F----------''-M---'--''--'-'"--"'-"'---- ?. m' rvu THE SGUANTOiV TUIBUNE-TUESOAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1901. '?;. ' PAID TOO MUCH FOR THE DESKS INJUNCTION AGAINST SCHOOL DIRECTORS. Citizen Juydeu of LnckawnntiA Town ship Alleges That Four Members o the Board Hold itn Irregularly Con veiled Special Meeting and Bought a ".Lot of Uneoded Desks nt an Exorbitant rlgttrc Open ing of the Second Week's Session of Common Pleas. T.nokiiwiiiinri towiinlilf. MhhikIi a incie shadow id' Its fonni'i' sHf. lo calise of the si'Vcnil rn-oiil yitcostiliin!, In atlll vlRoroim onmiKh to ronm to Hie fore again Willi a ni-houl board Hipinb Mo. ailcliaf'l 1-ydi'ii, ai'tlii.n for liltm-dr" and a nutnlior of oHmr tiixpayoifi, wnl Into com l yi'Hlt'fday, l i')ri'.pntod by Attorney David J. lleoily. Hiillcllrir or Jbo Soranlon tmhool dlKtrlrl, and iip jillnd for nn injunetian to annul a olmol desk contract nuidi' Xowinhpr r. with V. .r. Noon, The cninplalnt If dltviM''il ii-inliisl four inotnburs of Die board, Patrick Vhilliln, .loltn Vllsilicnry, Thoin.m Sul livan and ThoiuasA UulYy. II Irf allied they mot in special session, without Klvlns-, notice to the oilier two mem bers, Thomas Coyle and .fames Dm kin, and contracted lo buy 400 .school desks nt ?8 a. ph-cc. Amont,' the averments made In the attack on the contrite t Mr. Lydon n eitos that the desks are worth only M.70; that bids were not advertised for: Hint the award was fraudulent: that there is no neccssily for such a large number of new desks: that the pur chase is not provided for in the ctir le.ut expenses, and that this now debt, together with the other outstanding debts, will increase tin' district's in debtedness beyond the limit prescribed by law. Generally, it is charged, that the purchase was needless, illegal and unwarranted, .TudRO Kdwards sjr.inl.'d a preliinin siry Injunction with a rule to nialte the Injunction permanent. II is returnable next Saturday morning. In Common Pleas Court. "Iresidont ."IihIkc r.dw.iidf. in tile jmiln court room, and Judge Kelly, in No. ::, opened the second week's session nt' the November leriu of common pleas yesterday. At the calling of the list en- were dealt with as follows: Continued C. W. UuilU .iftJilii-l -Leu,'.- Ih'Nt trcvpa-s; "Mary Dulfin .maillot ll.c e-ily i'f ."-euii-ton. ttc-r.i??; P.ilriek ('.iMiplii-U ai;.iiii-t Hi" -'.! imi-c Colliery Acciclciit.il lni.il. .eppoil: W. J. J.mls nir.-.int-t tin Pol.uum' mid HmKvi e'oinp.iiiv, ircf,.isij X A. llullicrt .leiin-e .1. II. U-.li. le plciin; X. A. Hnlieerl. asuins-t. M. ". l'lyim. judgment opened; !' " hunjer sisJtmt the mi m- inn Ceial icinpaiiy, tici'iu'.: .joi4st- H. vii.'ii.iii'i i i'ii", i. ..!..- . . 1, II.. i. ,.l. ......... r.ii.i.nl' l.'.'i.l''. JJCUM .ea. l.V'llli. ,l.' . ji.'ini.i' ". !" "- .. I'lnkciporilili siK.iiii-t tli.- linn iit(tli cn illyph.i'it ri al tic-pa-.-; riciiiinj; .v O'ltu.i niriirnt thee lit v (if Serantoii. tiecpJSi. . ltled-11. W. Cole! .ica'ii'' W. j:. r.'l'i.o ), V.iifrjs; Iliniet. .r. .lulu apim-l lieoip W.ilil, Intel pleader: Gi"nj.e o-ine (iKiitiil the Si untii'i Railway company, tre-pi-; Jlary IhfUei asaiii-t UUn, Mot.ilmn, tii'.-p.i: V. I. levi'in k Com. ;jii.v ac.iln-t .1. M. Colini.ni, appe.il. Oft" I j i-,1 II. M, Wiieton .ii;.iiii-t tin' Didawaie, t..icl!.iw.mii.i and WViloni lt.illc.id oniiip.in5'. "" iiinipsit. The reason advanced for the con tinuance of the. ease of Mary Ilutlla against the city of Kcranton. was tbal .ludsc-elect K. C. Xewcomb. who was Miss Dutlin's counsel, has withdrawn tiom the case and his successor. V. .). I'-Hzsimmons, lias not bad time to pre-3-caro for trial. Judge Kdwards' first ease yesterday was that of Jlnry Holibs aainsl 3:mery Neal. The plaintiff claimed sue was engaged to work as housekeeper and nurse at the Neal home in Klni liurst and that she was proini ed $-..'' p.T week. She workeil there twelve weeks and received no pay. The de fense was that she agreed to work in consideration of being provided with a borne tor herself and child. K. liver appeared for the plaintiff and 'larence Ualentlne for the dcl'ciulant. J'he Jury was out at adjourning time. The next case called before him as 'hat of Thomas Sliotton and .1. Lewis, trustees of M. 1. Osterbout. against Jolin Kerrigan. The plaintili' laimed $a.2ti on a book account for groceries and the like, purchasc:d from isterbout and his predecessor, i .1. illlespie. The defense was that just before Oslerhout bought out the fillles )io store, Kerrigan clcaneil up his ae-i-ount, then ainoimtlug to $:M", by giv ing Cilllesple a contract on a lot valued jit SSOO. Lady's Lunch .icjlrnt licence ll .noiirill, eermimi; in it. nt viPWd "I Olypiiint ou.T (IMiiVt: I). It. MaeH-ii jcjiict the Si'ninlon l!aihay ie.mp.iny. tie-iu.'i Mi, lead I'inii .iR.iin-l Welilir.i; Swallow, appeal. Continued fur Sellleiiieiil -Piliitk U.iniicllv riM tew V v Has been rudely defined by some cynic as "slops and sweuK" And alter all there's more truth than poetry in the definition. Ice cieatn and cake may satisfy the palate, but they are far from satisfying to the stomach, which requires that 'food be nutritious first anil nice afterward, By careless eating women pave the way for stomach "trouble," and its kindred miseries. Ur. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery is confidently commended as a cure for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutritlou. By curing diseases which prevent the assimilation of food it enables the body to be built up and strengthened in the only wry known to nature by food digested anil assimilated, "l-nr twelve Ioiir months I ufletetl untold miterv," writes Mr, .Motile Colgate, of Ran. dolpli, Clutilutle I'.ej. V3. "No tonRUe could ex pre til" jiaiu Unit I tudurcd before I com jneucerl taUnj! pr. l'itrce's medicine. I was uot able to do anything nt all. Could not rut anything except lite.id and tea or if I did the topoCmv head hurt m it seemed it would kill jnr ivltli all thru t n:ild do it would burn like file I'M mm .;i)i iiviuK your ' Uolden Med. iia. Hiu.iv.i. and avorite rrc6criptioll,, I cine i.,i r) em1 i.i' alinr.-i emythiujf I want, and can do a irtiod dast. wotk as well as anybody nn. Am letter than 1 have been lor yeart. Dr, Pierce's riewaut I'ellets enre ftick Jiedrtcbe, Gillespie, according to the KerrlRnn fitatoment, promised to glvo a clear receipt, Upon the contract beliiB trans ferred to him, but he ticglouled to do co, and hot expecting iltcro Would ever ho tttij demand made for tun Alleged cuticelled tlobl, Kerrlsan neglected to Insist on n receipt! The ease was on at iidjomnlnu; time. Charles I Daniels represents the plnlntltTs and 1. J, J.olighrnn the de feiidatittt. In Jitilse Kelly's court was tried the case of I.ulher Keller against ficorge K. Fiilrchlld. It is a suit on a $M0 note ngalual the dofentliint, which Mr. Kel ler bought from M. K. Wordeu. Wot don went to I'ltlrchlld to buy a horse and wagon, l'ior tamslilerablo dick orlntr, II was agreed, according to Wor dun's story, that. J'alrchlltl should dive him the horse and wagon ami i"(m to boot, for twenty-live $25 shares of stock In tho Scran Ion Paint com pany. Valrehlld did not have .TH) In cash, at hand anil gave his note. Mr. Fnlrehlld'M version of the trail faction was that Mr. Wordeu was short of cash when be bought the horse and wag-on and put up bis block of stoeU In tit" paint coinpanv as ml lateral scitiflty, reiiuirlng of Kalreldhl a note for StftiO to soctir'' the difference between the value of the horse and w,tj,on and lb" market value of the stoeU at that llinn. Kurlhcr. Mr. Wor den tistoed. so Mr. Falrchlld allegcs, lo bring around a man Inslile of three mouths', who would buy the slock ami thereby permtl him to pay lor the hitrs" and wagon In cash. lie lulled to do liils and Mr. FalrclilM Hllll has the slock, but II. Is just at picseitt a drug on Ibe marked. The transaction ocitirred three mid one-half years ao. Mr, b'alrchlld had the slock tianfereril to his own name on the company's books within n month after it was conveyed to him by Wordon. The Jury was out at adjourning time. M. W. I.out.v appeared lor the plain tiff, and Taylor & Lewis for the de fendant. The following juiors were- exeus-.il, for various causes: T. K. liolaud, Duntaore; II. M. Onldsinlth, Scranton: S. II. Stevens. Scranton: Itcrl Warner. Scranton. l-'rank ronch. of Scranton, M. W. llvans. of Dunmore; 1-'. 11. Stu ples. of Scranton, and John 1). AVnrd. of Scranton, were returned by the sheriff as "not found." In the Orphans' Court. A session of the orphans' court u.is held yesterday by Judge A. A. Vos burg, this being the regular argument week in that court. A number of or ders were made, discharging: execu tors and guardians, rnmfinnlng wid ow's appraisement, and disposing of other formal matters. Several arguments were heard In contested cases, among them the rule upon John llurnett, executor under the will of Mary Dookerly. deceased, In furnish security for the money in his hands. This will is being contested by pro ceedings now pending, nn behalf of this rule it was argued by John K. Murphy and V. A. O'lloylc. of WitUes Barre, that the Interests of the execu tor were adverse lo the contestants, the legatee under the will being his wife, and that if the contest went against her, there was nothing lo pre vent his going away with the funds nf the estate. Joseph O'Brien, esij.. and lion. .7. J. O'Xelll contended that this applica tion was without any statutory au thority to support II, and that there was nothing to show any wasting or mismanagement of tile estate- by the executor. Judge Vosburg look the papers, reserving his decision. Argu ment court will be continued today, Vnnt Injunction Dissolved. Frank M. I.yneb, solicitor of Oly pliauf borough, secured from court yesterday a rule to show cause why the injunction should not be dissolved In the case of Charles V. O'.Malley against the borough of Olyphunt anil Klanaghan and O'Hnra. Flannghan & O'llara put In a sewer in Olyphant. Mr. O'.Malley sought to enjoin the payment or the borough's share ol the cost because such pay ment would cause the borough indebt edness to exceed the two nor cent, limit, which excess is only permissible when sanctioned by a vote of the peo ple, and such sanction was wanting. The local court refused to grant the Injunction but when it was taken to the siipicmu court, the decision of the local court was reversed and an order inado directing that the injunction should be grained. At I he genera! election, two weeks ago today, lhe question of Increasing the indebtedness lo the extent of 530M to meet the Flannghan .; O'llara claim, was voted upon and decided af tlrmatlvily. by a large majority. On the .strength of this ratltlcatloa, the borough now asks to have the injunc tion dissolved. Two More Divoiees, Judge ,. V. Carpenter yesterday handed down two more, divorces, mak ing sixteen in all granted during th" past two weeks. Ullzaheth Fhlllips was divorced from Thomas I'hllllns on the ground of cruel and barbarous treatment. Tiny were married In Wales thirty-two y-.irs ago and have eleven grown up children. She hum? she never had a happv wed: with him. He draul: heav ily and when drunk would boat her shameinlly. They separated August Id, last. At that time their home was at 172" Summit nvenue, South Scran ton, M. W. Lowry was tho lihellant's. n Homey. Tho second case was that of Anna Kennedy against Patrick Kennedy, They were married la this city, Aug, IH, 1M'ti. As In the IMiillips case-, tint husband was n heavy driiiKoi and con tinually bent and abused his wife, They were married only six months when ho began to beat her, she says. C, W. Dawson represented tho llbullant. Cnrbondnle Water Case. Judge Jlnlsey, of laiuurnc munty, yesterday heard arguments In the Oar boudnli' water case, In .luilgo Kdwards' chamber. V. A. Wilcox, ,1. K, I suit and J. II, Tortey appeared for tint plaintiff and t'ity Solicitor It. IX Stuart, ('. Comegys, H. (.'. ! Hitler and lion, !:, i Newcomb for tho defendants. Thia Is tho Mill In which the Con.-toli-dated Water company of Carbondal", tho Delaware and Hudson company und a nuinbor ot other taxpayers are seeking to enjoin the city of (.'urban dale from constructlm,' a municipal water works. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. John K.nan.iush , Mtciu .Matg.nct Cliflcrd W'H .Utnes J. Keen in 175 Mjry Urcet llridsct ISeji.li 17J-J Slc.no mump Sinlo Grjntlc ,.,. , I'.nlnii l.il; Nina Tdariu CViln'idjIc Willijm .Ijnics .,..,,., , iyoniIr,,' Minnie iSiiiiin Weoii'bi; fiuoigc 1'. Walili '..-uuiiton Silly Houli .,,.., OI.vpi ji.i GRIFFIN'S WHICH OPENED SATURDAY, NOV. 16. Everybody should talk about it. Griffin's Store is the most modern up-to-the-minute Clothing Store ever opened in Scranton. The stock of Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats, from the tailor's needle, is a perfect dream. The Correct Style is the only kind in this stock. You will feel wealthier in one of his $12, $15, $18, $20 or $25 Long Chesterfield Overcoats than you will with the money in your pocket. If you were not at the Opening, visit the store to-morrow and you will feel comfortable and happy for the next two years. JL ft Q Clothier, Tlli'll!!-, lliclir 2.111 Nl.m'0,1 l)rlili;t'l Miller Vianlon Mt'lml.i'. il. MvKouti Sir.aito:i Ktl.i I'owy Cl.llu':. I,-"M1 'IIiuiiiiis lluiiic'lt. T.i.iler i:ii'..ilc-tlt I'tlir tl'aj lor (Vilel.lcl .1. .eej;lc I Jliulc.ll, V. .1. Dliz.lln'tll W'.llcll '. lllllllin 1" COURT HOUSE NEv.S NOTES. .hull;!1 Ki'lly iltul.i li.uiclcel cl.Avri me ocitiIon ill the i.L.i' n( .N'iN.ill llmii ft CulMc.lll elir.lili-t I,l.io l.ilicit.ki-. in Mlileli l.o cli.vcU thai iuli;. in, let le' uitiiul leer ll'c l init ill in tlic Mini nf flia.ir.. In I lie (ii.-c i.t . S 'Iciwilluir el .il. ,isii;i--t iKIlit. lMliiicil, ill v. hirh , Incite C.ll., liter cliliet. e-cl .1 t-i.lir L fur tlic ili'tcuiUiit I il MciU in Xo. ;!, .i iiilec ,,r sine iv lii.ll, .iiuili.il mi- M-li'ieli;- Icy lilt- 1 ItHt ill -. lltH'llli'V, l. II. Ilcjileci;),., ,s ll'-Ill-ill. Oil ici'liliccii i,r the1 Stuwi r.-' l'.:ci,iner i iiiicini', il. iiuiue'iiiciir, i:. i', I'.iitiiM.ii's s.ii-, t, .i. Ki'lly K I iitiipiny. r. I'. We'lil. .v e.niiitiy. V. .1. ISiilnil'. .lied Cli.iiiilliT v Mini I, eeii'et .v-tii. ley ur.intcel .1 rulo, retlilinlile' leoineiroev iiiiiinliii;, to rhuw eui'-o wity .1 re'i uivei' sli.nilcl licet e .iiiccinte'cl tnr tin' lit lit nf lliiuiilii'ilv ,V Mutin, ct (iiili.ciiel.ilc, uinliT tin" no.v liiMilvuicy l.uv, 'llei' iii'tltlnncin Jic iii'ilimri' in Hie .inicjimi ot el. !-'. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Mnlie Up oe the D., I.. & W. Bonul for Today Locomotive Works Are Rushed With Work. Tin' i'lillinvint! !,s thr niaUt'.ii dC the I)., 1,. tuid AV. Inmnl for today: Mosn.w. .m)Vi:jiiii:ii i". Wilcl C.N, i:.i-l -S 1 1, in., P. V, Dunn; 111 p. in, l. U'.ilLeo; 11 c in., I'. ('.!', . I,', Hum. lilltt' ele'W. iriMiw, Mtr.iiui:i: i". Uil'l l'.it, i:.i-t -t.fio j. in., I. Van W'.'iiiuv; I .i. I.I., 11, ll.clccity! ,s j, in., , T, M,ipl,;c cl ,i. in,, .1. A. Ilu-li; II u. in., P. I., lioisei,; ti p, in., , Mullen; ,i p. in., 1', llilli'tt; ti p. in,, II. W. I'ity.'1'i.ilil. hiiniinlt., Kir. -il ,i. in., r.'i.t, .J. Ilciuilirun: a. in., wift Mil'uli; li j, in,, w.'il VIiuiiiimiii; 11 .1. in., n.'.l, Uilliiini Killi.v; 1! p. in., se't, I..'i. tiinif, M. tciiili'.i'-. rirw, ic p. m., iit, ,1. ( Jc-. liuj-i f- p. in., wv.t, l, (,'ulildii " i, m., ti'H'i X.iy An, l. MeAllicti'i-, l'a-.ice'i'.-ii ii, in., wieiiici: 7 ii. in., s, rinnitvj S .1. in,, llon-t'i'i 11, IJ ,i. nt,, Mmi.iii; li p, in., I. Ale liciini'll; ",.:n i. in., Mutpley; i' ji. nt , U', II, ll.n (hc'l'jiiii'cv ; ID p, in., Limpim:. Cidu'itinr llnnitnn-i ii. in., Ii.,ilni'.t , 7 i. m.. Since i ; In .1. in,, i). Mlllei; In ,i, in., I', I!. m'icci-j i; .l.'jp in., funiculi Win p. in., Metinvetn. Wild ('.it, Weil-",'! j. in., I. Ilaiupily: .1. in., 11. C,iiier; n .1, in,, 0. KinsiUy; II .1. 111., I", Vc',,11; t p, in,, ,, 1;, Kitcli.itn; S p. til., M. ''.it' Ii.celyi I p. in., VV. Vi, Ij.ll.m; ' ji, in., I), lt.ni. ileclpli; ii I-. 111., .Inliii OjIuu.iu; II p. in., T- lc.lclle.lle. sum 1:. (.'"I.clue le r J. V.iti!e'll . j It iiin niilit c.i-,eiui'I nmiiie' u( Niei, -l.-cn. Nut, 1, .iicl until imlliet liutlec. This nud That, Two liitttrrlos connected Itlt the niitr siiciiru lieatliiK jiliint tit tho Dodi; InviiluT nt.ro llrcd 1111 011 .Sttturdity ;md uro tviit'lilnar HiitLsi'iiftotily. frici AiiH'tliuii J.oconnitlvi- JVorKw l riiHlivd lth uli Itiittli nf uurl;, l.ut'u tnotivi'H for tlic Dclmviiri', 1. ii-htiivnniiii and Wfliiiu'i). rifluwfit'i' und lludcou ami utlii't' rullronil i-ojnjanlfes atu l Ina turiiiil out nearly every day, Everybody Is Talking Clothing: Store CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. The novelties in Boys' and Children's Suits in this New Store is a treat to examine. Everything in this line will be kept in large assortments. Ladies who want their boys dressed in the NEATEST and the best where the cost is no greater are specially invited to inspect the stock. THE FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT Is complete in every detail and when the doors opened yes terday morning Scranton people had reason to feel proud of the enterprise of one of her foremost citizens in opening the most Modern Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Store in the State outside of Philadelphia. Hatter, Furnisher, 318 Lackawanna Ave., I Theatifical. ! ATTRACTIONS TODAY. At lii:MV--llimntt'lctn''. lile,.!-. Alleinonn .ml tiitflit. 'I'An '"'I lie Untlil llr.itn." iuino 'll .mil lit; lit. Himmelein's "Ideals" nt Academy. 'i'ImI MMuntnii thcilcr'troon i.ri' iri'tu'tuits in tlicir patriHi'iK'1 "' ' wc"I peipnlir tnieeel nlte.-c. tieiii eei t'kiiieiil lil nluln when .lolm A. Uiinicii'. lilnV iciiip,in., "'I'ln' leli'.iN" opini'il ii.s .11111u.1l evn-k't 'iej.nonioiil lei :i l.nso .11.il u.'ll i1cm-hI .iiiilli'iici', pri-ditltiir lll.incy's -eie'ielnl pl.1.1, "Tlee' KU'i-i rii'i.in." "Ilio lennpsny i? Jceilup.'. 111.' lce'.-l lllll ll.l- lcc'lll nl'l'tl lll'lii tili H'l-lltl. Iii'll" .il'ieie' the .mi.ie. rcpi'ilcciii' (iisinl.iliicii l, .tit .t len.iul iitillity .mil oicMiie- iinleelliiliiiii'iil-. Mis lle.iiii.p i:.nli, .1 linulit r.icil vhui'i'ii'i little" ,letlV.- villi lll-i ,cpH'.;ll'il illte' 111 J).l he.ceclls i lit lllf I10.ul eel tlic eeoilltunv, le-, 11-11.1I, .111,1 lie't-li.erinlnt,' .iml t'.itui.il e!ut.i. Iciizi ticili 1 if ,'ollli ll.llielnlpll til I.IM, IliKlll's piuiliii-'lnii w.li .1 el.'ei.li'cily eli'iir .mil il, lltiHtitl lilt in oi-f, Slio I-, oiiiiuiiiiilcil ley .111 iimi.uilly i-lroin; r.ist, Hifi'l.il iiKtiltun lu'ln line' to Will ml Macl;, lead, ins; ntun Willi tlie- (iiiiipani'i Jay (ultslry, !in, i's lice eiii.ni,, vj 131111111 ni.'.eei, i-.nn .n.'.iie, i ccnie Han; ( lun Its liiv.nnee", J. eft, Mack nr.d linn If An.i. ICI ialtllS nt .1 lllsll I'llL'l' Me'le- itlteMillc'r.-eel lliroiiirlioiit the pe'llcJinilli't', iiOtlintr l.iU'i'ly to tho enjoyment, nl the) I'eeiiintr, anil tlic ininde.' ley llnnuii'i Ulictr.i .ilw. e..eino ill tnr 11 tiir rliaro of .iiilaiw. At tin! in.itiiicci tliii adoiPeii.u line ii'inccany will pimint "In the' Ilc.iit e- the Storm" innl toniulit ll.uMitri mid Hnlonr's tain. i-.u iccin.iiitlc ilr.im.i, ",N'e:rtliPiii l.iuleli'," lll lie Blu'ji. "Tho World Renters." II111 le nyw .iml cti.mii;aii?.i witli "Ter Wnild HiMtti." u.-. lliolr ticiiuiiti!, was llm nili'iiin: at tlic Star lliiMti'f ye'nte'ld.iy, Tlee; i niiipany will In' at ilil tliiMtrr nr tin tliit three eli,s (J till' week, Willi .1 lllltitll'il eelne'.ll.iy, "Tlu Nanitlity WJelnw" U llii' lit!" of tin- open In? liiiili'Mijv. lliticlill Iliads tin. "li" i .1 !iv. idly JiiwIiliK tnili lle.it lele",ii Jik! Il.iliiii'.'tiin innl I. ni ll.i .Mlli.'i, in a hliuit lumoily cillcel "I p. slilu II.JIM1," Weic i'lieiel, .1- Wi'io ill) llclill and Tulc, iliit.ulir clnsii.it: iwni"liaii--. 'flie-y iniitaii; ve'iy .Miiieidnlly cneii.il nuuli.il liiiirnnii'iili, I'.iriinm llintliclc, .Hiote.iliii i'iiintilllli, (cncK well with tho lioiiei'. An npiiJtie e"iili'ny iiiiimimI let icy Mr. .ind Mh. IUii Hint was ltf-iuly ip pljiidnl. , cniiiiiily .-iml iini.ii al potpuml intllled I'lie) Weinnii's Mi,", i:.eh.iiie,-i'1 c'l.ielii'Jc. tin' ioi Tuidi IHH i'. Miss May Irwin. 'Ilio :iK'ataiiee-c at tliej I.yi'eHia toinniriiv. Iditht or MUi Miy Itwin in her pill', "I'hn Wnlgi JlclM," Will'tl'l llUllt IWlll JU I'llJBe'lllCIet fit tnni.ii.il iiliavVnviiN tci t-'crjutcjil llivji,.ni.iv, JIUs Itwin l well known In thin ilty, aa she- i ill oir the I'liiled t'lito, ami jeldul t' UiU taet W llii! lnliretlnjr anitcmnciiiifiit tint in 'h'i ph'.y Au 1.- timetliis with even .1 vieattr tneaiiiu' ot dircfe tluti theifC in v.liidi tl.n lui o:i h.r way lei ttcllar iroiiiine'lite in mjoii pttt, Her lontpuiy, tuo, i. .ilnmt ititliely nrw, and iiielmlie. ,lo.-tp!i il. Jpaik., )ldt t'. 'Ihijir, ,fuciuc KiiiKtr, t.liristecpliei lliuno. Manle." 11. IVtel, liuirll I.aiition, 1 leaile:. ( hurch, lilwaul llm .l,i, 'i..i.l. .le.lireM(.ii. i'lc-irvie'i- lltrnolii-, ricci-li"' 11 rd. M.t.l ri'Jirnci'. IWItli IlkUi, .U lliw.ell. I.e.iiicc IMIcUi, M iiCJt.'t Sajio, lli'.'et.t llnnljp. (iiu.e Vanislin unci eelliiT..'. In all lu-i I'l.oei M1V Irwin ha, had the met uiutiii'iJ luiie -iifetcveM. In tuH .eiu1 .lif nai (inlto :e I'umWr w'.iitli have eiou itniii'illati' fanr. Tiny aie: 'Aiu'l 'I hat se.ii.im.iuu'' "din," "Wliat About RAILROAD TIME - TABLES. Delaware, Lnckawnrma and Western. In HITi'cl Nov. .". VJiJl. "11 .1 in- leave j-eiaiitun lor New- ink-At 1.10, 3.1c, lc.li.", T.jn and lu.ii" a. in.- I.'. I.'c. H.lii, ;t.B.l c. in. r.ii Xew Vecik and Philadelphia T.'n, IO.IVi .1. in., .iivl IJ.I.'i and :i..'i c in. Tor "I'otij -liaitnii -At ti.Hl p. in. I'm" lliitldlc-l.l.'c. o.-J and .' j. in.: I.B" ic..Vi .iml ll.Ili p. in. Tor Ulni. lianitoii aii'l w.iy ctatlun I'l.ii si, in. and I in p. ill. l'nr l Mm a, Sei.ien-i' and t'tita - 1,1., nil 1 ii.2-" a. in.; I.j'c p. in. O-uc'sec, .".Maen-c aiiel I'tie.t tiain nt i, ".': a. in. ilall.e, eeeet Mencl.ij. I'or M.intiiiM tj.UD a. in.; Ifl'J and (i.aei p. in. NiilinUein siiioinniodniem l.un ancl li.la p. in. Illuiiin-hiiii; Didsiini l-'ni- 'iiilininlicil.in.l, at ,.)." and Kl.ei'i .1. in.: I..W ami Id p. in. I'm Plinicmlli. at .n a, in,; ".ID and H.IMI p in. Sunday 'I laiii-e-l'i-ci" New Venk, I. in. :;..-,. ll.n, and in.ie,a. in.: ::. pi, ;:..;.: tc. m. IVi llutliln l.li mid H.2J ii. in.; l.Vc. ic"crt mi'l II.::.". p. in. I'.ir llinifh.iintoii aitd wny -tiiiinii- lO.tiu :i. in. lllnDiii'.liiiri; llivl.toti l.i'.ic Mtaiituii, lo.H'i a. in. and (MH p. in. Now Jersey Central. Ill I'itee! Nne. 17, 1!i. -il.iii..u- in Xi'V Voil.-I'iic't nl l.ilii'it1 -ll' el, X. If., lll.ll Mlllll I'ui.v. Tllllll.- Ic.lM' MLHItnil I'll l Veil., riillnli'l- phia. I'.i.l lli'thli'liene, l'uitiiii, Mimli Cliuiik, White ll.nin and l iluicdliiic' sit '.VD :i, in. (Iliiicintli cclld ee.-tiliule train with parlnr e.ii.-, leu I'hiladelphi-i); I p. in. and I p, m. : inidav., . 10 p. in, I'm- .Unci, l-Ili-Uiit .end Uill,.ll.iiii', I p. in.. I p. in.. .-.111111.1.1, .ti p. in. 1 it ll.iltlinecii', W.i-jilnlicii ancl p.iml. miiiIIi mid wc.-i, 7.:iei n. in.; 1 p. in., I p. in.; Sninlii, .l p. in. I'ih l.icii1; llianiii. ".-.'an t;itce, ele., 7.::e) a. in.; t i, in. Tnr lliaclin;, lalcmcn mid Han Ictitntr, 7. .':n ,i. in.: I p. in.; Mindiy, ",I1 p, in, I'm Peitt-UUi, '." a. in.; 1 p. in. I'uf latest and tieket apide t. ittrtlit at lali .it. U. . WIl.STZ. HI,, liui. MilH. C. M. lll'lll. I'm, l'i.. Ant. Hid Maty H.c." "Ihe lleiuklii'.' Sun.-," "Iaml.t'iin l,ii'," "I Ain't t.vir.n t'. W."k c Me le' Mil "llie -lial.'!-pi.iii' viii-j.'' "Superba." "A i.-.c ley any nthcr name i-nnicl Mm 11 a.i -sri'Ct" U a inaslni ntlen ii.nl. unci It l h ill llm r,i.i' of "iipirlia," Tut- llmloii Itrolhi'i--,' lililli.nil cpi-il.ieiilai' p.illUHiiiinr islec.-i mi entirely illtli'li'lit pc'llfiiiiiime Hem tint nf lilt M'.cr snnl it inlitht lt railed li. ane nthii li line and nil.! eiiiilly .11 Kneel t.iii-iai'tic-ii. S. mw n i' ni r that nl llt HMvin'c. iic'li'eillie.llieo Hull Willi I'm e.tU'lclleill nf two chert M'l ne-i ill the lltt ail "mi. pellii" i, .1 lli'W ple-Ullltloil llit.iilsthinil. The tiirehanleat mature., are, nf hiiiwi eh it the llaiil'Uic, mill imliciilt il-o hid ihe Hanleii-. KinM urate, .llei' Ilia', (ume- lliu .peel.ee nl.U' pall m the elite it.'iiinn lit. .ll.i'ic the llililu'l lliijlliiic' ileur cpei'ial iiiti.lt ciiimlr, then the leillel m.i.lc-l' ioiiitii-.en thil lulliU lei iciilcniii e the .Mi'in-ei in which tiny lite lu he, and lale tlie cpiTl.tltln nt intsi.'iel. It I. n.uillv a happy, ciil.ii.illii-r und pleaain le.nll, raii-int; 'i h.icpy iMiii'l u( mind le eieiy cine wlm wllti.'.-e. it. This will nil he iiiliiinevi Minn it U taken Ii.tn eeti.ldi'-.itiin tli ti the -.l-cw i i.ew in itri nilileh and that, with 'lie iac i-'illon ol two ii.eile'iii!, It i 1'i.ntiially n law iiiailnii and a luiielly tliioiiL-hinil, "-'npellii" iuIiim I" the l.JeCUiil )iiei-,i'aj idal.t i.exi. -"e it. iii.w "li ilv. STAGE N0TES, M. Ile'lt.'ll, 111 ITvmll lilattl"(lt, wlec Wl.it' "Z.U4," teefllllv clll uli a mw pie-c- e.ile I "Vettg" in I'.ui. in c .iituil.tr hi lilt win rcotril. Cltai If rreihtii.ni coiiI.j1 ihe iljliU tur "Vvttte" in thl'i lOniitry jinl the el,ainf .nc) that Maelilcs Aelniit. will he sent in this piece p.'.'.t 8l'avlJ. Tho t.Icileiesj eliiiuto ol (alitumia ' ripleiitly uy tawniUe ti tho il(ii?I!'iiieiil vi ilctfi cjtajsc talent. Aiiivii-t t IiO-r Mli'iutc eiiuu-sh to he teem time ale lllimiii' t.u-. j'.nii Acl.ilni, Aim: Xei.eli, May liltiUty, Ada I , Is and aiii ! I Ice ,i. "The J.i.t nf Hi.. liai'tJUV' i- dime :ei.e I .n laiiitli-ii hy the t-'-vtp'i ..i "a lumt-due!!, lli'n at fair, wliliii ccinij a ll wtiteij lalher a .e K'".i'. pie-i tcj a et eyt .ililrs!' llilil aeli'al ili.iina." ('l)tl l'lleli will not step ewUe'iima i'i,i altlei- i'i 111,. aee',um, 'JBnHBlHflBk bhBH IcBBlPBWKy'pvMBl'yB Scranton. RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROA j Schedule in Effect June 2, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 n. in., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and conches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops nt principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg-, Philadelphia, Baltimore.. Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 0.38 n. in., "week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 2,18 p. m week days, (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.;), for Sunbury, Har risbui", Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.33 p. in., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsville. Stops at principal in termediate stations. 4.27 p. in., week clays, for Hazloton, Sunbury. Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. J II. II1II'I1INM)X. tiin. Mur, .1. II. WOOD, l.'ui. IMM. Axt. Delaware and Hudson. In I'.neit .Ii.ne 'i, un. Tialm tin Caili'iiiilali' Ic.it p fc i.mtoii at B.C'l, s w KM, '".in a. in-; li-.U", I.JJ, ., ej."'.', 0. 1.13. ll.t'O p. in.! l.Hi a. in, .1, 1'.-.. i."c. '".". ... 1 ... . n..w..,iii,. ami hake- LoJoic. U.i?o. 11) in.: S.11 t"J r'-"r !' '' IVr WilkeH-llarie-15.15, . 15, Kll, t'.SS, a. in.. VM, !-". '-I. "-' ''-'. M". ill 11 ll."') P "I' Vi'i' 1,. V. It.' . I'oltil-0. 13. O.OS a, in.; 4 .17 jci.t 11. yu tc. in. l!ut fcmoiMiiU is. . rointi-o.13, ti.so. io. n 7.15, 2.15, 2. In, :.; linn i.-i p. " ,. , , Tnr Alhauy auJ all points nortli-C.M 1 . in. aI" '' '".SUNDAY 'I'll M.N""-". Tnr CailiiciiilJlc -S.reU, ll.y.i a, in; S It. caa ami iu,.vi p, m. t'ni- TH,i'i.'llari,-'- " "! W.''. 1"5. Clli aii'l S.K p. in. I'm' .Mliaiiy !""! ieiiiit-i north "!.") p. tn. I'or HiinesihilL- ami l.iikei l,uileiio-K.W, . ... qtwl I! .V 11. 111. 11.31 New York, Ontario and Western, In etTcet Tuc.ila), S. pt. 17, ltll, " Mlltlll IIOH.M) l.eato l.cavu irno TiuiH. Suaiit'iii. r.illiiinli.', t'ula-i.i, v. pi,::i) a. in. II.Wu. in. ln.tp. , Vn 7 ' ..... u.lDp. in. Ar. CirhmiilaleO. i)p , .Mi. . .,... gjj-cii nut Ml. '" .eao ,. I'1'''1,", Uuv,-. faJOill. (.aihmielll". .Slant, , 11 .. n . v.(ie) a. in, 7 ii) .. ... v ' mKVuY"-; tiM.v. .Mifni uoi-.vd. ' " I.MVB If'Kf Anl.-c Tutnt eianon. I aiho'leltlf. f nhi.i, V '. ... ".I'll'"1- Al.l'Ul'eell'llU', 7. (l i. ; l.eaeo !"('ac', A into I'aelJtll. raihiniilale. S. r.11,1.111 Ku. ii ,'J"'" " "1"J. in. Vo H) l.uOp. n. ,''" f. in. (1.15 11.111. Train-. No.. I ' i"lk ila ami ft on t'utii.ijs 1ual.11 until line ifiiiiU'i; ium ci Nen- Vnl nry. Mliltllfluuii. WJlt. 'Nv"vl '' ""tlela, U.evcgu innl all wlnt wcl. Tor lurilici" infi.iiuatiiiii. ti.iKtill tnl.tt ami it. .1. 1: Mti:ilHV. ii. I'. . Nie lork. . i:. V:i.-ll. T. I'. A., .-it union. Pa Erie "Railroad. Wyoming' Division. Tialn le.r New Y-il. jietl iittt inn tliji.- pom1) CJe S'Ulitini J' folloft.: 7. -I' a. in.: 2 i, p. in. AmalvlO.Ji a. 111. tiom llviicemlaU., Ilanley ml liiu'imeillji'' P'lliu-: ' if p. in 'loin New Yelk Jll'l Inteeine'ellaie pointi No Suinlay tuini. EDUCATIONAL. jjmsmwA, Free Tuition Ily n recent not of tho lcslsla- ture, free lultluii Is now giantcd at the ' Literary Institute nnil State Normal School Bloomsbiirj", Pa. to nil those preptirlnt; lo teach. TIiIm school iniiltitttlns cottrnes ol' stud" for teiioliut's, for those liroimring for college, und for those Hlttdylng niiislc. U will piy to write tor p.-irticulir. Nn othiT K'linel offcis Midi bttiierlor el. tantiijej at bUeli luw late'd. AJJieai J. P. Welsh, A. M, Ph. D. , Prin. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCI ANTON, lA. T. J. roster, l'leililcnt. I'.lmtr If, La will, l'cij. It. J, Poster, Munlcy I'. Allen, ' Vlee I'rrsielent. Se'crctiry. f hPi 5 r tw $k S'jleeleil Milh t.ne at In your piiipt" unci neci'i. Um FALL UNDER WEAR Stcjel; i? ecoplicin.illy k..ui cpialiiy fur (he 11111. fcniall -uiih talk Idt: anil hum much .-tlcntll miivngsl our tea-oii. ihlo olleiinir. 412 Sprucei Street. Manuractarors r OLD STOCK PSLS-MER 485 to 455 IT. Ninth Street, .th Telephonts Call. 2333. NEW YORKJIOTELS ESTM 1 iNSTEIt HOTEL Cor. iJLxtuiith St. ami Irving l'lacc, NEW YOBK. Amciiran Plan, $?,.'M 1'cr Pay ami Upward. Kuioptan Plan, Ijl.tW Per Day anU UpwareU. i-ic(iul Kate's to I'amilies. T. THOMPSON, Prop. NEW YORK lO'j.IOI.HXl Kiel I AI Ii direct. Thn.IlII'niltSONIsiith'iroiiBlilj tirst-rlasi iiinilyiimltruineient iint,)I.iiireniiiriUitniini miiiiicniitieiniixlniiinioliixiiritnconi(ort On IS1I1 htrtect, jemteuktol llmoa Hepiare, It is within it leew muiiiteK of tho loading shop. ttiatitifs anil eluleee. European Plan, $1,00 up. American Plan, $2.50 up. Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up. lor upcie-ial 1 ntiM.BUideet nr information write Jtlllt I.'. 4IIATFII-:i.ll, I'rniirlctur a 4 -rtr For Business .uoii in the liea't oC WholesAlt dUtrlct, I'or .siiopiicis s emltiutcii' walk to WatinnialitfirRj S minutes' lo Slf-cel Cooper's Ble Btorc. IJiiss' of aceeBS to the ureal Dry Guoila Storen. For SlKlitscors One block (rom B'way Car.i. !" Inn euay transportation to au prjlnta of Intoreat. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. mr. 11th st. UNivj-'HsrrT it Only otto Uloc't" from tltuaiiway ROOIIlj, $ 1 Up. ricf Kcnfon-ihl: -f-"f4--iV -f-T--fl" Every Woman isiiiti'ri,ti'liirtHli'iil'l',i")w, , '"' ' ihoutl lewuinlnifiil MRVrt Wlilrlina Spray lieneivlieeili)nf. iKirt lliu -lui ;.,, ,,..- .. t'Sl linn leiiTiu'T". II wvin.iv in. "". A.k war.u.rf,.trur ll. II le, eantieit Hll'pty ll.te Jr-- tl. tilt r.l, neeei'i nu v y t itltci, tun MMiilm. imp innl iiill.lle.l hunt. -.nl,'.l.lt khc V O A li.lll'.iltliuiii'iiii'lelire''iii.iilli i ff ii.'i it ii it 1:1. (.. w jy Ihaiil ii'.'l Tmm ll.ltr . New Y iK "r- Hrof.GiF.THEEL.BgTsM: l'bll.tlll'l'll. ' Hell. I..IHH" i..,Un. ( 1 - ...---- -. 07 ..No ft luiirlr. Iiuarai 0 rurr lutr tvall I'rliat lirit.it.ifrfi-Ur-i I i'j I'l i it -Lire ,ibu-.rt.l -. ll l.iutl I'uituu. rrioa IlfiillH. t Jliibuuil. 111ir1ifttf L Mrlrlim't tw f UtlUtf. I H-JtltfloiM .-1. sbrunkt-ij tlrk-iiin.S'Ud r-jriwiri Iifil--auaUU4 liuoki ''o"S cV'wvi'a'K. ivv -mrfyiJA. mzs w&SwJ MU.X XI sK "57T. iff dml liiis 1$ Lager Beer Brewery s iffoTETrn! c 1 : -l C --Aw' U'alLIiltd.l f Si vic- Mr ll H 1 j--J iivffia I r 4 V .,-t e-i t'i !-3iii2:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers