' .-itl J , - 1 4 t THE 8CJRANTON TUIBUNK- VWJJ3AY. XOVI3M13E11 35, 1001. if"" V -.-. - r The News of Ca bond ale. THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE w'VMIlll-A poml ulrl, HiMiltc u-e prpfeiiul. In of .Mrt. Willi mi IJIngliiiii. Hi lii.nilJll street, A. W. HAWKS ( rltltalcil Iccturcf Siinshine and Shadou) CiRAND OK ERA HOUSE Monday, Nov. 18. RAILROAD TIME- TABLES. "Delnwmo and Hudson Hallrond. .lino ti, ml luiis lull km Uflipnililt ot iltj AMon ai ' "'' - , . .., lm -crmitMi mil til.r- nic "Oil, . 1. " . 'Mil. mm, ll Jl ;i. in, l.'.lii. I.I". - 'I, "w . ()i , 7ls III PI, HI "il i in Stiiiiln It iiili lene ill t- ' , II -I " '" ' ' z pi, . i - mi p in lor Mhiiii. -inlisi Mollicil. ll.ilon, ' laii'liml lulnlN tW , 71") ii. in, I ' P " i lull ) ,, i i hi t il r Inline. Wiiiinnil, mnl lli'i"" ""' 7 .'J, II 0", i in M, r, f i n iitiiln iialm luu I i In" V '"' Blul Itinr-ilili il 'i ii i in I ' ' lulm iinlii nt ( minimi ill ' I A' 'I mil v rnilmi us I illn. i, ",i - '' I" ' II in , 12 ,i, -Mill, ,'.'i. I , mi" i I, i i ' ' II Ii p in , I "i n in Siimlji liiln, mil. il 1' .7 i in , I-l", - ' 4 2". ii.' ', II ."il i in , . -iiimI jv It t Ft In il uii -while linn. I n.C lulon- w ii mm mil llniii-ilah- ii 1-1", I l nml 7 "i i in Now Yo:k. Ontniio nnd Western. S'pt. 17, Pill. Tl llli in l nlulllllefu "illlltnll il " ' in I li n m iiii'ii II hi Tl 7ii i. in , lifH P I" ,. . Iiiiii, linr ( nlimiililr fu punt- noilli il II Pl ii in (i sunlit il 'i II) .1 I" lr" IS Inning at IIP) i in mil tin- ml '' '" ' '" -nuilit, miki nun ill un foi New ll- ton mil. .ti 1 1 lln- .iriiip fi, n -li mli i il II 10 i tn ' h p hi, n in i ilin-j 1,1 Hi I mi p in in li' fi'iiu s r, til,, i it ii Id i in mil 7 l"i P i" In III ( llli I I II, p m Eiio Raihoad. .iiino r, iwi liahii leiii- Mil rt it ion. (nli hi I ill il-uli 0 Ml pi Mlill) Tl 7 no ii in mil ' i p in f I I'l-unlt mil Mn nli, it mm ii hi, ililli '" iiime "mnli i fi I nuh niilnii. nutans leitiui im w ik nli mill llulfili, nil it i in p in fi,i -ii-iiiilimiii, in I, nr miuut uoti- III l (item pulllt- 'i mln ti iim il ' l"i in fm 'i ,in li inn i. mtli iii-lirn ii nnuliDi , .iml ( .17 p in, v tli Ullll tO.llllLllolli Inin- linn it s ", i in um! ".I p ii Suiiilji, it - ", i in STORIES OF THE STREET. Captain Mwphy Meets a Man Who Wants a Poker Couise by Mail. Caibondalf Man's Oilginal Intio ductiou of a Public Speaker. TIipic i" a booiI -ton- (old ii! one OL llii' til fat i'pf i Ipiiic ol Captain Tlwma( Mtupliy 1" lii'i new i ,ip ii It.1, .is ilKuUt lC'iiic-ent.iilM-ot tin- lnlHin.it ion tl Cm usiiunilcni e St hooK Mi Mm pin p lid .i visit In hlmpson 1o i ki'u .i ino,ppit. ,ind whllo in the Mll.iRl' 111' ll IllpellPd III .1 lUHIbt' MllCIO .! Milium m.'in m.is ashms: after tlio d.ij .. toll on the .tie i t lot cuy op porttinit to unoll .i student, thn lop ipsclit.ttiM' ut tlie biluiols. jiltfhi'd into tin1 Diuitr man and epatinted at k'lifjtli on tho imiist th it in- tlioiiKlit wimld liu if mofat bun 111 to Iipj in o-ii ttl ( -Undent Tho MiuiiK inan lNtumd liitonth, but seotnod am Inns Im Mi Muipliv to riMM, tli.it ln mlMlit asU a (jiRstion J'lnalli In- InoKo in with 'And um ' iy I c in le.nii nil el till' 1 mail.' ' "Vps, and a ionil deal niuto This Is niilv one ol .lines ui ioiu-( lli.it tlio -ihonl, tiaili," I'Miliilncd Ml Muipliv. A Inn id, atlsliid ainlli" (.,nu nii i'ii' ouiif7 nun s loicntlj ikancil t.uc, and, iitn a Miildin o ltlmi n, ho i- 1 limn' "lVill, thPii, liivm i i il ion i an mo lno n i mn i' in polt i I m xmi'ir mm" Tin to was a ht.nti 1 ililli li Mi Muipliy and i i in Uiolis by lilt nthi'i in tin' mump ul uliU Ii iip lut Im ited tlmt ho lu.d Inn up ahaiii.t Mime Minil.s and v .iutt.il tn squne liims, 11. 'I ho iiiui'iu, ol -o mini iPiiuuis to c.u lnjiuliile biini; to inlnd a luumiiiiiis liaiipHiiiiu in uiuiifi tion with 1Mk.ii Ahbntt, tlio Shakfiii-aioan hiliol it, Mho lias th lighted i','iboii(l,iIf audit'iui"- (Jn tlm occasion nt Mr. .' bliot'.i l.i.st !iipc.ii.iiicc in (.'.iiboiul.ilo tlie otic Mho had In. en dio'cu In intiodtiro him w.ii ialn.li wltli a Miildfu IHik is that lm iftlted lilm tiuiii llHIiu-r lluil oillie. 'Jneii, was not .sullkknt tinic to cut,. -;e n s- iil-tlttj(.c nnd the joiuik men In ilinisc ot the lot-luie ioiu-c Mote tlnoMti on tlioli omii icnutiici. A mln m.i lloppi'd to s-ce Miio Mould pcituiiii what linn ainount'il to a ins',;. The lull,) oi uultnki mini Man ihc one Mlin.n the lunjulitv v, i.slied Mould oftd to ruder oidiiini.i clicuni"tiiii( is he (oukl laic such ii tliinj; and cniiiKC iiom It Mith ll.iins (olots inn mhucIiow ll" Jjul Jllht i ll()tl,;il in Mlnne llitfllt to t-luiMcr h! pniie Theic miu it dil.iv iu stiuilm', Ihc kitlllc and till'-, ol cot'iHc, did lint lutlp tho NotiiiK ilmiiiiiim'H catu.e, lie i, lino oil lllu fililKC alld ntlcr lllc i lls tonmiy aiiologj lor his appeal iuilo In jlie (.lU'.'uitv Into villi Ii lie hud been juiplicil iiualnst hia wli-lici, he t-uld Mltli jiiipnii'iit uneoiietiu and Mith the alt jil imc M'lio knew Mluit lie i.is ..! hit," f, "Umllch and (leiuleini n U now gun 3ne sieiit plunuue P inlioduec lo iiu jHio i'Ponliei ol tlie runlli(f Ml". Hillil lcf, who will ceitainly IiHgichi anil iio llolit you in IiIm loll uii the niulth of JMtur Abbott " Tlio frpenlter bOMfil st'U'clllil.i, i oil hilous1 Hint hu maili tho lust of It, but bcioto lie, had lenuipcil his s-eal tlio lipioaiioiui luutihter of tin iimlleiuo nuiilu lilm thin!; MiniethliiK had koiio wront;, 1 JJ vim loinlnred Mlu.ii Mr, Abbott, after tho UukIiU r subsided, snilllllBly bitlrj '.'Well, I li.no boon inti oiltn oil main' n time, but I must admit tlmt thin mux cgttaiiily tho most riilh'Iiinl Intiodiutlon 1 lmvo cvoi letehcd." PRESKNTED WITH A CANE. Hetiitng Manager of Caibondale Dioweiy Piesentcil with a Gold Headed Cane. Tuesday nlRlii AiHbeu KiiuitA lop H'leuil Ji.,u in magei of the I'.iihou (lalo biaiioh biovteiy ol the (Vntial i'omislanlii IIkmIiijj lomimny, left tor IZIinii.i, Mhuo ho icceiitly liuiiglu a bremy. JMoio hl.s tlvpmtuiu tlio btOMciy ciiiployes sot toOlhor nnd us h token of tho osteein In whlili tlicv bold hlin bouKht it li.uidsoino (jold-liead-eil cane, whkh thoy piesented lilm with jit his homo on South Chuiih stioet. J. U.i 1 1 y Huwlhon, book-koepei ut tho lueuery, w.ia chosen uh spoli.siniiii, anil with a neat speeih jiroscntcil Mr, Krauts with the cane. Tho mlplent v.riM Inkpii by suipihtc nnd after he hud tlino to fnithir IiIh ulPi tlmiiked ciu-h and oci5 one of the cinplojcn who hint KO llOllOIPll llllll. t'lKIIM MCIC pllCHUll auiuinl nml tho ctowd bid Mr. KumU Kooil b mm he left for IiIm new home nil lioniM uflciMiiid, henilliK with hlin the well Mlnliei of the men he miih foi imily omi itiid of till Mho kneu hlin, COMMON COUNCIL. Meets in Blief Sesbion Light Otdl- nanco Tasscs Two Headings In Regaid to Stieets. It wit1 S."0 n'lloik In fme louiniini totiiicll iniiie In i-c-kIoii lnsi nlu'bt, n quniuin I'allliitr to nppuir until that time. The lollow Inir nil mln i nlisweiod loll-cilll: W. 11. and .Inllll Mii-t(l, ThninpMiii, l'tiKllniio, Kcuii(.il, Mtu- liln and atone. On motion of Mi Thoinp-un, Mr. li uncdy m.i m idi ihniiman. Tin oi dliuiiu e iiMindhu; uiiitiai t Im llnlilli'K' the sttei'tx to (he l.nckau.iliim Vallei' Kkctilo loinpinv mii hitiodtitid. ll nut lefeiud to the HkIiI. Hi' and valor eMiumlttee In icpoi t lm tliMlth. llul one iiir in her ni that ( oiilmlltte was pi suit, AV, M, A!nulei, nml ho lopoittd lavoi abl. 'I lie i iiuiiellineii Mele hi dmihl as lo Hit- kualitv ot the lepnit on no count ol but one i oiiunltici man bolus lucent nml I'llv Solhltoi' Stu.iit vui uillid In 'iin' !jac his opinion that i otllli IN (Ullltl hike in linn oil tlie mie Hum's icpml, Tlie oidiiutiRc p.f-id on llrst and --ei ond l fading 'I ho inlloulnp: ic'oliitlnn by Mi. Stoio, vas i, id and l( 1( in d lo ploper t in ii i 1 1 i : Th 1 1 tin' 1 11 v i li 1 1: adi i INe for lnopoi-iils for tile painting and iieiliiifj ol i-tieeL .slu:n- on the sticili vhrip thou nic no iIkii' find thu tho (Hi eii-liuir lie instiuileil lo luini'-li ii litt nl stieel-J to blddei'-. Mi. Tlioiup con MniUnl Inloiin.itlon In illation to the tcstlnt; ot the the alnim N'-tnii. lie m.i1- appointed l) the i hair a i oni mlttce ot one lo nothy 1'. il Cllleiai , the ( let tiii Ian, lo npin ,n bilole coui1 tll ot liulr ni't 1 1 tnil.it mi c Una. Mi. MaMeis tlioiiHhl th.U the i oiin (.illiien oukIiL to takt 'Ollic ,u tlou in ie craid lo tlio bois ui.iMuir ' --lldes ' ot the sideunlk'- He ilti.il -ceial laiN one ol his on n annum' them, m hk h on hi ml on the --Ilpiifn sldeualUs last iienlnu The i ouni 11 thou adjmuiifd to nml ,i mi on Mond u uiht SERIOUS ACCIDENT AVERTED. Diiver W. Buggs, of the Mitchell Hose Company, by His Coolness Avoids a Piobably Tatal Accident on Main Stieet A Hoodoo Spot. What might hae been a 'irilous ac cident vas pHieiilid jo-tciday oen iiiK bv tlio iooIik-s ot William ihlg'-, diici An tlie Mltclnll J lose conipiui. Tho team m is speoiiliiK down Main .stieet in k spoil io lo tlio llic ahiiin and mop on the lelt side of ihc stieet Oien Keiins, diuei ol a din m.h;oii, was leistuclv diiuifv up Main stieet on the same side. At tlio ston ol i:. !' lUuko he espied the hose i ut loniiiiK but had not the neiessaij time to dine ail oss the in id He Mas thouiUhhli filqhtoneI a I the opt.( t ition of a sinashiip mil lailotl lo tin ii his hoi se low ml tlie sidewalk, but ,i, ailed u Mllts He Imd bill a shou tlin lo wail, but Hi Ivor lliifc'Ks hid noted Kouns' position and siillociUiI in sweiiinij his to im to one side, IiiiptkIiik tin sluot i ai ti.uUs, but tin- it .11 Mln els ot the hose v afioa, on annum il the sudikii sueric. stiiuk the it u million ot the othei ,at,Mii, ( in !n., it to bilimo on two wheels lor. n inilanl until it lifiht ul itself, a liih'i' iiowd on the smet tin ni fi tlit i i loads in iin id ol I ho ini 1(011(1111(7 aiLidcnt, and on a scioud look tin V found tin .iiUileut .uoidetl The Mitchell i mn)i inv- has alw.iis made il a pi, utiie in iispou-e lo iilui ins iiom the section of tlie ill In low then hose house to i onio down on ihc h f t bund side of the stieet, chilli, lite Columbia oouipain the ili;lil h .nd side. Had tin not alw is lolloued this piattltc (ollisious whli tlie Coliimbias whllo th luttci who (iimhif, 1 1 om theii house to the stKet would bo c 0111,11011 The spot wheio jtstoidai's i nlli ilon oeiiuud is iu tlj the s-uii't) pi uc dial Abe Salmi, ill i c 1- nl the Columbia Hose (ninpun, wis initiud, and wIhmc at anothii time, Ihi 10 1111 ol the luttir 1 onilMiiv 1 in lulu an o'len dilili. It Is pioiiiK a liootliio si 1 Lioii idi iin iin men PRO AND COI. Councihnen, in Open-to-AU Session Bofoie Last Night's Meeting, Dis cuss Vaiious Subjects Numbeiuig of Houses, "While availing mn lnenibi 1 to 1 om. ph te ,1 (iun um lu-t nlshi, tin lomiiioii toiintllmcii and the 1 lt. iiisilneci di-i-( list-oil tin liatkunnliKsi, ni Caiboiidnle in 1.0I limns all the hou-is muuliei. d llveiv one hiid a dllliiiut plan loi ihe Uimibelllll,' of ll'i lliiU-es. Xiinits ol .11 lou-i Klieet". w lib b nun .ini,,ii ii.itK hiloic Ihe public t e, uiii talked ol anil iiiso new names mi -iieeis willili sue piodt(l to In mat lit d out in the inai futuie b 'imc c,n btinilnle m'ts n uiouni pd 111 ilk 111 1 hi, hi 1 equal to tin mini In; ol stdi ii, oiu piilon ihiiimhi they Klioilld be llllllUd liflei tile 1 mini llnieii. Ot 1 muse this plan im t ilthiam, but was not dlsf listen at length, it- unoilii t trilltltlliftll tuillnl the s,iijlH nt0 an. oilur ihiiniiPl ,1 way lo teiuic the nanus ol tin stiiLt- Tin best ninniKr of inoeuiliiK' these, in muling to one of tin delnitt is, was to Iuim1 the i!t m KliHer spend a muplc ot ilu In pie. naiiilL a lniiii of llic i.iilmiM stnitu ami uMuues lu tlioilti nml In tin,' tin m Duioro tne iouiu union. The Ihe dlnllsslon hi, Hulled nif to a Ihc lixli.uit iitiir I'Ikcou'!, do.-sliK;, 011 the 'e,t Side. ltCHlilonts In ilmi 1 1, in. ity hail iiiinplaluid to mnul t rutin J. iiieii 111 uKaiii in im' icsmiiiinii Keeni lv Hashed In sekcl 1 mint 11 to Inm. ilm said li.Mliaut plpctd In S.001I i.imdiilun. ssomo one in mo coinnioricis is usIuk the letoliiUon 11s it btoast inoteiloi or so 1 no nt hi. 1 tu, h pin pose. Hhotild theie ho a llic in (he lilnltv wlioc thu ik leetho hjdiaiu h sltuuKd, the flic imn vould lluil ilunisihis In mho Ml, ills fm mitn', as tile hidllilit Is wholly unjlt for usi , iiiiuiilintr to tho opinion of 011c of the miuiilhiieii Tho .11 1 hal ol the om iu tiled im a iiiniuni put a Unit In the sllbjei t A DANGEROUS PRACTICE. Sidewalks Being- Convoited Into t-Slldeii" A Belmont Stieet Lady Falls nnd Bleaks Her Ann Many Tossea, Kuotilih of the ' iieatilllul ' fell ji.slei ilay to make tlm (iisili-inude-liuiiiiy small boy Jubilant. sdewnlkn wcin mum tid Into exoullenl "slides," mn o which tho lads got lots of ical fun. liy btii-h pu'i'llm thu vulks nioiiiid the ( llv veto iIhiikcioiii for pedoaliliin-, and liliinv wolo tlio Bllddell fitlla people to-lolw-d, Jn 1111 hotn'n tlino over til toon people Vole well to ttike IiirIoiIoui "tosseii" on tlio uhlouulk iupi- Hk.lh iieniio bilduo, On tJotmout HtK'ol tho valks wen- unlit ror luilllo nnd one ac ildciil Is iL-poitoil limn llielo, I ho vlTo of Alilotiiinn Dcleviin btonklni; her 111 in while Wiilklnif on tho atone wnlk. She Vim taken lo her honie uiul n doctor lininedliitelv itillod, vim icdiucd the fiaoltllo. The inmllee Is 11 bail 0110, t liihnmei hip im It doiH fo luuiiy people, nml a stop s-lioiikl he pul to It by the tltv polite TONIGHT'S BIG DANCE. Piogtamino of Music to Be rlaycd by tho Moznit Oichcstia. The stlbsLilptlon dillue of Ihi llllto Social 1 hib at Mtitkps hull will be one ot the i'illiuli"l loilnt ll ippeHlllL's of tin if-awon. The Mo'ait iiiihestiu will piolde music, and the fcnsl lu iloic- for the ilatim.s tan be nppiulaled hv iuiiiiIiik oer the lollou Iiilt pi oki limine: iiii'iiim- 1 ll-' I tr ) ullll, " 1 In 1 -lip "lli Kill 1 ' , W ill -'I nil ijml'ri ' I I III -Up -"-ll IHI " "i .ill.-" I lii si, !),,, Ii. Ml im t- "linn Mllli- 7 W ill "tinlil It mini " I in, -lii "Iiiiil dm ll " 'i I in-..ti p "lilili s C1 Mm (,, " Pi V ill ' I'nilll- ' II Inn lii - 1 1111 Iumii ( mite-l " 1.' M ill ' I'm ni " (I11I1 inil11 n ) 1' ill "Pi 111 1 mil Piiii" 1 1 'I wti -I p lln -Minllm' Mm li " II 'Iumii -Ml in 1 11l-lnll " pi M ill? "Iliilni i I nilihli ' 17 I mi ki p-' liiilmilili l.i.-lt ' I. Iliin.-ip "Wilu impli" I ' W lll- ' I'lllHlM ( I1I1 ' II. Ill .! i "Id i In II ' '.I ill' MiHiK, .r Mill 1. 11 " ' Mi Hi 1 ill, "Mimli I ci ' in M Inn -tip 'Pi lli iim'-tnki Will." Jl W ill? Mho iiniiiu- AMUSEMENTS. Mi. Hawks' Lectin e. The Pulldown Xtws sins ol A. W. llnwks, who will dillifi his Intuie, ".Sunshine and .Shadow ." ut the (band, Aloudm nlht "A. W. Il.iwl.s 'tin huijihili!? plilli)sii phi I,' lu tilled lust evening In the opei 1 lions", under the auspkos ol the Jlifili Sihool Aluiinii assoii ition, on 'Sun shine .11 d Shadow ' His (lunlnt. apt -aiins and the whimsual and diy liia'inci in Mliiih he told his lokes kept liis ..udleuu in Ihe-best ol himim. The aiuiliiKO w.i- moved lo te.us at one mmiipiit b tlu- tmiihiint pithos 01 some stm whkh In- would toll, onlv to be ioiiMil-ril with lauhhti 1 the nel 1110-me-il b 1 joke told 111 his Inimitable w ltl ui.Pinci " Huntley-Haius Stock Company. The Huntlei -Hauls btotk (omp.inv will ojiui thiee nlqhts' iimnKtiuent at the mi-la house on Thuisdaj, Xoem bei "I, in "An Innocent Sluiiei," a sienii to oil 111 1 Inn utll anil fnoiably 1 now u hoc bv then -ilfucll(t piuilm tion I.isi sp.non. 'Jhis Liimnanv will srii inm )"iIoiuiaiHi s dtiinifr their -ti! in Caibondale diaiming- the lull M cat b dpi loinianie with an otia iiiikiille atnnction lietwttn Hit aits At the difieiei'l in I toi in uius sJlne 0f lln l,ii5;eit stenie pi intuitions will be ine-uittd. iPiIudiiiR "I'm I.lbutv and i.oe," "Knobs o' TtiiiHssce," alld ' J'he I'ntal Cud " OBITUARY. Mi MaiRiuol Pi Ins, 1 1 IU t of the late Xii hol'is IVtois, dinl Wednesday uif,ht at hoi honu on Ihe miner of W.n ni' and Il.ulini aiouues s,u, , l( bun uIHik? fm some tunc, li i Iiir sul teiul 110111 .1 uuniilif alion of tumbles, .Mis PlIcis was limn in Oeinianv sl-t-a c,us ,ir!o and lenimed lo IhN illy when oiiiik, -lino lesldinf, hen She was n woman will thought of, and loans a wide lesion ot inoiiiiieis Pe icasi il is stiiMMd b one, Him j "W Pittis the will known lalhoulii, nnd the lnllov niK d itiKlitois, Mis William i-t iRi 1 Mis Alt Mos.pii-ei, Mis, Hulia V nidi until U. Mi". !, A. UiMMlbuiK, Mis I' 'ihoiiipsoii and Miss Annie Pelt, is Tlie 1 unci ul annouiK eiuent will Li made lull 1. Mollis Utiueis, who uslilttl In IHIs i lt fm sonic lime, met with a sudden (loath at his hmin 110.11 Album, N. Y ctiih in tlie week He was 10 llul In a 1 um iw i) while ill l lug l.n m piodllie to .1 bain. Ho Mas llll e.11s old and m. mini His Ciuiimiiliile ft U mis sin ceieli iroui 11 Ills sudden demise, Their Next Meeting. 'I ho C.i' bond. lie Mulitul soi lets will hold its iut nilcllliKon Tuesdu, Nov. I'), iu llic duital looiin of Hi. c, T. Mcukei. Hi 1.. M. CiuUs, of Stiailton, will dilhei ,111 ndihos. on --i:tia Utor Inc PieLpiiini y." This talk will be bil lowed b a Roneial (list usslon of tlie same uihjut. rollowiiiR- the Intollee 1 11 11 1 illsiussimi tlie quests will aillotiin to the Impoiliil dlniiiR looms, wheio tho will iujo, an oister luiiih, Chinch Woikois to Meet, The miuiir- lady woikcis ol tin .b th-odl-t Kplsi opal 1 hiiidi v III Intel at the In 1 in, - oi Mi -1 William Shannon, ",l W,MiniliiK stuet, this atUinoon 1 1 om -I to ii. All miiiR Indies hip (oidlally in llul To Enteitain. On Toi .duj oNcnlni; Mis .1 Paul, of Toi l m i- stieit, will i nti-l tulli the rmt iliRhtlj i luh, Alaun Rang In. An aim in wan tinned in lust i wiiIiil,, httwuil ,"i nnd B n'lluek, tiom Hon 111, Mat li loiniiiuli, itspoiidcd, but theli si i lies wt 10 pot ineiled, us the muse NURSING .MOTIir.KS A mother'., poor health K bad enough for the mother but won-e .still for the iuir.int baby. IMotheis find Scott'.s limul .s i o n a nou ri.-, h i ne, and strengthening food, )(. tho bream milk j .scanty or thin Scott'.s Knuilsion will make it rich and more abundant. When mothers lake Scott'.s liinulsion the babie.s shaie in the benefits. Thin babie.s grow fat. Weak babies gel strong, V i' i-i liouiiuict n,i njunin M"inl ti UUWXL. i I'sjrl (.ireit. f u,L of the nlnim vns iho btiinliiR out of a fuco on ii Hhort thc-ull lino Lonnet-UiiR tho rue IIrIiN In tho Bents' fiiriilHhliiB (Uoio of Alio Hiihm ami In Iho lestaur nnt inuniiRul by .Jiihipm 11. Mi-TIrIip. N'o ilitiniiKo wu oniii ul oiilshlo ot n etniill p.itt of both opIIIiibs bitiiR- Iniinetl Hllghtly. At tho Tnlr. Waits lull miilluiies (o be iiouriril iiIrIUIj, Hie CottiiKc Ihuh piovIiir- loyal oiilertaliieiB. i,,t nlRhl the oiowd van nun h lu euss nl loinier nlu'hts, ilespllo the vp.ithti condlUoiis, pntl all hud a Ilm- tlni". The pioi-iaiiiino was osulleiit. A Lnigo Ciowd. A IniRe liuilibei- of people fiolil Illli cllv alteiideil the Mine. Noulh u i mi ni t lu the HeiiiUlon aillioiy IiipL IllRht, Tho DpIiiwiiic nnd Hudson tiulit leu-IllR- Ibis i Ity ut 7 o'llni I- i ollipi li d lillio loiches, all well filled. Timet al Set vices. The filiieial of Ihe lute Mis. MulKiiiet PelPt.s will ho held on Siitllliluv iiflet lioon nl L' o'lloel;. SenUes ill Hu- hoiis-p vlll bo fondiu-U-il bv iti-v. Cliuiles l.ec The Kiniilrs win ,t Iniu i ed hi Miook slde i cinett i ,i , On a Vacation. .1. W. Pos-ier, oi Album, is In iIiuirc of tlio Ai', mis Hpuss lompim's Ilium h olllu 'in this i t iiiiiiip; Hie nlisenic ol 0. Slnitikhis, who Is on lii-i Miriltlotl. JERMYN AND JHAYFIELD. Tie full um. mpio ininii Ihr-p fr in Irrinin n,i i illMiildl IU Nnulii i iiMinit it sniliin li-' Hi-Hint. I'm mil Mis N llimli, Mi", i s,, ,, Ml1 Kmiiii, ii,,tiu ,, ,, ( njii, Inm 1,'imirN, Pi-h I u k, li mile- Hit-tilllnl-, I tllilt livrmlrii, V,t llicillH lllllllil, Mu- II I, i ii i nml Mc-ir. I. 1) sn'r,, IV ink Winlrr, llnlipit Inn, Willi mi Mi In Nun nml W. I, llniislilrin ti on i-Iipi' lint nil t lie lining piopk- m In linn iml MjuImiI shuilil like iiliiiitn?- of i- lln -null Id Ii- (.inn 1 1 Hi,- I li il on In .) 1 1, of Mn lielil, it --,nnlili lull, kiritn, tins rtriiliiir. I hr iikiiiIkm iiT lln ptpnlii on: mi mn i pn po-c lo 1cm liotnliu im,l itii tint will iniiiliii (,i Iho plri-iiro of Hull pilinn., .mil j ro.i il nnl I'm, is ii-niiil In ill fi ii I it ip nit j I In- Citilnn ('nli i III tn, ct nt tin- home of tin, l I) Wtntti IhN illni n lln I f Hum, iiiciilb iiioiuliil pi loi i Sllliil IP nt lulllih, in 'HCtlCil llllll I Mir I. iiiiiiii in limn Wiliii.iln innln. I'.illin li. unit lilt Im ln jeii 111111.1 1 Kins:- m n-ii iin Mi- lliillu Mull, 11, uh 1 In- I mi iiiif.ii li i'l lull ot 1 tie 11 1- thniUit tn Ip inipioiins: -lln ml I nlip-p i(-Hnlii mi -hi i, im in 1 mn jj entiiluinn Mi Mum I i 111, t ( In- ti'lnnii 1 Im.iii, min 1 II il 1 1II1 1111111I-, in m 1 OLYPHANT 1 111- film 1 il of IkIiip1 Ihnilii. nun ilinl it Hit I iikin inm lin-piiil Wnlni-iiii 1111,11, 11,111 lnjuiiu In- ncniiil in Hi, min,- nt (.ici'iuouil (ii M mil 11, 1 ill IiIl pirn I111111 In- il hoin in Ciiin-citl Innniiow 111 inline Iho h- ll-lllts lull lio lilnn,hl to thl, piu on tin Ill 0 Diliniir ml II11J on ttiin mil inUm-il ill si Piliiik'- crnii In. 1 lo i' 1- tin -fin if I lines lliiiihoc ( t I pp 1 Dm 11101, -tin', lie Mln t llitt-ln siniih ildniiul mi in ten stirisr I1U1111- In tli 111, kib Ifipu-t 1 Im ili I1-1 oinilnir lb- -iil,i(t ni- "-um uiis , 1 ,1 Olliet loll-, in lln (.ipiIi-i Pinlilui, nf lln, ( , nluij ' I In- 111 1111 ii 111 , - M j u 1 Willimi, in) f.ecij.1 Mr 1. 111, 1- inn iiiiiml to t il,i pine 11 'lliiiik-eiiuu- ihi it Ihn liniio -, Imini 111 lllikili. Ilm Mnl 1 1 i- ujI ,'i tin .Inii'nL- Dm, m ill,, - ill In- hiM tin- ciiniiitr 1 inii-irps nichci-ln Mill t-nu-li tin nni-R l lugi- nninliei fioni hen. illuiilnl i'ic Nor. mil cnii'iit nl sumion (. nriini?, l-iln llillml In, on, I 1 t - lliiin, C mn , fu 1 mi link,' -t 11 Mi- I 1 n W 111111', 1 -I 1,1ml it HI 1, 111-I1 nn' s m 1i1111l slunl, 1- i, nun, hoi li um in 111 (K, li Mi mil Mi- suinf, f i, 1 ni 1,, , .'111 11 1 I'm il ( litlniil In n sill- Inn uiiicil it tli Iiom ot ili .nn! Mi- Imii. ( t-i;, of Dunnnic itic-i PECKVILLE. Mi U M 11,11, i l.ilni, I, i-itiii uliim, ill id 11 lir- iiiiinl ( 1 nl , tu I n pli net, it s,m ton 1 1, 1 iittunt--, in ittinliim 11 in inn ut (,n, 11 In Mm, N, uiul Ml- W. I In nlnim 1, 11,11111,; hu iliiu'mi, Mi- ihiiiinic W,iik, 01 scipiiui Mi I) 11 I iilnnp 1, iiuiilm 1 fm il"- 1 uh Mi 1 il t ml II it-, of IN it Inn-, V Mi Inipn III r. Mi I, -I. innm. Ul I 11111 Iriull, 11 II 1, Mill 11 ho Mill -pin I tllL 1 mln. Metn M.111111 loin, l.fi -if-iudn to fniti in 1 . ii, lit.-. t sminioiliill, Pi, iitei -peiilln in Miinnti 1 iiith trl line, lieu Mi lohii I ilhmp, n 1 nrnklin, N , 1 -p 1 tl in," 1 tu tin, null -ll iml Mr- I I) Hun I Mi liull Iliili-Iiiniii, lit- I i-t sitlt tlilliKi. lu ll u ul 1 1, -to,l, inli 11k lulu III- non ituK' bu hi in., mi ( ll lull ,111 1 1 Mi- s, I,,, ni ml, o MV V11I,, lu, iiinniil In-tin, Hlir - inilln," ,i fin ilicultli Mi V s lilm s Hi- liunilu-! (( the Hil-uti I in crnipiiii ,ne haallit.' tin-- 1I11-, piipuitnii to Imlilini, 1 1 1 fill iml tl nk, ih-plii, 1I111 'i bePiii, 1 11 Mm iin, Uu, .'. ti-t nf lolioi- ruinlnln,; limlilineil 111 the peMuflli! ll 1'ilklllh. Pi . iiroU tlnlin Nnl 1J, Hull: Ml-s Iiino .Ink-in, Mi- hu, Milm, siiiiml 1 ulltti. er, 1 -i, , loliu Inm-, 1'iUiik hint, ,lolni I, um. iiluu link, '"lm (.111' 1 .linn (011 ii-, lolin I Hull 1111 (iii), I, M. unliiio-l, 1'. II, (,iIilu. lil. Cut 11. II 1, (I ilia, 1 11 mi is Hun Poll Uii iuIi ' ISi(,tll, iH'ii-lin Iii-.oii-M, Mm I Mllilnli. .Inli 111 I'ii llsl.tiii PiiMii-i il illiuni,- thn linn- nlli pie 1 0 11 "iiliirll-nl," .111 I (.ho 11 up nt llli- ll-t I V MllP, pOallll -III Ml n-i.luii if llliltb Iniu 11.I1 Mini luit' il.v l.inliin.- ,11 1 11. 1 ,111 lu'iii-tnl to in uh ''inn I i lli 111 M mmi due .Ml ih- in mil mi il" -llul, not UIUI11I Mill In shit III nil', 1 if Ihi loiniill Cirirj.o V. llli nil-, l'ti-ilun M't l-l 1' Hilli 1, s,mtirt TUNKHANNOCK. eptuil in tin- siruiloii 'lilbutie luiiMniiiiin'., "Sin, II Mi , liili -ill, 11 SpiiiiOili, 1, -dopiiin: ullli iilailii- in ,111111 till- nk. Hoi 11 I'd Mi 1.11I Mi lU'l.un lluinict.nio, ,1 iliii.lilil lllllllttll HnlllllMjIl, if lihi opilll, i( lln, plojnl III llic I. I Wlb.ln-i' IiuIjii oliop ni I In 1 ftioit Mln ll Yiilliiip, lilm I 1-, itunlly liliiiiul ll.lii tin.- Mi luliki' li.l 111, In, 1 Ilm t nllii ilmi ot tinplili-, .-ilhtiul li il 11 In ihe o! I H'lil, I I Mt-k 1, lin-nli- itiid nint uiul niiu- In run iniu ,1111) --Iupi, Hun I- 1 j-, . I inn e tin tll-k nl 1 1 IIIIIIII llli, ulih li i'J: thu up il' ml lhlil Hit fnt lulon tin i-hiIju. h i lluil 1 tool in luuili .t lli I nun .1. In MUll llllll-, in ill IIIK 111. lln ,d-n lu, lln louili III uu- of III "' I aliitl iiiiiii-iu. Hi,- ,110 I'vlill'llril In 1 lm .-linn n In. Inn if Comliii I,'-, Jinili.i uioi , ,iml ISlllU lIUlll llllllttt m.iu iiiiiiwl I'l-tiiKup, linn- in 'null lluiiih, Iml 1 Iiiiii 01 lioi-9 ulilili In- I lu il up hit twin tun iJltUiinl nun i Mill) Uu l,i,i, iu -iiiiii Ui W.uulill, ul' Mihuopuo, .mil W III. I ill ,lpn,u ot tin 111 lo till , . i kotlll, ll 'llllll. h. lllliul , l.ulWll,' lllnlllll lull' uiul -onio tuum in tMiun.t, I'ttfUO'i I. u Jill Inn in .1 uinilnil el ni,c nf liuui.i 1 1 P.1II11, jiuI hu iiplalii miii.- ui'l 1 ui inm) u- in fiUu piiliiii' Iniu ,il-o irnmii 1 u it tin 0 1 ii'hllulion lulmil Mtlimui Iin 1-i-t tin iiiiii ho vut limn Wjiihll, by 1 nli u 1, nml W.uulill i- not In In 1 niiiii, 01 Uu tulmi u lu.1-1 iltl.u Uu- I uilii.' in ihe Juin 1) c. Hun I ili n niU piuicitlln.i- nm 1.1 IhIjid lln u'lU nil IIiiiim1.ii inoiiiii, Ciliiip, it nlli 1'- ie liiiinlniul, K loiilnii-l in ;jil lipn- fm untuiipt in lil'il-in.' In utiei 1111 1 uii r of tin- mml nf iiinlil (I--.1011., iliiiuin,, him lo n- liomU lu Miimit lii iJinili III 1 lln- li .11111 'i" limit of u. nun. u plus iriliiiiil to nliuo I. 1 Iiiiii tlm ii)ii-iitiiiiu-f ut hi Pit, ind In wut I I iii'imlcl to Hit- euanib ,1 I lie -.hull'. An J IOj Mill lie Ul Ml lu pit' SUIIIflltO unlit, J111I1.1 11 M Dunh.llil .iml Jul tuiniiili.biiui) i .,. BBFm mm WM at ill I J I ' Yf I' iy - 1 J ' s 1 WE" KNBFE Is always a woman's dread though often a doctoi's delight. There is no question but that enthusiasm for Mirgeiy leads to the advice of an operation many times, when the operation is not only need lefeS but will prove absolutely unbeneficial. This proposition is supported by medical testimony and emphasized by the experience of the women whose statements arc given below. Tlie first of these statements is the more lemai liable in that it comes front a woman physician. She suffered foi tluce years, was long under treatment, and then submit ted to the surgeon's knife, absolutely without bene fit. Then a friend advised a tiial of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Piescriptiou, and of it the giateful writei says: " haic full knoxoledge of Hi properties and its power to draw one from the brink of the gxive. Neicr in my profession have I seen such a mhaelc worker in the for in of medicine." iS& OWE MV LIFE TO THAT WN BERFWL ' PRESeniPTgm.' " "It is with e-ctretno pleasure that I make known to jou my rapid iccoery from :i lone; illness us a result of a com plication of orfruiic diseases, the principal one beine, ovarian and uterine inflammation," writes Grace M. Di M.iro, M. I., of Arelwick, Prince George Co., Mil. ''It is .1 pleasure to recommend D. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as the best modicine I hae over taken for the diseases in question . I have full knowledge of its properties and its powers to draw one from the brink of the grave. Such lias been my case. For thiee years I did not experience one well tiav. 1 was first under treatment, then tlie surgeon's knife, and through complete disgust I gave up both, and, acting undei athicc'of .1 friend, 1 took Di. Pierce's medicine with patience. Now, I owe my life to that wonderful ' Prescription ' of his, and 1 cannot recommend it too highly, Never in my piofessiou have I seen such a 'miracle-worker' in tlie form of medicine "The poor invalids who aie throwing away dollar.s in ptiu rclief medicines, morphine, laudanum, etc ,' had better turn to Dr. Pierce's remedies, as, while he can remove the piiu without the administration of anodynes, he can more casilj remove the cause." liven if there were but one such testimonial to the lemarkable cure of women's diseases by "Favorite Prescription," it would be an encouragement lo give il a trial. But the cures effected by this remarkable medicine for women are legion in number and theii scope covers every form of womanly disease which is curable by the use of medicine. Of "Favoiite I description" it can be tiuthfully affirmed that it always helps and almost always cures. Lei any sufTering woman who reads these statements, ask herself : Is not such a remedy worth a trial ? These three cures are representative. Behind them are half a million other cures. The lccord shows that ninety-eight in every hundred women who have used Dr. Pierce's medicines have been perfectly and permanently cured. Only two women in each hundred fail of complete cine. Bui even these report great benefit and improved health. Aie you one of the ninety-eight who can be com pletely cured, or one of the two who can be greatly helped but not entirely healed? A fair trial of "Favorite Prescription" will put the question for ever at rest. THE OUHBGE &F PREWENTBQM Common Ssnso Medical Advisor. It loachas woman flow to not well w-wfr, containing WOO la?no pages nnd 7 SO Illustrations, Is sent FREC of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing stamp for tho book bound In paper. Address : RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnd Hudson. Ill l.ileU I111111 ", llul) 'liiim fa 1 Jtlimiikilu lun s., until 1 it r, .f i, 81KI, Co, HIH .1 111, IJUU, I i, .11. jt Si! i, tl.'i, 7.67, 1) l', II .!') p in . 1 It 1 in Kul lloiie-nlilc .mil I lU l.uilou, ll ,'u, 11)13 n 111 ; J II mil '1 ? P in . I'ur Will.c, llJlit-11 lJ, ,S, S II, u,", ion i 111 ; U 01, 1 ;-S -' IS " . 1 ."7, l 10, 7 l VI II. II "' P "1 loi I.. V. 1! U. I'olnU-il n, l3 1, in.; 13, A J7 niul 11 mi P m 1 cr I'enn-ili mil II H IVint 13, t8'. .' !, 3. i and Ml P I"- , . ,, In ll 1115 .ui'l -ol point um tli 0 .11 a, in on I r,l p in, Poi f ailiontUli sfiii, JJ, t nt, ,'u, ,f 5 , f. ii unil H) 5J P "I I'm WIlliKlltrii-yBs .1 111; l.'W, 1,A ja, 1 ,i iml t 11 p in I'ur Alluii Jinl point'' 1101II1 .151 p 111 1'ot llnnrt.fi ill ui'l I iki) I oiloli' 5 50, US', a 111 ami 1! 51 p, ' New Yoik, Ontniio and Western, in ifiui im.iiji, s,pi " roi 1 Mll',111 HOI Ml 1 ui'- lut 1 i,n , ruins. s union ' ailiunhlo 1 ,u. Nil.. . 1" "''-"i U l;'-" I .up , L 7 UlOp in M 11U011 Jali u in.. , 1,1 no 1 1 in- i.,.. , t.nMi. ( jibiiiulil,. -,.,,, o. li ' ""' i" 1 HI j 1, ' tlAHWs DMA, Mlltlll IIDIM) ' " ,lu-i m 7 in j , 111 I niM) 1 1 no V11, , Iijiih. fci union (dibuitlil, ( nl,,.,. 1 in u 5 . , 1 i" I"" i' jiiioiiiiii , 1 p) 1 11 u -or 111 noi mi ' ' 1 in Inn Ml'" Whip lalojll I'iiIidihIjI, -o,)n No. ( ,',lLh,1" '" 7 I') j in ,u 10 I -Op in , P U-1 P HI. 0 dp 1, I'lain, Ni, 1 mi niil. .1JH-, mil I) 111 SuiiIj,,, nukn in iin lln) iiiiiiit-tioin ini m j, , in MI'lill lolin W 'Hi", .NoiUI li, DuilJt (),nlbJ ami ill I" I'" N "l Pol fm 1 1 1 1 infiiimitl 11, nn nil lulu iguts J (, 1)1 ll-ON C I' , N.u 101k J. i: Wl.UII. 1 I' A , s niilnii, I'.i. ,lll.M 5ll.ll, .Ui'l ll.lKB llllll- llli Ullli , tin 1 nil hgti-o. tn 'liu-ili in M. 1,1 Uu 111 f ijo ot lllliiin Hi J'U.i nliu 1 Pi lln . 11:1".: Jul, a in I ili.iuln; tlm Jiiui, In Ilium.) luin tl 1 um 1 'Hint- 1, ml 111- licui lu 'iii' 'inn pn-l, .1 iltiiiiiul lu 1,0 il .1111. u In tun 1 1111 .m.i ill li.inu- Mlblllilll 1 Mil) lu ll.i'lli -111- tlliltfil In lln tiililliniiii Mho lun lo p llo.lll tllC (lUtl ul llllllU llli Mllicl Mi. 11011 llienii .iii.l Mi, siinml linli .110 iMlin' iiiiii, 1, at Tnnjiuli ami t)i'.o lht Milk. MS OPERATION Is often unnecessary. We print three testimonials in proof of that statement. One testimonial shows the Heedless ness of an operation and the two others its uselessness in certain forms of womanly disease. I That question is which follows. was "? pei feet evnuaaling pant." , vised an operation. I knife and prevailed on his wife lo try "Favorite Piesciiption." The lesull was the usual one a I perfect and permanent cure. I OPERATION ADVISED BUT AVOIDED. "October 12th, 1S9S, 1 wiote ott for the first time," says I Mrs. Alice K. Shiplev, of West Point, Hardin County, Kj. 1 "Was vety ill, confined to my bed most of the time; had no appetite, p mis iu left ovary; "could not re5t only on one side, without suffering most excruciating pains. Was a perfect wreck, phvsicallj. I underwent an examination by one of I the most prominent physicians of Louisville, Ky. "lie pro nounced my case tumor of the stomach, and advised mo lo return in two weeks and h ive .111 operation performed. My husband had such .1 dread of the 'knife' that he prevailed upon me to try Dt. Pierce's medicines. I took seven bot tles of 'Favorite Prescription,' and two vials of 'Pellet.,' 1 which cured me of constipitioii. Have not taken any medi 1 cine sinee the last of February. 1 now attend to 'all mj I housevvoik, cook, wash, iron and sew for a family of si. I Many have been advised by me to try your treatment, and I great are the benefits derived. My earnest prayer is that all j may write you for advice, and may God bless jou for the I good jour medicines have done for "me." I Dr. Pieiee's Favoiite Prescription is a medicine j especially designed and perfectly adapted lo the j cure of diseases of women. It is purely vegetable 1 and cannot disagree with the weakest constitution. It is a pei feet regulator ; it dries the drains which weaken women, heals inflammation and ulceration and ctues female weakness. I Reference is made in Mks. Mose:'., testimonial to Di. Pierce's "kind letters," and in Mis. -Shipley's letter to her correspondence with Dr. Pierce. Ivvery sick and ailing woman is invited to consult Dr. Picice by letter fuc. All coriespondencc is held as I strictly piivate and saciedly confidential, and wom RAILROAD TJME TABLES. Dolawaie, Lackawanna nnd Westein. hi 1 llul Nni I' nl Iniu- li in- -iiinlnii In m V ,r i 10 f 1 1, 11 c". 7 ii) ui'l mill 1 111 I'l,, I in ,ii 1 1, III III Nill 'lk mil P'lll liltlphll 7 'ill, linii . 1, 111 , mnl I ' 1 1 mil , in lu lobi Iiiiiiii H n Hi p ui I 1 Hull. I I 1',, 1, ." .ml 11 hi 1 111 , I Vi 'I'D ui'l II 1 1 p in lu Huu lianitoii ail ni- -1 ui, ii- i 'il .1 in mil I 111 p 111 I 01 O-iii .0, Su iui-i mil I ili , -I 1 iipii h 'J .1 111, I 5"i p 111 n.in.'O, sjiiuiv .ml I Ik.i ti 1I11 it I'-" 1 III tllilt, ivupt -uiul 11 I'm Mo'itiu-i-'M'ii 1 in , I III ml i, ul p in .Miiiol-011 ifiniiiiiDiiiliiin I nl ,111 1 ii 1 1 p in lilm 111 I11111, llhliioii I'oi Ni llhuinlii il mil, it H l'i nml 10 Oi 1 111 . 1 'u mil t Hi p in I 1 I'luiioilili, it s pi 1 in , 1 10 mnl (mi p in Miinlii iinlii. In Ntn u I in, ,1 l'i, il-i ami Iiiiii i ! Hi, ,1 ll p in I'm llnlliln 1 I II il 11 ii 1 111 , 1 1. 11 1 nn I II 1 p in I 01 Diiuli milt 11 mil 11 1 .uii.iii, I""') 1, in llloiiiiibiii' Hill, Ion lt.ni !- I..H.011, 11)11, 1 III .mil ii Hi p in Lehigh Valloy Hailiond. In I (kil limo .', Itll! 'Iniin li.iu su.uiinii I en l'hiljiltlphli an I ,t n 111k v 1 H , ll 11 II , at li li ami ' ! .1 in , mil J.I-, I i llllui inmuli'l lApusl, 111 i 1 ,1) p, ui, Sm (Ui, Il .V II I! II , 1 0-, ) ,' P in I'm Wliilti llaun, 1 1 i'ii 1 1 11 in I pimunil pilnlii in Ilm toil n-'iaui', ui i iV 11 It, It, II 15, i li ,m I 111 p in I " I'Otl-ilHIi-, il.lj 1 III i r p in I'll llilhlilitui, l.xlin, I! "lln:; II iiil.-bill.; nml priiulpil mn im '1 Ui -'Uim- in I' c. II II , i,"i, ''I- 1 111. 111. I 17 llli. uk lilt III ml I. vpu-), 11 n P I" suiil.i.io, ll ,(, It 11 , 11 1-1 a 111 .15- it p in. I ul linikluniini I , l.n, .Ui'l 1 1 Imii 1, lilm 1, I, mi .ml iiiiiiitpul uiltimuliiii- lUilui-, 111 l . I. .V V ll II . s i' 11 in ami , 10 p 111 lot In in u, lloilu.Ki, Uiiil iin. Nu.au I ill' ln:u;i iml all piinU ur-t, iu ll ,v II 11, It, I I-, 11 "1 I 111, I -S, ' Utllik Dlllllollll l pin), 7 l ID II, 11 ') p in, tmilij, 1) (. 1 1! It , U ',, - il p 111 I'llllliini puloi an I l'iiin n 1 hull V all y puloi im tl all 11 if 11 b iiitrn Wilki- Itiuii aul Vm oik, I'.illj'l Iplila, Pilfali anU Su I u ii.ui lliiilsi IIOI.IIS II U II III IS, Ilm sU,t , il CoitlJinl .tint, Nl olk tlll!l.s s n- i! . !. ,H , S'. (.uitlailJ tin 1 1, Neii rl. H MINI MM 111,11, D11, l .-t , South llethlrliiii, 1'4 I ui lh lata mnl I'nlliiiiu iPjimtinin a pb to W Ijikuiiaiilu JHIiiu, SilJiit-n, Pa Eiio Kailioad, Wyoming DivUlon. lialn lot Niii uiik ami liitciiiinlialo pouili Ira 10 buaiitou ai folloni 7 JO a in ; .' Ji p in Arrijl-IO.,'i a. in Hun HonuiUIr, llauliy ami intriiiuillalc polnlti P.10 P ni Onm ,N'cw lork anj intiinuiliati poinli. ho suipU) tialni. TWO OPERATIONS WITHOUT RELIEF. " I was troubled with female weakness foi eight jcar.s, and suffered more than I can tell," writes Mrs. Gust. Moser, of Ovando, Deerlodgc County, Mont. "My disposition was affected to such an extent, that to say a pleasant word to anyone v. -is almost an impossibility. 1 had two operations performed by one of the most skilled surgeons of the West, but did not' get lelief. Then, against my doctor's strict ordeis, 1 commenced taking Dr. Pieiee's I'nvorite Prescrip tion and I Golden Medical Discovery,' and nlso followed the advice given in the 'Common Sense Medical Adviser.' I continued this treatment for tlnce liiontlus, and to-day am as healthy and well as a woman can be. I cannot thank Dr. Pierce enough for his kind letters to me." Such testimony cannot be lead without the thought, "How much suffeiing might have been saved had Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription been tried first instead of last." But would the timely use of "Favorite Prescription " have effected a cure? best answeted by the testimonial Here is a case in which the woman physical Xi'icck" and "uiff'ctcd most 'iM..- ., ........a:..... .-i.... :-:.. .i 1 111: iiiicmiuij p-iiysiuuui uu- But the husband dteaded the anly couhclences aie guaulecl ty strict professional privacy. Addiess Dr. R. V. Pieicc, Buffalo, N. V. In a little over thirty years, Dr. R. V. Pieice, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Suigical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y, assisted b his staff of ueaily a score of physicians, has treated and cured moic than half a million women. which has saiotf many a woman from need ot tho pound of euro, can bo obtained from Or. Plorca'a nnd tiotv lo Itaon well. This aroat on receipt of at am pa to pay expense the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 Or. ft. V. PIERUE. Buffalo, N. T. RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA " RAILROAJ Sehednlo in Effoct June 2, 1001. Tinius leave Scmntou: G.40 a. 111., week days, thiough ves tibulo tiain fiom Wilkch-Bano. Pullman buffet pailoi cat nnd conches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvillc; stops nt pniicipal in tcimediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbuiy, Haiiisbiug, Philadelphia, BMtimote, Wash ington and for Pittsbuig and the West. 0,38 n. in . week, tlnyfa, for Sunbuiy, Hnuibbuis, Philadelphia, Balti moio, Washington and Pittsburij and tins West. g. IS p in., week days, (Sundays, l.fiS p. m.j), foi Sunbuiy, Hai lifibmg:. riiiladclphln, Balti moif, Washington ami Pitts buig nnd the West. ii Oil p. m., week days, thiough ves tibulo lifiin tiom Wilkes-Uano. Pullmnu buftct pailor cai nnd coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvlllo, Stopr, nt pnncipal m tciiucdinto htations. 4,27 p 111,, week days, for Halnton. Sunbuiy, ITnulsbmg, rhiladel phin and Pittbbmg. I 1 III ll II1N-UN. 1 11 v. .1 II V Ullll, lull 14 i 1-Jew Jeisoy Gouti.il. statu in 111 N,ii Soik loot of l.p 1 1 i -t, N li . an I s nth lun siinnui innj;.iiiiiit 1011 etui lu l) ii 101 'liuio li in MMIIl'l'l ll,r N''iv "1 N' ' 1 llialnili, I'liiliililpbii, 1 islon, II thl, 1 in lfitoiin 31 ui'l' I"'1'1- ""' nllii" limn at S.5J a in. Kpiif. 10, i-;ir'j, i irt p m -"in tlJroi "I'iulti "'ami Viik .Ilaiu-, w a m. , 1 id ami (() p in S mtlJrf. J l p I) I'll Ililtini no Jul "J.l'li'ijli1" 11 I puiiin i! Utll Ullll Wl-l V I'ttllltlHIH, tJj II n 1 pj and I IM 11 in hi'l'U. i) ' i I' p 11 1 l'i Lain. Iiiiiml'. "-au niiiu, it , a s V, a 111 -mil I ID P '" , , ll It .iiiiii. I iliuion mil lluil imii,- 1 1 U luilotili, !5j J I" '""1 It' P in fimiJoi, " l', i1' I'utl.wllc, b ,", J in 1 p) 1 111 I 01 Mountain I'ail., .- 5 a 111 , 1 18 alii I 01 '' Ihionjli Hikcts Ij 'II fniti eaM, e-iuth ai.J uctt al loiicsl rjlf ai U" otation V M HUH I' Ocn I'M ,-t , , HI M5, J 11, (Sen. S.,jt, tSfM