The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    ! rVv m"T"i? 'n vifl,evtsf?' -"r""V,s--iiiftAisiT-v. ; s ti'fl'wi'ifpiiM'A !'.?"' -t.-v wttr:!?u - .",: . -&?. ,,;-.. ,.,iitti...','., "n" bppti aw hctwi,uw,j.i HMBifa Twwreaiiwii mctpi. am,4ji..mBMiMpiww
Addresses Wore Mnde by Clergymen,
Uurds, Judge Edwards, Consul
Phillips mid Mr. Abrnlmtns Chil
dren Injured by the Explosion of
n Torpedo Wlllnrd Howe's Recl
Inl In Simpson Church Union
Thanksgiving: Services Shorter
News Notes and Personals.
'A typical Welsh reception was ten
dered tho Hon. William Abrahnms lout
'Veiling' by the Welsh people of West
Soraiilou at ihe South .Main avenue
Welsh C. AT. church, which was com
forlubly tilled. All or the addresses,
vtlth one exception, wimv made la
Welsh, and II hards" wore in evi
dence, ax 1m Usual oa stloh occasion)!.
Ill addition In "Million" another ills,
llimnlshed Kt'iitlfiuau un presold In
the person ill' Uev. I J. T. I'lillllps, tlin
present Aiii"i Ii'iin consul In I'lii-dlif,
Vnle. Hi- Is a Kiii'Kl of i.'ouuly foni
mlsslonors' clerk. W. (i, Unlilcls, al Ills
.home on Soiilh Main nvciuic.
The speakers of tin vi'iiiny were
.Indue Kdwurds. Uev. IIiikIi Ha vis, Ki'v,
II. II. Harris. Uev. David .lonos. Uev.
.M. I'. Jones, Uev. Ii. 'I', lMillllpr and
.Itldw Ktlwuids tailed (lie. meeting
1 order al i' o'clock- when the nii
illelice jollied In sliming an old Welsh
liyinn, led hy "Million." clialrinau
Kdw arils followed with Inliodilclory
remarks, speaking III Welsh, In whleh
he referred to "Million's" achievements.
Kev. JIiikIi Davis was next called on
In f-ny a lew winds, ill whleh lie wel
i onied Mr. Abrahams mi lieh.ilf of the
church, oily and otmlry.
Uev. II. H. Harris. 1 1. D.. of 'I'aylor,
nld he was very Kind to uolenmo him
In our midst, a man who lias been on,,
nf tho ureal servants of Wales. Kvocy
Welshman Is proud of a Welshman
who does sometliinK for the untlflliiK
of his people. Mr. Ilnrris referred to
"Malion's" achievements in the eistedd
fod, havlm? also lieen of service as a
poet, a sinner and a lender of men. The
position he has attained has lieen
k. lined through his integrity.
.MuIko Kdwnrds explained I he
meeJiiiK was to In- I'ondneled in Welsh,
but. made an exception for IJhv. Ilar
i is. to apeak in KiikIIsI'.
.Malion's" :-iin then favored the an
dienee willi the solo. "Make Xow
Diifotir's French Tar
Will p.,lllll.l 1,llil Hi! -i,-iiv ,..
(Mll-'lls. (.1,1(1, ,, nil hill;; ,i, I,. I",,,.
nil- hv (i. H. II.XKI.Ns, 101 -imih M,im I
Tempting Specials
For Saturday Shoppers
These arc but a (ew of the good things that await our pat
ions tomorrow, but they'll serve as an index to what you
may expect in every depaitment throughout the store.
Fashionable Neckwear
For l.adics ,Moie Good Neckwear here than can be
lound anywhere else in town, and it covers the whole
tange uf neckwear (or all occasions, Only room for one
Hem today, however, Black or Black and White Net
Kulfs that are full value ior one dollar. On Saturday. . .
Thanksgiving Gloves
The Special Display of Ladies' Kid Gloves continues
details of which appeared in the daily papers of Wednes
day and Thursdav. We'll add a new attraction for Sat
in day only, by offering a New 2-Clasp Glove that we
consider cheap at 7 cents. Colors, browns, tans, reds
and modes, Saturday only
Men's Furnishings
Men's Natural Wool Half Hose, sizes o'J to 11.
Our best-.)o-cent grade, on Saturday only, for
$1.00 is a popular price for Man's Fancy
Bosoiu .Shirts, with cull's to match. We
'."'opened'a finehis week at that price which
''-'131 . we are positive: has never been equalled in
this city in point of value, and they cannot be
; ' -..'.' surpassed for good styles, lit or finish.
Men's Outing Flannel Nightshirts, heavy, long and
full cut at all points our SQ-cent iiuality at '
Ladies' Hosiery
In addition to the following special, many leally ex
' ,;' 'tiM goo'd value:; will be laid on our tables and counteis,
which must be seen to be appreciated.
SPKCIALUadies' pure Wool Cashmere Hose, fast
black and full fashioned. The best 50. cent Stocking in
.-S.-W the. market. For Saturday
Tre-.rT-K We. will also make a special showing of Ladies'
.-jcaauijiimc uuuci wear, 111 single garments 01 coinuiiii'i
tion suits. The products uf the best mills in the world
ate represented and the qualities range from the ordinary
if gooa,(inas mat cost little money, to the best there is
)' made, Will you cult ?
These Specials for Saturday Only
Globe Wareboijse
Friends, but Keep the old." lb' saiiK
In excellent voice, nnd bis effort was
thnrotiiihly niinrcelated.
l. V. Powell then read tin ordinal
composition dedicated to "Million,"
Jmlire Ndwnrdu called for ttddltloiml
responses from the "bards," and Uev.
tJ. t', Jones read Home verses whleh
ho had 'written In "Million's" bnnor.
Uaidel J. KvatiH next enino- forward
with an orlKlnal effort.
Uev, David .limes, puslor of Hie l-'lr.ii
Welsli t'oiiKreaatimial ehnreii, was
called on to say a few words npprn
prlali; to Hie ijeeMsion. whleh he illiVeu
lertalnlilKly. Consul I'lilllliis, of Cardiff. Mas In
traduced and expressed Ills pleasure at
helm; pleseul on sueli an occasion, to
meet ".Milium" and th" people of West
lie paid ".Million" a nival compliment
as a leader and a man and spoke of
Ihe esteem In which lie is held, and
said lie was Hie Joint Mitchell of IOiik
laud. Mr. Abraham'! wiih then introduced,
lie expressed his exlreiin; pleasure al
heillK present, llltll felt exi;0eillm;y
",1'ntcful, lie said, for the KeiieiotlS le
cepUon aeeorded lilin, and Hie kindly
treatment he hn-i received from the
people of Soralituli.
The meetlllK Was closed Willi the
slilKlliy of a Welsli hymn. "Million"
aKalll leadlllK.
'I'oday Mr, Abrahams will visit sev
eral nlaces of interest, ami this oven
inn lie Will be tendered n private re
ception. Tomorrow- uiornlriK and
eVenlllK be will Speak at llle I l-llevue
Welsli i M. church.
Children Explode Torpedo.
A most distressiiiK act Idem occuneil
yesterday at the home of IVIer l!an
jiIiiks, -lii.l Jackson slreel. and its a
result two of his children wen- ser
iously injured The liltle om are I
and ." years old, respectively. :md In
some unknown manner oblalmd pos
session of a railroad torpedo,
After playing with it for some lime,
and mil knowliiK its explosive powers.
I hey si cured a hummer and proceeded
to batter it in llielr own childish way.
Suddenly all explosion occurred, which
burned liolh children aboul the laic,
and their eyesight was affected.
Dr. J. J. i 'a troll was summoned and
dressed their Injuries. rciumiiiK-ii
piece of the slim from one of the chll
dreii's eye. It is feaicd that one or
liietn will lose the eyesight, and the
oilier will also be seriously all'eeled.
Two Young- Ladies Injuied.
A horse, attached to Schroedor's beer
wiiKon, was left standlne- on Pali view
avenue, in the rear of .No. !t; school,
ycslerday afternoon, It became fright
ened and dashed down the stecn'hlll
leaiiing to West Lackawanna avenue.
When !t reached Hmt ihorotighfare
She witnon was overturned. In railing
It struck two yonit"; ladies, who were
passing, MNs l.oie lliehards, of Taylor,
and Miss Jennie Ulchnrds. or Mil
waukle. The former escaped uninjured,
bill the latter received a severe gasli
on the head and severe body brniset-.
She was taken to the home of John 1C.
Jones, of ."03 Fnirview avenue, where
she was attended by Ur. D. W, Kvans.
The horse una eitpttired.
Thanksgiving Service.
At the iiiii'onuli nt the ThunltHKl vliif
time, thu UVmI Side tator held u
tnoetlilR: nnd derided to hold the union
TliiiultHHlvlnir MofVlue In tho I'lrsit Hni
tlat ehtireli. Tim fallowing nruMruinnm
van arraimeil for that ueetudnii:
Hi nun t'liltiilo.
Immunol Hm, Tlii,tu:i )n iihHi'
"J l I.oinirnjtloii
si'ililini! Iti'V, II. c. MiDninult
VlllllM I liolf
I'lii.t-fi' Hoi. .1 1 liiimlimcr
lb nut i.'iiimicii.iUiiii
Oiri-llliir fm- llir tVM Mil- ln.,liil.
'Ill.llllildllix I'liiilltilitlnll nf I'lmliliiil,
lie. .1. I-. Miitru, n. ii,
Alilliilil I Imh
ivllii'ili Ili., l A, llU
".' I'"! I nllgll'gllt ir
Wlllnul Howe's Recital.
A In rm asseiiihliiKe reeled Wlllard
b. Howe, 1 lie iiioiioIorIhI, at the Hlnii
wm .Metliodlst r:lseoial elmreli lail
I'VeiiliiK- wlieu lie nave hln pleaslm? re
'lllll of the illl'l'orell! eliaraetelH ill
"David (.'iipiiel'llelil." Ills eleveruest 1(4
loo well known In Heraulon to
ii'iliiire any exieiuieil iiotlee Here, im
he has aii,irei in this elt.v several
tlllles before.
.Mr. Howe's ivellnliolis M-le Inter-s)iers-il
with orehestral iiiinilH-rs ami
vocal nolos hy .Miss bane, a talented
slner. The i.utriuluiuoiii was ulven
Ullder the illleetloil of llle Cleaners of
(lie eliuieh, ami Ihey rcallzeil a j,''ocl
sum from the eiitei-mls,'.
Charles lhiike, of Hamilton street,
ami Thomas. WVutlifrhoKs;. of r)uryea,
'!ll wrestle on I'hrislmas ilay for a
The 11 t'lh anniversary of Kev. Thomas
il" ("inicliy's paslorale of tho ,lael;soli
street l!a)itist elmreli will he observed
Innioriow with uiroi!'laU! services.
Tile llual nicotiiiK of the 1'. o, S. of
A. fair eommiltecs will lie h'dil lonior
row al'lcrniioa in WashliiKtou hall. All
members me exueeted to he present.
The font th Informal dunce of the
Krininli' club will he held at Clears'
bull oil Tuesday cvenhiK. Hec. II.
The f'olonlnl club held a social in
Wiishiimloii hull last -Muilim which
was well alteiuled.
The annual ThanUseJviiu,' services at
the Tabornacle i 'oimrcirallonal church
will he held tomorrow evenitm.
All Ihe local Kulullts of Alalia Mil
participate in (he lied Cross and Sep
ulchre decree woiU In .Malta Teniple
this evenimv.
Services over the remains of Ihe late
.lames Kader were held lost evening at
the house on Cliestnut street, and were
conducted by Kev. James Hughes. The
remains will be taken lo Danville ihls
mornins-, where interment will be made,
The KNieKlor Glee club took posses
sion of their new rooms on South .Main
avenue last eveiiiiiK', and held a hoeial
session and smoker.
A lai'Ke number of yoiiim "eople ;it
leiided the Paris club's social In .M cars'
hall last uvcnlntr,
Kev. Havid Kvans, of Sterling, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Jliss Carrie Lover, of Carboudiile, in
visitins her Kraiidinolher, .Mrs. Jlar
Raret Lover, of Lafayette street.
John Simons, of Wllkes-Karre, Is the
Hiiest of his cousin. Keese Jenkins, of
North Kehecca avenue
William Davis, of West Lackawanna
avenue, has returned home from a so
journ in Jonlin, Jlo,
Miss KMella Kobinson. of North Main
avenue, iK Ihe jmesl of Irieiids at Jloun
taln flrove.
The Oaeita Social club will hold a
masiiueraile dance in Wasliiii);tnn hall
on January 1. The ofllcors of the club
are Kvun Jones, president; William
Keetly, secretary; C.eorpe l'felffer,
t'lcorKe Klmey. the North .Main ave
nue milk dealer, has an owl on ex
hibition at his store. He has offered
It to tho Nay Auk' I'.uk; Zoo,
William Kay, of North tiromloy ave
nue, was tendered a surprise party on
Thursday eveniim by many of his
ynuiif! friends.
Kecso Jones, of North Hyde Park
avenue, had his band severely injured
recently In the Oxford, liy a powder
Ices' fallillK on it.
Kiro Koss Isaac D. I'rlce. of the .Mt.
Pleasant mine, had a piece of coal
Indue In his eye Thursday. eaushiK him
much pain,
James .Mulheriii, of Lafayette street,
is suffering from an Injuied hand, sus
tained recently in the Oxford mine.
The fair In he held under tin- aus
pices of Camp I7 P. O. S. of A will
be opened in Washington
Monday evening.
hall next
Miss Martinet Thomas,
sticet, entertained a party
at her home on Wednesdni
A talent social in aid nf
nf Division
nf friends
; I'VelliuiT.
the Wash-
I'iiurcli was
burn slreel Preshytoilnn
held at the lioine of .Yii.-n
Itnught, on South Hyde Park
last Wednesday evening.
Miss (Irace Heed, of ,I,ic;miii street,
gave a party at her home Thursday
evening lo a number of friends.
William UIcMI, of South .Mali
line. Is making liiiprnveiui.'iils
abnut ills lint -I properly.
Pill a lock nil yntll' I lllckeli coop
door, as there Is a number of peity
ihleves aioiind.
The Wi-sl Seriniluii Prnhllililnu Al
liance will meet ill .Morgan's hall this
Pert Syninus, nf l!lni atreet. Is con
fined in Ills liouie by Illness,
W, A, .limes, nf JacUson sll'eel. will
leave today foe a visit at I'llm. N. V.
(ieocge C.tcsoll is 111 al Ills lloilie nil
Snulh .Main avelU'e.
.Mrs. William Carpenter, nf Nmtli Ite
bceca aciiue, Is ludl.-poseil,
Jaiues Sheridan, of Plllsliucg', Is vis
iting I'clciids In tnwu,
.Miss Anna Jones, a teachec at Xi, Ii
Si.'llnnl, Is !'l al her lioine,
Mrs. Ii. II. Tliomai-,' ladles eiinir will
meet for ri-lu-arsal tills eveiiliig al S
n'elncli in Hie basement nf the First
Welsh liapti.'i church.
Miss Malllie Al'lgnlll, nf KnlrvinW live-
uue, is Icitluii friends at Ihilfaln.
.Mr. and Mrs. Jnliu Powell, of Ohio,
are gnosis of rctalivis on Mucolii
Itev. Ur. lirnnlis. of WllUis-ilacie,
will preach at the Sunnier Avenue J'ivs
byieclaii ,-huieh tomorrow evening at i!
William Abrahams, ,l. P. P'.Miibuu"),
of Wales, will piciuh loiiiorcow lu the
l!tllcue c. M. churcli on South Main
avenue. The niocillnK mr leu at 10
ii'cloi'lv will lie In the Kngllsh laiiguage.
Tile moping servile ill (I'cloil; will
lie ill the Welsh 1 inguugv. Me. All.
Allow a cmiali lu run until It wl IipjiuhI !.-icu-h
ol inciliiliic Tin' elUii fj.. "til', it -vf I
weir uttu" ,ul in iniwl i-iin It will u.'ir
Hum iiu.iy. I oulil llicy i iinluii'il tg iry ilio
A.y.iul iimlUlm- cillril Kuni". IliUmi. v. hi Ii
it Ki.l'I ill a iiuiiiiv murjii'm to ciiu', liny
wouM Inuiii'iliilrb' i'i' I lie tXu-llciu ctfec I ni
ter t.Uusr ilif llii ihiw, I'rlui -iV. auj .!,
Villi Ui fin-. .M .ill iliuiuUts,
Most Common Cati9e Only
contly Dlscoveietlt
tt has been stated nn good luedlcnl
iititlmrliy that nlne-tenllm uf fatten of
nearness are caused front eaturrh or
from sore throat trouble.
The Mile lube which leads to the ear
from the throat la lined with n sort of
velvety structure called inneotis mem
brane. This ineinbruiie Is simply a con
tinuation of the mucous membrane
lining the throat. When dlseane of any
rant attacks Hie mueiinii nieiubrane of
the throat It Is very liable In exlelid
Into the Kusiui'lihui tube and up Into
the ear.
Tito history of nearly all eases of
deafness Is like this: u cold Is itmtraol
ed and neHleoted, others colds are tak
en, th" throat becomes sore and In
named, which n ukri'iiviiIviI by par
ticles of dust and Kcrms from the ulr.
This condition caused the disease to
spread Into the tube thai lends lo the
ear, ,
It seems a llttlu far fetched In say
that most cases of deafness are caused
from eniarrh, but It la certainly true,
and nnyoin; who 1ms bud a severe ca
larrlial cold limsl have noticed how the
hearing won affei.-led while the cold
With ealarili sufferers this Impair
ment, or lienrliiK becomes chronic and
Ki'ows woise Ihe loii"cr the catarrh Is
Vnu can cure en lurch and deafm.'S
by the ivmilnr use of all excellent new
preparation called Htitarl's Catarrh
Tablets, lomnosed of niittsi ntie reme
dies which in t both on the mucous
membranes but principally and most
effectually on (he blood, ellinlunllnp; the
catarrhal poli-ou from Ihe system.
People whose hearing Is defective
may think H Mt 1 1 remarkable thai, a
simple ami harmless tabid would very
often remove all traces of deafness, but
when It is remembered thai cattirrh
causes Ihe deafness and lluil the ca
tarrh is easily cured by the rcinilnr ue
of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets there Is no
mystery about It.
If you are subject lo nasal catarih
or catarrh of throal, bronchial lubes or
catarrh of stomach and liver, the safest
and most eri'ecllve treatment is the
new catarrh specific, smart's Catarrh
Tablets, sold by all'ists in ."' ets.
for full sized package.
raliams Is an able preacher, and (hose
who come io hear lilm may expect
smnelliiiii,' Kood from him. All are e,jv
en a cordial welcome.
Charles Alaska, of 12! Price street,
had his spine injured yesterday by a
fall of roof In the Kris' shaft. Dr. J.
J. Carroll was called to allcnd him.
Work on the new howllm.,' alleys for
ihe Kloetrie Cily AVbei linen Is bolus
pushed rapidly, miner the supervision
of Hteffen & Co., of New York.
John Neumuls, colored, was arraigned
before Alderman John last oveninir for
mailing threats against William Pen
niiiKton, aluo colored, The case was
settled by Neumuis payira; Hir costs.
ft was necessary lor Prof. Jloser to
dismiss nlKht school at No. IS buildlncr
last evenintv, owinsr to the electric
lights belne; extinguished.
The Oxford Glee club will meet to
morrow afteriuion for rehearsal and
coll. Kvocy member Is expected to be
present, as this will probably lie the
lat rehea''sal before Ihe eisteddfod.
The mixed choir will niett in the even
.Much eritliilhiasni is being displayed
ill this section over the coming eistedd
fod, lo be hold in tin; North Main Ave
nue Baptist tiibernaele Thanksgiving
Pay. Wlui t makes il mure Interesting;
is the fact that Hon. William Abra
hams, M. P., better known as "Jla
bon," has consented lo be present and,
Willi Judge Kdwards, conduct the eis
teddfod. "Mabon" lias lieen conductor
of the national eisteddfod of "Wales tin
a number of years, and is one of ilio
best eisteddfod conductors in the
world. People from all over tin valley
are expected lo attend tills grand musi
cal treat, lo lie given lo the people nf
Providence. The names of all the enm
petiiors have not as yet been sent to
.Mr. Johnston, Ihe secretary, but he ex
pects (o hear from tlieni all by Monday
or Tuesday.
The funeral of lie- nlo Owen (ialla
gher, nf II':: Parker street, who was
killed in a fall of coal al ihe Von
Storcli mines Tuesday afternoon, look
place yesterday morning from his late
residence. A requiem' high mass was
celebrated al the Jlnly ltosary elmreli
al 10 o'clock by the Uev. N. .1. Alc
Manus. Interment was made In the
i 'atlledral cemetery.
The ladles of the Foreign Millenary
society belonging' to ihe Providence
Methodist Kplscopal church sucpeised
.Mrs, dire, ihe pastor's lumber, at Hi"
parsonage, the occasion bung the
ciglity-llflli anniversary of her birth.
After tho uiiiial greeting, the p-irty ri -paired
lo tli" dining room, where -i
bountiful supper was served, .Mrs.
dire has iiideiiceil herself to all who
have made her aeiiiaiiit.ince.
The funeral of the late Daniel Wnler-
speil will bo held liimorinw aflernnon
at .' o'clnei; from the homo flf hi" ami I,
Mrs. Maryar-'l .Mills, on Nnrlli Main
avenue, luternieiii in nunnioce ciue
lory. The Misses .Mncgaretla and Ullwibniii
Williams nf William el rent, entertain
ed a few nf llielr I'riollds Monday even
ing, 111 Imam- of llielr giasl. .Miss .Maud
Marsinn. nf llactfnrd, conn, tianies,
singing and otlnr pai ty 'amusements
.vo indulged lu lo a seasonable limn,
when I'olroshnionts were served, after
which Ilio gnosis departed fur thoii
hollies. Those present wore; Mlsscn
NMurgi- Munsnii, Fi-uilIs Mun.-uu, Sie.
l Wnileniaii, Jenulo Lewis, I.Ida Cor
win, Mary A. ImIs, Uvu Huff. Mamie
'I'lininas, c.issle Williams, Mnliic
Pltkeilug. Molly Nnack. I.emi Klsb,,
lulu Wllllums. Cecil Uavles, Maud Mar-sloii-
Aiargarella Wllllains and llllna
belli Wllllains, and Mei-srs, Cliarles
Cnn.siauliiie, Warren IIuom', illeliard
Itees. , Frank Plckoring. Pml', Keiu
uieclliig, li, Tlioinas, It. Thomas, J.
Muiisoii and Will Mulliows.
The b.trlier.-. of tills section will clo-n
til iinoii on Thanksgiving la.
The I'r.iektifJiuUrt ilnfeated the l Ves
icals Iii a holly toiilested gauit of
biiskcl bail at thu Auditorium lest
evening', by u score of I io a. Thoinus
lavb; and .IoI'iVIck each throw i liasket
lor the Craekcrjacks. On
Ing Day Hit Craekerjacks will have Um
Si. cialr team, I'lmmpimiH of the suite,
ns their opponents, at the uudliociuiu.
lit mi interesting' game of foot ball,
the Scruntnii High School u-uln do.
tented tile Alpha fiama 1'nnt ball team
til Athletic park yeslerday afturuuoit
by a score of i! to U, Hldeuour made
the louehdowii and Sparrow kicked the
Polaski Curler and Austin Maine are
In IJethlehein today to witness the an
nuul ganie of foot ball between Ihe
Lafuyelio ami l.eblgli teams, which
lakes plate this afternoon,
TwoThirds of a Man's Life
II K :
VB Ml, I ,r( , ' lS
qJp o
south smra
Hartmau's Hull the. Scene ufi Flcns
ant Affair Orpheus Glee Club to
Conduct a Concert Monday Night.
A Misleading Item Caused Trouble
and Comment Yesterdny's Funer
als Mrs. Joseph Batungartner He
ported to Be in a Serious Condition.
Shoit News Notes.
(ieiieral t Irani eoniiiiandery, Nn. I'llrt,
Ancient and llluslrious Order of the
Knlglils of Mulla, held an Inlcresuiig
session in Hartmau's hall, nil Pittsloii
fuenne, last night, which was veiy
largely atlended. The lilack degree
was given In Sir Knight James A.
I Inker during the business meeting,
ami at its close Hie members held a
-,-ncial session aiid smoker.
.'in interesting' and instrui tive ad
dress i as delivered during tlte evening
by District Deputy Sir ICniglit Past
Coiiiinaniler John I-:, Kvans, i ml ho
was followed by Pa si' Commander Abe
Cockrell, who spoke forcibly and elo
itiently on Ihe benelits to lie derived
b keeping in constant touch with the
order. Several oilier members also
made brief addresses and a most en
joyable evening was brniighl to a close
al II o'clock.
(ieiieral ilrnni ciiinmnndery was In
stituted four years ago lasi June and
is one of Hie biggest in membership In
tills section of the slate. There are
nearlv St'O members in good standing,
and Ihe treasury is in a splendid linan
tiai condition, The olllcers are: Sii
knight commander, Fred lleih; gener
alissimo. Harry Manning; caplain gen
eral, Charles , Do Wight: proline. John
Pltloberg: recorder. Adam Friohtoi;as
sistani recorder. Henrge Feline: tceas
urer. Andrew Frnnu;: senior warden,
William Hesslngor.
Conceit of Orpheus Glee Club.
Monday evening, lu Si. John's hall.
on Mono avenue
gi"ii under Hie
pilous tJlee chili,
gramme has boon
, a concert will be
auspices of Ihe lll
Tho following: p-o-aiTiingcd:
Ovciiiu-e. orchestra; glee, "Sallois'
chorus"; vocal solo, .Mrs. A. .Millar:
recitation, pathetic, .M. ,1, i'ojiic; tenor
-nit), .billies ,1. Folali; piano solo, Miss
Kathi'Mi Ueardnii; bass solo, Arthur
Morgan: overture, orchestra: glee.
"i 'omrades lu Arms'; soprano solo,
Miss Miuy Powell: baritone solo, Will
Long; insiruiiicntal iiuarietle, Miss
Kulhr.wi Utiirdoii: .Me.ssis. Sawjer,
Coyne nnd .McCornnick; duel, .Messrs.
I'nlall and lll'ioli: glee, "Dixie's Land,"
Laid nt Keat,
'''lie remains of the laie .Mr.. Mary
liilg'atlnii weie Interred, with Im-
iHi.-.-hlvi' M'i-ltes, yesioiday morning.
The funeral look place from ihe
lenldellie of .Mr, all'! .MlS. lieorge
Pot lllolf, Oil PllllUnil aVellllo, whofe llle
body lay cuslicoiiiled in a iiaiiilsoiue
cilSl.el liiuillicil with black lirnllllelolli,
The funeral nrlege inoVoil lo Si,
John's Calliollc cliiiicli, on Fig sired,
wlieie a masi for the dead was cole,
bulled h, l(c , !:, J. MolliW, lulocniellt
was nltecwalds made In Hie Cathedral
I'elcr Pliiltlps. ilio young son of Mr.
and .Mi's. Al. Phillip, whose uealh m -curr-'d
Wotlne.'tluy on ihe ptoperiy nf
the paiouis lu lioailiu; lliook lowu
ship, was laid al real in ilie T i, u m-l Ii
waul i Senium Catholic cemetery .v-.
lorday iiun'lling', Services were held in
Si. Mary's Catholic churcli, on liivcr
slieel, al la oVIoch and were Hugeiy
nuclide, 1, .Mr. and .Mrs, I'lillllps, who
are well known mi lids side, tmvo ilie
sincere sympathy of ilio coiuinuuilv,
Item Caused TtoiibJe.
A siory thai appeired in oim of ilu
papers yesterday niorulng and was nf
i on i'M i oplcd by the oveilblg' eellnes
has (ainoil fnnio cnuiiiiiilinn on this
slue nnd lliciiloniaily did a wrong lo
a proiuliioui liiuluoss man.
Tho Hem was in ihe oiled thai a
peddlar had been abused and robbed
lu a certain hole! and afiei wards or
dered out. As a umilur of fuel ilio
prnpiielnr was ubsent at the Hum' of
tlie allegetl pilfering ami no i unstable
was present lo annoy tip' petldlar as
The facts In the case ace that llelna.
fell was offering combs, shlrl buttons,
etc., for sale lu the place when a Jocu
lar customer cxiriiutcil two combs and
in a spirit of mischief ulurcd them in
And most of his money is spent in clothes,
for that reason, if no other, you should take
more pains, more time, and see where you
pay your money you are getting the correct
thing in style and workmanship and fit.
Every garment we sell is fully guaran
teed, you can always get satisfaction here.
Men's Suits
A larger, more varied and complete line has ne.r
been shown in Blacks, Blues, Fancy Worsteds and Vicunas.
to s rr
o.uu ana upwards
Our Three Dollar Hats are the best that can be
and we have a special line at $ 1.50 that can't be beat.
Lackawanna Avenue.
the coat pocket nf nnoiher person fov
a joke. The vender raised a racket
about being robbed, bin Hie articles
t oulil not be found and lie went away.
Later, on Ilio letiirn of the saloon
keeper, the frolic was explained to
him and llle articles located. Ilellll.
fclt ran have tlieni or llielr value at
any time.
All members of the .lunger Mneii
nerchor are urged In attend rehearsal
tomorrow afternoon at 2."o p, in. in
Schimiiff's lutll.
An interesting- session of Camp No.
!'6 P. O. S. of A., was held in Freulian's
hall on Cedar avenue last evening.
Their was a large attendance and a
drawing for a cosily couch look place
at the social session that followed the
business mt cling.
.Mrs. Joseph llatimgarlner. who was
taken to her home on Willow slreel on
Thursday from a private hospital
where an operation was performed Mas
reported lo be seriously ill last evening
and it is believed that the removal has
caused a relapse.
l.'oiitraelors Partridge and Fkkus
have begun work on the Sloeuin street
sewer which lias to bo excavated sev
enteen feci at the Intersection of Cedar
avenue and 1 leech street.
Mosses. AVoelkers and Tleilinan are
working hard on ilie new parish bouse
nf the Hickory street Presbyterian
church and expect to llnish it within
the time limit. Some delay has been
caused owing to the dltlicully in get
ting tlio necessary timber.
First Moihndist ICpiscojial elmrdi.
Uev. Charles Henry Newing. pastor.
Services al P).:',0 a. in. and 7.".0 p. in.
The pastor will preach both uiorning
and evening. Morning subject, "A
Clause from Paul's Prayer:" evening
subject, "Your Heart's Condition."
Class meetings at tho close of morning
service. Sunday school al -.M i'. in.:
prayer service at i!.;!il p. in, There will
be s-ervites .Monday. Tuesday and Wed
nesday evenings of next week al least,
anil If inliditioiis demand, they will lie
continued longer. The meetings have
been very helpful this past wool;.
Duninore churcli, iWv.
I-'. fllbboiiK, pastor. Solvit es at IH..10
ii. m. and 7.::o p. m. Morning sulijecl,
'Am I My Drother's Keeper'.'" evening
subject, "Sliull AVo Know tlur Friends
in Heaven?" Prayer meeting Wednes
ilay e cuing- at T.Iiu o'clock; Sunday
school al 12 o'clock. Sliailgecs eeolllo
lo all services.
The Women's guild of Si. Mark's
church will carry mil llielr usual plan
of former years and serve a Thanks
ulvlng supper in the parish rooms mi
November 'S, belueell Ilie hours of fi
and !i o'clock, Tickets liae lieen placed
at the low price of :'.i cents,
D. Philip Smith, of New Yoik city,
spent yesterday as the guest of friends
lu low II.
Mrs, Mary McC.ow.iu, of Chestnut
si t, Is seriously 111.
P. J. Ward and P. F. u'lloyle have
returned I'm um sue e-.s'ul hunting trip
lu Pike county, brlotdnii homo us one
oi' llielr trophies a laige huok.
Miss .Mnrgiiret .McNult.v. who Iuih
spent ilie p.isi month with ohlu friouds,
has roiiirned lionie.
.Meal urli es at 11. K. Spencer's meat
lllilCk"l: Poclel'linuse .sleali, !i pounds
for -.V.: sillolll steak, ' pounds for !;'..
lib roast, per pound, l"i .: leg- choice
lallili. per poiinil, 1'jc.; cii ki lis, per
pinuiil, l-.'i-c.: round steal;, per pound,
l"c; fresh llsh, per pnillld, iii'.
I.IINA I'lTTKK llKNVi)ii)--ll will
i bo a ureal shod; to a liuy.e miniboc of
i people lo lcacn -m llle tlcalll of .Mis.
i Lena I'll lee llenU'iod, wife of W'alloi
I,. Ilenwood, which occlicied ,ve.-.ler-
i day iii her lionie op t,miii,y avouuo.
.Mr. Ilepwood's dlne iliilc.i liat'k
bill ,l I'OiV days, Tlte luiiiicllate citllse
! ot her dentil was peijlmiltls. .Mrs.
; Htiiiivood was horn In I'allfornin, bin
ier dii'lliuud iln' ni'i'i' spill In .Maine.
Silo was iiiarrled in iSl. I '.tut. .Minne
sota, and ha-! olncc iie.ii a icsileiit of
thjs illy, Hud she- Ihial one mouth
Ioniser she would li'ivo i-elebr.V-il tile
twelfth annlvcrsiiry of their niiii'
(iatte, Hic Ik riirli'i by her nuilher,
.Mrs. I'lttee, nt llroolilyn, N. Y and
two sblcis: Mrs. '. 11. Ilariis, of
ib'iioklyu, and .Mrs. i;. It, liiivliaiian,
of J'orto Itlco. I'"ew wmiieii possess
Ilie smces of mind and churnvtrr to
attiact mi in ilieiu such aifceilnii and
intiiesi as .Mrs, llcnwood, Slie waa
Ktiicrally heloved and will bo more
tlian nils-sell lu a largo cicely, lienilo,
kind, uiiselilsh anil lofty lu Ideals, she
was one whose r;tl.0 beamy of life
i it i
Lyceum Theatre
ji. i:is,
I.i'i-fi; anil
M.DI.lgl I'.
.1. IJLTI'V,
UiH. Manager.
Tuesday, November 26.
tli ic'-,s , I e.i t l- Til, in l.v r.
'.uii.iti,t'-i I'ruiliiitiuii i ll.ill Ciinj'4
I'.iw 'Hill,
I.Il-l l.-l ,v t
The Christian
10 IV .id
l.i lulling
.u. vaxij
i.i.oiiv'it wi.n.
w -.
Simi-. on :
, ll III- , i Al 111.
d- s.iluiil.iy .a ! .i. in.
Academy of Husic
M. lll.'IS, I.ersrc. A. J. Puffy, Manar.
all 'mis ui:i:k.
wt'oK. lommrnt iiiy: Mtrl.i. Vnv. i"i.
M.ilinct". il.iili, fiiiiitiKiit'tii Tuc-iiiv.
IlJ CCllk H'lihlf tiuIH 01 SMt Nt'A Hll, MIL'
('(.-. .Mi mi l.iy nitilit, tin- .-,
"omi.hiN KuL'iit.v. ' i'mitfmi'u j itoiniain i Vtt
w.iits hctui't'ii .uN. Lfiiini; j ii t '-. Ji, "0, I'J
i fills; ni.uiiirc pn'i-p. to, o u-ut-.,
Tli.niK-LiivMiu l)i M.itmir Mut-, lu, ; ami
::o ri-fit. Xiulii iiii . to, o, .jn ,n,, ,'iij unK
ALl". 0. Ili:i:ilI.C.1().V, Man,is?r.
Till WilV, I ItlPAV AMI s.MI llll.W,
.NnifiiiiiiT -'!. ::, -j.,
"Victoria Burlesquers"
M.niinc- I'hmsil.iy .mil .i.uhl.n.
The Conservatory Course
Of Aili-i Ifi-iit.iK Mill d.iii On
Thanksgiving Cvcniii(
-M "I. I.iikr'a l'.lli-li llmivj AtliliKiinun.
,il S U'l lin-U.
IMIIfl: '-!.li im tin i-u'.n-tviHJ,
inilinliiii; ,i ii-i'imi) mm i
i f III li
the world can ill 'afford lo. los-.. Jt
seem all too soon Unit she must, leave
II while still youniv and so much
needed. The fuueial servltos w'll ho
held on Sunday afternoon al :: o'clock
at the residence of .Mrs. ,.mc CliaS' ,
."L'li ijulncy a venue, liiiernicnt will
bo made In llonesdale, the train lea -Ins"
here at pi,:;ii .Monday morning.
The funeral of ilio int.
!'. .Inineti w inko place
.Mrs .John
on Hiiuila.v
iioiii nor line noun', nn.-, i.nzecne
.'treer. ut "..':a o'clock. Intennint will
be mad
in the Washburn siieii eeiuc-
Vediiesday al Ihe early limic of 9
o'clock at Si, I'airlck'.-i ehui'i-h oc
cuneil the 111,11 ri, me of .Miss Hadle IJev.
eS, Olio of 1'rlcehlllfl's llljlllly respected
youne; ladies, iii .Mr, lioniw I'. W'alsli,
a liopular and isleenud yoiuiK li- n of
South Scrnuloii, Tho bride Mas al
loiuled by her sister, Miss Katie, whllo
Air, Many W'alsli. hr.ulur of Um
uiooin, iicied as best num. The bride
wan iitlired In a jump of while silk,
trimmed with duchess luce .mil tli 'ran,
and wore a picture hat lo match Her
maid was slinlllacly alllceil. Doth c.n'
rlnl Initial roses. As the liridiil perty
entered unit proceeded down tin ilsle,
tho weildiiiK march l.olicimrlu was nu
deicd liv .Miss Kalhryiio Walsh sister
Of Ilie (iiiolll, Tlloy Were 11. e I tllll
abac by lln. Itev, I'. ,1, Jlurphj oltl
cl.ttlllK i lerK.vman. u lo prop, mined
the Wolds lliat ninilc llle luipp. coupln and wife. After the teivitom II
WedllillL, Illeakf.lSl -was tcliilelnl to .1
ft W Of UlO IlllllUllle I'l'llMUlr. U"l l'il-
tioiis ni i outrueiliiK paitl, i it the
lion.o of the bride's paiciii-. Mr ,nd
Mrs. loels, niter width .Mr. .'"d Mrs.
Walsh hft for .S'cw York wb- iln
'.'ill enjoy llicir liiinovniiieii I pou
their return tliey will lake iis -.-bioii
of a iiciviy fiirnlbheil lionie mi tjuin, v
u vi line, ScllUlltlll. The m'oelo InililS t
lucrative posllioii willi tie- Ivjjiiom
JllHWllIK cilllllMliy. Willie lip- lillde IS
OIIO III' ITiccblll'fj'H llllMt ptlplll I .NtlitlUt
I'lcitliiim in I' Al, ,'iit,.ih suinluy
liiiil'ldim and eU-nlUH' by the pastor,
Uev. Wilson UenUey. .Mornlug service
ut IU..1M o'cloi k. Subject. "W'hal fnii
stliutcs a Sii'iessfiil iMirlsllau, ' "n;n
luti suliject. "A liooil I'oliftssloU lu a
W'roiiK l'liice.'' Sumlay school at !
o'clock. All ate Invited. .Mr. Tom
W'rlKht lii iniilei-milus treatment nt tho
Suajitou luMpitai.
i '
-o.1 "
- --