The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 30, 1901, Image 1

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' J
f -
The United States flrmu .and Navu
to Glasli on the Grid
Ptesident Roosevelt nncl Membeit, ot
His Cabinet, Accompanied by
Their Wives, Will Be Among the
Interested Onlookers The Latgest
Crowd That Has Ever Witnessed
nn Ainiy nnd Navy Game Will Be
Philadelphia. Nov. L'O. The football
wan-lots of the West Point :iiul An
niimlis academies arilied 1 1 c i f tod, in
for tlu'lr :iiiiiiiiil contest on the t'lilver
sitv of Ponnsylv. mill's athletic Hold lo
imniDH, All the pioinliiont hotels ul
the city sue oiowded tonight with of
ihei.s .mil ullior olllciiilx of thi' army
Mini ii,i -.y Among them aie men nlm
have tii'in.'d pioniinonllj In tin" gov
ernment SOI Vice iltlll tllf-V ,UV Jllsl as
etithusiusile over tin1 event ol toiuoi
row us Is tlu sturdy "plebo" of oithei
West I'ulnt ir Anniiiiiill". Ptislilont
Kooseielt :nul monition- ol Ills cabinet.
1. 1 ompnniod hv Iht'lr wives-, will mil
niiive until sluutlv bofoie the time lor
the beginning- of the sumo wlihh is
si heduled Inr two o'clock.
Tin1 largest eiowd thiit has evi r
v en the army and navy dash in foot
li.tll is cxprclcd to bo on 1'i-nukliu
Field at the klokoff. A couple of
itl( lies of SIlllW COVOIS tllO SlH'Ilc to
night, and It Is likely that Iho lot of
t lie spcctntoi.s will be .1 hit unomnfoil
alilo as tin' snow is molting; which
means damp ground siml wl seats
The playing Held, however, is In
spk'ndid condition, the univotsity au
thorities having- taken the pivc.itttlon
of coveting the gnuinil with Milt hay
beloio the .suou began falling. The
.iimniiriocmcnt the president would
lip on hand had Hip pIIpi I of making
the dPiu.UHl for ilckc-ls an pnormous
oiip. The 21,(100 cauls or sulml.ssion
weio divided hctwcpn tho two aiadp
mlfs and the unlvp)lty and disliih
iitcil Rratls hy them. The lcimt- 1
ania .liithniliit's .ilono won- lompclldl
in ictiiM l.'.Oun sipplk.mis mi hum! Imj
lni.n Hip .Vol witlit,inliiur
ill the jiivi .unions l.iki'ii luindn'ds of
i In- ds loiind llii'ir way Into
tlK lialllN ol MAllitMH Who ,11,' si'lllli);
ih in tonlulit at fancy pikow
The n,i y 1 1 am was' tin- s( to :ii i ie
today, tho uipii "2 in nunilifi uottiiiK
lioin at two o'clinl;
Tin at my miiisuI hiiuiIhi iiiu- imtj-
!li' ,u lived ai i; iiVIoi'K,
To spci liains will airho ahoitl
l.oilll tiiUloll'OW tlnlll VVi .st I'oint
hi liminn the in in v i oips, iiuniln'i m;:
ibimt infi i.uhto and s'p,.r,,i hunUi.d
followPl.-' The Annapolis (.idols, :!u(i
In nil with a uuinilou.s lollovum. will
a t In ., iiont the same ilni".
Mr. Williams,, of Camden, Killed by
Discharge t'lom His, Own Gun,
Hi I'viIil-Iic Wire turn Ilir i i utid I'icm
I'-imdrn. N. ,1. n :'ti -Cnioni-i
T.ltihtlcld, ot I'.iiiuli li. was notiili-il lo
d.i t Jlr Willi mis, latin i ot the
I !0. Wllliums. pastii in the .Methodist
church at (Villi i lii-ook, ,V, ,f. In (.
ai cldouiiillv killed vc-ii rd.iv. while
liuntiim. .Mr. Willi. un.-, who ie-lies hi
I'hiladeliihi.'i, visited (Vdar Kiook to
leml Th.inksviyiii,. (ia.v with his sn.
The pah wenl In ie vv noils, and ill
tin Ir seaii h tin anie si'parati'il.
The IIC'V, .Mi. Williams- heiinl Hie n
w t ot his lathci's ytin, ami on ap
proiifhliiK lo as, i, lain wh.ii n w,
killed, lountl hllii I.vilivr dead Hie i haiKO
having t'lilt'ioil his boil.v. i 'oi oner
1. Iti llllcltl loll tot I'i'lai Ihook litis ai
Twenty-tour Days tiom Seattle to
Alaskan Gold Tields.
1' I "I" w Win ironi'Hii. V,., iu ,pi,
WnshlllKtou. Nov 2ii-Tlie tin f
ii ilislt of winter malls Indue, u s,1,.!.
He Mush, ami Nome, Mnsk.i s ( ul
rom slly lo hisl.v-llve days i.n h wav,
to twenty-tout days, with i oiuspoml
w,' c.Niu'illtlon for luii'i'iiiHlliUc points.
Tills seivlfe will m- pi'lloimed bv a
i w wislern lotiie, via VaMoA Alaska,
Ulan na Hay, mi Cook's Inlel: ,S. Mi
chael and (iolovln. to Nonio- .',.'ni7
lllile.S ill (III. slleiilhi,s w-lll sail j'niin
Seallle iilsajl the 7H ,ii LTith of each
month, hLKllllllliB with Di i etuher, Tllo
lOllU'eUsatiiill Is $i,iiui pi.)' U,i tvhi
ihe Lontiaetois bihiK Hi.. Noi i hoi ii
Coilllliofi lill lompaiiy i' (, ,,,,,
pari and the Tiansal.iska loinpauy for
tie; mm 1.111(1 pail ol Ihe loiite.
All Eiior in Football Scoie,
fl I'.jvlujltp Will- from Ilu- uiutul I'n.i
IMllllfkllililJ. N.n. " II VN.,.i .,!,. ,l, Jl(
IIOUlKC'l Ii.IjV tlut l,i. null i, Vi iiiav (..
iiell.'(inujh4iiia I. ot l-ll I'jinc via ;v t., i. i,t
Vt lo li, ,t injliliilird. II,,. tn I,., j.,,,1 jtl, ,lt
lit lO'Kh'Jovtri dt Uiliu .In., i, one , ilL
i,oil pt. 'llicic v.n nine ii iit.t t. r ,i lime j,
lo ttlnllicrci i.ut H.uj i, (.ell, I. ul ih.j ,,j, ,;(4
lellcd mien llic 'iii.U) m'iui 1 j .it.. ,, u'hj.i
ilul It vat .1 iui.v:iil li' rfinl pljiul Un' -, a
It V'l k U J5 JIlll'Jl.ll, c,l hull, iu (ll i
li.urJ vvas Ii eirei ,ud lli.n tin il m, n,,i
ilrlo.1 ,
Two Women Found Dead.
Hi I,mIiiIi! Wire limn llif ,V'-i,i iili.l IV v,.
lUiitJjuii:, Xnv '". lie, .Vniilo lliri, n,o, ,
v aiv, jml .!. ICili' tolli'lt, ,i,,l ,v j,, i,,, it,,. dciil tviitylit ul llioir In me In iil lij-.
'1J.C woimii lirn, lordlier jih! ili,titiiuu jy U.-j
tif (JcjiI fmlj-djlil vvluii riiiuii). Mi!,
H'lftlt illnl dni jii olii-dnio ul inoi'lih, iml In
('Hiiluntuii nun lira I i.L-i'.w
Report on McGovern-Corbett Eight
by the Law and Order league.
It I ulu'lii' Win ti'iiu'lli" I'iV.
Illlltfotd, N'ov, 1. It In iililioillii i'il
ihl'i afleriio'iii Hint on .Mondi the
stale law and older Ipiihiio will hold
n inti iliisr In this i (j in ill"i us'-i yes
tol (lay's pilze Iltlll lietween Ti'MW Me-
iovein and .olin!; ('oibi-tt.
The k'UKlle will INtou to a lepoil h.v
I lev, tlaiold I'litthon ol Ihe I'IimI elmieli ami Colmiel i'liaile
A. .leuell, luesldeiil ol I lie llartfoul
Vouin; MenV riiilstl.iu Assoeiatlou.
Who weie pieseut at the Unlit sm dole
limct of I ho leattue. It N ul (led thai
this loiiorl will eluirai teilvie the boiil
a n "In iitnl ali'alr. n dluKiaee to tlail
lonl and demndliiK " It it nNo added
Unit i li-KilallM hill looklilR lowaul
Ihe abolition ol i h iiiutesls will li"
t oiisldeii"1.
At Meeting of Executive Committee
Resolutions Endoising Recoi-
lei Blown Aie Adopted.
Ill l"v h l Wll' flolrl 1 1n -..(i(l ltpu I'lrtl
I'ltlslninr. Nov. s:. A I a lueolhin "f
the Uepitlllieau (eilltle ( onimUti e
lonihl. tho follow lim resoiuiiyns weia
.ulopti d hy a vote ol ll to I
"Whoieas. The govunor of IVtuisyl
v.inia has appointi d ,1. O. Lh own i-
oider of Hie clt;, of l'iUS-litiu. thoto
lore he it
"lles'olM'd, That the tlianNs ot the
lvopiililioan of 1'iltshllin are hoioh
extended to (ioM'inor Willluiii Ktotie
tor wliat v e can ilieeilully Iclll'i to
as a"lass .ippoiiitnieiil.
"liosohod. tin tin r, That we pledge
the iietive suppoi I of tile Itepiihlle.'in
eity lolnniiltee and the iiepuhlii ans of
I'illthuri; to oui wm thy ehairnian. ilu
new leeo-der the lion. r. O. I'.iown, n.
his eltoils to jjlve to the people ol this
((immunity a Mood administration m
Ihoii tivl alfair.s. We know his
ellort.s in thN duectloii and i.iu,
liiophe-v Hie fuliue.
I! -sooil. fin thei, 'I'liat tlis"i.ieiiii,v
ol this i oil mlttee lie Instiinteil to Ku
waiti to tiovernor 'William A. Stone and
Itei ordi r .1. '. liioun a iop5 ol these
S"iiatoi Willi, Mil riimi sj, uke in lav. ii
ot the i 'Milmioiis. aunoiilK hit, Ki
loidei .1. 1 1. hi own would not o.ily noi
lie I'liloVP'l. lim 111 It he would lie the
Kepulili an ( LOiiidaK loi I In- rleitive
Ui in in v , ,..
In 1 "1-Year-Old Edna Daieli. of Los
Angeles, She See the Ait-
iht ot the rutin e.
II, I.M 1 l-il U in ,n in 'Ilu L-
I .lis AllStchs. i'ai. Nov 211 .Mine,
I'nlve ilisdiviicd an I'lnliiio npei
ntic si, il hi k;-.v(i.u-ii1i IMn.i li.mli
ol tills iliv. and has adupud hcl lor
lour veins to lit In i in, an opeialie
e.ii'i'i r.
Mississippi Student Thought Pistol
Was Not Loaded.
Ill I.Mlil-lt. Wll, 111 IH ill V- ii 1,11 ll't,--.
I'oit Clh-oi. .Miss, Nov 2'.i l.ouls
llaiiu shot ami killed hi nieiid, lion
iminoca, In the doiinitoiy of the Hum
academy last uhilii. Ilauer s'ays ihul
he look thi' pistol of his I'hhr luotlnr,
I em iV oil all the eailllilKes, ;- he
llimislil and when litiluoea euteieil ihe
loom u tew minutes Intel, pointed ihe
pistol ai him, savliiK "Tlnow up your
lie pulled Hit. uIkci ami Duluoia
sank to the llooi luoliall.V woiliuli'd
Tim home ol the boys is in I'oit Allen.
Building of a Ftuit Evaponiting
Company Is Debtioyed,
10 I M lll.lU' W lie II III 'l II' 1- HI Ml I Pi ,
lto hosier, Nov Jli -A ilis.lslious til e
.ally tills lilOl'UillK deslioyoil the thi Of.
store hllllillllK ol .Mklmel lioyle M- Co,,
til While slieol The lo-s is esllniaKd
ai ,imii, Willi IO,niiO liisuiaiti o.
Tho (uinpail.v lOlidlliteil a Hull evap.
oi.ililli; liiiliess, and at this Hum the
seafOll IS lit Its hu'lKllt Tile urlKhl ol
the the. Is noi known
Accidentally Shot.
Ilj I iilumi Win' turn 'llic .uiutf. I'n.-"
Hllinj. Niv. i'i W. VMtj., iudili,i d
f l.ilinlljii Itillni,' Viinliiil llulirjliir . i,i.
ulil .lint ' JiO'l ic-l'iilit l 11 lllllllUl nf y Din
I i,i iilo.. uiiklonull., l"il I. ilk. I lillii-.ll ut III
i (In i l.uli) uhll, ,ii;.iu(iI .',i tli'jiiln; ln ie
,"lli i,
An Audience with the Pope.
H Culibhr Who fi Tin- S-mkIjic t'rfi
llellll, Sil. '-I HlO l(. IclllV K.l' l,
imlli'iKi' Mji, s, illiliuii, 4rclilili.'i fif l'iiun1,
ivlo iimitli liiuuuil lioro (mm ,i ,iiil lo tliv
1'iillnl Si,it(, 'il,,. irfhblahop rportul jt k'nlli
in Ilu. jioulltl uii llic woik of thr tliurch In
I lie , linn n, i one Miii i in ,i mil-
I nun. f ,i in .nine, i .live, ail"i Healing
I hei shin. ''SI'..' has ,.,i dn- l.o e, tlpui..
i. ml the temp, uiliu in 1m Up. niMkliiK
of ,1 koo(I aiilsi .mil shall ppon,illy '
.-iipuinii'iid her, il education,,
Hho will come to u,e w lieu I lollllll lot
N.'W Vol U, Vi'll'le I Will lid lor
two v.ais with 1 1 lends of mine. Then
she will i nine u me h, I'.uls and at
the end of loin .vciu.s nt. 'vlll make
her ileliul a .Mii.ielo to my en men."
IMua'.s Mtiolltx aie eiy poo,'. .Mine
Calve had the lle l,i! and inothi i
as her mn sis at a Th inksK uk ilimi' i
yeslelll.n. .
Twelve Peiaona Are Injured in a Col
lision on the D L. & W.
Hi I v liihc WIip fiom 'Ilu tn( Inn ,1 I'ii
Syniillo, Nov. .:). Twelve petnoiiM
were Injllieil In a innr-end eollhlon he
tweeti a special liaiu and a tielithl tinlu
on the Jli'l.iwaie, l.aikawntuiii and
Western, near Tlilly station, early Hilt
inouilliH. Tltc special wiih IiiIiikIuk
liniiK" ftoni I'orlluiut a luiue party of
Syr.iiiio ICnlRhts of ('olimiluis, who
had lieeu iittoiulhiK n lodso feillval
lliere, The eiiKlneer believed that the
Height had taken tho slillii- at Tully.
when he Hllddenly hiiw till eahoose (II
veilly ahead of him. lie and the llie
iiKUi Jumped. They Htislaliii'tl sllKhl In
.luriox. 'I'lio pfibooso was Mitasheil ami
Ihe pasi'iiKer mis weio ilamimod con
slilerality. AVoul was sent to this city
and u spei lal Iralil cnriled several
pliyslohmw to the scene. The sperlal
ictuiucd hole at ",!,' a. 111., when the
follmvlnjT list of injured vvtit obtained:
Hoiii '.nilclc.i, s.vr.iiiii: nti'iiully Imiii. h
I'luNi il.
I li.nlt'4 sulliv a,. t'.iiiiuo: inliiiiillt' iiijm 'I
i.i'it!,!' H .it ion, O-vv.o; finii' leclli Ijk.i l.i'l i hi,
JJVV flJltllllil,
lonii tl'Xi'll, li-Wi'i,ii, luiK n iliiuii jiul -'.lip
,f llll. s trlilll, Si,ii,ii'; ImiU liuil iil liiinvj
Lilian. Koine. Iiu.m; liully lni.l-,.1.
Mulj. itiinoi'i, inluinl .llimit Hie U'J1 l.v
I ! sjitdij, o t !; ; j.' '"t 'H"l i'i a el
.ilniiit the lie nl.
Millll .liiKc, O-ttryi- Itolli Kllnil.dl int. ' "l.l
H.lll.llll I'. I'i 1111,1, (l-HIO, iO--ll'i' lllll'llljl u
tin : j(i.l -i dp xuiihij.
Ilinnl- Ci-tello, s.Miin i; uiiiinil il" ul Ilu- nn.
Willi.nn I ivkr, li-njn ml .iluml tin. ncil..
Accidentally Shot Near East Brad
ford on Gunning Tiip.
Ill lAi-lll-Hi Will' fl-ll, llll ,.uu.ll((l I'll -r.
WosH iR.siii J'.i.. Co. 211. (Jpuiso It.
Koitljto, il fainiei of Kas-t I'.tadl'oid, v,,is
.'hoi niiidi niiillt yestinlay hy his i..
yi in -old .sou. while h'unnln on the
Welsll niOllllh'IIIK
lie died last uiiThr. l'milko hail taken
the hoy out to jsive lilm hH tuM mm-
I I f 1 1 v: eTai ienee.
Witnesses for the Defense Will Be
Intioduced Today About 25
Expected to Testify.
Ill l.llll-l. Will IIUIU l V -" llll'l t'll-.
WashiiiKlon. Nov. 2:1. I'pou llio eve
ol the adioiu iimeiil loda.v of tin iilnu c om L before which .Mis. 1,1,1.1 hl.i
llonlue is hoinsr Hi(d lm the killlni,
ol lames S. Aio, r.. Illstnct Attor
ney Cionlil anoniuiKd that th" kom-i u
nieiil would rest its case ,,n,. t 1a. ,,.
Il nihil tioii of one or mole w iliics-ox.
and Hi it lie .'Xiei k ,1 to loiulud.' at
Hi" llioiiiini; session (lf the i mil I to
luol row. .Mi. T. . Ko.iue will tin i
make a pieliminai.v .stateinent m Mis.
Hotline's beh. ill. and uiluoiscs lm th"
deti'lls" will be illtl.idUi'.Hl. II is i V-
pccled that aboui twenty-live ol tln.-e
will be lp, ml. .Mis. loiiine's i onus,
s.iys (hut thov lifive not y,-i dci ided
Win. 111. I she shall be pill u.iou Ihe
Depui.v Colon, i Cila.cbiook lodav
om hided his ic.stiinony and lJciiciive
iloine told ol tho ('(infoxslnu Willi h Mis.
Ilouliie liisl made to him of her pail
ill Ihe tl.lSsVll.V. I lei' lollle.-.sion CJ Hm
ehiif of polio, also was lead. I ) .
Clayebiook yave it as his opinion that
Hie abiaslons on Ayies lef,s mlKhl have
been i aused by a woman kicking hhu
Willi sh.up-l kd sllpims ti ml Slid
Hint Ihe bruises on M-s, liotilu, 's in ins
looked as If (h,. iiil.jhl llave li -"ii m.i k
bv a mails thumb when he was isiip
phiy the ,u nis
Oidetcd to Return t'tom Philippines.
Because nt His Health.
II. I V llC.Ul' Will lu'lll 111' V-.,ul'jtiii 1'i.v.
WashluKton. Xov. 2'.i -(loveiuor W
II. Tall, ol tho Philippines islands. h,i
boell dllccled bv the seeji'lul v of vvai
lo H Iltlll lo the rniled States Thai
action was lakeii liie,tii"e it - evident
Horn int. h nut!. hi leioived I'mni .Manila
llial Coveinoi' Tall will be unable lo
pel I'm in any duties lor soine time, and
will bo obliged lo have tho I'lillipplnes
lo lounlli his heulth.
No date has been dciided upon lm his
leluin. but II Is ojiiitod ho will leave
mi olio of the liausjioils .silling ,it un
call.v date. While hi this lOiinliy he
will bo i ailed lo Washington to kIvo
the iiiinuiitloos of conisre.c.'i Intonnn
lion (ouioinliiK neiessaiv loi.sliiiloii
fill the ("l.lllils
Not Allowed to Hold Meetings in
!!,v J.mIii-,!,, Wat liulu'lli' 'M I'ultil i,
l.oudon, Nov. 2!. Thejo was to have
been an opm uicetliiK- o uiiarehl&is in
this i li v loulisht, lo (olehiato tho l nu i -leeilth
anniversary of tho mciiiIoii of
tho Chlciko amilehlsts, but tint polk n
iiiilcicd theowiii'i ol tln hall, in which
the inooliinr was lo have been hi Id, lo
i nnccl the i onti. ul.
similar ai Hon hy the polke pievenled
a ciik'hr.'illoii, on November U, ol Ihe
dealh of the Chlrami lla.viunrk-ei oiu
s pi i aims.
v ,
Davies lor Mine Itibpector,
I i.v CMhtihr Wir,' inau li.c ..u,jini I1,,,,,
uf", I'J,, -N.iv. ''. (lm Imjh) tlut dm
ilmii'il .in ,Y.iiiiiiitiivii hue ni'iutii a.!' i in-
rClulliill til mine lii.i.,iuik ul Un, I im, .,1,1,1,1.,.
ilk" ilUtliil tU l.'i.iniiiikil IV'lllliiu pivii'i,
I I bis till. Hie lm-olit liiiiiiiilu'iil, iu, i.
j)i!iitii.(lii Ij Un tut i Him , .ill. IUvU null
,i iiciiciil.ivi if .ii am I uiii .one tut liir juin
'li ,iv(.i. i.f tin-ulliii ,iiilu int., .linn, tu
Ilu, ot 1'lilie, .iml Ai.iluw Mil, ii lun uiWhl.,
Iliili', i,(ii' mil tinioiiiiK.,1,
Puise OJloied for Return.
Il.v I.Mliblve Win Mi in Hi,- ,'Hjli,l i',,w.
Nnv limn, , ,v. -."i.-llu. HvuMn ,i, d,i v
iwoii imlilUlim a coiumuikilioii nwu the nun
'.i'i if llio N,v )l,ii,'ii ,ii,l ,ul., b, vvlikli
Hilt nriuUitjon nfkTo u hiw ( sl.i.o ,ul- j
Mturn niililj lirtrmi ,,Voih iViUll" .mil
Trry Miiioviin, to lala- ,i In nv llav.'.i in
JMiury or IM, nun
StiitibiiGb GoniDlled bu the Stincr-
iiHoiiriciit. of Sttitf, Bureau
ol Railway.
The Superintendent Say& Tliete Is
No Coipoiatiou in the Wotlil That
Can Excel th Pennsylvania in All
That Goes to Conserve the Intel ests
of the Public Showing of the
Not them Central and the Phila
delphia and Reading,
1 1. I Mill-in- Who In-lii 'Hie m. n t.l I'n .
Tlim Isimrf,', Nov. i'i'. In Hie iidvunio
slo'cls of liis tepoit for the lis
al year ending .f il lie- SO. h'el. .Major
Isaac l;. Hi own, supei'iiitcni'etil of tho
state biiivi.u ol inllvvav, s'ivs I her" Is
no (oipoiatiou iu Ihe woild that can
excel the l'i'iiiis,vlvanla rnllioad In all
IhaL io conserve the iiitiiests of
tho public. Tho assets of this lompaiiy
lor the voir inveied bv the lepoil
amount lo ..M.'.J7.s:;il. while thu lotol
itiM'lii;oi' icvonuo iiiuoilllled to ?lf,r2.",
lill. an nn lease ol moi c tliitu' two and
niiu-hsill millions ol dollais over Ihe
plevioll.' ,v o.ll. The 1'ielKht I'-VellUe lor
the yon is was sTi'.."iO.LMi(i. Tho passen
;u imenu- and passep-jpi earnlnss for
Ihe vear ivel e JJI.OiO.jS!!, 111" fieignt
icviiiue and i .ii'tilnjjs. STO..ns.ji,ii: oilier
e.uninus lioin opeialion, l.nv.DSU: lo
lal I'.irninif.s fiom operation, Xii'i.SSiS.ISl;
im ouio 1 1 mn other soutcos, iivj'hiillng
iuioict on bonds, dividends .m stock,
icnials, etc.. .","s7,2Ta, maklliq a mam!
f utitl ol ciiniims and imome of Jhd.
1,7::, iir
'I'lio coiupaii.v paid out lining '.at
year l,nis,tl lor inahitenani: of way
and sun, .tine. $1 1. 1.'.l.sns for maintoii
unco ol ('(tiipmenl: WJ.-KU.Tlit K.r lon
iliictlim traiispoitation. In addition to
this, thcie wii" paid iiiulur H,e bead of
ueneral Pxpenscs. .n.'.jJ,!",'., niaking a
total of fihMJI.l.:.' In addition to the
expenses for opeiatloti, this (ompan.v
paid oul SJb.T l-'.tm.:, making the total
e-peudiluies, ?0o,s-.t is.-,, .v. di Idoml ol
V'.ieiy.nTS was p'lid'lo lis sloi.'kholdei.-,
and it had loll after tra' ihu' Ihe
buslni'.-s ol Ihe w a suipllls ol 1 -
7's 'H.
I The' r.'iinsj hania loiupanv is a .-"p-I
:i. ilo imputation it om Dial ot llio
i IN iiusyhtiiiln laihoad. and wh'le Imth
lompunles are under the same koiioi.iI
i iii.'Mi.iki incut, a separale em poiaie esis
I i ' i is mall lainid ami sei t'ale op m'
j ii'ine ai ( ounts sue kept
j Passenger Traffic
I'I.- I, iul pass.. iii.(.i levontie of tl.
1', nnsv Ivaula ininpan.v for the ye.n
was Sl.l.Ti.s'.s, and lh- total fioUlit
lev. line was MiMH.Gl;:. While Ilu.,
. oinpanv had a suiplus as a icsiill ot
lis opeiiitlons tor (ho of J.',".i,2h.'.
no diviil.'iuls appeal to have ho. n paid.
The Noilheiu ( Vim. il company piop
eity helongs lo the l'eun.s.v hatii.i sj s
lem, Iml ni.ikrs a separate lopoil of ils
opeiallons. It bus a capitalization ol
s I.LM' o"S, of which MUiU.:Vin .no
capital stoi'lr iHilKtniiilliiit: .v.i.57S,ii(ii1,
tiindid itidobtedness, .md yj.171 T'.'.s
oilier indebtedness, luiludlim einienl
'J'h. lolul pas,.ngPr icveniie and
ouuiii'is of litis load wet !, fi7i.5Vi: the
Height levenuo ami ciiniut's, ii,l.:;i,-
li'"' Ollll-'l o.llUillK 11 Ol 1 1 OpC'l.'lllbll.
M -.'', i::v lotal eainiiiKs i'mni opeia
lion, 7,!':ii;,17:'.; imome fiom othei
Mini i os, lm. Indian lutoiest on bonds
and dividdids on .slocks owned, 7iM,
n:.l. mnkiiiK a gi.ind total of ..uninis.s
and iiKOine ol 'SS.Ti'O.aji!,
The' of ihls load Iu oinduil
Iiih the business tor the year mo i lassl
ileil as follows: i'i. inaiutenunci' of
way and slruoluio, 5l,0ii,riH; lor limln
Icilaiue of ctiuipuii'iil, .Nl.fiJS iir; lor
londitelinir liauspoilation, i",',:'i' lor
goueinl expenses. SirJT.'ll; tolal opcr
ntiiig i Nponses, -,,.-,y:i,iii:,. Thoso IIkuior
show thai Ihe updating expenses of
this lompaiiy woio TO.IH per tent, of tho
tolal rooipts fiom opotallou, Tho oilier
dlshuiseiiients ol llio company dtnhig
llio, oxduslvo of expciiMi of oper
atlon, weio ?i.,,-'iH,liT. inakltm the total
eXpendilllle ." 7.S"J..". 1 . A dividend of
.''Ipi.'.iMl vvas paid, . avlnu a delli II lor
111" .V.'llt of Sl'.l.l.'.'i
The Rending.
'The I'hilaili'lphla and Ib-ailla,; i:,i.
vva.v tomiialiy," saj.s .Major Hi own,
"piosonts a repoit lor tho year wlihh u
lew yens ago would siaitoly have h. en
ptoplie.-ii'd b tho most aidcnl adinii.
tis of that corporation.
"Its inial (tipllullz.itlou is V.'CtMI.Ilfi,
of which ,$L'n i)iii),tiO(i nio stock
oittstuiidliiK, Mo,fi.:,'ir..' mo bonded lp
debledness, .'"ll,'.'llli. tun oilier loiuis of ami cilriMiit liabilities,
"The assels of thin ioiiiiany .uiioilnl
to jiiv,.'.i;:,iii: of ibis aimumt ),r,s.,s,j'
icprcsdil Hie of road and uiulp.
nieiii: $l,r.','.,i i, mil ami luueni us
,els: .M.l,7ul,liii other assets; s year
the tolal niiimiiit ol assels wns ;i7,s,-
"l.list )o,ll the tutlll nluotllit of Jillln.
age owned and operated by this i otu
pan mis fiM.ui: ibis jc-ar llio .inionni
was l.wu.tiu, of which ', nillt-.i aro
within the statu of Pennsylvania."
Tho lotnl piisseiiKer if'Miuuf-s ihlH
.vear Was JLIiil.t!''.'!: last jcai il was $1
liT.b.".". Tim total fielsht h.voiiuo tor
lllls year vvas ?.,J,17i),7:i)j last yrm the
lol.ll I'n R lit leVentle twis S.''J.SW.
Tho lotill pnssenscl levciilie nnd
euinlnsH Hils jir weio vu.l,iSt;
1'rolnlit levenuo and imiiiIukh. :'j,t70,
T.l'i : othei iiuniiiKH tioui opciatlou,
$l7.!ii; total eainliii-s irom (ipoiatlou,
l..tiSJ.iai. the im (nun from other
sources, $7iO,7ll'. in.ikliii- tho total c.un.
Iiikr and IlKOiun iJsJ7lM7l. I.usl join
the lotal camiiias and Incnmo woio
Ji.0JI.I."7. Tlio oper.tlliie: cxpensos ot
thn Philadelphia and Itoadluir tins year
wore $l3,7''-,,ft.,0; Inst, $11,31,003.
The osppiiso!! lltW your ato elu.sulihil us
follows: .Muliiteiiauco of way mill
striicltno, $J,fiO.',ltiii: inaliiieimm o or
oiiulpiuput, $:i, t'lViiii: (oitdiiotlnif trims.
poi'llllloil, X"i,l!llj,ll:'l, ijollollll esjiciiv, s,
TtaiHc Not Interrupted to a Mniked
Def-tee at Pittsbuiff.
Il.t I v. lii. Iu- Win (rim 'flic thdpUlcil I'm a.
I'lltsblli'f, No. y.K Tiitdle was not
hitort'tipled in iiuy marked deitrcij to
day, on any of tho lnlhoads, save llio
Allegheny Valley. This loud Is slid
badly eilpplcd nnd as a const (iioiii o
s'ovorttl itiilus'ttlal plants nlotiir the Al
lOKltony river were ooinpeUod to loin-pdiarllj-
suspend otiorallons', owhtjr to
their supply of coal boitik' o.xh.iusled,
'I'lio siinouhoi'KOf plnlit of tho A moti
on n Steel niul Wire company, nt Twrn-ly-ilflh
strool, parllnlly suspomled op
erations today, ovvincr lo a lack of i oal,
us did tho American Kleel ami Who
cnmp.iuj'H plant at Twonly-slxlh ulrod
Slipoiinll'iulelil C. II. I'llto, of Hip
Allf'Kholiy V.illoj railtoad. said tonight
that overylhlnir was iu hotter tondltlon
on Iho road loda.v than on the da be
loro. tie said that exti.i switchlitft: en
gines and ctows n cleaiilntr llio side
Hacks and maUlutt up into Hatns the
acciiniulatlons of loaded. cars, and thai
I hose liulns aie being shipped Just as
last as tho lemilni freiKht engines can
lake them nwny. lie -.aid thai after
tomorrow thoie would be absolutely no
tinees that a sttlkc had cxisled.
Tho stiiklug hi. llohui'ii Iiavo not ic
limtulslioil hope of winning- lh" battle.
They claim that despite the statements
made by ralhuad ntliclaK the.v sue nip
icily mihiingr ground and that before the
next few days the companies will be
((impelled to aco pi their terms, ,
committee appointed b.v the .sliikfis
staled lonli'lu ihul thoic sue still sno
meinb.'i.s of the sw itehnien's. union idle
and that all of these me doloi mined lo
lemain away from raiito.t.l yinds until
the.v 1 el tu n eolleetlvelv.
The Enstbound Lake Shote Tiaiu
Makes a Speed of Eighty
Miles an Hour.
Ill I VilllMVi Will HOIII 'llll' l-l'l Iltlll I'll,
Cleveland. Nov. "ft. Tin- eiisl-bomid
Lake Slime limited fast mail,
which lolt Chicago prat lically mie
hour l.i ie at J.r.3 this morning, with
over lm) pouches of Austialiau mail
thin nio being l ush"d acioss tho con
lltienL to catch .sattlA'tni 's sto.l M"r tot"
QuponMown, iciehcil Cleveland at JJ..M
a. io., or nine minutes kilo, huvirig
made up lhu lot tj -eight minales d,
Iwopii ciiicago nnd this i itv. The tiain
i cached a speed of eighty miles i li hour
on a number of ot caslons (lining the
nip, while lh" average lime, im liidlut.
about Iwetily minutes lost iu stops end
slow-downs was llrty-flvo milts an
hour. Tho naln, which i on-isls ol
nine he.ivilv loaded i.ns, was oelajol
lii-ie scleral ininuies ami pulled out tor
tl'e east touitoeii minutes behind
schedule lime Tho 1,,'ike Hhoio otli
i lals, how.'Vei state that Ibis will lie
easily made up between this cit.v and
Uric an 1 thai tho tiain will undoubted
ly ip.kIi New Yotlc on thne.
Klie. IM.. Nov. 'Jii. The east-boiuni
l.alse ""hoii limited, i.irrylng- tlio Aus
tialiau mail, airivcd iu this i itv at l.l
p. m.. and lott for Hie cast on schedule
lime, having made up fouricii minutes
boiwien hoi i ami Cleveland
Little to Be Desiied iu the Btibiness
Situation Geneial Demand
Exceeds tiie Supply.
B.i I.M lni ('Wilt (Killi I lie V-ui .In! I'n-..
New Votk, Nov. J'V- 15. li. Uuii A
'.'o.'s Weekly lievlew of Tinde toluol -row
will suy:
Wln'11 coik-iuui li't il hiiii.I iiinl- hi ivhnI.
supplv .iml nk( . .up del It 1 1 lii ill uil cn tltie
illy lu?li l.'i.'l. it ij iciiii ilh iincnJ.'l tint IIioil'
i iitlli" t," Ijf (It-ini1 in Hit' , ji'iiill'r,
'Hit; lie to:- lie i"i in iMiliiit,' in jii uiit-iil
tttiM. .it1 iniiiv imlU'liii'- .ivu lulltii),, Tli'
.iuiiiil ili-iiiilunii ikiviii i il." li.l, .ii .in
In li.itnlli' ll p'liiioiiiiiiil .'iiiiiiu'iit- tint .ii'
uUi'iiHv invilnl. hi the s-niii" iciiiioition ilu!,'
Hill' .lill!u! Il,lllll.lliil. lltlQl'tCllttOViMril- ini.Mi;
.ttltiliiiiui, liriijl.t lunOliii-, iht-r .liHf. iiui'ii. .illii.l i lam ii, vilildi tiiii,u u
I1.1 ill' I'l'Jlli'llI "' lUll-J'vll.lli' II llliV1 lllli!
V iimcul -iilv.iiii In Hie i'ii.. ..I in; lin'i In-ilii.ik-
Ilul p'toiil l.l. IaIiu .ullilii ,il iiaiMti
ulU In iiiuilufii ,ii .'umiil.Uloii of riiiill.'. le I
mill.- lie ir nnldiil uicni'lv .ml li--hiini
ls tor iinliiil ik-Urnv .u I'hk-liin.: i- iml n'nl
ilili' lioloiv sl..".ii, l,a.' i. ilu 'il Kit' .md l"ii i
i li. nun nu n-.ioilnl ,t tuillin uH.nii.t-, 'ii. 'I
noullii'in iiuu in Hit) (.lilci;.i ii'.nl,.! U uUu lilile
ir. lluvinu rf ulhvjy .suiiiihe U i'io m.i.l ii
(.ml iriliii,': nil., ..u-. 'iisiin'-i. liutliiul iiutu
rill fui liihU.ts uul !ioi r..,liiiuiU ,i li"ii'."
iv.intdl Hindi 1'irlln- linn tln'V in lm ikli-.t'iul,
hi (.niiril lin"- Mm iii.iv, 'im ul I- iiriilj Hss
utiti', ilul .it piiM'in tin liii-nii" in i'ii! ,i)iii'i,.
lo I" liiniiril In uiilltlc, I .lit ii , pi iljii.l, .iflii(iiij: t iini'hy will bo go illy ci,UikiI,
flu' I. iliiie .1111011," Ike mliiti.' iiiv'.i vt . I ,t
: ti ii p ..ilvilitit in tot to iiui a I'm litclno' irw
..I ilu- ."-a. I" '- 'f ildivru jnlvb, In
,i al.iil it.iitu.t t.i In- liv in la, ' j- .i (.In
ikdlne In tillur to thu Icnuit, :iii.i 'im j r );
III IVi'l.
f "iitlltl'ns nro cvfn r.iorp IjvciI.U .it ,li
mill', on.- irrtHln lam iciu-lns a l,n'. (,n,i . ;
ilflhnj In lMruity. Auutli.r liUli io,(n,l u
the -( w.i' 3 r.t.-ililMinl by losii, iml jkuui I u'i' ct i-p.i iilalhc mniJikiis, aliiiuiit, Hum,
tvoio nK'-t ,'icviv, jt Hi- wi'il. ,i-ni ji tie
Hifii1 k'vcl of prli'V, i-lik!i mi..nw.l nil kUli
.iliL III IlllfUt ttll, it U' novel llltilo
i,i i.'iilii.iiiuim. fli llic .boil ,1 ' ut ilu
nulla i
l'.ukiic li di- v, i'1, imiiuin, il t.- in i,.i
t'lilk-il Sill ., .iffjiai 7 list j oar. mil tv.fiil).
In.- In ( iii.uli. aJiu-l lm nli er.i j. ten
Opoiation on Govetuor Tail.
Hy I.m Iti-ivi' Win nnri'll.t' .Vi.wiljt'.l I'lcs.
M mill. Nuv. J'.-'lliC i'1'Ci ilion p. li
liutiiii.'i rail Mil-, eiijiiilii iui .u.n (-nil. II;
t'Vicii. id f.'i W.alilniti.ii lim in in e..,
cii , Lib' jii'l i mill i vnni Sri JtJi.i Hum,
Hi l.itliiiii.' Wite (rein lim wviUuu l'ii.
.Mjililil, .Nuv. 2.-l'..wtrt.i M.ilf,,. ,1,1,1 .,(
till' II, Ullllll.lll l'lll'lJl UIt, llll I,, I.,,, 'li
ttjj tvlli n liJHel'-ti.i In so.
Mis. Annie Craig Peacock Scoies
the Latter Day Saints.
Hi l.v. lu'no Wile frnn P," S"'c!-tr.l I'rew
I'lilladi'lplihi. Nov, mi The Iwcntv
S"vcnth nnnu.'il moothiL,' of the Wom
an's t'lnisilaii Tenipi'iitiu o t'nioti of
IVnusytviinln was held bete today.
Mis. Annie ('lalg- I'outook, Ihe prchl-
, item. In h"r lepoil louudlv sooted
the jjiiiter u.iy sialuts. Airs. Mmj
".'laike Jjo Vcuo, , jetuinod iilissloniuj
I fiotll I'titll, Sliolte of ei' o.p,'iieni'i'.s
!n lining- iho .Mortnons and vailoiiy (oni-
tnltl.'o reports weio read.
.Mis. I.lsislo Docker, tro.isiiier, un
polled tho lolnl leiolpls lor llic join
lo ho s,iM. with ilisliutsiinienls of
i'lln. The i opm i of Mnrv II. Jones,
treastii"!' of Iho building until, showed
u balutno Jn the tioasury of 5,.,V.i:. Ite
icipltf tor the .vent, t,!,!)!1., expenditures,
.Mis I'o.iioik in her athliess ill -plmcil
tlio movement in New Voile ( hy
lo le,MlI,i the s(,i, oi intnvic ants on
They Will Insist. However, That the
Full Amount of the Rnnsotn
Shall Be Paid.
H 1 i 'mni Wnf (H'fn 'HiC WarutrJ fun
SoMj. Nov ".--According to a let
ter dated Duhnltr.a, Nov. "s. .Miss
Hlone nnd .Mine. Tsllka aie sllll alive.
Th" let lei iu tipsiioi, fuiilier says
that a icceuL uioelltig of Iho commit
tee held ill Dtiblia il vvas doiinitoiy
let tiled uol lo kill the pilsoticv.s upon
' nuv piolet whatever. Nevertheless
,1110 (onuiilliPc Insli-lod upon the pay
ment of the full amount of tin- tan-
Willi lelcicine lo the lepoils of the
dij.illl ol .Miss I'llen .M. rftouo tho cap
live Ameiienn niissloiiar.v, the, rovoiii
ineiu holds that il iho bilg.uuls oxjs
li"ialed bv tho it.d.iy have miudeiod
Miss Slope Mr lllokinson (ho diplo
matic agent of (ho I 'lilted Stales, i
l (-sponsible lor ihe dchiv ami not Iho
iiuvoi inn-in of liulgaiia The latlif
has not iiitei tf'ied with Mi lib kinson'.s
euiis-aiies noi did lh" government
move Hoops alii i Mj Uii khlsou
oprm d i ommiiiik alioii with Hi" biig--iinds.
j Thomas' E. Motaii, Deputy Customs
Collectoi, L, Sine That 80 Lives
! Weie Lost in the Wieck.
lit I lllMtt Will I OUT 111 U I'li'e
fiolroii, Nov. .'!' An interview ibis
"Ventiis with Thomas H. .Moiun, ilepllt.v
titsiotns i oliei lor ,il this poil, pi.tclic
j ally e idles the estimate that at lea-l
Jelwhtv lives woio lost in Woiluy.-ilny
nielli's tolllblon ami awful holocaust on
' th" Wabash r.ilhuatl, near Henec.t. The
j two IminlKi'.ini ens In which iho nieal-
esl los of life off lined and in which so
many of Hie vvioil; vk llms woio
' oil lo dentil, woio pml ol tiain No J.1,
which cioss.d Deltolt livci fiom Can
! udJ on llio Kiryboai ( Western
Wi iliic.sdny til ioi noon, and Ooptiij .Mor
au lupei toil tho b.iKgaKc of its pas-hOll-tels.
lie s.i.v.s llli'le Weio III the 101 y
l.'.ll i ,iK ill itloii one humlfd Italians
in Die iw-o oais. Iu iiddillon lo these,
tip 10 wei" ton mine iu the smokliiR
(at, which was ahead of the iwo iinnii
fti.iut cat s
Otllriul .olvkos to .SitpellntclUh III
Cut ns, d this division oi Iho Wabash,
say thai of the Italians Iu llio wmk
tvviiuy escaped unhuii and weio tak-n
to Ht, t.ouis: llt'lei-n are In Ihe com
pany's hospital at I'eiti, link there aie
six otlieis in I'eiit. ami two :n i- near
Adilan, Inliiied. SuhuiiolliiK ihoso
foity-lhieo 1 1 om Un- Ilu iiiifiilKtaiils
Hiipllty .Moral) snis Wele abo.ild (he
tiahi, lo.iv'iH u bus ,'HilOllK tho llJllims
..lull" ti' Ill aildllioil. i-1'.rht
olhet budli s vvoie lecoveifd and ideiill-
lied, wlih Ii m ikes a total of s,v niy-
, live d"inl.
Piesident Will Not Reappoint Him
to Oklahoma Teiritoiy.
I lit I M II.- 10 W!ll II. III 'II.. -ll J,lJ l'lr
j i'iishini!'o,i, Nov ;ti. -Th- major
I port Ion of the i.ihluel nuuilng be
lief ihe imiii lung of i oiigioss do
Vi ted to going over some I el usir up-
iinliltlle Ills V.hkll Milt be sent lo , oil- i
'-.res uoM wi ok. cl(i..ui,. Uuiel
was sent mi Un Hino-tlmi ol if appolui-
llif, Coventor ,b lllillls, of OUIithtillM
I'lt.llges tain made naiilllMl the got '
oi nor legindltiK his i oiiu.-ciiiiii with ii
itililf i iiiiiii-mv oi-ioleil In Hie loi il. I
lllllK tollip.lll.v ot .l UUt U I UK (He I
to.5 Th. piiM.-oui (j.ivc him .. Hen.
lilt; last oiula. It was iliieidcii lodaj
uol 'o leappoiut hhu
Steamship Ai'ilvnlb.
l.l I' W 1(0 lldlll fl.f 0llnl I'll.
dl Hl. N'M -' -llfHtll II lH, IK'IIII
4lll .S Ipl'lt Illil'lllH' IIjIHI.1'11., H.i lli'lll'.l ,
I jiiiiiii1j, .luiifi'l liin W'jl.iri.n. Iliinbir;
ll.iml'HR A i t v I : I'm. nit Im, Nov. f,H.. wil
Aillviil: llulnii.illtiii, f- v.o'. foi Mini,
s,imiiii.I .ii- s,iU.I: P. urn li ji.iI .linn lln. i
lni), NVtt iiiU in I lit'ili litre llullriili a
sillttl: intljii, .Nn. nilt Vit lld'i'.'tnc I .IL.
ull.n 1 l uluii.lili iff. l.i Linn .iml Ni
.l..), Vttt 'tl llivn - Vini.'l (. Un li,iii,',
Ntvt V..HI.
Pension Granted,
ll.t l.ulu.iif Ulu linn 'Ilu-.V.TH I i llO'l I'll".-
Winliliulmi. N.v !- Mny H, Kiuu (viiOitvl,
,,I lilnlli, lu In II '.Ullliil j 1'i'lbUu of S,
GiiiUdlnti ol Forelun Vp.seeit Act
a the mfidlimi ot
Seitor Do. Ln Agtees to Surteu
cler the Llbetal Soldiers with Their
Arms to Cnptniu Pcny, of the
Iowa Captain Peiry in Turn Will
Hand the. Men Over to General
Alban Lives nnd Liberty of Lib
eials Piotected.
lit I.M ln-ivi' Win- irwii The --Liuiiil I'n'v,
'.'olon, Nov. L')i. The toi ins of sur-leiulei-
tiKivod upon at yesterday's eou
I oi once hold on boaid tho Untied .States "Uinlellii and at which tin
oonmi.indhiK ollieois of the Jlnilottn
of llii t'i'itWIi oi nisei- Trlluino, and of
Iho Ji'ienoh orulsor Suoliol, Iileittoniuit
C'oniii, under .Met'.e.t of this Maclilns,
I'.iplnlii Tc-ny of llio Iowa, ("cneinls
Alban and .lolfiies lopreseiuins Ihe
soveiniuont al ('olunibla and Heiior fo
t.i llosa lomesonted Hie p.lily
woif brlollv as follows:
f-'eiiot- Hi l.a Itos.i HKloeil to siiiieu
dor Hie l.lboiaj soldlots now at Colon
with their aims lo Captain i'eny at
noon today. Captain IViry in his t tit 1 1
iiKieert lo hand over llie-e men ami
their aims later in the day to ("onotal
Alban who, iu Ids turn, Kiiaranleoii
life and llbei tj, to till men lecontly in
aims asralust tlio Consorvativo govern
ment ol Colombia. Tlio surionder ot
nrms vvas lo bo bou.ithle In overv ie
suect. AI half o.isl eleven this morning a
htrfco uuinhur of nun hies nnd blue
ja"keta fiom t lie lowa, the Mai lotto
and the Maehias landed at Colon and
pioc-odod to tlio batiaoks. Jloro Iho
anus IjcloiiKins" to tlio (liberal soldiers
woio taken over by Ihe Ameileuns
in the prcseiito of Captain Pony, th'
eommaivteis of the w.irsliips above
mentlonou, the American." lirllis'r and
Kieiifh oonsul!! at ('olon and a l.trs'
eoneouiso of iieoplo who sympathicd
with llio Liberals in their sunender.
Tlio stuard tiaHolltiiA" Colon
this moiuinn appealed sail and down
cast. Their beluvloi. however, has
all alonu beeii piaihevvmlhy and
a is not at all an oxaftiteiation to say
that the.v have Mined the lesped of
a very largo portion of tho loivunun
itv. and cspeolally of the roioiiti. ol
mcnls. dining their .shoit admlnlslia
tioii ot Colon
De La Rosa Sttuendeis.
I.atot In Hi" ri.iy tloueral Alban in -comp.iuled
by oflklals of (ho Conserva
tive gov oi nmont of Colombia, ,u lived
bete fiom IMiiam-i and Kcnoi- Uo l.a
..llosa, lojiioseuting- Domingo
i'l'i.i', wlio-e lie is, sill ten
th! oil himself and the Hlbctal noon
to the ( ho geneial in tho pies
oiuo of Captain Voxiy and tlio naval
ami i onstilar olih ers above mention' il
l"or yeat s the haiboi- of Colon
bus not been so riowded us It Is loday.
l.'ive meii of vvai and sfvoial (lotmau,
Italian and lh Ilislt mere haul and pas
senger steamoi", :is well as other ves
sels aie iu pin I.
Tito men of war nio inooieil to the
vv halves. Tlio only Hag bedecked .ship
In the harbor is llio Colombian Con
servative gtinbo.ii ( Piux.ou.
When (ionetfil Alban icceived Ihe sui
nndei of the Liberals the Plnznii blew
a s-etie.s ol uolsv ipiif I; and iiiegiilai
notes troin her log huiu, iiidieiitivo of
her ov at tho pioeeedings.' She is novt
l.vlng (iitlle clos-e (o thu dorks. Cen
pimI Alban is on d.
The ninjorilv of the uiii
tini'S nnd blue l.ukols have letuined
to Iholl vessels The t'tidici bus Und
id a det.K hnienl of nun inos on lb"
prnperlj oi the Ki ouoli i anal t ompan.v
Aineiicnn niai'ties are sllll eu.uillus
the plots ami the talhoad stntluns
(Ivor "i men i-nieicl the illy vvltb
(ieiieinl Alban, tJo Li lloa, on
handing Alban bis .swoid, said:
"I iiccepl tho conditions of tho lieiitv
lo s-ategiinril the lives unit llbeily of
,.,,- -,,l,ll,.is In Cilrdi. As I'm- mv In .11 1
,.i" iuul lii.vsclf. wo pet.-oilallv deolln
,i ai oi pi the conditions of the tieaty
The Adrian Death List,
By m limtf IVm- liu'd 'Ilu' Ao I1f il IVit
bllluir, .Nut -"'. V I i-Wr- .-I'l-I ij I, (illl V'llHIl,
vi'di, hio Ilul .loiuiillim t" II' nunn I' ffli',,
vf.iu', (if I tik.UM, ll.ifiiieli -'Idii tv n .nrui-'fil
Mm Ii,iIi1.iUMiiii In I ..lll'.'.lill uf 111!-,-.
1.111. il in Wiiluinliv iiislitV tiri-d, mi ilu' Wiliol.
tlifrc ttii' fiiil.i .il'iiil itift In unci nil, mi ill
ttiii lifniill lulu II Mils i. 1 1 i.e. n iiin,i" lhu
tl. Uii ll.t lit uiliu-, liJli .iml i. Iiiii.iIici ..( Mr
ilr ul ttlll I,' ti'lvvirn I, Tli un I di it
, -, . ...
Shnikey Backs Sulllvnu.
I'.' ' iih win- rmm Itir '..m!if. Vu
Viv V.irl-. Xfi. "' "lulu sl..iVrv Iu. ik,i
Umik m l).n Mlbun. Hi." lutlifittil?!,!, .mil
';J '-,ir'1 ' (iiii""-'' '; ' '"",' ' ".,1;,,t''" ''
'" '" 'o". .-"'.' .. "i ''-ni
, ,, (,, Hj,,.j I, villlll. to 1,,-t
.,;;, , ,.VM, ,,; ,,. ,,,,, , ulll ,; ,,,,
Pj'-i- -i
im 1 1 ii
Hi-in im luii i'il I'i Coilifit i.r vi.
lutul llll I It" NliVfllllH'l- -.10, 1fl)
IllVliti-i lfiiii(rilnit ........... ' 'I iL-iCe
l.uttul t iMnpf t jtui. ,. ,...,...,,,,,,,, H il,r-i-l.'tlititt-
ft . i. in , ,,.,.. on per i cm
, '. in ...,.,,,... S it-r it-iit,
I ',.'i 'Hon, '-'I iiniM iiuitil , .. Uii in-k.,
t t -M f -ft -- fif'
JdJrgtoii, Nov. 'J9. For,-(ji trr 1 jd
'in I'i nii.- ItaiiU: Giiicully timid su. ,
iljt ; biir,iUy, fjlij liglit lo lii-,.i kIuJj,
luv.iiy ivit in norintviii,
4I.HUiT,i-T tit-K,
a ... , ,
- fi-
":' ' A?y