r-x -"pwps mmmmm$Ml" iSwH 'tH - iM",f , - - y fvr-'-"-' v r n - , v -v - njv- ,-$w h . J - .jf w-,' 'r ,i -, i V" THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1901. 8 WEST SCRANTON THANKSGIVING EISTEDDFOD f.OCAJU SINGERS REHEARSING POR THE EVENT. Mixed Choir, Male Pnity nntl remnle Chorus Will Compote for the Chief Prizes nt Noith ScrnntonGood "Piuses Offered In. Dlffcient Events. Effects of the Stiikc on Local Busi ness Night Car Run to Lincoln Heights Other Matters of Intciest With Uuce distinct dnsliii,' societies ieluarslni-iitiiesent hi West Seiaulnu, inteiest In cisleddfoillc elides In nat urally at n lilt-h pitch. These i lionises nrr tliu lllKed Volet"', under llli' dll'cc ilon til' "William .). Davis. tln OM'nid Oloe club, led liy David sU"ilieus. unit Die female cboi ii, under the lcudershlri of Mrs. D. Jt. Thomas. All three! V ill I'Ultieip.ltc In UlP lllll- uleal festival nl Ninth Kcranloii mi Thunksilvinir day, Thursday, Nov. -V Tn addition to tills llllnibel'. Which (In ures up to aliout two bundled volies, ii number of individual singcis will lartiol)into in the solo, ilili't, lilo, iiuai -tulte, sextette and double Mimvtottf omnetllioiw. Uthcis from West Svi un ion will take part in Hit' various other local, instrumental and lileiaiv 0111 pi'tltlons. Tlie chief (. lifji.it eniuiictitloit at Ibis olstcdfodil -will ! on Haydn's "Tin "Uruveiis Are Tollhis." lor a iuI.u ol S-JSn. The uiiilu p.utv will e ninpcte on The PUp-rlm's Choi us." lor a pii-w of SinO, and the female rlioiiis will In- on "Annlu Lauiie." at mused by Dudley "Ruck, for a pit"." ol ?'.". It is expected Hint .i e'hildieii's "lupins will also enter into the coinpotitloii on "I'miied by lhi Ansels." for a pil.c of JJ".. A prize of 112 is nil ere ii for a uilni tctte of mixed voices on Protheine's "Toll St i', Thou Pi elty lie" The buss and tenor iliu't will !', lor a pi Ive ol $i; on 'Ttii' Pis-bet num." The alto solo. "ITe AVas "De-spli-rd," will lie for a prUo nl HT, and the soprano solo. "Out of the 1 iccp," piize ?' "Llewellyn" eliavu" Is lb-' subjee I of the U'lior solo oompi ti tion for a pri.e of j. Similar pi lie will be siven on the b.irlloni' solo. "Hide Thy r.oo" mid the bass solo, "Honor and Aims." Tilt re will also be i imipelitions on 'iKlit leading', poems, luitutlous. vio lin and piano solos and otmlyns. Hon. II. M. IMwauls will be condiietor of the tluee sessions and Colonel KipplcTuilKO Vusdiuis and others will be inesitlcnts. Diilolir's French Tar Will prtmiitlv iclinc i"! in,lil nre iou-'Ii-, ul,N 3t) nil ln tumMi' I "t uli' In (.. W. .ll.NMNs, tut sonlli JIjIu aniiui. It's Purely a Personal Matter-But Really tve think you'll excuse us under the circum stances, for after all, your underwear ought to concern you, and we are anxious that you should know that we have a line here awaiting your inspection which has never been equaled at any price in northeastern Pennsylvania. For LadiesFor Gentlemen For Young People and Children Our Underwear Stock Includes Evei ytying Needed And it's all the best of its kind, and at suprisiugly low prices. Two great departments are given up to this im portant branch of our business, and in order that the back ward ones who are slow to change their place of buying aud take advantage of a good thing, may be induced to give the matter of the best underwear for the least money a thought. We Offer the Following; Specials for Saturday Only. Underwear for Ladies Heavy While Merino Vests and pants, good Winter weight and value for .oc 3 "C Underwear for Gentlemen . .."L.v,Mpn's heavy Mercerized vSliirts and Drawers in fancy itripes.' Goods that actually sold foi $1.25, C i Men's Wool Pleeced ShiiU :md Drawers, extra heavy and the best $1,00 quality. Saturday 71C k By the Way, Some Novelties. j in new Half Dollar Neckwear cans to hand this week, Arc vou 1 interested f fy!?fVi-7y g'y 1 'Globe KVW. t'tof, InnviTtli T. naniet, of JLMIcii, V will tie musir.nl niljtnllealor, and Itev. D. t .tonoM niiil .1. Uourlor Jlorils will udhullcnto the compositions and teeltutlons. This elsleddfott will ho the londltiR musical nnd literary nttrncllon for Soranton people on ThanliSBlvlntf Kay, and fioin present Indications tliu at tondanee from WVsl Sruitiloii will ho u Fouti'o or liiuoh snittllcallon to tin pto litotes. Effects of the Strike. t.oi al moi'chiPtils mc roniplnlnlnfr of the dullness of things slnri; the snoot car strike wan InailKUiateil. and It Ii teared some of tlieni will be eompollod to siittt up shop If existing condition piovnil iniieh lonf;er. Tlie strike lias the offett of IwpluK poople al lioine. Iipiii " tliu btiwlnoss men suffer, and II uiIrIiI be added oth er tlilnj;M ale uftuf tod iim well. The p.Hl month lias lioen i"Cropllotiully tlull In West Seianlon, and with the kou tr.il xlores elosliiB at '!:W o'eloek. anil the di'iitf stores (IomIhk at Pi o'clock, lompiiiailvely feu jieople t'-m bo soon on the si toots after !i o'eloek in the rM'iiltiir. The polli'o itinl alderin.in iittilbiile ilielr luck of "litisliiesi" to tlie U Ike. mid 11 is a notite.iblo fuel that since, ibe urieMls on t.nfayeite stteet Ibeio lu been bill little dolus 111 tli.lt u speel. Car Runs to Lincoln Heights. The Hist stieet ear to inn a far as Lincoln Heights since the stllUe was i mi down their Thmsduy nlslil alter the Xordba i out ei t imtl the laio-d I'inwd yet seen on a West Sfuinton i ,ir wa! on that occasion. Tho i ompany li.id a uuinb'r of spe cial ollloeis stationed at dlffeicnt points silonw the line, over wbb h tlie car p.iwd, to suppress any violence tti.it iiiiKbt .nise. ami sK or moio ipc .lnls were on tin tnr to Insiue the safety ol tbtio wlui llsKeil it to ride. Quito a number of well known peo ple weie on the ur and it is s.ild that seveinl of them have uhv.idj. been tliu n toned wllli .1 hoviott A loi.it street car man is milhoilty tor the Ht.itemenl that about half or Hie men h.ive already sfouied employment II looks a4 If the public wimv nioie on sliiUe than the motoruit'ii and mil dm lots. At the Snlvation Army. A fnir-sizetl tnnvil siootd M.ilor .1. Atkinson and Start r.ipt.iln Willis at the Salvation army ball l.vit pvenins, when the.se two illKiiitaries held special sen lees last evening. i:niBii Lonu lias aii.im,'ed for inl iliiioniil spcii.il lnoetltiKS to be held this evonins ami tomono'v evening. Jackson Stieet Baptist Chuicli Notes. Till!. Wi'U Thuisday iiIbIU will bo the I'll,! Folks' miieeit. The choir hac 1m on lebeaisimr. ami tlieio is no doubt that the loinoit will be a sucn-ss. Tlieio will bo no tOKiilur prayer meet ing this week, as we will moot with the Kiptist VomiR l'coplo's union on Tues day ninht. The. llliisti.Ui.d talk by the pastor will be very iiiti'iostinjj. All oiins men !KSS5JT)II I 1 ill Warehouse Photild hour hint next Suiulny tilRht. Tlio views nro from rout llro, Miss Aiutlf Thomim will move your hem in to hour her icolto tlto nocin, "Tlie Mitt cry of n Life." .Sunday, lh"2llh. will he n ri-oiiI duy for tiy. Wo will t'elchnite th flo ycni's of eoimilntcd work In the tn-pwul pim toiulc wltti llility ncuvs or church hie lory. Kliihnrutc proruinniPM 1110 IicIiik prepmed for llir- oeoiiBiou. Ur. It. ,T. Wlinlen, ot rnihondtili'. will preuoh n l I ho mortilnp urn-Ire, nnd tlie pnstor will udinliilHler thf illu 01' b.uHlRtn ut the close or tlie pet num. Aflornoon rally of Ihiptlnt YouiiK IVople'H union and Sun day primed; nildrch.-'i'si by Or. I'letee, who wilt llliiHlrnti' the Sundiiv school ti'ison, nnd Dr. Spenrer, ol' Itlnhety. ICvenliiB Hervlie nt 7 o'eloek. There will he n priilse sen lee, led hy Prof. 1j. JJuvl-', nsHlflted hy Ihc orchestin, Tlrothci' Itlchnrd N'leliolls, tho chinch clerk, will rIvp u sliotl history of our dun oil, followed by on .lddu""? hy Dr. David Spencer. The Ladles' Aid ore niectlti!; In j?ooil ninnhi'is. Tlie work Is einouiii(;ln. On tlio L'llh we need to r,il-e a few dollars. May II uol lie u self-ilelilul week for um nil thai we clove tills ye.ir without any debt. Events of This Evening. A special meellntr of the UrIiI l.imdi ('iiiiiplm; 1 lull has been called for this I'Venliiff. Jlrs. 11. 1!, Thomas.' female sliiHiiif; paiiy will niei't lor telienisal this evea Ihk in Powell's music Mme, AVasliiiiK ton aemic. KiimIkii Lent w Imltl spei.liil meet tncs In (lie f-'alvatloit .irmv hall tills Menliifi: .ind lomonow evening. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The ineiuhuts ol The Dollar iluli weie plc.isiiiitly entertniiied yesteiday altci noon at tli" home of Jlr. and 1 1 s-. ieorge I.. Potk, on Xorlh Llneoln ave nue. ltoy Mortfim, who leoontly had lil Ie'iimiiiitiiicd at the Moses Taylor lios pital. Is improvinp; nicely, and will soon be able to pet out again. .John I.lllle. of Luzerne stieet, con tlned to lii home by illncs-J. AVonl lias been leieivnl licie that Miss i:ailh .lame. foimeilv ot tJouth Lincoln avenue, was man led leeuntly in Xew Mexli o. Mrs. II. i.'. JlcDeimott.of Xoilh Hyde P.nk nveiiue. has returned home irom a. visit wilh ber sister m New Tori;. A meeting of all lite committees con no toil villi Ihe Patilotie Order Sons of Amcilui fair wll be licld al Wasli itiKton li. ill tomouow alleriioon. The weekly social of Hie Colonial Club D.incliiK i hiss was licld In AV.ish IliKton liall last cMMliuj;. MIh Fannie Jones-, of Xcn tli ifyde Park avenue, was tendered an enjoy able surprise party recently by a num ber of her youns f i IeniN, A d.iinjlner w.is lioin esenhiy to Mr. and JIi John McXulty, of this side. Mis D.nld (!. Uoiur and thiee clill dien, of Luei lie Ml eel. lelt jeslenhiy lor a lsil with ti lends .it Ledloid. Pa. Mi-. Tied Davis, ot Xortli Sumner .venue. h,ih ictiiined lionie tioui a l-lt with n lends in iMilhidelphl.i Cuiistahlc Tiiniilhy Joins ami lhioeh U.ins lane retuiueil homo Hum a htu lcssIiiI liiiuthiK trip. Tlie late Anion .lames is Mirvn ed by his wife only. There w i o no childicn. Miss nolle Cl.uk, or Hampton stieet, i- ill at her home. IMchaid James. Alfierl i:.ist. John Jeffiies jind Willlaiii llcese aie hunt ing nl Maplcuood. , Mis. 11. M. I'cllow.s and daughter, Jo sie. h.ue letmncd Iioine Irom a visit .it Hloomsburi7. A number or V.-.t Rei.intnu jieople attended a surpiise party at tlie home of William How en, nl Mt. Dewey, le- ceutlj. Many Taylor, ol Lynon stieet, was Kicked by a mule while at work in the Dvlleviie mines on Thuisdfiv. 711s iikIH b ij v.ls seveicly injuud. Mr. and Mrs. Kvuu Hughes, of Thlr te, nth stieet, weie suiprited by a I.ii-rp nutnlier of their friends iceently and Siected and Heated them loyally. tile hard Atkinson, of North VMlmoie n wuiic, was tendered a liirthday sui pilse icieiuiy on his nineteenth birth day. Austin Jones, of Hellenic Mit et, en tei tallied the L'm eNiur illee club at his home on Wednesday pwuIiir. A game of toot ball will be played this morning on the Vet Park nround by the V. c. club and an eleen tiom rit. Patiiek's Paroeliial sehuol. A lad named John Fellows, ot Xo. SJ school, had a button thrust into liU nose by a companion recently. The boy siilfered ninth pain as a lesiill until ie lieved by a pliysiiiau. .lohn Kteiiiin, ot Statfoid .tveime, is 111 at ills home. Miss nolle licit, of Hampton street, has leluined linmo fiom a visit in tlio Hotitii and West. An cnlei talmneiil will he Icld In the tlellovue I'alvinisiic Methodist i hureh on Dec I, by the nible i la-e?. Admis sion 1(1 i elils. Miss .Minnie Molan, or Waym.nl. is the wiesl of Mis. P. .1. .Walls, of 'ln ril- tllll slliet. ,lis. .Minor Xeeley. ol Xoith Limohi .Uelllie, is seliollsly 111 nt her llOllie. Mis. Dolmelseh, of Xortli lhoiiiley avenue, underwent .111 operation tills vied; at the ."v-rantoii Piivate hospital. An exielieui oyster supper was served In tlio Washburn Slieet Piosbyleilaii illllnll last evenlllK by tile niembeis of Mis, Moii'at's Sunday i hool i hiss, Merchants John J. D.tvies and Tlios. ',. Prlie. of South Main avenue, have leiuuied homo from a business trip to Philadelphia. Samuel lilUKinnu, of Hampton stieet, who was so soveiely liijiued at tlie Ovlord mlno on 'I'liursday, is in a pte rin ions condition at tlie West Hide hos pital. The nu-nihi fs of St. lheiulen's t ounell til'.- iiii.iniiluK lor a lectin u in the near I'llUllc. Itov. Tlioinas do (iiiuhy, D. U of the .l.itksoti Stu-et naptlst churili, will de liver a teiupeiaiieo lectuie to Ids con- gu Billion lomoriov. eveninir, - - GREEN RIDGE. Tin- ivins's DailKlllers of llc nit'ill iSidun I'lesliyli-i'iiin enure h will mvo a fancy kochIh sale at Mis. ri.inklln's, .Sauih'iMin avenue, nu.t Ttit'sday at't'ji iioou nnd civcuhiK', Ficil Wiiucn, the 1l-i.nr-old sou of Mr, and Mrs. John Warieii, of .Mai Ion street, who was operated upon u wed; ago, k Impioviiifc'. A son him been bom to .Mr, and ..is, Many Wtedon, of tola Meylert aeuuc, m HOLIEST WAN Iff SCRANTON S.5 we'll a ihe 1ijiiJ,Ciiic.-i, ai.i eii Die ailtcj lu lull on ai'j lui'.;l,l aril gel !' u tul bulno pi kiini IIjInmm ut diC 'lliio.it aii'l 1 iviii, .1 I mm'J.v Hut 1 xtuwntiul to lino and illicit' .ill llioiiii ui.il culi I uiu'ui. Wlhicj, liiomhliN anil CWuiiiiluu. I'ikc 20c. JiJ k: SOUTH SCRANTON SNOW-BALL THROWING CAUSED AN ACCIDENT. Mlfiti Xatnn Klrst, a Pupil .it No. 10 School, Had Her Anklo Badly Sprained John Cooncy Had n Narrow Escape ftom Very Serious Injury While nt Work In tho Mines Funeinl of Rov. Qeorgo Gulovlch Will Take Place This Morning South Scrnnton Hunteis. Tlie ilmt snow fall of tlie year was hailed with joy by the ynuitRBlern of tills side and suowlmillUK wan tlie ra voilto p.istlnie as lonpr a snow could lie sera poet together. T'lio IiuIuIhciicp of tlie pastlni", however, icstilled in an iieeldenl that In much to be resietlcd. Miss Lama Klrst, ai;ed l."i j,eai.s( n pupil ni Xo. 10 school, wits chosen ns n tiu'Rcl by the snowbaltcrs, while le.iv inif soliool yesterday, and was followed for some distance. In tryiiiK to avoid her toi mentors Miss Klrsl stumbled and foil, sustaining n severe Injuiy to the iffr. it was si..eii that Ihe youiur lady was unable to i ise and filcuds at once went to her assistance. The injtiied sirl was taken to ihe home of ln-r pat mils at ttlm stieet and Cedar aMMiiie, ami nieillial aid was summoned. Dr. Webb lesponded, nnd on making an eiimliiatliin found the youiiK lady hnel sustained a badly sprained ankle, which eaused exeiuci otiiiir jmln. At last repoits Miss Klist was testliify as well as could be cc pccled. Had a Nariow Escape. John Cooney. a resident of Minnoka. while following his employment at tlie mines, laid a nut row escape ftom lo lntr a hand yesteiday. In ttyhiK to sprue;- a car he got bis hand so clo-e to tlie wheel that his thumb was caught and badly mangled. Temporary relief was obtained at the bend of the shalt and Cooney then pioceeded homcwlieie n physician was summoned. Dr. Quinn soon arrived and on eic mntniuK the Injuicd HbII found It uec esi.'iry to ainputale the top and a por tion of tlie first joint. Tli" Injury will keep Mr. Cooney out of the mines for scctnl week". Funeral of Father Gulovich. The l uncr.il of Uev. George llulovicli. w liosu remains have been 1 bur in slate at Ht. Maiy's Oicck Catholic chinch on living avenue, sinei; Thursday, will take pl.iec this mornlns at P o'clock. A solemn Pontifical IiIrIi mass will be celebrated by the IMkIU l'.cv. Dishop Michael J. Hobau, at tlie church, and Inteinietit will arterwards be made ill the Greek Catholic ceiueteiy at Mi nookn. .Many of the pni-sls ol this legion w ill participate in this last lite ot the chilli h tor lie (lei eased pi lest. Among the Nimiods. Philip l'.obiusuii. Cb.'iles KaesliH'r and Pied Pontius, all of this side, spent Thursday In the vicinity of Maplewood, huniliiK for ubhits and other same. The i chilli ol their cuitins; was in evi dence yesteiday. when the knights of the Kim returned with aliout forty rab bits and seveial birds. Mr. Ttoliiiioon had the laiKet bap and was much elated over his success. He divided tlie spoils among n number of his intimate Iriends. OeorKC KiiKlt and August Schneider leturned fiom a suciessful inlibit hunt ing ti lp on Thuisday. Joseph Slocum and David Xiehols w ill ho joined by a pat ty ol New Voi k iriends this morniiu? and later will leave lor Pike county on a deer liunt ins expedition. They will be gone sev eral days. NUBS OF NEWS. An iit-U'.stiiiff session was held last evening- by General Grant lonimand eiy, Kniejlits of Malta, in tlie spacious hull on Pittston avenue. James H.iker v,-is given the seiond degtee, and ar langements weie Mailed for their an nual smoker, which will take plae-e in tlio near future. The Star Social club met In tegular session at Mhtj-.'.s hall, on Plttsion ave nue, last evening-. Miss Lila Krable. the popular young lady who Is teacher ul No. 10 school, on Prospeet avenue, eutei tallied a party ot trieuds at the Lyi eutii last evonlnsf, where tliey watched Kathryn Kiddei's portrayal of Molly Pile her, the heioinc of tlio battle ol Monmouth, front a box given by tho Truth to tlio mo.it popular teacher In Seiantuii. Miss Frable obtained VJ.SI7 votes and was over tour thousand ahead of tier neat est competitor. Five of her it lends en -euphd the box with h"r last niglit. The itospol lneeiiiig- em Suneln attei liooli will be led by Mhs Maigaid AVatls, a runner assistant seiietary, There will b sp. i lal iiiusle-. All gills and women nte wekonic, Mis. John Toultlll. Mis.e Mai.s Tonlilll and Miss Maiy Foy, ot Plttston, eii tlie guests of ft lends on litis side ,0s teidny. An inn testing: game of basket hall was played last owning: between the Twentieth Ceiiturv ilub and the Defender.-, ot St. John's society. When Urn gain" was i one lulled tho Defenders Weie Still tliu Ulldeleateil thlllliplullh of Ian kiiwamni i ounly. A basket ball leiun is lu'lnu formed bv St. Mary's Glee inb at their hall, l car of lilt koiy stieet. NORTHSCRANTON. Tlio November assembly of tho Scranlou Men's society, Monday non ius next In lite Providence Picsbyloii.in social looms, will alti.ict a lnig; ut tendaneo of the inewbeis and tiieir guests, Tito piesldellt, Judge A. A. VoHlmij,', will ptcslde aurt jtio an In auguial address, liev. .1. II. Whalun. D. D or C'arliondale, will give an ad dless op "Tlio Leveling I'oues or cias'cs" Dr. Whalon, who Is a pleas ing and popular speaker, will give an adiliess dial will eutoitalu and Intci est, At this time, when so much Is said by supotflelal people uf easle and clnssea and tlie,- so-i-alled upper and lower eiusls of society, an addiesu on tills subject by Dr, Wluileu lb sine to attract attention. Tito asbcmblv will also bo enlei tallied with niuslo by Walkeubhaw's orchestra. Tho social eummlttcc? hat, also ojdcied a luncheon, which, ut'ter tlio uddre-sici, will be served In tlie fieo and easy ste of lust season's g.itheilnsH The society Is composed of gonlle-mcii or tho North 13nd of the elty. iutei estcd in nialteis In general peitalnliig to the wclfato of tho city, politically and socially, n.ich member ii per mitted to Invito a sues t next Monday fcnhiif. The ollUeis of tho society ate; Picslilent, Judgv A. A. Vosbutgi vite- I m ilra lar attention has been paid to the cutting of sleeve, the modeling of the broad shoulder and the draping of the full skirt. The "Ascot" has style and swing about it that is distinctly dressy. There are many features about this overcoat that cannot be fully explained in this writ- ino" ft Revelation In Clothes Making. "The Delsarte." Samter Brothers pii'sident. Maim- .). Ii. Pish: semtaiy. eiioige W. I'.-iiedi, t, e-ii ; tlcasuiei. Sydney llenv ood: lilei.u and philail lllioplt eon'linittee. l)r V. A. Peek. P. is. Ti.uey. T. S. Moigaii. K. S. ,l.u l.soil, Claieme Steele, social eouilliltti e. How -aid iliillin. V. II. Ciisinan. W 1 . chrisiin.is, '. w Mason, W. c. Mc Donald, Pi ol. !. Ii. W.ilkeiish.m inein bership (ouimlttee, II. S. Alum th, es( . W. C. Cowles. Julian Morss, "William Hill, c. J. fiillc.ipl". Dr. II. llcsey, J. Vipond. jr.: printing committee, J. I". Hopewell, Clark C.uild, Flunk She rer. At the seiond annual Held til.ils of (he Pointer luh of Aineiha at .Manor, L. I,, on Tllesd.i.N, of which Kobeit V.. Westlake of tills set lion is Ihc sectc tary, Mr. Westlake captured the Derby piUe. a handsonie cup offeied by Dr. Daniel", of Cleveland, Ohio, hy Sam Mais, n. son of the celebrated Plain Sam, the dog displ.i.N Ing gie.it dash and high i lass toi m. The luneial of the late Mis. Michael Clarke, who died at her homo on Ke ser avenue, Tuesdav morning-, took place; fiom lur late icsldenee jestei duy morning. The cortege pioi ceded to Holy Kosary church, wlieie a liigli mass of iciiuiciu was lelebr.iled at !' o'cloi k by ltev. Father MeManiis. In terment was made In the Cathcdtal e-emctery. The funeial of ihe lute Mich. nl Sal mon, who died nt his home, .110 Put man slieet, Tut-sday evening, was held fiom his late leMdeneo jesteiekiy af ternoon. The pioccsslon mined to Holy ISos.uy iliuieh whoie high mast, was celebrated at 1 o'eloek by llev. X. J. McMiiiius. Interment was made in Hyde Park Catholic icmeli ly. The funeral of the late Mis. Lewis Jones, ot Wa.Mie avenue, will lake plaee this afternoon tit -J o'clock. The ii'iiiuliirt can bo viewed at Ihe house between the bonis ol' 11 and I. Intii mellt Wilt 1m; made ill the Uasllhtllll stieet coinelciy. 'J'he Crackerjneks defeated the Man hattans in a game of lnkvi ball at the iiudlloiiuni last eMiilug by a si ore of 1,1 to ". The game ol loot ball scheduled be Iwi'i'ii Ihc Alpll Camaf and tlie Xo. II si hoed nliimni team nl Athletic pail; .lesteiday nttelliooll did Uol lake plan OWlllg 10 til" fulluie of the aluilllll ti am to tonic mound. .lohn Hi lines, of Hudson stieet, em ployed at the C,i,uga mines as a tlin licr. had his light leg secicly Injuied vcsteiday afternoon wlille pei funning ills duties, llilllles Was oil" of a gilllg nl del cd lo lake lele loot tllll bcr.i.luto tlie tiilu" and while engaged In lowcilug one of them, II fell, latch ing him on tlie leg and boring him m ihe gioimd. lie was releau'd tiom his pei lions poMtioii and t.iki-ti to his home In a i.irtlugc. Tlie sei vices toiiioiiou ,u the Mem oiiul PuiHIst cliutch will be at ill" us ual hums. Tlie pastor, Ke. W. F. (Lilies, will preai Ii both morning and evening Tito si riiiou In the evening will hue special icicrciiic to .uuiug people. Hilile school ac - p. in. We lui' now ample acioinmodiitioiis for all classed and wo coidlally Imllo all the old and new scltul.ir.s to be pics ent at every session. Week day meet ings us tibial Monday, Tii'-Mlny aiul Tlliusday ovenitii.s, ' The ov. D. T. Phillips, tho Aiiuil ciii iniifliil at Caidllf, Wale", will piv.it ll at the Memoilal ciiuull 'I'nes day evening, the mail of tills uiouili. .Ml. Phillips Is an cMilled preacher and lei'liiier. Tlio Mniiolial ihlllcli this week has rompletcd a, inagnllicout and well ar laugcel kitchen in tlio basement of lis new chinch le.uly lor the Tluuikugiv Ing tin key dinner to be served by the ladles on Unit day. Tlie seinl-aiinuiil (oiifetiiuc of the Welsh ISaptlst .ihilliheh of N'mllie.isl e) ll Pennsylvania will be held at Xull lli iiko lie.M Tuesday and Wednesday. The voting people will have two meet ings on Tuesday and a numb' r ol dele gates wll ln in attendance ifftin here. Flint Welsh Haptist chin ch. Market sued ltev. .1. V, Davles. pastor. Oi lier of sci vices Sunda, Nov. IT: 1 u, THE "ASCOT" OVERCOAT It's worth your while reading about tli is new style of overcoat. Even if you don't wish to purchase you will at least reap some benefit of our observations and knowledge of the very latest in men's styles for this winter season. The "Ascot" Overcoat is cut long not too long just long enough to be in keeping with the latest custom tailors' fashion plate. It takes skill to model such a coat. Particu Visit our "Atterbury" floor and try one on. A . TOiri nUttfV2ttri& rSSSfFRBim . .I r" FSnp1 j7g5 ASK FOR THIS LABEL. Complete Outfitters. m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. NO. as S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton Branch Office, Nob. 1 nnd 3. Arcado Building. in, sei moil by the pastor; " p. in., Sunday school; 0 p. in., seiinon by the pastor. The evening serviie will be loniluctid in Hie ICiiglish language. Special music will be trillion d. All .tie invited. Seats tree. Miss Maud Winston, of Ibntfoid, Conn.. Is vir-lllug tlie Misses Margaiot and Lisszio Williams, of Williams btlf'-l. Cathailno, tin tour oar old daughter of Mr. and Mis. David Dvans, of Wa.Mie avenue, Is seiiously 111. The Dutch Cap Mission Suiul iv school are piep.uing for a grand eii teilaitinioiit to be held ill the Welsh congiegation.il e hutch ot West Mar ket stieet, Nov. L'l. Mrs. F. ' Williams and family of William street, .mended tlie funeral ol Mis. Anna Davis of Cireeiiwood, Sun dn. I'.ev. X. V. Sliilil. of Delawaic. has been speudlng a few days with tilends in th" Orceu Itldge portion of the elty. liev. .1. .1. Uankiii lias lcsigned his pastoi.ite in Hie I'resbvtei Ian chinch of Hhnliilist. liev. Mr. ltaiikiu and liunily loiiteiiipl.ue taking- up a tem po) my le.-iileinc In Scranton, The Houii Missloiiaiy soiiety of the Piovldciu-e Picsb.Meii.in climell licld i pleasant sersiou yesteiday afleiuooii at Hie home of Mi's II P Atlicrion. HOKSE-SHOERS' MEETING. An Address Was Deliveied ny State Vice Piesldent Wan en. At a mc Hug of the Master IIoim shoers" lo-soiiallon ot Si rantoii and v c lult.v. held in the board ot trad" an-eiii-bl.v mom on Thuisday night an addioi-s was made hy Stale Vice PiesidelU "W. II. Win ivn. who pleaded lor a i loser organUnllou ol the master hol.-c.slioei s of this part ol tlie state. He tllgcil til" members picseut lo stilve lo (unease the membeiship ot Hie association and pointed out soni" ot Ihe many beiieilts sure lo icstili Horn organ!j'.alloii--iiiitably ill'1 estab lishment and m.illlteiiaiiie ol a eel lulu llM'd pile, , OBITUARY. mp.s liiMitui: havi:s foiiiieiiy ol tills city, died jestenla.v lit her home In isuiiulo. A telegram to that eifcct was received by Dr. .1. ,L '! loll, of Jackson sln-ei, Dei eased s liusliaiid is n coiuraelor lu Hi" employ ol" Colli nil Siluoeilef and Is engaged 111 building the new steel mill Pliiul of tin. Lackawanna lion and Stcd i om pany. The lemallis will be taken to lllngh.imton tor Intel nieitt. MP.S. JAMLS Tldfi;, of Hollister avenue, died jestciday nioinlug at :!.. Slie is u daugliler of Mrs. Patrick May of Chat leu stieet, and is survived by a husband and mother and the follow ing In others and slstus. Jehu May, ul .WW York. James May. of L'-e, Lu. iscine e'uiml, .Martin. William and Patiirk Mu. of this elty: Mrs. Tun otli.v lloollli.il). Mis. Pali lik Coiuiolly. and Miss Maiy May of tills illy. Fu tural alinoillleellteUl liter. ruuernla. Tlie riiuci.il of Hie laic Aaron Jaiias will lake hice Mouda afternoon, rier- ft Revelation In Clothes Making. 4 The Delsarte." Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the lonp, list of Smith Premier users, rcprescntiiiR every line of trade and every profession ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MLC. v The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre il. Ithlb', Lscc anil .vUmsn. A. .1. UUH'V, Duj. Jtiuas: Saturday Matinea and Night, '1 ic uiriiiinsr .SlIici', ' ' Miss Susette Willey, ,inl Ihe llcimi AUmI, Hr. True S. James, IV- nllug ' Kuimnlic ditncOj Punii, "A Royal Prisoner'' l'liii- -r.i.naic: 'It . ''X and TV, Mltin ; i. , .fie .oi'i m ; iinMiiii, I ' seals en Ml' 'lliiiiail.iy Jt ' in. Wednesday Evening:, Nov. 20 'II lujii "i,iinl r. 1 1 i nt tjinm,, HAY IRWIN. In the Widow Jones I'llll l.s , ll -' " s, ,i, on -ill . i i it l i. ni. Academy of Husic JI Ili:s, l.cijoc. A J PHI), M-inatv. Huntley-Harris Stick Co. vi i mis wi.i k lln s. i v liriiiiuirn VIoikIh ol HHVUVJEU-ErrM'S IDSALS Pi; tin 1 iii,l III li. - II s, ,, . I .1 i Mill,, 'III. I In 'III l. ill llli-MJ mount "In ilu II. nl. i. iln 1 1. in.' 1 MM) i .iiu . in. .'), J0i.no., i In... ..i.i 11 ihi M mil,.. Si a- uu mIi I'iiiIo iiiounn. STAR THEATRE AH'. Cl. Ill.llltlSti'lllV, Miniftr. Londoi Empir3 VauJivllle Company. lViijl.i, I m ii"i u ii ii in' liitnor'm N . i vkes will be held al tho house come of tiraiit avenue and Juekson street at .'.00 o'eloek. Interment will hi made in Waslibiiiii stieet i-iinetet Tlio luneial ot Hie late MliliaCl .1 Mcllody, of ilO Itiillroad uvenue, wll lie hei tomelloiv alternooii at 1!.'! 0 clock llulll Holy floss illUUll. ll leilllt'llt will be made ill tin Ctthed rat icini'lei) Th.. rim. l .il ni ih, Lite Lilwai'il .lc'ii ilu will lake iil.ne tomorrow atti'inooi at -i oMock Horn the icsliluiio of Pi er t'osaiove on Phisiou street. leriiiiiu will lie made In the C.ithiJ celtleteiv,