The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    A ly'iV""!'
n I -
'? i i a i
V v.
wrM- fc
ivya -v xj ?f 'w-'i T"1
i 4W
I J Hi f
y -
r . "
Many new and haiulfcoiiie
(IchIriim In Drop 1-lKhts np
jionr llils buuhoii. Our stock
Is linger than cur thlBVonr
imil u think -oit will hnvo
no tiutibtc ilmlliiff t what
sou want hum. l'i Ices
mill upwatiH.
Footc & Shear Co. X
J19N. Washington Ave O
flf the Baby Bazaar
.Vinous Uic mum iltradiic tlntic are
tin short iinl lunff coals In lleilfotil 1 mil,
Cathin'-ii. unci tioultj t,nnl (ur rhiMirii
from M. inititb li n 5i'l fl" ' M"
iti tttiiit live tlle. liiwlni-. Millnt
mil the lJiiolbv hull i Wc iiiMio
join icriil atUnli'Ui to our line.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco &.ieet.
Almost Anybody
can make money, btiL few
Know how to frave It. A
t-.ivings account with this
li ink l an cindcnl helper.
Mr mil Mi- IKmj (iin-.'ci, of Cutcivilli, III,
lire visiting ci mlon tiiind-
Mi . II Miiabl, ot lli 11 N V ln lien
tiillrii, on C.rnii HiiUc luiiiil tins vied.
Mr. itul Mr 'ilieoiloie V While, 01 C Union
Jilace, iri. ujuiciiis our Hie atrii il if i ion.
Miv. Iculyi Ibxl.iitll, of liten Mnul, 1-. (he
iiesl ot Ml 1 Uie IMIiiki, i f Hitman- .sti.ct.
Mr. iinl Mi- II I) iii1iiw- in nikrtiini ij
"MiiS Mirjuiie ami fcmilti. .Vnliciis-, il llii
loul Malk K I.iUn, prii itc suutm to Heioinr
l-onncll, Irne-, Iniln mi i IjiUi Iiuntlns; litp to
the uiliU of l'ikc coiiutj.
Mis Miij 1 O'nnilill, of Vi Initio fib, U
vie Kiirst if ha pirmtf, Mr .mil Mi- C II.
I nniUll, if Moiispi tunic
Vttormj Iiinc. I, (IMillij, of Ohplunt, nl
h- Manila P Miiiplii, of IiiK.oii bluet, villi
lie in ii 1 it I it H. I'ltiuk'a tils inoiiiuij
at 0 u eloik
.Vltcrno 1 1 ml, l. PoiiiilIIi, if Hire l -liilli,
ami Mi-5 Km In. iliuUitir nf Ml. nil I
Mi li iiriil I le, nf Wilko- linn. Mill lie nun in!
Uiii cKiiin.- it tin lnmi ol tin liilt'- nutiU,
171 'vol tli 1 1 mhllii drill
Misj nn i Niitmi-oii, ulm lu- lnui In Ilu-i'in
foi funic linn, piit iiliiiiuil to imrln on the
Oiaf iliKiMi, itiinli( lirlnjtin nnm Inn i
tul t-jirt itucii- nf her work uliii nl Mis.5 liolnii-oii
will Hsunic lici ili-is n I)i i. '
Hochman Tomouow at 8 O'clock.
Don't tuuet that sou should hiuntl
the oNtniiiR: ol Th.mksKhlns day at the
St. laike'b jj.ulsli liouso audltoiluni,
wlitn JIf. Ailliur Hoi hiiian will open
thu Oonsi'i wiloiy toiu.'-o of artist ic-
Italh. Tills is thu flist opoitunity that
the t'ci. niton publlt Iiiik had to lu'Hi'
this Bieat aitlst.
The puiroimante ot a joung Ilus.sian
pianist, Aithur Hoihnian, iann as a
fcinpiifco to all who lioaid hlni at the
t'losliiB (oncoit. With less laudation
fioni pilss asLiits than most lanious
planislh who tome this uav, bis nlay
in' tonitnied iiuoiablv wllb them. Jle
iiiino upon X'ittsbuiKui.s quietly, and,
leljiiiK entluly upon liK nu'iits, won
the plautllts of the thousands who
hcaid him. In the Mn.t Conceitn in j:
Hat ho tmdcitool: the tiandathin ol n
woik (lllllt'ult and wonileiful. Jlo plajed
to the tiLtoiniianlini nt ot the 1'aui oi
I'hChtia, mid his inloilug ami thoiouli
appici-iatlon of the beautliul jiaits
i ame at. a tea! pleafano. llo Is tiuly n
plnnlNt of no niiau callbie, lilio and
ioweilul, and wltlial a tlilnklua inusl
rian whoso execution .-oms as a to
hide for the leal depth ol hlh louttp
tlon. Ilo has a rondfitul wilst, ami
t-eenicd to dellBhi In Lipid iiuiti and
tilli". Tor an eiieoio he plneil a.
'IVchaikowf-Uy iiumhui'. In thin ho was
not necoinpanicd, and kuu a dellKht
fill lenilition of thu dnlntv music, ills
peifoiinanti) ausiu.s well lor bin innilii,;
torn, and IMtthhiuoiH will wtlconio
hlni at his conceit heio thiH wlntef
The I'ltlribuit; Lender.
Frank P. Christian
Brock anil ftoiiil. Douchl anil bulJ on Commu
The "Ten Payjiient Gold
ids" of the National Life
Trust Co, are Guaranteed
flit Edge securities.
Call ot write foi paitiuilarg.
The Piortev of a Check, Accompanied
by a Demand for a Receipt, Does
Not Meet the RequUcments of a
Legal Tender, and, Theiefoie, Does
Not Stop the Running of Interest.
Awaid of the Judge Exhaust3 the
Funds In the Executot's Hands,
An opinion was handed down bv
JuiIko A. A. Voabtng In oi plums' couit
yestuulay In the mutter or the CHtato
of John J. lioduln, deceu-cil. The pio
cecdlnus Involve about fl.iiOn and the
question linohed Inn never heietofoio
been Rquaiely deckled. The opinion
Aflci i,Mi ilnc, tlniily mill lettil imtiic by
tnililli tlloii n icqulrtd y lm, 1 ainlikil Ihc
mtotint llkil liv I'Hilik Wil'lt. ctntitor, ill ,
iinJir the tlll of Julin l, (loilnln, dnciMil, .it
llic oiilim,' cunt uin, sinll(0p pi, on
rurMlji, .Noi. 1.', 1101, licfdnnlne it 10 .1. m.
1 lliul liom I In Milium lint tliH tril 1I01 illnl
on the asili tin of tlcirnilin, 1WI, tml the will
was luuliilnl .1 to 1, ivi, hut tin acionnl waj
f.lnl linlil .Ian 7 1VI7. N'othlnir nionn lo hue
botti ilonc in t lie w ly of the iltluninl of lliis
".tilt, tnilil tin iitc-nit uir, whin, in motion
of (oiitml for Mm J Iliortii, Kinriliiii of III
iniiiji ihlliliin of lvtci (ioibiin, ilccc wi. tliW
iiionnl v 11 eel ilown fir .unlit. 'I lie plnt t in tliN an lit, ii win tin r or nol liiUW't
flionlil ho illovud lliis ninllin, foi liU w irib,
on tie logioj to Ihcm in Hi" will of tins 'p-ntrt".
IhoiL h mi qn ion tint tint oiilinirib, a IfJ"
in lar Inlcrnt horn Ihc p tio I of om mr
nlcr die testator's dcitli
"M n tin 1 Matin, (I ., 07
l. Ill's tp, 2 l'i "..'I
Unlet I.-. .'-Ill llli, .1 (,'nuil. 111.
It I- lonteiKlnl, Iiuhmci, hi iiiuiiicl foi the
nrcountint, Hint In hK ncH Ihc Kinriliiii of
tin. minor dilMitn ot I'tPr Oolwiii, ilicei-oil.
Ins forfciloil tils right 1 iliiiiml Inlcrc t npii
the li(,nv tn lik u mi
lion Ihc itiilinn tukui it I lie luillt il rip
pens tli il limit one Mir nllci (he tctilor's
deilli, the oiiuilor ami ItU nttorni) tunl to the
store rf Mi llinmi, tin, t.iVlnp wltli
tlifin t tlioik Tml 1 receipt, mil tint Mi. Kroin
reln-ul In iiiilic the iliirk at lint tini", In-in.-hi-,
refn-il npnii Hie pronml tint lie propiscil to
on!c-t llic will 1 do not find fioni ll' nl
duiiii tint the iliedv was liimldl In Ml. ltrown,
lint he wis told it Hut I hue tint Him
retib lo pn the hiic Thcie does imt -ini
to line bent tin fuitlier ilrhnilc ic'loii npun
die put (f rllher pnli, until Hie 'n ni-r if
VII, whin (oun-il for the cninliill nili'l il 111'
ceiuloi tint tliM wl-hiil tin pild lie
thin ii'lleil the cilice cf Misi Willis and Toi- I
lij, fn llic (.tnidiin, md "-ii I tint I
he Iml not the inonei on linnl it thai lime to
piv the lofrui, md tint lie would not nil in-tue-t
upon it.
U hii terpie-t llic nnllri w is lift open f r t
lime, but is (he di-mito with lofeieme to Hie
intere-t eonld nol be imkilil iiljn-'ul, step
wiro tiken to bilnj; the nnllir lvinu th iiunt
for uljudiiilion I al-o llnd I'll in the iiuliiice
tint the mom j to pn Hie 1oj;k w i- d(,io-ilul
in hint at Hie time I lie a, unit nit oiTerei! to
pi it to the io mli in, pirt of it linini. I fen
idi mcfd hi tin ttiilnai Iecilie, but ihit it
wis iflirwirds I illnliaiui nrd phml tmd l lh"
r nut I ol ol Ihu luountinl mil llic H-lduir JiiJJ
tce Hie iikIiI of i leilie lo iutur.-l ifbr m e
Mil liom Hie ilntti of the tc-tilir. is fii I by
statute in tills Mile ct 21th Pclium, 1S1I,
iei- 51
TIiin fcclion of tint Ail mils is mlhwr:
"Lesiciu, a no Him be limited fir the pn
ment liieieof. Mi ill, m ill lases, le dcenuil 'o be
due and piiblo at Hio espil ilion of one jell
fioni Hie ilntli of the tisttlni."
So Ronn's iml Wright's p , 111 l'i (Jl. If
the money had been tcmlircil mil Hit i lipl in
liink anil nol mwstcil oi nndc pioduetiie in . nv
wat, T Miould liaie no lie-iltlUn in li il lnu tint
Hie nctounl ml ins not lnlili in inlcn-t. oi thu
Ictrici to tin (lulihin of lMir lioduin, ilfni id,
but is ww -aid m "piout'n p , lli'i Pi, niM"
411, 'Tin re is nolhiii,' lo show Hint tin' tunl,
or im put ot it, lias bem kept in hind uiiin
icMid, foi Hie purpo-e of Hurting llic Inhililv
in (iii-lien Poi niirht tint nppciiN It Ins Km
inn-lid oi olherwi-e prnliutiic nil die i 'die "
In tint i i-o the court lomimulcd upon the
fact tint llic ireniinlint did not n-k lnie In pil"
the niuio Into imiit that it might be line- id
under its dim. I ion. lint ionise was mtainb"
opin io Hie Tccniintiut III Hie i i-e at bu I ui
thcrmoii, not onl does it not lppni lint tins
nioiKi wis hi t on lnmi mil mil rodiicliM, top
Ihc purpose of niictinjr Hil leii, but time is
the ti-tinionv of Ml elolus tint the nimiM was
withiiriiin fiom built after the ufunl it Mi.
llroim to ticiiui il nt Hint lime, and tlirie I
alo the lestiniini of Mr? MiDonild, the molhu
of tho wink, i ho Miti, Hut the aci mutant
flid m Hie i Hue of .Ml. Wjlhs Hill lie hid
ued the iiionr.i, md tint he wintid time to
ral-e II. 'J lie tquilible pilniiplo imoked b llii
aieoiinlinl Hit wlure cue nf two innocent xr-i-ons
tiniht Miflu it liiu-l be lie who Ins been tile
lau-e il the luliil, Ins no i plication ill tins
rw, is it loi- not ippeu" lliat mi lujiuv
woull In i lu-id, elllicr lo Hie 'in oiiiitnnl or In
the liRilu, 1 .illowiiv iuliicst on the lenoi,
us the uionii hat. been flee foi lnutnicnt inn.
liU ill this time
It K nor lonliiiiltil thil thiio wa- i ktril
(tmlii ot this Iirii i tn tile Miililiiu bi till
ienilir, mil it i.ililnl dues li it lppcti 111 It
Hie uiiiiiuiiunt ol i lizil Iniilir wile lit'.
' I'o pule a did leu il tuiiKr m noiio. Ho
dibb i iiiu-t prodiKi the iiede Finn din, hi
c tn ii nl iiunt Midi a- i- In liw "utile !nd
leiulii, Iinl liiu-l leUiill olll'l II Is tin iliub
lot "
' Am . 1 ii.." 1'. of I iw, p 101.
Mldtloii i Domlikon, .. I'.i . . s,
NOT A MOM, 'il.Mir.l!
The nfli i of the ilucl., in till- i ie, wa- e niplid
Willi tin remiintiunl Hut a lmipt be --.nul,
wlikh nnkis ( i te ml. i upon n million, it I
lluieloH not ii h.'il Ur.iioi. .'' V ft il. 1". m
I i,. pn.0 VU
'llic Ufcct of I liinlii U lo -lull Hi 1 llllllllj
if interist,
l'i null, is IHili, 111 I'. , 1'
'lulhill s Mn 1 1.. H V . .'I
An I lids ippbii to u iHiilei by .11 i u'i itu
In a ksilie.
Miihin i. Valentine, u Dm, ( ) s
lint ai Miuwn b) tin llllhoiillii piiihu-iV
eilcd, tlieio wis no li'il lend, i In the exuu
loi In the li ilic in this ci-o, anil theicii io I mn
limbic In m ail Milid It isoii tot holdlnu; lint
iutirist sliould nit be iilluwul upin tills lejjiv,
I mill the Vit .lull I'.biuiii, lMI, (, fl,
tltcil abou, the time when thu h'suv bci.ino
due, w in fiid it one ejr limn llm ileub o the
ti.titoi, ami I c ,iu mi no iiii-eii foi huldllu
tint am .nt upuii llie part oi the peieon In
whom this tnoiii w.i pij.iblc, would Ibo
liinnlm; of InUli-t Ihiiion, whieii would lot
line Ihu same i lit 1 1 in i-e of i noti, li olh-r
Intrrr.-t In Jl Ins olilIillii
II will lindl bu iliimul Hul If Hie linker
ot a nolo went to the pijio at Hie injlutlly if
It, iiml told him lint he hid a ilicik wltn liim
to piy Hie nole in i.tse Hio paec would sin a
uceipt in lull, this would be tuili i l(il Under
as tn suspend the iinmlii? InlcuM Ihcuon I ion
tlicieioie of the opinion tint Intcu.t Mioiild be
alloufil In Jnlm llinwn, Liunllaii of the minor
eliiMiui of Peter (iodwlu, ducn-nl, npj.i tho
Ii.'id of i?l,i'i, le-s Hie iuliull iiii'ii
lis if s'lio, liom oiio fH allci llii di.illi of
Ihc luliloi, llic iircmmt (.lum a luhuco if'iiUs, frcni nlikli imut be rlulutul ilm
bill of tlm cleik of thu orpliins" lomt, oi vt I,
foi tiljuilli.iliou bo iml ailnHUlm; the audit,
kavliil- i Inlmci foi ilWribiitlou of $3,0i"ii.
It inpeiu b ihu .trcoiint Hut the nihil liv
iiiei ill tin) will Of tlic tet-tJlnr, line IcC.I
pihl, k I .ti.-urd this um of l.fisioj ti loin ,l
Hi own, of Mjo, t'atlidim John .md
IMir liodiilu, minor ililldicn of IMa f.idiiln,
ikccitcil, on accocitl uS Hielr lesuo. 'llik ev
lututu the lund.
I lefralu ticni iviiein; any opinion in Uus
rtpoit lm midlllm; julge, as to the mil hod of
110111111?- tlm piimcnt ol lh ball nee (Juo in IhU
kiiae, leiviuK Hut inatbr foi Jctlou by ll.u
t out t , in un jppioprijlc procrrdln;.
The uudlt in tho estato of John Jl.
Grlcr, deceased, was heard by Judge A
A. VoiihuiKf ?hleiday In the orpluint'
point, OeoiRo K. lloin, ec(,, appealing
for tho accountant. '
In tho estate ot .leiemlah 13. Itvnirr
deceased, niKitniutit of rouimcl will
lirnnl, thu Miiloim couillrtliiK Intel chIk
hrlnpr lepiesented by Attomuyn t'. It.
Pitcher, V. A. Wilcox. T. P. Duffy, W
H, Jcpsup, Jr., und M. P. Caw ley.
Special Union Seivicc to Re Held
In Elm Pnik Chuicii.
The t'ontrul city union Thanksglvimt
rpi"v1lc on Thuisday will ho held In tho
i:iin I 'ink MelhodlL llplHcniml ehuich
at 10 SO o'clock, when tho congroKiitlonH
of that church, and of tho Penn Ave
nue Haptlst, C'tiMio ltefoiiued Kplsto
pnl, fjetond l'lesibytcilan, draco I,utb
eiar"and Calvary Rcfmmcd I'hnrthps
will unite In kIvIiip; pinlso to AlmlRhty
Ood lor tho blosslUBH of the past jour.
Tho sei moil will bo pi cached by (lev.
Luther lles WaihiB,, p.iNtor of Grate
Lutheiuu ihuich, und Hpeclul iminlo
will be lendered by tho joint rhohH of
tin.' Hlx ehuicliep. Any pei.son desllollH
or glvhiR lood or money to luinlsh the
poor of .the elty with Thunkaglving
Lheer eiiu do so on WudneBduy aftei -noon
when u couimltteo will tecelve
tontilbutlous In tho basement of IJIni
l'.uk (liurcli.
A siicclal pialHo set vice will bo t on
ducted In the First Piesbytcilan chinch
on Thuisday morning at 11 o'clock,
when a ourinon will be dell voted by tho
pastor, Hev. James Mcl.iod, D. D., and
eluboiate muslu icndeied by an uub
mented choir under thu leadeishli) of
Pi of. John T. Wntkinn.
At St. Luke's i:plscopa chinch thcie
will be holy lonimunlon at 7.10 o'clock
and mornliifi: prayer, holy cominuuion
and heimou by tho pastor, Ttcv. llosois
tsiaul. D. V, at lOUO o'clock. Contil
butlons of food and money will bo le
relved In the parish house on Tutsday
attei noon.
Mass will bo eelebiatcd in St. Pelci's
cathodial at C, 7 and 8 o'clock in the
moi nlng.
Gieen Ridge Wheelmen and Scranton
Bicycle Club Lead the Bicycle.
Club's Bowling League.
The Ulcycle Clubs' Howling league
sanies, which weie scheduled foi to
nioitow nislit, weie l oiled last night
instead, on account of Thanksgiving.
The Otcen Ridge Wheelmen's team lost
two games to tho No. 2 West lhid team,
and the Scranton Blejcle club live won
all tin co s.imi's fioni the No . West
Knd team. Thlb tic'5 them with tho
Gieen llidge team for first place.
Tho Green P.ldge Wheelmen's team
just b.nely escaped losing all three
games at Wilkes-Barto, winning- tho
second game by only two pins. The
VVIsT 1,D '.'
Toi ll-
Unkc-ctr 12ij l.i, 17s li)
fin l'i. UI IV. lit
lluntei lsJ 117 1IJ I7"
I iml Iin II" no tin
I U l)iil us in 171 ..j
7(-' 7111 771 :.MI
(.liH.S HIDf.l
it puis p,i u; l.n 4ii
Kowi-on m in, in am
l'nid 1. 1 l- I'iJ lh.1
I'liipnnn IK, I li III . 17
Mcol SiV 1ln li) "(is
757 7n7 7a" Z2YI
Tho Sci anion IJievele club team didn't
hiwo much tiouble in wlmiing all tlnco
games tiom the Weht I'nil No ,'! team,
though neither Mdu did any bowling to
boast about. The scoie"
Mlr l.M) NO
I old..
Ilollnn 17i, ll !J, J
Whitiuuti lil) Us HI un
Ilibn 1.'.' ill 111- "
llemiett U'i ll'i l.t. llii
kill lea 115 J I" Un t,
Tis His 17s i)i
scitwiov nioMii: t i.un
lot Is.
Trior 1 Us 111 IIS
st.iii" 117 I D IV i l.'ii
Wullv HI 17' 17n rl
lleinnlds 171 Jl I lit 1 17
Illi-s ll 1".7 I") IV,
"Vl 7U, 7-7 2iii
The (.landing ot tho chilis in this
league is now as follows:
Won lo-l i .'.
liieen llidsc Wlicrlimn 7 " V!
Ser niton lliiile Club 7 ". .-.-I
Wi-t Km) .No . b ii ",00
Vil hml No. !l I s .11
Acknowledges Receipt of Recordei's
Telegram of Condolence.
ltecoider W. L. Council ycsteuluy ie
(elvtd thu following formal res-ponse
io bis telegram of condolence ,enl to
JIis. MeKinley upon the death or tho
pieslde'nt al Ilufuilo two months ago:
"Mip. MeKinley aoknow ledges with
guileful nppieclatlon tho tender e
pichslon ol sjmpathy etended to her
in her .soiiovv."
The above was pilntul on a h iml
some l'nid edged with libit k und dated
at Canton, O.
It Tnkee Watchful Caie to Pioperly
Roast a Tin key.
AVh not peiniit llanlo) to picpaic the
salad, entices, cieani and pudding?
Vour oiileih will letflve piompt titttn
1 ru and Intelligent lultlllnioni, at l.'O
Opinio Mi eel, '
' -.
If the Hen Is Old and Tough on
Don't complain. SinoHo "lKiuy tho
rouilh," nil Havana clgais, after the
pluiu pudding and you'll tcil happy.
O'll.ira's, Ul Spiuco stieel
Thanksgiving- Ice Cieam Oideis.
A mutual advantage will be deihtd
by ndvlBlng Itunley of jour lequho.
inepts, at tint euillest possible moment.
'Phono in call l.'O Spiuco sheet,
The popular Punch cigar Is still th
leader of the lOo clgais. "
Cleveland Impioving.
11 l.ulusho Wlic fiom 'die Atsoeialeil I'tt.i
Prlncclim, . J, Nov, .1 -llvl'icsldcnt Cleio.
land will be able In leave hU mom in a lei." ilaj-.
A Slshhrid) l Not Completi
will out J shine; ot
I ills. Nor ii .i par
lir ullhout i iiiino
.f ii i: roNsKiiv.v
lt'U will teach . on
Inw to jic it
HOCHMAN, Jt tlio
rjikli llon.c torn -ii.
low tonlxht, will
illOM" 0l, tOO.
J Mfred Peunliii;.
tui, l)iietor.
j Sr
Lectin e Was Deliveied Befote the
Catholic Histoiical Society in the
Knights of Columbus Club House.
Declared That the Ameiican Citi
zen Who Is a Catholic Is a Better
Ameiican Because of His Religion.
Lecturer Tendered a Reception by
Knight? of Columbus,
I'll it A"MHlaht Dlstikl Attorney
John .1. Dclamy, of New Yotk county,
who Is letognlzed as one of the best
political speakers In that home of po
litical oi alms, revealed himself In an
other light befoie the members of the
Catholic Histoiical society, last night,
ami pioved that be can lulng his bril
liant poweis Into play with gicnt suc
cess as a speaker on other than politi
cal themes.
He dollvoied n lectin e on "The Catb-olIc-Aineiican
Cltlen" befoie an au
dience which completely filled tho nil
dltoilum at tho Knights of Columbus
club house and an audience which deni
onstiiited Its uppit'clutlon of the lec
tin or by piolonged upplnuse at rie
qtient Intel vuls. Mr. Dcbiney was in
troduced bv Second VIce-PtesldenL
John J. Murphv. who lefeucd biielly
to the fact that he was at one time a
pupil of the late Hev. D. J. MacGold
ilek, the tocicly's former model ator.
The memoiles of this cultured Clnis
tian gentleman which Mr. Muiphy's
lemaikh biouglit up, caused teais of
soi low to well up Into the ejes ot
many pieseut and Mr. Delaney blm
sell was sbiy affected as be refencd
in passing to the Influence which Hie
dead priest had wrought upon his life
in beginning his lcmaiks, Mi. De
laney answeied those ciltics who say
that il Is not light to speak of the
Catholic American, the
Ameiican or the Hebievv-Ameiican.
All ate citizens, these gentlemen sav.
and It Is entliely contraij- to the spliit
of Amciicanlsm to attempt to classify
holds it is PRornrt.
Mr. Delaney aigued that It Is pu
fectly pioper to luqulie Into the lellglon
ol an Ameiican citizen for tho purpose
of ascertaining whether be holds 10
llglous beliefs I bat me not inimical to
place and good older. He then went
on to show that the Ameiican citizen
should be a man who has a code of
moials founded upon lcligton.
"Tlieio can be no moialltv," said
be, "without lellgion. It is the pioud
claim of the Catholic church that sbo
presents foi the con.sidetation of the
woild the gieatest code of morals that
mankind ever knew. By this code of
moiuls we, as Catholic citizens of this
countiv. aie governed as were our
forefatheis befoie us and as will be our
childicn in the days to come.
' The Catholic chinch is a force In the
woild for the good ot the woild. The
Catholic chinch has alwavs taught that
hei childicn must obey law tul authoi
ltj" when that law tul authoiitv acts
within lawful lights, and it will ever
lontiuue to teicli them so.
"I make the statement, after due de
liberation," he continued, "thai a citi
zen of this countiy ought to be a better
Catholic because he is an Ameiican,
and ought to be a better Amei lean be
cause he is a Catholic."
Mi. Delaney then went on to point
out bliellv just what this countiy owes
to Catholic onteipiie and ial. He
stated that Amei lea was dlsuiveied
and first opened up bv Clulstoplier
Columbus, a Cathode, who consecialed
it to the Catholic cause. It was Catho
lic mlssionailes, bo .said, who (list dis
tovcied and expoied its vallcjs, plains,
livois and mountains, and it was IiisU
Catholics who plajed a most impoit
anl puit in the opening up of the La
west in Hie (.in Iv piit oi the nineteenth
eentui y.
One of the slgnci.s of the Decimation
ol Independence and one ol the most
geneious t ontilbtitois to the continen
tal cause dm lug the llevolutlonniy
war, ho said, was Chailes I'm i oil, ot
Cauollton, a Catholic, and it was
Catholic Fiance that came to the young
nation's assistance and helped bet win
hei vlctoiy lor llbertv.
Ml, Delaney lh one ot the men on
whoso head the uno is expected to diop
In New Yoik on or about .Tmiuaiy I.
Last night be made a few uinaiks
about leloimcis. What he .said was
substantially as follows:
'The piotesslonal retorniei gennally
goes about with an iuilalcd bialn lull
of the belief lliat he can wipe out tho
customs and usages ot j-eais and j-cais,
between sunilse and sunset. It Is only
tho philosophical icloiini'i. and his
tilbe Is veiy senile, who lealles that
U'toims can only lie Inought about
slowlj and graduallv."
Following the lectin e, Mr Delauev
was teudeied an lnfoimal ice option by
tho ineinbeis of Sciantnn mime 11,
Knights of Columbus, l which otgan
Uatlon be is n pionilncnt member.
He was entei tallied at dinner tally lit
tho evening at the homo ot A. J. I'ascy.
The lollovvlng gucsls wete piesiml: A.
J. Healey, le O'Mallev, P. J.
t'asov. Wlllinin Kellv, Itobcit Muiiay,
Joseph O'llilen, W. F Shean Dr.
Dolan, A. J. Case), llcv ,1 J (lilllin
and James Fleming.
Sweet Cider,
Fin Thanksgiving, nl Hveiltt Uios,
gioeeis, i,0J Adums avenue.
i m
Snioko the popular Punch lOo. cigar.
Huyler Novelties, iuex
pensive. Fiuest Fruits,
Vegetables, Fancy Groce
ries, Champague Cider,
Cigars &c, Our stock is
most complete and repre
sents nearly every civilized
couutry on the Globe,
E. Q. Coursen
Wholesale and Retail.
Annual Event nt Gieen Ridge To
moriow Night,
Tho lenth annual recital of the music
pupils ot St. Paul's Pitiochlnt school
will bo held al Green Ridge. Thanks
giving evening- nl 7.:k o'clock, In the
school hall, following Is the pin
ri amine:
I'llluc rintinln:.' Wiillr llmfel
Violins Alnj dns (Ireiur, bngine 111 ike, .to
epti MiTirw, .lonien W.ibli, t'linels l.iilz,
llllicl Kcniiiik. Mute Ibcr. Minfiicl l'ir
mison, Hnrcmo Tiilliinn, .bitli bnllU", bo.
I ell I Powell,
f'ello ThoiHH lliocU.
Mlnilolltw-Mlllle UikcflcM. Nellie VtiDoii.
util, Ann i I'.ulileti.
Hull itf Ai;nei tanntl, I'loirnee Wake
field. Plum Aoncti llklniib. Muiiirct .lotilm.
itliu n'lii; , ., .Ciirlllt
(Iricc Hc.N'ally.
Cuckoo .. ,. bnilRC
Miry bull.
t.cs lVlliols MicililiCK
Alien li'enneilj .
siulllin; biml'eiiie taiifto
Kit!'" lllCs.
Wall? . Maelt
Theodore Klnsl.
Miirry Pule --tiethboc;
I'iiri ne ttol mil.
U inilctiiiff in Dreamland filioni') '-lailj
hcnioi" pupil.
HMint keliors Ileiiunonl
Kitlc Mnirat.
'pinturllMl bllnienrcttli
Vim i V iv Spilrer.
Hie 1'iiirles Will? ....I'ridhatn
Ii,r Cinlct.
spilns lllowni' llillci
sude Kilb.
Vluri Vniciiem niiiili (iloliiij) Wbeelei
Vloriciu Pit 'lion Wil'on
.Nilllc (lllllsiu
ltilip Lldmer
sum FilJsimmon
".Noner M Col lo Thee"
lellsJ HlltlA
Mijb.llV l'( il Scwcu
1 1 ink Ce.stillo.
lleeitillou loilii-. fiicwer
louli Mn Urlinet
Nillle McDonnell.
VI I ir&t Heart's 'sirrow Ucnbers
1 thel litiuieil:.
flie Two Iniltatloii (nperMli) bldrld?e
.Junior pupil'.
Morning- Hondo Du -ek
Helen Iloliud
Donne lliimitii liuuifelikr
Mule "-nlft
II up 11 Mlilnn,!i( Aubrey
Allies lllelnrils
lleirl Wishes bietmcr
llefslc Dw.icr
TniKciiptlon ttocrtlcler
rioreiicc Wakifield.
Merceaus IlrllliuU stiealibog
r. D'lliii, C. kelli, K. 'mitli
C'ln.-iiij: ItutU'illlus biclmer
Vilt I.oiraine spencer
Joicpiillic Kinmt.
Mireli, VirgiiiiU', Icon
Moonlight on the llud-oii Wilson
lb all Ice llaidui
'-plunlinr, Wheil Spmdlcr
(Iiiiciieie Killy.
Moonlight in the I orest Meter
Vlir-Jiet .lonliu
Nisht ffefore TlmiWiiing (ncitation)
.lames G1 in.
Kill ll liny -imlli
iu i f'uldcn.
The Mltnticl llov Pipe
1 loicnce SMiiitb.
Natioml chorus CU-a
Fine Neckwear
A furnishing store
doesn't grow without a
reason doesn't increase
its business month after
month, year after year,
without the best of
Good goods make a
good store; best goods
make the best store.
Although we've had a
steady growth we're
growing yet, and its the
high class of merchan
dise we sell thats doing
A ginnd gathering of bright,
new neckwear fiom the
world's best makers is here
for the holiday season.
Narrow four-in-hands, made
from the very newest patterns
in stripes and neat flguies,
English squaws, laige, full
shapes, that tie up beautifully
handsome silks, $1.50, $2.00,
Ascots for infoimal wear
either white, peail or black;
choice silks, $1.50.
I BrwKiiiuii Anir
Wo have a line ol Handsome I louse Shoes that make your
eyes dance. A special Thanksgiving sale we offei
Men's, Womenfllisses' and Children's Shoes,50c
Infants, at 10 Cents.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
: Oils, Paints and Varnish
i MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
141-149 Meridian Street. T
Resumption of Sunset Limited Sei
vlce Between New Yolk, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sea
son 1001-10093.
Commencing Noronibcr mi mid each
Tuesday, Thuisday ntul Hutmdnv
Ihcionftoi. the Washington untl South
western Limited, operated dully be
tween New Yoik, Philadelphia and
New Orleann via the Pennsylvania
Hnllrond mid Southern Hallway, lciv
Ing Philadelphia, Hroml stieot station
nl ii Ti'i p. tn., composed of dining, Pull
man diawlng-iooin, sleeping, observa
tion ntul llbnny ems, In addition
will entry n special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman diawlng-rootn lompait
mont sleeping car to lonneot with tho
Sunset Limited operated between New
Oi leans mid Han Finuclsco.
Thu cclebinled turns-continental ser
vice offered by these IttMiiluus trains
makes a trip to thu Put'lflo coast nol
nnlv veiy quick, but most delightful.
Charles L. Hopkins, dlstilct passen
ger agent, Southern Railway, 3J1
Chestnut sticet. Philadelphia, will bo
pknsed lo fiunlsb all liifoimatlon.
Phst National Bank, Sciantou, Pa.
Wc desire to Infoi in the public that
on and after Fildny. November 2!,
1901, the business of llils bank will be
tondllcled in the building foimeily oc
eilplcd by Course in demons cc Co, lo
cated nt No. 4JJ Lackawanna avenue,
Scimiton, Pa.
This temporal y lcmovnl Is necesfaiy
for the puiposc of electing n now bink
building on the pi cent piemlses. which
we will icoccupy when the building ia
.r. A. IJnen, Picsldent.
Isaac Post, Cashier.
Benefit of Young Ladles' Society.
Miss lU'atilce Hei foid, the inonolo
glst, will give nn entoitalinnent at the
nlcycle club bouse, Tuesday evening,
Dec. ri. under the auspices, of Hie Young
Ladles' society of tho Fitsl Piesbytei-
bin church.
There's a Surety of Piuity at
Ueinember this when oulcilng jour
Thunksglvlng pudding, iced a cams, en
trees or Ices. 'Phone or leave join oi
deis nl 420 Spruco street. '
Dr. N. Y. Leet Has Removed
His offices fiom the Flist National
Hunk building to coiner "Wjoming ave
nue and Spruce stieet. over Dime bank.
Hull mice on Spiuco Ml eel. "
Dr. S. C. Snjder, dentist, has re
moved to 12S Adams nvnuc. ,
Smoke tho Pocono Dc. cigar.
A fine selec
tion of the
choicest New.
York State
Turkeys. Our
prices are
the lowest of
any house
in the city.
The Scranton
Umbrella Manufacturing' Co.
We I lake ti iplei, icpali mil iccnui tinilrel
lis tnd piH-iil- oi ilillunit inlnis it iijsomMc
pilti-. Wo oiiaiaiit e all om vt :k.
313 Spruce Street.
You wll be thankful to us
lor reminding you that bad
weathei is coming and you
need your feet well shod.
For Indoor Wear
You vvll lip th.inkfnl lei itc S
I Collars and
to Embroider
Ladies1 call at once
and secure sonic of our
elegant impoitcd hand
kerchiefs and collars to
embroider. The latest
Cramer- Wells Co., f
13" Wyoming Avo.
'Phone 353-3.
If your woik keeps you out oJ
doois the popular head covering- to
wear Is a cap. One of the warm kind
that can bo diawn down over tli
eais 03 tho weather glows coldci. A
laige assortment at
"A Gentlemen's Purnishei"
305 Lackawanna Avenue
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, Etons, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and rainy
day Skirts. Our prices are reason
able. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion. Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
432 Spruce Street.
i Sf
SiipcIiiI null liiio is to jour piiMi
ami need . Our
Stock (a exceptionally gooil iptallty for thi price.
Small 6uin9 t ilk blr nml line much ttrcnjtl'
smoug-5t cur SuooOiublo ciiferingrf.
.ii3 Spruce Street.
Our efforts
as caterers to
the beauty and
comfort oi the
home, rewarded
by the applause
of an ever in
creasing pat
ronage, we have
cause for
Store Closed All Day
frrsmi itaire
iVrl W -i
'( .'
At.1 -.".