m -o- w - , . ,. ..S. .vry?;'W,,-'SWSi .iVJkm?&rV ,4,4&'1V1 Hi " ', n tibuue; fiBl6tTL'?J8 wm ti,A 'J HI- OKLV SCKAXToX PAPIiU RkCKIVLVG THE COMPLETE XEWS SERVICE OITUE ASSOCIATED PRESSU ORE ATESTjVEWS AGEN'CV IX THE WORLD. SCHANTOiV, PA., I'KJDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 300.1. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. Bkb .a. la .--Tla IUIW .IS.SS.KSl GOVERNOR REMOVES PITTSBURG RECORDER Ex-Director of Public Safety J. 0. Brown Succeeds Major fl. t,. Brown. ATTORNEY-GEN. ELKIN NOT IN SYMPATHY He Does Not Appiove of the Comso ot Governor Stone in Bemoving Becoider A. M. Brown Mr. Elkin Declines to Discuss the Stoiy That He Will Beslgn from the Gover nors Cabinet In a Statement to the People of Plttsbuig Governor Stone Explains His Position and Defies His Enemies He Biands as False Many Statements Made and Does Not Fear Cai loons or News paper Abuse He Insists that Self Bespcct and Begaid for the High Office Held by Him Demands That the Official Who Cuts Off Heads for Political Puiposes Shall Be Be nioved. lti l.nliittti W na fn ni'Ilio .-oiuteil I'ic-" H.tt t Isbuig, Nov. 21. Governor Sloti" tonight ioinoved Itccotder A. 31. Htown, ot rittsblllg, iillii appointed in his place e.-Diicclor of Public S.if. I J. C. 11 own. In n long stntoini nl. addiissed "to l Ik- people of Pitlshtng." till- gOl- tiior ghes hN leasons for the change. !! -says- he is authoil.id by the- second da ss ilty chattel hilt to .ippolnl u ic coider and Is piai'tic.ill, lespousiblo ior the good feoioruiiienl of tin- socouil il.ish cities, ot the state, lie slttos tli.it hi had no put pose in signing the act to "nil" out ol nfllie the exist Ins ollhe holdeis mow tlmii was neii"-!-ary to put tin- law into t'ffict Governor Klnuc says also th.it ho .in poiuteo Kecordor A. .l. lit own, who was under no political obligations to i.ny pal ty or faction, that he iias 10 moteil n liu kg niiiiibcr of ollieeholders tiqtiinst the governor's piotost, anil that Jn ouler to mevint lutthoi loinov.ils theie is nothing for him to do but to icmove the present iccoider anil ap point a limn "who Mill nut leniovo apablo and ofllcloiit men lor political rt"ious." The governor donio-, that he has sp un id pruinlhts tliat lie shall siicreed Senatoi t'uny. or that lie lias leiehcd llie pli-tlqes ol -i t.iin pel sons to sup 3)oi t him torl'nltiil Stsitis sciiatoi. In n Jiiistsciint to his stateiueiit the ko . 1 1 nor 'halk'iigcs icilnin newspaper to jnlnl a strny, whiih they aie nlli nod to have, Hint ilnriiiK tlio last lcKisl.ilitif lie (1oiii.iiii1l.m1 ijnu.iiuu for sIkiiIiik- ceitain bills, lint that he finally Linninomlsud on ?ir.i),uOn, whiih .ih jiaid him. Foiinal Notification. A ine.-sciiK.r liom Hie cseiuthe ile p.ii tinent lett H.iuisbuis this nitei lioon tor I'ittsliurtt with :i loiter to ltci ouler 13ioii, torm.illy notifying tilm ot hN lemoval and aiHishiR him of the appointment ot J. O. thown. The new i winder is a lieutenant of Senator William Fllnn, former leader of the anti-Quay Republican orRanl y.ition In Pennsylvania and is ehaii m.in of the f'lttsbuiK Ttepubliean city lommittee. lie Mas dismissed leeeut ly by bis predei essor from the olTln of din dor of public safety and Sena tor Kllnn has silici) been woikhiK to f-ecure the iemov.il of A. M. Brown and the appointment oC ,1, O. Iliovui up his sueeessor. Thomas S. UIkoIovv. of I'ltlslmif,', a liknd of Senator Quay, vv.ih In Ilar jtsbitiR today 1o piev.ill ution the kov oinor not to leniove itecouler lliown, but the executive did nut ste him. At louiuy floiieial KlKIn s.i.s tonlKhL that ho was not in sympathy with, and does not approve of, ISeiowlcr Uiown's lemoval and that the ooveinor lias assumed the iesponshillty and ai ted In the matter on his own JudKiuuit. Mr. nikin declined to discuss tin. stoiy that he would icslmi liom tlovrrimr Htone's iiiblnul. Senator Flhm and his 1 1 kudu snp puitcd the icKulur Itepublli an stale ticket In the iceeiit uauipulKn and li.no for some lime eo-npeialeil 1 1 1 1 ccitnin political adhcietitu of (ioveiuoi sione in AlleBlien. cuunty. The Goveinot's Statement. Follow ItiK is tlw lull text of Uownuoi saone't Htatemenl: In the 1'ioplo hi l'ittliiirg. I line lciniiMil M.1J01 lironu nut ..uini . J, 0 IliYinu ur.inki 11 I'liHliin,. lui thu i.ilKw .nir roJton.-! rim )iiiu-o M iiio in .1 "liiru in ii .1 tie mhcihI i!j i is tu f jU. Ilii' ki if ip piliitiiunl nut nl (uunMN n. I ut it in ,1 in .. 1, II eliclnl li U.o i.cuplo. V i.nhIIi iluit i.onM ).' .111 I111rr1.1l lict(in tlio tniK d 0 Uw uin1 j tu iitut ami tlio lli.t rk'itloiu rt t itioi.lt 1. Din ei", (hi. time tl 8'Uii"i i .lufiu.iiiiil 1.1 ji nut 11 cooler, jihI injiiiiull In. onio i.-pnic'tii.. Vr tl"; sdoJ b'niiinnifiu in li'iis 11 tliu mhukI .lut, 'll.i riici I ituo t the Mil jj UiJ.i. U. lulilo, lint, 111 my jul,iiiciii. tin i.roiiriuin 5t the Ijw ti,tng lull fuiiM In .1 in jiiIu 1 1 In tks.-li.il hv the .cf.b in .mt.iiil.c. tie tin... ,1iublc tutuic. I lull 111 illlllCMJ ill -liUillK 1 kill kl li)i nit 5f otlloi t tic (NlMing Hi ' I10IK10 iiinio Hun iv.h jficisitj 10 put Hi U 111 "'.- 1 In. 1 it . Clltlfll Of tlUllillli; H CV li'lllll ll I li..1llllt!.1!. 11 mcoihI cIjin ilk -! ( ovoilluowlni; Mitliii (lies. l c(iiillln.tJii r tin' Utt ..n tint li Jwulcl to ucil 10 1'iidfO cui tm iiittrini until lc peeph' touM pvriili liiur iihiiii iiirmisii tlie littion ot J irioi'ur, inn iiu iiiiiumiiii un. iiuncid liouIi not awiiinc tin iiiii Mini nt. ict it .11 tkttiic one. AI jfor llicmu w.n n t itcl iTcunlci lit) " 111. hi 1 ii' uini .11 'jn - n. ti iii I'JKv ei lutloli. llo nprifini il, lIi 1iI apnulmnicnt I". II1' rrciilln, lie l Hie hv, Jim no nuitiii n Hi in 11 iltll llic )imi'k CLl'iafii) 11 ul Hie u.i, .11 ami llivliili) Hi'" Ml lui i""ii llu-ii I nt I" in i.ii'i'i an.'- . ,ln. '-il " 1 Olwill'iil Ma , lliirtin lift 111.1 I lilai'l 111 Wiiulil rjrn Out tills h)lii. Ill innlifiiiliil lllr, lin Ki anil Kimil tlllui.lili nil luutiiliil mi' tint In ttiiiml .iilinliilMii liij 1 tilt t vifih jmlkl.il itlnios uin) liiiinlliilit.. nnlinli iniiiiilUiiii ul li pnll'ii 1 mnliltliii id 1 Ilii-' If ami fm nlhiu. II ul I '! Iml llir pnlliy villi li now sold, s dim In inii.nl I vnnlil line in iilo i illfUruil ippniiiiinrnt. Hut In mi! I In la tul It to In iiij ilt tv In lull in il li iii vliMili In phif milll Ilio pnipli' ii-illil if lk nl tin1 pflN 1 apiHiinliil 1 tli ti Vt inir lulu tints in l'lttliinir. iiflu lil iippolnliiiinl. lie ttm I ul l.i in iiiiniil villi Hilt piilitt, Iml .ittiiuml In' tut hoc nniliilhiii fo Imllil up ii pulllli il oikiiiiIi tiou In I'ill-I'ini; .iml li'iiiDiol iml ptninttul I ii Milioiilimlis to niiii'ti' nun liuni ililn In ") i iiic rxc i pi tint llitt were -ii it t'-t il t In' adtn t to this ikv politk il urg.ml'iil' li. Chatter Bepeatedly Violated. Ill" now iliittti liisliuii iipralulk Mul.in.il I'.v Ilio iciiim.il ft nun limn itilif Mi pulllli il rn sins, 'flri' lomot lis Into luui .)utii"-t nit pin tiM Hi Ins .il-o oiiiilltiil the irmot ll nf ) ntiiiilid of nlil miIiIIpii. Inr nllliii I tciM)in ai!Jln"l nit i iiurM mpii t f n tin ii 1 1 It lit Intl. 'Ihi new tlnilu piolillills tlio itmot il liuni i liii fiti ,i Ill icit n i-i'iis iml mill's I lie mini ImMri iii'l. tii'l ml In pilltlf ll nlati lilm turn pulillnl ttniiii' to lis nioifor" Jti-I rfinimto, lilm i i tittitii l'f iml mi clniKH pufintil ll"v tin tie rMtit tlioM pi(ti-l"iH nf llic .itv In ! te fortiillt nti ikttitt iiiimlir n ti iniulii sll ut ami pi rum iho t minion nf llic "-pint - ttl litUr ut (In I itt In i in nnli i ipioiitlnl It Ilio ociit tuo It , I ilio pin in (lie lilllitul tviinllii'i ot Hie I itt . 'I0 tllllf lliniHllIll 1 'lirlC nlli (lluliliK it. ritMuu- "linilti lio 1,'itiii pi link lo uinlriitiiiil tint tlio Inst touiiro rf ntlirc i tlio llitllllll ml ttriiiint i1imIiiii,o ut pulilu. ilut;. 'Hi' d u it li'-lnir till i llnoiuli fjiluio tn in ilit i pnlltii.il riMiltH in thtir pitiinl- IiiiiiM lie leiiiiitnl It I-tin iiilnitiiiii, fifipioutlt ipiiiil in tin' iicti- in i iijipuiUiu' flit .iiliiiiulMi.ilinii, diit a 1 1 1 ti' uuuilici if finlliii iiiiu.tili t.lll t-uou lio mnlo. In i il. r ti putiiil lln- llnro In iiotlilin; for ino In ill Inn I" ltuinto tlio pio-uii icionloi mil ap pcinl .i linn vim ttill not limuto npililo iml I fill It III IllPtl ti l polltll It K'.M.t'.. 1 lie fins ullliunt niiiiil In pulilu il irsult All till-, 'all nlout nn siiimii iionil-iv tint I o.li ill (-uifioil soinlor Jniy i- ilolulrlt i iki I Into no aicinifiit ii Hi.'iiKi iui nt villi m pti-on to iiippnit mc lo' rmliil Milis -iiiilor I tiu tint t Ii- i till" Knmt mo mil i,j lulkti Uin I xtoiilil Inin i i.iiiinu.i) lioti lor jn nffin; tint iluis mil Initiiiie t it tut until l'l-! ll tlio ikin tn liicomi I niitti Salts snutor illlllllllllll lilt nflllill HIS I llol'lllll won I.I lint tilo this tuuiM. Hit I .mi 'tnl'i sun. tint I vnnlil il) i I luti iloiu if 1 pi-i-Miuh Km t tint I voulil fm tin ut mil' iiin Ktmo polun il icioRiuli' u ol nn Uiiiil Mi unti -ill it'-ptet ml H'.piil tin- Ilio iiinllt oi tlio Injli ultiii ttln li I Imlil voulil ctiiilnl mo tn iln it. No one is lcjim-ililt' f i nit it tiou lint iu-i If. fl In Mnri, if .111,1, -lioiiln ui-t vliolly upon nit I toil tint tlnn i-i no ot lit j ooui-o (oi nu tn puisiio in llo tli-tliirr cl tlio ulilnpilii iii vim n tin I itt- pi loi", upi ti nu. I am !tuto ttillnu to alinlc the iouc iurin.(- nf nit otfkul nu, Aoit n -jit i tnillt. Willi nil V Siono. Not Intimidated by Thieats. ! -..iito viiilii- Hie ,1'ioti liltti llmo Ins luui liiiliml loi a poniipi. 't' nil I linn': -1 oiilil Iji iiiilttl. I kit Pliil.uloli Ini j t -Itnliv fi 1 11.111 1-1. IlllC II I'll. 1 toi'llll t. s Higtlul , cst , on ill' ill .mil vo tilLoil in i iitimll v iv ilioul Piltsliinc uiitlti-. I Inltl him il tti. Hit IlltllltlOII 10 litlln'O Itilimlir 1' until nit) site luui loisou-. uKa mil ilit i, ..Iii.t. Hi puinl fl nu mo in ipitiiiL iroi il liuriuii.. Vlmiil ID ii'iln. k h-l uulii 1 tut ml til. il , siinotiltit iMitiil, to i-.it tint lie li i.l sun Mi Itipluv, vim li nl mhI lo luui in -nli-f inrc tint if I niiioiiil Itriuiilii llinttn I voulil lio riiini I pilllli ilit, tint iliiiint; tin 1 i-l lin-lmiio I ie ipiiiilul itto liiiiuiiiil tli'ii-itiil ti tllti- si sunn,; Idlk, Imt tm lilt n inpiuiiiKil t i inn litmdnil iml nttt tlioii.iiul doll ii , t lie h inn tt i- j ml in, lint Ilio pipiis li.id tin- .tort, villi i ii tu ns, ill pripiinl t" I'lililtili Hio i:i jim tit I H" inotnl Iticotiiti Itioitn. 'llkim-ii.i, lirinc pin posilt Miu to nu. I liuni in tli miiil i' l K Ilt. a .1 tlneit. I .nn iritlui io lio iiitliiiuinl In- Iniliis nor liiiiuiiililul In iliu it- 'Hit d uv is ul-o I lim uoMi niritiil .i iliiln mm .inv in i son iiiiiii pnlt. I tli'tf tills i'iii;!' .ml ill utlicr t il o tliiiM. I mi not all il 1 of tlio inpiin tn tin n i in ou-. If lln.t lotilu nun mo 1 vuuld lim liocn iiiiniil Ijii aso. Willi mi soiR Vot. 2, Pull. JOHN SEMPLE ON THE WITNESS STAND He Makes a Geneial Denial of the Charges Against Him Chaiac- ter Witnesses Intioduccd. Il.i I iilusni Win Hum flu Vtinuiiil 1'ie-K. I'lilladcliiliia, Nov, ;!. l.awjer .John 1.. Semple. ol I'.iiiiilcn, N .1,, who Is on tli.il 111 the rnlleil Sliltci dlstiii t unlit in this illy chinned with aldlinr and ahottiliK louulei telti is in Hie miUliiK ol spin ions twenty dollar notes while the latior weie hi piisou, went on llii' witness .stand today ami occu pied most ot the time ot tlio two si s skins of toiiit. He ni.ule a geneial denial of the rhat-ts aaliiM him, suy inis that he bad been cuhiim'iI ns mini-,-il tor Aithiir 'I'liylor ami llaldwiti S. Iliiiloll. llii iiiuviited i oiinlci lelieis ill a icKiihir iininiitt. At the siikucm tiou of Aithiir T.ltllir, lie li.litl lie h,ii made an eltoil lo loam the besl liietli oils o si ttiiiih' n iiiltlKittkiii ol thu sen tellio ot the i lilllltill I'eilel.s. lie ite(l AVIlllnlU IhoiUwnf, III the Xew Jeisey state ptlson, at llic MiKKistlnn nl Tay lor and Hieik'll, mill liainoil liom him that the Kiei niiient allowed lilm to h'n lice tl))ull his SUlleUdel of llic tuiti ons oimlei Icll bond plates. Tayloi, Mi. s.tiiiile said, had told lilm that he ami lllcdell posMsseil $1(1 loilnleitelt plates ami wue ,in.nus to know ll by ilollveiinis- tin m to the government lenient y would be shown b the jihIkm 111 st'llleill lilts' them. Ml. Si'inple said lie tmuedlaUlv in folllKd I lie dlntlit-l llttoiliey o what lie had learned ami lie (,si mpK j siik Besttil to the ptisoneis that liny rjlve up the plates whli h they did Tlio aieusid nitotiiov di inni all linotv I mIko oi the ij) iiiunlctielt notes that weio made In the piisnn cell by Taoi and Ihedell uttor ilia ilO iiuin teileil pl.iics had beili .tiiiienileicd. It linn been teslllk-d to that, emjilo was flveii tloU will) vthldi to Kd 110 one ilotlni notes, on whhli the $X) Inijircs slons '.trie made ul'lei the one iloll.ii lmpilnt had been waslnd off, This Simple ileiilid. salnt,' that thu only money le had icielved fiom the (oiin. lerieltets was in piyment foi his sit. thes as 'ounsiij He admitted having Klven the givat ri part of J.'OO to Mn. Iliedell, imt Djid ho had ittuimd this amount, iiwIhl' to hi flluit to reure elemeltcy for llld clients. The money had been paid to hint, he H.ilil, with the pun'lsi) Hint tlie Mentence of his clieiilp should bo IC'dlleeil. A largo number of wltiieSHcs weie called to testify lo Semple'H ;ood cliar actcr. Ainoiig them vvciu Justices of the New JetHcv eoiliN of t'fioi.s and ap peals, Supi cine loittl, juiIkch of count v courts .nitl piottiinent attotneyti ol Hie New .)cicy bar. CASES HEARD BY THE BOARD OF PARDONS Joseph Boschino Pardoned Applica tion of John Lut?. Befused Be hcariug in John Waltz Case. lit 1 tilinne ttnc from 'iln A-initilcil I'mv, HariNljiiiK. Nov. 21. The buatd of li.irdons today committed to life itn litlsnument (he death ttenteitce of tleoiKC V. Mc'.Muit.'iy of PlUsbum', whose t.iHu has been pending befoie the boaid since Apt 11. A put don was (,'tantod by the Imaid to .losejih Hoschlno, of I.aektiwann.i, servhiK n lilo sentence lor mtttdii Apiilleatloii's lor the commutation of the death sentences of .lohu lait. of Litzeine, and William Allen, ol F.iv ette, weie lciitsed. Ir. Hetio il Velhctil. socrotaiy of the stale ltiiiin ,t commission, who was detailed by the bnaiil to initiiie into Jatlz's mental condition, leporlcd that lie was sane and on the stroiurlh of the lepott the application was lefusod. I'.ndoiis weie icfiwed llobei t 'lir.nl lev, l'l a v lord, uuo'son- betore the t.iet; Dominiek Wnslo. Si huylkill, buisliiv and latceny; I'iatik Kerre Kun. I'le.n Held, lateen'.: I'liillp llnrin.l, Fajette, lelony; Salveilo Abbate. I.iick.iwaniia, second iIckipc tnmder and .Tallies r.illesple. Sihujkill, bttt Kl.ny. A icheailnis- was u'ranted in the case of John Walt, Susquehanna, second degtue murder. The cases of Picdetiik Waltei?. nucks. butglai v. and John Okmt, l'iii lasteiv teccivltiK stolen sooiN, wiie held under advisement. TRIAL OF MRS. BONINE. The Woman Accused of Shooting James Seymour Ayeis Is Un moved by Aiiaignmcnt. tit lAoliwnr Wm fi t in J lie W'iIjIiii Pie Washington, -(n. 21. The tn.tl of Jits. I.ola Ma lionlne, on the ihaine ot killing James Seymour A.vies, Ji was f.ihly laimclieil tod.i.v. The pio limin.ity piesenlation of tlio use on behalf of the gov eminent was made bv Assistant Distiict Attoiney lluKh T. Taps.irt and after he had contliidctl it number of witnesses weie he.inl. Jli. T.iffKaift. Ptatc'ineiit consuniid onlv about an limn and fifteen minutes and consisted tor the most p.u t of .1 ic vlew 01 the 1 licinnstances niuutdeil with the tiasedy. Alt . T.ifc'tr.u I slated the theoi.v ol the piiiseeulion to be that Awes was inuideie'd bv Mis. liunine ami that she K.ilnid admission to Ills' loom in the Kenmoie hotel tlnotiKh the window, leiihincr that bj means of the the escape, lie attcnipled lo show that she was piqued by his ntni attcntlon to her Mis. Honine appaiently was unmoved bj his ic presentations. Once or twice dlliiiif,' the addtess she leaned ovei and spoke to hei alloi nev.s. The wit nesses of Hie d'iv did not thiow any new IikIiI upon l he killing. I'liotogtaplis of Amos' 1 00111 on the day after the tuiRedy onuiied weie adinittid in evidence. Tlie first wit ness who testilled about the events ditectly connected with the death of Ajies vas Daniel Wooahouso, Hie col oieil waiter in the Kenmoie hotel, who discovered the body ol lite iiuum' man. He said that at S.SO 011 the moinlns of Jlay 13 he was aslted bv .Miss Min.ts, who occupied a loom net to Ayies, to go to the hitters loom, she s.i.vhiK that on the night befoie she had heard Mi.iukc noises In the 100111. He Ihst discovered the body by kinklns ihinutdi the keyhole and nfteiw.uil saw il IhiottKli the transom, lie ako told of Klvitif; tlie alarm tinil of the subsequent iu estimation into the trafredj. He said that A vies' body lay upon Hie Hour and was doubled up. Hernia Woodhottso had eoinluilfd the court adioinned lor the tla. ARCHBISHOPS MEET. The Aft'aiis of the Hieiaichy of the Catholic Chinch Discussed at Washington. lit I M llL-Iti Will Until lilt - .1 1'r. W.ishliiKloii, Nov. 21. Tito aithhii ois of the Catholic chilli ll In this uiuil liy be'Kali their auutail mcetlliK" lieie today. The iineiilnn' session oinipled the entile Inieuooii and una held In .Mc.Miihnti hall al the r'atholic uulvci slly. Tlie pioceeillllKS Weie seilcl mid llo Ml.llitllrl'lll WPS ftllell out ntliT the session 1 infill. Tin- nicetlniv, which is the hlKliest iiiumll In the ihunh In the Fulled r-tates, lonsldeied ,1 numbei of quesiions that hate had wide agitation dtuilia the past jcal.aud leviewed yen ei a lb the nll'alis of the hlcraithv. .Matters .iiu-fllnff the wo k of tin c hill oh In the new Insular posgt bStiinn of the L'nitcd Stales and Hit matter ot feduatlou of llic r.itholle soikties Wlliell it hart boon Pl0ifised to elltd, weio discussed, bill Auhbisliop Kcaiie, or Dubuque, mid oihem uiinouiiced llmt there was iinililnsr that could bo made pulillu at this time, leaving the .m noimeemcnt of .ic'tlou on Hieso piopo sitlou.s In an 0flUI.1l sl.iicmeul later on. Tlieic was another meeting ot the auli hlshop.s this altouionii, wlien the Mains of the Knichts of I't'llliilbus tus biuusht up foi sonslder ition. This Is the org.iuluiiou whoso ititeulU Hon ,y Klshop Jautsseii, ot Illinois, on tliti basis that It vvaa a hetict soi lety and should not leiche lite apptovnl of iho iliiaih, ciciiti'd wldu attiutlou, and was Dually appealed to r'.udlnal alaitlneill. iho papil deleKHto, lhoitf,h .o fin wlllioui tlecUtou. BEBTHOLr ARRESTED AS "OBEEN GOODS" MAN. Manager of Western Union Company Held on a Serious Charge. fly Kvilii'lic Wire from Tito Avoilitid I'rcn New YotU,,Nov. 21 John ll. Herthulf, m milder of the Haslet 11 division ot the We.spru I'nlou TeleKraplt (ompany In .lei cry I'lty, N. J., was artestcd today on the i'Iiiiiki that he has been tatry Inir on ti "hi con rooiIh" bitslnes The 1 iiniplalnt was made by Chief of Poller .Murphy. Tlio police have in their pos session s'ov'eml elroularn sent to the south and west, and claim they can show that the teloKtnphle icpllcs of pioupedlve vletlms went dltecl to lieithotf. Iii nu Kerslt'iw, a tt'leRiaph opciator, who Iransniltted some of the teleKraniH alle'Kutl lo luivo been leeelved by licit holf and f-'itvo the police a statement iiKiilnst hint, was also arrested on a ehtirire similar to that piefcued agninst the niaiiiiuer. Hall was fixed at $1,OUO in each cne. mmiinleyIvionument association meets At the Office of Senator Hanna a Statement Is Issued A Letter fiom Secietary Gage. It I'vrl imie W'uc from Th Afsoenlcd Prsss. Cleveland, Nov. 21. The ect utive comiuitteu of the JIcKltiley National .Monument assoi l.itlon, alter a lengthy session tod. iv at the olllce of Senator Ifainia, issued the following statement: "At it "lootlnir of the executive com mittee or the JK'Klnloy National .Me niDilal association, held in Cleveland today. Iho seetetaiy, Mr. Ilyeison Itltchle, submitted lepotls liom many states of the Union, showing Kiatlfv ItiK piomt'ss and that the appeal to the peoplu to provide funds lor a mcnioiial at Canton is lneelinpr with very Keneial and heaity i espouse. A plan for Inline woil; was outlined, and the same will be pushed vlowiis!y to completion. Hepmls Hielvcd Indicate that auxllliirj oiKaiiiations liive illicitly been pei lected In neatly all slates of the Union. "The cMiiession ot sentiment f 10111 iveiy quaiter of the country indkates that the peojile ile.iire to make the I'lec tlon ot .1 liioiiiinient tit the home of I'lesldt'iu .McIClnlcy their Ihst duty, as it is well known that ho often epiessed to his family and liiends his desire to be bulled at Canton, vt here ahc.idy 10-po-e the lemaiii'- ot hts children, and vtl.ue his behind vtite will lest whn she has den.titid this lite. In detei- ence lo tills sentiment, as well ns lo the puipilety of the occasion, as evi denced m the monuments piovlded for the lament".! Lincoln ali'l Oarlleld, it vt III be the pm pose of the association to cany foi vv aid the vvoik of pioi Idlng for such a nicnioi lal at his home. Should 11101 e funds be subset ihed than ate neeessatv lor the putposo of elect ing 1 memorial compatible with the dlKnit.v and simplicity i I the late ptesi dent's life and e'e taetei, tint, stnplus will be devoted 10 .1 v..lioiial meiuoiial at Washington "A lettei liom Set let.uy (.i.ikc, tie.is ui or of the Wiishiiigton Aicli assoela tlon. to Sin.itor II. inn. 1 was laid befoie the committee, but the" questions in- oh id In the nnnuunlcatiuu weie 10 fetrpil to Hie lui.iid of luistees at their mei'tlius- to be laid al Washington, De 1 ember 7, win 11 it is hoped tli.it any possible illliitences m.11 be adjusted. It was the sentiment ol the menibcis ot the lonimittte picsenl thai piovN iott for a suitable 111e11101l.il at Canton was the fitsl dut to be peilormed. "This pm pose Is believed to be in ac ciiidaitio with the wishes ot the family and near peisonal liiends 01 the piesl dent. A leply to Secietary Gage's let ter, einbi)ding the above sentiments-, was loi winded to him." Those In attendance at the meeting weio: Hon. William It. D.iv, Senator M A. 11. lima, Colonel .Myiou T. ller ikK. c.eneial 11. JI. Diitlleld, AVilllam MeConway and r.yeison Kltehle. THIBTY THOUSAND LETTEBS ABE BUBNED. Iu the Santa To Wreck Entire Mail of Both Tiaius Is Consumed. 11 1. vi Unit 1' Wiro fiom "Hit V.sicialed Piess. I.11- Vni'li. al , Vi. 'Jl In iho ili.i.tinii t ink tint I'litiiltil .tistiii'it mi the si,,!, pe in .1 luo tttdk-, tin tiitiio mill uiikd In li tli ti.ilii- ui litiinnl. At li i-l .n.uoi) It Hi I.-, liinli'il In tilts 1 llj foi tlio list vi 10 iliiHiotril .No ni.tiinl mill l lust ami limn 1, i.t.iii.l Oil I'll' limltiil 11 tin. (11 Iho ililttiili tlilitn, ti Mir- iliMiKi til.ni I 1 t'10 li.ispiul all ttlll piolulih in out nitli tlio 'otnption nf It It. Ilisjliw, loinluiioi ut li.iili .Nu, ... ttln) tt ii ii.iillj m ilik I, PHILADELPHIA'S POSTMASTER. Clayton McMichael Will Succeed Mr. Hicks iu Januaiy. lit t viliitor Who tiom llie iatn lateil l'iei W islnri.'tiiii, Noi, .'I - II vis iiilnlillt an r.. miu . it ,a iln- vlilto Iniiw tdn tliu 1 jtloii iliMiilncI ttlll bo up nliift'il po-iini.t rat pn iiltlplni, iiiioii Iho . spir it inn if tie teuii of iln prtii lit Ilit milium, I'osl iiLisui lllil.s, in it IlllUl.t Ml'. Ml Mil tin 1 V.iS ill), 1, ii f l,;, (I,,. I'lIlU-lltllllll rlllltniK. Poslllllslll l.lllll.ll Slllllll an) Hi pulilli .111 nl I'liilulilplili iriiii'iallt, ttilh 111 111..111I to u Hon lit al-n l.nl lim iml, in; ol iln uiiIuii nun oi I'lilliklplu MBS. BOOSEVELT MEETS THE GIBLS' TBIENDLY SOCIETY. lit I viln'itr Wiro fiomllit' Avoiutcd pieft W i-liln.toli. Not. Jl Mil. (loo. up 1 iln a. .iitut nti til liundtt'l niiiiilirr- oi iir i.hU' I ili mil 1 Mt ti "'' I'lu-'opjl I nit . li. ttlilt ii Is linitliiU in tin. ul.t, l'l. Hiopiioii iuj pm.i In the Him in.ilor. Wiecked by Natmnl Gas. Ry Lxcluiiic Wik fiom 'Hi' AiioiUtrd 1'ieti M 1,111. 0, Vol 1 ll. iiali'.nri nf 11, A (iiirvil Mai uriiltsl lodj l.t an etid'iinii it 1n111r.1I rj. .Mi. llniilt var Icinlilf liiri'iil jiit) lin wifo, ttlm t .11 Ilk iu lull, tt.i.- tlutn'ii iuiimi tin wall it ill tii 11 fiito Uui sic ttlll iwl.iU iln. Lynch Defeats Plunkett. lit l.tli$liti Wirodaiti he i.0cl.1tcd Pus.. Duliliii, Not. "I. Iln ilnlion Ifnlit in 1 U, p.i 1 . li.iitiintJi.t I'ltiltvl in (.ilttjt Pilvteii (oluil Ull.1.1 I tilth, vv I ." ion;iil as a niloucl in Iho Dm l" unit, Jill IIjijio Pluiiluli, 1 iilonl.l, it. aiiltnj 111 1 vktorj. lit tti' sillottin; iljinn: I; nili, i.i;;i riuuUlt, 1 7 J. THE STRIKES IN FRANCE Situation in Mlninu Centers Again Seems to flnoroacli a Glimnx. MANY OBJECT TO STRIKE The Vote Upon the Matter Shows Thnt a Largo Percentage of the Miners Do Not Wish to Go Out. The Fedeiation Lenders Therefoie Postpone Action Indications Go to Show That the Strike, Even If Declared, Is Doomed to Failure. Ily Kxclushe Wire from Tic Vfaocmli'il Pros'. Hails, Nov. 21. The situation in the mining centets of Franco Is tiKalu ttp ptoac'hluqr tt climax. Tlie next day or two will see a definite decision upon the (luestlou of a K'-neial sll Ike The icstill ot the lecent lefeietidutn which, while It K.ivc .1 luajorlty'in favor ot the actual number who voted, actually In dicated that a vety considerable num ber of the mlneis weie either opposed to a strike or not enthusiastic, impelled the fedeiation olllcluls to put off a sttilto declaration on the plea that it was advisable to await tlie decisions of tliu conmiisslon of the chamber of dep uties engaged in sti!dlns the demands of the mineis. It now appeals unlikely that the com mission will satisfy these demands, and the estteme paitisans aio eudeavorins to lot cu the hand of the lederatlon ofll cl.ils In favor of a stiike. Aheady a partial stiike has bioktn out in .1 coal Held in the depat Uncut of the Noul, vtheie it general mietinf? of nilnet.s voted .esteiduy in favor ol a sttike and sent a dispatch lo 31. C'otto, secietary of the lederatlon, calling upon him to delate a stiike immedi ately. il. Cotte the lines to assume the ic .spouslblllty and announces the holding of a lltuil consultation of delegates of the various mining centers and the publication of their dei Isioti in the torn se of a day or so. In thu meantime the 1 ommittee of the impoitant X'as de Calais distiict has published a manifesto against the dee laiation ol n stiike until a commission of the chamber of deputies shall have lontludeil its lnbois: and a .-Imlkir teeling is evinced in other distiicts, Doomed to Pailme. linlit .itions. theietote. go in simtt that the sttike. even it tlecl.ued, vtiil be only piiil.il and not geneial, and that ll is doomed hi advance to tailtne. The Helgian and Kiitish nihieis, who have In en consulted, have letnsed to consent to iodine the output, although they have piomlsed to give linancl.il aid. Couseiitieiitlv, the opponents ol the stiike piediit that the oh led of the Ki pm It stiiltel.s will be dofcatetl by the invasion ot loicign coal, including Amerlt an. The situation at pieseat is lliat 1,300 out of the 11,000 mineis iu the depatt nipnt of the Xonl have sll nek, and that about one thousand have gone on sli Ike in tlie adjacent pits ol the Has de Calais disttid. The movement is spieading in the depai tmeni of the Notd, and It is asset ted Hut all the Illinois theie will (case woik tonioiiow. Thus far complete ouler pi ev ails, but an imposing foue ol gendaime.-, in tantiy and cavahv has been billeted in eveiy coal Ileal to cope with an dis 01 dor. MRS. DALE ARRAIGNED. The Chicago Woman Paints When Charged With the Murder of Her Pive-Yeni-Old Child. J)y l'u luit 0 Who iiom 'llto , .n n,. il Pu. . New Vers, Xov. 21. Mm. l.'liabeth Dale, ot Chicago, who was anested last night in llobnkeii accusc'il ol I he lniuiler of her llvc-year-old ilaughtei Ihumeliuc, was air.iigned today iu Hu boken befoie Hoc 01 tier .Stanton. Mis, Dane was accompanied by her lawyers, Httss .mil noppenheliner. i'olicn Cap tain HUM'S who iiii'senteil the ih.itge against her asked that the examina tion be adjourned pending the lesttll of an autopsy to bo made bv County Physician Couvvise, The adjoin niiient was gtauletl, and on reeoiunienilutlou ot her phjsle'iatis llie ptlsoner was sunt to Ht. Jlaiv's hospital, wheie she will be guarded until she is again called lulu comt. I'lboll Wnlk'f, who was Mis. Dale's companion when site tu lived In Ho boken, itiently, and who was ui tested yesteulay oil the ih.ugo of Illicitly liv ing with hei. was also aiialgned In 1 onil and oideied committed to pi hop in default ot $101)0 ball. Mis. Dale, pal" and hag.raid. was led by two 1 mil l olllceiti Into coiul .she was visibly nervous, la r immtli twitched and nlie chili lied the aim ol her 1 hair with a vlie-llUe gtlp hliu Is of Hid blonde typo, rathet good lookhlR. bill tipptuis 11 lew e.u oliler Hum "I. tle age she gave Hie won) a tailor made Milt. she Is slight ot smtuie niul ltf small tiguitt tioiubled vlolintly ,m the rleik lead the giavo ehaiffe iu?alnt her. When she lie.iul the won! minder, hoi head fell back and site hitched the aim of hei lawyer, who occupied a st at next her. hhe called out faiuily that she was 111. She asked lh.it a phjsician be unit tor and then minted. Hhc was lnvlved alter a nilnutu or two and was able then to answei the few toiinal ijuestlons ltgurdlng hei liatlvltj, age and name. Alter Mis, D.tlo It. id betil led fiom the lOlllt to Iho detectives' loom she Mild to a dtilci live. "I know 1 am ihaiged wlih imitdcr nud I will go auywheic with you. I don't cine, but 1 waul to sec my child. Take 1 tie to my tlead child." Tlie detective quieted her anil lalrr on hc sent it telegiatn to her husband hi Chicago. It wiiii clearly vwltteu In u steady hand and i cad: "Hurley, come on. This Is honlblo UeaUnent you ate giving me." The tnetsagu was taken to the tele ginph olllce by one of the detectives. Lillet Mis. Hale was taken to Ht. .Mary's hospital. Waller when aiialgned. said hltt home was iu ltotteulain. Holland, and he had no ft lends In this country. County I'hvslchin Converse has not sol a date for the autopsy on thu body of the child, but iho colonel's Jury I1113 been Impanelled. KLONDIKE CONSPIBACY YABN CONFIBMED. The Seattle Times Corvoboiates the Story of Bevolutlon. Dy IVIuilte Whc from I he Usoctulod Pros'. Heattle. Wash.. Nov. 21. The Times this alteinoon ptlnts a stot.v conlhmlng in every detail the storv of the con splincv on tlie natt ot certain mlneis to attempt the overtlnow of Canadian fiutlioiltv in the Klondike, as published in iho San J'l.inclsco Call last Satur day. The Times' claims lo have in its pos session document s and seals of the "Ouler of llie Jlldnlghl Sun," the seeiet society, which was organized for the sole pm pose of accomplishing the over tlnow of the Canudian tide In the gold Holds. ATHENIANS OBJECT TO MODERN GREEK GOSPELS Twenty Thousand Peisons Assem ble at Euins of the Temple of Jupiter Olympus. By Kveliisitc Wire from Tho Associatcil Prjis. Athens, Xov. Jl. The agitation against the proposal lo tianskite the gospels into model n tlieek was con tinued todny and iesttlted in seiioits bloodshed. Twenty thousand peisons assembled .11 mind the ml us of the temple Jupiter Olympus and took patt in a demonsliation oiganUed by the students. Ulght hundred maiines wen: landed and o-opei.iled with the troops in patt oiling the locality. Dining the demonstration! following the assemblage sevetal shots weie (lied at M. Theotkls. the Cheek piem iei. but without eftcct. In the etieountets between the mill taiy and the ttubulenl demonstialois, seven iieisons weie killed, llihty weie sevciely anil lii.inv otheis weio slight ly wounded. Ill eat uvcitement pi ev ails toniglU Sttoug niillt.uy det.if hni"iits guild the palace and the icsldi nee of the inctnler. Hvciywhete anlons gtouiis aie dis cussing the situation. Heal ti ending scenes occiured when the bodies 01 the dead weie handed ovei to tholi lelativi s. It is lumoteil that aimed men have ai lived at the unlveisltv. but the build ing is still g.i.udid by the students, who 1110 adiipling lnilil.uy dlsciiiline. Opposition deputies p.u.nlt'd the stteets dining the day, exciting the tioteis by violent language. Thctc wcte no tin the! distill bailees tint lug the evening, but II is fe.neil that theie vtiil be a teliew.il of illsoid-'.' to nioiiow. Among those slightly injtned ate the pietetl of police ol Athens and the pte li'cl ol Attica. TELLDBIDE VICTIMS NUMBEB TWENTY-NINE. Besides the Twenty-two Bodies Taken Out, Seven Moie Have Been Located. lit I'vclttsivi' W III iioiiiTlu V oil licit Pit -s. T. Ilui nlc. Col , l), Jl. Iho 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 (A tittuin o( tlio tcriililo uiiiil' iludtti r in smugli r-l n' 11 mini' vntdtla Is iiotf knottn tu lio jt loitt tvcutt'iiiK, villi .1 consult 1 alilo poitlon of tie miiio tt uiiivilniiil, lii-liks tlio titfiip tttii lwilin I1k.11 out .mil i.loulillcil K,t iilKlit, s"tm ttiio lotitiil tins .iltiiiiion 111 tlio mrtli ml ! tlio lilntli lotil, lint tlio i;is Is ttlll ton stun; lo puiult Iho ii -runs to n.ioli llirni jiul tilth ulni titj 1 is jet 11 iknnttn. s.tiul iiumlicis of t)r m inlilin; pirlt tviio miiiomi in tholi itruiti io bllll Olll tin llOlliCS tills I it ttlll, It iroliililf ttlll ho -it ill limit- In lore tiny cm In. 10. 1 Iml 01 ,mt fin I li. r ovinrjl.(iis will V 111 nit' Wedding Tollows Miuisteiial Call. lb i:ilmltf W'iiu fiom fho Assoilatnl Pro" Piti.liiin.', N u. -I Hot Utti'ii itollil Ins hem II ill-It in il Horn I'lil-lnni' iililiiinii In iho I iclitli liiimi' Jlcllioili-t 1'piiiopd cmiiili. Oik luui, ( il. 'I lit i.m vpitl.il o.ill to his intlto M itt liisliinil the nuliliii!,' 11 tlio iitiicnil ',ni tlinnii ami I01I11 ho vis iiiiuiril ti II-s ltilii 1). Mllkr it lior ho in In IVn I lilt, l'l The uiiiplo ttlll -piii.l 1 im ilit- 111 Wj-hiiulon, I). U , .ilk it ttliii li lb ll'iltilvill li istt 11 In In. 'lew chllLi. Santiago Inglesias Beleased. lit I'viliitivu ulro (uui Iho Ai.uii.itul Pass. -Ill lllllli I'oilo lllro, .Not 'Jt. 'llltilM In.lo. mj', tin ,ik'tnt ut tin) Ann 1 1' in lulnithu ot 1 ilior, t.iin us .tin. ti.l Inn .tliiuit .1 toitiiU'l.t ,i,.ii on ,1 1 Inn," 'f iDiuplliii.t. (us linn uli'i.oil III I'M hill, 'HlO lull Vis flllllMltl lif s,niu, 1 tioitipns, pit'liliitt 1 tl 1 Viik rii .111 iVtliulloii of lilm b'lt-la. Mill I't tilul P t. Steamship Anivals, lb I iiliisitc W lio from 'I lit UiOlIiKiI I'icv. N.tt Viilk, Vot, Jl. ilhitli i.'ciuiiiiii, l,if. . ip.x I. silkil: I 1 ilnuKii' liJt n . linn: silliil, l.i Mi. ii, Nutv oil. I In tlioiu -Miliil; Itiiiipriu? Willii'liu uiiiil llniiitii .iml s. iiiluiiiii in), Nttt V'ln I'm. n-tittn -snliil! Miji-ili (nun l.uiiii'iol), Nii ". I! iiinlaiii SulllJ I'.lsilllil, Nctt 111 Hangins ot the Biddies, fit I viltisltf WIrr fiuu Iln- VscmUtiil I'n'.i lunM,ur-, Not JI,--fJoviii,( ,t mc u- fivfil iho 1 1 uio t jI luo Inn. in? 01 John IllOtllt, in I'iii. liiiiL, tu fiifi'ln I in. II, 11 'I tu il" lur;!i(, (( lilt Im Iln r, IMt...il, mi lliuti'ljt, Jjii o DEATHS Or A DAY. tl; I vtlmlto Win (1 um llic Aisuflatfi I'lfii Phil ul. Iphh, Not Jl, J"",1 ' ll. I" i' ih lit ol Ilit I'hll nil I'lhl 1 lio nil if iiliiuili n iml mo . I lit Kjilin.' I itt tilt al ilio P illjiklplilj Ini, tl ii it tnht .a lil liouii lino Mm 1 ahoil lllu . Ik' tt is .' ti 111 hi 1.0 niul vj lim 11 In I'm.lnirt. lit vis mjiIujIhI pom IMmiinn ol Itv." villi tli tl.',' nl Is.!, iml noul ),. 1 nitir lt,t ( Piuie.tltJiiU litY uligol in p-iis, Mr. llney fiivt'l a .Uuil Hint' 111 lie uity duiln; llic Civil ji TRAINS MOVE AT PANAMA Consul General Gudaer Gables That Everything la Quiet. GOVERNMENT ERECTS FORTIFICATIONS Brenstwoiks Built in the Vicinity of the Ballroad Ptoperty lo Guaid Against Attack fiom the Libeials. Consul aitdBer and Captain Perry, of tho Battleship Iowa, in Consul tation Paris Agitated by the Landing; of Ameilcaii Marines atl Colon. n Ilvckmtf Wir from Tlio Asicthtcil PrcM. Washington, Nov. 21. Tho following cablegiam was iccelved al the statu department today from Consul Genet nt f'udger, dated I'.tnaiua: "Kveiy thing iiuiet. Communication icstoied and (rains moving uumole'tft ed." Colon, Columbia, Xov. 21. The gov ernment at Panama Is still busy erect ing bt eastw oiks in the vicinity of the railway pioperty, iu Hi" direction of which Iho l.iheial attack is expected. The mayor of Panama stai ted in a, launch belonging lo the canal com pany jesterdav morning to report the state of aitahs to Geneial Alban. Since the may 01 "s return to Panama il has been ruinoied thai he found the geneial at C'horieiii, and that he de cided to take his forces back to Pan ama by land and rclufoiee the gaitlson theie. Ceitain souices of Information have It that the canal company's lin gest launch was loaned to the govern ment last Sunday to convey Geneial Alban and Hoops toward Choi 1 era .and that il was sunk on Tuesday near T.iboga. The politiial ptisoneis at Panama have been lemoved ft 0111 their usual piison to a s.iter place of lonlinemcnt at the fut then end of Panama. United States Consul General Giul ger, Captain Peity, of the United States battleship Iowa and the sceie taiies of the government held a con ferenie .it Panama yestetday. The latter claimed that the coiuluctois or the trains should not have allowed at med klber.ils lo embark on the tiaiii at T-as Cascades. Captain Peny replied that the government should ptotect Hoe tuinsit on the isthmus and ought to have pi evented the embatk.i tlon of the llbei.ils. Subsequently a lettei vas sent to the Colombian nu thoiities by the Ameiliau ofhcidN with leteienee to latino action. 11 I" not Impiob.iblo that Hie Iowa will shoitly laud a foioe to pioteel transit. Palis Agitated, l'.nis, Xov. 21. Consiileiablc atten tion Is being paid heio to the lauding' 01 the foi re of Ameilcaii 111.11 hies at Colon, p.utluil.iily in view ot Hecn taiy Hay's itcent speeth. The l'atti" publishes nn alleged telegiani liom New Yotk aiinoutieilig that the I'teneli fonsnl at Colon has vigoioit.slv in oti sl ed against the Ameiic.in action and that he has cabled to his government for insliin tions. Inquiries made In olllclnl (iicles lieie elicit llie fact Hint nothing is know 11 theie of such a pio test. The news is disciedlled and it i pointed oul that the United Htatcs W pet redly within her tte.ity lights. Fiance has no ground for igiiit'IainLs and does not intend to Inteileie est opt in the event of her own Inteiests bcius impel iletl by thu 1 evolution. Libeial Appointments. Colon, Colombia, Nov. 21. The lol lowing provisional appointments wet a made by the I.lheuils today: Senor Ksprellia to bo ptefci I: Dr. V.tlvoide. to be ma.vot: Dr. Kiatito, lo be postniaster. and Senor Sllvela, to be raptaiti of tho port. Oilier minor appointments wcte also illled. The ttcisury sale was opened thi at Lei noon iu the piesenoo of witness. It was toiiud to contain I.UMI Coloni biau doll.us, equivalent to il.'O gold. The foi mer postninstcr also hnnded over to the Hibetals Hie cash nud Iln pontage stamp.'- in his possession. Tin nnmiilpal otllces in that go of Hlhet.iU will piob.iblv be npt'iied tonioiiow. NO PBOSPECT FOB THE BELEASE OF MISS STONE. Mr. Dickinson Will Leavo for Con stantinople Today or Saturday. It) i:iln-ItL' Win turn U" r.i lured I'm , Kill, Nit. Jl Mi. Iilti.ilison, llic illpliuin I atnl liom 11 llie I mini sims will louie I'lllij 01 Mtuiilit ol llili tiLil. tir l oiistiiilinoplt. 'Il.ili Is (ilitirii'l) tin pn-pnt el I mtlloiu ill villi Miss S(llu', .iliiliictois. Hit ilipiiiuri . Vli. piildii'tin till! pii.lutily luti .1 U'oil iiio 1 iiioii lim IniKumli ttln lute Uin, s,,n IM tbe 1 .o-i ion, is tliov uui tut t" I "o ttrrttliiu tit' nut utiillntr Hi pliMnsoiiV piopii,als. Ciulser Buffalo Safe, lit Cvrlii'liP Wiie turn flu' Amoi lattil Piu' W.ialumlili, Vot Jl. Hu- not ilipiitnirnt tin locolinl a It It 1 am jtintnimiiii; die auitil ul tli nulscr llutlil u sin luui. tiii'itltialilu aiivli'i.i In.) In on tilt twi Uio siiit.f 01 tins totsil, ottlii, Iv the ri'wil Hut fhf Iml Imn t.iccl.t'il. YESTERDAY'S WEATIIEH. luui ilit 1 I.. Xntnuliti Jl, 100M lliijhot tinipiutiiio ., 41 iKilif. l.mt.vl trinporattno ...in... .......... 21 doRic.' Ili'latitf llunilill!! s .1, 111. , ,,". "M. V?r tent s p. 11 tJ per cvut, I'niipii.itiuii, 31 iiouia t'liilcil S t. in., none, 4 -i 4- WEATHER FORECAST. 4 Wadiinslili, Nov. 'Jl. I'orci 1st f. 1 ) tit 1 4 cm 1'tiiii.jItJiiU: l'ulrlilili. Miimlit 4- limiafliv- iluinliiH.s, pioluhl) tain, dish i si norlli it iaal uin If, -i ,t 1 1 1 1 f..t i ,t .t 1 1 .t.t.l ti r 1 l. Is 1 . 4