The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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P- frtHfViwr ? VWp'fiUM-lSfeVaMe
" 4'.
' f '!) - WVTV''PT,W'V
'ft ' j'Vj
t$e Scrawteu tt8um
I'uMMint tlill)', I'.xcepl Fiimlay, bv Tin; Ttlh.
lino 1'ubllslilnB Company, at fifty Ccnll 1 Mont.i.
I.IVV H. IIIOtlAnt), Keillor.
I). V. IIVMIIX', IIimIiwh Manigff.
Nliv Yolk Olfliel IK) Xajmii St.
S. H. VltKl.tASn,
Sola Atjml fol ferelsn Adierllslny,
IJiUrcit at the IVitofllte' at -Wanlon, t'J '
Second Cla Mall Miller.
When spire trill irrmlt, 1 lie Irllmim l atwi
Klad to pilnl thort letter from It friend lirir
ins on e-iirient topics, 1ut Hi tula i llial tlie
mutl lie ilmtul, fur publication, by the writer 1
real name! anil the lomlltlnii prnteldit to af;
r-fplanrp tint all conlrltiullona iltall lo sulijeot
to editorial revision.
tiiij n,.r it.vit: roit auvkutislso.
1 lie follnnlnp talilc jlimn tits tirlee per Inch
tli Insertion, -pare lo Is" used within one eai'!
" Hun nt niltix on full "
. t)ISPt,V. litr Hfi'llnt I'mltlan
1 rn"(liin too "Inches "" .S.V ".271 " .M
'0') tin lie !0 .'Ji .21
JMI " 11 .175 .11
1(10(1 " )j-, ,17 .1'
won j' In ms . .11 .
For larilt of think., re-nluthm nt eonelolenre
and lmlhr contribution. In the mime of ad
trrthliiff 'the 'tribune, makes a illume of 0 ecnti
n line.
tlftei for Clisslfieel Adcrtllntr furnished on
SCHA.NTO.V, XUVi:MHKI .'0, 1001,
The pouu- omt lliipuir M.cilnc Iiuh,
union Iiiik caiiMnl the ilwilli or nu-oral
"clio'il muillH In ("miiilm, N. J., Iium
JiroiiipU'd the school liiuitl of 1'lillu
(Iflrihln to lc-clml the coiiiihiIm)!
( lliiilloti tiieli'i foi tlmt eitA. Thin would
worm to l'f n ii upoi (oui.-si! to imiHtiQ
until Illy uijslPiy of iiml-to.lii
(iml iituttfi' litis licon iiniav-c-lli'd,
Thi?ip W ,i iiiiHblbto iwcanc li ami
(lo.itli lir vase of in.illpo- or dlplithci hi,
Iml tiom the dioad U-tainia cif-oa o: ie-ciiAi-y
aio i"t f.
Inquiring Into Causes,
Till: JUIMAKKri or ,.l lien
UiininloK, oii :ii Monday's
hn.nrt ot ti.iclc nioolliii? on
the Mihjoi t of hoycoltliur ,iic
foiifiu lcil In ly every i iKht-tlilnKiiiR
limn. Tim boycott Is ,i damnable tiling
to tiy lo Implant In ti-o1 AiihmUj. It
ill lii'ti'i' ko Iiei p.
Jlr. Diininluk, the p.ipii.s ay, s-poKo
about h.uiii',' but n aUod not to snivel -tlso
in (InnuiKiiRlcal papois and as.soit
d ho ttould iidci tls-e in thuin just to
! Iio'.v liott- inui'h ho diFUlsed Ibo boy
colt idea. In this', also, lie N light.
Tit ridti itlhiiiK In not n matter of
j-'nicu or t.itcjr but pilmaiily and whol
ly si mutter of business.
If aiHerllshm is ,i matter or buslne--y,
il i-i pioper and, indeed, necessary lor
fn adMitiser to (Consider tin diameter
:iiul intltleiice of the medium1! solleit
ins his p.ilioii,ii;i. 'What he wants is
l'ptmns for his money. He may i IkIiI
lv ,isi ir those sue most likely to conic
thioimb pap"M that p.indcr to eeiy
li'Milutionai j mania that spiing up;
thai esi? on class prejudice, tiy to .set
the poor siKamst (lie lich, sick on the
dofr.s of liidii.stiial tar and ko the limit
in sftimj; (in. lominunity by the heels.
Though hiicli papeifc, usually have larije
ihciilatioiis, which sue easily beclired
nv Miih method, It is si pioper inanity
rioiu the business man's standpoint,
'mil, we should tliinU, a necessary one1
.tbetlicr the detiltiy tliey expedite and
'he mischief they foment do not moie
Inn olfset hsitevcr advantages in
bulk of i Ik illation they insiy have ocr
ulilieations which trj to lie (ouservsi
ne, laii and ileicnt. The inmo they
trculate, the less the are woith to
lie adteitiser, because the moie Iiaiui
e ill, o bis best Intel t Ms,
The. businet-s insiii ulio liuils slilkis
iiiiltlplyliiK, itisloiueis lew sind the
iniiiitmity m i tianie has a 1 lj;lit to
ink lor the i oiuillnitiiu causes. It
be fchoulil iirnoie lliete be would exhib
it unlit ins, to i mi a laisiiiess saici Oos
lullj. 'I lie numeioiis lal,ililie.s in tin Maine
v ofi'ls dining the pieselll liuiitlUK sea
i on pn;e i urn lush i ly that men sin
ii. mil mule plentilul than moose In Hie
l'JH.'li ..I Maine.
Buller Was rHght.
allH bullous tet ot (alleliil
Htlllc'i's nios.sane to lielleral
White Is at leiifith made
publie. No At under Ule
London Times lefused Hulier'h clial
li HKi to liiakc it public and thsil the
war othee i liiuiii.itid it tiom its olll
i I'll lepuilb allcr tile et'aeualion of Head by Hie IIkIiI oi sub-
(llelll etillis of tile I loir war, J!ul
ler'.s adtiie would li. to saved the
lhitish lin.stiKc. the loss of tttcnty
lhousaiid men, and uu interminable ex
1 union ol tin conlllet in rioutll AftliM,
It lb iml necessaiy to iisslime that
ieneral lluller loiesatf nil the disas
tein that ensued upon White's ictusal
to su I upon bis hist i actions. It i nines
to Ibis, that hud Lad.Nsuiiib suiien
deicd to the lioeis the luiloiis and ilis
tlhtlolls otfects lib li lluller, Warioii
and Methueii made to telicAe the plaie,
one of no possible slrateKical linport
illiee, Atould have lieeil obtl.iled, Athilu
Huller could liatc I'ortillcd himself on
the Tugela and delied the IbuM'.s either
ill tin u Ids Hank or make their way
tliiou.s'li thu ")iaiiKe Fice Slate totvaid
gpo t'olony titlioilt Mil IIIcIhk thu
tnilbul advaiitim'cs prcseiiteil by tlm
lihctiliar lopoirraphy of tho
ami euiouiilcriiiK the leiulou'oiiunis
A'hlch tteiu poiiiini; in otery day troui
lliib'laud toNtanl tlm Ui.inmi liter,
When, lltlel tin- lellel of iMllVMIlllll,
t-oiiie tinned away lioui iliu kopjes,
di'ltts and fipiultH ot Die laslem boul
iis or the. TraiiMiuu couliguoiw lo the
Nulul I'lontler, it was llieii that tlm
110ul',i lllct llielr lllbl jlllil illep.UMble
it?vt'ics. They ttiic IlKlitlUK on
,'JaiUMl "f Hieir ottll hulection ttheil
Hijy Afcic opposiim liulli'i'h mul Mcth-
liiaifi fiolittll ilttueks) tm llui TtlKolii.
AvtllVl) they foivisil KobeilH oil lllu
Ormiti" ilcn1 they Atcru liyliiR lo licad
lilin olf on u yum upon plain tvlmie,
cxcc'iit In u low lnbtnnct'8, they tull into
tl0 miibusuutes Athleli tliey luul pic
litjVotl t'ov hla illsconilltuic,
It In uiiolhct' (luehtlon AVhutliu' Oon
iTttl Whito luul a light to act upon lils
nwn illserolloH Avhcn Invileil by his
rointiiaiiilei'-lii-cliK'i; to adopt u cer
tain lino o iiution. It Ih a vecognlzt'il
irialm of war tliut a besieged fjouerul
hi justtikd In ucting upon li It-; own
juilBiaeiit absolutely, LadyHmltli, uu
Ilkv rialiiclavu, Mela or Suntlngo, tus
not, lioAVever, tlm l:uy to u position.
i:seept for Iho lighting nanisou It
ibol'ilt-h' of no account to Iho Hilt-
Isli, mid twtpl for llielr nrnir, storohi
mul iiitiuitlnlllou Hie luirrlsoii toiiUI
lirue tieeii ti sei'loiiH liicMtiiibrimeo to the
lloni'rf. Nellher lloeis nor IJiltlnh lent
l.rd thU ut Hie Hum, tiiiliwi linllei' did,
mid II fjcniH froin his illipntt'h llitil be
l-i'itlly luul n tlclliille! eoniprelii'iislon ol
the til tor folly of liolillnt,' out In l.utly
siiilth, tthlcli kept nearly u h'liiilieil
HioiiHriiHl HiHIhIi ucetipled In ti'.vliiK to
relievo II, Huller mih tiiniuestloiiiibly
lljrllt 111 le(UesHlu; White to HlllTOtuh r
on the best. teuilH poflbl" Athleli, nl
that pcilod or the war, woitlil have
laei in tlm llnill'1 the lesoiuees of the
llt'iMM at I'icloria, lor they ui'loil then
unit hiiAo ulttiM ticteil upon the
most huinaiie and enlightened lilies of
civilised win fill p
In spite of base blt talk berealiotilH
the bleachers at Athletic pal k Mill pie
sent u chilly iippearHiii'i'
The Louisiana Purchnse.
-w AltTl.V hi view of the fail
I J thsil HI. l.oills 111 Jyo: is lo
celebrate llic eeiitennUil an-
lilversaiy of Hip ptiuhase by
tlm I lilted StaUM ol the Kicai euipiie
known to history as the hniil-iaiia
purchiiHe, and p.ntly beciiil'1! later
expansions of our national domain
liave lulsed itlesttoim ak'ln lo those
Involved In that puicliapc, public in
terest In the lilstoiy of thai linpoilint
episode is now hl,'li.
In iciosnltliiu of that intenst The
Tilbuue At 111 beKhi on Hatiudsiy ul
tlm publication of papois, len In iiiiin
ber, i ot Iftvlni? brletly but lusti uclltely,
the whole blstoty of the Louisiana
Puuhasi. Tlio author ol these papers,
t'olonel .lanas l. Ilowsud, of Wash
IiijjPai, li, f, is a veteran join nnllsl
and historian, ttho has had niotvs to
all the su chit es and leeoids bcvriliff on
this theme! and At ho has perloinied bis
task with both liteiary skill and ron
i leiitlous ,ic i ur.iiy.
We feel coniideul that this i.iles of
papers '.fill be loiintl lo lie a A.iblalilu
coiilributioii to public instruction.
Tlie contioveisy between exports and
poisons who tor tho condition
of tlm Iliooklyii biulKi lias been At:it;etl
Atith lonewcd aIkoi' duiini; Hie pail fett
days Kiom the iirj,'uinents nd valued
b the (iilltestants in tile debate it bo
mins to look as though II At 111 be neces
s.ny for the biidge to tall in older to
detei niino At hose theory i collect.
Is Sunday to Be Huropeanized?
T " r 1TII few exception", tiio
leadir.-, nt the leeeul
V lusiou motemeiil in Xetv
Yolk sue lonnnitted to
tlio piopublilou of Sunday liipior sell
in;;. Thct iiie not,- dial lint,- a bill lo
cany their ideas into elfcet. They in
tend to ask ike leKislutuie to permit
tin voteis of each assembly disliicL in
Net. VtiiU illy to tlceiclo whethoi
littiHir, not sold l in lively benind
closed doois tliniiif, all Hie lioius ol
tiimdio, shall not be sold latvtully r.nd
openly limn, .-ay 1 o'llocl: to Id o'clock
on Sunday allot noun, with stiingent
penaltip.. lor sellniK at othir boms, ca
for selhii'-r to lntosic.itcil men oi
In oulPi'.to uudeistalld w h;. this pio
position is jidtoeatcd by men ol in
tern ity a nil bigh i ivie cliaracter, iL is
necessaiy io recall thai Ihe piineipal
cause of the defeat of ihe last letuim
administration in Xetv York and of the
lestoiatlou of Taniin.iiiy amis the tact
thill under MaAtir Stiolii?, At lib Theo
uoie Hoosotell as leading poll.o com
iiiiisloner, the exii-jc law & tteie i n
fuiced to the let li r, and New Yolk on
Sunday At a a close U as ti(,rlil sis a diiiin.
It has, these limn claim, lnen clearly
ileiiiiuisliali d tliai ,i pi tin iiiajuiily uL
the tutus in New Yin k waul the fell
ing of liiiimr on Sunday and ilieictoie,
as tlie fuMon ieadeis vietv the mattei,
il i a tase of letting this niiijoiity
hate their way in an oiderly and law
ful maimer, under c in unihlaiKes least
likely to ollend jieace and unlet, or of
alien. i tin 14 them so as to sacritiie liisil
for Athleli the lusiou movement Mnutl
linmely, the ending of police paituei
.ship in vice. Seili Low, Justice Joionm
and lnlnor representatiAe.. ol the anti
Taiuinany niotenient, iluilim their re-
i ill caiitass', distinctly pledged tbein
fK'Itoii to Atork, if eleeled. for a liberal
iallon of Hie excise lints and Hie pits
ont .smcgesled lullllniuul of their
pledge.-, is not, thelefoie, llliexpecled nr
in any sense a taking of iintalr ad
Aalltllg,. In an eliaiihllve let'ietf of
lllis sub.iei t by "Holland," tile New
Yolk loriespondent ot Hie Philadelphia
I'lo.-s, tfo note Hie lolloulng illleiest
Ihk points:
fifteen .teals iiu'O, ttlieu tin lief, Dr. lint ml
t iiI,y, ji iim- n nun ,i. rtn nciipitd 1 iuliil
in New YuK, dilnl In My lint ho t.itt no unm
ttlij the M'lf-iopdtim; iltiin ttln, ! hhi1
tnliu'd lu the a-r uf lull il lislil ullni Mioiihl
Pi piOlllllltlll 1111,11 lUltilll, till M lll! l'l, '.11
Nllull.t, 1 Kitlilld unl.t till le uin; li.l-.oll Ihlu
u:;uljtiuiij a-, tn die sile of tin iii thu ii,
be tt.i1, iiiodI timlUliti lj pinuul and iliiimiuinl,
nil I Inn- wih' nun; of Ids liilli, mac, pi
f.'-.-li- I'IiiIkU.iiis uh'J llioiulil lb it ihU i I'll,
Ion liiu-t lie ueiptiil ,n tinn juuuf of Pi. (I w
lit V moral ditun I ic.t. Aet lei one f imlll r
ttllli Uu lomlllloiix in V'ki AoiU c il Ins i wi
ll nl .lli.l iluuM I'm! Ule ,lbiilllte plulnlnli ill
I'lit.illnl I i.i llu itilv 1. tt upon Uu mIl ,
ll'iior mi snndit l.i-. tiniiMieil one of the It it f
oppoiiiiniiu-) loi bl.uLiii.ill, pollin pinuttinii
.iml nun; ol tWi ..( indiU ttluw isblenei ltd
I in ih" utiitliiutt oi ih.- pimiil oi 'Umiiiiny
a linliil-ti.aioii,
Mi'Mihl tlie piopuntd litv, iMii.tlliK on' '
I lOsbt's bleu, bo ,nl I'lul we irliuiil I iiiiiljiililiill.v
lute III the ililnuni .Niw A,oll .1 Jolil luiiiy
-eitlnis ttltliiu tililib the hiln of biioi in sun
iliy alleiiiooit ttuiild li'i I at tu mid .i euo'l niiiiv
nth 1 Mitiulb in. . 1 1 i -. 1 1 lint train tinulil lo
piidilliiiiil. 'Ihe lev would linn mini inijoiisv
publh' opinion in v.ui'UH )uiti of lite ill), ad
il uilibilt would put ut end lo pollu bl n I
liuilin." and in i, im.i.Miif. to tin pnllil i!
Inllueiuo ot Uu 4iii Win tin r il 1
H'-iilt in otliir etiU oi not iiiiuln-, to In ,1, .
tirinliied. Il leitaluly could not biiii.r U ,n
in imieiu il iliiinl.tiiiii y u il'nouln on sun,
day duo to intuAli iiitu Iteatfi' undir lue pi
nit piohibltory lot a nujoill.t n tins mIoi-'ii
in ltt Yotk mo puilttJlly uinii hi t-imdn,
What the other llfivU "f o i nptlou oi IhU
1.1ml would In, il boilal illttb, tthtilier i in
Sundaj would lie 1,'uiopi.inltil or nut, nie to
be ilitiiiiiiuiil only altir the etpciiuiiiit lias
betn nude, Due tiling U tiitaltt, ligivetir, uud
tint 1.-1 that a law of thli kind would put .in
Hid lo tli,.' ii'i'io.iili, i tthiili tlmu lu beiii io
niuili jihtin, thu Ihe ilili inui n h iju",,
the will to il,i nun, w the stiiuci a( hU nolij
oi KilauNiit, uu bu suuil with linr or ollitr
briewsu en buiiila), wlille tlio nun of mo ler
jtc liiwnj ol' the w.ue uinii dl?i,nci hg
Cut outages ami coiuiniia u iiiUdtiueaiioi' It he
piotldc lilm-ell Jbi'itltli hi iihloiniiy 'iiui
as;u on sundj).
Kioni tlie naluio of tlilnb the ino.
pect of an UmopeHiiUuil Suiula. will
(III pitinv of Ilia boM Alliei leans Atllli
aim ill mid th- will llybl utjuluat It uu
for Scum limy iuuo been buillliiK to
tilop all tntillo In Ihntor an ti ImVoiiiKe.
Vol It Is veiy iiotewot'lhy Hint thu Itlen
whlttl only Illleeii yeiits uro cnitRed ill
most tho OM-oitiiiiiinlctilloit of Howard
t'riwhy In today nippurted by Hit built
of Ihe Mibslniilliil reforiii oleiiienl In
Now York illy, liu ltidlng; a hU'BO nilin
bcr of liillileiitltil clerftyiiien. This liull
I'lillou or a trend In public opinion is
sltrnllleaiil and iiiiinlnUiltnblo. 11 Is not
coiillneil lo Now York but Is common
lo all Iiiiko Aiueili'iiii cltlrs. If New
Ymk Htinmeaiiles Iter Huiitluiu, the
tlciniind Tor Stinilay (ipoiihur will gain
iiiieiiRth in otety ollipr conntdorablo
center of urban population on this con
tinent. Thai New York will do this Is
Inn illy lo be doubted. In everything
except IokiiI aetiulesceiico she has In
deed already done It.
R Great Pioneer
Woman Physician
t'oi rin Tilbtmo
Till: l!l.(i:.ST ilwlli of llanuali K. I.oindiote,
At. P., u iiiduhrt ot Ih" lift Kiaituitin?
c 1 is-, f Hie e.irllct upeinvl woiniti'i iiiciil
".il cidlu;f in the Minld, icnioted fi 'ill
till' life .1 until in of cnniminillliu folic of
cliinelci lilimltil with ttutntrrfiil pnwir of pet.i
tuition mul unipitht, nud one who'o career
as plaxliiiii thinu;h loit.t-three .teir-i of .tttite
n it tic r hi lurii nut ihle (or IH Mines md for
the wide Hi os'illl lull tt Ins wen. In the lite
itlii(,' of l'ij, Pi. I,mulinrr, on the e'ti ision
of he I set e itt.A -liftli birthday tu (hi enjoyment oi
pirfiil phtsicil and he.tllh. those it ,n
the lime to lellro floin the nilite ptaillie of her
--) -
On setrr.d ornsloin iltiiiiii the la t ten trait
the Willi i- of this bull noliee of Dr. Ilinnalt
i'.. I otmslioie's Hie mid work lias Iml on tioii
to nuke leftidne lo It cditoihlb, mil suili
nic Ittlnti Ins iilwats ,tw iketied le-piu-he tnt'iiit,
as lnsi.t will he the ci'o ill .t cit.t ulilili lirnius
md sites iideipiite eiiiplotuieni lo thtie uomin
plt.tstiliiw and is pi mid of lis won. in liu:ulil
niptrintini'enis nml ol lis Mine-ful tralnlni;
t-shools fot nur&i.
I'lolnbly tho ltte-l m e if Iheje iiullcei -t is
one iniMn? note ot the crleliritton ot Dr. I,nns
hhorc's cfulil.t -sccoiid lililhdiy on May ."U ht
(Aleinoriil ilat). on t.hlili ocuslon lid
and i-Kclihc.-, of her bfe-wotk aiicated in t.irloiu
iicwspipeii". ,t that time it came to pi-, as
the Plillictcliiliit Itnllt till had sjnl .i few ilat.s
before would be, tint "lionori weie siioncictl
upon Jlu. It inn ih l.oiushore, the pioneer of
woiniii 1:1 the lleld of inediiiur," "Ihe eri.'.mt
i, lil wiituiu of the luedlcil luefession." Tilt
title was tisul tf her then bv Hiiny 011111-1 fiat!
the piper 1 lute Jul qualeil.
The newspipcr and nut; 17111c slelclics of ltt
f-piinir liitiicill.t and niee.-sirtly dwelt upon the
enormous obstnles tint for tunic tliait tlilttv
tens tietc pitied in the w ie. In-t, ot woimii'.s
ulitnitntiLr .1 tlioimiKli innliij tilui.itioii, .md,
iccoitd, of tl.ilt- obt.tlnins clue profcwmnil teioi;
nilioii fiom the nnsmllne rueinbers oi the ptofes
slnn, 'Ihe slot nf Hut nn-cuiit'c profession il
enmity and jciloti-t, .1, it st mils necrded bio
(.'i.iplueillt and lii-toiualli, in tailoua boo'.s and
iliieunitiits, is ,ni .istoui'hitisi one to re id todt;.
it is one lint Ihe lien ot the piofeion
v! tod it- .in I13 110 nit ins Mjoud to n .id. The
two tlnnis'S tlnl ledum it are Uu f it t Hut theic
weie f 1 e tu ihe lii-l 1 lew IiikIi mi'ii'tel ni'ii,
nl iniliue; .il'ii 111 tho liont I inl.s of tntdiei'ie
and sinseit, who Kite weleome, cueoui.ittuent
and .ml to the women tliitin.: to enttr the
jiroft sloii and lo do r-o adciuttelf ciiuippul;
md the otlin fact tlnl fume ot those t.ho bid
lor iiijtiy te lis Idtteil.t op,io-ed the niottment
lltiilh e.llne to Kl leeful nttIllllolt ot its Hie
nss, iiieelnir; akhicii plisiehn in roiiultation
3 ii-1 as tin j- in, t lheu- eollctsurs ot Hun- own
si ut lliie-e list '.line is ,-i' leisen for
beuw trlatl to niine 111. 11 Hues, Dr.
lln mi forson, Pr. Iiitu.- lltttihcine, Di. Alfnd
Mille .md Di. i;ihiood Wilson. J)t. Chides llci
nuii lheniis ml In Alb-it II. Siuiih. who .110
c it in el n'latefulh 111 Ihe I'louliU of nil ttho
futuht 111 I'liilidilpliii the hud bttll tm m -,-
nidcn o! woniin'i tilif tn prictitr iiictliiiiie and
of women's atliul nuhl lo 1 ill upon thoioiul.l.t
iiiililied women pin tc nits lor tliimi bis and
thill iliihhin. It is .1I-0 net 1 1 t be fiixotiiu
thai the su'is!iuii fol Imllldin the Hist lue die ll
("llt(,i tm ttniiiiii-tlii' college 1,1 Atlin e lu-t
ftidiiti 11 tliss tin, niimbiiid llmtiih I.. lon
Mime . md tun I'le-ton-eim 110111 Di llutliulo
mitt I'd-.- II, of cliiili 1 1 utility.
Ann us the 1110-t p l ill mil loinos tint luntilil
.limit the full leitij-nilioi if iiinlnil women v. is
the iiiut, but sletilfisl-, t.nuli nine-, uinwenitu
ditotlou it Di 1.0111,'shnie to Iiei prole'-ien, .ml
In i- nn lai.iler .nml kh Hit -uiei s in il. In
ls.:, 111 lie middle itiloil ol the tt.u- fut the
I uinii, tiuHi :1.11s .illcr ha giaihuliou, thtie
was no jili.i.-li 1111 111 I'hil ulelphla with .1 larger
piatltie Hint lm'J .1111 'lip the wcilllif md well
to do ela-bis nt the t omiiiuuit.t, nor any who, at
the -line linn, is.ui mult, oil mote- cineioii',
tttt niton 1j tlio-c uinlde to m iKe .iny lhu'iiiil
Itttuii. It vas in! pos-ild" to lite in l'hilnlil.
phi 1, m. lithijr iNrttlitii, to be In touch with its
In si ..mul ir piofiioni! Hie with nit lueiiiinu
twite of tin-" thin.M till, .is .t tutmbtt 0! tin
of ihe iniiHIUid 01 hou-i holds in which the wis
"Ihe btlmnl pllt sltiall," I illsiu to put on
moid htie one pelt-olid Itstliuony of hnonkilsre
if hit- built and thtotioii, ptoteu through teiri,
01 piofi-sionil attiiidanie,
Di 1 1 inn ill II. I.ting-hoie (bom tt 11
the diiuhltt of pinnts of the Hotiely of l'tiends,
the iiliaioi.5 body to ttlilili riui.stli.iuu owes
its founilii, its 11 inn-, .ml - niuili ot its ttiuti;
est .md hne-l elm 11 In 1st us 'llu-e p units "tne
l'e iiu-tltaiii.ius 1 1 .- i 1 1 1 11- In Maitlanl when t lie i r
eliiijlitir Ilaniuh was bout on M ty ."0. lol1. It
nuj niliiist nine to notice tint she was just
nt dit.s joiui'str Hun I'uien Autoiii, and .1
little les tli 111 si Jfir the bfiiioi ol llotniie
Kill she Kiew up in .1 widely dilU'tint uitliim
mint fiom lint of illlu. of tht-e ibstiituMinl
npriacnUtiiis of lier m'. I 11 til tdis was thliluii
.teals of a,'o fin ilttiidul ilini)l in V.t.shinslon,
D. C. 'linn, while Ohio was rtlll a piumtr
louuli.t, .1 tile 'vte-tuii" hlttt, lei p units
liiuottil ihlllni, mil the ami ler flute hl-teis
md .111 bioilnr Kuitt the put.UioiH .aid luul
wnll, ot ploi.ui lilt. Hut with pairuts of biotil
.aid bin ill e'diii aloit mi their lu.ic ill the e"U
tun the lnklltt Itnl and iilmioiis iitUuie of the
lillle falllllf wis lietll piillliltitl to tall.
'Hit nihil, Siiuuel Muis, tt is 1I11 pi) inteiest.
nl in all btauihe nt 111lur.1l .silniti, lint li In
hili'llly md by 1 'Hi si nil pint.tnl Inlliuin e Ins
ihlldini ilneloptil is sieil an liitiiiot it wh
not ki niuili In be woudiinl ,il, I ci,
whin tin nppiiiluiilly tiiiiiul, lliree nl Ihe diu.-'i.
tils nlinlllil WeolllC pll)iltall-, illlil still if-flll
lit 111. at the ate of tiunit-l,io, llu.inli
li llllnl 'lllollli- i;ibtel l,"1il,nholt, J lllilnbil
of tin Mine lilUloiis boetei), 1 null ill lul'e t
s.tiiipilliy with ill his wife's .i-pli.iln n AMnn,
II fe'i jiih after their mania. e, nine imiti
lilt well elilluul pio.-pit ot the lulllidlllj ot
iiitdle ll lulli'.e lor tti nun, tlio ) until- (mud".
Willi llit it- Iwo tlnlditii, iiinme! to I'ldlan I
phii, the stoi) of the wiln'e Miusnlej and t'te
ti, tiphtld by het liiMimil'i, tinullu,
iie he went his wj.ts nl.-o in lniini li to, his bee-ti
ihndy Inulit eel down In biiif lb bud to tie
the lull inivullloii ot t.oiniii a plitriiun apd
Ids wilt's i-pliii'lid eiiiet-s I tine his depuluie
for anothil lite.
o -
In Hit -e littst )e,n of hti life, b, bniijil, ti
liao ni.uU- her home ttiih In 1 ilur,htii, JIin lln
ilulpii lllaiil.iiiliuii;,oHtlio.-i ttuiK b 1 tin itit.mii
1111 nl ot women and fi the impittiiuiil t thu
puulli f 1 hinil Oe-teui ol l'lilloltlphia n-aileio 01
tho s( union 'liihilue laitiw, 'Ihe unuuiei ol J.dW
was pint by In. l.ejiuhou in ruiopo ttllli us
lie.h tin Inti list ami dilUlit a-, tliuiuli ahc li.ul
lnen e$ )tal .tmllltl.
To I in- llniHiili life his pntilned that tJ)int,'
of hlna; beiuuil, ijitatd bv liiiu bu'.umuii. "Iiei
thllilriU irl-is up ami, 1 ill hu' lilui-cl; her hus
band, a ln, inui iio piaL-idli Iiei," lnjetlier with,
'"she bfittehnli uin liu binds to Ihe poor; )i'l,
the le.uliilli truth hit' haiuls b) the i.etd)," and
"Miuutli .ml lienor aio lier cltillilnfc'." 'lliro.itsli
liioin than fully if aitlte pmtiSsIiiul life
tliv Iu l ill the thtiMieil ph)elilali, llleud .aid
buiifaiun ol hii.diids vf tatuiliis, thou, md.,
llivirfcn, tt pifplt. 'lliivuiili all lur bfe die
Ins tialUil inodiall), unci ftiuin.' to put lti
otlt ptieondl) loiwinl, but .dwj.t. endeitutint;
lo iiitet Ihe 1 all ti ilui) .tllho li iho bonie llfo
and ill the piufrululial tnt. Mat we not well
le.sinill) litllete that ti jetttblu In Id if iii"i
U tu bi lint in h I. lie lle.toiil. - .. I'. II.
Ttnbleis'. Uiibbti. lliRhetf In Viulll.t.
l,oct In I'lite. Altt-its. .btat .lw,i).
Lewis & Reiily,
Wyoming Ave.
"Mission" Furnituio
wns so named because It
is copied fiom furniture
di&covercd in tho ruins
of tho Mission Houses
of Old Mexico. It is
nnd well woith con
sidering if you aro
about to buy iurnituie.
It is finished in Ant
weip, Austrian nnd
Weathered Oak. Cnll
nnd see it.
Hill & Connell
121 N. Washington Ave.
Allis-Clialmers Co
Successors to Jlacliino Business of
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Seranton
and Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Eoilers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
olTirnl csliiiutcis foi general bulhlins: operation",
eipalih' ot lirXiniii plan, mid fptrill'alicins 111 alt
ot their iltpainniiils. I Mclleut oppmtiuiitits foi
lutuie adt inreminl, .state ay .md e.u riein t .
Addriss M(tll, 111 II.IMNt, tu. lioi.iu Shi, (;0r
111111 2utioii il IS ink ISiulduif', I'ttti-biu, I't.
Organized 1872.
g Depositary of the United States.
I Capital, $200,000 Surplus . $550,000
a '1 he (IWcniirit into to depositors is 5 per cent, pel Htiutim.
Y hpee-lnl nttniitloii kIacii to nil nreoiuits Atlietlier Inigoor kinall.
V cipeu f-atiliiliij- e ontiiji-s S to il o'rloe c.
A '(lnen percotit, iritere'it pnlil on nivlnt,'S tlopoMK
A luleii'si cuiiiiiotiiuled Jiiuwiry lt tint! .Inly 1st.
$ WILLIAM CONNEIcL, President.
6 HENRY BBLIN, JR., Vice Freoident.
0 William Connell, James Archbald,
0 Henry Bolin, Jr., Luther Keller,
0 Geo, H. Ctitliu, -T. Benj. Dimmick,
Thomas H. Wntkins, James L Conaoll,
hfl hv jfflr!,Mi?' aPsrLffGfrlB fcjBBhQfiB I IhBSIH IMk. 1 Eh lH R
A ft lend in need is a t'tiond indeed:
And a friend wo strive to be.
Pi ices tho same to poor and rich.
And our credit is strictly free.
Thanksgiving Be Thankful.
Rejoice that theie is one store wheie you can go and
be assured of generous treatment where you can go
man or wom.111, and pick out whatever wearing ap
parel you desire and liuve it charged, and not be asl;ed
to pay one penny for the accommodation,
Special Sale of Furs and Electric Seal
Jackets this week. Easy payments.
Twenty-Eight Stores,
Style, Quality, Credit.
People's Credit Clothing Go.
M'.COMl l-'I.OOR.
Fie lis,
Din 11
iiui Mile,
Aio you well posted in the
quality and construction of a
Blanket or Comfortable; Aro you
not entirely at tho morcy of the
seller nnd dependent upon him
for honest vnlucP
Our business methods nie open
and well known wo will not
soil n single Blanket or Comfort
ablo that is not just ns lepre
sen ted.
FiM Blankets
Our range of qualities is largo
enough to meet every lequirc
ment, from the lowest-priced to
the finest grntlo found in this
market. We can only mention
prices on a feiv numbers, as rep
resenting the values we arc
Full Size Heavy
AH-Wool Wbite Blanket
In different, colored borders. The
very best value offered at this
A Special Number
in a Heavy Grey Blaniet
That is very haul to match at
Comfortables from $1
to flue Down Comfort
ables in Sateen and Silk
Lackawanna Ave
Can the Seeker After
Tind Such Kich Steward.
Best Reached Via
(I'.Min.I, 11011,1, ON WHEELS A
Leave NeAv York Tuesdays, Thuis
days, Saturdays.
R. I. Smith, agent, 109 S. 3d st.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
fttorm m1i artel cloou, Kioto ttotil", ulllto mul
nlotc furnltme, l luul or 'tl iooil, and Jul)
'SSi ,V. Uuilin. aic. Ie. SOMMAtl.
tlL&tilCS jiid WAtfO.NS of all t. Itnl: ta mul tlulMliiK Lot at turplm. ItOllsLS
lLIPi'1,11 mid (lltOOMIIU nt
l.ael.iwatiiH Ciuljgi! Wutift.
J. B. WoOLSEY t& Co
Dealers In
Plate Glass and Lumber
rrr 611 l.ackttann-i atcnuc, luanulacttircr ot
Wtrc bercens ot all ItiniN; fully pri'lurcd for
tlio tpiltiB bcaion. c nuke jll kltidi uf porch
fe-rot-ns, etc.
General Conlraetor, lliiilelrr nnd Dealer In
Ilulldlnu Mniic. Cinicntlnj; uf tillms a ?pc
claltj. Telephone 'JGtU.
Offlee, C.'7 AValilncton aienu;.
Home office, 20S-203 Me.113 I!iilltllnff, liatisjels a
Rcncral bulldinc nnd loan tiUilliiM tliluuhout
the state of I'ennsilijtilj.
We will
ing at our former loca
tion. 129 Wyoming Avenue, about December ist, and
have determined to close out at once prior to removal
of our present stock. To do this we have decided to
throughout our entire stock. Every article in our store
has been purchased for this seasons's
trade and this offering of
will appear to prudent buyers who know the reputation
of the store and the high class of merchandise offered.
We can and will save you money if you but take ad
vantage of this great sale.
Williams & McAnulty,
Temporary 5tore,
upholstery 1 127 WYOITC AVENUE.
Broadway, 5th Avanua and 27th Slnel, NEW YORK.
e: MM o
In the center of tlio hoppiuB district,
rite Ouh- Hotel In SIiiiUmUiMi Fronting on BroaUwaynml Fifth Arc.
Mcdcrn 1 u.i.i lit, Hon! lon.ple i i ji I in appoinitnenis I iiriu.liiiif aid demtitin
rnliri'ly nt"' tliroushom Aurini.iodatii'is for 50i iiiii'.toj 1VJ tuiu tilt bitlu. Hut ami toll
utter tntl telcphcn" In ciei rnoin. Insine ijiicMcllnl,
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
12u Wjomins Aiciiui, Our eiloUo Waitltou-.e.
l.-iiiaciiii ,,, ,, ,,, -joo
I li'Jtiid , , ,.Wj
Kaled ,..,.. .., "ii
I'le'Mlltll, etful.l .,.,.,,,.-$.1 uji
Ciimiiul, porcelain !-,! up
lltitli.0 wuiU w up
I illud tutli tjold ;ju up
filled v.iili silie, 50
1'lllid i.itli itold Alloy ...T3o
I "li 1 1 :ct it 'll'llll I; i up
i;NJiiiltialioti ami i,t!in.iii.j
fltl If -UiUl tctlli JIC lloill.
lot;, if juu need Jll Jitltulul it, .1 jou mij.i
tonii) tcitli upliiitt ulth.i'it .1 lUlt. II 0I1 uisli
jout vvik 'Ioiic' iuliile-,-1. Jinl mil by lellable
Kri'iwtia ot Ions mpcrii nru .it tlio vcty )ia,t
tt,,t lutuloteiit ultlt i'-";J, siiliitjntul foutal
Mvik, 1. 11 di UK-
Pi i m v 1
H if p
Successor to
Wo make a specialty ct line tireid stuffs.
Orders (or SaUds, Ojileis, Ctoqutttt'i, elf.,
toniitl tlllctl.
A lull lino tt I-cc Cicam and lees,
l.lccliio Wiring and l'lxtuic.
ricetile tldi and Telephone Work.
and tile Manufacturing Company
Malceri ot Vating llrlik, etc. M. II. Dite,
Clti'tral Pales Aitent, titllcc ."2J AVafliliyton a',.
AVotks at Nay Auif, l'a., I.'. A, W. V. It. It.
Kingsbury & Scranton,
llanufaclurcrV -Af,cnt
District Agcntd for
.lotin A RoiMluc'a Suns C'o.'a Wire Hope and AVIre Cutla l'eiclia and ltnlilier Mfg.
Co.'a lleltins. raekitip, Uofo and Mechanical
ItuUicr Cooils. hiioullon l'jcklng. Carter')
Oil Clothing. rtoont 310 Paull Bldcr.
occupy our
new build
General Agent for lto Womlrs District lor
Duponfs Powder
Milling, IHastin;, Sinrllnt;. fmokclefi and th
Hcpamio CIuiiiIcjI Coinpany's
wMtety Tu-c, Tain and riplmlcrt;. Itcom 191 (.oil
mil lluildiiu .scranten.
TII0S. I 0111) IM'.Jton
,1011V D feMllll A. -jOV Plymouth
W. li. NULUOAX ....WIlkoiBiirt
isr j, 1. i.iJt