i' V , V1 r .' raVf V 1 " V-CTpSf.-'A v1 . , 1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER. 27, .1001. .1) , '? r NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA THOMAS FORD DEAD. He Was the President of the First National Mnnk of Pittaton. Spi-clil 1o t tic Htanloti Trllitine. Pltlston. Xov. 2lS. -Tim tU'iitli Df Tlioititui Ford, of Wits l 1'ltlntiiii, ( cjiiiTeit Innt iiltilu tit il.wi utter n tlirui' Wcokr,' lllncws or im.'iimonln. Km' hov orni ilti.vn Mr. Ponl'M condition lint) teen such Umt liln riiinllv iiinl loliUlvtw hinl Inn liiili- liop-M of lily 1 ceo very. Ftlin.'1'iil 'i'liili'Mdity til'turuiMjii ill "!" Intel muni In Wo.il I'ltlMtun ci'tiidei'v.'. HOSlck'H Mil'. Foil), till' llL'l'CllL'll Ii4 Hilt'- vhcil liy nnt- iliuiRliter, Aim Kilwiiirt tf. Smith of l'ulutliie Hi-lilt;'1. N. .1. Alho by u ulster, .Mix. ('. II. Foster, of West Pit talon. I'Vw men were nioii' i-lift'ty lil'Miti- llcil With till' bllhllll'SS IllU'll'StS of Plttston ilui'lUfr tin-' i"ii four deeiiilen tlmn was Thorn. Kuril. J torn In tin; luiinlct of Ko.shnleM, Yorkxhlre, Kiir.. be i .miu with bis i:n cutis to tills rotm try when but three yeais of nw. Ills cnllru life bad been spent In this vicin ity, d'sitli HimnnoniiiK him In his siivenly-llfili year. He was of a very thrifty disposition, AHIuiuith never luivliiK the jidvantuKes of a tbirroiiRh education, he iidiipid himself closely to Imsliiei-s affairs anil rose from the humble fanner's sun to tjie wealthiest man In the elty. !1 hail been ronneet eil Vilth several niereanllle firms here. Mr Kind was eonnrctod with numer ous of the early Industries of this vl elnlty and at the time of his death was lee-presldent of the Klr.st National b.rnl;. He wan al.o president of the Went I'ittston t:emetery Assoeiation anrt- (reasut'er of the AVesl Plttstun Pool IJuard. Fur the oast forty years he had been In the powder business In this elty. Deceased was a member of the West Plttstoii Methodist church and .St. John's IodBe, F. and A At THOMPSON. S'liiiiai to the Vranloii 'Irll.iiiic Thompson, Sow 2d. Yoiiub IJ.ivlcl Condon, of the township, hail the mis fortune to shoot off two of his ling ers while hunthiK yesterdny. Dr. Mc Xaniara attended the patient. Dr. I'raft, of Herrlek Centre, was piofessionally ens'iKed in tlie township last oven'U Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tutlle are re .loielnK oer the advent of a sill at their home. 11. M. Iienon, of .liiclisoii, was a call er in town today on his return from Scran ton. Mrs. F. D. WriRhler, of the township, was called to Haw ley this mornliiK by the serious illness of Mrs Nettie Ford at that place. Ilev. A. D. Daid is at Stnrrucia to day attending the funeral of Miss Martha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Glover, of that place. The pupils of our branded school have organized n leading circle to meet Mon day evenings of each weelc. The stunn that broke upon lis Sat urday evening is raging still, though it cumes from the west insteail of the east and It is snowing today. Mrs. MoFarland, an aged woman and mother of Fred Leonard of Jackson, died at his bouse and was buried last Sabbath, Ilev. Dwyer of the VSuptlst church ofllclaling at her funeral. Mrs. Frank AViighter and sun weal to Scranton this attornoon, accompan ied by Mrs. Is. J. AVrlghtir and son Paul, and Mrs. IMvvin Tucker. . -- DURYEA. Special lu i lit iiatitiu "I'l ilmnc Duryea, Xov. 'M. Miss .lennle Vt'il dilck has leturned liome, alter a few days' visit wllh friends in Wilkes Barre. t Iouis F.dsal! luih leturned home, alter a few days' visit with fi lends in Wayne county. Jtevlv.il meetings at the Primitive Methodist chili-ill UiK week. Theie will bo :i union Thanksgiving service at the Uriel; Methodist Kpisco pal church of tills place. The pro gramme will be as tollows: Singing, "America," led by choir of Illicit church; prayer, llev. AY. F. Paul; sing ing, selection by Old Forge fiunrletle; Scripture reading, ttov. II. A. Oreen; singing, selection by choir of Primitive Methodist church; reading. Thanksgiv ing proclamation of Piesldent House volt, by llev. (!. II. North; singing, selection by choir of Uaptlst church; "Life of Governor Stone." by Ilev, J. J. Underwood; singing, selection by choir of Presbyiolan church; sermon, Ilev. V. G. Funk; singing, Hymn ins, choir of Uriel church; benediction, Ilev, II. A. Green. There will be a tin key supper .il the Primitive Methodist church of this place on Thanksgiving night All aie welcome. BROOKLYN. Spfcl.il lo t lie scrJiiton Tribune. Brooklyn, Nov, -7. The fiiueial n-r-vices of .Mrs. Elminu Kent were held in the Unlversaliht church Saturday af ternoon at : o'clock, Itev. N, S. Pago officiating. "Aunt F-linhm," as she was known, was a life-long resident of Biooklyn, coining at an early agu with her paivntr, fOsek and Amy Palmer, who settled on a tarin east of tbo vil lage, and living lu or near the place until the time of her death. Had slio lived until January next, she would have been OJ ,e,irs of ug.e, Until with in thip'- yenis or less, she hud done her own houscwoik and taken care of her garden, She spent the last year of her life at tlm home of her nephew, IM wln MaeK, At Hie ago of fourteen slio united with the original I'nlversallst society and is tbo lust of the charter rneuibciM to puss away. She was un failing in her attendance at church mid loyal In support ot it, by her will giving all hor property except some articles of perconal property, to the trustees of the Unlversaliht church. Shu was u woman of strong character and uinbl. tlon nwl one whose well-spent life will be long remembered. She is survived by n brother und n sister, both aged. On Sunday iiiteuioou another ugeil ono was laid to lest. .Mrs. Harriet Stone died at the Imuio of her niece, Mrs. Josephine Sterling, Friday, No vember 22, iitier a short llluesjs, ageil diWRSi BIGGER BOX SAME PRICE ileal ly l( .Mars. Her tnrly htune wan In Ilroottiyn, where her father, Howland .Allies, was n miller for many years. After her marriage to Hugh Stone, they lived in Ablngton, now Wuverly. Ono daughter wuk born to tlieni, Miilvlnn, who married George Thompson and went to Illinois to live. Mr. und Mrs. Stone, followed their dauithtor and for n time niado their hoine with her. Mr. Stone died about twelve years ago, anil after the death of Mrs. Thompson, lust January, Mrs. Stone came back lu her early home, malting the Journey iiloue, to spend her remaining days with her nieces. Mrs. Sterling and Mrs. A. S. AYaldle. Alun Miclnl by nature and retaining her faetiltles to the lust, she enjoyed leneivlng eaily friendships and took an interest in nil the affairs of the PICTURE Find a little boy day. The funeral services were con ducted by ilev. Sage and Ilev. CI. 13. lingers, one of her early friends, and she was laid to rest by her brother, her father and her mother. AVOCA. The lfOse company fair will open in the silk mill this evening. The. Knsle drill squad, of Piltston. will be present. Admission, 10 cents. Tomorrow even ing the lied Men will give an entertain ment. Thanksgiving services will be held on Thursday morning at lO.HO o'clock in the Primitive Methodist church. Itev. 0. T. Smytiie will preach. Miss Agnes Cliltord spent Sunday with Miss Anna l.ynett. of Scranton. The twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jennlng-s are both dead. One died on Friday morning-and the second on Sat urday. Interment was made in si. Mary's cemeteiy. Fowler Curl and two sons, of Main street, are suffering- from quinsy. His mother is heie irom Haeketlstmvn, waiting; on I hem. Mis. James Mooie. ot Main street, was called to Pottsville on Sunday, on account of the death of her sister, Mis, James McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. I'renthe, of I.e. Uaysvllle, li., weie guests of llev. and Mrs. II. M. Pascoe last week. Miss .Alary llarrett, of (hove street, is filiile ill. Mr. and Mis. llradbur.v, of Noi Hi Main street, are seriously ill. Miss Elizabeth Uonne spent Sunday with trieiids in Scranton. Tin Ladies' Catholic licnuvolent as sociation will meet this evening-. John Collins, of Dupont, is suffering from the elfect of a. paralytic stroke. The American Colonial fair under the auspices of the Avoca Hoso company opened in tin: new silk mill l.isl even ing. Tlie candy booth is in fliaige of Mesdames William in-own, William Uilid, William Howell, and Uattiu Hell. They sell only choice home-made confectionery which Is rapidly going-. The Fulled States booth is in charge of Mrs. N. H. Unsklns and Mis. Phy llis Mitchell. Tlie Philippine booth is looked after by Mrs. H. M. Steever, Mrs. I-Mw.-ird Lalid, Mrs. James Min ion and Mrs, Fowler Curl, ice cieaui is served by Mrs, lilchnul P.ichens. Mis. Henry AVeddal and Mis, Otto Horn niernutli. The booths are well stocked with valuable and useful ni tides. The affair is ably managed by .-Mrs. I it. Sandeis. Last evening- the Kugle Hose di ill sqtmd entertained. Thin evening the I ted Men will be seen in their cur ious antics. There will lie a street par ado at 7.::u o'clock-. The entiitalnnient gien i.im evening- in the p, m. church under the mtinugement of the tlnancp committee was well arranged and all who had tlie pleasure of spending the evening there was amply repaid for braving the elements, The selections given bv Mr. und Mrs, Thomas Parry weie high ly coinnieudiible. iiotii me trained shig-eis and their removal to this town is a desliable uequislllou to the pro. motei s of music. llev, James l.elshmall, of Scr.llllnn, will conduct two services at tlie Chris thin Alliunce rooms in iiu North End. Meetings ,u JI.Oil and 7.:!0 o'clock Ueiity, the five-year-old s-on of .Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson, of Duryea, died vesterduy afternoon. The fun eral will tuko pluco tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock, Interment will be In St, Jury's cemetery, NICHOLSON. Special to IN Sainton Trtbtiaa. Niilioltt.ii, Nov. 20.-Mio. I.. II. Ji I,,- ,r la. wl, X, V , U Hie siiit ni lur piunt'., Mi. uril Mi. W. W. u.iuir i-i. i. i;. s.mioul (nli.iiai,i.ni; ',ki fiicitil, b I'm ib I'afl.i'i', ot Ni'Wlt)il, IV. (.It-nil Vi', ,UiIihii, el r-ii.iutun, pin t-iih.l.i Un liU iniiil, Jlrs, K. I', .toliiwoii, ot Stale itriTt A union 'IliauklUHK Si'irUi ill be heUl at TV flSMICcT ,m wtt if! 1 1 'i. i v "s m i i ' ; Enameline THE MODERN STOVE POLISH Brillfant.Clean, Easily Applied, AbsoJutely Odorless. the I'lCsl'itiMtilti thmtli 'Mimjil.ty morning fll ll oVlork. Itn. b. II, Smloid will tnir.di. lb N. llojle ppont Sutnl ij nt Ilia liomc o( tils inollirr, Mr-. V, N'. Ilnjle, MIm N'flllo Utoilit Ii NlKni; McmN ,il NV' Yotk clly. II, T. WIIMh?, nt .Vunlon, pcitt S'imby villi frlunb ill lliij pi ice. m TUNKHANNOCK. ''pctlrfl in Hip SerAnlon Tribune. limMiiinnocki Xov, Sit. The iniin.ll f i;ilnl M. Vmiiiliii, laic 'niinlj ct'iiiinllniirr, IraA ptjio llili (Tiiciby) morning .11 ly n'cloil: .it liN l.tlc iHilcnro nr.ir North Molioopmy. ilwigt Itirlcy, Mlio in rtiganeil In lh Jewoh'v ami watrli irpaltlne limine at Milioopatiy, timOo ii linlncj trip to tlili ptnee on Momlay, " MsmUirc lltcrmn luac liccti ImiipiI to Clutln Ii. Inmhtcr, ot U'llkcj-IUrrc aii'l MIk4 bl.i II. tulilnoii, vt Kalon: tVitcj Allen .md Mr. Alii c Cipnell, of Wtm' i'altj tlubort II, D.iulln ami MIm Kill llojlnin, of Mnlinppcn; llarry Sullen, ol Hawick, and Ml Mjrlli' I.iht, ot Avpry. ('ont.iMr Ilobcrt M. I'latl ii-lmiicil on Moiuly lictn l.lllnir frlciub ut Watsonlouti, l',i. I'nincU ll.ittlir, of t lie llawho Slono coni.Mny, l in Vow A'oik on liuiiittM mnneclcii wllh te luinpinj. I'Diiliiclw tMn.ird (llli"pir, ot Sajip, limited liN inalhir at tliU place m Monilay. Tin' sucrrvfor to County Coiiiniliwloner iiuk1iii Mill lie uppolnlnl by the court of rominou pb.n on petition. The law iroMr tli.it In run of a PUZZLE. f f and another owl. vacancy ni the fioinl of ioinmi"ioni'i f lie couil .lull appoint tome pviion o( (bo inio political affiliation as the ierou nlt.i'-e lii.ice l to be lllleil. lalAiu .1. .Tuiilaii, f.. Mho lia been eit ill ultli pneumonia, U niiuli iniptoved. lrk. llolin.l Mc.Nah is n,v ill at her home on 1'ine i.tiecl. Don't toilet the sb.ictint; toiunainciif In ii lifld by the 'liinkliamivcl: (,uu club en the 1,-rwiii'l- in )'..ilun on 'I'll ml.-ijhiiic; ili. r j TheatficaL I TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. 1A(T.I'JI HitrfKivay C'ouro Iletllal of Ciuc-t Oimlilc. Mtdil. ACAIir.MV Seliillrr ,lotk ..'yiupini. ftiiri'hi aii'l nulil. SPAIl yini 'I' .lid.'- liml'sipki Mieirituiii .llnl 1 : t '-i 1 1 1 The Christian." V nut. .niilieiKi' l.i?t nialit iv Hit pruil..ulon oi "'the fliiMian," llie poweifnl pliy pioilueeil Ii bill Caiue iioiii hi-, houl; of the r-ame name. U. S. lint wa-, -pliiuli.l a-i (he lion. Jul.ii Storm, anil Ml- I.llli Vane ; on ile'cncd plauliu ici In i- mauiiiilcent uor'; n (iloiy (Jnijl... 'n-e iipMrti!i cenip.in tvas co.-.tl an.l the p"ifoiut aiie tlii-nusliuul ta cie.nlr fiiiot.il h. Ilia iti.ll rinc. "The City of New York.'' llira 'liiomi" fur il.e tiuliiue .MMenln, mil Titj ut X.n A'ml." Ii-t niulit, tliew U.- tin-men-e amlltii. t.'i at llie Aejileinj . Mr. Frhllhr lm mtaiiily -luifl: Hie tlslil hi' i by shins tlie pnlilie then. plaj.. ttli a miK.li alleulion paid to iletaili as the Midi. I pilml attracl!"ii-. ( ..rt efienlly i uli r.e(tie i loirect aiitl yiimliKi'il suiitiioi- In .i TiiJJnilty or lilglxr vtlteil attrae-tlfii-. The enliie . oiupauv -npiimtiru .MIm roul.iliie lileati .ne .irtt-tc ilil.mi ntn uilli the u-uil ira. dins MncK foioidiiieJ. Many li.ie appeareil lieie in some of tlie 1'irt one-plav altl.it tiou., Imt Air. SrliMItT part no epcii'. to i.lta.-e the puhlie Willi the he. I nlitalnilile. .Mitnio.. tod.i, rnw vii.ioii of "Monte Crl-to"; lonlxlil, elali. Of.lte -tculr pioiludlnli, "llllishlei-! of the Ernest Gamble's Hit. "the Inuneu'e -utte- of I 1 1 1 1 t (JiinUle at Tueii.v I'Miiius's luii.il uinciil In? .nly lieen r.uiliei in St. Jo-epli only ly tint nililniil by t.illlau .Voiillca upon the ona.ioii of In-r two lilllliint eiiitJlienieni-. line. The luinoii-. Im-o .lns llli wi1, loiifMeiKu aritl ulioliile nus tut of .irlKlle Npie-'.-lou. Ili M.lce U iltii, intillou. iiiul jiiip.itliftie. v.n luunl l.i .u tit nl a- aibaiitaae in I lie Irf'aiillful ohl Scotch iniloily, "The llolinie lijulx of Lotli l.om.nn)," ulilili n idien Willi (Sftii5ll. fei'linir. Stew nt''. "DiiiiloUrn," a iiiiii04i"ii illicitly oppo-,-!lc in i-pllil, ciivul lo iiitin.liico him fo the unlit mo .mil aiu for lilin an mtliml.i-tlr ict ill. The .-.Inatl- has a fiiw Mauo pr.-enc ami t luaMiflle iwiM'iiallty." In llior inllin-la'.tlc teiim ihe Uerohl ot M. lotepli. Mo., '.peal.', of the fiuiniK Ii.is.m. who ill, tilth .l.-.l-tlri,' aiti.-H, site the irci.ml uuiulifi ot Ihe llioiKnay omnc al the l.rninu thl eenlii'j. "Lovers' Lane." 'lu. Hen ( l.nle Filch plu), 'l.uvu-' Lain," vi iiionooutly Mimciul ti.r file mouths lu Nets cul .iml all iitniiitr in Iili-ago, will he pro. ilticeil liy William A. Ilraiiy, al the loccuni Tiiiti.il.iy iiiallu.M ami iilirhl, Vilil.it nllit ami iMtitiilav niiiliii'0 ami nisht. It N uilieally illf fercut fioui all the otht'i CI.mIu I'luli ilaj. u IHi-i'iiaucrf arn plain folk in ttiuple liiniciiii). titcli J-. pro In make up an iimaiio Mnall i'oui. munily. 'I he ifiitral tlmiit aie a llli.il-tiilrntcil .Muni!, i liiK.irtim. Kiatluildi fieiu Amlmtt, ami tlie slil Kliom ho 1cm.-. Aiomul them ate Kioupnl niany ectentiie tlllaee tv, lu the tauall tau t.lme people arc lirou-aht into clo-ti t.oiiiniilotvhii the ftrn of Intrniun .uul oppo.lnir factions blaze even nioin licicvly than in llie tiowilid city .Mr. ITtcli lias tlewb epiil from iIum' nitt It-, ni.'al ami ihnreli rurnll U'jIH a iloiy thai ilopiils lint Pilous t.eniluienti) a will a tlie 1'ilifiiily liimioroii'i 1.I1I0 of llie, In ticii','tl. 01 ca-l eml lieuilv ami ii'.ilhtu of t iKu ill.tl'i ' f.oei' Ijiu'" cd,e t.ail; wuli iy Dnvii Can," and the many ullicr notable pitiilucitoiii tn.it li.ni- m uli. Mr, IlrauV.1 mine c. nonjiiions wall all ilia i ilulnir, lib'ir.il, ml bile ami (iitcriirhliis, SeaN fur cwiy puieiiu. ancc nut.' 011 tKile. .. LIQUID BETTER YET! FIREPR09F.il THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Xow York, N'ov. 20. A1n.1tir.ihi.ilrt! Coppr went (hroun.li nn ecitilinitly tarlril nuirn! of move liii'iih In loilii' tuk inirkct nml llnMiul ini ilianireil fioui last nlpht. The couuc of IhU Ktoek wai a prellr nicurati Imlet ot the. ncrnr.il nur ket lliiouiilioiil. Iho 'I1J' net iliatiBM are rcen to lit' nil itiiill, in 11 Ulle, und eonhlnubiy inlMil, iilthoimli tlie I'xltiini! range nl pilrM wm fotihleralile. A tioluble fat In tonnectlon tilth the tinl nitty cliatiitlnir eoiiMe of prkii iv.n lh,i ionllen v ot the tnouinctiK Soinctltuts tli cottiso nf 'the intrket wotilil inry illfttlnilly three llniM Mltliln 1111 hour. tMrcHliff r.nli time mi uti'iuirc laiiitc of nearly 11 point. Vet iho whole Hit inoicil pretty much In iinloii, lliera boliiic le iippiretit conlllcl In the tcmlctiey of the promtiieiit iictlie flocks. The oprnliiR ilealliiRi lelleiteil :l ill.itlntt elfoit r.t u hull ilrnminliatlon for an atl lance, tlis tlinnk lines licllitf seleited for lenlrr; hip. Aiiukanntcil Copper was alio Rijpporlel in the opening ileullnm, but tlie Meakne uliUli miltkly ileielopetl In thla "look wai rclli'ileil III tlie uliole riuikrf, anil mj with its milwe'iuent chaniceii the stock fell liy Mirwwlio tasej anil lory unccitulnli lo 7rt, nml i-oicicil with fucinul re-iietloni In ii, eii'IliiK ut Jl. Tliete waa 1111 intlre laek of neiv lo ueiount for the iiioieiueilt, Tlie I'Jili" weaktitM was In lace ol ieinilv.on lio.n a lourt to Ihe llotlon ami .Montana lo pay ilhi ikli'l on tint utoik under homl. The wllhhohlliu of lheo ctlililriiili m.ih ufdi'lully ottered n. a unite lor the reiluclhin of (he illildend 011 AiualK.iinatsil Coppei. The retoteiy lu the Mook w.11 lu fpltu of tin' i.ijrr break In the price of raw oppei In familon, followliiff Home recent fpetuhitlve luiilin; In lint tnarki't. A t-trlUliiR feature of Ihe ilieelc fu lite rceenl adviiiu Inif tendency of Ihe tn.11 ket w.iH the decided decrease In activity. Toil.it' 1l.llij.ic tloiiri mie about half a million shares lei f li.it those of tetleiiliy. Vn adiinie of 7 point in (iineral i:iet.tri, lite MrriiRtli of msar and Miiilnttaii, iiiul Ihe lioavlneM of n.illliunre ami nldo, .mil m. Iaml and San 1'i.iralnv vine notable. Total sali, 7(i2,1fH) f-harc. It.illionl boiirN were Jrreprtilai. Total sales par value. sl.TJi.omj. 1 nlteil States bontN weie all imthmisid vn Hie tut mil. Tlie following tiuotatiotu Ttllnit.e by M. h. .loiiliu & Mcjis biiildiii, "oriiton, I'a. Open- re fumirlied Tin Co.. rooms 70,'.;oa Telephone, 300?: IliKh. Low- C'lov lllL- 1-1. !. I'l Mrt'i lull'. 7i5 'J7!i 1171.1 1ii"'"i In ItoVi 1I7U I2'i Inc. Auieilein snij'ir . ... tchi-on Atchlaon, I'r .,1'Jl ..limii. fa-: 'A WH Krl'i M) i'D'i '.7' '. HW 4 li-''i llW'.i 11711 n. wt 7.1 111-) Ii l.'C,l-j H.7.i 10 Hi IiII'm :ii"i 172'j i-.o':. i-ai'i sou .'il--, !'l (.oi; (.ni I'ITh SJti I ".a, S-OTi 101 -O'i S-I'i iKlj lli7j I'l .tlllll, t ,'in'ri " 111er. Car (c Foundry .. J'i'i ltmok. Tiattit.il 7ti IMIl. 1 .Jill i".VJ ClKA .t Olllti Il'b (Tile. .V lit. Weft Ms M. Paul ll''l.'t Hock Maud llT.i C..1. I'uel & hen -' Kile II. It I21i i'.ile It. I!.. I'r. 7.IH Louis, .t Nasi insTA .Man. l'.leialcd l:il1i Met. Tuition It'T-i Mis-o. t'acille HUH Xoif Ik A- ,Vi-l Ml'; Halt. ,t Ohio 107',j 170'J 1 K 111!) l!7'i 1U-I'. 101'i i.il'i oil r.t'j .-.in Ml'l .'!lTi t'l'i W (K'i I1U 1.1 WU l.V r I'J'i ioj iii Ul'.j T'.7'j top'. Wh itaJJ 171'k 1.-.IIU ,VIi fill :tl HTi r.l'i 1 1 'a li'l I-'h !IJ' ll'i .",' Int. A. WV'leiu v v rv..,. ii ...172':. iVr.n.i. II. i'l l.i i.iti. Heading itv- .il llitjilinc Hj.. I'r ki''i . .. .,.. -.ii-. ..tiiiiit in it,. . .... 1 Southern lit.. I'l. .. Nitithcin Pacini .... Tn 11. (oil Ic lion , Tev.n I'diilie T. S. Leather I'. S. Leather, I'r. .. I'. S. Untitle r P. s. hinl Co l S. Sleel Co., I'r. W'iMini I'lilmi Waluvli. I'r. :il . !USi . (ill'.'. . (.i't . Ilii . I.t . W'i . r.i . .! . '' . :t') ul.'i ID'j Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Rid. Ackeil. Lackawanna Dally Co.. I'r. no Countv Saiinci Hank .t Trust Co.. SiVl Kirot National It-ink (Caibondale) :;) Rtand.ud DrlllinB Co Sti Thlid Xalional Hank l-'n Dime Deposit and Di-count Hank.. 27j L'conomy Liulit. II. & l. Co fl Fiit National Hink V.'fH I.aeka. Trust Safe Depuslt Co I.'nl CI11!: cV Snoier Co., I'r l'2i Scianton lion Fence & .Mrs. Co 100 Scranton Alc Woiks !'. Sci anion Savinirs llvnl: 101 Trailer' National Iliuk 17." ... rkrantui Holt K Nut Co H)f IVopie's Hani: I".i New llc.vlco lly. & C. Co 7.'. BOND". Scranton I'aweneer Hallway, flint Moitirase, ilue VriO 113 Peoplu'n Sued Hallway, Iir4 inorl- RtiBe. due 1'ilS I !.' People's Stieel Hiilttay, (leiieial iiiortsaRe, due 1021 Hi nil kon M.iniificturiiiK Co Hit) Lacka, Township Sciiool .i per cenr. ... mi CTIi of Scranton SI, Imp. d per lent 102 Sci.tntou Tuetieu 0 per cut 115 ... Scranton Wholesale Market. (Collided by 11. (!. I) do. 27 Lackawanna Ave.) He.in ler bu-lit'l, ihoite mallow, .'..i0i!.i.il. Ilultei- ITcsli iKMliliiy, 'Jl'uii'..'.: d.lii), lle-l), 2.i0. t'liee-e I'nll nraiu, lu'Lallo. Iljii!' Neaiby .stile, l'MJiV. Mi ilium lleaiis 1' r lnil.el. W..V) iticin I'eas 1'ir ImMiel, M.IOil.t.. I'loin lli'-t palcut, per buiel, -rl.l.i lleaiii I'cr bu-hel. i liolee minor, .! in l'ot iloes Per Im-liel. Jsl.ii. OiiIi.ii -Per lm.-hel, l.'.'ial. I". New York Grain nnd Produce Market Ntit- York, Nov. 'J.I. ITniir Dull and barely hteadf tilth ivlieil. Wheat 'put ea-y; No. '-' red. S2-,r. t, ,,, p. .nli.it, .uul tiiliji-. cleiuloii No. 1 Nnn hern lluliitli, s-I'lc I. o. b. alloit. (Iptimis opemd e.i-Kl'. Lain liny wile .illeinitcl) linn and eaj. ( Ioed vtia'; nl Ui'i'. "-' doclin . 1l.iv cIihi.i1 slUo,: Dttotnliei-, 7'.i'ie. Coin '-put ea-t ; No. -2. li'M. elevator and iiii'ie, 1. u. b. .ill.'.lt. Opttiin iiiuket opened weaku, tallied, hut I'ltruuiIIy .vieWed and elos'il weal; at '.i.i'hi-. net Ins.-. 1.iv de-oil l.-'le. ; Deuinber, ititie. OiN spot linn; No. 2, -c; No. :t, I7t-.: No. -2 white, fil'i-t No, .'1 white, .illie.: Hack ruivd iteteiu. iNil'k..; tiatk vi-lilte, IIMili. Options dull ami bueli- stculr. Ilutter I'inn; rreaineiv, 17a2 j',-jt , ; t.utoiy, ni.ili'ii'. : .luiif cieanici.r, li 22i.: imitation creameiy, H'.i'ilS'i''-; .t-le "lilry, t",i'2.'t. ( In ise (fillet; r.itiiy, laiito Seiicmhcr, nli.ilt'...; fiiiiy, liiie Odolur, fiija'tt.; luay, -null -ipleinbi-r, Hi'tai : lancy, mull Oi folic r, t'-i.i0r. Kkk liuleti Mate and Pnm-ylvaiiia, 27 -iiv-. : we-leiii al mail., 2la27f.j southern at mail., JJ.r.'ne. Philadelphia Qraln and Produce. Philadi-lihl,i, Nov. LU Wheat afe.ul ; tonliact Siade Nou'iuhei, Tn'iint', Coin-"-teailv; No, 2 mived Nm ember. tsiieii;i. Hits -I'iirn. '.o, hicii cil No. 2 wliite ilippttl, ,i2c. Wool I'ltch timid, Piotl-lon Pair, wllh a fair Jobbiui; tiade. Ilut ter Klinii priulf, le. Iiichu; lancy iiitcin c ie.imer, 2i.e.; lamy neaiby prints, Z'K: l's I'iinil heill neaib.v( IN1.: do. western, L'7e.; do, Miiithnoleiu, Lt'i,; do. .-. intln ni. 2oe. I'heem L'liiliaii-.'ul: N'nv Yoik lull lull ueaiii-, 1 nry sui ill, li);ilii1ji.; do. tin. till to chohe, PiWKc, Ittlincd StiKJH lnU t. Cotton-Stea.li. Tallow ITini, f.iir ilenuml; city pilme In tleree., inic ; eouuliy ilu, Inrii'l-, i'.i dark. 3'-.. i.i'le, ; rakiM, (I'ie. Llie I'niilll) -.Steady, till diin.ind; fnv li, Milt.; old ri.OfleiS lia'llje. j ihlikcns, SvJo.l ducks, Ullik.S jseeve, u.ilUt.j turkey,, IMP),-, Die,i Puullit ITihi, sood demand; luivh, cltolee, ln'i ; i In, kill In uood. I.'.iiloo. ; old toostei", 7',sc..; chlckeiu neaiby, liable,; it clem do., in l.'t,; liilke.iii, eholce to lancy, II.'jIIc. : do. fair to 1.001), lltlJf.i do, do. iirdliui.i, Tatii',; ducks, a-. In iiitallti. litilu'c. Itecfipt.-I'lour, 1,000 baricl- and S,l2d,iVli) pounds in i.aik.: wlieil, rt.lmi liiisluls; nun, Laio.) bu.liels; oil-, 7,i"ifl bii-lu)... hlilpniciits Wheat, HI.Kiil bushels; 10111, S.flil.) biisliels; ii:,,, t,ll hu-hcK Cliicngo Oifiin and Produce Mat ket. Chicago, Nov. Sci. An easier iindency d-,velep.'d lu llie suiiiiiiii 111.11 Kiti 011 the board lodiv, tin) dose kliouini Iractiuiul Io0Ms all noui; tin. Ilue, althnttjdi llieie wis no nuteriil 1 halite in tlie KCt111.1l cltuitli'n, limine.-, w.i, only modei alely atllie. Wheat iloM'il "It , coin 5,a'lc ml oalf, 'ialc lower for December deliwry. ,1 fi ll ir.v piuilslons dioppul 2lf;aV. c JJij ciitU, ( .i.li iuntaloiis title ,in fiillotn,; IToiii sieadi ; No, il muIiik whial, r.siiJ.-.; No. 2 red, 7la7.iu; No. 2 llon- 10111, 3f'Sc. ; Nu. S oat,, H'.iiJie.i No. tf itlille,, Jiai.; Ni.. while. 1 1 ai .Mi ',4c, ; .Vn. Cije, rjiaf.Ti- ; fill to ilioUe iiullliii:, OT.iisii.t No. la nvd, fl':! N". NoilhwifUrn, ifl.lli lufr.i,. tlmolhv H't'd, 'iii.l,1aii.21i 1111 ..s potk, ll.TUill.7,i; lu i, l').U7li,i'i.l(l; tlii.il libs, lileit, .iS.2'i; iliy ullij hhiilllillU, T'slSc ! "boil cll'lr liles, -inis,H; vvliivkiy, 'jl JI. Chicago Livo Slock Maiket. Liticago, Nov, 2tl,--C.itlle Itc,pts, ;.fn,fi, tr.nl.vj no choice hir; bcii In pilme, fcV.'.'kiTj pour lu iikiIIiiiii, .l.7,iiti; ftnilvirs 11ml rcnleu, t.'.t 1; cow j, i;l.'j;jl 7J: lulfer.-, SI .'xlji; laiti.eu, 1 31 ai.id; liullt, l.7S.i).li; ialto, -rJ.A0i.1i Tevai steer. Sjl.itVil. IIoks -Itcceipls locli.i, ll.ouo; tq. moiiott', t.i.lW; left oicr, 12,11; liUliei on thoi't! leny; steady on other; mlscil and butehin, J.W.iHj good to ihoicii kenvy, i.1(iiuii.i); in.igh lo filr lu.ivy, 5. Il.il.rrt; lUhi, siiiioj mi. ot alcn. M.CUaMA Sheep -lleieipl., lii,ii; he. p and lamba opened ttruly; 1ck'1 lowei; tfood lo ilioltu vllivi, !.IU.il; lair f vholec mived, 2.75i,1.0; wtstein nheep, .vta'I.GOj virrlcm hmbi, ftcictJ, V-Wal.11. Buffalo Xivo Stock Market. . Ka-l rtull'alo. Nov. Ill, ( atlle Itecelpti, ttn THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, 3 Cent far Bicli Rxtrn Line. For Rent. wWWWV I'Olt lli:.NI'--Modem clithl-rootil Iwmc, -ill tin proi eincnl, plciuaiiliy illtulcd, I'k'j Capouii av rime. Oil 11BXT Ilocnii millahle for rirpentef or pli-.lt xhop, rear 410 Maditoii avenue. Traders He il IMalc company. For Sale. A RARE CHANCE. FOR SALE A brewery in a live Wisconsin town, now in opera tion nnd Bupplyinp surrounding country, selling 2,500 barrels nt ?7 a barrel, cash. Plant is in good or der, no repairs needed. Trade firm ly established and can be increased. The reason for selling is, owner has other businoss. Price, $0,500. This is a bargain. Address, A. R. C. S3, care of Tho Brewers' Journal, Home Insurance Building, Chicago, 111. rUllNlTl'lli: I'Olt SALIl-llarwIiui ul la-onomleal rurniluie ..tore: llnl loom suits, white md golden oak dieser, FldcbiuriK cxletwlou tnlile, iron beds, niattriese", cpiinits and everything- in lino of luinilitro for hou-'-kiepiia.'. If ou tome once, .1 oil come airaln. JOS 1'enn avenue. KOH r-ALi: Our mliie block of hemlock nt ll...O per iiicc. In futtirr uc will handle hemlock in tar lots only, ritalllmr at wholesale price. AIn one lieaiy lioro and lumber waxnn und one horse uul t pi ins wason, suitable for Riocir. (Ireen Hidge l.timber coiiipany. I'Olt SA I.K Two vtell-biokcn Knitll'li beanie iIors, ahio two fern lie pup-, life Months old, prdlereod JttiLk. .1. II. Kians, 11 l)iiy lane, vMlliis-lhirie, IM. I'Olt SAM! rilllAP I'frrivooil. lion rootlii!.", tim bei, boird.s, aittlinir, etc., Horn old rats: suitable for all purpos's. .lenuinss rcnltiil Mines hvv itcli, foot of llaiipton olicet, oil South Main avenue. I'OH SAM: Tim llyht fprliiK waROiis anil feme lurnesvi, cheap, Ki.tns, rear UU2 Luzirne street. I'OII &AI.1: A car-load of Loise-'. itoml tiork.'rs nml drivels; wtiitlit llom l.lui) to 1,.i0t); nv eial ilo-elv inatched team-. Can be "eii at 311 It.iimond cuuit. r. M. Cobb. FOIt SALK ("lieap; hoise, spring tvaRon and Iianuss, nt No. 1SJCI Cedai aienue. Business Opportunity. i,Mt WILL SKCI'lti: I'O-'iriON with u eoipoia t Ion that prouti'cs lo lie one of the be,t pay in? cnterprirtt, in the woild. I'or ..n I Irnl urt .md inleniew, addies3 "Coipoiation," I'. O. lloc .VJJ, Scranton, Pa. STO( Iv AND WIICAT TltADKIlS without delay. Wiite for nm special market letter. Tree en application, h-, J, il)bai(l fi Co., membein ,V. . I'on'olidalcd and Mocl; Svchause, II and tb Hroidway, Nuv Vork. rlabllslted ISM. Lcng Di-lanee' l'liono 1!.8 Hroad. Real Estate. I'Olt SALK One acre of land, improved with nine-ioor.i lioiine: plenty unci v.ulety of fruit; gout! location in village of ricctville. Mrj. Olive I'Uh, Flcctville, I'a. Honey to Loan. Wti,0tHI '10 LOAN Lowest latcs; straight 01 monthly pi.wmnU. ht.uk ."c Co., Tradci-s'bidi;. ANY AMOCNT 01' MONLV 1() LOAN Quick, s'.I.iiRlit loans or lluihlius; and Loan. At fioui 4 lo li 11c i cent. Call on N. 1". Waikei, ;lll-.'IM C.umcll hiiildiiiir. Furnished Rooms. l'fllNlsIli:i Oil TNTl IINISHCD loonirtcTicaiT, with or without lio.iul, at lis (Jiiiney aienu". I'OH HUNT Two ImnNheil rooms; jjiouml Hoar. Coiner Jetleison and Linden. Inqulic Ii-it. U. Jl. Stanley, -JI7 .lelfit-siti .inriue. I'UItNISllini ltOOM tor i.nt; well Pealed, n.i, u-c 01 liatli, t I'Utt place, a lew iloois above eoriier .Hlfcrson .iienue and Spiueo elicet, TllHi:i! ri'UNISIini ltOOMS tor rent, sepante, suitable tor lad!.- or sent, witli or without bond; turns moderate. 1.27 Ad 11114 avenu.-. I'OH llLNi rmni-hed fiont room, vitli heat, bath ami cas; neir ci.tut hotu-e; Kcntleman pirlrrn.fi. Ail.lie-,s llooin, llo 2W. I0U I!i:.T runiished room; heat anil bith. i.L.i Linden .-tievt. ri'llNISIILI) ltOOMS roil :ST. vvltli heat, pan and bath, uintlemen prcleneil, at K'.0 Aclvns atenue. Rooms and Board. A LAUlU: mOXT ltOOM, with loard, at Ml Ad nu, avenue. Suitable tor two vcuii.n men. U00S1S TO Iir.NT, with board. MM Mulberry Hit eel. Wanted. WAM'Ull Pilvato lesons in IJrahaiu's sliorth.mil. Ono 01 tim ailcinnons each week. Addi"ts, Oraliani, Ti ILiiiit- Oitice. WANTED I'lirniiilicci mom, centrally located, modem and in pilvate faiull. K, 'Irlbtinc Olfit-e, .ity. WANTLD Oonil heeoniblianJ fiun.'iee, will pay iai.li. AddrcJ Lock Itos 1.K', Scrintou, l'.i. Boarders Wanted. I'ltlVATK TAMIIA tvWies to h.ue mo nleu men lo bond, fibrillin m I'nlu-h. Call uny lime atler Tlitunljy, All convenlcnie--, !7 HartUi.'i .111 line, Boavd Wanted. WANILIl-Latge, well lutuished looni, wllh haid; private t mills- pieferrid; n-utial city. Address V, II , o.i Wa,hiiiitoii jirni.o. WAM'HI) Itoom and board 111 nllind niivatn lainlly (i'l tltieu ladles; tin lo oici'id 1J1J p-r neel,-. Oi.e located viilliln Uve niluiile, walk limn lily hall pivfencd. Addre,,, Iv. II, rilliuno Oi flic. Lost Strayed Stolen. I.OiT-Two Insurance) polkitj of the Count c Unit Mutt! it Llie In, 01. into company, mule lu t.ivnr of IMvwnl W. Ojinhout, 01 lliminore, i'mdet will uc Ive leivard by rctiiininu l ilr, O-Uf liout, al Duniuoie, m lto.1111 p), I'lice biililln', Ml.llltull, CAJir, TO 'llli: Illll'Si: ot Ihe uneli'islgru .1 .11 I'ukiille, on Nov. til. 11 Iiiul iIkb, tsilor, vtldte, Willi illow K), On in 1 rut lute stiuo hv iiroilmr piopi lly nnd pi) ins eNp.'iuw. t;eoi I'lice, llaiiiscii House. i iin) b.w tintl fullv in icnts Imur for hiitclieu and niedium ticin ii u-iy good railtu livrs-; vial.-, .i..iut(l,7i. llou-i OiltriiiK, ml uu; lilr ileiii.iinl and at .ialOc. cleellne, inii.llv on lialit tirailei,; I1e.1i, .VUji.S.i; j lew at jj,ti; tnh, .1 packitt, -.r.7iiii.bil; plirs, i.2i)i3.;iO; ronjilis, iU ft;.li; Maits, itkTJai.-Ji. slieip nnd Unnlii Mipplr, US Lar.i lov to ID edits loiur uu- lamU,; (op lain!, ?4 .:".il.M; tiill'i lu lali, fill ,!.i. f-he p "teady, il.'ii:a,(l; ivelhvra und learllltgf, t,l.ii u.iO. East Liberty Market, i:an l.ibeily, Nov. ?i,.-('aul.--st nle; el.,e, ifl.7.1iii; pilme, 7.1.;iiafi,7i); mio.1, 'i.Liai.W. loa;i Ilialui; piimii lie ivies, K'.ti'.i"i.lO: luaiy 'iue.ll. inns, hi.i.i.13 73; litlit do, tik.VM '.; lieaiy joilt ei. Ssi. luj'. 3D; liiehl do., iM.i.i.i3 ;.0; plu-, j, i,i wilSlit and .oiillt), Wakli; loughs, il.30tS,i. Oil Market. Oil Ul, Nov. Sii.-iCiedit balaneo, li; rltlil catcs, uu bid. Shipment.,, 7!i.H7i; au'ratte. (.. 701: mm, ilM'kij aveiagv, 75.7J3, Move Ap.ninst Iiish Representation. Il KncIuvIvc WIn fioui Ilia AMOcUteJ IVeis. Londvu, Nov. iATlie annual conti'iciiie of til-' National I'nlon of CoiMiiatlie. asjotijllons, in itt.,l(jii at Woliriluuipton, unaiiimoualy (.jniciI j rcolulion favoring the inttixluclion 01 a niti.-tirc In pjilljincut to "abvlUh the luiustleo ffcjo, re'.l by the oier-iepif-enljtlon of Ireliiel. ' SITUATIONS WANTED PREG. BttANUH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALnmrr SCIIIIIrZ, comer Mulberry street nil Webster uterine. OU3TAV 1'ICIIKL. iVaj Adamv menue. Went Side OKOHOI! W. JKNKIS'S, 101 heulli Main i rime. South Scranton KliL't) I.. TilKI'i'K. 7'JO Of dm nitntt?. North Scranton Ol'.O. W. tUVIH, fotnor Nerlh Mm venue and Market street. Oreen Ridge CIIAIILKS T. JOSi:&, IM" Dickson Hienue. V. ,1. JOHNS, tiaO fliccn Itldce street. C. LOIILNZ. coiner IVajhlnglon aie ntte and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II, KNTITLL, 1017 Irvine iienue. Duumore J. t!. BONi: it bON. Help Wanted Malo. WANTKll - liislila-s ilnnei. by John S. Ll n cil li, lUt I'lti-tvn, l'.i,, . lu Luriiiii trei't. .MILLWIIirillTS, .it c ii iloiiicil to iiKtinit etei.ilf.is. Address The Tiilnme. (.. . JL, -t ulnj; e peiituce. WANTi:i)-A man to oneii nj.lm al Ah-m'.s O.inlei llou-e, Wilkes-lline, I'a. ANV MAN CAN I.K V1IV ItVlllir.ll TKADI'. Vw it) ft cm. (her I.t. flee eti-toiniis it .lly. Lllihl tefks louiplilc-. Waxes while le.iinin. Tools tliitiatetl. Iliplinns u.iaiiled. Steatlv pn it ion guarantied Ki.ulinti.,. Chit'ie Is tarn Ine -eliol uhip. Citaloue miileil lie". JloKi'i, ltaibel Silinol. Xnv V.oik CHt. GOOD. C.M'MlI.i: MI'.N WILL 111! I' Ml) S M.Alt V AND COMMIsstlON 'lO SOI.ICI I' HANK AC COUNTS. iti:n:iti:Nct:s lti.iji.iitLD. cam, at .itti hi'iitrci: srur.i:r. U'ANTI'.D A yonns ni in of aooii family and ireii-tit-manly healing, as well as of sood edii'-.i-lion, as pilule, necrvtaiy and amauutiisis, t.u to or three hours late in Ihe afteincv.n. (!eimm bom or docent preteiied. lno,hdse ol Lin-KiiaRe.-, Iioi-icleis itoml Knitlili, i.lenot'raph.v nnd t.lpewrilltur an ndi.uil.iee, but not ncce'sai.i. Jlcntal discipline intllpeiallile. Hefeience eeprablc, but not lieccan. State iuallfleallons, written in pencil, tlic-t cope, and Mini lo V. S , Tribune Otllce. WANTi:i)-n- leadincr l'lilladel.lila lioite, In.-l-elasa Kilesmui, In sell send ll Hue of paper to the retail tnuJe, one wlio has an .iiiiiiaintaiue pieferrid; miihl hue best lefitenee atnl be able to furnish bond. Adilre-s I. O. Uoi 0"', l'liila delphia. Help Wanted Female. WASTr.D Younir lady Menou'raphci and i.ipuviit er. W. 11. L, Tribune. (1001) tilllh WANTLD lor eer.ir.ll lio'ise-vvorlc Apply at il!) Ash sticet. YOl .C WOMKX WANTKD bv Jacob Millci. Sons .t Company at the I'ikIo ln'it fictoiy, Encitril at Itoidentottn, N. J., on the e.t-1 bint; of the Delaware rivei, in ,islit of Tiinloit, and one Itotn'f. rlile Iioiii 1'Iiil.idilphi.i. 'Ilto-e li-.iinK some iNpeiitnie on nonci niieliines puieurii, but other accvptalilo -irls vllt be taken. All old and new- hands an- mid the Mine price by pieie vvoik, but if in iv hands Minuld tail at llt.t to enn their bo.ml we make lliat u. to the in, -s. the 'lull net vrel Into ililu. while leainlui;. 'I his liade i heller titan hoit-i-woii;, ilre-makintr o KilevAonian. Cut tlii, oi't and keep it for join luturo use, and ttiicu jou wiite to us ay you t. iw add No. -it. I'm luither piitiuiltiA olilic:-.s, Siinuel it. Mai;ee, ll'mleutown, N. -1. tlllll, WANTf.D r.n- Kinnal liouseivoil.. Mu-l be ijuihI cool;; ufircii : iicpiii"d. Apply M7 Clay annue. iii:vi:i(.r. ladii:-, cn maki: tioou ai.iiv SOMCI'llNti IIVNK AU.Ol Vl.i. CAM, .'.Id PiMtL'f i: sn:i:i:r. WANTKD (iiil toi ftcnir.il Iwinceoii., at 13.'i l'enii aicnuj. WANTLD (ibis tor lintel vinile, vi-.iitie--.es, mol.s, lioiine sirl,, utiif.es nml laiiudli'-ies. l.ul.a vvalini Ac.ency, 21.; Meiu buildlns. WANTLD-V tjlil It or hi veils old who would like il gpoil peimatiiiit linme'ivbeie i lie would be trealeil .Is one of (he l.iiiilli. Wiite nr apply tu Mis. 11 nm Ilu. kin'tlnm. Illmhuist, I'a. I'HTY Ol'KltATdllS WANTm-Stcidv vvorl; su.iraiiieed. W. K. link Jk Sou, MO Adams avenue. WANTl'.n-Oirl for RCiteial lintiseivnrk at Dalton. Addrivs 11. T., caie Trilmne. Help Wanted Male and Femnle. t'ANVirvslJHs WANTLD-finoil piowluoii; al aiy or coiiuni-sion; lu woik m t ll, Addiis llos 1, Tnbiine, Silanton. Instruction. TTTOltlNO- l.iliii, (Heck or Jl il'iciniti. dies., Itoom 1, .WO Spin .e tllcit. Atl- LEGAL. IM'Ali; 01' lieujilnlti I-'. 1'idrick, ilnea-id. S..I.I nl Iho personal pioputy at ilm preinl-s Cliltc's humutit, l'i , on lleeuuhcr Hlh, Wl, coiumeiiiinu at 10 u'llmk a. m. SAIIA M. I'LDItHK, Ailmm.-li mis. NliTICi:--'lhe a111111.il nueilna; el' Hit. ttoikliill eis in tho foiirimi.'i' Ice ( iiiiiiiaii villi bo laid at their oliiie, inimi- 01 Ailiuis avciitu and All hill el, III Ihe till- nt viauton, Pa., mi 'lliiu.diy, tho 17th day m Deieiiibii, ion, .11 11 p. 111. ll.o piirpis.e 01 ihe ituitin is inr the elcilleii ul otlltcis HI' the 1 iiniifni; .ten .md n ihe tiinsactlon 01 btisli olhei business ns i" ,y piopclly cclili' Inloie the liuitilik. JOHN A. M 'II Mil', Seerclui. Noril'i: It lli:iti:ilY OIVUS lliat an appli 1 liuu villi be lit.ido In Uu. iruvi'iucir of I'niii. Mltanla 1111 Dee. 3lh, I'mi, Ii Wllll.un .Me dal e, itce-o (.', ltiooks ami Wllliiiu V. Mi-Clan-, under Ihe .nt nt iit-cinhlt iiililhtl "An .ut 10 plot id" tor Hie luitiipiiiuiioti 11 il i. mill ion ot inlain 11 iporitlous," apptovnl Ajull :")lh, lb7l, and llie siippleuifl is then to, on tin ihaili'i' of an initialed lorimuthni In be talltil "IiU.ii'iliiit'ks Cutiiiiii," (he ili.'i.i ter am) ot'li'd m whtili li the i.in.ilna on ol a ni.iiiut.il tin mu bu-lnc-s, in ut, tl-e 11 aiitiiutuio ai.d i-iv 1.1 Mokcis, iniinie.,, i.i.tti-, te,uii Mom cia and otlui aitiile ot utility uul 'oni iiiercu, (noil iimi and sail, 01 olhcr metals, ,,i wood. In I' It, ci any o tin in, rluitl 01 in iuu biliations und tor lime piuposcti to hair, pns-iss ami ino.i all the ilhu. bfinl'iU and priilliv, 01 .-.ild act ot .u-cmlly and lint mippl 1110:11- IC'wi'Lli..ti. WMIIII.N ,V KNAI'l', Solicit. I- r . $430,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC iD POWER COMPANY Of Butto, Mont. ttlutle ,4 (he GtciUot copper piodiKilig tit m lis iiolul ) 5 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Diiif.minallon M,11, maluuny 1 lo ol) ,'4tk. Aiupi piovulcl foi by ictctve jiiJ unleintr luml. Net raining time nnd thiec-nuarteis Units initi'vt cluieos Writu tui iiptui ot .Ml. Jiioucl Imull, I'lecidci.t ol Ihe ( liksio i:tll-m (0,, i t pec si RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO. I NASSAU ST., M.W VOKK. v.. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Tlm pour Lines, ei Cent for L'ncli Ultra Lin:. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. l'.nwAiii) o.ivui.wTxor!u"ntAui:VnANr: Iluil.tli.tr. Architects. Mitt aiid iinuTsuaiTri:a','oNNiri,i. Ilulldlni;. i'iii:i)i,iiicii i,. nuow.v. arch. it.. iu:ai. Ltatc Kxcliinirc Illtlir.. liJ Wo-ltliigton aie. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. IIAIIDINO, (KUl CONNLLL ItL'tLDINoT Dentists. mi. c. ij. i:iM:Niir.mii:it, paui.i iiijiluTniT,' Spiuce street, Serantou. int. o. c. LAunAcn, in wyo.mimi avunuiH Lawyers. I'llANIC U. liOYLI.', ArtllllM-.Y-ATdrvW. lloonis 12, h, jo ami is lLirr llulldini;. 1'. K. 'lltACY, ATI'Y, COMMONWIJAL'lll'llMKi. 1). 11. IILPLOflLi:, ATIOItVr.Y LOANS Mfltl Hated on leal estate ceiirll. Mrais ltiiildiru, ctii-iur H'sshinnldii mniie and ,piine tlrect WILLAIUi, WAltlWN .t KNAl'P. AllOllMJll ami coiirisi.llui.it.jiv. llepuhllcaii BullditiR. Washington atenue. JiL'p & .n:'i i', .vriouNUYS and ioils- ellors-al-lau. Coininoiiweallli Uuildlng, llooim 1'), HO and -M. LDWAIll) W. IIIWIJII. ATIOIISIJY. tiOI-'stl, 'in, ihior. Mean building. I100JM L. A. WATIIIN, ATTOItSLY-AT-LAW, llOAItl of Trade llulhllni,-, Sci.mlon, IM. I'ATI'Lltsoy ,v WILCOX. TltADI'.Il'S NATIONAL ll-lnk liiilhliuir -'. CO.Mi:t!Y, J. 11 IIIH'CnMCAN IIL'II.DINO. A W. IILUTIIOLr. Ol'l.'iai! JIOVIJI) TO NO. 'Jll Wyomlm; atenue. Physicians and Surgeons, int. w. i:. am.ij.v, .in .south wAsiiiMniri ainiuc. dm. s. w. r.'wioituM'v, oi'rici: :) wash- instnn .ileum. Ilcsideiiec, HI" Jltilljctit. Cliioulo illsea.14, limss, heatl, kiclne.ss an I l-'inito miliary oipms a -pc.i-il(;. liout-, I to 4 p, in. Hotels and Restaurants. 'llll-J ULK OAfK, t:.i AND 1J7 I'ltANULIN AVE iiue. Itatts ica-fiiable. 1'. ZIIJOLfJit, Proprietor. SCIIAXMON llOL'alJ. NUAlt D, L. tc W. PAS- i-rnjrer ilepot. Cnnibicted on the Umopeaii plan. VICTOIl KOCII, Proprktur. Scavenger. A. II. IlltllifiS CI.r.ANS I'llIVY YAUIra AND ec',3 poi.ls; ii., ,clor; only iminoved pumps usnt. A. II, ltriKL,-", proprietor. . Leave otdera ll'ji) North Main nirniie, or I'.idte'rf druK store, cor ner Adama and Mulbeny. liutli telephones. Seeds. n. u. iL.MiKi: ., f.o., ski:dsmi:v and xub ei.tuun. stoic UOl Wa-hinirtoii lvcnuc; greiiti Iwu.i.,, Itr.u Nm Hi Jl uu avinue; ttotc lele phune, 7f2. Wire Screens. JOSIJIMI KCIJTll'.L. HLAH Oil LAOKA. AVK., Scranton, l'i., luatitilaettuei- of Wire Screens Miscellaneous. DltLi-stlAKINCi I'Olt CIIILDIII'.N TO OllDiUt; .ilsii ladies waist. Loui-o Shoemaker, US Adanis ate tine. jii-.f;.Mt(;t:i: niios., I'liiNir.uv scpplils, i;n- t elopes, papei b.iii-, i it ine. Wuieuoui, 1 ') W.isliinuton iiviimo, seiautnii. Pi. Tin-: wii.Ki:-,-ii.itiiii iii:coitn can hi: had in Ssiantnu at tlie news stands nf liei-uia i llnis.. -UU) spruce and lu.: Lindt.ii; M. Norton. .VJJ L.iekivv.iuu.1 an inn ; i. S. Sihtili-tT, "It Sptme sititd. Situations Wnuteii. WAM'Kli Wa-lilnir and lionlnf,; hist ili-s uorls iruii.intied. (allid foi anil diliuied. Mi. 1, Wall.-, it'll iin Ili.unUv an nue. slTI'MION WVN'l t:il --I'.v y.-niiicr Inly its ilinitv; loi'i'i Mill oi-.setciiitl ajil. AdiJits-. I.. ., 'Jl'l Noitli Vlnn .iienue. ' SlI'l'Vl'IOV WAVILII -lteliible mill, l.nor.lida.i uf 111.11 liliici ami oils ni all kind-, "f lollint' and iniiiiaclois' .supplies, ile,lie po.iuon ie a-tiu or Kile.-1n.1n. Ilu- ."jl, Diiuinoie, I'a. sl I'l 'AIMS' WAS I III fly .1 man t family m Jinili'i. iiieliktr 01 machinist. I l-i lint liioie than tweutv .'ii-' e.speiii me in the haiitt lilts "I toi'ls, Is li.tndy iioiiml mil iiiiitty and tin Mllsfv.is to eliii.utei and -tt j.linesf. VI ipi I tliiinr is 10 ml a till ilniite, Ail'Iitss, iviieel.-i, I Tiil.une Oiine, SI'll'ATIllS' WANILD- Itv a slvnosiapln'i mil 1 1 Inn tiler, .me .i,iiblo l .issl-tiui; i.lln litoki.eepini;. Adtlie'S VIIj.s . A. I!., lieiienil DJivcry, til. WAN'IIID- Position by a L-md. hiiidy man .1.1 ilu , 11. Pollock, IJI7 -1 mil W'.ishluaton ai.--line, -I IT' VI IDS W.S li:i) lit- .loan,: mm in as -' f.m I mil lu cncil faiiiilv; bsL of iiieienci, Addu'', sii Mc'ci stif't. nt. sill VTIOS W'VNIi:il- Wfiinn want, nml, wa-h-injr 01 ilejnlnir. Iii'iuiie .V! I on-sl eoittl, WAN'II'.D- 11 a oiiin man, Is eai. a pu.-lii .11 lu itiiili'ilioi.i r.t Mole; Iwi 1 .. 1 evperl 'm 1 nt Mm lei's, Niw- Voil; -jn I11r111.l1 11-I1 lenn'. II. I" "p. I!, '' Dill' av'e., Ciirl.otnlale, l'.i liri' VIION W VS'ILD-lly 111 1 .-.pel iciuYd eoain. mill, iilidelsiaiid, c'eneial w-il. ahiotl pr vale Iioiim.; ii'liiiiui-. .1ld11-1. i:. .1., Tiiliuiii, -lit .VIIUS" WWI'I.II- - l.uli cI'Mies n po,l!l ti .1, hoitji'k.'i nr oi aeiieial liiuse-ivnik; wli'-lii',- 1. 1I.1 any kind 01 iioik, Jli. A, (I, M, Tiil.iini' l title e. WA.VI'IMI Po.illoii bv oim' nun, il'je 'J'). .-,1 w.niii ip 1 1 -(.nil jii t ni prltale lu-iily, 01 11 link 111 utnh' iiiini-lilin; itipiiliniiil; Into hi I time eau evpeiitnii' 111 Hie retain. ml luisiii 1 iinl imi- yen in t,' ids1 luinl.-lilns deiuiiuvii Vddit--. .1. IJ. It., i'l" 01 'Iiitiuui. Oliii.i, I 11 litudah-, I'a, FINANCIAL. V -N V VV lVtAriiVVWVA; V VVWAA V WVdw , F. MEGARGGL CO. STOCKS, BONDS, SECURITIES CON NELL BUILDING), f. JltMulgil, Hoy MiCatct Jlcgawl, J f. t Ss i in v SA-u tMniiH t- fci. . ff 'S&Jd s'6, ! -