The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    i " . . i . . t . . .., j.-trt -fc. lUV. fc . i a -w
r.M , - . -
h ! .
V (-. : v .'Vrt v Vfc 1VA-'Wfp-if
Baking Powder
.Made of Pure Grape Cream of Tartar
Safeguards the food
against alum
Avoid Alum
Alum leaves in the
bread or cake
Sulphuric acid, and
Hydrate of Alumina
both injurious, -mil
pronounced noisonou.s.
The difference in cost between a pure baking powder and a
cheap alum powder is about one-third of a cent for a baking.
An.ilvsis Five. We will an.tlyc, fiec of cli;irn', ;im
".unpins of baking powder sent to us, ami leport to
you whether it contains alum or not.
Judge Carpenter Is Engaged in Try
ing1 the Case of Gallagher Against
the Xoiough of Jeimyn. in Which
Is Involved a Nice Question of
Contributoiy Negligence Land
lord Sues Tenant foi a Month's
Itent Dispute Aiiscs Over n
Transaction in the Guinaei Estate.
Vi-idict.-. in llio thtco (.ist.- tried Mmi
"Hny in ilvll conn, before JikIi-j I-M-.udt!
ami Kelly. iic reltti ti-it hy
juries vestenl.'U .
In tin1 ease of Tlioiua-: Sliottoii and
W. .1. Lewis, trustees for . I'. it.iter
liuiit, iisalnsl John Kenyan, Hie jiuy
toiiinl for the il:i i in in in the sum nl
S.W'.ai. tlie full ninoiiiu of tile i laini.
In the case ol Luther Keller against
(eDif;e i;. Riircliilil. a veidii t was
found for the defendant
vordiet tnrx."u in lavm at the pluni
till" was returned in the ( .,.,,. in." Mur
Uobh.s sifaihisl IJuiory Noal.
.Itlilqp ('ui'lienler look the jilafe of
.Itide Kilwaril.", in tin' main i nui t room
yesterday, to permit the latter to nun
til.'lc Mime iireK.-ine, ollii e work and lie
tree to entertain 'Million.-' the c "le
hrated Welsh slaiostnaii. who will lie
Ids -jut'St toila.i.
Only nui eaes ueie op. u lor
Familo i;.ill:iKlier .if.'iiiiist the I'.oioiikIi
of .lernii, and 'I'. I". ai.hoii attalnst
John I1. .Jones, The , a-e was nieil
ivforo JuiIki I'aipeiitei, and the . cmml,
heloie .IihIko K.'lly.
In the lir.-t ims", ,Mi.-. i ialhi-ln-r, iii
riM'il wonmii. rtsldiui; in .MayJW H. sties
the hoioiiKh of .lermyn for .:,,iitni ii.un
nes for injiulis siisi.Uiie,! . railing
on a deteetlve sidewalk.
uu Sunday, ,!are 2.1, : , he n.i-,
i" tin iiintc Mom mass at (he S.mvO
Heart eliureli and nioteeilliu .ihinv:
Sreiind stleet, liiv Usual lotlle lioine,
slipped us she was itcjiplliK' over ,,
liiettk In the sidewalk and. lalllii;
heavily, injured her le.
(ilMhTY dp .NIMI.IHKNi'i:.
Tllele was Uii-.;llei,lloil hilt thill I he
liotolIKh WliH KUlll.V of ni Klhteuee, litIL
the ileoiisi souvht to e.-,l,ilislt Hull
Mrs. liulluirlie:' na-i lia'.'ieil li oai re.
eoveriujr dau.aj;e.4 litiun,-e flie wii:i
Ktillty of eortrUmiij' v neiineni i-, in
that she t;tiv o'- . existeuee ol Mm
hreal,-, IiiivIiik' pm-i-ed hut i., time and
attain, iieeordiiiK '' li hmi ailinls-
slollii, mill ',l l nut lioiilid to en tint
W.iy, as llleie Was , ,ai h(ow,i; on
III" other side of tile street.
The plalniltl' eoiiLeiideil tllill Mis',
laKhel's knowledge of the h' iik ill the
sidewalk did not tntiii-l ) make
her snllly of (oiitiilmiory ueKllfjeiiee.
When it person eiieounlers an iiIhii no
tion on tlio toad, it wn. sirxtted, he nt
(die, may proeeed (o net hy if the net of
pimei iimtr Is I'uiinltitt nt wlln reainiii
llhlc tare.
Ill MIWiDl'l of lllls, lilt ease of l!U'S
Stanton itiiulnst the Senuiion it.'illw.iy
(.onipuny wao eited. Kituitou waiidiiv
itlK u hiili'.sled hiiidi'd tvllli hay to the
eeidr.ll elty, and in altetnplliiK to etoss
liotri Olio Side Of Cipollse aVdlllle to
unotlur vvuh upset, hy a snow hank
whieh tlio trolley eouipany'.-, ...w'eepiT
hud thrown up. A low d.iy.s inlet, la
iitteiupiint, to pass this same place, the
Wlllllletlee of his Hied hrnke, and when
he sot out to tl.s It, his loot slipped on
the snow bank, he was thrown to the
Ijrouud and his Oilxh was fraitui-ed.
Judge Mi I'her.son held that the men'
fuel that he attempted a heooud time to
pass our this obstruction was nut In
itself loucltihlvo proof of conliiuulory
in aiin.v.r to this, the defense re.ut
furl In r Muni the sumo decltdon, where
JtidKe ,eiieiMiii naytt; "if a safer
road .i. a id.iiilo hhi neglljjencu would
he i Kilo established," and applying;
this to Hi" ease a! I). if, pointed uut that
SllS. OulI.iHller eliusu to proeeed by a
known dfietiw iidewalk, when eho
iniKlit h.(v t.ikni a known safe route
1 . -inp'v . IO--.UP.! to the other side of
t). : ',..(
lj it nu om to iidjournlns time
li' ii in" .iituiui.iils were concluded,
Judge faipt'iuer teserved his decision
until this uiornliij,'.
Alum baking powders induce
Liver complaint, and
Kidney trouble.
Alum may not kill, but iltuulur
tnincs the health, and ill health
makes life miserable.
The plaintiff is iviuvsented hy II. T.
Carey :nid 1. 11. Ittiius. 't'lie defense
has us its uUoruejs, llorotiKh Soheitor
II. W. lliilliollnin! and .lames II. Tor
rey. The tase tried heloie .indue Kelly in
volved a claim of J:'.' (or rent. Jones
leased a house fioin .Mason at the late
nl'tt'iii month. Jones 1-1 1 a month ho
Ion the k.'.-e xtilied and .Mason is
sulncf to hi o the month's tent. Tho
dilVn-e was .Mason consented to
his motliiL'. Walter IliiHK' appeal id
for tho plaintiff, and 11. .M. Hannah tor
the defendant.
In the ias" of Andrew ( iriiKel ayanist
the Onlaiio Adiidculal society, a non
suit was jtriinli'i, on nintiiiu ol James
J. U'Malli y. attorney for t!n ilel'eml.iut,
because of the iinn-appcarum e of Hie
The lollowin cases werf eontimied:
Jami . Melvin Awiinst A. I'. Itedford
et al . assinnp-it, William Steinheis;
.'iKitiusl i'. i'J. IJcynolds, tivsp.'iss; ,1, ,1.
O'Hoyle awtiusl Jitmos (iallaghpr el al.,
appeal: fl, J. Ktm:: .against irtederiik
,1. Miuk. appeal: II. AV. I.oflus iiKiihist
Cl idu.'l (laud.
Negotiations ale lituler way ffir a set
tlement of the ease of Louisa Whine
against the Klot". Tluowlntr companj.
This l.aves oiilv tun eases oiien lor
nial: C I). Williamson aualusi M. II.
taiiienter. ejeetnienl. and It. K. I'Mti;
Herald against J. J. I'olllus and W. I., iloinu: liusini ss as Collins ,i
ISieaii.iu, apjieal.
Ill Oiphans' Couit.
.Indue A. A. Vosbtirfj. in Oiphaut.'
couit, yesterday had a hearing in the
iiecoimthiR in the estate of Kzekial
Giunaer, late of Ileiiton.
The di'cedaut provided ill his will Ills thtee .-ous, I'red, I'-iank and
i!eore, should lake a en tain piece of
leal estate and pay to their mot her the
Interest on i.ini'l or II she needed It, all
or any p.ut of. the jiriiit lpul.
Tin Interest in' the son. h'leil. was
sold al sheiiu".; sale to Silas llaillej.
The mother . mm in with a petition
for the sale ol litis liilei'esl, to pay one
thlnl of tin. '.'"ii. she niuliiur ilaiui
ill. i she - iii need ot the principal,
i oiiiliiliuiall . hcipieatheii toher. Hart,
lev objects on lie; ground that the
eltaiMc ay.ilusl this oiu-thiid was di
vested hy lite sheila".- ale, and for the
tin tiler reason that she does not, at all
e.-nls, stand in need of the j.J.Ore,
John I J. IMw.u.h. appeared lor the
putltloiu'i. and Jei-sup .lessiip tor Mr.
Marriage Lieeuscs.
,1 III, - 'l.ll,.lU.lll lllMlil t t
Asm- vvo-i Mm hi "ii,. t
.lulm Miltwii lll..Kil.v
M.ailii iiibiiiM ii tbiiiuit
.lolltl VIlH'iillil l'li'l U.imiIiiiiIi sill el
M..iy 1! twit Ill MonN lourt
..,. j ,; i bull..- ... ,!i
M..v II It.llll " . " Veil'. .1. Inn J Si,,,,!,,,,
It ' li' I.I I I S.l,llilnl
!'.'.'... i. 11,. m a K.iijiiit.ii', t l' AUu I. il. in. ii ,
et l.ll.lW'li Ktu'if, liei'lkl.' Mill ,i.Ln!.y
...ini. t!i' nt,'. i 1", uilL'li mill tho Sir.aiiiili
IIiIumv iunii.iiiy to i.fivir ..',ini tor ilmn;;i
il't.i i iv piopnty '. tli" su.llii uiiiuifiii .!
. (i .In.- i.iiii,iii.
A illtel.J .ll'ill.,ll! ,11 1,1, ll ill I' no.
I i"3 t'.ii,-ltnir eillu ).'tiii!.ij li. bjiib A.i,l,
lie .llllgl' lll l.'llli, M.ltJ" il.HH' W.ol, leu him
in liil', .iltu tiny Iml l!nl triaetlnr i islil
yi'.it.'. II" .ilxi iniiu lie; i uilf..ltliliiln.i',
i.'.iim II, :oiiuii U liU .itioini; ii.'"tlii'.' nt :hi i.imiultlnr iii..,ii,i,il to
III. I ft inll-r! I.I) 111,' JIUV ,lilillt' i -IHI I Iik.U plji'l'
ii.e"(l,'.(, in .lii'le Vojuii,-' i li.uulior. 'I lie
ml., will ! iiiiiiIiiiI Mini" ihy i i.i .ilt, 'I l
i.'iiiiiiiunu Is imiibtil hi ('. It, li.inliu, , V.
f."v i. J. .1, i'Mili'., II, r, ninl.iiim .in.) . ,.
V.'ilce .
I. lilt w.. j.Jtli.ii'il jutu.liy In It. ,1. Jljte
ullii, .il. . .i.i v fni Mi, I'.aiif Mi riuii lui ,iii
Iiuin'.iti .n mm ilii. l.iinl i ii'inliiii.u ul .lolm ,1,
Mi i ii.ui. llio iiirio-i' nt Phi inquUioii H ti
In . htm ilf.ljinl In-Hii t!iu ,, n.ieliiii m ,j
lie ii,i,'i'.i In iin.,iuti' ,t iljiiu lie uj r a
pue. li, lie i i nn,i,itui f.i il,. 'I.iiiti'iiali
l.i'iu'it ai i.f '.p inili in.,
The Southern Pncitlc Company
Aluiouiuea that tint "Suubot l.iiulted"
itntn.'S, loiibiHtlut,' of .special compart
meiit car and illuliu,' imiv, will ho op
dated thttu tltne.i a week duiiux the
season, leaving New York '1,'Ji p. m.
TueKiliiyn, Thiiisdajn and Haturdays,
making direct tonueotlou with tho
"Sunset Limited" at New Orleans, in
both directions. This will ulford Call
lornla tourl&ts uniformity of Pullman
aeoonimodulloii n the way trom .New
Yoilt to destination. The only ih.iune
beliiBat New Orleans, thus makhiK this
route thu most pleasiaiH and agreeable.
wtiy to cscapo the rlgon of the winter
In the Hast, to teach the fumotpi winter
jesoit oa the PaellK' coast.
Import Is Etce After a Month's
John ShiuiRhnessey, I he import who
has boon In the county .lull for n month,
eltrilKod With It itlill'tiHle of eflines.wnq
frleiised yesterday on his own rcioR
lilziiiirr. Thu cliarKcs of asinitli mill battery
mid eiifryltu: coneealed wettpmis were
ignored hy the maud Jury, hut his re
louse could Uut be ordered as Iheio was
still n surety case ImiiKliiK lire, and ho
hud not completed his term for disor
derly conduct, imposed after mimmni'v
conviction. Thin term Inning exulted,
jcNlciduy, his attorney, Jolin ,1. Mur
phy, had him broiit.'hl Into oouri, and
with the consent of the proscijjtloi'.Cor
uelltiM tirlllln, mid the dlsttlcl attorney,
he was allowed to so oa his own recoit
nlxiiucc. TIiul mil his reletise been thus effort
cd ho would have hud to stuy In Juit
until, al leusl, .Saturday. Dee. T, the
ni'Mi diiif on which sutety castes will
be licard.
1,"( l.l M-Mj Iiv. In Hi "Ihr Willow .toi.o.s."
Al'AHKM V llimim Uim-9 Iilcib. Aituno.n
sl.Mt "'llu WiiiIiI lioilm" Allciui'dii anil
Ideals Please L.tige Audience. froin I e Iho l.irite aiiillriicrt .it lie
Af.ulini,v ,iV.ciili.i. llliiimiK'lii'n lile.ils will ilj ;i
nii'irl.jbli' liii.iniNi at tlnl iipul,ir .iiiiisfinciii
li'-iul I Ills Ui'il,, Till' ,llli llllllii " Jesli'lll.ll i
KH'.Uly in erfs i.f ,uiy .liirr tlio;. u.i. Jn
..iuui.iIiiI, tho to it met pi'ttuinunrr ln"'ni; me
il uilh lionilv p.iIiiiuImI,
' NuiiliiMii Limit-," In Hiinli Willi im U.ul,. o
.Iiilm -wlll.iiii I, w.u m'iIi t.i i ii t it ly i;ii. I
.tlll.llll.l'ZI'. M.IS plO-lllttil list II I U 111 .Hill it I- e ifli
Te -IX tll.ll I l.t'lln ploHi'il .lllilli'Di ' In I. I loft
ll..' Aojiliniv. This .illi'iminii. llio nuiipiiiy "ill
i(.pi.a En til. li, iiillliil iloTiii-iii t .nii'il.r ilr .nu,
"Wile fur Wifo." .mil iiiiiiula "sii m ' io
N'l.'lil" 'ilii In viii n ii ili-l jii .ti In i i"
i,.pila f.i e, .
May Invin.
flf.o of i!.o i,ii lnins-i t.ii 'i me
!n ,i our nt l.iurliicr in "I'lio Wnl.n. !oiii" is
In I'll l,i-t :u t. yiilif io le Iiiiin i- iillinp .1
aini'I .ilmiit lur l.ialu! nipiil.inli 'n t n I .in
oi II ii 1, i'ii n I.. Tli" lull (nmiiillii'i ill--Miirnl
1'u nun ni ,i ww (no insino. Mi-t lnin .,-: o-. .iiitl l.o.ofii l.nnw, lint II ti oie
sul, notiU ,i lire luinc-(ii.neo) I kno.v it on
'tiin-'. IIiimii ..nil I 1 in uut II ul,. nsji I,
III I ill. I .1 .III' (ll'Jl.t. S.1 " unt ti'Si ll'lV.'' lli
hi. in i il! In; .it llio l.ii'in.i leiiijn'
'I i.i uilh ii. hi, tli.. ll.i.'ili'ii-1 I'm' "ii "iii.i."
Vin 1 Mill li' l.illllil nil ol.lbnl.lIe ll, w protiMr
lion in old i' p ii ih ul a-, i , ii. i , to ii'. 1.' .''mi
li nr-Jiy iiiul.l. Ni'.ali- ill tlio nlil n, .in n.
Inn) i!i-i mini, il... pi, io hi, hrcn miiuh u
unitii .ni.l rniiPi nins i.nni'inl lluouj.t.iiil
to. (nine vv .-in . 'I- I isi
pi.iiliii In 'i l.iio llio Il.inlnii, -.pinl -.o nui. i 1 1
loll it in I im ii.: ifi i .ii nian.i inn ul, i
Minv M ill, ir mm n ink il lnp.'i
prm. ikiiiK In. I fiB inliinloil Im ,t im 'i -Kill
Io, lull "Mlpi l h.l" ,,. t. (., i ... i,
l.i.ti i'n' liinl..n. Ii.uo (one l.nlul io ii." tin niw in ll I piui. ami it i.iit null Po
still 1 tlnl tor this hm.iiii "Mipoilu" I' i. nu
i 11 li. .in fillip- iiuii lly.
Victoiia Builcsquers.
I'l.i.' Vuiori.1 llmlrAUis, .in i.-uii.ilii.n of
,iu.)oilM in, iIik.u ii lino is , iiorijni. i, ui'h
,uou' .in. i..." oi i I'on.i. iK'ui' i-'im, to
iiioi, 1,.-., Put on die iviiu.iiy -i oiij. I, lam
I.i'tt.i-, .ippoji- at llio Sin tin nt r llio li-i ln'f
nl llu. iio!., .mil ti. tlu-0 . Ii. , cpjuv Pull.,,, it
.mil'Mllo, ., viol li, this llio Hi. ilniin
tlioir I'li'.'.incinint Mill lio imply i,p.iuj,
I'i.i, it .my, ti. ii Im.; Iiuih.-cji:.' i unirniiio
liiio on their lo-U-r mi.Ii hlah I.i putoin.ii,'
11.1111 . .1' ll til. Viltll.lJ. lilllli..iIKl.. IiiHi ip.l
ll.nb, in an iiiiniitili'i pinny t..ll mil hi, .h,
v. it li. nl ilfinhl tho k'lilui in t Sic ir- tiMil li h n :
riiiliii.l. Itiolli'ti, .mil JPioe, iiin-ti i 1 1 in .1
. nl. i; iimi... Iii,iln', 1 iiipanio Cii-ioni.. , ..
nni-t il iinni'L -iii-iii. an. .inioiu '.In et (.mil
limit Iii..; am! W.ioiliu'i! arni b.iln.i .am n
lot I ..
'llio 11-11.1l .tilo cl op..iir..- li nl. ,.(iu . I,,
luti-ul wait .mil 1, I,; ,iit nui bi
Unnoil .1 iiiui.tiol lli-t pan.
'I'll' lliml liOlll I.ll-ul lei the .f i '1
ll.uiMj, Iho iiLiiuinT, his I1.11I111! .',.",11') .ml It
1. tlionulit a tOMinl ii,iiii will Po loii'iuil lito
it . tin mil ni or to tliu Iiiiiiliun.i.
-hi tlie Jllilhl'V-, tint et tho i-l 11, l i'I.ii
Niuht 01 ino ronilh," .mil 1,1, '.hi,. in.
W'hjlloi, li,. iriuiul 1 li,i,l,t .uilrii ,u.i Mill
ml 11 appi.e mi I'm. v. null. nil" iiniii'
The Mm i-i ni "I In' t'lliiihus" In in 1 ,iii
111- llflllil .'11 ihlll.Unl pi tho pio. 1 in I .r;
I1111I tit'iiir 1 '"lliii, inmii.t iho l.'n.lei. ium
mill .ilioailo Iho iiiin..i.(t.s am ioimiii 1 1 p
I'lililuu' .u.iiii't iiii" .mollior.
Tlll'lo i. II l.o ,111 ;n ih ,'.,11 ,,1
'I'mlor Tun I "lias" In No.o ml , tli ,n,t
HI III J..II, .111,1 it I. I'.p0lll.l 1' 1' III m. in
ll.lti. iill In- Hell 1H0114I1 1,; llul tliu, I,, 1 n
llu Ii nln" mlo m I'liMi.tli.
Iluiri luy i'..)li Inn U liii'hini. 'n. 1 1 n
pit. 1 tor 1 hull s I'lohiiiin, Ihii'iin., In iiv 11,
111 tlio iMiulli, iilnlo tho piiniipil iliii.niii. 11
IP 111 the 11. mli, Mr, 1 .ah ion In. i)oinl-.ii 1..
ilt'litir by dm by llio dot ut tho ji ir.
"'I'll" Hill "I I ailio," In- ,s;il,nj liieilrtil, 1, i
.Kill" ll llrll-.ll III lliv.1011, ,lu will -.inn I .v,
il. HIM ii,,uil ill. 11 Iii .. i.l; MjiIi pi,.,
!u' 1, In ilio 1 ... 1 1 . ,n.i th, uilo a 1.
mIiI, will (.be mil lull liiilinliliil ..ppin.niilili.
t.i "lllll.e e, nl."
Cahiin'i- I.i ' e, t 10 11 In 1 n ' 11 in 1 1
Jen,, i lili An.ii.lin li.l.i, !..i, Iii-i'i i,'i..,i.iiij
111 Nu" ni It ilurinif 1I.0 p,.i in 1, .1 plno
l illul "III. V.lll'r, 1111l." i . I.rwi.. , I in
till I 'I ill. 1 1 1 1 ) pill Mill llu 1,'..I, ... 1,1.1 11 i'ic
1. 1. tun v., II ho Im.l.ul .llu. In I'olK Hit I.
la'-' 'I Kit 1 nindi luir uiuillul f. 1 i im-
Si.1 pn.liillii , Lad, m nun iu.iiiI), .,
XuViliiliol 'HI, lti, I'u's.'li, f.lllin:; im II'omi
lolioi, will pii-o .y ,'itl,o I .mil iu, i,,t(.
et ll-l, bl.l II. Ill.i0, 'i liul,l,
Mlw l,ili 111I1 iron, . I. wiy.
I'. .1. Ilo.ili, Miss 'luinil illim'i ntlul, M1.1,
i;,loll llio H'l.i'1'. ls, II, ll, lli,.,i I;im, llu, ,1,
r, union, w, r. iiuiiL-, w. j, itp.iui, i..iwiii,. t.
I tl 1 nil ill. .lolm lliujul, Mi to inlin,. Illfwltt,
lio.111,-0 ll.l.j, l.l,.ilI.K II.imI.di, I r,mlr I'. Iliiiun,
.1. l'. I "hill, 11. I tit('i).ituli, W. I i,p. It, A,
i iu, Mi., M, 1 iiiinliuliiiii, lleini 1 'ivti in nli r,
I', 11., P. 11. 1 Ih'i, Mi, c.i,:un, Ilj'-.
si'iinili nui : (.dc nui, pi's: Lui.tdi, ('ii.,.
b, ,li!ii piiv..l.cii, Iii,ry U'.i.o. M, l.ja
l.'iiiilini' Pillj, .1. T. Dcvlui', i'liibilii Ah. iiJ
II MHO, I'lioiii..'. ,1, p mIii. .lelm it ,,iih,
Mi-s MlIU l.lli, Mli. ClUiU'tli, 'j;.l llalliiiil
Mli. . riui'is.iii, Mi ItuP 1 'ji.
th.illis I'. (ilnlii, i K.ito trillion .ill-. .1.11
nio (iillui. luu i.Jiiimr. i'liii.' (,'i.ilu'i.
Mi- I. inn.. Ilmtilo, llilhmjv i: s H ,.:u in . Mi.,
Mamie II1M1.1. liiilrti'iu IIjihiuoiuJ, .Mi.-. II.o-
I let,
Mi., Minlo ,li in,, Al. 111I1T ii 1'u.)
K .lill.lult. Mns, 1 V. Join..
Mi.. .Mnul I, .!,;.
.1. a. I l.ion n. I.
lb-. .1. nu'i M((oul, I' M, il.(.liwt-'. Mi.
lliitlu Mni.j, iii,. C I.1. MIlKr. I'.liAiMli II
iljju', (fiuitt. . Mllliul. ilk I,. JIIWull, v.l
iluil iUlu, Mertl, Dudley 'HIi ""'
1'. I. Muipl.;.
1 ludi Ncbvii. Mu krtii! ?Sji'ltoli,
Kolirii lli,li.,.iU, tc. I!. W. :toi.(ili.
Ihniiii., spjik, , A. smith, i, V tfifi 1,
I Imlt.s I. shiw, .Mm p. sjufun.
I nail, I oil, I initios Ilium, W. . ti.u.i . f
II. I'imlul. '. I'jjIui, Unity 'Jllppp.
Ml. WiH'iljtil.
Mr. In o.'l 11 'iA.
ltejS!&r Till AlAllilS: Mloi$?Wj
3JBjJGr ease whicli iirst fast- ffl&JfflRi
Ww0 J& ens on lie stomacllL ---pL
Sf-sr via W and then grapples .-- Ks-Ml
1 iSfc-N fTr W' witli its cruel tenta- -tF --M
V& -Jlf- cles one oreatt after '-SSijrm
j "Q " "gfJU another, until heart, g "Mi
-Jlr- r -- liver, lungs, and kid- - mf g i
g,-' """- neys, are in its grip. Jii
No man is stronger than his stomach. Tho average man measures his
physical vitality by his heart, his kidneys, or his lungs. Rarely does ho take his
stomach into consideration when he casts up the account of health. Lot his heart
action be weak, his kidneys be disordered, and he runs at once to a doctor. But
his stomach seems to have no rights he is bound to respect. Anything will do for
the slomach. Yet. tho stomach is to the body what the foundation is to tho house,
the basis of support and strength. Whatever hurts his stomach and impairs
its powers hurts every other organ of tho body and impairs their powers. When
disease obtains a hold on tho stomach and the' allied organs of digestion and nutri
tion, it stretches out its tentacles to grapple and involve one organ after another
tinti1 heart and lungs, kidneys and liver, may all be involved. Why is this? The
body is sustained by food which is converted into nutrition in the stomach and
conveyed to the several organs in the form of blood. Let disease impair the
power of the stomach and it impairs the power of every organ, because it reduces
both tho quantity and quality of their nutrition. .For this reason cures of the
stomach and nutritive and digestive systems by tho use of Dv. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery are almost invariably followed 'by cures of other organs involved
with the stomach. A great many people who have "doctored" for years for disease
of heart,, liver, kidneys, or lungs, have at last been impelled to 'use Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery for stomach "trouble," and have found to their astonish
ment and happiness that" with the cure of the diseased stomach 1he heart "trouble"
ceases, the torpid liver becomes active, the kidneys healthy and the Jungs strong1.
There is only one way of making physical strength and that is by food. Tho man
weak from starvation needs food, not medicine. His heart flutters weakly, his
breath comes in gasps. Feed him and he is soon strong again. When the stom
ach and organs of digestion and nutrition arc diseased, the organs dependent on
them slowly starve. These organs don't need medicine, they need fodd. By curing
diseases of 'the stomach and the digestive and nutritive systems, "Golden Medical
Discovery" enables the thorough nourishment of the body, by food properly
digested and perfectly assimilated.
Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. No other
medicine is "just as good" for diseases of the stomach and diseases of other organs
originating in a diseased condition of the stomach and its allied organs.
Weak Heart Cured.
" Have taken Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery and it did
me more good than anything I
could get," writes Mrs. Julia A.
Willcox, of Cygnet, Wood County,
Ohio, Box 5. "I doctored with
three different doctors for weak
heart, but they did mo no good.
I was so tired and discouraged if I
had had my choice to live or die I
would have preferred to die. My
husband heard of ' Golden Medical
Discoverv,' and he bought a bot
tle. I took that, and the first luilf
seemed to help me. T took six
bottles before I stopped. I am
perfectly well and am cooking for
boarders (I have; six), and am tak
ing in washing besides. I will
truly say I think your medicine
will do all that it is recommended
to do, and more. It has been a
godsend to me."
gleno fa aantfonaad frit! a tins 1003
is asm f-tre on recoitt of stamp to pay axpanao ot mailing ONLY.
bock bound In duraba cloth, or only 21 atatnpa for tho popor-hound
New Jeisey Central.
I 1 l.l! . ' "l 17. I Kl.
-HUH-. "I Sill olk loot lit l.l ...II ,1,. I,
-V It , mo Sun li I .ii'.
I I nil- ll 1.1 Si ail .11 I .) V-l. ill' I' ill 1 I '.
I'll ' 1. J : 1 -1 .1 1 . ill Mil, 1, 111, Mh iliiiun, Mi u '1
(loin:., W1.1l 11,11011 iii Will,. , ll.ioo .11 '1 .11
a. 10'ii ii-ill.nlo ti.iiii iiitl. pi. hi . ii' Poll, oh Iplu.o ; 1 p. 1 ml I p. 11,.;
"iiiul.i.11.. 'Mil p in. l'i Uo.j, I'llitinii I
W ill..-, ll ino, 1 p. in,, 1 i in, sii.uln, p,
ll . I'ot lilltlllu.l. , l..lill)!lli.l .iml pnltll, l-oillll
.ni.l mi -I, T.i.u u. 111,, I p, in , I p. in,; snnil.i.i,
'J. HI p. 1.1, I'. r l.oil, Ilr. 1111 11, iii.iii liinio, lit.,
"! hi.; I p. in. Kir Itijilini:, I.iIuiioii
llji-rlilini'.-, ;,:,ii .1 hi.; 1 p. in.; snu.ln, j.ju
p. in. I'm- IVitMllli. T.l.ti a. ni.; I p. 111.
I'm- uii's ami iMit, ,apli tu .mint ,,t t ni..u,
W. , tti'.YIZ. .III.. Cm. s,,,,!.
I'. l. Itrill", cm, I 'j.,. Vt.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Mat TuimI.i, si-p'. 17, I ml.
MlllVlI IKifMi.
I.O.UO 1,1 iV" .in
Iran- '. innt.,i. 1'iilioinl.ili. (,ii.i,1i.
J". I in.:.". 1, 11. II.IUii. mi l.uip. in.
." I'.IU 11. in, r f u ,1. in,
st)V III Hill Ml.
I-iioo l..,i" Aniu
I I I'll- JiUnl.l, ( Si.lliK'll.
' '' 7.ll. 1. a. 7 i'l .1 111,
No. 'J .. . . J I,, 1, 1.1. 1 111 1 1 ,. in, I. SO 11, in.
.-I MIUs tln. N'nltl'll IIDbMI.
I.1.00 I cm. 11nt
li'i -i 1 .Mia hi. l jihonilili. I .nl.ijlj,
No. I' .. , . s.Mi j. in. u.iiiiuii. In. I.I 1. in.
7.11" p. 111. i. I'aieeinl.ili' ,'.!" p, in,
siil HI litil'M).
I.i .ire 1.1,11.' ii,.
Ill""- I u.lufll. I , .
?" ' 7.KI 1 7.10.1. in.
No., ill.. I. .10 p. in i,iii p, in. I, f, p, hi.
Ii.iiii, 'n . 1 uii iiocl, iij, ami !i uu Miinhii.,,o 111.1I11 Ih'i iuiiiii.'i .inn (nt Vni 111l, iiu,
MnlillctoHii. lUlii.ti, "sumjili, Ihiijilj, ti.wc.-i,
.lll'l ill polll.i Del.
I'll' UII tin I llllolliullon, lillHlll (lll.ol Ulillla.
. ,. '..'.'.. VN"' IM,-N' " '' - w vmi..
J. 1.. Hl.l.-ll. 'I, P. A .-'lailoii, l'.i.
II Zli-.lcr, lift. I), ZluiKj. III. Jin. (i. A.
IVniv.1. i. l.
S11 iiiul ( l.iNi llatlu-tiooirio It, .iln.iub, j,lnt,j
Mu.. ll. I.. KiiluiiU, f.ti.ti.
I'miHli-l'liN, M.itid Mu. . I.. Iin,l,, uul.i;
Ml.. l.Uzno l.uny, I'tflic; William illicit (Uu.
.li; Ui.r',e 1'. Mii.iri, ni'li .
HI.! Mlt.UTOX t il
Ml. 'I oiii IhimiiJinn. ii. lliuloish. ii. '.
.J, llomi. Ilicinj. , i 'unit, ii, Ml uiii ii i.,
Mijt ii, UaiKiilioin. J, j,,, Mpi. ).' !,
i-. Him Maltha Mil,., i li.nln. K..lifi ton, M!k
ijcitnuJC, Mm, lliojiij, Mi. IV.iUr, ilr.
I.. Wjii.r.
Kidney Trouble; Cured.
"I had been sick for more than
a year with kidney trouble,"
writes Mrs. I,ucy Hayter, of
Jacksboro, Jack County, Texas.
"Several different doctors treated
me, but none did me any good.
One doctor said never could be
cured, that I had Bright's Dis
ease. I suffered nearly death at
times ; had spells the doctors
called spasms. Was bedfast most
01 the time for six months. My
mother begged me to try Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. With but little hope I wrote
to Dr, Pierce, and he said he could
cure me. J began to take his
'Golden Medical Discovery,' and,
although I had given up to die,
I began to improve from the start,
and by the time I had taken 22
bottles I was entirely cuted. I
weigh more than ever before.''
tareo pagan of Up. Pai'Co'a Common
Lehigh Valltty Raihctul.
In I'.il. i i Inno ', rti'
ll It , h .im si riiuc.ii
I'. V lulilpl m aiot No . i i ll
Ti li.. ' t'. 1 1 .iml ' .i i. i.i . .iml '.' I , 4 "7
( lllai 1. li.inii-ii l.pio ., .iml II. .'Ul p. in. mi
llu.. II. .. II, li. It , l... s !7 p. in
t'..r Wilt" IN' hi, ll.lci'.ii nui pinic'pil
pnlnu In tho ii. I ii', I l.l 1 1. A II. li. II,
i'.l", t'.ls ,ui. I 'T p. in. i '.it I'. il.Ml'. , l'i .t.
in , '.'.li p. in
for lli.llili'liun, 1'i.K'i, Ilr I'lliis, lliiii'lii I.-,
.iml il he Intrtiiioilliiiii -l.illiiii 'h II, ,v 11.
it. li.. it. i.i, ".;. ii. in.; t'.Tt, .n O'lin-i; ni.i l!.ri't), ii,.(ii i, in, sniui.n-, li. ,, it
li. I!., ii .is a, in.) i..v. .'-7 n. in.
I'm imi'i I-. Tinvaiiilu., It'm a,
lnln'VI .mil luinolli.ll Ulli'llllCillaU' it.lLlOl.J, vii
li I., I. . li. It., s-.ln a. 1 1. mill .!.U p. in.
In ir iionria, Tt.lii tier, liuir.ilo, M.miii la.:-,
( hiia,;n I .ill p.niii i ':, tin ll. .v II. li. II ,
;.l", 1 1. ."l'i a. l'i . I '-. l.iLi i Ilia, i, In a,,. mil I.,
. !,), 7.P. in. II. I l.l'. p. i.i, s.iiula. ., ll. .' II
It. It.. II ., s.'T p. in.
. It.. II ., s.'T p. Hi.
Plilllli.lll palioi iilnl Mi, pi,, l. el' ,lhv
.iilui ,-.i mi all u.niu l.i'ti.oen Ul',a,-lli,ii.'
ml Niiv nil I'liilaiU'lpliia, lltilfal" ami .
I ll.ii.ll ltv.,1 If.
inn.!, hi lr!il.:i.
IIOI. UN II. Mil III li. i, ii. Snpl , "o I'.'Hli.i.l
i iicl, No Vii I .
ui uii.r.s i it, iiu. l'i- A,si., '.i i-'oitiai'i
-In t, Nui ! t
A. U. MIM'.MM licit, Ilii. I'lM, Al . n'l.
Ililhlil'Uii, l'.i. '
tin liokiit. anil io.oi'iatl..ii.. a;.', i.
ii'i'i u l,..i',.iiiii.i in niio, St pa, ion, (i.i,
Dolawaic, I.nclciuvnnna iml Wpfitetn.
Ill V.iU'ii N'ov, ii, 1101.
Tuiiiu Ii.uo en" Viw .ni i t.til,
y. i.'t, u.iv.. r.-Ji .aid tiiji'i a. m.i i'.Mi, ii.ui, .!,.. ;
li, in. I'm' Sow n I, un I liiliiil..iliij ,' .i, a. hi,, .ilnl IJ li iiul ii.o.1 ii, iii, I'm' 'loin -luini.i
11.11) p. in I'm llniliju l.i.i, u.ti ami a. ui,; 1 jo. u..ii ami 11. ..i p. in. lur lllnv
liailUuil aipl wa oil uin--J(i.-2il a. in. ami I ID
i. in.' t'ui' Uia-oje, S)i4iu() ami I li.ii- 1,1.1 jnij
' I--'- a. in.; l(V).p. in.- tin), ne, bii.iip.1' .nui
I'llu tlaill'at ( i. III. iliil, ii(.il Sutulo
I'ei .Moiiiu).i-ti.tiu j. pi., i in aM, (Lai p. m.
.Miholiuii' ji. oiiiiinul.iilon l.ui i,i i r, u, in,
IlliiimJilllU )lienl-.l'oi' Nulthlllll'uli.lllil. t ami 1UH1 a. i.i. i IM tiiut I..10 p. hi. Jo.
Pi.w.kiiiu, .t. .'.Ha. in.; .i. In 'iml 1 1, in.
suiula..' Tiu() I u Vw V'U. I.'1, ill"'. ' 'V,
ami, a. in.; Il.lO, .!.. p. in, I'l.r IPilUI')- I li
ami H.'.'J a. in : l.oa. Il.iu uiui U..i. I. in, for
Itm.lij.iiion ami uj.. i,,iu,u,- pi.-.'tj a. in.
Illoinii'I'i ii. Hill. oil.-I. ii(- Si l.llili'li. pi.u'i j
ill ii'l (). ID , i.i,
Erie HiiUvonjI, Wyoming' Division,
lui'i nu' Nui V i', ami inii no pi. in, a
Ic.ui' i. luiitt'ii a toll, is.; T.vii i. to . .','i'i p. in.
iniaU- in .i'i a. ni ii... n IP in -ital ., l,ili,i
anil liuoiiiioill He nil..... li SO p in iituu Vow
Vor'i .nil iiu. .' a ,. ni. v "nu j, nan-
Livar Complaint Cured!
"I feel that I -would be doing
an injustice to you if I did not
send you a statement of my case,"
writes Mrs. David W. Gttice, of
Hamburg, Franklin County, Miss.
"I had liver complaint and indi
gestion. Ivverything I ate disa
greed with me. I suffered all the
time with s.wimming in my head ;
heart beat too fast ; my feet and
hands were cold all the time. Did
not sleep, well at all. Was able
to get about very hule. 1 com
menced to use Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and 'Pleasant
Pellets,' in May, 1S97, and by
December I could begin to get
about very well. Have been do
ing my work ever since, except
washing. Feel better than I have
for several years. I thank you
most kindly for the happy relief
and cure."
Don't you want to kitovr about jfo hatSy, Ha
eti'uefura. Ho ccsiana. Its dloosnov ? Thci mist ot
all knavtlaUtia on blolonv. nhvalolcnir. and hy.
Scnso RJcdicaf Atlvlaey. TYm book
Csna 31 ono-ccnt stamps for tna
& 17. V. PIERCE, 3tlffalo, ti. Y.
Selietlulo in i:ti'ci.t Juno !3, 1001.
Trams leave Sciuntou:
G.I5 n. in,, week ilnjs, tiiiouj-yli ves
tlbult: train liom VilltPb-HaiTe
a?utlinnn lniitot p.ulor cut atu'
coaches to Philadelphia, vtt
Potcsvillo; stops at jiuiicipal in
teimcilltitc stations. Also con
nects for Simbury, HanUbuif,
Philiulolphin, Ualtimoio, Wash
ington unil for lMttsbtug attd the
0.38 n, in., week tlnys, for Sunbury,
irnnisibtUB', IMiiinilelphiii, Bultl
juoi, Washiniiton ami l'lttsbui'i
and tho
ft.18 p. in . week thiys, (Sundays,
1.08 p. in.;), for Sunbuiy, Ha
viabuiB', Phtladolphin. Halt -mote,
Wnshiiii'.lou mid Pitts
Inii'lV mnl tho West,
ii.O.'j p. in., week days, thioush ves
tibule tiniu tiom Wilkea-Iiane.
rullinrm bullet parlor car (itu'
coaches to Philadelphia i..
Pottsvlllf. Stops nt pvineipal in
tonuedloto BtaUonu.
J,fi7 p, in,, week days, for TInzloton.
riiinhmy. Hnirlslnti's, PhllitdeJ
pjiia ,nd Pittfibuvf''.
,i i iii"i iii-iiv. y. .
.1 I) UI01l, (,.ll f.1,-1 ",
iichiwiuo and iTmlson.
in mini jum ', p"i.
Tuii u.i I arU.mlato loa.. suanloi : ' ' '
.t.i, .-!(, lu.fl a. mi Ii.'. 1.-'. -II.
6 VI. ii.'.i. ,.i7, ".I'. II.-" t'- '" S ''I" ' '"
fm l. mwUlc ali'l Ul. l.'ii'ir.. .i". 1" I . '
ui. I ami ! p. n. ,
l'"l Wlll.ivll.iili-..l' T l. Ml. I..-, Pi I'
.1. m.t UiU,. I.ils, -i.l, AM. '" ''-in- - !-.
10.11 ll.lio P. pi.
-'.. U . It. !!, I). .1 a, in. If
1.27 jnil U-liU p. in.
Via f'l'uotiMj li- 11. iwnw-').ti. ', in
.l.;Si ami .ST i. Uj. ., , ,
Foi AUniiy idI uii KUi' iwitii - iu i. n. .1.. i p. in.
i Mn iiniv-.
I'll l luiieU'U1' . I1JI ' 1" ' n.
,...'.' ta.'ij p. Hi
foi lWH.elij.u Hi . .a: I..ui . .-..
I, i ..nil l'.i' p. ill.
I'm AUiju.i ami m;i)t uuith ',' p in.
I'm lloiuulali' un.l jiU l.'-.I n .Mi. ll
3. in ')' p in
y n reivnt net of tlio leRlsta. '
ttire, free tuition In now granted
nt the
Literary. Institute
an J
State Normal School
Bloonisbtirg, Pa.
to nil tlio-in prr-imrliur to tench.
ThW pelinnl niiiltitiiin.i coiH'Rei
n flurly for ti'iti'tu'ti, for thosn
tii'ppnrlut; for (olIf'Kc, anil for
those stuilyllig nuisle.
It win piy to rlli (nf pirli.iiljri.
Nu nilur fclinul cfTpiti noli runnlor ad
Tanttgn at mcli low latci. AJdrcji
J, P.Yidsii, A.M., Ph. D., Prill,
J. PiKlcr, I'icslilciit. I'.lmrr II. t.awill, lrcm
i. J. Finicr. Stanley P. Alien,
Vice rrcidrnt. 8rcrtlrjr.
' 4
tip &$
rW 1A
'M $k
R'ldlcil Willi rat n to jour pinai!
.mil no .'s. 'Jur
V(I, i cxrcptiotMlly poml ipnlity for tlio prnv.
rull naiiK till. In,, anil hiio"imicIi strength
iiiontTi' our ci-.ii.iiiab'o . ll -i m;.
zs && a
& -w.
.2 Sprticu Street.
Mauurticturcvs 9r
465 to 435
.7. Ninth Street,
Telophims Call, '2:3i.
liooms 1 audCouiMtbB'l'd'ft
ninirig and Blasting
U ,-(! ut Mooaic nd RuiU .Vur il.
Clcetrlo iiitterle!. Kleotrlonrploilari.
rpluJIn:; blaip, safety Kim :m 1
RenaiiiiQ Ctismisal Go.'s bxplo
S'..itd. i mi c po.tiscil(.liirilv phy..
Iriivsniiil su.uly nvrveis lint now have
innillkioiit force to piopcrly
iittcuil li orilmnrj duties: ou who
li.iveiisoiHonf ,'riilicrtlie -si i . rtlmi, vii v'l)0 at" 'lull
l.iiiRin 1 Jii'l "Iii i" Pirit" at ,'tu at!
wliuii "il -'liniittl lie till 1 of I'll -ic.i I In i ,
,oilMii'itit'iy Io I that our life h not
worth the trii;Kle tlK-ru l.ascletitllic
iiit'iiiis of u'lleeiitimt nil tin- prcciniH
tio.ierii.'liUthCt.'iiua be cntlicly tost.
Have otreil tlinus.itt.N mi 'i n. veil
iioil't t.'ipoilmoiit with ygiir liciih or
m.iti . M win ink tl ri-V i'hx
lioxc. in nut tiUi; jmh, V in limn.) '
li'liiriieil. I'or vpi vi li ive Loon
ciiiiii.iiiictioiitlRw.- - itisi.itft..rj teim.
I 0) ,r I'ov, l lor S."n ninilnl in
plain p.ukaK' Hunk I 4lilii".i
I'l.Al, MiPK - l.o.k'k il.iil'l t't.
For wlc hy J .Im II I'hdpi, I'liiruuvUt, cotuor
Miniums it.iiui) .unl biirute ttrcet.
. . MANlU'n.C'.'UltLn BV
(W-VtlTllTJIlS .n.ii:.
Sob? fi
vx- a n":'"ai. vtri
mxhf c?7 Xx . WflALf
t r: .Ji. i ti."i iiibitr
Jus iM i-i i im
M'Mi tare?
.vHiluJ IB i.-l.
tjerd .m,"T.
Bin's a
M! Prof,B.F.THI:ELS27 oY,With.
K, Al I hihMUli, la iilj ItfiiiKR J,r.UlUt fn
T J) riffle. iMtri U U tvtr uhnhj ii)i) I'rltitlvf
I X i5Vt l'ic I ie" ItuMi. Illvni I'DUtMi.Airtoi.
'(RMI,"M,lh lo' -'"'.',Ir"",'N-i'i"t
LMt!f fHl"tr I Uilvi.i.iit et tirunr ilr;tns
IV f iU . fprfi( t It tOiUj.. 3'1 4rk)rifllrlJl li r-ti
Itiiiiltvt,rl'('i(it"r'MaB 1 (vbw ,rrlb"ifi
ll'Miutf tffrji WfiUiH-l,ttrlilrriij4. Hiiliiii IbUpitriT
r- - t -r ---- i - -- -- t"'