The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 18, 1901, Image 1

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" 'v' fcJ tfv'
. "
t'1 Jifl
y V
mm-" "" !S'i " ti "tv' '2 V K,n-r 'I1
6 ivl' it wfK w hhi hutmii
Half a Million Aliens Arrive in the
United States from Foreign
Lands yearlu.
Annual Repoit of Commissioner
Gcneinl Powderly He Would
Have Congress Regulate the Dis
tiibutiou of Immigiants A Better
Chaiacter of Citizens Camo Last
Year Over Three Thousand Re
fused Landing.
Bs Kttliisitt Nile ficin'Hic Aisociattd Pics
Washington, Nov. 17. The rt
poi t of I'onuiiNHlniuT (leneinl Pow
lcil,ot tin- liuiiilhi.ttlon liuu'.iu. .shows
tin- tolnl st eiugo aiilvals in tliu United
Slides dining the eni to hate been
4"7,iil, an ineie.ise not the pieccdlng
year of ;iy,.:ii!, ur, appioxiin.itelv, iilni'
per Ltiit. of thN iuuc.ise. ti.OJO iiinu'
thiotigh Canadian ii Is .mil tin- list
thioimh inn ts of this i oiuili v Tin lc
weie also Tl.t'.'i'i alien pussengeis who
tame hi thi' c.ibln, liitiKliiwr a total lor
tho of .'u.-.MJs.
Tli'- i.itl'i ol ineiease ot Italian iiunil
Kiatloli, ,is lompaiod with last e.u, is,
appioxiiiiati'ly, Hill ty-si-c per ( i-nt.. or
mine than tlneelold the i.itio ot in
i rcase tiiun all Uiuope, anil the m
( ii ase liumeiii allv fioin all otlu r coun
1i it s ot Iknope aggiegale scaicely one
fuliltli ot lioin Halt.
Steeiage liuniigi.ition was distnbuted
rts to set between uil,fl!5 iiii'ii and irii!,
SfiS women, as to age, between G.'.'iJJ
under touitctii eais, :i'jtl,rdl! lioin four
tern to loity-flvc, and or foitv
flve and nldi'i. It Is .shown U7,"S7
weie unable to lead or willo and ".Olii
tould lead lint not wiiti-. Ol the whole,
."I.MiO bmught each les-, th in $.0, and
"jb.'JlJ had mine than $i) cull.
Better Chaiacter of Immigiants.
Thru- hundiod and siMv-thiee weie
returned to then lespeetive coimtiies,
having become public ehaigts within
ono e.u utter landing Tin- number
refused .i landing was 3J1H against 1,--'4fi
foi last year.
The chaiacter of immigration was de
rkleclly supeiior to that ol last jear,
tho rejections being 7.10 less, although
ihe anhals weic .'O.Slfi mom.
The piluclpal countiies liom which
Hie steeiage anhals tor the j.tnr tame
M'le: Italy, Sicily and S.udinla, l.r.,
9C: Austihi-IIungai.v. IU.o'.mi; Kussi.m
Finpiu and rmlanil. si,-"i7: lml. mil, ::(,
r.fil; law t den, ",!,.'.!1: e'eiman eiuplm, -1,-551:
Noiway, 1' rJtS: Uuglanil, l.'L'U.
The laigcr niiinber of Immlgi.iiits
etc ie to Illinois, Massachusetts,
New Yoik, I'cnusyh aula anil "Marland.
Thi' buieau lt'ltiiates the ewi-. t'N-pie-hed
in its l.f-l annual lepoit as to
the iK'oes.sit, ot anu'iuliiii? the lau.s in
l elation to the punishment ot poisons
who Induce .'liens to i oine to the t'nited
Stati s to on,jajju in labor or iivkc of
nn Mud.
To Distiibute Aliens.
"It M-eins imlit.peii'-.iblc." i-njs the
f oiiimhsiouei, ' to ii'inoM' as far a
, aosslhle thoso toiidltious wlikh funlliet
with the HKoi poiatlon ol the alien i le
nient into the s..sti'in ot tho
fouutiy, .so that by aeliial i';ii'i ieni e
Ihe loi nar ina learn an s-oou as )os
Bible lliat the basis and foundation of
the Aineiiian polity is a lespeit and
nltti tioii lor and a willing obedient e to
the liws atnl t-iislonis ot the land, be
i Ihe iiialiiten.UlLC of tho'-O laws Is
the best safesuaid ol individual libci ty.
"Jt is tlRiefoie Kioiuineniied that
Lonjjiess tiiaet suitable li'Kislalion.
either with oi it meessaiv. without
thi LO-opi'iation of the slatts, for tho
purpose ot disti ibiitiiitt the alien popu
lation with soiue leti'ieiui to the ln
dustiial law ol supply and deniaiul."
Man Who Fixed Gun to Shoot
Thieves Is Badly Hint,
m Kulu-ho Wire turn The wnliHil I'rt
till. ii on, I'.i,. XoMiubtT 17. W.Uk
JliK Into a tiap he had piepaicd
lor otlieis, Abel T. llaKer, of Wluniln
lon township, was peihaps tatally lu
Juitd. ThicM's liao lepeatedly l aided
Ills ehiikeu ioop-, and In onlcr to
hlliiol one of them he iaeed a MiolKUli
Jn such il position that the opi'iilni; of
he i lilcki u loop tloor would ilisihiiiKc
it. Halter fomot about Ihe eoiitihaiiie
nd iipenid Ihe door last uIkIU It
voi bed ui ooidiiitc to his plan and he
liuhed the contents of the Kiln In the
Man Entombed in Mine Is Taken
Out Alive.
II) I kiliwixp Win I i'IIi WjliiIuI I'iu,
tilraidvllie, l'.t , ,m, 17 l.ato last
TliKht a le.setiliw paity itiulieil .Stephen
Cnt-pei, who was eniouibed III I'aiker
"Xo, fi eollleiy bj a tall o link- jcstei
lay inoinliiK, The pilsuuer was still
ilhc. but was badly tiiKhtuiied by his
tell ibid oNpi'llome.
Alter dl.lKKlllh' hllilsiilt thioush Hid
small opitulliij lll.iilo by tliu patty, ho
hissed tho liuiuis of tho hkii who saved
his lile.
Looking for a Dynamiter,
Bv titluiiir Wlif (rem the Aicctlitcd l'nn
oil. 'd, "Nov Vllio dctivlUf, me iiutv.
ln a itfoiuu fcfirili tJi the luiHw win. jt
tniiitei to blow up Willi il.wuiiiiu, ViWiy iinihi,
lli nulfin iuu Ujiii on th.. TNoi I licni r in.
trd l.illii'i'l. As it nc arietta lnn Ikiii hi uk,
l.ul it li uwlr.-Ui ili'ulu!miiiU in. In i
ptitir) In I ti'l) lu i'jx.
Mpnner Signb with Cleveland.
II) I ulnine Hlir bom 'I lie WocLnH I'i'v.
eluiliiitl, 'Sso, t. "ili'iisn' Aiiiwn, ti ilu
Ckuljnit AluilKJi) liu.ut I ,, m.'Iih
Hjiiiki, til tin Moiitrojl Ujiii f tin- l.i'iiii
IfJIfiic to pljy sctoml base (or Ihe ( lewl-itul
tui" llic scawn u( Vtfi. Itoiiiici will rqiUii: llftl..
Oenctal Catlos Alban Has Resolved
to Lead Attacking Eoiec.
II)' l.ultnho Who limn lliu Usochtnl I'rcM.
Colon, t'oloiiibln. Xo'. 17. The Col
ombian Kimbniit (lenenil I'liiiion in rived
bote today fioin Havunlllti with Mi)
Ill view of the unohfiliRi'd eondltloim
on tho Isthmus this evident o of tho kov
ernment's policy to lelnfoieo its loiees
beiu Rives eiedeiiee to the piesilinptlon
that (ieneial Catlos Alban, mllltaiy
commander of this dish let, has llualle
resolved to lead n stioiitf nttacUliifT
foite iiKaiust the lusunreiits within hla
.luiisdlctlon and attempt to tciminate
the pieselll we.nlsoniu ile.idlnek be
tween the Colombian lebels apd their
tiovci nmciit.
The loinmanikr and olllLets of the
T'nited Stales steamsblp Iowa wele leli
deied a ball last nljjht al I'.inaniii by
Ihe Colonibia olllclals and elite sodety
of that place.
Two Men Who Attempted to Attest
Will Mathis Aie round Dead in
a Burned House.
By I lit be Win hum I lie . . tlitnl l'lii
Ofoid, :tiss . Xin. 17. .kilin 1!.
iTfiiltKfimei. deputy I'lillnl States
in.ii shul pio tcin, a icspicitii cltien of
OMiinl, and deput) rnititl Staks ni.ii
sbal II1117I1 Jloalffoineiy, of I'uutoloc.
lift beie yt'stcidav tin tho puiposu ol
aiicstlmv Will .Mathis, .m alleKLil
inunteileiter and nioonshlnei, -who
lives twehe miles cast of this pi. no,
Hailv this mninhii; Jfinitoinoi 's
hoise was itiuiid sl.iudhiK at the irate
ot Cindy Hall, a neighbor of .Mathis
and Jlalhis' hoii'-o binned to the
sround. Vpon tuitber luestlK.itloii,
two paitlillv binned bodies weie
loimd in tlie ashes ol tho binned build
illir, wliith hae been kleiltilied as tile
lcmilii" ol the deputy maislnil's. .luhn
It. "MoiitHomciy's hoi-e has not been
li'iind, and it is supposed that "Maihis
nindc his esrape on litiu atler the men
bad been killtd and the bouse set on
tile. .Mathis' wile was at her fathers
a lew miles limn her bunted home,
and shu sa.s her husband lett home
-vLsteiday, and that he was leaving the
Lt untiy.
"M.tthls was iiulkttd last summer for
making and pnssini? Lounteifelt nionev
and was out on a $J,(it)0 bond. 'J'hr
1 witne-s against him was a
ni'Sio IK inn in the same nelKhboihood,
and a month ajfo be was assassiuati il.
The two Jlontgoineixs went out to ai
lest "Mathis lor makiiiK illicit whis
Uty, and it is supposed that they weie
pietalled upon to lemain for the ninhl
and weie shot while snanUm; their
pi N0111 1.
A posse ol tluit) or ttulv of the
b.nllut: men of ()toid went out to the
setae ot th'- null del today and eteiy
eltoit will be made to eapttue "Mathis.
The "Filipino Cuttlnoat Will Pay
Twenty Yeais in Piison.
Bi 'l1u.i(J Wae (10111 lliu Wotiitttl IVsj
Manila, "Nov. 17. The Filipino piiest
liepusi'ti has been senteiued bv louil
m.ti to the pen, ill v ot death lor the
minder 01 leitaln ot his eountivmen
who taxoied the Ameiieans. Out of
ifspni, howeer, to the Londenineil
man's i.iIIIim and the Kieat' leliKioiis
body to whlib he belonged and must
unwoithlU lcpic'sentLil, Ceneial Chal
ice lias tomiiuited his sentence to JO
je.iin Impiis.iiimcul. lieneial Chaftee
deslics it t" be uiulci stand that the
h'lliuuy iM'Kisctl in tile case lanilot
be taken as a pieietleul unit that no
pel son in tile islands tan be permitted
to plead bis oilltt, 1i'jwocu sai'ied and
exulted tills may be as piolection
analnsl ei lines conunitteil.
The municipal authoiiths bae de
tlded to enlaiKe the idly of .Manila and
to iiicoipoiau' villain us limits
suburb of Santa Ana.
Empiess Dowager Issues Edict, Con
fening Titles Upon Descendants.
II) l.i liitiii-Will' fioiii I lie .U'uilili'l I'mss
I'cklu. No. 17. The enlpiess dow
tiKcr has issued anotlii'r ediet, oiiIorIz.
bu the into LI II1111K t'hanif and ordei
iiirC the cifLiion of a mcmoiial null
pear ltls bli'tllpliu c
The eillct also dlictts Hint tho lank
ot 111.11 inns, coufciii'il upon the eldest
sou ol Hie late Chinese statesman in his
own lislit, shall descend HiioukIi tuon-ty-tbien
seneiittlons, it lonleis IiIhIi
lank upon the other sons of Hail Li,
upon whom ihe posthumous lank ot
nun Mills has hi en bus lowed, and eon
feis iIIkuIUcs upon bis Kiaiuisons, to
aether witli lueiatlse otliees
Animal Being Diiven by n Wotrnin
Became Unmanageable.
Il I'uliulu Win (rum 'I hi wlI.iIpiI I'n .
llaiioier, V.i., .o. 17. While .Mrs,
Ilmunuel 1'. Muumii'ii, aned lil jeais,
was ihlvhiK nlouir tliu llniioM'r anil
I.itllestowii pike jcsteitlay, tliu liin-iu
bciiiimt iiuinaniisc.ilile,
In her c noils to coiuinl Hie iinliual
shu became mi oUlel anil sen id that
she illcil, A little cliiuuhtei, who was
with .Mis. MmiimiM'ii stopped tic licu..c
and then liilouueil a ueaiby launrr
that hei liioHiei was dead In the.
Altoona Man Fell in Paint in Six
Inches, of Water,
')) 1 si tusiu- Wnc bum llic AfsocUtcii I'ici
Allooim, l'.i , X'ov 17 Whllo b.ithlim,
this iiionibiK. .I11I111 M. WU$ou was
ilHiwiiul In Hlv Inches of water, lie
1, limed ami tell lute downward in the
bathtub, -n hero he struimled to death.
He seienuied us he fell, but when Ilia
wife aiiloil he was dead.
Startlino Storu Published bu Yes
terday's San Fran
cisco Gail.
Plan to Oveitlnow the Local Gov
ernment of the Noithwest and
Make Dawson the Capital of n
New Republic Pi ominent Ameti
cans Said to Be nt the Bottom of
the Conspiracy The Btitish and
Ameilcnn Offlcinls Alanned.
By Lvchuhc! Hire (10m I lie Asociitcil I'je.?
San rianelseo, Nov. 17. The Call to
day mhi lb. an uiicoiiliinied stoi.t Horn
Skiutway, Alaska, under dale ot Xov.
il. IclliiiK of llic dlscmeiy of what Is
alleged to be .1 huire ionsphac eist
inif in Dawson city and iamiliiiR to
f-'I.MKiay, Vietoiia, aneoiii-r and
Seattle, for Hie oveitlnow ol the 1ck.iI
Kov eminent ol the. Xoitliwesi teui
toiy, and foi the establishment of a
11 public, with Paw son as its itpii,il.
Aeioidini; to the details ot th" sto.y,
nuns, ammunition anil piovislons have
been taken in ovei the lalho.ul and
tacbed at straleKie points. Viomhii nl
Anieilcan lesidcnts ot Skagway tne
said to be leatlcis in Hie
"Minei.s to the number of n.fino are said
to await the summons to arms, loady
to flight lor the independence fioiii lo
n.inion liilc of the sold Ileitis, camps
and towns. The plan is to ov ci power
Hie mounted police, an est the civil
autboiities and take the government
into their own bands. The ngois of
the aietio wiulei., would kIvc tliu in
suiKeif sK ninntlis ininiunity fiom
attack bv Canadian or liitlsh tioops
and the adventuioiis an h- ousplntous
hope1 lor Intervention or outside as
sistance by the Hniu Hie nieltiiiK ot ne
and snow will penult the invasion of
their isolated lepublic.
Confeience at Skagway.
It is fm thcr ulatcil that a bullied
conteiente, lastiiiK until midnight, was
held at Skneway Xov. .1. at which weie
pieseut Captain ConiKan, ot Hie
Northwest mounted police, who hail
ai lived f 10111 aeiosj, the Canadian bol
der late that ev cuius:; .ludge Uiown.
of the "United States distiiet lotut;
United States Alaishal Slump. I'mlcd
States Attorney Viedoilck and "Ma lor
lloey, lominiindiiit; the t'nittd States
tioops a I SkaKway, attended the ine. 1
Intr. This was the last ot
hasty consultations between Hie tivil
and mllltaiy lepiesenlativcs of the two
powtls in illation to tin'" mjstiiious
ti.inspuilatioii ot supplies into Die In
tel 101 and imnois ot ,1 luiisphaey to
bad tiic minets in a lovolt against H10
Canadian i,ovi 1 nnienl in the X111H1
wesl temtoiv. Tliusc pieseut niain
tainid suhseiiueutlv Hie flile'cst
sllenic coiliLl 111111? the law evidence
laid befoie them and their ivuliiit
uu-uety bellied to eouliini the Illinois
of t.inspliai v.
C.'iitalu C11111K.111 tool; a tiain bruk
auoss the bonier the ne.t nioinbiK,
while Cnited States " Slump
ciiibaikeil on the lust steaniei 1oi
Seattle, whlih poll be 1 tat bed sevtial
d.tjt .ujo. The ob.iei t ot ills was
presumably to coaler bv leleiriaph
wllh the ail thin I tics at AVasliiiih'toii.
lie sailed -steidny afteinooa on Hie
Dolpliin on bis way back to Sl..iL,w.y.
Two or Tluee Mineis Still Unac
counted For The Mine Still
Ik 1 Silusnc Wire from 'Hie AjSOc uieil J'u a
lllnelield, W. V,i Xov. 17. Up to this
time- no other tkad bodies havu bt eu
reeoveied Horn the I'oi.ihoulns mlue
disaster, but seven al may bo added in
the death list which now numbeis
nine, as tbeie mo two or tluee min
ors unaccounted 101. The mine Ik still
burning llercely and for the past twenty-four
boms teiy little lias been 111
loinpllshcd in the way of heaithing
the mine for those Hint niu still miss
ing. It was supposed last night
the flio would have been under con
tin) by this at lei noon but It was
found this moming thai a luge
amount of pipe and hose was jet need
ed In ruder to ic.ieli tho file. This
nioinhig the wholesale baulware es
tablishments of tills place wcio called
on for all the pipe and hose available
and passenger tialns weie held lime
for the pm poso ol iiislilng I ho ma
tcllul to tho si eiio of the disaster
The mine olllclals mo spailng neith
er cifoit nor expuifeo In cuing for the
liijuittl, btii.vlug Hie dead nnd e.lii
giilhliliig ibo (lames. It is now Imped
with the lelltf gangs irom oilier minei-,
opei.ltlons to got Hie llio tinder eoll
liol by toinoiiow iittoinoun though
It Is baldly piobible that It will bo cu
tiiely extinguished for possibly 11 wek.
as It is si diltt mine ami it will be
Impossible to lloud H
Steamship Aiiivals.
If) 1 vtluekc Wire from ll.e AmocuIhI 1'icii
n- "lull., .Nov 17 Arikdl: l.i UutJii;ii,
Ilavie! I'.ilui-la, lljubur(t, lloiilognt .mil I'ljm
until ; Stiluiilam, llotlnilim ml I,oiiIui,iii,
Livripool- ulv(ilt IJruliriJ, ev: oi'.i vii
Qiutiulotiii. lillialUrsjiloii: I I'unn
liVnoi Jii'l Iwi'ks), New 1 Jik. ijiceiisto.Mi
sjiu.lj (,'iiiiiiuli Ibom 1 ueipool), ,Ne nk
(iletaliiul b) t"X 1
South Afiiean Casualty List.
Uy llxfluihc "iWic dom Hie Aitotiated Vm.
Lciiiil 11, ,Noi, li H10 South Afmaii jiiiity
list liowi llul ill llic dlfali' at llukt.-prnll. Nut.
II. wMtli l.unl IviltlKiici- ititiiutl )al 1'iliby,
tUXt'tliht jioiiumy vmic iatiiul b) Hie Dom
ml aktrw inl ickJM.t.
Col. Chailes Clmlllc-Loiig Picpaies
Documents for Sons of Revolution.
By IacIii-Iu Ulic (rem flic W, (ilul Puw,
New Ymk, Xov.l". Colonel Cliunes
Cliiilllc-I.oilK, of Ibtltliuoie, "Mil., Wild
is known 11s .111 Afilcim csplotcr unci
Who, upon the death of JtoseH 1'. Hiin
dj , became diplomatic leprcsutitiitiM''
ot the special Culled Stutes lommls
sloni r at tho leeent Vails exposition,
tctiiined homo today on the steamship
L.i lhotrunic-. After spendlui; some
days with fiienils nt ritll.ulelphlii, lie
will ko to Italtimme,
Colonel Chullle-r.DliR bns been abioad
since lt'i7 and dm lutr the Inst ; ear, un
der an appointment fiom (icneuil Hor
ace Potter, Amoiieau niubaFidor to
J'runce, he has been ovcthatilint; the
musty lecoid of the war sind navy de
pat tmciils of that eouiiUy for the pur
pose of piepaiitur; lists of the olllceis,
soldieis and sailors of that nation v ho
foiiRht fur the independence of tho
Ameilean colonies. The iiiuneM ot over
1,000 of these have been listed and the
"Trench tio einineiit has piomiscd to
publish Hit 111 in book foi 111. with all
tho data loiiardiug the battles In which
the sci and land foiccs' took part dur
ing tho Ameilean Itevoltition, I'm tor is tho president of the
society ot tho Sons ot the Ameilean
Revolution in k'laiice and Colonel
Challle-l.oir; was leglstiar to Hie
commission, which was composed of
Homy "Meimi, 1'ieiirb consul at Chl
c'.iro, "Mi. "McLean, deputy United
Slates consul general nt Pans, and
"Major Uuiuingdon, United states
ami), and the Kuiuli war and n.ivy
ilepartuienl beniR decilv interested in
the sent ill, apoplnleel suldleis and ship
wiitcis to assist tho colonel and Ills
associates in 1 lie search ol Hie iocohK
She Beholds the Hand of Piovidence
in the Destiny of President
IU 1 lu.'uc Wue froin'liic VsaornieJ 1'rtSs
Voit Woith, Texas, Xov. 17. Today
Hie gieatest lehgious le.iluio ot the
Woman's Christian Tenipciani-o Union
was picsfiited. Tlility-tour menibeis
ot Hie union occupied as many pulpits
In illffeient cliiuibcs in Ibis city,
pleaching in most instances 11101 nlng
and evening. The topics coveted wcio
the whole common giound of lellgious
tliouglit of the woild. dis
toutse was tabooed, Methodists ociu
plecl I'lesbytoiiaii ! lplts, fnituiaii"
talked to a "Methodist "episcopal
1 11111 ill, .South Congregation and llap
tlsts and Congiegationallsls frateiniKCd
under the while h timet of tcmpeiance.
Some of the most pi eminent pulpit 01-iitui-,
piL.ielicd to jippieelatlve and
cc ci llowing niigiigatious.
Chief intei est teiiteitd 111 the annual
sennon pi cached in Hie Cluistian tab
einaele by llliabelh C.teenwood, ot
Xew Toil., wmlil and national evan
gi list supeiinlendelil.
The k'j.ts weie 1st Ctu inthiaiis, 1,17:
"Uor Chilst sent 1110 not to baptize
but to pieach the gospel;" Matthew
,r,-17: "I am not come to destioy but
to fnlllll."
'J lie supieme lliouglit 111 the ills,
com so was pleaching this gospel. She
Slid all histoiy teat lies wisdom
of liejil doing and follv ot wiong-do-uig.
The sjieakc r instanced Cobes
pieiie, l.oi d .leltiies, Louis Komteentb
and C"olgos. lleie is a notable quo
tut'on: "Politic I.ius f-tihe to mnko Tlieodoie
lloosevi'lt ice-piesident that they may
temove hlni as govoi nor of Xew Yolk
and no longer be hindicd in their
wicked schemes and behold .1 most sig
nal and elisastious leveisal ot their
plans. Itoosevelt, a man of destiny,
becomes pieskleut, while his successor,
lloveinor Odell, develops ability to lise
above alius and staudaids ot machine!
politics. Histoiy eni)li!isizes the ex
actness of Clod's iustiee."
She pleaded lor the objeits of the
"Woman's Cluistian Tcmpeiance Union
and pledgtd Its 1100,000 membership to
light living. Tills afternoon .1 grand
Philippine i.illy was hold at the opeta
bouse, whkh was oveillovved. Tho
niustlou of evangelizing the islands
was discussed fiom the light of tho
peisonal 1 elation of one who bad been
there ami pledges weie seemed to
maintain a missionary for u year.
Excursion Tialns Cauying M010
Than 8,000 People to the Coal
Field of Pocahontas.
li ri.tlu.ilu ae bum 1 lie AsoiUuil l'ies,
Pocahontas, Ya., Xov. 17. Uxciirslon
tialns mi 1 led more than S.OOO people
liom tliu coal tlelcls ol,
Vint Top anil Ulklns, to the i,ceue of
tho Ruby 111I110 disaster Unlay, and all
1I1V long tho gtiuiiuls about the en
tuinco lo the mine shaft weie a mass
of humanity, The llio in tho mlno has
bt (ii extinguished u mi tlueo lines of
hoho wcio wltliiliavvn today. In some
of tho lower places in tho 111 tun water
stands two loot deep. Xo bodies have
been ic'ciivcieii since jeMeieluy, but tho
work will continue us long us theio is
hope ol HLOVcrliig liny of tho itnfoi
tuiititeis, Many of tho miners ttnnlllai
tt j til those) i'lliploji'd lliene still assoi t
that at least eight bodies 1110 tut with
in llio mine. Tlie lulleii slute, with
various Inieivabi tliuuiuhout the long
shatt, Is belli;," lenioted, but the woil;
Is necessarily slow,
Tho tlueo bodies taken out yester
day weie badly binned, but they weie
supposed to bo Huiigatluns and weie
intei red this afternoon,
Money for U'llef Is being uilsed by
popular subset Iptlon. The btutu mine
limpet tor In on tho sieue, but ns jet
has glvtll nut no stiittiuent iCBaidlug
the supposed tausu ot the dlsister,
Spiin Piohibits Stiver,
li) 1 t.'iinc Wire liom J lie Av.ociJtal 1'icst
Madrid, Nov, 17 llio siunlili teiuto
pjiicd a bill prohibiting ollui coimse.
ha 1
Friends ol the Porto Rico La
bor flaitator Will Fur
nish Bail.
He Will Not Stand for Anything
Unlawfully Done by Mr. Iglesias,
"but Believes That the Charge Upon
Which, the Agitator Was Aviested
Was Without Foundation He Be
lieves That Iglesias Was Not Re
sponsible for the Rioting That
rollowed His Effoits to Benefit
tly l"liniie Wire dom 'Hie '-.Oiiittd Pre
Washington, Xov. 17. The leleaso of
Santiago Iglesias, the agent 01 the
Ameilean Fedeiation of Labor, who on
.11 living, about a week ago, at S.111
Juan, Pen to Rico, to oiganie the work
inguicii of the island into Hades unions,
was arrested on a charge of conspiiaey,
piobably will be cfieclcd tomonow. A
tablegi am was sent this afternoon gi
ing tho following authority to furnish
U isliliiKlnn, "Nov. 3".
Sidney MeKee, mm Tii 111, l'oifo ltico.
lliiiiesl jou fuineli lull live In mlreil ilulliis
fir tlie lekase of lk-ij) penclin Ins (nil. 'llio
leileution and mjeolf mil he resinnsililc.
S iniiiel (ioiiipcr 4.
Another, sent direet to
Iglesias in jail, announced Ibis action
and lenuested biin to cable dliectly a
leuoit as to the teal cause of bis ar
rest. "Mr. Iglesias has not yet cabled a
won! dnect to the fedeiation since bis
an est, The dispatches sent liom beie
today follow infoimation leeched
thiougb tho Associated Press and other
Roiuccs that Iglesias is still in jail; that
thtough intei volition of
friends the bail bad been i educed fiom
$2,000 to $500, and that "McKee stood
toady to furnish the bail if tlie oigan
ization leauested it, and would be ic
sponsible. Mr. ("Sompeis also roiehed
private woid that as the incident had
become a public question it was deemed
inadvisable for any one on bis own ac
count in Porto Uieo to furnish Hie bail.
The executive council of Hie .elei
alion, which Mr. fioinpeis did not e
time to consult in advance, doubtless
will appiove his action. Otherwise, be
himself will have to stand for the
amount. Mr. Rompers said today:
"Neither the ledeiation 1101 mvself
will stand for anything uulawtully clone
by any one, but Mr. Iglesias was ai
icsted upon a ehaige which can bo
easily piotcn to be without any 101111
datlon in fact. He was engaged in pio
locling the woikingmen of Porto Kico
fiom being paid in gieatly depieciateel
money, it being tantamount to 11 L'o per
cent. 1 eduction in their wages, A man
was killed and ninnv hint in a scudle
at tlie time of the stnke, but that Mi.
Iglesias was not even lemolely on
nected witli this I am perfectly satis
fled, and be will no doubt be able to
denioiistiate this at the trial. For this
leason bail will be fin lushed "
Henii Pournicr Diives His Rncer
nt the Rate of 70 Miles nn Hour.
Smashes All Recouls.
SpeeUl lo the Scunton Tribune
New York, Xov. 17. Henii tommler
ji'Sterday ti.ueled u mile faster than
the same distance was ever bttoir
trnteled by mini on any t chicle not
limning on tracks, The Vieucli demon
cut font teen uiul three-fifths seconds
off the woi Id's reeoul as it stood yts
teulay moining, making the mile in
.11 1-oS seconds with his gasolene mo
tor. Hefoio be m.ulo that maik the letonl
bad been tluee times cut, once b.v him
self, once by Albeit C, Hostvvlck and
once by Foxhtill P. Keene. Founder
bovc bis machluo at ,1 rate that would
litivo cairied It little less than seventy
miles an hour.
In tho clectilo and steam classes all
pievlotis iccords tveno also put out of
service. A. U Hiker diovo his eleetiii1
lacing machluo a mile in 1 minute and
:: seconds, S. T. Havls, with his ste.uu
locomobile, cut the lecoid lor that
class lioin lm, nils, to tin. 13s.
All Ihe contests were 1 tin under llio
supei vision of tho Long Island Autu-
I mobile club, and, though accidents in
ileifereel to delay the spoil, the laces
wcio tho most siiccosatul ever held In
jauv couutiy. Along llio eoutse ihe
'most pei feet racing course open to
events of tho kind hundieds of lioise-
less vehicles wcio gatheiee. In tho
p.iiade wcio one bundled and ten cur
tlages of vailous soils. Hntered leu
tho races weie llio gieatest numbei of
lino vehicles ever put Into a contest at
olio time.
0 l.tUinlie Ure liom He AsoUtfil I'ren
London, -Nov. llliroi Hood, ti( Av.ilon, r.,
leilul on tho rot lied li-d, W eked, Ik wjj I10111
Jul) II, Is-'l.
e Yell., o. 1,. Pr. Albeit L. l.ilnn, 1'iO'it
7u jur of an, .1 foiiim iiitillcj) elleittoi ,t
llio I'niled stuiti! naw, who tunc lo tlik tliv
noni llic t-outh tlireo vwtks uro lo into'. Iili
wife, who lu been in l.uiopc, and vi U e
petted luck lieU 'Incsdj), ditil III Hooiii-U
lioiplial lodi), Pi. t.ltcii nifTeied u btloke if
jpcpkvv Htt lliui-sdi) al lili hotil lie mur
li-ilin.d toiKiiuu-iicvi ulli'i ho v is tu It km lie
vw .1 iiithe cf l'lillideli'lili.
Noivvegian Steamer Lost.
H) i.teiuji.e Wire from Ihe Associated l'rcj
llallfjt, X, ;, Nov. 1T-U U uiHiiiul ii il
toniiiht that the 0lHt';l.ll neanui- I III In
Uen lost oil the Nt.v 1'oundlJiid toast, c 'li
all hamk.
One Man Dead and Two Scilously
Burned at Homestead.
II) I've lutlt e Ire from Hie Assochted Pre.
Homestead, Pa., Xov. 17. One man
dead and two soilottsly bunted is the
result of a patty ol" woikmeii being
bulled tinder it muss of molten slug tit
tin1 Unwind Alo wotks todaj.
The dead: John Uuskii, aged SO yeais,
Homestead; leaves wife and four elill
dieii. Tho Injured: Andiew Hulsl, aged iw
years', Honiestead, compound tractuie
of tho light leg, body badly tunned and
biulsed; Cent go Slsltl, aged TO jimih,
Homestead, u contusoel loot and bad
scalp wounds, 11 lno sevetc bin its all over
the body.
The accident oct lined on the cinder
dump back ot the company's- plant. The
t let tins weie engaged in collecting
scrap, when a pally ol woikmeii at the
top of the dump, about twenty feet
above, dumped their car over the edge,
not knowing that the men weie direct
ly beiiealh them. The car eonlalred
about tight tons of slag, a gieat p.ut of
which was led hot and much of It in a
molten slate. HeloK- he could le.icb Hie
lliilortuiiates, Kusk.i was dead and
Hulsl so badly binned that ho can
baldly iceover.
no progressTpT
miss stone's case
Tlie Bilgands Have Not Replied to
the Latest Proposals of Mr.
Dickinson Danger of Delny.
By 1 i lu-ivo U Ire fi cm llic Associated l'ics.
Sotia, Xov. 17. Tlie bilgands who ab
ducted Miss Hllcn M. Stone, the Ameri
can missionary and Mine. Tsllkn, her
companion, have not yet loplled to
the latest pioposals of .Mr. Dickinson,
diplomatic agent of the United States
in Soda. This is believed to be clue to
the fact that the band has many lead
ers and that the latter ate unable to
agiee among themselves.
Tbeie is .1 impiession beie
that time is being liltteied away while
waiting for Hie bilgands to 1 educe
their demands, u is felt that the only
means by which ni.itleis can be
m ought to a head is to In foi 111 them as
to the sum available for ransom to
decluie that this cannot bo inci cased
lor anv tonsldeiatiou whatever. Such
an ultimatum might endanger the lilo
ol Miss Stone, but It Is menu probable
that the bilgands will accept this
Hesldes eteiy elaj's delay impel Us
her life, not so 111111 h 011 the scoie eit
the bilgands tbeinselves but by leason
of ilu, xpoMire and stiain sli i un
dci going.
William Biannon Is Pauloned for
''Ringing'' of a Noted Hoise
Under an Assumed "Name.
II) l.tilusho Wa .110111 'f ho A -social, il i'u.s
Cincinnati, Xov. 17. William lira 11
11011, who lor ileal ly a decade has siit
luied ostiaclsm liom the Aineiican
lull, has been lcinstatod at Latoni.i.
The oriense which made Htaunoii a
lint outlaw was the alleged 'tinging"
ot tlie noted hoi so Tanner, under the
u.iitio of Polk Haclget, at L.itoul.i, em
which he won something like $.10,000.
P.ianncm tialned the hoise cm the pike
outside of I.atijnia and nobody knew
anjtbing about him until after the
coup had been made. Polk Hadget op
ened itt 10 to 1 and was backed down to
S to T. Jockey Keith bail the mount
and tiled to make a close finish but
the hoise got his bead and finished
away out In fiont.
LStannoii netcr claimed Hie purse.
The hoise was taken to a stable in
this city and that night be was bid
den behind some fi eight in n baggage
car, painted to pi event iccogiiition by
Hie olllclals and was shipped diiect to
.Tel soy City. Tlie trail gievv so hot that
be bad sc.ucely leached the stable
tbeie when be was taken out and
shipped to Hopkitisvllle. Tetui. The
hoise Is dead, also the jockey who
mile blin, Judge Pel kins said he
thought Hi.innon bad suffeied punish
ment enough and gave him leinslate
uieiit in the nntuie of a paitlon.
Many Accidents and ratalittes. A10
the Result.
ft) I'xlIu.ivc lire (rem 'I he Associated rrc
London. Xov, 1". H.ituidajV uy,
wliii li was .cencinl thieiugliout Hm
Uiilltel Kingdom, was 1 espon-dhlo for
II..UIJ act iik nts and iatulltles. Tho
elilvcr of a London oninlbus was found
dead on his box wllllo the vehicle was
still running. He was 11 victim of cold
unci fog,
Several inllMout inclined In Ihe
Mpisuj, Tim Dominion liner Koniun,
Captain limraham, 1 10111 I'ortlniiel,
Nov. 2, tan elon 11 and sunk the iiiit
Ish steamei S.ippbbe, Captain l.uke, ol
Hie fjimden (luiu line, Time was no
loJs of life
A Xoiweglllll blls.intlue has bun
seen dilftliiK helpless oft Hull and It
li feaied that sevtial lm been
dm - necl.
Geneial Wood Vi&lts Jamolcu.
1,, I'tcliidtd V.lie 11.111 He Awn Mini I'ftM
b.intl.i.'o lie t ul'J, Nol. 17 -(iuiiliioi (klHl.i
WVoil mm Iik pally u'tiiiueii lonklii irom .la
in iic.i on the hoviiniuciii ).i'hl Uaiiittla. WlilH
.it Kliu.tou 1I10 (.outlier ktmral uctked
with iniiili liciui hi the uouiimr ef JimaUi,
Mi Anriil lltniiniiii,', and the inilituy miie-'U,
and be it it. thud .1 Oiv lm ur thill lm lad
niluinallv inteiidul in invequtiico l tho hrl.
li.uil nxUI unit dun,, leiituiioiv til j nt (ieneial
Wuod will pivliahb jn lu l.uaiitaniiiu to in
tput tho tiocp
Fake Sniall Pos Stoiy,
Ik I'tt 1 h fiom 'Hie s,uiiakd 1'icw.
W i.IiIiIhiiik, Ml. , Tn. Scintur
tl'Stil kila 1 iii'liil ..ill.i tit nit tl ilu imhlkhul
liioit em in aim: luiu Addind, tlul ho hid
onhitil .ill, iti iliuiu Mitimidid on the
Mad rlur Indlin ii-siivalioii, littano iI Clio
pnvaleuii' id Mil illj'vt. lie Mid lime H not
th' thchtee' louudalioii foi thv itoij.
0. B. Wheeler, Jr., Is Arrested
on Chai'oc oT Floatina
Bogus Paper.
The Accused, When Taken Before a
Police Judge, Shows Signs of Ill
ness nnd Appears to Be SuiTcilng
fiom. tho Excessivo Use of Soma
Diug The Notes Passed Amounted
to $103,000.
B l'xcIiiMvo Mir.' (ruin 'llic Associated PrtM
Xew Voil;, Xov. 17. O. 13, Wheeler,
Jt., who was anostcd yesloiday on
chaiges ol loiglng the names of Chi
cago business men lo notes aggregat
ing' ?10J,00, was aii.iigncet In pollco
court An attorney who appeared
for hlni told the lu.igistiate Hi it nil
ell' nt was. In ills opinion, suffeilng
fiom Hie etecsslto use of some chug
and that be was now mentally unbal
anced. Wheeler bad the ah of a ptospcious
business man. lie is small of statuie,
Utile bald and'a beard. While
waltiiip; to be arraigned, he walked not -vously
about the com t mom. Ills bands
, and head shook peiteptiblv, and when
betore the I1.11 ho bail to bold on to tho
I tailing to steady hlmsell. The attoi-
nev called the attention of Hie couit ti
Wheelers eonelltion and requested that
lie be sent to Uellevile hospital, vvheio
be could be under the cate of his pii
tale nbvsitian. He fin Hi or said thai-
' lor a month past Wheeler bad been
I constantly attended by .1 pilv.itu muse,
who knew mucli about the alleged at
tempts on his n.nt to ialse nionev 011
the notes. Magistiato Coiuell said that
he felt soi iv for tho piisonei and
thought he was In need of me dital care,
and on the statement of Hie detective
tint be could be attended to by bis doc
' tor at fiolice berukiuai teis, ho sent him
b.11 k tbeie.
Seigeant Piieo s dd that Hip Chicago
police had been communicated with and
that Mi. Pmington was now on bis wav
east and would be on hand at the eonit
on liiesday to Veil what he knows of
the case. Hi. Waul will also be on
baud, act aiding to counsel, and state
to the couu, in his opinion.
Win eler is mentally iiiibalauci il and
not losponsible tor bis actions.
The Fiaud Discovcicd.
Chicago, Xov. 17, When the alleged
foigcil notes signed bv Potter rainier.
P. '. Put ills-Ion, and other Chicago
canitalists, in connection with which
Hi" Xew Yolk police have anested .1
man named AVheelei, the following is
leu ned:
The Piulngton paper was olleied to
a local capitalist beloie a bank bad
agiecd to buy it. Tills capitalist knew
Mi. Piuinglon well and chanced to meet
him on the stieet .1 few liouis after
talking with tin" biokeis
"I have bein olfeucl some o 10111'
peisonal paper and some issued bv our
bilck comp.inj," the capitalist ic
111.11 ked.
"What do ton mean'.' ' Mr. I'minglon
The capitalist, explained. "1 have mi
notes out, and neither has the eoni.
pany," said Air. Puilngion. "In tact,
we have $10,000 in Hie bank drawing !!'j
per tent, inteiest, and wo would nut br
so foolish os to put out paper 1 ailing
for." per cent." Mr. I'minglon went at
once to the biokeis and tlicie learned
of the 5l2",flOl) in notes oueied for salo
thiougb the Xew Yoik home. He at
oliee denounced the notes as loigeiies
One of Hie' meinbeis of Hie Chicagi
bi alienage lliiu, which was planning t
handle the paper, said that be did pot
hellevo then- was any such man as
m - .
Terrible Gale Canles Destiuction in
Its Tiack.
liy I v hijiie M ire from The fsochted I'u'.
Hallta.v, X. S., Xov. 17. Tho tfiilblf
g.ilo which has been i aging 011 tlioXew
toiunllatid coast dining tlie past tluee
days has entiled death and clestiuetioi,
111 its Hack-. Shipping has sillteted so.
veioly as a icsiilt of the stoim, and
many lives have been lost.
A in Is ate dispatch, w lilt It mac In el
l.oulsbiug, C. il , tonight, stales that
the Xorweglan stunner Ull.i, under
ebaiter to llio Diamond Llu
company, hud been lost on tho Xew
leiiindlaud coast, in the tlehilty of Hll
(sic. with all bauds. The steamer bur
Moutteal 011 Filday with a general
cargo tor St. .Iohis. X. U. The Ullu
cut led a eiow of about twenty men.
Deatli of a Somnambulist,
lly l.tilitehcM lrou-m Ihe Vwotlitul l'u.
l.i'i.iMimn, I'l. Nov. U -Hie hod of Ml-'
I'mmi lli.sUI, J.I'll I' Vi ! 'lid "lib- ill her
nlkl.t drisi, in. loimd tin. miiriiiiis .ilonrr II'
IMiir.vbimli iiilioid iii.Ii- 111 11' liir homo .11
link' Mi llel.tti us suhjitt to ivjlMni: in
,ei ,iji, and II 1- Im Ik tul thai he vvandere I
li.uil In I11.1111 11I11 m a 60!iii!Jinliulltlc stTc
and iva- tin I I'. ' "a"
Lit tl data fir N' 1'', Ut'l!
lliifhist Miiisiatnio .,,,,.,.,....., So" s
(i.iMSt unil'tratuio .,., ol difc'uci
liklatbo Ikunldii :
s,i in. ,,. ., 51 rHrctit,
s 1 in, ,, bl per cent,
I'uili'lliiioii, Jl hvM iiidckl 8 p. in., none,
i -f -f -f -t -f -f -f -f -f -f f M
M.nhlnslon, o 17. Voretjt tot -
4- Moneliy and fueadayt Listcnt t'tiin..l
-4- vanla Pair Monday and Tnelaj; lijht
sy- to lits.Ii wlndj. mostly oortlicil. -M
tHHH t.-f -trt.-f. f f .t,a
i,,i'r4-'A -
. '(' '
' Iff Mlllliittllil -'- '.: '
.. f,.