The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 25, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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rjr i ::iiBimiqBnBiiim-'nBiia
'"" ""'TrpwV'''' ' ToJpwh iinr?w 'VVtWT'' ' " Wt I
a -
Vso oho fill ThiinltstBlvliit?
tiny nml your turkey din
nor will liu ii suictpim.
nn- iimtlu of licavy sheet
Iron, luivo IiIkIi covers unit
I'rlcew r.Ut-, 73c.. Mi. mid
Footc & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave
flf the Baby Bazaar
1 1 1 ' M p 1lP lll.lll. lit Il-.irt i l t III 1 IV- nil'
tlit jlimt iiihI Inny: in.ili in Hnlfm-ii foul,
Cii-liliirri' .iinl niiM'lt pimN for rlillilnii
fllllll M tlllitlllll. In tWM .U'lM Hill. t'.lW
In .illraillM' .llt-. I.miiy, Mtttris
nml tin' Hm.Hi Knit ( .ip. p invilo
j'oui ii'olal .tttiiilloit ti our lino.
Th? Baby Bazaar,
510 Spruco Street.
Accident, Sickness,
old nf?e one or more of these
will Mirely oveitiiko you. You
can luovlilu iiKalusL the linuuelnl
cllhconifoils of these things by
laying aMdi- n teserve in
vSatBA'2- "
Mi mil Mi. A. I.. tumuli, ulio iw n- m iln
Iiu.i lnm li-t u'l miiiiK'il itiiiilij nii;ni.
Mi.. UiiKrtl-, of U ilkt-i llm,., is the stu-l ,
Jul m-ipi, Ah.. II -lurk, 0 (jril , .n,i, in'.
Mi.. Willi.ini (.Vnin-ll, v ho .i. in Spiv Voil,
tin1 pist Hiik (on-iillitiir ,i -ix.ti.ilM tin .in .if
tin linn of )ln (liiini, li.ii ii-tuiniil.
Will Be Considered by Recorder
' Connell's Cabinet on Wednesday.
The estimates of the several heails
of city departments have now lieuu
fully prepared, and aie ready for sub
mission al Woilnej-ilny's special meet
liiK of Uei-order r'niuu-ll and his c.tlil
ict. It is expeeltid that the ineetliiK will
oiibiiint' the best pal t of the day and
hat when tin- estimates aie finally
JlirotiKh with that they will be pared
down to the lowest possible Ham...
Platinum Pictures Free.
MeslnuiiiR today, and throughout the
, ,veok, we win Kivi us a souvenir to
pvory lady visillii"; our store a sunuim
platinum leproduetlon of .1 famous
palnthiR. We have secured .1 huge as
sortiuent of repioductions of the world's
most famous :iietnres for this evenl
Better come while (he tfsortiucnt is
lurse. See our display adyei tlsoiueiil on
I'.ise .! ( this issue.
.laiobs ,i rasolil,
" -! Wyoming avenue.
--- ... . ...ii-
.First National Bank, Scrnnton, Pa,
We desiie to Infotin the pnbllu ii,tt
on and after Fi-ltl.iv, Xovemliui I'll,
1001, the business of this bank win be
conducted In the b. ling foimerly oc
cupied by cour.-en, cIhiiioiis .; i.'u',, iu
rnled at No. !.'' I,.iek,iwami,i avenue,
Sertllltou. P.i.
This temporary ifiuuvul Is ueiess.iry
for the purpose il erection m.u Mnj
oulldlng-on the piesent piemiscs, whh h
we will reoceupy when the Imiidln;-; is
.1 A Uillell I'lcsidelil.
l.-iuu I'ost, Cashier.
il 0 i i U i c 0 il l S
Monda 1
Bargains... f
Ladies' Fleeced Underwear 35c
Warm Solt Outings 4$c
ioc Outings, new patterns 7c
Good Unbleached Muslin 4c
Best I Iill Muslin 7c
Dark Outing Skirtings 7c
Best Indigo Blue Prints 4$c
Shetland Eiderdown Flannels 15c
Napkins,, 1 7-inch pure linen, dice patterns 69c
Napkins, 23-inch pure linen, dice patterns 98c
Napkins, extra heavy German, $1.75 value $1,25
Table Linen, old time Pure Linen Damask 55c
Table Linen, heavy, dice pattern 57c
Curtain Scrim, bleached 7c
Ginghams, pink stripes and checks, i3c yoods 8c
Light Lawns and Dimities, 1 2 JJc goods 5c
Children's Fleeced Underwear 15c to 30c
Mears &
4 15-4 IT Lackawanna Avcnc. f
Membcis Still Believe They Can Set
tle the Strike nml Clinhninn
Burns Hints That Negotiations
Mny Be Opened Up with President
Clnrkc Mr. Sillhunn Announces
That Ho's Done with the Commit
tee for Good Mr. Burns Replies
to Mr, Sllllmnn's Attack.
Tilt" loinmltlee of bU.slneo.x men
which has been elideavorhiR dtulliK tin
past week, without suceesx. to elTci t 11
settletuent of the street railway slrll.e
will meet this afternoon al 'J o'tlotlt
in the olllee of the cliiili 1111111, Irn II
f tm-tiM. and will deeltle upon plaiiH foi
the futllle.
C'liiilrinaii Hums Intimated ton Trib
une man yesterday afternoon that the
committee has not at all Riven up hope
of settllUR the slilke. lie was asked if
any of the members of the committee
would be sent to Philadelphia, to con
fer with Piesldent Clarke.
"1 liuidly think so," he replied, 'but
II Is possible that a judicious use of
the long- distance telephone inn. be
niatle. Kuither than that I will not
(ienernl Manager .Slllliiian, when seen
Inst night, announced that he was
done with the liusliiess men's (oniuilt
tee anil will have no further dealings
with It under any consideration what
ever. "If this tommiltec wants to make
another try at settling the strike." said
he. "the membeis will have to open up
negotiations with some one else be
sides me. I'm through with them and
will positively refuse to have any fur
ther dealings with them.
(.'huh man Hums gave out for pub
lication on Saturday a characteristical
ly tart letter in leply to the Interview
with .Air. Sllllman, published in Satur
day's Tribune, In which the general
manager referred to the members of
the committee as a pack ol small, mean
Mr. Bill lis pays Ills lespects to the
general manager in opening his letter
in the following strain "Mr. Still
man's idea of what constitutes an hon
orable man and a gentleman seem to
he somewhat peculiar to himself. Of
course he considers himself one, and
yet 1 presume tI1.1t the business men's
lonmiittee aie content to differ with
him in some respects. So lar. as I am
aware, no one of them Is under Indict
ment in our criminal matt, or is hesi
. lating about taking his chances nf a
piison cell or emigrating to some for
eign country where theie Is no c.xtia
dltion law in force."
Tlie ihsne in which the public is In
tel ested, he points out. is, however, not
anybody's personal characteristics, but
lather the settlement of the strike and
the street lailway accommodation to
which they are entitled. Mr. Hums
states that the mn.foiily of labeling
men in this valley aie member of
labor unions who desire that union
labor shall be employed oil the cais
and whose wishes aie entitled to at
least some consideration from the
company. Continuing, he says:
"Suppose that eveiy corporation in
the valley should import laboiets fioni
Philadelphia or China, men who have
no lamilles or homes, and pay no taxes,
and who are lodged and fed in barns,
would the public want them to take
the plates of the 111611 we have'.' Tlleie
can be but one answer."
im:.t wiu. m: uasv
In conclusion Mr. Hums pleads Willi
Mr. Slllliiian to forget his "school boy
petulance and had manneis" and be
"an honorable man " "If he tines this."
he wiltes, "the lest will he easy. If
he cannot do this, let him go away lor
a week and leave some one like v.
I'', Hallstcatl, for instance, in charge,
anil when lie leturns lie would llnd his
load running anil the public satislled.
lie is the stumbling block in the way.
What he wants is to gei 1 id of him
self." When Mi. Sllliin.ui was asked last
night If he bad any leply to ui.ihe lo
.Mr. Hui lis' letter lie said that he hud
110 desire to enter Into ,1 1 outioveisy
with tlie gentleman.
"I've had my say." said he, "and I'm
iiinteia to lif it icsi wiili linn."
A lettei Iioni John C. Metnlielsei, jr..
appealed ill the Republican yesteidny
which set foith Hint he is one of Hie
striking sticei i,n' men and that lie
would like lo 1 el Ul II lo Wink if he
dared, He also made some seiious
chuiges emu eming tiu milliner hi
W lift Ii tlie stiike was Met lined and 1.011
cernlug the llnauees of Hie slilke. in
il W W ii; v
Hagen 1
Tlie appiiidant led ci os and sepul
chre degree of the Knights of .Malta,
was conferred on thirty-one candidates
fioni Anthracite uoniinanilcry on Sat
urday night in tlie spacious and beau
tiful temple, on the fourth Hour of tin
Guernsey building;.
Tlie degiee was woiked by the oun
ty degree team, robed in hhloilen! 10
leply to this the eecutlve tommlltce
of tlie stilkeis last night Issued the
following statement. il vi. ihinl, .,( . Mi'Iiiim! l.ll.i .'.
.i,n'.iiiiia; in i ln t!i,nl,li( in: Hi ,n niiulnt
Mllpli'llt I lolllllll liL-.lllllllJ n.ilt i, I ,1, v
gii'it iti'iat i' i,i iniiuil.iiii i' .i-i .i imliiii melt i
should gli .jnii I., .mil ,i .i , .tin i ion. I nun
its li-inir urn. niinhi lnlii'ii- n in In mi.iIimI l,i
.in nl the li.ii lion ,niii im . 'I I n- hii,i
i .1 well, ili fi-n.i tin tin- iiiili'i'iu- imiiiIiiii i, I i
mi. In tinil iltlniliil niinil. ( niihl we h.lne i In
lelltM lo hlli hull wiiluii hi MiMlm-tl u
toiilil hk.ihI il i nly .i. .in .itlcniiii to jiblity
illiellll.ihle iiinilmt on tlie lull 1.1 in iiio-noii.
..jhle p, i. n .mil uoiiht loo, np.m a .1. not ,,i'i,
m I In- i Hoi i ol .in .ititwei ; hut, i. ullhonl il itila
I lie .ulltle v,.n luoinpii'il lit .o itil-iiiiiiilnl
.!.'! in o I the i oiiii.uii , who n.e we.tK iiiiimIi',1 tin n
.1. then lii,,.. .hkI tu .huu the im i,tisi--ien'.. it
-lull ili-niptne .uls, it inn he will to ih.., , t
llle ploihutloli .llul e.,o.e it. ln.llli loll-lH ...
Now, tin htlil Ii ili -i lit. Milhil-, I ,i, Ihiiij
i'',o-ell In .n illiet lo l.iltii In. t milllloli. If
tin. in in'. Jul, w,h f.n i(.u tcii , we iiin-t
lint .nine loin .ne o.i-ili ..ill-tiul. 'Ihe io.ilion
llli. Iil.lll li)i lo join the MllUe ,!. .in lulil
Iioni inn .il II i W.I-, ,n Iioiii. o s.j p., , ,.
Illil lie- ii, nil, lit V, itli Ihe i Mni.ili In , n ol,
.UM'iI III MiMm; .ihuhlle. tin. Hill -loull hue
uil st. 10 lii-l till, whiih Wotilil he -i linn ii
Hloio ih.1l.lhle oli. Now, in the lollel Muhe..
tl is I,-, I to ..ii- i,t li lone ol i,iio-itloii lhi-'j
who opti,.ul the ,-liikt wile ninlile lo si nul
upon Hun ni.iiihni'il .mil tote then nun i iiin
'Mil. .t.iliniinl on the ot u i. nntiiie. nun
who h.i. not fouo ol ilui.uiu i-tm-iuli I" Mu
In. imiMftion. i .in h.uillt iniuiImI in In .1 ei i
.noil union in. in. I!, aim ol .1 iln';eiou. 1 ha
ul it 1 lo toiiiniinult in .ut . ten
'llie .t.itinunl t Ihe linen, i. in the himls
of .1 tew iiieii h .nhnitleilU 111111111. 111 thn ihe
hoili 1. il. own Kui.hliie .iiiihonti .itel noiutin
lul. ine Ii iii'il fi i-iii ma fill!',.. Ihe hooU. ,ne
(he pioptit.t of the .1-.01 i.iii, 11 .mil ,m .nhp 1 1 to
-iiiilit .il in linn We 1. in 'in Hi, 1 -1 Hi- t no
it'litt Ins liun ptlil 10 .1111 ot ihe im nilui. 01
out pie-int 1 Minim- roinniiilii, 1. 111 no .ipp .ill
fioiu 01,1' niunhii. hne hun mule withooi ie
spon.e. Si-it.i,il h'llitlliil il'ill.n. hive hei n pml
ten tor nliit, .mil lime iln- I m loir'
Iioni ihe iniMiii K lhi 1.1 1 iiiiiutl .' 1 1 inn iho
K In i mini. lb. 1 li.ti.iL t 1 w.i. t-iiii Hun in
-tilel In Ihe iMtllllle 1 oinniilti 1 . 1. he hltl .il
leuly -iiin i'. unit h innioil.inl i'ltoiin 11 ion iciu-
lie 10 ,le ni'Hi nient. of snpi.n,,!, i,a(ni pai,)
.011 111 In. .niiiiipl lo i- n I I, in oin 1 inks
hv ...i 111 an -illv -iii.tiiini; to imit lutin it oin
no niht is lo iinlnie I In HI lo idle lip lilt mil ill in. I
II linn to woil,.
It .ei'ln. su.lili nl.i Melliefil'. niltitl
ih infill .nul hi- -it, ne w.i. tin 011I1 in m unit,. 1 l
10 uii- up tin nnh 11, We tin not Know in
lliiuiie W I. hlonht lo I11MI tu 111 ike llilo 11
1 Imi.e, hut lt.ito the pnlilh In ili.iw it. own 1 , .11
, Ill-ion-. 'Ihe .ilhi.ioii to lonilnnnl ihie.ilin, tl
. Iiil.e. 1- iiuoii-i-ii 111 110111 tin tin lli. a Mil-
lici-11 Inil I, en In Ihe inipho t.r 1,1 1 pun
onl.i Hint" iimiii'Ii. pinion. 10 Ho. .111I.1. iul
llie st.iiinii nl lie "l.iio'i. he i-iii.-, .
Ihe iliw. 01 ,1 nihil.." tti , h
pp .111 11. -ii 1 1011 wlm h lie kiit- will nit lie.ii oin.
'I hi. ..Hike I. on loi belli' ' mil i.'inli
linn.. When till. t. in I I. oht.iliiiil i will .ill he
leiiih 10 ; h.nlv 10 woil; Hi, 11. .111, 1 not III) Hun,
We il.i not ile.iie hi .illinle In the pa.l in mil 01
Milhel.ei. Il I. ill he h.lil, IhnllUll, 11:1
10 nio.i in iiiiinhi'i it 0111 union tu tin oitn.i.
,l tin s, j aa .11 llnlwii it'iiipnii.
( 'ifillllllee.
Mrs. Louisa Weaver Held Without
Bail, on the Charge of Fit ins
Her Home on Satuidny,
Mrs. I.ouImi Weaver, .111 eldcily wom
an aboul 'ill yeais old, was coiniullied
to the to'inty Jail without ball , ester
day by .Maglsti.ile Hone. 011 a 1 harge
of 111 soil, iirefeiied by Supeilnleiideiit
or Police I' ,illk ltobllllg. .II.
Mis, Weaver Is uccusctl of having set
lire, ciiily Satiuiliiy niorulng, 10 t hi
house whlth she occupied at I'J.'U
derson avenue The lire oiigluaieil 011
the second lloor, and when the ilieiiioti
alitl police urilved Ii was found that
Keiosene oil hail been llherall spiiiikled
around the looms 011 that Hum. neuil
all the I'urultiiie having been ieiiioed
Tlie blaxe was easily iNtlugulsheil, and
tlie matter was it-poited 10 Superin
tendent ltobllllg.
The latter siaried an investigation,
which resulted in .Mrs We.nei's anest
on Satill'tlity. Wlieti iiiralgiied ill police
loillt yestoi'tlay moriilug, she ihiiliied
that tlie hie was causetl by Hid ex
plosion of a lamp which she had accl
dclilally let tall oil the lloor When
asked lo CNplalu the iiieseiu-ti of u
about the Hours of the other looms, she
became contused and salt! she til tipped
the lamp inure than once. The house
which she occupied belongs 10 A. Con
rati, with whom she Is known to hau
been on bad terms. She hail $5011 Insur
tilicc on tho furnlluie.
All attempt will lie niatle linlu.s to
have her released on ball bctolo one of
the Judges.
moke the populur Puiitli iOo. cigar.
Iuni"s. and the 1 ereinony was wit
nessed bj over ."Oil members of th"1
order from Ibis cit, Wllkes-llarie,
ningliaiuloii and 11 number of olher
sinallor lowns. The teremuny took
over two and a half hours to perforin
and Ihe costumes and p.iiaphernalla
used ( ost over SJ.r.O".
Among the most honored of the visi
tors present was Supreme Commander
Sir Ceorge S. Jones, ol l.oston, Mass.;
Informal Dinner Given at the Jer
jnyn Sa tut day Night The Visi
tors Position in Wales.
"tine thing must be taken for guiut
ed ill ibis iouuli. Due tiling should,
I believe, lie by the 111.111
ageis of entoipiise, by leglslaluies, by
counts and by public opinion generally.
Thai is labor unions are heie to
stay. It leinains, not to try lo put
them otil of existence, fur would
simply be .1 waste of vneigy at ihe
1 ost of needless Mi He. but to Inlng out
ol them the best uses In them the besl
for their members, llie best for those
wlio employ labor, (he best lor the geu
eial welfaie. This is llie one great,
piessiug duly lying in tlie pathway of
llle people of this 1 ountry and espe
1 Lilly ot this valley; and. gentlemen,
it must b. met."
Willi these woitls in substance, Judge
ICdwartts lutiofliicetl Hon. William
Abraham!, M. P.. lo a small company
.11 a dinner infoimnlly given by a num
ber of C.inibro-Aniei it tins in "Malion's"
honor at tlie Jerm.Mi Saturday nlghl.
Judge ICdw.trds went on In lolly to out
line how the labor piobleiu. under
"M.ibou's" guidanie, has been solved
In Wales. He tlest ribeti the successive
steps by which tlie opeiators and niine
workers in that country had been in
duced to substitute conciliation tluough
a regulaily appointed bo.nd, equally
divided between the two gintips, for
the costly, dangerous and li.iib.uous
stiike method of settling dllllniltles. lie
told how in I weuty-thiee .veins of
"Million's" guidance of Ihe Welsh
hosts ol iiig.inixcd labor, during sixteen
of which lie has been llie spei icp
leseiitalive of llieir interests in the
I'.rltisli pai Ii, uncut,, theie has not been
.1 single colliery stiike and only one
time when an appeal of a din'eionce
had lo be taken fioni the board of con
ciliation to Hie anmiiillv elei ted ar
liili'i. in lids cise the Hail of Kosehery.
"I want to say lo Jim, geiilleiiien,"
Judge I'Mwiuds 1 oiilliiued. "liial In
Wales theie Is 110 iitiestloti of the right
of labor lo organize and no wish on
llle pail of tin., mine-ownlim illteiesli;
thai Ii .should dlsorg.inh'.e, for under
"Million's'' leadeisldp oig.inii'.ed labor
111 Wales has won recognillon is being
pi.n tlc.ill'. s.viionymoiis with organised
tlllilt. olgiinlzed luilusliy. oiganlzed
pitue and pinsperit.v, The labor situa
tion In this iiainti.v will not become
li.intiiill until we have more '-.Mabons"
111 llle eoiial conlldelli e ot llle nel Who
toll and of llie men who lllle."
Ill 1 espouse Mr. Abiahauis mndesily
depiccateil the liigh uedll given hllil
bill spoke eaiuestly In favor of inan-lo-111:111
1 Hoi Is to pii'scrve peat e and gouil
will between iniplojeis and emplo.vcd,
lie said they fieiUwill. had many
Will-in tussles In llie 1 inn Illation hoaiil
nieellngs In Wales, but la.isinut h as
each knew ill his In-ait Hint the op
posing sid,. wanted lo be full ami that
simply illiferenies In ihe point of Hw
pi-evented Iinineillalc iinaiilmiiv they
tllieslli'd those dllfereilt es out Oil the
give and lake piiiuiple until tiiey
reai lied 1 oiiniioii gioillltl. Tills, he add",
eil, was his ilrsi visit 10 ihe I'nlted
States ami he w,.s lller.illv amai'.ed ,u
Iluyler Novelties, inex
pensive, Fiuest Fruits,
'egetable(3, Kaucy Groce
ries, Champagne Cider,
Cigars &c, Our stock is
most complete aud repre
sents nearly every civilized
couutry on the Globe,
E. Q. Coarsen
Wholesale and Retail,
riruiHl Coinniaiuler Sir 10. t! Foren
wttld, of Hlooinsburg, Ornnd liectirtler
Sir C.porge H. Pierce, of Philadelphia,
and lirand C.enei-alisslino Sir James l
Jackson, ot Willlmnsporl.
Kollowlin; the conferring of the di;
giee. an informal banquet was set veil
during which addresses weie made by
tlie visiting olllceis anil Sli Knights
lieoigo M. Watson, James Moll- and
John C. MeAskie.
lis immensity and lis manifest proofs
of greatness and prosperity, lint lie
round It dlflieult to reionclle what he
laid been taught nl home aboul the
Ainei lean's innate love of equality anil
fair play with the evidences visible
here of stiil'e and suspicion between
those who wink for wages and those
who employ. lie would regard it as
one of the greatest pleasures of his
life If during his visit to this countiy
and valley he might In any way aid in
bringing (lie relations of capital anil
labor to the plane of a better under
standing and mutual confidence.
Atltli esses by others in the company
gave notii e thill the intelligent thought
of our people is being directed along
the lines of "M.ibou's" 1 oiinel anil
Five Weeks Then Chiistmas.
You surely want photographs ror up
holidays-. Do you lealize, though, that
the lime is growing slum. Aitistie
portrait wink, like tliai whh h tomes
from S'lnievor. cannot be hastily pro
duced. Moral: Collie lo Ihe studio at once,
or iirrange for a sitting by 'phone. "
The popular Punch clj
leader of the 10c cigars.
ar Is atlli th-3
say our uew
neckwear is handsome
is putting it mildly.
They're more they're
beautiful. We have
just the tie that will
give life lo your attire.
There's nothing that
adds so much to a
man's appearance as a
swell scarf.
Thanksgiviug neck
wear, -sOC to 2. jo.
JgXr 803 Mik I
&ir WaMnt! AnMjr
We have a line ot Handsome House Shoes that make your
eyes dance. A special Thanksfiiving sale we offer
Men's, Women's-Jlisses' and Children's Shoes,50c
Infants, at 10 Cents.
330 lckawanna Avenue,
g $.$ S
Mb, Paints and Varnish
Maloney Oil & MandiacUiring Company,
Ml-149 Meridian Street.
Services Conducted nt the Residence
by Rev. C. M. Giffln, D, D.
The luiieial services of .Mis, Walter
1 1, Kenwood look place yesieitluy at
: o'clock, nt her lute residence, f!i;
ijiiliu-y avenue. I lev. Dr. Charles M.
tiltllii. of the Klin Paik church ofll
tinted, spoke III luot iipiunprlale
lelllis of Ihe tleatli hi tletnly beloved,
so soi'clj missed, I'uilniely thniigh
her ileparttti-t' rroni life, yel that ilfo
was so beautiful, sweet and gentle In
Its Inllueiiie thill her presence must
lung he full,
Th nUlsIc was exqlilsltol.v pnlly A
qiliirlelle. composed of John 'I'. Wiit
Klns. David Stephens. Mrs, .In ph
0 lit leu tinil Mrs. A. 14. Council, mug
'Jesus Lover of My Soul," "I'm a Pil
grim 11111I I'm 11 Stranger" iiuii "Lead
Kindly Main." Miss Florence lilt h
iiiond was ncconipaiilsl.
The gloomy tiny outside autl the
gloom within many hearts were mil
symbolized by the bright anil lovely
iloweis In which the young wife lay
entlmvveied, Countless testimonials
liom loving hearts surrounded her last
rest In her home.
Inlet men t will take place today at
lionesdnle. 'file funeral party .vlll
leave al 10,111 a. 111. The burial sei
vlco.t will be conducted by the Knights
Templar. The bearers will he A. K.
Council, Kugcue Ilealey, Oavld Davis,
Kdward Kvuns, Charles W. Matthews
and Wllliird latlhews. Among the
nul-nf-town friends present at the fu
neral were Dr. Will Henwootl and Miss
1 Ion wood, und Messrs, Shr.iy and
Smith, of Buffalo, N. Y and Mis. Pll
lee, of Itrooklyn, N'. Y. A pathetic In
cident In tonneetlon with the last
luimttl, who Is the mother of the tie
ceased, was thai by some niror she
arrived unannounced, lute on the night
of her daughter's death, the Ilis-t Inti
mation she received being the ominous
crape on the door.
Do Not Delay Plncing Your Order
for Thanksgiving- Turkeys.
Fancy turkeys arriving dully fioni
siiisquchanna county and early orders
will have careful attention. If you
have never placed an order with us
will be pleased lo servo you now.
W. II. Pierce,
110 Penn ave.
Benefit of Young Ladies' Society.
Miss Ilealrice llerfortl, the monolo
glst, will give 1111 entertainment at the
Hlcyele club house, Tuesday evening,
Dec. n, under the auspices of the Young
Undies' soclel.v of the First Presbyter
Ian church.
Smoke the Pocono fie. cigar.
I Telephone i
I YourOrders
5." We have both'phones J.
5J and a clerk who does )?
n nothing: but take or- S
3 ders as they come
ai over the wire. W
5 Prices quoted, your
M order footed up and J
5? the goods seut C. O. D. 52
Mail Yoiir Orders
Our mail order clerk
will do your shopping
as carefully as you
would do it yourself,
and the goods will be
delivered promptly.
The Scraiiluii
Umbrella Manufacturing- Co.
We nuke lo onlei lepiii- nml u town- !inihn.
his .iul p.ll.iMil- oi ililleit'iit i iui. .il Cisoiuhle
piiio.. We uiui.iiii'e .ill i, in m it
313 Spruce Street,
You wll be thankful to us
for reminding you that bad
weather is coming and you
need your feet well shod.
For Indoor Wear
lit H
Collars and
Handkerchiefs t
to Embroider
Tvadies' call at once J
and secure some of our J
elegant impoitcd hand- X
kerchiefs and collars to J
embroider. The latest
Cramer-Wells Co., $
MoWyomlnj? Avo.
'Phone 303-3.
If your work keeps you out oC
doors the popular head covering to
wenv is a cap. One of the warm kind
that can be drawn down over the
ears as the weather grows colder. A
large assortment at
"A. Gentlemen's Furniahet"
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, Htons, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and rainy
day Skirts. Our prices are reasoiv
able. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion. Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
432 Spruce Street.
St eef -,! t ,li on ... Ui niir puna
.111,1 Ilea'-. Our
Sim lc ii exceptionally s.iml muiny f,u n. prj, lV
fcniill huim t.tlk hlir anil lun nuirli itifnatlV
amoiiit, our bUfon,ililu clleiliij.
iz Spruce Street.
Furniture Feast
Will be continued Tuesday and
Wednesday. This spread of
under-valued ollerings covers
every housefurnishing requis
itebut particular attention
lias been given to aiding
Thanksgiving preparations, as
the following quotations de
note. IIISM'II -l.T, Inn pii'i
VlHfili ill Jiol ( cl.i iii, tlnul ili)- C7 QQ
I..VII N-IHV I'MII.I , -i-t,wl,
Itoltli'ti till. I InUli, CA no
fluli'il Iris JJO.VO
Mill, III) Mill. I.tiltlnt thl I uihli ;n
imlicH liiuh, II unfit vMtli'.'.M iut lie- ili-i-p,
l;i,l licii-l lililtf in i 1 1 ui . CIAQE:
-Mti.ii. .aiiina. . . . PI ".vi'
insist, t mm- -soiiti ci in
.ui. i iiimui Hfi',n . , Piii'
Fr TliankssMn? Souye.iir
'I Inl I, .-i mill 1'l.iir Ion k ncii'iit "I t..
r'll.i ,in, Ii.kii nl uooil- In 'In' Jim. ii, a
nl ll, ,n oir, . I Imiii I ci fitiM.'ii
lUh I n. -II. , .
imr vJAF ,6
-. -