The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    Vv4p A ; sf-biffH fyW- & '. " . - ';&
'-sftT ftt--,',
'JHi SrI . 5, f itVWftflCWftl. -v n7T" "?. u
KiL .JiW'4
M p-.-.-n.i.
tlVV R. lltCHAtlt), lMllor.
O. T. !IVX!li;i:, nutlnc Minisof.
Nw Yotk Oltk! If) JCiMau ' vm..n,p,,
J.'nltrci at tlie PiHlolilen nl Vrnnton, l .
(crond Cl, Mull .Matter.
ttri nimo: unci tlie ron.lltlnn pi'if'J'iil , ."I
eplnnev In that nil contribution dull bo Mibjcrt
'n rdltorlal revision.
II f rollnnlne tatile fbow-t the prior pot liifh
(li Invrlion, p.irc tn lie iil nltliln titii Jf".
Wl.fn tpif will trmU Tlie Tribune '''
nli.l tn print l.orl Icttrm ficm ll frlrn!t '"
ins on riirnrit Icpte.". Iiul ti-i role K1'11.1. KJ
t.l I.- .t....1 r..t .,t,l,ll,f frirt. III- 1I1G WTllCr
,M "
Lniti tliun COO Indies
i'in Inrlitf
10OO "
nnoo "
For rnrili of tlimiU, tcMliillnrH nl roncMcniys
liil flmllir crntrllititlnn In tin- natuin of ml
mtllng The Trlbuno main. a chuige ul 0 cenw
It."tr for CIj.wMoiI Aclvciluin? turnlslicil on
Si'llANTO.V. NOVKMHKIS i7, ltY'l.
Attorney arm-nil l-'.lkln evidently
takes no stni-lc in tin- tlit-ot-v that Sen
ator (jimy Ih 11 hack nunihor. 1 It; nays:
"Qtmy foitld sot up nt midnight, in hiss
puJiiiniiM, ami wipe tlio around with all
of us. t .'-mil as Quay lives lie will be.
tlie runnier" Let us liope. then, that
Quay will 1 1 v Imiiij and ocpiiMloniilly et
up at nildnlsht.
The Principal Point.
1i' TIIK solution of Heranlnn'.s watef
Mipuly problem In to be souirltt
llnoush oompetltloa of private
Lompnnles. tlie .ueheme ti Intro-iluci-
water fioni Wa.vne eountv is as-'
ilau.ihle as any. ami tho.-e ilesiilag to
jutt I heir inanej in it can k ahead at
imy time. All they need Is mom y and
11 eliurter and with the money ehipped
In. netting u eharter Is easy.
It Is 11 question, thoimh. iC the time is
not here to eonilder serloiihlv the pur
ihase or a plant by the oily. .Mr. f-Ynui-ton's
plant is as ;;ood a plant as nm be
limnd. Some years a so he otYeied to
!-fll. AVhether or no h is ol the .same
iiiind now ean doubtless be aseei tallied.
AVe dare say he would be kIiiiI to s-ell If
ol'feied his jii lee. Hut even If lie should
not eare to sell ai this time the law, It
is believed, provides 11 method wiiereby
he eould be reuulied to sell by on
ileinnation ami appraisement
It i i'or the publie to eonsider
vllether it wants munieipal ownership
ii'id manaenienl of its wat-r supply;
whether I hi; experiment woulil be ex
pedient. That under prudent man.iKe
inent the eity eould lower the piesent
nites and yet earn a prolit suinelent for
tixed eharges, upct.ittiiK expenses and
sinklm? tuml seems a leasonable belief.
The real question is, Are the probabil
ities Rood thai prudent manaijemenl j
would be a peimanen: leature ol.
municipal eoutrolV
That Is the real noinl 10 he eontiil-ei.-d.
Theie will piobably be no bomb.ird
nicnt of Colun. The spaee wliieh tno
foreign warship eommanders will allow
the Panama gunneis to shoot at Is en
tirely too small
One Year in Cuba.
THK seeret.iry of war'. leview
of adniluistrative proBies!
made in Cuba during the last
tiseal vear Is u doeument
which all Amerleans mny r-ad with
plide. Here are some of the faets it
s"ls turth:
Following th; plan 01 steadily traiu
irig the people in performing the duties
nt government, the organization of the
litral guard has been peifeeted. and
that body luis been plai ed under one
bead, and now includes a total of l,:soi)
men and ollieers. armed with modern
1 arblnes and well mounted. The mu
nicipal police, which during the forma
tive stage weie supported fioni the
general fund, have been placed llnally
lipon the proper and Intended footinff
of Mipporl by the municipalities them
s'ives. In older that upon the with
draw. il of our troops the island may not
In; without 11 force competent to take
ehatge of her coast foi titleatlons, sev
eral (ompanles of Cuban troops have
been organized, which, while main
tained at Insular expense, are assigned
to our coast artillery companies In the
island as second platoons tor the pur
pose of Instruction and discipline, and
10 lit them for the duties of coast de
fense. Theie has been a gieat reduction in
the number of asylums and pauper lu
st itutloni. Heggars are practically un
known In the Island. Then; tuo sup
jioited by the state :si hospitals, con
taining -,Slt beds, Sis tralnlm; schools
for female nurses havo been established
Hun nf Millinr r.'n
lipr ItMillns
A .2?J
.10 .2!
.1G .175
.I". 17
IS .!.
under the tuition of American trained Kestions and recommendations relative
nurses, with Cuban girls as pupils, with t ulu impiovement of our propaied
icsular courses, examinations and do- wm f01. Wll. n sudden einergency
gices. The government training schools Htamp Kllhu Itoot as pro-emlueiitly tho
for hoyn ami girls have been enlarged, j ai,Iest and most practical army exeeu-
The".)iureau for placing indigent ehll
dren has during the year returned over
I.Mi) children 10 their 1 datives and
placed 137 In other lanillles, The lepers
of the Island have been gathered Into
two Institutions, and tho total number
under treatment Is now 1111. Six pil
Mito Institutions assisted by tho state
lontilin :iC-' aged pom. IMenslvo Im
pioveuicnta have been inndo In the In
sane asylums, nmi they now contain sns
Inmates, Tho prisons havo been re
paired and improved, and each Jail has
beeii.provhled with 11 physician and tho
ucccjH.stiry medicines. School instruc.
tlonlpas been luuub'iinitcd in tho larger
Kxjenslve repars of fctiects uud aanl
t.iiy.'work lutvo been dona In Ilubnun,
Santiago, cieiu'uegoH, and Santa Clara,
Sewerage and paving plans Havo been
loiniiletoit and adveitlsed for, and tliu
1 onU'iiel has been awarded, Plans have
hcen'jiropured for hnibor impvovemeniB
at Mutaiuns, and a contract for Ki.'O,
W) Huh been awaided for the deepen
ing of the harbor at Ciudenas. Impor
tant first-cliisa lights Imvo been estah
llahed nt Colorado lleefa and Uahla
Uondii on the north coast of Cuba, and
many harboiH havo been buoyed and
properly marked,
Public schools have Increased In oitl
1 lency. There are I'.'l boards of educa
tion fleeted by the people. The system
hg necu' kept entirely put of polities,
Tltc Work of rti.inptitR tltp old harrnt-ks
throtishtiut the Islniul Into nchool
hotisoa hits iromefincd, mid $!,"t,u00 lnive
been o.v)jendril upon thlrt work during
Mie year with good results, A thorough'
ly lnoderu nuliitnl is now tituler eon
F.lruclltm tit Santiago l oopt SSO.mM.
Ono In lliihauit Iiiih i' mount, with a
niorlern ktnderRarten, tnainiul-lralnlng
hranch, 2 syinnasltttiiM, unit baths.
I.mge sehooln luivo boc oslnhllF.hetl
by rhutigcM in govet'iuncnt bulldlnijR
at (tiiliice, I'lniir del 111m, Mnlturtie,
Clego do Avlht (iiul Colon. Tho llrst ex
hibit of Cuban school wtnk ever made
Was ill the Piin-Ameilenn exposition nt .
Ullffitlo, where It received over SO mod- I
ills There tile now over 3,000 teachers
employed, with an nveragi; enrollment
of lhO.000 and 1111 nvurago nttundntice of
110,000 scholars. The teachers have Im
proved. Theie has been 11, large in
ciease In the number of putills In the
univeislties and the provincial Insti
tutes, which have been provided with
new laboratories and well eqtilppped
with the best modem itppllani es. tieu
erally, (he schools now In existence are
well supplied with modern books and
the most modern furulluie.
Extensive slate aid has been fur
nished Indigent rarmerH by the distri
bution of cattle, and over 10o,OM fann
ers have been assisted in thin way, An
expert has been sent from Cuba to
Washington to study diseases pievalent 1
among the animals of the island, and
his work has been attended by good re
sults, (ilandcrs, formerly prevalent In
the island to an extent unknown in
other countries, ban been practically ,
eradicated, A systematic combat with
tuberculosis, which has one of the larg
est death rales, has been Inaugurated. I
Systematic vaccination against small
pox is going on throughout the out lie
island. Tlie death rate trom malaria In
the huge towns has been much reduced ,
by sanitary Improvements. The east
ern part of the Island is eutiiel free)
fioni yellow fever. The western part is
practically flee, theie being but a tew
eases in or about Havana. This di ended
disease has passed trom one of the
leading causes of death to on" or the
least lrequeiit. The 1 eduction of the
death rate in llubana. alone, as com
pared with the former death rate,
.shows an average of approximately
:t,7(i0 lives per year saved, and Fl.ibana
has changed Its position 'trom among
the list of the most unhealthy cities to
one of the most healthy.
Tlie only dlieetion in which the secie
larj's report is not wholly encouraging
is in tlie administration of justice.
There has, he says, been a general Im
provement but tlie courts aie .still far
from what they should be. flood Judges
are hard to lind. Nor is the jury sys
tem working well. improve
ments coin" slowly and tall for
Financially Cuh.i is in fiiir shape.
Last year her revenues weio M7.107,
Sfifi.l and her expenditures, S17,"S.",
'Ml.'i.r:,",. The lobaieo 01 op will lie less
than last year on account of bad mar
kets and low pi ices. Tlie sugar ciop,
on the other hand, will be much larger.
Ono hundred and fifty-seven planta
tions are in operation, and tlie crop of
growing 1 line will produce over SOO.eOfl
tons of sugar as against fiin.OuO tons lat
year and .lOS.r.n tons the year befoie.
Thirty-seven new mines have been sur
eyed and located, and L'Sl.tiDO tons of
ore have been shipped to the Culled
Stales. Two bundled and sixly-thiee
thousand doren sponges were gathered
in I lie sponge fisheries.
. .
Secretary Root's Report.
TUK VAU'i: of It is our a
(use for tlie large spine this
morning given to tho annual
icpoit of the secretary of
war. la many respects this is the most
important document ever emanating
1'iom the war department. To read it
carefully is a civic duty.
Foremost in human interest is the
secretary's earnest plea for early ac
tion by congress toward reciprocity
with Cuba. Tnless the planters of that
island can find a profitable market for
their sugar and tobacco, ruin will
spread over It, tho good work our sol
dieis and administrators have done in
Cuba will bo undone and the last es
tate of her people will be worse than
their tirst. The only available market
is tho United States. Hut "under the
existing prolsluns of our tariff tho
prices which tan be realized for Cuban
sugar and a large part of Cuban
tobacco In ibis inaiket are not sulllclent
to pay the duties, cost of transporta
tion and production and iclcl a living
prolit to the producer." A reasonable
1 eduction In our duties upon Cuban
sugar and tobacco In exchange for fair
ly compensatory 1 eductions of Cuban
duties upon American products would,
Jlr. Hoot shows, ho as advantageous to
us as It would be to Cuba, and it is
Cuba's only salvation.
The plan outlined lor the better train-
nB 0f army ollieers and also the sug.
live In recent years. They command
immediate Indorsement.
The whole report is packC'd full of
According to tho annual icpoit of the
secretary of war, made publie yester
day, tho regular military establishment
of tlio United States now consists of
ii.i'.'ifl ollieers and "ti.OS enlisted men, be
sides 1,810 men of the hospital corps, t"
volunteer Mirgoons in the liilllpplnes,
I,!i73 native scouts under the command
of US ollieers in the Philippines, and 25
otIlcci'H ami blU ineu of-the Potto Uicn
ptovislnnal u-Bhueul. Tim distilbiition
of our military forco is iih lollows.: n
tho United States, J, !):' ollieers uud ,'ll,.
!C2 enlisted men; in tho Philippines,
1,111 and -M2S; In Culm, lfi'S and I.7IS;
In Porto Wen, 51 and 1,100, In Hawaii,
J anil J50; In China, fi and l"i7, and In
Alaska, 17 und 310.
The fiction of U10 panel in 1I114 Hem.
pie ease Is another oonoluslvo proof
that it Is no trouble for U10 average
Jury to disagree upon a clear t-aie.
Tho now recorder Hi own fceouits to
Imvo made u very pleasing impression
upon the Plttsburf first ulghtcis.
" c
The Chinese exclusion enthusiasts up.
pear to experience dlltleulty In llndlus
anyone to argue with.
ll.i-iiiiulcil nuhi I'.ikc 1
'IV, -.:,l,. I,,,- .l,r lilnmlrl- illll IllutP linMli
eihir.ill.m nl our iiillltiii Mncrr tlie follnAlnir
Bitictiil i.I.b-ic of lnsttticllon I1.11 been llllltlltH!
Ilifio tlinll m, Ixxiilc lli Mllllur) Acul'iiiy
Wul IVInt, tin- lollnWliis coliools for the Imita
tion f nllkcrii In tin- unnj 1 , , ,
1. At l' llll lllllltlirj Ml I.II l.lll(CI8 sclinnl 'ol
clcimiit-iry Instruction In tbrory nin 1 IiMiilic.
-.'. Spi-cMl KTlc fcliiml" ml II"' Artlllcr
.V iio.,1 nl Foil Mi'liiiK', V.i (It) Tbu l.iiln'cr rf Apptli-ntliiii. Wiislilnuti'ii lljii'1'l.-i. I.
('. (li 'Hip Sclicml "f Siibmailii" PofiliM', I ort
Toitin, .S. Y. (1) 'I ho du!ul ot Atipl intlon lor
Cmlry iii'jl lirlil Attlllir.i, it Fi-rl llllrj, Unn.
(i'l 'I'ik Armv Mulldil S-liciol, W-Klihulu-.i, 1). V.
A. A Sadie stall i-ulkec "1 ' 'l
l.f.u enwotlli, Kjn. , , .
4, A wiir u.llritr, fm tlio int nihflinnl In
xliiutinii, .it Wn"lil"ttl"ii llarni'rv", U. .
llii- Wiir mllrsi- li ill be iimln Hi" hiiincllalr if 11 liiunl of Ibc (Miccii clc-ljllnl fnnii
Ilic Jtnij- .it I.HL''' nmi the inllonlint cvniliiio
Inrinbcrf! 'Hip Clilof of Fnuliiocr, I lie I Hi'f of
Artlllcrv, tlie hupcriiiti'ii'liiit of tl"' lllllnr.v
Acinic 111, mnl the loiimiinillni; nflkfr of the tn'ii-i-i.d
Service nnil SlulT tollrnr.
'lln- nillciri- licinl h.dl pmtcIv
Mipirlriuli mnl iiHiii'itlnii ot nil tlie Oilfeiciit
hIiuiiIh ulioio riiitini'i ili-il, unci chill In' ilnrijL'cl
Willi the 1I11I of iinliil.iliilnir thiouitli llieiu 11
riiinplc-li' 4tnii of iiillllnry 1'iliiintlaii, in uhlrii H'p.ll.ilc Hlmol ti it I peilonn IK proper part.
It .liciiilcl In' Kipt I'i'ii-itniilh in 111I111I llic
olijcil unci ulllmite .dm uf all tl'li pri'pJi.itory
Weill, U III tlJllI UltlCdK 10 liilllll.lllil llll'll III Will,
llioir li"i-t lint, llieiirme, bo .illonril tn ilw
pl.nv piiutknl npplli.illoli,
'1'he iillkrrt' nhoolf at inllilar- lnwli mnl tli.i
c'lii'iiil Sinlec- ami Staff cnlk'nc will bo open fjr
lii-ttuellnu In ollkel" of the N'.itlon.ll timM of
tin- wwi.d IjIi-', tu toriiirr officers of Volunlceii.
.mil tn familial i4 ot 111111111' mIiooI-i .iihI eolku.-il
which lulc- I1.11I ofllt t id ol the nrin .K (iittimtuK.
The tpcclil erilio m-IiomN will bo open In 0I11
cer-t of tin Nitlmiil liiunl nmi fouiirr i)lflcer of
olnntciiK who "lull lurnl-li viklcnou to tint w ir
ili'piitini-i.t of inch prilhiitinry rduo.ition n to
1'ii.ililc tlicm lo lienelit In- Ihe coulee of Inliiii--lion.
'llu- inlloi.-c- -.t.ilT (it the (.'client Strike nmi
si ol collij,-!', Fnrt l.iMicnworili, will in.i1e leprt
Ik Ihe s'liel.ny of of qmllfk itliiin of oflHi-rn
01 tin- .Nilloinl (mini. i'-luiitriis mnl ri.iiI !
.lies of mIiudIs .mil lolhifc, who 'lull
hue .itti'iiileil tin- rnlleKi- or Mull iippl.v fm i-f
.iniliiitinii, .iiui Mull luilhcr mllf whe'hci or
nut tbu .110 iiiillfncl for icnlie .1" ntlicci of
Milinitn n, spenf ln ch.ii.iclrr of Ihe mmiIic,
whelliei line or skill, fur wild li the .ire i-peci.ill
ipnlitiiil. A "-peciil iokIMct of tin- 11 inies ol
plI-ntH -.11 lepolltl ,v lU.llillCll Will III' Kept ill till!
w.n ilepiilniinl, A ictiNler Mi.ill ,ili be Kept In
the W.11 ilipillnicnt ill wbicli Mull bo cntmil the
linnet of otticeH In Ihe leiailir 111111 below the
c;r.u!e of 1 nloiiel, ;i. follow:
Fil-I -tifhitix who h.iie beretofole cNhlbltcl
Mipeiioi cip.ieil.v, npplic.ition, 11111I ckwotlon to
ilnty, Ihe linnet to be selecleil by .1 hoard of uffi
KH iii'iM'iiiil tor tint piupoe.
s1, (i.nil-ilfhccirt who Mi.ill lie upoileil .It ilolnc;
e-'peci.dlv iniilloinei'i "oil; in Ihe aliow men
lieiieil .cbo., uthii thin llin oflicei,' rllOolt at
Tliinl iiiikim who at my time spec Lilly ill
liii!;iu-h ll.i in-i-lu'S In- eMeptiouill mi illoiioat
Il will he Hie aim of ihe department In mil.J
thl- lectislci n lu-'t nf selection fur ilvlnlN
is .skill iilliceu. .ili.o lit', mnl lor speiLi!
senile ii"iiiiln .1 hish ikmee of pie'fes-lj'ul u
p.uil. Secretary ltoot adds:
llu- eoni-i.s, both 01 tin? cllu i'l-' sehonlt at
Hie- pei-U ami tin- .seuke .ni'l ot.itt col
lete, will be .'iiimui'l mi tint the oim,r nun
nl-iiinar tn lit tlicnisiln for olunleei- com-mission-
may -poiiel Hull' wicatioiis in mlll'.my
-Iiul'. It is p.uiii ulaily elesiiabk- that a. lame
iiiiiiini'i nl iiiiif nun Mioiihl be made lompelint
lo pi'iform llu- iliale- 01 uilunticr ortk-eis In
the st.ilf. end -iippl deparlnvuli. Withniil Mieli
a ela-s at I lie oulbieal, ot 11 war, with a Lane
volunteer joieo called into lieiui,'. Ilieii! will al
was be ritiiiiisinii, wa-te, ile.-l.iy. and Mifloilnit,
leeaii-v unti lined iiiiilirmaslei,-, and roniniii
unes ul niliMstciiio not propeily peifoini
then duties. If llu war la-t- luinr cm.iish they
will learn in lime, lull .it .1 fiighlltil ot. Tlieie
are t, ou-aiids nt titini: men in the ceamtiy en
e-aucd in .11 inn-. Kindt ot eilii buslni-.t which
make them lli.iioiihly familiar with tlie -ailijtot
matin- ot iitiiitcimastirs and c ommiss.1 lies'
diilie-', and who, with a lillle timely institution
and pi 11 Inc. eould 1v.un to apply their Imslne-t
I iiiiuliclitp in uiilitaiy altaiis .1-1 to bo iieftil tti intt-ieis and i-ninnii.iilis wlienreir called
Ellin llic loliintcii- service.
II is Imped, if the i;intleuieii to whom
in-tittt thin is thus nffeied :iail Ihtniselict of the
oppiuiiuiil in considerable Humbert, liw.s liny
be i melt d under wliieh tin it- prewed litiie-.-fni
Mbmtter leiiiiiiiissimis will c.arv a iIkIiI to
leceiie t mnmi-siun, litnecr a olimtec'i' fou-e
it called out, ami that a -election upon the
iniiml nf as.t rtaiuc-d lompiletiey may tints I ike
tii- plain nt the iities-aiily iiidi-ciimtii tie ap
I'l'inlmtnt to Miltmliti othi et.s eoiiceiiiniu: wlm-e
Iiiih ihe apiiiiuiiiiir power 1,111 not p-i..stbl be
Militia and Volunteers.
in ihis suliject the secretary say-.:
It is Mij 1I1 -il .tlIf eoltcletis Miotlhl imw
(iru-e Hi. pom 1 fotikned upon It be the
Cn11-tit111i1.11 tn piiiiitle fin- nrc.Mtii.dn'..', ,111111111;,
and di-eipliniiii: the militia. The orcaniMlion
mid .1111111111 lit ef llu n at inital uuinN of the Mate.-, which .tie Ireatcil as inilltia in
tin- appiopiiitloii-; ni.iik' by comriett, hliuiild be
made- Ihe same at Ihn-i- proiided by inni-rr 1
tin- the leiftilar and oltmleer foite-i. 11a- lela
timis of (he- nitionil mianl oiu.titiz itlniis lu the
nation il foice-, and the- obligation-, und dtiliis of
Iho-e i.iL'.ilil'.ltic.lis III time- of war, .-In. old he
cleatly tlelmed, -n Dial the 1 1'liliisinti ami ills
hi' leuiiiliiii.' their ai lion wliieh .lceompiiiied
the ouIIiiimK of the war with Spiin miy not
a-.'.ii,i nt' ur.
'Ihe leliauee of the ciiiinliy f.r the I.iiko
forect iuu'--ii- ill iiiihIi-iii waifaic- luti-t ltet(.
Mill be i Itielly upon eultinli'ir-. 'IIk- luellind
iiul piiiieihin- nf lal-inj Milunteei- forie-i sh -ii'il
be picscilbid In adianee-, t.o Iiul of
wnllliitf In ileii-e pints tor ,1 Milunleer iiimy
until the oulli 1111 nl ami In-te nf imieniline.
war in.l.i-t pel fee Hon of de.-ai.-u ililllcult mnl mti-.
fiitol i.xet'itth.n iiiiini-.silile, cnm;tcst will line
but lo illicit Hie rviulloii of .1 well-nmlei-iood
plan by nlliuit, i.nli one of whom li.n loitj; been
lamiliar Willi the pail he is to pl.iv. It It ,Ic
slrable Iiul any plant .nlnpli'd i-lnnili ptoilde
for ntlllln-,', In the carllci Milunleei- oibiiiI.i
IIoih i.illeil out, Ihe lialuliic; of those citizens
whn Mull ItiM' M'lred ahead lit llio 1ezul.11
and Milunleer fences. If the eailiei' Miluntiet- 01. loits 1111 be 001m Muled of thco Inlned
men, 111111I1 laluililc lime ami oh-iii ( in bo
-nvecl, and miity dinutii may be an lied iluiini;
the piiliid wlille the unlinaiy Mihmleiis are ie
c "ll Ilia the line 'lie tlauiluu. l'ioi'.-liin Mmuld
il.n be inade fur tin -.eleitloti in advance nl the
olhciis of any Miliuiteii' lone whhli 111,1 be
raised, (.111 lul -chillon in Inipnullile .11 the
oulbicak of .1 w.n. l Is (iitlie-ly piaclliablo In
tiine of pracc.
I ic minium! that tlie pn-l.liiil be nilhoil.fd
tn iuiimiki In.. 11, It nf nlllieih (ln( Imllll the niu-i-ril
(I'rviee and Mall cnlleire bond) for I he e
.liuliiitioii ul nihil I - of the uatlolill ';ll.tld, and
iillicr iltircits whn nny .iiply ti be c.nnlned,
a- to lluli iii illile.ilh'in tn hold 0luuUc1 c.-m-mb.sloiis;
that Hie pii-vus in.-.,ln- mhIi esuii
Inttl'iiis Mull u-eelie ceillfleaiie, Matin? Ihe
ofl'fe fur which Ihey me found to lie iinlllh'd,
ami upon the (allimr ut of 3 mlutiU'i r fone
Mull be entitled tu n reive ciinmilxlciw for
.-Hell r.iliet .
I leeonnneud that the war ikpnlnnnl be an
thoilul In 1 1 lit the n cuild with Ihe
pie.cnl unlie mull mini u-dl by the if-sular
ami, and limine ecu p.; thai Hie 111llun.1l
KUaul nt the n-lilll i-tltis be Iro.ili'il M a lll.t
lOsine, t" bo called Into the iiiiifa nf ihe
t'lillul State to execute the tau. of tin' I'liLui,
Mippusi liisiiiieitlnn., and irpel lina.1.111-, the
ti I til uf Mielie uiiilci' My call to ! limlleil to
nine niontht; tint the pif.ldent lie initlmilu-il,
on lie ii-iiiil of I'u ejoie'ir.ui' of am Mile, l
1I1 till olhieii. nf the icj.-iilai- unny for liisinn
thin, Ma If and iiitpritkui d'alie, with the 11.1
In nil mi lid of nidi l..e; that the w.11 ile
piiiniiiii In- (o finuiili Iraiiipuiiatiuii,
ritloiu and tcnla.'i- tn oilieeu ami men of 111
tloiul L.-ii.iiil uipaulziii'in., who Mull take- pirl
wltli 1I111 fcieen 111 the iri-iil.ii- aimy in uiiimal
inci.iipiiiint and liiiieicuvcr, at mtloiul inilbary
c.iuiii that the ilipai.nieiit lie .uilhoilred In
alluw 11. nil p.., loiiiuuiiitli'ii nf vallont .aid
ipiarieis. 01 ( uiiiiliiuiioii of -in 11 ins. to oIIm'H
01 tho luiional ;intd .itieiidlni; and UKiil.irly
ImKIii.' part In tin- iiiiiic of liistiudloii at the
Reiieial ervite niul Mad' i'iMlmi! at Fori J.eaon.
I iironinieinl Hut llic pieMdcitt b. noi rut
Pfwncd lu nmanifo the voluiiteir foire whin
e.'ir (ailed out, In tlio 111 inner proi id"d for by
Hie aet ot Maicli !, 1MI, fn' Hi" nririnUalioi,
of the vuluiilii'i foreo wliieh hi iiiinlly re-tuiiu-.l
iioin tin- liiillppnit--, Willi ll'll IllnJld.
cations a( slull I'u ncci'Miiiy 10 ",IVej eftefl In
lie; -k-w above tNpiittl
For a General Staff.
On tills point tho secrelary bnyu;
'lite (le-atleili tit the war colli to bond, J lid
,1... .!..!. j . 1 l.t, I, tvlll Im , .1 II Ij
I atitly 0 mat an appioue-li le) tlio ei-Ubll-h-
meiil of 1 ftcnr rnl tluft ai I1 pucltcuWc tinrlcr
ejinr law. I unMileratloli of the inuoiint of
tutk whlrli thai boiiid miahl to do, liowcier,
111 the field of (duration atone, leitdt lo tlm inle
ilii-lcn Hint It can not ndecpiilel' petforlii nil
Hi- itillirn of 11 M'.ilT, Hint Hill llic whole
siitijcil ulionhl lie Ireak'il by totinrriH In a
blnidcr way, Nit one tin iloulit tint llic rciicmI
ami llelil n'tlrcM of uur nimy lu' bii'tl too cx
iltiMirly i.ccupliil In detalt'i rf jdiiilnltlMtloii,
wllli hitcleiule opportnnll1 mnl piollon for
(lie ilutly o( meal, qiH;0u, the conMilonillcii
ond fiiiinallon nf plain, ivunprcliemlvi' lore
(liniittlil usiliit fnttup. (ontlnircncled, and iv
orillnilioti of Ihe ,uloui liranrlini of Ihe mlc,
Willi il view lo luimonlntis uetltiti. A bod ol
toinpelint inllllniy fKits fliould bo clnrgdl
wltli llife tu.ittcrj nf the lilgliMt linporlanre,
.mil lo lli.n rnd I Miotutly uruc tho p.laMIli
inent bv law of a mnerul stiff, of v.hlcli Hie
wat rolleiip board Mi.ill form u pait.
Army In tho Philippines.
Ihirliijr the ear (tip optratliitu of Hie field
force In the l'lilllppliien were en itirorolH anil
unit lent Inir Hint tnoie than 1,000 conljct-i ec
rnrrnl lielwrrn our (roup ond tlio Imuivrtitn
firm May, two, to June :.0, 11)01, In which t!i
litstiiitcnt cuualHe.s wrrc: Killer n,S,i4i wound,
nl, 1,1U.'I capluied, 0,672s minendeicil, SJ.O-Ij:
wllli a ot is.eai titles mnl nearly BOO.OUO
Mundi nf m ill-atmi umiminltlori captured and
silundetcil. Our tastiiltlcs itill ttipr the panic
potiod wrro! Killed, 2)3; miunclcil, 1M( cap
tured, 11 nil.-ssliic;, 20.
"Tho rtietil dlituibintci In Puiur and south'
rm I.nion uro," .1.1 tho rrporl, "of iniimi- con
8"fUiiice, and aic- belnir slumped out by tho
viiioiom opcratluitit of the troopi. Ftmll dm
tnibancii ot tliN rharaeter ate, unfortunately,
to bo expected, but will be controlled and
Ituarded mtjln-t by cicry means potlblc. The
dlfflniltlet of this description arc not more but
losi than wcic anticipated."
It U (lie ile-cicn of the ilrparhnciit not to nib.
Joc( any of our fouc.1 to the effect of .1 tioplcal
cllm.iti! for .1 lunger period Hum lluoc c.ins
without an Intmoiiin; tour of ecrvifc In 11 colder
A niimhir of luiprovrniciils in Hie melhocK of
trimai'tlnir the liuMnett of tho Hippty ileptit
mrntt -lilted tn the eondlllom ill the Philippines
hint- been formulated ttnd will be followed. The
i eo110111lc.1l hainlllmr of wippllea will lie cieatly
pionteite.1 by the piopocetl 1 onMmctloii 01 nmcn
neede'd MeirhoiUM mid by (he pie'prc."iio on
crntriition of troop-i nl town- Mation, while the
ciu.nillty of Mippllea u'nulrml will be icditied by
(he Kiaduiil MitiMltutlon of native trniin ind
cii II ooiHtnbtilaty fur A11101le.u1 seiklius in main
talnlns older.
Farly In the jrar .1 niunber of mm ill pccula
Hunt by pirteiin concerned In the business of
the ciiitiinhs-iny deparluiinl at Manllii weie ell
tciMied and U'leiieil moat prominence ill the
publie pies. Iliaiouich InM'stleaHon proved
tint the doniorallzation which they indlcateil
w.n conllneil tn .1 few individuals, who were
promptly tiled, convicted, mid fciitfiiced, and
ore now- uncle rgolm: punishment. the whole
jiiKiiinl of Lis. 10 Hit Kiiietnineiit pioveel to be
lo.s H1.111 5.1,(1111).
A. sup))lenienlary report on the rov
erninent of the 1'hllippines is promised.
Cuba's Political Future.
Secretary Root reports at length the
proceedings leading up to the adoption
of the Cuban constitution and adds:
I do not fully aiaic with the wisdom of nomo
of (he piovlson.s nf this coiiMIIutlnn: but it
piovhli.. for ,1 repiib1ic.ui tmni of Rovcrnnient;
it was adopted after Ions and pitient cniisklera
linn and iliscuoinii; It wpiV-eiili the views of
the ilcli'Kiite.-t clotted by the people of Oiilu; anil
il eniitaiiis no fcatmci which would justify the
.i.ti-ertinn .1 Rovtimninl oiirauied under it
will not lie ono to which the United Matei may
ptnperly tian-ter the oblieatlons tor Ihe protec
tion uf lite- and piopnty imdei illtcinatioiul law,
assumed in Hi" holly of Tails.
Ily vlitue of tho ordlninco of .kino 12, l'.U,
,-ippe mh'il tlieieto, the eonslitiitinn dellncs Ibo
liituie icIatloiH of the Fniled stllen wild Cubi
by, the prmi.-loin the piosonee nf width ton
(,' hat made .1 condilion pieiedent le the
piesldcnt'q leavinir Ihe 1,-oveinment and control
ot the of C11I1.1 In its people- 'J he coi-tl-tiitiun
thin ailnptod and peifcctid his been
licatcd acconlinaly by the military (.-ovcinmcut
in all acceptable I1.1-N 01 the fuimatioit ot the
new- mil eminent to which, when nrsMiiiri-cl and
in-tailed, the- contrnl of the i-land t'-i (o be
tran-feired; and Mich a lianM'oi' may be antici
pated In fine the close of tbc appiniclilne -"-es-
sion of rinisri'sK. If the people of Cuba and their
otlitois exhibit, under the ;ov eminent of their
own thoice. the sum- yU'lf-re-traint and lpicl
fnr law which have thaiaclerized their ii-latlurs
to the inlerveiihiR Kovcinnient dining our occu
pation uiicli r the tieaty of Pail-, Ihe -niciv-ji of
tin- Culi iu ailmlni-tiation may be imihdvntly ex
pected. 'ihe new lepublic will liesln lt Independent
p.iui'1- with (lie lienty friend-hip and l-iiiceic
ejiie'd wishrw nf all the oflloon and Mihliei-s of
the I'nitcd Slates whn have fiuishl and lahnicd
foi the pood nf ( uba, and who hue learned tn
appivciilt- Ihe liuiiy uiliniiihlc and altraolive
iliiililics- nf bee people. 1 think tint ai the
period nt oooupitlon draws towaitl its
elo-c theie is liiuie aiiieeiallou by the Culitns
nl what the people if Ihe I'nited stale- have
done for them. Piultur the recent seven- iline.s
01 the mililaiy imveinnr (he inaulfrstitioii. t
i-steeni and alUctinu for hlni weir rpceially it ins; and the- Inntnted cleath of President
.Me Kinky w.H lolluwed by ueiteral i'pre--snns ol
i.vinpithy and toirow Hiioui;houl tho i-lttul.
Minor Features.
Coin end in; the abolition ol Hie .winy lantcen
the lepml s-ij -4: "When the nnlor weie i'siied
101 the cnfoiceuiint of Ill's solIIoii uf llu law,
the loinnuiiiliiie- olllceif. of Hie various pouts and oiB.inbitloin were dlKt'ted to icpoit
upon its eltects. A .leal body of reports h.n
been leceived, which inillcate that tho effect of
the law It imkiiliinalc. 1 think, however, that
.1 Millie lent time hat rot clipscd tn irive Hie law
1 talr, and the ob-eivation and icpoit of
IU voikliiK will be (oiititiiii-cl chnliiR- the (in-iins,"
Cmicieeu I- asked In aulhori'e Hie pioMdent
tn phce Mijor rjen. 1.1K Jlrnitt. lli-ouks ind
Otis upon Ihe letiied lltt as lietilcintil-itetiinl-,
uu .11 (mini en illsllnifiiMieil icervlu- In Independ
ml coinnaiiiN ot ietpniiililll(y for which
the hw at pucnt piovldcs no method of ivcok-
lit lull.
ltcR.udlns a 1'nclllii cable f-'ecielaiy Root e.i.vt:
"llio reiuiiiuient for the u-e of nnil .1 cable
bv our own Riminiiicnt In Hawaii und Hie Phil
ippine islinds are sn meat Hut iillicr It Mnuild
be (outtniited and owned by the RnvcTiiinent, or
il coiistiucted by .1 pilvate lorpoialioii the
landlui; rlidiH Mioiihl be uianted upon Mich con
ditions Hut Ihe owners Mull abva.Vs lenuln, in
fait, mi AmuU.ui coipuiillou, and Mull be
uhjicl lu nidi toiiliol and icaulatioii by con-S-ro-
as will iii-uie novernnicnt (emtio! when
neiessiiy, and (ouiuierclal (u-uU-ni lu the u-u of
Hie cable at all time's."
.Uihittnance of a uovirniiiint trin-iiiit i-eivli.e
It illsappi oved mnl lian-porli now un li.tnl aie
iKoiimiiiiikil tn bo old, alter lelusr .1d1111U1.1I
to Aiueiliau iiaktir.
The- ihalh lain per thoiwnd of (roup in Hi'
Fulled States ilmiii? Hie piil i'.il was 10. Hi
iu Cuba, I'.TJ; in Foito llliu. 7.l. ami aniens
the tionpt ceivlin ill Ihe Philippine ."i'l Cuba
it was leil'iiul fioni 10.11 ilm'ii the picviout
vear tn l.7ii ihiilir.' the put iar. lu tin- opin
ion of the iiiodlial ilcpiiniKlit, whin pi-iiiuiirnl
aiiMuminiula luvo been made and piopor .inl
tary leiilitlom can lie enforced, the health of
thu tioupt Mitloncd In the tioplcs will be lulte
,n uood as li stationed lu our own culf talo.
A detailed pinject for the ilifui.e if Sail
Juan, I'orlo Hliu, at 1 total cstliiiatod co.t of
l.Mm.iiiHi, bat been pcpaivd, ami piel'lulnary
pr.ijocli. mi- the ihfiii-a ul I'eail llailmr and
II..1111I11I11, In Hie teirltcny of Hawaii, aie ak-o
available-. Mib.lautlal pioaie-s has Lion inado
in the ii'vidon ol earlier pioJeiU of foiilile-allon,
undo licfmo Hie ue of I'apld'flro Kim., pl.icd m
Ricat a part In mut iIcfeiiA'. Theie have been
adclul tu ihe loiiipk'ted i.eacoa,l amninelit dur
Inu the iai (litem VJ-llieh (nunc, se-veli Wimli
run., 1 levin S-lneli tnuw, Hility'tiie laptcl-llie
(.ni.t, and tweiity-tluee nioil.u..
The ordiianoe ilipaitin -nt upnrU an alminlaiit
supply of minki-leis povvdir on luiul of Ihe le.t
iliullly imw i-xltiit, anl initeii-1 iiiipiovvnnnl
In lu nianiil ittiiie.
A plant for the iniiiufailuie of i null .aim lu
bleu tnvtalliil at the Itock l.tlaui ai-rnil, ami
Hie phut at s'pili.s'fk'ld aimnty luis bii-11 rnlaurtl.
With t!uc liiiici.iil laillltki, fur iiunuuctiire,
.mil tbu MiipbH ktoik imw en hand, the depart
ment i leady, if 1 niuji e- Mull uiiihoiltu it.
tu biipply the nitionil Kiunl of the Mateo wh
tho pii-scnl i-enlea ilfle wllli wlildi the iiiailav
army, luvv and luarluo loips aie now aunt I
Carat advai.ei- ha beui niado luw.ii.l peifect.
Iiik the yti'in of cvniniunteatiuii In the Philip
plnifc. cxte-iilniE through 111010 than l.'M lulki
frnii noilli to ioutli. Hie line aiuountlii (ti
Iho lit of July, HH, to I.MI miI.vJH In
iicain dutliitf the ftsiai year of 'J.Oai inlbv.
The mint ay tabic d)Mnn of tha Philippines now
cuveii 710 miles, connecting MaulU over our
own line with tho Mauds uf Mlndoio, SUrln
ihnue, Misbitc, Fanui, Leytc, Ccbu, N'eijroi.
Miiulanio, .lulu, siid, uud I'Jiuy.
Christmas Giftsforthe Children
2&Ji'Ak4T V'AkdJfSf1
on -tTjJujt isi -rrs- rajasrHKjsi-i -xjcr? eaasjra
Gold and Silver Watches,
Sleds, Skates,
Games, Toys, Etc.
(A (totalled list will be miiiouuiceil later.
To be given to the Boys and Girls ot Northeastern Pennsylva
nia who succeed in making the largest number of words out of
the letters in
Four Weeks of Amusement lor Winter Evenings.
PtizcK will he Kivf-tt to tho boy or i?iil, under 16 years of age, bullet
ins tho lurijest number or words out of tho letters contained in "Sera it
ton Tribune."
No letters must be used any more times than they appear in these
two words. As an instance, a word with more than one "V." would
not be admitted, but u. word might contain two "It's" or three "N't-."
I'lurals formed by adding "a" or "es" not allowed.
Only words found In the main portion of "Webster's International
Dictionary" (edition of 1S9S) will be allowed. Any Dictionary can bo
used, but in judEinrr the contest The Tribune will debar all words not
found In Webster's.
Proper names, or any other wotils apnearintr in the "Appendix"
will not be allowed. Under this rule tho words "stcr.inton" ami "Tri
bune" are debarred. This does not apply to proper names in the body
of the book.
Obsolete words are admitted if they are defined in tlie dictionary.
Write on one side or the paper only.
"Write very plainly: If possible, use a typewiiter.
Place the words in alphabetical order, numbered in rotation.
Write your nume and address, liQ and total number of wonls
tlie top of your list.
Fold tho list do not roll. ".' .l",-v..s.
Contest closes Saturday, December Jl. at li p. 111.
All letters of inquiry for additional information will be
promptly answered. Address your list of words, or any ques
tion you wish answered, to
Scranton Tribune,
Scranton. Pa.
Employes of Th Tribune
Organized 1372. $
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X Tlircci per cent, lutcreit paid on savins ilcpoiK V
X interest comiiouacleil.hiiutiu-y lt niulJuly 1st, V
X HENRY BELIN, JR., Vice President. Y
0 William Council,
6 Henry Bolin, Jr.,
5 Geo. H. Catlin,
X Thomas H, Wfttkins,
Always Busy
Shoe Stores
Nov. 28.
All Day.
Lewis & Reilly,
114 and 116 Vyomiug Ave,
Are Debarred from Entering These
James Archuald,
Lu"ier, 1flor' ,
J. Benj. Dimmtek,
James L. Connoll.
Gmistei SForsvlh
327 Peiiii Aveuup.
Estimate the
Number of Words
How many -words do you think
there are in the letters in "Scranton
To put it another way, How many
words do you estimate the winner of
The Tribune's "Junior Educational
Contest" will have?
This is just a little "Estimating
Contest" in connection with Tho Tri
bune's "Junior Educational Contest,"
in which every reader of. The Tri
bune is invited to participate.
Ten Dollars
For the Best Estimates.
$5.00 will be given for tho first cor
rect, or nearest correct, esti
mate. 2.00 for tho next nearest.
1.00 for the next nearest.
50 cents each for the next two
25 cents each for the next four
Becord your estimate on the blank
below and mail it to "Contest Editor,
Scianton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," or
the envelope may bo handed in at
The Tribune office. You may send
in as many estimates as you have
ICliT Tills 01 TI
Contest Editor.
Scranton Tribune.
I estimate that the winner of the
fiist prize in The Tribune's "Junior
Educational Contest'' will have
This is what we are doing
with our
Furs, Jackets,
Suits and Skirts.
If you want quality, style and
low price, trade with
The Furrier,
124 Wyoming Avenue.
Furs repaired aud remodel
ed now at reduced cost.
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Gut Glass,
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Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifta
MercereaU & Connelj
132 Wyoming AveniU
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