i P fv " ''&"' 4 ' I W' 1l . . i& I 1 i $ ' Ik Wi"'', t-Mi THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATCHDAY, NOVHMBUIc 23, IDOf. ' wi-v- i M XXXXXXXXXXXX S inr linnrn IIAnDVVAnE STOR! Paxton Roasters Pro olio mi TIiuiiUpbHIhk da, imil .our Utiluw iHit nor wilt he ii slice c 1'AXTOX IIOAKTHUS nro mtulo of heavy -hot lion, have UlRh (ov-iouna pntlliitm. ,,lU,t. 1,0! , 7'i "" nlla $1 uu Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave !xxooooooooc Infants' and Children's Clothing for Cold Weather The thousands and the lit tle necessities for children's comfort and convenience you will find at the Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spiuco .reet. Office, Toilet and Towel Supply p finni-li CIKVN 'lotU ViocMt. Willi liiml pome iiiutcrcil oik rililnot, burial platn mir toi, ectrili, bill Itii-1i, vvlsl. bloom lnw bh U me or iu-.-it poli-li mil srooil tolkt mji for s pn in mill We ni-iiibc nitron's name on tooh ml von tCLchc joiu umiluh. NO Ml HOS-310 Tenn avenue. A. B. Waiman. SECOND NUMBER OF COURSE. The Howe Moving Fictuies Will Be Shown Monday Night. The second iiutnbot cu the Hlsli school toiu.se lll In1 bImii Alontlay nlfiht, when Lvnialt II. Iloue will piosent his moving plenties'. The phluies he will show folloiv : 1. lloitinjr Sun on tin (oil of Mnnc -'. Vn 1 ilttni; (.hup ol l' In : Tci lints Km m; on the llud-mi linn, t S lliullnis- llli.tilo IS.ci 5 Tin I milh Hot toi, i Icndtr iiih iu,l i Uillin." I' itli lit I, I In mill Jakes Hie Hun 7. "jiui.Udt'a Pulnift. Otoittuo SA Ciiiiiplili lnp Vioiuil Ilic I'Jii iiit icon I p l-ltllill (ilOlllllI- f V -uics of Mints tiikui in tomift linn Willi ruinlriit 'vtc.hiii'pi's vl-it lo Iliilltlo, llio ivsiscln ih jn ami lime ill 1imiiiici it Dull ilo, Islington mil ' Mill ill. Or lit I'll.,?. Niilplor m npnl clij mniH llmcr 1 Ilou-o I! iildin,' I li lonliiiiit 1 Oui 'Mien in II" Philippine. 1 cuiil hi i I.iou's Hon. I 1 iSJIoVV till 1 I'll i n n niniiUil I'nlitinl Hi-cu-miui. r Lull 1 I HIlVlKk'n Hip; 1'lllllIlilU I' A 7 A Maiiilicrnl Snif Knit. F "-nut In- uh inlitas of li!ns xn i 1 1 t Owiliin . I Iniiir ili'inl ltiul, loot Hill Miiili - i hi llmii.li (iriiiilini'i Uriillnc f.I i---licr I ill in Hie liilirCit). 1'ikin, (him An Mlnilio Umi I.iloiiiifr in llmj Mn in Mill die in Imil- lii-b ni'l fi ii-.ni S Injmin? -i Poi. inrmiiK in tin' I il. A lliilllins leu Mile-. Hide on i 11-1 1 piiv5 ll UN Ovci lint 1 I (.ciiilili lluii on l lie I, i ili, Cnnl, i nil i' The lluilofiiiP 'I iinibli i . Di-1 ii itiuii I stuonliiun. 'llnlnll of 111 lltninriliIlo. iru'lit l,ul-i ill i lluiil. 1 it o lutiillitli i nlni f-incm Wlij Ilo MUcil tin Iriln 'I In 'liipli lonlniii .uu I tin I Imiu Hi nl I'lu noim nil illln- 111 Ilic lll.lllllllll '"nl 1 1 H' llillti Mil. 1. 10 I Mln WRECK CAR IN A WRECK. TDid Damage to Fnimei Abbey's Wngon on Penu Avenue. Tlu1 w.iko" of 51. U. Al)hiy, n tminei fiuin Siiluni, AV. ihj (ounij. tti inn Into at noon cM(.iiluy nt'.ir Penn iii--niio mid .Mullit'iiy Mivot b oiio ol tint tweiMm, mils ol the Sii.uitou liiiln i nimiaiiy which uus hoIiik ilown tint Vl'llll II Oil HO llilt .11 .1 BOOll i.ito oC bpooil. Tho whoi'ls wont UnoLlvcil liom unUor th1 wiikoii and it wns hiully umm! up iv Homily. Followinu tho wiool; t ,ir whs ouo of tho hifT 1'iovlilonii' rain which unshed Into tho loni.ihih of tip ukiiii, ioiIuiIiii; it to a "iwoil. jlr, nblioy umi his hoit-os ohcnpod Injuiy POLICE AND ALDERMEN. I r tiii I'ltiiull. oi ll'i I'liui .nriiiii. M'lttnln cJibnl Hie uu. I if l'i int. IIIiIh p Jii'l KjIIu I jn-4ii, of Ilic ,-jiiio pint, mIioih be ilnr.'i' tli liiin,' in open lewilnia. MiMnlo llowi bcl'l liotli ilrfiiulint In 4.ini lull iui llirli Jp pi'lruiico it lourl llinj Nionmtii. i innalu, nbo i. ac '.-i il b the I.ul "MHIU N( iimipaiiv of I tiling In Kluin inoiiiy foi pipir. Iikiu mil, m, mi io,l ctirtliy JinI licbl In "S'W lull li; Mitfii'iatr flowc lor llli Jppi iniia at niiit Five Weeks Then ChUbtmns.. You puioly want photuetaph Un tlio holUlujB. 13o ou ifiill;e, tlmush, tlmt the time Is Biowiut; hhoit. AitlHtlo pat ti ait woilt, lllu tlmt wiilili foiiu, f i om Seluleer, cannot bo li.is,til pui ilucert, JIouil: Conio to the studio at oin.i, or airanqo for a hlttiui- h 'plnaio. Chestnut, Stove and Egg Conl, S3.00 Per Ton, dellveied to all poitnof Suantuii, limi moie, $J00, Address oideis to the aiowry WlUon Coal Co , Uox ".'7.', nun nioje, Va. ' If you want tlio be&t 6'ient tlKai, BinolJe John ilatpcr, Couifcen. SnioUe tUo I'ocono 6c. cJguj, Tf ackawaninia ILayinidry. JUST HOW THE PLANFAILED EXPLANATIONS or WHY MEET ING DID NOT OCCUR. Genetal Manager Sillimnn Gives Out a Lengthy Statement in Which He Flays the Business Men's Commit tee Mr. Bums for the Committee Accuses Mr. Sillimnn of Having Backed Down Because Ho Learned the Vote Would Go Against Him. What the Stilkeis Say. lpliiimlloii't ol tho w1im umi wluro- fOlOM 111' tllO llllllllO Ol tllO I)1IH10'',I iiioii'h coiiiinlttoi' lo liiiiiR tlclioiiil Miin iifjur Silllni.in niirl tin- mIiIIscih togetlnr, ThtiiHiliiy nlKht, conipiKi! tho sum tut til of .eHtetday'rt Htilko dovolopint'iil. Mr. Sllliin.iu inn Kerf u stiiicinciit, In which he uiiiL'voi vcdly plniot Ihf hlmnu on the biiHliiosh nicn'H t'oininllloo, mid c.iIIh thorn cioi vthliifr lint Rfitlluinoii Air. Hut hi, clmli man of tho committee. mih Air. Sllllnm'li ti.ickotl out ol' hH tiKicoiuont when ho lcarnod tlml tlio nion woio not KoltiR lo voto hm ho had nil along- ovpeolt'd thov would. Tlio KtilkuiH hiiv Air. Kllllin.iii ulono wat to Itlatno. and that all tho oitim of tliu lall Ui lostf on lilin. Other inombuis of tho liiiMhiex'i limii's coinniitleo nuiKo Ht.llL'lllOlllK Hint IIKIOO mid dls.imoo with All. limns' inoi inciil'. What All. Slllimaii has to .iy is ooiuliid in lather poinlod I.iiiku.iko. "It w.m olo.nly iindoilood," ald All. Slllliniiii, "that tho moi'tlng was to lie a mooting between mo and all the old omplinc'u, rind that tho pioposltlon I was to in iko was to bo lotod on by n hociot ballot. J did not ask for tlio uu c ( Iiijt. Tho cnmmltloo pioposad It, mid I tigiood to attnnd undoi the on dltlons liana d. On AVodiR'sdiiy. a s-tib-(oniniitti e of tho business men's com mittee Infoi mod mo that tho still-oif bad nKiecd to the pitiostloii. Tlnirs dav inoi Hint- tho sltlkuis h.id a nicot iiiK, at which thc iiKr'Cd not to oon sont lo the eciet billot. Thoy also suspended loin men, who, I belloo, woio anions those who ato anlous to totiiin to woik. COAIAIITTl'.n CALLED 'At "1." o'clock Tluitsdiiy ovouini;, a mth-tommlttPG of tlio business nion's (onnnlttcc came to inv olllco and notl tli d me that tho meotltis: had boon ar lanROd lor 7 o'clock. 1 nioinntlv told thorn would not attend. They had know u of the fixing ot tho time toi the meeting toi a considerable pait of tlio d.u and the stilkeis hid known ol it piobably since morning- That it wa-, known oaily in tlio d.iv is pioon by the tact that tho Ttntb had tin an nouncement ol it in an eaily edition "I did not base mv l otusal to attend becaiibo ol the conimillee'.s dlscoui tev. 1 ( oulil have n oi looked that. There arc a uumbei of the old employes who ate anxious to letllin lo woik and who, be cause of tlicit not beinsr in pvmpalh with the f-tiiko, attend liieetimrh of tho union but .seldom. They heard that the mooting had been ai ranged for and a niiiubc of them called mo up by 'phone oi imiulicil fioin me by mos seiiRor II the htoiv wot. tine. I told thorn I did not Know, that I had not as jet leeched ,.inv wind about it from the commute e. They ONpiessed them selics as bclntr anxious to be on hand when tho mootiiiK came olf, and I ptom isrd thoni that the meeting would not take place until they weio given an op pot Utility lo bo on hand. By tho time the sub-committee got to me, with tho notification of tho fixing of tho meeting, theio was not .sufficient time loft in wliieli to get woid to these men I had pi utilised to notify. SPITICIENT WAIiltANT 'That, In itself, was Mitllolent wir lant foi ino to letuso to attend tho meeting. But it was not all. The main le.ison foi mv not intending to bo pies i'iit 1 did not want to dipclo&c to tlio committee until they woie leady to go. I suspected that 1 was not being hon estly dealt with, and I wanted to sat isfy mjM'lt about It. AVo talked lor some time, and when tho committee was nppaiontly tlnough with their business, I asked them if it was not tine that tho stilkor.s had icpudlatod their agioemenl lo have a seciot bal lot. 'Well, cs,' said one of their ntim bot, 'that is a fact. They aie now le IusIiir to hae a seeiet ballot.' "I had known of this Hince eaily in Ilic day liom n lepoit ot llio stilkeis' illuming meeting that cmno to mv hands, i also know almost to a ici talnty that the fommlUoe would not tell mo about this, but would attempt to tiiek me into attending a meotluj, that under no oliouuistaiiios 1 would ague to attend. The lommUloe left, after inducing mo to gho ihtin u ptoni-i-io to wait aioiind ioi an hour or o. I waited two hums. All. Bui ns thou lu loimed me I'othlng liad boon accom plished towauls stialghtonliig out tlio dlllludty. I thou wont out ot town, "1 am fully convinced that with a s-ceiot ballot the men would Imvo -voted to lotuin lo woik," l am aNo positive that if theio was an open ballot thuo would not bo a single man, possibly, who would so voto. Tlmt this is be lieved by tlio tmlKois theniHohos If shown by tho action of their oooutie boaid in losclndlng tholr own action and thou lakfn lefugo behind tliolt (uiiHtltiitlon and by-lawH, whlih they say thoy disiovcud contains a cluuco lot bidding si dot ballot, TKinO TO TltlCIC Ill.M ' inn be Hint as It may, tlio busi ness nun's committee did their woil; in a oiy uiibusilness-llko way. They de llboiatoly tiled to Kick mo. Thoy weio not tiiiuk and honest in their doallugb iritli mo, and 1 will alwos bcllevo so until llioy oNplaliiawav leitain tilings tlml to nil' aio impossible ol satistac toty ('.Npliiinitliiu. 1 say, without t'linivowUlon, utter calmly thinking on tlio mutter tor a clay, thai this busi ness men's lomniittie, as u committee, an not gentlemen. Thoy ate not hoiioiablo men, To mo they appear like a pad; nl small, mean laseals. At ill h L I thought they weio shueut; that thoy had tlio intnests ot tho city at heait and 1 willingly ugued to act with them, 1 hollovo now thoy had no lutei est other than sociable frome no toiiety tor tlientsoHi'S," Air, Kllllman added that the loinpiny is now- dono with media tins, An agent was ..cut to iluftalo last night to seeiuo iiioiV and all the linos not ot opened will bo opened up at once, mid tho uimpuny will pioeeed to opeialo Its sstem without op'otation ol tlio sti Iking employe- routine hack lo w oi 1;, Chaiimuu 1. H. Uuins, when asked for an cxpiesalon on the fallutf ol the committee's plan, said: "I'veiybody can heu why the meeting did not take place. Mr. Sllllmun learned that the vote was not going to pun out as ho had expected and bckd dowin A lck innii doesn't enro to go out much, yott know. 'The conimlltpo will not give tip ycl. Wo will lesinnp hiiHlnoss lomonow. Wo innv go to Philadelphia boroio wo Rot thiotigh," In jesloidiiy'i Trlbiino, II wns Pi tilled tlml tin stilkeis said llio su lionsion or the lour inoiiibeis urctisod or dsojitlt piocludod their atleiul mun nt tho Thtn-tlay night meeting. II cliould ItiiM lead exactly opposite. The leaving out of tho wind "not" ho foio "pieclllde" l-iuised llio inlslulto. STUIKintS' .HTATP.Atl'N'T. Tlio Htntoincnt given out liv tlio slilk cis' oxettttlve boaid Is us follows: Wlille our potlllon lim.uil the ''iiintnn 11iIIm.iV (Otiipiin.v luti In r ii iiidoHiil b; (lie iltlpi, cf wiu ih Ilic rnliio liliot cloiiunt of I K kiuiii'.iii enmilj, ,cl mo bile nctri filled lo f nor ma nn I ill .iitcnilii In (Ib'ft ati lioiiornblo ailjiulnirtit of tlio tinubli', iikI wlicn 1. 1 1 ml bcfoio llio iltbfM loiiiinltlu' in- ilicctfnlly ifiunikd Jtiil iiEti'dl (o tiiillo Willi (lie in ni.iciiiHlil ij( Hie (oiiipiiii In inn mm o tint might tnul lo ,iu Ii inutnliic ( imlio it Ion of llio -lllfc. I hli we icmKiilzc li Ilic pir.iiiioiini ilnu l belli lOnlriidliiK nrtir 'Ibo liiiln,'-x ltifli't ipiro inlllcc iimie lo in Willi Ihii iioieIIIrn lint Ml. sllliiinti wntiM meet t tic men umi mine Up comlb llon upon wliieli u sctttcmetit mli;lil In pii(icl"il, pioililliii; villi (oiiilllloni itii' ir t pi il'lc- to tin' imj'iillv of oui ihiiiiIkh TIhh' lonlillon'. wen' tiol in lili' Imiuri to ii Ibe iiinli'i'.'l iii'lhir, up in wlildi Mr -lllliiini iV -tiiil In tuipini lirfoie cmr indiilieilii ,i Mill lie 1ioi Id Ii ne llio inhibit'1 (if rwciitltij; bn piopo'ltlnm In tin ruiiloc, tmitlict with Ilic pill l( kc of fllpl" lllllJ till? fime tn .iiRiiiiiciit, cr, iiumlinir to IN orlidnil ptopiivllion lor .utiltiillon, In- diiluil id lucent 111- slile of Hie c lie .mil clniilnilr ilij nikiiiiieiil oi (i lib me ulilih linulit bo ilt .linl In intuitu t In Ilic nun, 'IliN, while iiii-uliii il initoilillj inifiii, .n ari-ulcil to In ,ii conl line with Hie plei-uii of Mi. Milium is si t furl ti In (hf IihIiks uu ii'. ii niliiittei, nlul dp-lirils ot (ipeilllliy tie iiioieinitit, oil! liicno bii-lilp wn iiotllkd, Mi in ,n po-Kohle, lo be in ittctnl 111(1 III i mi i tlnj t-pi.clill iu iiui.il In be 1 bl ul S p in, Nov. Jl. lo H-tiii to mid icctpl ir ieinl flu' ifpo-illoiK i,f (In I'liiim'iiiuiil. Vnolhei (omlitloii which il uh ihci-.-ii', to nunc to lo (omplv with tin1 in nn,1' nn nl v." the t'Sclii-ioii Ironi tint cciiiliuncc ot our intioiiil irpiiMtiliitivc .itnl the ti nteicntitlM't ol tlio Onli.il I iboi union In direct vloi.ilioii f all itih-, -nul te-iRit tiii-o upiceot ithc-j v. tiuil tluir lishl to bt picml nt Uu nipptine U i lite honi, mil iftti flic mci'tii I'11' lie' u in uijcd for, the luiiiiinltic v is nolilleil tlnlllio iiiimptr ot llio Indion coinpitiv ili"-ind i etii i'lllot I tit v ii 1 1 1 -in -.1 which, if Rimini, would in'iiiie tlie Netlin,r anl" of Hie nii-lllii-lion 'llilt id'uiicd a --puiJl at ot llie .ivoelj. lion I'nilit-l imliiij: lb" piopi itlum-i nt llu iiiiniird to itiiliud) (lie povllillitt ot j puit of tlie nn ri letiitiiiiij, it w i cotiNiiliinl idioilile Hint .1 far vole upon such i piopo itiuii mirflit hh ,w tbi di-po-ition of (lie men lelnito tu Hi n i"-illnn j- union mill. ( omei'ttiiill'., Hick wjn nn mil tit it'll to tin1 liiilniNN nun's loiiiinittee nnd mn of Hie tuiition oflnulN who misht be iIi-iijih tf lintlm llu ir mil lo i -.illlniitnl. I lie iniifiiu vv in tiKiiliilv iiIIliI lo miel m in etctiniR mnniiiii Al in cub bom IV Ini-iiu I nidi's loiiiinittee .ippeudl .mil stitul tint Mi. "1111111111 iiinhIiiI tint on in no n n-idiialinn would lie ipiicji befote the iiiietim iinle 'n- (tie sided priipinlioiw weie icitplul Vftd -oinn ilisiiiNsiou it wisi'iN-ul upon flnl Ml. silliinm would In rectned upon ins own tiiins nnd tint i wiiivei tf the ptOM-ini it (he liw if tlie inst rntiou would be undo mil J senet inllot I ikon 'Ihis w,n nude known lo the roniintfUi, who at tempiid to .ecure the iilli inlni'-e of the iinnii, r fin-, it seemed, wis unpo'.-iUe 1 ho puldii (in dinw- its own condii-iou- Mi. lluike, ilnertoi. who wj- iil-o iumIuI tu d tic nil Hie nicrliiig, iriiir-f lo corniont the incvilil'li Vd the tliipuNition of the compjin w ts t on ii(d to the nien anil imiuimn i-.li voted do mi, the vote In in liken in Hie piieme ol the loiu liuttci, 'liowincr tlmt body tliil an ronilition-a prrNcntcil In Hie lompun winch will be (iitu tained niu't contitn the mnloi.-l i.nlliitr that the union Phill bo picserved, anil no condition-, cm bodjintr onv niei-iiii' not lookms; lo the leinstile incnt of tven nieinliei of oui union, is iiiiiim nit n, will not he toleratnl In the menilieis of our (llMMon. Thus nub tins attiiiiiil it hettleincnt We will sittb tin- stiile lislit and .lrcordinpf to the intdi-lrs of oii.aiil7ril iaboi oi wc nn not coiiic-untioiiilv" settle it ill. 'Ilni-, fiom the ip pirent pleisme ot the tiaclion (onipim, no M'ltle incut h a- vet in right , I'vccntiit1 oinuiillee A BAD WRECK WAS BARELY AVERTED Flank Jones Discoveietl Mike Kosli Clogging' a Switch on the Lacka wanna Yesteiday Morning. A seitous disaster was piovontul rally yostoidav mottling, near tlio Wesl Lackawanna avenue oiossing of the Lackawanna laihoatl, bv Kiank F. Jones, who discoveietl Alike Kosh in the nit ot placing an obsliuction on the ti.tck, whiih, in tlio onlnioii ol i.ill uiad men, would hive lestilted in tlio w locking of the I. In Ilulfalo tialn, which pulled out fiom the station onlv n few inlnutes after Jones bail dis coveietl tlio obstiuetion. Kosli has been aiicsted and is now in the t ottn ty jail. Jones Is a swltihmati, .mil notlci d Kosli bonding down ovct the vvestcily Hack and acting in a suspicious man no, about one bundled feet iiotth ol the Lackawanna avenue ( tossing. Jones stalled alter Kosli, but the latter lan up tho tiaek, but not betoio ho had been lOcognUetl, .loues lound two huge steel bin is lying on llio tiack nnd a little luithei ; up lound a bolt wedged in the liog of a switch In .such a manner as would have undoubtedly caused the donkey tiuek oi a locomotive sulking it to lift up and Ihus ovetltun tho engine, Jones fbst took cue to piv out this boll, nnd then stalled alter Koli, who had dlsappeaied. A tow minutes nttei waids the Bullalo ipicss i.imo thun doilng by, the passongeis oblivious ol the danger lo whlih they woio oNposed but a shoit tlmo betoio. Kosli lias been onniloved at tlio Dia mond btoakor us u slnteplekei, and wns aiiestod yesteiday moinlng while on his way lo woik. Ilo was biought be lout Alaglstiato Allllar, to whom lie e plnlnod, tlnougli uu Intoipnitor, tlml 1m lias onlv boon in till countiv lour months, Ilo otleied no explanation of Ills ait, ONccpt to say tlml ho was only tooliug Tim inaglstiato comnilttod bun lo (ho county jail in default ol $vii bail, ic maiklng that It was a piell,, langei - otis kind of toolluK Fiist National Bank, Suanton, Pa. Wo deslio to Intoini tlio publlo tiiat on and alter rildav, Novembci 211, 1001, tho business of this bank will lie conducted in tho building fuiuioilv. oc eupled by 'oui sen, demons it Co, lo cated at No. ).'..' l.ficUawanna avenue, Suranton, iJu. This tompoiaiy loinoval Is nocoss.ii1. for the puipose ol otct ting a iinw bank building on the picsenl proiulses, whiih wo will loocoipy when tho building Is completed! I , Linen I'lcsidcnt. Isaac Post, Cashlui, Thne Vhte Fronts and a Storm,'' i an clil Jli!,'i. Im will all he pjn u il.at v.o will luii liiu weather for lbs lONsl'll. VIOlPi AUbt Ito ilt.il 'lluiikujhllis cefliu'. Uoeluiiau at Hie J'Jrl'h hneie. Ml lau and 'busfeJ, J. Alfred Penning ten, Pitcitor. Vjj-jjijjjj CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN The Tribuuc Will Help Make the Holiday SeasonJoyous EDUCATIONAL CONTEST FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE Many Suitable and Valuable Pies oiitt, to Be Given Young Reodcis of The Tilbune Who Succeed in Making- the Most Wouls Out ol the Letteis Contained in "Scian ton Tilbune." Four Weeks of Amusement for Winter Evenings. Childien ot Fifteen Yeais and Un- der Can Compete Contest Will Close Satuidoy, December 21, So That the Successful Young Con testants Can Be Asceitained nnd Gifts Dlshibuted Befoie Chtistmas Day. Till: CIIILDIU'X iit Si.intoii, llko c Illicit cu t'lsewheie, all oot the clviliiod woild, aie beginning al loadj to look I in waul with many an ticipations and hopes, mote ot less de llneil, to the gild Cut iM mas time, now only a little mote than :i month awav. Tho inoi ly hollilav season so no ir at hand is tlie c hlldicu's tlmo loi lojole ing PI ms .no being made to heaitlly enjoy tlie hi lei lapse fiom school duties and oveiv git I and boy will bo on hoi ot his best boliuviiu in an effot t to con vince loud patents ot an Indulgent riant. i Clans that thov aio lull v wtulh of Hit1 best t'liiistnias gifts that tan be bestowed. The Sunday schools will again lake on thill annual air ol pu holldav activity, mcuo especially llinse that make a piactieo of bestow big gifts upon their pupils, and each Huuday school ic.ichfi will nolo with piido that her class lias swelled to tho full seating cap icily. The Tilbune iiile-iuls to take a hand In helping to make this L'lnistmas one lo bo tomeinbeicd in tho homos of Soi.inton. It pioposos to inaugurate a ".11111101' Kduciilionul Contest'1 lor the childien of tho Lackawanna Valley. This contest will dilfer fiom it-s usual annual "Educational Contests" In that no one oven 1" ;.eais of 'ago will be al lowed to take p.m. H will be feu the childien, "Tho Tilbuno's Childien," and iiumoious gilts, especially selected and apptopilate loi Cliiistinastkle, vill bo dlstilbutod on the day bofoie Chi 1st iiius to tho brightest, keonest-wittod of tho boys and gills who p.uticipato in it. Theio will be all manner of gifts to tho success-till Ilttlo men and women, In cluding handsome gold and silver watches, dolls, sleds, skates, games and other piesents, and ovciy child In Noilhoastoin Pennsjlvanla is liee to enter the contest and match his wits and ability to spoil against ovciy other child in this lnigo tenitory, pioviding tlio contestant is not over 1" e.us of age. It will make no diffeience whether or not the contestants' parents .no suli sciibeis to Tlio Tilbune All .lie fieo to enter and it will not cost a single penny foi any one to ti v lor the gifts nor will tlio gifts cost tlie successful ones a ponn. Tlio Ttibune will p ly all tho cMicnso and bestow tho aw aids in oui i ci met it. Who Can Build the Most WoulsP Tho contest which begins on Monday moinlng will ho a woid contest. Pi Ues will be given to tho bovs and git Is building tho laigest number ot wouls out of the lotteis eoiilabud in "SCUANTON TUIllUXn" It will not bo neeessmy to fill out an cntiv blank or coupon ot any kind. Anv one who wishes to tiy lor tlie pi I es viill only have to wiito his list of wouls, as many as ho cm possibly think ol, sign his lull name and addioss, and rot waul tlio list to The Tllbuilc ollh o. The lontest will last lour wicks, clos lu on iNiluultty evening, Die. Jl, at S ii'ilock. Tho ghl oi boy who lias (he lm gest number of winds toi mod out of llic-o fifteen lottos will be entitled to tile Hist of the C'h'Mimis iillts, tlio one having llio suoud laigest number ol wouls will li'iclve tho sciotiil in tlio list, and so on ai loiu' as tlio piesents l.iht The list ot wliniois, with tlio number of winds each submits, will bo published In Tlio Tiibtmo an soon alter tho contest oltiNOs as posslhic. .Vo nioio lascinating or Instiuotlvi' aiiiusemeul cm be found loi a ulnars ovenhifc than N heio piesontod. Tho lntillltudo oi wouls thai can bo con st i tutcd J t oni the live -owols and ton lonsiiu.uits toimlug the iiainu "Heian ton Ttlbuuo" will astonish the eompitl tois, mid In liequoiil peiusals of tho ilk tlou.uy and spelling hooks a l.nowl oilf,fi of the mnsli notion ol wouls will bo obtained that tn bo gotten hi no other wav, Paienls should hail lids toutost with Joy, especially tho-o wlia bavo i hlldi on who am pi one "to vv.iu tloi liom tlicit w.i i in Ihosldes" ami spend thoii' t'vonlngs in an idle maimer, Tlist Pi ize Solid Gold Watch. Tlio lirst pi lo is to ho a haniHoiiio solid gold watch, boautilully onguivcd und uilly wmiautod. Then tlieio will bo seveial silver watt lies, slids, skates, toot ball, dolls und other things tlmt espi dally appeal to hlldion not mer 11 o,uh of ugi'. Theio will be about twenty piesonts In al , thus giving an oppoituiilty to that iniinv juvenile siholut.i to win a lluo ('liilhtmas gift without any oNpenso ami to impiovti tliolr minds ut the siiiiid time. The full list ot pii-'os will ito auiioiiiiied and ONhlliited as soon as the inn In so. hi led. It slumld bo distliuily iiudeisiooi that any child not over ll jeais of ugo, i chiding in NoitlKiistoin Poiiisjivania, inn-, stiivo for oiiu ot these ptjos, with out any conditions as to vv bather tholi piienls ii satis ii'jots f T id Tillaiiu' or not. 'J'h- i mipetilois in..,, send thoii lists ul aay tl'i'i .ii.cu AUulay noiu lug und il allot ihoy havo sent a list thov Uilnk of mom wojil... tlioj imi.v send another list or us many moio lists ns thoy wish, punlillng, ot ionise, that each list is lomploto In IK nl und one Is pot to be added to auothci, Thai cannot be allowed because of the amount of woik and contusion It would Involvo. The childien of (muhWoii and the children of tho subuiban towns will have an equal oppoi tunll.v to win hand some mid itsetui cut (sunus pi ononis ior themselves. It Is it pilnolplo. long es tablished, that that wbkh one oblnlim by his or her own oxoitlons Is nil tho iimie1 highly cheilshod. A gift tthso- liitiile lin unit .'l'n fill' llu K'llSOIl Ol' loiiHldoiutlou would not ho thought halt as mtteli or iih tin one nun is uio token of oainesl eitdcuvor and hoiifst low-aid. That is tlio spltll In which The Ttlbuuo moans to appeal to the ohlldton, and while nt least twenty Ut ile ones will bo made verv happy on Clnlstnias day bv leasoit of their par ticipation In this "Junior Kelucntloniil Contest," each one ol tlie twenty f'i timuto ones will have pliijod a most Impoitant pait. while the teinullidor will havo benefited gu-ntly bv tholr sen oh iiftcr wouls thai fit Into th" llf teen letteis selected as llio kevstouo of the plan. The list of pii-'os will bo given In lull next week and tho pil'es themselves will be i onsplcuottsly dlspla.vod titter 'I'll inksglv lug la Tlio Tilbuno's win dows. Then' the boys und git Is can conic and see what Is orietod to them, and voiv few of tltoiii will so away without tin ambition to win one ot the good things thov see. mid ovciy single one or the gills will be vvoith the win ning mitt all the woik ot seaiohing school books and (llctlounilos. Ol com so, patents and toaihei't can help the contestitiils It would bo litiicl lo in oc out. that: but each list must bo wilttcn by the contestants themselves when sent lo Tho 'J'tlblino ollt o. Tlio Miles of the contest (all contests must be bounded by Miles, no matter bow simple the conditions aie) will bo us lollows: Rules, l'lles will be given to Hie bo en gill building the laigest nuniboi ot wouls out en tlio let tots contained In "rician lon Tilbune." Xo lottos liiusi lie used anv nimo times than thoy appear In these two winds As an liistunie u void Willi moie than one "P." would not bo ad mitted, but a woid might contain two "It's" or llneo "X'-." Onlv wouls found in tin1 main poitlon or "Wobstoi's Intoinational Dlelionaiv" will bo allow oil. Ptopei names, or any other wouls appealing in the "Appen dix" will not be admitted. Under this Mile the wouls "f-cianton" and 'Ti Ili um1" -no dc bailed. Write oil one side of tlie pupo only. AViite M'iy plainlv; il possible, use a t v pew i iter Place tlio wouls In alphabi-Ueil ot do. mtmbeted in tolatlon. Phunls loimed by ttddins "-" "i "(,s" not allowed. Addiess voiu- letlor to "I'oiUost Edi tor, Seinnton Tiibtmo, rici.inton. Pa." All Questions Will Be Answeied. All letteis of liicitiiiv lor additional infoimation will be piomptly answeied ii .i.iiiiossoil ns above. Tlieio will be no need to look lor a coupon in tlio paper In oulor to enter mo conicsi, a none will bo published, llioie being no neces sity foi it. If theio sho'ild be two or mote lists containing tho same number of wouls tlio nun Unit isi 1 oi nlveel llt TllO TllbltllO oflice lb st will havo precedence over the olhets. This will Do determined uy mo editor ol the contest wilting the exact time on oaeli list as soon as it l caches his hands. Xow, then, gills and bov-, get leady. Slim pen up -jour pencils, open onr wiltiue, pads, put on jour thinking caps and begin as soon ah ou can. Itemomber tb it theio is a beuutitul gold watch awaiting llio biiglitost and that a scene of other piesents lie with in our leach il ou but possos-s the patience and abllltv to study haul tor the nct lour weeks. And Clnistnias this oai will tlawn all the hi ightet and moie iovous if ou havo a beautiful piesent awaiting you at Tlio Tiibtmo olllco. MORE EXAMINATIONS. Local Civil Seivice Boaid Makes New Announcements. L (1 Schauta. W. D. Roche and D. II, Jenkins, the local civil sen ice examin ing boaid, yesteiday gave out the fol lowing uniiouiicuiuciils of examinations to be held in tho near liituie: The Poind Stile- (nil siiuo' e, minis, Ion in-liomicL-, thil on tin J" If. Till, in tvuiiiiullii i will be litld at v.iiK'iis pines thioiiKlioni ih t lilted Mai-, foi llu po-itiotl of heitim, mil Mlltllliill illllf-llltll 'llio i v iiniiiitii'ii will ioiinI.H of Ihe fiilijuls nuiitltiiiil bclnw, whiih will Ic W'i',iltcil .1- Id low -: r W.i.hls I Mitbmcuc nnl iliiiicni nj iiuiliiiittiis .... in J, I'rutli il qiicliciii- in 1 eailns mil out ll illiiit '" ,1 lluuiiu nnl ile-Un ' t, liihiiir.il iihii.ittoii and it ctiiiicj i) lolil b" bifvimatluu iiluho lo Hi" Niiipe ut tin iviiii in Ul ill ii.iv be (i umi in sot lion . (il) ol the Mimiil of l.vilillliitlons, uviitd to .Mil. 1, 1101 'llio iMiiilnitfiiii will Ii-1 ilivl'kd us lolbnvs; 1 list cli, tutu Ijoiiii-. MilijiCts 1 and 2i FCniuI iln, siini Iiiiiim, Bilbjirt I. A.i lln.il, 21 .tills oi ovei, 1'ioni the iIljlbliN liMillliu ll 'in this iSJtiiiiii' (Inn it Is ipeilid tint t ci till illou vmII Ih iiiicIi In tho (uiNitloii el liiitiin, .iml vintll itiue iliafts. mm, cilici of (lit1 wiiieivUtit, anlillut, tui'iirv ihpiilimut, W'lshnulon, I) ( , ut t film (f l,Jli ptl aiiiiiim, ant lo oiiin .-imllii vacatuii!. lint liny 0' tin. This iMiniiiUioii I oi.u ic, all uiidis ol the Special. For Friday and Saturday. Malaga Grapes, 15c and 20c per lb. Ok Touguc. -soc can, worth 75c 1 lb Couvseu's Java Coffee -, lb Granulated 2JC Sugar ioc 0-)- ilbsoc'iea ,,..,500 3 lb Granulated Sugar ioc 60c E. Q. Coursen Wnlleil Male"! who comptv wllti t tic ifn.uh'Miiriil'i ml ileilif ti rniei Ihe seiUte. t iiniirtllor will le nlul mIHioiiI tepird tn nm-toii-lilerallon nllirr Until tlio qiiilllli.illiiiii nhnuil In Hull ev,itultiili"ii pipiM mid illslldo. wit) bo uijllleil Rlihilf In otionlatiet Willi the ilvll Finite litt umi rubs, INlfOtis who ileslii' In iiimi'eii1 nlmtlM ul onu' npptt In the lulled S i(e ,lil kIIii re mini. oil It. WiUltinulnii, I) I ., for ilpplliMtltti fnlnn'OI imil :I7. Whit Ii litmM le pinpi'lle eviiiilnl ul d tiled Willi Hie icnniuMni inloi D the hour ol 1 lotlna' li'i'lni'i 011 Dei. Jl '1 lie I'nllnl stales c ti IT "ittlie n tninltioii hi noiirtr Hnl 111 .1 in. -, ! nlul I, iml.', uu iun i tin I Ion will b( In Id Ul hi 1 111 plat r lluoiiiiliiiiii the 1 nllid fctJle" foi ttie pn.ltuti of inuliililol ih ,111111111, riie ( viiiulnilion villi toml-l of illt snb.iU liiilillulK'tl below, nblcli will be utihlrd us (id low- Wtljlil-. I I diir nriilhir .! Milhniitlits I Mllnlils I Cildlllllous ... ' Hi mine il 11 ihtiiiR and i vpriliiiie . ii Ii . 1. . 'H . ', 'i it 1 1 l"' llifiillinlloil ulltlie In the ci iic or Hie (Mini 111 ill 111 tint be I, mini In miUou M (f Hit Mimnl of I'.MIIlitlltllllK, iivlyil In hm I l"l Vl.0 limit, -' veirs or met. Trent the tllKll'Irs tisiilllnj fiom this romlm lion It isrvpielnl tint (eitl.lt ition will It iiude lo fill lite Munich's In Ilic lioslliiti 01 imiliuiieil ItaflMiiili, 1 1 (In tin i- ilipitlmnit, H i cilny of sl.iiK) iei liniuiii nth, and lo ol In i ?!uillir v.i 1 Hides i Hit 1 in it in 1 in 'I hit 1 Minlinl inn Is npi u (o .ill 1 Itlens of Hie I 11II11I stun who conipH Willi the itiuiieuii ni f ompellloH will be luted without li;nd lo uu loiisidtiallon (llllll tit ill till ( wlll't.vtlotH nIiovmi hi llieli eviliiiliitliiu pipns nnl iHkIIiIim will be 1 ( llllll il 'till Hv in 111111 I met' Willi I In1 tlnl ei viio ltw' md 1 ih". IN rr-ons who ih-lie to tonipili i-ho lid ut ilue jipb lo Hie t idled -nlo iltll -tivlu coiiiiiib Mciii, W'lsiiinslon, I) I',, foi .ipplh illou loinn (111 inil.iT' mil t 1 opt ot Ihe Vlnm.,1 of I'muiIiii-lion-. TU ippllfatim shotiiil In piopiil eve illicit iml lili'l wllh Hie (oiiiiui -om piloi I" Hi" limn nl ilotlnn lnsiiii mi Pi 1 , SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Moie Students Sectne Situations. On "U'odtiesdu.v a lcquesl tioni lillf faio for a young in.iu stenogtaphei. Tin eo Scullion Ituslltess rollogi1 sn dents an1 now fill! lie good positions in that citv. Cauoll Alelleniy voltes dial ho is keeping books lot H. T Smith Son, at Henlon. llhs Keves, of At lei, lias soon oil a position with ilic Colliery thiglncei coinp.iny, AV.ncI niociniei is Ju oping books at the CiU elub II. ft. Alover, bookkoi pei , ol' Uiooms buig. wiltos that ho is Willi tlio M.igee Caipel wotks Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between New Yoik, Phila delphia and San Trancisco, Sen bon 1901-1902. Commencing Xovenilici M) and otcIi Tuosdu. Tliuisdav and Sn I in day theieattoi, tho Washington and South wostoin Limited, opeialod daily be tween Xow- Voile, Philadelphia and Xew Ot loins via the Ponnsjlvanla Haiti oid and Southern Hallway, leav ing Philadelphia, Tboad slteet station at (i fr p m . composed of dining, Pull man diawing-ioom, .sleeplnc,, ohsei ra tion and llbi.uv cats, in addition will cany ,1 special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman eii.iwiiig-toom c ompm t ment sleeping car to conned with tlio Sunset Limited opoi.ited between Nov Oi leans and San Francisco. Tho oolebiatod lians-contiuenlal sei vice offered by those luxuilous tialns makes a Uip to the Pacitlo coast not only veiy quick, but most delightful. Cltailes L. Hopkins, elistiict li.issen ger agenl. Sotithoin Jbiilway, SIS Chestnut stioet. Philadelphia, will be pie 1 seil to furnish all Infoimation. You Want the Best Poultiy That Can Be Had. Wo have this moinlng fatiev itesh diessod tin keys, chickens and ducks and shall leooivo dally next week heavy shipmonts of tlno poulti v. Your or clets will toioho piompt attontion whethet small or laige. ' Pioioes Alatket Snappy Neckwear To say our new neckwear is handsome is putting it mildly. They're more they're beautiful. We have just the tie that will give life to your attire. There's nothing that adds so much to a man's appearance as a swell scarf. Thanksgiving neck wear, -50c to $2.JO. The Scrantun Umbrella Manufacturing Co. We nalai to nulii. ii'iur and u-ioui unibr 1 lis and pjtaU of dillcinn tolois it lei-oni I pike3. We biiiunteo all om- w il. 313 Spruce Street. I r WllMniUn An7 1 FLEECE LINED Corset Covers and Skirts Ladies' l-leece Lined Corset Covers, nude in Natural Wool and Mercerucd; does away with curnbeisome Un derwear for women who desire wnrmtli. Will not shrink noi will fleecing wear oil'. Shoit Skirts, also, of the same nititeii.il. PRICE & JENKINS, 130 Wyoming Ave I Oils, Paints and Varnish I 7 i Maloney Oil & Manufacturing Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE S6-S. k 4i44 :: Collars and :: Handkerchiefs 1 :: to Embroider Ladies' call at ouce J J aud secure some of our J S elegant imported band- X kerchiefs and collars to j $ embroider. The latest X X novelty. I Cramer-Wells Co., i Mo Wyoming Ave. 'Phone 3D3-3. .fll'4' and I will fit them with tho gloves you ought to wear. Heavy Working Gloves, Stylish Walking Gloves, Warm Woolen Gloves. Gloves of all kinds in end less variety from 50c to $2.00. CONRAD'S "A Gentlemen's Furnished' 305 Lackawanna Avenue. rt. 'J1WM 1 C-, IA WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. Ladies' Tailoring Jackets, Etons, Raglans and New market Dress walking and rainy day Skirts. Our pi ices are reason able. Guaiantecd to give satisfac tion. Goods furnished. King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 432 Spruce Sticet. Creating a Sensation This is what we arc dofaj with our Furs, Jackets, Suits and Skirts. If you want quality, style and low price, trade with BRESCHEL, The Furrier, 124 Wyoming Avenue. Furs repaired and remodel ed now at reduced cost. 1 Linotype Composition Book or , News Dime quickly mid reasonably nt The Tribune office. mi ilni lis te4s&t& i) tr ut s "it- V jw i t , r.,!T if , -!-.& J isJ-. t Ml-W-Wv