'n '' T!K OXl.Y SCR NTON PAPER lvM-CI'lV lV, ri!KCOMPLKTB NEWS SERVICE OK Jl EJDCTATF. ';J JJHlt XliWS AcjKNVV J.V TI1IC WORLD. TTO"CKNTS." slraUNJ'A,, TUESDAV MOHXIXU, NOVEMHEIt 20, .1001. TWO CENTS. AMERICAN LAND (Ylarines from Dig Battleship Iowa Are Now on the Linn ol tlie F loliting. COLON BOMBARDMENT WILL NOT TAKE PLACE Commantleis of the Vmious roieign Wniships Will Impose Restinlnts That Will Rcquhe Such Accurate Mnrksmniibhip on Fait of the Gunneis That Conditions Will Not Be Iilet At Mntachin the Colom bian Government Seems to Be Victoiious Over Insuirienta. Ut l.v. hi-ne M Ik iiiiui 111" --ei i m.1 Pi. -.. WnslihiKinii, Nov. 2.'. It N inetly ii'-ll understood hole lli.il thoie Is to In- no bomb.it ilmonl ol Colon by olthiT side. While Commander MoCrea was ,l Oil wide discretional y powiT and luthhip; vvut said to lilin about -lnp-u'liK tin" homb.iidiiienl dirootlx. ncvei iheless tin- slut,, depaitment -t :t 1 ! f - I ''d n lueccdont In these tii.tt lers lasl year when II itisl) tided Sir. 'iudKei lo warn ironic insttrsonts .il Panama lltat they onht nol lie allowed to bombard the liot t. Jt the iiovorninont hoops on the 1'iiiKon should petsisl in thflr pur pose, II N sild. tli.it the coiiimandeis of tin various vx.ushlps nt Colon would itiiilie tli.it ample Utile lie allowed lor the withdrawal tioin Hie town ol .ill toielKlieis and tlie tilliit'kliii; tone, to scape leslr.tint would lie obliged to di leet tlieir boiuburdmeut with sneh i.ire precision .is to de-tiov the Insiirtfent defenses without li.u initio the tallioad piopoity and eeii wlthoul endunyei iiiK the pfif.iKe or 1 1 ii In.-, londilions ptnb itbly not to be met. The M'Plotniv C the n,iy u.dax i all ied Captain I'euy of the loxxa to as. siinie lull i oiiiiiiaiid of all tin. 1'nile.l .Slate naval toiees on both side.s (Jf the 'stlinnis in oidei to Instne hai inotiious -ip, rations. Consul Cienetal Gudser's Vtst dispatch which came after J o'clock i a about, .is lollnus: - "Our Hoops have m rived ut Matit- Miin. one-half of the way amiss the ithmiis. Xi obstruction and i Imu- Miin 30V01 union seiiued to lie xhtoi- uus over the iiisinifeuis " Marines Protect the Rathoad. Colon. Colombia, N,, J1. -Ti.uislt if loss th,. Nti.s MS ,M1 .sp, '.,,, Mai in.s fj4.ni tlie l'nitnl Sf.it. battle ship loua, al 'mama, lime been i.uni d to pi tile, t the i.iilio.id. and ale now on the line xxnn.. the ii.-thllns is -!.. ' on. Th" loiuniiiti. ni in i in siu,, ,ls (J,!;,: dispatch is sent is UH,., fimI ,.,,, j,,,. ltimis. Tlu-tt i no jiihiiiition. iiii,ii is "ViduiKe thai the labeitil annv is not .idvaut ini; lou.nds fauania. "t is t( poiteil to h.ne bei n (lefe.uetl at .Mnta- hln b Cicih r.il Alban's i oniinaud. The lntttr is s,,i, p. !. )ni,K ,, (,uflHl colon, At .i t onicieni.e liulil at I o loeK thl.-t mot iiins tin bo ml tlie Hiilisli cmiscr Tiibnne, at wlilrli tieneral Ign.icio Keliatti, Senor le l.a itu.a. seiietaiy of 'leueral Din;;, and the tiiinn.mtlei.s oc Hie loiolKii wuisliips weie pioselit. Hie ueueral ninced. .mi ih.. tcmnuf t ti... naval eoniinrintleis ami on tlie itioiind I of humanity, having In view the hiie Tori-Inn population or C.iloii, pot to l.uul tioojis hcie or open the on (he town bo lore ti o'clock Friday evenini,. Tlio.Colonililun Kiiubuat tieneral I'iu s on in badly otf fm luovisions, ami the lomni.intlei!-! of all the warships nioed to supply ht'i witli t lift nuie.ssary sitin, The tfiinlio.il has not vol letuinetl to Colon and her whereabouts Is uiiUnov, n. Ftee Transit. 1. iter a Ivit is, while show Illy Hit sllti nlion on the Isthmus to be unsoltlid, onlain the iiiloiiualiou that free tiaii it by way of the i.ilhoad has bet n ie tsuibllHlied. These atlvhcH came lit a dispatch iCLCivod by .Seiietaiy I.ouk I'tom c.iplain IVtiy, of the lonu, vho has inaile u trip anoss the IsthmuH i'tom Panama (o Colon, i'huu which plare he sent a tceiuiil, an extratl of Mlilrh I ho set ul uy inaile publlt, ,,s' follflHil' 'Ciipialn I'etiy icpotis that ;ioi n m plt acioss the IslhitiuK lp lvsloio.l, and that he i ciiirns to I'anuuui this ,mr tiotin. The 'iipiiiin will leave a Kii.inl on each passenger train foi the pi".-, cut " Tho ptnpo.e of ihe miartl, pitsuniT ably, Is to i..cnl liileri iipllou to tho i'ue passilKe ol li.ilui liy lusuiKtnirt i oiiKresated nliiiiK the line of the mad. Mr llt'iran, the iiiinKt. o the Colom bian legation. i very well satisiled wJtli lie fenor of the .nUlies which h.tvo (Ointj to hum! loilaj iiotll iiellui; Uov. rnor Arjotia, ol Pauanm, who icpovlt i that Ha j ..in ai my IiuvIik," been ,1c. feiitctl al CiUcbra and l.'inpr.ulor, tiui ua Alban had now niauhed op Co,,ii. His theoty Is that tlftieuii .lli.ui com pletely dislodged the tcbol loru-, which had telldezvous.etl at Choiwia, noil) vviikh phic-o Mr. Ilerui, l,uf..Veh they ivlicatwi iu Cuicbiti and Hnipiaclor. whrie thev attain took a bt.mtl, Their defeat ,tl Ihoe plnces, ,r. Uft'lMll say.", Jvaves (!e,ieial Alban tie lo niaieli to f'oloi,, .Mr. Jh I ran HunKs that tlcucjnl Alban now has at least, l.iii.n well riulii'ftl und thocoiiHliiy mined num, liosltieti vvhlili si. bundled inoii nin on lionicl tho Colombian boat iiiion, now nt Colon. Mr. Ifeiran asserts that tho rebels 11.110 not, at the outside, ii'ciin than BOO men, Tim statu depaitment has teethed tonlhnuUlon of the repot left defeat of the J.lbeial ttoops liy tho Coluiiiliiau oveinmcnt troop 4. This came in u iiihk'suaui fjoin CoiihuI cjener.il liinl b'tT, ut 1'aiKinia, this ai'ttiitutMi, In TROOPS AT PANAMA - whldiA says thai Hie tatlro.ul I" now' uiHilistSjicled ami that the KOVeriiliieut foi ous Ala ve bteli vlilurlous over the icvoltlnlsts, He lurther lepoits Hint the blSlliultels tioin the rnltetl Stales itunbo.raF.Maehhis liuv'e kouc Inland and now occupy n point midway ol tlie istli iiniu. SWITCHMEN STRIKE. Employes of Seven Itnihixuls at Plttsbutg' Will Quit Work. lit l.idmnr Wirr fimn I lie Auo lattil I'-r" l'lttsbuisr.-Vov. L'"i The swltr luileli on seven l.ilhoatls of I'iltf burn liave de tltletl to sdilte at i o'clock tonioiiow 11101 nlni,' Al a meeting of the Hrnthcr liuod of Switchmen tonluht, which was attended by about fino, this at lion was decided upon, and tlie tesull or the movement can tnil.v be conjee tuied. In antic. lp itliui ol possible liouble. It 1" liMiiiul that the I'oiuis.vUaiila railroad has made application to Hie Uy police tU 11.11 liti"nt for ltv otllcets to he on liand in Ih- Talon depot yanW at 7 o'clot k toinoirow nioniins', and in Hie fi.iltiinore tind Ohio .mls tully It 0 rinliorloiis ni,. on duty tonltjlit. The claim matte al tlie switc hineii's meetliiK luiilslr. was that do!' to 1.000 men woulil obey Ihe stlike tilth f in the moi uiiis. TRIAL OF MRS. BONINE BEGINS IN EARNEST Evidence He.iid Against the Woman Accused of tho Murder of James Seymour Ayies, Jr. I)S l.vllt-IW Wlltll Tit J ti 1. I ll ill'lts. Washimtttui. N'ov . '.'.'i. The ti ial of Mis. I.olo lila lioniue, for the nun tier ot ,1. lines Seymour Ayres, r., ut the Keniuoie hotel lasL Mav bean in rial earnest today. The pielinilnai di tails .i to the tiiiillnj; of tlie body, the lot a lion of the tuiiiitiiie, liliioilstains, etc., ueie all in Willi the ciniehislou of the testimony ot .1, 1''. Ditiv, the (.ipitol piiliteiiuin who was 011 Ihe stand when the 1 0111 1 adjourned last Fiitla.v. lias. er, Ihe man who taw .Mrs. '.onlne tle MeiKliiiK the flte escape; Hopkins, who loomed over Aie and iYiisd tile 111 s-t oiitciy: Jliss IVooluuis, vvlio inomed un ti ) A.vies ami Jliss !.i'.lc-ss and ,MNs Minus, who looiiu.i on eltlier side of him, testllltd today. The iwo latttr welf USUI 'led as .star witnesses, but they testiilcd tt. no fails not di velopecl at the ilitiuest. I hew lesliliett thai theie was 100m eiioimh behind tlie floor 01 Avres' lunni for ,1 man to have been th"fe while Hie door was opeiit d to admit .mother person, a 1 ontonlion wlikli the piosecution deny ami als-o thai thfie v.eie empty initildKOs In the slop .1.1 r ill Avii-s' loom beloiv the pistol with Villi' ll the sliootliiif was tlmie was emptied by oillcci litad.v af ter Hie tr.'ih't'tl.v. Tills woulil tend lo establish the theoiy ol the deleiise that tho pistol belonvd to Ayies. Mihs Miuas teslilieti 1 hat Avies ami Mis. flonine ate lee 111,1111 and cake in her 100m tlie iiIkIh befoie tlie Ir.iRedy and that at tliat time then was no evi dent e ot ill-leeliiiK' between them. Mrs. I'.onine tluouylioiil Hie tiial today when witnesses; deK'ibed the uies Rioans .mil tin ml kuikIIiu', ot the ilylnts man leiiiaitietl absolutely nnmoveil. WYOMING CONFERENCE. Tlie Next Annual Sessions Will Be Held at Waveily. N. Y. Will Open Apiil 10. Ul I.MlllilW Will Mi Ul 'lilt' ..;, it , I I'll-., W.no.ly, N. v., N. y.v-'l he ne.t annual im-oiiuir 01 the Voiuhi(t tnii I'eltUie 111' the Methodist l.'piscopal 1 lutreh will be held heio, At the an nual mi't'ilim, held in West l'lttstou last April, invitations weie extendi d 1 hoth Wmvilv .mil Cnrl10111l.1l,'. Pa , but as the annual uieetlnn will be Hie llllleih annlveis.uy of the oiKiinli-aUou of the coiileiciuo ami as the oiwtul.'.a lion was in Ciubundal'', it was to holil the soml-annual ceuti iiuial Hieie, Iteotutly the li.illilfomo ehuieh of the Midety in llmi dlv was desliojvd by tire, ami now Hie otiuials ot Hie Wa veily , hurt li have u','ulu Invited the tonleieuie heie, and the invitation lias been lureptetl, Tlie session op"HS Atuil IH. Illshop .Men ill will pi 1. side. TlKte alt :'"0 meiillieis in the innfei me. GRECIAN CHAMBER SUSPENDED Athens, Tranquil Ttoops Mny Oc cupy Univeisity. hi ,M lll-ll Win 11. Ill lilt Ulil 1 'li Athens, Nov. 'j.-i.The kins has Issiu d a tie, iee sitspi inline; ih , hamber Jor loriy days, The city Is laiily traiicpill Tlie ariued ,u,upatloil of the liuhci Hit is still III loiiteniplatlop. Eugene Biooks Convicted, lit I.mIiwiii l in 1. tit III. ,mjjtnl I'n-,. l)tl"iu II. I . ". '..-I.tiplie Iliet.K., t.. 1 ri DmltV I'liiioduii tlitirclt 111 '.leu, uj, bl ,. I iiui'l juilliv .il"! ci.tiiiu.l tu tliii'o 11111,11111 nitli ml lui'l Hi'ui t.r ultliiu .ni'l al vUlii',' .lu'iu Uol,(l, "ll M. I'ttlltlV lom.ll "Ulllj III llij.l. liuUttM I 'f l"-t imnMiiw lie inwui mMuii tllli niwlUil .ttlnitUmc vilini tlu 10 jll' 1. Ii.l.- I lltlulii, lielll III ', I' a ii,. Din. I., uill J .1)1 d. Pnilshed iu E.uthu,iuike, 111 I 1 I.Im W'lO tl.illl ft' iM)tlJtil 'li. I 0111I011, No. -V.--A11 irtllnj I" 'i il.'-ji.ii'n ti Ilit- stjiuluul fimn DtJt-j, u:i" liui.ilrr.l n.i.l .Iiitli ptr-cii- p'liiluil m Hit n't 1 lit 1 nth itnlii at Dui'ioinu Sie.imsliip Aulvals. 1 1, L iludo Wile fiinii 'I ho At'iKiitcii I'li'si. No Yell. .St., 2J- Inlvol; I aim, Nipk.i Wow,, (iU-kuw anj Kmllli ( hiitioms Ar ibi. lui.gi Willii'ltii l)r i.ioi.o, .Viw Vuils (irluiit' m.ih-IVijcil' HuliviuilU'iUi N'-'iv I'll. 1. 1 l.llnjliai ii!n ,11, il ,,iium WALLER DISCHARGED, No Evidence Agninst Him In Cnss of Mis, Dnle. Il.v l.wlukhf Who fioiii'll.c A'-rtnlctl I'i . Now York, N'ov. 2..Klbert vVnller, Who was 111 tested on a ehurtre of sus talnhur Impiopcr lelatlons with Mis. lOII'.abelh Homo Dale, was tonight ills t'hut'KOil from cuil oily by Uceouler Stanton, of floboken. The illscliaiKC was obtained under 11 rtillnit ol the New ,lei.ey supieme court, which holds that In stti h lehitlons as wore aliened iiKaluM Wallci there must be sot,ne nihil? of .'i public initure lo offend the moials of the slate and that In Wal lers' case tills had not been .shown. The Jlobokcn police have leeched no repot I as yet from the chemist who took nway the Intestines of the Dale child, nor do they evpect to for a week-. Coioner l'aislow, nfter a conference wii'a Hie polite today, unnounced that tlie huiitCHl would not hi'Kln until a wteli fiom Thui.sday at the earliest, liy thai time the police o'pecl to have a pieilinlniiry repotl from Hie t hemWls and this will be used at the lutiuest. DAMAGElESUfflNG FROM THE STORM Destiuctiou Widespread Along the New Jeisey Const Two Men Drowned Nenr Shore. II, l.illl,C Ulll'lltilll In.' -fl I'lllil I'lis-, New Voi'l;, Nov. 2.".. Kepotli of Hie iliimiiRi' done by tlie storm of Saturday tilKhl and .Sumla.v tontlnuo lo come in. Details from points on the ,leley lonsf, the southern toast ol l.oun !. I..111I ami the upper shoie 01 I.oiik Js land soiiml, show that tlie destiuctiou was widc-pieatl. that seveial seamen lost their lives, and that the nionetaiy loss is niueJi liiavlM ihan al liist sup posed. l.omt Ihanch it pints toulqlii show lluii hardly a bulltlilift theie escaped some damnye. As evidence of thtr'loii e of Hie wind, a plank about twenty led loiif?, seven indies wide tiinl two thick Wiis toi n I'i 0111 I he loof of the pur pavilion and blown acioss Ocean ave nue. It sit nek Hie Limns Hotel end on ami was diiven Into the side of the hulldli'K lo a (Jejilli 01 fiiur or live r-el. '1'1'e VMtH'k ot Hie tui; lladdtili, at l.oiiB Th'.iiii'h. is complete. The ship riotlbeek stantls almost upriKht in the sand. The woik of umiiffjine, hef com iiieiKeil today. The wealthy New Y01 kers who have summer houses on the upper dime of lh sound today visited them, to hud wiecl. ami ruin in all diiections'. A.,l viees ttoni Tunis Hivcr, N. .1.. thin ewnliiK say thai tlie wiccks ol lour baiKes lie iihuiK Hie coast in the vit iu ity of n.iinesat Lishl. They came asboic duiintr Hie slot 111 and aie rapltl l.v pouiidiuj? lo pieces in the Mill', Tlie baiKis welt; tin; fliant, Wilnioie, J.'.ill lllvir and Whitman. Hat ii Ii.uko hail one man on board. Two of the men weie saved throiiKli tlieir baizes beius diiven tar enough in slioie lor the ilk-savers to send tlieni a line. The othtr two baizes slianded furlhei om and tho men wore m ashed overboard befoie Hie baitfes woikeil far ennu'Kh in lo be 1 cached. This atlcrnoou Hie botllfs ut tlie two nit 11 washed aslioie Th"h names aie not known. W. T. STEAD WARNED. Will Be Prosecuted if Dr. Kiause, the Boer, Jumps His Bail, ll.i l.viluiiw Win tioin 'llio .siji itLtl 1'ic 1. London, Nov. l'.". William T. Stcinl ami Harold Jlvlctl, the newspaper itif ifsjioncleill ami seciotary of Ihe stop-tlie-war commit lee. who (his .ifternooi. luiuished Hie (. l.ouO ball demanded for the lelease of Dr. Klausc, tlie ,"-kov-crnor of lohaiiiiesburir, who is chained wilh hiuli titaon ami lucidus; In nitit tler. were warned bv the inafvlstiate Hint if Or. Kiause lalli'd to appear lot Irials tliey would lie prosecuted on Hie chiii'Ki"- of 1 onsplra, y lo th'teai the ends of Justice, PORTO RICAN BOND ISSUES. San Juan City Officials Avvnul the Latest to J. M. Cebnlios & Co. r. hvclu'iiH Wiic from '11 e VsmiHiIpiI 1'it" San .In. in, Porto Ulto, Nov. 2. The city oflleials this mornliiK awarded the latesl issue ol San .Itian municipal bonds, to the value of iOOfl.OOo, to J, ., Cebnlios s- Co,, of New Y01 k illy, at V!IS."" The lioiids aie I'or twi nty yens at 1) pur cent, RAILROAD IN NORWAY. To Be Opexated in Connection with Oie Milling' Syndicate. lb1 fulmlip V.'iie uini 'Ihe. fnt.ucil I'li-u Clillstlnnln. Nov. 'J'..--Airani;t'iu.iuts liavo been eoiuploled tor hullilliit,', early no 1 spline,, u r.iilroad at Ounileilumis'. ilul, iu conuectiuii with Hio u 01 lis of an Anieriean uiv-miuintr svudlciic All the eriuipmeiil of the 111, ul will , ome troiu Aineiici. Ti.iin Robhet's Sentence. II, I'm ii-iii Wilt. fl'Hii'll.i' Smi "il I'll 11, Itflntil, I'i., Nii. -"- l.rt,!,i II. Cuilin, i' e l It ml ti itlniifi'il I1.1I11 iiibliut .md .lui)l 'in'i inliiit t.i leli, cius (ikIjv wiilciunl tu ,in jiiinii.. mm ut ut lomi.ou ceji- in ihr n nil. ulm v, .nu in pi) .1 flue ia i-l'i'i Wife Muuleiev Sentenced, ll.i .siu,le Win (11.111 Hit AvonaiPil l'it" sius lll.i. (i Nov. Sj.-0I.ii MiMilifln. 1 ,1,. 1I1I..I ot inunlcihis liii vlie la l.lln; lin 10 lentil. wj li.tljy tli'iiloil .1 jicw iiul jmi t idiit'tl it. tiiiiitc tlie ,ioji' Ini 1U01 m.i.t 9 - Biesei's AccompUee Sentenced, liy l,cviiiiir IMu lii'iu'llitf .-oclit,i l'u., lllljll, el .'". -IfUli lil.illll0ll, all Jilulllcli 0 ui llu.ti, tin i.i..-in tl Kliu IIiiiiiIi.ii, ,ii 1,. ilii Miiltmttl t.illn iiiiiioimiiil .it (he Auif. Ill miiull .us ml ,,' boa mtuuti Two Women Bunted to Death. )y l.xHutiir Wire (iniu 'I lit' AnoUalcJ I'i mi. .New (il,, Nu. 'J j.-M11, .lino IlntUs, :i."il 3T. ami 3h llaiy Tciigciiy, ascl in, Imt tliair llu In the litaiilnv ut .1 f. into ihullin; in llrouKbn mnijilit Pension Granted, lb l.i.luiii j Mil,, tit.in flic ..otjti'.l 'nw, Mjiliiit.iii, n.. 'Jl.-Xosl.ili llitlltt, o( .h I'i Ins. lutii i'i.intf.1 , ..'n,leii ut -jX,, REPORT ON AGRICULTURE Finit Aniiiittl Statement Is Issued hu tlie Secretari), Hon. 'James Wilson. MUCH LARGER THAN IN FORMER YEARS Lntge Poition ot' the Repoit Covers the Subject of Animnl Industiy. Tlie Botnnicnl Investigation The Congiessionnl Seed Distribution. Public Roads, Eelc. By 1 TihtiW Wiif from Hi' Ivociat't! I'imi. WashlnttlDii. Nov. 2.". The llfth an nual leporl of Hip secretin y of nitrletil tttie, Hon. .lames Wilson, is consider ably laii;".- than in former .veais, 10 llcrllug Hieicbv Hu- Blt'.il siowth and tlevc'lopiueui which lias attended this department during his .ulinliilstralioii. V lircc iHiliuii ot tlif rfpirl o.hcm Uiu miIi- j'il ei .inimil tiiilistii. 'tlie yruiil tt.t il ol uS 11, il-: iii .iiiiu.il pioilnct-i e x 1 s 1 1 1 1 . 1 i!mln' th: .u if 1-t111l.1l .JVl.tmi.tKO in vjIiio. Tiiit jjt f'tt ten iiinK'l I mlv piv-nt't to our jitc'iluocr b tliu iii'H ili'-jhio 1 tVorn ( tlif ilcpai-tnunl and tho linl iifpoctluii fViiLjcn through 1h'' Inntu ul aniiiil nuhi-lii 'liic Ijiirt iu 'iiKpccltil f.n rv I or: ,'-".,ivi ciltlc, JS.fwO iiu'p. 1 tl Jt.Oiii) In iis ,ind imili-i, .tiJ nfaili- l.iwj cecils cirri. inr lite 1' ifl . (iiijioiitil oiuunlj wee aNu oc niilotl to Hie iminK'r ot 'i and, ulic 1 nctcviri, qiuTinlliiiil, l'it sft.rct.io 'UffircU that ttl'li the onouniiH litirii'iti ur toclMiilit'i.s lian it si il c. iml lnii'C'.liui "i iiimr tilth c allinlinj, .if- tfr all. a t.liln.'. not .in ii-ninlc nil ii.inttc tl pi it itii.ii, 111UI11 I'i' ill foi Hi!-, i.mntv lo in'ijiv tin' pvmpi. t( CIrcat llilliln an 1 cvclnlo lot siul. 111m el in cimnttii't ontirt'li. Tl? UR. t m-piel ion -i-.tit'c ininhctl in- iii-poclifii .il tnuf t f -uushter 01 rculv -..ncii.WO nnmiH. (if Hi.- moi ! thm j,(Hl,r,ii 1 atiu Jn.p -icil, Ike ttintl.niii.il 1 1 rtalts wire ihout cno fiinh in I Jim rrn1 : ei the i.,".00,ihk) sheep, unctriitli M 1 p. ei nt ; jnrl of .'l.eonnoi) h.,jj. onc-tuir.l ol 1 per icnl. In th.- lontnd of iiailmr.-jtis tli'c,"., 1 "mi.Ojtl liiipntlo'- weie in ule .mil ou C.K'O cars ilKinftclcl in bit' 'leu ftici wnue alotio, In iln iim.ii' ion .if s,alk ill sin cp ni.irb s,i(i. lie.) nam its ncu lii-'i tetl, .mil t.ui I,iJi),eOi) thpiu 1 tuiilci' Hie mprinrn of the clcpjiliiicr.t Inipit (ul-. In (Oinliiiiiiij the ilistjv Known as "1.1 it I: ?i" Ihe 1.1110 in liMril.ilril oirr l".iii,(iiii) thiM-5 of c ictiiic, th" if suit bftrtR to itthice Icisui in Jflecli.il Ileitis 1 J lt'- than I pti' lint, wliric lciiiirrl, it wii in mo't lajH ohinit 10 pel ccrn. i'i .li.l in cleliotinv lifhen 'iltws fn callle .mil u'.iiitJei, hi hiiisp, osof Cf.Otv J.x -. of tnl'ieli' lin .ii' J T.orl .Itii.'i i imlleli. fju' ljifi m pplie.1 Ih" -iflttuc poinl- otil ihe eriuns evil le-nlt. iit. fi..in i .'.iteiu "f nliili' in-pettfon. villi, li, if it l.Ci.tme i!t mi it, veil 111 rSicliiilly pii'liiit lli inula utii. of hie -foil, in -oine m'lII.iiis. 'ii tl woulil "le-lioi nnirli of tin' li-t-inlnej, ol lite ft.l ti.ll ln-pei tii.il. lie icaai.li Ihe pi. -ml n'l.l. th ni is -ii mtniciiu lo the Intiri'ils ot ihe c.a. th ni'lii-lM in the et an. I i.uiIi.ol (lilt If hi ii'.iiiisiul He ittonuy sdieial to c.ii.p'n'e tn lain. In, tl.e iiutlei hitere the sin. -nn1 omt ioi iluision .1- to Tlie t-viii-ttiuiioii ihty of II.. e -It.. Ian- Hu-. icpit st In, Pun fnuahl.i ri r. ml ainl the ini-laiiii. or I e ik'j.iitnunl uf iu-' i. e pi Hill-it Botnnical Investigations. In Iml inn il iim-lis iie'iii linitiitni'. vv oil. I c, 1 en don. on mciI-. iiniir.iieiiiciil ut m.is ami lin II nl- ol li. .l ),ioilnt.tion in oai tH.picd lo, itwioii:, and ineii'iillon ff 1 ",-e- lo tittle in 'ue U'i-1 Hum i' i Hue; poNoiton ptinli- 'I'l.e lotv u.tn in itiuii ef tiiiuiKuiil 'ituplei rf Keiiln.lti l.h tiu- tftt.i ii.w inifsti.' itcil. It W'H fonnil tin' Hint i- c -Ij.'i' in lniu?tiiii, this Sn'il wht ii lii'itinit ial.pi pi ue in Ihe lops .r the Jin , pih.l hi vviiinms whiilt It nils (o th-uoy th riiniinttion of tlie HC'I 'Ihi- tin li Moith.l l.y tn-.iht.ils 1 1 1 liifllinsr Ih' ur.u.. Inn the ilepar infill I.i t)iei nni nliiis ith uiu iiinoi.i whit h lull tin the iiifji-t -ee.l witli.mt t.iiitnttiii il to hf !, Ci.nilir.tt,U' evpoiincnl, ngjulin.' the iil.itiie i line of imtii.m 'iml Kui.ip. in tl.nn A'p.l ta.e ii'-nlti sti nnrlv In l.ut.i ot the torni'i. at lpj-l im.lir ciulitions piii ih nl in tin tounli.i. A ifine.li- liii lucn Kmiiil ttliicli. v hen pru,nptlj .. luiniite'Cil. if rlli. it, il in lh li.atin'nl of anb mils pin- iml (nun luh-pir ami io. on tjmn, Ih.' lqiieiillm.ll (oinlithns of out n w p iw s -i. H ne 1 oil t. ihoionnhli sluiliw! .a J spin.! .tuition ii heiiv ciien to I he pio'lr. I i.. i in Ihi".' pnfimn ..t tiopiid cri.p, foi tthii h the t'ltll.tl si,!,, i,,s t.iil iiiillli.iis of iloll.ni .in iiu till Khmiil .olhe hi I'.u o Hi, o h,n hem ihe Kill. iirt .! --m i nl .-.hull. Uiu aiinuil import i th.ii, ..f this villi itile nop n.. v au.ouni to il, t'ii.,oi.ii, 'ihi .nutiiii .i-Ki I- Hut mill h losshK ltsiill.il . . the cull.' iinluilii in Ihe Mitt in re mit ii'iip ..ulii to the uiluilii Ions ni.tiiafitiiioit ol i.ii a,, the .Ifp.iitni'tiC cvpfiiinvnU show il il until t oiiltt !) ilr.ui, ni lii pmper rmiiiul, to ip-tiie Mi,, ranu'i'i io llu'h ounnul ton lltliei, iiul he ritiinnit leli action hv (onie-s, iuni: ihe pu-li! nt uilhoiilj to setuie for the tvpi'iinit ifil infills of his ilcpartniiiit -n. h ban, of jui'hIl i in.'.' Iitnl- n nuy he in i--.ni, Congressioncil Seed Dihtilhution.. In ii".,iul to ihe toiijoe -loinl .,,,) tlMulij. Hull, the ricii'lini vlali'. Ih.it he ha, entl.avoit.l I. mett the mis'iis of c.li.i.ti- In tipn wj,. po.-lhle. mil lo ftillle -eeul. ( a, 1,11, u ,U'. nltr ii nil In ..hi ilneil midir n,ii, ,ui, i, th.ne. II I ! linn ail.inaeil In t,tl uiu lolleii oil, lolMtitl it't'il, i-.illtlllllll -ed, Jin) hip ii )., t ....1, .iml j:l.i'(-P.i JH.I foi jap plant, liinler tlie illl.tt ,iu plies ot lin il'PJilnirnt ill. I iPt i!iiJ)iii.l, ttio null idol Woik of Buienu of Foiestiy. Ill', lici of Ihe iipiilynisiiiir.il l.iiie.ni. Ik ,l,.l if f.iii'.li.i, 'Ihe eitrelny np.iU Ilul Ihi. htp lean ! to iipiral In;; iHlh Ihe feilei il ..vuiiium I, wlili wiiril Ki.lti iml itian piisate oviuis In liJinlllni. Ilntr f.iteit Lull- lllo.tll ei, jsiM. ii'CH In, lipi'ii i.'.t.l fof i pilal .lie i of .'..'.Oni.nijil in It,, ot wltiih 1,1. al.ni ul ,u,. hel, l. nh,i!e owiii'i.. The norl, .,( tottsi iiuiuiriiiuiit i, i,-. UeviPtl in w.iiio ililail, Uiiiai li j,.ir, nrail, si),chi urrs iiuilei pni.it, ownii. iieu. tMiulncil III ll'JlUfiflltJlhl'S Of I III' llUIC.il, an., foil' th tallnl wmkli.tr pi his towiliia. '!3.(,0i in. iim picpiri.1. 'I In' wotUna pi in ', i the i',uk IIIIU fui.t n ulic vn i liiplttnl in I iion.iiig plan inn. iiniltilahen Ioi ihv J'rOioii Jul I ..fi, Jint Ih" riiel Itlur le-iuiis .u.t lniftli."itlons luiln.l.' Ine , ,,I, ( t.-i. lii'.iiul ti((t., -nl croiion.ic bee pljiillin;, of nil. i lues in ndna, liunli'iin.' fonsf p orliic t(ir-, uini nihil- liiiiuil,iiil lliu -. The teslon ( mil lining Hi iii'.po-ttl .Ippilichhiii i(.u..t loerie va r.. ari'lnol In conpoulUn uitli the Inllul Slulr Kt'tlhuK ll hiillel .iiul hen.) 10.100 fin! ni IPS weie iiijp(i.I. limb ili.-ii.il .a.. Hi,. Kr.Ms t, nc 'i III wiididl lin .t'ticlai) icj.nl. the iru li n cl Hit- propninl foie.t rftnic .n nijiM, In urKi' to pioticl Ihe tiaiii, iln.. uf jinpoiuiit Hrejiis f" maintain tie altifmlj k-c illy Jut. pined uppl.i of llnil.rv, and to jirov Id.j j iu. ilui.il it'iPiiiti' simiti'l. I'pon Ue reiutit f the t,,il in" of Ihe intctior, the elleclc ef sr.uim; nil fniil (re' wcitf iiivnHsili'il ni liu'bo tl Up folft 'lillUf. hi ihe .lii'b ui cronuiiilif fuc; pluttli: In t.. epiiatluit Willi (irnicu and othm in nuklnv; for rfl pisnlalioiis ItJ.lf. .irie v dp csiinlneil ami plus Hint prcinu-il (oi ncailv (,dnn j ip,, vhllo Hs0i4i ipijlUatuiii. (or Uif'plJiitlni; pljin i eie l,i til nl. IU' luiti.i full) He icat deiilopi'iuil In the 1,'llL el iJOl.lfl' ll.l'tll'l., Ill S'J ,'M'l ',lll'0 fimien' !nlllulp mpip held In Mils rminli), U titi'l'tl liy nier halt u tnllllon tnlliHl. II ee wne lipid In 11 stabvi ntul letrltfitic. 'Jlir nfc relay tlilnl.s tint lluie l loom fm' tnutt iiipful Woik hy hlc tlopirlli.tiil III aid of lhl olnl o ler luoU'tncnt (or the ediii. illun of our rannris In tl.c iiiiiroiiinctit of our aariiultnie. He lilt tti'ie fcire niJiftl for .t i-peclit piii)iii.itliin of 'J.fjn) lo riul.lo the olilco of cMnrltnint stations to n laiiia Its werl; with i view to aiilinr alii und riirom Jltriiirlil lo fitmirs' ili'lilllli'S ill lin' dif' fcnlit -'tatiM. Dietaty Studies. 'Hi'1 iliot.ui. 'linllea. fvpilllilentti ill toklnu- tie ifivttoii mil inilal.olLitii, hive l'pn coinliulnl in v jrlour puli of the 1'nltcil silatii! In o.oppi.illon iillli c'pciIniPiit htlon. nitric iilhtral collet? ami unlipinillti. The riiiills of nulrittoti Imp titt.itioti'1 niready uride lumlil, 4 lie etie!it,i thluW, he prii lie ill, ititl hunlklilh applied l.i Hie f'eillnii of men iilniiiri a ,on.ddii.ihle nine her of peitons Jtp to he fed en l (.Vileiultlt' plan, lie lixtatift", the Wt.lliils for the lii'iue in 'li liti' ti' New til.. the animal o-t cf food i r Hindi i over tt,oO',WHi, iiml ih.tcs lu.it of tic , JO.ooo.Ol) ctpeinldl for tt,(K) P'm.ns in ilte hined ia the pnl.lii' li.-tllulliitH In ,Ntv loii stale alone, .1,()nil.0)i) is evpeii.le.l for food, lie hum Imcitiallons ti) tlelettiilne the tui tlielit) fm' Ihe lev of mil toltlliis .mil fldl ointcri In ttopic il resin.i nnd 'lales, ilul a -p..!iI appto. prlatioii of i-l.TOil lnu hreu ukeil it fm the tnb' of the fuc.il mpply Siul cnn-uiiipliiin r.f pen. (il- liiJni, in ihe tinp!i Public Ronds. In i-l tl.ll-hniK an olfice of pii'iilio l.ud niiUii'e-. f'.e oojert .. lo luornote the inipti.nni"nt oi puhli. runts tluoi'liiiout the cnnntli. I'tunU iitio til, I dlicilffil to Jieitiln lie ccir'iilioi, or the ends, tho state oi puhlie opinion in ictrnlti to th'dr iiiiproii'ment, the ob.l icles in (i'i -lay, ml the hrst rrotliotls lo 1 ." cuiploviil in 'run lug i it lir It. id flirh has t"(li the null; of tin olhc" np to the present. Tor cpreuliiiK iiifoiin..tlnri ami su.ikcnlnfr interest itotbiripr has hem lound .o t flrr.tu.il as liter "obiect It son" or ti.nple ii.ul.. rlil, li, tluiina; the pait .leal. Iisie heen l.uilt ill niii" -tain uri.ler the ad, ice an 1 siipif.'.Mo'i of f lis olhce. hi hnildire; thc-o "JU pie io:d-'. nia (h'nes li.ne litfrrj loaiul by iiiainifarturi'is ami c.tilieil fiee l.i" Iho l.nlrciail t niipinlc?, Moi'.: the bell con iiiiiiijIc fnrul-ht" niauii il indlihor. Diirlna; the ji.ir, i..r the bettti carnli? out nt t'e w till, of the r fin e, the Tnilcd s;ale, 'Ca5 tllviilul into fear division', Ihe Hi'titn. .Mi'MIi, 1,'c-tt'in mil swtlieir, ,.ieli utidci a ne ill affiiit Conclusion. Ihe iipuii com linli, xx'lh a teiicw ..f tl.e dj. xvlupiTi.Tib ot a?ih ultiiie and rouiuiTCe clutlti; ile pitt txicnlv xe.ir-. and of tie cniiil utkivs hi He deinr'iiiciiL of .isilrulturo lo the progress of txenls and Ihe bnildi'iif up ot 1...p.ie :..d feitlan tiatle. '1 lie M'fletaiy .ij i tlm coliuuteiit x ilh tli's ijiii'vl'i. iiu'ueii.us irilitullons lux.i fficii'.n up in tin, rountix' ami ahliiid, tl"votcl l.i the ipphdiio'i of iiiuice to the .rixn ' of at;!' culture, thus iitfitliiir a p:iia( dcuuinl, at 1,00 1 fihiiir-, tin" the licrlc oiL oi' jiuji. Culi nan n 1. fppii.!t Iu evtci.l ils prulnction-". and is d, . juoidiiiir inoii' ami rrore uptn tlie ohl or .ieree. Mm con bitirur l,mxvlc.l'e nilli iincltca! espoi leiic rml ililllly aie hud to sft, hen.e the dc j.aituiciit has to fu;e the nceis-iLy oi pijina; nnifli lilslirr s,,1jitk 01 f biit ccnipdlle.1 lo eilli.r lo-e oppi.uui.itir.s of sitting the he,r nrn .1 tn iof some of the-e xtlie, iinder it-i tra.u iiu,', hue ile'.elopeiid such quilities as mat.o Hum uveeplieiially xainible. lie ronelu.le l.y ii.xii..- Ihit lie 'xould trie upon ronsac", in the itro:iap-t Ipims and for toe l.cM nilcrpil of the rnnntn, .such lUit'ralttv is will emlle hill to nl.tiin in.l letiin tlie he-l nien tl il i in he finm.i f i till tie import int pliers it hi- tii-po-il, SEMPLE JURY OUT. The Members, of the Panel Are Posi tive That They Con Never Agiee ITpon a Veidict. H.t l.xii ,in U ne fit. in Ih. oci.iiu! I' flillatU'lphia, Nov. 23. The Jtny In the 'trial belotc JlldRe MelMieisnu, In the I'lilled Klatt s dlsliicl court of .loim .. Seinpk', the laxvyer of Cain don, X. .1., chaiffecl wilh aldhur unci nbelliuK (.ounici tellers in Hie niakine; of spinlouf sJO notes iu piistm, went oti i al 11 o'clock Hiis motninp, and at a late hour tonight it had not UKteed on a vetdiet. -t 7 o'clock this allet nooti the jury came into uuiit and (he foteman tuld .ludge .Mel'lierson that the Jm .v could nol aKiee and .isltctl that it be disc'haiKed. One juior slat ed (o the com i thai u niotith's consid eiatloii woulil not challKc the opinion of sevetal ot the .Ituynien. Aimther juior complained of lllnrss and wanted to be telle ve tiom duty, but the com I tetusecl his lerniest tiiul sent tho twelve men back to their inom with instruc tions ih.U they must tigieo. If they .should come to an aKU'oiueiil ilurlmt the lllehl the veidict will be poaletl and opened in cmpi toiuouoiv uioinint,'. .TuiIe,Q Jlel'her.-on, Iu his tliaiae lo the jury this tuornltiR, said thai till doubt as lo tin.' eounleifeithiK in prison had been eliminated, the (act bavin,,' been dearly established by the evi dence and admitted by ihe deieuie. The mailer lor careful consldeialiou was the motive which impelled Taylor and Hic-dcll, the convicted coiiiilorl'c'lt er.s, to maiiufactiue tho spin ions notes, ff tho testimony shoueil that stemple Induced tlieni to enp;,ie;e hi the vxork by holdliiK cm i Iho hope of leniency liom tlit fTovciniui'tit ni ler the plate's h.ul been stirienilerctl he was eiuul!y KUilly -Willi Taylor aipl Ihedell. Tho ,ittdr.pe said thai the Imuieuieo or kiiIII of Ihe defendant depended solely upon the iiuesllou of voracity of the sloiy as told by liri'di'll and Taylor on Hie nipt side ami ihe denial ol Hie oharKi-s uf the defendant ou the other side. The jury, he said, lutr-l iloteriuino who was lolling Ihe truth and base llieli veullei tlieteon. Mr. Cleveland Impt'ovint;. lb Hiliiiiw Mhc fiotuTut. Issuiul. 1 Pus., i'lilicflon, N, .1, .Noi. ""(. renin , PuM, llni'lanil Is i ipltlly ikoioiIiu' Hum Ins r inM. This I Ihe rcpoir of lr. Mil.,.;', Ids pi ii). (In account of heliia: itnlUpoa, J lilnwlf, ttiUft did nol tall to n'C Mr. lIuuliiM iilfinoQii and the 1 jt (ci wa .-u ihvld.ilh i.ioxvd Ilul it lias not iivi, ..in lo call I 1," X.le ,,.. He. Ihi iue Mil' Hut 1'it i.tlul pli)niljn, Slr. ClH.'lunl al-o ,1 did 111, Oli'xcl.u.il ). btlll itainlii',' in htiei.j'h ih ii he l le-lin; xoty t omforial.h Governor nt Towanda. lb Utlumir Miir 1101111111 Asujditcl p,,,, llaili.biilif, ,Nox. -'j.- (.oiviucr stun-, hl( , l.'illiUl l.ll.lu ami udltii. tlen'i.il ll.ittUnhi.uh left Ihb attuiiccli K'l Toxvjiioj, when; (union v tlty will l.tl.0 put in tlm uiiulllii" oi i inoii i. Mint in ihe Di-j llundixd und 1'uli-ilu, ,141. tticnt. I'tiii.ixlunii voliuiicei., lv toiiipii'k-, .t wl.lt.ll xivii' uilntl In Idadioid ti.tiiil) liiu'i; tl.p ull.ir cti.tiiuuolicl penpl lo p.racitl at. (hlici.il nif.ii 1 ll sUMrs ,iiul ,)iiu Maid Ipuii, xx'lio ixioto the 'limit' lljinn of Hi" li-piiiiil' . - Coipointious Chniteied, II) i.xclmiir IVIir ilom IlioA.viililttl Pirs, llJillihiiiL., '.x. "' Hi.'to ihiilus xxe," ,taii' cd loday I'.x iho titt' dep iitiut 1 1: 1, ei 1 lljulwaru ( o., UcKccpoU, tjpit.il, sn.uyi, Somfif, l'itlti' i Tntlt! (i l'ut.hui',: t.t.llil, hi .On", fill Hii'iiir? Co., I'jtU.jidjl. wpf ',1, i;,ViOil TI10 Itl'ie laud Safct.x seiil. Xlf,- I .,, I'lx in .uili, upltal, s1j.hu. RECORDER BROWN IS INSTALLED POUR SISTERS PERISH IN FIRE, Putnl Blaze in Plttsbuvg Residence Due to Kerosene Explosion. II) l."sclu!ie Wire fi uiu 'Ihe Associated l'u,. I'lttsbliiB, .Vox. J,". Four p-n'sons weie burned lo death ntul two iere lit .lured seilouily hi 11 fire tills nmrnlliir, which ih'stroyril Hie U'sldeneo or .1. Cl. .Miller, iu Chut leu street, Kun:allle. n subutb of thlt ell). The dead were Hi" lollowlni; named ; HOn .Mll.l.i:!!. L'l 1I.IH old. leiiil.lv HUH' I and dii.l on the vu) to the hi'pit.il. AMIII.IV .Mll.t.i:!:, I'i v.'jts ohl. ulU)C.itMl 1.) ihe stiloke. MIVMH Mil, I.I. It. Id xp.us old, nifei a, I. sI.VlV MIL! lilt, 'i )'iis old, 111hoe.1i' J. 'i'lie Inhtreil arc ,1 C. Mlllt'i, the iilht-i, jnuipt.l 111.111 -i.oi.l slc'lj '.illdOV ! 1( I'lilkeu Hid InllluM, oill lecinti, Ahs Mlllcf, l.j. II) l.in 1... I 'J'xxo other tlaiiKhteis. anetl 11 anil i vears. e.-c aped xvlthoul Injuiy. The Ihe Mas caused by th.. eldest duushloi, Hose, puuilutt KetOsfiie ill Ihe iiiove lo start the lire for bteaU I'asl. The oil hi Hie crn isni'd, and Ihe explosion uhleh followed seatleieu the but nine, oil over Ihe lonm. The (laliios spread so (illicitly that .dr Mil ler was forced (o Jump liom th" second sUny -window alter lescuIiiK his xxlte .'iiul hv.o of ills yutumer diiiip,hteis. Mis. .Miller vxa:; Jttsl iccowtliig ttotn .1 se ititv illiii". tind feais nie cnletttiitied lltat she will not stuiive the shook. DESPERATEBAHLE WITH FILIPINOS Lieutenant Van Schaick Is Men tioned for Biavery in Hand-to-Hand Conflict. II. l.v I. -no Min" liom The oci i'n. I'le-. Minila. Xov. 23. Second Lieutenant Louis .1. Van Sdmlek, of the Koutth tnfanliy, vxhllc Tontine," uitli 1 tew men of Hint ickIiiiciU. met 1M in'-ur-Kents, xxlin had attaclted and H.i,krd the hantlol of i-laraliaca, near ''riv'te L'lHin scoiii; the Filipinos", Van tftUiid: ludtiecl his men lo cluirao tlieni. The command was obeyed, and Van tfohab k hdiu: ninnuletl, rc.iehcd Hie Instuyeiits siMy v.uds In advance of his men. lie Killed IhlOe Of them xvidl lib"". evolvr, -n insurjicut liied ltis litle point. blank at Van t-ihuick al four paces, bat missed, lieutenant Van ischnl, k uas then 1'iicielxrd fimn his ltotse, lie .lumped to his feet and euM"eii in a liaud-to-li.iuil lontlltl uilli the eium, tisiti"; Hie butt of his revolver. lb- sus i.iined two sovete iiciuuilu, one ot vvhicli niMilv .-"oinoil his. mist. At this point the llc-iiU'iiant's men uiiixul. rescued liim and put Hi" Insurgents to lltslit. Van Si hale k is in Hie military lioe I'lial at .Manila and is dolus; well, lie has alteady been recommended for a medal oi honor for biavei.v in a pievl oiis cnsaBi'iunul Cc110r.il lluiilics. 10111 mander of the depaitment of the Vis u.vs.is, lepnrts that ncKollations mo about completed lor the sut tender if the insuitsents' leader. Samson, cm IStihol island, 'i'liissui icudei will doubt loss end the levoll against Hie Aiueti c.in fiuthoilly in Hohol, as Samson is .1, knuwlodtcetl lo bo the 1 hl"t insiiij;ent lc'iul"l theie. CONFLAGRATION AT HAWLEY The Gis.t Mill of Wall & Muiphy Is Totally Destroyed Loss, $152,000. ,sp 11.1 1 1.1 1 1,1 sii uiioii Tni.i ue ll.uvley, Nov. -'.' Aboul (..'." this ev-cliin",, vxlillo the piopiietois nolo al supper, lin' In oke mil in the second Story of Wall . Mttrthy's b'i'M cull at Fifteenth sueet, and In a fovv niiiiutes the builtline, was a mass of lluuuv. Tlie Hie dopaitmc'iil rcspotnltd ((uiolxly lo Hie iilaini anil noiwltlistaudlnj; the fact that 11 stum", vx est 11 hid was blow ing at Iho llnio soon had the (be uinlei iimtiol and Kept ih" liuuK's coiilhicd to the m!!:. The oiiKin "f ila hlui Is unkiioiiu. The loss upon hulldliiR. ft'" li i""1 "l:i I'liluery m.is about .-fl'-Vi'io Insur.niee, .Ss.ijOO Big Giocovy Binned. 11) I xilioixt Wire (riin inc.' .-i litc.l I'i . si I. .ids .Noi'. 2".-l.nilit'i llroi , wl.t.U if ami irliil Jini'ti. lmuied lulu, tnlalbnt, .1 !" ol r,;i,iiti numum. initial Tour xounrt no. liic-n iiiipio.ii-. vi'' ii'-iinil f.viil di.ith liom Hi" Ki'ittli i'uV I'I 111 until wh '.mil 'I il'"" "" 111 an in-. ti'Ilili' . nu'litioii DEATHS OF A DAY. It) l.vij.t'iio Mue (loin I lii" Aoouilid 1'itji l.iniaHfl, N..1. '..-.I. Iu Hi I. ' j.npr.c l 1 nf UiiI'k Imlkl .nd i 1"' VU-., cui em .l l.jl. ciltei's lu.l l.noxxii ami lun.t KiKiuittil Iniiiii 111,11, diid Ihli mmi.;. 1 aid :l ,'Ji' r-mi I'" . Dub .1 1 .ti le "f pttabi'ii Held Up "The Mint." lb l.v lu-ixo Mlu ili'm Ih" -oi'a .tt Pit-. Miitilli. Ixai.-o, Syi. .1 11 ice nii.Lx.l cii ctiklP.l "Ihe illiu " 1 Jaw.i.; icoil al llj.hi. ni", I. I , 'ninda.!. eidilid (Ul irt's.'iit 10 I ihi up thill luiil. aed c.illl'.'d "ll be"! 111 tilliriit). I'lital Result ot Qu.utel, tv l'v li.ftu" Wliciicni H. i-toihtol I'n-. .Nil.., O, S"..i -'''- -( a blt cf 1 ii'uir.l Ii.'Ixmi'ii two IhIIju., Unitiulci .bnrjiile -hut an I I died Ifjplutl sjnhiiuo, .liiii jute ile.l tud K .I'll ll lii.fi' Ketcham Postmnbtev, 11) llvcli.n. U'iio fiom Hie liiniiaitftl Pjev. llfeliiiia.lcii, Nui. i'i -ITiiiiu It. If. k xva lo.li) .ippi'lnuil pi.aiiij.il 1 ut lithium, (auiiuo touit 11, i'i The Clilcl Mauistrate uf PlUebiirc Is Welcomed bu Floral OHcr- iiiQ.s and AddIcIii.sr. TAKES OFFICIAL OATH ADDRESSES COUNCILS The New Reeoider Promises to Da All in His Power in Aid of Bettev Government for the City, and A&ks the Assistance of Council In the Work Will Stand for n City Ptee from "Vice, lit l.vt llUlle U'lie tlOltl Hie !-,. 1.1 ul I'ifM, Pittslmt";. Nov. L'.". Pittsbinc touti ell chambers weie liatidsoinely decoi -aied todas in honor of the Installation of.l. i). J-lroivn us city reeoider. There weie potltd plants and lloxveis in pio fusion ilistilbiilcd throusbout tho chaii'.bf i"s iiml the icconlei's olllce. 'fhe ceiemony took place in lounnoti eoiniell fhaniber, nntl none but mem bers of councils and newspaper mm xx"ere admitted lo the chamber doors near the 1 ostium. Tin lubhy was crowded. The members ,.f select mtuioll hav ing taken their seats in tlie cunuiion council chamber, John ft, Ltnnblo slated tho purpose ol the uicpIIuk, und 11 eoiti tullle of live were appointed to notlly the re 1 order Hint the councils weie leaijy lo induct hint into office. .1. O. lit 011 11, the iievx" leccuder. wat he.u lily applaudcl when bo was pre sonlt'il to councils. The tleik. K. .1. .Martin, icnl the ocuiinilssioii issued to -Mr. Hrovvti by the troviriior. itr. Ilrown then took the oath of ol hce, udnilnisteied him by .loim ,S. Lam hie. The bond of Mr. lit own was np pioved. The now iccoider was Ihfti inlroduietl and made his lnatiKUinl ad dtess, .Mp. jsioivn said: Recorder's Adchess. Mi. ihiiiuiiii ,-aul Cfntlrnipii cf ("omi-ib: llixlup l.ecn toiiiiicleil vx.ith tho eil)- ti ri meet ii.xvait(s uf fouclcen vejrs 1 luxe full an I in' t .iml rU fiaHin , f !. -.utie.. oh'isatio'n 2nd rr"ioni.l.i)ltifS uf itz ;ieit ollifc.'oi mi" Hi ui del'. I atp.f. IIk tui-t uitli (he piomi-a tint I ..lull di-ih.iii.e ill its ih.lles uitli inle, lilx and 1 meiutn ify duties an- cieii )om re-tiun-ihlllHi 1 ,.n laiK'. f am tin tvtt'iitiii, vcu tit l.cMciiie A oil tue.l, I i vo lilt 11) H,ponIhilitI s mil join, .ne eipul. M aie in piilntiu of 1 Rieu (m-t Mo ue the n 1- ints of I E.TI , 1 in. I.l. as step and sux the h in.l uf di,ej.e .ml di Uh 1.) it once putlii. iu rt Malum Ihe tllti . I..11 phut, upon Ihe. I ml ilmxn hi the ml.i":tt llliittnii iiiii,mis-iiin and upiu. -pec iheat h.i's un-lli'litf.-i.l l.x the IjvpiXif whin he Voted fir the l'oiid K-ue 'l)u,e ,pi', ituatli n, -lull aid xvill 1... pifieiillil (.. .tun l.iti.ie J..H xt.lr the 111.jH.1x iin e-irx" tti iht idaul let 11, he xiIm and I1l.r1.it 111 inn' ulm- tlie in. ni.)' ncii'vii) lo puiiln-e ih.. ground mpjh which to huiht the ait'jl p.ibti. hiiiiil -ihoo if Hi. Cnnecie 'K. thi. 1 liojl I i-h ill willin-h-Itixe my tiiiu. I1I101, fiura;v and lie,r ifioits. ( h.liexe Ihi, .oiuina: iiiilu,ti.it .ehuOl will he t aiiMlu hk'-iinv to thi, oil v ol iuilu-lries tin, would In the !uci(lu,f lieu of Hie capital if this mUlily 1 lilon, 1 M1.1II stiiid ...i leciidii .1- I ilul a illi.,'.r f"i 1 rill lie in m lin I Hind now, is ihei, Iho toe lo He ililei, the thiu aid the ft null! 1 I'lle, I, Ilul 111" III!., tol Ji!oli,i-r- ihi- 1, Ihe .1 IV f"l ailiell. It u have .1 chiirlfi Milmiiii, to it-, and mil ' 1 iinpi.rl ml Kui-1 1th.11 lo it.u-Idii'. (ill Iniils. , .il-u, rriiii,c i.l.iinpl .ulicn. ThU liu,l and its tlulfn 1 .hill di-iiiaue wit 1 I1r.11 .r 10 the uoitiiitt who hu t.omniltli.1 'hli un 11 tin,' to nn l.crpiin, Appointnieuts Made. Alter ho hail 1 oiiehldod. Hi em dri ll! own made the lolloxxins- appoinl ments in the illy Kovetniuenl: Clar ence (lutleitth, city solicitor; je, .1, tiny lMe'Canilless, direr lor of Hie tleiiaitmeiit of 1.1111110 Holies; A. II. l.eslie, dli odor of the department of public safelj; iIhu'ki' W Wilson, dli ct lor of Hie d pnilmenl nt duuhlos anil lotteilion; Ituheit Ustoiiii.iler, lolloitoi' of delin iltPlit last's. Tito lollovxiui; slukliu 1 omiiilsHioit i. is appointed: Hoiteit I'K f.tllll, (IcoiKf 'I'. Oliver, .lll(lp,e Hubert Fi.utr. .(antes .f (luifi), Chailes Dm., nelly. Tho follottllic, pollen m.misiiale,, xxeie appointed: 11. .MeKenna, .1. V, McMns loi'.s, l. .1. Mi Clin i'i , S r. Kerr, .loim IT. AuuslioiiK. llaiiey l.oxvti'X, Fi.iuU Kluuipb aiul (IC'OIKli ". (iOSM'I lU'Ve appillllllll OJ1 the lioaid of its,,"e,sto)s. A. ,1, Hltcalrn was re-iippiihued -m r liilonilent of iho buienu of health. Iilioctor .McCandloss, tlm noil" head of the depaitment of public xxoiks. Is thr. faihor-lii'law oi (loi'ornor William A, Stone's- win lleOOHler ,1, (1 Clolxll It'llioVt'il ll out ollliu this lillcrnoou dty Assessors William SpiaKue. William MoC.iipIIi.sf ntul It. I1. Pnuulass. to mak" loom to) ,essi" l.oxvie.v, Kluinph and (loss, r. Handler Tlnew Up the Sponge. lb r.viluilli' M'i,e I. .111 'I'i' VwciJlnl 1'ica. loiiUilh, ICl , Sux "I Wild Hill lliM.I .' of Vn- Veil., xv n 11 Iliiimy Jlanllci, ft N'i ml,, toaUht Kimll.i (I'i"! i'i' "" fiuo in i',i ei.'litx'Puth ijiiul YESTERDAV'S WEATHER, l.i ul d u M N eiiilei' -"'. ICot; Ililii.l lcmp(ratui .. hj d,rr'l Inift niiiiitiaiiu. "' cleso ' ,'illtlll ll'MllltJHj 1 j ii ,! Si' per t.e'l . s p 111. .., . . el 1 hi" 11 I'm pit it en. I liou'i Uidcd S p. ut., 0.17 linli. f 1. f f 4 4--ff -f-f"f4"t, ' t WEATHER POREOAST1. . 4. M itliliiglcn. Nov. 2". Forprs.t fir 4- 'lufelay ai"l MVcIiipsiIjj : 1'iruii Pun- - f- .Mbaiib Tartly rlutnly and vu.to.viijk f ldti" Tiie'da). M'ctlucsa ij", fjn; liu.i -- 4 iifft lo lioilli ixlnds. - t t ii tttfttft u, I wf Ji "1 -. .r -v i:- fn: . .