"PS "V r "J." f- f ym r'Vt.i'JIrjfA'JJTTOMy.f-MBfiiqTOMIPWffMMMBWBWFi vr nJ4v "-TW4irrt'Aiar9V'V7UTiV . "V K ii f ,vh ,?'' ' - m . & " 1. f. - f vWi'V . A.' n i " THE SORXNTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1001. ffl J NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. EptcW In the Scraiitun Trlliunt Tlonevliito, Nov. 2."). Tin1 K-'lli't tnui mltlee of the CliiNtlun nnili-uvni' so-olf-ly will be at I liu l'renliyteilitn r Impel ft oin :).00 to i,00 Tuumtuy nftoinoou to JPCelVP rOlltrllJlltlllllH Of RIOLlMf, pio- vIrIoiim or money, wltli which 1" nupply TlumkPKlvliiK illnniT to tin1 iii'i'dy or this community. Itev'. C. L. I'eii'j dullvuicil ii u-ij J ii leicsthiB xcimon on Pundny evening before the onlc-i of t'ultcil Aiiieilt'iiit Mpchnnlcp. The Hpcclnl diuuIIiik wlilili hnvii been In jhobiohi iIiiiIiir the mt- low wpoUh In the MpIIhmIIhI ohm eh weio In ought to ii I'louo on Hutnliiy evenlnir. Itev. .1. II. Davl who him been fiHsist itiR Itev. Dr. I'luoe In the liie.etliiK". loft loilny lor lilt home In linulfoid coun ty. The Hnpllsl and .Methodist iuiikipkh lloiw will unite In si Tliiilik'.KlvlliK ser vile in the Methodist church nt 10,"0 n. m. Hortnoii li Iiev. ('. h. Percy of the Haplht chinch. ThiinksiKlvliiB kpi vlres will be hehl In the IJiPsbterlan t'hmrh at 10..I0 :i. hi. Sermon by the TMHtnr. Wlllliitu !(. Swill. A new time table on the JIimiom1u1 branch of the Delaware and Hudson went Into pu'eel tiitluv. The onlv (haiiKf In the tialn formeily Ic.illnj; nt HOI p. in for Cuibondale now le.nes at 2:;u p. in., tlility-lour minutr.s uiiller. To incut t hit change the mall at the jiostollke will close ut 2 p. m. Instead ot 2,10 as foimeilv. Mr. Audi ew Thompson, whose Illness hits couliucd him to his home lor the p.mt week, has none to New York for treatment, Mr. Itoduey W. Tlllow died after a llngei ins illness at his home on Six teenth street Tlmisday night, aped 80 eai.s. The iunei.il .services wcie held at his Lite lo.sldcnce Monday at 2 HO p. m. Iiev. AVIlltiiin IX. Swift olllclut 1ns:. Intel meiit In Olondybcrry ieme tery. Dece.ihed is hiuvlvcil by Ids wife ,md two diuiKlitei.s, Miss linnw .it home and Mis. Alice Itoekwell of Uonesd.ile. He has two bt others, liv ing .it OraiiKe, N, J., namely: Job, ukpiI SS je.u.s; and Abija, used ill yeais. Woik on the new coal storage plant Is to be pushed forward with all vch hlblo siieed. The track has lx?i n laid up the guides to the head of oitl plane 11. Tin; inundation Is being made leady loi the wood tiostlliifr. Aside fi out pushing the loaded eais up the made to the head of the plane by loco motive power the gravity .sjstein will be tihod, fiom the point where the cms sie t.iKou b. the Icu'oniotlie. They will duip luck onto the tiestling wlieie the coal will be dumped. They then pass it om thu In st ling back down the gi.ide to tho main ti.ick noith ot Seeleyiille. In lo.iding the i oal the cats will be i tin down the old giavitv It. n.1. tiom Si eleyv Hie to the foot of the dump After being loaded they will liass op down around the euivc (white was ome the Honesdalo up town .' tation), then Into the old coal y.ud as in ioiiner jeais when tho gt.ivlty load was In oiieiation. A number of loimer Delaw.ne anil Hudson ein plojes aie engaged on the woik. Theie ale plLiity of men heie expeilenced in handling toal In the manner which the coal will bo handled to do the woik. Mr. It. liodle, who lives near tho Honisdale AVater company leservoir, was auctioneer at the sale of Mr. Aveiy one mile noith of Homsdale all d.iy on Wednesday. Thmsday he drove to Foitst City and In ought home a load ot coal tor a. blacksmith at Uclhuiiy. After eating his supper be sat down to lead his paper. His wife letiied for the night. S-hc soon after was moused by some noise her husband made. She aui'-e and found him dead. He leaves beside his wife, five small ehlldien, Heat I lailuie was the cause of his death. HOLLISTERVILLE. Spsdil to the Scranlon Tribune. Hollistuville, November 25 Union riiaiikssivlng set vice will be held nt 10.S0 it. m. in the Methodist Ptotest nnt chinch. There will be a donation in the Uap tlsl patsonage. Thanksgiving night, "or the benellt nt Itev. lieotge T. lilb oii, All mo Invited, Mr. Wait en Van Sickle and famllv, of Giavity, weie lecently guests at the home of his In other, .lohn Van Sickle. W. .1. West, of Hoy.il, visited l da tives heie the Ibth illst. Mlts Kiantcs I''oote has ictuined fiom his vsi among It lends in Mos cow . Mis. D. .1. CiotiM' and daughtei, ot Moscow, s-pent lasi week heie, with How many mothers re.ilie that when the baby's advent is expected they need strength for two ius'e.ul of one. 'Wom en, weak, nervous, "just able 'to (Imp; around,'' find themselves confronted with coming maternitv. They have not strength enough for'theniselves, how can the) have strength to give a child ? We don't look for the biith of strong ideas from a weak mind. Why should we e.spect the birth of strong "children from veak uiothcis? The way to ensure health and strength to mother and child is to use Dr. 1'ierce'B I'avorite Piescription ns a preparative for motherhood. It brings the mother's strength up to the requirements of nat ure, so that she hai strength to give her child. It nourishes the nerves and so quiets them. It en courages a natural appetite and induces tctreshing sleep. " Favorite Prescript tioti" makes wej women strong and sick women well. There is no alcohol ill "I'avorite Pre. scription" and it is iree iroiu opium, co caine and all other narcotics. n vviMi to lit joii Unowtlie ureat bentlil my wife ilerivert UiroiiBli IfiUing or favorite I'rroctiptian,' " ritn Ml Kolicrt lliuleii, of llniiulon, .Muuitolu llov 33;, "it ujs vtlicn hei baby iiiine. Wr liuil liearti mi iiiiilIi ot iiir mejiclnc that my wife iletMcil In lt it (I may uy my wifeii hkc was llilrt) tlirie mid tlii "at her lirl illild). slir (oiuiiieiiciit in tale 'Knvorite Prescription lue uioiulis. lie. fore tier child vos born We have a hue lualtliy cirl audur believe that thisuas m.iinlj oulng; to the 'J'uvorlte I'reJCilptioii.' tuWen httlifnlly iircoriiiug to direction. We khall certainly iec omtneud it wherever we can." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent fiee ou receipt ot si one-cent stamps to pay expense of malting only. Address Ur, BV Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. -A.. .Mt !.: aflBj. ? '." her phi eiils Mr. nnd Mis. (.'. D, Mit chell. M. J, Mitchell and wife, of Kei anion, ftpetit u few ilnjM lnut veek ul their hoino heie. MONTROSE- spicld 10 llic Srianlon 'lillnin. .Moillioso, Nov. 2.'. The ease of la inliii Itliuivell ngaitmt the Delnwurp, L'li'kn wanna 11ml Wostpin Hnlliiinil company was kIvpii to Hip jury shoitly beloip noon Hitlurdiiv, bin an ugiep ment was not ipaohed until this moin Ing, when 11 verdict was lendeied find ing for the plalntiif in the sum or m, POO. TI10 l.itL liny case of the In in is thai of O. ('. Tiirnny against A. A. Laseh. PICTURE i-'indeiPlla trying on the slippei, In thin case a jury was swoin on Sat in day atloinoon, but as the case could not be finished that day, court ad journed until 11 o'clock this moinlug, when this c.i-o was moceeded with. i:-Shpilff i:. A. Leonaul, now ot Coopeistown, has been -visiting his son. Deputy Sheilff I , Leonaid, In this place. titpgoiy Scott, 01 (Jieat Bend, was a guest of liis patents in this place over Sundnj. Y. H. Dennis, ji.. visited 11 lends at Spiingville over Sunday. Uev. Haskell H. Benedict, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of this place, is being 111 ged by bis many fi lends, among both cleigy and laity, tor the position of picsiding elder ot the Hinghamtoii dlstiiet or the Woniing lonteienee, to succeed Iiev. Dr. I... C. Floyd, the piesent incumbent. While his Montrose fi lends would legiet to lose him, they would lejoice to spo him lpceive this meiited ptomotion. John 12. O'lliien. jr., Is seiiouslv 111 at his home on Chenango stieot. He is being cued for bv two 1 1. lined muses, Jllss Flemlnp, of Seianlon, and Miss failin, of this place. His biothei, Mor 1 Is O'Bnen, has been summoned tiom Baltinioie. wheie lie was attending a Inedieal college. At tm hey William A. Skinner, of .Sus quehanna, was piolesslonally engaged in Montrose 011 Saturday. C. M. Shelp, psci of New 31110)1 d. was a piomlnciit visitor In town on Saturday. Ow ins to tin closing ot the I-ant s boio giaded school, because of an epi demic of dlphthei la in Unit place, Piin clpal W. M. Dtnison and wife ate visit ing at the home ol his patents Mr. and Mrs. M. W. iJenison, In this place. Temppiaiicp Sunday was fittingly oh seived in the Montiose c lunches vps lerdny. The CliPstei ("olored Conceit company of Montiose hns kindly oifeied to lnr nish nn lioiu'r entPitainment, consist ing of solos, ipiartultp singing and thp latest cake-walk specialties, on the oc casion of the grand supper and festival to be given by the ladles ot St, Mary's Catholic chinch, at Village hall, on Wednesday pv enlug. The Aliel Ladies' sextette at Village hall on Morula evening, December 2, will be greeted by an immense audi ence. IUs 'i ved seats will be on snlo at Mi CauslaniVs phai maey. It Is aulhoiitatlvely announced that Huiiisuii S. Coiiklln, of this place. Is a candidate for sheriff of Susquehanna county, subket to the decision of thp Republican nomtniitiug (imveiitioii nest .veiir. Jlr. f'ouklln Is n life-long Itepub liiaii and liif tor veins been a vety active paity w other. He Is not a stiangei to the duties 01 the olllce to which he nsplies, as he has donp .1 lingo amount ot deputy shetilf business. He Is well acquainted thioiighout the loun ty, and Ills iileuds will Horn now on hurtle to make him the nominee. FOREST CITY. Flu III tu Hip StiJiilori 'iribkiie Kotest City, Nov. 25 -The iuueiul ot Mis. Daniel Clutmbeis was hugely at tended on Satuidiiy alternant,, Hei vices weio held in tho PicshytPilnii ilituph, IIpv. W. Holllnshed oillelntlug, and In tel meat was made in the. Hlllslilo iciiiq lery. Tho Presliyteilans and f'ongiegatlou rtlists will seivp dltmin and supper on Thnnksglvins day. The lOuteiprisii lioso iimipany en jojml a pig joimt Satin dav ovmilug, The poiker was prep.ued by c, I1, I'oyle, nnd the bojs say it was a tooth soiiiu dish, itolaiul ilndle died at Ills Uuiili) In Wayne lounty, Thmsday iiveiilng, and was bulled on Sunday, .Mr. llodle was a former Finest City business in in, Ho was heie on Thutsday, appaicntly in his usual health. He expiied a lew inbuilt .liter leaching home. Deceased hail a number of lehltlvi's III Finest City Ho was about 10 ye.us old, and leaves a lainily. The Star Dunn tin jis will hold their set ond annual ball in I lie opmu house ou Wednesday (tight. Miss l.ottio Itey uolds unit Piof, I.ynett will f mulsh tho music. The boys desetve the suppoit of the town. Thoy have developed Into one of the bett di urn corps in the state. On i'tlday evening, I,ovett's Boston Sims, the flist attraction In the entei- . fmmmm: 5 n ' f p tulnment course, will bo nt I ho. opein house. Thoy enmo wrll tcconimcndpd, nnd nil who hear them will obtain their monpy's worth. There was no plenishing In the Meth odist church ycsturday, mi lug to the Ill ness of Itev. It. II. Ohtik. O. V. Hull, of Dundiiff, was Iipi-o on bilslnt'ss today. John Clmtnbpis, of riilruuo, tirilvpd Iipio S'nltitday to ntleiid Hip Ituiprnl ot his mothi'r. FACTORYVILLE. Spt olil to llif sanloii Tribune raclotyvlll.p, Nov. 23. Alts. Cuuitupy Hnyder. of Nicholson, has been spend ing 11 few days at thp hoiue of her mint, Mrs. A, A, Hi own. County Commli'sloner lMwurd Vaughn died at Hip riptiiiiin hospital, Phllndclphla, Inst Satunhiy mntulng whi'ip he had been iindpr lieittmcut for appeiiilliltls. TIip fttuctal In uhaigc of tho Masonic fraternity will lukp placp today nt Mohoopnny. TIip niectliiRH biilng hold at the M. H. cliuich hip wpII liatronb.ed tind 1110 successful, tlond seiinons ate biiug delivered, and tho iniislp Is pcpedlngly good. The meetings wilt be continued PUZZLE. Find her two jealous slstPis. all ot this week. The union sen ices on Thanksgiving day will be held in the Baptist chinch at ll o'clock. Tho ladies of the Baptist church will servo the Tbnnksglving dinner. Tin; annual toll rail of the Methodist Episcopal chinch was held last Fiiday nnd was largely attended. The Itev. Hugh i McDeimott. ot tho Simpson Methodist Kpiscop.il chinch ol Scian ton, deliveicd an eloquent seimon in the evening. Factoivville encampment Xo. 2iC. I. O. O. V. will meet in tegular session next Wcdnesdav night and eveiy mem ber is requested to be piesent. Benjamin llosoncrnns, a farmer for U. A. Lisle, died at his lesidence on Bunker Hill last Tuesday morning- ot pneumonia. The fimeuil was conduct el Iroin the lesidence Wednesday af ternoon, the Hpv. O. Tl. Smith oniciat ing. Jlr. Hdson X. Lewis, of La Plume, will open a jew eh y store in Nicholson this week. Levi Lindley is a partner In a store and matket at Oreen lUdge. NEW MILFORD SptcUl to the Hcrantcn I'ribun. New Milford, Nov. 2.'i D. W. llagor is in Montiose on business this week. Miss Isa Dai row, Miss Hose Wesiott, Mr. and Mis. Watson, George Biidsall and Paul Ilavden attended the tem perance meeting at South Ne.v Mllloul, Sunday evening. Union services will be conducted In the Methodist chinch Thanksgiving at 7.S0 p. m. The Young People's Society ot linls tian Endeavor villi conduct a social and business meeting In tho Presbyteiinn ehuich parlois uei Fiiday evening. All aie invited. Hugh Ciissidy, ol Scranton, was in town on Sunday. A drama, entitled "I'nile Itube," will bp given in the opeia house, December 4 and , for the benellt of the New Mil lord Hose company. Theio will be no school on Fiiday tollowing Thanksgiving. The "W. J. ('. society will meet at tho homo of Mrs. A. K. Sn.vdei, Fiiday at tetnoon at ii 1.1 o'clock. HOPBOTTOiH. PproUl lo the Nrantnii 'rribiiiic. Hopbottom, Nov. 2.", Tile fanners or Suiiqi'ehmm... county will hold their .u.iiuul Institute- In the Methodist Epis copal cliuuii o: this place on Decem ber 4. A Hue- iiileitaiiiiuenl will be given in Ihe pvni'n',. Tho ladies of tho ihii.cli will iir.iish 01 nncr. JU". and Mis. F, E. Jackson luivo moved to Nevvnik Valley, whein they will make their fiOute home. Mis. C D. Hobeils and Mih. W. E. r.iown weie in Stiiintou on Fiiday l.isl Mis. Lama Slink. toiuiPib ' Hilt plme, has been visiting fi lends heio the past wiel: and has had numPtous liiippnements iimde 011 her propeity. Don't foiget the I'ipo sacieil conceit at the Huiversallst church Sunday eve ning, Dec. 1. Mis. . D. Hobeils and son, (ilenn, Ipavo for Now Y01U Tutsdav, wheie they will spend Thanksgiving with fi lends. HALLSTEAD. Special to the bunion 'liilrint, IIjIUUuI, Suv, i I". W. tliuuli t.e l Io. nodou nt the llould ilh(c Mui.il.1,1 to Mi lia ilimnu, 11 pi irtlcal Jil cvpoiliiunl riniuprr Hum frmii I Imiij, N. , Ml, 'llwiiu calcic upon ltt-t lieu taV. Willi thu Intiiilluii ci iiuMuk tho lounty lleulil u puuioiii led Hinc.i In ivory 3 Jiiil 1 ali"UC timi to (tip bmougli juiI a jldlcJliutj n IK nniiii luilii.. Ihn ih ill Udoiv I it n'Uiimiiu.l woik on a thliltinliour a (liv lnlili tlnini; tu ihc ainbiiul ci uak tu he ilono, ilci will ho no (.lint ilovwi 'lli4ulvsUln.- p.iv. .Ijiius I'i.k, of Kr.inlslln luiK, hia iiivinl lu'ie anil ihlIci! h )l.ul,.mltH .-'iui m if I'jil, auiiim, IK will iriup.v iooiih ovoi lliillard'r ttuie, ill I li.i.o aitiuii'. I)fill- UcsUtri j 11. 1 lluot.lu- luiui., of MolillO.i.', ujii ill lnwil Sjtunlji, Ijl.ill- ilcpud. Mom jikI other .ilUlr lOiiiiedtU sth lm mtloc. s, p. ( luie w.cs I'lnfmioiull (iigjjcl Tuei-ib) at I'jIoii, I'j. MiHIjiiJ II avd lm 1 1 1111 ii '1 lunie from New York city foi a 1 nation. r'tlwaid Scottcn ami hl UK 11 were hiiiiiiiioiiciI liijtlly to I 'mono mountain sunilj.v. 'the unci in that vidnlly aie all down on acount of the mint ttonn. 'I ruin 3 Momjaj inornlns 1 lunged n;inei In tht jtrA heie, ouln.' to a hitak down kn? .vi THE MARKETS. Wall Stret AvUw. N'avv Ynik, Nov. 23 I'roin ROtieral tlKnJlli nutllig tho rrl) pint ol (he day thculock liuilkct irate wiiv t ironrnil wnikliej licfon tho iI.mp and fiulril under iiitln' mIIIiik litrmuie wllli only mtli locmeilrs 114 wile duo tn tin) lUfly tjlilnc o rnollt mi tlm lmil ldr c! Ili, I1e.1t. It Wii'. ridljlilc lit llw i.iiIi- ftuiiKlli Hint nmnv idiiku liiniiilcil Mr) modif i!p1 tu the luinjillil ilii In tlm Ioj.Iih. flu mm ml lucjk ul the ht w.in tflullio thioiiKhoiil tin ll-l, lint It led tin- Ii tiler of tin1 mhiiiup with rumiilir,itili li"t Kiilni tu fliow. The Irnnl. Ilnol win- Hip itteiliii' iPinhrs uf thp Jdlnlup, P'pwlilll Xcvv Vrtlti 1'ilitliit Willi Ii .nl'lul t4 (0 ll I refill iiiiiuhihlp i)iliini. No norti WW 11IT1111I lo cvphln Ihe aibitlipp liryotid tin- ininv Iiiiiioih Ioiir pirwdi'lil df 11 Viiiidiihllt deal. Tho inotcmmt In I'oiiikiI 1 ml 1 wim ilcnlv :i tiipidriiiriil to (hat In Niw Vnll. C1i1lr.1l mil v.j In Hip lintiili of puifco (.loiul (.pn'iilitoii who iv Hip fmcp nl mi nrrfie inrlit (nr the iiiillilrinilKi' of Jli ippiovitnitp ratio lii-lwuti liu- Iwo lAtk. I'iMiii'vliiiiiirs ev IipIiip iidiaiKP us ,1'i, TIip hilc ifjitlon trll 11 lip) Kiln lm Npw Vnll, I mini I nf 'J't, ninl lor l'riiiihiiiil,i of I'i, 'Ihc ll-p In Nc Vmlc t'piilrul uirliil wllh It liip Junior Yuiidrildlli lo I In' cvtiiit of Iroin Is; lo III points I In' lultor IlKine loi .lli lilgjn I'riilml. 'Hiiip vv,ip eiioiiuon IhhIiir- nf Ihc lloidltiv mil of Ihe Southern lliillwiiy i-lod, lull t lint r mb imu tievi Inmli ox icidcd 11 point. V fat tin in Iho npcnliitr nticmtlli v,i the Mtmnhli' 011 tin' fill of the hi ih who went elicit of Aiinlmtiiitnl ( opppi on salufiliv on Hip icporl di'iih'il tiler Ihc lrnil,rL lo eel tint Hip .tllnltiu gciirlnl of Ihe I nllpil Sliltis wis prppirltnc il iiiip nrtlnst the loiniwiiv tindii the Diiti tiul luv. 'Hip ukIi i urltil Ihp sloiU 'n met suiinliv'.i ihwliu hwcl nnd lhl ploii'd the liluhol jiolnt. of tho ili.w Tho pdpihlo In dlpoiilloii or thp flmli lo mill liitllioi Inviliil iciiiwhI nil ul., .mil Ihp Hull slump lo lirlov SD w 11 Ihp pilmipil HlKOlllllifr fiiiloi In Hip kpii pill 11-1. 'Ihc (iilU tnttiliptl TlHi mil ilo'id nt Ml. Ibe liilviniNi of Iho ll.in iiintlniiitil slotln wis 1 Kntiiie "f Ihe tridlnir tlnoiiitlioiil. wnmi. lntoH up .ippninllt' lnilipoul In pny IiIkIht pilcM for thi-p sloiki until Hip icmiH U dl cIomiI of Iho .ixllitlon In liu iioillirliiii htiliS ikiIiiI Ihc Xoillirin -i iirlllc-t coinpran. TIhmp w.i an npwjrd i-put if 'J1; In St. Paul, width 'pciiiciI lo he niinlpulilrd hy tin hull It ndei -, nil ilci 1 leillntloii of Hip drpifiilns cilpit of Hi" Vien Itiis In tint tionp. J'otul ".lies lodi.v, 1, JI,U simps. l!illro,vl IhuiiN vpip fun. 'I0l.1l ilp-, p-.i due, Vl,srri,ix). I . -. is ami thp new ts ad vatieed ' per 1 cut. en Hip lit t all Tlie follow iiig quotations l 1 IImiip lij M. s lordin & Mcars building-, Seunton, l'a. mc fiirriMn'il Thf Co , roonu TO.v-706 TpImiIioiip. .i(i(11: uprn HIrIi- Low. Clo bur. a Intr. Ami 1 lean -tiffHi Alllll-Dll . ... AtrhUon, I'i. . t,nl fnnm v . . A12 . si; mi'j S1, lo bi lit 120' i ir; n'i imir. tnOT, Si 79'i 2fl'i 117 IDS so J)i& 1'7','t 10 Am Cir &. i'oiindri , ."'I'i :o n-'i lOS'i 401'. Itiorh. Tr.ietion (i'i Itilt. A. Ohio ... .IDs'i (he K Ohio tSV t'lili. CI. Wi-i. .. 2Vi fhi... Mil. & St. p . ,.W)i i hie. 1!. I. .1. I'll. .. 1I7'V Col. 1'inl 4, hoi U'l.i l.ilp II. It 41 1 rip 11. 1!.. I'i . . .. ri'i I.onlrt & Nmli. . Uh Vim. I:Ipi.iIp(1 lfi'i .Miwi. I'aclllc lot's Vol folk A. Wt-I.. U)t lo ol n. Y., o. a. w :.',; V. Y. CVntril..i;i4 u 171'.. I'i mm. It II I I'I', j llc.nlinu Hv. .'.I HciilniB Hi., 1-1. IT ... i'i Siiulhein llv II3 -tsi; H'b 2jh '-'" i'fin 171 'i W'l's lWlis 1171, IIT'i 117'i, 'l-J'i 'li'i 'ii'i !', 42'8 I2'k 7.1'k 7,U 71'4 lin'i 10 in-"- l!ll'2 l.il' 104', 1U!' 10 1 Ill), .'H'S ri'i llJ's W'i Wi i7ti; 1101 . M Hi .ilU I'i I'I 111 4I" 12 bl'i t "i"', t2- P2". "I'i ll 1T2'.. l'f'M .".I Mr; !l' U'a ill ( 41s, 12 Si' V' i2'i PI'j i's IU si r,'i !H'i 01'. H.",', t2 ; n'i u: l'.-4 11 OttJ 'IJ .'lUli .nltlli. til.. I II!', Sotilheiii I'.iplfie . Tenn. Coil & Iron Ti ,h lMciile ... r. s. leathci .. 111 l.V u I'.U ft M'. .'ll3 If. S Ip-ilhei. I . ltllllllPI I. S s(ec Co If. s. Steel Co Wpstiin fmoii 11b nh, I't. . IT I'i. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS )i. AAfd I.ocliaw inn 1 Hani' Co . Pr ... I) Count Savins;', lljnk A. "Iriift Co . :,fiO I'list Nitlonil Itnik (Carbondalc) ;.2" Stind.inl Dulling Co .0 'Ihlid National lank 4S0 Dime Pepo-.it anil DKcminf Haul... 277 I'conoinv Mjiht, II. A, P. Co 18 I'irst Natlonit Itank 12IH1 I.id.a. Trut Sale Dipoll Co 1r0 Claik & Snover Co, Pi 125 Scranton Iron l'enic A .Vltir. Co im Scranton A1p Woik, 93 scrjiitnu Siilii II ink W Tradi rs" Nitlonil Hinlc 17", Scranton Bolt k Xut Co nil 1'eople'-, ninl 3T, c. Mcmco Itj. A, C 0 7J UOVll Seianlon l'aenner Hnilwiv, flr't MirUagf. due U'20 115 1'iopIcS Sliccl ltalltt.li. lint moil- sice, due rns 11.1 Ppopli Stieel Itiih. i. (,'ineial inoit.iRr, line VI21 U Dickson Vlanufulurinc Co too I.ncki. Township Sihool ft pel ent. ... p2 Citj of "-cranlon St. Imp. 0 pir rent iirj Scianton liaction 0 per tent. . .. 113 Scinnton Wholesale Maiket. (Corrected hy II. C. Pile, 27 I ukiwinna We) P( in 1'er Imthil, choke inaiiow, $2"i0iiiiO. llutlcr I'icIi cu iineij, 2l'.a2jc: thin? fieh, 2to. I Iieo c 1'nll crcmi, lO'.illi' KBirv-Xrailiy j-llte. I'li20. . Mrdiiim Hem' Per liu-liel, $2 .in Oieen Pea-, l'er biinlipl, yl.IOil.ll riom nest patent, per biuel. M II. Iloin-. I'ci bushel, pholcp maiiow-, ! tit. Potatoes Per bu-,hel. SI Vi. Onions Per btiiliel, "-liSal.tn. New York Grain and Produce Market New Yoik, Nov, 23. l'laiu Very lUni mil in sonic ci-e held a hhule hiyhei. Uliut pot firm; .No. 2 ml, Mlxi. f. o. b. id.nl and ti)76. . elcMitoi; o. 1 iioitheui lliilulh, M'ni . f o. b. ntlcit. Option- opened linn n r til cuiei.ille linn all di, with occasloinl huint of deilihd Mirnutli, Cln-iil ilnu at '. net adiauep, .Miv ilo-ul s-t'ii.; Pit.. Mi', foin Spot .-lionn; Vo. 2. oS7ac. plcialoi and TO'ic. t. o. b. nlloat. Options iMitdl tit time, and wry slions on wctiru uiiiiipiditliiu. Ill in rabies .nibc loviiiu? nnd ,n ab-ince of scllu. Clo-ed ih in it i.e. lirl .nil nice. Miy cloi-eil llsre ; Dec,, niV'. Oils spot nlioiiiru; No. 2, thc.j Xo. J, 17c. ; No. J white, Mi.: So .1 whin, 11V.; link nilvi'il wc-tPin, 47.il7',ii'.i tuck whlli. 4'hMe. (Iptions t i oiiii i- wilh corn and on Ihe i-li P""i t ion. Iluilii I'Iiiiij ireiuieri, 17a2'li,; l. I iii.i, liilj'it,; I line i u.mit'U, lb.ij.'. .; nnltii thin CKimeu, H'iils'iC ; si lie dalij, Tiii, CliciM straili : f i (i-j lirire, sei'l., 1 7-i 1 1 1 K ; liucj hip, Hit., li' iti'li : taiuv mii ill, Sipl , lm.iio'jc; umv n ill, ou,. it'jiii".. et -sii-nlv, i-1 iti- and IMiua., '.'i i1? , wi-uiu, 2U2iK ; nmthiili, sOa'J'M, Chlcngo Qiain and Produce Maiket. f'hh.mo, Nov. 2". Mlflirflli III Iho (on-p kialn-, lid to f-cmrtl Imlll-li .iiibik nn I ne bm hi of tiadc tudi.' mil Die win it rlo-,nl a. luilf liivirs Pec 'orn. b. Iilubor, ind liu mtii, Ui'ji, up, l'ioiiiioii ihii-id 20 to I1'., icnlit lillthii r.ill quotation win in mllim; I lour- I it in : No I rniun wheal, 0'Ja723,i i No, 2 ml, 7l,'!i7i'.i., No 2 while. 7-'.i llat-.Vo. "2 white, ll'i tlli'.p,; No. .1 while, t.1 HV e.i No 2 ne. Hfijilli'.; llic to clioiie nuiltini,'. i Oitt.lt ; No. 1 rtav mciI, si.ij; No, 1 tiorlhwi-teni, l,l!i pilnie tlniothv Mid, fi.iV, nie.i poik, Sll.73ill.SH! Uld, Si.l)ri.l.'!i iiioit rllf, s.-iK'2Q; illy ultetl Miouldeif, 7:1i7l.i ! kliuit ikal lide, .rnbl"! whl-ki.i, sl.il. Chicago Live Stock Maiket. I uliafco. Not 21 -I illle Iliiiliib, li.Oci). in (liidin-1.00 wiUli't; fcootl to (liolie, Ilk 1 1 1 1 1 1 til nihcii., ieadv( t,ooil lo inline, Y'i2ia7! pout to int-ilituii, n.71io; nlockeiH and Indus, 2ati cow, sl.21al 71; lit lit In, 1.'M1; 1 ill uei.. ?1,25i2.2j! bulls l.'lll ."!; lalltv, .' "'I ilSlj vn-teni oleti-, -l li'al bl, Ilop- llectlpls today, 4l,ut); temoiiow, to,. WW; left mil, C,i"li lil to n lent-t lin.hu, iloolnir fa.) J inhcil and lnitchfr, 1 Ma HCij iiootl to ilmlir heaiy. " 0.ilJ i1; iourIi and nil lieai), .10i3.ui Hslii ''"! 'H if uli, y Mill S(i Shitp-lltuipl. '.n,iVi, bheip, nrfne lo toe. IiUIici; iJiiibs (fowl -'lad", rlioni, to 10., hlfh Hi i;ooi lo iholit' welliii, TUOil II; weileiu lieep, .Ullrfl; lulbe laudn, S2 K'll Tl; weiluii luiibv, .IVHi II Buffalo Live Stock Market. l.it.1 llutlalo, Nor, .i.-laJtr-IUieiil, 170 (alt; ill nlv tu him foi K'od i:l.idi'., hut iholni ftock and uhlppink' suel. lOllle, hlijhfi: tail In LOntl tvpoil tnri.. s'LUiih; ,n, Imlclnu tu otl tlilpp'i, SU'iHi. Iitldi., VSitlalJi); bull, ftudt, S.12I1IIH. nedi tuit and piln,u, stionaa' lit I, lluelptt. Ij iau; atiitt In shade (IrniiKrr, bil lifaw, i? fill Ml; liiivcd mid luedltun, HTWWi' ld. 35Ji M Sietp and linibc lli-ewpln, Ul cait, Imlndiiig ,1(j ( anaiUs; tic id) j lop niKed, l,S, l.lu; (iillt to lib. $l.2iJ.S: handy wclluu uud lji. lings !pJ.5il4J.Ti: cull to good, isl.Wal j Cm uda laintv, l 30j W. Oil Maiket. Oil Lit, Noi, ii. -Unlit balaiies M; itil. i,iti. no bid. Shipment,, IJ7.IW. auiai,", fl,o7i) ltuiii, lWJ.'W; ana,'e, ,.3,172. ? tf-'i'fi jjfe THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Una, i Cent tot Tach F.xtt Line. Help WantedMole. CAMASSr.llM WANrKP-liood Jiiiipivllloti: nb my nr ioininblou! In work in till. Addicti llov 1, Trttiutip, BeMiiliin. IVAMI'I)-". mull to open p.trtci't ill Miimii'i lltflei lloii't, Wllkert-llirti, I'll. aTvaTlMA Mi.MIN' IIMi'iIIIII lintli:. New )tiiu Out 1.(xii) liei' iiudoiiieii ibiilv, lllltlil weckt loniplitfs ntes whlb Ipirnliy, fooli doinled. lllploliiAH nw'ildid. stpjdy pu. Itlon uiiJiiiitred Kridiillis (hinte lo tain Ihp fiholiiMilp. C'ulilloijup inillid In'f Moliv llaibri Silinel, New otk Ollv. W'AM KD-Voiiiik inmi a tvaltti. Apply New Aumltiif liotrl, 111 tt'joinlli!,' avcmip. (loTiiTTA'pAiiiii: Mi:vwii,b ui! ihiTi mmaiiv AND COMMISSION' TO SOLICIT IIAN'K VC COINIi. lim-T.HIINfllS llliqiTIILIl.-l.'AMi M' .'in 'Piib't i: siiM.nr. WVNII.Il-A .muiiik mm nl cood limlly and jen lleinanlv bearlniv, as well at n unoil pduia lion, ai prb ite sptntiiy and iiuiaiiueiiiin. f't Iwo or llucc Iioum IjIp In llic iiIIpiiiooi.. Oeiiiim tiom or deeenl prelerriil. Kno.vledire of mii; (.iianry. Iip'IiIim Rood llniilMi, pletiojti ipltv and ttprwiltluir nn adtnnlainP. but not netntiiv. Menlil dl-dplinp liullipfi -iblp llulcfncrs nc eiplable, but not ni'eaiy. snie iu.tlineilIo'i, wrlltui In pencil, lint iopy, and stnd lo l. s, '1 1 Ilium) Olflce. Wli'tl-ny lemllnR l'hlladilphli home, m-d iUm Kilciiiin, to fccll Ki'tuial lino ol papu lo the ri tall tuide, one who hit nn iKtrtninUiirr pieferiul; mti-t hate bc-t lefuenro nnd be imp tn fumUli bond. Addicn 1. O. llov '2iW, Phila delphia. Help Wanted remtile. .0l,Sn'w0M7iFvfAVl'llliv .licob Mlllir. sv , tc Company at the I'irIp (.hirt ficloiy. leialed nl Ilordentown, y. ,! on flits eat buil, nf the Del man rivet, in 'Icht. of Trenton, an I in hour's ride fiom riiiltdclphla. 'lhop li it it i? nunc PNpciicnee on powir iiiaihilKS piileneu, lint other acceptable slrls villi be tnkiii. VII uld and new hiinw nip paid the .aiue nun- b.t pieic worl . but if new Ii.iml-t fhould fill il liiit to pun thin boiul vc make (bit up Ii tin in, so they shall no! Ret into debl while leaniiuj;. Tltla Hade i bitter (Inn lm'i-i t.ml , ihi' uiiiklni; 01 fcalpMtoman. (,ul Hil ml keep it lor jour futiiie use, and whin pi Willi' lo tm nil J on mw add .No 2k loi lm titer puticiilajs addirti, Sinmi'l It. VI tm p, lloidditowii, N. ,1. Olllfi VVVNII.I' Mi scnei ll lioUiPWoiK.. (ti'-t be jroi tl cik; iiiiun'o icqulied Apply 4tT ( II IIVCIIIII. Afl'IVIl MOVIAN" for piiniimiit po-ltion: (') pet month and pvpenses; Cillk . Co., 222 S l'ouilh sliul, Philadili'lil-i. M:vi:itAb i,nu:s cx vivki: mood svmuv SOI.RillNI! UVNK ALCOI'MS. CVII, .Ml spnri'U hTKKKT. -I- v'ANH-'D (ilil for ircucral hou-ovork, al liJ't l'cnn avuuc. M'ANTKD Oiil-i foi hotel viotk. w iilrtac, fook-, liou-e Kirl, iiun-es and lainnlrep". Laika wirm Agenii, ill Jlcars bullihnsc. WAMKI1 Rirl II ol li veu old who would like ii K-ioil peniianent bonip wheie she vvnulil be tieated n one ot the finillt. VVutc 01 apply to Mis Hmoii lliicklnshain, I.lni'iiu, Pa. I'IFTY OPI.RVTOKS WANTI I)-seail woik Kuarantecd. . K. Beck .L S-on, S'J Ailams avenue. WANTED-Clirl for geneial houewort at Dalton Addicts II. T care Tribune For Sale. BARGAINS, WOULD YOU BUY a brewery plant in operation ana making money if it was a bargain, terra9 right and good reason shown why for saleP I have biewerles for sale in every part of the country, from $6,000 up to $000,000, all do ing' good business, and each, worth investigating. A. Muntzenberger, care of The Brewers' Journal, New York or Chicago. i"01t su:to will-biokeu r-iwlhlt b.ile dof,, .ili-n two fennle pupj, Hit Months old, pedigiud Hoik. .1. II. hiani, Ibl tlaiy line. Willi t ll.n ic, l'a. 101! Sll.i: Clli: P Pin wood, lion rooflnK, tlm In l-t, boards, siantlln, elc , tiom ohl i u; tuilable for ill ituipo-?, ,Ii iinius--, Ceutial Jllne-. switch, foot of Ha'rnton oltcel, off botuii Main ji line. I'OII hVf.i: INio lUlu spiln wasom ami sotne li illicit, cheap. lit an'., icai 1112 Luzerne t-licel. 1'Olt SVI.i: A cai-lo-nl of loi-.es, cood woilv!-, and diiteis; weight from t.100 to l.'OO, fei- pi.i1 iIom'Ii in itched p.mi. Cm be i-ecn at 3)1 ItlMllOlllI lOUlt. 1'. M. ClMl. Toil SLi: Cheap; hoioe. fpiinp; wagon and liaineiva, at No. 1R28 Cedai avenue. Business Opportunity. j,ooo vvii.r, sncnti; posinov with a conv.u- lion tint piouiitm to In one ot the boi.1 pit -Inif inlerpilres In tin vtnrld Tor pirliniliin ami nitiuiew, addles "( orporalion," P. 0. llo f2l, S la'ilou, l'a nIOfK AND WIIK.M' IIIVIHIUS vvllliout ililiv Wllle lm out i-peclil maiket littei, Ihp ou nnpliiatioii s , Hil.l.nd .t Co., itiimbiri. .N. V, C, iHolukititl and Moil. .Svtlniuc. II and In Ilioulwar, New Voik. 1,. tblMicd l'nt, l.oiy llUlincp' Phono 2.5S Ilioad. Money to Xonn. jJCM.noo '10 LOAN Lowest rate; stiaislil oi iitonllil) p ijTiiciits. Mail. A (it., 'IiaderiibttU. ANV JIOl.M Of MO.NKV 10 1 0 X-Culck, hliaitiht lit mi in lliilldiiiK and loan. At fiuiii -t In ti per lent. Lall cm N. V, tlaikq, ,;il- ll'i ( ouiiclt Irtllldiuc. Purnished Rooms. PI lINMIini IIOOM l.n n nlj will hilled, sat., iin-of Inlh, Pint pi ice, .1 ft iv doon about nruu .Itflmoii avenue anil Spnuc ntitit, THIU'i: ri'HNMII.II ltOOMS p, m,, 0paialo. Milt ililn lul ItilicH ol in III, Willi in without lininl; Iciun ntudci.Ue. 1.27 tlaiu4 an nut . I Hit HUN I' ruiniihed front loom, vvltb lieil, bith .ml itjs; neii touit hou.c, hi ntltiiian piikiinl. Vdtli(i llw ni, llof .'fi I OH IIIINI I tuiiMiiil lo-jiii; heat, and huh. ii-'i I, milt n odcel. I rit.NlSlll.il HOOMS I OH IILNT. wltiriat. and li.it li. fcrntlt'iiitii piiienid, at i,'i Vdim. iiteniii. Rooms and Boaid. A IjAHi.I, ntOM' IIOOM, Willi bond, at S21 Aiiani-. at t mi.. , Miiiamu mi iwu .vouiii; nie,i, HOOMs '10 MINT, wilh boaid. bVi Mulberry itiecl. Boaideif Wanted. I'HIVA'll. I'VMIIA wbhe to havn ten nl , me.) In bond, 1,'iiinan in I'ldi.li (Mi auv limp aiier 'lhtti-.di'. All lonuitlcnuj, M7 Il.ui I mi jii'iiue Board Wanted. IS AM I II I.i'bc, well tiiriinlieil toom wlih hoiril; prhile tntdlt iiiiieilnl; i.iitul i.'ij. Addle.-, , II, li'n Wanliiinjiou avenue. I N I I'll lliHtiu ned hoanl lit lellued ,iilvale nuillj fui tluee Udlo; lul In imphI Au iiu week. One u iltd within l'e liiliuitij, walk lunii tit.v hall plofrlU'd ,Vdlie-, h. II, rilhilii! Ill lue Lost Stiayed Stolen. J.MItm.D-lWdm bull lliiukfull utciud 'Plllllt, 61''. icnlcri Ir.iiiiiiiji(oii of) Adnm avuuie. CVMi; 'III 'IIU) 1101 .si', tu the uud'iiVuiil ll I'nktllle, in .Nov 21, ti bltil tlo,,, u.lor, wliili, wilh yellow i-pots. Otinci can Itaie tlnie by pruilu; piupntj and pjjiiin cp.u,e.. Ocoirfo Pilie, llairisou liou.c. Instruction. 'll"lOtMi-l3iin, Oretk or ,Mthemitlc. dres Itoom I, 520 spin f unet, Vd- .rf.ife"1Bi)l1-.-v-Ai'iifit- 4..-- jLifmm , wkitii i V SITUATIONS WANTED PRGE. BRANCH WANT OFFICKS. Want AdveitUementB Will Be Received nt Any of the Tollow itifr Piiir Stores Until 10 P. M. Centinl City Ai.m:nr prin i.r. n.riier Muiiietr ulrcet ami Ucllrr aviuiie. (It'HTAV I'lClir.b, I'M Adatnrt avenue, Went Bide oi-oitm: iv .ir.NhiNi, mi soiiiii Mi.n tunue South Scinnton rill'.II I.. TIIHPI'i:, T2'J I edai atrinie. Noith Scinnton 010. W. I) WIS lotiifr .Noith Msln tenue and Mirkcl lieet. Gieen Ridge Lll.MII.IS P. .lONls, 1,'i.T llliUtn tenite, l .1. .lOIIN1!. Mi) nieeu lltdi,!' slrrit C I OI1LN. miner vVj-hliutou all" line mil .Marlon Mieet. Peteisbtirg . II KM'.ITl.t., 1017 hviMir ittini'. Dunmoie .i o. no.vi: a ov. Wanted. WAN'IIIIl -Ptliatc le-woiis in l!rihiiu' 'hoilh.id One in Iwo illeriioon-. pub week. Add"s, (iraliam, Irlbuitp Olllce. vVANTUn Funilslitd loom, centi dlv bcaleil, modern and In piivale lauillf. K, 'liibunc Office, dt. WANTKD Oood second html fuinne, will pay cah. Atldie-d Loik llos l.W, Siiinloi, Pi. Real Estate. FOtl SH.1I One acre of land, impioied Willi nine ic i.i liou.e; plcntv and vniilvot irtill; cood loiatlon in tilligc of rhettllle. Mr. Olive Pith, Flcctvitlc, Pa. LEGAL. SO I'll i; IS HKItl'HY (ilVI'N (li tL an ippll..i tlou will In inidc lo tin Coin t uf Coiiuiuii Pint of l.ick-iwaituu coniilv on Hie I'lh tin m llecenibci, 1W1, al 'I ti'iloik a. Ill, tiiidei ill in I pHnidlns lot Ihc iiiioipoiitiou nnd rig'ili lion ot cut lilt cci potation, itppioietl Apiil '21. I7t, iiml its Mippleincnt", bj Vloiliiuti 15. Till' In. .lame-, 111 ill. li., Allien ('. Until. Paul H II. lieliu uud .S Hi ml iihofl riioint. foi the 'litt le! or an inteiulnl loipurittoii to b-- tilled 'Tin llaclitlor'-," the ihttiilt.i ami objiit oi win It It to maintiiii i ilub foi tonal enojniint. ind foi till-, puipotp to hive, poi-t ami enin ill thu ti(,-lit.-, lieucllln mid privileges coiift'llii! 1'V lie wid Act ai tl it-5 biipplementt. V. .1. 'JOKIIKV. Solicitor. llli: AXM VL sriKMlOl lints' nKetiiu of the, Contolidateil Main bupply coinptit vnll be lit Id ot then oillee in the illv of "-iiantnu, Pi . WiilnCMliv, Sot. 27lh, l'ull, it U 1 lit., lor tit" cleclloi: of ntfiieis foi the tittiiini; ,iai, ninl fni the tran-ietlon of tiny olhet bu-me-s that uiif come befole Iho iiirellna'. iii:onii: u. ii.umv.n. s-cietaij. Till-: ANNl'AI, sroriillOLnilHV miPtinir ni I In Panthfi Cieik Watet (otnpiny will be held it thill nflice in I't" illv- of Seiauton, Pa , Wul in -.iltj. Not. 2Tlh, 1101, it 0 a. in , i"i tin' clit Hon of olficiit foi the en-tiintr ,etr and tot the tniixtction of tnv olliet butinit Hut nm tiiue betoic llic inietliisr. nanirii: u. .h:iim.n", Sccieun. Jim ANNCVI, SIOCKHOr tllllts' meilliw ol the bail, manna illey Vlnlii -tiiilv toiupiiiv will be held at their ofii-p in Hip in ol hcruntoli, Pa., VVidiietdav, Nov. Silh, 1IH, .it t. in . lor I ho eleLlinn ol oflkcis foi I In- eiittniij voir and loi Hip tianstclien of anv othu lithiiii'-t tint line t uiiie betnio tho nieetmir. (.lOItl.i: 11. .ll.ltVIVN", heintaii. lifi: ANNIUI. Mll( IvllOI.lll'.IIS' inielnu rf the Cailioiiihle Watn lontpiny will be held it IliPir olllce in the utt ol Scrintou, Pi., VVcdiie, iliv, Noi. 27lh. iKi, it !' a. in , loi Hip election oi olflm,-. for Iho nniiiiu veai and loi Hip lrans artluii of nm nihil- liu-tint-e. Hut nny conic Lc foie Ihe mcetiitij:. CLOItl.i: 11. II'.I.'VI.N. SpiMui. TIIK ASM Al, .sTHlillOLlli:itS' meiliiiic f Him Till lliock and .N'ewton Watci lompanx will be held at tlteit oflicc lit Hu cili ol Per inlon. Pa., vVednr-dav, Nov. '27th. llml, lor the i lection of rifllceit foi the enduing; von and ioi Ihc linn--action of nny othei bti-lne-t tint mil cmic In file the uieeliii. (iroitiii; 11. .1I.1UIVN, .en I.ii.v. Till: ANNUM, sTOr KII01 IH'.liS' nn el in j nf the rninml tie Wilier loiitpinv will be held it theii ofllte in the i ilv of seratiton, Pi . vVulne-i-tin, Nov, 27111. 1WU. at !l a. ut , for Ihe ilictunt nf nfkein foi I ho em-uinc jeir and for tlm li iii arlion ol am othei- liiiliiei-t that nny come b'foie the meeliliK. i.lOIUli; U. .U'.ltMYN'. -nn Int. 'till; NNI AI. SWKII()Ui:itS- iuci III tr "f 1lo Unci: Hill Witn lompanv will be hihl at (heii mil o in ihculv oftiiantoii. Pa., lleditctdiv, .Nov. '27lli, ptOI, ut V I. in. fni tin' tie' Hon it nillieis tot the en.iiiiiu Mil md I "I till It ui--.iitlnii ol nn ol'ui bti-hie-i Htal linj come Inline tin liiiiiiiti.. l.i:01t(.n II. .II.IIMV.N, Mill Ian. 'llli: VVNlHb -roC'MIOI Dl.lts' iinelin' of the V.indliii Wtln conipiu.i will ho held al their olflce ill the t It" nl Siianton, P.i,, Wiilncvllf, ,N"o, '27lh, I'lOl. at n i. Ill, tol the elreliou if ofliiiu fui iln cnuiiia jiii ami lor (lie linn it lion of any othei bu-inci- thai nnv cuiite lit foie the mutiny. tUOIKir 11. .H'flMiN Stuelji' TliT: .VNM'VI, SIOl KllOl.lini' iiiiellua- "I the I'i 11 W'alet louipaii' will ho In id if tin I i flU f in 'he illv of su mum. Pa, Wnlnctdn, Nov, '27th, I'tUI, at ! u, ui , ioi the clfition of oil'iieiH fni the t'lttiiinv i Jl"' '"' il" ' "" ailiou oi inv nihil biimitts llml inaj i.'iite nelu e lln mn tin'.. ;i.oiir,r n. .hiimun, inu. 'llli; VNNI'Vf. SIOCKIIollHillt' itiiilinir "I Hi'' ( rj 111 I. lie Willi toiupiiiv will be le'ld al theii' oldtP III lint i llv ol "ciiiiton, P.i, Utdi.i,. da. Nil, 2Tlh. Pull, al i. ut,, lot liu iIplIIiu iif'nlliiili. loi 111' riiMilnif ten aiul lot lite l nn .0 lion ol .tnj iitln-l butini'-t tlul mi) tome b(l;le tlie liuetlH' lil Ollt. I! 11. ,irilM.N, P.M. I.i.v 'llli; V.NNl VI. slin Ullill.lll.ll!' inn lini! f the .luiuni and Hndilnnik Wulil i ii.lpmv will be In Id al thrii 'tliu ni Hie t Ih "I "iraitliit. Pi, Unhntdat, Nov. 27lh, IWI, ,u 'J a lit., I i tlm i led lull il oliMU ioi tlo i '..'ihU vp t. mil lm lln It lint ir Ik n m alt; othu hllMllCv, lint nit n mo bil'iie Hi" inutliu l.lllltlii; II. ,11 IIMVN, s (ii tin llli: AitNt lb slOt'lvllOI.DI.IIs' me, tint, oi tho .lemon Wim foini no will bo litii it tlnir ollkp in lln city ol .tclaliliiu. l'a . Wedm-dii. Nov. 2ilh, innl, al " a. ut , foi tin elulloii if otlli 1 1, foi the 1 1. nil". lji alii loi In tjf ill ion if inv ollir hu-iiKM lliut lii.it ii'ie 'nf .o (he meeting. fi(ll!l.r II. ll.HMW. j. man llli; NNI'Mi .tlOCMIOI.Di;!!"' litC'iim. nl in IluhbOiik Male) lump i ui Mill li In hi nl theii oillii' in tho tin id hi union, Pa , Wcdn tUt, Noi, 2illi. U"l, nl ' a, in., foi Iho flu thu I l'tilllui-1 loi tho i'i-iiIiik u u and lui Hie liau-. tn ijou oi altj etlu hn-lnii-tlli.it miy wim bif'te llic iniillu. ClOltl.l. II JU1M1V. f-'ir.liry UllT'vNNl VI, sun KIIOI Dills' iii.(iii,, ,n Hu I liittoti Wain iniiipiiif will be hell ut tin ir i filro In tie illy of s, union, Pa, Witlinulij, N'of. Sflh, P"'l, al (i J. in, mi Ihe ehition if milt i m lui tin iiwilnti ten and loi lln (tan anion ui anv oiliei bu-lu- lln' ma loun before "l,""U""1- U.UIM.I. Jl JJ'LV' .'""I HlT.VVNl'Mt hlOl KIIOl DI 11-' iniiiiia-oi the lilinwowl Wali'i" imiiiiiiif will lm In M .t lien olllit In Hii ll'i "I KlJliton, Pi , Wnlue iTij, Nov, '7th, Pl, at ' a. m , "ul I In- ilictlnn ol itiliu't in tin eiL.uiii!: jiat ami foi Iho nan... aittmi of anv othil bii-luiv, Hut nm mini kmv "'m,Ub- U.OU-.H i. HinnNinui, 'liu". NNl .Hi MOLhlllllbr-ll' liu.lliig ot tlm Ml) lit Id Watei nuipiny will be held nl Hull olltic in tin iit.t of laiitou, Pa., t'diit-ali,, Not. 27l!i, 1001, at t' a. in., lor the (hclion of ellUem lot' Ihe ciisiiinif MJf and loi tin nati. oillon of any olliet lnnine-8 thu nn come IWun lit? niretliitf (.FOIIin. II JI'IIMW, S'ueuiy DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Tint Pour Lines, 0 Cents lor llach Uttra Llni. PROFESStONAL. ii'.-n.--..-i-r.a-,nw,i-..i,rl(virVifl.t.ji.Jj Ccitliled Public Accountant. ItllWAIH) , M'ui,l)IN0, CJ 'iltADKlisTnNrl llulldlni.-, Architects-, l.iiu vim it iiwm, Ai:riiuu:i',toN'.NKr,i. Uulldltir niKiiuiicic"! iiiiowv. Aitrn. IT,' iu: Lttalp l.viltanap llldK , 12(1 Wnlilnaton me. Civil and Mining Engineers. II 1. IIMIlllVfl, UKl ( ON.N'I.I.I, IIUII.DINO Dentists. 1'" (' I. I II.I.NIII.IKimi, j'VLI.I iiuii.di.no spinet' ftreit, -i union Dll f c, ,HUci, If, v"uT)mTniI AVK.NUK Lawyeis. riiA.NK i no 1 1;. rrniiNin ..vTla"w. IIi-oiii t 12, u, c utnl is Hint llulldlni;, i'. K. 'i ii "'V, i'S. ( ommon'wi:,m;iii fit.no. i ii. iicpioiii.i.. vrioitN;Kr.olxs3ri-:c"o" llatid on reil (etite ruuilli. Meart lltiltdln'. coinci vutiln.iin itiiuip nnd Spruce itrcct WIl.l.VHI). WMIIIIIN A liNVPI"3ai(lilNni iiitfl loun-ellon tl-law Ittinihlieiu Diillillnv, iWlilni(lnii auntie. Ji:tl'p (V, ,st t .uiuilNI'YS si) COL'.N'- 'ilionathw. ( onuiiimweallli llulldlng, Itoemi l'1. t nnd ill l.DWUID W III.wr.H, JIOIIL. ItOOVH W"". mh Hooi. Vie nt huildliiR. i a. v.tiii:. Airoi(i;-.r-i,w, novnn (if lindp lliillillnir, Niaiitnu, l'a. PATiotsov k i i.eo vTFt iii:ii'sv' nov u Han'. Htilldlinr y coMi'iiv., 1 1 iii rrm.ic n iiuii.dino. a w. licit rnoi.r, oi nt i: viovkd to no7 '211 W.toiiilii),' aten le Physicians and Suigeons. dii w r Aii.rx. in voutii wmiingion! neiuie dii. f. w. i,'vioi;i.u', oi nn: ,i wash iiirIoii atnuie. llitltleuip, 1118 Miilbem' Clnciiii' (lite i i, lit iks lent, kidnett unl .uiltn tiii'ut oiBins a tpecnlh. Ilouis. I to 4 p in. Hotels anil Restaurants. 'llli; 1.1, K CM l 12i AND 127 I'ltiNKMS' AVH lute. Ililn it'j-on iltle. I. IiroT.llIl. Ptopnclor. Sf'HANlOV HOL'sl", N'i:R D, L. Ic W. PA" Miixu depot, ( onducted on the Kutnpta, plan. VIOiOH KOCH. Piopiictoi Scavenger. a it unit, os ci.i:ns piiivv valms np ic pools, n i adoi : onlj uuproted pumps u.cd A. II. nrias-, piopiuioi. bene onleM lim) North Main aientie. oi Kicke's ilruij ttore. cor nel Ailing and -Mtilln lit. Iloth telephone! Seeds. . it. cirki: to , hi;r.DsMi; and suns- ertmeii, toie 01 Wai-iilui'ton avcmic; green ltnic, Ti-it) Notlh aliin atenue; eloio tclt phone, 7h2. Wire Screens. joti.pii hn.tii'L, ih:vh cu iitriiv avi:., Stiantnu, Pi,, ntantil ntuier ot W lie Sireeni Miscellaneous. DinstviM.N(i roi: cniLiini:v to ordpr; tl-Ji I nlie v aitn. 1 oui.c bhoeiiiaket, 21 J Ailiutit at i line. Ml O UtOl.i: HUlJt, PUIN'IIHV tIjI'lM,li:S IN' elope-., p tjicr Inpt, twine. Waiehou'-c, I '1 iJiinclcn auntie, srunton. Pa. 'iiu; vwi.KiMiviiiti; p.i.coiiii cn" hi; hal in Sainton nt the newt hiandi of Iteuniatt lltr. tm! ittucp ind fall Linden: M. .Notion, ."22 Lai kiw anna aiciiui; I. s t-cliulzcr, 211 bjirtn e st n el . Situations Wanted. bJHAIIO.N" WAMKD Hi a nun of famili s. jinltoi, cue laket oi mailiun-t. Hat In 1 mote Hun twenty vt ut' iNpeilinie In the Itanu llm; of loolt, it hiiidv aniiiml ninlilnity -ml tan .talid.t n lo fhtiaitet ami Btfidincv-. Mint lliing it to Bit a I til (hinte. Vddict-, Wheiltr, liiltinie tilth e .-nt VI ION W WU II -lil a klpnogmplipr in I I I prill lltl, on.' ipilue of u lttin' wltli bookkuplii!, ddit- .Mi ! . I.'.. Oeicial Dilheii, lit W VNH'.D-Po.itlon lit a ,' od. Iniiilv in in Ml. iln--, ll. I'ollotk, I'U-inth Wathintuui ai lute. -Ill VIIOS W VNIHII-Ht Mitmir woiniii at tc olid (.ill in noutl fnnllt. bi-t ol leteiemi", Vildu -, fl.fi Vhli I ttii 1 1, t II. sill VIION V VNII II U.itnaii vaiiH woik watltt in,' ot ileinui-' Impiiie '.t l-nu-l (oinl. V KM I'D-llv a joint, lit ill. It .naif, i pooltion III to'iltitl. 1 1 tj loie, two ji ,ii.' ivpenni't at llutlii't, Niw Vnll, "lit iiiinitli iii.itiHi. II, I'.'l' I!.. Pi Dine an , C, tlumlal". Pi SITI'MION' W VN ll.ll lit tit iNpi'iienceil nneli mill, iindei-laiidt .meiil vtilk alum! pi'. vale liniii-t , lifiipini-t ilhttt I'. .1, 'Iiihum. Mil .VIION W VN'U II- V lull- lit tins a poiilhit .it In Hit kn pet oi '.uiertl Imiitp.woik: will-. in,r to do ant kind ol woik. Ml" V, O , 1 1 II. ni. e dill' i IVANII.D Pii-illmi li) ji.iiua linn, tl.' -'. n waiter In i-litiiiiil oi pi'vale lamllv, in a lietl. in .ruti,' I'll ttt-i inr. 11111111101111; hint bit lime tins ev fill mi' in tin1 li ttaiiiaul builnct, Iltd i.ltu .Mil III '4' H'"' flllllUllllll. llppiltlll" t. Vdtlrit., .1. I' It., me ot liihune Onlc., I ar bondah, l'a W'VN'll.ll- Woik In Hu- iln lj a jouiift woiniii. I til of aildn- Hi Admit amine. slU'AIION W VNII.D It a lirt lint lOielinu i, wilh a pill Ho I unlit', llioiniunl.i nnd. i blamlt iln- bu-iiitts ttbit and leliable, and i iiu lul dinu, i i mi'- Addu-Bt I I, thu Hitc, FINANCIAL, . V v.- , F, MEOARGEL a CO, STOCKS, BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING, I. 1 Mi'.aigi'l Hoy CliOftPi Mi'at; i, Spencer Trask & Co., BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St., New York Special Offering I'lltl MollKtki i'pi' Cent (itiht II ml, mulled pi ipuli il'.'it la'nil li i il Price to Yield , 5.30 I tempi i.i I in nil i n).oii ri'iin''t Jliiiiln. Niw Veil floik l.itiluiiht. Branch Ortice 05 State St. Albany n n 9