"fnpnUM! 1PTTJI ..t-ii ? '' iT " a .. 4 ., V h HIW1 .w. ' "P it'PZ' .ii 'As. lii'-i ' "rf a , y" . l a . ' 4-p , s it . .. '" 4 v - vt' l A' VJMZV.''iWi -it V'-'i n v? ".r,a ... . 'T 4 r 1. , i4JlA'iai THE SOBANTON T1MBUKE- TCESDAV, NOVEMBER 20, IflOJ) . 'x ,i 3 S T'iv ' fPi, $.$, $fcj "iiu; '.'-- An Excellent; Combination. 'the pU'iihaiit method and Ijcuulicinl oltoots of tlio wisll known remedy Svm't np I'hib, luiinufiicturi'd ly tliu Uamfdhki.v I'm Sviitri' Co., illustrato tliuviilui'of oliUilnintf tlif liquid Inxtt tivc prlnutplos of plants lcnowii to bo incdlulnnUy lnxtitivn and pivMiiitliitf them in the form most rcfrcsliiiiK' to the tttsto and acceptable to the system. It, is the one pe.rleut hlrentheninlnxn tive, clenuhltifT the system efTeetually, dispelllnif eolil.s, headaches and fevcrH gently yet pi ouiptly and onalil inborn to ovorcoino habitual coiisllimtion per liiuneutly. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable .ihllly and snh htan'ce, and it.s aetln fmi the kidneys, liver ami boivels, wJvonl, uvalfiininjr nr irritating theui, make il the ideal lnsalivi!. In the process of manufacturing iltjM lire used, us they are pleasant to tint taste, but tho medicinal cpmllticsof tint remedy are obtained from kciuiii anil other aromatie plants, by n method known to the Camfohma Km Svhui Co. only. In order to (,ret its benetlcial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full nameof the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANCISCO, CAL. LOUI8VIXL.1", KT. HEW YOnK. N. Y. ForHate ty all Mrumists. l-ricoSOz. iwr bottlo. Free Platinum Pictures To every I,idy visiting our store this week we will give ab solutely free a handsome Plat inum Reproduction of a World's Famous Picture. Better come cat ly while tlte assortment is large. Don't forget this is the best place to buy Pictures, Frames, etc for the holi days. Jacobs & Fasold, 200 WASHINGTON AVENUE. City Notes. 1 MI.I'.IINC M IICI UlTHi.V An !,,., i.it. it-Mine nl tliu lu'V-iunc llviiiililli.iii , Inn !I Ac pl.U'0 fMiHWit, tn lie fllfi,,.,l hy :i ,. ipllon. Mia'TINfi TODAY.- Iii lVmi.it Uiiiii.ii'w iri-lun TniiiPi:Hicr tir.inii will ,m f1 this .ii'n iiioii .it ." c'dm lv in I'lti'in-cy lull, i,n .1 in. 'Inn's litis. aniudwi: roit i HNvr.Uii.K.-.-'.nmi.'i .ii;.... . ir. of tin' l'l.u. jmiiMini is hiiii-i'lt u- a r.u..l' f.in tnr tin' Diiikii r.itir- 1nn11ir.1l imi n.t i-.m-f.ili1 - ( iiif i:i'4iitii v.mi. oTl, i;Vn.l!TAIMi:.T.- n'.vi'l m.. Uinmi'iit -vill li,i "iM-ii .ii lii.-. K'.i i'1-i..i .-.,. i, i'Ii'.Ii, r.ii V.ilniisl"ii avrmir. Tl'.iuls-i'itlii:: niirlii, I'.-i 1 1n- lunriii nt' the ni'W timile i'iiihI. uixn.v; vi i i:i w. i. l'.'fi-. i.i.i.i !,, "I". I Milt ? C.uholii lSf-vwIi-iil .cm., i Hi.r, -..ii' liulil iliclr iic.M ii'snlai' mi'i'lldi; S.ttunloy -, n ." Nui. ;.d, iiwu.nl ,,t 'l'li..iil,.qi;n inili,j. PI.MMUM OI'I'.V. Hie lt.iui.ni. iW I lie II 1- rtiin ivill.ll in 11. i" ( niwrv.i.iy umiti' U ,: mm .it tlin nlHi-p. i.iil l.lmlii. (.ticil. 'I'nr ilt- H.1111I loi .itl'ii',.-, i l.ir-1. Oik ..iil, I. li'jilnu.l f... t cnly, :n;inii ss-ivr.iiAi:v. Th.' ,'iuiit u.m..-. mi of Mr, Ilium .M.uli Mill In- li.l.i it i. 1!:. Mi.-i"ti "ii Tupilnv Moniii.', V,,', :ni, :,t S o'i'Iolu. All nri' will, mi,., LViif-.inini:-! cin'il in uujI. i:i:',i i. Ait .mi:i;'iim:. Tn. sn.u,in u,iw ii:-Mi.itlun, No. '.Ml, Mill liolil tln'li- i'.nl.a mn.. in;,- '.milclil, ! oMi.i'l., ,it lluMi h.iil. M,i'm:ii'4 H'C'imr. .Ml iiii'iiilu'i,. an.' iVin-..li.'il lu 'ip (orct't.r. I.ii.'tJiit bj-!no-. nniirn in cauiuimiam: .rnn.i.ii iiiun.n .l.il.li U. I!fs.m iDul. tun iuii4lik ot tliu IiId M.ny llro'.ni tiom liu-klft i mill ycilinil.iy In C.nli. ii, ilali", wtifiu I in- ltiiur,il sfntii'4 w.tp )i,1i in -'. ll'Vf , lnnvli, .ni'l Inli-tir.i'nt ivn mn.lc in x. Kii't. iKmoluy. i.i:orti: ,viski,i:v ixiui:i:i).-c,vu,. w:,i,. "w. if I'tini lOinvii'. r!io k I'iniiliiywl at II. 1'it'" llinok lolllit.'i. v.ii iiiik'li! Iij a hip ,.i i.i . ,'i. n( iv(,il. ypsii'iiljy .iwl w.n rluavil '"I''' I. lik'Ulltf. llo H'-ttltl.lll il Innlill l .ili.l i I ' Inili.-ok .mi ii !: .il liic I.i. k.lu'.i.ni 'i' Ii '? "KMilHA MiIU. "-n. r on- li.n.fli,, I im. f .us, i i)ln icf .'il of I'liliiv liripli' i.. tt, . nihil , i). Ninth tttl'l, (incri KliUi', Wi ,s!,. ,,i, I Smil'i "IJc, im ii'ln ii-lntf (in if v. i ii ,ii.l.i i . "Hanlla Koinim'' i'if,i nlyl.r, in. I t.i. pio;rf , I li'.v li.ivc iniiili in tlicii ilnfinili nii'l jUKli.. ,i.iii. i. i nlv iiijiri-luiis, iinn. n...u in;," i u 'in , Irjfimn . .ii tin iniiil. it vlv C'liijH (mil ,,iil - tt4.tff4 4-f "" BOND OPFERINGS. Spring Biook Wntev.lst Mtg.Od Xncka. Valley Elee, Light, 1st Mtg. Os. No i'th Jersey niul Pocono Moun tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg. Os, Standard Gns Co., Hi Mtg'. Os, Loliigliton Water Supply Co,, J st Mtg-, Dp. New Mexico Itaihvny and Coal Co., lfi Mtg. Os. Desci!;. vii and price on appli cation. i 4- Ci IlicadBiiy, ,N. . -f 4 U'likcs-IJJIH'. Cullivlnljl;. 4 i-S V Connuoii'.vujltli IIIJ,', brjntvu, I'j. T m -t ijotiiii1 iiitiiuctor. Tlio'tf In cturcf 1ce (i .mill llial ttlicn "K.ltilir Kntniu" l iiwntril Mi it..' loiriiitii fl.itr.'. Pec, 1fl mnl It nli I lie pf" pc ni "'ir.ttilnil will lirniioiitiic tl l I"! u RUnil ,li!Mt.iliniifrii, iii.my IlinrJ H-nrlti lli" piifp of titili!lon, II., I,. AM) W, I'.W DAV.-'llic rthilnm t flio lllaiiKitiJ mine .ilul ii'niy niul Mnirt li.lfh Dl! p.llil jrtrlit.iy, Tml.iy tlif MMiil'tiluMltil' i.i,ih tvtii do liuitc i t lit- Avolu1.ll'. Auiiillii'M"', llil.'i. Ihltlfii, 'cH"lilir iiml Wiiililrtuhl inllic. ii. will rtunplpti' tl.f M.i In ftil (Idliliy f('t in !lit hill tit Niivrtiiliri. (ti.Nct:ni at t.ii: Mtit.r,. a .uiniii iii lii shell uf l.al.'" Aiifl ttili iiniliiif, V.u' rti.Hi'v f i (i)iiiirljiM Mx I1'I tiniiilirr-i ol tin' ."Jin .il'.Miv oriliinll.i. jlfril liy ilnlm T. Will:ln. ilul'. nti I Ml I'.iiitlhi' tliill. iciiiIit. 'Ilioy aifi .M--t ( t.11.1 l.n'.tc, N'lll'- HolllH'i', lift llnllli-l Iit I'.IIa OiIjihI, Mi. Il'ilt.iiiii'. .'.'.mil tullni Mljm Jriinlf (inMi'ti, i'iHii'1. mnl Alio .1. nlile l.'llllT. ,ltl1llllMtll'l. THE GOVERNORSHIP. An Opinion Which Appears in the Philadelphia Times. "A politician who him hcoii clov.- to tho Mtnli' iiiu.'liliii' foi' tw-Piity yoaiv" I. Unm iiimti'il lu llit I'lilliiilolphlii Tl'lfr of Sllivliiy. Hi ii' rioi.liip;ni'i.t pnf a ii.trt pli.i.,. on Ii o II i Mill nl Hi'- llllii'lll.lt.ni.,1 vllll.lli'ill. I'l.l'i- i. 'il I'l'in l.ilil In u'ivi' Hi- I(iiu1i1l .in t.'iinili i l I" (ni tn .v Ci'inti.1 .liiim I', ntl.tli, "I llill.in.i i .mill. I,ll,ili' il.'-.ippi.iv.il (.f Cmiriw -inlii''-.irlinti in lilnnviliu Ili'i'i'l'lliT A. l. ll'nWII ", II' I .' iniiu'i iilci Ho in Hi,' r.u . Ii..i'inlif'i a. Simii' ilul riit.n in- i 'iiroiiiril. I .im iii,iii(ij In Ictii ii. , '- III, limit. '. pinMin.-il a , i. . T i, and ru I 'mil''-. I lull' film v! -..ll.v i.-ni tn r lii.1 ( .ii.'itf-'ii'.ui IVIIIi.ini I niilii'll, "i J' i.ili'"li, l Vii'mi (('u.ii' irrj'iti.il ilmiif 1 'i' tj"ii'liiii BUILDING THE WORDS. Children Are Taking- Great Intel est in The Tribune's Junior Educa tional Contest. Tin' iiiilli'.'itionn aii- that it v 111 o" :i n at iniinv list." ol' wori'.s- sul iiiUU'il In Tli(' Trilmin''rf .Innior Kcu atloiial contfht. .Mlhousli tlif ItrsL iiiliioilticriiieut wax only itiaili on Sul iinlay itniinliiK', iilri'.nly foar Hutu lift vi lici li Htiliinlltcil TIiomi' wore soul In !y the followhii; Kills: IScmsIi' Jlarclc, 71? L'lay asviuit', nuii iiKiro, Alary Kippte, lloiiesilal,'. 1'iarl .ItMikiiH. iiO.5 Soutll Main slrct. tiva fliitoi, lVckvill,'. r."."tili llii'i-'c, spvoral littvc eiillfd at tin' otlico or ii'li'plioneil for luldilionul Iiiiorii'iatiiiu, ilowcvcr, iliure Is very liLtl" to mid to tho rules nilnti'd on tho fourth paKo. as thoso mo inti'iidi'il to covor all disputed points. All words thai urc doliii"il In th" main portion of W'chstor's InlL'inalioiial Dictionary may ho used, whether marked "olisii lete" or not. Ooinpiitiiid words may tic used also. Thcro is sonielliin vi.ry fitSehialhiK about this word liuililliiK and many of the lioy.4 and nirls will he surprised how many u orris i an he marie out of tlio llfleoa letters in ".Scran ton Tri liiiii"." In case of n tie, tho list Ilrst rereivod will ho given the preference, hut he sure yon have till the words you cnu possibly think of before si-nil-itiK' your letter. PROPOSE TO GO HIGHER. Business Men's Committee. Resolves to Continue Its Efforts. rudatmleil by Thursday's hlleh In their plans, the committee of business men, cuk.ikpiI In im effort at settlintf the strike, ns&embleri in Chairman I. II. Hums' ofllce yesleriliiy, and resolved not to publicly discuss the future plans and the only thliiK' Hivi-n out for publication was tltat the Work hud been put In the hands of a sub-committee of four. What Hie ooiiiiiilltoe proposes to do is not deliniteiy known ns yel, even to the members, but it is understood that, tin- general committee furors iicnolia tiotis witlt the owners of the ro.ul and tlte national olllcers of the Amalga mated association of Slivi'i Kttllwtiy Ihnployi's. Tweiity-oiii' nei,- imports ueic brought lit yesiei-ilny t'lom Ihtri'alo by Special Ai'iiL .Morgan SiM-eiioy. The slril"i's wen! appraised by telcciaph of their coininc, bill did tail even take 111" ll'iiible to !-"ial a i-oimullteo lo lout; tlii'iu ''i. Th" strikers say they do not arc hou iiiany Imports lit" nmi pau. brings in. us Ioiik' as lliey have lh" .issiirance linn the people will not piiliohUe the i ars, Oil.- ill" tile Kllll'illu mi. desii'leil ill'! ' 1'iiit am'.-' srrvlce soon alter Ins itri . val h"ii'. and bctiikhiK hlinseli to strike Inailiiuarti'is, told that, lliey had been bliid to work mi a steam nillroad, ihe.v supposed, as all of ihem wet1 r.iihoad men, The ilrsi notice they had t tin i they weiv in become irolley men was when they wete aboard the Haiti lioiind I'm1 Peranum. They weio prom Wcil Vl'.S" a day and tuiard. li" said, lie srave hi'i name ,,r u. iv, Thoiiiiix. -. j THE COMMITTEE AGREED. j Decided in Favor of Amended Oidi- im ace Fixing' Salaries. ! 'I'll" Joint ' oaf, reiic. coinmiilee of) fouii'lls appointed in consider the or dinandi llslll',' Hie salaries of police iii.is;l.-l rales met l.i-t niulil lu lie mtiu li I pa I bulldlnu and aflcr ,-onie discus. ion viitcii lo brln in a report auroe injf to the oldlaaiiLe as aillelldeii by se lect muiicH, tint Is, provliiliiV for a salary of l.".n for Hie mauhtraies lu lite I'lrst and Second disnk'ts, W for thoise in the Third mnl Kuiirih iirsirlets and S"ii lor I lie mni'lstriiie in the Kirili rilslrk-l. Messis, .Mi'hlu, tillver, Seliioedei', and Sskcs voted for lln iimendcd ordi nance uiiiie ibsrs. I'lillllpH and iiu V'll la-Id out stubboinly for an ocpiul salary for cai Ii ittaiilstral", Th" re purl of the lOlllinlttee nmsl he adopted bv a in.ljoilty of the members of both brain lies b"fote H becomes Ihn law, THE MANCHESTER MARTYRS. The Anniversary of Their Dentil Celebrated Last Night. The ilitity-l'oiirilt anniversary of ibo haimliiy: of Allen, l.arkln ami o'lirluu, "the .MaucliesUr Alarlyrs." was lltltnti- iv cciiiniiteii hiuniay iiIkIii in i -amp nous nail ny iipt jnnn Aiilcholl flub. Tim .aldivss uf the ovenlns ah lianlu by Or, W, Jl. .Merit covey, who briolly ulictetii'd tin: lives of tho tluet, j men who were arrested and banned for .ttteiiipllii'' In resuie se.eral Irlali prl.-oiK'is." ! Angel Food Cake. J .nil 1 1 1 a v have oulv lii'.n-i t oi Han. ley's, If you've tiled Jt, ve feel reason, auly sure of your patronase. if nol veil, may iu prove o you bow good II is. J'llono or will at t.'O Spriico street. You Dltfer from tho Turkey in that uii enjoy tho stutllmi. t-imoko "Uciuy the Fourth" rlgarB on Thanks Plvlnj,, and you'll llv lon-fer, O'Hura'i, 131 Spruce street . ARE STILL IN THE VAN BLACK DIAMONDS LEAD THE HOWLING TEAMS. They Won Two Gainoa t'lont tho Elks Last Night Tho Scrauton Bicycle Club nnd Backus Teams Are Now Tied for Second Place. Highest Total Rolled So Far This Season Made by the West End Wheelmen'.s Team on Green Rldpe Alleys. Til" JJIai'k DlatiloiuK or seeuml teniii or tlio Seraiilon Hloyele. elttli, Mtlll lead tho oth'-r teams lu tho Northeastern Pennsylvania iiowllnir leiiRiie. They won two Ramos from tliu tall-fiul i:tltr. ltif! ulirht and nro now two sanies ahead of their closest rlvah, the l.faelt us .lii'l f-Vranton tlleyolo ultib teams. Tin-unities whloh they rolled with the Klk? on tin. Hill's nlloys Inst nlRht wero r.-illier erratic. They started out with the poor score of Mil in Hie first 1,'itine ami wound up with the splendid seoro of ;:', In the third. Ittehl was IiIbIi man Willi 211 and li.nl liiKh avoraue, PI... Th" scoi-i;: III. UK lllAJIil.NIK IViat,, l''-" Ill i:.il In". .!..-. l!,oct .V .-,( p, (r- I'e'i'.V Wi If, r,r I.V. 1'i'ynoliU pr, j j;, n lioiliMli 1.11 ire! I", liy 'i'l'i 7::r ."i".! '.'.-ii lii.K-;. i Tut.ll I'liiiiii" is-, -irr i.-,r lf I'liiiii-i- ir, iir i, .-ii; ('-cliwtmll 'j.i hi iv, .',i "diliiff la) ill l.a :,o ''"''lii I.V j ill i.:-, i. im .-i.t tn', r.-, I'.KKJICHT OK riKArfuX. The hlKlie.-'L total made In any match panie rolled so far this season was rolled up by the No. 1 team of the West Kuri Wheelmen, of Wilkes-Hart e. who made SSI on th.- alloys of the liven Itid.u-e Wheelmen. This score appears much better when Ihe fact Is taken Into consideration that one of the mem bers of tho. learn, Davis, "fell down" and mado only 127. Tlte Wilkes-Uni le ans won two out of the Hiree frames, and only lost tlte other by three pins. The. score: ji:i-:i:s imdi.ii. 'IVi.iI. '""I"' .- I"'! 1-0 -I'M Scini.iiM 1-.! 1-1 .M ;, M"H IM Inl I-:,! .i.-.N Jl.i-1'ti IM lie ITU if WVUIii'l I.-,- 1.11 :;n (p.) Mr Tl,') 7(17 L'ijl Wl'-f liNU Ml. 1. 'IVt.,1.-. Wi'is.iii'1 171 1-n i .11 ,-,ik v"-t- 17,1 'j'U i.. in Allui 17,1 101 -j ,v, lljri IIS l.'7 Ii." t:;i 'lii' Il'i 17.1 I.V.: tr i M.I SM 7". Ii :'I7 t.'l.OSIO CONTUST. Tim most cloely contested name of I lu; ntKht. was that rolled between the Scranlon Itlcycle club :iuri Dackns teams, on the former's alloys. The .Hackiis team won two out of the three Kames, but hail lo do some mijshly lino rolling to do so. and had only i-iqht more pins than their opponents. Roper was hiffb uiriii with lfy and also had lilsh uveiajie. 17!!. The seine: M'llANTOX lllf "( I.i; i,.( II. . ....!. Mil-Kill ill 1im i.a -iti Menu' inj li'o 17-.' ru Pinilir -ll J.17 If. iii ISl'piT Ill) ll l'"i .1.11 U.ihIiU i..'j i:i H7 w, ',0 1IA Kl'i. 'I'lilair.. in ';) I.Ml 11)1 Ml I'll 1..II 11.1 Ii,: ar. I'llMlillult, Ml'l-I'T .... I'd-Iiluii .. li .11 ll.'.i;iii-. ... l-',7 1.1- ml Mil ,.....'i.'l l.i; 17-1 171 tin 171 71.1 sill 7iii :.7a The staiiiliii", of the several clubs in the lejiuuo Is now as follows: w I...-1. pr. Ilhi I lii.iin.iuib li .. .7,1'' -i r.int.m lliey, lo i lull 7 .1 .1-1 l'.n taw 'lib 7 .1 ..-.I V,-i I'.nil No. I ,1 n ,in.l ecu i:ii;i- Wl.ivlnii'ii. .. .1 7 .11. lilU :; tl . UNITED STATES COURT NOTES. All.illn.t l II, 1!. m,w, i.i M.ilili i-i'. II. II. N.ili,'-, oi I ulii.iiil.ili-. an! 1 uiiiillii Cielrar. .if l'.'ir-l (ii.i, u'. iv M-ii'iil ii- .nlt.iilttil lit jii.i'ii.-i in tin I tuti'ii ,-l.iti-- ili-lrii i n.iiit. I'l.llik Ali'Villil t IV..-I. I ill, HI- i..l. ,jy !ii;inlai-i .ni ae-oUiiil.li.i- luiidiiipl In I'l.i,- if. Xi.liii.ln. 1-OOT BALL. M.i.iiiiiu " liuli.ii'.v in.. I l..ila.u'ilc ii'- ,i,t; pl.ij mi 'IliiiiiUaivlus li at liii.aiinii. 'I lii-. is ulii' el III" (tli.iti-'l. n.imiN nl I'nr .-,a.i.n, ,i UciictU' lu I sou iiiiiiil, aii'l bupi - In ulii llnlll W'-nllliUli, Wllllll ll.,.- tl.,1 lu-t lu'.lil ul iti.-, of t'u ,i,'pj.itil,v miiojI in tlte nniti;., Iliir.' will .il w -ntt'i uiim li-'twuii Hi,. ii.lv,-.. Hanley's Plum Pudding's Arc niade by experts, out of tin iim-ii wIioIchoiiii: uialerlals. Tltat is why lln.'io i-: a surety of purl!, nl I'.'O .-pl'llc" Sllecl. O'Hara's Cigatd. HiuuUe "Henr.V Ihe Kolll'lh," lie,, lhu.ina clf-ars. t;!l Sprucn stivci. HIGH GRADE, INVESTMENT SECURITIES SUITABLE FOR TRUSTEES, INSTITUTIONS AMU PRIVATE INVESTOR, FOR SALE BY Frank P. Christian tia SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON.l'A Ska!o j.i I li nl I., i.i, . , ! , i ,,11,J. The Bonds" "Ten Payment Gold of the National Life and Trust Co. are Guaranteed Gilt Edge securities. Call or wiltc for prutleultus. A BRILLIANT ORATOR John J, Dolaney to Lecture Before Catholic Historical Society. John ,). tiolimey, assistant district at torney of New York county and ono of tho most brilliant public speakers In tlio Umpire slate, will deliver a lecture lonlKllt at Hie KninhtH of I'oliiiubus ehlb house under the auspices of the r'atho'le llh-lorli'iil snclely. Hlti sub ject will bo "The I'litliollfAmerlcan iMtlj-oii.'' J'lwedlllif tin: leeltlio the IoIIohIiik proitniiiiuiu will bo rendered i (nl .Imlllli , I, u'i'oiic (li) Ill-it Poll; S)l. Vlllitir I'ooli All, ilu'i'iilt Until., f,i Itii'itiiliMn f.o.lio sinit do "My l.-oie, NVIl" ,., ( ,I'wp;ii I'. It'n ii-.. P.H'i. -I'll' ii'it- Mr. .1. I'. Iliittif, Mi. ,1i, o'tlii, ii. Air. Dclaiiey Is one of tlio most promi nent Knlttlits of Columbus lu ihu coun try, and tlio members of Seraulon coun cil will lender him a reception Innnedl alely followlmr his lecture. Tho follow luti; reception committee bus Keen ap pointed; M. r. fijiiilo, llnliril Mnri.iy, p. ,i n,,.,!,', 1... fpp'i ll'lliliti, T, I'. Ili-ilmi, .!iti ,. .Mnrpliv, .laliiM .1. O'N'iill, I', ('. Ddiinally, I'. p. Dully, M, CzijUw,!.!. Dr. It. II. (.'Ililiniin. pr. Oli.'itfo K. 'niutiHoti, Dr. Wplili, Pr. .r, ,1. W.1W1, Pr. II. ,f. Pniiiipsaii, Dr. I". I,. .M'Ctiw, pr. .1. T. Me Cr.ltli, Hi-, .1, .1. Ilio.'.-ui, .1 I'. pAih'pui l.ill llruiwi, r. 1. I ion Icy, Tliuiinii A, Millulip, T, I'. I.wn.itil, I'. .1. Dtirkln, Jl. P. WM11I1, .f.jiin ll.ivi-.-, II, MIII11I, I'. .1, Ory. A. .1. t'.i0V, .folifi IliM'oi..',, .1. I'oiiiy. It, f. Will, T. .1. riniiotiy, M. .ltnUr. .lolm WuIJi, A. II. Kltiii'llj, T, .1. I'pililinjitnii. 1'i.iiit: Mcl'tim, Prank Toolipy, Jo ffph lliililiimli'ii, .I"ppli XiiLin, Uillinm l)iii'fjn, D. .1. C.impliell. I), r W4M1. ,l.,iin MifJnlr. .1. .1. l'utipll. M.irlln W1I5I1, I). ('. u'll.if.1, ,, S. Citi-y. Dr. I.UMIiilitiii,', .11. II, ,,.i mnl o. Mi'Sii'ine CLOSE OF"fSrCARNIVAL Large Audience Saw the Last of the Entertainments i'or the Benefit of the Hahnemann Hospital, The opera Carnival is now a thliiK' of liie nasi, and tho Hahnemann hospital lias beii"IUletl by it to a large ostein. Mxcepilnti; lb- llrsi performance, the houses have been crowded, and every one, expressed themselves highly satis fied with the performances from every point of view. The different operas that have been stven have demonstrated I In ability of our local singers lo cope wilh music or a hif,'li order. It also shows that our audiences can enjoy I In: clas sic operas as well as tlio popular. The Inlermc'.zo numbers have been pre ally enjoyed by the audiences, and Weal credit is slven lo Airs. II. F. Dixie, who oriKlnnted every one of ihcs'c scenes and carried them all to a sue cessful teriniuiition. The Hahnemann hospital committee arc loud in praise of every ono who lias taken part in tills enterlaiuiiienl; the choruses, tho prin cipals, tlte orchestra and the attaches of tho Lyceum theatre, every one of whom have done lliclr utmost lo brlns lids to a successful eiHlimr. The arduous task of dlrectlne; the or chestra and the vocal numbers of the entorluinnient have devolved upon Charles Doersam, and the thanks of all arc due to htm for bis untiring enoi'Ky, backed b. a. musical tact and ability seldom found outside of the larije cities. I'Vw people know the amount of vork or dllllcultles lo be overcome in this position, but Hie lar.ue audiences will testify that Air. DOcrsam has directed lo Hie entire satisfaction of every one. There won: no tiresome waits tor or chestral accompaniment, after cues had been iven on the sIiikc, which Is often the occasion In umaleur performances, and his entire conception of ihe works presented was apparent in everything lie did. It Is really too bad that Scran luii is soon lo lose this yoniifT. promis ing artist, and certainly sonic substan tial testimonial should be iilv-m him before bis departure. .1. Al. chance Is also entitled to meat credit lor bis Indomitable interest, which has been kIvcii continually and Ki-alulloilhly duriliK' this Ioiik pel iod of rehearsals. It must be very pleasant for the committee to rcalizu thai of all Hie lanse number of people who havo taken part In the entertainment, not one of ihem but who would wllllimly lend their aid should another oppor tunity offer I" help aloinv ihe cause of the I'l.ilmelii. um hospital. While the Indies of th" oommilloe are must modes! in ilielr claim for services rendered, let II not be fursutli'ii by the Scrauton public that those ladles hove worked from nioiiiiiis' until nliibl. 10 K.trdless of their home duties, for the resulls that lb" Opera Carnival havo brought, and lo their wonderful encrcy nuri e::eeiiilvo force has Ibis ".lorioiis success been possible. t lau nlKhlV peiformaiici! Colonel Al Holes, 111 behalf of ihe hospital uiana','oiueni. mad" a v.-ly Kraceful M'eeoll, ill Which lie thanked all tlio.-o ...1... ..listed In makliui' th" eiitertahi- meats what lliey were, and tin- public j for lis patronase. t the eoiicliisloii of his remarks, there w-ro loud calls for Airs. Randolph and All. DlNl". lu'1 llll.v ll1" hitler ap peared. She was piosenled ullll a In mo boiiouet. and another bomtuel was passed over Ihe foolllKlns for Airs, liuudolpli. UP-TO-DATE ENTERTAINMENT. Lyman H. Howe's Moving Plctuies Are Really a Treat. An ordinary inovlu-v plcturo enter taiuiiieiiL Is now not much more of a liorclly llllill would be one of tho old fahhI0i11.1l imiKle lantern shows, and to make an entertainment of Ibis kind really cutertiiinliiK ll Is necessary to make the novelty novel. This lias been sticcess-fiilly accomplished by Lyman II. Howe, who irave Ills mutoscope ex hibition al the hlKh school auditorium lasi nldil. as tho second number of the high school lecture and ontortalnniout course, licsldcs liavitiK a collection of unusually line pictures. Air. Howe has up-to-duto Ideas in the matter of pre seltllim lliem. With tho assistance of a :,'ood slued corps, of propel ty men, who i;let')'y "accompany" the pic tures illh ImitatloiiB of tho sounds ono won id naturally hoar if on tho scene, tliu Iicldht ol realism Is attained. Tho m.trelilnn; of a troop of cavalry accom panied by the clack of tho houses' feet 011 tho pavement and tho cluck of tho cavalrymen's sabres was a partlculaily lino bit of slaxecTaft. Anions Iho pictures wete a number fihowlm; scenes connected wllh Presi dent AlfUinle.vs detail, fine. In which bo Is depicted dellverliiK Ills last speech at the exposition. Is remaikably dis tinct and .olhcrwlso perfect. II is claimed to b ono of tho most valuable uiovinii pictures in existence. Tliero wan a Innjo audlenco and It was very demonstrative of Its apprecia tion. Dr. I". ('. Snydur, dentist, has re moved to P.'S Adams avenue. Smoke Iho new Kleon 5c, cluar. LUNCH ROOM OFYJrV.CA. ONE OF THE FEATURES OF THAT INSTITUTION. It Is Now in Ohnvge of Mins H. Wll hohntna Ericsson, a Graduate of the Drexcl Institute, an Authority on Domestic Science Today She Gives the First of. rt Series of Six Lectures -Arrangements Mado for a Thanksgiving Dinner for Girls Who Work. (Iciicriil secretaries of Young; Wo men's Christian iissoeialiini me called lo their work us certainly as are clcr K.vmeu. othortvlao I hey could not so patiently and wisely pursue a line Of duly In which are countless rilfllciiltlct: and perplexities. Tho Scranion as-ai-olatlon. which is one of tin- oldest in the ootinlry, lias now n. secretory who combines In one individuality, more traits which ore needed hi this particu lar spot than are usually found In live ymiiilT women. Ml si Wood. Hie nipseiil I'eiieral '.- rotary, is practical to her lihKor tips. Her rclitjloii Is all that the most pious can demand. She believes that In re lliiious ti-itinltifv lies 1I10 safety of Hi" selt'-siipportlni,' yoiiniv woman, but she believes also in eiicotiranimr tho ma terial welfare of tlio girls in her circle and meetltifv ilielr wants in every pos sible way consistent with her profes sion. She has Introduced many new feature. and has ihe executive ability 10 direct every deir.il of n complex work-. The newest nrranifemeuts are In connection with Hie lunch-rooiii. This has been a loslntr venture diirlim' much of Us past, but under the new plans it is already making strides toward self-support, and increased interest amoiiK the filrls. The kitchen fitted up for Ihe coolchiK school is now belli"; utilised to prepare the noon-tide meal. A dumb waiter facilitates matters and the innovation is a -real success. -MISS KUICSSOX I.V CHAUCK. This depaitmenl is note directed by Atlss 11. Wllliehuiiia Kriesson, a Kradii :ito of the Drexel institulo. and thor oughly ac(Ualnted wllh domestic sci ence, f-h" devNos nil the menus for tho noon luncheon, and directs tho prepar ation of tlio food. Think of the bill of fare at the prices set opposite and made at tliu prices ho. opposite and mad" by tin expert in cookery: i.'oli-ty Soup ,, . SI11I1Y1I d'cfstcii-. :,i.. iMinl Swi'it I'liutnp !. ll.lkl'll IllMIl ( 1 (.iniiil l'.ir-tiip4 .'1 . Coined ISiif II1-I1 c. Ham S.aulwk-lic. .Ii . T.lplm.l I'U'lilhii,- ;U I'ruini 111 1111. .M.inij" It.-. Tea, Crillce, Milk Hum 1p. Outlier If. l'nmphfu Pie .lu. If you ale from he;; inning In cud of the list It wouldn't bo an expensive meal. It is the actual luncheon served 011 Saturday, anil, as Atlss Krlcssnn apolosellcally remarked: "Xol up lo tho average." There is no lack of patioiuiKu. for Kirls by Hie score and hundred Hock lo the rooms to enjoy this palatable woll cookeri, dainty meal, served on little tables, with cloth and napkins. Where the change is apparent Is that now the marketins is by Iho uuantily in. whole sales rates. Under iho former sched ule overythhiK' was purchased at ruin ous prices. JUXNKl: THAXKSOLYINii DAY. On TliaiikSh'IviiiH; JTi.iy 11. Is proposed to serve a dinner to Iho sirls who havo no home life, who live lu boarding houses and work hard for a IIvIiik. Tlio menu includes: l.'iU-l Til.,, ,i. I .. 1 ,1.01 ii Sail, l. .Mi-lidl Patau.,-. Ili.v.i.'u iliaij. 1 ti o.l ,i .Hill lllllli-l. Hi.. PuiMimr. Milk. This dinner Is willioul inoimy and wltlioiit price lo those included in the slati'iiieiit above. All they will need Is a ticket, which may he had on appli cation al the rooms. As an additional attraction a cliariu liifi eiiterlainbeal will be furnished. There, will lie ".anio-i for the youiiRost guests, and i he I'ollowlne; proem mine: I. I'litu nulii Mi- laal.cr '.il,i tin. i. Itciil.ilmu MiM C.iliie lie.,; a. 1'i.ui.i .nj1 Ml,,- I.illl.m xv.i I. Cfi-il.it Ion Mi--, 1jLii'1 Snullii.lira .1. Ilarinnniia Sell, IVil ll.iU'-r I" W..al S., MU, i:th,' Mil, 1 T. IS.inJ.) b'i'I, .-iuile.x Siail. !". Cull ir JiW Xllli, i l)u l. Josipli .m.i Alluil Wjuivt The TiiaiiliS'ilvliu; dinner Is entirely in charge of the Ciirls' Dranch. The daily lunclieoiiK arc maiaiiicd by a lonimltteo of Kirls. who are in com plete control. HI0Itli:s ol'1 LKCTL'IUW, linenidlately fulIowliiK' tho lioliduys. Allss ICrlcssoa will bcKln a. series of lessons m doniestlo scleiici:. As a lirellminary to lliese, she will kIvo a course of loeiiiies bl-wec'l;ly tit th" rooms, on subject which nil! till the soul uf tho housewife with eulhiis. Iiism and feed tliu appetites of her family with sroods thing;, Tho course of lectures will bo at nominal rules one dollars for Ihe six, or twenty-live cents each. The lollowluif Is the schedule: .N'i'i. :V -A N'i'A l.nitlaial piiih.T. ."A Polity l.imi'hciiii. I) . :l-l(iir a. , m ,i ii.him, Painu,', ii -u) S.iiiip 'liimin a Ilou-,iIii-i'ici Will ; (ilid lo I'wiir, il,) A Dilute De-,siil f.ic fti ft-ni,. lo -viur Mijriiivlloii tor uti Aficiiiui-n 'i a. I ;- Tie I'lilliilllk- in a Cm tl Silni.n. Tliu lecluren will be held iioin ll to l p. in. The followlm," Is tho menu for tlio day befui'H Tliuiihssilvlinr nt iho looms: i'i -i.v i.,,. i.i , a,,i I'fK.l-.ei'.l l milvHi. ( ll.l(li M1KC Mn.lli',1 IVl llll'.UI .1I..I llultci. I ... i PikMIiis. Mime Pi.'. i' in-. OWES SO, 185; HAS JjJ3f30. G. D. Bnuer Files Voluntary Petition in Bankniptcy. ticotgc 1 1. IJ.iuer. a conuueiilal ir.n. elc-r, resldhi); on Aloiuoe nveiiuo, Dtiu luore.yc.slerday llled with i.'Jerk Seuiles, of the l.'nlied litatcs Dlsirict court a vohmtaiy petition In banltrupiiy, tliroiiKh his attoiucys, Wlllurd, Vaiieii k. Kimpp. Air. H.iuor's llabllllk's aie S0,IW.lrt, and his assets but $:!-'i. Dm latter bclnir P"rsonal piopeily. After the Plum Pudding; On Thanksgiving, smoko "Henry iho fourth" ckars. Thcy'ro clear Havana. O'Hara's, I'll Hpiuce sireet. . ni. t tt it . if. nnnf.v.n "SUNLIGHT' : GEORGE V. MILIAR & CO.. ' rA 'A '. '4 'A 'A A A A A A 'A A A A A A USEFUL AND k ' TflDC MMf MHK. V prettily lined and and covered, and an ornament to any room. We invite vou to come and inspect one of them. Prices from $7.oo up. SCRflNTON BEDDING CO., F. fl. Kaiser, Mgr Lackawanna and Adams Aves, Both 'Phones. F.LCRANE Hstablished i860. Seal Skin Gouts 3150, $17, $200, 5225, $230. Pcisidu LaniD Coals S70, $100. 5125, ."SI5". Furs of All Kinds Furs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Established 1866. Santa As usual, Santa Clans lias made this store the More-house for his Holiday Stocl:. We have gathered together for him the greatest and most varit-d stock of IOVS ever seen here. Big Toys, Little Toys Toys of Every Description Are now on exhibition here, and all are invited to come and enjoy tiie show. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. VAPOR STEAM HEAT Write for catalogue or have our man call. CHAS. B. SCOTT, 119 Franklin Avenue Heating Contractors. i i MICHAELIAN fk Chustmas trade. You can get them now at reduced prices. 124 WASHINGTON AVENUE. i wMiiiniinr.iiiiiififcT 1 1 ' inniiiiiHiiiMt nr imiimiinii am m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER! Occupies an Imperishable Position "-lv. . !! NO, S3 8. Eighth St Sri'Rnton Branch Ofllce, No. . nieiir, if UM& i-Uh I AbLbS Wrought iron bases, gold bronze vase, with incandescent burners, mantles, 10-inch shades. Hose and other attachments complete, Rrlce $2.25. 1 iMnntlci 10c, uc, 15c, nnd 35c. Mica nnd Glass Chimneys, Ihirners, Shades niul Globes. CWvxva.-VVV, 1.14 Wyoming Avenue. WALK IN AND LOOK AROUND A . , V. . If. If. If. If If. If. If. If, If. T. . ORNAIYIE1NTAL. Win- ? Imnji your line sum mer hats and gowns in a place where the moths mayed at them. 1 et us make you a "Box Couch" v i t h separate compartments for hats, waists and shirts. It is very oeautinii, H. D. CRANE After tlie most sticccessful season on suits that we have ever had, we now oiler on all our $10.00 to iSISOO Suits a reduction 10 tier cent. This means that vou can buy a good suit made as perfect as is possible for very little money. We have all sizes and colors, some at $14.00 all silk lined. This is a very good opportunity. Take Elevator. New Building. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Lackawanna Ave Take Elevator. BROS. & CO. Cla ORIENTAL RUGS C jet an Oriental Kng from our selectee' lot winch we secured especially for our hi the HUSINl-SS WORLD. . ... o ..... ., .. unqucsiionaotc jupunor merit Anuu.illy adds thousands of tunics to the long list of Smith Premier users, K-preseniliig every line of trade and vvcry pioiession Hl.USrKATU caialogui: FRtE, 0 The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, , 1'hiladelphiu, Fa, 1 nnd 3, Arcade Buildintr, 5 . .t . It .1 .1 .t ,1 5 .t , . . .t . . .1 it If ir. w.-t.' . ps "" ihHV:l'fi V' &) 'V it- - ..