KVTWi. S vi'JfiPfwF K'un ,. ..A'l'J T -i ' WtHTVX V ' i" , -?SV -,V ' ' -' V Sributie, tmtitoit I HE OXLY SCRANTOXJ'.MMiU KliCKIVtXr. THE COMPLETE NEWS SKRVICI2 OF XHJASSOUTEl TWO CENTS. TWELVE RAGES SCUANTON, PA., SATURDAY MOJKNING, NOVEMBER 1(5, 1901. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. RMBRr A riT JEFFRIES IS INVINCIBLE Suhlin's Efforts to Wrest tlie Gliampionshli) from Him tnrt In Failure. GUS SURRENDERS IN THE FIFTH ROUND The Contest Is Witnessed by Moie Than Ten Thousand Spectators, Gnthcicd at San Eiaucisco fiom All Points Along the Pacific Coast Between Vancouver and Mexico. Jcffiics Smpiiscd at Easy Victoiy. Ready to Meet Shaikey. Bi I ti.luiio Vnc funt 1 lie Vwrt itcd l'rfs San riancl'-io, No. 1" In om of the most unsatisfactory pil.c tights Ptcr WitllO.Scd ill tills lOtllltiy, .Limes 7. Jeff lies pioved I lie tic-tor tonight ovci Gils Kulillii, the Aluou GIjiiI. In UlC flltll IIIUIHl Ot Wll It WllS to llllVe been d tvwntv ) otiiid snuggle, ISulilln willed .Did thou suueudeied to his titer to the uttu ainuniient and dis gust of the assembled thous nuN. No one was nun i' .suipilsed tit the out come than Jeflrics hinitclf who ai?fc 1 1 pe that while ho had dellveud one tilling blow in the second joiind ho did not eppt I to win the vlctorv so eas ily. Kulilin'.s jble explanation of t lie outcome of the tight Is that he u celved a rhaiicc Wow which uttfilv disabled him and tli.U Jcftiies poisibt ed In lighting him low. While Huhlln - ill make no nbo hlte ehalge ol Jelliios lia ing com mitted a loul. lie intimates that he -was unfaiily Inndltd and Injmid as a u sult. Ituhlin leeches the suppoit of hit, .scionds in this stand, v. lio s-.tv that his was a hopeless. ius-0 aftci the bei -ond round. When m on in his iln-IiiR 100111 af ter the tight Champion .Iiftilcs .s.ilil: "I was biupilscd at my t isy vktuiy and Itulilin's amazing dele.it. While it lb tme that he did not puiu h me liard ciioukIi dming tin liu- munds to lausu me anv aHini I believed hiin strong and i.tutloiib up to the moment of his Kill ipse and n.is suipiisdl when lie quit. 1 eul.ilnly hud no tumble In v hipping him and had the 1iht M'tie on the leMilt must Iiac bom the Kline. Ituliliu was inaccuiat( and in poor wind .ind 1 cannot say that he men had the (outage and fence Unit I expected to I'licountei In him. Ituhlin took a stilt punch in thi: stomach in the fouith louud which I piesume Rao him tiouble nei Unless T cpt i ted him to lose hat do than lie did. Utih lin ian doubtle'-s btsl explain his own position and .is tor nn.solt I am will ing to meet bliaiKoy iKxt month and thcuafttr to Uetend a best I an the title I hold." Winn Huhlln wut to his, ilio'slng room, he was. tollowed bx a ciy de prescd iitinuo. The defeated nnn conipl lined ol no pain atpl mocd about without asslstamc Hi statid: "J bthcMd tioin (he stmt ol the gong that 1 would win, but as the tight pto giessod I was boatm down until I ic tetNcd a blow on the slomaih whieh T must mv was Miy low. it may not hate bit u a tutil and no lhing man could hae t-tn x i i il it. .bit dep.utcd fiom the wiittin inle-, anil nom the eouiuion U'gul.itlons ol boxing whin he thtfw hiins-ilf upon and wiihtled i.ith rr than patll'd. 1 do b(lne that hud 1 had not ueied tlie s,toni.ioh punch whii h endi d me in tlie liltli toiiiid 1 would lane woin down Jefnies a few lound.s latei and beaten him ac a mat ter of Pinluiaini. I am nady to IIkIh liim again and helhne that in time I xill hae the oppoi tutiity of Miowiug that I (.in deu.il him, 'that Is all I tun sa." Audience of Ten Thousand. lietoie an assiinblngp ol ten Uiuu-and people at th" Alt i h ini.s' puvllloil, which lias lit (II the st t lie ol imtn blt tei .mil Impoiliint stnmgloh In the pant Jiiuirs .1. .lelliles, of Los Angelis, t'ul , nit I litis Itulilin, Hie "AKinii (iiuiil ' tonight, and tolUllll tol I lie title .lelllli i has In Id shite Ills nitmoiable battle with I'itsluiiuons. i:,uly in the alto noon a long line ot anxloin nun iismiu blotl III 1 1 out ol the paWllou and held a weal lid M in a dilzllng lain until nilit tall, whut the Mile hi galluv mats was open. Noun' In ill" liiht.n, )1 H.i'i Piainlsto has theio bet u s-in ji ii ctiish ot hiunnnlt tit a pugillstii i ent. The gnat )ia lliou hef,uu lo nil ut sundown with the cnlliut-ius-iii tiowds g.-itlii'i ( tl to wltnt;-s tho loute.st, Thous. and pound into tlie mallei wlun the doom weiti opened and louts holme tho flr.sl pullmiii.uy win, tailed the upper jioi lion ot the pavilion was- blink with ppeetntoi, People coming limn all points, botwmi Vanoomei and ,uxlio, and einlii.ti'ltiB well Known siato olll rial?, muvibci.s ol tho JudUi.uy uud promlnefit hpoiilng nirtii tool: post-es. won of the high pilmd H-ats eaily, .Ia or .lame. 1). I'lulan, Muyoi -elect 8o)inilts and almost the enthe hcmli ot the lotinty ol San Ki.uiUmo was c.uly nl the tlngfldo. Hilly Jnidan. tho vit. ci mi announcer, wmh i.uly on tho hemic. Betting Odds 3 to 1. At IMS p. in. the belting at tin ilng. side hteadled down jurt beime the big uliugslo to nddb ol L' to 1, although theie wtio butsth ot entluislahin uoni cither side, In which longer odds woie ollcied. The open I or at the Mnutu. mcopo inaihlue adjiibted hs Instiuuionls nnd a Hush uf IIkIiI tlnoiigh the aim. of lamps piodniiucd that all was in leadlne.ss, as lar as the iouipan was i our crawl, A moment latei a Inn hi of llintllriht) io,OW inndlc-powur, ilhiuilu. nted the .ibt jeaches ol the pailloii and fm titer enthused the gu-at host of bpcctatoi.s as the luiiui'illam loieiunmr of the iliiuiiploiishli? stiugglc. Cipotgo Hailing, an nflkl.il tlttie. tiepti of the Tweiithtii (' nlui ilub, look his pniltlon lo the south slito or the i lug, with Phil AVand, thuclseepcr tor lttihlln, closely following. At 11.20 .Terriles illleirt the ling, shad ing his ojes. Aflrr him came hl tiainor. Hilly 13elane, Kd. Kagan. Hob Atinstiong and In other Jink Jefftlec. Uiuiy Coibett.tlie u'leiec, then Ptipped Into the ilng. At D u Liu si Huhlln m teied the ilng, followed by his second. They tossed lor coinpis and lttihlln won, taltlng the soutliwosl coinei. Two minutes afti r the men entetcd Ihoilng, they v.eie announced bv Hilly Jordan, who then picsented Uefetee Hatty C'ot bett. .lelitles, In a llailntr led .sweater and ihewlng gum In violent Impatient e, wit demuiely in his miner, while Huhlln tallied earnestly with IJomer I'd. Min tln. On behalf of Shaikey, Tim Jlc (Jr.tth chnllengeil the winner ot to night's contest. The men will bicnlc at. the older or the lofetee. Time called at 0.37. BATTLE BY BOUNDS. hound 1 Ituliliu kills for hcid iiitl hull Hiihtlv villi led. ( llnrli llolli nun cautious .lillrlts kit jm aitiiniil lluhll'i'i lifd, lilt to diiniKi') .tfltiln iihiI (,ih ll,l tie on lit'ul mill lift He lillir (Icwilr tluiKcd lii.ll lift. .Icllrlos itpprrrnts liulilln to i with lctt. Ji f Inc hiirlcil lift on l Jt, trut inl",cl nnothct foi linil liulilln totm'ir, n nltli left. .Ictliirj .wiiii,- iciln lint iiii.h(I itiis lilotl.ttl lilt JjIi for fire .lelfiies riidinl. lull llulilin c line into n elmcli lifTin? t'j.i i lift lor boh, Iml tlio Cllne unit s ,t out uf Ii tun's n. .letfil s is -iti 1 1 it r flic loiitnl tu ( ime uitii tlie diimplon Liln,- rli'lilh tlie iiiliint ig. KontifV J (Iimli. Ituliliu mh lmol eil iiouiil tin ml. nitli Ml. lie itciinl Jcftnet of 'mil tujiliuir. 'I lie Akron nnn (lion liot in IM riiilit md totinl ilcllius' iil). fulluuirii; tins t,p villi in lii.iliitlip left Miinir fm tlio lir nl. -Ti f frus mjmiI i(t!;rtfve. Itul lin vlinlnl r','lit Tinl lift to the fji' tlien iiislicil, Iimliiii; on the lioib. Tin rliiinpinu In Willi lift and I n iniinttud liulilln found .foil's head md in a t-lioit o.ch.nj,'! niithir hutl the iili.inli;p Tho imii f HiKlit it tlo'tr rnui (.u ipjin lindl it on ills fiie .itij loppins the lilter'- dttimpl to nttluti witli l siioiu ncht. Ituliliu feinful llh light ind ihot tuiRlit left into Jelf'n ju, liut Ilia I low b iMilLilh ldotUtl flie 'nei ieic Micstlins Minn the iouiuI ilo el. fli s mis de ninth ltinilln .-, l nuitl ItoutKl . I ho nun inn up 'tions .mil Ituliliu litt in ruJit ind lift, nliiili wcie topprd. .Tdfriit cllioun hi-. .i. luik ind limlly cnuht the kion man miiIi i terrible hit to the lcik. Tifl jiui-md (iu and Mi.in.r Willi bolli hntl In i nidi Jiflnes lmilC'l cik ti.idj vv liu'i lln i'iiii iipuls to the rcleni t.tii tcin'rtl ml laino link with in liiefleiiml t-lioi t nt.u lunch fell isili IiiM the id inljse, wlli law consiiutb Kinipljliilnir I ho men do-cl in ae r, ii linu-. Ituhlin li.fitln? l.m jii 1 .left tpilt intlt looktiiK: for t iliime to tin I i laioil nit punch Jcllriea letieiteil jhftif the tiucr until the fpuntorb hi-.itl linn. Hie lonndtil end--1 Milh ii' ithfr mm in .li-ttc-s., l.ut llulilin tlir u.oie i on ic J cf fin ttttt tliund I lter 'lioit .ihinse it rle'.e nine llulilin linded m fm. lie is t. iced lnil. .in I ItH -nnln as (.is aitn nleil.id liim lelf Idinlirl lrtl, hlukeuiug l.us' cte, tin n puru d iinn, IikIiIiu? al Mint t mic mid hinh vniiu 1 1 nun ilwn lttihlln liik'd ii,ie-iiienc-b aid itlreifod h Itlliiis mmiiii; bit mil nsht ml ml t rl I. in hi loi 111 flie anil till piwund liim urn-. I In nn.'. llun I In rlMinilni wilkitl (an ic n - tho nn !Jiu tn lindid .1 tieae lrtl on hi jm. llulilin shot (tit mclln (nil lit lifl wadid in. nliiliiiic Huhlln lift ind tight. I, ns mt den md lojl. Do lount. lie i line up ipiJKtitlv ttt ik .ml loo f.lll" sni.J ,ini llulilin tin plimh in the Bruti-.L ill tits-. Iii.ii tie louml i lo d riu? nnn tl w e. muili in Jertnii' tuut Koiiuil 5 llulilin oie i t.u-ed ispreMin whin hi ( line i p ' lines cut m with i-li ti.1it inn lilf'i-, but wis ldyikid. lilt limit 1 b.hf lto'k tn ,ti mul Mini I bit to uln anil htn at, nil lo neili wil'i nht. lolliv fnllowij tin in Mliich the 1 1 minion forced fills M.lh Icfli to the fue Tluliliii il.uk. ii md irtnjtrd strnlih. Kllrici followid en the a li lut i je .ml bond in tutiiliin llulilin bcneith tlio thin with linlit and fouiua; liulilln to iupt", nfm whi Ii Giii Mint to the fiom and it, llic count of ftte stikStrul Ii lin fief. Ik ici-td liililius mil lefl went m for the knoil inf. Ituhlin wis utlei l ilmrl and uilnl wild .wIiir, while I-T tlrtti inm nniisL lb l. pi-, lttihlln Mint tn huj coinei and quit. Ituhlin (liuuiil that i iltiuic blow in the e.uuiiili u mined liim unlit lor fiithl inr. Ills ---lonis toniplilnecl bitterlj, but Huhlln lli-i-ful tl n bo ii tin v i. t tin n .in iiiidnt .lehrii'. ' tlltd to 1. hlin'i totnn "lid n-.k. d wli it w t- i In. nulter. llun iiuml in Ii-ku t Jul piiiiidcd In hii the-Miu rocm, while tin spin 1 1 tnii nc- h one ui tit him! rieeiid tin ihjtnplon, wliilo ihn d.iiouiuiil Huhlln .n iiiinlii ml i likii. Hi 1 1 lit r liiuilldl lid j tins nits, -fupp'il ti... fi.'hN in whit Ii i jil.tt, tin leitiie, md tlhxr- of Hi' i Iiib weie iiivobtd The iituioit ii II. in. ut pnii.'i.l. ilurliu w'luli lliiiliu mule Ills W l Otll lift llll,' ANNUAL REPORT OF SECRETARY OF NAVY It Roccnnmcnuis tlio Building of Battleships, Ciuiseis, Gunboats and TininiiiR Ships. 11,1 IS Itl.lM! Wilt llolli III Wul 1 111 tl I'll , Washington .N,i, ,-, Tin- .niiiu.il lepoit of .scuotniy ot tlie .NMvy Long miih made publle tiiila. It icntiws the iilllcliil it eiiuuneiHlalion i ol one enr ii go toi an hit lease In the pc'isoniuil. lot a national nnwil ie.-eie ami lor n 1 c I .1 1 ot the giade ol leciitlmiial, anil ill the dlieitioii of new naval i on sttiiii lion it leioinineiiils that cougiei-.s tiilthoiUe the bulltlllig ot 'Ihl.e IU-.1 tit liitlliililp. I uo fn i 1 1 iii iimv ictl tnii i- 'IIiiii iiiiboiti, i.tili nl ihotil I , i l i us md lll-pl UUill nl lliiie .iinU a-, tilt if ibutit '.Wj imii ,ihl (lUpljllllllUl, lul ll-'ll.ll .-il tin, 'Ihue i Ilk. t Imii, eaili if uboiil n',0 lonstilil ili.uliiiiiu'iil. II i oe ,-lu I Milium ti.llliin' slilpi, f.u Ii uf about J,fi. Hid tlirpliiiuioiil. Hue I'lllin ot about I', iio , n liiil ii-.le. mi ut 1 1 in IIIJ i""1" .So intoieiuu Ih made in tlie upmi lo the ,ihe i mil I uf limulo Blue Book ou the Boeis, lly Ui litdii Uiic fiom 'Jliic 8soiiatt.J 'it,.s Inidon, V. 13 llin twi rtlivo lus L.U'd 1 fjui liiiitlinl in.e blue IxoL of the olikUl IcpulU Item iniuival an I ollur onlecH on tit) coutlitloiK n the loiiuiiuatlut! cjiiip m Nutli Mllu Hie rfciiil d (hill ut tin irport ultiibnici tlie hl.h imililit.i in tlie 'alups to ibo dirt) btbiia 1 1 Hit' llou?, tlicii i;nuiimo and iejti. tllui, ihni iKouivi to i)iiirUo md thel. tu.. 1'k leu- mold into ol the llilfiih ho pluN an I iluitui Mnniln Wants. Pacific Cable. in 1 i!uir Win fiom lne ioiialsil I'ic-m x jiuI j. Xoi, 1"i- lie (lumber of luiiiiner e lias tabltd in Pieildnit ltoo.-nclt uuln- that I In' 1'ailfli uble b" hill, mul iliu tliil tho main ohjiu would u an iiituiuiie fiiue.ne if the iillr liid'iai) of tlm I'liilipplne,, ithnv d ot I3ikw,(ih), ami aUo economy and tlie facilttt Hon ol budnivi PHILIPPINES A TERRITORY An Important Rullno is Given l)U tlie Bureau ot Internal Revenue. WHISKEY WILL BE TAXED The rxporteia Will Pioteat Againat Payment of Tax, Which. If. Collect ed, Will Have Important Beniing on tlio Diamond Case Now Pend ingShould the Couits Pvoveise the Decision, of Commissioner of Intel -nal Revenue Espoiteis Will Re ceive Fund. By l.xcltisnr Wire from Tlie (jociited I'icm Washingtoii, Nov. 11 The commis sioner of internal revenue today i ti llered a decision, in whlih he holds that beei. whiskey and othet ailiiks of domestle iiitiiiufacliire nubjeet lo in let nal reveiiup ta when eoiisiime'd In the state aie subject to this t ix when shipped to tlie Philippine Islands In this si nse Hie Philippines ate to be held to be domestic tenltory. Tudor existing laws, articles .subject lo In-ternal-reenuc tax at home nie te lieed fiom the tax when expmtcd to a foieign eottntiy, the expotter ghlng bond when the goods aie witlidi.iwn, which is cancelled when satiofni toi v proof is luinlslicd thai they actttallj hao been landed in foieign ten Hoi y. Under a tullng made seveial weeks ago bv the commissioner, the Pliillp plnes hate been legnuled, lor the put poses of internal letenue tTcation, as foreign tertitoiv, and thetelote the whiskey, beer, tigais. etc.. whkh hate been shipped to the islands, li.no been exempted fiom tax itlou. Under Hie piesnit luling the tax- in all i.ises will be ex nted befote Mnpincnt. It is i -pected that txpoileis will pa the tax under ptotest, baling in mind the ' foul tci n diamond i nigs" i ase, now pending in Hi" Unilctl Males Jiupuine couit, in whlell a declbioll is expected at an o.nly date. This rase nnolns the same question whlih has aiison in the consideiation of the inlein.il ii'tenue tax (ase, and it the com I should hold that the Philippines aie. foieign tenitoiy for customs, and in ternal iccnue ta puiposis ixpoiteis will be entitled to a leltind of the amount of the ttxes paid DEFALCATIONS AT WILLIAMSBURG A Savings Bank in Subuibs of Biooklyn Believed of fj60,000. Ofticials Confess. Di livljne Wnc from The a'0ciated I'imi X.' yotk, Xov. 13 Defalcations, riiTiounling, it is ilainietl, to ssu.ooo, bite been dibeotered In the accounts of the Williamsburg failings bank, an institution conducted at Williams buig in the subuibs of Biookhn. Oeii"ial J. V. Me.sciole, the picsident of the bank, Is authoiity fm the state ment that the patties Impllialed in the afiali aie Henry 17. Coihett, :i lonncr palng teller of the bank, who died TN'oienibei 2 and lleoibo Zolliiigholtei, a UMClvlus teller, who It is alleged gate the liibt hitonnnllon leading to the dibcoNeiy. The bank lb fully piottckd, It is said, by the bonds ot both t'oihitt and Colllngholter. Unity Coihett had been In the employ in the bank tor eigh teen jeaib. He was looked upon as .a nun of enempl.tiy habits and not Hie bllglitest .su-pkion was attaclieil to hlui up to the time ol his death. Aceoiding to Genual Jlesuole on Uiiday ot last week Xollinghofior went to C'abhlei lluimi and lonfcssed to him that he (Xolllnglioftcr) and L'oibett had tor the past two or time je.us taken funds fiom tho iiibtilutlou for the piupobe of block gambling and thut b lar as hu could estimate the ninounl that had been lotl was be tween "0,000 and V50.000. e.i.shkr Hums hud ZoIIitiglioffer lcpeat his imifobslon to Piebldcnt Mosciole and a meoting ol the ttustees or tlio bank followed. Tho outniliintlon was not concluded Unit day nor Is it jet loncluded, but Iiiegitlatltles enough who louud to blmw thai Zolllnghoifei had not ex-ag-gcnitcit the e-Meilt of tlio defalcation. Xnlllnghnile, nftir making his (on Kh.sloii, placed hluibelf in the hands of the tuiht companies and is aiding ilieiu lu their incstlg.ition or Hid hooks, lie was with one exception the oldest iuplo)u ot the bank, haliig been with the Institution for thliij lilt eo ycaiH. Ho lb blxty jeaib of age f'oibctt died In lilb iipnituient In UmoklMi or pneumonia on No j lie and his wile weie lilghh uspeuod. Weyler Substitute for Sagabta, II) l.seluabc lie hem Tl c .WorUtcd 1'ren. Midud, o, 11. It H cxpictcil tint (Itiiiil U ii In, tlio iniuUtci' uf nai, will ti iiiji ruilv Pplaco feuior baga-ita, (-liouhl tho lattci's illni( Kiiliime. It U further aJhl tlat the Duke of tuKiu, tho iiilnlilii' ol niitlnc, will iisi;n if tin clumber ot dcputin nfu.n j unlit it I.V CHiO peteloi fci the new riiihlpi now inilii iou,liuition riiobug Convicted of Muuler, Itj IZv lusiiu Wiic from 'Hie As.ociatetl I'icv. Tiiitton. x, j, &, -, n10 iuWt. tf (llur, todaj aillnned the fomlitioii oi ltobeit Hiiwii, iiiloiiil, nliii was foun fiilltj of inmrkr in ilu lrt dcgKi by a Mcricr iyuiil Jur.i. Iltiiicu wai chaisol with tittln.' lne to i liouin In w'li.li Mjij an I lui and her ililld, alio loUnd, cir tuiiiril tn Uutli. Gives Faun to ,i Seminmy, Hi Kiilulif hi froniTl.o Weciatcd I'mt PijIjii, 0. .Xoi. r-lluijinilii Miiihlir, a faimei, ului llud In lad sou township, has inidi tie lleitlelbuu- flieolo.iul Kiuluaii, localitl at lillln, 0, u ift of hi farm of liO .lent, taltiul at 7,S00 The f iiim Is litatcd in Jjik-wi town. iklp. MISSIONARY WORKERS AT PHILADELPHIA Meeting of Women's Auxiliary to Boa id of Episcopal Chuich. n.i lltiludtc Wire from The Avoclated l'en Philadelphia, Xov. 1,. The annual incolliigoC tho woiniin'a nuxlllnt v to the boaitl or mlsons of tlio KplHcopul (hutch was hold hete today, Uishop Whltaker pieIdlng. Addi esses weie made by Itcv. Ileniy Km ester, 111. Itev. Lucliin Lee Klnsolvliig, 1J. D , and itt. I!cv. V. II. Hair, H. T. U, ou mission woik In many ileitis. "The Work ot the riltnch In MeX'Ieo," wan Mr. Koiestcr'rt theme. What mo needed In Mexico, he said, aie native ileigmon, as the Mexi cans air Intenselv auti-foieign in their uutiiieund do not take kindly to Ameil teiior mothe Is Hie anneation of Mex (,m nilnlsteis, as thev think their til ieo In Hie United Htates, Itisliop Klnsolvlng npolio of the con ditions in lii.ill. That (oiuitry, ho bald, Is ol stialegle inipoitnnee to the chuich. At the ntletnoon sebsJon UlsliopAVhll nker spoke ot "Diocesan Missions," anil Ai chdeaeon Iliibsell ou "The Kieed mon " The lit. Kcv. Ocoigu H. Kln bollng, 1). U. and 1U. Hev. V. IX. t!iacs, D. 1), addicsbed the meeting ou "Domestle .Missions" nnd "Missions in China." TOPICS DISCUSSED AT CABINET MEETING Agiicultui.il Situation in the Philip pines Considered Necessity for Geneinl Dibtiibution of Seed. By 1 icltishe Wire from The Associated Prcs Wnsliington, Xov. 13. UonsUleiable time at the cabinet meeting today was detoted to consideration of the agncul tui.il situation in the Philippines. From lepmts leeched by tho war depaitmrnt It is appnient that tlie vegetableb grown theie aio "lumiing out" and theie is immediate neecsbity for a genernl dis tilbutiou of new heed. Sectotaiy Root told the cabinet that not enough rice, whieh lb tlie gieat staple, was, giown now in the islands to supply the de mand lor local consumption. Sicielaiy AViKon has decided to bend one of the depai tment's experts with a tuP coips of assistants to the islands to miestig itc the situation. Upon ab icitaining the ueedb in lc-pcct to seed the elopai Uncut w ill ship to the islands bueli seed as may be ieeiuircd. It is expected that many things not hcietotoic giown in Hie 3'hllippinob can be pioduced theie and ebpeeial iittcn tion will be dlieclcd to the gi owing of new" uops. Tlie seed will be disti Unit ed giati1-. Although men fnnn the iiKiliiiltui.il depaituVnt will do Hie wink thev will be commanded by the war depaitmeut lor this put pose. WALLS COLLAPSE IN CHICAGO. One Woikman Killed Seven Others Aie Injuied. 11 I etnm Wncfrcni riie -onated 1'ievs Chicago No . 1"i The walls of a nci power house being eteeted lor tin Unheisiu- ol Chicago at Kit ty-eiglith stieit and Kliis .nenue, btiddenly col lapsed this alteinoon, killing one man and Iniiiling seen otlicib, nil wotk men. The dead aie: fleoige Jenkins, ou mot ot the building when collapse eame and completely bulled in the wicck, and llcniv Potts. who Is thought to be fatally injuied. lie wiib taken fiom the wieik uncon scious and bleeding and was icnioved to tin Chicago hospital. The other in Juiid men aio ixpeeled to lecover, most of the injutleb (onslstlng ot btoken limbs and bouous biulbef. BOYS' BRIGADE MEETING. Eighth Annual Gatheiing of the Pennsylvania Division. lit l,e!iisie Wir from fhe Auocinlia I're-.. l'ittdiuv, X'oi. J The obl ii annual meetlns of il,i l'iiiuili mil bilidon of the United Iloji' IliU-idt of .merii i w H held todtv In the l intral I'riibvteiliu cIiuilIi, at 1. uoLk antl .mlu-oi, etuit , Alleghui. XI i j ji- (.md il Hi in i- 1'. bptcci, of Phlladel. phla, pndtUi! Jitiili iniouiaicineut was tUihed tioin tho uporli of tlie furetarv and tuaiiuer, whkli who tiuKUiue mil lull of good trail f. Uih fuloi tint (criliibillid to tl i cood full u; ailifng fiom tlio-o ii jioi H wi-t tie htitenunt the linu i is not a bit ct iUl omi the bO ikii. 'I In eliilioii of i rlilif foi I'liinijbinlt re. Ftllti'l ill tho unmimoiis ihoin of Major (.meill splin It was dtiidtd In hold the inietl.nj int et in Loin isttr. Hie htuiiKlli of tho uuinlitlnn In the tite was iipntul in In one Iiun.lit.tl t oinp inn-, tiiilniiliu llti grtliei 2,MtO In n NORTHUMBERLAND BURGLARS. They Break Into a Hotel nnd Cany Awny the Safe. Bv I irluslio Wire from The Aoclaltd Tress Suiihuiy, Ta., Xov. IS. At an e.uly hour this moi iilug luuglais broke into Ibo Kestder hotel, in Xoi thiimbei laud Kludliig no aluables they picked up n small .safe In the olllio and loading II on it wlliclb.ilioi, em l led It to the b.un In jeur oi tho lot wljeie It was blown up. The lepoit of tlio explosion nw ali ened the entile ni ighboi hood but the lohhus got away wllh tlio contents, JlfiO, ami tlueo gold watches In longing to gilt'sis of the house. T. M. Kesshr, ihlef buigesb ol" tho town, Is piopile lor of the hotel. m Duuik Catholic Acid, fli i'-tliulio Win fiom flic swciitcd I'rcs. Xew oil, l'l 1 -lolm Kiln;, iaiiiwiI) tf I'itlnbuij, I 'J., (omiiiittttl suit Ide foil j i hj ill In'... luir tailmlii am, .it the licnu oi his t-lstcr, Ml, l.iortro S. lloppie. JIm. Ilopplo tiinl to tiko the 1 olrou boltlo nom liim ami In the t.tiui,lc was luillj biilin tl by I he Hi id. Sic lalnltd lilld fill and, fico fiom lici, hebiy dunk the atM, He wa ikiil hIhii u plii.lcl'in riaihul llio boine. Gans Knocks Out Haulon. tl l.clubc wire from The Atioiiitctl 1'iejj. llallliiioie, ol, 15 -ko I, in,, (f iliis il , klilktd out atU llililon, if I'l lliiklphli, fu thu Ml ond louud of a bout nlxduKd to ko iw nlv loundi, bifui the l.tmLa Mhlctlc ilnb toni'it. Will r.ivo and Sower Havana, B. l.ilulie Wire from 'Hie AocIatrd 1'resi II nana. Not 1'.- Hie iiiuuldpal i nuiii.il numb moiiily lotcd to awuril Mliltail ). Hub, the ivi trait lo in and nwci llavjiu at liU lO'luu'd bid ol 1,U1 1,J W. KITCHENER'S CAMPAIGN The Boers Give Stubborn Battle to His Men at Brakspruit Near Zecrust. GEN. DEWET IN COMMAND After Hard righting, Boeis Retiie, Leaving Eight Dead on the Field. Ono Hundied and Eighty District Mounted Troops Sui render to Smut's Commando Captain Thorn ton Believes That Sui lender Was Pie-ananged. Pi rvcliiiiie Wire from Tlie Awlatcd I'ie London, Xov. lo A dispatch fiom Loul Kitchener, dated fiom Ptetoila today, sajs th.it n, stiong pntrol of Yeo niamy, while leeonnoitetlng, Xoteinber 1J, at lliakbiruit, near Kcciust (In the Transvaal colony, about 110 miles west of Pietoila), was .suuounded by 300 Uoers mid lost sN men kllleii and six teen wounded. Some of the ttoopeis weie caiituied, but weie subsequently released. Tho rear gitaul of Colonel Byng's column was attacked near Heilbron, Orange River colony, Xoveniber It. by 400 Uoers, said to be tinder the com mand or Geneial De Wet. Alter two hours' lighting tho Boeis tctiied, leav ing eight dead on the Held. Of Colonel UMig's column, Lieutenant Hughes and one man weio killed, while three ofllceib and nine men weie wounded. Middleburg, Cape Colony, Kiiday.Oct. 2). One hundied and eighty distiht mounted tioopb, composed laigely of Dutchmen, with their anus and horses, suriendered to Sjinut's commando, Oc tober 13. The distiii t tioops Hied most of their ammunition at long lange and then lefuscd to light turthcr. Captain Thornton, their commander, belietes tlieli bin lender to have been pre-ai-lansi'd. KNIGHTS OP LABOR COMMITTEE REPORTS Laws Demanded to Pi event the Capitaliztitiou of a. Corporation Above Money Invested. B tci IiMie W ire fuin llic " ocntctl Pre i Indianapolis, Xov. 15 At tlie giii iial .'ibsemblv ot Hie Kniglits of Labor today the leport ot the committee on legislation was submitted. It b.is tho evolution now taking place in the In dustiial Held thiotigh the lapid con centiation of capital has tilled the woiklng classes with alaim for the lutuie weliaie of the couutiy and dp c lines it ib time to call a halt on mun Iilp.il, state and national IcgiFlatlou in gi anting further pihileges which go to fatten another pi it ate foi tune. Kesolutions bubmitted with the repoit demand liom congiess such legislation .is "will piovide tor the utmost publlt ity of the affaiis of all corpoialions doing an intei state business." Such laws aie dcuuiiided ns "will pre ent the capitalization of tiny rat partitions- nliote the amount of money ac tually invested, whether said invest ment be in cash or plant." The lcbolutions also declare, that "congiehs has no light to tux- all the people lor tho benefit of a tew," and thai "whenever government aid is ex tended to piivate coi potations ll means lobbeiy ol the whole people." NATIONAL GRANGE MEETS. rive Thousand Attend the Sessions at Lewistown, Maine, lb llvclinue W Iro from The nxlakd Pre . Lewlhtown, Mo., Xov. lii.-Two bes sloiib, distinct Horn the iniitlne woik ol tho national gi.ingo today, wen; de oted to the exemplification of tho bey euth degiee. The atteudaneu nuuibpied live thousand. The degro work win, cinidueted by (leotgo Austin Dow en, woithy high prieht of the older. The number ot candidates inado It neces saiy to liold the two sessions. One took place In tho tiileiiinou and the other this ovetiiUK. The schsloiih oi the giango wore de toted to geneial business and the ifm bldetatiou of icsolutions inuthing na tioiuil leglilntion in Giange Jnieiosts. STARVATION IN TEXAS. Entile Population in Dlstiict of Za pata County May Peii&h. 11 I'uluaiie Wire from flie Nsoclatctl l'rca Pallai-, 'lis,, ol 1" l.omnor haue tUiy rcnlud i littir liom Hon V, , subiin, i intinbir ol Hie IrgMiture in whkli riimict .ipala lounty i hltiutci, fatlni; tin people in that county mo mnii.y, and unlei iiniiirdiilo ulicf liJiliei lliiin Ih: cntiie population will tile. There Ii no ilumi to lake ui.y I. ind m n jpj tlit te eaillor than nct pi ri Jin, Jr, sm. bur.i M,i4 thire H rnul .i 1 II ol fuod on lunl and apjeaU toi outihle .I'sUUnir at ewe (ii crner Miln uiimidiatil suit VX) to Mi Sei. bur) and nlkt mpplln will li'Sntten Into ijnli i Willi i at the caillcst io.,tible iniiiiiiit Milk Doctois Pined, By lreule Wire from Tlie Associated r.tn suitbiii), Pa , ,V 11 thaio'eil U; sf.tc fu;d lutpcctoi siuiuions wall tiiliirf furuialdrhjde 'n tlieli inlllo Paliuneii J, (.' I.u.d.1, if tlm ib), ami I. l lin,eiou, cl bioie ilie.i, wue todaj flncil "0. Pnitl Pni,, i.iatUo'ir ol (ho Suubury llirf lompinv, rhawd wllh .-ell In, oleouiara. rine, uii hell in jil hill pi lOiiu Hobson Will Manage Naval Esliibit. Il I vcluibc Wire from I In Vicotlatcd I'le.J. w. ulilii.'lon, ol 10 -aul (inslimloi Hi l. momt P. Iltbiiu lias beiii dilnlit.l Pom duiy in the Ionian of ioii.liiii'iiii aid Hp.ilr and tie. tailed to dulj in loiiiniioii Willi th" iimiu.e. niont of the 1,'ouimuwit natal (liilhlt ai ilii t hailcilon ivpojitlHi, i'Ulli C lollnt. SWirT PUNISHMENT FbR A MURDERER. Shot Dead by the HtiBbnnd of the Woman He Had Just Killed, tie Eteluilir Wire from The Avoclatcd PrcjJ (lalrnt, hin , Nov. 1" At CVnltal I'll', J mill' Inir cjinp tlueo nillei cl.l of Oilciia, eatly toda, Mrn. s i, Uumei. wife of .i incri'iant, wis shot ilitl In bei brd bv IMnard Willtlii', who had rnlcrrtl tlio lioii'e foi tho mrnoe of lohhen, Ki.iinet tin u nhol mill killed WitMiis Watl.lm hid ftrnierly betu cniploud by hum r in tho littct's KUuinl sine. Kiamir lul ilm poed of consider ildc ptopufv In town jcntcuU nd wiu iccnmpinicd liotne bv iIMils. Mr. Krunrr was .u, ikencil tlurlni; the tiUItt antl found Wufl.lni BtnndtMg lit ir Hie brd iintl point ii tetolui' at lur. .she (stlilmul: "Why, Til, ion woiibl not hurt u, wouhl 0tir" wlun M1H.I111 flit.il, killing Iter luttinlh. Kinnitr lwolie Jiit in llio tliot wit fli. tl .'ind llvd three limit ut W itl.lii', cull bill I ikliiff illect, Alter Kruner'ii first t-liol , Wilt-lin i.alhd to lilt pirtuer, who wot In an ndiolnlni; loom, "Pi jour ilii'i." 'J licit Uitklnt tiled wit'ioiil speat.iiiR another woitl. His pirtnei, who 0 littnllly iJ iinlaiown, ccopcd. EARTHQUAKE AT EHZEROUM. rifty Shocks Occur Twenty-two Persons Killed, fli Ktcliiiho Wire frum the Kstoclaktl frost. TIHIs. Uubsia, Xov. in. Erj-oioutn has again been tlsitod by an cut tluiuakc. Altogether theie weie fifty shocks, ten ol them being vety violent. Twenty-two persons were killed, and many buildings destioyed. LIEUTENANT NEWCOMB RECEIVES GOLD MEDAL Tlie Only One Awaided for Heroism During War with. Spain Offi cers and Crew Remembered. Bv IacIu'Iic w lie fiom The ssoclattd Tress Washington, Xov. 13 The only gold medal authorized by congiess for heioic conduct dining Hie war with Hpaln was forwaideel today to Lieutenant Frank II. Xew comb, now located at Patchogue, X. Y by Asblbtant Secretin y Taylor, of the tioasuiy. Duilng the Spanish war. Lieutenant Xew comb commanded the icteniie t utter Hudson and rescued the officers and ciow of the toipedo bout AVinslov, tioin .1 teiy peiilous pobition OIE Cai elenas, Cubu, while the action of May 11, 1S98, was in progress Unch of the ofllocis under Lieutenant Xcwcomb was awarded a silver medal, and each member of bis ciew a bi on.se medal. The medal sent Lieutenant Xcwcomb contains about $2u0 worth ot gold, and is ornamented on one side by an engr.wing of the goddess of war, looking down upon Hie scene of le.scue. and on the other side by 11 lepresenta tlou of Fame writing the stoiy of the deeds of Lieutenant Xeweomb and his ciew. In loiwauling the medal to him, Seuetaiy Taylor s.iid: "Yoius is the in mulct t distinction ot belli!, the only 1 omm.inding otllcer of anv strike to whom congiess awaided a gold medal lor heiolsm in battle din ing the war with Swain I take ple.is uio in piespiiting to joti Hie mi d.il awaided. and in eoiigialulating ou upon the iccognition thus bestowed by the national legislatuie." DUN'S REVIEW OP TRADE Healthy Demand for Leading Lines of Meichandise About the Countiy. By kviluiiii' Wire from nt' Associated Piess Xew Yoik, Xov. 13 It. (. Dun & Co s w eekly 1 evicw of ti ade tomoi 1 ow will say: A hedtlij demand Is rcrorled throughout tho (Oiinlry in .ill loading linei it uieicbiiitllji-, while sal's 01 wintir soods lino allalutd int. mil pioportlons, mil ho I Idly bu-itni pionuitt to Fiiria all leeoid-. In uiiniifaitmlui; theie 1 ii liner before such will tut liner) aifnitv, wit'.i lontuiti iiinniiu ut the middle ot next ear. 'Hth ii Cipcualli tun' in tho n-o i steel laili nnd many otbir hkiIirU oi iro'i, while in biiililnig material, ft It foolwiar unl moit tixtllo bramhei time is little piiMpccl of idlt ne. I npiiccdiuletl roiilitions in the in 11 aid sfcM Indiiilrv .110 Hiowu by the hMcki of pis inn en Vo I as, iiuldiihttl nv tin Iron sc. I in inns in Ihst wue pioiluvins' ut tli lite if uju,sil loiii witMj, whieh far uipise? all pro. vloui ittouL--. With a pioducllon ot in rtit) loin weil. aboii' the priikui Iji point, n. luiht bo ivpeilcd lint mppllei wciild iiuriJ.n, ui .t li nt 11111 tin stttiouan. On fie lonliu.t, mm no ',' on m, I wue TJ.j-l loin-, 11 luiuli lei than 1 nii.le wtik'-, iiitput, and .1 tluiea.e n S.,Mi 101 tho niontli of Ottobti, ( an.ilns tin rnmpjilvn bus 1 tir "1m-. an It), l 01 thu 111 mi loin ).1I i mull' in tliU indu-liv. Mi 10 Nuumbir. IW, tli( wnl.lv i.ipull.v 01 fuiuicei in bint lia in-(iei- d fiuiti til,, )l tont to . .'il.oJI, whib fin uiee sfoikti line tleilluel i tm nlkWul lo J7VU toui, d I lure hii been ru Inlliiion of iriui mul Hi siKiulili 0 eltitieiii 1. cntinlv lnkliu. 1 ieu tint no tlUtitroiii rjllap-i' N to lo feaud. An olluiil npnrt of 1 lie hv.cst nv iae 't1i of coin, per Me wis t ilnilalnl to ilitiigi'un prke'i, but tho plunoiiiinil iiuotiiiom alu uly pni illliif; v culd Kent io f till 1 dUiouuc s i. iiiintrnt lifiiirtN IViiiiii buicri have beta tlrb 11 out of thete nnrkci", llio v.eik'h ivpciH fiom the tintk' lOist anioiinllr to .Vu.wll liu.li'l', inaliiit ,;,7-tl,0t.il .1 jcir aco, Wlnat rmo id 1110 licit pi ii Co uf the nop iai, pirtl in fiii Phv wllli com, lor vvlikli it U btill (reel Milntl. tilted, Interior imirili weie 7, .00,111 I iblicl.-, agaiiiit 1, 1)1, lie! lut Jill, IndicitliU that -11 abundant uvp a couilin, lonvanl 11 d tin in ie. nieiil 1 oulil be lic.hur if trai -nonatiuii Utile I lei wile nillible, V.l Ilo en. rmous trop would be if alii absorbed, Jmlaliis by tlio ilom 1. tit milling tli 111 nil and 1 sports 1,1 tlio w,el. ot I.S1 ),'-" buibeli, dBilusl u,Vi.',U7 a i 11 i Colli 11 nioieiiil from tho buloni iiulia u lio tianai, tlionu-h pni t rercipH aio liiau 1. lib. If-, lot the "Oil. iiiiinbcinl -la ut iu I till c tl stalii, .igaliitt I'l lat eir, and twin.), icicu In Can jdi, again.! thlii time list rar, Steamship Auivals, D l.iliilo Wire flora 11tiAo.utetl Piuni lv inl Xov, 11. eliireui llohoiiadl'i'i, .XapUi, and itcuoi; lunula, tlnipuol; I'.thlopii, lilafrfOtvj AiiisKrdiiii, Itotlenlain, I uciliourr Iriliull AtiKUile Mitciia. New oil 101 llau. bun; I UjiiI I'jiied Ii t.asioain, Xw oiu li,r llitre Held for Natalia's Muulei. Hi Itiliilvi Wire from riio .otlatid 1'ie.j. (hiias". Now 13 lill.il illni am) Dominic'. Ilejuiiiuntc in nl I to the fcund July todjy, iliar?ed wlili the nuiitlcr ot Antonio .Natalia, viliuoo iimtllJlul botly wis kuiul 111 a liuul on tin ulilv ai the idsc of tlie illy on ot. 3, GATHMANN GUN A FAILURE The New Shell Does No Material Damaoe to the Krnpp- ized Target. ANOTHER TRIAL TODAY Tho Second Shell Will Do Over, hauled in the Piesenco of the In ventor Kiuppized Plato Used for n Target, Uninjured by New Pio jectile General Joseph. Wheeler Among' the Spectators nt the Test of the Gun, By Ktcludte Wire from flie sSoditcd I'rcM Xew Yoik, Xov. 11. The test of tho Gatlnnatui gun and shell took place this nf let noon at tlie nimv piovlng giound on Sandy Hook and resulted in a f.illuie. The shell did no material damage to the target. The falltne ot Inventor Oathmann's theory is ,ib cilbed by hlin to an Impel feet deton ation of the fuse, in the Intel lor of thu shell. The ainiv ollleeis, bowevei. claim that they have found convincing pi oof to the eonliary and say that everything in connection with the test was as perfect as it was possible to nnke it in accoi dance with the In ventor's ideas. The boatd has decided to give a second trial to which the in ventor Is entitled tnmoirow morning. The second Gathmauu shell foi to monow's test will bo ovoi hauled In tin pietence of Mr. Gathmitnn for the purpo&e of guarding against impel fec tlons. On the other hand the test made later in the day with the icgu lation gun on tlie duplicate tniget was a complete success. The Gathmann gun tcbt took place at 2.13 o'doek this afternoon. When evei thing was 111 readiness Lieutenant Moiton oC Hie oidnance depaitincnt piebsed the cleitile button. A loar limn the gun was followed by the explosion of the toipedo against the 11-inch Kiupp plate, liagnients of the shell flying lu nil diicetlons. The plate, however, was found uninjured except tor a slight In dentation on the f.no of the metal. The position of tlie taiget was hlighth changed, but the change was not ma teiial. The piojectile was a shell 1 inches in diameter and six feet In 1 ngth, containing a eluiige ol the liiiiulttd pounds of wet gnu totton, the whole, including the shell weigh ing 1.S30 pounds. The rluini ol Hit inventor was that with .1 chatge of nin pounds of powder bis shell or toi pedo would disible any billlebhip in existence at a distance of 3,300 auls. The Taiget. The tin get Usui in today's lest con sisted ot n Kiupplcd bteel plate eleven inches tliii k, bat kid by the feet of bteel. To the tear ol the taiget was n bank ol band eight leet high and blty leet long. The gnu was mounted upon a leiiipoi aiy stiuetuie live bundled leet Horn the taiget, whitb was located seveial bundled .uds below the tegular prov ing gi oiindb. Tlie powder 1 lunge wits udueed in thib test mi us to repiosent the distant e of ",")00 .itds. The eluplkate tuiget on whiih tlif regulation l.'-inch bieet h-luaellug 1 ille with a 1 J-huh Jlldvale at uioi-picti ing shell loaded with the got eminent high pplcib!ve "D" was tcbtt d nt -1 o clot It The piojectile pit nod the 1t-iiuli Kiuppi.cd plate. It inudg.i petfeetlv clean entiaiice and ccplodeti'atter ptss lug thiough the plale, making u niobt deplouible wieek ot the lutnior. A ii'poit ol (he final lebtill will not be made until aftei the test of tomonow. Those picseiit when the tcbt was made weie Jlajoi.s Knight, llieinle and Whistler, lepicbentlng the oiduaiKe department: Captains Hunter ami Mtti tin, lepiPbonling the boaul of oul nniue and Im tlilcation: Lieutenants .Siutuss and Davib, lepiesentlng the aitillei.v: Captain V. It. llabblt, oni maudinK otllcer of thu piovlng wounds and Genual .Totipli Wheeler. EARTHQUAKE IN COLORADO. The Town of Buena Vista Is Agi tnted to a Maiked Degiee. Ill I'm luh e Wue from 'II e Anot ulul l'rc llurtil iiti. Cil.'Nnv. I"'- IhUlowu aid I 1 Miriiiumllii tounlty iNpiuintnl in c iilliriul,i flioil. t.irly totli wlibli liifttl MWtiil betonis, Man peu In ltiiheil (roni Iheir leililtntu, fei irir'tlili' lioilit'i would be doiinilinhctl. I'lm t.li. wiiitlowrt wue ti tiled li is rtpoilnl t'ni the w ittii oil Cottonwood 1 il.o loie londdeiilut Vlini luihu botildeH on Mount I'limeton in I Vomit Hart ml weie ilMmleol and lolled tlot 11 llio kIiIh (f tho mount 1I11, llio lu milling nieinctl to trnd (inn tho Bntithwe-t in tin noithciit unl li.tul aluut el 11 1 mul 'this i the that lailliiunlio mr t('lf ' I'1'1111 iiU' Yoik Tactoiy Buined, lit Pielusbe Win from I lie blatrd I'rev 'loil., Pa, Nov. 15 His v nip unl lb 11 l failoi It W.llitllli, owntil by tlie WrIUillln Whip (finpiin, wis (hi.-ro(d bv at llic ai ' o'Llod, Iliu liiornin,. I o,., IW,i..J, patll In tilled. Pitt&bmg WnlUing Motcli. fit 1 irlmho Wuefl .m The As-oehiid IVv. Pilltbtnc, Nui li-lni ioio ai mlilnlulil 'f tlo tl. Kadtr-. wi, (iiiiiiujh, tli', llaitu, ll-.; Million, v.J, I) an. "7, .Nurnnii, "t"i Hi," elinan, JJ-.'. VEST ERDAY'S WEATHER. rotil ilita for Noifiuhcr 11, IMU UfsliCul Uinperatuio ..... .. .,..,,,,. !Hilc'liil Tmwol tiitipirituu ,,,,,.,,.,,,..,.,,. iO dejivea Itelaiho llumidii; fij 111 .. ,.....,.,.,.,........ 03 per cent. ,S n etpei'icut. I'liciplt illon, .'I Iiuur3 ended S p. in , 0 Oi inc'u . i f -ft -f-f - 4 -f sy X WEATHER FORECAST. f Wa.hinjtoii, Nov, 11. 1'orecasl for Kajt. rut I't'im-jhaiiU: Pair and loiilliord 4- f- tool baturd.iy an I Sunday, rvicpt txwvt in 4- tho mountain diitiiiUj fielt wnicrly wlmlj, illiolnl-'IiiiKj, 4. n-i i I W. 1 1 w '.V i-H,1- v i"t "i'sH .m.. -jteyM .vjimS f . , Z i ' ?