The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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ArfV- rv
Opening A till i ess Was Dcllveird by
D. 3J. RcploBlc Twelve Booths
Atti actively Decointetl Meeting
o the Men's Xcngue in the Ehst
Welsh Baptist Chm ch Weekly
School Deposits The St. David's
Clnuclt Suppei Events of This
Evening Notes nnd Peisonnls.
'Ilio Kill of WimhltiKiDii lump No
ITS, Pnti lotle Oulei Huns of Anioiliu,
whs opoiiPil In WnshitiKl'ui hall build
intr lntt ox eitiUh'. mulct il. iiu-ph Ions
t Itcutnstiinoi . Tlie hull was mm Uil
mill the inonibt m uud Hidr tiii"idn i n
lowd Into ihi' iiinh'i inking wllli nnali
plousine. Till' lull' xxus lot niiillx npen
m1 xxlth mi uddiess bx Alloiiiex l. It.
Heploi?lo, ill Willi li III rninpllmi'lilt'il
tin1 boxs on the opi'iiiiit; ot miii li .i suh
it.mtlil bullillntv. He iiNn oinpll
intutod tin- linllis for the Intoiest thex.
me tubing In niukltm tin- full h sin-
Jli"-is (Intitule Sulllxuu Mini Jolo
3'loiex ledtul uy dcxoilj, .uid I tin
I'llec plujcil n minilii't ol lUnsiiu;
llano Mill)-. J'lionoifrnpltli' mUiiIoiis
xxoro pluvtd iimld' tin" itliiillon ol
iit'uist" Ai Kit in. in .mil tin- Pom. oi
A'ntet .ins' dt inn eoipi liiuiNliod nihil-
ll0ll.ll lllllMo (lll'lllK till" OXl'lllll;,
ThiUv booth1- huxe linn i.p-tPd nnd
docoiuted in pink, white, ml . 1 1 . 1 1 blue ,
cnili ol wlili h mntnln -il.ililo uitioles
Tllf v win" in di.uifo nl tin1 If llowiiif,
Indies mid tantieme!! Ii-1 oxoniuy;.
Ilnolli Vi 1, iliimniir Mi- 1. lm (.riiiirht r
I'notli n J Mm v i', Mi- I,' itnli Ipli I nc i,
5lt Timid! X. Hi I. r
H Willi No .", pill 11 VI l ll". I 1 X' It 11 1111
llfolli No I, (rime mil i-piil iij K"il" Mi-'?
Alnu'intt i tlniis mil I'll cli" I! r it
llnolli No. d ipnm ml fmn wiik Mi li-il
J'o-l, Xti ni i I'nrr
P. mill r. i, Kiiuilr Mi-cs Vi u Xlutj in
hiiI I liililli Pfilltir
1'iitli i 7. Iitrnituir Nit inin.i! w
ll.illiNii , (' P Went .X In i.rii-- O
,i ith n 'i, I I ul o Hi.
tllllllH" Willi Wi
lli nil N6 Ji mull -Mr
Mi-m i: til. i mil
.1 Hill
t, hoc
I llll
I! ill. i II. liinnv. I
11 .111 N.i 1 Nut ill lli'
I i-li Pi ml
i .
I nhl luli-(
i mi - 1 iti-
u a -iinn mi- i i i in t r
mu Mi- I . W -, nl, Mi i
II i In I lit
Tin live i. lit whit li w.v
W. VMl
- I Hi .
P. ii
ii in I
pit --i nted to
Dulotir's French Tar
Will jroiiiplh rolii-u mil pinlili n p
( nil- anl ill luiiii it.'ul.l.' 1 r
Ml U I,! W. .11 UIb, 101 South Main
We're Thankful
Thnt we've bucceded &o xvell in getting togethei what is without
doubt the finest display that has ever been made in Scinnton of
Fashionable Coats for Ladies and Children
Fashionable Furs for Ladies and Children
Fashionable Dress Skirts for Ladies
Fashionable Flannel and Silk Waists for Ladles
Fashionable Dressing Sacques and Bath Robes, Etc.
The Assortment Is
In point of vaiiety and the lange of puces leaves nothing to be
dosiicil. In a xvoid, the stock ic as complete as xve know how to
make it, and when the difficulties in obtaining complete langes
of styles fiom the best makeis is taken into consideration, be
rauso of the gaiment xvoikers' stiikes, xve lepeat that xve aie
thankful that xve have succeeded so xvell.
The New Coats for
Aie chiefly 27-inch, 34 length-., and full length gaiments. The
mateiials embiace everything that woman's vaiying moods may
think, including Electric Seals, etc. The styles aie puiely a mat
ter ot fancy and theie's ft voiiety heie gtent enough to tiie out
The most energetic shopper we evei met. while the values nie tin
sutpassed. Yes, we have a magnificent line of Coats and Jack
ets tor tho little folks of all ages
"Smart Capes for Ladies
In all the leading maleiirtl;
da inches.
Furs for Ladies and Children
Scaifs, Boas, Mufts and Sets to match in Mai ten. Mink. Tox,
Lynx, Beaver, Sable, etc. A most complete and inteiestiiig line
nt economical pi ices.
Ladies' Highly Tailored Skirts
Made fiom Venetians, Seiges, Cheviots and leliable Silks. The
latest iashtou journal contains no uexvei good styles than xve
Ladies' Flannel and Silk Waists
You xvlll have to go to New Voik city If you want to see a ilnei
collection of Ladles' Waists than xvo aie showing, and wo ques
tion if you can find it ex'en thete. Flannel Waists for all oidi
nniy occasions at prices that iuu the xvhole gamut of frailties
and styles. Silk Waists of tho good evety-day styles, or in olab
ointo cieations that taxed the lesomces of their bininy and attis
tic designeis.
U-ttdies' Dressing Sacques & Bath Robes
In Eideidowns ond other coay motetlals, and in all the colois
nnd styles that aie pietty and iushionable.
Bath Robos for ladies and gentlemen in the Nexv Tetia cloth, in
n lujge vaiiety of fancy designs,
Of course you've been in our New Cloak, Suit
jind Fur Store, at the rear of the Dress Goods Annex,
but it never held so many fine attractions as it does
today, A call from you now will be appreciated.
Globe Warehouse
the piiinp bv Ipniii' nmi. was uui
llolied oft' Inst oveiiliiff lor $1. The boj s
did not Imoxv xxliul to do with II, sn
"Pop" rioio.v HiijfKcHlrd tluj ntiulon,
nnd It croatcd much titiiusoineiit.
This cvunttiK it pood entertainment
will be pi oldcd, itiuhidinir music bv
the Lnxxroiiie oieheetin. The hall will
be eliibmaloly decorated todnv with
.Inpiiipii" lutileins, xxhldt will ntld to
the tittirti'lUunf-s of Ihi- place.
Alnonu; Iho nttriielluns that Will be
inoxlilcd dlltlliK Ihf bill will be a
ilioins 1 1 out one of the opi'ins pioillliid
at the I.Mciim hoi hIkIiI A ponrcil
bv a svniphoiiy on licstta, the WutKlns
inmllv, the Ihunpoinli ltd band, and
ulhot fcatuii-
Tlic rnir will bv open i-wiy i Mnlim
iliirlnjr Hi'' i'M ! "i l'1 lllP
piiin-i'ilH wilt In' tiwd In lliiulilalliiK the
Ui'lil on Hi'-' Imllillnn.
Men's League MeetitiR.
An Inli'ii'slliiR iiiiclliiK of tho .Mi'M's
J.inMH' was In-Ill lii-l cVi'iilHK in Hit
I'hft Wi'lsh Hnptlsl ihtiiih. when tin-
iIImm-Iimi nil tilt' "llUJt'i t ol "1 kllnn.
was tiiKfii up. An IH--II in live pnpvi
was uad bv MiUKl-Nt ''"'in .1. I.ile.
whii li wip- thoioiiKhh I'liliHi'd b nil
pi' ". nt. Hi' ol tliv ini'inbtMs ill-
i mh-i d Ihi' ubi 1 1.
Holot wi-ti I'lidoii'il b O.iMil Tlioi
boin and .lolm Mum;, liuii'isul luti-i-
iU Ik bit; inmiifi'iloil in iht Icuup
tii'itinn- bv tin nipn of I In- ili'iuli. all
ol v. hum mi" tinlous lot t ilui.xtloual
ull(,hli nun'iit tilmirf tho llm s to In- lol
lowiil by tin' oisanl.'atlon
Weekly School Deposits.
A lot il off ! 27 whs ili po-ltnl In tin'
WYsi Slib' lianK .M"tMila loi tin1 Hi
pils ol publli mIiooIsNii I '. mil I1' The
mini K Kiouinu ki nlitnlh .uid Is ,i
miiii 1 1' ol intti h -itlsl.u lion to tho'-o
liltli" biuUii- Yi -li nl.i's rolk'i lions
Will' .it. lollow-
N. i ! lm nl iinn - n i. I lii
l J" Mm' I . in -! ii. I .I'ii. I in-.
I ti
'. N I
In- liiiliml- -I 1 1
i . limiii I'lulbi '. J . :
I i'iii 1 1 rti- -Pi
Ik l i.7
-'I 71
Ni. 10- ,..
Mm lliiini-li
lliiltdi, -1 n,
ID -MI ill Mi lljtiilil -I ii'., I li i
I lonn i' I in nun, I i il.
Mttir a
ij. Mi- Mi h 1- I. ,
Mi- M iiriii. i) Ml-i
I in-, li'i Ml- Dull-.
M II: Mi- Wit. .' .
Ml- Mm pin. ili Mi
ll m
! i, X
M I htm
I nlici. -I J. Mi-s I',
'ili fill), 1"-.
il., M 'f.. Mi- Hun ill
St. David's Chinch Notes.
Tilt i nminilti"- lo attend tables .it Ilio
tipp'i in M D.uiil'1- iliiiuh on "Ynl-ne-.ll
iv c-M'ituiR .no
A ttb 2lW- Mm Ran .Hid Mi. D.U id
Wlllhims Mi-. Wb.lehoiise Mi s. Viko,
Ml- Cue". Ml"-"- U,1US Ml"--. SlliU
ltleh.lid-on .Hid AIWs UpsMe Hl'Rlie'..
With Mis. T. .1. AVIIliaius ami Mi--.ibin
IKs Allie fin. MPs siollu Wil
li mis. Miss Letltlii Puny, Ml-s Llle
Dnjs Jlhs H.mnr.h Pnls and Miss
J-llsie Pet bet.
With Mis Dot sov .mil us I uir
Mis Mtjtli' Hoi sf, .MIj Jluiv Toise
Miss Mm thu Mai shall. Miss Ksther
l)tis .mil .Miss Albottn MKliel
Tin i i oinniittei s ,(ie ieiii..-led tone
In the Suniluv si pool looms ill 1 1ft
o eloi k. oi in ul theulo as possible.
(i.i 'I linuksgU Iiik Diij , st"il(s in St
Dux id's iinuiii will bo (.onduetid ut 10
uiul styles.
Lengths, U7, HO, 3G nnd
oVlotki 'i'hcif wilt bo n eclebratlon
nnd hetmoiu A spoelul offering will ho
A oiy pkai'itlil niiltrtulnmi'iil will
bo pioUd'.'di
Waltl Walt! Wait!
I he '"Pt Willi' Itiink Will ilUlilhuto
mltiRK luinliH In a fow weeks whli'lt
tun be nhliilncd by ilppo'dllng $1 ul
tin- Imnlc.
Events of This Evening.
All liU'inbois or tho Itinlles Choir,
llllilor Hie (III euloi ship ol Miv. I).
IK'.viion ThmniiN, mo iirnentlv leniiesl
ed Id meet thin I'WliltiK at S o'eloik
id the llolicil Mollis lodi' looniH,
Eolith .Main iixentit'. ItiiKlnvps of liu
pot tmit'e.
I'lio (iM'oid (Ike i lub will hold llieli'
llnnl ii'hciuvnl In I'li-opi'tathe hall this
iweiiliur, boioii' tin' 'L'tmukiKlxliitr ols
ti'diirnil. A Hpdlnl H("xiiii of Camp .1.1,
I'llblolli' Oidei KollM or Allleiloa, Will
be held III lied Men's lull lids eveii.
Illfr. A oi lul eslon will lie laid nltui
fhi' Imshli is nieellliK.
'1'lie Colonial dub will ineit In Wn.ih
luiflon hull this eentmr and duel oill-ici-
The llilui -UIuk; news loadieil Tile
'Iilbune ,iHtiiila( Hint (win boys weio
biun In Mi. .mil Mts. John O'Hllen. ol
till West Clin ltitl. on Xo ember "J.
The nmtltef and babies ale rfetllllK
iiIoiih: oi nlcih.
HI I'adlclv's l.ttdl. s I c li. C wil
Imlil tin li uiiilli niinual ajiion and
neil.lie voi ial at Meai.s' brill 'lliunlts
rMiii; I'M-, WidncMl.iv Nov, 'X, Mu
ll will be luiiiiiliiil bj MKs Nellie
One Day's Death Record
MP.S 1! A HANAWAV, xxldow of
the ! ue Pi, ink Hunuw.i. died itnp
poi t"dh .xisleidin at Hie t.tniily home.
IP) Vino slied. She bien riilin;;
siiue Ki-t .M.udi, but it was only a fow
dijs ago that die xas i oinpdled to
tike to lit I Yesttulav moinliiK
the .ittindliiR ilis!i l.m icnoitid hci
imilitlon is much impioxed and slm
was iiutdi nioio dieetfiil and ambi
tious Hi m she had bun foi sonic Hint.
Towuni'i I'XoiihiK she awoke fiol'n ,i
lostfui sK i-i unit wus iiitondliiK to lf
up loi ii while, nnd cit soinetliliiK. One
of hoi d.itiKhti'is loft her side to ko
down stubs to oulir some food me
p.uid, and hud onlv leadied the (list
llooi. when she heaul her mother cull,
lltniiedlv lolm ninf? she found her ill -inur
nnd In a It xv minutes lile bad (in
put ted. Her henit hid failed, thp
plivsU 1 in's eviminatlon showtd.
Mi" tlan.Hxux wus tlfty eurs ol ac;o
lust, I imo site wus bom In Ashland, but
cunic to Ho. niton when u xouiik Kill,
and xus tiumlod in St. I'etti's rat hid, twtntv-oiKht (.ns uko Suixix--ini?
hit aio fixe diildun C.coiko. .lolm,
Willluin, Tcitsi and Cuhaiiuo In
Mis llmuw.ij's deutb ,i lcRion ol oin
oidti l uullles lose u chcushod fiiond.
She u on whom jenrs rest
ed HhIhK .mil her luteins' away in
what Willi bo Hie pi imo of life.
x ill bo u i.mise ot dnieie mourn I tig in
niinvu liousdiold. Uosintulitv and
dm itx uete two ol hoi most jno
luuiiuod i bin isteiistii s, but she wns
not wunliiiK in am of the foiluics that
ko in mike up the tine
The fuiteial ui tunsi inents will do
P' ml on the time in i son William c in
if. uh home 1 1 oiu Hot Spunks, .rk .
whoio ho xx fin itfentl.v. 11 is thought
ho i in not be home boloie Wtdncsdav
mh. Mittii.i.v Ki:.i.ii:itni:. who
ol .1. M Koinmuoi, oi the Htm of P.H
Mibmdei .X: Co. died ul liei liotue, .".'I
Pi'iuklln iixonuo. Mstuduv moiniiif;,
ullti a Unci t Iiik illness, k was not un
til aboul ten dajs .iro, howixet, Ih it
unx al tun was 1 r it ioihciuIiik Iki, but
sjiue llieu iho ftimllv baxo bt i n o
ptttinf; the ond, xxliich une peanalilv
wltllt .ill xxoio Kalhoieil it bet bi dslde
l)( ecisoil xus n xx uma n of the highest
txpo, devoted to dliltdi and din liable
xx oi k, .uid hci homo life xxus eloxati'ipr
and nispltiiiK: She liad In en a usident
of Sii.tnton sne bildhood. baxliifr
1), t n Inn a In Moruoe i ountx In IS17, and
was ul 1 1 led in I Iukp xx ith .Ml. Koni
inoioi tlllilx-s eats nun sthoisMii
xlxod bv hfi lnisbuiul, one son, W. A.
Keinuiiin, hoi moiliit, .Mis. Anna
Pobot. one sister. Mi-s Kale Pittt lllieii
dtr. md two Inothcis, ihi.iei and A.
Ilitienliondi i. The I s(ll(.
will bo nmdiided .il the house Tlitiis
duj ullf iiiofin nt i in look, by Ib.x.
.built s Mi IaihI, 1 . li, o Iho JTist
1'iisbxb tlaii duiidi. Intoiineiil will
b' mado In Pom -it Hill uitielen,
.iM"'l .'i .MMl. ilitil Jt.sletd.iX utlol ti
lomr Illness nt the roslduiifo ol her
slHlti, Mt. Piuuk- Mat Aillmr, at f.01
South Wfi slil union axiniie. The ile-
i .it-cd it- Mitxixeil by a Inothti, Wil
liam Hfiuuui', and two slstiis, .xilss
Annlcf Siiu.iin e, nnd Sli.s PiauU b
Ailliui. Tlio unit nil will lake plait to
lniii tow at lei noon ut J ii'ilm k and st.f
xKis will li.. held nl Iho limiht" by llev
P. V Holy liitm iiieiit will bo undo
ill Pin est Hill leiueli'iy.
CKOUtli: IIUHAN. Hi' IN .xi. n old
son ot lr, ami Mrt.. Michael loban,
of '.'US WVst Mailtol stiiot, ill. d )l.
tiidav moiniiif iilb'i' ii Ihi on xx cull's
lllllcvs with appeililleltis, The t initial
x ill bo hold on Tlmis-ilny mniiiluir
tinni Unix- Itos.ny f liuidi, xxhoio a sol
emn IiIkIi mass nl m iUl in xxill lit (d
obi a ted
MISS 1AM IIS P(ii)Idi!.N. (if i'h
luld, did! .xesleiday moiniuj,' at her
home atur a xxcok's, Illness of piieti
nionli. .She was Ci je.iih of a so and
bad lixod in Aidibald for muiy .xt.ns.
She l.s Miixhcd by her husband ami
tlliee dilution, .lOMipli, Ml.-, Julill
O'liouike md Mis Miii tin rtiiddx
Mll.s- THOMAS .IPNKlNrf, u pknitdr
)o.siiiii of Noilh Ki'iaiiliiii died Hiul.
deiib yo.iteidiy nl In uoou nt -"0
o'dodc fiuiii liottit falluio ut In t homo
at ii Oak stioui. I'nr tho last thtcu
days hhe had lint boon loellng well ow
I nrr to a oid, bul It was not thouithl
tint II would mmiII i-oilously and xvs
tt'Ml.iy iiiiiiuim,' six said sho was led
111K' bdlel. but ill the Ul'UlUOOIl sho
(oinplaliitii iiriiIii of not It dint,- xxdl
and suddenly espiu'il llm nexx's oi hor
d.'iih n.III be ii tiieai shock to hoi in my
fi lends who xxlll bo Kilovoil lo bear
of her dtinlse, as It xx.ib thmulil shu
was enJD.xliiK tho host ol health. The
dort used was fllty-dBhl jcais old List
Thursday Shu xx'us bom In Wnhs in
1S47 it lid L.iiin; to this touiiliy with hoi
parents when she xxas lour oars old,
scttllliK hi Caibondalo, xxhoin she
stayed until lfc'51, xxhon she (iimo to
Proxldonm nnd ilio folloxxiut; o,u she
married Thomas .lonkln, koIiu to
houietcttpJiiB on O.ik tlnet when slu
Cttrrnii. TlckeU nre ulcus sold tit 25
Tho West Sldo Driving club held a
meeting; last evenlntr nt 0. C. Deeltcl
nlek's clftar stote, for tho purpose of
cIohIiir tip their btinlnops for tho pies
ent year. The members oio onthuslu"
Ho for iho promotion of pood, clean
spoil iiPt veins nnd II possible will
hnc u suitable tuirlt nnd sbiblo for
cunyliiff out Hidr monthly rnto inecls.
HiirIi Metlown, of TwenlV-second
Ptleut, was held 111 .$-,00 bull by Aldel
iivut livls for throwing1 stones ul a
sliect iir on lmeuio stioet.
At a niPi'lliijj of (bo male meinbeis
nl the Simpson Methodist l.'plseopnl
ehuteh. held Inst evening, W. (Inylord
Thtniiar, fleotw Kn(. nnd S'uth Wtlgley
weie oleoluil trilHtocs.
Himilso pinyer meetliiB soixlees Will
ho held ul tho .Simpson MothodK
Uplsiopnl elnudi ThiinksKlvltiR inorn
ln. nnd n ThunlthBlvliiff offoihii; will
b leci'lved nl the rhurch tnnioiiow nl
tei noon, to be dish Untied umotiK thu
poor by (he Ladles' Homo MNslimniy
Tile Uonteis of the nieclile I'llv
Wheelniiiii win meet nl tho clttli hotp-o
llitlisdiiv inoriilni; at s o'doek, to ar
lompiinv iho foot ball team to Hi eon
Th" chl t'pxllou Vrati inllv of the
Washbuiu Slieei I'nubyieiiHii diuidt
held a biiiiiess mielltif; lal pxpuIiik-,
nt wlildi tnatteis peilaliiliiR to the .o
i letv woio disposed ot.
William Wiillilus hnstukiti phsih
slon of lii ww boiiie on Noitli liiinuh v
avenue. West I'aik.
Mluriiin IoiIko, liuiLpoiiilent Older of
Odd Follows, h.ip iter hied lo builil a
homo of their own. and the tiuslees In en appointed a "pedal eomniil
toe In look ii) a site and t-enue plans
ioi a buildins,.
has lixod ex 01 slni o hb. s sunlxod
bv her husbiiul, tin to sistPrs, mis.
William It. Hdxxaids and Mi. Joseph
W. Patten, of Olj pliant; Mis. Wallace
Dlmrnlrk, of Cm-bondalo, nnd live i Mi
llion, Hiioe diiiKhteis and two sons.
Thev.ue Mis. William ,. Thonris, Mi.
Thomas J. Hixis, Jeunlu, ltlcliiud, nnd
Oinlcl. Tho luneiul
liaxo noL as jet been complcti'd.
PATItlcrC MOHAN, a w oil-known
lesldinl of Apple, Uuuiuoio, died
at his bonio on Sundaj, aftoi an illness
ol soxoial weeks nH is suixlxed bv bis
xxife nnd the- following (hildton: Ml .
John Huaue. John, l.'dwaid. AVilliam,
Joseph, ricd and Nellie. The iuiiera!
xxill oicur Ibis afternoon at 2 30, and
Intel mont xxill bo made in the old
Catholic eemetci.
.MltS. JPLIA DUI1D, tif,ul -,u .xeuts.
died on Sund.ix ut her liomc, 230 Kuil
loul nx'.onuo She b suixixod b.x lui
husband and llnoe sons John, Dux Id
.uid I mid Tlie tutifiul .seixitos xxill
be Ik Id ut liolx- Cioss diuidi, Holle
x ue, at 10 o'clock this motninf,'. Intei
mcnl xxill be mado In the Cuthcdial
JAMPS MV.fSAW, UKod ")'. xi.ns died
xcstoidav inoiniiiK nl his bnme. H"
liiizoine stieil Ho Is siuxlxed bv bis
xxillo, oik son and one daughter,
Thomas .MitJi.ixx nnd Mis James OII
maitln. The mm x Ices xxill be
hfld at 't o'i loi k loinonow moinlui; at
Holx Cioss lunch. Iiitfiniciii xxill bo
made In tho Culhtdiul ccmctorv
c.l Atlcnno.x A. D. Deun. difd jestddiy
ul In r homo In Wuxeilx. She wus u
duushtir ot Hie lute A. c Slsson. and
was bin ll Jl.iv 27. I'fil. The luneiul xxill
be held Wtdnesdux mninlnir il 10 in
o'dm k ul the lumlly ltshbilie ut
Wuxci ly
Mll. MAltV Ni;i:i)HA.M. uil iiM'd
lisidint of XVest in i niton, died xostti
dav at hei homo, l-'l South Klhnoi"
axouiie The imiiouui onicnt
xxill be ill nle lilt t.
'tlie tumiul ot Mis. M.uj A Powell
xxill" plutf Wediiesduv moiniiiK at
10 io, Instead ot lodnx S ivicfs xxill bo
(Ondiictutl ut thf Home toi the l"iiond
less, xxlioie the uinilns noxx- aio. In
tel niPiii xxill bo made in Wiislibuin
sheet (t mi leix.
The lunital ol the lule Pulilik
(i'Holo xxill tuke this lnoinluit
lioin hit, lull") home on Pom ill "tieet.
Hoik x ue. Stixh cs will bo In III In Holy
i'iosj, ibiuch ul ! o'i lock, and inter
ment xxill lit' niuiio In tho Culheiliul
t I'lliclei
The tun. ial of H( my XX. Winbifk
xx hn died nt Moios Tax lor hospital on
Sntuiibix Inst, xxill be hold Tutsil.iv af
lot nuoil til J o'dodc ftoni Ills Into iosI
ilitino, 710 McKonnu com I Mi Ivln
buk is siinlxod bv his xdte und
d niKlitor Siollu, u mi'inhf r of the senloi
tlas al tho Seianlon lllll school; alio
n slfi, Mis, Lee, o Moiubeijt
oi Pnion IoiIko, No. 2'd, l'no and Ao
i t'ptf il .Masons, un; ii ipioritt tl to utu ud,
also inonibois o sister IoiIkih.
The lulieial of Mis. Pulilik Itiiddx
will bo. held ttiiuonow inoiniii' at :
o'clock. Slnixlies will bunt St. John's
iliiiuh. on Pis,- stioet, .Hid lllttllilillt
Will bo inuile III the Mlliookii toniotoix,
Tlie linn ial ol .liiiues Ntnlhiiiii xxho
died on Sundax, will lake place loinor
lnw liom Hie lumlly losldeiu e, on tVdur
aX'omie, soivlfts will be toiiilui toil ut
Si John's dnudi, and iuteimuil will
be lit. lilt In the Ciithfdinl u inclci x,
Tho mneial of tho lato John ltos.n
x ill tul.o pliifo this moinliuT at 0 o'doi 1;
Horn the homo ol bis ilutiKlitui Mia.
Jullit Sloinwadi, oi 71S PiUsion uxfiiuo.
Soixltih will be ( online tod ul Si. Mnt.x's
fitiiimn Catholic diiuch. nnd Intel mont
will bo mado In tho Tweiitbih wind
Ueilllull Cntliollv totllotoi.x,
Tho kite .Mis. Adam WKhd v III bo
laid at lest this ntn moon nom the
lumlly loslilf'iuo, Ul Maple sited
The liuioiul of Hie I'lU' M'.s. Tlioinas
Cut (-on win tnUo plain thin aftniioon.
scixiic.) will bo laid al lb" Slietinan
nvouuu inlsblou by Itox. I. I. Hopkins
and flex-. Thomas do Ciiudix. Inter
liiom xxill be liiudo In Iho W.'ishhuin
suoel Kiiiotoii
The fiiiiPial of thv lute Mis,. John
H.uboi will talio pluco ill's uttcinooii.
Si'ixliOh xvlll lm londiuKid .it J o'doi I;
,U (lie house on Aidibald stioet,
liollcnto, b.x Itev John P. Mou'at. In.
tt'initut xxill ba undo in Washburn
stiei t (cmoleiy
Tho mm nil or Mi. and .Mis P i:.
Demui's child xxill bo (mutinied at
1 o'eloik this uftei noon liom thu house
nu Stiatloid axtiiue. imminent will
be made in Hie Stiatfoid nnietciy.
.services oxer the lemalus of the lain
(JeoiKu l.nllnr will bo londuttcd at
Hotel Tornuo at o'clock tomouoxv
uioiuliiK. 'the lemalus xxill bo taken to
I'oity Poll on tho (0.05 iilooinshurK
Aiinngcmonts That Have Been Made
by tho Pnstois of This Fait of tho
City Funeial of Mis. Moimnu
Schaffer fiom the Tamlly llcsl
dence, 10ao South Wnshliigton
Avenue James Tonelo Auestetl
ou a Clmigo of Peijuiy Enteitaln
ment in St. John's Hall.
IhntiKsKlxliiR will be obsenoil 111 the
vailouii ihtiiohcH on this Hide with the
usual inoriilntr seixlies. At the Cier
ninn I'li'Miivtoihiii (lunch, on lllckoiv
Mil col. soi vices will bo hold by tho pis
tol. Hex. W. A Noult, (oinnioiK Iiik at
J0..0 a. in. No woixleos will lie held
al the (lei in in M,,,t,.ii.,i i..i .,
I. '" ..i. tinniint j,.i--i.-o,tii
chin (li, on I'lo.-peei axcnito, as the ns-
...i nun louHMKatlon will at lend
Xif0 ut Hie Pli si Uciman .Methodist
l.plsropul elnudi on Adams nxeiiuo.
xxnieii will be minim ted In the iiioui-Itifi-
b Hex. Cluslnxe nubolln. Moillllli,'
seivliis win Hlso be tondlldtd ut Iho
'hi 1st UithPinn ditiidi. on Cedui uxo
mio. by Pastor .fumes Wltllfo.
Appiopilnto s,.lL.t( -vv 111 he hold ut
the Illikoiy Stint (ioiniun llupllst
eliurdi, when Hex j. c. Si limit!, lliu
pastoi, will ollldato. ,. , p. . j)ty
will tonducl TliaiiksKix'iitf hcixhis u't
the Collar Axoliue Methodist Kpis. opal
chinch, whldi will be lollowod by a
tuikox dlmiii' in bo son oil hi tho
dnudi. Suxltts will pioeodou tuikox
dltmoi ut St. Paul's i:x diuicb,
on Piospcct (ueimo, xxhon the iitonllv
Installed paslot, Ucv. Ml. Ileifoith, will
A IiIkIi in iii und stxoi-tl low misses
xxill bo telohiuled al St. John's . hindi,
on FIk sticct, by ilex. ;. ,. Mollov on
the moiulnif of 'ihiiuksghlm; dav.
A supper xxill m.iik the oponliiK of
the bascmeiu of the noxx chinch tomor-loxx-
oxMibiK, and dinner anil supper
xxill also bo sen oil on T)i(ili1sgldii
dax bv the ladles of the chinch.
Funeial of Mis. Schaffer.
Thu funeial of Mi Ilcimau Kdiuliti
took pl-ico jtsleidfiv fiom the t.imllv
lesidftico. I'll) South Washington axe
nuo Iluncbeds guthcitd ut the houo
bofoio tho hour s(.t for tho soixicos, to
take a last look tit the features of tho
deceased. The sei Ices xxcio held in tho
Mllllin Axonuo Zlon I.tithoinit elnudi,
xxhon a lit tiny: tiibuto xxus puid to the
mommy ot Iho deputed by tho J'rv
Mr. nullenkampf.
IntPiimnt xxus made In tho Xoith
Washington axciiuo (onietoix-. The pull
bc.ueis xxeie. Mtssis John Cielncr,
William l.uthd. Osiai (icishaidt and
Adam Well it k. The toktns xxeie
boinc to the Kiaxodde bx Ch.ulos Suur
and Philip Pink
Peijuiy Chaiged.
Mi- Jullu S(tlcKillo. of Ptltslon .no.
nur, sxxote out Infni illation be fine Ai
de) in in Leans xesietduv .is ilnst
James Toirola, of Olj pliant. diuiiiiK
peiluix- M npijonis that Toil el i xxenl
before Jlls'tice of the Pe.u o Dolphin,
ol Olxplnnt, lust xxoek and sxxoio that
Mis. SrpiLKlllo hud stolon fiom him n
pull ot Rold caiiliifts, Sho pioxcd to
tho uldeimun, howoxoi, bv oxcinl wit
n,tss, that the run lugs xxtie u pies
eni und the ltsult xxus Tonclu
bad to tuinlsh li.ill loi his appeal mi c
at i oiu I.
I,ilei a (ninpl.iint xxas lodged igiinst
Junes and Ijouisa Tonelu bv Joseph
Sfpieell t, ol the lb st com
pl on a tbuiKo ol dofiaudint, u
boaidhiKliouse' keopt i. SqUit,olli testi
fied thai tho Ton ("Ins oxxoil Iiim ?;flO lor
bo.ud und thai thov sui loptltiniislv
ninxeil llieii kooiIs xxltli Inltiit to dual
mid difiuud. The Tmidis xxeie In Id
on Ibis (haiKo, also nnd the lull was
lm least d lo S'Hi'i
I'.iiiii I l.ud
I'xtluu' will
0 KnUbls of
lilt ft In ll.u lm. ill's hull
this exenitlK.
Minx losiipnls of ihi-, -hh und tin dlx will utlond the liiultun
dub e, H In .it lull of Hi" Mmdiislti
in u IMS' da In I'illslon this ixenliiK
SI. .lohu'.s hull on Stone axonuo xx is
thiouoil last nlKlit nnd those who at
tended xxeto u xxiii did bx listening to
tin tendlliou of .ill i'M elh nt piiiKl.inililf
Kixell llllilt l tlio auspices of till" Ul
pheus lilee t lull Tlie pioKlumiuo us
piibllsiitd xxas i,Im ii and uuiu
beis xxeie liculilx cnooicd. One bur
was- ninth mnullisi ihut was th it Hit
dub bus union,; Us inonibois a miut
ln i ot luleiiltd musicians. X il.iiuc
folliixxnl iho oiili i t.ilnmi nt i
The lonuiiltleo In (h.iiKe of tin .11
MiiiKonit ids ioi the loiuth .miiiiul li.m-
I tic t of bl. tilth I" KlllKllth of M
llllllr,!. Ill Id .III I'llllllisl istil! session ,
lliu leslilolli t ol Dili i lor Auausl Ittll
liei oil I'lospod axiiiiti' lust exeuillr..
Iteptil Is xt if in. ulo hx the M lieshmentH
i I ul tickets i onunltteo, and aNo bv tlie
(niitiiiillee on music who huxi .si i und
tho s,.e, s ol the L.twitino full 01
tliistia, Tin baiuiuu mid mm option
will take plum nil New Yi'.n's llllilt
at Si. Muix's hill on Hixoi sim 1 1,
John It.xoi-., loslilliiK at tlioioiuoi ol
lliikoi.x hin.01 nnd I'llKttou iixiiuio.
was bnniKbt btloiit Aldciiii in l.t ntos
jesioiilnv on a duue of I.imoiix pir
toiitd bv .Mr. Spniks in lliil ho mux id
his illinium xxhldi had Iki i i lexied on
for mm. Ho owed Me foi Miit .md It
iippr.iiril that tiller tint lexy on thu
f,oodh had bun iiiailo ho piocei dod lo
llioxo bdwoi-n I wo till -. but xxas
callKhl 111 lb'' -lot 'iho e.ihO XX. is sul
lied li Hxtl.i KlxillK il bill ol .sale oil
Hit" guilds until lie (ould n dit III llieill
with the nmoiiiu due
The liidieit nl tho I'cd.ii' Axeiiuo .Xlclli
odlht llplsiopil i hut ih xxill soixe a
tllllteV dhllii r 1 1 om 1- to li ui link on
Thunki-fiixiiiK ilnj. hi the duiM b par
loin. TIlllIlliSKlxlllk slixIiCs will be (oil
dueled In lc dull ell bx Hie pusior on
Widlionduy oxcnillK ut T !i0 o'doi k.
.. fl llexxlll lias lfsuuieil woik, n,s
liMtoiuinakc'i and tliatiKlitsinnu, at Ilio
Si inntnii Alo wm l.s
Miss ,xj ikkIo IMxxanls, of I'tui' Hiud,
Is mho.'ihIiii; lioni Ihi tocint sux oio lib
r.xoij lliln," Toi ,i riiaiiltsi.ixllig dill,
not at ril nd i. ,s muiltii "II I' uxe
line -
I llloll '1 llllllk. rt'UllH. KilXlll.s will ho
hold In Hie (inm Itlilsv I'lthlixteii.ui
diutdi Tll.ll.sdio. in wlddi Unit till!
iiiiiBiopallon oi tin Asbui.x aicihodlht
Ut'Nl. I ll i.llllll'i. II li. 1111 III ill. Ill ,41 il,l
I tr.i,. Il i i mini, mure l ni.ti-t, ( e'cU, ...iiu,
Hi. i' ''in, (wtiii jul 'I II i, ,u ami une
Irouelti, Hun jut illin Ti ilitlm. Hit lit.ili
l.n lu. juilii.u,iil j in iliniui't it, uif t.ii i
sjiiii1 II jt i It in tj ii.iixlu.i x mi i ilit mult
f tills .iut inn. lx fi Ui , 'c jul ik
Jonas Long's Sons
Some Things to Aid
You in piepuiing the tuikey dinner. Kitchen
utensels play a veiy ImpoiUmt part in picparing
a meal. A good
will aid you consideiably.v
We mention today three pt ices, well made from
the best of mateiials. A laige size Roasting Pan for 15c
A Double Roasting Pan, sie iiWxir, for 45c
A Double Roasting Pan, sie 14'jXio, for 39c
i Chafing Dishes
Ait ..rlt l.t ttiilt It ,,.,t.i .
rxu .iiiiciu mat. i in uc uiuh- and useful, fancy, home
made, linn and neatly (ni
ished, niclcle plated. Wrought
iron stan d
loi piS.xd
Rogers Extra Quality Nickle Silver
Table Spoons
Set of six 90c.
Butcheis and Biead Knives, each 10c
6 Tea Cups, 6 Tea Sauceis for 45c set
Furniture Department
An J still they come, rivet y day adds to this stock
or well selected rumuure.
best houses in the country.
Folding Beds
Built fiom highly seasoned oak
neatly paneled and finished nice
ly, the woven wire spring is extra
cloth secured with patent special
l support top. mantle can be used
fnr oi other oriia.
menls. This special j p
iiumber tor p I
Others up to $3o-o.
llplscopil, (iirrn ItidRO baptist, Tiim
Itlxe Mothodisl and Piesbj tmlan
dim diis xx III woisnip losiinei
n Hi Sue. ii. "SI. "" 11) liom. lifie "."
lb. besi lloui, -sl.lii. 1 ul niiiplo siup.
S-,i . 1 lm potutot s. T"n. TiutliiiK
stiini)s kIxiu i"i -asli. (born KidKo
l.t'tluu. He' (Jlten HltlKO Millkil. "
.'.in ll.iini" M nle Mlnrt (llieu
ItldftC .Xl.ukot.
.)..! D..M I .id, Ih Piduh I'm S
'iiiii ii i i .iiiii -iiitii it ' t r-i n
ill i on ltldKi .Xlut kit '"
Mi .mil .XIis. Il.uix Hull huxo koiio
lo New loil; dix wlnie tllex will bo
the kiiisIs ol lib mis oxii
met ii 'liudlliK SI imps with all lush
puidt.isfs litoeii ItldM.' Muil.d. "
KIiik AppUs (.ifiii HidKO l.ukil '
chase tX. Miiboiu's 'i'etis and Coin is
tin i n i:itit.o .Mm ki t
M. .nil Xlis lln.e 111 Xlosi OXX XXI 10
xsiots ai tin home ol Ibx and Mis
XV. .1. I'onl xesiciilnx
I'llll lilelplliu Cli-.llll Itoipirliill, IMiiIll
t'llieupplo. Clubliollsi. mill Allli'lli'.tll
dltese CM i It lllilt Xl.ult' I '
fxxiil Cldi 1 lot lalile 1150. llM 1 11
Hld'.e Mail.. I "
1 II .... 1 . 1 lb. I.I .Ml 1 1
D.U l.r I hi . ud uid while, l.t. in
ltldKf Aluilo'l
11. .,,1. xiinli 1..111I Cm 11 ItitUe I111-
Iho Indlts 01 die i:.l Mini
I'lilillllxe .Mi thodlM dnudi xxill sen 1
n luike.x siippir 111 Ho dirndl, TlllillUrt
IxiiU? c'Vi'iilu;
. .1 . .... .11 1. 1... 1.- 1 : , . it
Cs!c is a in 1 1 1 11 is .hi i
i:iilt,o .xiarlti 1 "
III110 Points. ildlX'Md on hull sdioll
Clttli Itlil-e ,l, 11 kit, '
.Xll Mid Ml'- u. c. Cut ol llhksoil
nil lllto, III" at lloiiesiiule, Imxlllc, KOll"
tlit'iu lo ntn ud tin lulu nil "I a M'la
ili. uiiiimes, litiiiunii-, l ii,r, iniu.. anil
Viilv 111 .ill Klllils CileOll Hills' Mai-
1 ,
ki t
h'lid (llestli l, ol f'oilli axt UUt. lints M -
tin md fiom a x It-It ai l.ulMiiin"
Homo dltvsid Ttllke.xs, Ducks 1 llbk
eus and Itnbblls ilniu niillt Mar
k. 1 .
AUJUDcri) rem contempt.
Alexandei In&olvency Pioceedliif,s
Tnko n Soiib.uionnl Tuni.
Txxo wiltH imo. 1 apinlii W " "
Aliie.x, oi Moniiose and 1'iunlv M
Hunliiui', of Km i t cllx, utioiunys foi
Iho potltlonlnri iitdliois In Up IiixoIuii
taix bunkiupii.v piofidiimh
JiuK Alo.aii'bi ot I'omm ''it.
tlllii'l .111 nidi 1 iMUll JinlK Aidibald,
dlle 1 1 if, McMiluli'i ami tin' ullotn'Xs
101 hlim-dl nnd c t t .in I'liniud m li.
loif, In upp'.U' lliluif an
Woniii'i, jlio will, uyo .xesiiMlnj anil
Mllunit lo .1 iiu-c tMUilillalioii.
'J Ilex iipp. ui d nud liftlH'd in ttsiiix
Minii-iuliui,' tint tho pi in (cdim, was p
MKUliu. Vthluil.i.x Judho Aidibnlil iid
JudKod 1 1 1011 1 lu (iiiiloiupt ol limit und
diiceiod Hun tin pay Hie msls and
pillKi tlnmsilxes ot the t out Miipl In.,
line nest .Miiudii.x,
Later In tlio day Alosuinlii undo full
MMllimtiit with the polltioiiluc; 1 ioiII
toi", pa.xim; 0110 liumliod lonis on Uio
dollillf, and all costs itid utliiiief.' oe,
'iho pi(ti(iuu will lik I) bo ilioppu).
Pudding Dishes
An cMiaoidtnary value, made 5
of best nicklc plaited materials, j
has cover and inset pail. A
desirable addition to t
the culinary dept.. $1,25
Desert Spoons
Set of six 75c.
vanous siyies nom me
A large assortment of oak and
mahogany finished Rockets,
saddle or wood seats, closely
spindled and deep r f
carved back panel. . $J,)J
Hedicine Cabinets
Having ii2 mil ror and
double shelf sides. An article
foi the toilet, olliue or Q
bath loom VOC
Lyceum Theatre
M. 1II.IS, Ui C2 ami X nui.ii
A .1 IlLltX, llus. JIanJB'f.
Tuesday, November 26.
SiHtC-s Hit llCI 111 111 I V I
1 11 lil 1 X (.lnpinis I'lomii li mi in Hill Caiti'j
I'. XXtltlll I'lix,
The Christian
II In I'll ID I 11 I 1'lilU
mils siniixi i.ioiix yi xx 1 r
I'llll I s ', mil. I. l (i
s. US -.11 silt' s 101,1 11 1 ( 1 in
mi itspxx 1 iiinxx n sn mm,
November 28. 2, 30.
IIiuimIu mil 1 1 111 tl Alitimi"
Willi 1111 lit i U J'n in-, i!n I'Ih nmn ml ik
Lovers' Lane,
ut i.ii 1 niii
X I lit t III 111 t sill ill If n i"tlr n
pliti I t - tin mo nil. lii t toil nut tlm
in niii. in ( iic ui ( !iiiiuit it thiitx 1 in
lit. 1 tit 1. il II 11. 11 ts i 1 net . li
XX 11 II mil I i.t
I'llll I I tiiiinc, , 11 " ii 1 11 1.1
XI iiim .11 tul 7 1
s a ,11 s,i, j 11 .a 1 . n 11 4 lti
Wednesday, Nov, 27.
Brockway Course
XI I 11 mil IL 11
XI 1 1 It nl 11 X Miiii.t
Mi I 1 I n I II Mi ill 1. I'lui
s I I I I
Academy of flusic
M 111 is, Usui X I llulTj, Mwif.p.
xiiiiiui unit ( jiNtiiiiii uu in oi ,
Schiller Stock Companj
sup) lllll, tlio . 1 1 1 1 it 11 1 ,111. 1 . uMlil .'ft
Xlll a,
Mlbs Ella rontnlneblenu
li iiii l'i dm ii. he. 1 1 t.r. 11 't. X -
silt l ,...,
XI lit Ni. 1 tin s, 1,, ,, jIH , ,U1,..UII
l lllll l U. I lit UlUli I iJt
at I
I niuiio I'ii lii -ii 1 nl il M 11
I'll.t., ID ml 11 11.
I iff p. l'i ili m, 0 in!
II 1 ill pl.i K .11 ii ml 'l niii.
Xl.l 0 111 Itl.lMiK'N Matarr
XIONPXX I. lHil txlllbllXhIdb
Sam T, Jack's Own Show
,J x II
The Conservatory Course
cf x 1 . 11 mi wm ut Oi
Thanksgiving Evening
Xi si lull, l'jn.l ll'ii. Xuiforlum,
ii 1)1 li I.
I'llll I s 'ii lm In t.iui (ot (jiii 1011
1 l-l. 111 I "d J Hi. 1 iwi I 41 I" i'l)li.
i x
.yy- w- .$j41&l
HM7'"?fr S Jt'&'-'l A ".AJit" 5 1 !- rU- ." . V H,
-XT- J. .