The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 19, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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J hie itonrtts UAnowAnE sroni.
Is not
n gooil
romplelo without
Carviny Set.
Thoy ndcl to the henuty of
tho tnblu and mnke the
cai-vint" ft pleasure. Our
line of Cniving Sets ir,
lmi'ov tlinn ever this ycni.
A Rlnnce nt oui window
plvcs nu Idea ot whnt's In
side. 0
Foote & Shear Co. w
JJ9N. Washington Arc O
Cold Weather Coats
for Children
Mvlltli llitle cults with Ovfoi I III !.,
velvet n'lliii". l ''l' i'1" "' InmWnc
but lens id I in Hi otnT. lolli.
Indued ) 1 1 it- tin u, iliil. I.luf, .in
Rick humid illi, -l.lilu.l uliil mil in
ami mils ami unity ineiia tl.vles Jii-i as
Jill ualvi'
Th? Baby Bazaar,
610 Spruce t.ieet.
Office, Toilet
and Towel Supply
Wc finiil-li I I.i:N 'IowpN M.vMi. Willi llllir.
jjtnc ipnrtercil o.ik cililiirt, brie led pi itr- mil
ter, 10111I), I ilr lirnJi, I-U brnom, ilice Mail.
III.? IT tlls-lt pilll-ll .Mil f,t" d tullll KH Jul
trl TCI Ilinnlli.
Wo in-irilit' pitTou'i. i inn on Imu'ls mil ou
ruche juiih ic2iilnli .NO Ml.
80S-31O Penn n.eiiue. A. J3. Warman,
Olio -Llnuilir, til Ncv. Yoil, i-. in Iho i it, I'iiuII, nf Did -on fin, In-, .uifiitrl
ft lu-itioiL it Ihc --ii niton llou-n.
Willi. mi I. Kck.Ii, of i Iip Niinlni Ihiioi. lc
luilicd liome circuity lium .1 bint M-.iL in n
orlc eit.v.
Mi iml Vis I) II. Nicol innl iloijilu. 0,
in Ullko llmr, -in 111 n-i iij Willi l.iici
WilSt fin n.N
Iiiilui Willimi. ot "-yinli Vim .muni, rr
Hinuit In. Miirh,. it (Vine 11 iiinvi-iti iniiHiln
ufltr j .liou i.i( .it Ins home.
Mi-s Illi Willi mi-, 1,1 X.1II1 Mm- .num., In
llllllllCll limuc limn 1 M-ll Willi lie 1-Miter, Ml-.
1'iiinK tlml-uii, 111 II hKi:i-k !,, .. .1.
Mi. anil Mi I iclnll iiiinninuo tin 111 1.-liisc-
nf lliui iluiliiir, 1,1111,1 .1. .iniiiic, to Wil
li im l.uiitL 1 inn 1.0U on Muliienln cvrw'i',
ov. 27. (Mil; the iniiiKil.alc n 1 1( im. will 1
.ImlKC 1! . .Vuhbilil. if II,. I mti.l mhh
untrue 1 dint w.i. in t'l thiklpiii c ii.lni'ji,
ii-.-i.tiiu tin I mini unite- h who 1
little ciii'ilii! i illi lliu ink. II "ill iiluin
to llii. 1 Mj tnilij
Pioginmme to Be Offeied at the
Four Peifointances.
Man; iiniiiiiii't. .110 being; made as In
thu nnuiio ut the (liltoient pioqinmmes
lor 1 ho lour pel loimni'i o.s 01 I'i iday.'tirlav innl .Monday evenings and
1 he Satiud.iy matinee, Xov. L'J-il and
i!"i. tor thi? huspital huie
lit, therotoie tho appended lint of
nuinbus to bo g'ii nit iho let-pee-livo
night av 11 make muttcis clear tn all
iiniuliiug- mind-, ami will emu line llio
general imblii tlmt tlio ofleilus to Iw
inude Mill bo oon muio tlian lias
been iioini-cd by the niiiii.inih in
thai go:
1 nu
1 "lloliiiniin f.iil
'.' "II lliiN.ltiirc "
.. Ililld hi .,(.
I 'lolJIl'.lil."
.1 I'.ltllollc I tlHIIlb.J.
to. ('.nun 11 "
1. "lloliOlllllll fllil."
-' llillil ut M-n,
u I'jliuno."
4 "I.ohciiuilii."
:.. uihnll;. llii'..
(., "-I'fill0,"
T "f nruii "
.ii'i!u.n maiim.i:. 6
I. "lolintlic"
L'. "II licrtulou."
.1. II illi t of A-.H,
1 "llolirinliu i.l.l."
.1 "IMIUIKl,"
(. I'ltliOtll! I'.CIiIio,
7. ' (.illicit."
1. iMirini.111 cm."
S. "II 110 .iloic."
" HJlltt VI
( "I'ltlllUC"
'1 "I olnnsiin.
1 Uilui diil.,
". ' ( 1IIIKI1 '
, I'.i liotli I i;. it,l,l,
'Ikktli tl t.XlC It Mlliliuon' ilni H, if, com.
twl CHi ,liiilih' iliiih toir, lljilo I'nli, li-n.
mouij' iliu; sioir, fiowikn 0, linm t .Im, fifni,
wh Fnir nnd Festival,
Tho Wiinion'n (lulld ot hi. I.ukt's
pailrli Mill hico ,1 Kilo of la.n y ami
luct'ul uitltloij, iitki.', tti-., on eclnor.
rlay aftcinoou, and all da ami (.onmj;
ot 'I'lniiv-ilay iu't, at St. l,nk. i,iX.
f tuiiiM). SupiM'i will lit soivod 011
Thin 'i.iilinf, hot-Inning m r, o
o'cluck, pi ho ol whkh v ill bt ,-.') ti'in ,
Ml si
CoM I'l.lla, (.llll-ll Mill (.11 HjIii
I.'h llui 0til .. t llillljl hjlail,
ijralofl t.lilu l'n-M .
Hu'1,1 ,imI Diitiu, I 11.x lei .ml I I' o.
Iu ( IIJIII. It' l-niti. I slu
, P.10O Bewnul.
A btuiuliiiK lew aid of Slw t oliVifd
for InfnwiiiitUm which will lead to tho
1 aii-os t and loin lotion of any pouon or
peisonb piaiine: cnpiomvcs on me uncKs
of this company.
bountoii iullwu. 1 ciiupany,
frank J, yilllmai-, ji ., Mun.igoi.
Was the Main Topic of Discussion
Yestetdny Boni,rt of Trndo De
claies lor n Watrr Plant to Be
Coiittolled by Ihc City City Soli
citor Wntson Outlines the Steps
That Would Have to Be Taken.
Piesklent Scrnnton's Stntemput
Conceinlng tho Advance in Pi ices.
'J ho nunoiiiii fluent publMioil In yoa
letilnv'M pipem tlmt I'losldoiit
Suanton hud ilfoldi-d to liioioat-o t!io
Mntoi- rales to iloinpstlr 1 oii'ttinoi.t
thlily-iliioo and a thhd not- tout nf
ter Jnniiaiy 1 nest iuih thu main topic
of couvt'i Million all ovtr town oHl'-r-day
nnd many and dhorsont wote thu
I"WH PXplClfC'd
The lo.iKlblllty ot tho piopo-dllon
oinhoillod In tho it-holutlon adontod by
tho hoaid of tuidi. namoly, the estab
lishment ot a wntor plant
M-ai vldolv (llHoiiHtt'd and nl least olio
(oumllinan and sooial cltlsccntt s-ot-n
bv a Tilhtim man seenied to favor tin
Idea. City fc'olloltnr fkoitfo SI. Watson
hinted to Thu Tilbuno man that tho
litst stop which would hao to he tak
en would bu tho pa.-JiiKo of an ordl
ti'iiko by touuolls pioNidinj; lot -.tib-lnlttlntf
to the vole of the poopl" tho
fiicstion of Is-sulnpr .1 oei tain amount
of bonds lor thn puii-imc ' Ithcr of
building: and crjulppmi; n now plant for
th" city's u-o or of tu quit Iiik the piow
onL plant of tho Sti anion Gas anil
AVator company.
"Do ou tonsldfi- that under e.lstinK
laws and conditions tin- oily would
luiMs tho ilslit to liihifr condeiiinallon
pioooidiupi to niqiihe the plant of tins
tVi.tutoii tlas and Watot company?"
The Tiibune man abked.
"I iiio-t c-eitalnly and inniuosllonably
do." loplied tin; oily hollcitor. "I bo
hove that if the people autlioiied tho
Issir. ot a sulllolont amount of bonds,
t-ay t.'.OOO.non or SJ.'iOO.ono, that the city
could ko into coin t and IuIiik; (ondeni
n.iliun piocctdinKi. Conn would, t be
llof, appoint npiuaisei-, to (Iv a tint
and oiiii(able aluo of tho piopi-ity to
be condomnod. 'While the compnnv
would, ol couii-o, luiso all -.oil, of ob-ioc-iionx,
I am oonii.lonl that tho c-ltv
(imltl win mil in the ond. botato-e slu-'d
have ilfjht on her --iclo."
It would seeiu at fust sl.uitt- lalhei
a ht.iKS't'i lnj,' Ihinjr to auk tho piopotly
owners to tho issue ot two
or tin t-o million doUais' woith of bond
but collect alio men who lue riwii
the matter stud do 110L hesitate to say
that si sulllcit'in piolit over and iibtno
the actual uumiinr expenses of tho
plant could be icalized eatly to letlio
this bonds as they fall duo.
Hccoidcr Y. 1. Council. Minn seen
osleiday afloinoon and at-kt il loi an
i'.piession ol opinion on l'tesldcnt
Sciauton's aimountomt'iit and on thu
toaMbillty of tho city's atiiuiiins tho
S-'ei. niton Oas and Waltr ionui.'tn'.s
plant, said that ho amis not piep.ued
josH. at piosenl to sty anything tor
publication on the matter, but might
bo a little 1 iter.
"I haw Rlen tin- water (incstlon
quite a little i onsidoi.uion iootntl,"
said he, 'but T do not fiel that J can
il e tspiissioii to mo views in-a al
TMJNKS IT A llkl'l'l'
'I think he's blnflins:." was Selei L
Councilman U. W. V.iuslian's commtiil
on Fitsldt'iit Si i.mlon'M nolle e. "It's
just miothor case ot bluffing without n
tliiiiK in his hand like his aimoumo
nient a lltlio -while bail: that water tor
tilj piuposos would be $ir-,000 a oar
in' tho I ti tin o. lie came down off his
hiRh then all lifihi.
"It'.s IjIbIi time that tho i itlzens of
(Ills city get together and decided
whethet oi not they nio going to be
bossed bv this august gentleman
whoso motto .seems to be 'the public be
damned.' 1 most lu-.titilv appnuo of
the idea of a water plant
and would taoi the submission ol the
fiuestion lo the otois nt the (online:
i lly election I think that publlo soutl
nicnt iniild bo Mitlidoullv aioused to
em iv tho piojfet out. It will have my
heai ly and iinitialilli d .siippoil."
t'oinmon CounMlm in iailhei Keller
wasn't pieimed in (INeiihs the teasl
blllly ol Hit munitipil water plant
"1 ilo s.iv. howevti," said lie, "that
I'lt'sldent ixi'i.iuton has laki n a stand
that is altogether Indefensible and un
.lustillablo mid a stand thai no man
who has the best Intel ests ot this citv
at hem l should think loi a moment of
Tlieiu is still anothei lomedy thai
tlie cltl.ens have and Is to peti
tion com t, in i. ise the iiioicas,. be
comes an actualit.v. thai the water
uitcs in o unioasoiuiblo and ask Hint
ihoy bo i educed. Judge iMwmds, In
his opinion in tho case of Comad
b'clnoetler agaliiht tho Hoi anion (.las
and Water toinjiauy, pointed out that
the com ts have tho power in tills state
to logulate water i.ites In tase they
me uniofisouably high An appeal
would li. e lo bo taken by evciy per
son using water who complained that
Ills water itnt Is too high. That would
be impiat limbic because ot thu e
pvnso and for the tint her iimsoii that
it would load down Hie fouits with
uioio woik than it lould pos-sibly give
altt'iitlou to.
.(. An upiu-al In the Hilitoedcr rape, In
which it was decided that municipal!
Hi s have not tie power to establish
water lalos, lias been taken to the mi
prlor oui t by 1. 1J. Hutns, attoinoy
lor tho plalnllii. It will bo aigutd In
With letureiuo to tho liuiciso tn tho
vntti lales--, l'lesldt-nl Hcinnioii has
given out the follow Inu stateiuonc
'out lawyms tell uh thai on tho
tlrst ol .lime, 190J, wo huvu to hand a
statement ot our t;ioss icecliitu tor thu
ptoeedlinr twelvo iuontln' IhisIiioms
uud that on tho (list of Apill. VJiU,
must pu the 11 vu per eoiit, tax levied
iliueon. Wo mo nut Inking- thn city
by Mupilso: it is tho city that has
really taken uh by t-uipiUo nnd mado
a gain ol seou mouths on us, that U,
Uoiu tlie 1st of .lunu lo tlio 1st of Juu
mil. v. Wo notilled the locoiiler last
.Inly I'Otli, and tepwitcd it nt thu he.u
Incj bcloic ho signed tho oidlnuurc,
that if tliib tax wub laid, wo could only
nitet it by simply incieaslug- our uitcs.
Wu have pot itiised our Kites on water
closets, bath tubs, hotu connections,
nor on stoie and olllces, nor huvo the
meter latus been uiised over those now
e.sislln;,', so that ihe busiues3 inteiests
of Iho illy nio not tnado to suffer by
Hits InciciiHo to Iho htniseholdci"'.
"nvei-ywheit! olso In Iho valley Iho
hotiso tate. Including- bath tub nnd
closet, Is $S our new' i ale. which 'ip
pllcs lo Hcianlou nnd Jnimuoio, Is but
$11 for tho snino Horvlce. It Is tttitiuo
for nnv one to say wo havr- no lotnl
Pildu In tho olty of Set anion. Wo
have, innl II Is becaiiso of thla that wo
have kept the water late at Ihe low
est Jlguiu It was possible to maintain
our seivlre. This tax u.vy tiKiilnst tho
i-ompanles arfocted Is meroly the stib
torlng" or tlie oouucIIh to niako w tin
colloclor ol oortnln taos liotn Hit peo
ple, and wide h tho totmclhncu intild
not ilnd any legal nor moral tight to
levy against thoin."
Inteiefcting- Exorcises in (JueinBey
Hall Tonight.
Tho annual nu-otlnt; of the Ilahno
inn im hospital and the giailuatllig on
eielseii of tile muses' tiallllllK M hool
will bo held at CiUeinsov hall, Tuesday
uvenlug, Novombot lit, at ,S o'clock.
The public Is coidlall Invltnl to nt
Bonid of Ttade Rocommentls His
Appointment to n Biigadler
A l osteulay's ineetlnK of the boaxl
ol Hade Colonel I i. illtebcock Intro
dtiied Hie following- lcsohltlon, asking
IMosidoiii Jioosovelt to appoint Colonel
Theodoio J. Wint a brigadier general
In thu icRtilir anny, and it was unani
mously adopted:
Wlicrra', Colonol 'llirmh c 1. Mini. "-Mil ( !
illi, I'lillcit Slalom rinv, i .1 intue of tl H
(ouiitv, uliii cnlend ami iilikvoil ili-llndioti in
tlie; w ir of tho rilicllion nf l.iil "., ami tliin en
tctnl tlie- icnlir .anil, in wliiih ho Imi tin rd
with suit liilillly until t'10 jncM-nt linn-, win
nin,' iHoinotiou from a Ilctitcnanl to tho l ml. of
liilnnel: .mil
hiTi'i, toloirl Wint Ins unci Willi tioil
ili-tinctlnii duiiiiR tno-it of the Indiiii niitlmiil.i
on the frontiii, and in the "iiatits'v wu, u in
iniiidiil (In iMntli .mil 'lc nth I i ilril --Ulr-i l.v
.ihv at Sin .luin Hill, Ml pi, whoio In- -i ii
K-voioly Mounlcd wliil-l hilling li!- tio)U with
urc-it sillmlrv limine; llics Innl ilinjc; .'ml
aitiln in tlie (hiiiiM! w ir, I'Cii Tun 'I -in. wln'ii
lie roininuidiil tlio ci(ilitioii ol .illicil riv.ikv
foicci-, ron-iMing of 5W nun cf his own ii'l.
iniiil, tho siilli Caiili, .ml ili Im liniiiils ot
I mopcm rn.ihy of jlmnt oitnl iiiimlui, ho ile
fpilcil t hi iniiiv of f lihic-e tin! oluinlioil tlio
vinilii h In, ,n liii'vpiiirnls wllii llii VimiiMii
uc.ilix. Ilo i, uo. in (oinnunil il ono of he
ili pu I i:i( lit-, ol Iho I'luliiiiuf-. ONOII l-ltltt (li
pawns mil ili.tiinsitie Iho ilnlii. n i cn."i,il
ollln, ill citillt. lo liiin.i1C .nl tits co mil!
Wheii.1., lot ill thi-o illmt iiul innil..iion-i
fpivlio., (oloinl Win! In. mvi'i no. f-oiuht
pi .oti il Kduiiitiiiii hul .i, i modi . I .nil (im
.(Kiitioii. iniii, 1 i- kit ill. lo ln loim'i,
wliu ti Ihn. tu hi. done iiol'ui i' foi linn, f liin
fmo, he it
Iti-tiUid, III llio iii,t,iii lJuinl of link, in
irL,nlir iniclitic .1 iiniilid. tint Iho -plc itili.1
nulil n luonl of Colonel 'li.iodoii' I W mr,
.silh ( o ilt, t ititod sdip, Mil,, ho i to.
liiilidid lo tho inr-hlcnt. Willi t'ic nncsL li-ilile-l li he .uqioin led i liitc,idici crn l.i
Giuetli-Veieins Celebinte It with
Enteitninment nnd Dance.
Tlie (li uotli-Veitlns (tlebiatid the
.mnlvei.saiy ol the Independence ot
SvviCeilaud with an cntci t.ilnmont and
dance at Alusio hall, last night. It
was attended by mi assemblage that
i low dod tho hall to tho doois.
The progtamme consisted m an ovei
t m e by Know Us oit'htMi.i, a sfloo
tinii bv a male choiits liom tin- L.iod
eiliiau, .lungei Alaennercltor and
Si hwelj'i r Jlaenneit hoi , a diaina, and
a T.violean dnnio bv inoinbeiK ol the
.soviet v. mid a mixed (hoi us.
Those i oiniuislng tlio male i hoi us
won: W. i:meiieh. K. Kpn. I'. Wld
MMVi'i. N Com. id, fi. Ileiipei t, A. Outh
oinz. O. Uoblnson, J. Stoebor, .1. Mlnle
bi r. A. 151m nor. 13. (Jlooi, M. Kotli and
O. Waekeili. Tho dlioetoi was Theo
doie Jlembeiqei.
The leading pait.s in tlie ilia ma weie
deveily stisinlntd by Miss Violet l"ah
lenholl, (iitstav Jteppcil and Loictu
Ilabei.stii'ih. Olheis pat ticipatiug vn-io
Joseph ijiioss, John Ut miner, Cnsptt
Andoiegr, Meltholr Hutl, Cudolph
Ti.iub, Kail I.eiithold. A. Gunner, Car
llo Kilmer and Katie l.oiithold. li
was dli ur tod hj John Biunnor.
Tlio dance was peiloimod, imdei tho
dlioillou of Kail Leutholil, bj I.on.-i
llullbacli, Caiilu Uoiger. Jlaty Kulua,
Paulino l.iuduoi, Jolin liullb.uh, John
Until, J'hiliii I'i-iher and Melcholr
Itoth. Tin
ladles compilsing ihe i ho-
i its weie:
s-,ii.ino loll. i ( in i' I ilnii
l.l. ilil. Aimio lili li, V.ic lulni. I'mllii'
I ci, I Uh (Ht, l.lllit- lii-Jl, Mm.ii l.'iith
on IKijui, 'lillli yi(i,lii
Alio- (.mil II. vimnl lludmlii
I rtifhold, Viiiiii --ill. I itni .-I iim,
f hu
. I. illi"
I on i
VI linn
Sin tu i, Icilli liniik, I ' i -i Ijinilii
lo laitl.
Pi of. Albln Koiii was pianist
eomuiitite in ih.ugu ol tho niniir was
v ai inly cougialiilaleil on all sides lor
tlio suetesstul inanner in whhh it was
di signed and conducted. Tin commit
tee consisted ot iJiuesl (iloor, piesi
deiit: Caspar Andoi egg, Audi ew (.ilm
uer, Joseph Gnnss, .Mekhoir Naegc II,
.Midi hair Koth and John Hehlld
Resumption of Sunset Limited Sei
vice Between New Yoik, Phila
delphia nnd Sun Fiuncisco, Sen
sou 1001-1902.
Commencing Noveinbe-r "0 mid each
Tuesday. Thuisday and Haluiila
thoieattur, the Washington nnd Houtlw
vvestoin Limited, opoiated daily be
tween New Yoik-, I'hlladt'lphlii and
New Oiloaiw via tho Ponusylvanla
Htiihoad and outlieiii Itallwny, leav
ing Philadelphia, Hi uud stieet station
ut ti.'.l p. in., composed of dining, Pull
man diawlng-ioom, sleeping, obsetva
tion and llbraty ems, In addition
will cairy a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman dtiiwing-iooin compatt
inont sleoplng car to connect with tlio
riunset Limited opoiated between Xevv
Oilcans and San Finm-ldco.
Tlio celelnated tiuns-continciiial sei-.
vlco offeied by these luxuilous tialns
makes a tip to tho Paellio coast not
only vciy (iiick. but most delightful,
flunk's L, Hopkins, district panjeii
ger agoul. Southern Hallway, S2S
Chestnut lleetl Philadelphia, will bo
pleased to tuinlsh ajl Inloun.nlon,
It If wh'i pleasuiei wo luluiiii the
public thai Mr. it. W. .N'oubauei, tin
designer ot Inlei lor Decoratlaus, ie-c-onllv
located nt tOii Lnckawannu avi.
pue, lam sold out his business to Wil
liams A. Alc-.uu!t.v. and will t iko
i harsu ol their iiev. ilejmi luienl of
Wall I'aper ami luiuiior li-coiallons,
which will not bo sin passed by tiny hi
thu titulo.
Mr. Xeubauer is an
c-olonst uud a lec-ognUcel epeil in
Mill n I Peculations and Inloilor I'm.
Relict atcs Thnl the Company Can
Do Nothing Moic Thnn Agiee to
Take Back as Many of Its Old
Men nu It .Htns for, Without
Jtegnid to Whether or Not They
Aio Mcmbeis of the Union Meot
.nt; of tlvc Oonctiu innw'i' and
the Uuainess Uen
The ooininlttoe appointed at Sunday
itflornocmV meeting ol biisinebs and
piofcslonal iiien to mnk an c-tt'oil to
soltlu Hie li cut car strlko will likely
have lis tioiiblo for its: paina. Cicncial
.Manager Hlllltr.un said last night,
when appt oik lied on the matter of Ihc
now mediation move: '
"Thu company Is Milling to do all It
can to bring about a settlement of tho
sltlke. It rail do no mine than It
agreed to do when tho counolimanlc
and bon id ot tiade committees sought
to eli'nct a settlement. 1 want to te
iletalo v. but 1 said then. The compiuv
Is i c udy to Inku back those of our old
men for whom wu have places, and
who nio (11 men, without iclotonco to
whether or not they belong to the
union. AVhcii they do come back,wu
will nnt ask Ihem anything roiuetnlng
their membership In the union. 'Ihe
union is something we will not concern
ourselves about. That is all Iho com
pany can possibly do. Tho business
men ate now attempting a settlement
ot the stilkc. It has been in the hands
of the business men for some time to
biing tho till Iko to an end. They have
II in their power to put an end lo the
Double at any time they muster up
sulllclent coinage lo tefiain fiom par
ticipating in the bo.vcotl which they
say is causing such huvoc lo their
bushiest-. Let them patronize the e.u.s
as thev weie wont lo do, If thoy wish
to s-'e an etui to the sli Ike."
The committee of busimvs and pio
fossiounl men lias not yet .'.een Mi.
Rllliman. All its membeu-, excepting
Illsttlct Attorney "V. K. Lewis, who
was engaged in mint, met yesteuluy
morning in the nlllco of Its chaltman.
f. 11. limns, and had a pcslou lasting
It oui ',) :.. ni. to 1 p. in.
A coiiiinittee oL the .strlkeis was sen I
for anil i milker eotiloienio hail with
them, rogaidhm what thev weiu will
ing to do low m ds Inlngiug about
peace. The lesult of this coiifi-tence
was not lnaelc- publlo.
Mr limns was deputised bv the lOin
inittcu to confer with Cleneial Manager
Silliman legatding the Iiing ot a time
lor a conloieneo. Mr. isilliinan was
e ailed up by 'phono and in t espouse lo
Air. Hums' question staled that ho
would meet the eonunittco at his oilk e
All. niuns saul ho would consult tlie
ciunmiUic as lo the most convenient
time lor the conleunce. This ended
theii comniunie.ttiou
The committee is to moot auaiu to
night .-it Air. Hut lis' ollleo. In the in
lei im, Air. limns will pmbtbly wait on
Air. Slllinian.
A meeting of the Stieet Jlallwav
Alen's asaoelntiou was held
lasl night at tlio olhce of flenoial Man
ager Ssilllman. This is an oiguniallon
composed ot both the oflklals and men.
Alosi of Ihe emplojes weie meinbei.s of
it. At piest-nt it has iiulv loll -two
nun on its mils, the uiembeislilp of
Iho slilkeis having teiniinalod, so It is
abseiled by Ihe lemainliig nieinlii'i ,
when they lolt tlio conipanv's otnplov,
theie boing a elatlso ill tin- bv-laws
inovidiug that ini'inbitship in the . is
sue ialion shall with the iei urina
tion ot tho lneinln-is' eiuplojmenl with
the comnnnv. Loss ol membetship
moans the sin tender of all claims on
the association anil its S1.S0O tieasmy.
tiiuv claim au:mui:usiiip.
Tho sttlkeis who ate rnembeis of the
association have letused lo sm lender
theii badges and other eompanv uop
oi ty or tltaw the pnv that was duo
ihem when the stilkc, lor the
pin pose ol pi c filling theinselvos fiom
being cliopppcl liom the association.
Air. Slllinian, who is tieasuior of thu
benellt assoilation, stated Unit theie
was nothing done at the merlins, tut
llier 1I11111 the eousiduiatlon ot heuetit
Claims and the e-l'-etlou of now pu ni
iici s.
K. AI. OoliMin. one of iho slilkeis,
died csleielav inniulns at Ills home
In Uunmoie. His lather anotliei
stiiker. will make' a claim lor the '.n
luueinl benellt that the hobs ol a uiriii
ber ol the benellt nssoeiatlou tuo en
titled to. Two other niombeis me eiy
ill. They .no Hclvvaid Hdw nils of l.o
i list sliei'l, and lliin.v Wilbur, uf
Noiili 1 Ivans eouif.
Man Who Pulled Dr. Szlupas' Beaid
Is Sony.
The ihmgo of iibsuiilt and batleiy
and niityhfiu piilened bv ilr. John against P, ,1. .Nolan, whom he
ohaigcri villi pulling out patt m lil.i
beal el in a 'bus last week was settled
last night In Aldeiiiiiiu middy's ollleo
by Nolan paving thu e osts nnd sign
ing the lollowllig upolog :
I iU no In iihliil ji 1101,11 i r i ii ii
win i, I llitlielnl iilion 111 k lui snifas hi
nUIn nl Nov. II. Jii'l ' c 1 1 -- no niu i .1.
i.w i n whil li ipiiiiie.l on I ii on isio'i
I- .1 Nihil
25c (o 50c per dozen.
Florida Grape Fruit, io and
ise. Pecan Nut Mcata, finest
large meats, 5oc per lb, New
Waluut Meats, 40c per lb.
Fiuest Shelled Almonds (used
by Iluyler), 40c per lb. Pink
tinted Malaga Grapes, 20c.
Lady Apples Cal Apples
Pineapple, etc. New Kugland
Walnuts, 15c per lb Fancy
Figs, 19c per lb.
E. G. Coursen
Will Be Conferred Upon Knights of
Columbus at Philndolphin,
Tli iiic-inbetfl of the Kulslitn "f '"'
Illinium of Pennsylvanlti wilt ntteud
the oxemptllleallon or Ihe loitrth ile
al ot? of tho Knights of Colinnhu",
which will take place for tho Ili'Hl time
In IVntiHylvnnla al Hm (Iriiltuinl Hall,
tMilliulolplila, thin evening. About
1 In ee hundred candidates will iceelvu
tlio dogieo uoiu I'ltltitdclpliliii f'liclor.
WIlkoH-lliino, Clem Held, I'tiltHvllte,
I'lttston, Iteiiova. Shnmokln. Pitts
burg, Wllllmuspoit, Hottth Ilelhlehein,
Kitslon and lin?li'tou.
lly spct'lnl pilvllego a fow horn New
.loi wy. Wilmington and Washington
will nlso be ailmltlrd. Two hunched
visitors, who have iiliomly leeelveri thu
degtee, will attend liom dlKlanl points.
James A. Flaherty will be iimslo.' of
tho riegiee, nnd amnni; those partici
pating in ila confeuliig will bo Itov.
.losepli ,V. Kwecnoy; P. II. Lynch, Wit
limn 1'. .Mi Lnughlln and John I-'. Jlj-ois-
of Pliiladelphia' Itlch.ud J.
Uotitko. ot this c-ll. colonel c, T.
O'Nulll, or Allenlown, and .leweph 11,
Mageo, of .South lMlilchorn
Met and Adopted Resolutions on
tho Death of Attorney C01-
nclius Smith.
Atloine ndwnrd Moriilleld picsidccl
ovoi a meeting of the Lackawanna Bar
association .vestcrdny, called to lake
action with toretoneo lo thu death ol'
Attoinoy Cornelius Smith. Attoinoy
John AI. Ouiister acted as seuoi.11 v anil
addicsse.-i weie Hindu by Chairman
Moriilleld, Judge II. AI. Kdwniels. J. II.
Torrey and W. A. AVilrov.
A commltleo consisting of lion. J'.
X. AVill.tld, Hon. C. P. O'AIalley. AI. J.
Aim tin, L. M. Bunnell and John I). Col
lings was appointed to pieparo suitable
icsolutions and icported the lollowlng.
which weie adopted:
I'mncHm smalt, e-i . .1 nii'inhri of 11m bt.,
Imliiir dud j. hi. rclilrure on Mi tunc m nn.
in IhH oil on o. in, ltfil, after t hilof ill
I em .ilTictliic; the lieul, oj' of iiitcct to hit
niiiiKM .iii.l ietiti'iil ulnlily the lijr Aiio.
iiitlon cf l.-itl, iw mill eoiintv oil en tlio following
mitiuli :
folllcllllS -lllllll, O-ll, UK liOIII in lului'l, 'n
is'-, iml ai Ins cliiMliroel wj. Lnii?lit li Iiih
1'iiiiiU to tli!-? lonnti. Ili, rally life ee .-i
i(nt -I .Mliinv, N. Y iml while et a Imv In
iiiiuily moved lo Stinbiii, 1'.. , win to lie .iceiulnd
tho iudlniu..i, o: lih hIuluijii hi the roiumeu
siliooh if tint pluc, lie nltonvjrih entered
I niuii Collisc .md Unci noil Univtiiltv, wlicie
ili-. lijtm il, niinlie-tecl llic-in c1it, .md
lie lilt tlio-e m.tkiitions with i rceoid rle1iin,
if cur, tiitulkil. l.ojviiic colle;o he ri.tricl
upon l!ie stt-ejj- of the la.- in tlio cflice of J. li.
lliiRlie-!, r-i , of Sunlimy, l'.i., ainl wj, jniinilcd
I I tie hu il Aoithimib'rlaiid county wliui he
W i-. I went one ein ii ,i;e. 1 ollnvvim; l.H
adinl--ion in the Im he piii ird hi, urti'ion
foi -seveiil jiii, in IIk ejuiitiox of ui
1 md .iml seliuilUU, and in the vi n lu, loi O.d
In the eitv o. Sn niimi, where he .tl enco li'eii.i"
me oi tie lo.idinj nicmlicM of I lie piole,inii.
'I 10 ll ((1 Cll U li Hw.(.-0l lit .i 1 or n, inilui tl
-Intnl. io l, 1 (inp sluelttlt (if ncUl!il,i ,
md .i tiielo. woii-.ii. Ionics a, .in .illicit"
lo imiki-lood tlu inipiil.c. Hut movnl lie
iiiilui, ol nun, iiul viiih Iw as .m OMIin
"(Muni fiilnl to ini.'o tlie ,vniiatli' ot too
nnv in lni liilnlf. 'tlio molds nt (lie icjii'l il
tin, i in ! .iiljniniii,, cii'inins a, writ .h if the
Vppillito c mil-, no tin. Iio.i, te.tuiuiilih if
tin Hope .md tn unitiid - ol hi, li-i.ii .iilu.v
mini., .Iiiiwiin; is lliej ih hi, nn inin aiicic s
.1, .i pi ii liliini of Ihe I iv.
Wi, Ihe it tote, mo.e lint (ho ihovi inmiilc- h
sppii id up' ill Iho li'OiiU i tho Iiul .I--HU il"
ot I.ul iw. iniii loiinh in ct mini inoi ilion oi iln
nuns, .md ..inlili ot tin il. ti i. til litoilic.
V, i iiiittt Vli. sin,(ii .v ts iilov,h.icI j i
V iliuldo i.ii lulu r nl Iho (oniniinntv
in In, d. ilk In, tiniilv In, lii-t, i fond pin nt
-md Ids wile in OMinpliie hn.lniiil; md we tide
lo ipii-s mil doip siinpjtlii in ilu n hotoivo
n nil.
A hot tuike supper will bo suved
in Iho Point Avenue Baptist (hutch
p.u lots, Thui.silny, Xov ember 'lst, fi to
in o'clock. The menu Mill hiiludc
stultotl turkey, mashed potatoes, cian
lieny sauce, cabbngf salad, celeiy,
biead and lolls, coffee, cake and cicam.
flipper, I!" cents. -,
Chestnut, Stove and Egg Coal, S3.00
Pei Ton,
rielheioil to all pails of Su anion, Uun
moie, S.i.Otl. Adebess oieleis to the
Alovvij Wilson Coal Co, liov -JTJ, Uun
moio, I'a,
Smoke the Pocono So. cigar.
'Ill St Luke's I'll II
111 O .11 ll). S
d in II til il I i Hi"
( ( M'HV.IOI!i,
I I n t'n li-t (i
in iiv a .iiul II i,i
ill v int in he p, ,.
n Th ii i, ij, .
II i ,1(10(1 ploiJtll
.1 Alfirel I'niiiiiijt.
(on, Piri tor.
Leather Good:
R.E. Preudergast
20? Washington Aye,
: Oils, Paints and Varnish !
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
k 141-149 AlericUan Stieet.
They Weio Opened nt nn Adjourned
Mcotiiifr of the Bonul of Contiol
nnd Woe Refcired to the Building
Committee for Conaldointion New
Night School TeitchciH Appointed
for No. JM nnd No. 28 Number of
Tcacheis Agreed Upon Ceitain
Tinnsfeis Which Were Made.
When Illi- bids foi the i ulisllttlllotl
of the tcliool to be erei led in tho cc
ond wind and lo be known us No. IO
wero opened nl Inst nlghl'ti adjourned
mooting of the bonid of contiol. It was
loilhri that all the contuietois bidding,
with one exception, bad done fomo le
innikably close llgurlng.
Tho bids-, whleh Include plumbing-,
woie an tollows: M. J, middy, $11,1.';
Mulhoiin and Judge, $!l,S"a: M.itthliis
Rtlpp. MJ.r.CO; f. fiykos and Sons. $.!1.
.".tr.: Kdwaid fi. Williams, $3l,fi0il All
bids wtio leferrod to iho building
committee for conslilenitlon.
Tho lenchci.s' coiimrilteo lcnumncnil
ed the appointment of the following
night school teachuis: No. Ill, Itoss
man I. Vail, principal: Miss Ileilha
.Iciikius and AIlss Jessie Covillu; No.
S. Aliss Lucy Itneson, piiudtial and
AVilllmn ICdgar.
Tho following lian.sfets whldi have
been closhed by Iln tcacbei.s concotned
for some lime und whlcli will place
them lit schools near their home"':
Miss Annie Jones, from Xo. 18 lo Xo.
It; Aliss la Lnlly. fiom Xo. 11 to Xo. 2s;
AIIp.s Florence rtoomau. liom Xo. L"J
to Xo. IS; Miss Xolllo Kelly, fiom No.
1.1 to Xo. "S; Aliss Alary I. Poigeug.
liom Xo. 3S to Xo. IS.
Tho mooting was cry biief, lasting
only about twontj- nilnutos.
Serious Explosion on Noith Wash
ington Avenue Last Night About
10 o'CIock No One Iujined.
Tho dvn.uiiito ilcui i sim at his
w oi lc.
A d n. unite tap was p,n cd on Iho
stieet ear lc mi North Washington
avenue between New Yolk anil Matiuii
sheets last nlghl about in o'clock and
was exploded a few minutes later by
Clieen llidgo Subtil ban ear Xo. 1 !S
which was l cunning- to tho oftty.
The foi co of thu explosion lifteel tho
fiont put of the car from the lulls
and almost thtow the molorm.ut lo thu
Km windows in tlie tat was bioken
mid pail of the flange of the wheel
which passed over tlie cap was blown
olf. as In the oilier instances. Thou
weie no passengei s abo.ud.
The whole lieighboihood was aioused
bv Iho explosion which shook all lite
buildings in tlie ioinltv, and a oiowel
of soveial bundled poisons gathuied.
Tho car was not elainngeil suflleiont
ly to pievent its being tun link to
I lie cent l.i I e it v.
K. W. 1 'mm", ilc el foi
Smoke the new Kleon m. cigar.
Linen Hesh
Linen underwear is
particularly healthful
because it readily ab
sorbs the moisture of
the body, and thus
avoid the chills that
wearers of wool are
subject to.
Does not irriatate
the skin.
Ul haw recehed our
first lot of Leather Goods
for the. Holidays. Our line
this year represents evcry
thiny, and we only huy the
leadiny make in America
Y will profit you to look
over our display.
Have Yoti a
Cozy Corner?
If so cull ami see our large
assoitmcnt of
Down Pillows f
teady for any covering you
may select. They're just the
thin'; for a co.y corner ot
"Den." All slcs from 12 to
24 inches. Prices vary fiom
75 cents to $1.50 for the best.
Immense stock just received
Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Ave.
'Phone 353-3.
and I will fit them with the
gloves you ought to wear.
Heavy Working Glows,
Stylish Walking Gloves,
Warm Woolen Gloyes,
Gloves of all kinds in end
less variety from
50c to $2.00.
"A Gentlemen's Purnishet"
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Are made in
all the desir
able lengths.
Front, Bias
gored. $1.00
to $2.50.
Corset fit
tincr bv Ex-
ii.iFr,i!tU- pert Fitter.
sjiuiyiM 1 , o
-Uios Gored.'
of Ladies Gloves and Muslin
Price & Jenkins,
130 Wyoming Ave.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets, i tons, Raglans and New
market Dress walking and rainy
day Skirts, Our prices arc reason
able. Guaranteed to give satisfac
tion. Goods furnished.
King Miller, Merchaut Tailor,
4 3 2 Spiuco Stieet.
Blanket and
Comfort Sale
Willi the season ol frigid
teinpeiature at hand, warm
bed covering becomes exceed
ingly attractive.
I he attention attracted by
out window display of these
necessities is convincing evi
dence ol' this -if sales did not
tell the same story.
I o purchase blankets or
comfotts without inspecting
our dowri'to-datoline, will be
playing your pocket-book
ComfortsSpecial values at
$2.9-5, $2,2S, 9I.9S,
$1.50 and DC
Blankets bxtra
olleiings at $3,71, Aft
$1.69 and "yC
l'iee I are from all points
within 50 miles of Scranton on
all purchases of 10 or ovet.
is lull
,C5r.f VttI