtiitemuii, the rec tor of (he ('hutch of the (lood Shep herd. Iif'toiv Introducing Archdeacon i'ne lend it few excerpts fmin the llt.-t few xeai.s of Hie church's history and relet led bl Icily to the gioivtll of (lie congregation In Ihe Inst tlilrty tlnee ycais, Aiclideacon Coxe ilellveied a Sfi'inon dealing with the best method of pro moting sphltual giowlh, choosing for his text, I Tlm.. iv:l!'.. "Take heed unto thxself and unto the doctrine; con tinue (n llieni' roe in ibiliie tills tliuii shalt both save thyself and llieni that near thee.' lie spoke in taut as follows; "J In i- uoiil-.. wiitlin In -t. I'.inl In 'I inintliy, 1 011I1I11 urtiiin (-rini.il piinciplo-, npplii 1I1I0 ilil.c In .ill uoiki'i-, 101 llni-l. lhi'. H.n li ih (lu( biic-u)- in ilcilin." witli (lip .'ouN of ullii'is U ilu IH'inlonl, nniliT floil, npmi llnoc innilillnn-,: Pint, tin- Mito (I mil- nun -I'iiillill life; 'in'nl, tlio ili.niili'i nf t lie linlli wo inipiit, .nni, llilul, pllMll'l 11110 III lllO Wllk. Hull LUlllfs (li It!- u mil. ( oxm:i iio. is u.0-1:. A mi 1 lo-o loiiuottion il-ls licluocn oi .niiln il lito mid om ii'iiiptioii of iliilno iinlli. liiioululuo nml ui.i-p ot linht .mil pinili nl life Ki) liiml in I11111I in the Cliil-liin c.iir.'i. Tlio 111111l.1l piim , i 1I1 11 inonitli Iiy whiili wo llnil ilnliki', linn nli-init'. (inn (Xpl.iin .111.11 .ntrl (un ill III (lie 1 1 lit II uliiill lilillkii ll r opn-in Km If In ntir iix Iin Minn-. It imv lie n.ieul in Hi" nU (iny of .ill ilijioi' 01 icn.ilril riliificii. Hun in tin 1. im of Mii'M' wlin --lop fi: i-Iioil of tlio uiJiil-'l .lllil Mfilltl, (lie llful 01 1.1X, Clll'I, -H .Mill mU- liiiliiluil liiinjj imv lio. -.mi in .1 IcAi'iilm: ,ipiii! 1 in I. hi .m.i in .1 In kin, i.ip 0! 1 lie (mill .1- It 1- in .lc -11- fin 1-1. N ui nwn i xpnli'iiu' will innfluii II11-. li juu lino .illnwiil imiiM.lf tn iluluio lit tpiiitiul ng' m, .10111 (Iniitiin w oik li - .ilu.n-. -nllilcil. ou iit.ti nul lino lo-t ,10m itnil 1t11i1t.1l iiowoi', lint jim lino li..-l join i.ipiiilj 01 niiiii!.' .11, nl,-o In tlio (null .mil nl loiiniitinllni; i( (n iiiiy man'-. (nii-iidiK. 'I lie ciii1-!' I. In be tijusl to tlio Inliii'- if i-piiilii.il life, (n (lie l.ik ot Hill Inllni -s .nni xioi wiiiili 1 Minnt lie IntI crept tlnniiitli loiin i Himimiiioii null (,oil .nul ,1 te.eli' oI.eiliiiKe In 111-, lioli will, " r.ike lii-il In tin ilmliine," .-.11. the .ipo-lli'. Ihi- nnplie-i, m inni-e, lint time lini-l In- 1III1 i;t nt -ttnlv oi (, mi's uiml, l'lr-miil inipiiiv i tim line ii.l- (oiiilitimi ol .ill linins iit.ti knn.il (ile nt tlic m liptine. W'e nrior 1.111 eieriiiii.c 111 0111 nun v,m, (lie full le'iieflt of iliiine tintli nnlis we know vlnt Mill (mill 1-. Smli knowl else 1- no mini' intnitne linn i-. die 1 nou l"il c n: 'l. 1111111 11, ni .nillmielii or if liiiloii, li. uce tn iilil.llll till-, kl!nuliil'0 01 till' lllltlll nl lelill- tion tin 1 1' niii-t lie ililiMiil -tiiilv nf (liu Hilile, wltii It innl.tln-. tlie-e Initio. 'linn, nij nil nl-, I in- (Ini-li.in iojii' uliiJi, lieioml .ill (illni., the .-pililuil woikit neuU 1-1 pilleiue. I'.nlenl (iinliniliiiio in well ilniiiu im'-' en I' lie (lie rini-lLin's liniKii .mil in. Kin e. line tiling wliiih will lielp ih tn inn liiMins Dili lily in ilnt.v 'n pnncr Im Mie 141ml. .imo .mil help, (lie liliinc .nul imntoil ot the lloli- -puir. ('oiitnnio (n pi.ij' iiulnlj', ( nine mini I" (lie llione 01 sure for litli In 11 iy lime of nenl. ur.u vim op oiu:pii:.m i:. 'Ihe 111! ml of nliC'iUcilLC tn ll.t-i- pns-liiti.-- iliii'illuii-. I-, tim-, epie-,-.eil: "In ilo in," Mil- thou ,-lnlt Imtli Mie Mom It .mil (llini (till lu'.lll Hue." Jloulitle.-. Hi w wiml-. .ipplv niOTt iliii'Cth' In tlio tiiieil liiimsln. VII will .iitieo tlnl it Ih i-i'i'.iil (nt the -11ir1lt1.il lile mil ii-etnlui'-t nf (lie mlni-lii to (ike heul In lilni-elf .mil In In-, iloilune, nml tn (outinne In (hem, lull In Ihe l.'lp -t .111,! (met mii-i' no one h le-,5 .1 iiiliiWIir (Inn .moth 1. 'I In, w.ml tutliUlnl nieili- In mill' .mil 111,-. lillnU. Iiy nl ileioiiL mill f.iltliml s-inire iniliiile-. oii'iy ilill'l of Mini, -.1 Hut tl-.i-ic is a iiie.-.lliioiI of Mil lilie ,n well us of tin ilt'icv, ' P11I1 1 no nt urn line .1 1I1 iiiilte -iiiiir 111 jour ikpiitment of Wnlk .111.1 .1011 .III lOII-iei.lflll In it .mil toi it ."!-. 1 1 lit .i- In wlin 1- iniiiiuonly 1 ill-.iI Ihi- nilnl-- tei. I'l.ulii.' ilu iiiiiinl-, nf tlit-. text in j'liu il.illy lile 1111III inn liiuiine .m r .11111 -t, f.iitliliil, illln tun .mil piijuful si'ii.iul of (luM, Thin U will lie uiun jmi ol ((oil In (.imv In suw .nni t 1 win -nul. tn ( Inhl, 'llu-ii ion-, he i-tioiii, .ml o KO'iil tnlllJe, 111 111 lolltillil.lllj (ml 01 1 lit .limn. l.mt inllnr--. tie.i-iiiiil up in I lul-r, linn tn lon-tl.ni. Jon, Hi ii'tMl In 1111.0 1011 im 11 ii-Iiiiiiiii-. ill'.lt, mil p illim,' (o 1 peoi (lie le'.i.iril whiili (I11I.I will .1.-111 1'illv sin- tn His woikliirf nml u.illinx-, lbs win him; .mil pi.11 in,- s.iiiiiu. ltiv 11 r. lingers Israel made a few lenuuks totiLhlng upon Ihe eaily labors of Ttev. Jonathan l.ous, the Kpiseopnl lan missionary, who organised the ('Inn eh of the nond Shepherd as well as St. Luke's. An unniveis.iry, he said, Is always a suit of "rounding up" of all the years and a peilod I'm' re llectlon on the great truth that largo things grow fiom small beginnings, The number of baptisms and coiillrnm Hous in Hie liiireh 111 (k li t be reiorded, he said, but there never could bo a 1 01 md kept of the indirect Inlluciico which the churih has had upon the lives of su many In lids elly. "Let nni uign you," said he In inn elusion, "in lesolve to lie more devot ed, earnest and faithful than ever be fnii'. Let me ask ou as a In other In Ihe Lord to go forwaid and hesltato mil, ri'iiiciuhcilUK that Hod's wink IllUril hiicienl." nu. .lo.N'ns' woisij.s Itcv Dr. .loueii pleaded brlelly for it levlv.il of Hue I'lnlbllan fellowship, the unity of iind with man, a fellow-, ship that Hi'.it li iiiuuot touch. lie urged IIiik-o prei-elit to cultivate, this iellmvhhlp in order that tlio tuturo lile of ihe church might bo luller. blunder ami botti'i. J lev, Ur, IhiucI elohcd the service wllh an expiessioii of tlio hlgli esteuin In which Itev. .Mr. llnlonian Is held by his brother clergymen ihiougliout the illocese. Them will be a levi'ptlon III the Sun day bihnol chapel between the liouis of i and 10 o'dock tonight, and lilshop Coleman will speak sit louioiTow inornlng'H service, itev. .Mr, Jlateman will preach tomorrow nltihb The Chutih of ihu flood Shepheid wi.s orgnuUed In ItsOS, by itev. Jona than Long, twelve persons being pres. ent. The Hist services were held-In the Delaware and Hudson station and In n pusi-enpei' car of that rallioud. The pail.sh was created on Nov. I'll, IU9, and Ihe iiiriii'i stone.of the ehuuel You Are Invited To Join OUR CIRCLE OP RLUASUD PATRONS S. H. Twining, Optician, 131 PENN AVENUE. was laid on Aug. nil. ISfiO. The church membership gradually grew until about nine years ago the present church piopertv on Ihe corner of (been Itldge stieet and Monncy nvc uue was aciiuhed. The following cleigymen have olTl clated ns lectins sine" the organiza tion of the chinch: Hex-. Jonathan Long, Itev. J. II. Millet, IloV. G. W. K. Tlsse, llov. if. W. Southwell, Itev. S. C. Thompson, ilev. J. P. Cameron, llev. William Case, Itev. Charles Hreek, Ilev. F. S. loillontlne and llev. F. 11. nnteman. Ot this number, llev. Mr. Hiillentine served for the longest per iod, eleven and u half years. The present lector took his place some two years and a half ago. souvenirjTfor the new england dinner They Ale Being Prepared by the Honesdale Glass Decorating Co. for Fifteenth Anniversary. "J. IL Fisher, secretary of the Now Kngland society of Northeastern Penn sylvania, was In town last week, mak ing arrangements with the Honesdale Glass Decorating company for the sou venirs of the fifteenth annual dinner of the soeict.x-." says the Jlonesdale Citi zen. "The company is the only one of ll.s kind in this country, and its work is of a high order of art. I). J. Dorfllngcr, who is a member of the society, has promised to do everything In his power to have Hie souvenir lendy on time and to have them fully up to the high standard of excellence of the Dorlllnffer work. "Quite 11 number of prominent Honesdaleis are members of tlio New England society, and each year an In creasing number of them Journey to Seranlon to attend the unnual dinner. This year, A. T. Henrle, esq., hns pro posed the names of four or live new members from Honesdale, Tlio speak ers at this fifteenth annual dinner to be held at Seranton, Friday ovenlng, December 20th, will all be men of high reputation as after dinner speakers, so that a good time Is assured till around. The attend. into will probably test the capacity of the Hoard of Trade hall to its utmost." This year's dinner of the society will b- the fifteenth annual and to suit ably honor the occasion unusually ela borate pieparatlons for it are being made. The speakers nheady selected are Dr. Twiteholl of Yale, Hon. V. U. Hens-el of Lancaster and Attorney Harry A. Fuller of Wilkes-Haue. MRS. ARTHUR D. DEAN. I'm 'Ihe '1111111110. Tlio ile.itli, on Nni. 2 1, uf M.S. Aillnit 11. bom, it lur home in M'.iirrl.v, itmoieil tiom tlnl loin miinilj' ore of the lieii known .mil host loieil niimlni-. Nillio M--011 IV ill w.is the i.nlv ihushlir 01 (he IjIo Vnin'il ll.nk Si-son .mil I-jln'l (iiii'ii si--. She W.1-, horn a, l.a Plume, in till- lounlj, .M.iv 37, iDill. 1I1 r lailv oilue.i-tit-11 w.is nlitiiinoil ill llir public sihoul nou l.ei home, .mil unions hir fli-l liMiher- w.is Mi. .Vi dua' DiMti, wlin .11I1 111, ml liccimo hu- hinliiiil. llir iilutntioii w.is ioiiiiliteil nt lieistmie . nl unj, thin mi'li 1 tlio piincii'.ilslilp of Kei. 111. luliu lloivjiil U.iiti-, luw picsiilont ol Iluel.'iell uiiIki.-II.v. lino .il-o the icrmril li.llnini,' in um-Ie, 101- whiili slio Im) .1 iiiltit.il nptiluilo .ind tonilni's-, inln lik'il (mm hei fjihu. In eni'lv life she uuiliil with Ihe lliptt-l ilmr'ii .lL l'.utoijiillo, linilci' the nilnlstij ol I!ev. V. .1. I'lirm.iii. At the lime ot her ili.illi nml loi mini je.irs pinion- .she win ,1 number of tlio Ahlnijton ll,ipll-t iluinli of W.neilj, whcio her ron-ieritul llirii-liin lite ami dciolioii to oury brnnih of (ho .Mislei's Miiko (Oiiini toil Willi the work of lir (I11111I1 will loin.' lie it mcniliiiTtl. On Miv 11, l-ij, j,he wii unitiil !n manlike In Aillnii' II. Pe.111, of Si-i.iiiton. ami iinio.i'il with him (n flitin IEIiIsi , where their lll-t I101 le w.is is ilili-lit'il. Hue lupin tl.c lieiuliful linnic lile uliltli to (lie ihy of lur ile.-ith rfiillnut'il to he (lie ailimi.-itioii nt ,1 host of (ueuiN. Hen' (lie (list o theif (hihliMi w,u lmiii, nml in thii home 1 .nni- t,e .nlllilinii .mil miiiiiiv tlnl v.ouhl line i lii-lii t anil ilislio.ieil (he lioit-n of niiny J 11(0. lull whiili In her 1 ,i-e only ,-irit'il to ijculnp I101 n.itui.illy i-lionu' Lliiistian 1h.11. liter .mil In Ins' inln iiiuuiiuiiiie Ihe nulile 1 1 .1 11--. tint t'liili'.iri'il I cr tn .ill wlin ciiiio in nml lit xiith hei' life. In August, li"?.;, whin a lnnle nt hut j li"le luoie t ti 111 llui'o lllnlilii-, she w.is stliiktll with lor'-(-titlll nf the .-iliio .mil for .1 tinie w.ts ion ihiul iiiliuly hilplis.. I ml. r the tie.iluiiut ot 111. lie in .nni nllief Sii.intou ph.isl1.111n, .md cl Pi. .Mill-, 11 spirlili-t I10111 I'lill.ulelpliii, she H Kiiliul Mil u-e nf lur lioiiv, anil lain w.is t.ikiu In PliikiilolphU ami pin oil mulei- tlio (in- of I).'. S, Weir Mln In II, (he le.iillnu expert In uon'mio ili-e.t-i s. rmior hi. ,llllul lie.iinicnt lu'r Kein mil li. .lit 1 1 w.is ii-.-loii'il, hut it neicr ni'iitilttc'il lur In m ill; nnjin. Of Ihe weeks .mil mniilhs in which it si.liltullv 1 tot .inn- kiiouu In uui II it ml Hut .ill the meiii-, that Inie toiilil Missest anil Hie Ml of (he host ihjfli kins I'M'iuliil weie to lie tin i.i I1iilt .'ml (lull lliiniifnilh the cnllii.11.1 .icliillles 01 life niio In ho ih niul In 1, im 1111.1 not wiitc Mint ti.iu-plicil (Inn is I. nou 11 only In Moil nml her. H'll, lint lioni tlul deiy lti.il tlu'ie- eiiiirucil ,1 life of i.nc Iii-juI). .1 t-iiliil In .no .111,1 lulpfiil. Hut louhl In-11 not 011I1 its nun Intuitu-:, lull fiirnl-li hlienlh ami u.n.foit in llui-e lux luir ,iuv milou ; ,1 ileli'iniinilioii Hut ln- .illlietlmi f-lioill' I not 1111111 rrasirily ilrnul tlio lues ol hei lili'iiil.s, .nni that li'i-toui of being .1 biuilen In otlieis t-lio would lie theli lulpir. As the 11JH n--iil on .mil iiIiihi 1 .111.0 tt bless lur home .1 ml uljililm In 1 lienil, (loin l.or 1 11.1 1 r -he ilni 1 (til the .iiliiilim of hor tannin-, liiiiuihol'l, enlirlli,', .is only ,1 line mother 0411, Inln he I lira ot lior iliiMuu, licr--ilf iupnili.iir I hell' nlil.'.llloii .mil U'l lili'lllis Hiiic In lUti 11 In Ihi'Ii dial-, ami Iiy liei 111-e louiird ami in-t-pliiii-f r.iinpli' 1111I.1 i-.islrr the u iy of ntlien. .So niio ill mtriuw in tiouhle evi'i ijuie into ler lire's mo or r-ou-'hl hei ,ili Inn (.11110 ,iu.i, nun. fnrtiil ami iliciiKHuuul .uui ln.Uu' Im h.uln.s' knn-iii Iici, MI1II0 a i-tiiimh luittui in lite iIodnuo- of lur nun 1 linn li, lur lllislull MIS l'i (1,0 kluti tint mull not be lonliiiul iiy tiom iiiliijtlon it lino,-, Iici lnoad iliarily '.new nu fri'ul. Ml l laiillaiis were Iter blind-, nii'l rlio li mouuieil -illko by all, she ui-, 1 nihil In her reujiil Momlav, .Nov, ;.', I'm), t-ho u ciitiiiul by tier liuiluinl .ni-l li'io ihllilitii: Can ill SUsun, Itiisi-olt, Jjui-.1 lu. lis, Mlii.im balid ami Sidle (.allicriue, the Utter belli Nni. '.'.', WI, .nni hj lui inolln'i, Mli-. U hei (incii Sia.nn, of I'ailoiiiill,', ami Iwn l.ioih u., IUkmi' Allui slssoii, oi I'.iililla, Waihiuut-m, ami (koiite SI-oii, of racloijiillc, lint luneul n'riki's wue luM en M'i'iueiliy at Im kite homo a ti' I were .iltuidcil by a knee iniui Iici of friends. The teixlicn wne in cliaiso of lln. M'. 1 I lark, lur iuloi, who was a.-UI by Itev, M. S. (ioiMull, of Ilu- Mi'llK-dM iluinli. M11.-I1 .ipptoiiriatc to (lie 01 1 a. Ion wa bi.uililullj' iiiiilvicil hj' 11 dmli innislliu of lb. .aid Hit IV. . Man hen 1, Jlbi Vllio Nmlliiip, Ml Chii'lliie Mittlnuton ami I'wli'.s.oi' II. )'. riio.il' ns, ot I'jiloijillle. 'Il.o pdl'l'tMii'is wiiei 1'. I'. Pai i.l-on, 1 1 .suMiiUu; f. II. U ll-on. nl bin' lijiitlou; W. I. Ualh, of I'iiiliililpiti-li I', t, 1 1 jni on ami A, II. I'oulf., if Wuiirl.i, and 1', II, Wall.', of (ileiilniin. Ihu liiluiiint was nude at llkkoiy (iiuiu (uni'lcij, MjiciIj. Ladles' Rubb-sis ut low p; Ices at Mahon'-J shoe stoic, T.'S Luckawuuiiu avenue. POSITION OF THEJOMPANY OUTLINED IN A STATEMENT FROM MR. CLARK. Speaking for Board of Directors He Says the Policy Pursued Is the One the Company Must Continue to Pursue Two Mole ox-StrlkeiB Arc to Go Out on the Cars Today. Night Service on the Piovidence Line Strikers Ate Undaunted by the Desertions. First Vice-President !:. V. Clark Jr.. of the Seranton Hallway company, who Is the acting head ot thai corpora tion, came up from Philadelphia yes terday and gave out the following statement: To Ihe l'ul Iii! It M-cniH piopei al (his time Hut Ike seranton Itnllivny loinpany houhl li-siie tn Hie proplo of i-cT.inton a Dlitcinvnt of its policy in reR.trd to Iho ultlku nml bnjeolt tn Its iidcni. 1 lie li'iir-i wlilrli litoiiKlit iiiiout the ptestnl Iroiililc ifitin niinietl .it the teiniiiiatloii ol (he clilkc last .l.inu.-irj-, wlicti .1 -.miti.iet i.Ms fiibred into by the loinp.lliv Willi (tie assnckidoii of ill elm plojes, vuiciliirr noalf! of xvascs, honis and lo.idb Huns of emnli'Mncnt. It iin-i appirent In Hie ooinpttiv f.oon .ifln Hie evolution of Hits am cement Hut It would bo im possible for it lo oin.ralc Its MMli'iii ami at Hie .line time enfotce lh iil-r Ipllnc ali-mlutely liens nry lr in-lit n .1 piopir ntlitude nl lie iiniloxex In the Ir.iU'lliiK pulilli. liisiiliorditullon, lau'lisi ness and 11 want of piopei .iltcntloii In Iho .oun loit nf paisin-ru.s inciuiseil tiolalili', and Hie limitations ol iniiduc(oi nolo Ihe Killijee1 of iri'qmnt cniiuneiit by pal loin of (he 1011I. In 11 iiunilirr of Insluue-i uliiti ilbilpllne w-ii infor'od Hie issoiiatlou ilemandul the lcinslnlement of the nflcmliTi, Hiiealcniii-r .1 sdlku unless Hits was (lone. Jinny 1-sues not loicieil by the nBieeinciit weie lonicded to the i-ii;.iul':alioit fiom time to time in the inleiesla of li.iunom, until Osl. J, whin a culmination x.Ms lonJied I'V Hie aitiou of out men in Mrikln-.' 1101k, oil ucrount of lln ill-th.irge of two nn.11 tor tau-es which xx'ere ilis tinitly piovldeil foi in Hie rontiul The public is inllrely tjinillir Willi the differ ent pli.n-c-i of the stilko up (o Hie pi('cnl (Imo, and the company liai ncxei du luted fiom Its rolii.v iiiaiiKUialod at (lie couimriirimciit of tlio Iroubli', (1) continue lo oprralo Jls road. At pn ent lull seiilee Is being rIicii on eieiy lino 111 the city ami the company lias no (rouble in ec'iuing capable men (o opciato 11" cats, and now- lias In its employ 11 Inrse number nf (onipc lent niotoiineu and lonilinlow. It will li-; 0111 policy b continue to employ pood men until oui cuitit 1 is full, nml it is a matter ot lesret (11 tii" iii.iinaonicnt of tin' -.omujny that .1 luge iiu-ii-lief ot our old cinplojes, wlioin ve k'low lo be honest and capable men, flioultl bo re-lialned fiom 101111111111!: (0 nuik by .1 couipaialivdj nuall nnm Ikm of nun who eonliol their union. 'Die boirolt whiili lias been dcdtied aKUiiisl the i-trn't railway toiiipiny U Ihe most heiiou" phase nf Hie piesent situition, arid relleils to ,111 tun luge! extent on (he liusineB3 interc-,1, ol tlio ii(y of Seranton than mi the crimp my. t lit- liojiutt was inaiisuiatril m ouki to intone lue Sfianlon Hallway company to employ (he mem beis of Hie union of our old eiuploies, under terms ami condition-; that are not acceded 10 Iiy nil)" -licet lallwaj- company in the stale. The experience! of lids lompan.v, nailer the rontl.tct 111 fone iluiin-r Hie first nine months of this jeir, liaie been Midi tint v.c line ah-nlulely teitised tn be a nt;.- (o another aKrccineiil, ami hhall in Ihe fubiie le-me lo oinsclics (lie absolute rnrht to ploj and to illsil,aii;e men foi iea-oii.s uhl li semi nod ami iiiitlicient to the iianiftrmcnl. It his beiti fussested Hut the lomp.inv .isi"e to lake the men link in a bodi, nccre-itadng (lie tlisdiainc of all (he men at jire-rnt in our 1111 plo.v. 'Jhis up liaie abo icfiu-ed to do ami nlnll iiuiu (lioni in Hieii pie-nit iiosilloas as Ions; as Ihoj' continue tr, -.me the imiipinv I illlifully and rlesiie tn remain in its t-eniip. We aie u ill ins ' 'ake back al mini- of our former rinploje-i ns are suitable men ami foe xiliom ve li.i.'e pku es. 'flie rumpiny is not pngaRed in a wjiluo upon nijranized libor ami does not (Imv Hip liuht of its emplojes lo bdotic to a labor niiranUation, Tlie-e uiatlers hill' been Bhen most n'lioua cuiisiili'iation liv the duectors of (ho (onipnii, anil tliej- iiuaninioiisly .miee dial (heir diei-ijii is Insi'il m bound bu-inc-.s pnniiplcs and tint it is the null' position ih.il can be maintained h' the complin In jit-tiie lo the public, il- iiiiit"ic.. and its -oi khoblers. -uanton lliiluai (oiiipaui. I'.y I.'. V. (Ink. .b., ViiC'I'iCsideiit. Mr. Clink s-penl the afternoon and eaily evening with General Manager Silllman and Directots Timothy and John llurke. He hud nothing to say for publication further than what was con tained in the company's statement. At 0 o'clock hist night President P. J. Shea and ISxeeutlve Board Member Fred Surlne railed at the .Termyn and sent their names to Mr. Silllninn's room. Their cards were returned with the statement that Mr. Sillimnn was out. When seen later President Shea declined to discuss the object of their call. Of tlio strikers who have applied for reinstatement, t;lx more were yester day given places by Superintendent Patterson. Two of their number, A. M. Phlnney and Kmll .Mason will start to work today on the Green Itldge su burban line. Others will be put lo wink tomonow and -still others on Monday. Charles Keller, a member of the union, who It will be remembered, refused to Join In the former strike, resigned at yesterday's meeting and applied to the company for reinstate ment. Providence cais aie now being run until 10 o'clock p. in., the last ear leav ing the central city at fl o'clock. Su perintendent Patterson says the ser vice will thus he gradually extended until the ears on all the lines are run ning ns of old, The executive board of Iho strikers gave out 11 statement last night reiter ating the .statement of the previous night that the light would bo carried on to a finish, and that the deserters limn the strikers' ranks only tended to strnuKtheu their cause, as It weeds out men who weie u detriment to the union, and who will do the strikers' cause less harm by being on the cms than lu the ranks of the union. Messrs. Mcaiitr.igh, Collins, War man and Campbell, of the siib-eonunlt-tcc, engaged 111 elideavoilng to effect a settlement ot the strike had another i session ycbterdny, It Is understood they are trying to nrrango n comer elico between Vlee-PrortldmU Cl.ivk of the trolley company and National President Mahon. of the street railway men's union, who will bo hero next week to attend the Aineilcau Federa tion of Labor convention, FUNERAL OF MRS. HANAWAY, Solemn High Mass of Requiem in St. Peter's Cathedml. The fuuerul of Mrs, 11, A. Hunuwiiy took plneo yesterday morning tiain her Into residence, on Vino street, and was attended by hundreds of friends of the deceased, who were present to pay their last tribute of icsnett lo one whom In life they hud known .nd respected. Tlio renialns restol In n beautltul casket, surroundel by -i nut profusion of beautiful Moral olYoriDEs-. After .ho rflliilions and ti lends had viewed tin. cmi'i,,is they were taken to St. Peter's cathedral, where a boleinn high muss of requiem was celebrated by Hew J. J. Grimn. Itev. J. A. O'Reilly was deacon, and llev, li, K, MHmmmmfflwimmwtti CUT GLASS liach year Cut Glass Is coming moie and more Into favor mid general use. Last year we had a splendid Cut Glass trade. The connoisseur will find a line that is sur passed nowhere and there Is not another house in the country that can sell similar goods for less money. iS-inch Dishes, each $,1.50 Tumblers, per dozen 2.50 Deep Horry Bowls, each VvVtv&i is Gen V Millar VJCU. . XTJlIllCtl fymmmwmmmmmmwwm USEFUL AND LlirifofflikfWjJWiISP prettily lined and and covered, and an ornament to any room. We invite you to come and inspect one of 'them. Prices from $7.oo up. SCRflNTON BEDDING CO., F. fl. Kaiser, Mgr Lackawanna and Adams Aves. Both 'Phones. F.LCRANE Established 1866. Seal Skin Coals $150, $17 $200, $2'5, S250. Persian Lamb Coals $70, $100. $125, $150. Furs of All Kinds Furs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building;, 324 Established 1866. AUCTIONS SALE JAPANESE We have moved our magnificent stock Japanese Art GooilS from Atlantic City as the building formeily occupied by us is being torn down to make 100m for a handsome new stiucttire. Beginning Monday morning we will auction off our entire stock to the lowest bidder. Sales will begin at 10:30 a. m., 3:30 p. ni. andS p. m. Vou are always welcome to examine our stock. Shimamura & Co 201 Washington Avenue. Santa Store As usual, Sunta Glaus has made this store the store-house for his Holiday Stock. We have gathered together for him the greatest and most varied stock of TOYS ever seen here. Big Toys, Little Toys Toys of Every Description Are now on exhibition here, and all are invited to come and enjoy the show. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. Si SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. every NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scj'ttutou Branch OBlce, Nos. I and 3, Arcade Buildiug. O'llyrne, sub-deacon Interment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. The pall-beareib weie ,, J, Cn-ey, , -4. 00 Al & Co. wjomm atmm t. WV W,k.l;U Loak Around. ORNAMENTAL. Why lung -our fine sum mer hats and gowns in a place where the moths rnayget at them? Let us malce you a "Box Couch" with separate compartments for hats, waists and shirts. It is very beautilul. H. D. CRANE After the mostsucccessful season on suits that we have ever had, we now offer on all our $10.00 1(1 $18-00 Suits a reduction 10 per CCUt. This means that vou cat buy a good suit made as perfect a' is possible for very little money. We have all sizes and colors, some at $14.00 all silk lined. Thif is a very good opportunity. Take Elevator. New Building. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Lackawanna Ave Take Elevator. OF GOODS ART Cla House Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the loiif list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and profession. ,, o , .. .. ,. ., . , .. lUVStRAUl) C.U.UOOiVf if. c The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., J, t'nsey, D. J. Campbell, 1'. J, HoiuiJ Henry Collins. James I'lemmlng, JJ1I lam Kelly and J, H tiiillnglnr, '