iW :t,u.-!ftfi L-V FPF vjt.; v .'.SiiOtt if -v;r 5w'.'?, W " THE SOU ANTON TRIliUNE-I'lUDAr, jNOVJJMLBKK !U, 11)01'. r?, st -T5',iii''W!fy wrw ftJHBLK: ft tvw3.iiJii'jWTiei.Li .'re ..m JAoa renfffi.oe .."". nv i j- .mi-l : W "" ,i)'vK Free Platinum Pictures To every lady visiting our store this week we will Rive ab solutely free a handsome Plat Jnum Reproduction of a World's Famous Mcture. Better come early while the assortment is Uioe, Dqu't forget this is the best place to buy Pictures, Frames, etc for the holi days. 5 . Jacobs & Fasold, 20D WASHINGTON AVENUE. f City Notes. J 1IHIN lI.Ml'M AIIIUMI'.!!-Mill l. mp'. 1. 1 -IT ( joii" .newto. uih auii'.l ,u-t. t.li. ,.t tw ln-1 iiu 3 jf Mi will', .iiuii. vli. ii tii.'.'-. li.ni villi .l.-atllt .lll'l I'lttll lllill iIl-okIi 'l iiilnllie'. 1I will I if ijivcii ,i li'.uiti,; lnfi Aliliiiii.ni 1'. I.V I 11 (O'Ijj. Ml-:? I'AI.MI.ll lV.U'lil.l'.Mi .limn- I'lKin, I I I'loioy v Hindis' -Ion-, 1.11 lu.ll. iiiltiiiil li-. unin? ulilli senilis m. i liwi'i lliil.e' iil.'ir Inn i ir. 'Hie av siartul Inline ! nniM sit hi i. nil '-lio .n tliirmu ' tin l.ivci.u ill aii'l lihl lur lislit aim taiHy mimo'l. I III'. HITJI'VI, ( I.I I'.. 'Iluii' Mill I", ii'i'in, f tin Iti'iilJl rl'rii (liis ntlt'iiiiitiii .11 I."" " ! . ii the ...tu.li.j el Milium1 limlHUnili-llitiilolpH. All inni'licu an i iiun-l oil t.i la pii'-mi. 1 licv ic some i-cou- Mill iiiiIhj; nl tin' ..puas u-i.l in llic ofn.i laniiiil. Any nr.i limn; .1 ".nit.' is iri-.ui -it nl In i.-luni Hi.' -nil"' .' .nu I" I. M. 1 In ik i'. ONlI'lll' tii-ITOSi:i'.-- l.Ii'.i.i.n i. I. i.iurl .cskrila' loiuionn wlili Ii ml. "Il.nl.. 111111 iif 1c: no roncnt tnn'mlit." Ml. I'iiiniii;t.'i .mil Iil- n.ssi-.t.itits nl '.lice liIiplioin.il '.1 .ill piiti 1 1 tin- valley ami nut imi.ir..'ih I" p.ii.ls wulm . .itlil not lip tiMiiicil i.lliciwl-c. h Oul .i my lncf irifcii1 nt Ms pitinti vuie ii'.lil.i.l "i tin ..lH,"... otl(l.s Mill .li-" po-ml .it till' I '.III -II I...11T. Ml., II." Inn m v ill "i" l ' in1' -"li is 11 ili'n t iu.lj;'!inaii?ul. OBITUARY. HA.li;i. l.ANO.STAlT.oi ' rfu.in- tllll'S lll lllill 1Vfl UllllWll iit!7.('ll!!, lllOll ill his home. Hi I MuHii-iTy sln-i't. yi-.s. t'Miltiv unit Dins', nl 7 riVlnck. DpcinimiI linit liccli in pom health .sitn-c l.it May. Iff was liorn April 0, IS.S, iti Monrut' oimly. On Jum; 'JL', IS." I, hf it. ttniluil in niuriiaw to Mii-s Sttnih I-:. Hhlp nian of llontroM ami M'tlh-tl til nnco l'l ScTiinton. On Hie vory il.iy Mutt bialiani I.lnt'oln was assassinuteil, Mr. L.tncsliitf luTiiino supiTintonilcnl of the Dliiiiioutl mine, ami filltM lln l.oi-Hion Cor over 11 ciuartcr of it reu nify 'Willi croilii to hlnisvir and Hie coinpiiny lie sscnoil. Ho was a ptihlic spirited, liio.nl minded eilizen. l''or many years he fuss an aelive, ieneiotis triistee of the 1-Vnii avenue llaptist elutrrh, tt life '.tmK friend of Key.stone Aeademy. of ihieh lie was a tiustee and ehiilrniau ul the lonimittoe on Krottnds, in the lie.iuty of Mlileh ..- look an especial pride. His fidelity and ability in pos it Inns of trust 'were everywhere teeof,' nUed. In Ills lioinu life and as a 1 rictifl. however, the real nobility of Ills character t-hrmc moht positively. Jn the lite and liiblory of tills eil he was the. associate and friend of such men as J. J. Albright, James Itliiir, 'I'honiiiH PieUson, Thomas Jlnoro, Dr. 1!. II. Throup , Uelljailliti HllBhes, while such men as V. It. Siurrs, W. V. llallstead, J. A, I-inon, .Tohn .leimyn. 1 1. L. Dickson and a host oC olliets ;new of his -worth. His widow, two sons. 'William S.. of this city, Kdv.'anl H of i;rool;lyn, N. 'V and one d.uiKhter. .Mrs. OUo is. ehricfer, of this illy, survive to inourn his loss. He it, also survived by threo brothers and one sister, John, of Washington, D.'C; William and l.ee, nf Iowa, titid Mrs. M.iry Kteiliim', of Oueontsi, N. T. The rtmcrtil sci vices will bo at liis lute residence on .s..it nnlay afternoon at 1 n'clialc. iutor jnent at Korest Hill eoniotfr, . An op vortunity of vioxylHu the body will be given fiom 10 a. in. lo noon. A Trip to California or Fioiidn. 'I'ltosc contemplating such a trip need lut to call on thu local ticket aKcnl of the I.iickawnniui.rallro.iil and lie will tirraiiKO every detail, including ir.ms liortatiou, bevths. reservations and I'liorklug of liawRiiKe thlouKh to desti luitlon; alhO will ,1 uriiisJi rates, folders, tleseriptlvo lilevatuie anil any oilier in I'onnatlon deslted on tlm subject, ThinuKh ttleopers and day coachen in I'hicago. Only one cliniiKe of tars to California. ' DIED. CTYNOUK-At tin l.itl..ii.i i.i-p.ul ,f jii.liinifinli mi iilm(jv, i i, .jn. lni , II, yliel ItPjnuliS, In tin m will -Mill v. u n lii ,tni;i, I'uiural-till. ntUrnooii (1'ilil.n) tt ".:,u firloil: hum ,lu icl'lmri ri 1.1? n, pli.H, i . ; 1lt;iinrls Mattir? reit, Ti'ntii .lii. '4-H'4"f-f-f'4-fff4-ft-"ff-ff- BOND OFFERINGS. Spting Brook Wnter.lst Mtg.Gs Lacks. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtff. 3s. North Jersey and Pocono Moun tain, Ice, Co., 1st Jits'. 0s- Standard Qas Co., 1st Mtg, Os. Lehighton Water Supply Co,, 1st Mtg. Os. New Mexico Railway and Coal Co., 1st Mtg. Ds. Descilj ,jn and price on applU cation. t- r ,l, nt' ii riioadftjy, X i, - MilWt.ljnc. CtrbvuOite. f i i(. Ceui'u),fnc.illli IIU;, b'.iantou, l'l. -f Cf. "I. I - 'W JfRED. PHILLIPS IS MAD. South Side Councilman Is Hatching a Deep, Dark Plot. Common Councilman Fred rhinitis, or lliu IJIoventh ward, Ih Just about Hie niiiddest mail In town these days, mid lie's plottliiR deep, dark thlngo. The onfeiencp .otninltti.'e nppolntcd to come lo nil iijti'eenient on Hit inaitH tnttes' falury oidlnanci: decided tins other nlRlit to brlup; In n report directly til variance with Mr. I'ltllllps' views on I ho measure, hence IiIh denim for ven KOiilU'i', Mr. l'lillllps fiivois paying all tlie "-'sti'iiteH un eritial salarj'. and he own by all I he eternal and a few oilier thltiBH that the leport of the commit tee will meet defeat, lie Is now n KtlKed 111 maktlK nil ellelKelle crillViHH of the ineiiibers of oonnnoit council, and It Is proplicsled Hint he will succeed In rollluir up it bl vole amilnsl the ic poll. r TheatticaL al. j TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I W 1,1 M I .! I in, Ms At M)I.Mi .lilll i M .U ni i ii.i i n -i nti'l nUlp. .-Tll Invhr- M.'. -i'i. Nijiln "Loveis' Lane." I.. . ;i. i. In t.u.. Ilnl pnl.ril tt.i1 l.,v. in. i i il.i.'H -1 w l Ijilu nil a' pim.il ili.iini, 'I." ii' I. un." .il I In Tallinn joliiiliy. IVi inniii" iilh..y vli.i jilvr It't'il tn lllltlu? 1 lit i i li In- In. n, 1 jKmllii; lipniU et' "lnpi' I li, ji.il ili hi. .a urn--'. Ami ill lln( up. .! . IjIIII.I .111 i pi ill-lilH'l J.'MH.lll. Tlio-.c lie iwn iiiiiii. Irliiillilnl Hi "1, i I. in.." 11i.it kl.iml r..r liljh-i I !( iiitiil.ilnu1 in ( lull. I'liili Mt.iti. Il mil Wllll.itn A. Hi nli K.llllllll II. VlllCIl Villi 1 1. Ill pl.ll win: ' I ii.it j 1 1 at mi. Mli lav. In. ' un i.icpii. "-.I. l III' li"', pK.Htli., tn Inii.t whlllj Sll II ,il .mil riiitli' tin1 urn.' ii.-i'.lli'. Ill- riniiiilli' .'i - i. lilv lni 111 i.h' linn ill.' l.i?,..l.iiul.lt' Ii.i. ..'.I ' III "l.ilU'1'.-, I.llll" 111' llH pltllU'.l ll'ililb "I I in piti.i.il pitli .in.l xImii iw i piii. iii iiii.nit phin ni.li' Ilnl ij i.tiinly ti-iin na mill ninii-tii!:. II t- ll!' .i alt ' .1.. 1.1." tl'ltK .mil .is iiliiiliiiii; ii I lie l.tocrrs tint -v p llii.nmli tic .ijipli Ii1.i-.iiih nf IN i.u ..uiiii'1 I'i.i.Ij's n.'ii'.f i sjiiiiiiii'iniH '.''' I iJl.'. hi" ' .mil ilaiinir in ili-am itf pr...lmli..n. mi. i i ,i "Hiv H.i'in l.n'" an.1 "l.mu's I. in " .i. ii il.i tin Hi uly (i.nlc-iii.iil: Hi. l'i ' liu-inl, i mii it Pii'M t ft Ii ?iiinij linl nut li n pr. n.'i.'.l .mil fnllnuiil ti utlifis jiisi n r .iiMtii i. I'cr i'ii liil-rpii't.iHiin "l "l,..in,' I.iii." Mi lli.nl. oiiil n n;. Litai- nn.l imiII.ii". i ..iiip.cu, Iml "ni llif lin.-t tilii.ll i linn t.'r Inliiit 1 alivln'. mil 'in' tiiJpimiil lint ' i "' 1- - li.ni. Tlir kIiisikMi .imik -pluii '.f tin' mill t"n is lip,ll, l pin.lur -il, 1ml il ! in ' ''I', lid i. li. stln' piinlir .iml rln lii.'ini cm-'IIiiI. I'ii. - mi. .ipjil. mill ml Is mm' li.p. iti'l. I'-l in tlw tiiHiu' li.'l.n.i ' O. tul.ii. .mil .l-uin ii tin' mil .111.1 fl 11:1.1111. Iib-iilll '.I rplillKllllli. In lull tin? t..lv "t "l..i'.is" l.in " h.iiII 1 l.iil to il'ill tlio (iii.i.iiiiinl 01 111.' man. li .no .l In s-np il. nt nitliiiinl t.. i-J. i- tint il Ins lo ilo illi Hi" stnuiil. f a ii.'nu'.i- pislii. stiiii!!.lii.!; aa.iiiist Mi. iiiinwi'i-iu 'r.ili 'i'iii- lj.it Ills pUs.'Uis.ilrilPs' .i(l Hlill.llit'.. Tlill' an .Iip.i'i'il tin' liliVnIns- .iml s.m. Ills nf .I.UH11 ..ii.i -.ii 'ml llf in tin' mill tmni. in. I linn i- ciii1inu.1i 11. 1 tliiuiuli all Hi' 'leilli'i "f iniiiiYnl ami liiiimll (.1 ilws, n-n 1 -iloi lliu "1 r.f low sl.ii lint is .impl ilillvlill'il. ' tin lliiliilillili'lnruii(i lei-'lv iiiiiinril 11,1 "I..imis I.. 111'" 11.11 lows a-o: 'Mi is 1 pl.ij f.r !. .urn jnl, for man ami "in 111. for -'mil mil siiim-i. V! vlllll'Ml H' "I lUl'll." Ic pl.r. Olllll'.-i.ll mil iillj ilhirji'iil ila--.s. Mitlumt iiHui.lm. an, li is Mill' anil iOiliii-li.il, pii iiiumihi .111. 1 p.dli. -.11111(11 an. I .-.ntinunlj!. .1111 11 -". s slr.nslil I" tin In ..it ' I Alls' I.llll." Will In' lls-llll lnllClll. l'l ir.iuo t.ilit ami at ti.iin.iio.v'-i milii'irr. win n p.ii.il pini'.s ai. aiiani'Cil f.,1 dilliliii. "Hi' Tiianl.-Kliiniv anilh mi's urn? ieii.nl lni.il.'-t'1-.s In a momtiiv hii-p, and intliii-l.islii r.i .1 il.SK" no-t iiaiinr.iiit of iniojini'iil ..ml nil fun. .11. Ylic pi ic in tin- n.ot lull loams' iml tlnlr .-iippuiteis last niohl n.lilnl In tin -iiiiial cuuil Iniinui if lit' liulnl.i otnt. Record Breaking Audience. Tnr Vi.iditiii .f Mii-io pio-riitul .111 appi'aiaina li- iiislit lli.it lias iii-iir limn pii.ilU'lnl in die liistiiiv "f tli.it popiiUi pl.iv lii'ii-i. 'I In li iie .is piilo'il lii.ni top i" Imll'iiii I'.v i.ni' 01 I Ik I.11 son. .mil niiwt appii'ii.iliw .ni'lii nn tint l.a iMr atloinliil 1 prrliiniimic of Hi. ilnllir lorl; icuiipiiiy. tin Miv iaiia1.li ittt.nliin 1I..1I is ip. h. lini;' 1ii' llii Mi'ok. Tin lonipJii is .itli rmt u.iiilil tin rr,v lust pupnl.ii ir.n 11l1.11t11.11 Put lus I'loi l.il.l tin l.oinl- al Iiu Vi.uli 111. 'Iniii piiioiinaiiiv ot "V Ci.inii t'.s fin.-," wlmli was- the Mil list riinma, was pi'i-inti.l .n a .i. luiiifu nil Mali. Tin loailin-' icnial.' (Inr.utii M.is iiilirprotalnl lo- .Mii! Kill I'onlinlili.iii, a ii'iy iliaimin-iirtir-iss m nmili tali'iit. 1 lie .iinpaiiy piixnt In inula i.ni '.I tlif stuinaivl plaj.s in ili.tr npei 1.1110. ".Ti. 0 .lamis," whlili lll In pii'-i'nlul with -1.1111 l'l iIhh,Ui .siiiilc .iml iluliliMl 1 ll I-. 'I ! i..sL riit.nl: imiv niiiulirr of llm Silnllpi iiiu iiiinpin, ilnn Ill-mini; .1 lino pt...lnilion. At tl.o maliino I0.I.1.V, "'In tin Iti-nu" will In pn-i mod. Willi all tin oiIuIimi! sunn- ami flniil ill 1 firct- wnn ii 111.nl.nl Us .-in 1 cm on its n ml ..i.nhi. In n l'i Ni' Voil: "The Telephone Glil." I I nl. III1I1 1- tin Ilirs K, llic nn oiiiiinmb roniii'il Tfi.loiili in-) 1, lor. Ilo i .-liil in l.i Inlitilirly u.iiiifal, .mil inlroiliirc- a jiial iloal n." oiimnil "liii.iiii'is." 71.11'. I llili', a mi.iiI.iil-. lliu luiiiKliniiii, irv l.i.iiililnl ami itl. .. .Iiiiniliu' pouoiiilit.v, is tin r.sli-lli. Tlicii llu'ii an D1.u2l.is- .in.l I'liiil, iho il.liiilnu ,lilii.; IVarlo llnl'liiij, tin ililiii loiiiuliiiiii.-; 'I. .10 smit'i M.illln, llio ilni'i' I1.1r.lt tor Kiiniltin 1.1 mo Austin .Mi.iiip, .li.l.n Mill'. Cioui I..1111 Villi Kilo 11, M.l.nii' (hail. .Ilo 'slnllo im.l l.i.n. AIMiis. In (lit, 1li.ro 11 not a lialior In 1 ip poifoim mi 1 I lull. ilou. nol iusiii tin inl, , o lii 1 l.ilU'1 s!n.'.' Will Iji hi Ii at I lie li 1111 m ' fiiP.-tla li.!il. "Side Tracked." linn an all l.lni ,,i pla, .,01m' t. in us. -Iii.rr.i. i.n.l oiiiue iiit'u a rU inter llintnl m -i .1 111 inn ll.iinim nt tliat jn..!1- aivav Hi. It. .111 . In .iiihi-i iikiiI. in tin., lalli I' l.lnl, ". I'lMlkul' Ills lllill i-iMrclul 1 1,1 till' 111 111 I,-) nn . 1 tin AiaiKmy of Mmii tor Ilo tnl llm. ! ul net 1v.1l, A mil mini' iiiloilali limit ami u . oiiilinions Inulitii, wllli tide ii.il tli.'ii 1 I. l,i .irniis mIii alm.Kt a. M.011 tnini'il lin n in in a. U lus appeiiul. A Imny I. amp 'i'iiii!ri' iieatiin ( I an In. 111, app. '.il.l .11 imisi ..pp.11 tinii' linn., ami uiiitlnnillv pio:..i. niitlv hi. 1. 1- man anno.i'li'.M' in' tli.n 11. MlliiinN attniiplul atliiition-. lin Is alu.. l.itl'1 liui U.111I..I, Ml.' 11 nut W.lllti'il, 111. 1 .' I inr, 111 any 1 iiiiiiu-i.unc.-. 1,111 i.n louloil f Iho 1mi1i1111.11.il ii iiilivuu'il wltli tal.nu imi- ,iii -pe ialli ti'atnuv. Majestic Builestiuers, lluii.lip.ls wire tnuii'l .oiay (1..1.1 tin ... ln.th piriniinamu, i.linli, whin lli" Mi. 1. Kuili -.ipi. openeil tlipii Hue da,.' lie. ivjiiirnt ilh i.pn ial I'li.ii.kvhliii.' IMJ pi 1I01111 lliu s 'tin "inpii' iiia.lo ,1 liL Mi ai il il i sin in -n ili..t .M'.li rilii'' u'ii'.mU will li. iliipliialril a to il.' ..ml icim-nii.,,' ppifuniiinrio. 'I I:. Ua.lllr, ii.iiiullilio al llw li'll Lc lliotln'M. I lisilPs ami .1 llm, Uvo pilimi (.noillo. . Hi ..union ainlu iip's. Viiikiih I Ik p. ilili.i .uti.-ia al. lilll.iU l.ll.llil. Iilllllli ! llic SI.111I1 11.-, tUJill ti'.iii; Hi molt ami lieiirM, eoniullii r.; llio Mii-lir llil.il' llio, (.miiil.i iisi-obatd, ,inl il.jro Ll line, tooaltst. 'Ino i.poruiif I1i1111t.11 U 11 tunny liiiri.iiit. "'A S'lulu at IUIipji.il," jiii) the p.'iioiiiuin . 11, i" ilu.lci Willi 1 i,.III(i,'Irn' li.a'ul, in wl.h 'i (he U lil.s's ai .-(in at til. Il' t.s-st. STAGE NOTES. 'I ut ulin'U r.f tin IjIi; .IuIiii W". licllj', "lliu Ilollitis Mill Un," will ,lwitl,v hol.l .1 h'rnlit In riiiliJilplib ! i.il-.j Hind- nltli wlili li lo puril.iri. a tnoriuiiit-r.t lo null, the populai in .0 ohua-i'i Sinn. it f.'CO'lMU. s I I,.. hi. 1, .l.jull .',.-111 lnt 4i',iiJj i.lilit. .lei die 1 .1011 ion.' limn in l.r.slUn iii.i..;.ois Hut Uiu I'.inu'.l.in In 'ml fault will al il.. Ij.mU nf the IIiI.ujk. lint ...liilll'Il:,' 1 l.lj'.m.l lor tlii lJil.il.'. 11' inl 1 1 wife. vi.Mii. rillolt, will prnl.ihly rolirn 1 tin I ii.i.. I - iN ill ano ' WEST SCRANTON WON THE PRIZE CARRIED OFF $250 AT NORTH SCRANTON EISTEDDFOD, For the Best Rendition of Haydn's Choi us, "The Heavenn Ale Tell ing" Anthracite Glee Club, of Taylor, Won Mule Volco Competi tion Mis. Thomas' Female Party Were the Feature of the Evening Session Addresses by the Presi dents. Conductors nnd Bards. Tor tin fli si thin' In Hie hhlory of Siiiiiiion, the r oiiKiTfjatliiii of an Kuk Ilsh ltnptlsi church yesteidiiy inn dm led oik of tlie must KUcef.s.tful eis teddfods 1 vcr hell Iii Northeast em fiiuit-i.vlvmilit. .iml il is estimated thai fully I,,"!!) people nit 1 tided Ihi' tlliec sessions, At (In inorninK ses-sion, 'hi lin , Mil I I VM Villi Vll VM. ( (iM) 1 in,, ehiel cninpt llllou W.ls oil the childl'i 11 . 1 hull. "C.iirled b.v Un imels,' whleli was won li. North S. r.iiilou elfins. The male parly 1 horu, ""'he I'll .riliis," v. as i.iiTicti oil' by tin Aulhi.i clte.', ol 'I'aylor, in a spiiited .onipcti lion, iitnl Ihe chiet ( onipetithe i-.'lectloii for niKed voiei -i, In tin I'.oiiiu;, "The lleiui'iw Are 'I'elllnf.-," was won by lie Wi'i'l Si r.iiiinii choir. In aililltion lo the Si'ili prize, the sinsers Irom nvi r the river carrli-d nil' tin limiorlty nt I he lesi-er jirics. Mis. D. li. Thomas' Kciu.ile chorus Was tin distinctive fe.lt -me of tin- .'isiedilfod, and they were compelled to sinir twin U i-atiMy Uiu ainlleilce. Million." the pillli" nf 1 olliltlctnl, .lildtie II. Al. Kduaids. fuloliel H. II Hippie. .IiiilKi A. A. Vn.burn and K. I'.. lloh.ithiiii were tie conductors and flmli nidi, anil lite adjudications wen iiiinle by liiiwotth T. I'aniil. of I'tl-.i, X. V.; lie. . I). V. .limes and John t'otnior .Mori is. of this city. 'I'lie s'i -cess ol Ihe unilcrliiKiiils' is due almost euliii'ly to Hicretmy Aicb .loluii-on. ot Norili Hertintoii. who iiiauKiirut"d Un elsteiUll'ii.l and can led It out Micce-,-ftilly. Then w:i no lehpnin-e to tin violin solo conleist, nor the siuhl re.nlt'i,, and lhei' were doin away with. 'I'he le iniiiiiiii r of the pio,r.imnie was can led out in its eiililety. The decisions of the adjudicator iin-l with tieiieral anprov.il. and I'Vor.v thliijs p.ifcri'l oil' as peaceably and liiiimoliiiilisly a- pos-lble. The nlllceis of Ihe eisteddfod were: I onilmliii- Ilia.. Willimi V.H.1I11111-. M. 1' , lli.n. II. M. lilw ml.-. Viljii'ln.ili'is - Mii-n , Ii.iimiiIi T. Palm 1, Ic nii-ii- 1.1 I'llioi -, h.,,,1 ,,f Mii-n. In. a. V V. lio. ilnn. I'i. II. I' loin s. Jnliii 1 ..in in M01I1-. (luiiniui- vim inn.', 11. K. IL I1.1tl1.111: alien 1. (..loinl I' II liipph : iiitim--, II'. V V Vi.s I.ni::. M.I..1.1-P. II. W.,11111 Vll olllpllll-l Ml" I. .1 I 111 I s.l II till .Villi .lllllllsllll, MORNING SESSION. Tin iiiiinilnii pin Don of the pio sr,iuune. which was 10 have been beuun al lo o'clock, did not com mence until li'.Da, when Ihe seeie taiy. ,Ii. Jnhnniu, called the nvetln? in older, and In a bilef speei h Intio ilueeil lion. William Abr.ihiim. M. 1'., an 1 olldltctor of the tl.iy'h iiiceiiliujri. Mi. Alniihiims was iceelveil vllh i.i iii'i'iuis applause and lesponded with .1 lew ii'Ul.irks, ill v.Milch he said that this ei.steddl'.nl was ihn lirst for him to atleuil siuie bis ,u rival ill America. Mi. Abi'.iliam iulroduci'd II. V.. iio li.tlban as cliali in, in of ihe inunilnK sei-sluii, Willi il 'liveleil .1 Ui'.it speech ' is O s s. V.'f : ij'. .vm "p ., .s -' i I. till Slips, I'llMII I Illn ill which hi e.sploiled I lie cxiullellt liiiilltli, llic siatlfylnis' lesitlts ami tin iiinhlllon that occii'-lons of tills kind hroiiisht Imlh The 111 SI I'liinpclltlnii, "Hh I l.ove In Talk with Johiis." for children undu IS .vears of nn-, brotinht torth !.; loin pi'lllori., tiuve Klrlrt mid thrco hos, who niillitlcil Iheiin-clves croillUlbly. After 11 lew mintiii'S' liitermlsslon tlm adjudicator uvvanled the pil.e of ?:' lo Until Tliumiih, of West .Seiautoii. HOYS' ItnriTATlON. Tin rccilatlou, "Uoti't Drink, Hoyi. Won't," for lioy. under 15 yeais.broui'ht forth four rivalH for honors. The ad judicator, John Com lei Morris, unlics-l-i.ttinsly .ivvuulcd honors .ind prlao to Jlaydeii Trice, ot North SicTUlltoil. Tin b.i"., M)o. "Ilouur nnd Ann.-." ivus uiM Thl. ntiiiibi'i WJrt rutlicr ili.uipidiiilnK' l''our auaiveivil. and af tor tin luiiipleilou ih1 adjudicator iiwanliil (lie prl.e to I'hllip TlioiiMb, l.ite cif Wttji?, lint now of Notlll Seian ton, who ttuve an excelleiu linoipiita tlou of ihi "l . linn. i i. ".. ' . ,v-ssi' ---: 'iLBrk ' ilHiBSKtHiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH KlfSlbKilllllHiTjHilliVllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH .' . 11 M The rlnno Poto, "Molls of Abcrdyfl" fuiTiiiijjed by llrinley Hleliurds), foitntl two children aspirins for siipiemncy. They j-tieeeeded hi iicuulttlnrf them selves creditably und the iidjudlcator iiwardcd the prize to Willie Davis, n youth front wilkcH-Dnrrc The next, the alto solo, "lie Whs Despised," was the most spirited nnd by rur Ihe best number nf the morn liiff. Tills i election was ouinpeli.nl for by torn ynuiiif litdlcs. who possessed iixeelient voices and gave the audience ttreat siitlsfitetloii. In fail, ".Million" went on lo say, that, without doubt, he hud never heard bolter hIiiIiir at the ureal eis teddfods he attended, than Unit which wiim heard in this solo. All four stinr, excellently, hul the fortunate olio was Miss KlIznlH'th Hlllcolt. ' i.'lIII.DtHCN'.S f'llOllISs, Next oiime the children's eholis on Ihe selection, "I'nrrled by llio Anuels." Tun eholis ciiterotl till", the Juvenile choir of the llellevtio Cnlvlnlslie Moth enlist eliureli, under the lendershlp of William Jones, und a choir ftom North Scrantnn. ciiniliioifd by (.'litirles ltlch aids. This selection, loo, vva exeellenll rendered mid coiumented favombly upon b.v all iiresi'nl, Tlie honoit were .1 win ded to the North Scnuiton t-lill-ilten's choir, l'tlc ?:'.", AFTERNOON SESSION. Million intrndticcil Colonel R. 11. nip ple, the afternoon cltalimiin, as a friend of the tuition and a fiietnl of tlie elsleddloil. Tin colonel said It afford ed him ureal pleasure lo be with lliein, as he Is a lover of tntiile and wished he omilil speak lo them as his heart piompted him. "Malum' railed tor ad-drosi-oH by the bard", and the first re sponse was ftom T!ev. T. I. T'hllllps, inerlcaii consul to C.mlilf. Wales. His effort was tippreciated. It was to "The Sweet Welsh Oh I." Thomas l. WntkltiM. of Norlh Scran ton, also offeied a very morllorlous i oniposltlon, which was hi a humouuis vein. Jrhn Courier Moiris read the .idjudlcatiiiii on the iMiglyn "Pydd liiolcharw'ieli." The prize, ?t. was avi.iiiled to Ivor l'airy, of West Sciantmi. Three ''Omposltlons weie received. The eonipelltots were rather slow in lespondlntr and "Mabon" had Ihe assemblage sing a Welsh hymn, wlili h was i'i adored with much fouling ami iiispbaiion. The Hist competition nf the attei noon was on the ivcit.itiou "Spartaeus to the (Mudiator." tor a prize o( ffi. "Tlielma." Miss Sadie il, Join., spoke llrst. Ifei rendlllon was a brilliant elfoit, nnd caused Mabon to imiulre If she was a prolessioiuil. "Nul.in," John 13. I Ivans, of Taylor, was Ihe m cnml competitor. He Have ii manly, courageous iecit.il of the Inspli int? selection. I lev. A. Hatcher Smllh save Ihe adjudication nnd awarded the pi izc to .Miss Jones, whin-e iciiditlon was t lio bel. Four contest ants appeared in the preliminaiy. "Tin: risniMiMAx." The next competition was on the duel bais and tenor, "The Fisherman." for il prize uf $.". The Hi ,t singers Well" David Jenkins and Thomas Abrams, of West Si rauton. They sail;, net otu panicil by Allss Norma Williams. No oilier eompetitins appealed, and lh" adjudicator awa tiled them the prize, of which they wen fully Moith... I'hillp Wan en s.mo; a solo. "Land of the Harp," in his usual inspiring way. .'iddln,' new laurels to his reputation as an artist. He was accompanied by Miss K. J. Owen. The tenor solo, "Llewellyn":. Ornve." prize ?", was next, with three entries. The lirst to sinir was Thomas Abrain?. of Wfht Scranton. The second com petitor, William Arthur, of Plymouth, san In Welsh. The third was Willi, nn Jones, of Tn.vlor. riolli t-aii!, in liar volt i. The adjudicator announced thai the firist snap evenly and In Kood time, and in smooth, competitive style. The second competitors s me; too tremulous ly and rather vve.il:. The third hail a pretty and sympathetic loice, but sail; olf the key, too fast, incorrect reading. He awarded the ptlze to Thomas Ab rams, The loiiui-tiliou on "The l'ilmiins,-' for male party voices, was next in or der, nnd tip- assenibl.iKe was till own Into a fever of inteii.se excitement. Tin: llrst party to sins was the Ninth Scran- ! nlitlnnul 111 I '.IHO in.l f ! : J" 'J J" 4 A GREAT SALE OF ladies; misses and children's Novelty Goats Raglans Newmarkets Autos 21. 27, 40-Inch Coats Friday and Saturday WE PLACE O.V SALE HUNDREDS OF STYLISH, UP-TO-DATE GARMENTS . , QUALITY. CUT. FIT THE BEST OBTAINABLE b IT WILL PAY YOU FORE PURCHASING, TO 41G-417 LACKAWANNA AVE. 4 ! J 1 CHARGED WITH SIXTYCRIMES MISDEEDS ALLEGED AGAINST 278S PERSONS. Resume of the Annual Rcpoit of Cletk of the Courts T. P. Daniels on the County's Criminality for u Year Ptetty Much Everything Except Wife Beating Is Marked Up Against Us Decrease In the Number of Convictions as Com pared with Preceding Year. Lilikawamiii coilnl's j;ihi.I people, dmlUK the iii,irter woislnns yearuf limn Hull, have been churned with only ii different crimes, Thus salth ihn repent scut b.v Clelk of the Court ii T. 1'. Daniels to Hie .Slate Hoard of Public citiilillus. Wife bent tut,'. slrani;e lo say. Is one of the few calendared i rimes we IniM! not been Ktillly of. Church liurnltiif Is anolher. i'he crimes that persons have been in tested for ami (he num ber of persons nn esled for those crimes In ejveii in tin fullnvvimr stttn inary of tlie repot I; Alioillon l Ailultnv ?J Ah mil ami l.iilpn in kill' St A--mli ami l.ail.ii 7:s A-. mil to commit i.ipu 10 Aliai'.loiilii-' Infant I Ai.'oii . , 7 )laily liuii-i Al hn;mii' 1 lli'lherv ;-. lliilirlaii IT Caniilu- lomi'ilcl wiapolis 'il Cn-piiiy "". I'oiuealin;; ileath of ililhl 1 Ilp.illnj III tev'l-leicd liotllps Pi-oiihrh li.n-r I lliM'iiluli minimi .'.' Il.'sinlii',' i.niilly T.i Ijiimliizleini'iil :,' r.iicery It l'l P 1'lPtell-l' ri- I'l'lllH.liil'II I'-l l'i liiiiallnii .iml I...-lalilv 'I liaiiiiiii," lioii-i' "' l.aiini '''' M ill' i.'ms n,l-( liief tin .VI ili-lalislitel I Mil lif 111 " Iiii. hi- I'1 I'orjinv '" ll.lll! " louiiimc i-ieil, it uooils ') lllm " ItoUi.'iv ' sullirtinli I Tippllnp liuii'i' '" Alilin; pil-niipi lo iscapp ( .iinni hi .smM '' llili.iuiliiiir Iniuliiis linn-.' '' I inell to aniiiu's I'nlllltl'; lill'.llllls P hi ilile cully ami iletali.tl l.ilii'l ; s. lins llii.ir i.ti -uml.iy ;). III ispln my ; nli.iiiy - "illnij; li'i:..i n inim.ri I lin ikins jail 1 Mi-ih nn imir in "flii o " I i.itmii ulliiii; I I .imp iiiiilitu ' n ion 1 (lli-tinclim; hiril piou I'p-i-linu an otl.u i 1 Illegal piaiti.o of iltnti-liy ' I'lamiiilpin 1. .1 inn " rijinl "' I -. apnu 11 .111 1 iii ' pi-iial.lii. n llai'i.ts iiin-liip I VI. in.!, limn 1 I11M1111 I As ciimpaied with the prcccdiimr jear there was 11 wry decided deeie,i-e ill the nullity's criminality. The number of pel sons ih.iiKi'd with i inn was about the same as on the previous e.ir Iml the convictions vein le-s by u con siderable perrentuist. Appended ale tables show in1; Un business of the criminal coiiits for Ihe live teims of tlie iiiait'r .ses-slnns ear of VJOa-liml with tin totals for the pre vious vear kIwii lor coinpal ison: s, I l'.ii.) I'.ml, Oil. P ' .i il). Vpiil. Iniii'.'lul il l'"" I hatful illi I 1 11 IH' 11 i I I P. nn ,'ianil lur.i. Tun Mil- ... . ijni .117 i.'i 7-1 17' i !" JiM I'll". 111. Iii'i 111 1 1.: ii IK. II'! luin. ml loll-.. 7..n I'ei-ons lliu I in ilopo-ulol H llllls triul .... a :n Aniilll il- ... -il l ni n li.tli- ... i.s ol pii.-- . . .'i. I'U nl U'llllv . . .'.7 1!.. lil mi i ioitiiird . . '. 1 Ills lin I lin P.I inl in: j i Hit '.'1 171 "to 111 17 nt ' i? -I- .' VISIT OUR DEPARTMENT BE- MEARS HAGEN ! i- -i fr -i i -i" isJ !? rtn 4 (J! '1 rU cJ p1 bets. r5 r rTafeir'd'iVj-: -" jj fe) -4 l X 'l -. MO C. F. Haviland'5 French China.... Flcurctta Shape, which is new. Festoon of pink Mowers, with gold stippled handles. 112 Pieces, $29.00 livery tasteful housekeeper appreciates Nice Chini. One of these sets would make a Christmas Present that would gladden the heart of any house-wife. UNTIL CHRISTMAS. CVtveTVfeA . Qeo. V. Millar & wmEEcszixcxemzsEBmEsaB USEF-UL AND vvx- -s- -s-, --yi "V. tfi prc'ttilv lined aiui atu! covcroil, invite yi u to come niisl inspect SCRANTON BEDDING . - v . .11 i r.Ti i iivs . n i . i5Mii Lackawatna and "clams ft.ves. Both ' Phone: wwmwwj, .www vmiyrwu!iASiiWSVB.sseBBKSSEasSMBaam: F. LCRANE Established 1866. Seal .Skin Coats Java?-? 45amr Sl.ll). .sm. si'-'T ?'J. 223, .S2.)l). PiTaian I; mb tJodt Siou. .i.So Furs or' All Kinds Kirs tepaitcii. K.nv fins bought New Building:, 324 Established 1866. i 4. iT JV.1VJ, ' n't il l t , . A ' '"' I" h"ul : Q flm l '' ' """ V . '-; I-.' ' I '-" ' ,J. f -- , H. I I. I j I Scranton Caroit&Furniturs t. 40S LACKAWANNA AViNUE, Uo-.i-.44Uuu.Hmtt4tmfttttttmtti J- 'I 3 2(5ESSESaS23SZSS5!SSfflSE32r35Z!. W fal?&& W$8& - l. V T t' V. i 2A Xr-vm . 5s. vvv, jtlXPaV5 TtMJ- KTTi.i:.'HiiKi m iV JMl ASSSSi v. MWi-m jAfeffffHV-KV'jMlvfti, - .a yitXa jp-vfcA-xy j(g Wc have a line ol I l.md..om House Shoes that make your eyes d.iike. A speci.il IhanlviviHK vile wc otter Men's, Wumcn'sjisscs' and Children's Shocs,50c Infants, at 10 Cents. LEWIS, BUDDY, DAV1ES & iWPHY 330 Lackawanna Avonue. CTaj-caBagm-B-CT-gg Vempty houses i CAN BE READILY THE" FOR RENT" rU e cl U ) . )i c4 1) t-74 fl vJ cl rj mnep - .uf $- vs s- T '"'r 5- r v- vsajf ot a JM' j&OS MADE NOW WILL BE HELD Co. '"JKS'ESSI ORNAMENTAL Why ai.tl :in ornnment to any one of them. Pnccs fro CO., F. fl. Raiser, D. CRANE After tlie most siiccccssful season on suits that we have ever had, we now oiler on all our SlO.OfJ to oi'lS-Oi) Suits a reduction 10 per CCIlt. Tins means that von can buy a good suit made as perfect as is possible for very little money. We have all sizes and colors, sonic at $14.00 all silk lined. This is a very good opportunity. Take Elevator. New Building. 32-1 Lackawanna Avenue Lackawanna Ave Take E'evator. - t - ri - t1 - - - r A Handsome Office an' I1011U ;unistiir3 I 1 IV llllsllli - II .11 I lll- l'l I'll II III' ipl II lino III hlr lllill I lli'l Ills III -111 till- II I.llll I'll 10 lll.ul .It I If "'" w' v, il. I, I'.r 1I11 In 111' a vu li ' H ,111 , , iml oii lull "'nl t li in 1 11 . .ilium 11 1 in iiiimlliu. ' '"I i.l . , mi -p.. mli in . in Hi ' 11 lo I' I I1 ' 1 .1, 11 1 .p. ill i' sp ,1 1 I1 ( mi 111 1I1 -i.s nn lull - .11 s.,iKj, iiniiii 1. 10 mis mini .a .11 1.1I t sRflgishrail -. - j nil 001 AND on w'll be Ih.mkful to us lor rt'iiiindiiis yon ''t ''"J weather is coining and you need your feet well shod. For indoor Wear & FILLED IF ADVERTISED IN COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE n a ii K line sum- h.its and I ns in a place I re the moths get at them? B us make von I Box Couch" 1 : h separate I partments 1 hats, waists I shirts. It is 5 ' beautiful, 1 iom. We B S7.oo up. H ,Mgr Rl x -f 4 4 4 -t -t 4 -f 4 . iV "!AI-I if I. 4K.