The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 16, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Tt "t"fef."w fi-nmmf-
h wo
- j
Baking Powder
Is Absolutely Pate.
Its Use Protects
Health of the Family.
Alum in food Is condemned
by U. S. Govt. Officials,
Authorities on Food,
State Laws, and
Foreign Countries.
Testimony aivl certificates
will be sent on application.
Alum baking powders induce
Liver complaint, and
Kidney trouble.
Alum may not kill, but it un
dermines the health, and ill
health makes life miserable.
The difference in cost between a pure baking powder and a
cheap alum powder is less than a dollar a year.
fiend .1 tablespoonful of suspected powder, uiapped
in paper, in sin envelope, with your name and nililrcw.
Wo will analvc, free of charge, and send you the ofltcial
Chemist's Report stating whether the s.iuiph contained
alum or not.
Nov Yokk City.
MC1.USI -"A 1'ilsoticr." Adrrtiean hlshl.
ACADUMV-lIutitlrj.ltur 8 leinpwy. AfttT
noon unit iilijli'.
MAIt. t.on.lon l.wiiin' lite lOnipmy.
A(tcrm.on atul niglit.
J Goldsmith's Bazaar
Dciuwa-.v! and Hudson Company Is
to Restoie One of the Familiar
Sights of the Maple City Chief of
the Buieau. of Mines and Mining
Roderick Is Making a Tom- of the
Antluacite Region Make-up of
the D., L. & W. Board for Today.
New Rules for Lackawanna Road.
"Tin.' TH-lawinc.' 1 1 il Hnili-nn utlii'
Imu ileilfled In i build the IiIkIi works
iiiitl noiki'ls of Illiuiillii " s-ny.s
i hi- W.i ne itmnt lK-r.iM
'To I'lid tin1 fiiKincer-s li.iu' lo
i .itcil the io.ul mi nill'i I..ithps until
1l loniioils with ilif old lilil itink,
thence niound Huim-sIimo bend lo tin1
lioiffht J old No. 1.: pkiiic. About
nniutv l.iboietf. :nv cnB.iK'd In quidini?
iind lnj'lng track, s-t.iiiil.inl Ktt.iy .ll-lolling-up
(Jill's l..itcln"-. S. II. liiowu
and a toico of r.iuioiitot .11 c in4.iKil
in icmoiinR' tin- tlmlK'is vc ii'in.iin
1I1S itliove will, li will he
iih.-d ill coniHi'tini; with the ndmildinir
r.l the IiIbIi woiks .mil pcit-kfts b.uU 01
HI.iiiilluV. The lo.idfd will be
baiked up I lie lu-w .w Hi Ii b.ifh. and
tlic duply I'.ir.-. will be 1 1111 b.uU 1o the
main lj kimvIIj, v hlch will bi'
:i li'iniiider of tin- old fjr.ivlty mud,
Hid f.ui' of tlte Jiiu-t sections of It.
mound IIolM'-sllot.' Iwliil. Tlit'li Is .1
switrli jufcl .ibow 1 lie bridn"' in Itip
peUV rollout- the old li".ivy hack
under the poeUi'ts ut Ui tool 01 tin
side hill wlileh loi ins 111" dumping
"tio it will be till i.i- mat in lo load
Hie cars at the jhh kc-N and Hwllch
them on to tin- main timk, and If it
weie not for thai t-harii utne .Hound
1 1'tuetery point, they 1 ould 11111 the i'.ilh
iliuttl into the lloiKMlale yaid I'ioiu
I lie point of luadillli. I'oil'Iili'lillK the
M'mlhiK that alH'tidv c it-U it will be
sin eatv matter to ii'Mor tin old
dumping Ktoiiiid, wlilili will i mainly
I'mni-h Mime woil 10 Huiie.Mlali men.
Tile Mill' hill It, -o mu p that tin 10.1l
is tun Into tin pu 1,1 ts by mems of
1 liute-i itMidfihiK the it-' of steam
slim els linnet est-, u. .
"Ilolie.'dule ha.s 1mm 11 fatuous In
euis iiKone I'm Its. Iiiuili Hi-" plleh of
1 oul, and il was. not lints .1140 lliut uv
1 Olllll boast ill Jl.l Villi; llle l.UKPM ink
of mined cumI on earth, Time bus beui
7.MI.O0O toll!- piled heie al ,1 time. We
shull weleonie the ulllteibiK bluel; ilia
inoildw as they sparkle i'ioiu our lilll
sltle, leinlltdliiK: it" of Ihe itie.u litilii
l lies thill ale opeiatid lilt. mull lite
ligcilej. of heat Sll)iplled by '
D X. & W. Boaid for Today.
Following Is the lnalte-up i; the Dela
ware, l.aekaw.iiina and AVcstPin ho.uO
for toda1:
rll)A, MlMMIII.I! I.
'All. I ( iU, Ilea S p in r .1. 1. II, n's not: in p in, M I iu,iiui., 11 i 111,
(iioue llioniis.
or Minis .mil Minint;. was in 1'ottsvllle
Wednesday lo eoiiMilt with Mine 1n
hiieetor Jlasulre lelative lo diffcieut m.ilteis of thai dis'triet. lie
is inaUinr; one of his' peiiudleal trips
throiiKh the lesion liu-pnetlni; the In
speetoi. iis lie terms' it, savs the Potts
ille Uejuibllean. One thins whleh is
leci'lvlnj; his particular attention is
the law lel.itlnit to medical moms be
ins; placed in :l (onvenient place in
all of the mines Me is iiihtj iietlne the
Inspectois as to their duties In this
connection. Tie law was unproved
May :'!. and will so into effect on No-
ember 2!. The ilutics of the mine In
spoctor.s is set f 01 Hi by law as follows-:
"It shall be the duty of the mine In
spector to sR each of the medical
looms in lilt. dihtrifL at lcnt on in
six mouth-:; see that the law is coin
plied with; examine leeoids oC the
medical 100111. He shall notify the
count v cm oner of any neglect of 11011
coniiillauie with the piovlslons of tills
,ul by any opeiutor, "which infoima
tlon shall be unaided as evidence on
any inquest I hat may be held on em
ploes, dviiiR fiom injtiiles lecelv.-d
while win hint; In suih antln-aclte
mine "
This and That.
The IteadliiK' Hallway comiiui.v has
posted nonces that alter Sunday they
will abandon the station al Ml. C'aibon,
Schuylkill lounty. Xo moie trains will
stop in that town, bewitfe thete has
been piaetlially 110 business- theie lor
some lime. Ml. '.11 lion, twenty-live
yens ajjo, was a pi eminent railroad
1 ende ot Schuylkill county,
l'tinei' Yonhio Yuiiumoto. a Japan
ese, has become a special Mppic-ntli e in
the shops oL the Pennsylvania uiilioad
at Alloona. He will make a thoiounh
study of mechanics, spending a num
ber of with the Pennsylvania,
tlllliiR all sous of positions. He stalled
as a laboier lit one of the s-mss In the
eiei linn shops.
The Lucka wanna h to
adopt the st.mdaul 1 ode of lilies on Its
main line and branches. The iIiuiikc
I", to take effect December IS. Pied
ei ii I; (i. Sherman, train dispatcher ot
lleadlnir, who is an epeit 011 uiles,
pal th ulaily those appIyhiR 10 double
and slut;" lailioadlm;. will In
f Intel the clisputi'hiu.s. In a few day-i
he will be at Cleiierul siipi'iinieudent's
lieailcpiuilei'S in this ilty. and his
wmU will piob.ibly be stalled heie.
f.MUI!lA Mill'.Mllll
Wil'l (.it, Hut !.. 1. in . I
in., , A. H-irtlioluiui'w , i
a a, I ., V, U, lluim; 1.
111,, II. Polntty: 10 u 111
Ilall.-ti. .. j.
. Ill , . II, It'lM't
Hi., It. W .ill IK ; 'l ,1
I . jii Wuii ut ; II .1,
in, D. llJPtKdtj; l- in- il- I. .s-ljplii.; " p
111., -I. A, lliisli; S p, in, I. I. It'rri.; p 111,,
,, I. Mullen.
s'uiniiilw, i:tc 0 3 in , 1 ut .1, t ttiK'jt; .1,
in., irrl, MclioN; l! a. m , :mt, 'ii.uimvm, H
11. in., I'ist, J, . Jluiuvi ! I'. 111 , iu.1, M
(iinlr ; U )i. m., CL'l, .1, Hinni','411, 7 c. 1 1.,
Ham .N ii S, U. Mi'AllitUii 0 . I" 1 lot, M.
lu'liu -0 a. m., WMnir; 7 u. ni.i S. 1 imiu.y;
8 a H'ibr; 11.45 3. in.. Noun; 0 11, in,,
V. JMii'iimll; 7.30 p. m., llurpliy; 0 p. in., V,
II.! iiKvi ; 10 p. m., Iiimplne'.
t'l- 'n.'i, liiliic 7 a. rn., fiattnoyj 7 3. 11,,
Sil.m. n . in.. s"aitiiiin; 40 a. ni., fccoi;
P in. "si. la hi .-'i p. 111 1 Mcfiinein.
Mill (.11 , Mi ' "1 .1. in-, O. IUndoIpli; S J,
111 Mil. Inn i'. 1 . 11 J, ni , T. DouOIcjii; II j
111,, l. I -i.ii.i . 111,, 0. Kini;tlet: I p. ri.,
I', lull, 1 1 111 11 licKhun; It p ui, 11
v'umi'.c'. .
1 Hi
1 11
1 in
ii. m 1
M .tfi
IH. Ill plK
1 ill iun C 1. in Hild
t ,1. II, hvwiU Jii'l ci.r.v,
111, TOO p. in. wild cat, Xqv.
0 oC 1'. J. Xt-Jlb.
I'll si .Mi lliodlsl Kplsiopal 1 hill ill
Hey. I'hailes Jleiirj New inn, pautur.
Seniles at lo.yu a. 111. and 7."0 p. in,
The pastm will pie.uh at both sei vices,
.MoinluK siiliject. Mitr Inhi'i'ltaiice";
m'l nlliK s-uhjeil, '"I'he l!cje. led (iiiest."
1 Muss uiielliiK al ll,l"i a. tn.; Sunday
si haul al 'J.u'i . in., prayer si rvlce ut
il.u'ii p. ill. Tim i'Mm seiin- whli ii
hae been lit 11 dtiiliu; the paU ihtee
Weeks-, will be 1 illltiliued tills Week,
-Many me liehiK helped by the seiviies
and nun h kihmI N belut; in ninipllshcd,
M'lle CMellelll sIukIuk has been a i-iy
helpful featllie of the lileetlllKS. 'fills
Will ptobuhly be the lusl week of (he
Huiliuoi'1 1'resb'. letiau 1 liuull lle .
W, I'. (Millions, p.isloi. Sei vices at
ion, ui, and 7,;:o p, m. MoiiiIuk sub
.li'ct, "I-'alth and SIrIU": nvelilliK' sub
ject, "What Shall We Do In HeuvenV
Midweek service, Wedtienluy eveuluK ut
7.'J'i o'clock. All 1110 weliotnii lo till
si rvlciis.
Josephine, the J-. vein -old diiUKhlct' of
.Mr, and Mis. .lames Mullen, ot l.uke
stienl, IVlerrhUlK, died oil MMlltrsday
nlk'ht, utter u brief lllueriii, The fuutirul
will occur this iiiorntiiti at 7 oMock,
and the lemains will be taken lo Mad.
Isonvillo oil the 7.1-0 Krii) tialn, where
luleniiorit will bo made.
TI10 school bo.iui will hold ,1 .special
ineettiiK thin uvenliiK iintl eiideuvor to
1111 tho vacancy In the Illnh school.
The Women's Guild of Ht. Maik'n
palish will give a Thanksgiving supper
in tho Parish 100111s on ov, 'JS. Supper
will be served between 0 mid 0 o'clock.
Mi 3. J. rinj ton 1:1 la returned to her
home in Philadelphia yrsieiduy, after
t.peildhi8 the past few dayn with her
mother. Mis. P. Kuapp, ot South liltik.
!y street,
Prusf,'ltil ,1. (1, llonu and sou an
agents lor tho While Star unit Ctmuid
stenmship lines. Tickets and diufts lor
"Molly Pitcher."
n tjili cprtoitt 1 union tirouRlil illili to tlie
let Jit of "Jlelb I'ltcln" ni tlio l.iirinii Imt
nlRlit, Mill I111I ilii'tl'i! tier lanion up to
tlip ifiloulil In liont ot 1 tin Moiiiiioulli co'intv
1 emu bouie, Iml 1 loiincil iiimI tlie 1.1111
.1111I :iipllril the 111 it 1 li. 1ml Hie ttiuJlltut cut
lion io(L'cil tcj 1I0 Ui woik. hi win illil Mill
cni'i .mil ciji'li! it 1) nppl.vlni; 'In' mil t'l In nil
portion of Its .iiiiloim. It M'.it of no anil,
llfpllo ll.c iin'l liui'lo ifTiHli nf tin- ibiltiff
Molly, tin' iiimmi ii'liPt'il tu ilhiliimo it iloully
rontiiitg nil tin nil romlnc I'.l hII'Ii lm , Tin 111
Irjf of the 1 union u 1. to cjie ( Vu.liini;
toil to Rile Mnll.i .1 1 ip'.iln'; ininnilvlun .iml
.1 111 oul, Imt ell llnl I .l In liu en! mil lm 111-e
nf the ctnn ni iiiipuil'iiiililo lili.unn. ui'l iKo
art. u m vpoiliil biininl 1 1 p ill .
Tn .11I1I tn tin- t:miMi l)i. Kene liiiime i.iU'il
In Iiis lltii'J. .I11-1 .is tliu c uinmi h snpKi-cil
tn In- llml cll's Imi'i, (' ( uiiii'.'loii,
11I10 Ins goiii. nut on I lie IVl I tn In tin; In .1
it'nmn1i, -nlillcv, siiwii mi tn the Rim li.iillv
lititt. Hi", Kuitf cinlnnl I1I111 oml Miliiiitilv Mid
lo Moth : "uirinstriii i-i fitilb iioiimliil. Iml
l.ii iniullllnii k mil wilon-." 'I lie 'I'lulli'tn of
tin? .uiiliFiKi mio .lllcili'il In llm dcliivlnr f
tin ami mill iiii'ii Hi. Kino ildliiinl I limilf
nl kin, dile .p" tlie ,nnlirmi' in.itul
iinlcl,-ulllnl ft ijc in' 1 nw tno .nl ni'
11111111I ami II 11 1 lui'-tih I110112I1I (1 .1 rliiM
.iml die ciniiin iuiik iI.hiii. 'I lie nmilillnir mcr
r' a ftuk of Rum iiml ti'o findlei' ncililenli
ilnl tlii'ir u upi.l tlie actui in tlic llilul
It I'.ii .1 iinKiiiSe.inf audii'iice tliat Rie'ldl
Mbs .iml lur r.inipniy list nllit
when the 1 nit 1111 unit up on the Hut ,il of
"Mnllv Pile tin." It n.n 1111 oipulint .null nee In uii' tin-, ikur ln .1 111.1 ioi.HiI
crietiinr in l.ei new jit . . II w.i: ill,ippoir,t il.
MUh MJili'i citui'ii iinl.e up tn lonl. the put
.mil her nliilitle, 1I0 not tin I .1 pmpir wipe
ill this chilli 1 limit lo, Uleii Mi llonniiuli .ir iml
tin- ll.'iue nf lip liiioine ol the Initio of Mon
The ftnr.'. of the pli mit.ert Mnlli l'ileli. P .n
11101h 111 intuitu till IMI11 ( nVle, I'j . vimpk,
nude liiim.tltil .iml hlniil in peeili ,i J ill ill UT
SfJt.I. lln rpcnlv c ,pHi-nl inipillij for the
( 'htlMllt.ll-. hrllis, till' lol.lll.ts nl Cllli-.1i.
her I'lii, .mil her unrle, Mr, (inllaiuy, 1 t.mneli
i'ory nf Plillnl. Iphli, lilo' Mrlli- In hi, I10.111:
In that ill. 'Ilu'io Molly 1 ntlnilr.eH to the
quality mil lenlrie-i 11.I0 the 1 mill's' lonml ot
nilil Riii'tli'i that inuKcil the IliltUli oempi
turn. Ciptiln Cjiiiiutoii. of tho (ircimliei?, u
qunleioil it Mr. (.'il!oi.iN home jml lie ami
Mnllv iiioinptlv fill in hue nitli nt'ir. tn Moll, fnmi ,ipicii-. Ilei nin'O i-.
Anne Cucw and .-1 f n mi ll'ijlih .ictro-.'. Mil
p'lle.l hy an uiteil infitnilioii Kr Optjin
rirniiRtmi, the h.H linn Irom l.omion
in the holm ! lunnins' him. Her talent 11 ml
hfiiuy i(iii 1,1 lirin .1 icnie of ih-liiiRiii-hoiI
ohnli'ir-. to ler ket, hut her Jltrmpts to in--11
ne ('.niinaton .111 1 illi He fMht- 1 'luol
mill an clh'"! nho In- not en j-lislitinjli of
Mnlli'3 111111111.1 111 miici-s, altheuch (.iinrjl flin
tnn Ins i.'iieJ j .-oleic onlei ieiin-l tiiectru-.
inioii!. ollm 1- en ictiie .-in. to. hcuiiini; of
tin- Anne Ciren licluis CiriiiiRtoii'i nBrn to
the aiithonlie- ,1111 he .s arit-'.nl. Mollr in a
mine to this tieiiher;' .mil the In-t ciutjin
f.ill- ujion an npin ilceliritli.n of hontilitici I c
tneen Molly iml Ann Caieio.
Ilio ccnllll .ict nuur- 111 Mon-I ur Win's
fuieins Klinol. Mnllv iii-lumr to put -isi le
the rn-tic iiiKu inhie:! iilmh Ins in.inec.1
tirnnsht finiiiRtnii ill fnitime, rmu"? tn Mad mio
u.tor fm heciil poli-hm?. She mini Anne
l nciv, Mho is taMiisr fciiciiiK hvoiis iiom lln.i
nciir Viitnr. Kijnmtn' that llolly 1- 111 rem
immication nitli the .irnn Anne ( i
uv tills hoi nf j. plot against the life of (hn W.iiiiiRtn'1. A'ic he.uinc: the name
-mil pipns of a ilciminui niliiril
Mnrtrll has lift Pliilidilphi 1 tn join the lrhels
and Kill ,i-hmgton al the fii-t uppoituni'.
M Mini j tn hue no sliuc in tuch .1 ileul Anno
uinfi-sos her Knmiledje of il tn Mnlli. "ho
i-cndi r. I1111 lied luinin of it i" the Allien
talis hi- 1 ,-eiiel llli'a-rnL'iM'
ftir the mi-'o.'ieor ha- dipirfcd ime ( jvo.i
tell- Molly tint her iicte of liainin mil le
tipuin CainiutonV 1I1 illi 11 Mnr he
m- iimrl inirtialed for hi dud. Cirrnwton t i
mli iirncil In :i-ioie hnn-'lf In faun iiltli Ilia
siipn mi! hy lolunlicriiv 10 ro 111' 1 the r:i
t In. lit at linn in i-eaun n mm It ntuled uitnr
111 itii 11. lie i.-ill t'o inuhr the untie and mth
th, of .. elerffiuian nmud Monell. Anne
Ciir-iv li.ii n-ed liei lai'iiilrtlec of llili 111 s-uili
a nay that Mollv I111 been led to supply th" nl
ilim.i Hut will undoubted:..- d-itrny hrr loiei.
In the hope that 1 .urington hi- net ct Ru'i",
Mnlli ihli'tinuics to tieK fur him and 11 1111 lihn.
Anne Cauw bloiKs her i'RU- mill a 1 lpiei.
Mnllv -cies the pnKer from the (lie pine .nil
i-tnl- to I1S.I1I her nay mil. Altn a de-pirtie
II4I1L .-ho Kan from .1 i imlcii- and gm 1 upaii
l.ei to me l liiingleii.
Tin thud at! i-hns .1 mihliry piw'ii in
I'lillailelphu uiidci the lunnimd ot 1'ioiOit
Mn-hil rnnmiiRlutn. Waiui.t haie been i--ued
auui'-t Veil by the lliltUh fur cii-plriutr tn
ml the cneini. T e-. ipe. arre-l and lontiii'ic
lur mjiiIi for 1 aiiington, Molly a.'stime.- ihe
di-?!!!-' rf an lush orange gill. ll'iii; np'i.
mil a p-i s-he i- t iKcii to (lie pii-mi ho the
pitlol, 'lilt ie she imiU ( ui!n(,ton about tn dc
pul upon hi- iiil-tmi as tin ihrRUiun Moinll.
"-he Mup, liim and till? lilm ct Ihe UiiK thai
Mine (ari'i I 1- (linl tn pi 1 him. SlcK of
pli.uni! luilil.i ti the libel inlnuiins and ills.
su-lnl I1.1 Hi" ciiieltie in hi nitli, cil, '"ii.
iiiijI 11 u-iRii- hl itiimiii--in. ileilin, foi lie
II hi?: and I U hie pine .Uimi.a II11 pii'oiin-,
III I- Vineilciu boin and tie. h'.i- lint hi- pUe
1- 111th hi- Luimti.iui.'ii.
'Illi ,li.-.0MI- hue pi llllli il to tl-e aid the
tn.11.1l mil In a .ln.l iiml -it .1 leilaln ivlnilnii.
M.lly I- (11M nl IliN bo mo ill the plot
-lie sen In it I aiiiiRti.uS mil chance tn 1
t tin' tho 1 111-1 .jilt 111 1 . 1. 1 I ii ili'ilaiatimi in
(Ii 11 bob 'I ho nun is lo hio the s-iiiil
i. iiio-li.l and the pl..l p.. tn (all. Mull
tinilli iiiilm 1 c I'lUiuiiiRli.nil (0 Rile the it;tid
tur the 11 lull In imi Ins: lulu t" fill uplli In 1
in inihi In piri'iit tho il.-iln.i tl"il nf impmtlU
l.lioii i.iptuiul by M illv fiin ( '-lu.n
'Hie an old- Willi the ihlriR "f the pni.nns
and (he o-iape m Molly ml I'liliiwlnu.
Iho lnul ,ni U liinelv hl.loiiial ainl flnnis
ilio ifinlil n.nniciil iluilnj: the luttlo nf
limiilii. Mullv Olid t allliiKt.iii 11 nil He Cilltin.
mill bin .mil Mnll; hreaU (he llillldi ad
iiim. b iiiin; tl.o t iiiiikii tint In- bell
lui Mlllmii lion tn 'lull, il. Washlnxtnn .1
ilii. ill lime to sin K 'ri'-i letuil nnd rIioj
Mnlli a iiplilu'i iciuiiiii.'ioll upnii tho lull,
Iho Iiml tint 1111 Midi Molly with M 1-I1I is
imi'i. b .mil at lin Mi! and It 1 voiiudul Iiut
111 hrr aiux
II 1, a- llii, tin il a.t. t tilt ! i-'1 HI " v
In Iho InlMiiR nl the. in. lur, tn tho ion 'ppn
i'iiI ill.iniulltini nf Ihe pe. lli) on the l iro,
Mi- lilddii' In- riioiI hii'K In Iho miiiil , 1 il
thin) n 1. ami 111 llie-c "io ill-plaicd lm lino
lll.nnitio ijMaluii. Shu has (In a.-l.taiuo of .1
Rood umipini. 'I In1 iiupoltjt.t lole- Mi r" i iplMy
fillul b Illil,' lilivei, .It'in ( liiliihliu, bo-: or
l.nni ruau, T. I'. IU1111II1111, Hi S Ci-li. (. J.
Iiiiiiiuli ami li I. illl..m 'Ihe iliRini, if tlio
fmit .11 U t Iho pin li ilt'11 of hii-ll plane,
lino 1 1 ihe booi ia. oniipiul In Ml- I'lalil',
01 s.iith s.nnicn, a i.niilur of lm (noiuh.
Ills! 1 lahlo 1 oil (hit Twill iiitllf.l bl .liiVltJla
llm iiiu.t iii;iiilit m'IiooI toailu in ilnl . i'r,
II ; u.'.ard 1-1 (he bo .
Is one of the mottoes of this insti- $j
H tution which is always foremost and -i
uppermost in the mind of every buyer gj
. j TV t
2 in tnis estaDiisnmenc. ino
5 escapes their attention.
innovation 5:
I Black and White Silks I
f Have recently sprung into great l
popularity for waists as well as for j
!? trimmings uoon dresses. A little dash Si
of black and white varies so nicely the $
if monotony of a plain costume. The ap- g
! -UAMV. .-1-1 -frtl-r!.- -inc -in-ir-1 ife wotr rv nur
UIUJJIiaLC IdUHL. iiao ivjuuiv.1 ito vvtijr iw wwi :
!f shelves in great variety and at popular 5!
5S Who Are Using
Peters' Ammunition
H Are daily reporting their good
jf luck and showing large strings
J? of game. Once used this
is ammunition will convince
5 you of its efficiency. . . .
B We Have Just Received a Complete
1 Stock of Plyers
H This line includes a complete
J assortment of
Il Linesmen's Tools
1 Save Up Your Checks
' When they reach the amount of g
3 $10.00 vou will be entitled to, free of f-
charge, one of those genuine Steel En- gj
3 gravings, neatly framed and ready to &
i hang,
And we
ment of
solicit your irade on
Also a fine assort-
iiis is
Mannftctarers or
Allis-Chalmers Co
Succcssois to Mueliitin 'DusiiiL'sa ot
DlcUson Jlanufae'tiii-iiig Co., Scrunton
and AVIlKcs-Uairc, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Builcis
Machinery, 1'umps.
I Blacksmiths' Tools
1 Bit teobender & Co.
8 126-128 Franklin Avenue.
. ji -
485 to 455
N. Ninth Btreat,
Telephone Call, '2333.
Roddick Making' n Tom.
J, IC. Itodeilck, chief of (ho bureau
Postmaster of MiuUsouville.
Waihliigtoii. Xov, 1j.-Mo.cj . lijiu js to
ij,v )))olnlrd i.ojliiusii-r 11 UailUviiWUo, IKk
wjuiij (outity,
May Iiwtn.
''Tif Union- lui'.ri" ti ilit l,. nun lOM
Weill fvl iv iiielit icr an tiisJifi incut 01 tnu
night mil;, In tlio "Widow tluiics' JNy llm
il jil tl) IiJi lu'JIIil tllQ -T11K' ot lui SIlCU,
a a (Oinuly .ictui. It h a I'Ijv in uliidi lie ttiucl. clu-ii tin- l.rynatv m liei ainliltion
llun jii;.' ot' Hk' iilj,,-. v. Iikii i-'ie ti.13 ncil'ji il
wuii fciKh sod Jihintisc dining llm put the
tl kl )C.ll-.
In iiMilli.c ami lipuuit; if lu h-jw n.mi lion'
-. iiriili 1 Imiit lici i "il.o nci.1111 who 111.1!, ch
1.1 Uiuli " liii lino, "tiie moiiiiii mho iin."j
i on I jhsIi " lui L'i'i'i I'iiUnl up .iml icil ji .in
j'liulliii', lui-. -iml tmo U pul'ulily nun;
li 1I1 niuii ilnjiou-jlili .iml iu-ily ilU tlio .j,.
MUi Iiwiii HUH', In 111 I lie !Ui j, tin ,. - if
tin' inruM tivnon.
Academy of Music,
Ilii' llm lie llJiil imnjui'v iiuvmol "I'l ik
Puiiiiiim.," uiK ot ilio Uniii'f.l tipi.iullci omr
writUu ;.lvii!.i .iluiiuKi'i U'foio 4 ti..'.i loil
hiiuv, 1 Jot piiiin tliry saif rf r,( tin lict
IlllllitlOll-. i.f "I l-t I..M111 " LNit uilli'-sul I"
llil 1 ll.
1I11III' the pli scitlil liiitli 1jj- Mmlrt-illi'
.uts Mm' iiiliiiiluioil, nut ililj tli it ut tl Tw
l.ittlo Mid,-." Mho .111 Iw.M'iil .. ilonlit tin" I' t
Jiiiuillf -l.iltli ttiui ' tin' n ail toiliy.
'Ilii-. iltuiniMi llm lunipiny ill U'l'i'il li-t
nlillitV till). "I. i-l l..iniii'," iml tin' li-t l"ilim
j mi' 1 1.1 lln. irlil'Mttil iiiiiipuiv in Ilii-. ut tils
H.1H111 Mill 1 "Koiimki"" liinekl
"The Idenls" Next Week.
'lint tin- li.ini' ci .Mm . lliiiiiiii'luii 1 vi oin
lllOlls lllll INU'lldllP n in il" 1t1i1.1l l'H Jv 1 1 'IK
U .111 iniptul tut in. I'Vti town it -'Uv Micl
.j hi mm r.-mt ailMtllin. "Hi" loVil'." u
niuili mi 111 nit -1 iron Hi lit- mi' -"l'l I" fur.)
tlic npoHi'ifi' nf pli-' ! .li.iiciim cl. II l '
(iptoii .h .1 fan ct i.i- ion liwlm tint .ill ill I"'
Mi.llli Mi'lni.-. ami ir i-, lnht Ju-I t' Mi. Illni'ii'-
ldll III PI tlllt Illil 1110 lllS IllM'l lil'CIl
sliil.m liy inrilioi 1 iuilinli'ii.
'Ilii-. fi.kui llm II-.1 ct plu is tin kIioii,,. ,t
,1111! Iju-1 in' Ins n I ..tliliipli'i. '"Ilii llU'i'iri
ii"ii." "Suitliiiii l.wlit-," ''tm "1 " Mt.!it."
"ilo fm Will," " JIjh 'l M-.ti'i." 'Ti"
r.,.irr.v WjIi," .1.. N.i H'l llial uiliinH l.'ill
nuilli lli" fniuii, coiwilii iiim ft in" tiiuti'i, "liio I.I01I11.1.111' .-'ill I" I'll'"'! l"'l'y
Hy KmIusIm'
II JM ,r"
of the Poit of New Yoik.
Mllr Until I In1 Assiioutnl I'icss
N. V., -Viin. li. iHliiim mi.iui
sti.iii 1I1 lit ii'iomil .1 lain H'MU l'ii'lil.'iil in '"-'
Mil iml iv tcniluliitr lui" il"' 1 ''''it ton "' i 'll"-to-1,1
tin' jioit m N' Veil.. Ii,liir.liu Al'iil I
i,.t Mi. Mi 11 .ill 111 Mill .ii-ci't. II" 1" uw
to V.1iiiicttii ' cm Icr "Mtli tl"' ino-I'li'ii'.
N.iM ilK, .". I j 'lln JiiiiJiiniftiiint li'iin
O.Miso Stjti' S'liitm Nrvjih . "li.ii.atMH
In. 1ciii nil. 10.I tin M't'i'ii Imriil .11 iDlUi.'ir
in tlic ii"l " -s'lW ",,! ,VI s """'"'
ni-nl ill HIIUil ilnl''- tniilBli-' ""'"'I I'
ll II.MI Ir ulwll l.l.i'll jllltlt till' IlllttCl, cllM!
" """ " .. .... . I.I.
, ,.1111
ill ill -i
UImi.ii-.i I'l.l.t. Ill Hol-CMIl '!"'' I'"'
mi .imilQlA" KlulOI i'lltt iKcHW'l l"
ll.C llUt'.il.
- -.i m
Letter fiom Mme, Tsllkn.
Dj Uitlulo Wlro irom 'llm A-nOciitrd ITcu.
Iliilin, No. Ij.-'IIio Lolul Atielsir Iciliy
piil.lUlic. a cliipatili (torn hifU to the i-flctl .tut
Hit- liii.-kiml ct Mme. T.ilU lu ltotcd a letter
tioiu liu "lie In lilili kc ' 5"r3 sl"nc' ",l
lui.-cli .110 Hill alic. I'Ut t.tiatilnc srvit li-i'J
alilp. Jlinc. T.llki csiirccj J lulici linl il- '
will liolli lie ulrucil flwtll it o' ' tin Hiiniiy
tf S-jUiiilta. I lie Mici ! undJli'l.
Hnzleton Agninst the Chinese,
tlv tfd'i.ivp netroiii I lie AMcuti.l I'lo-n.
'lljiliifii. I'i. N". '"' -I1"' 'I'J ' ' iM;ton
I, tic tiwl iiiuiiicluli v 11 i'io mutiny tu mil-
ciillv ii'ipiuo llo ii-riiiiinient 01 tin Liilnc-i:
lflll,i'ill jf. loimiils ICIlUilt U'loi'tC'I J jvlll't
ieolutivii j'kius l oiijrcmii ui-i'l'ct 1'jlnnr, nl
ilio 'Jtttlllli ll.iucilie iciiiil) ilUtilet, t' oil;
ami Midi foi siij ift al ll"' "" n"l" of ion
lirow iU'hIskiI tu kfH' llw lliliien' oul vt li
I'lillod Stltia.
Since its inttoduction into Scunton, because it had merit enough to
command success, and up to the present we have found it difficult to
keep size ranges complete in all styles and qualities. '1 oday, however,
we arc in a position to (ill your every want, and till it well, as styles
and qualities ARE NOW complete down to the smallest detail.
All ,J. J. IV Clothing Kept in Itopnir for One Year
From Date of Purchase Tree of Charge.
Uovs' Winter Overcoats, Sizes 4 to lti Years.
Cut long or short, some with new yoke, others
without, in all the prevailing shades, such as Oxfords,
Gieys, Browns, light gieys, etc. Elegantly made, fine
linish and pei feet littingr, $.oo values for any
Uoys' Frieze Overcoats, 4 to Hi Years.
Long and full cut, with or without yoke; broad mili
t.iiy shoulders; shades Oxf.ird Grey, etc. This garment
represents "J. I. C." CI OTIIING at its best so far as
style and tailoring are concerned, and wo fully recom
mend it to our friends and patrons. An overcoat worth
Sv ;o for iust an even
Other Ovcrconts for Uoy3 from Si.oo to
JSInuk Frieze Overcoats for Uentleineii.
Pure wool in smart styles to suit varying tastes, well
ttimmed and properly tailored, All sizes now in stock.
An overcoat made to sell for $1.2. i0 at
Oxford (roy Frieze Overcoats for Gentlemen
l-iftv inches long, cutfs on slcives arm otner points
that mark them as this season's best productions,
wool and a grand weight. Actual value $10. so.
cnliMiilid narment is made UP to the full
r nTHlNfi standatd and will Drove a
ut 1 1
,1, .', w.
matchless invest-
ment 10 the weater because ot its wearing qualities and
nertect stvle. Special value price
Overcoats for Gentlemen from $7.9" to 25 00 each.
The Special Values in .Ueu's Suits ami Trousers
Offered 011 our opening day, will be repeated today.
Wise men will not let this last bargain chance pass un
heeded. "J. J. C." CLOTHING
Can be had only from .JOHN J. COLLINS,
Clothier and Hen's Furnisher,
.316 Lackawanna Ave