The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 28, 1901, Image 1

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Vt '' .p tt'r ,
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w 5
. 11
. ' ' 1
- T-r.
Vi mnrtfrtiMr Sfeilita ft
! "-' . H II a I 1 m m m -y--iv&mmmiwmY W2xsiS JssaM-s m
A Golllsioii oi Two oi the Fastest,
Tralns'oii tlic Line yester-
(Inu Aiternooii.
Collision Occuis Between Seneca and
Sand Cieek The Wieck Begins to
Blaze Almost Immediately Follow
ing the Meeting of Trains nud the
Untoitunato Victims Wot Killed in
the First Crash Are Roasted to
Death Every Passenger on the
Emiginnt Train Thought to Have
Been Killed.
IU I elu-iu Win-Hutu 111. V--( i nuil I'u .-.
Dell (lit, Nov. 27. Olio (if llle in-i-H
disastioii!, wrecks In the liistniy (if the
ub,isi or uny (.tin r .Mithl
g.ui i. declined :il Si'iuta, .Mich.,
il small MUV nbllllt seventy
lllilos irOtllllUeSr (if Dl'tldlt, illlolll 7. SO
i.i' Im I. tonight.
Trull! No. l'ii, an emigrant Ham. with
two engines, westbound, collided iindoi
ii lull head ol steam with train Xo. !,
i ast-bound, about one mil" lroin
s'onnu. Tho lesult was tluil ii(. or
'i iii.n lies tin the emigrant tiain weie.
iiiisIiliI ainl its In. id Ml' hum. in Height
uv.nt into otctnlly in si inoinonl, while
urn uudi on ti.tln So. I, which con
sisted (it a pallor, diner and a bag
i'W car, was also teh-si oped mid four
dead bodle" hate been taken from the
It is not known how many people
there weie mi the imigiant tiain, lint
Hie mimlier ol dead, injuud and Inn net
nil! lie auywhoio Horn til) tn T.O.
Tile people (in that train Wele i aught
ltl:i l . tn in tiup and clashed. Th"n
the wiook caught lire and those who
Muio noL instantly killed Weie slowly
toasted to dentil and none ol the lew
spcilsttois who hastily gathoied fioin
the larni houses inaiby were able to
affoid aid. The wliole omigiaut tiain
vai' soon consumed liy the Humes, and
ou'iy pei pon on thai ttain, it Ls ie
ported now, was killed. r.umois ie-
siding along the tiack m on
the blazing mass to icsoue those whom
ilioj. thought might lie alive. The
bodi s hauled out of the wik weie
lake n to iniuh.N faun house-!, winch
are. Illled witli dead, mid a lai'e iiu'ii
ln r of injtued wuc taken tn a Im-ptMi
;il Vein, mil.
Zong Lines ol Binned Bodies,
Alont; the track, Ioiik lines of binned
bodies lie coNeled with bluilK-'ts, ju-e-sentltn,'
a Kriiesonic siylit. H may be
possible that the exact number of
killed and who ihey aie will -lever bo
At lucscnt. it is impossible to ku
nuytlilliK lesellibllllK a list of injuna
oi dead 1 1 urn rfeueea.
It is stile! hue Hint llu ikikIi 111 was
the result ot a misundcrstandine, of ot
ders. II is repotted in Seneca (hut No.
A should liiive wailed at Heii"ca sta
tion unci No. !" .should have tuktn tilt
Mdimt. This was not done, Vln u .he
trasli lame.
Tin nel result is thai one wliole
tiain Xo. hi Is Inn ned. tin engines
iiiliiploli' nmlm on both (mills, eial
on No. ! the to.n h between Hie diner
;tni the biiKKiilto inr js minhed nno
KintlHiiK wood.
It is leported at the I'nlon stallou
line tlmt train Xo, I, east-bound,
puss d its meeliiiic point at Sinn!
('ink anil lame on towaid ,S. lae.i,
nin tiHK No. 1J, Hie emlKuuit tr.du.
West of .Selll i a.
Hoinco Voae and Mis. T,tlley E, Nis.s
ley Aio the B01101& This Year.
I! I v likiit U iii Hum II, ...lun,, p,,.,, Nun ',, 'i,.-i,iu i;,Mi,ir,
1 1, ml. ui iiiji link. ;. ,lU. ,in!ii .mil n,,,,
Villi kli (I. l.liMl.hliml,,! .1,, ,..,,..,
. ml inn In JlMl !, llll(, i,i.l;Uti Ui'
ami iinulj .111. ,1 Ik i,m,i UuU, fi,. ..lok.i
ti illi. .iu.lin m,ltot. f ,tpWll ,
lllllltlull II..1II Hull. M, ul j,u ,,,,,
ill till. IIU.IMIHI.. I! iUB fn,,j IL11,j. ,,
. uii .1 ili Uii.i tiii,,j, :, Ms IU, .
tlic wliitu liii.. .
il.kmllil U..I..J ,0.., ruuml ,. , Ml. 1. i..uj, ,i i.,Ml i.llB,.tll ,,,.
I'u IimoiJi. liiiru-iMo iu.,,1,1. .In.,,, 1. pllia"
!. ..ll lll.U .. i,. 1,. lvlvv,ui III,,, (v, , ,,,
EX'Oovejttor Wttito Utops
11 1 uli.,u rtiu uoin Hi. , 11 j(,,i J.,,.,,
. IK. ,,,. -7 1 11 1, r i.uii.,i p.,, ,
II Wjllt 1 I f oK 1 .!. (Ii(1a, ,,., )ul , ,,
iiilusli ilu, illuming. Ho hu I. ,u i c
h' iltli hi to tlit 1111 mi 11' ui .i ,u .Hi ji 1, u.
Iii tul tlut .l,e iiu. J.,,11, u-t , ,,,,
1 -14.1 (.filing in ,,,,t lU,ll( )l(,
tlr, Pin-' t On ib. , uiil iMii. ,i
' i I.
SliootH His SweethtMit.
ilv I illume Hip .luu, u Xiwjt,,,! ,
Win. M.1111 , .W. t'7 -III ul, Liinl.,,,,,, (.,,,
JlMllJ t'lnl gl.,1 pi.l'Ml.1 Utdl l MI..I..I l,l
.juclliwii. Ml a. lulu lutiulii, awl I'un .,i,.,cl
till H-lll .ill i.lmulf, uutillluv It, ,kul .ui,
Will JH'l ll.! i
Government Called Upon to Adopt
Dinstic Measuies.
ll I.M Iii-hp Win 111,111 1 1.. im,i id, 1 pi, -
I Mliliitl, m T i I nll'n iull 1 III ,.n
in. il mull 11 1111 ni Hi Villi tul I niuii 01 ( n-.t.
i irni i- 1 1 ill, n- 11 Vi.iiluiiiiti p. tin ui 1
illtillll l.H llilllpit III i,lllill mi 1111 c ol'l
111. lit In iiiltpt ui.i-tk tin eiiti i 1,1 mu,i,i,- llu
"(ucililid of 11 uliiinlht iminljus 1,1
,,m II 11,1,1,1, uhlih ihiiildi"! 1 1.1 , lull . 1 111. f
Hu kII.KIiiii iihli Ii i 111-.1I mil 1111. ui uv ni.i
i. . 1- c,,," 111,1 . 110,1 (. .Uln.1 lllllll I im 1,
l.iinlh ilu 11 im ml 1 ,1 imli.uini i ,, i,,il
i.i, mill wli -ii ,1 ,1 11, I,. 1 11 in; num..
ill ml 11 In- 1 in int. ,1 I i,.l 1
Cornell and Pennsylvania Elevens
Ate in Piinie Condition Piesi-
dent Will Witness the E.-.ttle.
TI I'.si lii-ne V.iic h.ui llic lk.-otiati.l I'ios-.
I'lill.tdelphl.i, .o. L'7. riepaiatlieis
I01 the iiimv and nay name on Kumk
lin Held, on Saluiil.iv whli II will In
wltnes'siil bj 1'iesldeiit Koosevell, an
lapall neaiiiiK ( omiiletlon. Never lie
lore 111 the histor.i ul loot ball in th's
elt.. Jus tin it- !.( n such a de
mand for tiikets. AH tho.e who will
see the tfanie must lit quests of either
the I'uheisitv ol f'eiiiisjlv.uila or of
the academies 110 tlikels beliiK sold
for the (utitpst. Follow inj,' mil Its cus
tom ol llu- past two jeais. tin 1111IM.1
sily teildeis Ki.inkllu Ileal as a neu
11. 1! fjKillliil lor the 1 (intent, i'eimsvl
.iii!.t In tn . the entile riMise, The
miheisity lelaius about lliiiiin tiikels,
and the Anniipolis and West I'ohil
aiademies dlsliibute Hie lemalnder of
the il.itnu cauls ol admission. The
eiioimous demand foi tickets this cal
ls due to the aimoiuiiemeiit that the
prcslduit will . il tend the K.inie. The
univei.-ity atilhoritits say that appli
cations foi tickets tiom I'eiinsylv.iul.i
alone hne been t'ulh L'O.OOu aboe the
seats at the disposal of the athletic as
sociation. frt-slilonl l!oo-ei-lt will aiihe lure
Haluiiliiy nioiiilni,'. m lomp.mled by a
numbei of other orel nuieiil olliclals
The pail will be esioited In the
Ki minds by arm and 11111 v ollheis
DuiiiiK Hie lit M half ol the ( 011(1 st
tin. lliesiilelit will sit Willi the tollou
cis of one ul the m.ideiuli's, and diu
iiiK the s. omul hall Willi the other. The
pieslilent will ilium in Washington
imniedialely aflei the iniitesi.
Imitations hae In en sent 10 (he
llaiv.ud, Vale, IM iiicctou. Columbia
and Cornell teams to witness the ,'unn
and members, ol e.u Ii loam hne .siwui
lied their intention of bourn piesent
Altogether, the eieiil Is epe( Ud to
briiif," toHether Hie most disllnxiiislicd
issfiiibhiKt. t Tut t has eei seen ,1 foot
ball ;;.tine.
Tlie Ciiriiell team iiirlvcd lieu- to-
(la.l. Tile men ale (tliil tel oil at lite
llolel Walton. Soon after theh auhal
tin (0.11 lies took- the entile squad,
liitinlieiiiiK about thliiy men, to the
unheisity's Kildlron, wlieie the pl.iy
ei.s Weie put tluoilKh tin hdlll 's signal
priutiii The team is in kooiI (ouill
tlon lor tin- mime. Cotnell has stinns
hnpi- of whmiiiK. Their moid im Hie
siuson Is ,ei niiod, while the showing
of their opponents h,.h be, u poor.
The I'einiMlN.iiil 1 ileieii Is al-o In
Hood ph.Nsleal loudltloii, Hie three days
sojouiu at Hie KMshoie lia llu; In eu a
KU'dl billellt lo Hie me,i, The (Jimk
eis have not In en Imp -nu of wlnulnt
I'loni Comell, bill 1 lit ll- Hue loliditlnil
has ;;Iiii Hie lollowii.s of Hi, te, and
blue lieu hope Tlc will (,'et Into the with .1 stliillK ilelelliiiiliitiiill In
Latest Kepotts Regaiding' tlie Uetioit
Hoirot All But Two of the
Company Men Located.
II) l.'.iill
W(. T. Ill In. ... '
Dedoll. Nov. .'7. When the seal ch of
Hie mills of tin iiur hiillillin." of the
I'ellbellhl llljei Oil oon.Ullllv'H llllllll.
in the (.oi'ie-r oi Abboii Micel and
Jtiimkliii iiiiiiui, whli h watt mildly
wieckeii by a puller Veitei.
ll.IV lllnlliillK w.ik Clilllplet.-d t H 1 1(1 11 1
the de'llli list IkkI i e.ulieil a total of
UveliU-llllle. All bill iWD ill" tile colli
pilll) s elllpo.M h have been linuled, and
a., these lllell Wolkid 111 111- t i i ill l build
in,; wlili h w is llnl wiei kei, Il is
IllollKlU til. it tilt y ale U their iionie.
'I'he men's nddi.'s.sen me nut on I he
ti)ini.ui)'x punks, so it mii.i hi some
Hill. Ililllle e .lie lot .lied
At 'in'ilotl, tOIIIKllt tile seau hois llll
Ihlicd iMiinlniiiK Hie lu-l ol Hie deluls.
Mil) two IuiiIIim iiere found today. Until
ul llielll Wile teitlblj mangled. Ihll
tiluje.i of the IllSltUlllou wlm win- e.
poi ltd lllisslim kepi lllllllliu Up illllllIK
Hm day until at ii o'tloil; mnltthl He. -leluiy
Clillds (.aid onlv IWu rolilulutil
In ho aoLiiiiiitoil for. The piosooiiUnK
Ulliiillejt tills lil'lel lioim In nail all e.
illllll.ltl.ill IniU the tailse of Hie eNplo
biliU. 'uiiHsoi' Cooley, ot Ihii t'lthel.
hil ii Mlt IiIk'hii, who had b"cn asked
by I'lnfessm Hum tn iiiake an oxpui
esilllllllalloil of UP wreiked bollor,
i Hue in i'limi Ann A I hoi (his alleruoon
Hill! Wollt till III' -i I i itel to (III) scene ol
III" explosion, lie llispeeled (he eslcl'
im of ttiii boiler, hill said Hint us ycl
lie (Ollid veillllie no opinion with I'l'Kdld
tu the can e of the explosion, I'lofcs
iur Ctiolo) will In (fin his detailed o,n,
aililn illoti tiiuoll'iiw. The injured al
Hie ho.splt.ils wire leported lesHnu
(iisll.i uiullit, with I Ho cNcoptlon ot
Joliii Klhiowkv., a molder'n lielper, who
It Is suld will prolmbly die before inorn-ln,-
Tlto Sentence of Excommunicition
Againsit the Chicago Priest Will
Be BccaMed.
lit l.t ln-llc Win. Irotn 'I In -,i ulm I'u -
ChleitKo. Nov. ",7. Ainioimcemeiil wai
limde today liv Thoiuiis A. .Morau, at
loiuo.i for iho Itov. ArchhlHliop Kiennn
that Ihe stntenee ol excoumiunlciiHoli
Which W.l'l plolKIUUced lIKIllllst I-'.illli'l
.fiieinlall ,1. Ciowley would I ailed
w Illiln n few daysi. Ciowlej lias apolo
l?.eil. This In ejioctei to put all i nil
to the cose against the ih jiiised tirlest
and the Injunction ptoi eiilhiK't Ikkiiii
against him to tiieient his wmslilp in
tlie Cnlheilial of (he Holy X nil.- will
hi withdrawn.
Attorney Moian si.ilil :
s. mi it i),, it H ip Tullui (ioU ul.l- i mm
imiiiii .11 lull to l.i- iiiiiin in.. Cii.liiul Mini i 111
llu- lil tn ii fill tl r mii-lilit illeii ol llu in in 1
In Hi. i iiilinil, will, il,i t, -nil llnl I iditi
( i nili-i tc? l In ...I'ln , ,1 liis i mil, in,, i- t,.,i,.
"i.iii I. milium : Tu niie lli' 'in'., r nt n'Jl
lli'lllll'll illllllll .111,1 til I, pill 111." llllllll I 1111
kite ITIMII tl. cm I Illllllll (Illllllll i .),, I
-inciiih iut uli id i, i I ui,,,- Im, .i ,1m
ll-l'llflll to lolll llllllli'.Hi .11.1 to tin .no,! u ,
In lilii-ln , ol ( hii.ipi, iii.l ul.,, i !,,( ,,nj I .im luiti i t lit i- -niil in viiii. n . ,i, ,i
iuiil.1 not In ,...i,,,,l In i (nil, 1 1, milt ii
"Iiiiiin ill I. ( i.mli t "
Illi (.Illllllll lhl'l,'ll.,, Illllllll' .ulti-iil nil t tin
.lUllln-llop, Hill ,4 .,, i, .,, il,,. ,( ,,, ,. ,t
liiiilnl to, uhi, I, u. ,L mil,, i, , , ,1, ,
lilt -tlltllct' ft ill ,lillitlllil. ,il mi, Willi , i ' i
1.1. lit ll .i.'illl.l lihiil tint, I t jill ,, )v..
I 111,, I.
Both McGovein and Rothwell Claim
to Be Able to Win the Woild's
la i , lu-i.i Wm iioui 1 1 1 --i.iii ii i'u -
Halt foul, Conn.. No J7 The tlcjht
Im the le.ulu-i wi iulit ( hnmpionshiii of
the win Id, between Ti I ry JlrCIumii, of
I'.looklyn, the piesent lioliln .. Hn.
lilie. and Hilly ttolhwell, belKi known
as "yoimn Corbotl," of Denier, which
is to take plate toinoiiow al lei noon ho
lme the Nutmeg Athletn i lub. has
eaii'-id an stir in this titj.
Wlnu the tialus loath. -tl the ll.utloid
il. pot today, spoitnifr men I'iiiiii lUistun
and Ni w Yoi I;, as well as man Horn
-mullein and wisteiu l.oiuls-, leapt d
fiom them and sum led tor m uniiiin
il.itions in the hotels in the lemit..
So muii tM'ellent i epulis ol the Hi
nt o- ot ' Youmj Coibilt" hae been i ui
ii'iil Hint opinions of staunch adheients
of the (h.tmpiou liave been slii;hll
shaken. Nunc ol the New Yoik ( ou
lliiifent lieu his yt l shown nnv batk
waidncs In this m ; put and many of
lliem aie ilaslilit"; money on the Mi -Goiern
side with ei weak iponsis
li mn the ojiposlie i amp.
When seen al his iiiiuti.s this oieii
IliH, 'YolltlK Coibelt" was enoinu a
stippei. whli h was larKo etioimh lo sat
mly Hie appitiie of a haid-worki d
lie looked like a nillil-inaniiei oil stu
dent, just eiijojins; a biief MUlltlmi,
and .showed no ,se.ns ot net i ousnt s-,.
"1 leel Hue" he said, in answer in a
ollei ot ijuestlons. "I am away below
Hie limit, or I would not be eating ;-o
Ik ai lily. ' he toutinued. "I will weiJi
In all ilulil at 10 o'oltii k toiiioi'itni
iiiiiininur, and I am not uiiiloriaUim ni
opponent whin I say thai I btllee'
will win I will i;.i to bid at !i o'elntU
tonlKiit, as 1 alwa.s icad iiiys-'ll to
ski p "
Tenv MeCoiei u, uiih his r,
Ham llaiiis, :uul a leiiuue ol tialnus
anil iiiblifi--, ai i! oil lieiv fioin New
Ym I; at (i.,Ki tonijdn. They weie ae
lOllipallietl bv a host of New York
spoiling men, who aio now mound the
liolKliboiliood with bills In their hands,
luoMiiK Im ("in hi it money. "Two u,
one mi Mi CoAi in." was their mj, but
theie was no lesjionse.
.MtlloMill Hot hum; ironi his puny
eiy ntiickly and was soon in hlsapail
llltnts at Ihe lilielileiu hotel, wluie he
will spend the leiiiallidir of the tiui..
b.'iwetu now and I o'clock toiuoriow
illleiiioou, when he will be lulled to Uio
ihiKsido. lu ii him ieil ioiiersialon,
.Mt (i(iei n raid:
"1 am in jici idl shape. I am uul
Wiarjllif,' about all Hie Kliorts ot Col
li. It's lllniss. Let him be itood ami in,
I'll be the .same. Theie will In no
irotihle, oti'l! -to, anil J'll he Hu win
ni r."
Commandant Jouboit Among'
Latent Prisoneis Taken,
III l.lll-lt, Will (IMIII III' ,-l'l l',,. ,
I ol llol , i pi U." ,,,l kllliMMII I, ill ,, ,, .
,, .l.ll ll. Ill I'll liill, ililltil loiln, MmlU 'hit
I iii. hiii. Ins tipluoil llili, i K tiMHi'iir,
i,t lln,i' 1 1 nun mil, vim i,tnp,il ifin ih,, Html
lUlil 'Iho ,ii mr, luiliiil,' I i.iniit iiiiliui ,,,u.
I,, n, h,, i- (Miiiil, ,i, iml hi i mini, ,,i.
in ii.ii, - .hi. I p . ,lni.
.l,-ii uli 1. 1. In.l in .i ndi.ii, m, ....i J, ,;,
tool hlliliiiiin, ililid I'u Ii, s,. n, ,,,
Uul ( .oiiiit I ml ml 111,., Ii,i, 1 , , t pi in,, ,i,i i
lllllllaiU .1 pit ol ot ll l.lllX. Ill pIlMlll'L, . I,
llu ,nl lit, i, mn illkinloip, ,nilhn,,i (,
-I miiiil, it,
Will Aid the McKinlcy Aasoeiatlon,
III I'm luiitf Win luiii'llif .,i.iimi 'ji ,
lliilMlu, .l. i,, ihii!,. . im, iltptritu, ,i
ii, Milium!, i i,i tin. i, i,ii i,m. ip, (ei,ui,Wl
mli .i Si w Vul., will in net rati- wlih Hi,.
MiMnli) Miinuiil .i u ui Iii inline i ti,,
HI, III t ,s, , Mli4llpl0ll tl, 1,1 .i
I., in, iiia-imi ui i.uli imiiit ni4ii Mlimi,
Steamship Aulvals..
lli l.i iusitv War from Tin Akiurjiiitil I'.tn.
Niv. loil.. Sin !7 .llu. n: .i lliaiup.,,ti',
ll.ii'i; Uiuiinnii laiuin. Ilnii.t'i. ti.t S,iuiliinii "Jiit'.l: l.uiiuiilc, ,lt,io.,, JliMi, dhi1i.
iiinpiui' .mil InlHtip. (,'ftfivtlgm Auiii'il.
Iiillo.iu, :,w ml, im Jluipinl. Siutluinpioii
Viiltnl. M, ('Jill, N.'ii Vt it. l,i.,-,. I Ihioplii, An," .i.
Fatal Explosion of Oil,
IJ.V I.MllUIIC W'ilC tllllll Ult'.tluOtUlliI I'ICM
Pllllj'kliihlj. n.a. " fuel oil tml ill lbi
"II ir i! llu lU.hiiijIun I'lliil ijliu tui! . . l.alj jnl j:i,nur lllilwi, I IlinUhy u,.
huinpil i. iluth. Aiitlrtti MiCenultl,, Hi', n, p,
iri,lulib fjullv liijurtil hj Uu iji,i.!iH
UllillllV Uul ui, Utiipul I,, j , u,
Pc&'iiii.stflrGr.iiGi'iil Glidi'les Emoru
Siliith Guns lor Rank
Postal Abuses
Made to C.ury the Big End of the
Cost of Issuing Snide Publications
and Gets Nothing Out of It How
the Government Han Been Worked
for Millions by Sluupeis Poat Of
fice Depaitniont Puts Its Foot
Down Ginitfying- Piogiebs in
Illlial Etee Deliveiy Poatfil De
iiclt Disappearing.
Ill I'mIii-m. Mil, ion, lhL l-M, ni,,, pi,.,,
AViislilliKlmi, Nov. 7 Abuses of .tie
ond (.la's mall manor, what thoj i mi
ami how they may be leinedled, also,
in oRt ess1 and plospcots of rural l'ne de
lli ! i mi.nltuto the main themes of (he
annual lepmt of Poslmasiet Ceiieial
.inillli. made piibllc tod.ij. Uvij.irdini;
tin Hi. st o! these topics Hie i opoi t says:
fn .Iniilin.r iti.ul niiiiu mi,, ,lr ,i.,.M- il,,
lilt inii,ili4 lint in -pi,K ,n, i,H ,,
I'tiiiii.' ilim tl. lomlitmi n pii'-tiiiits -lull
lOll-lllll, III, -tlllllll I ll Will, ., ll,t .r,. C if
It. ni p i ;.,iiii,I n ,, il,,, iiM nuti, i, hi
(liiilm u lion!-, .niiiiu-, mil .nlii.i,nm hi 1 1 .
uul uili i llu ihliil 1 1, i , vtuii ,, ,,,.i ,, in,.
"I 1 ii' I t,,i ti ni'ini-. 'Ih, Im ,i, ,in(4 ,.
illll litlllll, Mllllll lull lll-llliulil-ll mil J,,
t, .111,11, M. illlltlls lllllti'l , a iniiiid- o
limn lli lumlii null Ill if tin poniiil i ui.
l. 1 u iimiii iiimiii- nI imluilittN wli ' Ii
luliill Hi. i -Linn..!; ii, , ill, iinulj., ji, iii r4.( t,
lliini-.iiiiK of jmlilu itii.ns n,i, I, , ,,, i,
hook, i I . Ill, it liltilll-lliL' -hill, ,,r ''ill, i.
. Iml,
.in.l shltli Hi.. ,tt nun. i.ieiut to In-
Ulllllll tht -,i,l,i ,1,-.. ,,i, ,,,i,t
i i-i. M- .mil I,,,,-,' iiiii,tru(.tlnii,. until
111 - ,il,u
ll.H tauitll to t.,l(l--ll li.tllinii. .111,1
Illljl.i-P. I Ullltk.ll
I nun million, ot ,,,llm ,i
Mil i, ti rum in ,ul tl i,l,
Hi, -iniiil il,-, unit, i iiin-iitiii,., ii.inl, u,
l'ii mm, i f t hmjIii ,i tl i nun' nml ji Hi
(nii'i.i, ml ct, uli ii tin po-ttl u'li'tm, f,r
till l.i-l III ll l.ll ,t.. -lll.U.I 111, tl- M-iOllil
,rilii- Illillu ill. ,,lll 1 J I.M". of tint .iiiioiiut.
Hut i-, l, ill im it, in-- tin,, inths of tin. nuil
in tii'iglil, II luiin-lit I onb on. t, ,ti i.uliili
iml oi the mi mn llu n in -p,it an, ii of (In
mad, is ii, 1. 1 liteili l,t ,.,i,t 'i 0iir.
Illoll- 1 1 I, ,, 1,, Uli,, i, , ,,, Miun.J
ill-- niiltti i- dins ippmiil n ,i piinie
Cost of Handling.
It i- .11111. lilt l, il,t it .itini.ilcly li,e iml
l.ll lo .lli. il, i- ,, hin lluv uul lllllliu
Ml Mlilnl-ll.l mul I,,,,, I,, tin. ,lj,h'll. tu-i
oi Imiiilliii, ui,l , ,iijuw .ill tin mul. 'Ihiiili
time llith, in Moilt, a iiuuilt -llj ni il.l not
I" l.nil iluiKtil null the .iiiii. pn.p rtioiuti
-Inn- oi Hi,- c.i,t l ion-ill, i.ihu pom. ii of I1
I- h UHllnl in hull, On , - . , i ,(, , ,
in in it. -pn mul 1,1,, i in luiillni' in, ituliiil
pin i' ot -cti nils 1 1 , mill i, u'n-iui thin ll n
. ' Hit lh-1 .lj - l u-ali (I,,.. ,,, iiimihl,
i-itliiMir, -iipiihitiii'ltiit- ,t tin- i.ulit u mul .tf,
li" "'I Hull.' pii-liiii-l i- of iipii.,m,iuo
.iti'-, lu.e .in I -mall hi it. i-kul In kih Hi" r
Ji(,l.lliilil, l.,ul lljum ih, pijil,,.,! ,,tl,
H.UI ll Intll. Iilllili,-. i, , ,u pmpuitioii
Ol lillll totll i-.pill,' 1, jti-Ht thllKHllll lu -Ci-
unlil.1-, niiiiu- 'Hi, rnbiii Mini u(. ,,n
-ttl-llil . I pn i ,t l. ,,,.u,n ,,i tt ,,
ui .-Iti, rin.i- fiim 10 pi r no. to In i i,m .
Hll l.-.ll IllO-l Of , , I,,, l,.,t ,(,!,. u
in iml. TiKiii ill .'dliii, tl, .iMiai 1, ji
lll'l l. III., .lll'l llu, 1111,1 1- .iit.pti.l ,t, tl 1,
-l.lltl'llj inili I Kill,, pjt i, , ,, , r, lue
i.'-l i.uh in llu- p,,,u,ih, i I- i.tki, no mount
' -pn i.ii n.n. In ImiihIi mul, i i- tit ,
.I..I-IU- iii ru In, Iiiiiin. it,,, mil,, ,t,,, ,i.
ntlti i .im ii,., i ,s ttiiui,h u.iwit ititi to
- .1 lint the suon.ltli- i-iiiI, ul, uli uul,,,
linn nil,, i.l Ih, u,iht t . mul,, ,,, ,, ,
It ln ih ii .'ul uilli mn t,-ni ill of t ,,,.! Hi,,
in i. nit iimlii-tiir. tul,,, than oMi.-i.t-t, Ui.
tiulli Iho ii -t oi tin mull fu iii,. t ,1
tun i.i, Mi-ltV5 (i-M Oiu lotirtli of lint in. . in'
'- "'".s,7 Ji "I In louiiiii lnMii ,,
niiiiu ,is -.) joi.iii Ii mn.- in j, tmi i, , ,0 i
in I lo, to Hi,, itoiiinmuil ,f sj "iii.j,-,
lllloMill'J 11,11.' ,P1 llif iitn oi llllllll tl.' .uul
iniilliitiii; lli ti.imliutlin ti, I he ln.'li nun ol
t. ui-.,,it iliou, ih, ii, up tn.i l iii,,u tli ntiiLi It
,t.ii .1 .uul i, no 1,., .ii tl, ni'4 'llu ipii...- in
iiiiiin. tht mul-. mikiiu i ln i -t ill
tlciM- lj tin i h( tulniiii, hi, in Iht- p.i-t
lu I. i.i in i ilh ii'i Lniiiit it ,, ui.t, , pounil. n
"i now In Ii, ml Hm ihi, ii,.,,,, , ,,v ,.,n,,
unit- iiiuiili- ttilahiii. ni, ,, ,.,., uul,-,!,
p'iiu tin- i u,i of i,m,i ly iht i, ml ,,, , in,.
lit II nut, ,t piiiiinl, ,iti,, niiMin, ill ,i,,tt im
put I lu lo-t ru ii,il-i h i,,t,i t ,i,ut -,
urn, .i iiiiiml. "Mil, niiiiu- i, rlt'iilt within ilu
tiulli 'llu- Kttii.l i h i, nil nun,! tihlih pnl
Hit .iiii.I i Hi iiiicmitil ioi iht- I i,t n-,,1 ni.
In IJ'i III 171 poiiihI- ii ,,!,,, i ii,iul I,
i,, i -'I I7--"J'- In uii.t it pu, in p.i,j,
M-'M 111, l,-.,ilii.- ,, n,l ., ,l, ,. niiimii ,,t
"I M7 277.7" I i.ii Iniii-puit limn il,u.
The Tine Public Policy.
ll I l.r mul Ihii- i mli, .a i lint, I
llni li'l lo t-hm ll I m im, ml,, , i'ln..
, i. u
. ul I
ll' Illllllll 111 Ml- to ,i jvili! In M , ,, u
Illllllll III- I l,.lll ,,1, ,, l.llmilll pul, II, V.
piuiliiiui- foi .1 vi-ll mhiiiil, iii,tiiul,li t ,ihv
t -lll'l I, 0lltlt, Illll LlklllU III! MltilK I, .1
itlmli' I lift e ttuulil In- im Iu a ,. ii,,, f,,
ill Illlltli, Iii It-l on ),,uli Inlillh-i-lite. ml it
I i- iioui tlis- liitdiuiliii: I, hi oiu tlvul in.l
I'UlU'llltlllll poll,l- lo , u iimiui, in,.
miici.iI illlliil..n ol pul.lle iiiioiniilloii tun
,.i, hi, ttivlv Ii.iiiiiiI ll. p,,,!,! ,n, n,,, t,,
illl llhi'l.ll ti.litiplti.u i ,,, iifb
"Oll.lll I 1 (llllllll im lull tiumi, nun,, ,t .it,,! .
i Mh in,, ni Iniilli. mi.' . fiiillii,, 1, ite
In ui. m.l il lu, ui.iJuilb Ion, in ,i put. i.'i
I Hi", ll hu lull. ,Vuii lo lu il.i ilu
iiilu- ., n.invi hi i.iollt, Iml hliupli in uul o
il ,n- l, iiwii lull mil to Ki,i . p,i,, IL
l.'l.lll Ol ill pllvlll lilt Illllllll Ut. ,,,
"III, till, -oiu, il in.l j i it t n i. .i i point a In, ,1,..
blui Hill f.,l.ili-hti i lit ,,it, ' i,.,,., pn
v,i. mill, mn pipn, ,11), ,iii,,.,,, ,lu ,0 IN
I""-- ili'lijii of imuiii unit, ,iini ililuu iii,. ,j.
in mrion oi uio iiu,,ii,i ui, im ,n .,,!, j,.s ,,
piililii Ini. in mh,, ii. ll I, m.l mill, i oi lunr,
Illll I I ll.ptl.U I lllll.llnll. II , ,it - 1. ,,.
li-liu-, f,ul in- ih.. p, pit, Hm , ailiinlin, il,m
.pi'llll lllu l.'l ,1 t .Illll Ii ,, ,!
Il.ln MUUllt In .-lli,t It, tllllllii. 1,, j,.i,l,Ulll
I tililit ul ii.n- ,iih ,i iueiii-1 pulibt .Ii, i uinl ,i
i Ii ii pnlilii- il iiinnl ll innr iiiiiut p,n
I III' lo .,,1 Kill I' I 'HI ilHIllllllh ,11111111 it iiuc'v
inliiib nil, i,il-i win, li in. pnl, h i,l,l-ii
Ulllllll illllllll im- loliltllilil iliou , . m
.uul iiluih Inn Mi. .1 upon ii ,,h i.ii,- ,,,' ,, i
lie- -jltb- Ioi, .iit it pul.b. tV
ii 'l'i.
The Intent of the Enw.
'llu- inlint ol llu litt i. oh n itiuii a, mm.
ll ,ti'l to ililiuo I. .in il nit- iu in pu-i il.c
i lulu! n, uliiili hill limit tin piiulii;,, to li-
I, ii,l ni il,lii.ili,,u- n ill.i il,-Un,, i,, . ;,,.
I 1. 1,1,, 1. I'ilSt Ul .,l. II plOltlll, tl, .a to -llllllllll
lo tin- -ttoliil lll- lilt tht pillillt 11,11
hum l. "i,i''iiut,'. iml piilili., I,,- i ,n,
, Hill, ,li, 1 ,,l Jul I Ml 11 f.,11 ,, pul, , tlliiKti,
I llfl'.ll t.l bl.TjlllH, III.- st Ifllt in, 4111, ui
,'lin- .pulil liuhi-iii " 'Hii, u,t lu, it ,i
I ilh nun i-iili'ii-i-l, mil i il.'oiou, infold mill'
i- Hill I. mt' llll'l: U.lki U, til it l.llki, ipl ,llo.l .
ihitli nut i.i nullum, of opinion i.uii.i linn f
I ii I. lu iii, i ipplli'iij'ii, luiiiia. itiihuiu Jin
nuti u,i imiiiii .liy mli- out Hum, i, i,U ,,i
mill, puhllt Itlom llui 1 1 1 e 1 1 ui, ollu - If,.
llllllll U. (Ill llllllll, li J,I. ,;.e 3 mi
I I llll- illll. Hill Ihlli ,lillll,,l I, , ,1 (linn, I,, 'ji,.
Illl (llllllll 11111111'." llu- pillill, i)(l it) IMM.t
Illll- "I 1-Ullllllllll lbi if -Ull.llibcij," 'Hi ,.
I, UUl III llol Oil 1 1 I Illllllll- ol.Jtl I, Inn i ilM ,,1,1,
Iii i.ill iml .ippioi il, uiislul in- Linual ul
llipliol,. Illll illll llll, H 111,1 u pul, 11,,.
lioil iutllll, ill 11,1 -I I llll, 1, Hii hi, lliulu ll ,
bate I'llit'is tt lilt Ii lumlil pljinl.t iimlli, i l(, ilt.
lllllU-lul Pltliolli-iK' -f llllini; , ill. Unil pull.
I'e .iii,o,c. ulllUii l.y j ilUiluti pnlilii- iluuanl
.so llu ih ul.l, tht iii,ii, ilut nuti in,. a u,
Itllli, '.l,;ill In- .-o ioull'i",l u, to Jiliiil' I)
11 I'lilliiu .1 ii . -, '
The Chinese Minister Asks Tlmt His
Countrymen Bo Treated with
Justice and Fairness.
11 KuIiikiu-Win fiolii Hi.' A--.c,lli',l l'ii-(,
Wnshlliistiiu, Nov. 27. Wit 'I'lliK-lilllRi
the Chinese minister, inlloil upon I'los
lilent Itoosevelt today. It was the llrst
lime he hud seen the pieslilenl shut
lie took Hie oath ul Hlllfillo. In the
coin so of Hie Interview', which took
pine.. In the cabinet loom, the re-euai-meut
of the Chinese evlusliiil act was
dlsei'issed. When the Chinese inhilstei
viiioiKcd fi oni the white house he de
clined to tell a Kiollp of newspaper
men whether his Kovciuineiii was pio
lestlnp; nifiilnsl the le-eiiaeliuent of the
ooliisloii law. "All we want," said he,
"is lustlce and fab ness."
As he was sayimr this the minister
wiim Kiooled by Stnalor I.'ostei', of
Washington, who is himself ery nitu h
Inleiested In the Chinese eoluslon,
".Senalor," said the minister, tuiulut;
to hliu, "you are a fair num. Ueineni
ber that lustlce and ili;lit have neither
eolor nor nue. We don't itsk lor fa
vois. wt. only ask lor eiiuallly."
fn the eouise of bis (.onveisatlon with
the newspaper iii'-n, Minlsler Wli siur
Kested that he would be wIIIIiik to meet
jiii v thiee of the American editors who
inMiii'd chlliesi' eelllsliin and debate
tlie iiiiestlou befoie an Impartial ttl-
Pittsburg Employes Not Intel estetl
in the Strike of the Switch
men of Ameiica.
111 l:t 111 no WIu fiom 'Hi I- .,(1 ,. n l'i. -i
I'iilhlmi ir, Xuv. -7,- liiiiliiu.t tinln
meii decided ollhially mul a
deli-Kate. lueetlnK, hold in the Aeiiue
theater today, that they Mould t on
tlniie at Mm k, iiotivithstaudhif,' the
htiiUe of I lie Sii iti Innen's I'nion of
.N'oith AliKi-iia. Thlh inealiri that they
itlll taki oul trains made up by non
tiniuii men and thut Ihe icilu'liu'en
who aie meniliei.s ol Hi" liiutliei hood
of Uniluay 'I'laiinneii itlll nol join the
s-tiike oj the other union. At a lata
hour tonight, JK-shi-m. Morris-ey uul
Fitzgerald are In scire! conteie.iie
nitli Uohiil I'ltc.'iirii. general .super
intendent ol" the renii.slvania lilies'.
What the Mibfocl of Ih.e toiuo'cm Ih
haK not been le.uned as yet.
The sliikois i oiitiiuie iiinlldtnl of td
tlniutcly wltiiiliiK I ho atiike, and s-,ay
the notion tiiken h.v the r.iuliioi Iiood
of Ti.iliimeii Mill not iniitei lallv alleet
their e.lllM'. They h.iy the umli .lie,
lu all Intent and iuiiu."Os tied up, and
that (oiiIkIH clou patsoiiftc-r lialiiri :u c
bchlK hliicKctl. 'J'he Liitiipany ntlloiulH
fay delay there may he in pis
holiger i-eivke Is caused by the unusual
Kiuoa-sted loiiilition or all the load.c
Inn o and eli-enheie.
The londltions as luiiud aio
about an follows:
The I'.althnoie and Ohio made little
attempt to mine liduhl locally, al
though i-ecial tialiiH ivere miide up in
the GleiiM nml yaids und sent uer the
."I'ike," Knur i-i eu s worked until noon
ulioli l.o Hen- laid olV. 'I'he vaidm.'is
tor ,i-h eight Milld trains ueio made
up in iht- ynitii today, n good shovtlng
tin y deem It.
The Allegheny Valliy mad has -
pi'ileiued little, l,f any relief and busi
ness in the yaids In piaetieally at a
standstill. Only a few (ins ul peibh-,
able fi eight nolo moved. The I'leh-"
ci ut mill, al Korly-iiintli -ticel, is ie
poited paitlally elos-cd down and the
Carnegie Tueiiiy-nlntli hlrool audThii-ty-thlrd
strict mills, It I-, fenied. will
Iiiim- tu .suspend If tlie Allegheny al
lot falls in get supplies to them hciou.
The l'lttsburg and Wchtcin has laied
pietiy veil toihi). They lauded in ilu
v.ti'dh al Meiiueti station lific-ui iivii
from T'iilliiilc'lphlii, nud three Mutts
uie moi King. Tlie nllli iuls nou hn to
hopes ol breultlng the tlillii in a few
days. They li.ue given theh- old men
until tomoriou'. to letuin. ami If tln-y
fall, nou men Mill he put to Mink at
The l'ltlsbiug .liiiiellou load is Mill
Uul up ami nothing Is being
Hainy Hoover In Jail, Chniged with
an Atiocioiifj Ciime Motive toi
the Fiendish Act.
Ily I.Miii'iii. iluo in ui llu .,. i uul I'u.,
VoiU Nov, UT. The ms'Mcrj sur
loimdlllg the il.l Illllllll lug of the wi st
ern oxpiess nu llle .oilhciii I'tuual
lailwny, on iho nhilit ot .N'oveiubor S
Hid i loitrod up this evening, when do-
In lives oil the ease .11 1 -s.-i Mi'lliy
lli.otir lur Ihe 1 1 line, lloovir wtit. n
foi hut oinploi' of the load, and n sided
Willi hlit family within Hum y.ud.s of
the si one of the altemiited win-Mng.
lie itiii the employ of the mad hec.iiis
oi a dlsagiooiueiu with his fun-limn,
whiili it-suited In a lawsuit, im o;ng
Iho suit, ho llu ellti lied to gel even
Mine thou he has hem eniiiloyod b a
hi. Hlor and became taniiliiir with the
urn of dyn, unlit.
l!i in e V. Vet lies, ot Willianispuil,
c.ilHiilii of iho Norlheiii i Vim ill .uul
I'lttshurg and Ihie polki who
had charge ut the dtUtilst.s in ilu
ease, Is of the- opinion thai nialii e, and
not louberv, was the motive lor Hie
ci line, lie Is satlsllod ihul siulk-lc-iil
t'Vidiiiee luia hrt-n fu-uueil tu Kiiaiantu
ii eoulcloii, Iluovic litis heeil jil.K.t'O
lu jail to uwalt a healing.
Suicide of n Ketlied Tietiatuer,
III llMlll-hl Ullt'llOlll Il.l' -J t I Illll I'll .,.
Iioilitiill'. N"i. liinl 1! uiifc. mini.
Ul.l lit I, III. I ol I., ill-till, . I, M, lllli It'll Milt 1,, In
(liixllm: , Jily dill t-uulii-. In tu, u u , i L
UJllllUllW .11 Nll-oll ,iu I si ah kin. I. ih
VollUk'n lilClk4 .! Ill) Uil.lir, I 1MH l',!i, 1
.iiiiinitiuli t..i .in. nu. I, i, I, it lit. ill lull t'-li.i
ini I im I n to tu Hi ulli'i' hiinu lijn.liuul in
Ih' in ti'iiiii, ri'timh (lull I
Six Day Is All the Time Needed,
Using Dog Teams nnd Wires.
11 i:tlmiurWlti littin Tht Anwcl ilftl I'tei"
s, ml,, ,i "; Cipl.ihi llitiMii, ot fi,. C ommi'it I tl (ninpiiii. In- tln,..l a
)ll 111 lh, Kill V.llll (jl (, Illllllll, il.,1, Willi tin
nllllili to 1 1,1 tu ,h il,ij,' lliii... ' ni pi in im
l.iiii'i lili'Viiph lotnmiiitli.iMoii, mill tiiih i,.,.
Iil.'lll III till 1,1,. Ill, III, tlill lit' 1 f.i-t
lli'U' 1 1 .t in-..
I ho .Viiiiip i ihlc iiitw In M, Mn hit I, mul I run
tint imiIiiI .ni oi crl Hid wlie nun (,t T.iintu
'linn' tlie Im il. Iii'ulti anil ituiil- tu I i'nl.',
whli.' Ihe hi' iniiiutii. Willi llniM.ti. Iiiiiin'
tin llni vtii ilnoiili llu. t ii i tt'.I stii. tn Cm
Gciieml Mnnngcr Slllimnn Says Fif
teen or Twenty More Will Fol
low Suit in n Fe'w Days.
Kite moi r- sliL'el oar sliikois leturneil
lo iork yihteiday. They aio .lolin
KoiMilclilk, John ."Met'.hclzer, h. tl.
I'levoland. Hugh ( '. II. Kicsge anil
Samuel liumii'll. Willi Isaac i:oblnon,
uho Mils ski: In the hospital when the
stiilie uus ileolaiod and who went lo
woik lust week uuou leaving tin- hos
pital, thue oiewfi wore furmt-d and sent
oul on the I'oteisbtug line.
Cleteland, Kresue and lliinticll weie
.-iiispeiuled, last Thuis-d.ty nioinlng,
pt-uding mi ltit stlgation of it ehaige
that they won- disloyal to the union.
.Motzheii'i- icsiciied, Kuwalihik made
a i lean In oak I torn llu- union.
(ioneiMl Alanagcr Sillimun .-uhi lasl
night, wlien dlstusslng the reltirn of
ihe sliikois: -This Is tlie beginning of
the end. Ileloiu many days tlu-ie will
he Illteon or luoutv inoic ol thestiik
oi s liaik on the oais. Settlenicnt is
now a thing ol Die past. Any effort on
the pail of the business men's commit
lee, or :mv nue ( Ie for that mailer, to
elleot a compiomlse is only a wasU- of
energy. I ii list they will icallze this
mul sate themselves bothei."
Tlie men who returned to wink yes
leiday iliclare dial fiom thlrtv-llve to
titty of tlie Milkers aie anxious to go
hack on the mis, and will lie loimd on
the plutfoiins jus, i as .-non as the mo
that tlio-e who have relumed piopusf
to Mirk.
Tlie sliikei-- ilirlaie thai Kuwalihik
is tlie only nue of (he .s uho deseitoi
the union The olheis, they (led, no,
Mi'le 111 the ell'llliiV of tile (tlllipany
lliini the very mil set of the stilke.
Kow.ilthik, the sliikois say. lepieseuts
the lifty nii'ii (he lompiiny bus been
claiming, all along, would letuin to
moi It, when ihiy luund .some one to
take the hud.
Tin re was a statement in one u Hie
in peis ye.steidiiy tlmt the union, at it
meeting vi-stenhty moiniiig, took a
s-etct hiillot on a proposition to letuin
to Murk, and that the ole against the
motion was luiunlnioiis. 'I'he Miilu-i.s'
oM-eiitlve Iioui (1 ilonios dial theie was
any such ballot.
(Hie of the trillions, a
n. tint (I John fleer, is up In the i utility
jail, charged with laiciny. Tools weie
.stolen from th" Linden sticet barn on
seieial occasions ami suspicion at
I.k hod to liner, tiap was sot for
him and 'm- toll into It. lie i onl'i-Med
and made icsiitiitluii, and iho company
will likely allow him to go
The Piisoner Is Placed in nu Un
fa voi able Light by the Coloied
Scivnnts of the Keninore.
lb Iti lii-iii lliu 1 1 . tit 'I tit Ai,ui i.iuil t'Kv.
Waslitngton. Nov. L!7. The pi
witness lo.luy lieloie the irliiilual
couil, in M'lilili .Mrs. Lolo Ida liotime
Is being tried Ioi the mm (ler of Jim es
S. yit-s. Jr. was Dr. JIarllii W.
niaobioiik, the deputy lOioitu- tot the
iJistiiu of ('oliiinblu. who loiuhii'tcd
the uutops.t mi the body ol ile
ili-i-i I'lb.'d in ill-tall the throe- wounds on
the lining man's hod and the coin t
lici, stiipptd to the wiilst, was usul
to i!!ts.iit the locution and coiiim- uf
the wounds lor Ihe liistruellon of ihe
Jill v . )i. (ila.eliiuok also tcstlllcil
that .Mrs. Iiiuiili,- hud g,ni him her
iiisloii of tin- manlier In whlih Aju.i
inmn to his death, claiming Hun iho
WollllilH weie lllllleted While till- pIMol
was lu Ayies' hiiiids, and lllustr.ulug
how the tiugcds in i im oil, hut he
(houglii t im l ii was linposslbli- for (ho
wounds to ii.ive iiein mailii .villi i no
WeiipoH In Ajiis' own hands, Shu had
told him Hun ho whs at lu i back and
hud his ui ins i-liiiipeii aiioul her when
th. iimiii wi iv Ihcd.
Seer,il other, who gate
deiiills of Ayres' hist nigllt ullvo, worn
hoaid (lining llie ila. Thiiv mluied
f, inalc sirvanis lolatod lin idciits ut
his llle ul Ihe It'i-llllliiic Motel. Olio (it
tll.lll s.tld that she hud lieu I, I Ayies
ordei .Miv, tloiilne lo get out of hirr
loom and iciiinln out. Aiiiillni, 11: it
she sow Ajies nml Mis. tlonhte eum.
ing out ot the i'iuiiili-'s tooni togetlK-r,
and a ihh d. ihul upon nu uccaMoii,
Avion had shown IniliiVeiTiu e when
told tllul .Mis, Hotline was ill
Side I'aitles Dwindling.
Il.l I. Mill. II- Will 110111 'lilt' 0Cl.,li'l I'll..,
II,, I, mi, .Nut. 7.- Ilio elm ill i in iss . i i
uli- usttt tin' lutni c.iiu iliHilm ill-ilic
ilu- Uil llui llu I'li.liilillli.iiMi ilit.l Hit s,., ,,11,
1 il.. .t pul) till luloM llu tin,.- ,ir nut. in,.,
sitt to kin It lid -iiiiiilmv i, i poind tl ui.t
ii tin. ,t Hi
Held Up in n Gambling Room.
1.. J.mIu-iii Hiri li im 'Iho -cU.-liil l"n-,
(iuiliili, l. I' .,.. '.'7 - rum li'i-kul nn.n
li li l i s.uil'tnr. loom la.t nlulit ut
till, I. T.. lllltl Up llll llll'i Jtld MtUl-ll
"' ui . -li In, ii. - t lulm ji,a Jtiliy,
Tlic Govci'iimciit Troons Victor
ionslu Gross the Brfrtuc at
Captain Periy, of tile Iown, Rotuses
to Allow General Alban the Use oi
a Train to Convey Government
Tioops to the Scene of Action Tin)
Victoiy Is Celebiated by a Large
Procession, Headed by n Band of.
Music, Which Mai cites Over tho
City, Shoiitins' General Albau'u
Piaifces and PioclniniiiiB' That tho
Denth Blow Hns Been Given to the
libeinl Cause.
Il.l KmIii-Iu Wiic iioniThe Aoclitul l'nJ.
Colon. Colombia, Nov. 'Si. The follow
lug dispaioh bus been level veil ft mn
' The Coloinhifiu gunboat liuyaca w'.H
dlsri.-i tolled Tue.-day, having on hoaid
about iiltv soldieis, for Cluimo or lt-i
idiilty, wheie ll was claimed a pan.'
of Liberals, under (leaeial l'oiia, bus
reieived (tulle leiontly a liesh supply
of aims and ammunition.
S.ui Paulo and rtiuliacoa ate known
lion- tu he Liberal strongholds and
places very easy lo defend, while aci or-
the bildge spanning the Cliagies iior.
nou swollen, was next to impossible foi'
an atlaiklnij foi ce. The lent was nc
( oniplished, however, hut the reiison the
Liberals tibaniloiiid H.n bin oa is not
made dear. The deuth late on the gov
ernment side was very gieal, many
bodies falling Into the riser. An at
tempt was also nude to make a detour
on the liter m boats, hill llle Chiigirs
was swollen, the boats wen- capsized
and many nun weie diowned.
Alban Baffled.
"Genual Castio ( iiillli.iliiled the go -eminent
fonesnt liaibacoa. Oeneral
Alban tiled to gi 1 a train yistcnl.iv
moi iihig to loine.v two hundred men
lo the scene of the engagement al
C.irb.iLOi. but Cuptalu retry, ot the
Iowa, said thut not a single armed mini
will be allowed to entrain.
"The feeling- lieie against foreigners,
Ii.u ticulai ly the Aiuciliaiis. i mis high
"A spot lal ti alii ill l'.tnama to con
toy ( Alban, alone anil iniarnicil.
awaited tlic aniwil for horns oL tin
morning I lain Hum Colon, but on the
aiiival of the l.itti i here it was S
o'oloi k hi tin. evcnhig, hilnglng loity
wounded men. among whom weie set -einl
olll. 'eis, willi the news thai tin
government troops hud vlctotlotislv
ei'osseil the biiilge at 'u Ii.k o i. Tin
special 1 1 .till was not disiiatihcd and
(leiioral Alban lcni.ihicd at Panama.
"At s.liii p. ni. .ttsloitlay a laige piu
cessliin, houded bj a baud of iiiusli ,
liiaii'hc-il lu au oiileily milliner all oer
tho city of l'aiiam.i, .shiiiilhig Oeneral
Alb. ill's pialses und pint lalinhig that
the death blow had In en glten In tip
Liberal iiiii-i- in this department "
Twelve Hunched Barkcis on Exhibi
tlon at Hortieultuinl Ha.ll.
It; Kilu-tto W In liuni Hit t-,oi lib tl Pit -,
I'lnl.iililplin, Not. -'7. -'tin .iiinuil exhibition
of tin Phi! uli lp!int iln, -liiitt .ii.i liiimi np.iicil
toil ii .1 lloiNuilim il iiill Unit ,iri tiv-lu.
1.1111,1, r,l t-tllllllli., llll Illllllll,' llllllll loll, llil' Wlll-
iiu, in puiious -hott- 'Ihtii- .tu- ,ittr.d in
nn- iioui (.it n Itiiiuu .uul louiiiii ntil lurop..
I'ur llu til -I Hun in llu- hi si, u i- ,, !,,- kliou,
Ihi t,i ot .ih ml, lniliulis iiifcs olfi'iiil bv
i lulis ot llu,-ii, llilliiui .iml sn,.,pn, ' t. lo.
I 111,1 I lull olllllll IHO 'Ul. I llllllll, .i it-i tin- llu,.
hi in .i-,i litloii oil. i- Hi. h vin, In I, nu
.win 1 1 lur Mhiili Hurt L, I i-t n iiimpi litltn,
III tin il.l-, of hUli lilnl ilo.. Hip Ii-iiii if
Kll.ll lIlll.S IIOII) llll MlMl'tll, MM 1,. Illll'l, llll'l
.il oiu i il.'iu lie..' M. II, llui, I, .itiiuiul i
ii il ih il if iiu,i,-i. llu h ml i'lolor ,lr i
hull. Is,,, I'.'ilui.i st,,,,,. .uul I', i, iinmoit.'', ,i
Il.i, I,, I UUlllll'll I 'J (ill,, f.lUl lot-!i u in, I
The Real Estate Dealer Gives Him
belt" Up for Sentence,
II;- nttlllthi' Wire from Tin .-nenui I'rcfs.
New olli, Not. J7.-I hull's I. Itollir, u l-r
inn uil i,l iti- il'ihr, ul iu.irl. N. .1,, t -in,
I n .-i nn in., I hi i iimiii ui Him illy lo ,,,!,
ti us' linpii-omiiiiii .0 Ii.inl l.ihoi- ami In r.A ,
line 1 1" tot loiu'in' iioliN tn the .iinuuiil if
s'ii.imi. tthiih iiole In- Iml ilun .iiiiii. I ut Ii.inl,,
lllu the I'Usi li.'-. II. lie) tin inn- .1 lll.liui Hum
jii.liti Ih ill.'-lnl 111 l'.,, Dicuoi.
Inn nun i, lul III sill.Oiii'.' llu im Iuji It .-s thuii
ilni liny I ul Im- ttion,-; nun jiul lu- u,n
In .1
U-I(lill.l I,. .IpplMltll ill l Ulll. J llll Iflll
hlni-ill lip. Ill I ollll lullt Iii ph ..lui noli Mil
I., llll lll'll, lllllMll .11,' lillll lillll.
Invincible Rice to Issue Clialleupe.
IH I.M In iii Win limn Ihe UsKui'il I'lew.
Sen l.oiiil.iti. t nin.. Noi 27 -SiHtlli III
ilu n iilniiii nan piuili-i, u Im I, j fuiiihl -.
Ljll'io uul ui I I -'.Iii ml .1 kllut kultl. ivil
il.lll.lU'i- I I'll "lllli..- ol tin- HiliOtltll fjllil't
rht .i iijih .ni i. in- ion niiiiu,
I ,...1 .lu i-1 -N -1 -'7. rui I:
lb, hml unil1 am ' -1 ilt$r,.
mii-i uniptriiuii , , ,.,,,, I ) lU'.'iff'-
iltlJljtt' IbiiiiiiliH:
it i in 70 per cult.
s p, in l'i u tint,
iiipuiu n, -1 Iioui, i nihil i j., m , H.n .',
4 H ,. Nov. '.7.-1 met i t (. r -f-
f 'lliuiitljt jii.l l'i nl jj: b.uuiii I'eiin-tl f.
i .inn laii, Kiiiiiuu J col, I lliLinUy .uul t-
-f' boli i.uitmih VMiLi. f-
- f Htt,fi t . fj
-W "Wi"! f
iA.-j-m? 'Hit i t i-p-
'.,. .. V.-..V v