The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 16, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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'V r f $" - "" ' W HJ K
His Last Will and Testament.
Isabella Kaiser, in Ueber Land ein Meer.
II Li imlli'iil slilvots In the cool eve
ning ulr nml utHWD ins pium
doner about Ills shoulders.
"You must pn Indoors, my
Unci." mii.vm llio nuiKc, w tits
beside lilm on the ticncli.
He Inclines lilfl lieml t'olltel.Vi hut lie
does not move his e.os fiom the bli?
Hie bull of the sun, which fiulea over
yonder In tnmlc iiieiiitirhoiy, just iih no
himself Is fadlliK.
Hpyontl the wen the situ (IoscpiiiIh Into
the cniilia ot shallow s, lnes his tnys,
nml Imparts his inutile to the wave",
the shy, the mountains, with nn uffee
llon which Ijv til dully death Is len
iloioil u Ulnnipli, ii eelcliintlcin of life
for the rat th
"How Riatid nml simple, sin Ii ii dj
Inpr." muxes DoiirIiis I.lticlay. Hni the
volte neni him cautions: "He io.ion
hIiIp, in v lot (I, for this In the houi -o
InjuilouM to the sick In the nhletu: the
houi which makis sunset the whiter of
the Hoiilh, the liRouipmable, tioiicher
otm hour In whleh beauty cists Its
nold-lntci woven ell and death Its nets
oei Ilia liein h."
The patient i Ne painfully fiom his
iuiKIiik cluilt.
He Unows that he will be soielv
tioubleri by eotiRli tonluht, but he dues
not know whethei he will see the sun ,
The sky of the Medltetume.iu nie us j
If suffused with mallow -eoloied llk, as '
If prep.ued foi a Rloilous festhal. The I
sIpihIpi uiiistu of the yaehts at nni hnr
"how as If tuned upon n golden baeU
Kioiind. and the Kstoiot Mountain tow
els us If dipped in bloodv kIoiv.
noURlas I.inds.i.N has taken the .nni
of the muse and letmns with slow
steps to thu Hotel tiie Albion.
In limit of the llla with the fSieek !
lolonnude he asks: "A joiiiir rIiI died
heie suddenly within tin last few
rifttf ."'
"Ve. in hud The father and the
bildPRinoni aie inconsolable. It Is said "
'I'm lunate phi' Thus to die
holm oil and lamented."
The mil sp S silent. JIN leiuink be
tiHs siuli bliiei Ktlel. Me will he la
mented b nulmih, the pool ilch man!
His tall llRtiie N now bent. M't in the
whole altitude of this vanquished
man. in tin nnliie mure ol his ni.iuiiei.
theip Is iln lliilishrnnii of .ulsto
ciatli drs, cut At the thitshold or Hie
bouse in-, looks ,, v t splendoi
is Rone, the se.i 1ms ,i faded oloi . the i.l the clouds aie sunken to
n.iiiRht Motionless and inouinliiK the
IMeiel lisps in the midst of a rIkiiii
tle the llRht is night
has set In
"The sun I tei , unlim and .ill
the emth niniii ns him " the patient
muses when be ents ilu ih.iruIIIi eiil
COtllt Ol the hotel, Whole ollb Ions s,.,
wmts open tin . 1 1 1 1 K pmt.iN in s, M, e.
Hhe took these etuiielaled hands be
tweon heis nml Bought to temper their
fevei by the touch of her fiesh, cares
sing Hiircis.
The ejes of the patient oielied In
grateful teeognltlou, unci silently heavy
lems, the Inst, eouised over his face
Hhe had never Keen hlui weep He
looked at her. "Hlstei Mniy, It Is tei
llble, Is It not, thus to die, without
anybody who loves ns. Ho
alone. Ho alone."
Like a lefialu to this tuesou the
muse heaid the supplication of the
doetol . "Ti v to ease his last bonis
" for meiey's sake."
And she snid: "Am I not heie'."
"Vou' Ah. nu"' he said with the
(pill kness ot an aw likening. "Yes, you
lllllse me well, you are iiffet tlonate, i
often feel as If In your piesente 1 weie
sin i minded bv a tanillv; but I know
In the tmlls which over yonder sdove
town id n distant tuomlsed limit; 1u
the ttistllng of the pnlms swept by the
wind; lit the mysterious mourning ot
tho lonely villas she perceived a silent
appeal for tnetey. HhD did not
withdraw her hand fiom beneath the
The features of the patient assumed
a quiet, blissful expression, iih If he
hold a soft promise of llfo between his
lie did not legmd the dying huh, nor
the npptoaeh of the It revocable night,
On the following dav hlndsay
I periled sovein! vlsllois. When Maty
uppi duelled his bedside In Hie evening
he spoke with a waning voice, which
seemed to eotno fiom the heinnd, of the
rutin e, nothing but the futiue; of
home on the beach of Houi uemouth,
wheie they would letlle after lie lecov
ered, mid she would ho Ills wile.
Ills bieasl heaved, slowlv and with
dlllleuity. but he did not surfe'i.
Theio was something indlotit In this
unconscious dying, which seemed to
pials.0 death.
Thiotlgh the window which opened
upon the Infinity of the staiiy downs
the muse tclt the appioaeh of this
,,Wli liR ' l N0 wishing V
,'VWV f I
( L-C" lVtBI 1
cc'if'jTtHU S
JjllsailRia 5
m. in is lishing in
.nd his dog '
i fmbidden stieaiu. fan jou Unci the .mgi
When Ui Die Iln the meill, ,il aiilhoi
Itvoffanuts ,i hw hmiishiiu u..i.
he iooiu ol l,oid, u. nientioiis
en the mil so-
"We must he picpaied loi the uim,
he patient has 0nl a few das i
"Will he li.iv f much to suflei," she
"t'h.Nsiiaiiv, mm little, inoialh. a
4icat deal." icplks the iloiloi, a fine
js(.liologist aed s,anh(i of sUus,
lie bus tie on siifteiinsr foi some time
"loin a liiil.v soiitlmental spiepii whleh.
howcvei. I, nothins stunge In mh h a
Mlleut. A si, at nnloi sp,t s him at
Ik thnuyht that lie has to siait s
ui'ly upon his last ouim Do oui
lt. Jllss .Mai v, to ,asi his last horn s
Is the oiih nuiiv we uin lit stow
pun him '
'W hat tau 1 do Im him
"Ii. Miu me i woman, and at tin
f-kk-hid a'! women nun into inotheis
mid liml woids tl) l(llU 1(, ,,,, ,,,,
' bci. fin tlml poini I i.Hi tt.ieh oii
"I l.oiightiullx Iln inn - w nit into Hip
sic k loom It was fiunlvlitil wii n,,
'' ' in lut i Iv loiuioii ol a man at -
(iistonicd tn Iiimiij .mil those tiiidti
llowei.v piools whli h -liow Hip hand ot
a woman who not laiklng, tiwheie
.lioinatii tbiweis, while heatlui Horn
tin fon-is hi l'i, jUs and pass lose.
Hl:i hmils oei the luil when the
d oineil man lists with , is,i, ets,
- he Ik ais the se, ol the -hadow
ui mi his limw . The iMieiB'itli nosp is
alnad paliilull ihlu and loutiuittd,
Hit bloodless lips i,,e slichth in led.
luit iln long , clashes oM'is-hadow the
h. iks .mil the blonde hah is ol tiulv
iij.lo-s,a.on In iKiuiiess,
i'd ovpi all is the sn,,i Uj,ut f
"II I1111.S maikul In diath with its mns.
Hll diisel,
Hhe lowns the hc.ii.i diapeiiis. suli
lus the light ol tlie lamp, aiiauges
the inctlklues. iais up ,iiume of
ibMitlon and piei,nes i,M , . watth ol
im I1IRI1I,
ll( has oiui'id his (Ms and his ,M,ks
lollow lit i
The liiiiiiohimis inoMiin.nt.s ni is
woman an like nm-li to his eves And
-o miu it test and ciuletude emanates
ii mil hei
It has nttpi, apptaii d to him as- it hei
piesente allevlattd his Mifleilu- The
live mouths liming whltli she nui.sed
him have been his h, st, n,. mt, j,,,,, W)
many uuises in the ol the I,im
m-.ii, but not one of them has en ,,w.
i tiii(- upon hif, incinoij, imt Miss
Miiij was the title self.sU , , ,. Sno
bi'loiiBeil to those seiulai aswHlations
ot JhlL'llhh (lilies which me leciiilled
rioni the iliiti-rlnei.s of t. hR,.
blHKS evlusliely. I,.mps 0- this
last anlviil he felt a special aflectlon
iKdiiihe she was a eouuliywoiiiau of
Ills and sioke his Iuiiruiirp,
Hhe caied loi him not llku a seivaiit,
lint like a hlstei of the gicat tmnilv
beionil the stais, who caiiio to
her Hiirfeilng bi other, and to smooth
lor him the letuin to the home ot the
i .uiier. no .spoivo to her not as to a , ,,
" limine, uut as in a woiiimi ot his
win Id, who did him the honor to veil
b her onto the hoi i Id ailment which
lestiojed him, unci to soften his bitter
lonelluoHS by her presence.
He closed his eyes nnd sought to
dumber, eiadlecl by the mighty puls
ion of the sea and the monotonous
dalut of the mlhttul of tho ihs.
Slbter .Mary lead fiuni lu-r mlbsal;
"If your bi other Is Inipnveilshed ami
itretolieH foith his trembling handH
to jou, you shall lecolvo him, men tho
Granger, that he may live, beside you."
The hnuis passed.
Dm lug tho night the patient started
'ioiii his sleep unci endured n long nt
ack of the cough.
The nuise supported him. Tho
hoaif.0 ciy bounded llko tho ciy of npr
uoachlng deuth. He sank back un
lUlshed, and giouued.
She attempted to icaili tho bell to
lummon help. Hut with u coinmund.
ng motion of despair he pi evented
ler. Why? She assented ho wanted
10 or his deuth stiuggle.
Ills llngeis wiindeiccl over tho cover
vlth pulnful effort una he sought to
iusi the ileelng life. miu will give the least among
Mini patients the h.cme taie. that miu
would have the sninc- pit tonight with
a living Is it not so"
lie spoke the ti nth
She should have li.inklv answeied
"Yes." , m the look ol the dving eves
lose to hei with the wundeilill epi(s
sion ot a leal hoveling between lieav
enlv iiv and Intlei disaiimiitiuelit.
She it-It th it tiuth would be miseiv
and mi 1 1 1 1 1 it i (insolation, and that in
the w letthediic ss ot this houi the ideal
could be opii;ssctl in the one wold,
Had she pot become tin sski of this
nch man and was not hei leliglciu one
ol ii signationV
And she iinaitet tetllv snlel "Xo"'
veiv iiuletlv. like a tontession
It tame like a icdt million ovti bs
wan featuies, a light as If tin window
had brru opened suclilcuh toi t lie sun.
lilt u it (lime ovei him tike a suilei1 of
ov In sai k k. masppd the hind
ol tin. 'oiiiif, woman and picssiii his
lev-iish lips to It. devoutlv, wl.lspei
iim 'Thanks Tlianks " '
When iln- v.ilet ontiml the iooiu in
the miu ulns he lound his s(.
ling up in bed. impatient to lisp.
I lie windows wpip opened, and the
gnat sun of the lJivlcia, which he saw
living si tragitalh j.psieitlnv, soleiuu
ied Iih itsni lection loi him. Hooded
the loom like a vie. ten mil enveloped
him in his lfe--.av lug
He (IipsmcI taitfullv, Ini.ikfastPil
with ih appetite of a health man, and
whin 1)1. Dlelln enteied the loom lie
met bun. "All! It Nvciv much beitei
w llh tne todii '"
The phvbk'iiin's dellcne admitted of
no sin n it.c. He Knew thCM- elieeks
which ( olm nioie v ividlv like the
haves beloie tbev w Itliei He knew
tin ha-'pv c-Milliitiou ol the lOlMiniti.
Ui.ith has sin h nniilis fm thp
( hosen oiu s.
lie peiuilllttl the patient to have a
di lve in the inclining sun.
The miu a nuise blm-hed when she
saw the look with vvhldi Doughth land
s.iv i ei lived hei when she eaiuc- to ac
him. Hhe tclt as II a gteat
l ospou.slbllltv was ipstlng upon liei.
!she wanted to speak to him as foi
incil.v, lint in took her blushes as sjnip
iiiiiik ul eiiibiiiiiissiueiil, and looked at
her with an Imploilng piayei whhli ie
i ailed the ponlessjon ol yesteidnv and
pledged hei to lonllim the woicl b,v the
ai t
.Mali '"
sihe lound no wouls, but .she smiled
at him and pieseivcd Im kliidnehs, He
letiii-ed tin- lovn.s and wit boldly up
ilght In tile iiiliiaae beside hei lie If
he vv anted to aiitltlpnte iPiovel and
to ile-t v death b.v bis attitude.
At n sienv Hot they liaveiM-d iho
lloulevaid cle la t'lolsette.
it was one of those Fein nut, v du,o In
tilt- Itlvliiu when the ail n ems to
tiemble with Joy, when tlie uiIiiiomi Is
.illume, when tin- palni.s sensually open
their ciowns to th sun, and when tho
quiet mi vvliispeiH piomises to man.
Uouglas Ulndsiiy bieatlied tills air
like a lejuvennting dtaught. He siw
new, tittcli earned of atti actions In tlie
landscape, and nil this beauty was like
unn.v gloiy for the head of a worn.
an, The almost heuvenly seienlty of
hei mild face Impnited icinlldence and
llfo to his shy hopes.
Ha had no longer this feeling of lone
liness In uu linmeasui ublo void.
An old woman offered a basket of
violets. "Buy, buy, they btlng luck!"
Ho emptied the basket In Mniy's lap
The young gill lofused the lloweis.
"No, my loid, not this not this!"
Ho paled. "Do not cull mo any long,
er my loid, Jlury."
A look ot suipilso linoluutiully es.
eupecl her.
"Nobody calls mo lDoiiRlas any moie,"
Ho had taken her hand beneath the
She shrunk fiom the touch, unable
to tollcivv him on tills enuisc.
"If ou love mo a little I shall ie.
cover," ho said liuploiingly.
"You will i ciovcr," bho said softly,
without lifting her eyes.
"And you will then never leave iiiq
any moie, my bilduV"
Shu sliuddeied. A levulslou in
her. Bui no! U was only a shadow
speaking thus lo her. Ho wiih so near
In death that he did nut feel Its up.
piouch uny longer. i
(lit.ultiilnoss, this soleninitv which
eveilastliiglv loan s upon the c.ulh
Then tin- woman bent ovei the liv
ing, pi.ivcil foi him, and pussed hei
lips to his, devoutlv. Hhe thought -"Pool
man. I kiss in jou all the suf
feilng ol liuinauilv "
He dosed his e.M s befou- the bllsslul
i ei t.ilntj.
Th- eailv dawn pioilaiuiul itsti
Willi a gusL ol wind. Douglas Minis iv
awoke nevei mm p.
Thi, was Ins elvliu-
At the opening of the last m ,ln
Ustanient ol f.oicl i,inds,,v, dated and
signed bv the testaloi on the eve ol his
death, the noun v decl.ned in the pies
ence ot tlie witnesses thai the ile
i eased mid luiuclkcl his Hist testa
ment, in which he liael disposed ol his
estate ten the benellt of the pool and
skk ol his pi ov line. He opened the
sealed lettei and lead: " name as
niv tvclusive lu-li the woimi who loves
inc. AI.ii Sullivan, inv hi ide "
-Wonislmiint was di puled upon ;hp ol all, and all eves wei e tin nid
to the ouug Hiirfllsh nmst
Hhe lose, veiv pale. She had Hour
thought of this lonseciueiuo ol her
deed of nioiiy.
Hli - took the document fiom the
bauds ot the noluiy, lead it thiotlgh,
and .slowlv her blow tinned openly
and liankly towaul the men of law":
she toic- it asunclei and die land:
i-i.iv, genileineii, the lii st testa
ment of I.ohI Mnds.iv is the only valid
one. In bis last will then- was vvut-len-
'I beiiiiath mv estate to the
wile- who loves me' He died a
man, I am paid but I
loved him!"
s !5rXBifljj J
GREEN trsatgpS
Firmly Established, Backed by Ample Capital,
The leading local merchants have contracted with us to give GREEN trading stamps,
as a discount for CASH trade, to all persons who ask for them.
Every one in the city should improve this opportunity to collect GREEN trading
stamps and, in exchange for them, to obtain some useful article for home adornment, Free.
A visit lo one of our stores, or to some local exhibit, would be greatly to your
advantage. There it is an easy matter to explain the perfect workings of this system of cash
discount, and to show how greatly it concernsJYOU.
There is no expense to you in connection with the plan. But as the question of a
substantial saving upon all your purchases is involved, we trust no opportunity to give the
subject your personal investigation will be lost.
We have mailed to each family in this vicinity a little book in which to paste stamps.
It contains, also, a careful explanation of our plan. Enclosed therewith is a coupon entitling
the holder to $2.00 worth of stamps FR.EE in addition to those which will
be received with the purchase. Should you not receive one within ten days, advise us by
postal and we will see that you are supplied.
Scranton Trading StampCo.
308 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
The Sperry & Hutchinson Company (inc) Prop'rs.
Fully Paid Up Capital, $1,000,000.00.
This Company Own and Operate More Stores Than any Other Concern in the World
i B2P353tnii
iverybody Is Talking About
s New Clothinsf Store
Which Will Be Open Saturday, 16th.
11 I. i'i'i toil Unit tlio plllilii- -e IicmiIj,
will unpen on Alomliiv next.
Amenitf tlinsp lioin tills p,uc wlin at
toiulrel the? Xonlici eontcit in Scull
ion liiht oeiiillf,' uoio: Mis. Kiunlc
Cohin, Mm. V. A. Dean, .Mi. and Mis.
1'iocl l'nlinci.
It licpn ji loiif- t1110 since the
ciy of Hip has been lieiuel in I his hen -"iiKh
HuL a crv a,is in.ule on
Wocliipsiinv peniiiK nlioiu T.'JO ii'iiock,
as llniiips upie spen Issninif fiom a li.un
owned h ri.cnlc Colvln and located in
n field near tho Dol.iwiue, Kauiinna
.mil Western lailioud. .lust how ino
tlie oilKinated Is n niyMoiv, but It is
piOHUined homo one wnh in the liatn
miiolvliifir The file iiniip.iin was not
called out, ns no water could lip
liiotiKlit to play uu tho Haines and as
no other ImlldliiRs wpip enilniiKPied. j
All tlint i nuM bo done amis to Htiiud ,
by unci pee the flaines do their clestiuc
tlei woilc. Ml. folvln hail some hay,
oatn and other tliinc,'1 in tlie b.un,
wlileli weie totally eoiiHiiineil. 'I'heie
as no luHiunnte on the building, ,s0
Mr rcihln Mihtalueil a c cuiHldeublo
'I'lie kiiiik of Italians who li,ie Inun
bhiMliiK; lock ami widenliiR the l.acka
wainm iniltnad lo.idlied foi a thiul
liaclc, huo coiupletecl their wniK anil
have moved their etieeth Pl.sewliPie
'. I). Finn ami S. n. l'lnn vveio
loi.s u TunKli.iumiLU on .Monday last.
Mm. Olmtlcs Miller anil Mill, AIviu,
luno opened n iiow.s-Rtaml in tho looms
fouiicily occupied by 1'uidy'n li.iKeiy,
"Some Folks and Other Folks, or tho
Oieutest Piohleiu of llio (Vntuiy," will
bo the subject of TIgv, A. JI, Smith's
lectuie In tho Huptist chute li on Filday
evening, Nov. i'.', Tho niliiilhlnn will
bo 15 cents.
Everybody should talk about it. Griffin's Store will be the
most modern up-to-the-minute Clothing Store ever opened in
Scranton. The stock of Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats, from the
tailor's needle, is a perfect dream. The Correct Style is the only
kind in this stock. You will feel wealthier in one of my $12, $15,
$18, $20 or $25 Long Chesterfield Overcoats than you will with
the money in your pocket. Come in Saturday to the Opening,
and you will feel comfortable and happy for the next two years.
fS Every Woman
19 lUllirtllllHMIlV'"""'! I '! '
UbuiiUliti vol. lu
MARVEL Whirling Spru
lliHltew Mutual Mrio( ft i
un mo nan, om i
l mum roticiiiu
llllfaoar latin i
Ctl, lourdiuvylkl Torll
lllii iiuiot supply llio
. r.i., ncicpc no
UU I. IMll. MTIIU .1.1111)1 ll'l II
till lit. I liooli .r.lrd llkHf
11 1 ill Ii ui ir.nn.l illi 1 1 HoiikIm
).' mil le H(UI 1.4 (I.,
Ilorm M0, Timim Heis , New Ycik
I'l'licitu liny Caiiuulcii
!.., I., ,1b hmiH ..1(1.
ruianeiiK'iirt',uiii'llloii.iK i
(u Wltliil miullm, 'iwV'U"J
ilectloun tuli.
The novelties in our Boys' and Children's Suits in this New
Store is a treat to examine. Everything in this line will be kept in
large assortments. Ladies who want their boys dressed in the
NEATEST and the best where the cost is no greater are specially
Is complete in every detail and when the doors are open on
Saturday morning Scranton will have reason to feel proud of the
enterprise of one of her foremost citizens in opening the most
Modern Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Store in the State outside
of Philadelphia.
Clothier, Hatter, Furnisher, 318 Uackawanna Ave., Soranton.
izs viiri
, a -V . j