w 1 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- FHIDAl', NOVEMBER 22, 1901. 4 t I WEST SCRANTON REPUBLICANS WILLVACATE THE BOOMS THEY HAVE OCCU PIED FOR MANY YEARS. New Quaiters Will Be. In the Meais' Hall Building, nt the Coiner of Mnln Avenue and Scranton Street. Initial Supper at Simpson M. E. Church Old Tolks' Conceit Last Evening- Thanksgiving- Services Next Sunday Other News Notes of Zntctest. At the nieetiiis of- Hi" West Side Con 'ml ltepubllcnu club lieltl lit tln-li moms List evonlnjr. the luemhcis dci'lded lo move their headfiuurtcis I" the Menu' hull hullilliiK. wlu-io thiec rooms hove been seemed lor tin- iiso it tin1 i lull. The tllislees wclc empoivoled to no Kotlate ii lfn.f (01 tin- looms, and nr i.iiirc for the leuiovnl ui" tin- club fur ulline. etc W. IS. HtlRlUH Win appointed lolltctor of llnunees to nil tin' uiiixiliiil term of 1 Ho Kite llliiiiulnl mm tclnry. N. A. William.-, Mllll ll'l lltolllbl'lM lllllebtoil to till' I lltl) 111-!' telJUl'Sti'd lO lllilko p.lVUICIltS to tit 111 bc-lou- November "ii. h"ii the piesi'llt llurleiS Will 111- V.HMtCd. Tin- lollowliiK neUliou lodgment mis loceiied liv Hi" special conimlltei , V, It, Unfilies, . Ciyliml Thomas mul 3loi-u-iin Tlimn.is. appointed by th" elub some time ritjii to ilr.ift resolutions on tin1 ilo.'itli of Provident Mi Klnlcy: Mil-. Jt'IilNI.1.1 iiiliininliiliri- nidi liratiful iiii.,i.ui n (lie (Midii cipn inn- ul .-imp.ilhy t tmdnl to lin in lifi -muni ( tnloii, li'iiiF, .-' ti iiilin I' il Thi' soeiotury nt the tlub v.' as In- Sttlletcd to lOCOld tllf tocoipl of 111" ;..iino on tin- minutes of the club. Adjoin niiicnt was ni.ide until ni-t Wednesday eionluu.. v.'licn a lln.il -et-l lenient of the i lull's linumes will be made. It is I'xivited th.il nil oul-t.md-injr bill-, will lii' hei'ii in.lile in the mi aniline. Simn&on Chinch Suppei. The ladli s of the Simpson .M i: thill ill. Wlio-e 11. lllli'S bcttili with the lettei- N. Ci. I'. .. ft. S. T f. V. V, X, V and 'A served .lii owllciii supp.i in the ehureh puiloi- last i-venhiK lium ' to S o'llofk. The Cdonnol- also lK'Iil an .ipion sale ill i oninm tion with the supper, both ol whii h veto libel. illy tuitioiilscd. Those In chnrse weio the following! tlcnfrit Clulim.ni Mr, .tfthti 1'. Il.wdalpli. .nuii .SjIo Mrt. CIijiIm AtUr, Mis. 1'. t. lhll. ti!;e lalde-Mri. tljron Wade, Mm. Wlllhin Yolm, Mm, Hi ion Snyder. K lit Inn Mm. Solli WrlRlcy, ili-ilnn-int Mi" WI1II.IH1 filmier, Mrj. Traii'ite, Ii. .Wiitniti, Ml". Siimmetlilll. TaMo No. t - Ml. William William. Ml , .lmei Tlilo, Mlcs Adeline Tmo nnil lltit.li Wil lljiii", T.ililo '. C-Mi. l!W!iiv. Vt. Ilroil, Mi"8 Itroil, ''in ldiii.ui ami ItrlnttliK, 1 iblc No. :i-Mm. Jenltlii Uife, Mr. 1 tol ny tier, Mlic llelln Smilcr mil .Mli sliillti. '11)1.' No. I-Ur. Willi mi Wlillliun, Mi, V,,. IUiii Siiomi1, Mlw Mlliiinl Uliltiiian, lli'l'ii l!ll lutto ami llutli .Ul.rr. inw Krult,' mid the relieiiis.ili ute be IllK colultU'U'd tllliler the dlrePtlnn of !l of. JiU'olt .letlklll". The plontillUllH' will lie Ml I'iiIImWM! Ill ft III VultllltaM. ( liiMiis "Hi' I'unn ' . . . -.'.ml lluilliiK nl TuiMit.iri IValin .. tli-ni.l III 'in l!ii.itMti' Heultli?. I'njil Senu. 1'iiiiui.i l.'-t lli'it .iinl Cln.ni-, Ml -i - .lfi.v l.'i aii'l l.lllliu .lo'ii- llnititl ii. "llilii'im" Willli II. Ui ( I mil'. "Dim ml Minliliu" v li'i'l liitltillcti. "IIiiIiI.-kUihr" .. .Mlf Uiv .linl.nn ,-L.ni;. "I he -liuinli I" Vil.inij f l.i- l!ij. n-m l!i nliiiif, ...I ... t iii.i. DOfodr's French Tar lill froinplly lolifi. .mil .pi'iiil . ir i.nitli-, . il.N mil ill lini tiuiilil.'. lu nle li l.. W. .11 .N'UI.Ni-, Il s.uili Miin lliillill.n. "Illll.l.-" I I'll IlilK Ill'Ct .Itvl (1 -, Ml-sir' .liimic mil l.illlh Dili .I'.'l Slmil ltuititkui, ",-oi-rti.-" I'll'' I'1"' (llAllti'. "Ull'll IllO Allllllllll llli'Cl'? IllUll" -i I. i,l 1l,ln- 1!ci. Ii 1'. .lolic I'i-Iop ( 'mill-. "-niil.t.nn" w 1 "''1 I'i-H'iIi-iii' IIliiIiiu. Dm I. "Hi' liilli te Thi' .Sill'" Mi-- Mim.uct Tin mi- .11)11 M1I1..111I "nl-i I I,, ni'. "Hi' tl'iivni'lti H10 i'ii" -ili'f.l llocildlmn i'ii' ''irL'1 oili'ilnr; Vimoii'if trifiil' -..lo. "Wliil Vn: t II iv ..u 1.1II1 li'il." Ml- M. I'l'n' lliiil.ituni, "l L'lii'ini: Ilium' " I ln-iiiu' tlioim , -1 '""'1 II mdiLliuii Ilci. !'. I'. I '11- St. David's Supper Notes. The Mjliritlus lonunitti'p on -upp'.'i 10 be fttven next Wedue-d.iy eleiilui; met nt the home of 11. T. Williams on .Mon day evenlim and 1 oinpleted the nieiui and .i--inned the Mink 01 eolleetinvr. The table ( ominitlep met on W'odnes 1l.1v aitei 110.111 In the Sunday M'hnol looms. Tables whip a Iftnod to Mrs. Uoi.-ev and Mis. Cv.ius. Ml-:. Salmiij .'Hid Mi- Williiini-. Mi . Williniu Jinr Ban and Ml--. T. William-. The as sistants n ill be appointed hefoie f-'un-dai. The inu-ie 1 unuulltiiH" will unel Fi i ilny ovt'iitiiR In the 1 holr lonm at ') o'eloi k. Tli Kets have bot 11 selllns v.iD Idb. Tlieip ate et a few mole left. Miss Quick Suipiised. A pleasant stirpiiso paity wa- ti 11 di'icd Mis- liable Quick at lici home 011 :!10 Tenth stieil Tuesday oienliv. TIioiikIi taken b.i -uiprii-e, Miss Qun k pioiPd a iliaimiiiK ho-tesf. DiiiIiik the evening sjaim-, and siii-jiii;; mi-ip in- dtilgud in until a lalo hour when re freshments nori' Brrveil, lifter which the Riiosta depurtrd. Auioiu? those preacnt cip! MIsfcs Mny N'llcs. Miny ilrnney, Mnry SlutliRhnt'ssj', .NVllln Shield, l.eiiu KalBhack, Alice tjuli'li, Vloln llufford, MniRiiret (iniuey, Ullu llurfoid, Mnbl" rjule.k, Mowrp. William Dolrlelt, U.ile Hhlffer, Alvln fjulclt, Aithur fete, Aichlo Wll laid, Tominlo Uetrlek, tMdle .lenkllis, Oeorgo TniiiHtit'. Iluiinlo I'tilver. Old Folks' Conceit. The iliirkson Stirct TInptlHt church Was I'lowded to the dnoi.s Inst evening with ppople Mini heartily enjoyed thu old folhH' contort provided by the choir. Tim partlelpniits wcie alt made up In uucIpiiI siylo and piovolted shoutit of latiKhter, An pntPilnlnliiK pinjmiinnu was kIv pii, wlileh Inrluded shu?lntf. reeltutloiis, tlliiloKtii'". clc. The ptoBi'aiinne, as printed In this dopaitniont. ye.storday, was can led out In lis enlliety, mid tlieip Is n probabllliy of the concert beliUf lepeati'd In the near lutuie. Sunday School Ofllcers. The follow liifr onicoifl have been I'leeted by the mctnber.s of (he Wnsh liuin stieel I'leiib.iterliiu elniich Sitn ilay si I100K Superliili'mlciil, P.ivld 1.. Moi-rhh: Hi st assistant. Itoboit .1. Williams; spo ond asslstanl. I). t D.nrow: secretary, Walter llevair, assistant secretin les, Heibeit Waleis and Harry Sloven-; lieasuier, Kiniik Thornton, librai'lans, A. 10. Morse. II. Klla-, risenr Yiihi'I. M. (5. IMniinlcl;. II. A. Xlemeyer: pianist, Mis. Walter Owen; asslstanl, U . Stone SOUTH SCRANTON ..! I ! I - SKETCH Or PATRICK E. CAMP BELL or PITTSTON AVENUE. Councilman Tied Phillips Succeeds in CaptvuiiiB Men Who Have Been Engaged In Petty Thicvlnp; Along tho Line of the New Rail road Funeial of Mrs. Mary Oil gallon Will Take Place Today. Basket Ball Game in St. John's Hall Defondeis Wcie the Vlctois. t'altlek V., Campbell Is n well known and pininlni'iit citizen or this side ami wan burn thirty years iibo In the house where he now tesldes at Dial I'lllstim alPiine, He Is proinliiently IdentllU-d with the Ancient Older of Hibernians Number of Parties. William Snow, of J 1-1 l.ala.M'Ue street, was trndeied 11 suiprlse put y 011 WeilneMliiy "VuiiIiik b a dPlupUlnn of lils yoliliR fi lends. A rui prise p.uty was lield at thf home of Mi-s Kllen I'owell mi IJuiuIIp avenue Wedni'Sda eVeiiliiK. Ml-s Myitle Horsey, of MpiIiII.ui stieel, I'lili'H.ilneil the SlstUS of Iteth nny of St. Dnitd's Uplstopal iliuuli on Tue-day cvcnlnif. Mi Lottie P.uiy. of I'-'fi North Main avenue, was smpilsPd by a number ol her filends on Wediu sd.iy euiilns. EVENTS OF THIS EVENING. Biiicl 1onr, Ml Atititi Ifisncll, MIm Otrliad t'lirinuilly, Ml llMr .tonkin-", mul Hie Mn-w. .tnlm Wilulor, Pallil I.alnl, 'flioinn .UiiUm inn) MentiM Ittnly. MI11 Nriim Km Itfiin via tinlM in iii.uiI.iki-' HViliiMilay nllcrno'in In .tini'i I'hlinlitJii. ill Holy 1ti.iry iliuuli, liy Hn, V. .1. Miliums 'lin lirlilc a ulliiiilcil liy MlM Unv I'linnlpiii ami Hip kiioiii I'.v lolin P. tlllliej. Attn thi' rripiimiiy v.n rftiilttfit. Mir pull fnKifil 11 illinii'i'. I'lrnii lliflr iclinii .1 iHrptlim n.ii" Iiclil ul lin' lioinu tit lin' lirlili'. Irty IMlllliif llllilli.iy mrillliil IrMi'lih iilternnnii nt 1 I" iViloik on it Mirl.rt plicol, lirlMirti Wiijiii- mown' iiinl N'uilli M1I11 uriiiic linMr lirliiiiglns In Sinllli, Mir liulilicr en H'.IJIh' illrlnii', lin Irtt stiiliillnit III flnlit 't the input inari'i'l lij .Mm lli.iliy. tin ililirr, iiIik went Into tin' ulinp. WIilli' tin-IP ilillilnn (cirtil tlic liour. Mho ilislinl out Wiijne .iliiim and ilonn . t trki I trl, imlll lu' inllldul liilli .1 I'liiiny iiimnn Ik'IoiivIhk to tin- llirlrl lltcMlntf ininpiiiy, t.iiiilliiK In Irimt of I.1011111IV linp, ulicli' lie lirnkl' liiimc flnlit tin' M.ltll .ind loiitliiuod on hiit tnnl MIkM 1tm M.itkit hluit mid Mini iIiihii Villi iiriim- I" "il. -Iiirt. iilnti' lir 11 ih i.iplnnil liy .I'diii Itnli 11 1 ilii, ililur 1 if t aMi'illtu-'-i ilillirr.i iuiboii. IMniiril Mi tmlri'u. of M.ukil slii'i-l, mid llnl -icloi. of I'.linlnifl, Mi-ii' iin.lliitii'il lirfnii- 11 1I111111111 IIjih Vdlnisilii rlililliB. iliituul Willi ilNiliiiieltiL' llii'.irini In-ldi' Ilie llrl-liil lniii, by IN iii.li' Miiht'i Mi lulirw mid "jo-l.l liftil into Hip llil'ld Iiiiiih', IiumIii iirnlnu, nli'iiil 1'i.iia n't lei I. for .1 uli-i nl lii-ii, nut ulilli' "t.iiiilltiR iii In lin Inr, siidi'i pnlliil a itmlii'i' ftnni ln poil.i-i ami .-Imwiil II (n Hi inln'ii at Ilii' Mini I hm iIln film It ii.ii tint Innli'il Vi'm1irii. In 1111 Iiiiiih i-nl 11 iv iiiiiiiiii-miil pillllil),' on M10 liljui-i. whin "llnu" Mill 1 i-liol, H.l"llllU llnoiuli Ilii' liir and "pllillinr it l" or Mini Itn'ii" Mr. Malir.l, I lip ploprli'loi, fnlllld out Hull iiiino-i and Hiiliicdn 11111111I11JT Ind nur. lanK i--U(d lin th' lining inin' aiu'-l. Ilii-., u,n- liniil -1 and 111-I-. wlili li Mm p ltd. Ill,' Cini'kei i.nk-i iv 111 hue tin- (111.1111I1 in Mien oppuiiplil in a 4.111H' ul lii.lat I'dt In tin' I'lillloiiinn I lil- (inili)K'. 'lin Smi tli -11.111I1111 I'mlilliill hi Mli 1111 1' "ill ini'i-i 11 Mil' lin'iii' t1 Mr-. Mki- ill, I-.S I'lniini nil inn. Ii'iiltfit II U I In' ili'-iu- of Mio lllurs Mill ill iiimU'i- In' pri-inr. Ilii-hip'i of liiipml iln'i- lu lin1 Mllaiii' mil U Han--a I .1 JON AB LONG'S SONS, JONAS LONG'S SONS, I OBITUARY. MUS. .IOIIX P. .IOXHS, an iikpiI lesl dent of West Seranton, died last eveli liifi at her home, Hal laizeiue slieet. She 1- sui ii eil In- her husband .-mil seieral 1 hlliheii. The lunci.il iiuuouucc nieiiL will he made l.ili r. Tempting Specials For Saturday Shoppers '1 hese aic but a lew of the &uod tilings that aw.iit oui pat rons tomorrow, but they'll serve as an ndsx to what you may expect in every depattment throughout the store. Fashionable Neckwear l;or Ladies Mote Good Neckwear here than can be found anywhere else in town, and it covers the whole range of neckwear for all occasions. Only room for one item today, however. Black or Black and White Net Ruffs that are full value lor one dollar. On Saturday. . . 5vC Thanksgiving Gloves The Special Display of Ladies' Kid Gloves continues details of which appeared in lhe daily papeis of Wednes day and I nursdav. We II add .1 new inunction lor Sat urday only, by oll'eritig a New 2-CUsp Glove that we consider cheap at 7; cents. Colors, browns, tans, icds and modes. Saturday only 55C Men's Furnishings Men's Natuial Wool Half Hose, stecs v),'J to 11. , Our best 40-cent grade, on Saturday only, lot JtDC $t.oo is a popular price for Men's I-'ancv Bosom Shirts, with culls to match. We opened a line this week at that price which we are positive has never been equalled in this city in point of value.aud they cannot be surpassed for good styles, lit or finish. Men's Outing Flannel Nightshirts, heavy, long and ... full cut at all points our so-ccnt quality nt 5UC Ladies' Hosiery In addition to the following special, many really e. tia good values will be laid on our tables and counters, which must be seen to be appreciated. SPECIAL Ladies' pure Wool Cashmere Hose, last black and full fashioned. The best 50. cent Stocking in n 1 the market. For Saturday 3aC We will also make a special showing of Ladies' Seasonable Underwear, in single gatments or combina tion suits, The products uf the best mills in the world are represented and the qualities range from the ordinary good kinds that cost little money, to the best there is . made, Will you call r These Specials for Saturday Only I'M 1111 1 I. I MII'IU.I.I. I Globe Warehouse "SSSSSSI I JsSSSJ SsisSSSsssSSS: rV 5w-SM5;iiii&yS5Wlij I'uljlii iioi.li.iii il 11"' M-'" u'll," W,!-i I ibinl-ili Mi llifili-i ilmnli t' 'In- II' 11. Willi 1111 Mil 1I1.111H, V. I'. , "I) 11 id oppi iliidd" 11 mil 1'i Will ml I' ll. ui.. 1. ali', .11 lin -imp-on Mi Hi "li-t I'pi tn.ll il null lie 1 denial ilnl' "HI li"1d i i"' ul.l. liiini 111 w i-liinaluii lull Mn- ivinnv. tin liil-i"i' i.'h iluli mil mi'-l tin- I'm""": in Mill ni'ii ilnl' 10 ilii- on -mtli Mini .iiniiii'. Ilie I'.n -. -i.ul iluli "111 loiidml Hun mi'--li lium' 111 M. 11- lull tin- ivinin-r. Hw- -l." on lir-lia nil) pla f"i IlK-ni GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Ii.l.n -vvii'iii'v. o( V 111 l-'iiun iiiiini-. 1 die r in lliui,'-' -lull. Ind li'- ' uu-liul in M.d nc-div In 1'ilmr -i,iimi-i1 lln-iii a i u and llii "uli. ' Pi I. I. ire II iln-i'l In- injnii Iiirfiiiv lli.iK-. nl Nmtli Hid'' 1" irl- .num. U, 1,1,1, ml .1- 1 -ind, nl of midline pi tin ilflic 11 Hi 1.1. lie I! Ili'.ini'I'l-. on N.ntli Miln aw iinv I'io -.'iii.i.l 11111111I -"'id "' 'l'r b'iia Imii'i ( jinplinr dull mil !( 1 1 Id nl Mpii-.' lull on 'lu.siiu pvpuiiu. lii . m I In- I.iiln-' l.iirni "f ilw l'a-1 U ' l-li d'l1 11,1 eliiiu ii luld 1 mpi1m- h-t hi miiis i" an Min tin- -ui itiE.cii.-iii- fm tin-"- loini'iu f- Inn iimifil Willie lo'ie- i- tliiovn .mm 1 In. ..lit 011 -jiiMi Main avrn ie. lemhiniK lain tmoipilnii-. lie -oim 11 mi ii I'd and vj- fouii'J 10 lip iininiiin d ii-i-n Ki 1 ti'iin. "i i.iiniiii liualii-. Mi f. '11 n I1..1-S" n 1 mill mil Imii-ul li .- I'tf and ii'ii. Milium . Iliu'ln-, "I -until Miln iiiiini'. mi- ilenietl an nicialiin tin- wiel. .11 1'ie M0-1 - I ai 1m lio-pu il. llimmr- of Hi' Wou-n'- Mem' Mi-innni -oueti 01 tin' -imp-on Miili.'di-t l.pi-opil fhnmi .itlcniliil Hie loniiiiliuii luld m lil!i llirii' it-1i'idiiv Ml-, lii-lel PiniPll. uf ciili llnii I'nl. ni 1 in. lu-" 11 tin ind liu in' funi 1 vi-i .11 lim I ii'd. 01 io. llllllti I 1 inn. of iiilli Mule I'nl' Jin in u -lllull-1.1 ill 11 In" Louie. I on nun -Tolin Kollmin, "f Ui II implon mile, i IPCiAPIIIlR llf'lll an llllu-- u-.ai 0-11 i'nl hi- upii.itei! vti Mi al pi'J'li' di ll Ilie -illlitin I'liine huspitil mi Widu-.lil, Hid 1- mipii.in - -I'nili. . II. llu'l'll- ind 111- "He. 11 "i line I,i,l'. Wii M'inu-h ill. .nd ni' niidii iiealiiii nt ..r tin' M;nt 11111111 it Hitlli I'uvl , Mnlii'..iii. is -linili iiiiproiiiiK-. Hi 1. II. I'. Mi lii'inmil, iu-toi "( the -.nip-in Mitliull-t l.pi-iopil iliuuli. mil Mil- iiciinc illppil a uuiiiin "t tin- tiiiiiiu pi-li,i- and piu rnl mi'iulipi- if Ilie I'.n toiviilV Molliodi-t lpl-iupj ilmnli, In io lie i- p.i-tm 11,111 T--; t l-:". liiini .linUii-. of 1 mil- -tint, -on "f Mr. .iiiI Mi-, loliii II. .leiiMii-. impl.'ii'd 1- 1 ill In, In ilie Duduo mine-. 11 u llvUnl in the licnl la 1 niiile M.-tnili.v and li id l,i J-laill fr.11 tin id Di .1. !. li"l,ul is lit. inllii-r liliu. I llu tti-t -Idi ( lui.il tlllll.ll In Id i vmII I alkinleil nlnai-il 1 1-1 pmiiIIi, in I In 1 ii-t I U.I-li i'.inu'j uii.il iliuuli. Miilianin llmmi- Mlliim-, vilm In- In on I I 1 .il In- luiin. 1- in.iwii.ip. 111-. M. Iliii-liaii, ul N'mlli Villi aiiiiue. .1 ! in uudi ., Hum an illu . Mi", -iilnii Mali. iii I., of r.Miitiii.'.It -Ilnl. i ill Jii'ii Voilv 'llu liniiUi- ui I.lnliii till iiiniiiuinliiv, No. I, IviinVn ol Mill 1, In Id mi Inliii-tiin; l.lllVui llil'll ill Ml-ullli lull li-r 11111I11-. I liv lidlo iv ho "ill i-l-l Ilie llu nilier- ot lhe 1 I'llilolli indii s,i,s ui Mm ill 1. at thtli voiii- liU I'll mi I in W i-liliiii hi lull let tvuiliu ami oiilliiinl lli 11.11k In hind 1 1 turn 11 uih nl I- P. in; .nuii.'ii! Iiiliii'i'ii in, mini- 1 1 lhe l.liilrh tin Ii- ) in n and lhe llimi llule Vihii lm, n, -I 1 - S240 COLLECTED IN FINES. Neaily Eveiyone Caught in J31g Raid Paid Up. The thlilv men and woiiu-u iiiukIii III the laid oil Hie 1 lab hiill-e at Adams and l.iieliaivaiin.i avenues, wcie 111 laluiifil In pollen Mimt csiiiil,iy 11101 n -lmr Ifl'iuo .AlaKlsti'itlc Hoive, and In the inesi'iui' ol' a ei i l,u bc (iiirtd 01' eol 01 eil tilciids, Th" iniiKlstnue lined I'liaih-s H. lajor, the piiipiietoi of the plan'. fJ." eiieh on tin- chin jic of nminioliiliitf a dl-orderly housy and ot selllnn lhiiior ivltlioul a lli-ense, and di-inallded IJSiirt ball 011 the iliaiKf of iiialiitaiulim a i-f.imblliifr house. H.u-h ol the Inmates was lined MO each. Those who paid up und who woie per mitted to no weio as lollows; John NllllllBii, FrailK Leo, .Icioino Nadllie, I). W, HeiiliiK, A. White, ,1, W. Dtiivln. Itobeit Jones, V, M, Williams, Allen t'otlon, II. C, Adams, Alex. Smith, l''ied loi U'r, Chailes lii own, Tony IVtiue, Lillian Humiaoiiil, .May Cotton, Josln O.ivjs, Muiiiiu .Mlllor, Lena Johnson and Kitty Haves. Those who failed to pay up and who weio loniniltiod tu tho lounty jail for thlity iIiivh weru an lolloivs: William Heck, William J.'lsher, W. A. Powell, Hurt Tillman, Nut I'Viglo, Cuiio Joiich and Lena H.unpson. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow touch 10 run until It HTU I'Oviid tin' lruli of niediiliii- Ihrj often Hit '(Hi. ii -wll er avvsv," hul in ino.-t hot it vvlll vveai tin-in rnvav ( ,-uld tlipv In' i-adiiiid 10 ir.i lhe uwillll lllrdliine 'lllnl licmp'l, lUliillu, villi 1, ll .old Mi 4 liuvlllvf vuiiran'i'i- to hup, thij wul'l Iintu-dlati'l.i fp 11.1 ii 1 Hun 'ilnl ul ter takln. Mil- Hi do. I'mi Jjv Hid ."a-. Wl Uf fut At all iltn, ,''. and Is past piesldent of dixMuii .'!-', which meets cci Thmsday Hattles' hall on I'rospt-i t .ivenue. sides having served as presiding; ofllier for two tei ins he has ,in-l enleied on his 1 liii ci term as tiniiiic-i.-il seitetaiy lu the diiislon which he helped to on,pau- As nil einplove of the s-itanton l.leo tile Light company he has the esteem and lespoet of his employers and fel low woikiiit'ii. Mr. Canniboll, who Is mauled mul has three IhIkIU little chll diiil. is al-o nlllliated w'ith the Ko.irlnn Hi 00k Com lave of Hepta-ophs, wlin-e se-sions he nttends regulaily and In his sp.ne moments lie maniiB-es to Unit time lo lead and institnt '.uiipbeH's otihestra. 11 couiliu; musk .1 1 oiuanl statiou 011 this side. JIA11V (ilM.AKH, tho Mix iniuilhs Id chllil of Mi. and .Mrs. Anthony -N'"' lilllaid. of Pail; Place, died yestenlny. aThe liiuel.'il will be held this afternoon 5i- at .I'.a o'clock with inlet ment In the Calheili.il eeinetei-. Chaiged With Laiceny. I'ui -onie time, in tact cut slim the (onstuiellon of the new inllioad ttuoiiKh the upper portion of ilie South Side lonimi'iued. the rontiat-toi s and tmenien li.-ne been constantly .m nti.ied by the p'lt.i tlietls of tools, un til in!, etc., hut no tangible lue cotild be obtained as to the pilleiei-. Coun cilman Fred Phillip-, who 1- unplo.ied as a suli-i iintiaelui under Chiet Con ti.ietor John l.ce, undertook to do a little dettcthe woik on lilts own ac inuiit and yesterday his labots wcie downed with suei ess.. Sunday, in the absence of the icgu l.il M.itclnnan. tin to men mounted to the top of 11 pile of yellow pine ties, 2i icet hlsh und proceeded to empty the water out of a dozen new banels that weie plai ed tbeio for salety in case of tin- und then pioietded to earri them off. Just then Mr Phillips made his appearann- and the thleies uci" liapptd, althoUBh one man manasjed lo escape Th" others 8'1' 'heir names ns Slanisliuis Oileski. and Stanislaus Faisou-Ul, both or Ciecnuood, and wanauts were sworn out ihatKliK them with lurieny. Tiny were kIvcu a lu-ailuK liefoie t'Dlke' Maitistrate Clulstlan Sloir at the Alder .-litvt station ki-t eifnlnt, und .utfi ho.11 ins the evldemc he 1 om inilU'il tin-in to lhe icmiity jail in de l.iult of s.Hli. ball for their appear.uue at louil. Mr. Phillips stated last niBht that then- Is no de-lie to piosecute or pt-i-eiutc lliese 1111 11, hul an example 1- litres-ai y to stop the Mhole-.ilo lai-i.-ny that iias Im-ii Ruins on all sum mci Today's Funeials. .Mis. Al.liy CillK.llhiU. whose ilt.tth on iiinnl mi Wednesday as rcpoiled In lht',-e iiiliinuis yestelda, Nv 111 be laid at lest Unlay Willi appiopiinte sm vices limn the home of Mr. and Mis. Heoine liechiolt on Piltstou iiveliue. Peter, the yriiiiiR sou of Mr. and .Mis Max Phillip', whose death on 111 led mi vvednodluy al the family icsiduiue in Uoaiin-v lliool; lownshlp. will bo In tel led lids 11101 11I11K at Id oMoiIv in St. Mary's Cnlliolli 1 einetery. Lnbt Night's Daskt't Ball. A fast and iiileivstliiK K.unc of b is-Ki-l ball was played last niKht .11 St John 's hall on Stone nieutie belwteii iht; riefeiuleis and the Twentieth Cen tury 1 lub The spa"' ic-i'i'ved tor h)ie'iialiiis was ii.tclicil and they eu Inved the mini billllaut Iil.iys that WJIC made espdlally h' the lllldefe.U ed ihaiuplons of Scialiton. The stole at Hi" tiiilsii was tvw-ntv-llvn points tor the Hufeilikis and noth ing for tin- Century. Euuerala. The funeial services over the u-inaius of Ilie lalo James Under will be held this I'venlns at the house. 117 Chestnut slieet. Uei. James Huyjies will be In charm'. The lemalns will be taken to Danville on 'the I0.n."i I.iitk.iwaimti train tomoiiou nun niny. ROYAL FAMILY ROW. King Alexander Slaps Queen Diaga's Face and Latter Takes Poison. Hi I i lii-nc ll lie fiom TIip ' lati-d I'll vt. I mid 111. lm -I. V -p.nal di-pilih lioin I'.udipp-I (ui! 11 ai- 1 ii"iv-i.ippi limp ' -d. -Ihit (uieii I'laid ind lima: Vhsiii'lei. uf -nin. 11 mil. iiiijiiiltd .111 1 tin Una llippiil 11 1,111111'- tut llu li'tei tlipu upon di ml p ii- ni. hm In life ".h -oui In phi-man- AIVUBNTS Lyceum Theatre 11 ni.is, I.C--H.-C nn 1 A Miiusri J DUin, TI li Manai't Hahnemann Hospital Benefit. Opera Carnival, Lyceum Theatre November 22nd, 23rd and 25th. -peinl Maliiice Snuuiji IllO 111 Nlllihl) l'llllItll'lN-- Ciil il t,i ,1 On. 1., -11.1 -llpi.h I hoi''- ol -llll -pnl-1 -("n.li and (.oiv;poii- 1 0-1, inn - ( hinut ut I'loiji inline at l.oii l'tiiormaii' t in m: 1- Nni ov -i 1: vr -jndi 1 -en s I inn; -ton. lit nl (Hi. .Lilian-' Dl'U Slme, Hide 1 III.. IP mi. mil'- Pun; -Ion, I'mv nhiai- Hum'- lliu-r -ton. Iluumoie. I'm oihii' Opi u-. Itidni-dtj 101 linln'- -lie, lliiiiid.ii lm Biiiiulii'- .ik', I'lidii loi Mon d n'- -lie Tuesday, November 26. -in ii tin a. i lliai I n i l.i, Mi .1 i iinpani'- I'roiliiiiiiiii Mill t im - I' ii mil l'l ii The Christian pi ci hi It - II VI! I JOHN -HHtU I, ii l-iuu a I II I I I IM i l.l.llill l,l l'l I I I'llll 1- -, it- m 'l ii-tlt ui -I, o -ih -.iiiiiile at NUBS OF NEWS. at .-iii.dii's in a' 'n-li ft-li. oi.iir and ilim kn. .'nl t eda aii'iuii. Il ll l- .III. 'I III llu lllllliu I'lp'li "I li'-l'l'1'.' i Mul llu iiiiini mli ol Mn .-'hull-, vl II"'1 "- lliuol,, had mul lutmliv llu- H linoirni, n time In- li li in ill it ( in I In .-'hull, liniil. Willi mi In lb, "lm lm a hahk ol .mil' nn. In. Hlillli'-i ml Maple lu t, .e l"'l."l up 'l . th line ot dl-oidilly loinliul ii -l-.nl 1,1 . llu miii ihuui hnlmii piifiiml r,tpi.il tiiiii. lm '''' liu'lliati ,.n .llu 1,1-. h.Ml li-lililit. Hi a . ill lo lhe lonm-, Jul liy Aid u.iiin Mir fm I i ilaj ilnl itaiiinl that it I e i urn un avaln hi llhvil.v ivuiilil he iiiilailiil ur Ii ni'iilli-. Aui'it-l and llnl't -toil, f.-u.m ilmaii Will im S-mitli .ml Mail Caiiin llimi Illnl "'ill nioi llil-i uiuinlii' on a tlin.i dar- lunitli.i; Ulp I' ' u cjit nt III tlio lieimty ol Mnimv and M idn-onvlll , Ml-, .lului ('uiupton, ol rani no (ill I'd-, ill thi- kiI", Tin- ni..iiiJae ol Mi.-, l.itluiin-' Mlvliail Ihula villi lal-e plmi ill rliuiili, Miinoha, mil Hidin'-da. 1 livlllllj Cii.iilc iird -.. .IjMpTs NORTIISCRANTON. Vli and Mm (.Vuiup MmWu vei" plij-ulj-iiipriM'l n Hull Ionic on 1'iun U'". Id'i ' iwnina li,- lu' iiuuvU'-m vd vjo? W - 1 WU' iinnlit -v.iijrd via, " ll' Mi Ih id -t l,iu.ioi.l iliiittii, ul lihh i Vt. -Jii'l'i. H u tiiliul'ii. Puillu the 01 1 ill nt. i luiiliiiil ii. 1114 i,ii'iipi1 to Mi ilnl Mli, sjuiUi.. ll vuioiulilp hull- ufir-liiniiils ml' ciinl 'Ih"' pnvi-iil iifiei Mi and Ml. W -. lloWlit, Mi. und Mi. I nclan, Mr and llu .li-.4Mn. Mi. ami Mi i.i.jiire -aii'lu-, Mm J111-.I11. Uit I.11I1I11111U Hill, Uii I.U.i. Mud, MU Mil Academy of flusic M. UI.IS, I Ufiie. V I lKil'.i, .Manu". HIMMELEIFN'S IDEALS All llll- VI Iv Hm ii,', l io'iiiiii'ihIiii: Muialai, Nui -. Matin, '-- diili, 1 n.imiuilii'4 'lin -do. SCHILLER STOCK COMPANY, In -1 nui' in. 1I11111..11 'i 1.11a v' "il. in 11-..1', Mi ml iv iilaln. tin Mii-ilioiiil nnloiii.iiii Hi man'- I 111 uiv " t 'iiilnu 11- n 11. ,11111111 , So nail- lietvnui 111- I vi inn. pii.-, J" -11. .0 1 in-, in am 1 1 tin - in. '11 - 111 IIiiii-.-i.'ii'ii'.' Ilo Milni'i inn.-, in 'o in I II nlll- Nl.'lil lilln. in. J", .11 11.1I 'i 1 ll' - STAR THEATRE Al P fi III lllllNlilOV, M-nnercr llll II-IIU, I IIIIUS NI -III I1IIVV, No. , nihil 'I, ", "Victoria Burlesquei's" Maliun I .ui-ilj; 1 ul -nui'le HoWe'sMouingPictiipes Nl nlll I li'h II, u 1 -.1. ,1 -1 lm il ( in Nil' 1 1 1 nun OUR GREAT FRIDAY AFTERNOON D JLIIi Honclny Evening, Nov. 25 .Mi lil nil I'l'tiuio: SI ilin I'.m m 1! .11 n po.aioii, in Ittulilo, llaihiiibliti al I a ion. I'oii Itll Hid lliu-lll 111 -lill' . I i.rci-iiit-d loiii-i' lii hi u i in it 1 I t idiiiia-lon mill. Ill mi in i ipiii t I'ovn'l'-i iiiu.u lm, M.nili! ii'iiin." it Ih.'li In. 'I Il-'it'd - i lu ,iu, k iimiibi 1 l'l . I, The Conservatory Course 111 ll:.-l I! 1 Id- Will III 11 Hi riinnu-gi .tig l.veiilnn Vt -t Illlil'.- 1 ',11 l.l, Hun 1 I 1. ,1111111, I'.ill-h lion II ll'l loll, ll( I.-. l.'.Oll tol till llA'1-i liil.J iniU.diu 4 ivvlivil mal 1 1 1 1, 111 vli li Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly nt 2 O'clock. 1 lousehold Needs for half worth mid less ; that's the good news from the Basement Store. The sale begins promptly at 2 o'clock. Be in time il you want your share of the good things. Frying Pans, large and small sizes rcguliirly worth 35c each; r-iiday buy them at, each. 15C MulVm Pai.s, S and 12 hole bjk ers; regular worth 35c; to- day each 1 C Kitchen Tea Spoons, sets of 6 today for C , ic Nutmeg Grateis, special lot for, each Preserve and Sauce Dishes, cut glass patterns; price each this hour Step Ladders, 6 foot size with bucket shelf: regular woith i)oc; today's price f ilass Sets, consisting ol covered butter dish, sugar bowl, spoon holJer;regulur worth is 50c; today (or Milk and Pudding Pans, grey steel enamel ware, 4, -;, and b quart Me; values up to 35c: sale price, each.... Deep Pudding Pans and Kettles, with covers; grey stee! enamel ware; regular worth is 35c each; today Duy them loi, each 2c 59c 29c 10c Giey Steel Enamel Tea Pots, s pint si.e; woith -;-,c each ; today, apiece : 15c 15c Sale Xo. 2 Begins Promptl) at 3 O'clock. 5c 13c Sale ol out lm,- l'lannels This is a most unusual offeilns of brand new niitlnj; tlaniuls in the liehcst of tolor Iiiks andJiewest check, sttipc mid plaid ellfcts Thev villi tn.ilcc excellent, die is for ihildien. and line shlits for men. Tin- ii-KUlai price i-, ,Sc. a yaid, but lor this one lionr Piklay tlit-y jro to j ou lot pike .1 yaid Hale of ski-soi. Thc-e ai e aspecial lot of .steel sils-oi.s with blades 6 and ! liii'he. Ioiir. They ,u smooth llnt-h, liaie In ass i net and pointed ends. Just the st.ile scis-ois eieiy iioinaii has a in nl lor, and today you can buy them for less than halt met it ptltt- Halo of Du-ss Coods. One Kteat nffei liipr follows another In this, blgr diesa fioods stoiu of ouis, and the importanee ot today's baiK.iiu is sine to attract a ureal crowd of lniveis. In the sjle .110 30-inch wide heavy tweeds, suitable for ladies' shirts and tailor-in, idi suits. They come assorted colois. Also 10-inch wide situ m seie, tolois, Navy, niowii, tlaiiKt and Ited. The teal worth 1- .".'ic. .1 yaid, but lor just CO minutes today they gn at for .1 yaid .-ale of Table Linens Tills 1- :i spei ial opportunity to piepare lot Tliank-sivlnj,". The linens (oiiueined aic 7a lm lies wide, in vholie new de sIkhs, They would nattily sell tor fije. ,1 yaid. bill a toitunnte purchase of all 11 maiiutai'iiiier had of this line unnhles us lo otter iheiu lor ,lu-l one hour today lor piiie a y.nd Side Hoaid Sen fs Till- i- a special lot of -Up- v, bv TO Si.ufs fancy eolined lenteis and lilnued ends. A Kitat b.iii;alii lor price each Sale ol Pu lines on thud llooi Today's b.iritaiu olleis two lots ot hand somelv fumed Piutmes that can never he duplicated tor anything hUe the pilce." One lot .lie choice siibiccls named Willi flnee huh wide ldaili flames, lound shape ami with 01 11. uncut lmi-.li. AH have r.lass envoi lng, lhe other as-01 tliietlt are -'111 fi, lined Phillies. Colin cd pholos, exiollent subjects, sin" 11 1 1 Inches. Any sue pi city eiioiiuh lor the best loom in the hou-e. Buy them at this hour lor each Swiss Uiillled Curlain-. -' yanls loin?, neat stiilied lentei-, and wide 1 iillle. l.i'ttulnr value is ti'.ii . a pair. At this hum buy tht-ni on third lloor tor pilie a p.iii 25c 43c Willi 23c 55c Ladies' 1-Tannelette Sliitls, with yoke band and sill; button hole, stilclud edqe. Prke cull the hour oil second lloor I'hililieus' ITanneletle Skii ts I'olois plain, IjIiu-, pink anil cieam Willi muslin liodiie At this hour mi seiond Horn, pi Ice each Uulii-s- siralshl Knail Cm.-el. Also Kieiah .Model C'oisets. in pink, blue .mil di. ib, hue nimined top and bottom. At thi-liotii 011 sei olid lloor, price l-lneh 49c 31c 25c 1 tolois 43c Sale No. . p f A 9J2C Sale uf pillow Cases Now, All S. Hoiiselieepei, lav lu a uootl supply ot Hood pillow ca-es for chaiuc's ale you 11 unt have another such oonortunlty to buy th'-m lor stub Utile money They .lie made of I'.Nii'llellt finality, lili.tiheil IIIUsllll. .Ill 101 ll hl.'.e. I'i"'li llll ll"S 111 sie. and have two-Inch wide hem All are laiiliili'ted and honed, le.ulv lor ll-e. pi lie e.li ll Floor llll Cloth Heavy and stio'iu, a Ilim ussoilmeiil of patterns to choo.-i lioin; ii'sular inlie Is :i.".i. a yaid. Ci I day buy ll oil liiini lloor al this oSc luair lor. a yaid'. .. ... &' Hoys Hweali'ls-'i'liese ale iHavy cot ton Sivfaleis, fancy slllpe elfei't, hlKh lolllut' 1 oil. ir . H-Killailv vioi 1 h fiV. cull. Today all Ms-en 011 sale 011 main lloor tor each Sale of Ladies' Shoe' This Is a most W underfill shoe biuualn The Shoes olteli'd III'" folld leather IhloliKll oui. uiiide iiver newest style lusts, alul ci'ei y Pair has our personal suar ntiiee 101 Komi near. You i.in'l dunlhate ilieiu under M oil; pi lie, a pair this hour, nil sUes Ladle.-' I'Teei e Itibbed lll.u I; Hose-A l.usc iniintltacttiier ol unod lof na.iti-d to tm 11 hi- stocli in lemly mom v. We helm d liliu out. that's th? sloiy of lodtiy'.s bamaln 'I'itey have stainless leel and aic fast 10I01 l'l lie a pair , Sale ol lioy.s' cloihliiK We have u e.i led a vinndfifiil stir lu Suantoii with our Kicitt otitli't sale of llovs' 1 lot hliiK Have tend iihoiit ll 111 otn ad's. All the .idiot Used h.uKains silll hohl j,ooil and Ur-.-- an- the spt-ilals l or Cililuy Hoys' ,)l Wool Ki-i'lms, plain blue chlni hllla, nlih dieii vol et 1 oil. ir and be.-i plaid llnlnir, thouiih the slues aie ,1 to Kch-ci na ulaily win Hi S-Nii'i each, l-'ilday buy thuin for i.w lov.-' Wool Suits, doublo bieasted stylo. Sl.i s i 1,1s ami neai 1 hecks. II.11K and medium colors, thioiiBlioiit. lteKUlaily woith Js.uft ,1 suit, Friday buy them lot Begins Promptly at I O'clot-k. 39c $1.14 17c to 1.1 vi-ai. Plain 1 ol Weil tanoieil rnn Advertisers of Facts Only. donas Long's Soqs VWS ft 1 f' ' y. -"ff-.i.j! i.Jht r n5 -Ip-' - J ."sW-j .-ute-f..,.