j U- 1 -41 T11UJ SCKAiNTON TlUMUNE-SATUliOAi, xNOVEMBEli .16, .190.f. The News of Carbondale WASTIltl-A Rm,.l Bl.l, tnt.l.llo .r.'firi-l. In c( Mil. WIIIIjiii Mnulum. HJ llnmUlI nrrol. A. W. HAWKS olllil.llt.il 1,1'iiMci' Stinsbine and Shadou) OKAND 0I-I3KA HOUSK Monday, Nov. 18. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. " Delaware, nud Hudson Railroad. .Iiim (l. l'.)l. Trails will lc.nu CjiIm.imI.iIc al liy M.itioii m 'VorN'MNli'll .111.1 WiUr-llllH"-.0i1, T.lkl, S.V. !mii, Ki.iu, ji.-ii ii. in.: lii". lis '-"' "'' .'..w, r.tiii, in in, 1'ini p. hi. Mili.l.iv IijIim li'ini .it tV.il, 11.21 ii. m.i l.". '.' Ill, ."..'Ml. .".Il p. III. , .. , fur Allum, S.ituloir.1. Mniillf.il. 11uIom, pw 1:iiI.iii. p.. hits rlc, 7,tl n. in.: 'US' V- "' I'r Li tin linkup, U'o.wiiJit. '"" Hone(Ulo, 7 -.. 11.115 .1. in.: :i.5l, it. I.I . in. . Miii.l.iv Ii ilri-t Ir.nr l..1 Ijntori'. iiiiuh nml tlotie1.it' .il !'.." ii. m.: !.::. 1.1;' I'; ,, IuiIih .nilir .it IMiI.oim1.iIp from IIU'-I '' i.n.1 SuMiilun in follow,.! IW". ."" 'V':,'; "'" n. in.: i-.;i7, 2.:, ::.:. 1.2", .u., ".ill, vii. '. 31.57 1 1. Ill.i l.."iil .1. III. . .,.. snmln- Ii.iIik .mho nl n.::7 .i. m.i U.W, '-. 4 '.', tl.'l'J, 1 1. "II p. til. , , Mii.il.iv tinliH nithc al ( ,i!liniii1.il fioi" ''i".. I.imImi'...' Wnjnmt iiihI IIi.iipmI.iIo .it 1-.li. 1.1" nml 7.55 p. in, New York, Ontario and Western. .Vol, 17, l'ilil. Ti.iiYh ,..hp f.iil il.ilo fir Scr.intnti at 7.00 a. i.i l.iJ ii. in. Min.l.iy liiiln.s .il 7.0H a. in.: um p. in. , Ti.iiiu loivc I.MiIioiiiI.iIp lor p'.lntf ii"1,.11 ,al 1.1" ii. in. On Miml.iv .il 'Ui a. "I- "'"" t- ilia" .it II.Ki a. in. wool, .I.i.n atnl !'. I'; '" Imiii..ij.s Iii.ikc: iniiiiPLlioiis tin Nov.' Y.)tK. Lorn- V..1II. ok. .. 'Ij.iIiii iinhr fimii Siunti.ii al II. W ' ") ?"' V m.i Hi in poit.U not tli. I. ml p. m. Simm..-. "ill Ser.mtoii al ll.ll) :u ,iii. '.iiul i.l.i I', '" t.nii i.'.uIihi.i ni I'l.rni p. 111. ; Erie Railroad. .Inn.' J,t. li'OI. 1'i.iIik li'.no i II v -I ition, Cuili.'ii.l.ili'. il.iil f.'M.pt Nin.Iivi .it 7.IIU ii. In. nml I.W p. in. "'' Itiamll ami Nlncioli; at n.:::l a. in., l.iily li' x'ptlnar Siiinl.iv), lot lilniiliiiiiilnii, m.iUli.j ion i pi Hun, lor .i 'V oik oily ami llull.ilo. anil ill n.-P) p. in. for niiii.'Ii.iihi.i, in.i!iiii'j lOiiiivctiuiis lor Mp-tpnt points. Sllllil.IV ll.llll, .11 !l.- II. 1.1. for Nlllll'll.lllll.l. villi wp'ttin i oiin.it ii'iif, ini'l 1..-7 p. in., uilii HIIIO lOlllt. L'tlot). 'I'l.lill llllho -it S.5! ... 111. .uul 5.15 p. in. Nind.ijs ,il ..',:: ii, in. FOOT BALL TO-DAY. The Indians to Line Up Again&t the Duninore High School at Alumni Park Today Other Foot Ball News. The Indian font hall ii-uui will llnu up H Aluiinii park tmliiy iitfalnst tlio troiiK flcvt-n wliirh upholds the Dun-Dioi-ij 1 1 lull school's Rlory on the st-1,1-It'nii this sciisoii. 'I'll..' riiiiic will he it hot one. hoth leiiliiH hchiKT on thi'lf mottle. The In linii'i will have tlu-ir stroiiRcst players !u today's contest, nnd the visllliis I'lcvoii comprises a liunibor of old fool hall stars. Iloran, lluuue, (irant. the Jolmsoii hrolhers and O'lloro liohnj .nitons' them. - IhrotiK Is expected at Hit' park. On Tuesday next Hie llljili school eleven will play in Wilkes-llarre against the eleven leprosentliiB' Harry Hillni.in acadeniy. On 'rimnUsfjlviiiK' day '.he latier team will play hero. On ucxl Hiiturday the School of the .acl;:iuanii!i elevoa of Scranton will contest for .supremacy with the High school team, in Scranton. Hoth teams met earlier in the season, the Scranlon leain winning; hy a score of .". to n. llouesilalo is not satistled with the defeat dealt hy the hands of thii TUrIi school eleven and seems anxious lor an other name. As their snaidian will not allow them to play out of town. Man ager l'.urko will not Rive them a riiiiio. The treatment the local buys received at the laple rlty on Urn occasion of 1 lit! i" last Kiinie is still an unpleasant memory, and for this season at least Xloncsdale is not considered on lite map. AMUSEMEMTS. Great Speaker's Opinion. TJvaiiRclist Sam 1". .Tones, lie who has swayed thousands of souls ami who knows the merits of ti public, speaker, says of A. AV. Hawks, "the IuukIiIiir philosopher," who will he at Ihr (irand Monday nlnhi: "i'aricrsllle, li.i. "To Ihu Publli I Inivo fre.pienlly lis tened to, laiiRlted at and enjoyed the lendllions of A. W. llnwks, Ills fun and philosophy leave a Rood laste In my mouth and 1 am always ready for mole of the sort he Riws. Sometimes he lntikos me cry, hut whether 1 latiRli or cry I enjoy every word he says, ami his URly faces makes me laugh myself mw. lie is naturally pretty, bul ir tllleially URly, Host of all he is an all around Rood fellow, "Sincerely yours, "Snui 1. .loiies." Xyman Howe's Pictures. Tin.' success of I.yman Howe Is so (Treat that the simple announcoinont of Ihtj apiieaianco of his nioviiiR' pictures I.H sulllcii'iit to attract an humc.iso thi'iinit to marvel al tin wonders llait they display, 5Mr. llown and his pictures will he at tJin Hiatal Wi'diK'sOay iiIrIU. All of lla nmuhcrs will bo new; imno - III bo Q.-ihililicl tiRiiln, Scones In connection Vith tlic death of I'reHldoiit JlcKlnloy ami the obsecpiles al Cautiin will Im niuniiK tin' most InterestluK views. I'l'lie prices of adinlsi-lnn are 2Ti, ;i," and tf) cents. " Scenic Plays. M'liu lluntley-Uarrrn Block conipauy, a'ltlcli comes ui the Oporn house T'hius clhy, Nov, I'll for tbreo niflit.H, Is n vv'ry lurfio organisation to be played at pop ular I'l'leof, 'j't,i conipauy numbers Iwonly people, and carries a special car : scl'iicry ' fo)' their productions, which 'jjfluilo somu of tlio larfjest scoiilc plays eijiittenipteii In thin country. "l'or Liberty and l.ovo," "An jnao emit Sinner," "Oavy I'rocUett." "Tlio .N'cw Doininloii," "Knobs o' Tcnncssci'," I'lm Fatal Oard," 'A Kouthoni Uuntle iljan," "Ik'fuucu I l.ovo You," "Tlio Pe 3fui'iale," "I'lnl: Dominoes," "Uoan t)le," nre feimirea of tholr roperlolrc. Anyonu ImyliiR wen either of tlp'so nlays must know what mi undertakliiR' if la to curry all of them In one. com pany. l.llKlllCK, HU'lltll bOiltS, IUR qfiats, patrol wagons, fielf.hi trains, fttirses, iIors, ele,, soniethlUR' never bu foro attcnipteil at popular prices. Tho T, N. G. Club. Tlio ini'inbcra of T, JS (, enjoyed a ltlchtful ovcnliiB when they held their weekly mectliiR- on 'I'hiiinday nlt?ht In the Harrison house parlors its the KttestH of the Misses Mary nml Annie; Monalian, The yotniR ladles weft' heartily appreelallvu or the hospltnllty of their hostesses. Present were: .Misses Kalle and Nellie Utile, Dora and tVcelhl Marly. MatKitrel While, Carmel U'llearn, Mary Otcnnoii, Sarah .Mt'Ourry, liraee lllshop, MitRRle MeDoitald and Annie ami Mary Monalian. TOWN TOPICS. The stories of t'liaiiRcs In the ulllee of the superintendent of the Delaware anil Hudson company have been tevlved, and thin time Superintendent Mnnvltlc, aecordliiR- to the sosslp of the town In railroad circles, too, Is to bo elevated to the pnttltlou of sehcrul miiniiRer of the road, to succeed Flrsl Vice-President Horace (!, Youiir, who. in turn, will become president, the successor of 11. M. Olyphanl, who Is now at the head of the l'oad. There has been no olllclal eonllrina tlou or this story, an there Is the same reticence in tills Instance ns before, when there were reported chanR-cs In the olllce of Superintendent Manville. The story, however, has been about, town for several days mid has been variously discussed. The belief Is that It Is true, and so fur as tin Rcneral opinion rocs It is a certainty that Mr. .Manvlllo h: to be honored with a pro motion. In this case the wisli Is tho rather or the thotiRbt, for it would be a source of satisfaction and dcllclu to I'nrbonilullans to have one of their townsmen Riven such recognition. The dlscre.'l .!lenco of the company's olllclal' does not justify any more than speculation, but It calls attention nunc closely to some of tin recent doiiiRS of the Delaware and Hudson company, the most Imuoi'lmit of which Is the buildlii.e; of IiIr; eon' storage pockets at Honpsdiile. Work on which will prac tically revolutionize the handling of coal hound for tidewater over this road Is now in proRress, nnd when the pro ject is completed, Iloncsdale will prob ably have the IiIrrcsI coal slori'tRe point in the world. There were many considerations to impell the company to tin construction of theM' storage pockets, but chief amoiiR them was the economy of cars and h.iuliiR.'. ItrlWIy. all the throtiRh trains, that ii. the coal destined for Xew York i 'ty, i an be made up at Ilonesdale. There would be no neces sity for haulliiR- ears bail; from tide water to the mines. They could stop at Honesilale and be loaded from the pockets. No time would he lost in roIiir over tin mountain, and there would lie less diiiiRer of a scarcity of cars, in the case of an increased demand of coal, as the pockets would always be kept illled. These are a few of the advantiiu'cs of the proposed order of thinps II vtmilri have reouired a Renins to count the box that was sounded by Ihe alarm beP hi the city hall tower at the time of the Ii: c on South Main street last night. First. Hi sounded: then there wen; two tans, followed by :!.": two iiRiiin, anil then a reuular tattoo of raps. It is needless to say that the failure of the bell to respond was due to the fact that the lire alarm system is being i.crI'H ted by not beiiiR lesled dally, as is necessary, if its highest clllclency he n.i.ilntained. There is no daily test, ami the eonseiiuenee is an imperfect sys tem, which Is certain to cause disaster, if It is not kept In workiiiR order. The Tribune has pointed out, from lime to lime, the necessity for a daily test, and has explained the when and why of it. ('ouni'ils, with whom Hie remedy lies, while recoRiilzliiR the ne cessity, have taken no action, but have wasti'd valuable time in discussing whose business it. Is to turn in a daily test alarm. The Impression seems to be among' the members of common coun cil, parucui. :';, that it is tin duty of C'ltv Klectrlcu a (lilleran to make the lest, anil tho. same nieinbers have wasted several wcck-i in wondering who should do this work. For the information and euliglilment of these membeis. The Tribune will say that Mi-, fiiller.in's duties do not com prehend the daily test. lb is being compensated for looking after the ur rauRenicitt and swllcli-board in the city hall, but no provision is made for ill.-; going about from box to box each flay sending In an alarm. I.asl night's perfoi mnuct' of t: sys tem ought to convince councils thai ac tion nuts! be taken, as the safety of ihe community demands. The remedy Is the compensallng of Mr. tilllermi. who is the most capable person for the extra work o singing In Ihe alarm READING ROOM OPENED. Auspicious Event nt Berean Baptist Church Last Evening. Tlieie was a most auspicious opening; of the liereau leading room last night, The room presented a very delightful TWIN TROUBLES. They Are Often TogetherTJiese Days. They Work Havoc All Ovoi tho Country nnd In Scranton. Yenk, nervous, the digestion out of order--that Is what alls a Iiohi of peo ple, U comes about in this wuj : First from oerwork or other causes, the nerves are burdened beyond endurance, ni'i'Vi) waste Is not replaced, nerve force Is weakened, I lien the stomach loses Its nerve-coiitrollliig power and indigestion follows, with falling Ktrength, When tlrst Dr, ,, W. i 'base's Nervo Pills ciiiihi to Scranton people could hardly be convinced thai this great Uledicliiu would remove theso troubles. Now it Is an ucccpled fact, luriiUi'o of their cum of very stubborn cases no other medicine would Inllu ence, Mi'f. .1, u. Johnson, of ,o. "in Xorth Main strct, Scranton, 'a., says: "Dr, A, AV. I'hase's Xeivc pills arc excel lent. I was so dlassy and nervous, ami tho stomach digested lis food badly. This condition Induced a feeling of de bility and lassitude. Hearing of the nerve 1I1h at .Mathews Urns,, mo Lack awanna avenue, l got a box, uiul the result has ceitalnly been line. They gave tlio .toumi'h strength t" handle Ihe food properly, the nervouMicsa and dUr.hiess disappeared completely, and my general slrenRth and vigor re turned, t'oiiseipiently I am plenfed mid glad In recommend the medicine." Dr. A, VV. t'husoVi Nerve Pills mo sold al iiU a box at dealers, or Dr, A. Y. i'IuiWh Medicine I'd.. UulYulo, N. Y. So that portrait and signature' of A. V, Chase, M, D., are on every paekase. uipt;niulit:e With the tables likely nr nmged and laden with tho choicest Ill era lure. There; wero Hctect readings from pome of tho material on tho tallies, read by Prof. A. W. tleury, Miss Mtutde narllell. MIsh Kilnn htmmls, MIpm IMlth .tunes mid AVIIIlam DuvIh. The loom will bo' open every Tuesday, WudnoHiliiy and Hnlurdity evenings from 7.15 to !'.l". AMID CAMP LIFE. Delightful Evening with tho Rev. Father Daly at His lecture "Fol lowing: the Flag." An audience Hint utmost illled .Si. Huso parish hall lust night spout an Interesting and enjoyable evening with Ihe l!ev. Father Daly, of St. Pat rick's Cathedral, Xew York city, amid sreneii of camp life In the late Spanish-American campaign. Father Duly was chaplain of the Sixty-ninth regiment of New York eliy,' and In the lecture "Following the Flag" he led his lieurers from the ar mory of the leglniont to Camp lllack, then to Chlciiniaugnu pari;, to Tampa, Florida, ending with Jluntsvllle, Ala bama, where Ihe regiment was mus tered out. My means of a slereopttcon he watt enabled to unfold the Inner life of tlm regiment on the Held, and tho humor, pathos, and the lessons of patriotism that wero to be learned from these experiences he happily presented to his hearers; one lime convulsing them with laughter, now pulling their very heart-strings hy the recital of some pathetic Incident, and again causing tlp'lr patriotic blood to quicken when Ii- showed the lessons of love of coun try that were to he learned by the phase.! of the campaign (hut he dwelt on. Father Daly is pleasingly descrip tive; lit never soars to heights of elo iiueiice by his plainness and simplicity, ills Hashes of humor and versatility; In reaches his hearers and entertains them and impresses on them the mes sage he would leave them. THE ELITE DANCE. A BiilHnnt Social Affair Is the Sea son's Second Subscription Dance. The second subscription daneo of the season was conducted in Hurke's hall last evening, and was a brilliant, suc cess. Tin pleasures and success of the evening were under the patronage of the Kllte dancing class, whose mem bership Includes young people who are conspicuous in their society set. The ballroom was a brilliant picture of light and color, as the music went on and the dancers mingled on the Hour to the entrancing strains of the waltz and the other llgures of the programme. The Mosmi'I orchestra provided tho latest music that, has been voted Ihe most popular by the devotees of the arl of lerpslchorc, and the young peo ple revelled in the enjoyment of the varied pleasures of the evening'. The affair was a brilliant social suc cess, and tile young people who partici pated will have mimeioiis pleasant niemorks to recall. MUST ERECT FIRE ESCAI'ES. Deputy Factoiy Inspector Bishop Gives Orders to Others Beside School Board. Deputy Factory Inspector Karl W. Dtshop, of Duninore, was in the city on a mission relating to tlio erection of lire escapes nol only on tho public school buildings, but on numerous buildings about, the town. The school board has the matter in hand and will act at tlio next meet ing. With respect to other places where lire escapes are necessary under the factory Inspectorship laws, Mr. liishop not Hied several buildings own ers In town that they, too, would have In i omply Willi the law. Those af fected by tin law are all owners whose buildings arc three stories or over in height. Notices were served on some of these some time ago, sixty days being allowed then in which to meet the law's reuiremoiits. A CHRYSANTHEMUM DANCE. Annual Affair of the Recherche Dancing- Clnss on Thanksgiving Night. The Dccherclie dancing class which will he called for the many splendid affairs which it lias oonducled, will hold ti dame hi Httrke's hall on Thanksgiving night. The affair will be a chrysanthemum dance, it Is an annual affair which always aroused the eager interest and anticipation of Hie younger social set of the town, and Ibis year will bo no exception to what has been ihe rule. Firth will provide music and the hall will lie becomingly decorated with tho powers from which the function de rives Its title, MR, ROBERTS RESIGNS. Finds It Necessary to Devote All His Time to Teaching, Mr. "W. A. Huberts, musical director nt the Herean IJaptlst church for some months past, has resigned his position, lie liuds it Impossible to devote the necessary time lo tills work on account of his many pupil In both vocal and piano-forte, and the largo number of calls Unit naturally come during tho winter for conceri work', In which his tine solo work Is especially appreciat ive. Mr. Huberts will loutiuuo his leaching In the city and lias promised the lie reau trustees to assist on special occa sions in solo work. THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE. Union Ohseivnnco Will Bo in First Presbyterian Chinch. The union olisi'i muni of Thanksgiv ing ilii will lake pliue this year In tlm First Presbyterian church. In the programme of religious exer cises will he represented tho iMUgl'cga lions of the Herein! Ilaptlsi, First Methodist Kplscopai and the First Presbyterian churche.-, As Is ciisto iiiiny, the services villi lake place in tlio morning. Uev, 11. ,1, YVhnlen, D. D will deliver ti). i.ermon. Music specially piep.'llcd for Up day ol' th.n.ks will be the united choirs. Recupoiating After Oporation. AngiiJt Shliuiuerhoiii was discharged from F.mergency hospital this week after being operated on, following an attack of appeudhithi Unit threatened his life. For a lime his recovery was doubtful, but he Is now steadily gain ing in strength. Fairs Last Night. Tin fair of tho Cottage Hose coni pauy will close tonight. , Tho Watt hall lias been crowded during ihe evenings of this week and the hose men heartily appreciate the rcspoiuie that has been made by tho 11111)111. Tho fair has botiOcvon a greater success lliuii expected, nnd tho treasury of tho company will ho np. 'prenlably augmented. Tonight there will be a programmo that will fittingly uloso tho enterprise. Tho contests rot the $50 lit gold and nitiuoroiiH other articles will close. Thoso who have books will kindly re turn them this evening. St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Twenly-fnutti Sunday In Trinity. Halilnitli school, 11.30 u. nt.; services, 10.110 11, in. Subject or sermon, "Un worthy mitt Vain l.utnentiillons at the Death-tleds of Our Loved Ones," from tho gospel of tho Sunday, Jtiltus' daughter raised, etc. Tttkt notice, (hat after services tho envelopes tinaddrossod and without tiaiiio of voters for one trustee tiro lo be handed over lo the secretary, A. lierhardt. as aunotniced. Tho rules and itinomtnwuts lo tho constitution, Ihe organist and janitor rules for tins ensuing: .vcar will ho read nnd given Into the hands of the church council (o dispose of, according to (he constitution, on a ilmo as will bo ap pointed. Tlie ladles arc Invited to it meeting In tlio aftornoon nt 2 o'clock for the purpose known to them. The pastor cult glVo full Information, If desired. 'Anarchy vs. Patriotism." Tills is the taking title of Henry AY. Dowdlng's Illustrated lecture upon the lamented William McKlnley. which will bo given at the Trinity Parish house this evening ut S o'clock. On Sunday evening, Mr. Dowdlng will exhibit a beautiful series of views on "The Life of Christ." This exhibi tion will not begin until the close of the regular evening service of the church. Mr. Dowdlng Is a highly respected and callable clergyman of the Congre gational church and is entitled to tho heartiest support of our citizens. Injured Miner nt Hospital. Aston Cnrmuth, miner of Mayrield. was received at Kinergency hospital yesterday. He was injured by Hying coal while at work in tlio Krie mine. He sustained nn extensive scalp wound and was painfully bruised ubout. the ribs, though there were no fractures. His condition is not dangerous. "Will Helj) Teams. Street Commissioner John Kllleen mnl his force of men are nt work chip ping the bricks in tho pavement around No. 1 bridge, on North Church street, so that tlio horses will bo nblo to get it better foot-hold. This spot ha.s been ii very hard "pull" mill the coal teams, piirllcularly.will be greatly helped by it. Mrs. Peters' Funeral. The funeral. of the late Mrs. Margar et Peters will be hold this afternoon at J o'clock from her late home on the corner of Wayne street and Harlem avenue. Kev. Charles hoc, pastor or the First Presbyterian church, will conduct services. " liurinl will bo in Hrookside cemetery. An Attack of Pneumonia, (ieorge MoKolvy, employed hy Sullivan & Itcgiin, plumbers, is at Kinergency hospital since Wednesday. He is dangerously ill of pneumonia. Dust night bis condition was slightly improved, though he Is not out of danger. Will Sing at Berenn Church. Prof. D. H. Dewis, the baritone solo ist who accompanies l!ev. Henry AY. Dowdlng In bis lecture tours, will sing a solo at tlie liereau ISaptist church tomorrow morning. Men's Meeting. The men's meeting at I lie Herean Daptist church on Stinduy morning at H.13. will he led by Deacon AYIllinni J. Davis. A cordial welcome awaits all the men who may attend. At Trinity Church. Thanksgiving day will bo fittingly observed with religious services at Trinity Episcopal church on tho morn ing of tin day. Uev. II. A. Sawyer, the rector, will preach nnd the vested choir will sing. Meetings of Tonight, Division No. 13, A. O. H. Court (Joltlen Kagle, No. II, Fores ters of America. Diamond Lodge, No. un, Shield of Honor. In Boston, ii. A. Lewis, of Summit avenue, is at work placing an loo machine In place at Iloston, Mass., for the Carbondalo Ma chine company. Summoned by Illness, Mrs, Thomas Payne and son, lloraee, have been called to the homo of tint former's parents, III Kingston, by seri ous Illness. A New Janitor. Joseph AVII.-'ou, ofP.elmont street, bus accepted a position as janitor tit the Herean liaptiKt church, THE PASSING THRONG. Llewellyn AYootlley has resigned his position as agent for Musiu Dealer c, W. Fulkersou. Miss Pearl Lamoreaux entertained the ladles of Junior Haptlst church from Ii till 7 o'clock at her home, corner of Highlit avenue and Archbald .street, yesterday uftciioon. The occasion was fraught with enjoyable lueldu.its, Frank P, Hrowu has purchased in Hancock, N. A"., one of tho best bred colts In Ibis section, It Is a bay, eigh teen mouths old, and yt unbroken, ii 77 99 BREAKS UP ALL KINDS OP COLDS Nothing makes i,.u mure st'iscepilble lo taking Cold than .1 bad stomach, or, In fact, to any contagious or infectious disease. While "7i" prevents, Hires and "breaks up" a Cold, Its strongest ally Is a mvcpt stomach and good digestion, The use of SPECIFIC .No. 1U will bring Ihls about by . urlng Dyspepsia, lutll gestlun and AVeuk StomacI. Humphreys Specifies me put up In handy vials of pleasant pellets that (It the vest pocket. Al all piiiKRiiU ft-i lent., hi nulic.l en uTi'im el prlii'. Dni'lui'D llgi.t; Mallei ru.., Hiiiiii.IiiimV lloiii.vii.ilhli' MaJIUui' Co., lor lice WIIIIjiii iiml Joint Uei'te, Xcw VeiU. Tho colt Is iinmed Fred Wilkes, and was sired hy Uuskln Wilkes, 2.0St,. Horsemen hero mo struck with tho many lino points of Frank's purchase, and predict great things of him In tho future. JEWHYN AND MAYFIELD, Philander Scull, of the Mill House, Hrown Hollow, tiled yesterday after ti bl'lef IMllCSS Of Ivntlnh! lomnmmit,, n. ceased was ti well known resident nud is survived by a wife and three chil dren mid several brothers. A Hungarian Inhoi' ..iniitiic.l in tlm Dolnwitre and Hudson colliery, while winning up one of the planes Inside tlio COlllcl'V. WIIM Ull'.lnV Ik. ,1 l,.i. ..I' ,,,.., yesterday and 'received a bad scalp wound, nil was taken to the Carbim dale Kinergency hospital. Mrs. AYIllinni dark, a well known resident of Scott township, died ves tordny morning after 11 brief Illness. Deceased was twenty-two years of uge and Is survived by her husband. Tho employes of the Kile collieries were pnltl yesterday. Mrs. Davis, of Providence, will preach In tho Congregational church both morning: and evening tomorrow. In tho morning her discourse will ho delivered In Kngllsh and In I ho even ing In Welsh. Tho Ladles' Aid society, of tlio Bap tist church, will servo a. chicken sup per on Thanksgiving night. Cicorgc McKelvoy, a former employe or Michael ISagun, tho hardware man, Is In the Kmorgenoy hospital at Car bondale, suffering with typhoid pneu monia. Miss Jessie Whiter last evening en tertained the members of her Kiituinv school class. Tho boys wero verv hos pitably entertained and enjoyed them selves very pleasantly. Thoso pres ent were: Preston Dadger, Ftldle YYood worth, Charlie Parks. H01111I0 Uenson, AYilllo Allen. The musical eiitertalninunt and leu lure given In the Methodist F.plseo pal church on Thursday evening wan fairly well attended nnd as anticipat ed was much enjoyed. J lev. II. Y. Downing is an able lecturer and his subject was one that Interested old and young alike. The stereopticon pic tures wero greatly enjoyed as was also the excellent singing of Prof. Lewis. Tlie entertainment gave great satisfaction. The funeral of Dusil, the ulnu-months-old child or Mi, and Mrs. Uer nnrd Tissue, of Maylield, took place Thursday afternoon. The pall-bearers wore William Delmore, Joseph Mc Carthy, Joseph Hart, Joseph (Irmly, James MeNulty, Dennis Moyles and Joseph Ilylaud. Miss Margaret Smith, of Second street, is visiting Pcckvllle friends. J. D. Stoeker left yesterday on n business trip to New York city. Miss Lottie AVilllams. who has been visiting- her parents at. Mayfield, has returned to her home at Scranton. PECKVILLE. The moose, killed In the woods of Maine recently by Messrs. Bloes, Pierce and liroiul, is nn object of great fu riosi ly to Hie Peckvilie people. The animal is on exhibition at Mr. Blocs'. A'cry few of ihe people In this section ever saw one before, and the hunters were very fortunate in securing it, as this Is tho only one the Maine woods has furnished to hunters this season. The successful hunters have generously donated the animal to the churches hero for a supper, which will probably bo held next week. Let everybody at tend it, for ia Hie seven hundred pounds of the huge animal there will be enough for all. Committees of arrangements will meet in tin lecture room of tho Methodist Kpiseopal church tonight at 7.".0 o'clock. Services in the Methodist Kpiseopal church on Sabbath will be as usual, the pastor preaching' morning and evening. John Muekey, aged 'Si years, a minor a I the Sterrlck Creek mine, -was in stantly killed at that place early yes terday morning' by a fall of rock. He was a single man and lived with his mother in what is known as tlie Ster rlck Creek patch, located near Peck vilie. Funeral announcement will be made later. Chicken thieves made a gootl haul on AYednesday night. They secured some seventy chickens from Hickory and Main street residents. Mrs. Andrew Hale, of Yatcsvlllo, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. K. M. Barnes. Mr. Maple Bell loft yesterday for Au burn, X, Y where he has secured a position as chief electrician. Tlie Athletic club met in regular ses sion In Odd Fellows' hall last evening to elect ollleers. The Kpworth League will hold 11 Grandma's Harden social at the homo of Mrs. IL J. Taylor, Hickory street, Tuesday evening, Nov. i!. All arc cor dially invited to attend. Peckvilie Baptist ehurch-1. v. ,1. S. Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at Ifl.'lO a. in. and " P. 111. Morning subject, "The Comfort of tho Scriptures." In the evening, J'.lblo Day will bo observed by the Sunday school. Parents and friends of the scholars arc cordially in vited. Merton Hay, formerly of (been llldge, Is now residing' on Hickory street. Mrs. Glanville, of Hickory street, is visiting relutlves In AYilkes-Uarre, Tho young daughter of John Jones Is Improving from a seven attack of diphtheria. Alva Hammond, of Scranton, called on friends in (own this week. Miss Mabel Day Is much iuipiovcd, ill tor two weeks' Illness of iiuinsy. The Wilson Flic company are making great preparations (or their fair, which begins Deocmbo" .', Alt should bo in (crusted and join In lo help ihe boys nlous. All residents of Itlukuly borough who have dogs running' at large uro request ed (o inuiwlo them for tho next sixty days, All dogs found on the street f nol niti)cd will be shot, By order of the council, (lenrgo W. AVilllams, lTtaldcnt, Attest -I. F. Dewey, Secretary, OLYPHANT l tegular Episcopal services will ho hold In Kdwards' hull, Dl.ikoly, to morrow afternoon at !l.;J'i o'clock, Uev. II. J, Haugliton, of Dunmoiv, will con duct the services. A. Y, Bower, I'srj., of Hi ronton, v. ill occupy the pulpit at tlm Cougregii' tloual church tomorrow evening. Miss Nettle Cannon, of First street, was tidert'd a surprise party by many of her young friends 011 Thurs day f veiling, i'hu time was pleasant ly sp?nt hi music, guinea mid dancing. HefreshiuentH were served by iho hos tess at about 1 o'clock, after which the guests departed. Fdwurd Parry, of Hyde Park, wan a caller in town yesterday, Cards m out announcing ihe mar llago of Miss Mary V Uerkheiser In James Yebb. of Providence, ill thu homo of the bride's parents, Mr, and SURGICAL OPERATIONS Many of Them Unnecessary. Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Medicine Have Saved Many Women From the Surgeon's Knife. Hospitals in oiii giCuL cities tiro sntl plueoH to visit. Throo-fotnuw of tlie patients lyina: on tlio.se Biiovrvlijito beds aw "women and girls. Why should this he tlio ense? Iiueansc they have neglected, themselves. Every one of llieso patients in tho hospital hods had plenty of Avarniiii; in that beiiritur-douii feeliup, pain nt. tlio left or right of" tho Avomh, nervous exhaust ion, pain in the small of Ihu back. All thesu things arc indications of an unheal thy condition of the ovaries of womb. What a terrifying thought! these poor souls are lying there on thoso hospital beds awaiting si fearful operation. Do not drag along at home or in your place of employment until you are obliged to go to tlio hospital and submit to an examination unci possible oporation. Jluilcl up tho female system, cure tho derangements which have signitied themselves by danger signals, and remember that JjVcHii J3. lMiikliuni's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from the hospital. Read the letter here published with the full consent of the -writer, and see how she escaped the knife by a faithful reliance on Mrs. Pinkhtuu's advice and treatment by her medicines. II' in doubt write to Mrs. Pinlclium nt Lynn, Muss., for free advice ; her experience covers twenty years. WCsauBSSISSSBS!&K?Mmiirt IsM .ikes b II KbJ( vS? MPKudSSI I HI flu jHk 5f55sH M WmijHk Wok GSBPIPtesi&liZiiS&lf mm I I I I WwOH flfl firzSftr ' lwk ' i U HuM mZmQmi- k "SP& 1 Here is Proof, Undeniable Proof, That Many Operations May Be Avoided. "T)K.VK Mki. PiN'KiiAjr: As I am a great sufferer of female trouble I thought L would write to yon to see if yon thought there was any positive help for me. I am very sore through my bowels, especially over the womb, and on the left side low down J will he taken with a dull sore pain, and in an hoar will be so sore that I cannot move myself, and will have to he poulticed, and will bo unable to walk for two or three weeks. I have a bad diselnirga at times. Tho doctor says I will have to go through an operation and hava the left ovarv removed. If voa can help me. let me hear from you soon." Mils. M. (. Shivelv, Upson, "Wis. (Xov. 1J, 1000.) " Dkar Mas. I'l.VKHAM : When T wrote, to you last fall in regard to ray health, death would have been a welcomo visitor to me, bub 1 followed your advice and am now well. I had tried everything I could hear of, went to every doctor far and near, spent a great deal of money and received no benefit. At the time I wrote you I was saving np money to go to Chicago to have an operation upon the womb and ovaries which the doctor said unless I had I would die, but thanks to your remedies, T avoided this. I hr taken eight bottles of Lydia K. Piiikliam's Vegetable Compound, two of your Blood Purifier, and used four packages of Sanative, and am a well woman. I advise every woman suffering as I did to take Lydia E. Pinkham's reme dies." Mil's. M. G. SllIVKl.v, I'pson, Wis. (March 20. 1001.) $5000 KKWAltn. Wcliareilepositcilwlth Ihe National City Hunk of I.ynn, $GO0O, which will liopniil touuy person who can tinil that tho above testimonial Inttcrp aro not genuine, or wore publi.shpil bofore obtaining tho wrlter'8 spec'iat per mission, I.yilia JB. Pinkhum Medicine Co., I.ynn. MaB3. Mis. John K. lioi'KholFer, In Hlakely, tit S o'clock 'I'liankHKlvhiK evening. Mr. anil Mrs. T. .1. l'nrsmis enter tained the members of the ltlakely so cial club at there homo on Main street, Hlakely, last evening. Several members of the ISurcka com mandery, Knlshla of Malta Lodge, will go to Scranton this evening to witness it rehearsal of the Hcd Cross degree by the Anthracite L'onunandor.v. TAYLOR Great interest hi being manifested in tlm concert to be held at the "Welsh f'oiigregiillnnal church on Monday evening, November 18, under the aus pices of tlm Women's Christian Tem perance union and ihe Teniyiernuce al liance. The cniiecrl will coinini'iicu tit 7,;;i) o'clock shai'ii, in order to make train connei tloun. Following is the e. i client programme: Piano solo (se lected), Prof, .lunes; solo, Prof. J. T. Wutklns: solo, Mrs. K. Ilruudagc; poem, "The Drunkard's Wife" (Illus trated by slereoptleiiiO, -Miss Sarah J. Price: solo, "The Holy City" (illus trated), Mrs. K. lii'iindam: solo, Prof. ,T, T. Wnlklns: recitation (selected), Miss Sarah Price; temperance entertain ment, Uev, Thomas do Uraehy. (I) "Tho Itaplds;" CO "The Wife's Story:" (;n "Drunkenness;" (I) "The Drunk ard's Story;" (.") "An Kveulng in a Saloon;" () "Thou Art the Man;" (V) "bottle's Message." Services tomorrow at the Methodist Kpiseopal church will he as usual, nilh the exception of the evening service, which will ..'ouinieiice at 7 o'clock In slead of 7.:!'). Kpworth league at ii o'clock, The pastor, Uev. Clinton I). Henry, will olllclal. . All an welcome Tonight villi inui'k the closing of tin fancy fair of tlm American Protestant association, which has been in progress in Weber's rink during the last three nights, The attendance last ovcnlng was greatly luereas-cd over that of Urn pi'i'ious two occasions, and a still larger crowd Ii expected. The door prize no Thursday evening, ii beautiful I'UK. was won by ticket No. Ml, held by Master 1'vaii I low ells. Superintendent W. M. Dell, of the Lackawanna Weenie louip.iic, has imiw'.l his I'umll., (o Auburn. N- V when he will lake charm of a large plant in that city. K. Al. liarins. of Pcckvllle, Is-, tin former's muccshiii here. Illhlo day will Im obfcr.cd at lh" al Miry liunlisi church toiiinrrmv evening by the ineinbeni of the Sunday svhonl, tho church choir nsslullug. The follow, lug programme- has I'.een prepared: Hinging, "rihig of ilia King," choir and congregation: responsive reading, Sun day school; ivcllalion. "Name Nol tho Dead." Illhol Steele; prayer, by the pas tor: ivi ballon. Cruiuia I'.vuiis; recita tion, (Handle Mapleson; singing. "Hook of Clod .My Light." congregation and choir; recitation, "The Hidden Word" Myrtle ( 'initially- rccitallon, Ada ctu tla; singing, "Precious lllhle." congre gation and choir: recitation. "Let In the Light." Murium Harris; recitation, "The Ulessing of Song," Margurct Da. vis, singing, "Star of Hope," cuugi-ega. tlon and choir; recitation, "That's Thee, .llin," l.cnjamlii Harris; recitation, Martha Smith; singing. "Lead Well tho Word," congiegation and choir: reci tation, "How Much Owest Thou?" Kdlth March: recitation, "How to Do It," Mabel Davis; singing. ".Send Them tho lllhle," congregation and choir; ad dress, "Tlio Hlbb Work or the Ameri can liaptist. Publication Society:" cnci--else, "The Children's Gifts," four little girls; singing, "Send Out the Light," congregation and choir; benediction, by tin pastor. Mrs. AVilllani O. Davis, a much ie spected lady, died at. her home, on Middle street, Thursday morning. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon al '.' o'clock. Services will he held at Ihe home of deceased, Interment will be made In tin Forest Home cenielf ry. Mr. and Mrs. John Pugh, of Mt. Car niel, have returned, after spending their wedding loin- with lelallvcs here. The following letter, concerning Iho missing bonis Welhel, 1ms been re ceived: War Department, Adjutant Uciieial's Olllce, Washington. Nov. II 1 im I Mr. .Inhu Wdhcl, Jr., Pox 11, Talor, IM, Sir: 111 reply to your letter of the llh instant, relative to Louis Wdhel, I beg to Inforni you that the records of this olllce show that Louis Wdhcl, ser geant, Sixty-sixth Company of Coast Artillery I formerly (lattery 1, Sixth ar tillery), was present for duty with his company at Camp McKlnley, Honolulu. II, I., August III, 11)01, date of latest muster roll received. It is proper to add that this soldier's lerm of service expired September -jr., IflOl, and It Is suggested that a letter of Inquiry addressed to the commanding olllccr, Sixty-sixth Company of Const Artillery. Honolulu, II. l might elicit sonic Information regarding the ulart. ahouts of Hid soldier since that tlnii Very respictfully, .lolm A. Johnston, As.-isluiit Adjutant (leinral, CLARK'S GREEN, llurgl.irs made a forcible eiiti-v u In the v.t'-ant sunuuer residence of c P. Matthews hcie mi Monday nlRlit last, tliiiiugh the kitchen window, by break ing Ihe shutter and glass in the sa.-h. To get cotiuuimlcatiou through to tho other part of the house theyctlt lh oiiKh in broke out a panel of the door ',l ilciue that the party numbered tiijve was culte certain, as there u n ihiio limlrs drawn up to the table, mid that ihey tail led awhile, as the (.nun had been used, as the burned in, lit lies o ibatccd. Willi the exception of the dls. appearance o'" a set ol plalcd tea. spoons, nn booty of value was missed, .Mrs. A lira in Wilson Is visiting al the. homo of her ilautshler. -Mrs. William Waters, in lilllghanilon. .Mrs. Merlon Cook, of lilughaniloii, ,ls here among relatives and lo attend Iho wedding of bur hi other. IJIberi L. .lolm. son, to Miss Allnnle l Pol tor, which look place on Wednesday evening at the home of llu bride's parents, Mr, and .Mrs, -Mcnit Potter, W " . &&t.tf, -i mikm.iim