The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 22, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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k t-&f
fuMI'Iint tlilty, IItccjiI RimHiy. Iv The Tillf
ne l'ublililng Company, at Kilty Ccnl n Hontli.
MVV S IttrilAttt), iMitor.
(). V, ltV.lli:i:, HmltieH Miinamr.
Niw YotU Ollkot 160 N'ai'iiil Bt. . ... .....
v B. 8. VIIKKtiASt),
Belt! Arci1 Ici l-'orclirn AJvcttlslnf.
tnltrcJ at the l'o'loiriee ot Fermlon, i'J.i
fiecoml Class Mull Matter.
When nuee wilt permit, The Tribune l al'van
slail tn print ihort letteri from Its Irlotuh
ing on current topics, Imt its rule I1lli.1l tnc
mutt t slsnril. (nr pntillfitlon, ly Ihu writer'
el natni-J unci llic rnmllllnn (ire'citnil t e
'cptJMi-a U that nil conlrlbutlom (.lull to subject
to rrfllorhl retWon.
TI10 (ollotvlns table aliowa the prlc.i per tmli
tli Innitloii, ipaii- to hi. utiI within one ycarl
full "
" .no"
I.fVlhrT6ft) Incites
Wl McllCS...
torn " .,,
rooo " ...
I 01 earili of than!,, resolution of tondoUnee
htl Hmilir contributions In the nature of ail
'ertlslnft ll.o Tribune maku a cliatfic ot D ccnti
.11 line.
tlfte for Classified AcItcrlUitii furnished on
Ail iiuiimil Unii-vn to iiuttii-nllntH fin
the im.')litln mcpliltlm lias a liiililt,
lien tTirni'i-i tl, ot I'liwiyltiR- trom Its fflaniln it nungc-iit Huitl ot an
nlor .so uri'on.slvi) Unit Ha inirsuyrs nro
usually lorctil to iili.iin.loii the chase.
Jls joiiiiuillMili' niotot.vpo In this r-ity,
the Times, limy s.iy wlmt R jileusus
.ilimil The Trllinm-. Imt untiling ll can
Intent. In falsehood or uliuse rtlll ou-
mmiii; the r.iut that, by Its '
l('itiiisngl.'iiu ami iinsituiiulous. piomo.
Hon of dlsfont ntiil strife it lints become
u publle nieiiMce. (he 11101 e vicious with
vi'i'.v iuldltlonai coo It iirlnts. Wlii-u
.'uber scioiiij thoimht conns 10 tlie
business I'ouiniimUy It uuiKt 1 faille
t'llit of all perils to pence ami prosper
ity the conscienceless ncivspaper Is the
Uncalled For.
A 1IIM.M 11 vyriW r ,..
." nwill.t.PIV.l 'MCI 'Al.L'ill fS J
1l tax levy Is uncalled for. II is
JZ iliut! the bus-Is of asaessiiiont
has chaiiKed. Fi-oni inie-thiid
so practically to full valuation. Vet
when the anioiml needed to c.irrv on
llic government is vhtuall.v uncliauned.
the (jtiestlon ot arsesl;is If .is hioad
as it is Ions.
"VVe know it to be the put pose of the
city administration lo hold city ex
penses down to the baio limit or neces
sity until tlie new order of things has
been well established; and by virtue of
tlie vein power, construed to cover nol
only Items in appropriations but also,
as in the governor's ease, power to re
luce amounts, the recorder is in posi
tion both to assume anil to discharge
this responsibility. It should not and
we hope will not be necessary to fall
back on this preiosativu to enforce in
' ' i.K""J 1 or iuiuiii: interests 1
that .should always be present there, j
Uut the public, ir distrustful of coun
cils, which it elects, is entitled to know
that under the ripper charter its Inter
ests ate additionally safeguarded.
'onsciuently we lepeut that appro
hen.sioii over next year's tax levy is
uncalled for. Stiflieielil unto tlie day is
the evil thereof.
The latest failure lo comjiose the
stieet railway strike is unt'oi lunate,
I hough not unexpected, .Husiness must
adjust itself to the piospect of 11 light
to tiie bitter end: nnd Scranton is too
Ms a town to let one strike ! ipple Us
Prophecies Fulfilled.
frUV PITTSIirntJ aony is
1 oer. fiovernor Stone lias
lipped his own appointee,
Major A. M. Brown, irom
the ivcordership o Pittsburg and
named in his place J, o. Hi own, the
i.-presentatHe of the Flinn organiza
tion in Allegheny county. Ko tar as we
bare been able In leal 11 tile facts, lle
cordcr l'ro'.wi olfoud'd by too great ac
tivity In living up lo the repiesenta
Uoiik made by the Pittsburg advocates
of Hie ripper charter while that
111 e was pending in the legislatmo.
It was then proclaimed with energy
and spirit the purpose of the. rip
per was to ledeem the city ot Pittsburg
trom the thralldom of an oppressive
machine. The head of this machine had
recently been. in rebellion against the
Kepublican state organization, lie was
to hi- disciplined by ejection irom power
and in his stead a party organization
was to bo (onstructed in Allegheny
county oflioctcd by stalwarts and dedi
cated to the wholesome principle of
party rcguluiity. Along with It wore to
come teforiiiH in administration do
mantled by Pittsburg taxpayers, and a
new era of freedom and municipal fair
On this basis the Upper gulped tho
sympathy of many who would never
have stood for it if they had believed
that It would be used simply to force
Pit nil to terms and then effect his re
instatement. Others who enred noth
ing about piinn or anli-Plluu wero
ffiipressed by meritorious features In
fSe, charter itself and by the evident
pjnuliieuesis of tin! demand In Pittshuig
tor h change. Yet other.-, and 111 this
dftte&ory belong sMngiessniun Council
and a mujoilty of the. Uiokuwannu
delegation regai detl the ripper clause
irt the iiet us fundamentally vicious and
auvo earliest wnrnlng that Its factional
ihu would recoil, but in deference tn
th . jwMng needs of Scruutou mis
Peiideil opposition after taking cure of
local inlei est..
Tiu piophucy iif tumble has been
fulfilled. The Upper clause, as .Mr.
Council foretold, hna rutin ned to plague
Us authors. The deposition of A, l. '
ijj own for doing what the Upper wras
lUpeeted to do will pleabo .Senator j
x4uill ami wiuau lu w liutn! lllCUUUai
btnellt It coiililbutes, but It will cor
respondingly chill and dishearten u
iti'eat number of Itepublican stalwarts
tlirotighout thu stutoj ami it will In
li'pduee In tho next state campaign an
lisue sine to Inuto to the benellt of
those aiming at licpulillcan ovei tluuw,
Another laige contribution to tho
tovei unit'iit- CQiiselcnce fund has just
won received at Washington, a CtsecU
tor ?3,i)73 fiom a man who failed lo pay
levenue tax. This. c.ilW to inliu) thu
ffict that we m-Moiti hear of dlvldeiulH
lu paid to the conscience it: ci bv 11
Itmi of lstillntr on
Taper llr.iilltiit
" ,2.'i ' .ST.1 "
.20 .11
.10 .175
.1.V5 .17
innii wild li-iH tltifratided his neighbor
In a InlslnMa Jonl, ,
U'u Itnmv uC no I'eusnn wliv Asuln
nlilii'i! it'ritiost Cor DcrinlsHlon to "ap
liear hefotu coiiuies's nnd ciiuess the
deslren of the Piliplnn people" sliotild
not I m gmnlfil, J lu Is jirobably nils
taken lu assuming Unit a peisoiinl ap'
pouratn.o Is necessary. Two rents will
convey a lialf-oiincu fetter I10111 Alanlla
to Washington anil the rate on bulltlm
nianuserlptH Is in piopoitlou. Pitnii
what we have lead and heaid about,
Agulimldo It Is Infeifed Mint his Ideas
In willing would be 111011; linpiesslve
than in peisoiutl delivery. That, how
ever, Is it mutter lor hint to decide, If
he wants to conic to Washington and
enler (he lists of spell-blndeis, by all
menus hi him do so, lie would con
tribute novelty lo llic winter's pioceed
Ings and if lu addition mutual mis
understandings should he eleaicd up. so
intich the better
The Potato ('amine.
Till; POTATO has bttoine a
IttMiry, a prohibitive one al
most to tluisu who mi1 nol
lirepaird to pay a fumy
price ror an article ot dietary which In
other years was Invariably a veiy
abundant tuber in our local niaiket,
Potatoes have reached the unprece
dented figure ot a dollar a bushel or
something over a cent a pound, while
the supply even at that pilio barely
lynches the demand. Nor Is there any
probability that potatoes shall become
mote plentiful or cheaper. If the as
sertions of local fanners arc to b"
trusted, the (Urtntlly ot potatoes on
hand is comparatively 10 small thai
before tho new crop Ik In slghl thej
may teach anywhere from a dollar and
a half to two dollars a bushel. Tin
leld throughout the entire country
has been abnormally shut t, so that we
en 11 look for no relief from importation
Mom oilier p.uts. And to add to our
(tilluary diseonillluie in tills particular,
potatoes are poor in (juallty as well as
exceptionally scarce. They me watery
and small, having the porosity ot a
spunge anil the laste of a raw cucum
ber, when Hrst taken fiom the pot. and
they do not Imptove with keeping
This serious diminution hi the supply
of potatoes will appeal to some people
as little shoit of a domestic calamity.
A dinner without potatoes, they rea
son and believe, is 110 dinner at all.
They have become so accustomed to
the esculent, either by hereditary habi
tude 01 llnougli custom, that the fact
is Ignored that ninety per cent, of the
finest and driest potatoes that it Is
possible to raise is pure water, that
of tilt; ten per cent, of nutriment
which a potato contains, (He consists
of staieh ami the lemainlng con
stituents of chemical combinations
which if not actually poisonous, as one
of them at least is. are highly Indiges
tible. That is the potato as it is. It
Is no exaggeration to say that it is ths
most innutritions article of food that
1 oines to the table of the poor or rich.
Its mil recommendation is that It is
tasteless and a tasteless food does nol
pall on the palate. A meat eating peo
ple find that a root like the potato
satislies ali the ieiiiirenients of an
ailment complementary 'to the high
ly luscious and nutritious llesli which
they consume in large, perhaps on the
whole, in too huge quantities. Then
is no other cultivated root which sat
isfies this condition so well and on the
whole so cheaply and agreeably as the
potato. Hut it by no means follows
that we should make a fetish of the
potato like the Indians made of maize.
There is no reason why, when potatoes
reach a dollar a bushel or more, that
we should lament the fact, or submit
to the extortion of 1 ustoni combined
with ignorance. Is almost as tasteless as the
potato, il It is well made bread. It is
pre-eminently wholesome and nutri
tious, which cannot be said of the po
tato. A pound of bread costs only a
few cents. A pound of bread. It Is safe
to say, will go as tar at an ordinary
dinner table as twenty pounds of
soggy potatoes, the most wasteful of
loocls. It is equally important in this
1 risis to bear in mind that once bread
lakes the place of the potato for a
week or two, the latter is not seriously
The potato lauiiue will come as a
blessing in disguise, If the housekeeper
learns lo avoid tlie temptation of hail
ing the tanner as lie lordly passes by
with his dollar a bushel potatoes, and
turns to the slul'f of life, la name and
icallty, food lit for a piince mid the
gift of tlie gods,
President Hcrantoii Is 011 solid giound
in allirmlng thai discrimination lu
license tax Ulon is uuwut ranted, if thu
measure stands, this will hac to bo
Bound to Disagree.
Ari Mil! IT have been expected,
tho proposition of the Now
. Yoik fusion leadeis lu legal
ize the Sunday opening of
saloons in cit assembly districts upon
majority vote of the people has Mined
up a hornet's nest.
Itlchaul CToKcr cites it as .111 inter
esting example of reformers' consist
ency and truthfully says that If Tam
many should have proposed such a
tlilmr tho I'liilru country would have
ailseii to denounce It and Hay the Tam
many chieftains out of olllie, Thu
Women's I'hrlstian Temperance union,
In national convention at Port Woith,
Tex., "representing the motherhood ot
thu nation and vitally Interested lu tu
welfare of the homes of this country,"
(liters, its protest and "earnestly urges
the law-abiding and moral citizens of
-N'ew York statu to stand for the strict
enforcement of thu Sunday closing law
and the abolition of the Italnes law
hotels." Prom similar sources strong
objection Is coming
Op the other liaiul, many prmtiial
humanitarians familiar with social con
ditions lu tho nuiro congested paits of
thu metropolis arc publishing their ap
proval of tho limited Sunday opening
plai. One of these writes to tho Sun:
"UH our lawmakeis add a requirement
thut tho written consent of a umjoUly
of tho voters within the distance of one
block of ihu proposed buloou be ob
tained by thu proprietor and that a
printed notice containing the iiuuki unci
street number ot each sillier so obi
ijJucd ; conspicuously posted on tbt
float of iho saloon for thirty ttays prior
In the unenltig of tho saloon for hunt
Hess. Then thu Wishes nf carh ward ob
neighborhood would be iispeeled ntiil
on thu owners of the saloon and those
who liiivu 11I ven consent to !l would
rest the nulls. Prohibition laws do nol
piohlbll, mid In n large and mixed I'm
eltfit population such as Sow York hits
they could never be enforced. The next
best thliur Is lo limit thu e II of the
saloon as fur as It can bo tloitu with
out violating I he tights or any."
Arter all. II Is Ihu undent quaiiel
over again thu nuvrr-oiidlntf fight be
tween those who waul perfection or
nothing lu this sad old world mid those
who niu satlslleil to compromise on the
nearest possible uppi-oxluialloit, So long
as 1 he opponents of Tammany had
nothing more to do Hum lo find fault,
they kept together beautifully; but now
that it Is 1111 lo Iheiu to accept mid
winy responsibility signs of separation
and discord an; already appearing. It
takes no prophetic endowment to per
ceive that unless Seth how shall bor
row, capture or construct a perma
nent political organization to see liim
thiough tho tight, places ahead thu
whole fusion movement will disinte
grate and degenerate into a memory of
King Kdward of England has cancer
ol the throat and Is expected to die
within two years. King Kdwnrd of
Kugland hasn't an ailment, pain or
ache and never felt better In Ills life.
These statements' arc both on "the
highest authoilty." You pays your
money and you takes your choice.
if airs. I limine looks anything like
lier portraits published In the Wash
ington papeis, there Is no question lliat
the trial unvv In pi ogress will contain
"distressing feallli es."
Admiral Schley has again begged of
his over-zealous friends to desist. It
would have been better if tho admiral
could have succeeded In calling them
olf long ago.
Out of deleieneo to Hie feelings of
Philadelphia, the pi ess In general has
refrained fiom comparing the Oath
maun gun to the Keely motor.
Xo matter who owns the canal, thu
active Central Americans will 110 doubt
claim the right to occasionally raise a
little dust on the tow path.
Hcr.iulou, cannot boast of a London
fog, but theie is enough soft coal smoke
generated daily to make her look hazy.
President Scranfon
On Neu) Wafer Raf?s
PltlIHi:T M UANTO.N. Ot ll.c- M Milieu Cl
.mil W.itcr icmiiJiiij, .eitenli 111 nil- public
tin- fullouinv kllci, .ijiliewul lo the
V t lie clo-p 0! tin- Inunl ol li.nlu'o niw'int,
li-a .Moiiiln noon, inl.iin ic-ulntioi .. .nhifine ownei-lnn ot wiitrr cf nip.iuies. vr-io
111-hcil thioiiKli. They weie lu-nl uii the follow
iinr picimble:
"Wbc n a-, The s. ijiiIi.ii CJiv jiul w utor inii
p.uiy h.i- .hU 1 1 1 i'-ci in in lit elwcltii-g
lioii-o 1 He-- i,f tliiity-tluer .'ind cmc-tlifnl per
tent , for .hkh no ii-.rn is nhcn," etc,, eli.
Our 'iij-piia'' eu- mtly -Ulnl !n my loiter
of July SDth, Viiil, lo liecmJu- 1 cnnell, mil
wee- .iff.iiu clitul .it the inUiiicu" ot del,
lh, imilul by (lie ucoiilei with Ihi- .nioin
coi ion- .ilUctcil In- the pirno-cil lheiiM;
t.t.N. All tliK v.K in the pipet-. .it the time,
.mil .i wiili y Kmomii .,ntl cooiuiiiit.'il en. II, Hi
Ihe cili .iiill'iiiiti,-. .tiiil mil iiticn-. Acner.illy
line Known loi lnonlli-, i! , hcicy .1 1 1
.1, tii- per tent, on out mo leiiints
sni .mil watei, .-Iiouhl lu- bid rm 11-, il imiuM
bo nioio tit 111 in- ii'iihl .illnril .mil ij cabl onl.i
p.ii it by 1 il-'uiB moio icM'iui'.
It .-tiil.e-i mi- il h ibo.n 11111 in' .in-,
town, .an! ricn niu Iin.inl ot li.iik, to til ml
nf IN liiMeiti-, .mil In illume llic h.iliit ol
loiikhis it thing-. Willi j Utile we ue.uliil lor-ie
With lOKiUHP tn wt'u coinp.ini , l,c rimils
hue ihciilt'il "1 -Uni ol iliuuis lint j 10M
no nioio meoiiic lliiin i liiih ii-ipnreil lo in iin
lain llic pl.iul, p.iy llvil !i i ir -- .iti'l ii'Ci.ituc;
ixpen-e-, moiiilo .1 mutjlile 'iiiKln? dim! fur
the p.oiiKiit in ill In-', .mil pi.- .1 Mir pioilt to
tiie nvticis 01" the pnipiih, , .uiiinL be Mhl to
be unii'ii-niiilih, .mil will li' Hi-Uinwl bv Iho
hiiiiIn" Il 1h it U I. ii", lln-ii we h.iic not Hits
fliKhU'-t olijct tlou tn It it ins; urn Litis examined
by the 001111-, KiiuttiiiK piilictl will tlic.t
tiilJ no retain which wn-ihl c-.i'l-e llu 111 In lie
ilccliui! 'iiiiiei-oii'ible " It co-l- ju-l .11 inn. h
to biiiiir tt.itu' iiuo siMiititn ,ii 11I .my other
point pi tlie I..11.I.IV. 11111.1 .mil t.M mliiir 1 '.il
lii-UI.-. et tlie in nle 0! our iliu'c-Hir. his
tor .ten- Kept the .itu.igi.- inue of wain ill
Sci.inlon loitu tli.111 .inttthcie iUi- in tlie-e lu
t.ille.t.-, iiom l'nii-l tilj, .ihnto P.nbonil.ilc, lo
rt.iiitloohc, lielutv Vil,eP.l.iin-. Anil tint will
htlll lie tlie 1.1-e .1I11V tin' lli-t nl J.tniiilJ. The
I unlit 1 Hi of Ts will bo llu Mile nml ou'f 0112
,u liitli .is the .-.line 1 it, el-uttlu n. bill le, liilili
11'. All our oil tr 1 lies .110 lotto.-, llu eMi.i
finilly 1 at i 01 ,-i line 1- 71 el-cttlieie. Jlttli tulu
ami water ilo-it-, -l In ie, .no fi (l,enlicie, I'ur
-liilluii.ny liuttU i' maUe no iliir-.e; cl e-ttbi-ic,
i---'. sl.illou.ny ti.i-li tub-, iiorluiKo bile;
.1 il-ittlieie. Ilo-e ioM.ii liuii-, f-il hue; il-c-tthue.
Si nml npttaiil-. 'Ihe Seranlon 111anuf.11
(niu who isii 1 million iialloii- cf water a
luuiilh pits s'iT.'iH li- for It tlin bU ibnl
In thu tallcy iiut-hle I lie ellr. We 111 ihe no
1 it It -111 uii the i.itcs ol our ricisblioi.-. llu tli:
lonli.u.t, tte cou-iiiu' them nioileiate ami fully
ju-tit.cil. Ihil, il ihe; aie uioileiale anil fill,
what ihcml ouu, wlilih ate -0 ili'liii Ini,'
Oi uiurre, tte couhl hate ohlaliteil the necev
.l letiime upully will by inl.-itiit tno meter
i,ili, ami tint- imttln: Il prluipally on iiiir
ni.iinu.K. Inii'i.-; hut, since the moiiiy i. loi Ihe
benellt ot llic 1 il.t '0H'iiimi nt, in which all aie
lutuiXiil, it mi mill limn- iiiiiliiblo (o iai-11 It
b.t achlnii; it to the I unity rale, wlili b practl.
1 1II1 allnt etii.tboilt, 'Iho hnpie-l'iu -o liliei-Imi-l.t
Blti 11 nut hi Mimo ill Ihe p.ipi'is .lliil tele
Kiaplioil all qui the couutrj, that to hint all niu' l.iti lliillt-tlili.' ami ou-tbul
pel cent. i, 01 couitc, iuipudcnli.t lalc. Out cf
maii.t illllili'lil vilet lor t. lib uii I.IikIs of C1. lio
wo hute Mi.M'il only one, ami thai uuu only
abcul bill .1 mil .1 iij. illtiiloil .1111011; about
lite people, wlio loii-tilule ihe oi'illiiny fiuiil',
I tail u Me how we couhl hate mule the ta
lljilitu 011 the louuuuully, We liate nbeil 111.
ialii nl neither bath tutu, iwr wklee in-il,
1101 liiisi 1 ounce 1 irni,, inn ,loie-, iio nilki., nor
wiUl miM I, lueiei ineaiuicnii'iil, not hato tie
lalnil the plln rt ;ja . Ni itliCI hlte we l.iuin
ailtaiitU't n! Ilit- oppnitunily lu ihiifte lur
xtalloiiu) wah linttl- rn wah tnlw, 01 (aiuU,
l'.u' all which lno,t nihil loiuliaulcj ilniije, but
loi vhli li c niihi li" ill mil wlialitir, We
hate Kitui the cll.t Kotciuuicul a 1 c.tit i.iot fvr
ttali r al 110111 1o,ik1 to t.'O.ikW li pir aiiiiniii
Ih 111 luetalli In cliicr, ol Ihe .nine Jc, ami
iinilir tilnillai coinlulon And il aliutil I l ic
liieuibeicil 1I1I-. h tho lli.-l anil only Jiltauin
in llic- llu loiupaui has etri' luaile In either
K-i- ni' lU-v ilm Ins' llu picienl aihiiluUlrallon
ol otcr ittiiii.t-iwii ji'iit, jiiiI tint wo (iliouhl
liot into iluie Ihi, il nol been tjiieil upon
UK In lit illy loiutciU. Il, ai the .iihoiatn
nf Hie lluii-i Ij si.t, it hi- ionic In i-l ay,
iiinl th it heatily Ineiean-il tasatlou U the pihe
we an to ply for hat in; beccitn a lilt 0! the
fi'toutl elan, Una they may be eipialli bine
that fitly ii)iKialiiai tuiui-ihiu. uniitielpal ntlll
tk- will be turn il lu lupup ibell (nr III" license
ta. iinpu-i'il rillicl by pwln' fltiee 01 by In
CICiMil lutes to It- iiistciiiicu. Muail.t, the
clirielnis of one company Idl me lliey will bo
itiupelleil In .nli.iitee liieii' iaie4 aim ainl I
hate mi itoubt that oilm loiupauhe will hefirc
Ion, flml It mcc.-ai,v lo 1I0 Hie
C'onceiiuu; llic piiuelple ot Ihe lUm-v ia .,
Thanksgiving Offering of
Table Linens, Napkins
SI Embroidered Linens.
At the close of a prosperous year of Linen Selling, we
desire to show our appreciation of tlie very generous pat
ronage extended to us by giving our trade a special Thank
offering of Unusual Linen Values.
"Highest Grade of Goods at the Lowest Possible
Prices" has brought us the business.
Table Linens
72-Inch Cream Dnmnsk Lluon.
A good heavy quality, strong am!
serviceable, splendid for everyday
wear. Improves with every washing
and a good seventy-five cent value.
.Special price HOr.
72-Inch Full Bleached Linens.
Ktrlctly all linen and a nice lino
quality: gieat value for the money,
t'onieti in good assortment of pal
terns; regular dollar linen. Special
price 75c.
72-Iuch Extra Weight Linen.
Full l!leached Damask, batln lln
inh, very fine quality and good wear
ing linen. IVu have It In ten differ
ent patteuiH; our regular dollar and
quarter number. Special price .$1.00
Double Damask Linens.
Most complete line of line linens
ever shown here, in all the newest
lloral.pci'oll and ornamental designs.
Kpeclal price kViT, to 2.75
Linen Damask Table Sets.
Are shown hern in various sizes
and qualities, in new and pretty de
signsembroidered, hemstitched ami
plain linens all come beautifully
boxed. Elegant gifts. Itange in
prices from ?7.r0 upward
Napkins to Match Our Linens.
Oermaii Silver Bleach Napkins,
latge size, extra heavy weight, all
linen and sott finish: worth $1.23.
tor I'Se.
$1.50 Hemmed Napkins, for $1.23
$1.73 Sliver Bleach Napkins, for. .$1.33
$2.23 Full Uletich, extra heavy and
large size, for S1.73
$4.00 extra line Napkins, for $3.23
Full line of line quality Napkins.
j litems of rai-iins: ictciiiic for tlie city, to
.it thi- time nothing- to iy. tt arc I'lillc ready
to do our f-luic tottuiil". sii'i'io.'ting tlw city,
Jiul bi'lictc tto lute nioio th 111 ilono it hereto
toio, li.t the ccilccnrcl ut(-s at tthlch as
cuniiiiiition inueiii-il tic c sold both i-jh
anil ti.ilcr;" but then- i, of lour-n:, a point
lie low tthioit tte cintKit Ro. And tc fed stlotiK
ly llul, it J llcir-e li is lo bo rjul uiion the Riots ricnpls of 1 oitioiation-, tlie nJtnr ulo
per cent, ,-lioitlcl be pluicd upon jll. If tito per
I fill, la a fair lite, then lite per cent, ''lould he
put upon all. If only two pir cent,, then
ttM, per cent, on all alike.
Much lu-. been s-.inl about tiie privilec, .- tlie
city I111 sitrn 11. We cliillctij;i' tlie pioduetion
ot an 011I111.11KG 111 ttliiclt the city cciunctLi into
itci (.'raiitcil 115 .1 mwlo pntilise, of in ttliiclt
lliey lino not trhd In li.unpci anil un'ioy 111
in oiili'i lo extract boodle linn u. Hoc Scran
too (,'a-, anil W.ter ociiipiny i-, a creation of fio
i-t He. i..ictli a-, i-. the 1 itj of !,
out rirfhti anted tte the lily by inaity jo-i-. Tor
tlu-i ut-'ht' lite .-Uii linker in iuv luattly. If
tho city Ii.k the lili'. lo cite or ptetent m.r
u-insr hi slieitt, let tin lounciU in.-s- jr. orditt
.nice totbiiidtn; us to e-e tlicui, i,iul h t u- --fe iin- until in 'Ihe 11.111U tttll be. ltuov. Iiij,
.1 nut- inrpoi.iiioi. nun in the ctlv ktiotir,
ttliat ciictld li-te bun done In lln Inen-e 1 IX
nijtlii- by the u-e 01 iiioinj in tin coiuicil-, tto
mn-iiler llic hiLlici- ta" 01 li pn tint, in nm
1.1-0 ji tin liii;lie-t compliment llul 1011M be
paid 11-, J out piuusliuient for IcIU'iiiJ to it-i-pottil
to the hint-, giten 111. Wlntetir otlii'r ;ei.
Mce, little nr gieat, tte mat don- ihu city,
tc .110 Ir.ppv lo bclieto tte li no it iite it Ihe
te.tli.-l ol all b.t biincr able to f.i llul our
I I mil-, ate clian and tte kite netti ,tel
biilud, or ulliirpted to lnthe, .1 menibci ct eitlur
ot Ihe council-, 01 the cll.t ROtiiiiiin ill.
W, W. Sciaiitiin.
I'le.-id nt -tii.inloii li.i-, and Water i'o.
Kdiloi .11 The i'libuiie
Ml! 'Ihe -uccf-i ol I'm to lino 1- 1,111 ainie-
It i inu-t enioui.iKinK lu ne thai Hi iiii'oin.- ic
ceipl-, lor Cluobei title s-'ii!,"i jr.iin-l .--'17,311
tor Uclobit, ll'im, ttluu llic tilli'eii pt-t icnt. til nf
bettteeii Ihi- i-l.iml and ihe liuinl .-late-, was in
totce, Iho ahiink.iije in ntitoina belli; only -fl"i,,
tthill the tuluine of tiade teally iiitu-htile ttado
itai itiiiny lliou-.ui.U laisu, Ikihiei this in
1 lean-, tin- iiland I- pioiicioua einiuali lo buy
tar nioir IIniopcJii In-tin ie than In Pirn, 'I lie
total espoii-, lor iKmliri tteie ,01,0-T, .iifjhiit
-Jii.',311 tut October, H0i).
lu die iitenuei Kenually fm liie 1,1 mil there
ti.ii a ilehclt 01 t-ll,',? lor the tit t font iiiontlm
of the ji-ai of IWW, but' foi llu name peilod
ot Ihe pti-ent litcal .teat tlti'to ii ,1 Miipliii ot
!.l.),ri"l, in iKttiu- a (-.iin ol vlis,l"-. fun.
,ldei ini; llul liee trade ohl.ilu-, and the l.ile
o taxation i loiter than aii.ttviieie in the l nilnl
Main, Ihi, twult N 11101,1 Ki.ulijliy lor the uu-i-nl
.ind bopilul o- the fuluie,
'Hide ii ituy HMM11 lu lie lantiJiiiL lliat iiinli-r
llu- ahln leadeiihlp ot llotiriui Hunt and liii
Aiiiilicaii cabinet, combined villi the
and lt'all.t o t people, I'ollo lili.t t,ll umII be
piilv our "1I1I1 i,aie." Vny I111I.V .miiii,,
Wiillei .1. H.ill.i.'l.
Mheiieilail', X V , Not. I''
I'lolll tin I'lUabllUr
Tlie adieu 01 Ihu tr.iliv.libv h udmi, icipoil
lioin nt ."ciantmi In lilUiathu l"i "'3 uupo.l
Hem 01 tj.illon by tin; illy by auieiilnit I'e
10.HI 01 puhlio iililitiei n Hie col, mm I i ulioii
alKlitnl and, II al-'i et'ldcliec-a the
Lik it failb ol Ihe 1 mill .ililn hi liieii tliiui that
I lie illy has u pnttu lo Imy uili ti.iton. -,
ttai of lliat cluiia.lci culled lo e'tnim'- 1 ill
only mil 111 tictoiy mi the n.t. A iliil-liui
I HMD Ihe 10111I1 slioilld, hotiLtcl, be pceilll) i'l
toked 10 i--l,ilihli the etui uglilo el ill tlnee
cll.t, 1 ti2c.1v. and inipoialioiii.
r.if Hie Tnhaue.
Iliiil.t nun doubt tthat to do, and hiluil.t
llul. ulivieinK-'ii tlic.t look tor I'liMd, Ihey look
foi 11 in tain.
Net fllhll ilp C4U idto llU lllilil, tin roll I Jll
help 111-, rile;
Isor lih ml In iilend a,ii,luite lend, or dn-ii-
llllllefa Ilium e.
U'liclulU rtolt, .-11.-, C 1.-, Illicit lllls the
iiti'ikil I'lwi;
Ami ttoiucu tali, and cliildieu .'y'J":.', in Imiuu
jiiiu tin. dead,
riuiii il.e llouiujjiijii Ciiiieunl, bt ,ia llovf,
Embroidered Linens
Hemstitched Linens,
Cluny and Renaissance.
All Lace and Linen Center-;.
Vc exhibit 11 very strong line of these
goods, tlie best productions Irom the
Irish, German and AiislrJaii markets.
-Many very dainty novelties nut lotmd
elsewhere. Including embroidered and
Doyleys, Scarfs,
Shams, tfpicadfc, hunch Cloths, Table
I'lotlis, etc.
Scalloped Border Linens.
In Doyleyf. Scarfs, Table Linens.
Exquisitely Embroidered
Linen in great assortment of styles
and qualities.
In the very finest quality; all new
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Of every description. Plain Col ton
and Linen, Hemstitched, Sheets and
Pillow fasei, Kmbroidered Sheets and
Pillow Cases.
Linen Towels.
100 dozen all-Linen Hack Ton els,
all white and with eoloied borders,
?t,20 per dozen, or each 10c.
JSxtt a Heavy Ilttek Towels,
$1.05 per dozen, or each 13c.
Extra huge size, plain or fancy
Huck Towels $2.P3 a dozen
Fine Linen Diawn-woik Towels,
hemmed and f ringed.. OSc. and upwards
Hission" Furniture
was so named because it
is copied from furniture
discovered in the ruins
of the Mission Houses
of Old Mexico. It is
and well woith con
sidering if you are
About to buy furnltuie.
It is finished in Ant
weip, Austrian and
Weatltercd Oak. Call
and 3co it.
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
Should Be
nk ful.
Ilibt 1,111 Into rails..
Mam 1 .ill kite rlini"
l'.ipi call bate ulun-i . . .
M111 ami Mi. Hopeful! tan lute ,-ho
'1 up
n ip
"ll Up
ti '' lll
114-116 Wyoming Ave,
Grand atl-hntio Hotbl r no annex
Virginia Ate. and Heath. AtUutlc City, N. ,J
bitli jcji; S'M Irautifut 1001113 cisuUc, clnsU
and ttitli baths hot and cold tc-a-tvatc-r Laths
la bold and annex. Location cclt-a and ccnual
itlthin few ardi cf the bled Pier Orehc4tra
Oilers tpcclil pring rates, iVi to -f tl by tteeV,
JJ.W up by tity Spciul rales to famillco. Coaclicj
nml ill tuliu, Wittc for booklet.
HUM lllW"ll-' "ll
Sli.ii'i -.jjIi nml 1I001.1, note ftoiilf, olllce 11 ml Imml jiiii V
Mole funillliii'. in Itmil i1r ,ott citud, and Job' g f All V ltZ Y O
biinr. '
Mil S W.1M111. me b. MiMM.VIl.
., ,. CDAKERY,
fHWUII.S nml WAC.nXS nf all Unibi i1d 420 SPRUCE ST,
Itotie nml llullillint botj nt bjigilni. 1I0IIKUS
Successor li
l..Uttai,.,tf'ar.l.,eWorU HUNTINGTON '
- IVc male a specialty tl (Ino biead ilufls.
t. E3. VYOOLSBY X Co Orders for Ert-taJf. OjtlctJ, CroimelUj, etc.,
covr?cro?s rton,p,ly nl,j'
A full line cf Cicam and Ices.
Dc.lersln W. A. HARVEY,
Plate Glass and Lumber ... ,,:l""Il10,)vlrl",K n,(1 flxtul": ,
OF ALL KINDS. l.lcctrlo Ucll nd Telephone Work.
309 Commonwealth buildins
e. joseph kutittel. thescranton vitrified brick
rear fill Lackawanna ateiiue, lnanufaclurer nf AND TILE MANUFACTURING COMPANY
Wire Screen of all kliuN: fully pu-pired for Makers of I'atuu; fltlek, etc. M. II. Date,
the (.prln;: fcaton. We make all Lluili ol porch Oererul Sales Agent, Office .129 Washington av.
j,ereeii. etc. Works at Nay Ann, Pa., II. & W. V. II, It.
Ccneial Contiattor. Uullder anil Dealer In KlNQSBURY & SCRANTON,
Building Mono. Ccineitti.ig of cellain a spe Manufacturers' Afccnli
daily. Telephone 2W. MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES.
Office. M7 Wa.;liinston avenu?. District Agents for
"" " " " " ' John A. lloebllnn'i Soni Co.'s Wire Hope anil
EOURITY BUILDINO A SAVINGS UVION Klcctilcnt Wire. Clutta Pcreha and Rubber Mfg.
Home olBee, EOS-'JOS Mean Building, tran'aeti a Co. 'a llelllnc, racking, Hose and Mechanical
general building und loan business throughout Wubbcr Oooib. Unotvlton Packing. Carter's
the ftalc ot l'cnnijltanla. Oil Clothing. Itnom 310 Paul i Bldg.
We will
ing at our former loca
tion. 19 Wyoming Avenue, about December ist, and
have determined to close out at once prior to removal
of our present stock. To do this we have decided to
throughout our entire stock. Every article in our store
has been purchased for this seasons's
trade and this offering of
m liiKt
will appear to prudent buyers who know the reputation
of the store and the high class of merchandise offered.
We can and will save you money if you but take ad
vantage of this great sale.
WTJ 8 "a It "W M xri BwJi i Sa B TITI E VTT
I 1 S Js 0 S B ll ffkl Bit! El sa 01911191
lliidlllo (H ilCMUiiy,
Temporary Store,
Organised 1872.
Depositary of the United States.
Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000
'HiCMllM'Oiint iati luiioiiuilloit - .' per cent, poc milium.
hpei'lnliitleiillon Riven to nil .iceou'it- vlatlicr Uutcioi Minill
Upon r-nturilio titt'iitng-i S In 11 o'i loo i.
Tliieo p.'i'conl, Iiilero-it pulrt on nivltipa clepoalts.
liiteiT-it i-finiiuiiuiteil .Iiimi.tiy J-Jt unit .Inly lM,
HENKY BELIN, JR., Vice Presitient.
Villiam Connall, Jfttnoa Aichbald,
Henry Beliu, Jr., Luther Keller,
Geo, II. Catlin, J- Benj. Dlmnnck,
Thomns H. Watkius, Jnraes L Connell,
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
lis Wjaiiiiii, Atclili, Otci (jlobi- Uuliui:e,
1" vltac 1 1 ci '.'m
l ! nml 'ill
balej 75i-
I, r'0li.l $.1 up
i ioiwii-iI, iioielaui . t up
llmlae wiil t. up
I'lllfil t.iih eolit . .TOo up
I ill.'il H III -llu. .. ..v..
I ill J ttitb .'III Mln.1 ...73'
I u'l hit of 'letth .. . . t, up
rviimualhiii .mil i-llnuie)
lie. If t.uu leclli ale liieii
inr, if J'oii nu'il an aililuiil -ci il M'li wiii
fcomo Icelli ripUieil ttillioilt l I'll"', -",'-1-'
soui ttui I, 'loll' anil tt.ll bt icIHIile
yrailuitci oi loiu tpi-i u1 at tin c-ij lea.t
cont iciiii.-Uiit tilth ijooij, tubtunlial liviilil
Wuil., call on me.
Allis-Clialmers Co,
Sticco&ijois to M.tfliino Jlu&lncbs at j
Uiclifcon JInuufactutliii," Co., Scianton '
unci AVllKes.lJaiic, IM. i
Stationary ICnglncs, nolloiu, Milling
Macliiiicrj, X'tiirips.
occupy our
new build
1G AVENUE, liii
Booms I muV2, Com'Hh nTd'
Hining and Blasting
Mtio at Maojlo ad Kuih Klu Wot it.
Elrctrlo Uatterlei. Klootrlo Rxploliri.
xploJiu; bluiti, Surety fun an t
Reyatino Chemical Co.'s uxpIIIye
I 5,
, u,