The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 20, 1901, Image 1

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    f IftW " f -.M(S f
f -4
Discussion o, the Isbiieb of the Day
bu ScGrctaru H.iu .intl
Senator McLaurlii.
Scnctaiy Hay Talks of the Attitude
of Oui Diplomacy Wondeiful
Stiideb of the Past Few Yeais.
Senator McLnuiin Speaks of the
Sentiment ot the Monioe Doctiinc
of the Twentieth Ccnttuy.
Pi I tlu-iio SSiie from 1 lie Siamciatul 1'ns'
Nov YoiJ. Xnv. V 'llio inn' hundicil
.mil lhhl.-Uilid bawimt "l th"ihaiu
lifi of ciimiuiuc u.n held .it Ui Imonl
(Os tills I'M Hint,. t'oMIs tor loin h in
(Itnl anil Jiiiv won I. ild In i lie main
1 inciuit loom, which w.i- siinplj.
tlionjdi illoctiMli, ilii.u.ited, chi'llv
with Ainu ii an Hairs At the table uf
lionoi ini sUUd ou b Piesiih t t Mm
lis K .lissiip, wfic nib iss.uloi .los
ejih II i'hi)iit(, .liilin Jluv. Hiitl.ih or
stite, Sciiutui John .. Mtl.imin. uf
Pouth C.iiolin.1. SShltoluvv Ibid, Uiiv
i noi -lIci I Albeit I! Cummins, ol
Iowa Heuulo. Chimin v M. Dip w,
the Uev. IX. Ikin.ikl S w Miiku.
Andicw Cuiiiorie, Mnioi-eleit S th
low. lueiiti n int (Uncial X. l-oii A
.Mill'-, .1. l'ieipoiit "Sloiau, Willi uii J.
DoiIkc humid 13 HabiuiU, Majoi Cin .r.ihu 1! lhooUt, 'ul Schui '.
Alivinclir 13 Jit, Uoiiinoi OiMl, Kcu
Adiunal jnilvii and "V. I! i.ld-,ci.
Mho in oli ssionul .-"ml business didii
of till lilj Will- Will ll'lUCsi lll".l In the
lilt ot th" otmi juistf- 'I In1 speecli
inakinf, was opuiul bv I'li'-iihnt Jcs
rup In a ei lew wind'- Ho thin pru-po-id
a toast to the minion oi 'il
lfai" .McKlnlev. It w is diunk with all
"tatulln-r and in siluui T'lesid, nl
lloosoMlt'- health was then tois'.cd
while tho ouhi'sti.i iliiMd, and at the
lie'.t to.ibl. thai ot Kini,' IJihi.ild ol
Ilmiiaiid, the IJnUMi national anlliuv.
was )iliiid
In luiioriuclni? r-iculaij IIa. Pivsi
di nl Ji'ssup pioposed a toast to "Our
Diplomat " Tho wuctan wat. uann
ly welcoinid by the suests .aid his
speech, at aiious points, ,uet with
meat enthusiasm, especially when ho
nuntloncd the name of Pi evident Mi -Klnley.
The sj,tl(.h obtained i ipt at
t"lition and applause was deatouhu,',
hui. in his poioiaUnn ho
"Xo wantonness ot .-tuiKtli will
f'Mi indiiu lib to dlie a bald bn
;;;iin with anntliu nation hoiauso it is
weak, inn will inn fo.ii tit iKimblc i liti
iIm tempi us to insult oi doty a i;
puwei bet.iiisc it Is stioim oi ien i
i.ius it is fiiondlj. '
Secietaiy Hny's Speech.
l llii'iiim a d ( 1 not
ilncll iip ii tlii in nniiil mil li i jio i mm t 1 1 n
tup nf ulnili I nn li ii. W in n Hie iu-.iluit h
i-Ml I in in Hull ili. Hi inn li p 1 n Inuli in our
I nl-. lint 1 1- lit nnlit 1 -i mil iir fii hip
li el i'iii- . tn liU i initio, ll u. ! -Ill Hi .lifc 1
1-. llllplul llllt till! I l -lilllil li llili Id Kl.l the
til" i.'inirm lio linl ui i li lo li Mth ton lonii'lir,
mil c lit iriiinut u ilnl im tin lonni i - u c
tl tulil III III-. JlH I 111!-. I ll tW i-i nil tilllth
il'.ir, in Ins lililliiK In ii. li iliul. Willi ililli
fliiu nit il i nl lint liou urn li in io i u 1
(litinl 1 In liu iliu i I ill jit nhu In Imi 'on
Vl 11 Hill 10II lllll) 1 Mil III 1 lOMKil i i tt
i'I iiiii w h l li Ihin... In. lull rn liu iiun-t lull
if in mnii iln Who i .iilil wiilltlh t m. nitu
join iiUMiuo a. ll 5 'iiiiljw of lint IIus.ti!tiu-
1 ill.
Attn an i liniit lit fnbuto to tin' nii'in-oi-
ut Piisidont AKKInltv 3li, II. ij
I llliol 1 ) l III. I 1 1 11 I'll 111-.! lll lllll i I 1
II 0 III 1 ll MO ll I ll HI ,Ml ll ll. In! llC 1 1 111 til ll
Air JIlMUl ll lllll,;'. hill lllll lo 1ll lUllMilllli'
H 1(11 I ll lillllllitlil Willi ll pill III' llllll Tlicl il 1
fill iniinoi-ui ililt lm.i i in kiiinlitil li) win li
llOllI lllllhtOIl 0 I Oil, llli il iu)11l)ti till lull
ili in niI'IW i iiilmio id liU ii iiimii
I nil tslul in mi suit iliin; ili.ii i ui ili In
niHi on Hunt n nn im iu.liin-I nl ilutiuii
ml 1 1, ii I ioiiIiiii hiimU K. th in, ili, 1 ii
ml nip I nlii I lull do nn piufn..! ii i Mum.
i I io minds hi iim,o ili liii Ion hi ili,. nlii'
if im I i In,; ilipl in ii i in u uilt Kiimo, I-,
ui i I m-. io il.lii im ml i, il nullum t., tin
"'"Ji!" '" '"""'' 'I"' I'liti"1 It in i-i li i linn
1 ij llili. ii in i pi Imi in iliv li) I'i'ii nn "ii
1 'Ml , llllt H.llHIllt 1 ill lllll ll Inllllil i
i in
llioioui- i Hit. wluii illplinii mi i -. I im
(f inlil.'iio -ml liU'lmnil, m li in iiuil nun., m. I
i nntii nilm - li mil lio minim" iiiiiiko of
'lnt ciulului null wlildi 1 luu nfiiti i,u
iluisrril I. iiniiuii iiltks Mlmi I ui I i illi
In lint t 10 MOllll llK Illnliil iillMJIll 111 ill! Ill
lnnit, 1- In mini nilu miliii. In nn tir
timo nl ilipli iniiio lilt . v. huh imi, i, in
j- ir linn 1 liko t) Imi, Ini, nun, imi in th.
hr until mini of innhiiiilipl.ini i uhlili I
lull li nl ami mi illnl, 1 inn it, iwtli nit luMt.i
ilnn, Hut ui lnu t,iiurill,i t 1.1 .ipi in H wlut
no m mil I, liinoiiiiuil oub in i.i.ui.uluii nt
mo inn nllllii, in -in mil lllnul ili, ..imi
Mif, tu in i pi or rpjut our lunn llinlii. ilu
''nn in Mhiili I lino lien piuniliKiilli nn nun I
til OUI 1JHII.II llllll, IN, , H ,. J.J! tint M,.
hlio Imi n mot In . ,, ,,,, niullin i,l iitllil
jioMir, in Hi jiul fci.tiit of iiinUiiM ji, -n-
I Till
tl till' IIICIMIII' ill uif(.5 lliltli (ir ll'KIII
iliplomui In, nut wllli, a u iltlliiuH, il put
(tnpnsitilo, hr me (n Fjtik 'i,( , (Hi) Ini
fKirhnl liu . of linn in uul u.t Hiii I,,,,,,, ,
f ihiil Im im In iilliulo ti tluli nun.,, iiriha
of 'lio Inrt ami ilipliiinitl, diih.
Dip if in in in I iiinnlinl i Un-it if m'ui
Ml lllM lldlC l ( l III It l.Jt 61,1 MOl I ,ll ll
mr mi luio tiiul 1 1 ili, u lul ),i,,,il,
nlilili I jir (.uiilul tin i n In liil.u.i ,v
"re .1 in nf mil nilo nf tiuiluii j,, puinj,,, ,
ii Ui Untune mill ilu .olilui ml, Mm in,
triple nun mi an lunllj o Ijr inon,-
Do Not Want Teuitoiy.
I tfnin I inn iy ilu' mi sliii iipil.ln, to
tho aomli ti ii no pciuitily Kin 1,1 iuc
uucrit.i l oui altliuilc. ilu i I noil mo il,sii
Iho jiiTH'"i 0I c" ' rf tliom uul luie in i
i iniioiii imm; ll.ini V, t in 11140 wji.i t u Ir
liniloty nun uo tovot Ilu inoimuli , if ti
inoon. We ai? i.ihui1 jii I ili.-iu-, ,1 nitu U.iu
ire dlirirtnu auioiv thfiH, I'Ut fun then iu
flioitlij llvici' thinl. 01 l.nn,' li mmpfn .nr. 01
hcse iJIflorirur unlin 1 1 lio iimt ii lotli
jjrtk, Io il. Not ucii our uiDtst tlnlii iui JJ4 4H
1111011; l(iim will iogil ii t) mi' .i( llun Mliith
mUlit olliinl tlmr mini il iluull ii doir jint
itw ef in Ie lull mo Wi' ime xluiii ill ilu i,ti
IJ uHoii wlilth MC tin 1 fio on. In
lo tlnt tu 1141 1 trio 1 it it, 11 at w ,nt
lllll ti. in. I (Ij 111 ti ,ip il 1.. M i 1 plo
nun, llicie h M iriton f 1 iluiilil, on the rn
Inn J. n 1 iillnnii nn lln otlnr. I'nltlint t
liliiln. In lilt iinjgri ilm I111? tlio li"-l lour .iui",
Iuh undo tiit Milijtil porfnth rlur i hue
iirliiii, on iho tin s Imi ilt 1111 by W ihiimlon,
In itiltitiilc fiirmlb nlillutis villi nil tho poti-
CM, lllll ll"t 10 t iko I III ill till' folllllllotl Of
(rrriupi 01 n iiililliitlon, iini nit Hum V pitlllrm
of Kiiilili lmlo iinh ru 0 is imi im 1 inpifllih
itllli nlii Im-, mi Iiiinr ml Itlunl.-lilp 1I0110 Imi
1 mil 111 n nl nilnn it will In ln)Kitinl 1 n r rii n
ilrt, We Inn 1 1 pi nlii in In licit Iho f lit tint
Mo ure pn in 1 tu tit I v- 1 p id'loilnu piopli, tlul
our inn mil .lUniihs un In tin- illinli 11 if
ti 1 lo nml (ntnimrn, Hi 11 tin in t ili u'lopiniiil
of 1 in hiliitliirt Impiiitlitly iliminili lint m
(.Ii ill nit nub 10I1111 111 1 iniillnii oni' h"lil on
ntir pi-nil iiuiUt ts, lint sick tuii.t inlli, hi nil
linn 11 ihlc liu hi', to ixliinl ntir lunimiKlit I tit i r
t Kliiouti pi Kill ihlc ilirn llun It U fni I'iI-i
f( lDII III lllll' !! )tl ill 1 till' IIO-lll"! if lui
I'K'lIlV, wlih h mm ,11 lit Hie .11 dun of tin vPII
iti , ml of Ilu in lonuhoil in iho ti 11IIII nil
iiioiu 111 j.plril of piolullon to our own Imliti
tilis .nl ut niiilinlh iili nil Utuitt to iniiMltu
mil 0111 nrliililioN lu lie simo -pint, wo line
Mlll'llt HUlllvflllll to illllllCt nil till" uroiil pm-
t t In unite In 1 11 cognition of tho s,- niril piln
1 Ipil ol 1 tul!l of ? iiinotilil ion- nml o,i,inr
limili in llio in 11 m ( of tl o Omtil Wolilliio
lint ' 1 1 111 Ihiil mil 10 fin rn" U ill no miiiiu,
llllll llllll lll Hllll tint MO l llll.Ot MllillOll
If Mi itript llio i-.tii mi c-t ui lino iipiim! iw
lionet imi iri miliii', 1, I 11 rl iinh 1I1, tlnl t mill
ltv nill imi In. ilouiul n, anl tin. n nlt mai
sifili In hit lo tiirt 1111 .i nlii-. nml iiul'i
We lonvlKr 0111 hitm-l- in Ilu I'nillc oicin
h i,ri it iinii 14 ilini nf mi iiIhi pmur .111. 1
ilclincil ti unit finite ildilnptikiil Wo lino
oiiinil 1 ur ik r- ti Hi- 1'iiip'i ot Ilm ill, Mi
lllll Kllpllil till 11'pill'llllllll of tlif I'liilip
plt,(, m 1111 h I'loulmio lni 1 Mil upiiti is, mi
inn pul'm nil In tin 1 ml, 111 iuu tntnloniu
Ittni nf ilini ll 111 nolo uiiulttfl in "-mini mil
iiliih ,ih in ' iiiiiu iiin it our r unmori nl lunls
In Hi' 111I111 niip, 1 0 hni tlilililiel 1 ur Ills
ml mi iiithtriti in lii'mli, wliuli prlii s n, ih(
Ilini. hirli 1 111 I hi Smith S , 1 in unlir
Mill ( 1110 1 l'liihc oilh, mil in Mlimiui liiiiI
fi llio 11-0 11 nil will ih-pi-ul AiiKii
1 in piOli-, lut tin kt fvUiiMio n1111
( in oniif! 1 Itnl in, lum conliol if loin
I Mlilcli (Kil oiitrrpnr- I'lt-iuin Mi
Itiiihi anl l'ioiiluit l!i.u'Oiill lino Inon tin
hi nlii mil ouii-ktin; ill iMplon
No Suuender of Rights.
si im. u in 1 1 mi lii-li- 1 1 tin. mill u
iiiimiii 1- in. no of iho lutliiiliujii if tin-
Mil 1! Willi li his kil II. Huh In inil -t ill llll nn
IN lllll llll, 1 llll ML 1 Miro llll tilt -1 1 ll
li ifn iilininili ili 11 ii iinii in in-, mini
III hlllll, I, ".III 11.' Ilnl -Ulllful ., III, )
iihhl lliij lni lun ami 111 nni uiiliilnl
1liu till be 10 iron Miiinnloi ol un ii'i
tli 111 tluo Mill In 10lltilll 1' Iho 11J1N f
iillm-. Ilu 1 11 i Imi to wh 11 nn Imi inn
toiu mi ilu ill, tint nil loiiriliiiit, hlo lu
lu 11 mini. nlii iitilni -11, H 1- inupililc of
hlllllllU- 1 '-il'll- p Mil It ll 1- lit 'lIDIIjll?
1 Mill, niio 11, ini, in I tn . 1,1 n, 1, .
II t li-lnl ii 111 II , 1 mi, m, itti, hi oh i .hi 1,
will i. in ilu toiUm 1 m 11 uf it mil -Uul
Hi nition nn r wh -- it -liun, h u, il 4
I1I5 1 i 1 tit , muii.iIi 111 the wulU, uf 11 11 14
III tie Mini., of pi in Imi lint 1 1 n,tli u-'ii 1
01 siiiiin linn's nitii it no iinpiiliuu I" no
1 Injun In 1111 11 nni in th uouIi,t ir
liln liiniilH-t Hi innkli 1 th-, M -nl tl 0
tiiiiiiMiip if ill Ilu j nn-, in Mini n nun
llllll ill pn plii, Ml IIL 1011-01111, uf 11 tn 11
tint nill mill mil uiiiiniitt 1 ,miio o" ti'
int ii In ilu in mil f 1 mil In n 1-1I10 l.ul
no h intotiiio rf .(nn .Hi m!I iui nnliio 1.
lo thno 1 luiil lnu ilu 1 illi iiKtlior 111 1 n
lu 111-0 it 1, mciI nni Mill 1111 ii ir hi iambic
1 lit iii-m linipt 11, to 111, alt 11 iKfj 1 nal
poiMi liiim-i it 1, -lions; 11 0 u bu ui-i il i,
lin mlh
Ilu nliliiili if nni ilin 11 in 11111 lo null
iitnl 111 1 li si 1 1 -uiptu 1 nun 1, I 1 ml bu
llio lu-r and nili-l ot out illplmnnl- till 14
I inl I lu oti,h Iu4 iiiukI whin I mi m pi it.foil
it tin 11 Lrt if MiMille- It t 1, 1 nil 1 14
tithir n -1 1 I 1 ipnli In lum liu ill 1 11 illo
-Ii"" j: 111 Li-ion wmi In wa 1 li 1 s ,1 t lum
1 11111 ililt.ui!. in 111, 1 ii i 11 , In mil - nil
hip 11 I iiu-
lu u 1 1 ililuiul in nni Itiaiii- ml wo lull
M itnl t m 1 nn - , 11 t 1 1 ,wl 1 1 -11 i?j.u
hi inO 1, 1 fiiin 1 nfiqitil, 1-.K )i 11 jthiut, p it
tin,- tip wi.b 1 11I1111 I uf Mint 1- 11. hi ml
JUi-t, 1IIKIIB llll pill- III iho lllt l't 'lllll lt if
Attn lu (uiiiluilid, Stuetaii Hay
was ohh,cd so. tl Unus to ai know I
edKi ilu upplau-t. an 01 ded him b. tho
(.b.M'inoi OdoU spi,v(. to ti1(. fo,i,t,
'Thi. Htate ol Now iiili, ' mil .Mj.ui
t lei t l,n, leplled to the toast, "I he
C'it ot Nt u "Soil. "
.losiph H riionie,' (o the
com t 01 St Julius, ,ib uot intio
dun d. Alto: tin1 applause had Mih
sldid. In- .-poke ith his iisutii 1 lo
ijiiurc, dwelling mosily on the igcout
islt 01 the delof,utei ol the Xi w Yoilc
ihnmbii' of iiiinnieiie 10 .nuduii. lie
eulnihid upon tin- sympathy U1.1l had
b.'tn shown b U10 llili Mi pioplo ,it
the time 01' Piesideul .MeKiiilo ,s ilea Ml
mid Hiid tliitt not onh- Imi thu sxinpu
th liu.11 nuuiilisli d iilinobl iweiy houi
lor dils .iltil the I'Mllt be io!i!t.,
bill thai all (lntes wue j u 1 1 as s,n
lowlul. In kw ol ihtsi fui is,, Jli
Choito tlioiiKht IhH koii'i nun nt jiibti.
lied In thinking Hi il nuKlaud's uel
wa-4 an fipiebt'loii ot b.Mnpa
th. "lr. iMiii.Uo ufts lollowul bv fteiiitor
3Mi'ka'iilu, ot South raiolina.whu spoke
to iho toast ol '"I he 3liunoe Doc tunc
nt the 'Iwuilloth I'liituij." The bena
toi's .imhobs uus fiy Mill loiuhid,
tiinl hi mis. ueiiiieiitly iiiplaudeil,
Senator McLamin's Remaiks,.
Suiuloi' Jollll l .All hum in, ul Hi, nth
I'ainliiiii, Hiioke in the m minimi "I'lu
loiuoe Dui'iilnii ol the Twentielh 'en
lin." Tho si'iiuioi duluul the uilIiiK
itnbllnii linhii wllh nil liiilionti, and Ilm
one to width all polllli.ll iilllbtloiis ;ue
Mibiiidiiuttu! Is, ' W'liu t inn ii do to
liiiihfi Indiistiinl iliwilopnii'iil iinil nl).
llllll lillbluess piosiieilly""
r-pe.lkilltr o( the ploiimlKntloil b 'lln
ll) Unit lejiulilli," ol" tho .Mnuioo Doe.
Hint', li" snld Uiiu mis other polli y
would b.ue win lud our KiiMi mm nl
mid boon an lusiii mnimt, ibln huilee tu
our nuloiial niouili, piosinritj and
pi 1)1 1 s,"
NOW tllllt Wl'lllM hoi 01110 "tlie u,i.
est ipml mitlim of iho win lil," tho
"lIllKlltlObl polemlillltv iill eaitli lor
pinuiei-, cHlll,.itloii ami liniimii ipn.
1I11111 " io 11111 'no Ioiiku iniilliii' mil
lllStlllltioilS llllll HUP iJl'MlllV to tlil.s I llll-
tliKin, but mil I'oiniK Hi d b. inn 011.
tiollublo oM'iilr. to mi tiiiti inll. with
iithu' iiiitioiib, and to u.ii h out tor now
ihniliiilb ot 11. uli."
"Thu Ispalilbh win was ie in itiflou,
Hot ilu- iitllbf. The lijioit ol Dewey'.!
latilioii lu Manila li i was, but the 101 .
mat .iniiouiicuneilt to the world of
w lint .im en 11 011 tin t- pioramiuu 'the
IWtiiUuli iciil ill Jlolllfii) Doytiliie,'
hut w likli I Lull Ihu 'JielCliiley Doi .
ttlm ' and .ib 1 ttih 11 will ho known to
f llllll t ll((0B "
Collator ;i 1. uul In (hnldalcd the 31c.
ICinky doitiiiio pi bu lib lolluwb:
lllll- lllll l Ull lllllllfulll llt(lUllHlIl4 Ji ii)
t ml lioin t ii-in, ip. Ion, ili i p n iii n oi tu
a it. irj 1 ami lonmnuL' hji tin only inutis
ot 1 1 atliij. iiiukit. tu mil ;ii!lu, piulut.
'it ml Hut .1, a nition Willi i liiiub. i4b
IUIh I t ..mlluiili iui (.DiDinnicnt ami ml4r,' J
inn iui ulji,'i'liiii, wi rmiM uo lui,ir ntnttin
Inm piilli Ipilloti In Hit- iifilrt of llio wii'Ji
lull niii-l I iki oui .-luio of the iff oiitiliilili.
Ililnl Tint Mhllo liiiltililnlni? llio iloclrii"
llllt til Sulctlllll'tll till tin' .Slilrlli 111 ii mini nt
rnii-l lio Inlirkiul Willi or cinliollnl b
riitnprui ponir, ju wo tuat ciillliilu fiiuillv
itl.iiinlH lllll tlif in mil he pripircil to Mil.
ami lonliol our lui- of lln Irinli of the m iiM.
1 outlli -rinl tic -luuilil put imi iouIiI ml
i i tutu it Mfth Flu ink from iho full pi i Turin
mi i' of all Ilu l, ! ontihllitli's i n-l ii on ll I'll
liiu-l mole font ini tu (lie fullilltii'iil nf our in
tluinl ili-llm.
'llio piopii-illoin rinbrjcril In t'n-i ihrltine
Mill I ( to the tMiullolli iruliiiy iilnt Ho M 111100
ilictrn.i wus the nineteenth If. n" u lutlin.
we woiilil injm' tin' lomuicii lit frititr wo n il
nml ile-ire, in iiiii-I, llko Imlltliluilt, linl.o lu
tlonil Miitun, imi In nut' elToue.
Siiinlor lli'hainln doiliied the piln
eiplia ombiiiced In thu "AleKlnky doi'
1 1 Ini" to bo the only ones hkli piom
Ise U10 stnblllly ot the nation unit the
full ni'coniDllylimont of our liiitlonil
di stiii v. Jle piudltlid that this doc
tilne hi to be "our elmit and I'linip iss
until wo complete nnotht r oiele in n 1
tlonul life, and another niose to lie
ni.tdo onwntd and upwind"
Recipioclty Tieaties.
The .speaker spoke of rulpiorily
tieaties as one ol the fi'itmo'i ol this
twenllitli eenliii. Jfonioo doetiiue and
dcllnid their pihuiplL' to be that tunic
Is not lo bo fiee on one side and let
tend on the othei; that woods .no not
to be taken fiom a foitlmi tinmtiv fioc
ol" duty or at a low late unli-s that
lounliv take ometlilnir lioin us 111 e
ol duty or at a lov late. 'I he sen ilor
lui thcr said:
Wlnt wo ncnl 111 ilm coin 11 1 ila 1- 1 1
piili'iu pitmti-m ilnl -I iti -11 at -hip, mm il
olril to lln lniilillns lip of o - louunoii muni'v
tlul tn pnl suici ihiil liilioiul 1 01, "1
lilting the Vloi.t of out urnlilio 111 1 Us tu
iiiiiplnnt miiic, is .1 fin loinliliili" ul smeiti
imiit t-bc ulil ml 1 1 iluriil into EoUiotnl mil
piiti4iu iiu-tion- I.11 u, M nni iliuiliiii I"
-hniililii, 'oml 111e111111 , ii 11 11 It r wlut our
politu-, 01 wlnl oui mcIicii
111 conclusion Sen ilor McT.imin h.ihl:
Ml M.111 iinlii Uo lint oui liicikrn tiuliitifii
ii ipi loiiliiuj me ot tlio-e incnn nlnii, 111 4
Ilnl uu III IMlilllll ill 111 tin In ton it 1'
htinuii 1 it i- nt L'oni 11 ihuiiiih of I 11 fill
Ion ue it Moil. It ui in, 1 il ill piipliei
puiiitdl t) S'iiun-1 1- tho Iliul Intlli 'ictmil
lilMctii 11111 nni Ini li, oni it nni In 11 H
tn in leir Hi Itlil 01 Siniin vul I mi, ihnilt
-iinlii puil nni p niili 1 wl . e tl i liuti in'iir.
ii nun uul hi- liiiinoilil m ul join in the cult
llllll wllllll till' "il IK" I lib, Uo -hill 1 In 1 ill
till iln 11 1 I tint 111 nut ' lull 1 1 t ill 1 ai 1!
,.0 il 'till .nt ml Him '
iIomi noi -eli it Albeit V. Cuminliis, of
Iowa, lollowul fen,itoi 3SUh.iuiln.
Nev Plans Adopted by Mr. Dickin
son for the Rescue ot Miss
Ellen M. Stone
Pi 1 iilutiti Wire trctii llio -oci itcd I'. cm
Holli, Xov. 10 II Is upoitcd that Hi.
Dk kiii.son, Un United bt ites diplomatic
agent heie, his infoiniid the komm li
nn lit ot Duhtaiia that the nbditctois ol
Miss 13lleu M htouc and .Mine, 'fsilk 1,
Ith thiii captives, aio tonceakd 111 a
dcilli of llio Uelk'iltii.i niuuut.ilus. 111.11
Kiuolch. tllstiict of Dubnlt. 1, and his
luiuistid th it tl nolle, be s-enl to sui -louiid
the jil.iiu and hbiiate tin i.ip-
Doth Mi. Diikinsou and Un !uls.u
liiu loitiKU oillco dtilino to loiilltm 01
deny this lepoit. Xeici thcliss, il I,
lit Hosed tint Alt. Dickinson, poiMiad tl
of the inipo-sibllilv of comlnir to teuns
with liu biiqunds and icljln upon bis
btllcl that tiny will not h.iim theh
iapties it ttoops ate omploied .iKalrst
them, and altu consulting lth W'ash
inrClon. decided upon this iiiom, Onl
eltjht bmdlts now Kiiaul Miba Stom,
and some oi thebo am known to stn.
athie Ith liu.
About u loilnUht .iro Hi. Dlikm
Min appioaihcd the foieltcn ollkc and
1 iopo-ed this siirne plan, bul im i.iuv-lii0-
out mis ab indiuiid beiausi of the
inu c: talnti of the location ol lUe ban
Light Pall of "the Benutiful
Geoigirt and South Caiolina.
H.t 1 ilti'tu SSire iroui lln s,u uti 1 1'im
Atlanlii, ria Xo. Ui dls
patihe'h fiom points in Ninth (.ieoiKl.i
lepoit two ilii'lieii ot blluw. Tlieie as
a llfiht lull In Atlanta duiin,,' Hie day,
roluinblii, Si, C, Nov, 10. It has been
Mioulm, lieu i-lnee tally 11101 hIiik, This
Is the Hist snow Hint has lalli u In Col
iliubi 1 as eailj as Nostmbii.
Nenily BOO Men Quit Woil: on the
New Haven and Haitfoid.
Hi 1 iiialio SSito fteiii llio sMrialul l'rct
Aim Stik, An. in, Ai uli fi.l nun, lumpvi-
ii the oitthi torn uf li iKuiiui, iuilit lunilliH
.ml mtlli Iiiikii if lit Aim S'll. ihtkiuii of ihc
Aim S'il.. Aim Himu mil Hill mil 1 tilt Mil,
Mini til Ilu -lilkt lulu, Ilu uptiiul 1111,1. if
Ilu t-liilo I, lln ilu h 111,1 of die .is.i.tiut nipu.
ilitunlilil, ltlnlt '1 lllll blt'li, 01 Ilu Mutt linen
t 111I4 '1 lie Hillo alio ihiIliIiIIj ill ilu Hie Im;
Im it and 1I011 .i .-Uul ut tin 1 illioul in II1I1 tilt,
Johil II, 'I liiiilmdi. genual iiiliuialu, .'11. l' 1
brotlii nf Hulii it ', s.iiil tunlclit Hut Im
ilhl ut l.un v tin ian-1 (t I1I1 Iioiliu'. tlbuii'. U,
4- -
11; I iclusiie SSire (mm 'Jlie Aociatoil I'kii
I'hllaililplili, Aoi. 10 l', Jluiij. mud,, j ub.
lWit r mil e lllm of tho llalb Am., iliul imi it
at Hie rnlui.itl Im-pllal uf hnlln-l illi puui
iiituii, Inlloniiii 1 ,-iuii i oiujiioi ili. l ir
lln Has ".i jciit. 01 ii,o. o w i iicitiiit il Ilm
I illituiiip, 1 munl'ii nl llio 1 lott-i, in I
wa, pitohlint ami Mint in if llio I'm in, l',ntll
iluli lui fiiuil ,tu lie ,il-o miHil 0110 i.(
jt tin piibliloiit ol llio htli'iiiilloiul I. a.ue uf
l'll.a Cllllil
'lio.t, .A S. Aui J) W men !l,.lm
iliul licit' loila) lio lias j: wlilib kuui.n nilu
UUr ol tne Dieciplo. o( I luLt filth, ItjUni; lui
.1 tlian-i' 111 eiciy i-lik In tin I uiuu IK
i a.MUIiiJ tie lirit C bn-ti m in f l,lij(;i
He kiumI die ln.t ij,uri lor I' 1 luiiiuliii, if
llirjiu cillceo, In DI1I0,
l'.illdiklphli, ot. J III nni lli.t, i, , m 1'
llio fgiemtst I iillcilllm lli;j oml 1 ,111111,1. m
thin touiiii.t, ilini ut bu Iuiiiu in f.uniiiuo'ui
tcnUlit. Ho tw3 ii iiati if age. Jb, Muliaii
ilcioiul hid iriiin tJi.u 10 bouiii imi
lum iiml was an uuliiuii aiiliioiils uu fin -o 1I1.
ifit'. Ik waii 1 io Hrt tu nnctcil Pi IliMirin
tin Sic I0111 l!fi in ( lii- loimlr) ami lib t im.-j
was (Uilo on ncnl, in llio liotuiUil anl Ijoitl noi Id Ml, ilu'iiin '14. bom in I ni
lm 1 iui tun at out .Uiiu 'anjiii tu Lib
mil Siinuii lUiiouit, it ,st. tint, b!) of
SSkht, wlnio (laetii Sluuiia pent hoi Inn'.
11V vaiiii im nil inaioi; 1,1 llll,
The Hotlici of A. P. Wilcox, Wife
and Son round in a Mutilated
tly niclu'ite SSlio fiom The AmocUteil I'ltu
lo SiikoIi', Am VI Ilm t't nl liwllii nf S.
1'. SSI hot, wife itnl tun m 11 nlii si ti, wire '0 ml
ileul it their lioiuo ,il Hoimmi t 1 1 111II1M
tutu Ihliiil.t, toil it All lln liuln'4 woio lion I
lih 1111111111011 im H10 1 li oily lonilltlui of I 0
piiinl-iH itiiliiitul tlul tho i" nl ml- hul nut
Willi 1 Hint It-il-tinu SSIIio all I hit fjinllv
hut lniii shot nml Ihiil lltirilli tut 10 pkut
1 ith n 1 ulfi.
Hit tiliiu imi i!iei)iernl wluu 1 nolftli' ir
1 iliul it llio house mil finui'l (he tluo nl
ili uilt iibiiiiljnul. (Hi foreini; lln iluor lit fouml
llio ileul Imilin of the family Mretiliril out 111
Ilu II iilr Tho worn 111 imi linn ilint while oatrv
llilf 11 pi Uo fiom Hie hloie to Hie lilile. Tli
lulu" In in llio inlilillo of Hie rootn, while the
ill, inemlK ml liutU if the fitlui wit 'trctihoil
urn the ilnni. It I4 -tippu-ed tins rilnii I 1
luiiunltliil two or three 1I114, ngo o"Lllte lo
tin pirpitnton lui tct bicn luiini',
His Co-operation Deshed in Admin
istration oi Affaiis.
Hi 1 xelmiie SSire from lhe 4socla!ctI Vtut
Ant otl, Ao. 10-Mijoi elect low lm in
iieil s, n itm- piatt lo ti nfer tilth Mm upon
niimiilpil in ul'iM Ih mute tin iiinnuue iunt
ju-t In fun loiiin,' liH lieiil'iiurttis in the folloit
111,' V.lilll II .-t llltuilll
"I lute Im Itnl s, mtcr l'l ill lo nnfu w'tli
mi in liiiltii? n.lil ini; to the till, I n,-t of
ill I Mini, to llniiU him in pei-ui foi lhe Mr, i.r
.tipiuit 1 1 liu i;ittn lhe fii-ion niniiniiiit it all
liniM, ilnl, sciomlbi I wint lo senile hi- (o
ipiiitiuii, if I 1 111, in ill lin'lei, wlnro lib i i
tlufuio 1 in li- uf -cruel lo lln nil. 'lhe inn
Im 1111 will 1 1 In hi a uti I on 0 llitiioilit ncl."
The St. Beinaid Coal Company Gives
Up Its. Kentucky Clm tor Will
Apply in Delavaie.
Ill I ilu uo SSire fiuii Ihc WoiMtul 1'h4
Aladloontllk', K Nov. 19 Am one
of the lesults 01 the letont millets
tumbles heie the ht. Bern ml Coil coin
pin has KHen up Uh Kentucky ihai
ti'i mil 'till iucni poi ite tinder the law?
ol Helium' Tile conip my sie'4 as
the ii isoii that it may lciehe fcdci il
assist nni. The c imp of the union
minus heie his bien inowcl to X'01
toinilli, heic about I'O'J men .110 in
1'iesidi'iit Wood, aftei .1 confeience
Mlh I1I1 ailoiuiM-. has decided to Unlit
tli" motion in make pi'ijictual tho In
luuctloii ki anted the Kcineeke 1 0111
)in in I'cfleial .ludirc Kvati-i
An ili 01 1 was mule to .oik at the
shalt in lJioidciii o today, but hui
tho ihi-tlo blow lui men le
spundcii The Impoited nosioes nie
still bulh- filhlilc nod oins to .Situ
dis's piocccdlnss and will not go near
the mines. Main o j t lit m11 1cmc
lloi ton I'.ush. a iickio minei. ho is
shot diiiiiin'' the battle Hiuul.n, iliul
tnd.1. Hud ('ouch, a union man, fhot
tluotudi llio lttt ltuif, cannot neoer.
Addiess ot the Ne' Piesident ot Na
tive Paity in Manila.
Hi I silu.hi Sire fiom 1 lit. Ss,uuateil 1'u 4
Manila, A i, 13 I'ltcini, Ih Ui'i of
lhe ,11 1 iliul I ibpino 1 limit, lu lum ileittl
ii,nlrnl ul Ilu tint puii 1 ul. I 1KI0 lott,
w 14 iKuul nit pii-uliiil
lu tbiiil-in-r Hie Uic nieotin, iur hi, tlectnn
I'ltiuio -s ticl the wai hul li'lul leur ;ijn Jul
bio nl ti u. llll ll)i ms fii', -ilm itma: nmp, anl
iiul.iiu oiphin, 1 uliN hlili Mtie Commit
1 mini Midi liimr, will not. ili -U14 'Un uu..
Imi i mc lo tin p 1 itt.t putt p illucs anil lie
luiiKiiitia iltu ullne- lln 1 ilipin , luii,t ort
lu Ihc lntui-lo ii p in Hiitl thu wuihl tlioi,
uu ho Ilu bli.-iiit,- ct llio rising anl fu'.tiio
it in illi 11
llie 1 ulcril, tliji tu hi firm ilirn of the
1 ini, lut muijI llio i. mil, line join. 1 it m
I111il1 iloiie.
Now Jeisey Food Inspectois Tluow
Avay Supplies oi tho Pluid.
Hi I ilu,be SSui from lhe .Sfoelatnl l'ie-s
Nut .orl, Act. 1-1 inlii Hie nrw ami (
iiulluli fltlil inm Imiil I m of Ant Jel ,
t huh Mint into ilbet oi. 1, i lui louo if
-tile in-piiloi, biioui nl ijittn on tin milk iliil
in of 1'iti 1-011, A. I , 1 uli bull, wllh ill, 1,.
IIOll, 1 1 ll-l(Ut tills 111 ttlu liilllle- Slltiplll, 1 1
tin tin i. I wliuli tune in on uiiu, win ItKil,
it Mill 11 tint wliuli Hi- Imi tlili.'inni nml
niilllihi iini lilimit. wtro pillliii; in 11 i ui
lliinilri'l-i of Dillon, wlilili the in-piitois -i hi
luil licm w ili nil, m i ptiiunl inti tin cutlet 1,
'lln 1 1 -nit wit tint iium families tiro with
out mill. In 1 uli n-o Miiipn, nun tiikm fiom
tin 1 111, to In ll-Illl, llllll 1 Mitt i) Jilo, lttln"
the u-joii'ill lo pnlii4,
Steani&lnp Anivalq.
11 I cii-iio SSIro truu 11 e .Usotnlul l'iea.
Auv oil, An. J"riiiul, I iimt lllnunl.
Aiplin I liartil' iiliiliml, SliiMup ill
s- mill million and I heiliouii;, lAutonii, lb 1
pioll st 1'iul, SjillliiluptDii. Mlliilj K il-.. -SSIlhibii
Du Iiiom, llunicii, til l'ltmnuih ui,i
I liulii nrc,. Quiili.iowu Suilul. On inn, A(i.'
nil. fur liuipoil. ilinl-1'.is. .I: I'lillnM
plili, Ant Aoil. (or Suilluiuploti. II ui'io ni
loi -Srnioil. liollinlaui, .Ari, Soik 101 llillu
ilaiu (uinl 1 loieoilul)
Stilkeih Guilty of Contempt.
lj I'm limit SSiu linin Iho Svociileu I'rcs,
Iiuil 11 A I , A 11 in Ilu Au lnt) tuiirt
nl iiim, ml 'II" d. lni- tilt uu 11 tii.l Incil Hit
ui I Inn 01 Suo I hum t Ilu I'illi 1 in ., iiigiii,
hiillii ot iiiitiiiipt 11 nun nn id I'aii.nui null
6i1il.11- Ilu-,' -nihil luil ih.- I11.111I ,111 null 1
of ilm 1 0111 1, ml Nni I lulu iliul' I'll 10 t liupoul
pi uu nt ia ! 1 1 liiiii in .il 011 1 to 111 1 fun 1 the
Civil Seivice Regulations.
11 1 iiltulio SSue fiom Hit wiriilu 1'iou
SS chiiisi iiii A01 i l'le.liUnt Hoi nil lu
ImiiuI 1111 ruin jinrri bin; tli. mil .nine nt,uli.
Hun,, 11 iu t li lui it to lln 1 it II ferine u iium
hi. of ihllliu plittc in the 1 ar dop4iliiiint it
upleil (it iMiutlto onlci 011 iy .' 1, wi '.
ilit'i. pulir I Jt lln 1 niui t 11 s,nfn iit.i.i,
ami I- .iftui. .il'Out l.iw iiopio 111 Hi iiuuiu
iuti!j, iui I . 'I, ensuwr ai Imji ih. uuiiuit.
Ptiiisioiis Gi.inted.
H I ci).nc SShe from 'lhe Astoclalul Preu.
SSj-hlnsltn. Aot V, piiuluii ol -U In?
lull j'UlllliI 10 Kill I .lOUM, Midllt, 0 sL atl
9 .
Tso Gills Pel iuh in Sugar Rotliieiy.
Hi l.Mliititi; ssiic frtm lln .uohtctl rn.
Ilinii, Aoi P 1 no lull ili.iujcil Ilu Mil
pill lljlllll ,-UUJI Itlilllll II lilllij. ilu lui -t
In Itab. Iwti nil. Jt -1 Ui u lbi-s
A Desire ol Gcrtain Interests lor
Tariff Concessions from the
Foreian Countries.
Agtlculturnl Interests Not Repie
sentecl Chniles Hcber Claik
Makes n Vlgoious Piotcst Against
Any Modification of the Tariff.
Other Addresses Made.
Ilirelu-iie SSire from Iho .S,-ouiliH l'n 4
WashliiRton, Xov. 19 Tho leiipioeilv
eoinentlon, which assembled in Wnsh
liiKlou todiy, Is a stilkhif- manifesta
tion of the rtesho of cei tain IhUichIs
lor tiu Iff conccsslims liom IoicIkii
eotmtiles and a coiisecnidit ilenslon
of Ameilc.m mateilals. It is .stiietU a
in. nml ictuiliifrroinention. AfiilcuUui'iI
anil alliod interests .11 c not leineseiited,
hence the con'( ntlriu In not tully lcp
K'sontathe of the aUillv of
the countiv as a whole, and in this
fac t lies tho dllllculty of set urinir .ictlon
in coiiBicss
Trade leclpiocily between the T'niled
States and othei comitiies is iipp.uent
ly a local issue
(.'oinnilUee .iiiuouiiioinints and the
le.idlnjj or panels, l,uKolv technical,
occupied the attitnoon session. A iep
nsentatho oommitti o will c ill on
Picshlonl ltoosotcll .it noun tomoiiow.
Th ulcs Hcber Claik, of I'hil.idelphi 1,
made a stiomr plea lo lhe I'niiu ntion
for piolection Jlc toeU .1 position
aK.iinst anv luodlllcation ol the tailli,
and airainst t.nlft concessions such as
ho believed to be 111 lontciupl illon. He
(outendeil that past cxpeneiicf .showed
that a leilpiodty Hetty was noi bene to the rounln: tlnl under the
Diimley bill tho balanic of liude bad
.suune; aiound 111 l.uoi ot this counti.,
while the bal nice vas against us imdei
the Wilson bill.
Ki ink Leake, lepie.senlintr the Jr.inu
f.u Uncus club, of Phil idelphia. faoied
I the cieation of a denutmeut of coin-
iintit-e and manufactmes, to .iokl o-
tenshe fluclii.aioii 1 111 buiim bs londi-
tions bioiiBht about by ill advised agi
tation. Upbuilding' of Mei chant Maiiue.
ficoifte .1. Seibuiy, ot Xew" Tculc, ad
ocitcd the buildhiit of a stion,? mti
(hint in nine and constiuction of an emal .is p.u.unount 111 1111-
poi tain o to lecipiocity tieaties He
ad Dialed 1 eduction in tin war ic-
jonue tainf but not in the DitiKley tai-
111. ills speeih, which, ho h ild, as
Xew Yoik's contiibuilou to the meet
ins limed a ' ptoer.istination m i,en
i'I.U iceipioeiti-," ho said.
"1 distill banco In the intscnt tin Iff I
absuluti'ly uantcessaiy and can be c n
aeted only b tho-e opeiatlnR 111 the
lnteiists of loiciuu manulactuieih "
Ocoi(,e A, LnuKhlln, ot AVheelinfr, W.
V.i, lntertsted in the munufactuie of
.stctl billets, anaiirned the 1'nitid
St ites Steel loninauy. lie said that
belote Us oiKaiiUation his coinpan.
had been able to buy its nutcil.ilb at
a limine thai cnublul it io hell to all
the m nkets of the oild, but since the
ouMiiiatlon of tho rnitoil .States Steel
compmy this tiadc had bieu seiiouslv
lutcifiied lth and the piesent out
look mis th it his I'umiuiij'h trade ith
South AiiKiic.i Miul(l be cAtliiKuIshcd
shoitly. Othei s ho ni.ulo addiosscs
wcie A. C Yoik, Pa.; Geo.
II. II 11 hour. Deli oil; ,'m. h. l.ih,
Ihoolclyn; Heiuy Dallcy, Xew Yoik,
and S. O UlKiiey, Atlleboio, Mats.
The Aiucili.iu laotoilhe T.uifC
le.iKiio di cided lo decline the imitation
ot the naUouiil association of inanuiiu -lui
eis lo be 11 pit. sinled as ,1 body on
the Hoot of the (omentum, Tully urn
dele Kates, rcpii'senUnir -unions asso
1 Unions of ni.iutifiu tun is, .ue meni
beis ot the Ann limn Pioteitie Tailft
le.iKiie, io that the oigiiiilatfon Is cll
npiebc tiled
In Spnnlsh-Aineiican Countiies.
The night s-csslon, doiotcd to lhe sub
,jeit of uilpioilty with the Spanish.
Ameilian inunltlis, dcieloped tile tail
that the delegates weio hnIu!r a dllll
r tilt timet In UMildluK' in.ikiiiK Htiali,'ht
out hluli tin 111 speeches, while siiKIiik
lo uiiiiiiio UiemselscH to the disius-ion
ot iiclpioclty lelatlous. Ono speakei
said that he had heaid iiothlnjj but
high t.nlff spei'i lies all dav and Hint,
wcie the delt'gati.s not po eainestly tr
k to attain tho ends mapped out, one
might belleio Unit ho weio attendlim
a piilltiial meeting at the height of an
Iinpoitaut tauip.ilt.ti. Thu disiusslon to
night leiitcied inaliily aiuuiid the unit.
Icr ot tho Inipoitatiini of hldis 11 0111
Jlcssih. r, 11 Thin her, ot Xess Y01K;
St'iiotaty llolfmun, of tho Kniihis t'ity
Mllleis" iis-oilatlon; Colonel J, I', Sup
plie, of Jt.Utlmoii , 'h.u Us A. Schloien,
of Noss Yoik, W. IJ Itlio, of llo.stoii;
U, T. AtMns, of I'iiicliinatl, (uul I'hailtri
Cuilisli, ul S011U1 lioud, Imi, in 111111
had the II001, ill', llii'o spolco cspn lull.
In tint iiUi'lcstti of tho le.Ulier Indiihtiy,
and In iiieiilionlug the lurlll uu liidi.s
ti (Jiu Aigiiitlmi. i-ald that this tin in
bi'ilelllKd iiobndN, and Unit the lilde
iiue.stlon bet is ecu AigniUlii' and the
t'nltod States Ml ft ltd a good ihamo tu
ti 011 the niaiitlu ol iecpu)('il Pns.
dent Seal ill iiltciiuplt'd Ml, Iticc at one
lime, tellliio him to loiillno hlinseli lo
uciproiUj and not to diitt upuii the
lallfl' (juestlon, to wlilili llio I aiei u,,
101 ted Unit Im did not think auxme
iouUI talk ioelpu.el. without laikliu;
laillf, a jeply wlilili bioiiijht mil gen.
eial laufliUi,
" ' " -o
Piesident's Cajleis,
I) I Veil aivt SSire fiom lhe ViSOcUttJ I'liti,
IS i.liiiu-ioii. Am. V'.-l'rc-uliiit ( .orvll 'm
ectil'Jl ulhrj Imert tin taoliiil stiuli'tt to
ill). Siiuii, Iium wue .suuIjW ijmt, i lAmi
ttltaiilij I'oraliei, nt lilitui 1'htl, il liiiiinil
ml, ml ll,ii ii, I.e. if I11OI4111 imi iMinln
The Altoona Embeszleis Case Will
Be Ileal d in Scinnton.
Ilybttlu'lte SSire troni lhe Associaltd I'rein
Plilliiilulpliln, Xov. 1!). Tho Supelloi
mint liiilay oideied the loleaso 111 ?!,
rU0 ball of .hinic'M It. Mc I'llllougli, who
was cons luted of eiubivllng -50,0UU or
the slute and city rtmds, while he ssas
tnv colleelor of AUoonu, and who Is
now mnliig an Impilsnnuient lu the
Ulalr county Jail. Th aellon of the
couit was based oil a petition ptcsenleil
011 McCiillotigli's behalf, nuking tlint ho
bo allowed an appeal fiom the Judg
ment of the lowir coutt, The appenl
was allowed and the older ol the com l
smis made it supeisedeas.
Under lhe older of the couit today,
Mci'ulloiigh will be allowed his fiee
doin tuitll his case has been llnally dis
posed ol bv lhe Supplier couit. The sn made lctuinablc at
the Scianton temi of the com t c.uly In next.
The Piesident's Message Discussed
at the Session Yesteiday.
11 l.tob -ue SSiic from The Sisoililul Tie .
Washington, Xov. pi The cabinet
meeting todav lasted about two and a
half limns The whole time was spent
in the icidlng or the piesident's mes
sage and in commenting upon its ail
011s ic.itines.
The mci-sage Is long and is said to be
Uoious In tone. In Uinl lesncct at
least tullc ehuactenstU or Piesident
Kooseiell. Xo other business .is
Union Coal Diggers Close Piotest
Hill Coal Company's Shaft
and Destioy Piopeity.
J'.t I ulirMic Sine from ll? S juitul I ris4
Vila eiiiios, liul, Now 1') Thue bun
died union minds fiom Washington,
Piincotoii, Peteisbing', I.inton, Sulll
..n and llli km II tame heio tluilng the
niglil and ejili todi- niiicbtd to the
ishill ot the Jaottst Hill roil Mini
lompani, whcie iiim-iimon mlneis aic
emploied and closed the f-haft. 'I'he.i
de -li ueil piopeity, ass uilted a nuiu
bci ot mlneis and .11 e .nill in the it
inltv ot the mine. The entire citv Is
CNcited and gi.10 tiouble is feaied.
Owing to a icient stiiko the mine
.as not being opeialed at night and
but one man, the .itc!iiuau, Dutk As
bell, Mas on dut. Asbell sas he as
RcUod bv the leideis of the inine;s,
who took lllm to the luinaie docu.
tlue.ilenlng to bum liiinallie, bill that
othei t Intel feied.
He mis then beaten ahuose senseless
and pi iced under guaid hlle llfty of
the ciowd M'iit to a shack ociupUd
by half a doren mlneis hcio a gen
et ai light 1 osulled, in hieh Penv
' Collins, an attorney of Washington,
ho as isiting the owner ot the
shack, and Willi nn f-eott and Joe De
ine, non-union mlneis. oie badlj
1 beaten and lctt in a bonoiis condition.
1 The union men then letuineil to the
mine, stopped the pumps, binned nil
tho tools they iouUI Chid, and ufu r
leaving Insti notions that they vould
letuin in use the nilno stalled
and the scale not p ild, maichcd bai'k
to town and disbanded.
M. Jules Siegfiied Piedicts That the
United States Will Lead Nations.
Hy J xcliHii. SS ire from 'Die st.)U4teil rifii
I'iri , Ai,. 10 l. bibs sii.dioil Intuitu" to
mlit ll the Mu-io ,uiil on 111, mint ton m
SnitrK 1, ripulliin 111 iliiiilul ftim 1 In 1 pinions
ilu nil ivii-ul in th' iiiluvliiio tahlul to Me
A-nIatcil l'n 4 h t lull.
lio 1 inline I lint the imsitit l ntuif wo-ihl
(4.0 tho Inltoil 'uti- lln an in, I will liio-t pot
mill lomtiiuclil ami Imlmtiiil nition in iho
itoilil "If lniuo li tic," lie Mill, '-im will
nit ililit to t.iLe a hint ite 01 Amciii i'i. Iinii
uuiijI trientl-lii.i in oulu to Kturo llio un in-,
In 1 tan' uul lil.o piliit, to (t 1 Hir .-lui'
it Oils int. imliuiiteil jml cm 111111 ninir fi bl
cf loiiiuniiiil iiilutnio betonl iho All unit."
Je&se Hoi ton, a Biakeman, Ciushed
to Death Valley Tiaius Delayed.
D IVleslte SSiie fiuni Tin uuiiatnl I'nii
lni null, Aov ll S - nun fn-uhl wioit if
(ilnni in Hit Ichu'li S ill.t riilioitl lull) at
lun 11 ami bluil.cil liotlt tiuk, mil I l-Ici fn il
live Hull 111, 1 lu ik in 11. ol si4,luiiili wit.
iriuhid lo iltJtli un lu 1 hi ml an in liu anl
lllilttfll ( im tun wiuloil 'linl. upilieH luj
tiKin up rills In tho loiii-ii if Hub t irk mil
hul, ll I, nni, tilled to lln,' 1 lni liinvlnir 1..-1
liiiiiml fuU'lii inm in line I' piuoiil It liivlit;
the ttul..
Pieco of Meat Causes Death.
Ill I ieulie SSir? fiom Ilu Svnilalnl I'reii
Sltuiiii, Aoi. I'i Wliil . (liln.- 1 pin 11 ff
uu it it lhe Slut I ml hob I Unlit .1 plen I ulnl
in 'Hi iin u Millov- tluoii ll( iti ulreil ulili
1 lit 1 1 uiii.lilii-. mil liiplinul 1 bl'" il Ms "I
liiai Ilm hurt, UtllU 1111.1111111 Jllllm 11... .
jiii.i! im mil uiiphtnl 1 1 labour I' Ilm
I iilrivl mill' ii
Postmaster Wilson Resigns.
Hi I'mIiijIio SSire Iroui lhe .S-omlul l mi
SS i.hiiutoii, Nit 1) SSIiile 1 tin 111 niihimi
Inn ot Ihc Hit 1, In Una-, ll I Mil tinii,hl "1
ii-iulb well Infiirnitil unit- ihu I' i-ii ii-lei
SSINni, of llrookljli, Ins bull ml hi, idt,1-!
II 11 lu Hit pri.iili nt. uii that il lu- Iiuil it
1 ll 1, pi iluhli Hul i"lll inn Minn nn nt
will le uiaik fi" lib iiiiiuniu tin imliti.
- .i
Seimtot Eosvnll III.
I't 1 mIu no IS iii fiom lhe Ss'Oiulul I'hs A. t',oi 1 1 S tptuil fiuni S'ln
llllt, A, l , ai. I iillul suin .Siiat'i rn 1.1II,
ti tn lti, K miliuMj IM it lluiir.t I'iiK
hulil Ho 1 urn lnu lor lib hiali't 1 il Biuv .tl
111, I It U IUIH llllltll MU'
Haulsviek Bill" Killed.
lb I'lilutiu' SSiie lum lle.Siciatcil I'rtu
Sllaliu lu i A v II lie llsrclnul hill, plo
illiiu I f Ibi tl -lun tii-aiiint 01 llio, t 1,
lllll'i 111 lln' hclMO 01 lipiiMlllJtlU-. Ijtll lit,
totoil 111 I" If. I 11' .ami uu 1-1110 11a, uiliu
im 1 ami nn 1 Mimlai (in lioiut, .40.
Chinese Bandits Captuied.
Hi l.ltliiiiu SSiu fliiu'lliO (oiijliil I'i,.
IM in Aui IV liln I Inm.,' ..Mint, ur
pil-ul J''l lllllllil-i iliii to I'thiu lut llll'llt,
I-I I It ' I lutl't' 11 1I10111 1. nl iipnnul .-'Mull 'Hie
I I I s j 1 ) r 1 ., liatt In ui lili'itjlit hi 1 ui U'laplti
li.,11 ,
Lawuer Gliarued with Alicttiny
Counterfeiters Betore Judao
J. B. McPhersoii.
Semplo Is Alleged to Have Sug
gesteel the Engiavlng of Plates in
Prison Ex-Governor Pattison,
Assistant United States Attorney
General Beck and Others on the
Witness Stand.
By I 1I11tl1e SSiie linm lhe Ss-ocnlcil 1'ic"
I'hiladelplila, Kov. 11 Tho ti lal Of
John L. Scmplc, the Cinulcn, X. J.,
lawyer vho is chaiKcd vlth aidiiiB and
uboLtlni,' couuteilelteis, was tesumed
tod i- bclotc Judce Meriierbon In the
L'nitid States dlstiicl couit. Thu Hist
hotu was devoled to the cioss examina
tion of Aithur Taj lor, the etip;ra"i,
who is now avvaltinir sentence for his
p.n t In tho t.imous Liimastci. 1'a., u
enue stamp comitoi leiiinir case, lie
as followed bv Ualduhi S. lliedell,
his business paitaei, who Is also . avail
ing sentence in the s 11110 case.
In the cios evamlnatlou of T.ijloi,
Lawyer yemplo'.s counsel elicited tho
fact that Somple had been dismissed as
counsel by Taj lor and lhedell at the
instigation of Stiiot Seivice Opeiatlvc
ilm 11s. Tivloi said Semplo vas not to
icteho anj of the piocoeds ol lhe
l.'O (ounteileit notes pi luted In the
( otinty pilsoii. lie loptesented, how
ever, that the l.ier had absti acted
Iwehe of these bills fiom i ).iclcaKii
entuisted to him and that he bad 10
(iiiestcd tin 00 olheis with vhlch lo
niake a puitluise. T.i(lor admitted sov
cinl disci cp.iiic U s In his tesllmoiij es
teulay and that submitted bclrno the
1 onimissloner ul Semplc'.s ptulimluiiy
lic.uliiir, hut said on tho Hi si occa
sion ho hid not an oppoitunitv to pu
p.ue hlmsell. Uiedell's tcstlmoin vas
coiioboiatiso or U'ajloi's. liu lold of
bahiK eiiK.ig-ed Scmplc as counsel and
dei lined beinplo had suirscsted the 111
Kiaini,' ot tho platen in piison as a
means oL sec tiling leniency liom the
Kovcinmenl when sentence should be
pionounced upon them.
Attorney Geneial Beck's Testimony.
At tho conclusion of Ibedell's tcstl
1110 ay. Assist. ml rnitod .Stales Attoi
iiev Cencial .lames 11. Hick, vho wai
dtsliU t attoiney vhin the countoifoll
inpr lonsphacj was uiu.utbcd, wis
called to the .stand, lie .slid that c
(ioieinoi Itubeit K. I'attison and Sem
ple, as counsel fin Taj lot and Hicdcll,
hud come to him and s dd the j,i)vein
1111 ut was inistaKut 111 tliluKiiirr it bid
1 i"o ei I'd all the 1 I ites 111 idi. 1 Uieb
clients and that theie wcie a 1 ui
numliii ot notes in clicidaUou undc
te'i'ted Mr link said he lenieinbon d tint
it ias pioposed that Iheilell and 'la
loi sliuiilil be allowed to go tiee ll tliev
would summler the iilatts and he u
plied that such a sui,kcsUoii could not
lie consldued foi a moment.
Mi link .sild he told tlicni tlnl if
t lie plates wile mil mulcted the lai t
would be .slated to lhe judse It fn
wi'ie not smiendeied he ould ,ihk tor
the iniposltioii ol the lull peiiakv.
Tlieiinipon Mr. Pattison dtt lnioi! to
Hemple it the pi ites wcie not e-hoii
up he would Uhdiav fiom the cast .
riually It vab iifriccd to (ilic up the
pi ites, b'emple aeiiulesclns'.
When Gov ci 1101 Pattison was placed
on the stand ho explained how he came
to be litahuil lis counsel for UiOdell
nml Tajloi and how be had loiisentid
to Ml. Seiuple 1'litcilnn the i.ise as as
soiiate counsel In icgaid to the s-111-iendoi
of the 10 plate he said he bud
advised that the plate be Kiven up, but
It v is not; in the nttuie ot a to
witluh.iw liom the t use,
Altei a number oi ulutivcs and
fi lends ol 'I'ajloi .mil lliedill had tes
tlllul U'ls-atdluif the I'inplojmeiit of
riilimle us iiiuiisel lor the countei lelt
ei s, couit adjoin lied.
Tho Kaiser Wilhelm Der Giossci
Cairies S7.000.000 to Euiope.
li biilitito SSiie fiom llio Ss-ielaltil 1'rcjs
Xovv Yoik, Xov I'I,-The hit, Noi lb
riiiniui l.lujd liner Kaiser NSilhehn
IX'V (liosse, wlilth sailed foi Humpo
tiiilaj, c.tiiltd In hei tioastliu 100111
coin and bu Hold alucd at moie than
$,00ii. 1 1 was carefully stowed
awav In oik casks and ii "".bound
boes and was uudi 1 seal In l. tipci It
It was the lai(,i st sum cei sent the Allantli) In a .sIiibIii steain
hlllp and lepiesentod the 1 UMiKuniciils
lllildo 1 the Ialre lillllUi ial house.s of
Now V01K slm ' the llnal hhliinmul ol
last Wielv. .Most of the uold Kois c
lliii'l foulmi iibllB.itloiis nut paid bj
bal. iiues.
Mei chant Commits Suicide.
pi i.uluslie SSire fruiu Mn Awoiulcil I'rcn
shaniiKlii, i'i. A.n b' liurli. D lthv.
pn mini 111 minium uniuiiiiii I -.nlnilo raib
InlllJ Wllh I fll Ijun Im uillit lop tl 111
hi 1 1 w.i, liluitu oil b 1. llun, ht Uilt llio un
iDiliiuiii nun, limit 'ml lun 1110 iiulialin-'rf
iiwii lu iitiiriiuit 1111 uu ul Jifliiullt,
luil tin 1 lii i winner 19, JjOI.
lll.llOl llllll'll IHU' II .Ij llCo'ltl
,-.nt It iii t laliiu . ....... ...,.,., ,, 1,'J ilirn'H
Itilillvc IliimiillO.
h a in ....i ,,,, $3 per 1H1I
k p in 7-1 pt ociii,
I'ltuiltaluti '.I liuira rudcil S p. xn, tucn.
-. 4lSff'f4r 4C4)-f4l-4).4. 4V.
4)- SS i.luiulun, ov I.' I oitrit Iur I'i' 4
un I'i nii-.ibjnia: liu Suhii tlat uul
-f 'HuumIi: h,hl to wlilili, iiioilly -
t noiUitrb -f
tiHtitr iifi
; s
H 1. .-,
& -F JJ