?rn h !!JPPBpfcir-' f?0lpw' rw; V. iU.iliJfi it iiXv' t SHt j j ," ) t, it'"'.-''':' . ... -s tl 1 I',tjCf1T.1r)'iii 41 t 4i . ' W. .T , ( i. i X V ' TTTT3 SDH ANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 28, U0O1. n rvrcvw itefe. S imaPu An Exuolloui Combination 'I lit; ik'iiMtnt method find Ijeuultuiul iilVft uf I In well known remedy, hi in-)' (it Khih. mmiutnetiirfd by tl'm l't.H'oitNi. I'M. Smiui l'o., tlitiMrntt.' tlusviil'u'iif obtaining tlio ll(Ulil ltixn live principles of plants known tube, metlieiniillv laxative unci preseiitlnK' thetisin lliu form tmt refreshing to Ilie Itislo mill aecoptiiblo to the system. If. is tiic one 'icrfeet htronlbuiiiiiR' lusii llvo, clcaiisliii,' tho system ulVectti'illy, dispelling; eolds, heudnehes mill fevers Knt!y yel promptly mid oimbllii'ifona to iivereotuu habitual o)tii:iltoii per nimicntl.v. Its perfect freedom from every nlJjeetioniiblo quality mid stib stiin'oi', and its iiutlnir on tin: kidneys, liver mid bowels, without wetiltening' or irritiitintf them, nmlff it. tliu ideal biMillve In tlic process of inuiiiu'iiiiliivinif flis nro used, as they tiro plonsiiut to the: Uistc, biitthotiie'dieinni (lualltiinof tlm einedy arc obtained from tenim and jtliei nronuitii plants, by u method inoivii to the Cw.iroKXtA l''io S'jtui To. oiilj . In order to tfet itsbeneiieinl jiVeciii iind to avoid imitations. jileis-K eme.uiliertho fulliuimeuf thuCompany printed on the. front of every paekuge. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAW ItANCISCO. CAI- I.OUISVII.I.R. K' NEW YOKIC. N. V. ForMileliynll Druggists. I'rlciiMc. pcrliettlo. Free Platinum Pictures I (.i every lady visiting our -tore this week we will give ab solutely fico a handsome Plat inum Reproduction of a World's lnnioiis Picture. Better come eirlv while tile assortment is I.irge. Don't forget this is tlic best place to buy Pictures, Frames, etc for the lioli-'la- Jacobs & Fasold, SOP WASHINGTON AVENUE. Notes. I tj in in 1 1 n- D itiim i I , I 1 il I I.' i: '. II I. I III Mil. II WW IIM I 'lllMCIII I uui n. I.. .1 I if I 'ill I. , lltll 1 llllillt, I. ill HID .1 ll.'l.il I. nil in '..ill iimmlii mi Mu-ii lull. Ill 111! IIO.Mi: -ill. II -( hill.- I tin l.i- -..I.I : is In iiililul Inum. at tin ii.tnii uf liill.ini- -.in I ml MjOUuii .ikiiiii, i i In. I.. M. (.11. -. II.XMHi 1 I.IU.I' Mll ll.-'llicn will In- .i lnmll.i) p.ll in Hi ii .il til.' I i.nuli.t i lull 'lils iiKiriiiiu-. jisiiuihu in I" 'l(nk. flu (.inn'i, . i.niiiiitu'i' lu- olliiul i milti-y hi i iiilw Im ilie luiu-it -(.up. ,in.l i' i- rxi.uti.l th.it i liiui imml-i nl tlic in. niln v.- will jil-n. I'rm:'.-. iiifi:i'inN.-.i .. ..m... u t.u- iiltriiinoii In. Hi. I'll i -u will Imlil .1 ii(.'i iiuii I in Hit li"i .mil uiiK in ll. ilmicii ii'il Sumlj.v fill. ."I ill tin I'liin Am mil' llipti-t I llllldl. Mll-H, MHII.-, IIKU.V-Ill.ll.ill. ,lli(I IMM-ll- Mi UN will lit llip moil uf llio tl.i; . i.Ar or "iin: ti.i. 'iin. i.-i m- tuu. Il Mi MI-.UI II. Il( l,lll-..ll .11 "111.. I,ilil.illt viit Ait i.i n inn iiiiiii.iiiii ..i.a i:..-ii" in ii until 1'iiiliy .llldiitiiiii .it I iVcIm'c ii' l!n oidinvp in .h. I!. .1. Tn-tii, on i.Ui.v .ii.inii. Un Jull.i Cli'i .Mini Hill lie ii(.-iiil null m niiiii in n-ii-i :.u- niciin-iui to mi. niln mk:oi:iiv ini:i). r.tiiim- Miloimu,' ,. i.i tnluii'tl li.v .i ili'iriiK Mllinu t i liini .a ilu ..rlt .mil WM.iniiiir liii., mIim,. he un,kii .1- .i i.iclilnl-1, illcil .it 1 lie LiiLimmiiii.i Iin.iltil .- ti'llllV IMUIIlill 111 1 li'll.'lK. Tl.f lit... IMM-ll Mll- .intil il )o.u- jn.l usiili-il Midi Mil, I'.itikl, llt'Uii, I'liiMiml Mint, lliiiuiiiiii., Iii'.iii wlili Ii V'mc (In fiinit.il will I.iKi1 il in rml.iy .inn noon til '1 o'lhi, I,. Iiili-lliic nl Mill In. innlc in !. ,Muiy' iliuuli. III! .-Hll.i: (OAT. MMi.hI -I.: !,u on iiiii', ii.ill.nl lulu ,l,it uli IliuiV iluiiiiiu Mm.., nil vllllll Wall'llKlnl aillltli, i, VTl i1ihmI.iv i.Ulil mid iimIuiI tn In1 -.Iiouti ,iii (iiriK.it, i,. nii'il u t,i.iiiiuit mi, mill n In ii Mi, II ii 1 1,' nn I, At tiuiiiil, il.illi'il mil tin- il.ii.i ,nnl tltnin tin -ini-t. Mr. Il.il 1 1 M-iiiini Hie ,i..,.iii((. ,. tin puliii. .mil Si in, ,iin,.iil i,ui yotciilii numlliu .11 111-, li.mii.. Wlim .ni.iidiiiil 1hi,u'i M.isMi ilp limn, lie ,nliiiil(, Imiii-;- i.iKcn Iin mal, Imt lUMilt'il ill iiil.i din vi .N mi cxi lw. flu is niiiiiiiiit..l I., t, in , ,,imi j.n n .1, im,: t,f '') Inil. IM . ' -, Angel Eood Cnke. "fiuw ini, lino onlv ln-.iril hi il, .ii. l.-iV Ii .vnti'M. ti-ieil It, ii-,. l(. i,.lis,m. ..tHy him- in 11)111'' u.itroiMpi.. a mil uwll. limy in- p'-nve to you lnw iiimI Ii Is-H'I'lMilie or (.ill nl H'll Spline HIP el. ' - -f-f )- -f 4 4 H f 4- f f - v 4 f , ' 4. ; BOND OFFERINGS. '' -JSpvlng Biook Wnter.lst MIr.Ss Lnckn. Valley Elec. Light, 1st S Mtf,. Ds, .'Noith Jetbcy mid FoconoMouu t; tnln Ice Co., l&t Mlfy, Os. (sStamlmcl.Qns do,, 1st Mtg. 5b, t-X,clilBhtou Wntir Supply Co,, it list Mte-. .is. ' 'Nv Mexico Ttnjhvny unci Coal ;k no., is Mtg, i JyCDcsci'. .n mid pike on nppli- i cation, City ij lli-ailiuy, i. -f f UllUiUuiv. L,b.;,Jat?. - 4tJ ( 'jiiiiiionMcalili llMj., tscraiitjii, I'j, frt4 tf t THE GAMBLE HECITATi. Splendid Conceit at the Lyceum Last Night. N't i liinsluil cvi'iil nl' lite 'iir linn UlVi'tl inure llllilllo.led Hilt iHfn ll ii HI tllilll I hi' lllllllblc !(( Kill lilft IllKllt III Hie liVeeltlll III the Itim Uwiiy entir.c All' lllllllll'e lllillle II llei'llleil m,.)ii. lltiu tMo M'lilM MRU, Mlii'ii be I'Uim In lIllH i It V. nllil tile Imqe iilldlolli'" eull- illl"d ninliy ellthlHliiHtli llHlellefi W lio reini'llibfreil wllh Hie Pvelleiit plonsiil' Itle Mlmjlni; til' thin lali'lll'.'il inline llinll. Mr ll'iinlile ciiim nn I'veeedluiil.v .il li ielle tii'Kimnuii' In"! nlnlit. Vh be ion. liliilillm in e iiit'i Klvell tn I-;iikIIIi I iillmlH. bill tl'e keylinte of bllllliilli'O mid xplrll huh ."liuelc III the llrnl lllllli In f Hum Vnlirnl-e l'ln iiitti:-,' "The l 'mil." Ill I lie anv I'lenell i-limifdil "l.( T.'iiilmiei' .Mn.l'ir." lie hIiis llltll Mill Ii ii Inl'li emu ip lien nl' It's ml, nith siieli null' mill m-ncliitlsiiess ill llh' lllli'ipietiitliHI of .'Piillini'iu Unit his imii-Ic iiniMt nntiir illly li" n stli'eess. The 1 Ii 11. deep liniel ictthHcr Inis sin h mi iniiliinl lieitul.i which must i-ert.ilnlv win him n rent tlil'eel. (lite i.v i-nlltillinilly lullftlllK Id sec lillll i'l K". lid "pel ll. Willi Ills Sll peih iiliyslnti" .itnl Unit voice. II l wllele lie lll'l-l evellttiulli nelllelc III- tinipli. Ills llltll' elli me, llle "lint; In ll lillll Uoiliillllmi's e.i:iilslte wolds llnd i -presslmi, miis ticrlni:is the mum .irtis lie Hlll'I'C.lS o the evillnu. Tile Sllll hits ii history, iis the music mm iiiltliii t sped, illy for Mr. ci.imlite by nn ll.ill.tn hnlv in' mill; wiio In lloiiie hcuril hin slim the wonts In ni'i'lln 1- scttiin;. It is pocilll.il 1, up, irnpi lute fur his Mill .mil he sIiiks it from the irlKliiiil nun n seilpl. It Inis never been ptlhlMicil, The IIiimIii ninnli"!' In 'nine n siiei i miis the inn.u iniporinnl mid rniitniii. ! Ii'-.iiitilnl 1 1 1 1 1 Min n. .Ml. (i.tlllllle'i elillllltlllV Is (M i-II, nt .Mr .Morley. the iilunlst, is .i .mmii'i; Aiistr.ilinn, M'lir.'ely inniv lh.ui .i lm who hits htinllt'd fur two years imil. i l.e.schltlsxkv. lie has imiismil ulilllt.i mid i-iiii piny c'liopln's Heheizo in P minor witli line t'eclliii;. lie um ;i Kin id pel I'onnmii e illh .1 plimo ii,ip ly up to the sltiiiilliin Mis (illlie .lenklus Is uNo ino.-l l-Iriu-tlve. mid plnycd iIiiiiiiiiiikIj .mil with symp.ithetle iiuerprelnlloli on tin lolln. IJev. .mil .Mis. I.'iindoliili eiili-i tneil .Mr. i.iiunble mid the member.-, m his coinpiinv .-it SI. I'ct.'i-'-i rcitur. i i the conceit MOBRIS FOR CONTROLLER. Assistant City Cleik May Seek the Republican Nomination, ll is ory likely llinl Ai-.-.iM.ini t'ily t'lcik I'v.tn .Munis will In- :i .intlld.iie lm tile I'epnlillcun lioiuin.itlon for i-lly i ouirollcr .il the piinnuiis to i. li,-li on iiccembi'i HI. Alany of bis ft K mis .in- tirKiii", him (o enler the Held. "It is pOS.silllc tint I may lie .1 .111- dnl.tie." .s.iid Ii" yesleribiy .Hteiuooii to il I'liluiiu lii.in. "( 'ei tain of my n lends il .she nn' to inn and ilicuui'U.iiii cs may mi sh.tiie themselves within a leu days , is to urn rani an ullli-i.il mmiiiiiice iiKin of my i .imlli!, icy. Km- the pies, cut. I will neither deiii oi- .-il'lrm llic M.uenieiii that I am to he .1 c.indidi i"." ELKS' LODGE OF SORROW. Will Be Held in the Lotlye Rooms, Sunday Afternoon. Tin- annual lodKe ol t-onow oi ilie local Indue of Kllcs will be held Sunday -illernoiin .it ".:in in die IimIkc looms, on Franklin avenue. The principal ,-id-dieshWill be dcIUci-ed by W. C. Wnnil llllf. nf Wllkes-ll.ii p. Ills .stibjei t Hill lie ".Memory " A member ol the loili will pi li ililv lie i ailed iijkiii to pin liolinte ii ciilimy on the ineiuli. i.s ul the Indue who died ilin-ln die e.u n.-iuei 's orclic.str.i .mil Alfred Wiinli-i 's mixed (iitiirletie will liirnisii die imisp. $4.800BUYS IT A Pi'etty Home at Gieen Ridge That Should Suit. If ynii uili a ii-rj ,u hi lot In a swell locution, V It Ix a pielty moilern, einlit-iomn himse, incliiilliiK a hanil some leception hull and stairs, and Ilie whole Intel Im- In harmony with the hall, .mil till at the above niodeiate llmut', llien call and so, T IliuUi'tt, leal estate dealer. I'lice bnililhiK. n PostoJ'fice Older for Today, (Jidcr No. su. TIllllHll.lV, NnV. .'Mil, !HI cTlniUlCh. Hiving' day), will be olif-cricd ,n the Scinnton, ',i posiotllce as follows: C'.nriers will lliitUe one deliveiy and ciillcelioii in die uioiiiinsr. (Jeneral delhery mid stnnii windows will be open limn !i a. in. tn i'l o'clock nnon. liffJMiy ami nioin y ordeis ivhulows will be eliisi-il all day. Collections will be made at In. .i a. in. Irani boxes on Jltiin avenue, be tween Lackawanna avenue and Wush- i burn stieet, ,-iImi West I.itcltawmina avenue, and l..ickuwmin.'i avenue to Ailnuic avenue, Aduuis avenue to .Mul berry street. .Mullicriy street to Frank lin avenue, anil fmiu .ill boxes between I these palnls. I ('urrler No. i'.i will make the ll.Sn p. I 111. eollectliui, and the usual evcuint; cnllei'dons will also be ni.ule by ear- iiei Niis. -:'i mid i::. t'xrit 11. Hippie. I'ostiu.isier. Now Tialns on Now Jersey Gemini. Quaker City Kspivsn leaves Si niiilnu T..'iii a. in.: m liven IMillailelphla l.'.On noon. I'li'cirle city Kxpicss leaves I'lill.idelpliiii ! p in.; an Ives Scruiitoii lle!U l. III. 'I'lllllllsll ll'.llll Mlllil icstl- billed loathes and pallor cms, l ,M. Hurt, Cell. I'.o-s. Am, W. ('. Iliipn, Ass't Hen. I'ass Aki. Systumntio Elocution mid Voice Cul tuie. I'r.n. ll'ii i. c. Kiiinck. A. il., i:, .M., America's ai-e.-iiesl elnetulmilht, will Blvp mio Uilirte nf Ic.s.-inllH ill Scrailtnil. l-'ni' all purl li ul nn call Immediately. Terms M'i Inn, -.'ii" Linden street. Full Fight Return's l-'ull returns of Hie Aid iuiei u-l'ui-bctt lb,llt will hit received Ihb aliel lionil by special wile ut iliiiifjnii'., llolel. ''')! Liickawtiiiiia ieinie. Ten Per Cent. Rcdinitiou in nil ii in 5ts Sims ,ti 1'1,'iiiV- nil sl.e.s. ;i.' L.ii-li.iwaiiiin .tvi mi' . Tiki il.'V.llnr. Atteithe Plum Pudding Ull TIl.nillSKlvIlK, MiidUe "HellO Uli l''millh" elyiirs Tlioy're flear llni'iii.i ()'ll.ir.i'.s, r'l Spttn-o ptnei Li-poil by i omnia of the iliilineiii nail Cm belt Ub'ht m '1 p. in, today til the IJrtinswIik, ill Hnruce street. HmoJle th'.' new Kleon 5e. i-lt;ui-, MA30N SPEAKS TO THE MINERS MOST IMPORTANT ADDRESS HE HAS YET DELIVERED. Advocates the Fonimtlon of Concilia tory llonnls of Arbitration nnel SitRgcBto the Enactment of Lawn for the Piotectlon of the Miner and His Family In the Event of Injury or Death A Fair Day's Wn(;es I'oi a Fair Day's Work. Large Audience Ptescnt. lion. 1 1 1 in in Abrnhimis. ill- iii'iio Pclh ' .Malum." lendci of the Welsh niliieis, null inn ol' (he most poled ol the llrltlsh members ol piirllniuciil, ud diesscd mi Immense miilleine of mine workers In .Meats' halt Inst nhrbl. Si, iled mi die plntrmm with the hmi iin d, Biiel of the evcnliif; wen. .Indue IMw'arils. .Iiitl",.- Ciirpenler and .Iii.Ibc Vosbitri-, of the Infill courts: J'leslileill T. Ii. NP-liolls. of Dlslrlel No. I of the I'nlted .Mine Workers ol' Ann-run, 1. li(i HIi.llUI MIKAIUMs .1. .Miilliin.e, and il S. Lavell' . rep -e-.selldllK' Ilie mine W oi kei s el Weill Si i anion. ill. Alullnliei hill mini cit .IlldLTe l-;d-um-ils as chaiiitiaii of 111" evenini;. lie adili.'SM-d his audience as "Kellow wmUnieii," i pluiniiiH; (hat he did not nieaii il in ,i I'lekwlelclmi sense, oc eans, he is ill iinlity n lellow in worUcr with the mine win k"rs, anil works as hai.l as mn.sl of litem and Inn tier tliiiu nllieis, only alons dilfii i at lines ne iimlcrsinnd, he saui, why die ! tn i- of i-iiiilimun W'iis inn Iciic.l tipnn hlin. because ".Malum" was his must, mid they could not very well Invite him In tpeal; tn theni without mi Hint,- his host as well. "The moon's bemily kcIs its rellcc tniii l'lmii the sun." he said, "and I am lieie because '.Million' Is hi Ameri i a." II.. fiii'liier expressed Ills m'e.'tt m-nlllic.idon mi "Alubon's" pr-'sonce in this city, as h" lias been eNpectlnn him for M'K'i.tl jv.trs. LAND OK Ofl'dUTrNlTV. "ill this land every man has his op portunity, mul success ill ill lines, whether it be in the mines, mnnnf-io-lui ins. business m professionul life, depends enthel.i on die 111:111. mid every man tan Mim-ei-d by untlriiiK' enerny, per.-erM 1 mice and industry. This cnuniry holds mil opporiuiilty without 1 lass ban lei s. pinvlded the Individual biiiLs after lilni.self." " .Mabnii' is more nl all Amei lean than lie is a Welshman, and In- would hae been the same lure hud he been bum heic. I know of the ii'spcel the 1 c-oplc ol Wales have lor lillll. and il Is iin- blfiliesi iisl(..i juni .iiimlratliin. He desei'ics till die attention he Is icivIv hm nl die hands of die American peo ple, and il Is a tine American wel i oni". lie din lettiin home mid J.i. that lure is ,1 hii.spltul people who ,uu kind and ."."net oils 10 11 limit." c'lialrninn i-'dwanls' romnrks weie eiitlittsiastlciilly icieived. and lie intro duced 1'iesldont Nicliiills as the ilex,, spvitker. lie said il was an ixiieme plcasuii dial he fell in being per mitted to speak nt the meethiH. fb aKieed wldi the .IikIkc thai In works h uiler with his limlti than some raen lo wldi their muscle, but was unw ill Iiik Unit "Mabon's" greatness should ovei'sliiuloii our own .IttilHo Kdwanls. It was ,1 peculiar po.silioli he lital been pl.ued In. In said, in belli", called upon to npcii'5, w lien he hail attended ihp luccllii", lor the pill pose ol llslelllllK tn one of the world's gieutest liibor leaders. rHli.NIX.lNi.l OF LA non. ill'. Nl( hols then piilcecdctl tn Mpe.lk nf tlic niovenieul ol nrwnik'.ed lnlmr hi this imnmuiilly as In- llnds II 1 xists heie. The unilir.iclte mluern hae btcu orfiiinlKeil iihoui iluve years heie anil itre still in 11 very nude stute, and mil J el pel feel by any menus. It WHS ex pelled, he explained, that When the mine workers weie ull oiKmiixt'd the aim wnlllil liae been leached, but It was found that when that end was leached there weie oilier mid lit 1' mole hi eater objects to meet. lie 1 nittlollcd llle mine 01 Iters to he I onsltiieiil. careful, and 10 make friends lilt lead uf enemies, who will HHslst t In-ill In tumble in possibly avoid dllll-i-uliles when they arise. "Ynil want In cnilllllillld llle if.-.icel of niliers.' he said. "The Mlppurl and sympathy die mine workers teichcd III tlielr battle 11 yeur iiro wan whip delink )"t Hiere weie snme people Who believe, e(ii Unlay, llinl till) millers ule men low down in die scale, 'mid merely slaves lur the hlnhcr order of IicIukk. but, 1 hunks 10 die uiKiiiilzcrs, they have 111 led Ulelll (11 a hlKlli'l' plillll. lUld pen pie now see till-Ill as Ihey really llle, and le.speci thclll for what they are. "ll bi'liooM'S you, then, to Walk ill the Hue for h'tlcr enudilloilS, mid ill order to do ih, it your iii'Kuiilr.tiilon intisl be ilulil, you iniihi allow lor esin,' tiui. illliiins In older not lo be loo lash, mid at I wisely ul nil limes. The luboi iiniVLiiK'iu is siinielhlui; thai Is koIhk tilt in? steadily ailil ri'KUlill ly 111 Well dellllt'd path:-, .ilpl the men retinue Judmiu nl .'lid IiiIcIHkciii e III Hiilr ranks, ii, order that .they niiiy work nut II . il OWIl c!li.l'0U ' s, . 1 ,,.,. lUl,j ,,k upuli tl con, Esl YirirTlnnkigivhT Diner rf'fi?'i. I 11,1 tun, SsSSJrSv " t'j'i'' '""' pVTr-QftV ,-i,( ..mi fl. i jc i .r uv: viXiiii. .vni . cilNsKlli - Kl'n in.t Hun. I , .in. tin-il 11 in 11 M )UUu no .'ii-.-is, lili'la thai. M.'ll imunt tiolu,. Ml HAFI' uul 1 ut, I Mlieil I'uiaij . 11, I li 1.. 1 4 PVwilF' J Si TIlrNCU' INCANDESCENT i ty'. The Ili'M llU'illlilcSCelll ffilf llRht! I'M emulle power- best In the world : JI.M lo S'.'.Bu, Call and see our display nl llomn .'. Arcade bulldliiR:. (las l.lKht .Supply Coiiipany. H. S. POUST. Mnnnr.or. 1IIII011 of Ihhii's with lear and tretn litlm?, but Justice clearly ilellii"d must be their dim, and you liuvo not to work ftlnnn; the line nf Iniproflslni,' people Hint iui iin friendly and nut Insultlim'. The 111I111- winkers tire beglnnliiK lo n;spc('t Hieiiifelves, mid they euiiuot expert to Kitln the lespecl of others without do Ihp: so. The tumble bus been Hint the miner don'l think enough, bill lei oth ers ilnlliK the dilnkllif,': there has been loo much carelessness In iitleiidlnu the ineeliiiKS mid partlelpntltifr; In llie dis cussions. "There me iininy tlihiKS nliuoil ut, but the men have not always been ready lo shoot: they should hold In cheek their pitssloim when sturtltiR to do snmcthliift, they uro yet but raw rerrullfl and need ilrlllliiK." Mr. Nil hols then explained that, with tin exception of perhaps t'oity or llfty men. the mine workers of the First dls t rit-t, niiiubi'i-lii;; over 70,000, are thor nimhly orumilzcd. He closed his re marks by icndhicr 1111 orlttlnal cmnposl lion dedicated lo ilnbon. Tin Hon. William Abinhuius. il. I'.. was then introduced by ,linl(e l-'dwards. He spoke, in stihstunce, as follows: ".Mr Chairman, fellow -wot kers mill t'llends- First nf nil, I deslie lo ex press mv sincere nptireciatlon of llie many kindnesses that have been shown me during my visit anioiii; you, mid the stroni;est word 1 can use to express my 1,'ratitude Is 'Klmiotis.' The kind wel come of mv Ameilean tilends, without inentloniiii; the Welsh, Is like the coun try, an endless continuity of surprises. TI1K MUST IMPORTANT. I have had several opportunities to address the wmkers since 1 arrived In this country, but I feel this Is the most important mectlii!,- II has been my privilege to itddrcs'. I am befoie the jutlmiK-iit seat, so to speak, and I am proud ol it. Lei us all hope Unit we will leap tin benefit of the .iiultces' pres ence. "Some people do not care lo be judged by llieir wouln or deeds, as their wm d.s sometimes lend them to nils deeds. I expect to be judKed by my past deeds and by my words heie to-nlf-'lil. 1 have heard that my presence in Wilkes-Hnrre was taken to mean by the lessees of the armory Unit I was to speak then and was Inuked upnti as an agitator, bill I want to say riKhl lure that I have never in my life been guilty of such an net, either at home or abroad, and hope t never shall be. He then proceeded to discuss the aims and objects seL forth In the rules sov 1 rnhiK the t'nlted Mine Workers of America, mid dwelt upon the establish ment of u mlnets' federation, the sub ject of wages, the mode of settling dif ferences, Ike necessity for the enact nicr.i of laws for the protection of the mine worker and his family in case of .iieli'ent or death In the mines, and the lminaliou ol 11 conciliatory board tor settling by arbitration all difficulties which may arise about the mines. "Suppose." he said, "that Lincoln, (Irani, McKinley. I'eeeher, Tiihuage or Abbott were here tonight on this plat form and would ask yon. 'Are you sure your olijtcis will justify your ends'." What would you say'.' flu response lo this 1 he iiss-i'inbliiKc, with almost un animous aciord, responded in the af firmative). Then wo agree on that point. "The next point is lo .seeim 11 11 earn ing fully loiiimensmatc with the amount of labor performed, mill to use all linunrable means to maintain peace between yoin selves and your employ- K'mtiiiucl mi I'.iti 10.1 For Gentlemen Only. "Il"iiry the Fourth," clear Havana cigurs. fneseelled in nihility and woik m.inshlp. O'Harn's -tm Spruce- stieet. " $ ! & ! A GREAT OF LADIES', $&e LLzi Gfyfk. : CS Ssb AND CHLDREN'S Novelty Coats Raglans Newmarkets Autos 21, 27, 40-Inch Goats Friday and Saturday WE PLACE ON SALE HUNDREDS OF STYLISH, UP-TO-DATE GARMENTS . , QUALITY, CUT, FIT THE BEST OBTAINABLE IT t J IT WILL PAY YOU FORE PURCHASING, 415-417 LACKAWANNA AVE, OBSERVANCE IS TO BE GENERAL HOW SCRANTON WILL COMMEM ORATE THE DAY. RuaiucBS and Industiinl activities to Be Suspended nmt Specinl Services to Be Hold lit All the Churches. Foot Ball Omnes and Other Amuse ments Interesting' Sketch of the Origin and Htstoiy of Thanksgiv ing Day Progiamme of the Ser vices in the Chuichco. Then will be u very geiietal cessa tion of liulnstilal activity today, al most nil the mines, mills and shops having decided to observe Hie holiday. The Uelawlire, Lackawanna and Western company cut off nil of Its lo cal freight trains and reduced Its sub urban piiFscnger service on the Morris and Kssex division to what is practi cally a Sunday schedule. The shops will also close down, but no orders weie issued rogntdlng the mines. None of the Delaware und Hudson mines or shops will woik, and Its freight service will bo confined to nec essary trains, but the passenger service by rensou of the heavy holiday tratlln will have to be maintained tit Its nor mal schedule, at least. Tin mines of the Ponnsylvuniu and Hillside Coal and Iron companies will be closed, mul the Dunmoie shops will be shut down. The Aineilonu Lcomotlve Works, AN lls-Chalmers Manufacturing company's works and the other machine- shops will not work. The hanks and nearly all tlic business places will bo closed. Most of the sloifcs kepi open an hour or two later than usual to accommodate belated trade, mul some propose lo open for 1111 hour during the early morning, but geiiernlly speaking', nil business will be suspended today. Court adjourned over the holiday and nil the county und city ofllces will be closed. The churches. Protestant, Catholic und Jewish, have all arranged special sei vices, and 11 number of the congre gations have distributed provisions uniting the poor for Thanksgiving (lin nets. St. Luke's mid Penn Avenue IJaptist congregations have done this on a large scale. Scrmiton will have two Thanksgiving day foot hall gaines nt Athletic park. In the morning there will be 11 game between the (Srec.n Ridge and IClectric City Wheelmen. In the afternoon the Scranlon mid Williamsport high school teams play for the high school slate championship. SKETCH OF TIIK DAV. General Charles W. Darling, em reF ponding secretary of the Historical so ciety at Uticn. N. Y., gives the follow ing interesting historical facts about Thanksgiving: "In the year 1017 there existed at Leyden a society of dissenters, who came from England and formed an in dependent church nt Holland. This chinch grew with a steady growth un til it numbered nenrly 300 communi cants, among whom were John Robin son, Miles Standlsli, John Carver, llob eit Cusbman mid Edward Wlnslow. Wlnsor tells us that .is years passed the older people among the exiles, who clung to the English nume and tongue. began to lenllze that 11 great pari of their nlnis would be frustrated if their children should, by intcr-marrlage with the Dutch, wander fiom their fathers' principles and be absorbed In the Dutch. It was theiel'oie clutci mined that a new asylum should be selected, where their nationality might be pre served undisturbed, mid so to the con tinent of America all thoughts turned, "John Carver and Robert Cushmmi weie therefore sent as delegates to England, to obtain fioin King James I of r.rcnl nrltufn, a patent for kinds in Northern Virginia, with the assurance, under royal seal, of religious liberty. The Puritans promised that they would establish themselves as a. separate mid Cimtimietl on IMgc to. iH''i lf"hl4 4 T sDv.ii.f MISSES' '; TO VISIT OUR DEPARTMENT BE- i'l 1 ' MEARS HAGEN &$fk'fr'$ib $ ty & fc 4 Fm: V At 4, 6XSjr C. F. Haviland's French China.... Flcuretta Shaps, which is new. Festoon of pink (lowers, with gqld stippled handles. 112 Pieces, $29.00 4 4, -4, A, -1. A Ar livery tasteful Nice China. One of Christmas Present heart of any house - -?' SELECTIONS MADE NOW WILL BE HELD At UNTIL CHRISTMAS. At A, J 4 Geo V Millar & ' VJCU. T. IT1II1C1I tiJV -? tr v f t If fr f Uf ft T' -P T (f 1 T" T' 'T.-'r T1 -V USEFUL AND prettily lined and and covered, and an ornament to any room. We invite you to come and inspect one of them. Prices from $7.oo up. SCRANTON BEDDING CO., F. fl. Kaiser, Mgr Lackawanna and 'dams Aves. Both 'Phonss. F.LCRANE Established 1866. Seal Skin louts $150, 177, WOO, S2-25, $230. FeisidU Lamb Coats $70, $100. $125, .lilSO- Furs of All Kinds Hurs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Established 1866. Nk in n r, n . , . . , . , , n ,w r ; ? ? t n ? - , . . . t . is We ar& to let our patrons have HPnX nnw nn .vale. w.u. ,, .. yesterday. Every Phonograph should have one. We are nn.viiven he ! 1 records in Scranton today. EDISON SHOW 4 4 4 A A 4 A A 4 A A A open Store s usual, banta Clans has made this store the Mtoie-lniuse for his Holiday Stock. We have fathered together lor him the greatest and most varied stock ol TOYS ever seen here, Big- Toys, Little Toys Toys of Every Description Arc now on exhibition here, and all are invited lo come find enjoy the show. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 31 2-3 14 Lackawanna Avenue. 'Uf 4- b ! 4 4 4 fr b J "J "W v. . m '- At 'AUPUiiicir H- i 5- r housekeeper appreciates r these sets would make a V that would gladden the wife. 4L r s- ? Co m w-fon"' Uenn9 VUi Walk 1 1 it LojK Around. f - It fr -fr At - I ft tf 1 r f t' T T' T NJ VJ ' 1" V JJ l'' T T' ORNAMENTAL. Why ? linrifr your fine sum mer Ii.its and gowns in a place where the moths may get at them. Let us make you a "Box Couch" w i t Ii separate compartments for hats, waists and shirts. It is very beautilul, H. D. CRANE After the most succcessful seasor on suits that we have ever had, w now offer on all our $1000 t( $18-01) Suits a reduction 10 pci CCllt. This means that vou car buy t good suit made as perfect as is possible for very little money. We have all sizes and colors, some at $14.00 all silk lined. This is a very good opportunity. Take Elevator. New Building. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Lackawanna Ave Take E'evator. 5 , .r . .1 .t .1 . r , 5 ,1 1 , Thanksgiving Morning the NEW DECEMBER REC- , H'fi receiver 200 nf hem ,, a and (iraphophonc owner nnln dealer sellinn these fl fl ROOMS GHAS. B, SCOTT 113 FRANKLIN 't''' i