The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    Mflivftr-'- "1'3
'.I ,Vii
I. A il
..i ' i'
The Guests Who Weic rrescnt Mnn
Arrested for Holding Pin so His
Son Touud Tho Heel Whistlers
Toot Ball Team Organised Fu
jicinl of the Lnte Samuel Slug ham.
reroll IxToveltn Charges His
Nclghbois with Assault and Bnt
tery Other News Notes,
'I'lm niorliii' riy AVh'-eliiii'ii lulil
oik' of their onjoynhlo eluh iliiiu crt last
ovenlnR', xxhlth way titteniled hv their
Judy friends. They danced to the
iiiusle furnished liy Pi of, Intmsnii, mid
I'njoycd themselves uiilll Vi o'rlo'l..
Those present uere:
Mls(s Ui'Slo 1'raiiniV'Ili-i, Anna
1(kis, I.ouls-e Ulinoii-', i,in-y ji'ausl, Hal
tic lien vers, I!ohIc McUi.'ifki'ii. Fnllii'
3k 'melton, thnlly I'vun. iMuhi'l Ilold
y. Jennie Jlynon, lMilh Uo.lvcih. Anna
James. I'hoehe lhieji'it. MIsm I'hllllix.
May .lone-.
Mes-ts. Will Smki.uv.. A. !. Il.ivit,
TM. .Morse, rhas. t'.iiieiit i. W. I.
Davis. .Sain JliCrmlmii, Tom .Sloihen.
tteniy Ixlorsun, U'.ilter Jumei, l.ulhoi
Thomas, CliaiK-s A. Il.xnon, lid. Ij.ivK WutUins, Ailolph I minim;. ('" L,uU, Will iilonor. llerlieil
llWd, Hull, l'.cu Allen, Will
FiaiiU, Kd. Ilcilly.
Assnult nnd Battery Case.
IVioli Novelt.i, of lit N'ni tli Ninth
strict, had n wanaiit lnuotl y Alder
nifiii .lohn on 'Monday lor the an est of
Tinv.zo and Gimme ('.inpsi. his iioIkIi
Ti(irs. chui-Kin tlieni ixltli assault and
hatl'-ry, disiouletly conduct, making
ihreatb, etc.. against his ilfi C.ith-r-inp.
When Con-Uiihle John Davis ixvnt to
hcrve llii- warrants on tlu, lie
learned they xvete iuoeeutois iutouu
miMiits hcftiio Aldorni.m 3lilliir. IJotli
p.iitlos to the Iracas iimiiionii-oil lv
aili ii.iyhiK the costs to their iesieet
ive aldermen Cniihe'iiiently peace lias
hcoli lcsloted in "Little. Jlaly "
Peculiar Ca&e This.
limine M. llerllhwr lo-l a inu-e
contiiinhiK $17, leeeiiily, in tin- xnmii
nl Divisiiin and SWlei'litli Mice!-, and
Minm linie iitlerxx.iiils leaimil that a
lioy named ChlndHinsLi laid plclicil up
humcthiiiK at thai point xxliiili le
b' milled the lim-e.
DttfoUr's French Tar
Will inoinptlv rtlitM ntul -pc-ultlx tiuo
i , uuM- anil nil lmi-r tu'iilil,'. I'm
Ml. In (i. V. .II.MilN, 101 Njith Jinn
4 Notable
Is now beiug made iu oue of our leading show
windows, winch is deserving of attention, because it em
braces everything which fashion demands for the present
season's wear on all occasions.
The Children, the Misses,
The Maidens and Matrons.
Have all been well provided for by us, and qualities are
fully up to the good old standard which has made the
GLOBE WAREHOUSE famous for Gloves that are fully
guaranteed to the wearer by us and the manufacturers.
A Pew Timely Pointers.
Ladies' Mercerized Kltl Gloves,
Hy far the best value m Scrantou, at $ I tUU
Ladies' Heavy hnglisli Walking Gloves, in browns :ind
tans. A pei feet winter glove at model ate cost
Ladies' One-Button Kid Gloves, with full cape, saddle
seams, etc. Tans and mode:; in all sizes. Pric
Ladies' One-Clasp Mocha Gloves
maicniess giove lor me money,
Ladies' Two-Clasp Glace Kid Gloves, for dress wear,
in greys, tans, modes, blacks, etc. Rill range of pi ices
mid qualities to select from.
Twelve, id and 0'liuttou Gloves, in all shades, for
evening wear. The finest line in Northeastern Pennsylvania
is here "at your disposal.
I Misses' Gloves, all styles and sizes for fall and winter
wear. Complete assortment at., $,0() ami
Splendid range of Golf Gloves, in white, red, grey,
black and fancy shades for ladies' and children's wear. Sec
window for further details.
Globe Warehouse
When the owner mndn Inuuli'les of
the hoy's mother ulioiit the puiw. slit
denied having ohtnlned such u HiIiik
from her son, yet the conlHetlng stoilcs
she told led llurlllntfcr to hellexe that
the xxoimtu had the puisc nnd money.
SI 10 refused to f?lvu up the siimc, find
the owner had her husband arrested
hi the ihuiKu of luiceny.
When uriulmied hefoic Ihu ntdurninn,
Mis. ChluilKluskl persisted In her re
fusal to kIvo up (he pinse, nnd Hie
hunhand was held In Wl hull to ilo
dure the Imy In coin t.
Red Whistlers Organize.
A font hall team lo he Known as the
lied Whlfllers has been oiitnulxed, and
have Issued n i halleime to an. team in
the cltV whose illelaHO Weight is not
more 1 linit ninety p()Uiiil. They would
picl'ei to play a team Horn No. Ill School
on Thiink'-RiviiiK' da..
The lied WhlStlns line up as fid
lows: Left end, .lames; lei l tin kle,
MiikIics, lejt snnrd, Davis; celiler. T.
Ue.Mion: ilKht miaul. William: rlKht
Itirkle, .luiiies; ilKhtotid, llahetlv; lett
halfback. Ilojeis; rjitlit liallh.nh,
l.'evau: 1 11lll1.1t 1.. 1'. Jieynoii.
Funeral of Samuel Dingmnn.
Scivkos over Hie imnalus of tlu late
Samuel Dinj,'inan. who died inun In-
.linles lccelved at the i ixfont mine,
wiie 1 onduclod cslenlny ailernnon nl
the riailililon Sliwl Melhodlsl Uplt-eo-pal
r lunch by the pastoi, l:ev. .lames
The M'l vices wele attended liy many
iclalives and Irlends of the unfoiluiiMle
.Minus man. who met such an unthnelv
death. The choir or the church ren
dered several hymns ilmim; the cr lee.
The pall-beaters immo Danli I Holmes,
William .Miller, .lo.-eph Hhhiday. Daid
i: v.i lis, A1 :i 1-1 1 11 llatdUord and .luhu
I Self. The tlower-bearrrh weic Deinntd
Aiihui'iind Daniel Co'-tello. Interment
was made in (he Washbuin street
renietc ry.
Events of This Evening.
liohoaisal ol the Y. Jl. 1. mluMiel
company, under the dheetlon of Piol.
.lohn T. Watkins.
I.ectuie In lleai.s hall hv the lion.
William Abrahams, S. !, on "A Xljjhl
in the House of Commons "
Ueheaisal of the childioii'n i hoi us on
the competitive selection, "Can led hv
the AiiRcls," to he .siuiK at the North
Sri anion eisteddfod on ThanKstjuimr
Tlie rilinual elei tiou of othcei.s for
the IJihlc school of the Washhinn
Street l'rcshx teiian church will take
plaie tliis exeuluu-.
,1,11m" leader, o'"
seiiously ill at hi.s
Chestnut sheet, is
home, and his le-
( every is doiililtul.
The inied choir of sineis will meet
for rehearsal tomouow evoniiiK, Instead
of this evening, as previously an
nounucd. ISasil, hild ol Jlr. and Ml.-. John 1.
Jones, of Fontleentli street. Is ipiite ill.
Itkluuil Joiu'h, Janitor of Xo. II school
and the KiisL Welsh liaptisl chinch, is
rei incline; Irom an illness.
Oscar Jones, of Noith llrnmlev ave
Showing in
with pique slitchincr, jU
in grey:
nue, who wns ttikrn III on Hutulny, Is
confined In thr Liickiiwitiuui hospital,
where he will he operated oil Tor ap
pendicitis. The chapel fonneily used 1 y (he con
gi citation of St. .Murk's t.uthetan
chittch Is being; remodelled lulu u
dwcllliiR house.
John C. ColllllS. of lielleute sheet,
fell from a rcaifold on which he was
wuiklutj, lecetitly, and sustdlned a
rraelutcd aim.
Jlr. and Mrs. W J. Murium of Car
boiulalr, have tetmned home ftoiu a
lsll with West Hernnlon fi lends and
Miss Hdlin Kline, of North Hyde Vallt
avenue, Is coiivalesclUK.afler an llhass.
Hairy Davis and John Delnior, of
Itellcvue, spent eslenlay hunting III
the vicinity of,e Ariel.
Mis. William lieiiltv of Doiothy
slieei, Tripp I'uik. is III at her home.
.Mr. and .Mis, lltmh Lane, of TiniU
hauuocl.', have leinrued home lioin n
llt with Mr. and Mis. C I.. Kresky,
of Ninth Sunnier avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. J. Nealls. of Chest
nut sheet, have I chimed home inun u
lsll wllh relnllvis at H i in use, X. Y.
!eori?c Illll, o Not Ih Sunnier iiM'tuie,
has rctiuucd home lioui a hunlilm hip
to the nil; mountains.
Harry Williams Is III at his home U
Kvans ( ourt
The D. nnd D. dancliKr ilass held lis
weekly session In Meat's hall lasti'Sen
Injr, nwlnij to "Mabiin's" lecture this
The memheis of the Colonial ( lull met
in Washington hall last i-veuiiipr to
ni.ilte iiiniUKiMnent'i for pai llelpatlou in
til" eomliiK I'alilotlc Older Sons of
Aiueilc.'t fair, which will lie opened net
louilay evenlUK. A sinoker was uNu
Misses Julia Miiian and Nellie .Mur
ray aie spending u lew days with
frieniN In Pltlsloli.
The rehearsal of Hie (Kioul Clee
club last evenltiK, under the dirtctioli
of David Stephens, Miis 'a ihusl
mill, and those who were pilUlet'l to
hear them predicted thai thej will be
pii.e v.inneis at the i online eisteddfod.
Mis. V. H. Thomns' IVmale paity
held their lehcarsal last (enlui; In i
Ivoilte hall. Their sIiikIiik was of nil i
insphliiK nature, and Kioath pleased
the leader, who is a musician and
(iltlo of ahillly.
The choir of the Jackson Street U.ip
list chtucli will kIvo nil old folks' con
ceit tomorrow eienhiM;.
Terrain e Keller is the name of th
man who went Into Dlizabeth Lloyd's
diessiuakliif; eslabllshnient on Monday
and prepired hlmselt lor a sleep, hut
was unceremoniously taken out by
Lieutenant Davis and T'atiolmriii Kiah
I'etcis. lie awoke ill the polhe sla
tlo'i ycsteidai umi uiliR, and in delault
ol a VI Hue, was committed to lie'
county jail for twenty days.
Hundieds of Persons Attended the
Puneial of the Late Joseph
Hickey Social Events.
lluudieite ul Irieudi, and m'iKhhoi.u
KattuMod ul the llh'hey lcsddente. -lit
t-hmy M el, jc.ui'idny to lay ilu-i:
I i.-t .: ii.ats to ih ' la to .lo-eiih 11 it l:ov,
who was l'oiiiid dead on Sunday. The
"! ulu1. v eic eitca'-i'd in n inashUe (.as
l?"t, wlui'li was ariansa'd in Uu jiailor.
nnd i'm tmony: in attemlani'i' took
ri'iirly :iu hour In iiabhliiK- the bier. Tin
inotos'.iiiii "-tartcd at I'.'iO for St. .Tulin's
iliuii'li. on Klfr stnot, wliiic HM'viees
won' In-Ill, Intel iiii-n t was inane in tlio
'ailii'dial 1 1'iiieti'iy.
The i,'ill heaters, all HlV-lon-,- tiieuiM
r' the (Ii'i.'UmmI, wi'io i Iiiim'II as lol
lous; rati kl; Klnneity, l'atiii'lv Har
lell, Owen liC.inu, .lolill Mcllalo,
Mai tin Keildllifjlnu and ,1o-i'ili Isvlly.
riiemen in Session.
Til,- William ('onnell llosi- loiiipany,
vhii h'iis it-, ui'K'.inl.atliin luttict,
hold an important Muslim In lia tile's
hull, on l'ii)..iei't ueiiue. lti-t nlKht.
The Imi-Iiioi-j; hefure the uieet
Imi was the leading of a liu il ropoi t
on the eMMir.slon Ik Id lut hiiuu.ier. and
tho lOiniiiittei- wai uhle lo show Hint a
neat mini hud liecn icallxi-d and pl.uuil
in tin- tuMMiuy,
1'l.lUS lor till' I'lll Ill l- ,! lll.,lMISM'"d,
and il was lUeldi'd to keep up tin- oi'iition lor mutuiil hcnelil find Miiitil
Inli'ii muse.
Coming Socinl Events.
Camp K, l'aliiotii' Older of Ann rua,
v hii'h In a ladies' iiulllin to ihe
l'aliiotii Older rioiis of America, will
hold nn lie cieuiu social and ciilertalu
llii'iit In FiL'iiliuu'M hall on Filiiay
evciihi!, Nov. 2J. An iiucicstliif,' iin
K.'anime h'li In en ainuiKnl and re
licshniMith v. Ill ln sei'ud duiiiif,- the'.. One ol the piinelpal Icat
lii es will he :i drawhiK for a coolly mild
The L.tdli . sucUiy ol I'lu'-i lai
ther.iu ehiiri'h, mi I'l-dar avenue, will
seivv Mipper Mils I'venhiK at C p, in,
An i nliTiaiiiiiicni will lolluw, and a
lile.'lt.llll llllie Is pioinlsed.
A linl.oy illuni'i' will he served nt
I ho t'edai Aciiuu Methodist Uplseopal
i hui ih on TliiiuKsiihiiiK u.iy and ewrj
one lll ho uiudc cordliilly weli'oine.
The Itoilti' MaUers' and Iron Ship
l'uiiiler.s' union, No. 71. will hold their
fourih annual hall ou liu. il, at Ath
h tic hall, on Alder slieet.
The .Slur Hiulul i luh has app.untnl n
lonunlltee to take chin ue uf the in
i.iiifivniciiisi fur tliiir clKhth aniiuul
iimsiiueiudii hall, whkli will ho held iu
Athletic hall on .hill. t'O. The ueuerul
louunlttce N as fiillow: .laioli Kiu-st-lli'l,
Jacoh Mill;;, Chill lew Ivolli'nii.iu,
Din Id Lewis ami IVter 1'hillips,
There li- un iplilviule of toiiallillH nn
this Hide, anil Hie ilniKfjIstrt are Kept
buiy ptiilhiK up preKi'ilptlmii.
Mlleh U-Klel Wa,s evpi c-H'il un this1
f-lilu lat I'vi'iihut ul tlui xiil au'lilent
vvhli-h hi'fi'll .Mlfrh Jhivvhimh .vcslunlay.
Mli-s lidwlauds wan tui'UK'rly ii.Hlhliiut
Fei retar.v uf the Vuiuiii Wiimi'ii'H
Chrhulau .in-uclutlun mi lliin citli', ant
win- hilnii'il ami i-bti'i'iin-il by all v1 lth
whom i-he i-uinii in unilui't,
.luhu Khi'i'lmn, o I'llictiiu .ivi line,
v:i urialKiii'il hi'foie I'nlli'u .MaKiHtinu
J-'liur i',sli'iihi.v, on it fh.ii'KO nl in-sault
Mid hallei, pi'i'lVrivil hv hit wife.
Ills wile as hi u tuiKivhiK inoinl and
fulled in pui in mi uppi'iiraiiuii. Time
wan nn other uitirse upon tu the uldej.
man hut illeeliuiKu iho uiteiule.' with a
.Ml. .hiiob fJiihns. ir. of Slj 1'itutun
nvvntie, lelurned troui u IiiiutltiK' Ittp
yusteiiiuy with Inrfo hue ol rnhhlu.
HQ .'i igil.-li Iu Illll until it ki . Ik. i.
If nil it uiiflliiiii Ihci viun Jl 'uh i
won diiai." l,i;i jn in vl ii. t mil
I ll.O
W 1
, Ilu
..111 11
tlillil all 1 t Olihl llu.i n I'lllluwl ui ti
i-'ii,i-..tiil nwHiIno . il(il K'liip- lltl'uii . ;
. ' hi vn .i ii'Viuic vmrji'ii iv inn,
W..UII HIIIIIOIIUILI t"i llii' CXxlUllt llllll a
in tAliu iho ili.i ,1... iv .. a nj jo
Til ln (iu. .VI ail Uiuif.Ul.,
Some Scnslblo Atlvlco to Wo
mcu by 3Iih. E. Snilcr,
"Dkaii Miib. l'r.sititAst: When I
passed throiiffh what Is known ns
'uhanrfoof life,' I hnd two yrnrs' suf
fering, sudden heat, and ns quick
chills would pass over tne , my nppetllo
wai variable and I never could tell for
MRS. K.,
Prcniilout Relict Aftsoi'latlnn,
I. os Atigelon, Cat.
a day at a time how I would feel tho
next day. 1'ivo bottles of Lydin Ji.
IMiikluitn's Vog-o table ('onipoiiud
ehunyed all that, my days became, days
of hciilth, and I havo enjoyed every day
ainee now .six years.
" Wo havo used considerable of your
Vegetable Compound in our charitable
work, as we Hnd that to restore a poor
mother to health to she can support her
self and those dependent upon her, if
such there be, is truer charity than to
Hive other aid. You have my hcarly
endorsement, for you have pioven
yonrself a true friend to suil'eiine; -vo-
,1 i men.' Miss. u. Haii.uu, Tfiii'j Mill St.,
J. OS Anirelei. C.ll. S6000 forfeit It above its-
ttmanlal is not genuine.
No other person van ;ivo such
helpful mlvicG (o wouion avIio
arc sick as onn Mrs. Pinkliniii,
for no thcr has had such grunt
oxporiencc her address is Iyun,
Mass., and her advice free jf
j-ou arc siolc write hei you afo
foolish if you don't.
Or. Casey, of Philadelphia, is the
KUoht of Dr. IMlz, mi Willow slieet.
Christ Slmr, Will Hinllh. llany I'.lui
and tliiH Storr will have tonioirow on
a week's huniiiirf tiip thioiiKli Wayne
and I'il.'o eounlie1-.
l-'rc-h llsh, o.steis and i lams at Sun
iliiy'H miiiket, r,11 (Vilar aeinie
nieelliiff of Jtoiuiiifj Itionk
of lloiin-(iiih4 was held in Starrs hull
l.T-t evening.
Mi". Vim' Kmliki In-, i . il irii,iii,,!i. (,i
lip niniiii i liu il in Jili r MiiK.irr:, 1" liu
I .urn il-. Jliiiiiiiu I,, Hi,' 1 1 inn hi ! 1 1. c. i.l nr In
tin. (iii'iii l!iile I'n -Int. il m i inn. 1 1 lucs'liy
Mlllill!.', P" .,, .11 7.. .0 ll'l blrf.
'I Iw .'iininl iu.iisi' niictai.' nf liu- Wf.iniu-i
Mi'iiciniy -ocli u il tlie die. n IImUt I'h-Ih-liilnii
Hui i will In. ,i 1.1 m tlu ill mil iii'u
tin-, .il lulf i i-l ,1 o.loin.
'Mil' Illll nil UliItlMIti .IMIUH IkI'MCII I'll1 'I
Kliliri' .mil I. mil 1 1 ot , ii ini'i'iii Mimo s'i i".'
lluilnl .itUllliim liom I lie il;. ottul.lK
llifin II11I40 Inilsi, hui. pciiilciit Oulei 11C lhl,l
l'i lloui-. Mill liuM ,111 1111p.11 1 nit iiiidintr 'In liy
Milium m JI iviniu lull. Pkloon aiiimp.
'Hie 1111I01 filr lidil .it the lion 1' el Mi-, llilm
I I.I1U.II1, (! Sl'I'IIIIIl .Iilitl' I l-I Milling, UN
ilu the m-jiliii of Hi,, hum's HuiJiui-, .n
HlilCviflll, liolll SIK Illll .Illll 1111 mi ulu.
1 lie (linn Itnlco WimiiiiN riiii-liui 'limpor
.11111' uiikn will luivt Ilu-, .lfUni'Hii a .! ii'i 1. 11 k
it tln Inane uf .Mi-. I,. 1 . Wiintn, hM Niw Vnil.
luit. 'I In- will Ih ,111 1 uuvi'li-lii inn tin.' ,iinl
tlie iiuUi', will 1 1' 111 ilnrc of Vlr-. .1. N
.Millii, Miimiiitriiiliiil f ili'iuilmiut. A ior
1I11I liuil.itnii I- oMunliil In .ill.
Mr-. M If. liu-. ul simlnrini .uniiio. b 'i
Vnvaik, v r.
Ml- II. II lttwi.iM, l.fl MMiuliy f,n .1 t.,'
illll -l.l.i .il lllllnli, Slliiuj -In' 1, tin. nll''t uf
.Ml-. .Iiiiik 1'. IIkImm.
i'ii'iii llnU'o iuiiti, Mutl.iti V iiodiiu 11 i,f Am. 1 -lo
1. will lii'l'l .111 lni)iirt mt iniitiii tin- iH'iuu
111 M i' ink lull, liiil.-uii in mi"
I he fin i nl df ., ilin 1:1 null (uiinrnl mm !m
l,tic liuino i,u Itliiniii Mint .ii'-ti'iiin illtui'ion.
'I liu li'-jinl in mIiiiIi he ,!, In M v.i ,itn. i il
In the ui it inn iln'i uf niiiiil, pi..-, in i!n
Ml-lli'll II Jill Hull l.l-t ll-pufs in tin ll.piltxl.
Inn inn lit w iiiiile in --t. Mm', nini'li i. .
'I'll1 .liinii il lu.n-i' iniilin el tin VVi'inrn'
Hi liu- .mil 1'iiriiKii Mi-i.miii.i i-oiiil.vnl Ilu Dun
in ui' I'i,- In i, ii in i Inn, h mil li. In 1,1 nt ih,.
In.ini' nf Mi.-. 11, III iilanl .11 nn 'l Inn -ilf .it
uiiiihi!i. Vn iintttlieu 1- i n nihil 1 .ill Ho
1 ulu - nt Ih" i ciiuii j ul. ui .mil in ,f 1 1 mix , , uf
liu' iniiiv, I. iilli V Mii-.ifn ( In I,, to In ini-iiil.
Mi- .Linn- ,-inilli. nf .lulin-uii I'uili, liul in i
hii-li.inil luMii ,'-iniii f'unno.i ,iir.tiuli. ilni-i,
with iiul,in- Hiu'iH ,i-iln-t Ii. i- Inc. Vlln lu'u
ins thi' i.ut- in I in. ui-,, i-inilli m.k lulil unil'r
-.hi lull In i he fpiiiu
nn I iiml.-.iiiiu I'U'iiai., In Wn.hiiuli n n.ill.
I ii I. ulu-' J. .iipvi.iini. .uuii'l.i mil kIu' ,i ilitne
mil tin 1 u.
Ilu1 liniiiiuu' In mill nl lln T nl!.. X,'i Ilu
U il. ilnilil if Imiiii i mil huh I al ll.e Ih.iih
Mi". I, It. 'nl,i.
Ii llii" ill II J ,'.!.
mi Cluiii hiirct, I'ti'lj.i ,ii.
Mm I hi ml.. i, Xiiul. i. .. I'u.-uiU aiuiiii' , .
M- til, uiiiiiN .a I. ik. V in .Ii.
Mi-, linn Mil niinl. i. ill a in, h. ,.,. ,,
l.l.Al' -tu I.
VII u I. Hi.
Mil" W.ll I"
No I'I .ih, i.l,
ll'l 1,11 1. I .
Ii-iilin in .Nu. CI t, liunl ili-lilu
uli'inl iu--.ii- .ill ml ?.! i.ill lit nil, ml
n I Ik: (,ii, li l.'nlsi I 111-. lnimi
mil ," ui 'I .li Ilia -il ii I.
lit Til I) WIS, th" S-iuiinihs-dld
(lilld ul .Mr. -uid .Mi., Tlioitia.s ,, D.tvls,
ul NU7 Siuith .Mtiln avi'iilli', died ji'.s
leiiley, Tin- llliii-i-al M'lllics Will he
pilvalely i iindiK'ti'd at " o'lloik this
alii'i nimii ui the liou-,1 Inii-i ini-iil will
be inadi' In Wuhhhuiii stiuel LcniPiery.
Mit.-i. i:i.i,i:.v r.iTTi;.N'iiii'.si:. uKiii
U ''ait, illi-d yt .sienlay at her honu
leaf uf .'!li .Ninth l.ijiiolu uvi'UUi'. alter
a tllln' wei'1,1. 1 1 In.t-s-.i-. Di'i'i'UM'il was
a LltUcr ul .Mis, .lohn lillli UhiillM'. nf
North -Main iii-iiui. The finicial mi
nouilicini'Ut will hi' iniulu lali'f
yniiK who had been an Inmate nl the
llllli-ldo huniii him i- isi'7. illi-il ul that
iiuultuthiu last uIkIu. li I-. liolluveil
llllll hi- h.i nu relative.-: In llil illy.
Tin Ulu -tal hi't'Vli i' liver the lu-iiiulns
uf Iho laic .Vlii. l-JIUaimdi jmien will
tiiliu plam ut bi uVlui I; this uuiriilim: u
the rehldt-iiiu uf di rouseilV. dininhter,
Mis. .Mary Keller, L'.U I'lie.linill htieet,
Tim H'lualns will he tal.ell In Sprhiii
Mi (ink lor Intel nienl.
Tin linn nil ol a T-liiiiulhs-uliI i hlld
ol .Mi. and .Mi.-.. I-'i.uil; UoK.iii, uf 5J1
Jyiuiu, will take plam this ,if
lui'imoii. InierniLiit will hu inade In
tin- (' eemutery
Tin luui'lul ul" the lain Mis', fitlliei
iuu Unify, of lJiii .laekboll htleet. will
he held lomoiiow iiiiiiulllf'. ut 'J ii'i loelt
1'i'uui Si. t'atih-li's ihunh.
Tin funeral of .luhu It. Kl. hunl.-uii
ml. eh plnn tonioriow uttirnuuii at "
ii'i'lui.1; lioin tin fuinlly uildenie, lD.'l
Von sloivh avoiiiie. Intnrment wilt he
iniiile Iu Koreat Illll cemetery.
The funeral of MIhm Kulhiyn Mit
loney, of Llionk Hlieel, Duuiuoii', will
oreilr lltlt motliliu? nt II o'eloel:. A
rettllem IiIkIi inium will he eeleliruted
In Hi. "Miiry'i ehureli, uller which In
tel iiu'iil will he iniiile In HI. .Mury'H
eellU'tet V.
The fuileriil of llliuer liohsou will en -eur
ft inn hit lulu Inline nil (lime Blleet,
Dunmnie, thN urieinoon ul I ti'cloeU,
S'ervlci'ti will he I'lmdtieted hv I lev.
riuirli'M II. NVwInir, In I he Melhodl'it
ohm eh lit 2 ii'i lock. The memhei'H nr
the Streel Cur .Men'? union will nl ttul
the funeral.
Trouble nt tho Richmond Collloiy
Hns Been Hefeiretl to Dlstiict
ricshlent Nlchollu.
Tic minus eniplujed al the lth h
lnond Xo. .! collli ry, who weie lockul
oul uhottt ten iIujm ttfro lor lOllliilUK to
wuil: Mlth non-uiilou men, hive u
iUi'.lted 1'iesldilit .N'lihoN, ol' MWlritl
No. 1, Iu liy and hilmr ahoiil 11 sciile
lileilt of the niutter.
Mr. Nichols leiiuesleil (ieliei'iil .Mil nil -Kir
Jlrydeii on .Monday In kIm I1I111 a
ilellultc itniwer uh lo whether tin' mum
Will lie opi'lied nt oni . 'I'liln nnswel is
cMn fled today, umi If II li uufuviiruhle
tin- Ul ltd r Will he laid hefuie the 111. 111
lielM of tlie dlililet hoard for iu linn.
The (ullliiir out 01 all the miners 1 m
ploycd h the 1 ompany N oil" of the
piis.dliilitlei In oiii' an uufuvoiuhlii au
suer Is rc'i'lMd.
Hnudliiig' of Air-Brnkcs.
Ail -brake nr. Xo. lul, of the Inler Coiiespimdi'iiee Hi IujoIh, of
Sci anion, Mill remiilu at the l.uilwi
wniiha louud-hoiiM', Srrauloii,
lor the halauee of the rucsent weel,,
When II will he letiloveil to KillKHUill,
and lioin thai point to I lull.' lead.
Those 1tekaw'aniiii emplojes who
hae not as ct .milled theni-elves ot
the opiiortunity of hccomhiK f t111lll.11
W till Hie llitlldliiu; of the nil -hi, ike lme
been lnsti ueti d In lsll Mils car ijeloic
lt ti'iiimnl 1 1 0111 Hi 1 anion, lor lii'-tiui -tlons
In the liandlliiij of the all -huikc.
D., L. & W. Boiud for Totlny.
Tin- lollowln- Is II10 muke-ttii of the
D, U
and V. Iio.uil for toilav :
'II l.-DVV. M''i:Mlll.l! 11.
U1I1I ( lU, I'a-l-is p ill, U J Mu-iii, 11 p.
m., O. I.r.iimi,
wi'dmdvi, nov i:inn;
Wild I ,il-, lli-t -l.'li I. 111. VI. 1!. Mil mi" I
.1. 111. M I. lli iinliriii; f 1. in, I'. ( 11 inn 'i;
s 1. in. II M llillitl: I" .1. in., 'I'. "iiiitiiil.;
u .1 in, r. r. mi n'liij 2 ji. in, 1;. null: in;
" I III, .1. V lli'ilin, T, ji. 111,. 11. Ili-lni '
Miniinil-. I. If i, .1. in, i 1-1. .1, Il.-imiir ;n ; s
11 in, 11t Nnlinli: 11 1 in,, n',t 'I In. nip. mi, 11
.1. in, i'-t, NV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kiilu; -J p. in, wi-l, Ii'i
tniiii. M. dEnki'., i u i : 1, 11 111, im .1 ( it
iiLrir; s p 111, wi-t. M dolilin; 7 11 111, f. in
.Nil Vn.'. I . Mi
l'n-liiis i, 1. in , VViilmr, 7.1 ri . - 1'ni'i iti.
Si in , lli'ii-i 1 , 1 1 I 1 in , Mm in, 1, p 11 . I
Mi Iliiuii'M. 7. 11 p in. Vluiplu; i- ji. m, , II
ItiitliiiliMiii'U . )n p in. Limping.
I'i inun l.iuiiH-- 7 .1. 111, (...tliii, 7 .1 111
S111411; in .1 in, N nun in, IU .1. in . ii. Mil'. ;
I'.ll p. 111., Milium; S'ij p in, M l.miin.
Wild (,il-, VVi-t "1 n 111. I. Hi' ih. in; - i.
111., 1). II i-!'til . I" .1 111, I! ( i-iii'i; It .1. i" ,
('. kin-'-ln; I (i. 111., 1' W.ill; 1 p. 111, V I.'.
Iiitilimi; I p. m, M. ( iniiiiili, .", ji mi., v ir
l.iliiii: ii ji. in, 0. lt.iii'lulpli; 11 ji in, .li'u
Nn III I'.
T. 'Mil Kiln .in.l inn illl inn II p. tn v hi
ill, Mi-I, .Nm. I'i, iu jil.uo ni .iml
II. ( ,i-l it-mil inn 7.. p. in ulMcit, Nm 3't,
J'l pin nf I'. .1 Ni.lll-, Dili' tup.
This and That.
i; f V.n tlii"'U'n, nl" Minm ajmlis
Minn., left im'i-day.afti r
a uniniur r.'iek.iwunna lailmad
ulllilals in thi', illy.
. new i iial u-i-tle and ;,oi kets air
helliff built lie ir the 'auna eullieii to
supply mal (tu- the eimlm s on the
I.aLkuuunna i.iliiDad'.-, Kijur "'.ilIi-
In. mi-It.
Ciunmeniinj; nu .luuiuiry 1 nii, the
trunk lines e.u-t of liuii.ilo will (lis-pense
with all fiee ttaii'-jKii latioii pi i defj-es
ainuiiR einpIo.M"., liuni the pieMilcul
down In e.ill liuyj-.
Pilni-ipitl Am.ImI.iuI Ihutiuir-r I. Iliisih
and Stiiieiinteudenl of 111 idtfe.-, and
I'.uililiiiKS lllv-on, of the Laekawanua
ralliiiad, lull yestei-dav on a tuur nf In
hpeellon oer the mad. They .--iieut a
puitliili ut Iho day on the Ktjsir Val
ley brunch.
Thete Was a Lingo Attoiitlnnco at
Last Night's Meeting.
Last nlRhl'j. iiinnthly nu'etlmr uf tin
bouid ui" UM-oci.iliHl iluiritlK i a- the
lu-st atlended of tiny ul the pa"l,
txxu ui the ni'xxlv eli'i-ti d miiuhiM-,
Thomas t-pl.tftue anil ( '11111.111 Hiluui
iler, llelili; .iiuiillK llinse pnsi'iil.
The iiiouthly i'i purl pr. eiiled li.x
Ml.-. VV. I!. PllKK.IU, the iiKoul. x,.i.-,un
l'nlliiixs; Applications, l,",n, ,im-s hi
Vi'stlK.ttuI, tni; I1111111I xxiuth.x mid ald
nl, .v.; tiaiiid ituxxiiiihy, IIJ; employ
ment found Jul, I; irausporttitliiii
found lor, ''., tient to St. .Inii ph'.i
l-'niiuilliim hiiiile, 0; sent tu I.aeka
xvanna hospital, I. sent to House of
Ihu Omul .-mepheid, I: sent to Hill
side I lulil'-. I; aiiesUd, "
The lepoil uf Tle.lMlloi Kelly show ed
Hint tin le Would lie a, e of .ilnuii
J.'iU ill the treismy aller the paMlienl
of ouistaudiiiK hills, Tho cases of sex -eial
nilliiiluilatu Kills vxeie IiiuuhIh
In fine 1 In- liuaiil and aelid upon.
imiwa youu raiENDS.
Eiif5iueei&' Club Can't Have Too
Mimy Guesta.
"VV'e 1 tint havo Ion m.iiiy ptisiiit,''
(Mill W. .M. .Mm pie, ol the i;nj,iu its'
1 luh. to -i TrlhuiU' man list i-'i iiIiik.
"foiiie xuiiisef and hrliiK jour fiieiids.
'l) w 11 nl the hoaid ot tiadi auditorium
lllli'd. '
This linlt.ulun Is lor Un- mielhut tu
liioiiuxv rvenhirf, vvliuu Muheil VV.
lux. A. S. .M. i:., of I'hiiudclphiu, will
liellllu un "The I'eiiii-nt I Jin.'' Mi
Leslie is 11 llitihl if his lojile. Ih
is tim man on whom Kdi Hi" duty ot
;,oliif," b-v'l'oin tim w.i.xa umi lne.iun unu-
Hlltlee oT iOUjiv'S Whip the UlllBley
taril'f hill wan hi-lui? ir.tineil. All uf
Hie uses to whleh irllielll Is Unix lint
will he Inli'iesllumx and utilorlaililim
y illustrated hy .Mi. I.eilh .
WAS 108 YEARS 01.1),
Mu Sal. ill IvVlij. aKi'd JUS, Hip
oldest v.uniiiii hi Nm tliiMBti ni I'liin
sylv.iiilu, died isluiduy at her houie
hi I'iltsiuu It nm a sudden uiliult of
physhal weal.uesii, hi ought un by hu,'
e.Nlieiue old iiKe.
Mis Killy (etaini'd the use of her laiultiu' to tin- last and 1111 the
IIH-...UIIII of lur one hundred and ilhh
lihthd.i.x. txx'u xxeeks nyo, rho lelaied
liiildeuts ol In r t.irly life. The 'dead
woman I1.1 1 llxed In I'ltlkUiu lul xi
eeu .xtius.
Jonas Long's Sons
A Sp3ciai
Is the Weekly Price List.
You will do well in coming here for
your Groceries. The best that can be
purchased is placed before you at the
lowest prices found in this city.
Our Coffee and Sugar Combination
Offer meets with a hearty approval from
hundreds of customers. To every pur
chaser of 4 pounds of our Celebrated 25c
a pound Coffee, we will give free of charge
a 5-1 b package of Granulated Sugar.
Fancy California Prunes, a
Evnnointed Apiicots, " lbs.
Annjoiv Swiss Milk
milk, 'J cans for . .
Thyme, Savoiy Sau,c, or Mur
joituu, ii package;, for. . .
Pickles, plain or mixed pint
bottles, for
Peai s.
whole linlves
fj lb. cans . . ,
Aspai.iRits-Tips. no waste,
pi ice a can 122c.
One dozen cans 52.00
Taney Rolled Oats. 7 lbs. for 25c.
Parian, loo&e, a pound 5c.
Yellow Coinmeal, 10 lbs. for 25c.
Spinach, 0 lb. cans, for... 15c.
Tomatoes, solid pack, t? lb.
cans 10c.
Mail and Telephone Orders Receive
Our immediate Attention.
Ir H jv-. -v ww-w.
Q Uii
l'eiin Avenue.
A Second-Class
Cilv with a
First-Class Stock
M Olass,
Sterling Silverware
Oleolis, Etc,
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereali 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Grand Atlantic Hotf.i, -no ,vwc
Vir.'iiiu An' ami lluili, AiIjiiIii- (U, .N '
HMli t ji ; oU luuuiiil io. nii iiniiti'. hlinh
.ii, il uilii l.j t li . Ii.i umi iuM u ujti-i lutlii
In liolil tiii.l a nm !." itiuii mint at it uluii,
X IllllH U JUI'I, '( lilt tl'l I'm DlllllMtiJ
ti.IiH inlil tniiw Ml', l1- l" r' ''' w,cl:
.',W up I'i i!j frjiciul uti-i. tu (jiiiiIu1. cujUm
lint til iruiin, Willi- lur liwl.lit i tori:
Al ilu- it t-hli ii i', l!o .MmU'ii' ,ixi.
ii'ii . Kx. .1. .1. liiillhi. ul liu- ' .alt. ill. il.
1 Mil llii' lUUi'I.'l Hill '-- "XII till' li-
lii.iinii nf .MUniii'.x i'ttiiit liut- hinith ).--li-iduy
nun iiinti i.l H n'l Im U
The iiu'lor xxili'l ' l lie l.-.n.ili - i.
,oiei xx.ii! ihlllJ -itloniiil xxlth (Im. 1
(ilhuien. Ainuiii; ih" Uiye nniiilnr
xx hu tailed Iw Vivxv the lemalus xxoro
niuli.x niuinherrf of the iieliuxxiiima
bar. Thi' lMllUur.'le. xxtie Hie Minn -III?
Ui'-l.iliiin ul the li.' I ,i.l.n l.lliuii'
M. V. lulu. ii. J. SlUi'UO. 1.. I'.Wedi .
in. in, .l.iinis .uhon. l.'d'X.n-tl ,enlfiei
nml tii'iii'iie ,M. SVttUon liUfi'inout
vxa In c'uilieiliul et'inuuy.
Feature in Our
One dozen cans
Burhani's Clam Chowder, a
Pine Granulated. Sugar, 10
lbs. for $1.00
for .
laigo tit. bottles, ii
Webb's Cicaui Sugar Coin,
piicc a can 10c.
One dozen cans SI. 15
A case S2.25
Enily Juno Peas, piice a enn 13c.
Pi ice, ti dozen cans SI. 45
Price, a case S2.75
Apple Butter, 3 lb. cms... 10c,
Or, 3 for 25c.
Jelly. 30 pound pails, for.. SI. 23
Tapioca, a pound 5c.
Rhubnib, 3 pound cans.... 9c.
One cans S1.00
Lyceum Theatre
JI ltUIS, l.c-"i'0 ami M mien
A. .1 Dli'l KV, llii'. Maruffcr.
Wednesday kveniug:, Nov. 20
flii- liuln. kiiinil .iml uiterl uinn",
In the
-Lli-. nil -lli Vl'Ul't
Thursd'iv, November 21.
v t il kmiw n II ui) 'ii
tuii iitMi ui i'it u
nli j 1i ui'l ni pio
Utlli 11, f;ilLt,ll I ,
i i r 1 1 n,
nn tin ilni i
t ii x li in
it mm. in I
il -
I 1111
int. 1 1 n
'in M I
II i m-C
i fi n
111. I II'-, 1 III i Ml II III I t 'M ItlMI II-.
nu i n.ill i i.i x i it hi 1 1 ir-,
Nl l I I sin X fi I Xl'llll in nu.
,n. I ' -iii ll. I'I I , 'i i , I . -1 111
Hahnemann Hospital
Opera Carnival,
Lyceum Theatre
November 22ivi, 23rd and 25th,
-im I X it 111 -Jllllilji
llMi III MHII II l'XUill II' VM"
Kill 11. l On lu-li 1.
il, (mil. ,1 -il
Nn 1 1 il -1 luii mil UiiiKu 11- I
.1 n,if
in un 0
l ii im;i "I I'l'iin limit" .il I. nil I'm 1
'ill hi I- MJlx' n -Xl.l. Al'
-in li i.iin't Illll." -Inn. C'lilLil ( il
.Iml III.' llllll -lull, II.Mll I' Ilk
lliliw nil's Illll. Mull-, I'lutlilill 1
II 11 ' lllil -Inn , lllllllinlli
i v 11 in ii" ii- U.iln .ih.i ,i I ml
T in-'ln 1 'i Mtinlii'i -.ih, Cililii 1
l.x'-i -ll.'
XI n-
Academy of Tlusic
M III !', loi,-.
I Mllll. Ul.iK HI
A111111.I 1 uniri nu nl . t J
I 1 1 I. I
A T Dully, M.niii '.
MiXli l
nu X II lulil. I' II i liU
II t in.
In -liiX III
it nn i
"- 11,
IT ll
ll HM -.
' it I 1
I, .1
-I nu 1
I. inn.
Mil I 1 it'
ii I 1 'In
M -I
. I 1
N .1 ll
i' Jll"
ill. III ,1 Hit
.1 I ll ,11 1 HI
-I I ,1 I II I
''I I J 'II I.
All ( 111 ItlllM.ll 'Ijintr
il '. I" 1 ' . in 1-. 1 2).
'-The World Beaters"
iUiinu,'-, u inijy j 11 J Wttlae.-iUy,