SF?"5S -: "gp'W TTi 55rffFiK ittOT j"W RH-BHaHHHHVHII rV- ft V &?" i hpi " ' .y; ? ' a "" '7 fe-' 'M ' i drt vf - "g" ' ' W7 iW, v I'" T THE SC1UNTON TRIBUNE-SATUJIDAIT, iNOVEMJJEll 10, 1901. Tyt ' -i1-" v S7W3 jwasmT ira All Excellent Combination, Tlie plo.'tMtllt method Mill bclicllcitll effects of tin' well known leniedy, Kvnur of l-'mfl, lnuuitfiiutureil by the C.m.ifohhi.v I'm Smut' Co.. illustrate tlmviiluunf uhtiiltiiiitf tho liquid liixn ) tire princlple-i f plants known to bo l medicinally laxative, and ptehcntlnir 1 thciniullic. form most i-efroMliititftotho Ituslo and uceopluble to the system. It lis this one perfect htrenxtliuiiiiif,' luxa Itlvo, cli'nnsiiijr tho system ulTcetually, fdlspt'lliiiH' colds, hcit'dnelies nnd fovcrK frcntly yet promptly and onubliiifr olio i to overcomo liablttitil constipation per manently. 1 1 -4 perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, nnd 1M iietliiffoit the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weukotnni: or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the proees-s of manufacturing fip.s are. iwd, ah t liny are pleasant to tho taiite, buLtliomod-oinal qutiliticsof the remedy are. obtained from betina and other 'aromatic plants, by n method known to the Camfoiinia. Flo faynur Co. only. lu order to get its beneficial elV'-eis'nnd to avoid imitations, filcasu rcmeiribrrthefullnaiiicof tlieCompany printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN KltANOTSCO, OAlt i.ourtiviLi,i;, ky. new yobk, n y. Forsalohyall DniBKlsts.. Price 50:. pcrbottlo. rnxitmrmr www, sm ftW VVV' ' A3ar-N : ' -. !i "xJWCrT. ) in. t i uii v -Zr$ ion't Wait r I luns Midline ( tuuu t horr Oiir Imlhliv Jriif ol tht ncwt-t Jiul lt,-t m Picture Frames and Pictures i- uiiv iciilv ..n niiklit yo fuitlici mil j-if U . inis r ini:iiir r mm: 'inr iii(.r!iT Dl M 1 It-. I.N M.r. I'MM.Il Wl l'MM-5 IN 'jiii ( in. Jacobs & Fasold, S00 WASHINGTON AVENUE. MADE maim: KKilll lOU. Stconi Separators, Oil Extractors, Shak ing Orate Uurs, Furnace ISIuncr.s Inili cutors, Uiiilucinu Vahes STEAAl ff rVT IJILTiNa PUAlPsHN'rnNO, niioi- in, wiiii i: on imioni . I nion mi;m M'i:di iv umi'NW, in l'i iiiUlin cimo OM MMi in, C. It. "S'eiv 'I'honr, i U SCRANTON Gty Notes, j Hll.l, V. r UIM.IIVMIOS Hi, SlmH Dl till' I IlKiW.II II I flint lull 1(1111 Mill )ilij . lliiMlinntuii llih -i.liii.il K mi nt Uiiii.Ii until) tu l!.ij. il'l.l! r tN I, ltl'111. VIS- M. -l'n.iiiilli it S u'iImI. tniiulit tin1 iiitui' i Inn us will ii hi ii e Hi (iuirii-iy lull iiiiilpf iIk. iIuuHhi nf Mi-, Jli.Nii'. -i. o.M) I'liiMim:!!! n ( iii it( ii ( hoii: 'I In' tlioli- ot tin- -itiiiul I'ii -li, iiium i huii h ,il lilirji-e at 7 o'iIikK tciilalit m tip ,lu,. if v O'cloiK, tin.' ti-uil lioui, nn iiih; niv Jtvw ir. the i.umc i m- itllill," Wlillcil lij I, llliil.lill 'IVilIllili-oll, nf IIU 1'1-uKlil tint, (In, iln, n, jL u, -iiiul li.i . II -iil.hu, iim-.it? imlill-lioi, ii 'liilnl. Ililih. It i, iluli..ilf, i "VM I..HH,,, lliikti'ii. Chestnut, Stove nnd Egg Conl, ?3,00 Per Ton, dfliveu-il In all paits of Slimiuuii, Dhii luoie, l.oo, Aililienh oulets to the Mowiy AVil.-on t'oal t'o Hux :'7J, Uun. inoio, P,t, Poor Tnxes. The 10'Jl poor tuxes ute p.ihl duo. Pv them now nnd s-ave io.-is oilleu w Ith "city tieiiHtiifi'. ' 1" -M. Vol liny t'olli-tlor. The popular Punch cigar Is still ths ieaiier ol the 10c tlgara. -'f f-f-f-f -fff -fft-f $ BOND OFFERINGS. T Spiing Hiook Water, 1st Mtg.Qa X Lackn, Valley Elec. Light, 1st t Mtg. 5s. T Nai til Jersey and Pocono "Moun tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg, 0s, Standnul Gas Co., 1st Mtg, 5s, Xebiglitou Water Supply Co., lbt Mtg, 56. New Mexico Railway and Coal Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. Desciiption and piioe on applL cation. UJ I5i0ij4,v, , v. -f lk,r.ljiro. I iiliuuiljlu, -f tiQ Ccnmiunuuttli ItlO,-, sajiituu, l'i. s (THbTsT? ' fi 9AFFY. ii ' Trr i i- . -m F J CHANGE IN TROLLEY ROUTES. Sctnnton Railway Coinpttny tuiprov j ing Its "Hill" Service. I Tin' tfemnton ttulhvay eoinpan. It 1 eiiKtiited In pulling In two ereis-ovr til V04 til the Intel Fiction ol' .Mitillsxilt incline mid AllllbelTV street to connect up the lines that miss tit that point lil'lioilllil PetetHblllg iiinl Xny Aug him Will tnhe Ihe l.mtlcl lllll I ollte ' 1 1 1 1 this point on, mill l.mnel lllll and Qlllncy iivciiue earn will Hike the Pet ersbuitf ami Nn.v Auk route ns fur im thH toiijei when uolng out. The eonipuny hui two purpoxe-i In Mtu In milking HiIm chiiiiHc. cine Ii Iiiul the Lituiel lllll nnd ijuliiey uve II le ems limy pils-s out U'llshlllKtoll inemii' by Hie mini house mid UiioukIi tic rcMldctilliil illsltlel, travel Med by tin' Xny Auk nnd Peieitburg ems, rather Hum uIoiik upper l.iieUuwiinuii incline, .lelfcison u venue mid Hank Hlieel to MuiIImiii. Th" other Is to switch leturiiliig eui'rt uif the Nay Aug and I'etersliiiiK line. Ironi .Miullson ue ll tic In the ei'iitint elt,. Willi Ii Is sIiikIc trucked fiom Mmllson, down .Mullieiry. .IclTciMou mill i.lndcii, thi'tehv pic vclitllii; Hie H.'i;i n nlluix ili'lu,s t lu i L ro l'rcillcnlly occur m the switch, on .Mulbeiry. Iictwtcn Miullson nnd .Icf liimu, when lluic Is lieuw triilllc on the Xny Any line, ESTIMATED REVENUES. Deputy Couttollor Ilattlcy Has Po dded to Count in Estimated Re ceipts fiom License Tax. L)i pnt I'oliliollei ('. A. Ilititlc.x, who Is pirp.irhiK lo lomplle nn c.-llmitte of the levcliucs lor llt'Nt ctil, ll.lS de i lded lo tin crtiilii. .is nearly .is po"l lil", the miionnl ol iivciiue w h!i Ii will (ouie n inn (he eiil'oiieiiiont ol the II lense t.ix otdliiiiiu e, in cully p.i-hcd, mid to iucot jiotiite this tiiuount in his chlini.tte. There hits been mine Utile di-ut ion us to whether it would lie pinner to do this, on iiciumil nf the miiiouiiccini nt on the p.nt of the eoiup.inlo tint t they will light the oiiliiiutue. A legal light, In ought against the ineas-.ui c, would, ol umi i-e, hold ol'i for poihiiii-i ti year or llinie. Ihe i nllei thill ol anv tll -, hlioulil the ordinuiHc he ihilared lep,.il. The pot-ltlon l.ikeu hv the tlcpuly (olitioller is thaf the oidlnaiiie is to lie consldeted legal until detl.ticd ille gil b" the cotllt mid that, thel ol'oie, it Is pciiectly piopcr lor liini lo loini an c.slhiiule ol' the ieeiiue which will he derived fiom the otdliiance and m loipoiute it in his esthnutc ol iecnues. Sex ei til loiini ilnicn -ecu hy a Tilbtuie man, notiihly Common Comitllni.tn t.u thcr Keller, stiy th.tt they v. ill he guided hy the notion ot the eonti oiler. "II" the councillor includes, an esti mate ol the amount, to be deihed lioin the imposition of tint- liceii-e tax in his general estimate ot levenue.-," said Mr. Keller. "I would luor (he appiopii.t tion of that s-uiii, in nddltlou to the amount appiopi lnl"d loi goneial ilty pin poses this e.tr. ThuL will give us lust so much of mi iniie.i-c. I tun un alterably opiiosed to laising any inoiu money hv the taxation of piopeity mid individuals than we laisid this year. The tax rate must not be one bit larger." The depittv lotitiollei has uol .vet llguied out how he 1- going lo t .-. t i mute the amount to he deilved lioni taxation. As heietoloie pointed out in these columns, he ian mini no such thnaie, lieiau-e the 0111011111 ol tuxes vvhlih councils 1 ,in now impo-e is uu lltnltcd. The only thing w lib h ian he dune is to eslimato what a kvv tin lesiMinding to ten mills, thih yoai's tax i.ile, -will umoiiut to. The mallei v. ill he hi ought up tit the next meeting ol Hie ieint der's e.iblnt t, to be hi Id i-hoith SARAH GRAND TO LECTURE. Will Be Heaid in Wilkes-Banc on November 29. "Mm". S.uah (band, the noted Kng-li-li aulhoie.is, x III delivei a lei tun in Willies-Hal 10 Filday evening, Xov. -"I, lit the Xeshitl theatie. Few nioic dellghllul hooks have beiu published than her 'Heavenly Twins," vvhhli has had tin Ininiente 1 in illation, tnli eis of her noted books vvhlih have hail a wide 1 licul.iltnu ate "ll.ib-, the linpo-slblo" and "The llelli Hook." Madame Oraud is tippeai ing in thi" tottntiy under the niaiiagenient of Major Pond, The subject of the lei -tine she -will give in AYilkes-iSaue Is '.Mere .Man." the let lute which has been iioating so 111 in it of a imoie In the hllS" litil-. GETS HIS BOARD FREE. William Buike Ai tested Four Times, by Ti listing Landladies. William Hui Ke M.ii guested yester day at the instuiHo of Mts. Mary Mil lion, of Vim avenue, who ehurges him with detraudlng her out ot a boaid hill amounting to J1 This is the founh time that lie has been m tested 011 this charge within the pusl six month". lie was given a Iteming hofoie Al derniuti Uudily, who held him under S'idil ball lor his appellant o ut uiutl, A gentleman mimed .lohn K'elly oiieied lo go his ball, but as he didn't know what slieol bis piopeit.v was located on, w he bought it fiom or v. ho he tented II lo, Ihe nficr was de lined with thanks by the iildciinmi. An other hondsmuit was sci tiled inter. STRUCK BY AN ENGINE, Conl Picket nt Glenbuvu Met Dc.ith on the Rniliond. .lohn Mullluox, of Pulton. v,as Hie name ot the tuuu who wtis kllhd on the Liickuw.iuiia rnlhoud at (ileiilmiu 011 Thui.-diiy. lie was picking coal oil' .he 1 itlliotiil when he won stuieU by .1 puslicr, mid sustained Injuiles which ( aused his death. Cototier itolierls went in Paltou vcs. tculay mid conducted an autopsy lu the disc. H was learned tli.it ihe man's death "was due 10 his own negligent e, and 110 blame muld be attached in tho lalh'Oiid euipliiyis. An Enlaiged Poitinlt Is mi Ideal Cluistnutu Gift, Si hi le r iitodtiics the itiost jilciising 1 cstills In sepia, pithtel or wnlcr mlois. A phntogiaplt ol the )ioi .-011 is the only model tieiessuiy. Those Piuchnsiug Tickets Now for Oiift.i Carnival have tho choice ol seats tweuty-iottr houis lu adv.iuio ot those who wall to pioiuio them at ho ollh e. Shot His Mothei-in-Lnw. Ily i:iliolu- Wire fiom '(he .Woiijttil I'if.-i Itlcliiiiuml, Vj, Nm l Niw ii'iilu, Inr of an jliotlniii 1111111U1 inn W.ulii'iillf. A nm ndiiuil IIjiIHi'UI, ihls. mitl , iiiv liiilut-in, . Hquur, wwt niuilitidii.im, 1 Mi.. Ilulill. jiid llieu hrjiiieil licr wltli the tutt sii the yun DIRECTORS ARE T0BELEX0WED COURT VCLL INVESTIGATE THE SCOTT SCHOOL BOARD. Supoilntfliulent of Schools Geoigo Howell Appointed to Investigate n Coinplniut Lodged Agninst the Township School Dlicctors by Parents of Chtldicn Attending the Brown Hollow School Will of the Late Rov. George Gulovics Pllgcr Gets a Vet diet. Stoll township's st hool hum d Is to he J.e.owed. Supeilnteiident of Schools ilcnrgi; How dl is to do thi! Lexowlng. A nuinber of ihe taxpayers of the lirown Hollow end of the township Itinu lumlu giievoilH eoiiiplulut agulliHt the school (IticetuiH and linked colli t to leniove thcni. Cotirl yesterday agiccd to look Into the mailer. The (oniplainl sets forth that In lfOl theic wcic sixty-four chlldten enrolled at the Hrown Hollow school; that thote weio not sitlllclent itccoiuniodatlons for t hem lu the way of desks and seats; I hat otiI one teacher Is employed, when theie ought to In two, and further thai the lio.inl should piovldu a colivcyutii e lor chlldi'en vi'ho ate compelled lo walk over two tulles lo teach the school. The lompIaliimitM went befoi e the school bomd and uskid that It Improve Ihe Ih own Hollow school and piovlde it iiiliveymiie for Ihe chlldicn living at ti distance, or else build a now school In the pail of Ihe township In which the complainants live. The bomd ig 1101 ed l heir iettests, lefuulug lo do Ihe one thing or the oilier. Oct. !, the coniplulnmils engaged Al lot nej John R Murphy to go befoic the (oiirt, piiMonl their gilevunies and ask lor the leiiinvut of the bomd. Colli t decided lo deal with the mutter under the piovlslons of the net of May S, IVif, P. L, i'.17, nnd nciotdingly issued the following 01 del : Now, Xni. 11. 1"DI, uptii 11 iilluc the iilitnti nf the (Olllil lllinu tlVii.nrH nf Suit! knuu'lip, I'toft m (.i'i'.- Ilimell h iipi'iiili,l iii-p )i In M-lt llil -1 lir.ii ill-lli I i,f su,t, iiu.-llil .Mill ill';tllll' lilt 1 till f.kls -I I 101II1 ill til'- tone 1. 1 lint iil.iiiit li !, iili- thin' tlijs liulu a lu .ill the iii'inli 1- nf tin' lioiul ot tliuihu- of l!i" tuni' !nu lu, (lit- i-ikI iti-p-ftiH-, villi mi"t tin 111, .mil .il-n tin' -ml nil Ice to .ill the 'ijuni nf Hie -nil iniiipl.iiiit. nn! tn in ihe his iipml, nii'lei- nilh, nf tin- ii-ull (I In- iKi-onil ln-pi'i-tion .mil iuvi.ti.ilinii, .uiniiip'iiiicil tiy the tile limits nl f.ul-. iinl inonf uhtiliinl In him in tie t 1-1 . -1I1I up nl .ili i r out i in In, timlini;-. .is In ulnllirl the tllliiloii il the -Mil (.ilinnl ills tliil Ii IM' utti-eil, m'lrileil m tJllc-il, viltlnllt v. ilnl 1 111-1' fni -mil ii-Icil, iti , on their pin, tn jiioinln -iiit.itI' .mil iil"iiiitp .kcoiiiiihhIi. linn-, .mil 111 1I11I tin tin 111, foi the -ihonl iluMiiu nf llm tli-tliit, .1- tlie I in liqilllis, .lllll li llllKi-In- upon v Itliin tin ill-, fiom the il.de of this null 1. Ih the n'ut. The (ompl.iiumits me Henry J. linker, Wiight l.owiv, t.eoige Siui wood, .1. J. Smith. Finnic Xicholls, .lohn W. Lowiy, V. J. Stevens, fletnge Hilvvlg, 1!. r lluidiek, and K. li. Lit list. Pilger Gets a Veitlict. In the ia-e In which Fted Pilger, ho til Keeper, sued the boiotigh of Tlnoop lor -JO0O damages, the jury yesterday letutnid 11 vi'idlel lor the plaintiff in the sum ot $IS.:Sli. Pilger alleges that the boiough al low id the ditfh In limit of his piop eity to become 1 logged and that as n lesult watei How id on to his lot mul Into his iell.tr, destroying his slot k of diinkahles. o'llilen and Mm tin tip peand tor the plalnlilf. and Heel's nnd (!ra nibs lor the ilelend.int. The i.iso oL Hllen Koegan ng.iinst the MoUopolitan l.lfe lnsuuinte 10111 pauv was given to the juiy nt noon vestiiday. Kx-.llldge Wlllaid m.idu the closing aiguiuent for the delense, and C. W. Dawson for the plalnlilf. The 1 ase of D. ):. lialdwiu against T. i t'aw ley was called hetoie Judge C.i 1 pen tor islet day 11101 nlng, but a (ontinumne was granted when the de fense plead surpilse upon tho plaiittilf lllllng mi amended ileel.n. ttlon. Chailes t:. Olver nnd I. II Hums 1 eptesented the plaimllt and u Illicit ,V.- Mutllit, the delell-e. The sIllL is tor tile l eiov cry ot NJ.'iS r.i) for woik iind iiiateilul lin nished lot the d'-feiidunt's hou-e In lnmiuoie. The 1.1-e ol C. P. Wesiotl against Tlioums i". Hi Illln Is now on ttl.il be fore Judge C.tipenti'i. The- defendant owns the dwelling house between the Tilhune building and the Williams building. 011 Washington a venue, lie le.isid II lo the plaintiff for .1 lio.ud Ing house. The tenant fell behind in lent to the amount ol Mill and the luiul Ioin sold hlin out. The tenant is now suing to tctover the value of the piop eity seized for tent on the gioimd that Hie sale way not tegulaily conduit ed. A vpullet of S.'iJU 1". was found for the pl.illltltf helot e Judge Kelly In the case of the Ciiceii lildge dumber lonip.iny ag.ilnst Collins o.- Ibeiuiaii of I'.nboit (lule. No defense was olfered. It was it still on a claim for lumber furnished lor ihe new si hool building ut Wiu toil. O. 11. Paillldge 1 (-presented the plalntllt'. Tho 1 use was oilglnutly Inouglit by Judge C.irpenlcr, A Jut y wins out nt udJouitmieiU In the case of the Pr. Fichu Chilli' eoili puny against Mury A, Sweeney, exeiti-tl-ix ol the estate of John Sweeney, do i eased, it Is a suit on a note for $170, C. I., litiwley appealed lor tho plain tilt and T. P. HuIj.iu and J. J. n'Mallev lor 111'- il'-Ien.-e, Tho iiiso was heaid h-fole Judge Kellv. In the 1 use of C, X. I '.alley against A. P. Ilohoits Ihcte wns no iippennuiee for the pliilntllf and 011 motion ol tlu deleudiiut's attorney, l!. A. .tnuner inaii, Jiulgu Kelly dliected 11 nun-suit. Will of Rev. Fntliev Gulovicz A Bunch of Violets 1 .1 tuulil l llivlt Su 1. I l-I.IIO. .-uil ut He (ON M.ltl l(ll! ami .veil will he able to ,'tt ItMlllS at nine iiiltiialiiin Ik uui nil Jii.l oiu Iilcicl-i. .1 Alfred I'tuuing. I'll, iHlci'tor. Attoiney T. P. lloban esleiday pu-si-ntcil tor piobuto to lleglster Koch, tin will ol the Into liov. linage (lulo vles, iastor ol St, Mmys liieek Cuth ollc chuich, South Scrantun, It wits admitted lo'ptobuio mid letters testa mentary weie giunted to Uov. Coriiellus l.iiuflsln. of Sheiiiindotili, The will is written in the Magvar lmiguagi. AKoiuptiuylug It Is an Ung llsli vmslon wiltteii by Itev, Father l.ituilsln. The testator tlt'st glvih a list of his debts and onleis them paid, lie. tluii beiiiiKUhs mo guidons to his btotlit't. Fieddlik mid lllleen guldoiiH You Are Invited To Join OUR CIRCLE OP PLBASHD PATRONS S. H. Twining:, Optician, f3l PENN AVENUE, to itev. Kinuntic-I Jtoskovlcs for twelve musses for himself, three for hla par ents and two ror his two children, Helen and Tlltts. Ills bedding, table cloths and holy pit-Hues ho leaves lo St. Mmy's church, anil his linen mid other clothing he gives lo the poor. Ills books, papets and linnlly pictures me beiiin-athetl to Rev. Orestes olocky, mid 11 cigar stand to Hcv. Kat her l.tiurlsln, the executor. The remainder of Hie estate Is divided according to law among his wife, imttr, and the two children. He had no real estate mid his person al pioperty consisted of about $",000, mostly lu Insurance. Eleven Prlsoncts Released. On motion of District Attorney Lewis, Judge Kelly yesterday oidercd the re lease of eleven pilsoneis who wete be ing held tit the loitnly jitll in delimit of ball, the giand Jury having Ignoted 'ho bills pending against them. Among them In U. P. lllodgett, nn Import, who was charged with larceny by bailee, by the Piittntuotid Detective agency. Two chin ges, carrying 1 oucenled weapons mid Im cony by btillte pteferted against Joseph Sh.iughnes.scy, another import, wete Ignoicd, but be Is ulso charged with surety and must wait until Satttr day.Pee. '.'. to luivehls case disposed of. The eleven discharged were: Oscar Norton, William Knott, William My- ervvlt, Ktmik .Ionian, John Peters, Thomas Flnnerty, Muckev McDonough, Joseph liigleuslti, Joseph Sullivan, li, It. IJIodgett, Patilck Ciowley. Mnrringe Licenses. r.itiuk 1 Mili,i Vlihhihl Ami 1 ,1. M1111I1 Vithhild I'illii l'i' ilKiiw-kl 1'uicljiir- kv 1I1IK olhm-hi .. . I'liiiliiin; Inhi-tvin I.ripkouit Ohplnnt .hi-cphhii' Iiiillu: 1 )1 ill mf. I'.itiuh 1'. (Ink riilioinl.il" Iliiils-i'l V. Cnlliiis Cailion.ble TODAY'S FOOT BALL GAME. Scinnton and Wilkes-Bane High Schools Will Play. Tho last foot ball game ot the season beloic Thanksgiving will bo played at the pmk today by the teams lepiesent ing the Scianlon and Wilkes-Paire High school. The game will be hotly contested ns this is the only one in which the two teams meet this year. Wilkes-Jlarro has a good recotd and tlie local boys feel sure of coming out vle loi ions. The line-up will be somewhat changed. The piolitable expeiionce of last Saturday when a man from the sci nb played the star game has caused Captain Tiopp to tiy another of Ihe scrub team in the person of Smith, who will piobably play in the Hue. Jack I)ui ns will take Weissenlluh's place at full back, and Pidenour will 1 cumin at tackle, with PIvvood on the other side of the line. MnoGowun and Thayer sue unchanged at the ends, and Tiopp and Phillips will take ime of tlie half backs' positions. Oieat interest is ceitteted in the contest of totlav, as it will in ,1 measuie show what is to he expect ed on Thanksgiving. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. .Vlhlll Slilllh, .1 lli II lilil lu'M-tml, 1- u-ii-tul t1inli it the iiMiiHe nf lln lit.nii; r nf the l.iik.iu.iiini Nevv-. niupaii, vvln il litis tint ho 1 nil t to 11 iv tni tiii- -j vioith 1 f pip. 1, v.hich ho -muni in. m the lump. 111;. lie wi- liihl in liul li.i Mifl-'i.ite llos.t, 1 i.mk 1 ill v I- llllll 111 'oinl lllll (-tlllllV umiiiiiu I- -Vliliini in Untitle on .1 ihiie 01 pnjuii pii Itinil hv Inoinin Mit.'itinti, ol ,Vn. linn cli 1 I . vilin allege-, tl it he (kilh) Mime f.iNoli .ilniiit him 111 police toutl 1 iintlv. .lime, luih, the I.ie.uihl Wilkt."lluio Iwy iliUKnl MUh the liiirny u I'lanl. (lonhm'n lh'1-.e ami Inu'rt, vi i, i tiimulili il In the tnimly Jul ,vt-liitl.i hi Itui-tiiL M1II11 in tit milt of -inn bid NEW GARMENTS. 1$ We were in New York yesterday where we $; j$ secured a great variety of Ladies' Misses' and & .$ Children's g I Novelty Coats, I Raglans and 1 New flarkets ml 'St Which we will offer at a Special Sale Friday and Saturday. i This is a sale of the most STYLISH GARMENTS gj 3 OBTAINABLE. Be sure and see them before you g 2 buy. g 3 Ladies' Raglans and New Markets. il Ladies' Genteel Black and Oxford Coats, medium - I -.11 T l". .11 i I J.1 l.. m- .. t lengms ana run sionn lenguis in Kerseys, tueitons J i a i ici luontasnac ' Misses' Natty 17 inch Coats, 40 inch, a length i la and full dress length coats in tans, castors, blues and S: 5 Oxford. S: ' Misses' Box, Half Fitting and Full Tight Fitting Garments, Raglans, New Markets, etc, g S Children's Reefers, Box Coats and Long fGar $-' -5 ments, s I Mears & Hagen i (tWfUfl(f)l(fWtl$(f)iffJI(f LOST HALF OF HIS WHISKER DR. JOHN S. SZLUPAS WAS VERY BADLY TREATED. Whllo Going to Piovidcucc on a Bus, FftUick Nolnn, a Follow rnDscn gcr, Took a Violent Dislike to the Doctor's Flowing- Bcaid nnd Grab bing a Flim Hold of It Pulled n Gient Portion of It Out by the Roots Nolnu Is Under Ancst. Dr. John H. Stilttims, or Petiti avenue, has a long- Itixmlmit bemd and he doesn't like people to 1 0111:01 n them selves about It. Patilck Nolan, of West Market slieet. did toniern hint self about It on Thursday night mid even went so fur us to pull part of It out. The icsult wan that Nolan was arrested and runs a good chance of be ing sent to Jitll. The doctor was tiding up to North Sernnton on Thursday night In 11 bus, one ot the other occupants of which was Nolan, who was slightly under the iiillui'iico of liquor, lie sighted the doc tor's whiskers, mid they inllanicd hint like a red rag does 11 bull. He Insisted that the doctor get out of the bus nnd walk. Tills tho doctor ic fitscil lo do. "I'll pull you mil then," said Nolnn, us be look Him hold of the doctor's beanl with both hands and gave a mighty pull, lie pulled the doctor down on the floor of the conveyance and pulled seveial hundred odd halis out of the docor's fine. The other piissengeis Interlctcd mid Ihe two men woie separated. Tim doctor hied himself In A tilei-iu:iii Ruddy's olllce yesterdny morning and swore out a wmrant for Nolan's ancst on the ehmge of assault and battery and mayhem. "When I combed my beard this morn ing," said be. "I found Unit it was nearly half pulled out." Nolan was to have been given a bear ing last night, but on account of Dr. S.lupas'.s inability to be present It was postponed until this 11101 nlng. The doctor Is the leader of the social ist lontingent or this county and a year ago was their candidate for con gress. . APPROPRIATION NEARLY GONE Only Sl,700 Left for the Cleaning of the City's Streets. Inasmuch ns theie is only $1700 left of the 515,000 uppioptiiited Tor the clem ing of stieets, a number of men have been taken off and the veiy stt Iciest economy will be practiced un til Apiil next. Director Hoche accom plished splendid lesults -while he hod money nt hand, but he -will be handi capped for the next tew months by lack of funds. The flushing of the stieets has been discontinued until spring on account of tho danger to horses on tho slip pery pavements. Thtee gangs of men wlii'cli had been at woik all summer lepniiing the streets In vniious parts of the city were laid off on Thutsday because of the approach of winter. NEARLY AN INCH OF SNOW. It Covered the Ground Early Yester day Morning. Considei.ible snow loll emly .vestei il.iy morning and eaily lis-ers saw the ground covered to the extent of almost an inch by tlie fleecv mantle. The snow quickly disappenied, however, as the dav grew, J.ast night there wen- a few Hakes ot snow iioating about In the attnospheie. S100 Rewaicl. A standing lcwnid of 8100 I- olfeied for Information which will load to the arrest and conviction of any pers-on or pei sons placing explosives on the tracks of this eonipuny. Scinnton Hallway Company, ' Flunk J. Silllman, jr.. Manager. Smoke the Pocono 5c. cigar. vr. mr. -. WyyWttMMfWWi A Carload of Crockery We have jtifit lecnived a bulk cnrlond of LAUGHLIN'S SEMI VITREOUS WARE. If you nic in need of n Dinner Sot or Toilet Sot nt a small cost of best wnio made lit Amoricn sol s thnt can bo matched, if pieces get broken, now la your opportunity. A New Shape Dinner Sol, decoration of gieen loses, 100 pieces, S8.80. Another decoration with pink scattered llowcis, gold stip pled, 100 pieces, S1SJ.50. Or. wlint is bettor select such pieces thnt you need, as they aio both open stock pnttoiitt). VvuePfcteVV Geo. V. Millar & mmmmmmmmmmmwmwm Willi mumu Scr anion BetleSing Go, F- A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Aves. F. L. CRANE Established 1866. Seal Skin Coats SI50, SI7.1, $200. $225, $2,10. Persian Lamb Coals i-- S-ro. Sinn. $125, $150. Furs of All Kinds Fins repaired. Raw fins bought New Building, 324 Established 1866. I" f 7 wftvi m i3 Our Importations of DOLLS TOYS Aie now here, and we are ready to supply the wholesale tiade for the holidays We Invite inspection of Our Stock. J. D. WILLIAMS k BR0. 312-314 Lackawanna Avenue. EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition Oy n lccent net of lite logisla. tuie, free tuition Is now granted fit the Literary Institute a ml State Normal School BloomslHinj, Pa. to all tho.-" iucp.li Iii? to tenth. This fcihoul innliitalus couidcs of stud for ten hots, tor thobe ptep.tilng lor college, and lor thote .-jtudjitig music. H will p iv lo rhc fir pill, ii!j-i. flU tllliCr bllll'l'l Ulll'I.S fll' it ttllll'IIOI .III. untaSi'J at tUill luw tatu. AilJrMi J. P. Welsh, A. M, Ph. D.,Pfin, BINGHAulTON TRAINING SCHOOL Poi Xerviiu.. HirliHinl ,iiu Dial hito ( li.l dtcii. IMiy-U.it 'lialnliii, Minual l'i muiij. Vine ulallou, Miiiii. Hui.iMjj, Kuiiliia4iliii. Upin car aiuiuiJ. liiuiUi. S. A. Doolittle, W Pat view Avciiu;, niiijunttcn, N, Y, S0RANTON CORRE8PONDEN0K SCHOOLS, SCRAIS'rOV, I'A. T. J Tojlcr, l'rcslilint. l'liiur II. I.avll, lu. 11. J, IVstrr, fctaiilcj- 1', Alien, VKc 1'iciiileiit. Secretary. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS Co. JJ!!!lKfcASS 1 Just Because You nro not going to wenr them for a few months, don't crush your dainty summer lints nnd gowns into space altogether too small for them. Let us make you a. box couch, with sopainto compartments for hats, waists nud skirts prettily lined nnd covered nn ad dition to nny 100m. Prices, from $7 up MANAGER. Both 'Phones H. D. CRANE Wisliea to announce a new invoice of Skirts of such style aud quality as to commend them to the Scrauton public, both walking and dress lengths. The assortment of Suits is uot as yet broken. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. Lackawanna Ave Take Klevator. aB NEW YORK HOTELS. vwvv, vJyvv''JXx ESTM 1 iNSTElt HOT EL tor, Sivtfnitli M, anil I11I11J 1'lJCf, NEW YORK. Aiiirrlcaii I'l.in, -p.W I'ci Diy ami Uimjuh l.'uiuic.iti I'Uu, 1.0) I'n Pj jihI Uiraarili. fcHilal Il.llis la r.imilles. T. THOMPSON, Prop. HOTEL I JEFFERSON NEW YORK IO.SlOl.lOfl Kll.t lAtll NrCl 1Iia.II rii'iMKHK 1. ...1 1.1.. ,!.. . lanillV lllll Irailulunt hi.lnl ml..innni., it .,. "' -"- .M-i'."i.riMihnuUni. mumiMUftiuaxiiiiunuifliiMirvftndcomforl. I On I0ih htrcet, jmt rast of Umoa Square, It IS IVIlllll. Jl ,U t.n..t... ..I U. I. ...... ' I sliopj, tliontiosanililuh-., wmk Europran Plan, $,0fl up, moncan Plan, $2.50 up. Suites with Pi-ivata Bath. S.2.00 ,,,, lor8ioi'inlutt'ii.Eiiiile,iriiifoimtioriwritn JOII I'. (IMMII.IIl, i.fnnrip,,,. -'-' I'or Business .Uca In tho heatt ot tb tvholcaaU that 1 let. For .Slioupcrs K mlnutej' walk to Wniin makers: S mliuittu to tiiffc'ol Coopri'd Ille Ptore. t:sy ot access lo ihe great Dry Goods Stores. For SlKhlscor. One block from ll'vv.iy Car', fjlv lr? easy iransportatloii to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT MOW YOKK. rar. nth st. fc UNivicnsrry pr Only ono Ulooii trotn Hroailway, ROOIll 3, $ 1 Up. rlc Ucasuiutil: f -f f f 'f-f'- -f-f-f-f'"f-f'f -f a a - a -A- ... - -A- 4 1 . "sProf.Q.F.THEELSZTsteW SfJ rbHJplbU. la. l)y l.rrwiii MiriiH.i j4 tBiffiri. buaranirra i' rvre m; toon rrnti. INi.oI 'owh. Nfrrovt ffbillO. U t lioo-l.T I Wrlrnrrli L Mrtftlifr ! fUtlUa . 1 BJMt)oo.t Mt.lhiuiktn Hrn.buiiforhtDrn1rfctioi01liftliABaaLi if muliCtftrj t4cH4tlt(rirIIVut. Matl ptpfr.l ETC KllggWlwymiimmM,-nrri.l.,, 4. if t M d VJJU