The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 30, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    7 '-'
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The News of
Dclawnte and Hint turn Ralhond.
I line II, 1WI,
lunu lean- L ul)onlilp it " nation .11
'"i'or'mntin mul Wllkc-tlinr-ii 0,1, T ;l, S 00.
lull. 1(1 Ul. 1121 1 "Li '"I". M. -'M' Jul,
OlW, 7.00, 1(1 HI 10 ul p. III. ,
"un.ln tnlin lciu .it S X II HI 1 w ! ' '.
!!. Ill, 0 CO. ll p. m. .... v
In Mima, MMtom. Monlidl. llotton, Vw
lliicliilnl h.iI, etc., 7.00 n. Ill I Ml I'. I
('loll.1 ) . . , ,
I'm l.ikp Lotions Niuniiil mul lloncilile,
', '.', II in i in i l "I, n lip. in.
NllllllV IllltH ll P l.ll-i ll'ilnH". Vliuintt
mul Hoticiiiip n( !i"w ii. in ; I.: I'. I ' p. m.
"Iralm niihc ul Uiilmnilile hum ItKr IJuic
iimI suiiIdii ,h f.)ll.i: ( 111, .'IT, (l .11. WW
u 111 ! U'17, L im. il.'!l, I 2'', II OS 7.01, SsJI, Wot,
Jl.i" p in ! l,i" I 11. in. ,
-lllirl It llllll- lllhl (It 1 IT il III. IJ.I0, ." il,
I .'. (UP, II III p III , ,
nm,Ii) Irilni (in Hi il iiliomldc limn
1 iiln, iwiijiI dint llotu 'ililc nl 1-U". (M
mul 7 1" p 111
New Yoik, Ontailo uud Western.
Mpl. 17, I'Ul.
Iiifn. li i ' ( nliunilili' Iji s,riiitiui it 7'' 1
in.. I ("I p in
mi In n ihii 'il 7.IHI 1 in : lino l in
IllltH ll l, ( lllmtillli in point- 1101 lil nl
11 Hi 1 in iln Nimln nl 'i Pi n I" I 'in1'
limliu it II 10 .1. in (! il"' "i" '" ' '"
Nimlix nuke uiiiiiitli in lui Sim Voi!, (one
ill, ik.
1 1 lino iiihp from srmlnii tit II W a 111 " "
1 111 . fmm pnliiN tioilli, I no P to " ls
fioui ( inlnn nl 'i 10 11 111. .m I 7 1, p 111.
inin I uoh nl (.Hi, p 111
Eile Rnihoiul.
Illlll CI. PHlI
ll.lll. li nn (lit lltltll, tlliotlill't. 'IJI
iiXiilt "llli II) lit 7.IHI 1 III Hid I .1 P III 1"!
Hi unit .mil Mnruli, 11I ' II 11 111. 1 ill t (in
1 plliv 'umliD, tin IlinsliiiLitnii, 11 1U 11 n
iipiIihh Pi Sti uik i!H tliil llnirilo. iml 11
1 I" p in lm- 'iiiwliiiini. inn' iiiK 11 liii"i ii nil
f 1 Ml 'lllll 1 ollll"
"iiuitit 11 mix it 'i I , j 111 fni 1 iiiu li 111111
wlili vmMiiii i iiiii lIIti-, mil i -'7 p. 111. i.iili
x me 1 1 inn 1 tlniix
1 1 lini irilp it s . 1 11 mil 1 I 1 11 lit.
VunlHi ,n , 1 in
In an Earnest Adthess Deliveied in
the Giand Opeia House the Gieat
Welsh Labor leader Urges the
Men ot the Mines to Form Boauls
of Conciliation to Eediess Theii
Wiongb Hon. S. S. Jones. Hon.
James J. O'Neill, Piesident Judge
Edwaids and Di. H. J. Whnlen
Make Biief Addi esses.
J Iui Willi. 1111 Alii. 1I1 1111- tin' isiimI
Welsh l.iljoi li'.ulci, tlio bcloM'il uiur
"ontatlve il tlii' Wi'Nli niiiioi" in tin
llililsli ii.ii 11. uncut, wliu is eniK'.neil
riiiion,',' his lollows In tin- title of "M.i
lion" "son ol his lohiUi" spoUt' List
nllit tn the t'nitcil lliiii? WoiUeis of
I'.ll 1)011(1. ill-
Thu Morim wi.ithn inlllintoil .iK.ilu'-t
1liu .ittenil men .mil Kept in.tnv .1 miner
Hum iittt'iiilin,?, whose home was on
the olllsUiits and who would hae hail
to tliKlRe tlnoiiRh Miow and cold to
li'.ali tlie i tI imil opei.i house to hear
Ihe nutt'l iipit'entatlM1 anil lead, 1 ot
lilh own people The niiueis ami olheis,
n numhei of llicin nioniiiieiit litiens,
liicich. mts, men, and the
like, weie iispirnl with enthusiasm,
nml as .Indue IMwaul1? aiitlj iNiuv-(il
It. tlie amlicnie, like .Mlllnu's. thotiyh
lew, was Pt.
"Malum," when intioilnieil by Hon. S.
! .limes, the 1 lntifiiian ol the evening,
was lnudlv appl Hided and iliieuil
when he lett his -, at and e ime doun
the staj,e to (iinimenie his talk to the
men 01 the mine, who wue e.iK(.'i t"
heat li's wie 1 ounsel ol the matteis
Unit wcie thelt situation 11' sons ot
The pith ol -Nil. Ahiali.lins' talk was
the 101 million ot bonds of lonclllatlon
to i(dii"-s then wiongs, und he iukciI,
1 1 It einiilinsis ami tone, that the
minds liKht for thai icenmiltion that
would lniiiK aboui un eiiu.ilily belweui
them and theii emplojets. that by
niietiiiff as mm to man tlu iiuild tiue
the "swoid ot leison" and "1 anuon
balls ot iiimmon-scnsu" to settle theii
disputes and ledums their Kiltvatliis.
In his pielace to tlie .iiKumont (il hlH
talk, lie aliiimeil nu taii-miiiiled
man would 01 iiuild deny that the aims
and objects of the united inineiH jlisti
Heil tlie 1. ipse nt their .".interne. These
leipiests, he does not like the wind de
mand, weie, shnplv. wanes,
it liws lor tlie saft KimidhiK ot theii
llis while at woik and the loinmtion
ot boauls of 1.011' Illation and aibltra
tion lie lipiiilliited the sufwstlon,
illppautly oiieied, tliat the law ol hup
ply and demand would lOKtlluto the
m.ittpr (if ..lines'. Too often the law of
supplv mil demand put the sinew and
bluoil of the woiMiitfiimn on ihe lor,
lew 1 ol nieuhamlli-e Whin lite wotk
Incmair.i llle was 1 ontlnually endau
Kirnl b his toil, it would be uud lo
lank it an meiiiiaiidlse. I ly wukos, he
iiieant Hint portion wlikh would not
onl allow tlie niiueis 10 toed and
1 lollie ami pioxlde a di 1 enl habllalfnii.
but allow I1I111 stiltlileiil to lav aside foi
ills silppinl lor tlie davH that he would
no IniiKi'l' be 11 die to nil 11 b.v llis dully
swe it.
To f;et tlltse demands we Ihld that
iiiettiil.itlun is neeoMMiyj not thai all
Hiipld.seis ate tytauls, tm they mo
not, lint it In to biliiK hi Hue tlie Indlf
leieiiL employer, that lm may be placed
atollK'-lde of the liable Oiupioyets nlin
h.i i' alwas teiojjnUed the 1 lj,'lit! of
llicli woikmui
At thlfi Jtliiflllti , Mi. Abialiatun
di Iwd ilttu the Pitli ol hW tali., the fet
1 lenient at indiistual tumlili'ii l eui
1 Illation, and tl lint 1 olieiliutioi), .11 !u
tialiotl, lait lievei by tlie 1 1 tit I loil-out
in tlio toollsh Htiiki
The si cat tltlMs ul tiio iMpltall.-.!.- ol
lids 011111 1 y aie fin inlnt,' lia- no iV.n
foi' illlll, lie lOllllnued, for tiles. Would
Kiwi the wniUlueii all Hie nioie teiisou
lo bi'ioini' sMiomjci and liliet them on
i"iial kiouihI; that tlieso Runt nrsaiiU
ations of 'apltnl would Und that ihtlr
lopustMiiaiUe.-. would meet with the.
r''i'n.'senlatii'H ot tlio workmen and by
aid of tlio Hwonl of if.iMiti and annon
balls of coiuniou minse, ttndeintand llio
Uoiililes and mottles tliem wltliutti ie.
soil lo Ilia iritel law of intaliatlun,
Tliem mo two hide.1 to evei y illo.
Hou, uud this Is till thru lie would .iHk
of Inn iji wit capitalists that they
would iocokiiIhu tlio llKllt of the mk
men to show llit'lr bide, of tlio ijiioh.
lion to Hunt aiotiud tlio tulilo and, as
limn to man, talk owr their tiotibUs,
Hilt tlmni, loiulllate them and settle
Ho uiged upon tlio mini t lo follow
tltu thai the. inliitu'tf of V.ilerf
adopt and liavo lollow-ed for twenty.
tlitcu yeais witli out u ajnyle stilke, 11
Ja not that they do not have b;vv
nnci'sj they have them, hut 60iiH'tlincF
these ate not s) levtint-ef , tliey .ue
nothing, n i Is determined wlicii the men
come tOKether In the boauls of ion
dilation, llut this Is tlie only way ol
dplPiiitlnliif,' niul settlliiK What ato, or
appuar to be, dlfloiPlHe".
Alt linpoitiuil eonldoiallon iii Hie
liinRUitKc whleli the Illinois uhoiild wo
wlion lircx'iUliiK tltelr reqlieHli, Ap
piaat'li, lie Hiild, In 11 lespet'tful wO !
bo Kcntlompii; life no, but de
pend upon pcisuaslvu loinaiUw to btltiK
about Mitir einployerH to join way of
looUliiK at your ttottblcs; thru ymi will
Had that you will be met half way. If
not more than half wn.
Mr. AhiahnlllH legtclted Unit he did
not see. tunic of an eiiuallty in tills
country between the collleiy ownci and
the collleiy (Miiplnye, und tie .shiti'ply 10
bllked the foi nie't for ills Imdsli nee ill
keephiK away fioui lila men and shut
tliifr his eyes to tlie lecoirnlllon of their
ilphK Tills rei ignition wan one of tlie
ptlliulple IhlllKH to be fotlKht for by
nu ans ol oiKimlatlon.
He was Kind to liotbe how tills nues
tlon ol iiipltal and labor was piomln
ent In the seimous of lite p.i'lois in
llielr ThnulisKlvIni; day utteiauees. He
also noted the feeling or rear that tun
UiioiiKh them nil in to the lesttlts of
tlie ImikiiIii that was to bo stunk next
Apill between the antliinilte mine
owneis and their workmen. Theie
seemed to be something In tin M'l.V
Kiound. but, said he, with vehemence
"it will be the fault or tlie i.ipltalists
ll they to ietoKlile tlie lights
or Ihe mlnets lo .show tliem that thev
h.ito Kiieanees that seem to need
Uiiu doctor ol divlnitv, lie 1 iintintied.
ctltklscs us seW'lely because we sav
we hate iIhIUk us woikiiumien. As to
the pi cent stilke in Hi 1 anion 1 think
it 0111,'hl to be setllcd 111 a dnv. Plob
iihlv the eatlse of the stilke Is not lust,
ot tliat I (.iiiuot s,iy, but theie is no
leuson wlty these p 11 Ills mold not
mc-l with e.iill otllei. I liate the boy
tott ns hud as ant man 1 an, but I
el. dm the ilfjht of the woikltiKiniin lo
dileiul the iIrIUs of ItN w h!( it Ihis
doc I or would din This man 'sijs
that idleis liuw' no limits lo lite, but
he i-. not speakillf? ol idleis; lie Is
speaking of woikeio. The allem itlte
that he olfeis i-, that It ott don't i.ue
to woik foi il man .ton hate the iIkIiI
ol libel lv .mil 1 all so wllfle ton pli ase
to woik, but wliit about the blai U list.'
What is a man to do when he leaws
one man's emplowneiil and his name
is h iniled munil t' other unploteis
so as to denv him the liKht to woik.
Wheie is Ihe lllKii.t" As well take a
111. m out Into the mean, pull tile bond
liiini undei I1I111 and tell him lo walk:
that he is now at libfil.t.
In 1 out Hision. he lenewid his lotinsel
to the niiueis to unite loi the toi illa
tion ol boauls ol louciliation whnli
would le'iiote tin ll tumble.
l'lloi to "Al.tbon's" talk, slim t ,n
diesses weie made by Hon. ,1, .1.
0 Noill. I'.et Ul H. .1. Wli ilui and
I'tesidcnt .Ittiitte IMwatiN
On the st.n,e, beside the-e weie
J'ostniiistei .John H. Thomas and i:. D.
I.athiopL'. In a bo weie Alawir Kil
palilik and lieniv Collins ol the na
tional enutle bond ot llle Tailed
Mine Woikets
The M07.U t band plajed situal '0
Icctions and at the end ot his addtess
"Mabon" led his count iMiieil in the
audienie in singlm; the national song
01 W.ili"
One of the Most Hemaikable Gathei
ings in the City's Histoiy Father,
Mothei, Seven Sons and Thiee
Daughteis, All Enjoying Good
The most lemaikable l.miilv L,athei
Intf at a Tli.iuksgUini; da illinui, ol
whleli we hae anv knowli dKi'.was tliat
luld Thin day. at Hie home of All. and
Mi- W. I l.eonaid, Xo. MJ liUer
stu t Theii names lollow
Mi. and Mis. llimh Mi Comb, ol 1
(i.tiheld ateiuie: John AlcComb, ol .'I
Ci.u Held atomic Hittih MeComb, jr., of
Philadelphia; lames Mi Comb, ol Phila
delphia; David McCoinb. ot Sciaiiton,
Pa.: lleiuy Mi Comb, or Hiooklt'u, X
Y,; Kdwaul MeComb, ol Clementon, X.
.1.; Kiank 12. Mi Comb, ot Sct.mlon, Pn ,
IJie M( Comb (.Mts, Di K .1. Plette).
ol Heildmer, X. Y.. Henilottn Jle
Conib (Mis W. I. l.eonaid). of,.' Ultir
.stleet, sl.ll.ili All Comb (.MlH C. J.,.
Duty), ol Xew Yoi k iit..
A tnnilly of tweUe, composed of
lather, mothei, seten sous and tin 00
dauslitets, all in good liealth ami ater
iiKlnu; in aae IS eais, was gatheieil
aioimd a table sumptuously pi opined
lot the 01 1 aslon, while at ,n ndlnlnliiR
table weie seatid the wites, husband,''
and ihilduti or tlie bo.ts and sit Is of
the Mi Comb latnily.
Ml. and Alls. Illicit Mi Comb tamo
lioiit New York city lo Caihondale in
lS'iii, and toi lilts -one .tents 0111 illy
haa been theii home, .lohn JliConib
w,m hoi 11 in Xew York ii. The otlici
nine ihllilten lltst saw the IIkIu ol da.
in f.ubouilulo, Iwo 01 whoin ueie hoi 11
In a dwellimr whldi stood on the site
of ,1. P l!e nolds' beautiful home on
W.wmilny stteel, and Ihe ,stu icediiiR
seven in tlie old now deslK
ualed iiH -I Cailleld avenue
Tills lamily lias laid but Utile sit k
ness, nml piesents nn uubioken tioin,
llaelt meiubei at Ibis Utile beats Hip
ImiMiMs of ,i Ikoioiis 1 (institution,
H ifli one Is loinelj in appeatanee, 1 11111-
loitable in 1 IlLUlllstitllies, niul bliijllt
in inttdlei I
Willie ihe fainllv has liad Its .tummi
Kiitlietiilij tor tlw deiailes, this Is Hie
tlisl time in tlillt.N-oue .seal's sslten tlie
whole. do.:eit liawi .-it down loKelln 1 ul
the same liunnui'ilujr ho ml nt the same
When the ihlldioii asfseinbled on
Tluusda it s,is an Intnesilutr slRlit
to nhaeive the anluiatloii, tlsailty and
deliKlit ileiiieteil oil eaeli 1 ouuluiiaui ('.
and Hie ,io,soiis satistaciiou of Hie p,n.
etits as thi'V (onteiinilated llteli pin-K-'lie.
Miss Ik at Hit Mt Comb, aed 11 yeais,
invoked tlio dilu blOhslnji nt diunei
uud supper It is needles.-, to paiticu
lailv.e ui'tiioi: k tlio meiiu piovliled bv
Mis. 1.. opuid. Tim lamily tesiilled lis
apj li ( iatlon of her akill and (aslo by
doitie, mil jIHtlee to the piodtats ot
liei offoitH, Mr, James Mi Comb ailed
us tinjtuia.stei ilu was n.tul to the
mi anion and it)i'ily iua:viy:ed in do
the liumns In u manner to make iln,
event a led-lettei day in tlie riimd.s
iluonoloB'y, .li 1', I!. "MeComb deltly
handled tlie umliij. knife, .mil Mr
John MiConili assisted tltu other mcni
Ilea s of llio liiuiily In I hell oiatoilcal
.-sos'i'ial of Hie ua inin is 01 tliif f.unlb,
who ciiuio liuiu iibioad to sltato In tile
jtlbilatlus jov of tlio occasion, will le.
main in tlio city tor u tesv d.i.s, tenuw
hiK ucitialuttmcf und tilt'iidshlp of
eaillir (lays.
Last Night'B Concert.
i Tlie eomeit sis en (n thr Urean
llaptlst ohtiirh last night foi the ben
efit of llio Methodist chtlteh wti4 the
splendid success that tlie eotitse and
the ilToits or the lnoniotem and jmt'
tlclimiitH met lied, Seldom befoto wcto
so ninny attlsts lteaid In such it popu
lar pioKtiimnie und the cnJonient sstts
all and 111010 than was anticipated.
The nltillmici' fell Krateful (o the pro
mote! s of the cuteipilse and were Kind
oC the oppoi utility to it Id the chinch.
Postmaster Tltoinns Has Been Au
thorized to Receive Subscilptions.
Postmaster John It. Thomas has been
minimized bv tlio National Meinoiinl
association lo ice else subset Ipllons to
the fund lor the inoposed monument,
to be elected at Canton. Ohio, over tlie
mate of tlte late lamented Piesident
Tills will kIw lo Ciiihondallans the
oppoi Utility lo aid In peipcttliitltu,' the
mentoi.s of tlie late ptesldeiil, as Is in
tended UiioiiKh this incininlal. Cnibon
dale. alwavs to the limit In pnttlotlo
low'ienee, will not b hulking on tills
oicaslon, and a flttlntf icsponsii is
looked lor. Tlte subscilptions s 111 be
aoknoledf;ed IhtotiKli Hie pi ess, fioni
time to time
Davies' Post Inspection Piovocl to
Be All That Was Desiied to Make
It Rcnieniboied as the Best Exem
plification of Ritual Woik Seen in
This City.
i)n Wedue-das owning; Davies' iiost
lieadipl 11 teas was now tied with 1 om
l.tdes who had assembled to pntlel
pnte In the nuuim! (it. md At my Inspec
tion. Among Hie visitois tlieio came
Horn mi anton a laiKo deloR.itlou
liom Haa S fli lllin post lo witness
Hie woik ol Comniimder MeComb, and
to niake a li.itcinul mil on tlie metn
bfls or the 01 del in this eitv.
I-'ioni lufot m.itlon B.ithmed fi inn le
liable solutes II is udmlUcd that Col
onel Mi Comb has IiiIiim.iI new life ill
I) ivies' post siiue his 1 etui 11 to our
eit.t, and that dining the last he
has pet formed the duties of lonimand
ed with 11101 e lldellty and ntilllaiy pie
1 Isiou than has been manifested heie
in 11 si oii ol teats.
An itispeelion in opei ly pel foi mid
111 '.ins that all of tile foi Ills and (eie
monies pot t.iinim,' to oi.ind Aunv
woik shall be lulls- obset veil, and that
a (omplete eempll(li.itlon of all the
line titiial lltci.iluic shall be lendeied
01 ally tvitliont Hie aid of anv ui.iiiu
si tifil or in Int.
Knowing; Colonel Ii Comb's abllitv
to mate and declaim, his eomiades telt
that his 1 endlliou of evei v detail would
be put to a hlfdi d. They wete
Kiatllled with thev si and and they at tested it in uiimls
takable ways
Cinnni iniler JliComb aseilbes
pt.iise to Ills loiiuades v. ho assisted
liini in the Intel esthiK tetemonv, und
to Olhiei of the Uav Chilstopher
Sihult. he makes special allusion lor
his ellli lene .nut .eal.
A poition ol the eseninfc was dev ol
id to an Inlet change of com testes be
tween the and visiting iiiiinades.
Inspeetoi Ollleer V. S. Joins a
seiits of iuteieslltiK talks. Cik.iis
weie passed, and, as they weie nl.u id
Is ini lnei.itcd, Conn ados IJ W. Peane,
Halses Latinope and ll. S Kimball
spoke feeliiiKls- 011 subjei ts nt'.n and
deal to the men sho utnesent the rnniv ol patiiols who made tills
nation lice, pio'peioits and happy.
As Haiti hoar tame altop.ethei too
fast, the eomiades rehli tantlv ne
paicd to sop.itati ( onitnandei Mi -Comb
made the tisitots feel that they
weie lulls- appici lated, and that theii'
al'lliation and eoeial contact had Kien
pleastue to oil eonceined.
After p.ntluK tsith then liasohiis'
1 01111 ad( s the post lesiiined lis ipku1.ii
oultr of business, and finally brought
tlie delightful rseuliiL, to a dose amid
plaudits and compliments 101 its com
Decide to Have Boaid's Attorney De
fend Steward Clune in Abbault and
Battery Case.
Tlte poor boaul met last night in tesu
lar session, ('hah man Thomas beliiK
the onU ab.-entee. MeCabe was made
clad! man.
Mr. Md'abc. foi the tin in 1 oinmltlop,
lepoited that lie bad been to the faun
with Dlieetor McMillan and lotiuit a
leak In the dam, as much viator 11111
nhiK out ns tin 1 e w as 1 uniiing in. 'J lie
ualet in tlie ti tint is now seven I eel
in dt pth and il the leak is repaltcd
the I111111 Mould base 11 (lain to he
pioud ol. .Mi. McMillan thoiishl that
the iluiu should be attended lo A bill
fioni the 1 ilv was lead lor two eais"
lent, M'Jti loi tlie year endliiR Api il 1,
iiid $!Kn lor the year ivis, the tvuiiant
lor thai year havim? been lost and the
bill never paid. An older was diavvn,
b.v motion, foi M-'1. to be paid to tlie
ilt.v lm the untal In l&'is
Tax Colleetoi llauetl was Inline the
boaul and deslnd pel mission lo se
1 mo lerfal opinions fioni the boaul's
altoinev with lespeit to the 1 olleetiUB
of taes on set pi .il piopeitics. Tlie
pet mission was ki anted.
Mi, .Mi Cube tepottcd that he had
been to see tlie itUouicy ill lelatloli to
the hill ot Mi, Kit by. Tim attorney's
opinion was thai the bill, which lias
bei 11 In fine the boaul for some time,
be paid on motion, a wan ant was
diawii lor the amount.
due ol tlio diieetins S'.autid some
ihiim done In lelutiou to Hie i,tso of a
vsoiuan on Tallin 00k stieel who was
leeehhifi aid 11 11111 the poor boaul and
was alwavs ill link, lea vim? her childteu
to be Inkin care of by tlio uelijhhoi s,
Tip' iliui tois weie of the oplu on thai
tills state 01 alfalis should bo on until
llle liclnhbois 1 tune holme tlm boaul
and sluled tile tails ol tlie (use
Another cafe whleli pu.lul the
meiiihiis v as a bill I unit I,, lluiucr loi'
St, The bill was lor stuff Klven a vso
iuan who had made allldavlt liefoio one
louil nidi 1 man, statiuir who was in
und, Kite did not present tlio uilldavii
to uny poor dliefor. nor did any dlui
lor 'Uitlioile ,ti, lit nucr to sivu inn
Hie sniff. Tlie b'11 vail laid on the
"Pock ' Paddeu wanted and &i a
niontb. He Is now hccplni; "bach" on
WVIfch Hill vsltli auotlier inan. Tlie
appliiallou win i.ot emitted.
The boatd dei ided to uullimlKo lll.-il
solldtor to tlcfund .Stowaid Clune in
tile 1 ase liiouxhl iiKilinst illlll by
'Poik" PadiUii 011 the iliatee of aa
saull and battel , Willie Paddem was
un iuiuale ai the poor farm. Tlie tans
u:ni s up tor It la! on the 171 li of next
mouth, and all tlio illuctois will attend.
The iiieotiiiK then adjoin lied.
Chinch Servi(!e3 at St. Paul's.
Bt Paul's l.utheiail ihuieh. P,
Elbrlngcr, pastoi. Stitlets on Atiieitt
Sunday opcnlnn a new' year ot tlio
Lotd's Intlnltlvo Hi'ncp niul love.
Hitbbalh school ConslslliiB In nbif?-Iiir-
and rIvIiib out llio Christinas mo
Krammo for their lessons, !U0 n. in.
Kervlces on tlte sctlntilte woids, "And
the spit It and the bible say comet"
A Balky Dim In the "Biubnm Filct
chle" Perfoimance Salary Botheis
a Prospective Stage Light.
AmoiiR the stories that ate. belntt tits
cussed on the sticet Is the Incident or
accident of the evening petforiuaneo of
"Harlmia" Krlclchlo" on TluinkssivliiK
vvliieh was vlnillitr to lite one In
Kntheryn Kidder's "Molly Pitcher"
when the cannon's perversity spoiled
the climax or the plav.
In this case it was the cannou'fl
younger biolher. (lie at my riiii, that
caused tlie tlotlble. At tlie end of the
second act, when flat barn's lover Is in
daiiKor of the shaipshooter she arms
lieiself vvllli a Rim and befoie Ihe lat
ter has a chance to do bis mischief she
Hies and w Intra him. Huibar.i pulled
tlte ttlRBer ilijht cnottsii. but theie
was 110 lepotl; the cap was defective.
The IliiiiK of the Rim was supposed to
furnish a sIiohr; climax to the scene,
lint si hen it failed to make a noise, tlio
sitittitlon fell fiat. l.atiKhter tittered
lottnd the house, at the latce-llke tab-leaus-.
"Hat baui," the .shatnsliooter
and the mlnlstei'.s tvlfe stood trans
fixed, vvnltlntf for the em lain to drop
lo rellew their cnibaiiassnicnt. The
em tain man's cue twis Hie filing of
the shot. Hut there tvas no shoolItiK
and uattnallv no curtain came down,
finally the minister's tvlfe in the ex
tremity of the ordeal, exclaimed:
"niiiK down Hie em tain!"
By this time the stage hands le.illzed
there was something occulting that
was not on the piogramnie. H te
(pllied only .-in instant to take in the
situation and lo try to'eover the balk
ing of the gun somebody back of the
scenes Ihod a shot that sounded 111010
like a cap pistol than a gun. It seemed
like Hie etho of a dlschatge n tulle
away. This tvas fully n half minute
after "'s" accident with her
misbehaved gun. The el.itain then
came down with a lightning 10II and
Just after it diopped theie was ,1 loud
icpoit, the shot that "Riibita" should
have filed which she didn't.
"The win's not oser el," said omo
one in the audience loud enough to ex
plode the laughter that ssas being sup
pi essed. la the next act sshen the poor
shaipshooter appealed tsith his hand
tied up in bandages cs'eiybody smiled
again and wondered if "Haibata's"
gun was not one ol the new f.mgled
kind that does damage with no noise.
Tills stoiy iccalls one that is on
netted vslth the production of "hov
el's tfiine" which will take place at
the Oiand timing the comiut, week.
Fiank Ttnlles, who has chaige ol the
siipeinumeiniies or. In le's elegant
language, the "supets" tor Hie tillage
scenes, entoimteied .1 lad who has been
on the stage beloie and who has a
fixed, definite Idea ot his stage pte.s
ellte. -Ml. Ti alios indicated to the
soiing man would be expected
ol him if he ssould be tv tiling to take
pait in the play. The ptosptotivc Nat
lioodssin gate no decided answei, but
said he would consult his patents to
get Unit poi mission. Ho left, but
tut nod suddenly, satins m ehaiaetetis
tic stjle: "Say, if you'ie to set me,
vs hat's going to be the salar.s."
Delightful Social Gathering.
Theie ssas 0 h.inpv gathering at the
home of Alfied Pascoe, on Thanksgiv
ing niimi. It ssas 1 pally a big lamily
Kiitheting. The inonibeis ot the oftlcial
boaul ot the Methodist church ssere
theie to lelebiale the setentieth biith
d.iv ot Mi P.tseoe. They came un
known 10 him. hut the suipiise was
such a ircniilne one Hint his sseltonie
was all the warmer. It was at the
solicitation ot Mis. Pastoe and diildien
that the guests came and gave Mr.
Pascoe sueh a splendid suipiise on the
oi tiislon of his biithdny anniteisaiy.
Altei the p.nty enjoyed a pleasant
social chat. Hie dliiing-ioom was tis
ited, wheie evetvbodv found an Invit
ing menu betote him. A bhthd.iy akc
was in the midst oL the sood things,
will) seventy lighted candles about it.
Speeches and felicitations followed.
In the .Uternoon, tlie following gath
I'letl at the homo of Mis. A. AV. Hey
nolds, daughter of Mr. Pascoe, in honor
ot the occasion: Mr. and Mis. Allied
Pascoe. Mlbs Huttle Pascoe, K. Y. Pns
loe, Mrs. ("!. V. Kci nolds, Mr. and Jlis.
li. M. Smith, Maurite llevnolds, Mr.
and Mis. liiivmund II. Itovuolds .md
son Itpxtoid and Jit. and Mis. A W.
Goes to Honesdale.
Assistant Supeilnteiideut John Nay
lnr of Hie Metiopolltan Life Insuianie
lompiinj's oflieo of thia city, has been
ti.insfeiied to tlie Hoitpstlale cllsttlct,
and sslll leave for the Maple City on
Monday nest to assume ih.nge of nf
lulls theie. Mr. Naylot's plate heie
will be 11 lied by Janus Ciecgau, of this
city, who Is now supeilntendcnl of the
Ilazletou dlstliet. Ml. (ieegan held
this same position in Caihondale sev
etal yeais ago.
While Hie fi lends or Mr. Naylor le
Jolen III Ids advancement, tlte host of
I liom that lie has won slnco his tesl
deuto lieie ssill keenly legiet his leav
ing bete. Many slntete wishes for
tout Iniied success will accompany him
to ills now (luld,
Mr. Niij lor has been conspicuous in
the community, partictiluily in niusl
tal fliiies, holding the position 01 01
ganlst of the Fhst Congtogntinnnl
chin di lor seveial tet ins. His S'mlal
ways will win mtmy fi lends tor him
In Honesdale,
Ticket Agent's Device,
line of the wastes of time of a uiil
lOiid station agent Is icpeatedly un
swetlug the ilicston ot paitseilgeis If
tltu station tloek fin nUbes 1 iiih und
time ami if llio tliuo is coiiett. To
1 heck this ss'itste and at the s.uiio time
to giwi tlio deshed Infui illation iinl
louueily to nil, city 'lit kot Agent
fiaucio Smith ot lliu Delaware and
Hudson eonipany plated the following
sign limit r the clock in tlio ilt,v slatlou
seslorday: "Yes, this Is tallioad lime
and the dock is ilclit.
Meoilugs of Sunday.
Knights of rather .Alathow
H. 13. Heildtlelv lodge, Itallioad
Ct'iitial I, iliui union,
cigaunakii's union.
S, H, Dotteict iodsf, liHomoiIvii
Meetingfa ot Tonight.
Diamond lodge, Shield ot llonot
The Indians Hospitably Tieated.
iliu Indians tootball eleven letunied
last night tioui HiiKletou, whither they
went on Tliauksglving to battle on the
griil-liiJii with the team of thut town.
They tepoit havliiK had tlie most 011-
.toynblo Unto of nny lrli tliey have
ever taken. After the game tlio Lit
veinn county men bannttoted the Car
bondalo men In tnjal style ul llto teml
Ing hosleliy of Hnsilelon,
M, J. Horati was In f-'craulou on
Maurice T, Clitii'olt spent Tlm)ilt8i;lv
lug with llontsdiile ft lends,
Mnlloty Speueer Is inline liom llobo
ken, where he Is attending college.
Peter A. Coleman, of Scranton, spent
Thanksgiving at his home on the West
Michael- Nolan, 01 l,lilgh unhetslts,
spent Thanksgiving with his patents In
this city.
Mr. and Mts, ,1. P. H. tta.vnor, or IJul
111011 1 street, spent Thanksgiving, at
Mrs. W. 8. It. Paul, of Oneonta, spent
Thursday with her son, Cleornr- Paul,
on Salem avenue.
Vincent C. Manuel s, manager ot the
People's shoe store, spent Thanksgiv
ing vvllli his sister, In Huffalo.
Mr. and Mis. U. S. Wannacolt and
daughter, Dniothy, spent Thanksgiving
as guests ot filends at Kingston.
Tlie Misses Godwin nud bi other,
Fiank, of Scranton. aie the guests of
Miss Mary Quinn. of Fallbrook stieet.
Donald Uassett, ot Philadelphia, h
spending a few days with ills patents.
Air. and .Mrs. U A. Uassett, on Lam el
Attorney Iteiuy Singer, of the law
Htm of Stern, Singer & Hair, of New
Yotk city, was liete on Thanksgiving to
spend the tlav with his puicnts, Mr.
and Mis. S. Singer, of South Main
John Collins unci Chailes Toolln, of
New York city, came heie to spend
Thanksgiving at theii patents' homes,
on Hie West Side, and will tlsll tor
about two sseeks befoie letuinlns; lo
the mettopolis.
Spci lal sei sites will he held at the
Methodist chinch tomoitoss-.
IJes-. H. C. MeDctmott, A. M., will
preach In the morning at 1000 o'clock
and Hev. Francis Gunil.tll In Hie esen
ing at 7 o'clock.
The dt.isvlng for .1 horse for the
benclil ol James Caile look plate
Thai selay evening and was sson by
ticket "40. The holder of the lucks'
ticket is unknown but lie cm obtain
the horse lit- piesentlng the ticket.
Willie MeGoveiu, a lad emploted in
the and Hudson colliers-,
while liding behind a loaded car yes
teiclay, uiised his head suddenly and
his face rame in contact with an air
bridge. He sitstained a ery painful
gash on his upper lip and had several
stitches used In tlosing the cut.
Iter. Maynard It. Thompson, pastor
of the Fit st Baptist church, will preach
tomoirow morning on "Covenant with
the Lotd." In the evening his topic
will be " the Church Has to Re
Thankful Foi."
Abe Mosher, of New Jet set, was .1
visitor heie Thin. sday.
The ball given nuclei the auspices
of Hogarth's band on Thanksgit Ins
evening was very pooilv attended ovs
In gto so many counter attractions
and unloititnately tor the bandsmen
was a complete hnanc ial failute.
Hairy Fat lev has given up his job
at the Delassare and Hudson shops at
Caihondale to accept one in the shop
of the Ontario and AVestein milioad
at Mayfleld yard.
A laige delegation of mcmbeis of the
St. Aloysius society went to Carbon
dale last evening whole they took pait
in a debate with Caihondale meiu
bei s.
Mr. and Mis. AA". H. Badger and son,
Pieston, aie visitins New Yoik
1i 'ends
Itev. 15 I. Hv.ins, of Seiantou, will
pi each in the Congregational chinch at
both set vices tomouow.
Jtiss Maggie Kennedy, ot Pi ovidente,
is visiting Mr. and Mis. M. J. McAn
diesv, of Hudson stieet.
Mis. -William Lewis, ol Hill stieet,
who has been s.01 iously ill, is slowly
Ricliittil Foote. of Aithbald, was a
visitor In town Thuisday.
Mr. and -Alts. J. AV. Patten and fam
il, and Mr. and Mis. AA'. It. Hciw arils
attended the tuneral of Mis. Thomas
Jenkins, at Pi ovidente, esterd.iy.
Miss U,i-,-.le Dohcity is visiting itla
tlres at Vlains.
Jliss Louise Oliver has lesigned Iter
position in the Olyphant shoe factory.
A number of jioung people fioni heie
attended .1 Thanksgiving festival for
the benefit of St. Julian's chinch at
Hock. lake, on Tliiiisdiy.
S. L. MeCabe is spending a tew days
with 1 datives at Hed Bildge, N. Y.
Mis. Udwin l.ivvhlnnoy, of Oswego,
N. A'., is the guest of Dr. and Mis. A.
P. Ciuns, of Lai kaw anna stieet.
Hegukir Kpiscopal setrltts will be
held In Hd wards' hall tomouow aftei
noon at atto o'clock. Kev. U. J. Hatigh
ton will have chaige.
A. V. Howei, of Scianton, will occu
py tho pulpit in the Congregational
thin ch tomoirow evening.
Set vices will be held in the Hl.ikolv
Baptist chin di toiiioitovr moinlng and
evening, ftev. David Spencer, D D
The itiiieial of tho late Thomas 11.
Jones, of tlte Pyne, took plate yeslei
clay atteiiioon. Notwithstanding tlie In
t leinent w Gather, tho obsequies weto
I ngely attended. Services were held at
Hie house, Hev. James Walker, ot tlie
Piimltiw) Methodist chiiu h, olllciated.
The 1 cumins weto conet'd to tho
lieshj teiian fenieteij, wlieie intir
uient was made. The Laek.iwaiiu.'t,
lodge, No. nil, Anieilonn Protestant as
sociation, of which the dec eased was a
member, attended In a bod,
The cntoi talnmttiL and social ot tin
Ladles' Catholic Benevolent association
held in Weber's link op Thanksgiving
night was n siidoss. Owing to mine 01'
tlm talent tiillns to appear, tho pio
siaiuino was i.itliof shott! ueseillit'lthf,
It was veiy pleasing. It umslsU'd ol a
piano solo lit, Piof. T I?, Davis, .Mm.
James F. Timlin lendeied a vocal solo,
a leeltatiou win giv'eu by Maslei Oscar
Motiis, a vei piomislug joiiug cIikmi
tinulhi The I'uutt'st for Ihe sealskin
coat was postponed until sumo llnio
dining thu tJlulslnias week. The pin
1 cods of the euieitninmont will go to
llio Hind of Die Catholic .inn ill ot this
pl.u e.
Mlt-s IMith Jenkiiih and Albeit Xiim
bail) wcto united in manhunt ai the
Peiiu Avenuo Baptist 1I1111 eh pai son
age, I)J llio Hev. I!. ". Y. Piftce, D. D,
on Wednesday alieinoon. At Hit! 1011
clusloii oi tlie le'iomony Um imwly
wedded couplu leltirned 10 Hit! bible's
homo bete, whom a leceptloii was luid.
Mr, and Mis. Kuiubaiii will go to
housekeeping In a newly tutnlshed
Seniles toinoriow at Hie Calsaty
llaptlst cliuuii at lu.SO a. 111. and U p,
in.; Sunday school at ' o'clock, itev.
Addressed to Women by the Treasurer
of the W.O.T.U. of Kansas City,
Mrs. E. 0. Smith,
" ISLy Dhau Sisir.ns: I linliovo nt tulvoctiting mid upholding
everything (hat. Avill lift up mul liulp avoiuuii, unci hut little uso nppenr
all knoAvledEc and loittniug if you liuvc not thn hcttlth to onjoy il.
"Hitvinc found by porsonul exporit'iiee thai L ilia K. Plnkham's
"Vcpetablc Coinpouiul is it niediuuie of rni virtue, and having seen
ttoeiw of cures Avhtnn my fuill'princ sisters have been drugged hack to
life and usefulness from nu untimely grave simply by tho use of a few
bottles of that Compound, I nniht proelaim its virtues, or 1 should not
be doing my duty to suffering mothers and drugged-out housekeepers.
" Dear Sister, is your liealth poor, do you feel Avorn out. and used
up, cspeeially do you have any of tlio troubles which beset our sex, tak
my advice ; let thu doctors alone, try Lydia IS.Piiilchaiu'.s Vegetable
Compound; it is" better than any and all doctors, for it, cures and they
do not." M its. K. C. Smith, ltilu" Oak St., Treasurer Vf. C. T. Lr., Kan
bus City, Mo.
What is left for the women of America after reading such a letter as the
above, but to believe. Don't some of you who aie sick and miserable feel hovr
wicked you aro to remain so. making' life a burden for youiself and .v",iir
friends when a euro is easily and inexpensively obtained? Don't jou think it
would pay to drop some of your old prejudices as Mrs. Smith says, and " Try
Lydla 13. Pinknam'.s Vegetable Compound, which is better than all the
doctors for euro1?" Suiely, the experience of hiindicds of thousands of
women whom the Compound ha.s cured should convince all women of tho wis
dom of taking- the advice that Mrs. Smith oilers in her letter above published.
Read What firs. Burnham says :
" Dkar .Mns. Pinkham : AA'ords fail to express how thankful T am to you
for your advice, and I cannot speak too highly of Jdl'li K. Pilllvllitlll"?
Vegetable Compound. I was hicl; for thrce'veai s w itli female vv eakness :
I hacldizry spells.. Iieadaclie, backache, feet and hands weie cold all the tune,
wouldpet tired and faint very easy. I also had diopsy and was tiotiblcd with
leucorrhoea. I suffered for two weeks befoie each menstrual period and my
ovaries would Fwell very badly. I took lots of medicines from doctois, but
received no benefit. To' please my husband I tried L,dia 13. Piilkliain'fl
Vegetable Compound, and I am now a well woman, and jour Compound
alone did it." Mrs. II. Y. Bursuam, Uussell, Mich. (Jan. 31, 1901).
Follow the record of this medicine, and remember that thehe thousands
of cures of women whose letters aro constantly pi lilted in this paper were not
brought about by -'somethinp; else," but by Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, the i-eat Woman's Kemedy for Woman's Ills.
Those women who refuse to accept anything; else are rewarded a hundied
thousand times, for they Ret what they want a cure. Moial Stick to the
medicino that vou know is llest. AVr'ite to Mrs Pinkham for advice.
KEAVAKD. WeliModopositeilwIth the National City Ilankof Lynn.SSOOO,
which will liopaiit to an purstin who t no flnij that thfl nbovn tostiinonUI loiters
aro not gesnuiue, or wero published hoforo obtulnlnt! tho writer's speciil per
mission. I.jdia K. I'inlcluni Mc-llclne Co., Lynn, Main.
Dr. U. II. Hauls, p.istoi. All aie vvel
eonie. P.tbballi scivIlos tomouow at the
Methodist Kpiscopal c Inn eh vill be held
at 10 JO a. in and 7 p. in; Sabbath
school at i ll p in.: Upvvoitli liMKUf al
G p tn. Itev. Clinton I? Ileniv, p.ihtoi.
will otllciate. All ate loidlnllv invited
Aie.hb.ild mine union, l'il'l, L'nlte'd
Mine AVoikciR ot Aiueildi, held an im
poitnnt business sciion last evenitiK in
Odd Fellows' lull.
Pi ol. .1. Tatanlais Tlioniiis, oi .New
castle, t'a.. tetuuied hoiue jestcidny,
alter spendini; the p.'e-t few days In thin
town. 11 of. Tlioinas haves a 111 lin
piesslon in the health ol our low un
people, especlallv tlio.e who had Ihe
oppoi tunltv lo hear him sins,
Taylor Indue, No M Independeiii
Older of Odd Fellows, will meet Ibis
eveninj, in icRular session.
Hon. Daniel .1. ftee-e, of IiyiiKUllIl,
visited the home of Mi. and Mi, .lohn
PiiBh, ol Ta.vlor stieet, on Thuisday,
Thomas, ol 1'ieel.ind, and
slsteis, Mi.-. Elizabeth liviinn. Mis.
Leah Jenliliis and Mis Ann,
ot PI) mouth, tne vinlthm llielr bioihet,
DenJ.itnlU Llewellyn, of Stotis stieet,
ailsses Lama llciiilv and Mney
llcotfre. of I'lovidctue, ale the uuesth
of Miss Heniiutia Mullieiln, ol Main
Miss Maiy Phillips, ot li.vniontli. vis
ited 1 1 lends in town on Thutsdu.v
-- -
Tile tiuiiill iililtlksKivillR si IV lie.- held
nl the liilclv .VletllodlBt Dpiseopalihlllill
weie lnrfiely utteiuli d. The pioKliiuinio
lendeied was m follows HIiikIiik,
"AiiiciIi a," by aiidiiiiii piajer, Itev.
W F, P.llll. SMllpllllo letdlllM-, lev il
A Uieetr slni.ins, seleetlon b) Iiiiu
ltive Mutliiidlst i holi , undliiK ot the
piesident' iiianhsKlvliiK pioilamatioii,
Itev, ('. II. Ninth, Miming, duet tilnt
id), by choir of the Itautlsi cluiuli,
seiinmi, Itev. W. fJ ri.iuU: sIiihIiik. bv
t he audience belli diction, Itev. II A
ill ecu,
Till mutual of lli'ill), ill" a-.vea.uld
sou tv Ml. and Mis .Inuiiti ,latKunu
took place iituisdil). Illliilliieul was 111
hi Mitiy's ecmeteiy Avuea.
Ml", Dclbcii Kuapp, a pioiiiiiuui
)ouiik man of tills place, and .Mis,
r.lli'.abcili M. Willlanis, oi t-'i rauiuii,
Weto until led III liU' liom" of the blido
on WVdnesd.i) eveniiih
Mi and Alts .loliu Wlillnii'i ami sou
.liiiucs, visited at the home ol .All
AVhltinei'ri patents, .Mi. and .Alts Pal
mer, of 1 milium c, .vesteida.v
Mis. ricid t'npp and hoii, r.v.ui, spent
TliiinkMii,; at the home of Un tor
meiV patents in I'atlioud.ile
.Mi.s. Hairy IStitKet and sou weie vis
lllna at ibe home oi' Mi, and Mia,
iiuiinas Cox o1 Htovc stieet. jester
Well Known Humoiist and Cincker
Baker Expiies at Plttston.
bpitiJl lu tlie s union Iiiuiiiu
Plltston. Nov. 0. Joseph C. liltih
lioi, the well known liumoilst and lee-
N 'v '
tuier, died at his lcsielenee cm Lu-t un'
avenue, AA'est Plltston. at S o'clock thin
eviniiiK ot stomacii tiouble, aliei ait
Illness or about live days The de
ceased was bom in Deetlleld, X. .1 ,
and was ,",1 .veais of age. lie has ie-
sided In Pittslon foi tlte past :,.". .vctts
and tlie srreatcr poition of the lime lini
been eiiKiiKed in the tiaeker business.
Seveial )e.n.s ,iro Mr. Ilitehnei dis
posed of his plant to the National Uls
iitll eoinpanv, and was made manag-cr
ot their AVest Plttston ci acker baket.v
which position he lias held at the time)
ol his death.
Mr. Ililchiiet had a wide icputattou
as ti iokei and hiimoi 1st up and down
the valley and was lioiiuently heaul
upon the lcetute platfoim In his fa
mous cication, "Tidbits." He Is sur
vived bv a wite and tout ehlldien.
sis Milt i miuiK lll In' liilil m iMuiuiln
. ,....,,. .......,i.i.
In ,i tn uec loiuiiiii.ilrrlo-, llm
... nu., iii,.iiii..i, ... ,. ...-
Ill -t. tm K plice on Noi. Is in the inunell Uiane
lm ot IV) pi' at ciiinmiinluv, x,u 111, niul w.H
.i iiW't ,rniiuiiiiici mucin., tint (or lii'M iiionlli
will mini nn pn 11 in lint i-;ilonilid cumuli
clunilui oi Line Inn itii coinni iiulci), Nu, w V.
lominltU" of cLIiluii iiiiit,ili cniiiiuiiiiiii.,
iiinipruMcl nt tlnci lli'ill d'-ll iiniiiii mil. I"' "im
in lift i In limn
.lolin iMinv (iinilliniiliii. Ni I1 of M1Km
lliiu, I'l , alvi iv r. liinl .a wink ui'l III1, f ti
cluMil tin- Intel i niul linincnt n In M in
ill), whin ucu time lluiiiiinl jmhii- .iim
Mill in tin' liciiuniliiii-, unuij lo viitiic - mo ot
IIomiS i,i( it inuviin, picliiu rnliildlMiutili.
Ililllc c i.nip iiii.m- nl tlm (oniiniiul m ilnl till!
iitl iinliiiKi1 In u leinnkilil.i flimr llnio, ml
Iliui tho il.ioii, 1 1 i-cil in I Inn ilinlc win
linncil iwn, un ilili to !,illi ailml-i'loii llio
1 iijo .um um n illcil vill li "-nl I"' Hi" .m
,lf lllL (Illlll
Hllllim VlcMiilc) iiiiiiiiiiiiiluv, Nu ol .it
IllMWIl I'll Ha, !''. UlllVll .1 (lllililll ill
Noi. Jii irmu (.iimI ( oiiiiniiulci- Mi l.ll.ln .
I'ulllH llil,
IImii) uiiiiiiiiiikii. Ni ii', .a Vllme, ,
ii Vi. 'J, nip i .Milli sotlil, u lilch ii oij i
tuniiiiibiiN Vlu.t n( tin- Minui i
I. plllt ..Illlll, .Hill I hlln (Illlll lllllUI' l Hl'lll I
Willi iiil ll ini,. wi. luKiiwul lit i iiiiiiini ,(
ll-ii pi ln"l ,0 i ll)llln'.
Resumiition ot Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New Yoik, Phila
delphia and San riancisco, Ssa
f,on 1001-1903.
CoiimiC'iuliu; N'ovetiiliel .0 and ciclt
Tuesday, iillil.sdny and Sitilid.l)
theuntlii', tlte AVaslilns'loii and siotUli
wihttut Lin, lied oitale'i d,il) be
tween New Yoik, Plilladelphia and
New- Oileiins via llle Peillis) lv uliu
lluihoad and Houtliiuii Itnllway. Iea
inn Philadelphia, llioad Hticet station
at II '."i p in . coiupiiseil nl illnliif;- Pnll
inait iliiiwIiiB-iooni Miijiliu obscti.i
llon and liluai.v i.ns In addltlo I
will c auv a pptilal Htuiset Limit 'd Ati
ni'N Pullman dtawiin'.-tooui iiuiip.iii
u.eill slceplni; .i l to eiiiiiucl with the
.Sunset Linillid opi'i.ued between New
Ol leans mul Sin riiiliclsci).
The ic'lehiateil trans-conilneutal srr.
vice dueled h) theie luxutious train,
uiiihvrt it ttip to llio Paellle cotst not
only veiy quick. l,ut "10St deHfeiitful.
iiailcs L. HcipklilH, distill t puhsen.
rci tisent Soutltern It.illway, 'I2S
riiestnui Htieei. Plilladi'lphia, will bu
pleased to furnish all inhumation,
i 1