i"B - " ,"''' s,i. 'WlpW tiWifswa' t 44Mt jvWw -Jjiffiri (wwd . II H"' ' "tr $. .r- T 1 1 " 4' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, ftOVEALMJhJK 11), VMS'.. 't'vV. The News of THE MPEDPLE'S EXCHftNGE WAMT.II-. 5fod Kill, niMilln bro inrfptrcd. hi nt Mrs. William llltnili.ini, Wl ImuiiI.111 i-trcel. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Solnwnrc nnd Hudson Itallroau. .Iiiiio 0, Hilt. 'Ir.ili3 will Ic.oe Cmlwmhto al illy Iatlon nt r.r Amnion .iiM Vllkc.llnrip--HW, T.M. SM, I'.dl, 1il.HI, ll.'JI n. in. I I'Mi). MS '-' '' in(l t.lW. 7.IKI, mill, I0.S1 I', m. "iiinil.iv li-ilim li-JMJ at ..')il, 1121 .1. in. : 1-lC. 2. Ill, "p.'iii, MM p. 111. . . I'nr Alli.uii'. MintiiiM, Motitirnt, tliilnii, Vw KiiKlaml point", etc., 7.K) a. in.; I..VI . m. lilnlly.l ... , , I'm- l.al.r 1.o(,.rr, W.i.un.nl, ami tlonpl.ilc. 7.'J'. II. n.', 11. in. 1 :i..M. 11.1:1 1 1. in. Sunil.ii' imIih le.iu" bilte t.iuln'. W.miuti nml llonofil.ili' nt two 11. in. 1 l.::n. I.l-'i 1- ' Tniln ntrlvc 11 1 Ciiliontl.ili" from Wllki'viuiin nml .vianliui in follow! u.r.il. .:I7. !.-'. m.iti . m.i 12.:i7, 'J.lnl, !I.!M, l.'JS, COS, ".ill, S.HI. '''I. 1 1. ft" i. 111. 1 I.. VI a. m. ,,,, uiiil.iy tmliM sirilii' ,tt i..'l7 a. mi '-If " 4.1", ii.m, lt.::n p. in. , , smul.iv ti.iln imho nl fVuliimlfllf '""' lYi l.rnlt'ir. W.ijtinirt iiml 11chckJ.Ii -it l'Alu -i-1" nnil 7..." p. 111, Now York, Ontario nnd Western. frill. 17, 1WI. TmIiih Ir.iic I .irlmnil.ili' (01 Sri.iulnti .it "'" In.: I. Oi 11. in. Mini) iv tinln.s nl 7,ni) 3. in.; ri.nij p. in. Tniltw 1p.hi" C'.iiIiiiiiiIiIo (or points nortli in 11.10 ,1. in. On (.urnl.iv nl 'I.1II 11. 111. li-'"1'" having at 11.10 11. 111. wri'li il.ij nml "J" "; '" !-uml.c,s nuke iimnci'tiiui-t fur Now York. Cone "ill. etc. Tinini nrihr fiom Srroiitnti nl 11.10 n. m. ! J' "' ). 111.: fri'tii point, imrtli, I.Dii p. in. . miiiiu.V" lrnni Kti.intou nt n.ln .1. in. ami 7.15 ! ": lioni ('iirlosi.i nl n.od p. in, Eric Railroad. .llllll! 21, 1IU. Twin, lour- illy si ition. r.ulwnit.ili", iljily foiit S11111l.1v) at 7.1)0 n. 111. mnl I.".: p. 111. I"r llranilt anil Mnfli; lit !.:! u. in., ilally i" irpllne Sundry), fur lllimli.inilon. in.iKini: ion jit I Inns" for Nlw Vi'il; dtv anil lliilMto, nml at H -10 p. 111. fur Siinuc!utin.i, inakinj; umiicttion, ldr vi",l cm point.. Siimhy IrniiH at P. 15 a, in. fnr S'u.'rpielnnnn, Mill n"li"in iinncctloi., ami (i.27 p. in., with tanin fCinnpctlpiH. 'h.iln, arrlo at S..".'i a, in. ami S.I3 p. it. Fumlj.is al S..VI a. 111. A WRECK.HRB, AND A CRUSHED BRAKEMEN All Three in a Kemnrlcnble Hallway Accident on the O. & W. Koad in This City A Cabooso Thrown from the Track. Pinions Jacob Humphrey, a Brakeman, Against Old Store House Kescuers Chop Away Timbers to Kelease Him. Xcg' Amputated at Hospital rive Department Called Out. A ti'iTlbly ilh'li'usslii railway :itii li'iil, and mil" ol' the inoHl ruiuarknblt! oviT fhidiilclt'd hereabouts, occurred silmul 1 o'clock yesterday on the Ou iiirlo mid AWstti'ii railroad, just above lie Iron IiiIiIko at the und of tile loiiK liiHtle that runs past that company'H i:iSKeiit,'i;r station ill tills cily. A ca bouse that was part ol 11 1'relBlit train that was making ti llyinff switch, llii'iniRh some mtsciilculalloiii v.'as Innniu'd into liy the oars from which it had just become detached. The raliiiose was lifted from the vails, raised lii.nh Into the air and thrown over 11 .'.-t'oot vctainhitf wall, .laeob Humpli rey, of r'adosia, the brakeman, who was 011 the caboose, was cntishl lie lween the caboose and the store house. Ills ler was pinioned and to release lilm I he trainmen had to chop the iron like timbers that restrained him. It was a Iryiiiff situation. Tliuniili reys' Ick was frightfully crushed. The bones were crushed ami the blood ves sels were hurst and torn. He was lo.-i-iiiR- blood rapidly, the life current was KilshiiiK out and erimsonins' the up turned caboose, lleueath was the ca boose, ablaze, the overturned stove scattering the live coals and startlns ii lire that thre.iteued to destroy all libout it. Humphrey's rescuers.bosel with these 1wo fears, that he mlKht bleed to death or be roasted by the names which were inakinp (laiiKerous headway unions' the effects of the caboose, were nerved to frantic desperation to remove him from the double fate that threatened him. The aNcs, swims' by arms that were never more determined, made chips of the timbers that pinioned Humphreys. After a nerve-racklngr PlrtiRKlc, the poor brakeman, who was silt himself, was released. Ho was carried up to the railroad on the embankment above, while a hurried call was sent for a physician and an ambulance, In the meantime those about Humphrey tied about his left tlilsli. the crushed mem ber, strips of handkerchiefs and pieces nf stout twine, to cease the How of blood, which was so rapid as to 1111 every one with appreheiisilon, A half hour after tlio accident the ambulance arrived, in Ii Humphrey was taken to Minei'sency hospital, un der the care of Dr. Harper, where the crushed Ick was amputated, above the ankle. Fire Alarm Turned in. Humphrey's rescuers divided their fl'forts between releasiiiK' lilm und IIrIiUiik the lire, which was blazing In 1 1ns caboose. The cabooso was divided Into small compartments for the 11c eoinmoilutloii '"' the trainmen's ho lonslnus. Anions these the Hie was bcKlniilnir t" rase. Tim facilities for ritayliiK the ilanies were poor, and the aid ot" the city companies was soin?lit UmiiiKh mi ultii'in from box ai, Jiuln stive! and Haleiii avenue. It was illlll I'lllt to gain access to wlli'l'n the calioose lay, ami before the hoso companies could act, a stream was turned on through huso drawn from the Uelawaro and Hudson yard. This was eftVetlvo mid the damaso to the calmuse and effects was sIlKlit. A Remarkable Happening. The I'li'cumstances of the accident pluco It In 11 clasH by Itself. To lliniro out how the cabooso was ihrown Into tin! position In which It lays Is pusii-llnj,-. It ninrtii a coiuplcto turn and lauded vlth wheels upward. It must have been hurled upward for 11 number of feet, in order to ho turned over as It was and lu be thrown so many feel clear of Hie rails, lulu the Delawain and Hudson yard llflueii feet below. Tim caboo-jo luted In between a siore houst? anil the relalplnu' wail, as well as If It had been lowered into Hie Mint,' place. The U'uiiimi'U sfiiiiU'd unable to ex. pin In how the accident happened. The engineer, who is Thomas Sillier, lioni Maylleld yard, referred The Trlbjiiio man to the conductor, W. 1,. Ue'lutl, of Cadosla, He couldn't explain any thing, ho Bald, (lelatt was anltaied nml soiuewhitt unnerved by the experi ence and seemed ut u loss us to how 10 account for the unusual uvciinciice. "None, of the trainmen hud any expla Carbondale. nation of how the caboose canto to he thrown front lliu track, but their rec ollection up to tlv Unto i'C the collision was clear, It appears that It was the Intention 10 switch two cars Into the I'rclRlil house. There was a en boose, lo cars and the engine. To free Itself of the caboose tin train sped nlonif. runnlim In on n stillhK". The caboose was un coupled on the My and the switch was Ihrown for It to ro on Hie main track, while the eiiKlne and ears pulled away from It, onto the sldluif. Hcfore the cahoose was clear of the switch and at 11 safe distance down the 11111I11 track, I he eiiKlneer must have reversed the i'IibIiio nml started back'. The result was that the train caunht the caboose before It cleared the switch, and nlvlliK It a tcrrllle Iniiup, heaved II from the tracks. There was some nilsunder stuiidlnpr of signals, If any were given, or some miscalculation, hut this will be determined by nil investlR-ntloii of the railroad olllclnls. Humphrey w-us on the eabeose at tending to tin; brake. U alt happened so strangely und oulekly that he had no lline to save himself. The strange ness of the happening was freely com mented on bv railroaders who viewed the wreckage. Humphrey is 11 married man and lives at i.'ailoshi, N. V. CHARLES HULL'S CONDITION The Victim of Sunday's File Burned Worse Than Supposed at First. Fears for His Eyesight. The burns received by Klreinai' Charles Hull, the victim of Sinula's fire, arc worse than supposed when he was taken to IDr. Wheeler's hospital after being; rescued from the Haines. Ills head and face are terribly swollen and the inlhmunntlon gives rise 10 pain and, at times, agony. Hull's life is nowise In danger. From Hie beginning', there was little, If any, apprehension as lo Ids ultimate re covery, but fears as lo his eyesight are giving- the physicians some concern. So far the indications ate not unfavor able, but the nature of his Injuries is such as to he likely to give rise to complications. None of these compli cations are present, as yet, and all that skill and attention of the con stant, kind and careful nursing are being (10110 to ward Iheni olf. The physicians are discreetly conservative in the bulletin's they issue if llull' condition. They do not wain lo be sanguine of the result when ihe dan ger period has not passed, neither do they care to unnecessarily alirm his friends, while there Is an element of hope present. The principal thing now Is to arrest and allay the serious liillammntiou thai, surrounds the face mid forehead, and every mens to this end is being heroically em ployed. There is widespread sympathy for Hull, who bears the reputation of be ing the most fearless, courageous and daring lire lighter in the city. The spirit of fear Is unknown when face to face with a situation of danger al .1 lire. This be has demonstrated again and again. Only a few weeks ago, his timely efforts and bis brother's, at the lteynolds drug store lire, undoubtedly saved lhat whole block from deslnu -lion. HelleAliiK thai ini'iiy friends and sympathizers were anxious to show practical sympathy, that meant uioie iliaii mere words of regret, a fund for I il 11(1 It, I . 'iiiu ri.iin.ii wim i . T.i . . a i. 1 l'11-.L M. I I .... , I II his beip'tll was started .esierda., it met with a good 1 espouse and is sure lo swell to good proportions when it becomes known that one Iris been opened. Tims far the subscriptions are: .1. 11. I'.iul 'J'.'.ufl (icoi'go II. Paul iJ.Oii (', l'l. Spencer 'J on .M. CI. Watt -.'.til Kvenliitt Leader '.'.tio lb Stanley Itetiew I.imi II. F. t'lurk -.'.O'l li. A, .ladwlu '.'.I"! .1, liussell .loues I.H'I YV. il, Itrouivui y.oii Hull Delirious Last Night. At II o'clock last night, Tim Tribune learned at Dr. Wheeler's hospital, that Hull's ease was ansuinlng a serious aspect, Not necessarily dangerous, Inn much more nerious than judged at Hist, Hull was delirious alt ai'ierunon and more so later In the day, Ills tare and head are terribly swollen, ;-n swollen that there is not the least m seiuhlance 10 a human being. The pressure (Mi the eyes wua so great yes terday that lr. Fletcher, who Is cur lag for ihls part of Hull's injuries, cut lertidu muscle to admit of mure free dom to these organs ami pro cut .-ei-lous iliimuge. cases of burns are ie guided as iiiom deceptive bv phi chins. There s danger fiom si-veial Hoiu ccs. erysipelas, septic poisoning. In fuel. Ihe phyplclun Is always al'iald of soino dangerous complication For this reuMin. ihe doctors are guarded in their opinion:, and are not lo hopeful, A TERRIBLE FATE. Nicholas Flood, Erie Brakeman, Found Mangled Along' Tracks. The body of Nicholas Flood was hi ought to this city yesterday morn ing, lb- met dcatli 011 tin Krle rail- l'iS 1? ioad Sunday night between Forest City nnd the Hinunilt, Tltu train was coming toword this elly. At the Stllitnilt, Flood left tlio cnbooso to i;o out mid set the brakes on Hie train. His was not missed until Forest City wih reached. An cnulito W1111 run back und tlio mangled body was found ulonRsldo the rails. ,Mr. Flood was born In this city for ty ycai'M ago, nnd hits been 11 railroad er since reaching manhood. Ho Is sur vived by bin wife and live children, F.dwnril. Nicholas, Mary, Mndntln and Fllzaboth. Four brotheis nnd two sisters also survive lilm, as follows: Thomas, of this city, IMtriek, of Phil adelphia: -Mnry, wife ot Frank Poes Icr, anil llrldget, wife of Alderman At kinson, both of ihls city. ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING OF M. E. CHURCH The Substantial Expressions of Sym pathy in the Shape of Qood-slzcd Contributions Building Commit tee and Soliciting Committee Ap pointedWill Uso Presbyterian Church Temporarily. There wan nil enthusiastic meeting of the oillelnt board of the First Metho dist Kplsropal church last night, at the church parsonage, t'ndlsmuyed by the s if- - ' 1 " 755k:s ?sM3w'& - ,fi&k.W if- ' mmM ,mm -if Ruins of the First M. E. overwhelming disaster, Ihe congrega tion Is pushing' 011 to rebuilding the destroyed church and rctttorlns to It all its former beauty. Hev. Charles IC. l.i'i- was iirescnt to extend the sympathies of himself and congregation. It was decided to ac cept Ihe tender of this congregation, and commencing with next Sunday the Methodist (ongrcgation will unite hi services with the J'resbyterlnns. The pastors will alternate in preaching. Arrangements will he made with re spect to the Sunday sdionl and sep arate meelliiQS. A building committee consisting of Messrs. Hiillei'. I'aseoe, Koblnson. Tif fany and Whillock, was appointed. They will communicate with several urchltcits for proposals as to the 11 construction of the church. .Miss llnttie i'aseoe and Mrs. Waller Scurry were appointed a coimnlttee to solicit funds nntidc of the church. The congregation feels satisfied over the sympathy lhat has been expressed and th' assurances of belli that have poured in since Sunday. The follow ing especially stirred Ihe members present at lar night's concert. Sympathy Which Tells. "Itev. A. F. Chaffee, Cily. ".y 'lear Sir: ! svmp.ithixe with you and the "ood people of your con gregation In Ihe loss of your most In autifill church by lire yesterday. Ku dosed Hud mv cheek for one hundred dollars that I may in pari help you lo again build a more handsome church. If possible, Iliaii ihe oil" that has jusl bi en destroyed. Sly. dear sir, the chi de) s should mil be allowed to cool he fore you commence to build again. With kind regards, I remain "Truly yours, "J. 11. Thomas." The follow lug persons have also vol uiiiarilv Mibsciihcd the following amounts: I,. A. I'lillei'Mili $ .ID C I:. Spencer 100 Dr. Wldmer .", A ''"rlend pn'i Richard Udy'fi Generous Offer. IP'V. Mr. Cliiiffce al.-'O received Ihe ''ollowliig' h-lter from Park Keeper Iticliaril I'dy. which inuireshed lilm i.reatly by the wurni-heart"d senll eieiils and the generous sphli Indlcnt 1 d The letter reads: "Carbondale Nov. l.s, l!iu. "Dear Sir: I feel very sorry at tho loss of thf Methodist Kpisciipul church, but Unit -i III not build the 1 hurch. I Pledge to the M, K. iliurch of c.irhon dali" fwentv-live dollars to rebuild It again. Arise and work and build and the T.ord be wllh lis. Allien. "Vour humble servants, "IMellliril and Amelia' 1'ilj," OBITUARY. .TAJIKS II. FAU.KNKi:. the news of whose miiI death was heard with de.-p regret In ihls lly yesterday, was one of Hie mosl widely known men ill this cily. He died al S o'clock yes iied..y iiiornlip; after an attack of Itrights disease, Mr. Faulkner was horn In Dunduff on .Tune us, seeiily. seven years ago, He was the sou of iir. Joseph and Mrs. Pivscllla Faulkner. Deceased came lo this cily ili'ty-four years ago nnd has since resided here. Ho survived Ills wife ihe years. For many eurs ho was poor director and also served several terms as conslable in the First ward. The following sons and daughters survive him: Franklin W. and Heorgo of this cily; Charles A. of of Audover, Conn.; Mnnhu A, and T.ouise or ihls city and Jli'ii, C, II. Ilecsou of Klllllrn. Funeral will leave ihe house on Dun duff street at 'i.so on Wednesday. In terment In .Muplowood cemetery. MAltIK KKKI.Y-The third death from diphtheria In this city In a few weekn occui red on Sunday when Marie, Ihree-yc.ir-old child of Henry Kcely, succumbed lo the til cud dlseac. Ilur lal was made Sunday In St. liose ceuic Pry. .luSKPil UllsivKiT. for a number of years a resident of Ibis city, died in Ihiiiulo. No purlleuhirs of I1I.1 death aru known. Mr. HUketl was born lu Kngland eighty years ,tgo, but most of his lll'o was ,peni 111 Ihls vhinlly. lie was a foremost resident while novo. A Wlfo and two biolhcrn, ono In lCiiRluiid and 0110 In this city, mirvlVR lilm. The de ceased will arrive hero nit Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Funeral Kervlccs to bo held In tlio First Pro? byterlnn church. Interment will bo In Muplowood cemetery. TOWN TOPICS. The advent of the cold und chilly weather him brought with It tlio usual physical complaints that nru unsocial od with chuiiRcH of the weather. Conspicuous among these In the com plaint popularly known as the mumps, and moat common uiiiuiir children. This Is ipilto prevalent iimonp the yoiitiR ones attending school, und In several buildings It has played huvoc wllh 1 ho atleiiilance. Classes have been disturbed, as might bo expected, and the teachers were discouraged somewhat when they glanced over their reports und observed what the ullcnd unce columns showed, or course, the teachers cannot control tho course of human events to the extent thai they could banish tlio mumps, or other all mi'iil from iiiiioiir their pupils, but even so, they regret being compelled to send In 11 poor mark In the "overuse at tendance" column. Chief union:: the curnest teachers' pride Is to present a report whole the attendance shown .1 high murk. Hut many will be denied, this much this month, for the bothcr- Church at Carbondale. some mumps have kept many children at home, some for several days. A not able example was at No. S school, where hi one room there were seven teen pupils ot one time wiio were af llieted, most of them being away from their lessons. This is an Instance where patience is a virtue, and when the real cold weath er sets in, without freriiient changes, the mumps, the doctors say, will have no terrors for either the pupils or their long-suffering teachers. The sad experience of Sunday, when the beautiful home of the Methodists was destroyed by lire, demonstrated that Carbondulo has a volunteer fire department of which sin; has abundant reason lo bo proud, but what was dem onstrated more clearly and strongly was the fact that tlio department is sorely handicapped in battling with Ihvs by the lack of appliances. There is a sore lack of the up-to-date means to coiuiuer lire, and if Carbon dale firemen would cope with disasters like that of Sunday, and if the com munity would have the protection that Sunday's deplorable happening shows, It stands in need of the necessary ap pliances, which should be supplied. Chief anuiiig' these is bidders thai will enable Hrenien to mount to vantage points where they could direct streams with Intelligence on the devouring Haines. Years ago, when there were but few buildings above two stories, the neces sity did not exist in ihls city for hook and ladder tiitcks and the like' but today conditions are vastly different. The number of three-story buildings lu the town and the lotly church struc tures make it 11 stern necessity to erpilp the fire companies with appliances that have been proven the most ef fective, parileul.iiiy the ladder arrange ments. There cannot be found a volunteer department that responds more read ily or uuickly than Carbundule's, hut this Is of small advantage when the men arrive at the scene of the fire and have but meagre means lo fight the Humes that are so destructive under any circumstances. The philosophy that the best Is none too :sood Minis a must lilting application In an emer gency of this gravity and Ihere is Utile doubt thai councils, with whom the mailer rests, will feel the motives that should come to them when it Is 11 ipies t Ion of prefervlng the life and prop eiiy of the community. The business men of Ihe illy have a big Interest hi the mailer, and their feeling and altitude will he discussed lu this column in a few days. Defeated in Pittstou. The Swil'twings, one of farbnndnle's best Junior football elevens, was de feated by ihe Market street learn in Pltlsimi yesterday. Pittstou scored two touchdowns, while I'arbondalo were unable lo cross their opponent's goal line. Pittstou failed to kick goals, leaving the score 10-fi. The visiting eleven was royally trout ed and have nothing but good words for the pulsion boys' Iiosiiltahillty. They were given u Hue spread In Ihe Plttston's eleven's club house. E. W. Bui us Injured. K. W, Hums, of Klkdnle, wai lu Ihls chy yestetday for iiiedlcal attendance, lie bud been using a fodder knife and brought It down hard on his left hand, completely severing the four lingers, He drove lo this city and hud his in juries dressed 111 Dr. II. c. Wheeler's piiwilc hospital. Mr. Haines l well known hi this 1 111. and his ninny friends deeply re gret the sad accident which lii'd lilm, He Is a blather of Dr. .1. Hee-I lint us, of Scralilon, Killed in NorthweBt Mine. John Stas-lck, of Simpson, was killed In Northwest nidio on Saturday nftci iiiioa by 11 fall of rock. He was an Italian, '! .wars old. lie had resided In Simpson but a few weeks. A wlfo and Unco children survive hlni, Fu neral was held yesterday awerno'iii, Interment being made In :i. Iioso cci leieiy. Laughing' Through Tenis. "Sunshine and Shadow," by Lecturer A llitwkesut ihe tititud Opera House last night, was well enjoyed by a Famous Doctor Urges Pyramid Pile Curo. Dr. Williams, u prominent olllclul surgeon, says "It Is tho duty or every surgeon to oolt an operation It pos sible 10 euro lu any other way und lif ter lniiny Minis with the Pyramid Pile Curo 1 unhesitatingly recommend It In preference to an operation. For sale by all druggists. l.lttle book. "Piles, Causes nnd Cure" mailed free. Pyra mid Drug Co., Marshall. Mich. large crowd. The lecturer made a hit with the audience. His cxp.iiicnceu through the South nnd North were vividly given. Light Ordinance Contract Fasses. Common council hist night passed the street lighting ordinance, award lug the contiact lo Ihe Lackawanna company. It was 11 stormy session. Mr. Nenlon renewed Ids attack on the cltv solici tor nnd Indulged In some sharp com ment. No other business was tr.m .ncted. Former Carbondalinus Hero. William 11. Davis and wife, of Wcsl flold, N. .1., spent the Sabbath with .1. M. Alexander. "Will" is a former"' Carbondale boy j and has had a career In the Delaware, and Hudson P.allread office from ofllce hoy to head clerk 1 11 the itallrond de partment in New York city. Meeting of Masons. Members of Carbondale Lodge, No. 24!, F. and A. M.. will meet at lodge rooms at l.f!0 p. in. Wednesday, the L'Oth, for Ihe purpose of attending fu neral of Joseph Wrkett. JERWYN AND MAVFIELD. There will be a meeting of the mem bers of the First Aid association in Kdmunds' hull on Wednesday evening at half past seven o'clock sharp, when every member Is requested to be pres ent as business of importance is lo be transacted. Hy tlio recent accidents wo have been reminded that our mem bers should bo more diligent In attend ing the meetings, so as to acquire suf ficient practice lo enable us to render Intelligent Hist aid, no matter how ser ious the injury, to any person who may be the unfortunate victim of an acci dent in or outside the mines. Our force being largely composed of miners whose work Is done and who have gone to their homes early, we earnestly request the attendance of the comiiitny men, especially the men or runners who are employed In the vic inity of the First Aid boxes, lieing oil duty ail dav they would be able to render valuable services in case of ac cident in the absence of members at home or others who niltiht he working In a remote part of the colliery. James Doud, president; Peter Kelly, seeie tary. AfUin comic, the Hungarian laborer Injured hi the Delaware and Hudson colliery a few days ago by being struck with a trip of cars while ascending the plane, is lying at the Emergency hos pital, his cas-e being reported yester day as very serious, Mr. and .Mrs. Horswell and son, Al fred, Mrs. William P.uckingham. .Miss Myru Hills, Mr. and Mrs. William Pawling, Will L.iuginan and Kmmamiel Champion attended a social of John (. .Matthews laslle, Knights of th" Mystic Chain, at Peekvillc. Saturday evening. ?Hss Hills and Mrs. Uuck Ingham und young Alfred Horswell took part in the entertainment, the ef forts of the latter in his cornel solo being especially commendable. Mr. Fred Wright, the well known bookkeeper of ihe Peek Lumber com pany's branch heie. is lying seriously HI al the Hahnemann hospital, Scrnn toii. wlili an attack of pneumonia. Willie, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Mcllale, of the (Oust Side, was seized with sud den and severe Illness on Saturday, and his condition gave cause tor much alarm for awhile, lie was reported slightly improved last evenluu. -Mrs, 1, W. Dunn and ilaunhler, Ma ntle, of Seranton, are the guests of Mrs. Oliver Morgan, of Main street. Tho suit brought by Mrs, fiullugher, of West Miiylleld, against the borough of Jermyn for $10,0011 damages for In juries sustained by falling off the side walk on Second street, several months ago, Is to bo heard today, and the bur gess and council and a number of citi zens have been summoned to appear und testify. OLYPHANT Lust t veiling the bo guar ill tlio P.lakely Haptlsi social rooms opened. The eiitei'iatntiient given was line -Hid lite patronage with a specially encour aging feature, Around the rooms are booths laden with fancy and useful ur ilcles, eiiiidy, pop-coin and llowers; a No mi art room and llshlng pond, supper w ill be served every evening Il 0111 ," to S o'clock, lu Ihe enlertalii mont. tills e wnllig. Mrs. Dr, Lloyd, Misses Agnes Hull, .leanette Klugsley, Maine Surge, . ICIu-a Simpson. Nellie Street and Ihe Williams quaiictte and others will tuU" pari. Miv. ..I. Arlington Spencer and chil dren liuvo returned homo after spend ing two weeks with rcluihcs. in New ark. N. .1, The funeral of ihe late Patruk Mi -Cube will take place this morning ul 10 o'clock, A requiem high muss will bo celebrated in St. Patrick's church, Interment will he made lu the West Side cemetery. Mis. Chillies K, O'Malley, of St run. ton, visited friends at this pluie yes lei'day, The Nina llepcriolre loiiipmiy open ed it week's engugemeiu al the Falher .Mailiew Opera House last evening, when they preseiiled "A Man of Ideas" before a good. sized audience. Iletwccu tho nets a number of specialties were Introduced. This evening lltey will produce "An Irishman's Luck." William Sheridan, of Dunm.iiv street, lui'i yesterday for Pottsvllle, where he has accepted a lucrative po sition. r.ast night ihe executive epniinitteo hi churge of tho fair, which tho Kx cclslor llusi wmipuny will conduct next month, held a niceliug ul tin luwe looms and discussed plans for the proposed oveiit. All tliu dlrfcieiil sub committees liuvo been iitimcil and urn working energetically lo make the af fulr n great success. Mrs. William Wells, of Providence, was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams, or HtlKiptehahnii street, over giinduy. Miss Klllo Hi-Pinmu t HI at her homo on Dttninore street. Mm. C.eorge llnllcy and Mr?. Meotgo Southard, or llrccii Hldgo. wore visi tors at. the residence or I). C. Kvuns, 011 Susquehanna street, Sunday. ! Mrs. Wllllain Itcese and it:iiigtilv, Miss Ltalu licere, of 1)111 street, .lie vlslllug rein thus al (Srcetillclil. 1). (I. ) Illicit, of Nicholson, wtiii a culler In (own yesterday. Frank F.vtius, of the HcConl, who tins been ill at Ills home In Pittstou, is around again. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Kennedy, or Oreen llldgc, spent Sunday with friends here. TAYLOR. The concert held nt the First Welsh CnngroRitllonul church lust evening under the auspices of Ihe temperance societies was 11 delightful treat. The programme was of high order and tho participants were obliged to respond to numerous encores. The event was well patronized und the proceeds will go for a good cause to be Invested hi procuring temperance literature to be distributed throughout the country. Hlblu day wits observed In the usual pleasing manlier In the Calvary Hap tlst church on Sunday evening by the members of the Sabbath school, assist ed by the church choir. The exercises were carried out In 11 very creditable way which reflects upon Joseph Con nolly, superintendent of the Sunday school and chorister. Prof. D. K. Jones. Hecltations were creditably rendered by Ihe following: Mmia Kvuns, Myr tle Connolly, Kthel Steele. Martha Smith. Vcrua Williams. Mabel Davis. Ada Curtis and TldvUle Jones. Miss Oliver Howells rendered a beautiful contralto solo and Master llcnjatnln Harris read tin Interesting paper, sub ject, "That Thee: Jem." The pastor. Rev. Dr. Harris, gave a very able ad dress on tho bible work of the Ameri can Ihtplist Publication society. The Anthracite Olee club will meet for rehearsal this evening In Llew ellyn's hall. The lll'tli annual convention of the Young Men's Christian association of the Fifth Pennsylvania district, will be held at Pittstou on Nov. 'ii, Z', and 'ii, IflOl. The following delegates from the local Y. 51. C. A. have been selected to attend the convention: Kara It. Pow ell, John A. Boyd, William Hevati. Da vid T. Reese, William Phillips, and A. Colllngwood. The above delegates are requested to meet this evening at their rooms at T.'Jd p. in. lo transact impor tant business. The grand concert and lot drawing on Ihe Mth at Hie Calvary Rnplist church promises lo be a grand musical and literary treat. Tickets are being rapidly disposed of and a crowded house is expected. The Meadow Hrouk basket hull team challenge the Tavlor Stars lo a game on Friday evening next. Answer as soon us possible. .Iiimes Walton, man ager. The Taylor high school foot ball team will play the Old Forge school team on the river side grounds on Sat urday nevt. .Mrs. (ieorge Taylor, of Seranlon, vis ited her sister. .Mrs. II. J. Davis on .Main sired on the Sabbath. PECKVILLE. Lewis Carpenter, aged 1 years, died of pneumonia at the home of his daughter. Airs, Ira Allen, of the Powder -Mills, on Saturday night. Deceased had been ill only a few ditvs. The fu neral will lake place from Ihe late resi dence 011 Wednesday. Interment will be made at Orocnlldd, Pa. The three local churches will this evening hold a venison supper at the banquet rooms of the Odd Fellows' room. A large moose, which has been donated by Mr. W, S. Hloes to Un churches will be served up in tempting ways by Caterers K. iJreinor and son. A general invitation Is extended to the public to attend. .Mr. Thomas Warren and Mr. John Snook left yesterday for a week's hunt ing in Pike county. Mr. Thomas Williams has been em ployed as engineer a I the borough electric light plant. The Kpworth League will meet at the home of Mrs, IS. J. Taylor this evening. .Mr. Harry Simpson, who has been quite 111. Is now 011 the road to rapid recovery, Dr. .1. W. Heck, Jacob li'reenlug and two gentlemen from Moniroso left yesterday for a week's hunting near LacUawtiM'ti. D ALTON. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Coopir have returned home from a two weeks' va cation and services were held as usual lu the Methodist church on Sunday. Tho pubtlo schools reopened on Mon day, allhouzh not all of the heating apparatus has arrived ami effort is being made to heat the building with what lltey have. K. L. Fuller, who purchased the 'lem ons farm, Is contemplating cxtenshe Improvements on the property. He Is going to erect u large residence nnd lay out drives in various parts of ihe plllco. Don't forget thai on Friday evening of this wed; Itev. A, II. Smith will de liver his pupular lecture oil "Some Folks und Other Folks, or the dreatost Problem of th" Century." in tho Uup tlst church. Admission, I." cents. Mrs. Fad Palmer entertained, on Sunday. h"i" sister fiom Seranlon. Fred Scott was .1 visitor at Lalhtope on Sunday. Tho Mineral of John Mollnnex, who was killed last Thursday on the Lack awanna railroad, was held on Sunday 111 the liaptlst church, Itev. Hubert It. Thompson, pastor of the church, had chiirgo of ihe servlie. Interment was made In ihe cemetery al Waveiiy. Miss c.race Von Storeh is visiting relatives in Seranlon. .Mrs. Dr. John Price and .Mrs. Ymuui went visitors 111 Seranlon yesterday. .Miss Hlisliillder iclllliied homo yes. terduy from a visit unions friends lu Serantnti. A union Tlimil8ivliiB service will bo held In ihe Methodist church 011 tho morning or Thanksgiving Day. Itev, A. W". Cooper, the pastor of the church, will preach the sermon PRICEBUnO. Mrs Mary Halley died Sunday even ing at her home 011 Albert street. The funeral will he held Wednesday. .Miss Annie Hrier. of Main street. Is seriously III of brain fever. .Mi'. Litttejoliu, of Providence, visit ed relatives In town on Sunday. .Miss ,Minl0 Summers visited her par ents on Caiinall strcel oil Sunday, There will be a class meetlns lu Hie VVVsfv; JJftWW Meldrum, I4rt ii Scott & Co. uO Wyoming Ave. Imported Hosiery ITnless nil signs fall this Is to be one or the biggest, and best hosiery seasons ever known. The standard of work Is so high, the designs so new nnd original, and Ihe temptation to buy so Induc ing that my lady not satisfied wllh ONK purchase COMK8 AMAIN AND AGAIN. Imported German Stockings are mining the best sellers this year. JJlaek and colors, silk docked, checked, and the laco hose for evening, with prices from fill cents to tl.'iT, a pair. This Is essentially a silk season lu hosiery, und our chief effort has been put forth to secure 11 class of silk stockings to satisfy the most fastidious purchuser. Cashmere Stockings, black ana colors, xac. ana ouc. pan. Imported German Hosiery, 50c. 75c, 91 and 81.25 pair. Silk Hose, 75c. 81, 81.25. 81.50. 82.50 a pair. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boiler?, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Primitive Methodist church tonight. All are Invited to attend, ( MOSCOW. Mr. and -Mrs. Ell Swarts. or Dun more, are visiting at the home or Mr. Philip Swarts. Mr. Walter Chubb is moling Ills family to Scranton today. The second of the course of lectures will be given Friday evening, Nov. ii, by James U. Shepherd, oil "A Pil grimage to the Land of Promise." .Miss Lena Sayre, of Scranton. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. und Mrs. John Sayre. Among those who attended the Nor dlcii concert were: .Mr. and Mrs. H. L. C.alge, Dr. and Mrs. L'Aniorcnux. Mrs, M. A. Lyman and daughter Elizabeth, .Mrs. F. II. (iardner and daughter Until. .Mrs. .1. M. No.iek. und Mr. and .Mrs W. II. .Miller. .Mr. Iticliaril Pull, who has been vis iting relatives in Wales, returned home Sunday evening. William Hoar has moved with hi' family to Scranton. Miss Ulunehe Allen, of Wllkes-Barre, called on friends in town .Sunday. Quile a number of people from ihW place attended the supper given at th; homo of Fred ('apple, 11 1 Mnplft Lake, Friday evening. The funeral of Mr. Yetlcr, who died Saturday night from cancer of the throat, was held at his lute home yes terday afternoon. Mrs. William Ehrgood, of Scranton, visited Irieiids here yesterday. Tho fall" given by the Ladies' Aid so ciety will open this afternoon in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall, to which all are invited. A num ber of ptiy.es have been offered, one of which is 11 prize to Ihe prettiest baby Iheii' Wednesday afternoon. BROOKLYN. s'pnii.il 1,1 Hip . union Tiiliiiui' Ihooklyn. Nov. IS. Revival moot lugs have commenced In the Methodist; Episcopal church and are well at tended. Able Mere Is working In Scranton. Burton Sage Is assisting .1. Pciklutui wllh his farm work. I), c. Perry goes to Wilkcs-llarre to day lo have an operation upon his eye. Mien and Ernest Tiffany on their way tolhooklyn Saturday evening' had a collision with II. F. Ciroen, who was driving fiom Montrose at a rapid rale. The carriages were damaged but no one was hurt. Two men buying old rubbers. Iron, etc,, while passing out of town inward Klugsley hud the misfortune to lose their horse, which died suddenly. They got iinother horse and left tho dead mio b.'slde the road. C. H. Tiffany re moved il and the "peddlers" returned later ami settled tho bill. A "hillleiil.v" supper will he Inid at A. W. Kent's next Friday evening. Aunt Hlmiua Kent has had a stroko of paralysis and Is quite low at pres ent. The Junior class of Ihe graded si honl Is preparing for an eincitalniuenl in be given before Christinas. J. D, Pcckhaiu has cut his hand quiPJ painfully. Theie v. Ill be services in the I'lihor sullst chinch 011 Thanksgiving ii at 11 o'clock. Dr. Sago will preiuli The Southern Pacific .Company Announces thai the "Sunset Limited" annex, consisting of special t (imparl ineiit car and dining cars, will be op erated three times a week during tho season, leaving New York 1.25 p. in, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, making direct connection with tho "Sunsel Limited" al New Orleans, In both directions, This will afford Cali fornia tourists uniformity of Pullman accommodation all ihe way from New York to desiluutiou. Tho only chaugu being ut New Orleans, thus making this route the most pleasant and agrcoablo. way 10 escape the rigors of tho white' I lu tho Hunt, 10 reach tho famous whip ' resort on the Pacllle coast, $ S )n this sale we want YOU lo be satisfied. If you are not wc want ii the Hosiery back again. 5yysyysyyy5wvvvivs.vwvs'i