f l. r1 V' ''"V . '-I , n 1 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, XOVElBEU IS, 1901. IT' mwwmf? mmim&mmm a Chums." Esther Hiulnii) In the Now "A' I.UNI-'.'" ! murlnl, In inni'K auiiiKuiuoiil. Hliililutily liitllltl- Iiir tliu HH'.U lMllw ill ked liuiiliti i'H that liliu'kril I ho liKiliiiliiln i.itli. "Well. lliin IB II HOW lllllll,' lllltll'l- till' CUM, JM 111! wllllim to wiiki'i- It wouldn't linppc-n niHli-r tin' moon," lit' itddul, illcpoMliifr liliiiKi'll' ut Iht tVi't hi tho run out sunt inor uli-1 iitlui'lic rnsliknt. "Vf'H, It was lorioflilnn, It only iif a novell," pointedly. "Oil. lonii', now; 1ft mi' Mtuy liuio llVO lllllllltcii JllHt to i est. ,mi lno. TluiL wits it hi'ii'-lly illnjli wlttifH wroiiH, iinyliow V" "Oh, nothing. I'Mi-pt I'm tiled of be lllK piupnseil in." "W'lint llli'K! Do .Mill know, -Mies 1JJ -lti'i mini, to In- 1 1 link, I illilu't know wlii'ii I win mi li oni Kent's Point wlietliiT to vi'iituii' ilown'or not. You w. tilt- li-utli It I'm; in-i-d up my wltolo doi'l. hlini I'vi- lii'cii lii'ii'. Il'rt nil nv tul tux on ii lollow's luKUitilty to I Ik up ii now i-tjlc i-vi-ry time, tiiul I ii'iilly lV.ni'il, now Hint I'm known y on-how Ioiik N II '.'two vw'i'ks that 1 rotlliln't llhk iinntlirt' tftr-n-tetc minus pro- pOh.ll." The jrii I IiiukIimI. "I iloii't icnicinbor liotlcliiK: yotus in tiny of tliu L. Ij.'s." " li.it an' tlu-yV" "1 iloii't know tli.it I oiikIiI to tell yon." "Oil. im Mid oiihIu. You owe mo holm tiling, .miii know, lor s-paiiiiK yuu A plopO'-.ll. ' Hlio I.uikIkiI iiKiiln. "You won't tell?" "Swiur l(!" "Will. tlii'.v'ii' books with loekul rlaspi huM'n't miii noticed thnt-f tiny Kolil Keys tho trills wimi-V .mil tiny on 1 1 them loe loio loluines. and they jot down nil their piopo-uls and .my jnetl bit of love ln.iklliK Mime of them leally an' too pood to be lost" leminlM ently, "pome ot tho lionkh 1110 lliihtiMti.il, loo. One of the rvW -win mills? s-omewli.it to the tlienit "netiuilly Kot her cliuin to till e In 1 camel u up the l.ivlne one afternoon. She had planned n s-lioll, and t-he j;nt the man biautltully anaiiRid on the rock It wah an awfully artistic simp phot hho has It in her I.. I. , but the mean old thins" didn't propose altei all her double. 1 told her I'd k'ive her s-oniu lest to ko with it, but she didn't leem Mty appieeialiM'." "Why, haven't you an U I., of your own to till, or is It alieady overflow -Im,"'."' .e-ked the "beautifully air.uiBuil' man at her leet. 'Oh, ili.nle ine, no they'll! too mm li bothCM tor nie I'll have to spend half my time mi ibbllnj?." "Well, I think I'll --wear off lor the rest of the summer," the man le inarked, tliotiRlitfutly. "Frum w hat ."' "Propositi if." "Then let's In iliiiins, won't .mil.'" eiitluiiiastieally "I've always wanted a man eliiini, and you ine just about the llRhl iiRe" with a. alili'lonpr Rlanee at his tew Rray halls. "Ale you sure you won't make me. propose befoie 1 leave here?" In nioek tiepldation. "Of eoui.-e not that's Just why I want j on" lucidly. "All rlRht, it's a ro then a I'lutoulo eomii.iit." "And -we'll pioic tlieie can bo that kind of tilendship between a man and woman " "it will depend on jou, Miss Dykel inan." "Very well, jou'U s,.( the kind of stuff I'm made of. t wonder If you leally tan. it would .spoil the whole thliiR il vou .shouldn't stick It out." "And pioposf?" "Y'i's, in soinelhlllR Oiii,il. Ill.lltls tie." "Will, j mi neMr i an tell till nii try .1 l.l the little Kill 'who tiled to look In her e.n with her eye" ".Vu-ii," lelleitliiR, and then, with vlvaidl . "We miRht e eu ventuio u little IhrtliiR- later uu, if ou think you'ie equal to li. I'm simply Immune liy this time, It Miuldn'i hurt me." pushiiiR linek the e,uesinR little cm It of bunny blown linlr lioin her blow In the most bitalne.s.s-llke way, "and you oiiRlit to be. Ho yuii know you have Jus-t that loinlortable mellow leelliiR of one who know,- hou by Ioiir pi-ar-llce." The man IiiurIumI apinei iatie 1. "1 hate leal dead, sei Ions lne makliiR, men are always s-u awkwaid Mlien they ale In earnest. How many times hiiM ,ou been In love'.'" "Couldn't loiint ihiiii. but they all came out In ill" wash." "Novei once lnilelll.il'." "Neer once ei.' "They all say that," she stinted. "Oh K" exelalnied the leader of the younger "set" at the mountain house, who, by eoninion consent, boie iliu Iiseudonviu of "Continuous I'erloiiu illiee," "1 believe lts a ro with Di JJykeunali thli time. It's been two weeks today since the show begun, he'h haidly lull her side." And the speaker hastily anunsed heiselt in u mote becouilnR nttltudo ns she sniffed u clR.ir In the distance. "Well, that's the shortest loud to Soon tei','' observed a seiul-passe over the lop of her "yellow-bucked." "lie's an awiul ilulfer, auyluiw," pouti'it a plump blonde, "I ild my best to fjot hliu for my I,. 1, hut he simply 'wouldn't, 1 don't bcllee he ktiowh liow," "I'm aft. ild In- won't iIriuo lor pob turil III oiu cl.isslu Uteintuie," soino OHO t'lMIJ slRlied, "Itvs awtully dull this niontlne, 1-et's do eoilHtlllllt new, ' hi'Kiill the Contlu lUiieo iViforiuaiiec ,'iriiIu "Kit's ioiii pilli! I,. J,.'s and see it anyhudy has a sjiBclnieu of Jii's 'ilium' Hint's what she calls liini-l'auey!" Then the loth eil Miliuues wete plodllied with mueh cfiiinntiitlmv i hatter 1 wonder If lliey did aiijtliltiR lll.o this In lh' ark on inlny das .'" "Aik Wh, evi-n out Riauiluiniliuts oitlil tm II Rieen in tliell' Kiaves If they could sea ami hear us 'up-to-dates,1 " 'And ei wh."" Ikriiii the blinl passe, somewhat sententlously. "t think ll's ic.illy coiniuenilahle of tis to bo so trunk about it nil. An a matte;- of fail, It Is on! outwniilly super Jiciiilly, that inuii do the 'putmtiuR.' Vonien always i inertly Ik-rIii tho thliiR null Riiide 11 to a.s tiluniplial a llnule as their iuweis allow. Natitie it iiothitiR If not artistic, you kno.w. Khe has a due sense ol pioportloil, ami to ptesi-ive an ntiiwaul e(ulllliilinu -to lalaiiic her lolots she poses the liMIl lib the iiRRre.siilo p.uly. Ho likes the ioIc and the woman tripi fatally vio lets him once ftent facts. 1 Yoik Commeiclnl Atlveitiscr. think " Hut vhe win ettl off with cries of- ".Speak for yourself ilolin." "It's true all the hiiiho." "Von never can tell." "rilin oiirIu to know, she's been a I It Ioiir etuiituli," "Oh, myi" liuike in the Continuous I'd fiu-uutiiee, "let'i have a pool on the 'Clnini' lx to oik tin: .eiiRiiRpmuiil's aiiliotineed before Cliilstinni " "All iIrIiI- -hush that's the step of a 'inlik outsider.' " II pioeil to be a neweonier at "The Inn." "Hideous, Isn't she'.'" somebody nmi mented. as the sounds of Riavel euinehliiR became fainter. "Hut idle wears a splendid solitaire, ami any how yon would know she- was euRitReil by the way she sits and beams Into futurity and nanows her eyes Into iiiTectlonate little silts when the kids heave In slaht." "Well, she's leaeheil the end of her ttottbli-H then " "I'mpli," coiitiMiiiiliiously; "one mil." "How do jou know? Hid you ever tiy It seriously?" "Yes." "In Jnnuiuy. for Instance, and il lasted well, say ovtv the spihiR?" "Vph." "What bioko it?" "IJiokc it? Uubber's nothing to it." PICTURE Tliiee little pIrs RohiR to seek their Solutions for Last MiMiil.i.i,' Su II lliilil tin- pii Inn? lip-'nlo iIumii ..ml jou tuul a faci liclnoni rjlinn'n IiiihK 'J'iii-Jij, ov. U.tinc iiiin i- turmol by liei iij;lil .inn. 'Hie sliouldcr fnini"! die scounit lulu, ,,mil .in nuilliic nf ilu- liihii ui. lie fruiuil in ihe limil. Wi ihii-iliv, i-UN'i, I u.' m. II "N ml uiiiiiot in ike ilw t of. Tlnu-iliv, l, 11 Mis l!.vM.ult. "Just Riew too attenuated to sur vive'."' "No. it's it's still on " "And you with an I.. 1..?" "Why not?" He's, on the other side." 'W'hcii'V. j utt ihiR?'' " 'Coose; I couldn't wear that and my ky at the same time: but t u-ally am tlnnkliiR of sweat intr oil" for the lest of the season " which called 1'oith howls of doil-lou, and the Crtutin-uou-j I'eifoi miinee leclted lelevantly: "llmo miiiii nuiils anoil In loii(,n tin- I llll l-lll K.M lh, MS 111 l.i. Suit lll,.- -sil,, pjl.uloiK iluillliO ,l,il.il, II, ( inlli il ,i- i ,i, ut u,.,' " "Of ionise," (itupid uMiiaiiReiiii-ut of hair, skills, ilbbous, hand evcry- thiiiR followed by Riacelul passivity and ail epie-,siou ol iliRenilous sill piise as tin- two mine into view I. The Rhl was i-airyltiR a lilgh-shouhli rrd old blue lose jai and an urinliil ot w Ide lielalleil ellow iois. She established herself in ihr- sun on the bottom step to ariunsje them, and the limn went up smllliiRly iuuoiir tho rIiK on the shadowed plan,:a. They wete toi-iiii.-. the set at the Inn that stuuiuei. Their pi o ions season theio had yhen tliem a sense of propilototshlp, Hi was a newcomei, and they icsented her havitiR openly tinned down tour men and so tamed the ilfth that In could thus sately bo tinned loose In the nilds-1 of their many chimin-. And 1)1, witli hei yellow loses and hei old blue Jar, immensely enJoi-d t lie situ ation. belllR nilsliess of It. She knew her "chum," she knew thosn oilier Rirls, and, stratiRO to lel.ile, she was on pielty iiitlmato tonus with herself, and she had no fear, Until well, until an other woman i-aiiie to the Inn a wo man stioiiR and roiii-ious and Rood to look upon, a woman who could walk steadily, Riacetully, thioiiRli her eatly thirties, and was not at raid to sit In tho nll-ievenlliiR stinllRht, a woman toward whoso fair, frank brow HI saw her "chum's" eyes stiay once and iiruIii. With the X-iayness ol intui tion the Rhl realized theio was a io eientlal uppieelatloii lu those tew rIiuicos nioio daiigei mis to their chum ship than billows ol (lilting- would be, And yet the weto only ihiims theio wus uotlllliR to be f-uld, uothliiR to ho done. They (Mine to know each other after a while- the two women and UI faced the ileii'c the In her heiut and Uto fact that bho had the subtlest of nil rivals to i ope with a woman she could mil dislike, Tio weeks slipped away, and with them some of tho color irom D's cheeks, a llltlo ot the sprltiR uom Iter step, hut under till tho froth and non sense was a plucky little soul, and she plaed her pint bravely. Hid he care? Did she dale let hint know she uued? Could the other woman cate'.' simiic-h a unman arJ you llnd a IIrci-, ti devil or mi aiiRel, .Moreover, you never enu tell. AiiroIs wear no eat marks and devils hide their hoi ns. This time It happened lovo had hioiiRht Into belli!; uml hid bare all the woman hi the child of twenty simmiei.s a heautltul soul, atroiiR ami hellish hud been bin u amid that siunmei',s pla. Ii was little commit that when HI and her ehuperouu cousin packed their Hunks tho ehuni packed too. "He may leave her for we," she thouBht, "but Jmltml ffiWwm M feJiw ' ; I the tUesllon I", Does lip wnnt to leave her? I could even kill her," tliu pain In her heart, cried out, "hut could I over kill the want of her In him?" .lenlousy strikes n deeper mot limn the ".Treed ot lovo for one's self, At Its blttetesl It Is (ho ilawnlns iccoruI Hon of aiiotlicr's sttperloilly, the vin dication In ltelf ot nnollier'M prefei onei' and the lilRlnvny of Its Hackles sens stielclt either way to the "haven of lovc-doslred" or the "hotline which no love lightens." 'Iti ill" I'd of tlic Mill Hint clwtilu tin- io.il, iicl not t tic- jlotni nnr Hip Iic-m, It N Rood to ho liked, admired, loved, wnnted. And so Dl's simnner litid lie Kim. It Is pood to have the cnnumn louslilp of fltreiiRtli and hrnltis and eouttesy uiifiillliiR to walk hand In hand tho (flail days thrniiRli with man liness and it perfect imderitundlnR sympathy and tuerrlitient to .ipare. Ami so Dl'i sttininer hud been spent. It Is Rood, too, to ri-ow, to loe, to sillier. And so Dl's mimnicr rlosod, Ono BloainlllR lu the chill ot late Oetol)"!' she sat by her open lire, RiixhiR wistfully at the white cathe dial siilres outlined opalim the Riay Iiir Rlooui of oncoinliiR iiIrIiI. An un opened letter, beiirltiR that other vo inan'n seal, lay lu her lap. She lucked tho com iirc to bleak It. AVhy should she write If not to tell her the ono thliiR she could not IhIur herself to hear. l-"or the first moment In her caieless care-fico llfo the thoilRht of prayer came to her ni a piactleal thliiR and a casual remnrk the other woman had made Ioiir iiro oh, so Ioiir iiro It seemed now hack In that summer thai was fast sllppliiR fioni her hold "Women often substitute le IIrIou for 1om whllo men too often confuse the two." tiha knew so much about human nntme that other wo iilan why couldn't she hae tmlei stood this once'." Later when the Chum called he car ried a similar letter, hut the seal was lnoken. PUZZLE. ai fortune. Kind two men and a wolf. Week's Puzzles: 1 i M.i j , Xii 15 silvu, Hull. I.li-pliiut, l'lll. Minonil, ltul, Doll sitimln, Nu PIll.I'MiBl. In. II.,- li.-.. 1 I 1.11. 1, 1 llillll ilu- tho tMimti.nf-, on noi iiollli- lllllll, Jlnl ll.C tiro bllil" "Why, didn't ouis come?" lie i'V- claimed. "Yes: but It." i linM-n'i had time to lead "Lot me u-ad it to ou?" And "no" was an impossible thliiR to say. "Your cousin! tin- loiism who help ed to educate on why didn't ou tell me.' to be mairied next month bless her heart: Oh, Hon, 1 am so Rl.id," was all she lould llnd wonls to s.iy, but the nuiii who had lived loily suin ineis and loved nunc times than he e.iied to n-mi-niber now uiuleistood until later, with her hand in his, Hie th.-t time in all their summers leiiRth, for they weie "onl ilium-." she whis pered. "Don, how Ioiir do pl.uonk fiu-ud-shlps have to la-i heioro hefoie thi'ie plOVed?" "Vou aie ihed of me.'" he ask. il. "1 I'm Hied of Plato " "I'm- been tiled or lihu tiom Hie bo RlnnitiR, "he answeic-d, RiitlieiiiiR her into his alius, "but we'll always bo i hums, won't we, sweetluai t"" TUNKHANNOCK. tJ-puid tn tli. sujuiun inliuiii- Tunkliniiiioek, Nov, 1U. Tliu .Monday i lub will moot with Jllss Jlaijoilu n'n AVItt at the home of M, d. iu-ed, on HiIiIro street, tiiis afternoon at ,' o'clock. The lollowliiR piorammo will be lendored: Ttoll call, emient events: "lfred the Uieat." .Mis, .lames Piatt: "The H.imou Chronleles and the Pcom lieowulf." Mis. Kianlev IlaidliiKi "Dlllislan and the Six Hoy KIurs," Jlis, Anron Hiown: readiiiii, to he selected. The pi ori amine to be luieispersed with musk. Miss Joo .McKown is vIsltltiR ft lends ill Wilkes-Hauo. Mr, and Mrs. Louis F, i'uhiji, of HildRo stteel, ate reJolclnR over the nniviil or a llltlo daughter, bom on 1'rldny. h'oth Sipiler, of .lamestowti, N. Y who Iiiih been vlhititiR his hi other at this place, lolurtied homo on Friday, Mr, and Mis, c, F. Hnrtmati rum- a party for their little ilaiiKhter, Until, In honor of her slMh blithd.ty, on .Satuiihiy Horn '. to i p. m, A larso nuinber ot her playmates attended, Mr, ami Mis. .Stephen Hohlnson ami son, I.lnyd. spent Punday with friends at Wllkes-Haiie. Mrs. P. I-', .Mo ami Utile duiiRlner mo vlsltlm, liir hi other, Uv, William Kelly, at W'ilke.i-n.iric, 1'iont wheim bho will ro to Now Yoik. The lury wheel will bo filled uesi Tluirsduy for tho cotulne .year and tlm jprles etnpauuelled fur .lunuary term oi! lourt. chnileH 1!, Stomples" new meat mar ket in tho i boms recently occupied by Chailes 11. Tinker, on Wan mi strjei, wus opened on Satutday. .Mrs. D. AV, Stark, of WyoiuliiR au nue, Is lonllncd to the house by Illness, FOREST CITY. Sil.i.lj In llll .-ll.lllloll 'lllbllH Foiest liity, Nov. 17.-W Illlam ,T. Jones, of Finest Cllj, tho popular omib plumber lu 1, V Smith's cslah Uibuieut, will on Thui.ulay next bo nulled In tmiulngc lo Miss llertlut F. Tlngley, at tho homo ot the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ashford ThiRley, In Merrick. Moth yotniR people luivo u host ot Mend", who will extend eongralu lallons. V. T. Dtivi? of Dinidnfi', was In lown Sunday. 11. .1. lloinaii was In Cathondnle to il ay. Tuesday uvetiltiR. Howc'it iiiovIiir ptc-ttlt-es will be exhibited In the Davis opera house. The views ate all new. A hn-Ri' number of ticket have been sold. A couple of curs wete derailed at the Clifford sldltiR here this luortiliiq, and the 1-h-le wieeklntr ctmv fiom Carbon dale was brousht to the scene, A new meat market will bo opened In the Klrbj bulldlUR by Mr. .Ilfklnn, ot Set-Milton, on Monday, Mraiu'li W. Catholic Mutual llcnevo lent iiP-oe-latloii, will nominate olllcers on Thutsdny. Miss Annie Pail:n. of Pltluton, lain been vlnllhiK friends In h"i- former home theie tho past week. The linaiil tlaURhter of Mr. and Mrs. .M. W. Woodmansee died on Tliuisdny, mid was laid at lest In Hillside c-eme-lory Saturday, At a tongroR.itloiia! mectltiR, held In the Presbytcilnn eliurch last week, the mutter of purcliuslmT a iinrsomiRe wus left lu the hands or tho trustees, and stems to that end will probably bo taken at once. Thov have seveial houses under consldciatlon. Nlsht school will open in Hie now building, Monday nlRht. The youiuj men of the town should take ml van! -iirc of this opportunity. The HIrIi school scholars, Inspired by the success of their lecent debate, aio pieparhiR anotlier on AViishinston and Lincoln. Hefeieuce to the iiilsfoitune of the c,irl)ondnle Melhodlsts In the loss of their beautiful chinch was made nl several ot the local chinches today, and Ri-eat sympathy was expressed lor the linfortunnte congregation. JERMYN AND MVYF1ELP. Mr. C. F. linker, who recently liinde a tour of the Wet-t, will lecture In the .Methodist l-'pisoopal eliurch on Thanks giving night on the "Dig Trees of Cali fornia anil the Woiulcts of the Yose mlte Valley." The subject is such an liiteiesting one thai It oughl lo bo greeted, as it undoubtedly will be, by a huge nudlcnic. A slight accident occmied on the On taiio and AVestein l.iilro.id ye-sleulay morning, at the curve near the May field depot. Two heinliv laden toal trains weie going north, when the war tiain l.in into the head one. Foi Inn ately the only damage done was tho smashing ol a portion of the fiout cud of engine No. IV!, which was hauling the second train. Several of the local churches will hold a united Thanksgiving seivico in tho Methodiat Kplscopal church on Thanks giving morniUR. A little son ai lived jesteiday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. AVIll Sejiuour, of Third stieet. A child ot Mr. and Mis. Snydei, of the truit maiket, is seriously ill with hi onchitis. Mrs. Jay, of Third stieet, lias been lonliued to her home lor several days, surtoiing fiom liioiuhlal tiouble. Iois. the little daughter ol Mr. and Mis. Flank Fleas, of Bacon stieet, is ill Mis. Itich and daughter, l'mily, of Main stieet, spent Sunday with Dun moie ti lends. The congiegatlou of Sacied Ileal t churih aie making miangeniunts for holding a tin key supper and social on Thanksgiving night. The supper will be held in Windsor hall and the social in Assembly hall. Mr. and Mis. Theodoie Spettlgue and daughter, Mary, of Cemetery stieet, weie dihond.ilo visltois Satuulay. The Aitesinn Hose lompuny attended the fair of the Cottage Hose loinpany, at Caihomlale, Saturday evpuing. TAYLOR. I.over.s of good wholesome llteratuie and music of the highest class should not tail to attend the lie.it Unit Is in stole for them at the First Welsh O'onsiog.ilionnl dim ill this evening. The p.iilieipauts, some of which have a national reputation, are Dr. do (iiueliy, pastor ot Hie Jackson stieet Baptist chin eh: Pi of. John 'P. AV.U klns, musical instructor and chui inter ol the leading Seiantoii e lunches; .Mrs. I.urale Hushes llruiidage. who has i awed a name tor hei self lu liiuslu taking ptlws at siuh plan's as the P.in-Allielliau exposition; Miss Sarah .1. Pi Ice, elocutionist, who is u-gai-dt-d as tan- of the most pioticienl hi her ait lu this p.ut of the state, and Piof. Llewellyn Jones, the well known pian ist. The Anlhiaiito illee club held an lii teiesting l-ihe.iisal In l.lewellvn's hall esleulav afteinorm on the Pilgrim's choius. tho coinpollllvo .selection to be lcndeu-d at ihe Piovldeiico eisteddfod on Thanksgiving day. The i lull liiim lieis sitv Nolces who tiro under tho onic'lc-nt direction of Pi of. J. H. Wnl klns. J. Taraullas Thomas, of New castle, Pa., a basso of mtiiked ability, has been secured lo sing the solo part. Anotlier leheaisal Mill be held on Thutsdny evening, The funeral of tho late Mis. William O. Davis oecuried from the tamllv lesldence on Middle street yesterday and was hugely attended. Services weie held In the house al :; p. in. The fair of the Aiiiorlciiu Protestant association came t a successful ter mination on Satuulay evening at WVIi oi 's link, after a urn of four nights. Night school session lu this botoiigh will open this evening. This will ulfoid the voillig nieit mill working bos a splendid oppoituulty to gain an edu cation, 11 is to bo hoped that this will bo appi eclated by those whoso benefit, the night school Is held: Fol lowing mo the teacher assigned to teinh No. I school building; Piof. J. F Foliv, .Misses 1-Milh Watklus and tJiUiiii F.vans. No. i sihool building. Mltsis Haiti" Mackln-'.lo and Mnttl Powell; No, 3 school bulldlna. Plot. S. J Philips. A special iiuH'llin, or vlial Inuiort me is called of nil members of Tay lor linso lomiMny N'. i- tw Wednes day evening next at the hose hoiwe at -,.:,o p. in. shut p. Master Fedrlik Davis, or Nonli Tavlnr has letuiiied home tiom a weik'n' visit with Ids sinter, Mis. Htih aid Hv.tivi. of Plltstoii. AV. H. Davenpoit nud son W. It. Pau-npoit, liuvo letuiiied fiom a sue lessiul huulliu; trio to Plko (oimty, MU'soH fliaco Davenpoit and Hobla Uli-seiker. of Soiilh Main street, vis it, d irlcnds In Seranton on Saturday. .Miss Kintiia Hchultliies, of West Toy lor, Is visiting ic-latlvcu lu Hairlsliuig. .Mr and Mis. Heoruo i'.v.ins and son lieorge, of Uiillio.ul idteet, iitlend ed a fmic-ial of u u-latlvo lu Pltiston yestetday. Mlh.-iej Aiiulo uud Minnie Holier, of Main stieet, weui guests of friends In West Pittston yesterday. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More fhn Four Lines, J Cent for nacli Bxtra Line. For Bont. ,,,,, it,,.. n ...... I .a Uld W, i.,.,l.r 1,., r iii.'mj'j,.' j.,'.. , " n , , ll'IV ltr,il 1 ll'll HMMll liviirr, v" ..j , , inio; twenty tlullJK tier inontli. , Apl'Iy to J. S. Miller, i-ouior Mllllln iviimo nml Vine tl. OITIDN I'Ot: llUSI'-O-i mcoiuI tlncr tioii!c liall linllillli-x, font Ijrsr, Mi-ll-llcliti'il feoiiH. Vpply In II. P. Citl, in IhiIIJIus, or J. s Mlllir, Mlfllln ni.il VIiip. For Bale, , wx-'W',w ". xrt'V'A'.'v', I'Oll SXI.i: A lardcml nl I i-rtr, ttmiil wnilii-rs uml dilviri; tteUlii trfrnt 1.100 In l,.M); fpv oral clim-ly inutrlinl tennn. Can In' focn ut $31 Itii.Miioinl mil I I'. M Cilbli. t'Olt s.VMl CIICAP-riidunort. lion looflnr. Hue lii-ry, IjmkIi, brintllnor. ctr.. Irom olil -ir: lull.ilili- for nil iiuipoc. Jrnnlm,, tontial lluc- Cut, I.U7Pitio strccf Kilt HA l.l'. t lirnp; lioii', Mali's ngon mid litrne-w, at No. PsJfl Cellar avenue. rOIt SI,K Two llglit cprlns waffom unil some liiues, chiup. Evans, rcai 1112 I.ucrno ttrcct. Rcnl Estate. KOlt SVt.t: One ncro of luml, Impioieil with iitiii'-rooni lioiw; plenty nml vnrtrtv ot fruit; pomi lomtloii In village ot I'lcetvlll". Mii. Olive I'Kll. I'li'clvlllc, 1'J. Boardeis Wanted. WANTED Tal-le tiomders. Mrs. 'i'onipldnj, D31 Washington avenue. THE MARKETS. SATUBDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. 'J he (ollomntr iuotutions Tribin f lij . s. .inrilin & Mcau ImllJing, rstr inloit, I'.i. Aineric.lti .--ii.'.h- lill'j Atilii-on Md Atchison, Pi 101 Ainil. Coppu- SS Aini-r. 1'ir x l'miinliy .. 2S arc funiislictl Th Co,, rtionw 7O3-7O0 TcIcnlioiK, uDrtS: tlln-l,- I.nvv. rint lot. t. iH ini'. noli mi . jt lllfi tc ,"0" bli't HHi Sl'i lUl-Ti UU lOt'.i Sh'i s7j: J-7S, CS'ft Iliool.. 'IV.ittlon . llllt .1 Ohio ... 1 Im. . Old.. ... I -lih. .'; (a. cl lioik liliml si. fed f'ol. I ml ,V, lion rrl? It. It Kile It. 1!.. Pi. . I.niU. .V .N.i-h. . Mm. I'lci iteil .. Mil. 'liattiou ... .MN.ii. I'.iuli- ... i.iroll. i,l. . Out, .1: Moteiu . N. V. Ciiiliil .. l'cnn.i. 11. It. .. lh-iiliiis: Hi. . . Itojilm lit,, l'i. S0I1IIK1I1 n,. touthciii lti-, woulh. I'.inhi 'timi. I ml k 11. lion 'I IV 15 I'.lllfll .. lT. s, Neither . . I . s 1 iMthcr. I'r. 1' s, Slcl (0. . I . s sicel ( i., l'i Woliili tinon ... Seranton Bonid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Pnr of 100. STOCKS. LuUuMnnj tlairv fn t'i- "ountv Sjvints lijnk i: 'Ini.r fu . Pirit National Bank (Caibomlile) .. St.imiinl nilllliiR fo 'thltil National Dank Dime Deposit and Deeount Hank.. Keimoniy LiKlit. II. k V. Co Past .Vitlonal lijnl; lidcka. Tinst Sato Depolt Co Clak k Snom Co, l'i- Scr.nitnn lion fence & Miff. ( o. ... Si rani on Ale W'nil.? Sii.inlun S.nihSs Unil; Ti.ideiK Nation it llink Scrintcn Bolt & Nut Co 1'eopieS Bank Niu .Vli-vlio II). C. C. I10XIK i-riaiiluii t'assciuei ll.iilujy, llit lloitiiape, ihic I0J0 l'eojile's street Itulu.ii, llit mint- Rje. ilue llltb I'lillli' SUllt ItrflllWl, tidlll.ll nuiitaue, due 15JI Jlh l.fon Vlaiitifiitnriiifr I o I..ukj. Tomiahip frihuol ." per ieut. City uf Sirinlun St. Imp. ( p' i ieut Eii.ifilon 'J i, k lion i. im ci-iil. . ., -- a "Ji ... l,lTi Villi liT-', I.S'1 .. .IDT'i lil!, JOT'i lO" ... -17 -i'.'i -tiPi 4TU .... :r u-.-j -.'I't ;'-i ....Ill tH 113 IIS ....trir-i lTo'l mill 70'i .. . 'i Hi mm, in1 1 tnu .. . -121,1 U'-, 1U lilt ....7.1 7V, 7J7i T! ...uu,; iii7i't ing'i id"; . .i.-iii'. 1.0K- hi1; -j'"t . ..KI'i Pi'l'j 117 'i ll.T1 .. .inr; l.uij iiij hjj .... .i7'l .77 ,s .ITN u5! 'lrH ""'.- 31 'H .t-.i; ... l(! li.! tr.2'3 IllJIi ...111! Ill,'", JM tll,,i . .. in'i si; i,,i . mi', .... ist 7M"S 7s h 7lili . .;:'; :it tip. :.;? ... "il'-. M' )' ")il ... Mii i-i'i nl i m Hi i.Jij dl'j iti j . 41 ll' II 111, ... li'j u'4 u- ii'; .... l MH M'f, Mii .... I Hi 4.. IP. 11 .... 'ii--; 'i. 'j'i 'i-JTs ... Oll'i 'H)1! s'l", Pll Bnl AAei WI .' I U ;.! :u tMI 27 j 111 UCnI ljil I2J HO . . !W IIHI 17", 101 l"."i ... 75 111 113 117 UN) IW H12 Scinnton Wholesale Maiket. (toueiUil b It. (i, Pile, 27 l..u k.iv. jnni Ave.) ISi-.irii- I'ei liuslul, ilioiie in.niou, siUlii.iw Uuttei I'ltth ne.imti.i, 21j2Ji.; iIjIiv, fusli, 22i. ( heeM--1'ull iieim, lfi'ia Hl-. IVus- -Ne.ntiy Mule, J1j2'k. Vleihmn Beans l'u Inisliel, i-1 M linen l'i-.i'J--lVi lu.licl, I.IUjl.l" I'limr De-t patent, pii baiul, t,tS Hems I'et hu-liil, limn e nuiion, s i, I'uulois l'ei lijshrl, s,3-j. Onions I'a bushi I, -si.oo. Fhiladelphiii Ginin and Fioduce. l'lul iili-lpliii, Vm, 17, -l.lie ..loik rueipi-i i.i tin- link: utile. 2,si7; rliiip, lil.utu; In. J, I itsl. i dtlh uliii ililn ImpiiiVi-nirnt In ile niiml nml aoml ini-ilium, lumli Mi "is ,i MhJc lilliu. pmiii Inn- i.iille, sciia .mil v.inti-'l. Ile-il, s."7oin; flmiie. si Jii.-i.u, jiuiif SjjI.Ji; (iniii'iun, sj,-j,-,; nieihiini, sl.'.Oilu sheep mini .1 tinle Ihnur mi evil i "Imp inulu .1 lielt i iiniiii,, villi iillin- iii.iilis 'nil .itisirtiul .it Me nly pilfe'. Slui-ii, iu,i, ,'iJli ; ilmicp, ,.'1 i.l'.-i.: i,io,, ilj-Pn.; tnitlliini, 2'i-.i2?i.; iom limn, I'jiiJ'j', Muss 'trailing laiili ti nlj ; pillH lllltll .1 llllllu tMiil I ; VVCaklll, 7 jsl',1'. I'.it io.. -J'sili.. Illill lll., I'jjJ'll.J Mil (live., steady at nul'.-r.: i-vli.i ihnue. 7'ji.i iiiinmon, .lif.iiV. ; inilih m iiiu.i ilesli.ilile Siaili-s hdil .il st'J.i",",; loiiimmi (u fail, In ,ii live at sJOi.Ui ; ilus-ieil Mien, "ui'il impiiii .it "'.i'i'ii : ihe.siil urn-, "uiii.i , ilu' .nl Lllllll., ktuilily lielil at 7a7'ji. OLYPHANT I'atili'k 3ic-iiln ono m' t !-. oUli'.st H'Mldontrt of tliln lil.lfi'.illvil at the Iimnc nf lilsi slslur, ill's. 1'atrirk Koarncy, on I'Vnh stieet, yrstenlny niurnliiK, aflor a lliiqi-iiiiB-lllnc'.s-s oC iliopsy Deeea.s-ril wus lioni in Ireland, and en mo tn .UnerJivi wlii'ii a yomiK' man. IIo was ut a unlet, uiuiHauintii's" dl.spiiHitlun, u--Hpi'cli'd liy all who Know liiin. Tho finii'i-al niraiigoiiK'nts liavi- not yet been iiiaile, Daniel and IXIw.iil .Matihows spent i'mctilay at .SpiliiR- liiook, I'mf, ili'iii-Bf WalHIiisliavv, of I'tuvi ili'iier. vvhh a vlHltor in town ycHtfiday, Tills itvenint; tlto si oat lumuir will open in tlm itltiKely iLiptist i-linrc-li.wltli n line .supper tiom fi initll 8 uYlnck, lor tlio small Finn "I lltteon c-entf, A I b u'lloi-k n Kfiind onteilnlniiieiit ivIM lie slvi'iii nndi'i' tlio liiaiuiKeinont of JUsa Daisy i. Hall, assisted by llterar ami Mitslial talenl nf a lilnli order, In tlio toi-lal loom ol' tlio iliiircli tlio Imotlis .no puiltily and tastefiilly m inured, and luivo lieen dtcoraleit under tlio ill icit Ion of .1. A. Wiirinir, ot lllakely Tliu linziiar, eiiieitaliimeni and sitppm will lie loiitlnui'il each ovenitig din intr tlm iM'i'l. iixliidliiK Hatitrilay ovenliiK, "William Hi ilven lam opened news paper and lonl'eitloiiery store in itio linlldinr. leiimtly viuati'd lj lleniy lloun, on L.ukauuniui Hlii-et. Tliu nteniliern of tlm Lackiiwatinn ludpi', Knlslits of I'ytlilas, ullenileil sorvlio nt tlio I'llnilllvo Methodist ilinrilt last evenliiK and listened to ,i eveelli-nt tei-moll liy Kev. JanieK lley. tlv pastor. William il.tleii.i spent l'steld.l.v at hit liomu In Uunniore. .Mis. A. If e ny, if Carhomlnle. Is visit im? Mr. and Mrs. ). I,. Ilerry, ot lllakely. SITUATIONS WANTED HUEE. Help Wanted Male. tvJA' isjr v iMI'tl, II' ONf 11 l'.vperlemtil inn in mn ennliiM t" tiotiiinili. lteferenii teipliliO All ilie, Ihijtliieri, 'lilbime Ofllu- WAMKD tlooil, imnlli.it vhodii.lkie, iiiut llmi oiniiulilj unili r.'iini lil well,) utiiuly poil'l'n foi lldlil nun. ppli P. A. PivK l.nriin" ne lino, nppo'lle lliiie i-tieet, tet l'lttito-i, VA1KD CmiKi tie nun or wotmin to net r, Im il veietny in IliN ilNliht. Inclo'e rrlf mliluvctl vmclotio to Vice I'nslileni, r.ii" ot 'Jrllinni' Oltlce. SM.AItY nml coiiiniMnii will be paid inpible men to Mllcll lunl. luiauiiK Helen n-'i reipilied Ail.lieM ltn II, lillninu otilie. WANTIID-Ilv leaillni Philadelphia lioiiw, Hit iIihi Kilo'imti, to veil ROtiernl line nl piper tn tlie tetall trade, one uho Im an iiiipiilntati'e I'leloiictl: mint have Insl uluenii' ami be nblc to fuinNh bond. Aildre'i P. 0. l!o- 2i". I'lilln" delphla. Help Wanted Female. ffAMIII)-! Rhl 11 or IS vcar obi vvlm would like Hood ppniiinriit lioiiie Mlieie ..he woulil be treated n one of the ftitilh. Willo nr nppl' to Mi;. Ih ron Ilucklnsliini. l.lmhint, I'a W.VMKD A inlddlo -iced house keeper. Apply 'llionus Water. Vanillins I'lt'l'V OI'llltArOIII WAVri:tl-v-leadv vvorl. Siurntiteed. W. K BeLk k Son, JV AilanH mrnue. WANTIlD-CJIrl for seneial houcork at Ualton. Adilre-s II, T earc rilbiinc. BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Wont Adveitisements Will Bo Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stoies Until 10 P. M, Central City AI.BI'IM' SCllliM'. criier MuUieiiy tieet and Mebslrr auntie. GUiTAV I'lCllIX, c:o Mdiui avemi". West Side CIXIUlli; W. JI'.NKINs, 101 South Miln avenue. South Seranton l"i;i:D h. 'lUltl't'l:, 72') Culn .ienue. North Seranton UTO. W. l)Vs, (orner Nmtli Minn avenue and Maiket ftieet. Gieen Bidge ClIArtl.Ks P. JONI.S 1J57 Dukson ii i enui'. P. .1. .lOHNP. fi.'O flieen UiiIri' stieet. I' 1.0lti:.. cninci Wajhnifeton ave nue ami M.iiiou .sheet. Peteisbuig 11. KXlUTf.L, 1017 tmn- annuo. Dunmoie j. a, boni; j. son. Wanted. AM'KD I'iiiiiUiciI loom, lenlialh- lucatcd, modem and in puvjlc fimilj. K, 'lulmno Offiie, city. WAN! I'D-Good second h aid furnai e, villi pay ijsh. Addre-s l.oi 1: l!o 1"0, su niton, l'.i. Booms and Board. A l.AllGK I'KOM' H00VI. witli Imid, at .".il Adims an uue, Suitable loi two youn men. BOOMS '10 MINT, Willi boaid. 409 Jlulbciry btlcct. Furnished Booms. fOlt lli: I' -I'urni-lieil loom. Ileal, bull, near J. Im J'nlv t bun li. It. I, 'i' , 'iTibime Oirtie llllt HUNT- Muly liniiislieii mum, nil coiivcn leiKi'r; piiv.it.' Ijiulh. Sit Mulbiuy s-lieet. I'l IINMIKD 1I001 101! HUM'. Willi liJl, ( is and b.illi, gimlimi'ii puUllid, al "il'l Ail nil. aieuiie. rOlt TtLN'l ruriuilieil fionL loom, with heat, bath and sas; near loutt liuiisc; uTiitluiun pitfeired. Adihifts Boom. Box 21W, FOB ItKM'l'uiiiisheJ loom; heat and bath 62Z Linden stieet. Business Oppoitunity. SIOl K M VMIBVT TRADI'liS wllliout delay. VVrlk foi our spuial milker letlu. Tlie mi appllialiuu S M llll.haul k to., meinben V, V. Consolidated and Stoik lli liangr, 14 .mil Id lli.udujj, ,cw ork. 1'slablUlud 1A Lon Pi, tame riiuuo 2158 Biuad Honey to Loan. $J.W.rOO TO LOAN Lowest Kites: ttuUht or monthly payment!,, btulk k C'o.,Ti,ii.ii' bld-T. ANY AMOU.NT 01' .MONTY TO l.OW-Qulik. etral,;)t Kans m BiillulnR and Loan. At Irom t to C pci cent. Call on N. V. Walki-i, MI-Hj Ctmiell building. Lost. Lilsl' On Liliili n .Ilu'. l'i i' i n I I niLlil! uv o- l.tio .mil I. lu I '.u I. i hill li. a lull nl Lulil- Imwiil .p''ule", 111 c.lsi. I'tn lei will l III 1' ,1 lam In le.iilu-; al I'uhuue onlu-. I. (is I- v tiai k-i omli j-1 1 n 1 1 .mil siihl mn. VI'O ,m ilk skin, lllcvv nil I in leu- ut I'ii.t .N tinii.it bank Ui C, 1' Hill su Strayed, i vmi: 'in i i'Iii:.viim.s. i ,4ii onmt i .in Live ..Jlile mi piuilUn' puipiih and paling iVii-He., vnihcu' l.'ioigt', 11. ii. II BltMii.1, Ji I ill' li, Superfluous Hair Beraoved. i-LI'I.IIILrors Mil, wait, .aid molr. paiiiL-.. Ii, lu'inuiiiiilh, .siliiilillialh iiuiuiiii I -el.itilu imdlo" nn ai, leiiii.uoli'j!ij 1'n-lull-. .11.1 Vilhllil,'lii .IMIIlle. MiscellaneoiiE. SOMI.I'lilM, NCW.- Il mn. dniiliiill, In i 'ill Inn. held iilie, en , i-i in u tlio Miiie a, an ml Italy u.mli. Pi Whin's II-, m, i mm,, tin only intent tomb in the nut Id, ,'l lie -.. m Siiunmii Im ii rhi'H tin .a , ii,l' halt pilm In .iilu-llMlU .luilil.. ilupliiveit In lie- in ir In illll.'i line ihese MOiuii nut imili. Slid .-I .mi. f,i one. Imlli i' Ijt, Ik i trintV i,e, -,1i d.i . in- i ill am I- . ii'i bnl. iillln- , mi Mllioi) lie ii-ild-, ..".I Vlul on .iirnur, S.i uiliiii, l'i FINANCIAL, WE OFFER TO YIELD ABOUT 5 $430,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC iD POWER COMPANY Of Jiutte, Alont. Ill ' un $rei ,1 upuii piodiiiii.j 'ii 1 1 Hd) 5 Hist Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Di nominal mil M WO. ..Jiutiiis I to 11 i,.iis Vitml. lint tilnl f)i li lrvi-i.i a,, I j kiiikiiu Iini'l. Nel i nuiii.. lima mi'l lb ii, nun un ,.i i mi 'ti r iiiiiii I hi ji iniilUi. L RUDOLPH KLBYBOLTE &CO. 1 NAS.SAU ST., MIW YOIJK, DIRECTORY; 3 Insertions 25 Cents Atorj rim Hour Lines, 6 Cenl for lltcti linlra Lin;, PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. l'llWAltll C. SPAULU1N0. 13 TIlTDEItS BAN Billldll-R. Aichitects. LimAIIP II. DU'IS, .UtC'llflTCT, "cOXNT.t.S IlillhlltiR. PIILDKItlt IC L. IlllflWV. 'aTiCI'I.' B..itir5 Ltate 1 xihnnnc BIiIr., i:oWiiiilnRtim ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. IIAIttllNi, (W,1 ( ONNILt, IIUILDINtl. Dontlsts. hi!, i. i:. liii.r.NBiiittiilitTTvL'i'.i iii'ilihxo," j-pmec street, Seranton. lilt. C. C.LTllfII, 113 WVOMINd AVKNUC Lawyers. I'iiank i:, noYi.i:, riniiNi;Y'.:ivLAW. """J2, '' Ju a"l Is "l"r """'""s. t. Iv". "IIHCY. ATT'V, COMMONWtTlTU" HMKl! u. ii. itni'LOdi.i:. .vrroiiNBY-i oan.s yr.ca- tl.ilnl nn real estate scitirllv. Mears Bulldln,', U'rnri- WtishliiRlon avenue and Sprtico .Uieet WILL Mil), WAItlllA-TvT irNAI'l'. A'nOliNIA? .iiid wiiiiihi.1o18-iiI-1 iw. lti publli at Uulldinj, ivashlnRton .ivci.ne. .Il.sst I' f. ,Ii:.ssit'( ATTOIINPA'S AND COt'V Mlloisnt.hu. CoinmoiiHi-allli Bulldinsr, Itvonu 19, 1'0 ami 21. 1:'WAnl) "'. THAYHU. A'nORNI.Y. IlOOMi BOMtll, fiih flout, Men, biuIdiiiR. L. A. )VVI'lir:. ATlOBMA'-Ai'LAW, BOABU of liade llitlldlns, Siianton, l'.i. pa'i iTitsoy k iviLcoxTriLMTLn's xA-riovVtl Bank lluildiii- C. COMLfiYs", ji-l.f BBl't'llI.lCVM BUILDIXO. a. w. Bi.iiriioi.r, ornei: movt.d to si, all Wyoming avenue. Physicians find Surgeons, im. w. p. ali.iiv. .-,n jionru washing ro'i aieiuie. PI!. S. W. l,'M0Ui:U!X, oincr, :t!1 WASH. liiBtou aiiiiiie. lte-idinte, PUS Mulbciii. Clirnnic di-e.u-ij, Iii.htj, brail, kidney i ant Renitii-iulnaiy otsaiio .1 i-peiialty. Houi, 1 to 4 p. in. . Hotels and Restaurants. Till; Kl.lv RUT, UI AND 127 PBAXKLIM AVI line. Bates teasomble. v. zti:ai.i:n. Pioprictor. sritAvrov iiocsi:, xi:.n d, l. k w. pas' sr-npie deiiot. Ci-indiieted on tho Ktirope.nl fi in. VlClOlt KOCH, l'roprictoi. Scavenger. A, It. nillfltIS fl.KA.NS I'RtVY vaults and rt'sd pouls; n jdoi ; only improwd pumps used. A B. IUIrr. luoprielin. I.e-ive otdcH ItlO Nortli Alain aenue, oi Kicke'.-i driiff iloie. iois nu Adams and .Mulbeny. Both telephones Seeds. (.'. It. CLABIvT .V CO. SIXIJsllKV AND NUBS. ny nn ii, tti'io sol Wasliinalou avenue; grciu linit'es, 1'iiO oilli Main avenue; More tele phono. 7S2. Wiie Screens. JOsKI'lI Kl KITI.L, I1KAB 511 I.CKA. AVL'. Suuntou, Pa,, m.inul icliuer of Who Sirrem Miscellaneous. LMlll.v AILVIKNIH 'IKKA'll.D; all cases; pii vaiv; sj.ci iill-t'-s uu-. Vlidieal Home, "77 Ma-liuiRloii st.. Bull ilu, N". Y. DIM SsVIAMVU POi: CIIILDIIKN" '10 OBDi'Jl: Jl'u ladies waist-'. I oui-u Mioeutakei, iil Adims aunue. .MI'CAIIfiLi: BltOs., piiim'kuv SI'l'I'LlKS, I.N-Mlopi-d, ptpu bags, twine. Maiehoiisi-, 1 -i) MasliiiiKton aiiliiu, suaiiluii, l'.i. j in: v ii,iirs babki: itixoitn can bi: iim 'ii S. union .it tin- new MjiiiIs nf Itei-uuii Bins, loo spruce and .VII linden: VI. Noiton, I.JJ l.aik.in.iuna .iiiiiuc; I. S siliutci, "I t Spline ttuct. Situations Wanted. IAI'1 l!trC'i:il l Ul'Vlsl' would like wutin;r ut (..piiiiR rt any kind. IMil-, bonil-i and moil i;asis iiniitllv cli tv. n. Addus. llu II, "Iiibune Ullue sll"A'li(iN VMIMi in a itist ilas loailimvi, Vi-ilh .1 l'lii 1 1 f mull ; 1 1 1 o i o 1 1 i; 1 1 1 y lindii- stands the IhisIdivh; Mihei and u liable, nml i (aiiltil duvii, iililctiit-. Ailihisj 1', ,1, tint i fllir. LOOK v. nits oiiu.tluii; leliKiiu's If irqiilioil, Vddiiss Ainisliiiiiu, .'Jil I'uitii- stteel. liOOKKI I I'l.B. ep, il. opiu In mike cusHienieiil lur linn liMiis ilillv; luiupi tnil and m c i lale, in.isiir un Ml ui Imol.sj uood (olbitoi; lAiipliullll leleliliies; -s.il ii v ii'i n'l lilulilii, Addu-sS ' tliules," 'iiilitnio ollue. .MIlillLK-Mil.l) "VI Vs. lioni 1-oiuiliy; llioiouitlilv tillable; nn ill ink ol luhauu 1 ibin; wisliej poMll.n ai Jitilloi or i.tiu knilUiniird ri'shliii'i, nt- Imiii mm; iIioiiiiirIi Iiuibiiiiiii. Viiito, , . 'Alison, K'l'eral dill.e.y MII'VIIOV nANII.Il-DiOs-m.ikei- would Ilk.i m' i(,i mints by tin ill. Aildiei, "ill Adauu aieiuie, V VN 1 1. II V position as McnoRraplier by a yoiil lull; will be i-un.- to eivu saiisiat tlini. An. die.-, I. A , 'i'llhuno Oifiie. ' ' LEGAL. NOlll I. -On and afnr liiutnv 1.1. I'VW. till fur. I lur iii'iki', Hi lulldwlni; yi-iiiy talis i if i .Her will be (luin'nl: lluiiscs (iieiiiinl by on" fimily only S ijl sliu'ln Iiiusin oiiupliil by inoio thin one tiinlly, fur 11. st. taiuily ,. ? M single liuitsi,, I'liupiod by time than urn: liitiib, 'ut uili tvlia fimily .. , Il f b li.-iiei of i l.e Blind, I, II Hand, s-, .(.-ui.. uuu,bi- IClli, ll'll. IN" BK: lltANMTIt OP I.ICI'.Nsi: of Jloriis V .Vliitil,, suuitd VMitil, ill) u! Siianton, lleiny ("lnpiu'll, .No. .is", Jlnili s'ej)ti.i, l'ji Niilke id liinbv Rilin that III-: intat ut .iuilc .is,lut oi l.ukawaniti loutily Inn Rrmli-d i lull 111 tun .ili.no l.le tn slion Ulle nil J nil J jtit'iu-e bhuuld lint bo ll.il .teil'd, uuj Ii.h 1m-I IiIiIjj. No-., "nil. Pill, ui li oMmk i hi, la ipcu lonii, as tho lliiii lor Hie heiiln D.UII1 I. ll.WI-". Vit'iney fur IMItionT. FINANCIAL. .itiiuer. I in. n u ! I'liriiiini .-I .lis im .i Ian- ii v ., anu if11 'I i j' , i. . j,-i . i.uiiFf.. t jia .1 sV,OJ., as- IJsMI s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers