prfmmf tfflfa m? v ' w $u v'tvxrxrz'"''! r a i e THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1901. WEST SCRANTON UNION SERVICES OF YESTERDAY HELD IN THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Vttendiuice Wns Vciy Large and Services Were of nn Insphlnrj Chnrncter Sermon by Rev. E. A. Boyl Qencrnl Observance of the Day Exercises in the Schools P. 0. S. of A. Fair Little Child Bndly Scalded A. 0. H. Entertainment. Notes and Personals. Tin union ThiitiksglviiDx services ul b First ttiipllxl church yesterday nnrnhiK xxero of nil impiesslvc cluinic tor, iiud were attended by n tcprosoii lativp ussciilblii'.'P of West Scriinlnti people, iitimhci-InK iiiikiiir them the members of tlio .Methodist, lluptlsl, Piosliyli'rtnu. t'oiiKrcgiitlnniil mill uthei doiiniiilimtlons The 11111,'iiionleil chiilr, crimprltdiu; Hie siiiReis from tin- vml rniH I'htiti'liox, aided materially In niuk liiff tin' service nne lout? to bo remem bered VIkii Ibi' services xxori' begun at Hi o'clock, ilio spin iouw ttttitltm iiim xvns tilled xxlth xvorshlppers. many of whom xvero taking their Ilrst look at the beau tiful interior flnlsliliif? of the new" edi fice. After an orsjnn voluntary anil the sinning of the iloxolony. an Invocation was offered by ltev. Thomas 1 lirtichy. It. I)., pastor of the Jackson Street liaptlsl church, in which he thanked nod for the many blesslncs that have been bestowed on his cho-en people during the past year. Following the singing of a hymn In the. congicgatlon, the ltev. II. ('. .Mi -Dormotl. pastor of the Simpson Metho dist Kplsiopal church, read .1 heautlfu anthem appropriate to the occasion. fervent prayer was offered by the l!e James Itennlnger. pastor of the Kn hiii'y .Methodist Kpiscopal church. 11 which he asked that Owl's blessing might bo abundantly bestowed on t'n nations of the world In the years in come. The congregation united in sinyin.: another hymn, and then an offciiiii was taken ui for the West Side hos pital, liex". .1. 1'. .Molfat. I). I)., p.istoi of the Washburn Sheet I'lcsliytcri.n church, the Th:iuksgi iag piocla mation issued by I'resiilenl Unimex ell. in which he said tli.u "tills Thanksgiv ing finds tin1 people still bowed with sorrow' for the death of a great .1111 good president. We niouin President .McKinley because xc so loved and hon ored him; and tliv manner of his diatl Dtifotir's French Tar Will plitnpll. k'Iioi' on! 'pudily .'in ioiijIi-", cnlil- mil .ill I11114 tumble. I'm -ili. l,v C XX .11 NUNS 101 Siuili XI mi aienuc. RH 1 'IrordTT K nu civ iicwD iui Saturday Thanksgiving is over, and shrewd buyers are looking forward to Cnristmas time, when exchanges of good will and seasonable remembrances are in order. They know that wherever possible betler selections can be made now than at a later date, and we know that they are right in their conclusions. In Art Needlework and Fancy Goods Leather Goods, Perfumery and Jewelry Our holiday stocks are complete and ready for your inspection. The assortments are superb, and as much de pends on leisurely choosing, a visit to these departments will well repay those who use judgment in making theii selections. Goods selected now will be l-iid aside until wanted. Interesting Specials For Saturday Only. A Bargain in Petticoats Fancy Striped Merceiized Materials in black, blue, purple, lavender, cercise, etc, with deep flounce and 5-inch accordeon pleating. A very special value at Two Good Dollar Items Mocha Kid Gloves for gentlemen, in all slbides ol grey etc, as good bs any $1,50 glove made. Men's Pure Wool Ribbed Underwear, uxtu weight and all sizes. By far ton at. Twot Fine Hosiery Specials Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, high spliced heel and toe, line gauge and regular 2SC quality, at Gentlemen's Fine Cashmere I lose in black and natural shades.sizes 9 to u, genuine 40c quality.for Don't Leave the Store On Saturday without looking over our splendid line in Small Furs and the extra values offeied in ladies' Chat telaine bags. If you don't want them they're good enough to malto you talk about them to others, Globe Warehouse I tin sm iw ir SaMiMtfaiiPit VN should awaken In the hrcaHts of our people 11 iteeti anxiety for tho country, and lit tile same tltne 11 resolute pur pose not to he driven by any calamity from tho path of strong, orderly, popu lar llhei ty, which us a nation wo have thiiM tar safety trod. "Yet, In spile of tills great disaster It Is, nevertheless, title that no peoplo on earth have such almniluut cause for thanksgiving um wc have. The past year In pin titular has been one of peace and plenty. Wo have prospered In things material and have been able to work for our own uplifting In tilings Intellectual and spltltual. Let us re member that, as much bus been given us, much will be expected from us: and that true homage conies Irom the heart as well as Horn the lips and .shows Itself In deeds. We can best prove our thankfulness to the Almighty by the wa.x In which, on tills earth and at this time, each of us does his duty to his fellow-men." The leading of the pioclalliatlou was attentively listened to, and then fol lowed the sermon of the day, by Itov. mmml itix. i.. x novi " A I'oyl. pastor of the J'lymoulli ongiegatlonal ehureli, In xxliieli he o,ioke, in substance, as folloxvs I lii-it- 1- imlliliu tint porlr.ij- I In (liu.uli'i i.t i in moie (ll-'iniily tli in 1 1 i - gi ititude ur hi I. m iiiluile. No Ii.xinIui wiiij wa-. cm n puken i( niii tli tn to ..i lie is uum.itefiil, .iti-1 110 tin-1 -.tiui'-ny w.i-. -er giwi lo the wonh ul ,ui; 1.-1111 thin their own thankfiilnt . No rh-mint in lumiaii inline i lime p-iieut -1 luiutify the charaettr and iiilaige the wlmli Me -if mill a biJit thai i,'ioiiil- gi.ititullv . eieij Kinilly word and iht-d. Ao clement hi-1-iin 10 puwerlul .1 factor hi chili? illon n- the lolng heait xln lme bail stifli .1 iip .1 m.ilitinle tint they pound out tin i 1- life k wir at tlie feet of in.iukiuil. Ii w.w men win- awoke the i-ixlli.. 1 uni in the pi-t and leit In 11-. then -nil legacy ., Iilei.ilure. and .111. and religion 'lhe wanu in h ,-f tli -! gitieroiw .-mil- found . ie--poii-ie h.inl in tin- luei-t- of our lorefithei- til it ex-u'i--eil it-icif in ,1 djj ot ihink'glviug and praxer, 111 1 we mod 110 other li'-tiiiimij ot tin it- leal ll' inn--.- of -.f-ul. Xml ii i- .1 -pleiulid ti.-lininny to tin liii-ti.iu 1 iiili-iud of our mien, tint tliN diy i.- iver i,cpt 1 . iiietiihia:t'-e In them. .Xnd .11 tho H-picst of n iut evi'tutne wi- are met togeil ei for the tyIc tah 89c $1.00 $1.00 the best value in Scran- 25c 25c Shoppers i 1 ji si purpose of "(living thank unto the boat, tor lie is poodi for I1I1 mercy cnJuralh forexcr." X'o aliQiilil lie ttiinkiitl for the material blew InRi Hod I1.11 given in. For the liountlful liar xcntj (hit have clothed our fields; tor ready mar kot fur the arU ami Intention that hax-e made the home ul the laboring timn a place ot greater comfort and refinement than were the palaces ot ancient l:lnjr. lint not only hax-e we these tlilnpn for nhlili to bo thankful, but niiny Rrealer tlllllRS, Ion M hfconiliijt Rciier.ll. Iiilelllriice Ii unlrciMl, TI1I1 I1 11 reanon for special thanU rIxIiuj. for xxhlle a nionanliy may thrlxe upon iRiioMtice. the only hope of a Itepnlillc i In urn er,il enlightenment. Alo xvc should be thankful for the moral raIih uhleh are evidence d lu the prourcHi of political allalw. The church ha alo made l.irncr glim than for many can provlou". Kmphaali In belnir put upon the grnt ewntlaN ol our religion and the lumeM' Are fetdoin tnenlloneil. We aic nuking 11 more united "Hurt than cier before, and H'b'iidlil riilti mint follow, f!od and not al m will Hin the xktor.i. Chrlt la not leading a toilniu hope; we .ire not fighting a lolng bat tle. H", looking about u mi every hand, and wring iol' Molina, e uni certainly find omcthtng for ulilih In be thankful. And nov. I want tu tall )nur attention In the (.at that we niirrctve are to blame If xvc are not iiirnmndnd alth tboe coiiiIIIIoim whldi Imgif IhnnWulnrM. It llei largely within nnr own power tn build a heme, a ihuicli nn I a nation for wniiii wo rjn be truly tlnnkfiit. If jour bnine l not .1 bleed place, n ife refiwe for jour children, .von jourehc). are to blame, (ilxr jour bn.VH a welcome In your home insteal of nulling Ihriii out into the street, nnd jou will leip an liarmt of Joy. Create " meti in lour homes and ehurche? (hit will be otiong eiiiiiigli and good enough to clear the nation of it eci.'.pooN of ilee, mid e.ieb .xear will bring In in n glorlom thanlvigbliig. Xml we can sty tliin, rxen ai we i,i today: "The Imd li.illi done ureal tiling" fur in, wnereivf we nre glad. O give tli.mU nnlo (lie Lord for he l gnodj for hl mercv nrluiptli for- I TI ' Observance of the Day. Thanksgiving day passed off quietly In West Scranton. The ilrst service of the day was a sunrise prayer meeting tit the Slinimon Methodist Episcopal church, in which 11 large number of young people participated. At 10 o'clock special services were beld hi St. David's Kpiseopal church, the sermon being preached by tho rec tor. Kex K. J. McHenry. A large as semblage was present. The union ser lees at the First Uaptlsl chut eh arc fully ceivi-ieel In the preceding story. During the noon hour quite a number of family reunions xvore held in differ- nt homes in West Scranton. The Woman's Homo Missionary society of the Simpson Methodist Kplseopal 1 hureh, distributed, during the after noon, a large quantity of mod, cloth lug and money among poor families, as has been their custom for a number of years. 1-arge crowds were in attendance at the Patriotic Order Sons of America fair lu the nexv Washington ball build ing, xx here entertainment and amuse ment xvas furnished Incessantly by the committees in charge. The socials at the AVashburn Street and Chestnut Street Presbyterian churches in the evening xvere well attended and proved to lie cnjox-able for those who patron ized them. A very large crowd attended the an nual entertainment and dance of Divis ion Xo. 1, Ancient Order of Hibernians, lu Hears' ball. School Exercises. The pupils of Xo. 1:1 school held ap propriate Thanksgiving exercises on Wednesday afternoon, at xvbicb the following programme was rendeied: Sons, school; essay. "Thanksgiving Day," Arlington Heed; recitation, Ada Slote: song, school; story, Margaret Kdwards: Thanksgiving story, Saams; Thanksgiving exercise, teacher and pupils; reading, William Heed: song, school. The pupils look to school a largo quantity of vegetables and a sum of money, which xvas sent to the Home for the Friendless. A collodion xvas taken up at No. 19 school for the Florence Mission, which xx-, is as follows from the various rooms; rrot. Phillips, ,s,i rents; Miss Nlcliolls, M! cents: Miss Beamish, 3S cents; Miss Morgan, .'.", cents; Miss Davis, 7S cents: Miss Kulloxv. f!7 cents; Miss Wade, GO cents; Miss Kvans, 73 cents; Miss Mur phy, .17 cents; .Miss Fly mi. f.O cents: Miss Peck, 4.1 cents; Mls Huttnn, !i0 cents: Mrs. Forber, 73 cents: .Miss Mur ray, -10 cents: total, SS.::n. Wait! Wait! Wait! The West Side Hank will distribute savings banks in a fexv weeks xvhieh can be obtained by depositing SI at the bank. P. O. S. of A. Fair. The attendance at the Patriotic urder Sons of America's fair yesterday after noon and evening xvas something enor mous, tin- hall being taxed to its capac ity. The boys ate luistlets and deserve to succeed. The door prize for Tiles day evening was xxon by chock No. r,2. anil Wednesday evening's prize xx-as xx on by check No. 101, held by William Kulch. Tho lamp chanced off on Wed nesday evening was won hv cheek No. to, held hy (', H, Pitcher. Yesterday afternoon a paper doll was given to each of tho children in attend ance. The FIoic Bros.' orchestra fur nished the music in a very acceptable manner. A number of valuable lontrlbutlons have been received by the committee since the fair opened, all of xvhlch are gratefully acknowledged, Special at tractions xvill 1m provided this evening and tomorrow evening. Stylish Coats, l-'rld.iy ami Saturday special wile or ladles' misses', children's novelty gar ments. .Iears & llugi-u, Entertainment Last Evening'. A large assemblage attended the en tertainment and, social held In Mears' hall last evening, under the auspices of Division No, 1, Ancient Order of III I hernl.iuM. The programme as printed 1 iu this department yesterday xvas car rion out m its entirety, and enjoyed by the audience, The singing of the A. O. II. choir was a pleasing surprise to all, and they xxem generously applauded. All of the pai'MclpanlH aoiiiltted themselves creditably. Tho dance which followed was also a pleasant feature of the event, and hundreds of young people tripped the light lantas tlc to tho popular music played by the accomplished pianist, Miss Kate Uear ilon. The division realized a anug sum on the alfalr. Silks and Dress Goods, A great 1 eduction in prices. Su our advertisement on another page of this I paper Meats & ilagen. GENERAX NEWS NOTES. The Clover club held a well attended und enjoyable masquerade dance In A SENSIBLE MAN nuulil u,i- Kemp's lljlrjin fur I lie- 1'liioat ni'l I.iiiik. It In uiriui; mum t'miijln., fold,, Atlinu, llioiirlilti., (luup .11.-I all Tliiuiit und l.tinc Iroutile-i llun jny ullu-r iiii-dliini-. Tin- iiruiiriv" tor lu uutliiiiluil uny druygUt 10 oho xuu a bjmiilc lluttlo free tu convince iou ol the merit ol tbU great icincdy. Price. L'Jc. and 50v NERUOOS DYSPEPSIA Not a Patent Cure All, Nor ft Mod em Miracle but Simply a Ra tional Cure for Dyspepsia, tn these days of humhUBgery and de cent on, tho manufacturers of pntent medicines, as it rule, seem to think their medicines will not sell unless they clnlm that it xVHI cure every disease t'iSS under the sun, And they never think of leaving out dyspepsia and stomach troiiblps. Thpy am sure to claim that their nostrum is absolutely certain to pure px'ory dyspoptlu and he need look no further. In the face of these absurd claims It Is refreshing to note that the proprie tors of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have carefully refrained from making undue claims of false representations making undue claims or false representations regarding the merlls of tills niot ex cellent remedy for dyspepsia nnd stoni iipIi troubles. They make but one claim for It. and that Is, that for Indigestion nnd various stomach troubles Stuart's Dyspepsia Tubets Is a radical cure. They go no farther than this and any man or woman suffering from Indiges tion, chronic or nervous dyspepsia, xx'ho xvill give the remedy a trial xvill find that nothing Is claimed for It, that the facts xvill not fully sustain. 11 Is a modern discovery, coipposed of harmless vegetable Ingredients ac ceptable to the xvcakest or most deli cate stomach. Its great success in cur ing stomach troubles Is due to the fact that the medical properties are such that it xvill digest whatex'pr wholesome food is taken into Hip stomach, no matter whether the stomach Is in good xvorklng order or not. It rests the ovor xvorked organ and replenishes the body, the blood, tho nerves, creating a healthy appetite, gives refreshing sleep and the blessings which nlxx'ays accom pany a good digestion nnd proper as similation of food. In using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets no dieting Is required. Simply eat plenty of wholesome food and take these Tablets at each meal, thus as sisting and resting the stomach which rapidly regains its proper digestive power, xxiien the Tablets xvill be no longer required. Nervous Dyspepsia is simply a con dition In xvhieh some portion or por tions of the lierx'ous system arc not properly nourished. O001I digestion in vigorates the nervous system and ex' ery organ In the body. Any druggist xvill tell you Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give universal satis faction. St. David's hall on Wednesday ox-ening' after the "Mabon" lecture. .lust as the meeting xx-as being closed Walter Kimc as "Uncle Sam." Oliver Harris as an American sallor.and .lenkin Rey nolds as an American Indian, marched Into the hall and took seats near the stage. It xvas a pre-arranged event, and xvas appieeiated by "Mabon," xvho complimented the boys on their clever make-up. At the meeting of the AVest Side Cen tral Republican club, held on Wednes day evening, the matter of changing tho quarters xvas deferred for the pres ent, and uction xvas Indefinitely post poned. The annual election of officers xx'JU occur next month. The attendants and patients at the West Side hospital acknowledge x-ith thanks the donation of a turkey by ex- Sheriff Charles Robinson, 'and also a number of other donations irom vari ous friends. itooert liradley, ot Pittston, spent Wednesday and yesterday among' his relatives and friends in toxvn. Dr. George H. Reynolds xvas called to Foster on Wednesday in consulta tion witli Dr. Taylor, on an Important case, Joseph Reynolds and William Cook son, of O, minion's hill, have returned home front n successful hunting trip. A birthday party xvas held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Rruning, on North Hyde Park avenue, In honor of their son, Reed. It xx-as an enjoyable event for all those lu at tendance. Uart. Dun. tn, of North Hromlcy ave nue, returned Wednesday from Nexv York city. He has so far recovered from his recent serious illness as tn bo able to resume his duties the Ilrst of next week. A concert for the benellt of David .T. Davis, who xvas blinded In the Dia mond mines many years ago, xvill be held at the Jackson Street Baptist church on Dec. i. The draxving for the bicycle to bo held at IStioch Hx-aus' hotel has been postponed until Dee. 21. Keystone lodge, Ioal Knights of America, xvill hold their regular meet ing this evening, Charles Metres, of North Rebecca avenue, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Stephen AVilllnms, of AVllkes-Harre. Mrs. D. P. Serine Is seriously 111 at her home on Price street. Misses Anna James, of North Hyde Park avenue, and Mary James, of Hullovue, spent Thanksgiving xvlth friends In Wllkes-Uarre, William M. Williams of Rock street, Is recovering from an Illness. Walter Kdwurds, of the Chemical company No, 2, has returned homo from a visit lu Philadelphia. Kdmund Lewis, of the Chemicals, is on the Kiel; list. Roger Evans, of Jackson street. Is contlned to his home hy Illness, Albeit Kx'ans, of Fourteenth street, and Edward Reese, of Hampton street, are out hunting, William Thomas, of Eynon street, Is visiting friends hi Johnstown, Kicunrti jones, or awards routt, Is recovering from an Illness. William Davis, or Fourteenth sued, has returned home from a visit xvlth friends in pittston. .Miss Mary 1 lower, of Price street, spent Thanksgiving at Altooim. Propaiatory services xvill be held at the AVashburn Street Piesbyterlau church this oxvnlns. A largo ciowrt of sports xx'itnes.--eil the shooting match on dummon's hill yesterday morning, ' Fred Olbbs, of Taylor avenue, and .Miss -Maud Koerner, of North Lincoln avenue, xvere united in niuirlago yes terday at the homo of tho bride. Evan R. James, of 1303 Division street, and Miss Lizzie 13. Morgans, of "U 'nn I) ii re n avenue, xvere united In marriage yesterday. Albeit II. Knapp, of Moosle, and Miss Elizabeth Williams, of South Scranton, xvero united hi marriage on Wednesday by Rox D. P. Jones, at tin parsonage of tho Tabernacle Con gregational church on South Hyde Park uvenue. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. mien Heffron occurred yesterday afternoon from her late homo on Price street. Short services xvore held In St. Pat rick's Cathollo church, and Interment xvns inadp lit the Cathedral cemetery. Miss Berthti AVngstarf, of lOynon street, entertained a fexv of her friends at her home recently. thicoh Hoxvcr, of Price sired, spent yesterday at Hip Iioiiip of his slslpr :n Prlceburg. The t;. T. D. Social club will hold an entertainment ami social In Mears' hall on Christmas evening. Miss Lizzie A. Kvans, of I.araydto street, spent Thanksgiving with Ply mouth friends, Mabel and Walter Uieunwood, of N'ortli Hyde Park avenue, ate visiting relatives in Owego, N, Y. Mrs. David Decker, of North tlnr fleld avenue, left yesterday for Huston to X'lslt her sister. Miss Knuna Darling, of Nexv York, Is visiting her brother, Marshal Dar ling, of Chestnut street. David Oxvens and Miss Mary Anne Francis, txvo well-known young people, were quietly married on Wednesday night by Hev.W. Davis, pastor of Beth any Welsh Calxinistlu Methodist church. They xvill reside on Acker uvenue, nfter a short xveddlng tour. Mr. and Mrs. George Kynon and daughter. Jonnlc, of South Bromley avenue, spent. Thanksgiving xvlth Tom Eynon, at Lafayette college. The tenth anniversary of the West Side conclave, No. 211, Improved Order of lieptusophs, will be celebrated In Mail's' hall, on Thursday evening, Dec. 12. An elaborate programme Is being prepared for the occasion, and one of the supremo officers arc expected to be ptcsent on the occasion, to give an ad dress on Heptasophlsm. Admission xvill be by ticket, and anyone Interest ed' In tho order can secure ono on ap plication to any member of the com mittee, xvhlch is made up of Hy. A. Parsons, John B. Davis. Hoger Evans, Lewis A. Hoxvell, John H. Klchards. GREEN RIDGE. 'I In- liri'cn UIiIro Lumber cotupjn)' iliop.i weic XWdnesi'jy for repaJis nd will not reopen till .Mondiv. Mm. .1. . Il.irlor and daughter, Amu. of Mon soy .ncnite, me .-.pending tl,o week- at l'atcron, V. J. Cole Price .mil M.irold Kennedy, Mudents at Hl.iustonn .tc.ideniy, are upending their Tlunks slina x-.u.ition nt their repeclixe homes on Wasliliigtoii ax'cntic. John tilnucrs, Charles Kound and XVilllani XX'.itley spent e4crday hunting near I'rompton. Mis Doioth.v ninimkk lni returned from a six months' stay in Knjrl.nid and is the guest of Miss Hull, of Sindiison avenue. The ladiei of the Kast Market Street Prliui'.iie Melhodii-t tliurch scrxed a turkey dinner in the church list exonimr, about two hundred quests lieinir scued and a neat sum added to the ladies' fund. M1.KS AND lniS GOOD. X ledurtion in prirr.-'. See out jdicr tNcmcnt on another pap; of thi.3 paper. XIUAltS k HAfiKN". Xlr. and Mr. Herbert -lewett arc retail inir oxer tin- of a fine bahy bo.. The looms of the YounR Men', dull of the riimch of the Cood Shepherd xt-ie licautif'illy tlccorated list exeninc for the lo iocial Riven to the members and their friend. A largo num ber of guests were present and eonsld-rible mer liinent waj caused by the search for companions at Hipper, after the boxes had been auctioned off. Kath box contained supper for txr and the per son buying a box was obliged to share the eon- tents with the pei.son xhoc name twa written on the box-. John Holmes and (Jeorgo f'ook acted as auctioneer, and a reception committee, consisting of John Ray, Percy Hart ami Fred I'aats. looked after the comfort of the guests. 1 great surprise is almut to be ppnmg upon the members of flreen llid-je lodge, Independent Order of Odd l'ellow.s probalily, 'rhur.-dax- c cu ing. Pee. .",. STYLISH COATS, l'tid.iy and Saturday special sale of 1 idles", mies', rhildien' noxelty garments. MKAltS k HAULX. NORTH SCRANTON. One ot die f.istej-t and mo.-.! scientific games m baket ball exei- plajril in tin' Audilotium wa.s Ihar of .xestcrday afrcruoun, between the St. Clair team, champions of the state, and the Ciatker jacks. It resulted in another xictory fur the St. Clair team. The features of the game xeic Hie all-around plajing of Hughes and Jfonoxx-, of the xisiiing teiin, and Benjamin and XW-IK of the home team. The ls-r-kets for St. Cliir weic thinwn by Hughe, 4; Monow, ,1; Ta.Uor, 2, and Mmris, 1, and for the Crakerjjck-, Kane, ., Ftenj.miin I, and Wells, 1, The line-up xxa-. as tnlloxxsi Crjekerjacks lienjimin, right, fouvard; Well, left forttanl; Kane, tentei: II., light L'ttird; S. Davis, lett gtiaid. St. ( lair-Morris, right lorwatd; Monow, U-ft fonxaid; Hii.-hc. ren te; T.ijlnr, right guard; Hay, left gujitl, STYI.IMI COATS. 1'rid.n and S.Umikiy fpc-eial s.((. f ladies', misses', tliiblten's noveltv garment. MCA RS k HArsr.v. "I-'orghcii," -i western drama in four acl.s, by Clay JI. Green, was presented at the Auditorium last night by the HsceNior Dramatic- club, to an audience tint taxed the teating capacity of the "pieiniiri ball. Ilelween the nits, Thomas I'entun, Ihoma I Mils and Lxan Juno Bang, ami ,1, .1, thinccd. A social xvas held .tfur lhe pi ly. The ladies' Aid soslcly of the Xuiih Jlain Xxe. line Iliptist church pencil an excellent turkey ilinmr in the church parlors yeteidi.i. The I'ather Whitty society will hold .in enu-r-I ilnnunt and i-oelil in St. Marv'.s hall this n cit ing sILKs AND Dlti:SS CiOOIK A gieat leductioti in prices. See oin ailteilbe ment on another pjgc of this paper. JIKAIIS k IIAOrw 'Ibis exi'inug the Crjekerjacks xvill luie the Comets as their opponents in a game of basket lull in the Auditorium. DUNMORE. 'the ' Mipper gum bj ibe Ladir C.tiild of St, Jl.irk' church In the Parish rooms last night was n decided succew, both financially and w-ihlly. The spacious rooms were (roudeil tlirnuuhnut Hie oenlng with a meny tlnong, and as a Ksiilt .1 coiii-liierable Mini will U- addtil r. the fcociely'a tieaury. The Sunday school of the ihuttli have attained an enviable iccoiil in pio xldoiii nn previous occasions, and ycstcrd.i ' re stills fiirpis.ed all previous altjlis of t'lia nature. It. , I'ltzpatriik- and Miss Nillle I.exy were united in inarralge by ltev. M. II. p.inl.'in jes teiday -itternomi at .'! o'lloil., in m, Miry's cliunli The edilitu xxas riowdisl with the many blind of the contracting iuitc.s. .ftir the ceiemeny n reception xx. held at the hum.- of the bride, oq Potter Mrect, where tho InliniJle frlimli nude meny until the euly bonis of the illum ing, STVLIMI COAK l'riday and Siturdjy spec ill sal- of ladles' tnlssi.-', children's noxelly garments. MIHHS .V IIX(,i;. Tlie ('inhibition Alliime will meet lu the 1 InU tlau ihuicli on l'riday night at S o'l-loik. All thoe InUit-stcd lu temperance not I an- liixili-d to be picsent. .1. XX'. Hasterline and fjinlh, of t liaiil,erlnirg. are xisiiing Mrs. I', A. Pom, of Churili street. Xlr, and .Mrs. J, , Whitman, ol twii.i, unt jet-lcidav with Hlallici In town. Ilex, Cluilei II, Xeivlng is rieinlai loiln at Wilki.-llarre. Mr, and Jhs. II. t. Il.ine and fatntl, . -,f iliug liJinton, aie Hiiesls at the home, of .1 ;. Ilnne. on .Noith HUkely btrcet. Mr. and Jlrs. 1'ieil ('no,., ut Mann Maud, .in-xUitln-,- Jlif. Cook's pjienU, Mi, and Mm John Palmer, of Cherry ktrt-ft. SILKS AND nillISS iiOOl)-.. A (neat reduction In prices. Sec our jdtt-ul-d-ment on another page of this pipu. " MIJAlt'x ,'. 1IAI.IA. HAWAIIANS AGAINST CHINESE. Native Republican Party Favors Ex- elusion Laws, lly i:.xilule WIte fioin Tho .VociilcU l'ie. Vlctoila, Nov. 2!. Advlica hum Honolulu ,jy that the native llcpuulkun party of Honolulu Ium payed a mslulloii in faxor ol the le-viiatliucnt of tho Clilnew exclusion ait. The longshoremen liaxc oraiiUod a political party to uige the re-enactment. SOUTH SCRANTON THERE WAS A QUIET OBSERV ANCE OF THANKSGIVING. Services Were Held by the Various Congregations of This Fart of the City Defenders Defeated the St. Clair Team, the Basket Ball Cham pions of the State Reunion at the Home of Rev. W. A. Nordt Mar riage of Miss Lucy Ludt and Fred L. Holly Other Notes. Thanksgiving day xvas very nulotly ob.sorx'ed on HiIh side. The mnjorlty of the people attended morning ser vices nt the various churches. Masses xvero celebrated at St. Mary's German church on Itlver street, and also at St. John's chinch cm Klg street. At tho Gorman Presbyterian church on Hick ory street a Thanksgiving sermon xvas delivered by the paHtor, Ue W. A. Nordt, at 10.30 a. m.. xvhlle services xvere also conducted nt tho same hour at the Methodist Episcopal church on Cedar avenue. The Cedar avenue Christ Lutheran church, St. Paul's Lutheran church on Prospect avenue, the Church of Peace on Prospect avenue, and also at the German Haplist church on Hickory street. Uev. Mr. Hitter, of the Ger man Methodist church on Prospect avenue, held Joint services at the M. E. church on Adams avenue xvlth the pastor. Rev. .1. Robolin. The social and dinner under the nus plces of the Ladles' Auxiliary, Ancient Order of Hibernians, xx-as served at 12 noon and a very large attendance en Joyed the turkey xvhlch xvas served to music furnished by St. John's convent orchestra and Miss Kate Reardon. Supper xvas also served between the hours of fi and 8 p. in., xvhieh xvas fol loxved by a social and reception held in Pharmacy hall. An appetizing dinner xvas enjoyed by several hundred persons at the Meth odist church on Cedar avenue. A de lightful repast xvas enjoyed by many at St. Paul's Lutheran church on Prospect ax'enue, xx'hich xx'ns gix'en un der the auspices of the Ladies' society. A first class vocal and Instrumental programme xvns rendered during sup per and xvas heartily received. The ladles xvho had charge of the affair xvere Mrs. G. Laubert, Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Mrs. J. Klos, Mrs. J. Wer hexv, Joseph Knoss, Joseph Petroy, and Andrew Griener. Athletic, hall xvas xvell filled xvlth merry dancers xvho enjoyed them selves during the afternoon and ex-en-Ing to music furnished by the Ring gold band. Turkey and chicken rar fles xx-ere common and citizens could be seen trudging home xvlth enough foxvl to last in some cases for a month. A shooting contest was held at Mlrtz hotel on Pittston uvenue xvlien several sharpshooters got their Thanksgiving dinner at a small cost. Defenders Still Champion. The long expected meeting of the De fenders basket ball team and the St. Clair state champions took place at St. John's hall on Stone avenue last night and the visitors xvere defeated. The hall xvas packed xvith local en thusiasts of the game xvho eume with ilsh horns, tin cans, und xvhlstles to root for the South Side favorites. Tho game xvas called at 8.30 p. m. and xvithln a fexv minutes the St. Clair team made the Ilrst basket scoring, two points. This nerved the local boys and they started In xvith a vim. Txx'o baskets xvere scored in short order and then a point xvas gained on a foul. Shortly after play resumed Morris, the star player, xvas injured and had to retire from the game. A substitute xvas put iu and each side scored a basket be fore the end of the Ilrst half, making the score 7-1 In favor of the Defen ders. Roland took the place of Snyder in the last half and it xvas quickly seen that tho visitors xxere outclassed. Haskets xx'ere thrown In quick suc cession by Kane, Tiguo and Roland and the ball xvas in the vicinity of St. Clair's goal nearly all the time. Six teen points xx'ere scored by the De fenders during the last half and the visitors only succeeded in scoring once, making the score 23 to C In fax-or of the locals. That their victory xvas popu lar xvas shoxvn by the noisy demon stration made nfter the game. Kane xx'ns tho hero of the hour as he scored on less than fourteen points. Tlgue and Boland also played In ex cellent style and had four points each to their credit. The visitors played a fast gentlemanly game. Their show ing xvould probably have been better but the fact that they played it hard game in Providence during the after noon and also lost their best man in the first half. The teams lined up as folloxvs: Defenders Kane, centre: Prender- gast, right Held; Moriarlty, left guard; Snyder nnd Roland, forwards. St. Clnlrs Hughes, centre; Ray, right guard; Taylor, left guard; Mor row and Morris, forxvards, Tho umpires xvero Murphy and Cosby; scorer, McGr.tth, A reception, followed by a dance, took place after tho game. A Happy Reunion. A parly ol' Kind ami thankful hearts Bittliei'pil around tho dinner tabic ut tho KirnonuKi of tho Hickory street Presbyterian church yesterday, nnd they xvore doubly thankful, oxvlnir to lhe presence lu their midst of William Nordt, Jr., eldest sou of tho Hex". W. A. Nordt, xvho xvas reported daiiBurousdy 111 a week iiko. The young man, xvhose Illness, duo to beltiK vaccinated, xvas reported ut tho time, had to far recovered that ho xvas able to bo xvith tho family for Thanks. Klvlnir, having arrived homo xvlth his mother ThanksBivltiff eve. Tho numer ous friends of the family uiiito In xvlsh hit; tho ymiiiK man a speedy recovery. Ludt-Holly Wedding. Mln I.ucy Mull, of 121! I'edar uvenue, and Fred 1,. Holly, of 1C17 C.ipottso ave nue, xvere united In marrhiKO yester day by ltev, .1. ('. Hohmitt, of tho Hick or Street liniithil church, at Hie homo of the bride's patents. Tho bride, xvho xvas unattended, xxore a ueat-llttlim'Boxvn of navy blue. A re i option and dinner took place after wards nt the homo of the Kroom'H par eats, wheru tho newly made man and wile xvill Hike up their residence. Silks and Dress Goods. A Kt-eal reduction In prices. Hew our advertisement on another pinw of this paper. Meurw & UuKen. NUDS OF NEWS. .Mis. Uilcr, a nilddle-agcd lady, met with a severe accident yesterday, xvhlch will conilne her to the house for some time. She wus hanging' some clothes on FINLEYS IKffllS hllfl ii 118 IS "The Horse Show," foshlori't great event, was society's grand op portunity for display of style. Never was there a more extensive exhibit of rich and elegant Costumes, tn this grand array of fashion the most prominent materials seen, were Velvets and Corduroys, entire costumes of velvet wraps made from plain and fancy velvets walking costumes of Corduroy and velveteen some plain, some ela borately timmed. We are prepared to meet the de mand for these rich fabrics with an unequalled assortment of fancy and plain velvets and Corduroys, Light medium and dark shades of Silk Ueluets, U?Ivete?D3,' Uelvef-Cords, Corduroys in all styles and qualities from 50c per yard and upward Silks, Persians; Stripes, etc, Id Single Waist Cots Over one thousand yards at reduced prices. $1.00 Waists, Silk for G9c $1.25 Striped Silks for 96c $1.50 Persian Mlks, $1.35 510-512 Lackawanna Ave AMUSEMENT. Lyceum Theatre M. RKIS, Lessee ind Manager. A. J. DUFFY, But. Utntfir. miDAY, SATURDAY MATISF.E AND NIGHT, November 29 and 30. William A. Brady Presents the Phenomenal Sue cut 5, LOVERS' LANE By Clyde Fitcli. .X ,i Success na "Way Down East." SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY MATINEE SATURDAY PUICKS Hntire Rilcony, 25 cents; entire loner flnoi, M cents, ClnMrcii under 12 years ol ago to any ,.irt of the hotiv, "Ji cents. Nifilit Pricca 2jp., Mt 75c. ami $1.00. TUKSDAY NlfiHT. DKO. 3. Fiom the New York (Vb.iiu. A More Pronouncce llil Than i:er. "The Merry Jingle." THE "NEW" TELEPHONE "- W I vce YES! rnAisira i 'lhe Frothy Mimical Pelisht from the Xcw Vor! ('.Kino. Pi ii pi 2.1 icnts. to $1,00. he its on Hale Saturday at 0 a. in Academy of Husic M. RBIS, Leasee. A. J, Duffy, Vanagar. Schiller Stock Company AM. THIS IVKHK. Frlilay Matinee, "To the Rescue," KliUay Night, ".love James." A. Q. FOAMMON'S COMPANY. In the Dellcioiwly Droll Comedy Drama, M Side-Tracked" 'lliree Dajn HcRinnliiir Dec. 2. A company of ilcver comedians presenting the latci.t sonci nml dance-. PIIICKS-Exmlnc: 13e 2fc 35c. and SOe. .Matinee, 13c. and 2.1c. STAR THEATRE ALF. a. HRURI.NaTO.V, Masacer. Iliuuday, Friday ami Saturday, Nov. 28, it, 00. "IRWIN'S HAJESTICS" Matinees lliuifdiy and Saturday, the trellis line, xvhen she became dlzay and fell heavily on a fence. As a re sult of tho accident txvo ribs xvere frno tured and many severe bruises sus tained. James Harreti, xvho xvas arrested on Wednesday night for abusing his wife, xvas discharged by Alderman Storr yes teiday, as his better half fulled to ap pear. Tho funeral of Jlrs. Noxvhouse will lake place tomorrow' morning from Ft, .Mary's church at 9 o'clock. A young son of air, and Mrs. Jamei .Murray xvill be burled today from th family residence on Klin street. Mrs. Fred I.lnduer, of Pittston ave nue, Is seriously III, Stylish Coats. Friday and Saturday special sale of ladles' misses', children's novelty ar uients. Mears & Ilngen. New Tialns on New Jersey Centifl. "t Quaker City Kxpress leaves Scranton ".SO a. in.; arrives Philadelphia 12.00 noon. Kleelrlo City Kxpress leave? Philadelphia ti p. in.: arrives Scranton 10.30 p. m. Thtough train solid vestl. buled coaches and parlor curs. C. M. Hint, tlen. Puss, Agt. W. C. Hope, Ass't Qen. Paw AgiK i " i A 4 .jft' p