WMS!w?ePj8,?P 1 Tj,i -; t- vtrrrv v '-..A.lf M3T,-i X"yMSjs7 .1 ws SM.Jti''; Sty &jf ':&'! H a J ' "j & A ' -? .., -f. . , tW' ,-1 I,J . ' : i THE SORANTOlvr TRIBUNE-THUKSDAV, iNOVEMBER 21, 100. ,1 .a fcJ'P''ii'RU'VWv'f wS!fJ t J' .y i i t i wwla r almost tine, .mil nil liata wwn to she. lliilik. We lute- Inr unit p.ttriui.iite, ani o Iniio jcu li.it l1 .r Him money w mi I ho tllltllM J'oll .lt r li'iinrla lit If. We nk jott to loot, utei om sloit, I.rfoio vmi make iiun.li.uvi uf Pictures, Picture Frames, for holiday trade, Paints, Wall Paper! etc. ni tic me you Mi" luldillfiiMii'-! imill. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 WASHINGTON AVENUE. City Notes. J M'lli:i;l.li:X,S M MA!.,-Tin- '.r.cn lli.ljti' Wlieolinui ttill site tin; seioni of ,i wilm el Inforinil ("X i.ils tup tln im nidi if uti'l llieir l.nl.v frltmJ-, at tlirh chili lwu.se till, I'Vinlii'.'. :. K. ( i.aiiki: i:.aiim:d.- (i. n. i.nke, -iio t!,ni-t, tiliu tt.ii ii'iriilly inljiulaeil .1 l.u:l,tupt. va i.v.iniliicil ill tln oil!-1' of liefi'ice in It I'll.' niilr.v Vim Wi.inxr ilt iil.e- liy Tiusli-r W. II. lrMii, ji. Ill tv.is lepn-eiili'il In- Minnie,' i). II. l'.nliiiljo. MAlll!li:i) AT 'THi:illt.U,.-'llieii.i- I'. Il.nif smu and Ml-s llifilirit Miller tveie niinieil ti terday ;il In i.ociii lii M. l'elei's i.itlieilial I y l!ev. .r.illi.T Oil.trne. TK iitMe u.is .ill(ii'l."l 'i.e JIi-,1 Annie .Wlllci, tvln'.c I'.itrul; ll,il;il;i lll.lcir.14 i.'IU"IIIMII.III, niT.HA fAllMVAl, I!I:II1:AI:SAI.. -A v ill ll'lllMlr.ll ttill lu lll'M limlflit III s o'elneL In (iueime.e lull. All pu-ons luting .1 enpy op mpir.s of any r( the scii-t of the ,,ki.i ;n, reiiupKlcil to irttitn thrill ttiii-jlit. Kvcrf ii'iin- Im'P Hi Mil' opcl.l l.1l!lit. ll pll'.l.-" I'Mll" llVi.iml (j niii.i' n i'tilcuii'iit foi tli-lii-'s mlii. A hoi turkey simper will Ikj mitvoiI n tliu I'pnii Avenue linntiMl. I'huri'li lailop.--, Tliut'Hdiiy, NovrinlMT li't. fi to 0 o'clock. Tim niemi will iiii'luilo ituffurl turkey, innshcd potatoes, crau jcrry sauce.', cabluini; siilnd, celery, nvnil and rolls, ooffce, cake and cream. Supper, ." cents. PAINTING CITY HALL. Work Begun Yesterday by Contrac tor P. J, Johnson. A force of pa inters, under V. J. Johnson, bewail Hie work of repaint ing the entire oily hull yesterday ind will be occupied fop Ihe next month In linishilit; the wink. Kvu-y otliee in the building- and the hallways and eouneil chambers are tn be painted. Peter K. llolton has been uppoiutcd inf-pcetop of tin- work by Diredop of Viiblie Works Koeho and will be on hand at all limes to m.c Hum tlio spccillcatious are belns com Idied with. - ALLEGED RIOTERS ARRESTED. rhomns Connor and Attdrew Heft'ron Held in Bail. Thomas Connor, of Luzerne street. fiiio is accused of having participated in the attack on the Lucerne street car mi Sunday, November 10, was held in SMO bail by Magistrate Howe yester day. He is also charged with having threatened the' "import" conductor of the car, William Creedon. Andrew Hcl'fron, mint her of the men alleged to have assisted ill tho attack, was arrested last night and held In SISii'i bail by Magistrate .Millar. , CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. (Over Eighty Applicants for Places as Carriers and Clerks. The local civil service board consi.-.t-inj? of Louis U. Stimuli:, W. I). Rociio and David H. Jenkins yesterday con ducted an examination for carriers and derks In the federal building. So numerous were Hie applicants that it was found necessary to exam ine only half yesterday, ami to con duct another examination today. Thirty-eight applicants took the carrier's examination and tour the clerk's, yes terday. As many more v. ill be exam ined today between the hours ot li a, in. and 2 p. m. iii m - MYEBS WAS TOUCHY. He Wouldn't Stand for Being Called a Thief. James Ooodwln, who was yesterday llscharged from Hit; Lackawanna hos pital, was arrested at the instance of Orderly Myers, of that institution, who charged him with disorderly coiulucl, .Myers nllwil that Goodwin accused hlin of stealing' wines and Honor from tho hospital, and that he created it dis turbance in tlio hospital when he (Myers) denied the charge. Alderman Hudity declared the evhlenco offered lo bo too slight, and discharged Uoodwin. Tho popular Punch cigar la still th leader of tho 10c cigars. i'f -H-f -f -f f t i 4- -f -f -f f f -f t f f BOND OFFERINGS. Spring Brook Wnter,lst Mtg,5s Lacka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st Mtg. 5s. North Jersey and Pocono Moun tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg, Qs, Standard Gas Co., 1st Mtg. Ds. Lehighton Water Supply Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s. New Mexico Railway and Coal rir, lol TJTirr R f - X X T X Dcsciijju and price ou nppll. I cation. X 4- iv; PrvailttJ.v, X V. y - Wllkiadliiiu. CjilomUlo. - 4-Sli CvunnQiiticjllh llUi', i'.iantuu, 1'j. f f BLAMES THE PARENTS. Mngigtvato Mlllnf Snys Some EiH coiirngc Children to Violence. lluiiy ttnskcllVt Sliinluy "Wulklnp, Wltllnin l'lihvuulf" nml cJnorju Wll llaiii!, 1'oui' imuill IhiJh, fluirRi'tl villi Htanlni; a r:iHU'oltj cut' lut yuntl.iy ii ml liii.'itltliur nevornl windows, wulo amilsncit liefort! Mns!itfntG Millar yt'Hlorday for a liMClng. Tlmy wcjro roiirofl'jiiti'cl liy ttorno.vii Cliirt'iRt' Ilalonllni und IJ. J. Itei'dVi wliltn tlio iiroscuiilui't Hpcolal Agont Uyt'i', of tlio Hrriinton ltullway 10111 Intny. wast ivpivsimtod liy Attornny f, V. O'Mnlle.v. 'I'ln; innslHtrnlo (Itf rhnitrpil tin. Wlllliiiiiit and TMwnnl'i lioyti bufaus'i' of tlu'lr age. one bi'inrr' " anil tln otlici' 7 yoafrt olil, lint held tlio ntlicp ttvti ludH under WOO eudi top Uiclr iinciittrntiL't! at roitrl, "It Im a Hhanii'," said Uiq inugl.M Irali) to a 'IVIbunc mini, "thai lmventH don't iiiali'c H(iint plfiirt to prcvi'iit tli'-'lr I'lilldrcn from violating tlio law In tltlH iiianncr. Tlio inosl tir tlicm Mtand iiiiHHlvvly by and inalio no i'f- lOPl tO C'llllHtl.Mr! Mtonu the- fiilH, 'j von cui'iitiraKi! It'iicp, Honiu uf ladM wlui were thi'lp chlldirn If tlipy wlillis soino tif thoni tlii-ni to aids ni' vlo tlic pat'ontH uC llipsc In I'nui't today pciiini'd to tlilnlc thai tin- wtuitc tlilnw wn a blf,' Joko and tliat wlillo II wn winna ! to stone a piTnon'M lnnm ( Is pop. ; 1'oi-lly IPKlllninlo lo stone it sti-rot cap. ! ir .. uiitii-.t. I.. .... .l i.ioni. ir nil. "II cci'talnly doco not Mpnak wot I fop tliolp lutidllsoiipc op kooiI clllzonshlp to iimlntiiln siicli an ntlltmlo." Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION. Programme That Will Be Observed on Friday, Saturday and Sun day at Plttston. Th llflh annual convention of the YomiK Glen's Christian Association of the Fifth Pennsylvania district will be held at I'lltslon on Nov. 'SI, L'.'! and Ll. This district comprises all associations in Hie counties of ISradford. Susiue hiiimn. Wayne. .Sullivan. Wyoming. I.ackawaniia, Pike, north half of I.u zerni! und .Monroe. Following is the programme: i'iiiiiav, .vov. :.-. ix auii.vi;ox nu,. ."ei)p. in. Sims Mriiio, ioIhIiiiIimI l,y ,1. I). -Main, Siuntoii. ;;.!." p. in. luireilui'l ion ami orsani.ali.jii. :i. iluoliil liy (. K. llloiu.ili, il!-.(B-1 1)1 ic. ii.:ii. in. Tin- Ki-ynotf of tlio t'untintii.n. S. W. HiiU.-on, llci'.viil.. 4.00 p. ni. IIiIjIi. umiIiiii;: pla.trl Itof. CIro. V. I'liic, I'l.tnioitfli. .."Olol'.yi p. in.- In V,il 1'ilUlon Pio-lit'rr. ' i.m cliiiic'ii. IAi'Iii clioi'l, Mfiiis ' William, ilKi'vl:,un, pioiilin.-. M'liS M-ltlie, Cl'l.'JI'.tll'il in- .1, p. Main. .iMh".. "IMiic.ilinn.il rmcr." !y loo. it. Ilo'lirc, N,nt- oil, city. A. Mi,-.,.. I.y inniloi.. lifi. I. J. I..in-iii; bATfllDAV, M)V. rx A-M,l lATiON 1IAI.I,. fl.'M'l. lll.--S.lin- M-lviir I. p. J,il '.M.'.ii. in. Ililile Mult l.'tv. Cli-.,. W. Pill,- P.I.-..I. in. I'jpoi. "Ilotv Shall Mo llfl.iin ami liiiTiM-o Our Manln'i-lilp?" I'. II. i'.iiMiniM. Willi, li.uit ler.O.i. in. l'.ip.'r, "1l,e .Woiiiti-'ii an llt.in. Sill.-tic I'oki"- - W. X. Mulicr. King-tea. Il.iii.i. in. Ilii-.inc-, n n.l ,inn.unni.'rmi'iiK -'.."'i p. in. 1'ij.tii ami pr.n.-i', comluclril In- lien. I.". A. f iii.ii, Wrj-t Pitl-fcn. .".mi p. in. Paper, -nppoilniiitii'. Jor ).-ti'lup-incut ill 1 inir.iniril Tinvii-.," Miitlii li. I .itliinpAVIiltu ll.it rn. ".lip. in. V.iprr, "llfKf Can tin A-soi'ialloiis of Tiii-i lii.,tiil IJ,- iloiu lk'l'iuil In KjcIi cillin-:" C. II. 1!. .laik-on. Will,is-ll.iin. 7.:wiiiU...n p. in. In Wvt I'ut-tnn Mi'ili'iJM l.'pi.-copal ilinri'li, Wjuiuiug .'i','. line, lion. William I limy, I'it! ton, pu.iiiliiiL'. s'.'iijf M'lviie. loniliKUil l.y I. II. Main. AiWir-.-, "I'oili'.lii.i. ii li.iv ,' 'i,ik"..T. If. Alln-iloiiAV.-llji'i,.. AiltliCv, b. I". Ilotiii. Siian' i,i SI M)AY !'.l"l .1. 111.- XO'. -.M. IX A OI.IAIIUX IIAI.I.. Mu I ins I iki'.V.itii .liul ( In Mian ini'ii. Clun ill .-, itic. PAW I j. in it'liivli ili'Iealii; will Mni. : l'ill-ton--llipti-1, Uii: Mnrl. Id't. . P. I'lionia-,; llapllt, li'nlrr ,lre. I, lltf. ltulil'll IIllllTK : I,I1IIK.. Iiuiiil, l.ita.llli; incl. ltcv. n. ji. Jeeige: Kpi.-copal, st. .Liiii,Wini'r -liu'l. liiT. Joint JI. .luliii-lon; l.ntlii'i'.in, st. IViin, It." I, .-livt, kit. O. I'. Ctttvein; Miihi.ill'.l l.piM'opal, llio.nl ,'liv, I, lt,.f. C. J, -Tiilain; Jli'llioi'.i-.! I'eili-t.inl, llrii.nl -tii-i'l, l!it. I). W. I li'Koi I'jtj l'li'liytciian, llio.i'l tud, lli't. ,1, I. K. Vletilu'i. IVo-i Pill-Ion ll.ipilfl, l.nnno .it.'in.i',' l.'i.v, p, IJ. l.it'.is; ronaii'tMiional. I.itnio atilin,, ltcv. I.. Urals Dni-.opil, piiiiK tini'i. Iliv. 1". P. Il.ui inn. ion; Jlctl.oill-i Pjii-inpal, Wvoni. ina atenn.', liov. I). I,. Sovrr-'i, I'. P.; 1'ii'slj.iteii.iii, i:,it.'i -tiiii, ltcv. W. I!. I'lislutv. p. p. in - In llio JlnJu lull, in.wt ninths iop nun, londinteiJ liy r. W. ll.utvy, llaiiKi.ins-. In llio Watei Sli. el ll.ipli.l ilitiKli, wmiii n' ini'i-iliu. In A.--ovi.nloii lull, l,niV iinrlln,'. liiunlar iliiiuli ,i rv!i ,-. Ciii'tti'll iiii-i Hits; 'n tin llr 1 -ii' it Pit ! tnl.ui iliiiuli. .'! ::il ji. in. .'I.::ii p. in. T,iip. in. s.im p. in. SWEET TABBY, THINK OF ME. -.IlltlCt f"Ul'l III,' lllljllllf. M sio.i'l 'jp. n ,,j iiililnlj.'lit liiiie ami liiitvlt'il. -II. in.... 'I'lw Iiaiil tfiiitlc .ne ll.tiiu O'er 1j-v ji'.ii'' (iukon' iii'i.u, llie llinm.K o.ii l Klahiii-, I'm1 llic Tal'l' li' Jutelli li.i. III,. licailrilllJ l.lil Keep.', Mvill'.'ilc, 'I In Kiiurltout llio nioonlnrlil iiiiilit, ml i. Hi i'.'. ml-, am iliulioi In plan- oul ui .,;lil, II. Talilij, ilo .inn leniililliil, lni'' te.iiliis miiiiiI tie inaijr, Hill' II Iii 1 1 1 ill lulll Noli'lilll"! -iieeiluni; ill I lie i.li.nl, j Vt lien iliauiu thi'ia i.imo a iiilolU Alniiil at ,ton ami I, I roiki'iy lie'aii in tilibilo Alel it v.av time to .!): Viii'te ilaj-di now .inniliti' ln'in, Willi viincvliu loiisii ,i;!, .Mllionyli, All, me, I le.vi yog i. A Ine tiia: eaiinoi nil, i. ii prowl tvltli liim lieinaUi Hie m un, llnloy lii.il j'.iwl cil i4 Al41. t'tt'ct lOVC vlajuM iijcI 6,, a.Vip, ll-'ioie tin can 1i.i "i.V Winn .ton am eoitlV Ctealiiia O'er I'tlicCi--. loots uml Mali, louil hate llil lumiy k-elit. When von Iicji- my pJltitvatiK I .'ne'.-, I'ji.cy will niuin atMlii, i lutli bevti hi voie, Km iioekeiy iktv noiii ,n,Knv pan, .Alii IK'iH die IJUin.ii Joiar, i. T.iMiy, my ilulliis 'JMIil'y, Till me li'it. van It lie, ,ll '. iMlctl ill: Ml ailll-liV '-lull wo pait in inleiyf Oi tliall I Ml tlml tlicller Miililn .tour lio-eui cart, ntl t,v jo lii'hcr skelter, iiVr ioof lomei mure? ft Miiton, Xut. -j). -('. II. Soiie.'. WEST SCRANTON GREETS MABON DISTINCU1SHED MEMBER PARLIAMENT ARRIVES. or Him, William Abrahams Met With a Wclcomo Reception In Meats' Hall Last Evening, Where He Gave a Lecture on "A Night In the House of Commons" Says the People of England Greatly Deplore tlte Death of President McKlnley. Regards America as a Surprise. The Hon. William Abrahams, meni bar of the Hrltlsh parliament from the Ithoiulda Valley of Wales, arrived In this city yesterday afternoon at 3.110 o'clock, over the Lackawanna, railroad, and was nml liy the Hon. H. JI. 1M wards, president .liulpis of the Lacka wainiii county courts, whoso uesl ho Is while in the city. lie was accompanied liy Ills son. and loKi'lhor they Were eseorled to JuiIro irdwards' homo on S'outh Main avenue, where they were Inlrodueed to it num ber of callers, in conversation with a Tribune man, Mr. Abrahams expressed himself as behiK exceptionally well pleased with the receptions that hnve been accorded him wherever he has visited in the stales since Ills arrival. "America Is a continuity of surprises," he said, "and r. am iimim-d tit its won derful Rrow tli and development." In speaking of the death of President Mc Klnley, ne said thui the people of Kni land felt keenly his loss and that their sympathy wns sincere. He is at a loss to tiiiderstnnd, lie said, how any one could be so ungrateful as to take un due advantage of their unlimited pos sibilities In America, where the nations of ;he world are welcomed so hospit ably. KI'OKK LAST MO I IT. The distinguished visitor gave n splendid address at M ears' hall last night ta tin audience thai taxed the seating capacity, many remaining standing throughout the lecture. Ills 4.i.;"ct was "A .N'lghl in the House of commons." which he handled in an able manner, sometimes using the Welsh language to more explicitly ex press his meaning of certain things which he described. He showed his familiarity with tlio mines and tlio perils encountered by the men who toll in them, and iravo a description of what they undergo Jn their dallv work. At the close of his i address he recited a thrilling iinom in I elsii. which showed his aiic ability. nteiise dram- ... .. ..o.nii.'i ig nun io tne audlenoe 'ludge I'.dtvarils said: "1 neeil iwi m- ,, . ,: . . , , ; , . ni"" "ni i inn u lave lie io nor ol presenimg to you a enucman MHO IS well known to the Welsh peoiile. lo ipiite a number of you personally, and liners iiy reputation, and am sure all ot you are anxious lo hear from him. "I have given him perfect liberty to say what he pleases and In any Ian- irllncriJ hi tilri.'ii:ii,j Mhnti .1 in, u nf ni. n n- ... ....,, ........, .... ..... ... speak in Welsh we would not object, as the Welsh American is 11 generous people, but I know that what he says or does is right. "T need not say anything about his position as that is probably well known to all of -ou, it is a matter of history. 1 therefore take pleasure and honor in introducing the Hon. Wil liam Abrahams, M. P., better known as ".Million." The speaker of the even ing was greeted with generous ap plause. He spoke In pari, as follows: WHAT "JIAI10X" SAII1. Mr. Cliaiun.in, I.ailie-- ami Ciiniluin'ii:-I il' n't l.iiou e.N.ully lmtv to aiMrei-i Jon. lull I ttill ti-i-lure lo aiiilrcs-, yon :k lullote roiintijni in an 1 iiiemls. Tne juilae li i-s nllotui inu nnliuiiti'il wipe, linl .toil aie all well aw.ito of lili lilieialliv. 1 iloii't. liimtv iwaiily win) i-i ie.-pvilile lor II U Mil'jetl, or Itrlinc, or tall;, ot t,liatet,r .ton will call it, "A Xmlil in Hie lloiM' ot (.'oininor..." luit I like II tli.il il lelii- lo 1 1 ... t a.-'.einlily wliieli I am I'lleili'srul to l a nnmlju' of .ii a upre.-ei.tatitc tt my piopk. Tile lto Ullir-', JI. P.. ale lllillil'-looil tn le.i- re-uit J "mrniliir o! p.il li.iiu.iil." hei it i- ii, t nisi o in mi i.Im. In t liHMiio, ill,; ktlee. wero (..' ,;..i il, ! Its ' "n,"rt; it..! in cli'-iUi I i'ltii iice'.i talle.l a , inlerprekii lutiiof." .: "Jli'tiioilM l'ie.ii.lr." lmi to me, iriemb. it , lia linn the MMtiie of inj life tn lie ikuien t.i ; tlio "Minns' PriMikni." Mr. Abrahams then ';ave a de.-itip- i lion of the houses of parliament, which lie said were the largest Ciothle build iugs in the world, eovei ing eight acres of ground, cosiing ;:,oiiii,uoO, and con tain Inside WKi rooms, each connected With an electiie bell, With all these bells set ringing at one lime, llley mean something, and to those iicipiaiuted wiih their language they mean a great deal, The totvuis of the buildings aie ;;nu feet high, and they polnl upward with much significance. The members of the houses of parliament are in session six months of the year, in summer, fool ishly, instead of whiter, as in America. Tlie signlllcanco of tin towels to him were no table for tho fact that II was possible for it man, lilai himself, who had worked In a stall in the mini's ;k"J yards below Hie siui'n,e, to rise to u seat in parliament so high, shotting conel.islvely that tho road had been improved from tlm lowest point to the highest. TKX LA Unit .MKMItKltS. Tlie)"1 are ten labor members In the house of commons, six of whom were colliers, each and all of whom had worked In the mines, He himself had been td:tcen years In paiiiummit. and another member twenty-four years, in lids couiiliy, he said, he was glad to Hud no change or customs that He men down to liiniied spheres of usefulness. There is more room for Hie eagles above Hutu the sparrows below. Here ho gave u number of humorous Incidents In conneeilon with his expeil. onei'S, and said lie was proud to see mi many Welshmen occupying high pos. lions in .America, and when lie goes bad-: home, If any one questions him on that score, ln will tell (hem, paivu tlietlt'ally.lhal they are occupying mure lluvu their shaio. The house of commons lias l.'O iiicin. hers, and when one enters they must be oifpareil far disappointments. A notable Uilmv is tint ciisioui of leaving liais on desks as tho miaidinti of a seat, wlillo llio owner may bo working about the streets with head uncovered, and t:ns custom prevails until tlio hour or prayer, People, he said, sometimes arrive (hero as early as ."i o'clock in llio morn ing (o oblalii seats allotted to them ut the opening (it a o'clock in the after noon. Tho ciihloni yuira ago was to allot seats lo notable men, but this does not prevail now. When prayers arc oyer, ten 11111111108' recess Is allowed, then comes Hie rluht or presentliiu petitions, Petitioners are allowed to n..t!tu hort addresses, and Hum private auestlnns ure iiikcn up. in refemuu' i iiHUfr INCANDESCENT LIGHT id.?. z -&?: ''tfm&t-C' The new lllcandespciil mi IIrIiI! 125 ciindlo powuri bostt In tlu- world! ?l.uO to .2..'0. Call and tirt our dlnplay it I Uooni 2, Arcmlo bulldlut,'. tlas Mht Supply Company. H. S. POUST, Manager. In the latter, he asserted fearlessly that il icy consume much tlni", and lie predicted that they will eventually have to be taken out of the house of commons, and make way for Imperial niipsllons, and ho prophesied that the time Is not fttr distant when wo will see tin colonies ot Ureal llrltnlii rep resented al home, and the people dealo Ing with home rniostlons, the same Americans do in tlio different states. HHOL'LD STAND TOCHOTHKU. He also expressed the wish to ilvo to see the day that in tlio event ot war arising between (he nations of (he world, America and (J rent Urltnln will be prepared to face the world together Tlio "ciuesllon time," he said, also con sumes too much time intho. house, and a remedy must soon be found to curtail this abuse. The right of mov ing the "suspension of tho order of the day" is also used with great effect, Top special and moiucntilotis riues tlons, and this, too, Is often abused, and needs aniendln.e;. Then comes something lo he. pre sented on llrst reading, but the second reading of a measure Is the real im portant period, when great cniesllons nre to be legislated. He then related a number of Incidents leading up to the presentation of bills, which was citiite humorous and Instructive. lieferring to tho question of an eiglil-hour-day law for the mine work ers there, he said, they want a law that will not permit employeps to keep men in the mines more than eight hours u day. and also to prevent men from working more than that. Ho hopes lo live to son tile day when such laws will be enacted. The meeting was closed with "Ma lum" singing tlio solo part of the na tional song of Wales, "Hen Wind fy Nhnddaii," and the audience joining In the chorus. TONRiHT'.S LHCT1 tniC. This evening Mr. Abrahams will de liver a lc lure In Xorlli Weraiiton, and tomorrow evening ji public reception will be held in his honor at the Welsh 'alvillistie Methodist ehurcli Month Main avenue. Todav and ioiiiciriv.tr ho wjh visi lu. niineipal points of inter 's t In the city, including the Interim- !.,.., , ....I ..., , tlon.il i 'oire.-pi.mlenco schools, o . iiiui'iiiH. - cvei.mg ii iiunioer of promi- neiit Welsh citizens will tender liim a . vocelilloii. nml mi Snmlnv mni'iiln,, .....l l ' - ...- .Utll.t., ,,,., evening he will preach at the Hellevue Welsh C.ilvinlstic Methodist church. j K,caking in Knglish in tlio morning and in wcisn in tne evening, (in Monday evening tho Cnmhro- .merieaii society, of Wllkos-Harre. will i tender him a bana.uet, and"on Tuesday evening he will address an assemblage of mine workers in the Ninth regiment armory at Wilkes-Uarre. Next Wed nesday evening be will speak to the mine workers of this city, and on Thanksgiving day he will attend the eisteddfod to be held in North Peran um. his childToveT to be his wife After a Separation of Many Years Two Loving Hearts Are to Be United. very pretty romance has lust come J to light in connection with tlio engage ment oi .miss Julia Kennedy, of New port News, and Charles Orltinan, whose home is in this oily, but who Is a marine on the battleship, Indiana. Nineteen years ago the Ciritmun and '"'"'"-"'J- '"ml". were neighbors living "" Washington street, in tills city. It is llow recalled that tlio children, Julia and Charles, whose ages then ranged Mimewhere liotween two and live years. "d'e nosoin companions, always show- ing ti groat fondness for each other. One day Mr. Kennedy moved his fam ily to .Vewport Xews, where he intend ed (o engage In the wholesale business. Those who remember say that for a long (line after his separation with lit tle Julia. Charles could not be com forted ami for many days freiteii over his loneliness. At length lie seemed to forget his playmate and nothing more was thought of thu mutter until recently. Two yeais ago (iiilmaii enlisted In the navy and was placed on I ho battleship Indiana, in the course of a short (lino 1 he ship was sent lo Newport News for a slay at thai famous seadog station. On one occasion the brave j.iekles were given a "night olf" in order to attend 1 ii.lftl irlv.iti 111 4 11 11I li Jilt j-tit Ik I t.i gaihlni rti. The Iniys In grey were llie lions of tho livening anil il. was Indeed an honor for (ho girl who could whirl over the slippery platform with one of the members, .Mr. liiitmnu seemed 10 be attracted by one lady in particular and It would be hard to count tho number of limes, lie engaged her in Hie waltzes and two- I steps that evening'. AVhlle seated uf- tor a ilaiico they began chatting mid It caiuo to pass that sho told him her lifinie was Kennedy and she once lived In Wllkcs-llarre. lie of course was in terested and after a Utile further ques tioning they recognized each other and tho meeting was a very happy one. it Is needless to say that lie called on Miss Kennedy again, not as ho did ns a toddler but .us a blushing young nuiii. They will be married at New port News in a few weeks. Wilkes Ham Leader. BANQUET AT THE COYNE, Members of Taylor Building and Loan Celebrated, The members of tho Taylor Hullding and Loan association held a banquet In tin' Coyne House, in celebration of tho successful conoliuIOH of llio sec ond series. Attorney John M. Harris acted its toastmastcr und several addresses wetu mado by members of tin; orsnnissatlon. How Your Picture Will Look Can bo told, by tho way you sit that Is, If you aio b'-foro fcchrlover's cam era. Tho Board of Paidons. Uy l.uluitc Wire (rem The Aswl.tcl I'rcv. llnrl-liiirK. Xut'. Sv.Tlw Imaiil t( pinloni Ihmi'1 auumo.11. wile In u number ut tnlnur t.iM'i anil ttill ill--l'"v el limn Ixniuiiutt !:i eiintit. uUu. MifU&imQWi (JSskkS, WILL OPPOSE ANY INCREASE RECORDER CONNELL'S VIEWS ON TAX LEVY. Says That Ho Proposes to Take a Determined Stand Against Any Material Increase In the Taxes for tho Next Fiscal Year Will Not Hesltato to Exorcise His Power o Absolute Veto on Items In the Ap propriation Ordinance, If Occasion Demands. llreorder W. L. Council announced yesterday In tlio ino.'t einphatlo terms tlinl lie Is opposed to n nmteilnl in crease In this tax levy for the coming llscil year over the levy for the pres ent year. "You cnu sn.v," said he lo a Trlbtmo reporter, "Hint T tun opposed lo any material Increase in this tax levy. Of course, thero may bo certain things which will have to be provided for, and which may necessitate u slightly increased appropriation, but I shall not allow, If I can prevent it, n stilll clent additional expenditure lo bring Hie (ax levy up any higher tlmn it lias been. Tim general concensus of opin ion is thai taxes lire high enough in tills city, and I'm going to follow this general trend of thought. "The very fact Unit the ripper bill gives councils practically unlimited power in tlie levying of inxes should make; them more careful than before not to abuse their power. Hut if tlio ripper bill gives council? unlimited power in Hie inipoitloii of taxes. It also gives me, as iccordor, absolute control of the appropriation ordinance, i any nail of which I can ctil out if 1 feel Hint the expenditure is not neces wiry. II is needless to say that 1 will exercise my power in (ills direction if occasion demands." MAKING ASSI2SSMKNT. The board of assessors nre now en gaged In making assessment for the next fiscal year, and, as is generally known, are assessing all properties at their full value. Instead of at a one third value, as in the past. The lulli ng,! will, of course, bo materially re duced, on account of the increase in valuations, and Hie tax levj will be graduated, llrst class properties pay lug full rates, second class properties, two-third rates, and third class prop erties, one-halt rates. The recorder believes that the bur den on the owners of first class prop erties can bo lessened and materially reduced by tlio equalization in the value of second class properties. The assessors have been bringing in wierd tales of properties which they have found to have been not assessed for years and of other properties which they have found assessed far below what other properties adjoining have been assessed. The equalisation of values by the as sessing of every property In the city and the raising of tin: value of those properties which have not been as sessed high enough, will have the ef fect, In the recorder's opinion, of mak ing the taxes on llrst class propertj. which will have to pay the highest rate, no more than they have been in the past. Those who differ with him in this respect, say lip takes too hope ful a view of tlio situation, for Hie reason that the difference which will be caused by the second and third class properties paying only two-thirds and one-half rates, respectively, will have to be met. YALUK OF PROPERTY. The total'value of properly under Hie assessment now being made Is var iously estimated at between Sll3.00u.000 and TO,000,UO(I, though the latter llguro will probably be found to lie the cor rect one. In connection with (he recorder's statement regarding his intention to exercise, if necessary, the absolute con trol over the appropriation ordinance, vested in him by the "ripper" bill, it iulerestlng to note that City Solicit i 1- Watson holds thai he has power no not only to cut out entirely any separate Item from the ordinance, but also lo cut down or reduce an item, in other words, he holds that if $30,00ft were ap propriated for cleaning streets, the re corder could cut that item down to $15,000, if ho deemed it too high. The Supremo court decision sustain ing tiovernor Stone's action In vetoing part of the school appropriation, ho says, upholds this contention, riNE NEW PIPE OBGAN. It Is Being Placed in St. Mary's Church, Wllkes-Barre. A line new pipe organ is being plated in Si. .Mary's Catholln church in Wllkes-narro. The instrument was bulll by Miller and Abe of Now York and will be ready for use about Christ mas. The instrument Is a three manual ' TiX": It is located on the llery over the main entrance to the church. The console Is extended, the organist facing Hie altar. The organ Is ".I feet wide. 0 feet deep and " feet high, The organ contains II speaking stops (11 In the great. 1! In the swell. !i In the choir, and 7 in llio pedal or gan); It lias couplers, by which va rious parts of thu organ can pe com bined, I mechanical accessories ni.'d 1-' ! ledal movements, making a grami (o- tal ot ! stops and appliances, the pipes numbering In all '". X prominent feadiro In the con structlon of this organ Is the extended I action, thu console being placed In , front und some dlslauco from (lie or gan, lo una bio tlio organist to overlook and direct tho choir. Lead tubes run from every key, draw stops, etc,, un der 11 platform to the different parts of tho organ. Thero are ss:i of theso tubes of an nverago length of 50 feet (a total of ll.lDit feel, or nearly (hive miles of tubing In this one organ.) Thin system Is known us "tubular pneumatic action" o) 1)10 exhaust tpe and Is the Invention of tlio builders, Tlio wind 1 bests throunhout the or gan hie a form Invented and used ex clusively by (ho builders. They aiford a separate pallet for every pine, and Imvo many advantages over the slide cheats ordinarily employed. They are not nit'cctcd by chungea in (lie condi tion of tho atmosphere, obviating the dlillculty of borrowing when (ho full organ, or when many pipes of any given slop are used. One of tho most noticeable musical effects, mechanically obtained in tho crescendo and diminuendo of maiillng Intensity produced by tlio swell pedals, owing to the fact, hi iiddKlon to tho amplitude of the swell organ, llio choir organ, Is Independently enclosed in an other swell box, which also contains ail but. tiiu llrst two 1.10ns of the urvatj ro il We might write a chapter nboUt our new line of Toilet Sets. The best selection we have ever shown. I'hc offers nre so exceptional that we would be railing In our duty if wc did not urge you to at least examine them the shapes the colors the quality. Latighlin's Semi-Vitreous Ware, lull tints in firecn, pink, blue and yellow, with gold line. Set of io pieces We have Decorated Sets as low as $1.40. Geo. V. Millar & imiii-i Set" anion Bedding Co., F. A. KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Aves. F. L. CRANE Established (866. Seal Skin Coals $150, $17 200, $225, $250. Persian Lamb Coafs $70, $100. $'25, $150. Furs of All Kinds I-urs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Established 1866. As usual, Santa Claus has made thi3 store the slore-house for his Holiday Stock. We have gathered together for him the greatest and most varied stock of TOYS ever seen here. Big Toys, Little Toys Toys of Every Description Are now on exhibition here, and nil are invited to come and enjoy the show. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. FLEECE LINED Corset Covers and Skirts Ladies' Fleece Lined Corset Covers, made in Natural Wool and Mercerte'd; does away with cumhersome Un derwear for women who desire warmth. Will not shrink nor will lleecinp; wear oil'. Short Skirts, also, of the same material. PRICE & JENKINS, 130 Wyoming Ave m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton Branch Orllcc, Noa. 1 and 3. Arcade Buildiug. organ uml which It would bo impossible to produeo under other circumstances. Considering the manual stops, this . places :w mil of llio total US under the : hllluelico of the two swell pedals. 1 which arc conveniently located so Hint Hiey can be operated Independently or simultaneously by either fool, The blowing apparatus consists of lino lartso bellows with three feeders, operated by a (tvo-horso elcaiie motor. From tho bellows the compressed air is conveyed b a smaller bellows, called 'regulator," to insure absolute steadi ness, and from thenco it is distributed to tlio different depuiinienls of tho organ, each being supplied by a separ ate wind trunk. L'ueh trunk is litteil wiili u telescope Joint lo avoid the weight of wind chests and pines being transferred from tho framo to II, by possible shllnkiige or (he settllm,' of tins lloor. Dr. F. C Snyder, dentlsi, moved to Hi Adams avenue. has re-i . i .I. .1 ..i I. i ' II I . ! ., I l.lWlM If W p. ) II sets $4.00 Co. ,.!?'a"l"!?"? Just Because You nre not going ta wonr them for a few months, don't crush your dainty summer hats and gowns into space altogether too small for them. Let us make you a box couch, -with soparate compartments for hats, waists and skirts prettily lined and covered an ad dition to any room. Prices from $7 up Both 'Phones H. D. CRANE Wishes to announce a new invoice of Skirts of such stylo and quality as to commend them to the Scranton public. Jbotb. walking and dress lengths. The assortment of Suits is not as yet broken. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. Lackawanna Ave Take Elevator. Claus Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and every profession IUVSTRATUI CATALaaUE ffl.'C. r The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., No More Your house should warm. We can make it be so: Quickly, cheaply, satisfac torily. No expensive altera tion needed, Simply add an Aeolipyle to your system. Chas. B. Scott 1 19 Franklin Avenue, tt u- R V, l";:j v , t K tfl .wi-?j- j