THE SCRAOTOxV TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMJJEit 10, lUUT. '3 f Is nltm'l t-cip, mil nil l-iti ri m In kIii tlunks Ip Imc-fei wait- intiniiiup, ""'I v"' Imiii' jmi Ihvp fur tin inoiify nnil in tic Ulltis Mm iac Ijotiulil Inn Up i'k Mm to lool. met 'in it ill. It f. in it UMko liunlu'ci of Pictures, Picture Frames, for holiday trade, Paints, Wall Paper, etc. b 'i .up jut" iiimI Hi nun iit'illt. Jacobs & Fasold, COO WASHINGTON AVENUE. City Notes. ) KOMiUll 1 I (,l I,- In 1 linn. Ii . tfjuUlit i' i It Muni Ml nv nilirto 'I ouli' I tui'int i nl linp' II Hit 'm-liii Ml lilt JONiniir llu- il : I itnl f i ltllni of 'irnitin iiill unit tli. iuiiIiij." ii s I'lluu. m iH )l itllllbttl . ItAil.l, in-lnltl. i- lilllpt W.itl I Ml Ml l.riNt; . tuiiln- in nine f he (nihil tti mi t, .( Iiii-ti in It in) inn mu i ill !v Ii' M I'll-, itftttuoti at I o'Uii' ' m l.itini f i lull. ' KI. l) c M)V -l,f- l,io Uuu I nil. Hi.!ltl; 1,'il.iitJ mil (nll.'lld 1 i iKt ..till i lll.ll Mliil llln nftritir. ii ,ll tin l.cil i nt Vi- !'i M. Willi), -I) Ii ll Iff II IUH'I'. I'll! -. 1 1( tlvl IfV ltl ii I , l. n onliiti ll f r I tie i,l Iho ,n,u i ii .'liU - ill In (.1! II .11 dlKMIM . lull nil llllllsil, ii nlnir l ill. .ll 'SU lll.ll IH,.t I HUM' 111. lilt I lllllll J. IMOIIMM. -m ll Mi i.i, ii 1,'itl.,. Mlitiliurn uill (tiltituu th i lull unmliit. nnl it 1 1 ii nil i.l- a hi iniiiuiii ... nl linn--iliii eiiaim., .i. Ll, ti ..n i mill li il..i.. "Wl 1! M 111 ll .Miiiiiir tli V, uwn'-t .iiiMlim if ( i1, in ltu.iiintil i itiu It -xv ill mho .ii oi'lir Mipi.ii i tor tin Wiit'lt it tli- l.ii 't'i ; iiimI , n(-t i iij.i.i il le npi I i, irnii I I i ill! lllt.l (til II I 1HSM I! MI M I'l'l I! In. li- . . hi liitlitr.m iliiircli i i Mnllin ,iiii,i. will lnm 'i mil, oi iluii.ii i in 1 .'in ..i 1 1. Mu n I, ill . i 'tliiit.tli! Mci.lur. oi. J! Itimiii ti.iin I ;i .' .in 1 Mig i i ,i in ,", M i ,i tlui lirooli l'01-0 M i IN. I ntik linr.. . .1 id! Mnri" i iliott. i mint i in tin' i nn.'i mill. , in I ' i-. Ii ili'l iiijiin I .i ii.ii niiin; hi- iltitln li t 'Itlf.ill!. Itlui .1 iniNi.ll M t 111 Hill .111 l;it i itio i VI. tnlllll) In If ll((lll,l, wliuli u i putnnii il lit. t'l Mi -e- Tului 1 u-inlil I'l ll C.MIMV.M, 111 ltt:vi!Mi -l'i..w.ili it ll ii i luk tutiulit 1 lit. Iti'lit tin in i.irl ' il orm ill niffffi. loi iiIiiumI in to lit 1 1 it tuff 1 I tlll" Olllt II-. (IllMltH JH-ti, ition l ,1 i U'.n.ial irhi iimI ill li Iiffl.l in (.nws i II urnJir tliff ilnntii it ft Mi- Dim "IMI'illil ' ,M!11I.-II,I),- ni . hf in fiiiuil st'ffit til mi li in. f mini nj.l i"i; 0 ,11. I III, It .-lint 111, I 1,1 1 1 1 1 1 ! in in 111- til -t vi i iiitrisn itiiut .mil i- t'lini -lnti ClIll'IC lil'ilUI lit 111. lllKliI llllilil li ft at In 1'ituiltnin (iitiiiniU mil w i -. 1 ilI m n i in tin. Kiitril pill, i -i hi, n lull III. Ill ILIUM, f lll.M Unit', .- Due.' I'ulthi -ifit i.iii-ii fipuuil l.ul. e iinln i' tui lit. H linililinj 1 1 tin kiiIii.i iiitni fiti. Huh tiu win- Hit mil, i, lulloiv. I'l I ilpp, '-l.'Hi. int liiiltiiliti: .iitin. .Mi ill mi llu- M iilin i- --lipii I.T'ii. it" j. li i,iiii'.K. n IMJIiI will Ik iiii.Il tliil.l. K V I 1 I li IIk unit iiini - I. il u-r tin null iliu i ii i ho h Y i hilt Inn h ffi II ll rlll lllfflllhl It nt Milt 1 1 i!i lit mi1 nir ..n it i tli nt tt. li ii tlit n infill in. i i ft i -iif u'. III. iiiiiiilui. in Willi mi 1 lur-, llniv iiiuli. Illill jpit. If I i.tlli-pn , Hut ull.l n. Unpin Hi, mi-, h.iph In ili, I , I I'o t 1 ilii ml tillil.iii in 1 I in I -inn ROBBED AND TIED TO A TREE. Unpleasant. Exneiicncc ot Joachin Boccacio nt Mnltby. ,1c t liiti lion. ii in mu uC Uii iinii inliiii nun I'ltipliiwii at tin- Jl.iltln ullitiy nl llu- l.i'hiirli X'tilli-y foil 10111 .i.iliv mi tin Vf.-.i Side wlii'if ,i still,!' S till .It llll'M-llt. M.I-. lioltl llll Ull tliu Mi K in ,:il at tit. u pi, hi mi H,iuml,i ' iii.'ht, tuliliLil nl IiIm piy l up Iwii iik-t iitllOltlllllli,' ll) S.'J.M) .lIKl til'tl lo s nio ami Wl 'i'he fi'llnu vns h.iilh iiiKlitciifil ami v.oulil lt.iM' ilii'd n mu I'Miiihiiiu 1 i.i il lie noi liei'ii toiiml liy a jit'itnon uhn lutp lionnl to pahs May ainl liL'.iul lii.s JERSEY CENTRAL TLYER. THtule Its l'ii st Tiip to Philadelphia Ycsteulay. 'I lie iii-w .lii-oy tVntial tlor in. until tliiif iil anil I'liinuleljilila in.nli Hi 111 nt ttlp , (.'Mutiny mid ''.uiliil tt lutSi' tiilinl)!'!' nl i:it-!-i'iim'i!-. Ship. Milf llltldi' nt I'illMtin, Vill,fs. H, n ic, .,lli'. Wliili" lltiM'ti, Mum Ii I'litttil., Mli'iituu ii, Ih'thli'liciii, Smith HuiUlt'. I licin, ..iiim1iiI(., Wiiviio ,luiii Hon anil I'olunilila Kvcntii', tln" tram pulliu- 1litu tho Jii'.iilliiK li'iiniitiil, I'hlliuli'l jilila. 'I'he train i)toiiiir.''h in be oi . poi.w lai, fffitu'i' ii is lhi iiitni ihiou-'h mi. lco tn I'lillaili'liiliiti m hiiM- iu' hud. HiuoKo tho poiulai Punch lOo, cigar. 4-f 4'ift4'4-f4-"t-f4--4- t BOND OFFERINGS. - t Spiing Brooh Watet.lst Mtg.Os. Lackn. Valley Elee. Light, 1st Mtg, 5s, Not th Jersey and Pocono Moun tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. Standatd Gab Co., HtMtg 5s. Lehighton Water Supply Co., 1st Mtg. Qs, New I'loxiro Railway and Coal Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, Dcsciiption and pi ice on appll cition. t t -r - -f w, Lisajij.v, X -f A)1LC"Oiii. fjrbjitjalf, -f t j li Cuninitiuiallli IIW.-, bur.luii, I'j f- "f i-fTTf ttT 4"- t WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Mi, nnd Mik. W. It. 'itnzlott Cole- brntctl Thhly-thlid Annivciscu-y. Mr. tuitl Mik. V. II llulctl, or MS Qiilnc.- iioiuio, I'Llulutilutl tlii-'lr Hill- ty-tliird wi'ddlncr tiiiliir'itiiy laft illl-llt. Ill tll"ll' IH'W li'Uti". A lnip,r ilinm.T of fmnlly ulciitl ivpi'i (iiufoiiii and fi'M-nil niiwl ui 'tljlllbli' llOtll8 Wl'lO "'llt lllllll S tti 11 o clot 1;, 'I'ltn iooiih wciu ptottlb d' I'tifitt'il with potii'tl puliiiM nnd ttif; l.awrpiict.' oiclit'tdtu illi'(itii'i,il f'Wi'Pt lllllilt' (hull)"; tllf SiU'Mlli of Hit1 diiliiiy llllll IllOll, Mi. mid Mis. 'Iiuli'tt woio unlit toil mi Xov. IS. ivC-.', In ICliiKKlou, by U". lilt 1' W'lilUor, now nt SprliiBxIHc X. Y, who Man one ui thi'' inunt hoiioii'd Kip'rit'i ltift iiIkIu. '1'ln' eoti'il' littp spent thf IniKcr putt of lliclt' ninii'lril llf" In tblH ilty. I'H'fiMit nt hint iiIkIii'h l'li'iM'tlott It out out ot town Milu llu; follow I titf Kiieili: Itov. Itti T. U'llllal, of Spi lnn lllii. N. Y.: Mr. and Mis. II. AIcDmi ncll iimI Miss McDonnt'll, of WtlKcM H.tri'L. nnd the MIwi-l'M Atiulc M. HUi'Cf nnd Kmllv lMi'lut, of IMilltidclphln. 'I'ho KiicHt" liiiin (bis illy wuo tiK fol low : Mr. nntl Mm. . ('. r.iiidlcl;. Mr. -mil Mt'M. f. I). .loiifH, Or. and Mii. ('. ('. J.nulmcli, Mr. and Mik. l'ml L. Mi'.t, i'i.x. Mi', a ml Mm. tltotno If. Midion m II, Mr. and Mm. 1. V.. s- iidain, .Mr. nnd Mid, tliouii' JSi'MinUN, Mr. and Mrs. 1' c. Sitillh, Mi. mill Mm. I. p. Mi'KniKi 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ocoiki' H. Stott, Mj: and Mfx. W. i Tiinxliill. Mr tind Mis. II. J,. Vmii'lin, lr. ami Mm. I.. WVIilnii. .Mm. I.. II. Mmsf.ui, -Mis. A K. Haul), MNm-s Dll Vol, tlif Mlt-is Haul), MKs Yost, MKn NoiiIh, liss .It tin U I'oiir. Mlstj SlniilwUcil, .lis. .w, .iv. i mi anil lb- Missis illllC'.. WAS FATALLY BURNED. Honiblc Tate of Eif-ht Year Old Iien-i Hughes, Left at Home Alone. Ycsteulay. lattli' S-imi oil Item' IIuj-lu's daiiKli tfi ot Mr and Mis. Thomas IlltKlic-, of IViiy .IM-IIUO. wa., It'll .It llOllR' ,ts. tcidjy .itiuuouii bv In i mothi;i, who wont out to tlo oitit. tffhopphiK. 'I'hi' (Itiltl was ( aiitioiiul to staj in tin- liotts,. anil whllo waititnj lor. In r motlti'l to i rim ii lii-i i lotlir-, i.umlil tin in snm,. unliiiiiHii iiiainii t Slit i .inn' lljiiiv nut m tin- lioiil tloor into tin-stu't-t a mass oi Hanti's ainl vtitvin iitfl pitt'ouslv. .Ianii" Kltiia--, who lits- .H'ltMS till' ll.lj, .IW lll'l' 1 Olllf lllllll tin- hoitso and with bio it iiicciio.' or mind In? piiUftl up a !lanlot and diut t'd out Ins own tloor alti'i hoi. lie i.tujrht lit-t down thf s-lu'i-t and wiappi'tl thf hlaiiKd intuit! lifi. sinoth ulni, llu- Hum s. Tho ililltl was t.iKcn to lur boitif ainl Hi Stanlmi was smii molH'd. Ho dei land her to bo fatally inilllell, but Mlott'Olltli ill tllll'Villtint; her siiiii.iinf! mull deallt i aim al tuitl llltS lit DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. He Is to Lectin e at the Lyceum The ater This Evening. I loin j Wind llforliet's sin ot ssor, Dr. 1.mi'..iii Abbott, will deliver his unions Ueltite, "our lroinrn aiui Tin tr Vw mles," in the Taocuh: tnrilplit. This is tin oppoi tunity ol a Uletlnie. tmd hi nil ptobalillity the last to biar :i man Mhosi. nam" will ro down In his toiv with that oL I'ooch-r ami Sput Boon. Ji. I.jiunu Abbott's name is a house hold won! I torn mm tn mm and oon bton 1 the N.,t, fe us tt lOMll.t'd both if I'.iiril.uiil and Aiueiii.i as one of the fle.lti'sl liUHK pi OK lifts. ,s the im- lindiale Miiiissoi of tli my Waul II. 1 1 bet- ami ilie eilitm ot the OiitlooK, hi. lilo .mil libiii.; ate Known to all, REV. B. P. RIPLEY'S PAPER. Discubsed Oiatoty nnd Oiatois Bc foie Methodist Ministeis.. Tho Methodist Minihteis' nsso, ialion of Suantoti and Ii i tilt met in TJIm I'.iiU (liuiili, Mtuidav ,u 10 n,il a 111 l!e II. P. !!ip!e.,il Foll l'ott pie sent' il a jiapir tin "Oiatoiy and tlia toi.s" Jt was most inteti stln. u slioued wltio tittilliu, tlioifil and f.iiofitl ptop iiaiior. l'o llipliy bo lioci ilnii' Is j el a plate tor otatoi', ami niatoi.s I'l. Phelps ailllti'ssitl the ,ssiii,ito In the inieiis,. oi SiriuiiM nnleisj. Minlst"! . iiiosent wue Iti vs. n, llenrv, ,1 X. Halle P. P. Dot, Austin iliitlln, c II Xewinc., i, u, llimton, W ii Siinpsiin, i: m 1'aM.oe, p. j, Sinsi i. A HUMAN LEG TOUND. It Had Been Amputated and Caie lessly Thtown Away. .some small bo.v.s toimd a t, t mnpo-otl liiiin, in Iik in Hie teal nt Keller and Van 1)1,i's piniio laoluty jt Mot day aftoinoon. Paliolmin Kuiius was. no tilled and he In nun notliled polite hi iilquai lei -. Tlio limb wa.s teiuovoil to llaub'.s un tloitaKltiK i siniisi,.it mid oaui itinl I'loselj. It IimI tuidoitbudly lit on amputated, the iuulf'1 takt r sar-, Int. thin Is a wound at tlin imKle w lib It Mould neii'ssitnti. ainput.ttioii lilld ImnilMi Ibo int at the l.iieo Is uiatlv iliiiio, with a ilav of hl.ln tut away all minimi, sis l.s done In ampii tatlm It will be bailed toin. TOOK PARIS GREEN. Mm, Behle of Pticebuig Ended Her Life. Mis .Mai llohle, of I'iIm buirf, dint Suuila.v lioiu tin- l'IIoi Is of a dos,. ,,f pun "Ken will, h itiu. iimI,- .Siiiiiilaj. Slli bad beell .i uiiMl .silllelor lliim ihiimiallMii .Hid .it link's when suitor- IllK Intense iiaouj she woulil tiil.n her lllf. Stnulav mouilni.' it w.u. pa. tintl llinl -ho wan suiioilii'j: (mm piiisnn and tn. Kuit.etlv was- oalletl, Mo was unable In sao he lilo, linw I'U'i Mm llehle was ," j tuts old and Is hill Vl0( lis tWO Mill!, GREENJMDGE, Misms .loan and Miltlieil .Miu In li, ot Monroe aU'iuio. left .-'aiutna.v loi ,oi Yiuk ill.v. when tli. will ni.'iKo mi osti mli d lblt , ti.umbu'i w.t. iiuiu io Mi. mid .Mi- lii'iiffo (jlbbun, nl Moiibu, ,ii nuv, ,fstui'i(t. Thf third ol tin. iuiusc of uautth -iinl c-ntiji laiiimeiits In the ot the (liLcii UitlBO Pu'bbMtri.iu chinch i.. a leciuin iiom Thumday moiilnt; by lit. I. .1. l.tmslnKi mibjeit, "Aiound llu I'lio ol ii lluiitcr'i I'unip. ' Hov. t'htulcH I.'.c of C'arbontl.ilc, who ixcupiod tho pulpit ot the (in on Ublffu Picsfbytorlaii t lunch Sabbath inorn Jiitr ami cvonlm.', was iluiiu hl. stay In io a Kinst al tho home .' '.,. m, 11 Kill's. TO STAMP OUT BOYCOTTING BOARD or TRADE TAKES PRE LIMINARY STEPS. Appointed a Commltteo to Repot t nt n. Special Meeting to be Held Next Monday When the Whole Matter Will Bo Consideicd To Make An other Effort to End the Sttcot Car Stt ike Declaration in Favor of a City Water Plaut Wna Unanimous ly Mtule by Boatd. TIkio was a voiy Ititort Htlnyr 'es.'iou ol Ibo Su anion J'oaul of Tiiuli1 .o ti'idity nt which i ho fticut car Httiko, the oxistiiiK boycotts nnd the lueieiiso of water rates were t oiisldoifd tind ftcl til upon. A. V. Jilckson, the (halinirut of tho .spot Inl (.'oinnilltee njipolntod to m. du al! flfoit to suttlo tin; stiuot car Millso, was not piutoui when I ho moctllif opened and tho lopott of that coiiitnlt lie st.ttli Its Inability to do iiuviliiin,' tllWlltll I'lllllllrr lie, ul.ihi. .t,to .,,,,.1 I... ! Llllhei Keller. It tollows; U'tn iriilinlltro ipiniii't.l ill (I,. In' niffi linn l. imli'iMi, If pnMlliI,., t ,.,- ihnut iii mu.. ulilc .liljii-lminl i.f llf istlnn- illilniiltln li tfv the -i i mloti liillwjj (ciupjuy uiul it, im rlojtS hi. tn iiiuit ,i4 f ilttivdi 'llu- ill' follnwiu; tin' .late if mr 1ii.ii1 tin lit Mn linl In unifiiun.,. ii the tMiiithi i Jliiiililti if the ijIIh.ij m.plnw .. It,. .nnt Ciiiff Ii-iiim tn sum,- uiir tin- in. tin ft, in I'ii ll mli ot tin rpii -linn, ,iiu in1 null il mil in iufi 1 iililit h n to jit Hum in ifri t ctiiiiu ii." 1 miii' kind, ,iii. liiulli Mim.iliil in Kiniiitu i liiiinoi' n mini Hint linl, to tluli tili, Willi urn Mik'.i-tlon 111 it Iliu i-'i " to it'tiim U, oik If Mr. sllllniin iMiuli) tjit..' 1 1 tiki Intk i intiin pi i unlive ot tlirli niniilir. Mi then a.ljimriieil to avull m infill fimn ilii' mi i . Wt' llf till l-.tlnl.lci fh,. inllolinn; till. Mil 11 tlu i'iiniiiltti(. npirttil llirini;lt Ihiir picnliiil. Mi si,, t (i 1L. mo., i.iiiiiiiiiniiMi ti I to iitniti tu iinrk null-, tin inn 111 i n 1 vk in i Imily nndi t i it,i- Li'iitnil, iillh tin' linl t mi li ibc i ito of Ji) (flits an lunn, hho.'.KJt iuii not Us tli.ui n. hi iniiiir, loiui.t iii 1 1 tut in. in' thin ini hoin-, .en turn niiil it iintiir f r nrrliinc 'lliNUm ui' i. tin Ir nlliiii itnin, iinl it u i4 null i hi. ti, a ip,, nff,i hum il- III III 11 i of till I u n i oint mi Mr siiiimii, i, , Ui, i m, i, mi, nt,, mi mi It niitli, mil in nk' llu, uph to tin' tilt I in iliuil rt tut nit ii . Mi tlnlli.i' to ,im,1 ti il,,, pi .pi.-itii n, ai I in lii-nu to lom mi iiin js io nlui m "i'l iln in iiuihl m tint tin.-.' if oin f. in. i tin-ili.ic-i nlui hiit nit in ulo inplu itnm ni in k in mnnhii.ii' nidi .mi nrtiu' lniMiihn! in th iin.piir4 i.i O.tilm I, i in nth nl till, tin pi illicit hi !.iil!iii.r f ii a, uiul o i in mill' ni' iiiiploMiinit ti Hi )- iiln up iiKf-ir to lllll.i up em mil ipioll i f in.n liiiin it I. nil unit it tint i ,111)11111'. , f illnl in il. niiii ii ami in i nil ,, p, it nlui vc slitiil In oin iinl tn the piihln an i tht t inn It nt i with Mr. sillmiiii, i. tll.m.. 'Ilio loniiiillUi ippuinlul I i tin l.oirl rf (iiilo it it, iiiutiij of Mi ml iv li-t f . 'li pnipiM' d hinnii,- tii'itl.n in liiriiiiinc Pi lintlon uiiipiiii un.l its tiniiltiii. Ini,' u illiij lnn-l sintinli the ililn, ition-. n -tins' iipun tlicm, nnl tin iiniHilinu rl I lift t-.ii, iiiiohiil. Wi' Inn 'nui hum- m pitiuit jinl'l ,itt ' t ion to itn limit', ri-ttn npi'ii ii.. i'itl ui ii net to uji-iit thir oin lihji. Init In ini, mi in i, ic (in -ii', ,ih-iilnii h in i mi. II... ii.iiiiinii,, tip 1 1 - nt ins. tin' MiiiL'ini iinl l.n, niiin of str rt tliilua, I inploii ., i:ni u-, ilii r loiu ion! ! in , thin .ili-oltitc uliiiiiitini), in! i.t i .mi I th" 'tn-Ji-i nt.itni'. or the (i)iiniini. Mi stjnuti ml M I'mi llu llmli, iiiull n il, 'o tint il Iiol. t i f i.' ininiiiHtii .1- n tin' -i-i uti, ii'inu ic i llilih. it tln-i I lino. AP.OUT IIOYCOTTS. .1. Hen Dlmmick, who rotuitud Horn Ttuope n week tijfo. saiil Unit situ o Ills aitiial in the oily ho lias beanl many lopoits ot boieottitu. Tliis ptaetite, he said, is uiiiust ami uu-Aineilt an and o.iliulato.l to Kieatly Inline the etti. SninolliinK' should bo ilouo lo obnk lhi( spiill of bolt ott, utld bo bilievnl the Ho ttd ot Tiade was the otyaiil.ttiou to statt the mocemeiil hoi o lor bitter condition'-. lie nioiod that a cniiimli teo of e bo itppoinlod by the chair lo thoiotiKlilv iinestiftalo the.illiKOtl bin -intts in the ( ll and repoil al a speilal mce'tintr tn he laid nest Mnllduy tn (iiiisnlei the t inuiiiltlco s tepoit .lohn M. Ki'iiunotor wanted lo know wheio tho bo.ieolt is and .Mr. Ptuimiik lepliol thai lie could not answer that illeslion spit Itloallv, but that lie bud In ell Intoiiuoil shue his t etui a to the ( ity thai a bojeott eslsts and linin What be llinl obselled ho bolleMil the Miitcnit nt Is ttu". It Is necessary for tho Ite'oilnm of tin; Individual and that this (It-, be made a tniulnil.ihlo pl.u p tn live ill that MMiiuthlne; bo done to do aw.iv with bo.M ottin;; lleiatiso the siieet uir toinpiuv and lis eiliploios ate at Iokkoi heads is no te.isou, Mr. Piiiunlok subl, wbv ponple sltoultl be teitoi b'.eil and piovonttd 11 om lidincr on cats. Without any dis cussion or the met its of tho stiiko, the bo'tcottlng' that socms to litivo ttiown out ol it, ho thought ontiii'ly wionir. It ih vmoiuj in thai and in ovtry other ciso. It had boon siifKosUd to him thai he wlthdiaw his .ulveillslmf fiom iciltiili u.i)ii'i s whidi dltl not soon i to bo atluatid by tho hest iutotosls of tho (omuiunlty in iholr nttlttulc towiml iho st i ike, but lie i of used lo do so mr tho kmm.hi that he Is entlieli oppo-od to Ilie bovnitt, no nialtor lor what pin -pose or )iy whom tisul, Tim Ilo.ud of Tl.nle Is tlio ptopcr botl.i, be sahl, to foster tills sontllllent ami he UioiiKlit the bOtiul otlKht to 0OII10 out llRUlllst l)c. (.'uttllisr. A0A1.NST Al.r. liOYe'oTT.s' A. W. Ilii Itson M'lomled Jlr. Plm ink 1, .s million nnd espiossoil his iletos littioil of btivtotlH whleli, ho said, aio nu .illumination in the sl.'bl of Cud ami uitiii. I In said every man In ibis cniuuiiiiiltv is entitled to his opinion .nnl that a buiintt dcdaied l IiIkIi or low, t Mi or poor, Is unjust and tin Amuimn He said his lom.llks al t In l.lht tlll'lllllK With lolVloilin lo tho sliikn and tlio tscrunlon Itallwav efiiu p.UIV had been llliscoilt tl III d, lit) to pealed what lie said a month .iro, that (ho iiiilueiiet) nl tho Hciantou Itallway rumpany in this oouununlty has bet n wholly bail "I think iliu nioii look it wioiik position when thoy wont on nils Ml Ike," llf oolltllilKtl, "mill I leal limy Will lose tliclr stllko ill (Ollhetlltllei ," l.ulhir Killer and W, li. IVt I; also made a !' iv um.iiks on tlio bo.icott and Mi Phiuniik's million w-as tnn put ind i ai i led. Tim ihalr aipoIntti die lollowllIK Kiinilllltio: .. lie Dim. mltk, A. V. nicksoii. I.utlior Kilkr, J. W, I low. u lb anil .1. M. Keiuiitoiei .Mr, Komnioror aitalu biounht up tim stillto luallor b fa.vltiif llial the boaul nuxht to appolm a lirst-ilnss lomiuU too, not ono (omp(i"oil inoiuly oi nn m ber.s tiom tho Sovcnteonth w.ud. and make another rliou to ond thu mrlUn. Mr. Ktimuc'ifi' ugRosteil tbnt tho com mltteo wait upon tho tlueo local dlioi. tors oi tho company, John lnuko, Timothy Hutku and Piatik Kllllman, Jr . autj thu iliicc oldest eiiii'lojos. of tlio company uid tiv and iirianKo a int. i lenient nl' tho dlflloultv. IIo was ion llilonl, ho .'aid. that inoio than ouo-ltall tho s-tiikors want to totuin tn Mini Mr. Keller and Mr. Dltk.snit doniod tho Iminilu'oii of Mr Uoiiuikioi that tho oonntiltteo appointed at tho litt incolllitf hail not tlono Us utmost to end Iliu stiiko. Tltuv wpio Milling to lo Mi. Keiiunmcr tin tinpuitunliv to do inotistiato ho wiii do as n stilkc Bt'ltlt'i'. and on motion oi Mr. liloltsuit tlio clmlr was dliooleil to npptiint n ooniinlttoo, of which ,Mi. Konimoior shall bo cluili iiiiiii! to biltiir nboiit a M'ttloini'itt of tho (llllli'uttv, 'i'ho other two metiiboist u io Sot Uoldtniiltlt nnd Dr. .1. L' Itatosoii. 'in: wati:u uxrr.a Mr. Kcniinoi or paid he had bepu re (liiosiod to Intiodttco tlio lollowlng losoltitloii, whit It wits load by thu sec J eta I j . Mlifftii, 'I Iff sit ililn'i tni ,ri Midi (inn nin lu nihiilletl i nollcff ' iiii iiilutue In lt iliicllltti; liinifo til"t ui ,.! J ,i nr tint., tir i hlili no ii im it .jtliffii in, I i idiiiti tint,, i in he tn 'iiiltliiutloii ii'iikr llic iirrnnt I ml Wlnii'O, Mill mliiiiri nlll lie tnrilitiHiiif 111I opiirciito ntnl 'otnl to dill 1 1 .ijii' ,i iy fiom oin tin, nml ilnei'iii.if;i nth, n nom locillnj Ixri : thiiitoti', li' it Iti-nliiil, 'lint ilie .s.imldi lloinl of Tiailo liitiln tiiur, upon tin' illy (mini Its tho no'n ilii nt I t; itnnicillitc Btipn to imihl" tlio (Ity With i pliiil Icr it nittr Mi'itil), unJiT it. nun niititi-hlp ntnl tontiil. Ili-ohnl, lint no l.i'llcii' tliii r.iti tie tlniff, iillh a liijo siiifi.( nil iiiciH litti, nml uid pi ml uii ho iinile to tiiv fir itself ulttim Iliuil llio jiMib, nml tlirrc liter lo i oontei! (,( lilttlllff lo Ihc titv. Tlio lofcoltitlon was atlopted tinanl mouly without tlNciisblnn. ("olonol I''. I., nitclicock luttodupod it niimbor ot i evolutions to be considered til tlio coininc ineetliif? of tho liiulnnal bo.u il of ti.ttle. Tlioy weio adopted, These lc'solutioiis lino horetofoto boon in luted In Tho Tilbuuo anil Konoially spoakbifr onnoein Inipiove niontst.itid ohaneos In the national kov tinmenl I'ho colonel also i tit tod need the lollnwlmr, which wab adopted: Ili-obnl. lint tie riitlniil iliuil of 'irnlo re iflinin it- .it timi In the pet nuin.r up,u ttiiir',u-4 tliff I iillitlnj of a-i Intel on-ink (anil evil Ilie Nniii.'iti loulo, m roi oiimictiili il hy Iho Hunt loiniiii H'ti .ippniiilii In the- Lint il M III. Id -tiliiil. Iinl Hie limit. .Int. lniihl.i,,' f mi, h n .mil i-, i ni"-iii0' inlllt.iit mil lonnnrti i il iuit-lii, ,ni I tint tin. i mil -hoiihl Lo hulk .ili, i.iiitn.lliil In thi' I nite I sun., in I lioiiK! hff liihl ,ih uliiti li inntliil toi the u-tf of ill ni Hon., ivif-niin,.' hiuii i, ii i.i ,u iii tine, he .it ii ii null llu- 1'niUil btilc- mi:, liitowx's i.i'ttui:. The lollnwiiic; lot In- 1 1 mu ('coto H liinwii, nl (iieen lililgu, was tind tho matlor lefoiietl to Kivon into the bands ol the i ommllteo which is to in vosiictate t lie bojtolt witlf ittstniclloiis to lepoil at tlio speciU incotiliff Host Moiniaj : Noicmh. r lo, 'i)l. l Il Villi I.JTI, st.ntiii ImuhI o iinl,. Din su nrliwil IimI mi i In 1 1, lur sji), inii.init tin. f t iIiim to (I no. I d,o riiilo.i' mi oilni (link f i spi, n II -Inuhl ho tho miu inn in ot Iho in, ml, . i. nn si M, mil i. i lit llll it I I tliff. till t, llllll 111' iliu Sft('n ( no ilii .iiulhin,' evil pi In (.. f in in iiiilni-. lift c to ini mi io hi pir-nntnl, tlidcfoie, iihtl nu in- ill tr -ii Iniff (itliti linn .iluif, no mt il ib i, iii.liiiilnil- Nnii, thin i. mu i pi r-rni tut.) nl (,it iii.., not rill I -v it ihff the nioii uilf tint our city n mnli I. till .Iliuil., c il 1. 1 thion'Ii tin uf'li,-ni-r mil' "t rf hum,; thur in 1,1. Moiui mf, B,t nn. foil. hli in oil,,,, nt,, nut; 1mm s nun, Ihioiuh li ir (I Ii-in' ,1 ilolln, e .inn-nn-Ii In in I -io tin ii ( 1 1 i till n to iho ti nr uiul, of the o ii ill ; hi. i, ainl mothus 'it iillh tin .ml liiinlilm utrv time in or our hil ilnii Inn tl.t hoii-oholil inilil i nr littnn Whit I. tin i iu-c it ill tlm .liiihii' Wo nm,t in t ti-k it look h i ihff i tiw'-if nt tl io Mill In sol n, h'Jt ,1s till, in. 111! i ai look .nnl pi llu t j mi I n )lic tin- i Ih I Ni hue jn.t hiu ni ii .i buiril prclili t r, 'Iiot (bun Ity tho hlouli lni., u in inin.,n.t. Mm, linn ii mil ihililnn if Iu, uti hue .nnl in. iiniliiliiitmr to ,i iiinil for tho trillion of i in, in nn, nl to In, nn moil- n ihlo let-hilt lllllff. . iv. tut In Kinc i.n stop tin' ntotiii'.uioiia or ntliiruiio nil iii-c of iiiuh (iplo-ilu, in t nr stun-, no, ii Mini, of ,.,. mp i,iiij,-t,i to etiitiihiiti. lo nil tin- tmiilii-i oi a tonih'to- o fm i.niMlif, (i mu finiiil.. II .tun, to mo to l( tho (Tut j of iiii nn son rutin nt tn t ike up llu. uiul. i nnl rlloi .1 U'.inl tor th' t nitiin. mil (i inn tio-i in tin l itimi il oi (iiiiiinil, ii tin no (I nut, thi- iuii., niikin. fie .mniiiiit u so, h ici'.inl In jo nioiish Mi lint t mil b ,ni (lijnt i.n ,.inio miff I., nnki the ci ih iii. r ll, lioiwur. tin io iro ui "," (lllinlt is tin. turn ( mini nlv lllnn tho olijiii (i nn im i.iii i, ii, t ,n.rn jh'i) linn 1 "ill stji t i p.ihlit -ul, -i i union nidi tlo oth. r tlittk iliiio nn ntii'iinl, mil in so tlon ,; ( nil ( iiitni. nl tint tun inn mil ..niv 1 i, uillin.iii , to siiL-mlo lo llil, Iiinil, il,) ill! pipii-. iiho ilnii .in .' bin h Im It ,-iu-. , -ho -lnkii-, jilin uniilriiiii null lurk, ilie si il, im tho niipoil -in tut, inn- ii.icn t in nnl mi.lit to .tiki i I it llr- to this fnm! mil 1, t u.-. if pj. sthh , ihoii tho out-lib loihl lion inn ili inn- U-, tint up .no not .ill inuiln-l-, .nu1 tint ho in.linoi tn ln li'!-..linhn p-ople. Ih.piii.' thi. IiimI, tl sitiiinl, will Imo "l" tli'-tiiil illut, .iinl villi q tie nn ins if .snii,; nn on nt llu.-, 1 nn, ii.i linl linn , ItlOlSff I). Ilion n Piisiilelit ,1 A Lansing and Colonel I" b. llllilient k woto niipoiuteil dele Kill is to thf ineellm. of the national bo.ud of trade at Washington on Jan. lit. and li. li. nml A. "W. lilck sotl woto soli otod as alleinates, niiviior of Public Snlety P. LAVoitu set and (.'. P. S.tndci.son moio elected to incmbctslili) ami I'hailos "West, K. niliost Cnnic'SM. .Hid J I. A. Katlilhold wuu piiiposcd lur nipmborsbli), NEW TAX COLLECTORS. Men Who Will Receive Delinquent School and City Taxes for Last Year Appointed. Tin- inliimJiif," rtelliiitn nt las cnlloc lois have boon appointed v cy Tieastiier llobln-on in (olloot dollu iiieiit sihool and dty taxes tor last in tho seveial w.uiN ol the cllj: 1 ii-l nnl Sfi-oinl,! ml, t , V lirnilllh'tr. lltitil W ml llu ini- 'dm r.iiniii w mi- r. u.kii i ml -. I mli .iii-l'. .1. miu. sixth mil I'lvhti.'titti nib liionn, p Mnl'm, "i i.iiili Miml -Mlllitiiii 1'. kl,illiiiui, I i.-hili Wiul- nioini, I'. Mil.'illin liiilh, 'Imlllli. Ntn until uiul I ui urn Hi W ink l haili. C'. I., llu i', I I. lei Hi nil -I. I il U s J, i i.i ni 'j mi .i v mli n.iiii-oioin u Miu M I t.nilii' W ml- Mm 1 in (.inn 11 1 iitniilli W.111I -.Mill W.ihlie sistfinlli Wtttil Vittltoiiv Si mlt siiiMuiiili Mini l.. 'Ii spuilur llu ill l.t.l Wind -I nil llai Those (olli otiir.t moio appointed In luits-llltllto of llle plnViHlons ot all ni- dluaiKo im uuli' pusM'd by coiiin 11. nml will tub pendlm,' lite ti ttb mom ot the byal tniilMi.i uy ovu Deliuriuuit Tas Colleitoi t liiiiut , ,1. nklus' ii.tht to bold hl- 1" sltioil (li iippiiltiliuelltt wolf t ontliuii"i I ' 'In eliotii In ard last nUlti. THEN I LAUGHED- Colonel Stewart's NEW Laughing Song A December EDISON Record Can Be Heard at the EDISON SHOW ROOMS TAYLOR BROKE ALL RECORDS ROLLED UP A SCORE LAST NIGHT. OF 352 Bowling Wna Done on the West End Wheelmen's Alleys tn Wilkes Banc. But His Team Tailed to Back Hint Up and Lost Elks and Backus Teams Defeated by Black Diamond' and Scrnntoit Bicycle Club Respectively Black Dia monds Now Lead. John Taylor, of the Clioeii Widen WllOelltlt'll'.S XoltllOIIHtrTII ll'IIRIlo bowl- Iner team, made the wondortu! bkhc of 2.VJ In tt match kiiiiio pluvod Inst iilKht with the West Knil Wlipobtuin team al Wilkes-Ham'. IIo vvtitl Dr. Wardell, of tho St tan ton lllovclo club, who lolled k'li) a week hick, tlueo bettor, but desplto his lino bowling, his team lost two earnest 10 their Wllkcs-llano oppononls. Tn.v lor had olnht stilkcs and two spines to his I'todlt, (Is ol thu sttikost IipIiih bunched In tho Inst sis- fnuney. Tho kcoio was tho highest over lollotl In a match amu In (his patL of tho stab' mid tho lilithosL ever intitlo on tho West Knd itlloy.s. Tho Jll.ick Dlumoiuls won all tliroo K.unos from the Elks on tlio Spi union I3lucli t bib alleys, whllo the Sctaiitou Jlloyclo club team won two out ol tlueo ..lines fiom the Hticktis This puts the Ulack Dlninondtt in Un load with tho Set niitoti Dliycle club team a close lecoul. Tho K'lmo rolled at WIIkes-Haiio be twoon tho West End Wheelmen and tho firePti llldire lieolmt'ti .mil vion bv tho litter wore nut toinaikablc K.inn"- ontsltlo of Tti lot's IiIkIi school. IIo httd an avoiaKc ol 190 iitid tho miu with the nest highest si vol .tiro was Alloti AVitll 301 1-n. Tho scoic Wl.SI 1'Mi. I Wiijtml Ill 1.1 1" I'" ost t.!ii i i to. 1 7 .Mini Us I'l J'-' 'l Illll. IV II! I'-! I'-'- (ace 1 I J'"' l"" M THI -i. "-ll "! fIRI.1 V lllDfii'. 'I. ib Ti U t -'": ITu 11' VD Si lllllll-! I'l '- I'' '' Mono IT! I 'I 1"'l 1)1 Mwi-i inT IP 1"' 'l Wen llil H I I Jo ', st.j i.i t 'i j:ti 't mil's stoiii r - -im io -i ii.i ttilv ITelv ii --'v -jl The Elks," tolled In voiy poor fonu and the itlack Diamonds won all tin eo erames without o.scitiiuv them selves to any osteal. Iticbl bad bi'Jf avoi.iBO. 1S1 .'-'!, while Gorman high scoio, IT'O. Tho scoto: Ill.VCiv IMAM0M1'. 1 'il W i Klin IH) I 0 1'7 IP, IK mu, hi t I la !' .ilii I.'s P.. l''l I'-' lifi n.tltla Ill 112 IH) I-''' liorm in 17G I'll 17"i ill T')l 770 s;7 n ,,,) U.KS fof. !'. rinltip. T.l J l' 111 IM Torn, Ill l.s lis ,li Kichl It ' l-s 1-s ;,, Ilmliei- I.. J'7 l!J . i.' Wallncr li'. 1,1 111 I'J 7o7 7Jo 7.s :i;i 'Ibo bosl .did closesi sanies of the nlKht wire tho.o lolled by the Sitan ton HI(.velo club and liaektts teams Tile lot iner tv nu two ot the tramos, but had only 61 pms to spare. Moicter bad hi Kb scoio, JOs, Mhllo Korci had hij,-b avciayo, lb'l J-S. The scoio: sen wiits- iucui.i: rati-. Vliti lull 1 'i li'i I7o I'M Mini! i : i i'i '.'i. llnitl. r 171 ll PJ ' 'i llopl P-' 1'. I" w iniiii Po i". 0t ;ji T'i S..7 ; 7.1 "dll TIAI'UI - To I tb. 11 ill Ill li.J Inl l'7 Md-lci l-'l l-l .ni .'hi rjhrniliolr. ll'i Inn IV n.t I'tiktn 17n II". I'ii 171 II .plain I47 Mi 17'. 77n 77ti .'(. -J 1 17 The sttiudlnif or the elub.s In tho Xoithoasiein Pennsylvania leaijuc Is now as tollows: Won, r.o't. p. . !!ll(k Dl.uuoniU 7 U ,77S s, i inton lilt tie ( Inl) (" .I do llnlai, IlmloM ' I ,".' f.imi lliil.-ff Wli-f-lmiu 1 ', .Ml Mi- linl Whctlinen I ' ill llki - 7 '.' DUNiHORE. HutKosS Victor Hur.selKll ami Aliss Albi'lta Slulll, of "Moscow woto united in marrl.iKe at Elm I'.iiU piusonago on Saturday attoriioou Tho btido v as attlicd In ti costunio of Ktiinot bioatl olotlt, trimmed with whllo silk, and oitrilcd chrysanthemums. After tho cetomouy thoy lotiitued in tho homo ot tho ttioom's niolhoi, wlimo thoy wrio mot by tt number of iuilmntu n lends ami a weddim; diniKr was scivod Tln'lr many tilomls join In wlsbiticj Ilium tut nbtindatlcii of success In thu mulilmnnhil bout. E. E. VloliPifl, of Dutlloy stieet, nuiu afier of tin; Model l.uuidiy, mot with an untmtunato mlshup on S.ituiil.ty .iftor noiiii, IIo httd occ.isiou to en In the I (Mini when' so,ti vuis bolm,' ttiudc, and while tllete SOIIUI biiillntr tallow MtlS spilled oil Ilia I1..II1K Ills lujuiies .110 voiy pal'itul. Miss Mary, of Utnlloy slroet, l.s vlsltln,; uionds in Xow Yoili. l'uiinn tlio ainti'iuj of ivimauont man (Jems" lc.s!, or tlio .N'optmie lompaliv, bis dullea pre belns pom fotini'd bv John Jenkins. The popular Punch dear Ik still the leader 01 Hie 10c tlf,aii. CHAS, B, SCOTT 119 jTanhliii Avt. WMwywumwMWWVwywuuvywwvyvwwwMW).- ll s'ii P 11 ti 1 nnti'i'M 11. Iff liotltirl tllilt. lour ,11, tnioli ill. 1 llinl to tlfi MMllKKIi'S III,.'!' I'Olltlll MS, I'M Pll.t I'-i. Hint, floiirr tlffiorillni. Willi 1.IM s, p. 1,0, s'lMt. Im i i tfi'i, ,! i. Hi Kimo itocuration. I CvVtv,CVfeA, I Oeo. V. Millar & Co. '".""int .V -jm. -. s fe-s Scr anion Bedding Co., F- A. KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Aves. Both 'Phone F. L. CRANE Established 1866. Seal Skin Coals $1.10, 817 n 200, $225, $2,10. Ptisiau Lamb Coals $70, $100. $125, .$150. Furs of All Kinds l-urs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Established 1866. Our Importations of DOLLS TOYS, ETC. Aic now here, and we are ready to supply the wholesale ti ade for the holidays We Invite Inspection of Our Stock. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. NO. !23 S. Eighth St Sctantou Binnch Oltlco, Nos. Iletlcr ntiico meat ttun this cannot be made 3t home. It is nb jolty, fruity, clean and much more economical. Ve bavc ymt the vvwry chopping, boillnu, seeding, peeling, m'nin'. tA :rar t List year wo sold ten million (10,000,000) packases, IJuch pin kage uiakct. two la rue (or throe bniall) pica, So (al least) there were ht enty nullum " Nom Such" tuince pica, l ,. w- t it- - ''SS it' . .L. a. S. ""i Beware of so called " wet " mince meat sold fromonea palls. "NoneSucli'M'. condensed that is. coaiprcssed In oirtlglit, vratcr-proocartomi locts, a package. Premium list of "18(7 Rogers llroi'.'allverware enclosed. If your grocer won't supply you, notify MerrelWtoulc lo.,yracuge, N. V, a - Ml w&sa innorvDv 1 Mntll chip clinl 1 , m (Jt? Will 1 1) 11 VA 13 'JO I'VY 10W. 5: lvais 1 1 11 1.0) k Aruna. ja Just Because You are not Rolnp to wear them for a few months, don't ciuslt your dainty summer liats and gowns into space altogether too small for them. Let us make you a box couch, with sepatato compartments for h a t s , w a i s t s aud skiits piottily lined and covered an ad dition to any 100m. Prices from $7 up H. D. CRANE Wishes to announce a new invoice of Skirts of such style and quality as to commend them to the vScrantou public both walking and dres lengths. The assortment of Suits is not as yet broken. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. Lackawanna Ave Take Klevator. J llnlllil ic.rr S" Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, eprescntiiiR every line of trade and every profession ILlUSTIlATtn CATMOCUE tKEL. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., , I'hiladolphin, Pa. 1 and 8, Atcado Building. a wjf r - -x PaL-Zaff " - "jctd sg5Sa?j:-s I KS